The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 92

Episode Date: December 14, 2016

Joe and Rory sit down to discuss Kanye/Trump, J. Cole's album, Joe's recent run in with DJ Envy, and more! Please send prayers and donation to the Oakland Fire Fund for the Twin Daughters of Alex Ghas...san -- > Sleeper Picks Of The Week: Rory: Gallant "Skipping Stones" | Joe: Tank "All About You" |

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, we are building a castle in the sky. How do you build a castle in the sky? Well, if I were your gay lover, I would explain it to you. However, since I am not, I will not give you pointers to go and give to your gay lover. Now, I will name this podcast later, episode 92. Something like that. Or three. One of the other.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Matters none. I'm your host, Joe Budden. Across from me is Rory Lanes. Maul is not here because he is on the Knicks road trip. I don't know why he's on the Knicks road trip I don't know why He's on the Knicks road trip Can you State correctly The third place
Starting point is 00:00:48 In the Eastern Conference New York Knicks Yeah Yeah Type it up for my Knicks man Friends of the show Yeah Third place
Starting point is 00:00:56 Third place Fucking show Not tied for third May I add Standing alone in third place Their third I don't know if They're gonna stay third
Starting point is 00:01:03 Alright listen At the time This podcast was recorded They are in third place Third, I don't know if they're going to stay third. All right, listen. At the time this podcast was recorded, they are in third place at 14-10, which isn't saying much about the Eastern Conference, but I'll take it as a suffering Knicks fan. Now, as a New York fan, it's a great weekend to be a New York sports fan because the Giants did exactly what I thought they would do. And what I mean is they went to Pittsburgh and sleptwalked through the entire game and got their ass kicked, all in preparation to tear Dallas' ass up.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And that's what happened. I knew that was going to happen. I don't think you were alone. I had a bunch of Cowboys fans in my house. They were talking shit all day long. They were calling my phone all day. Yo, were you watching the game? Because I want to watch it around nothing but Giants fans.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Then they was talking shit, betting money, betting money. Niggas get hit. They see that 10-1, 11-1, whatever them niggas was. And they was real hype, boy. But you can't spell elite without Eli. And you can't spell Dallas without two Ls. That was corny of you. But are there any more annoying fans than Dallas fans in the world?
Starting point is 00:02:13 No. No, that was the realization I came to this week, and Dallas Cowboy fans miraculously are even more annoying than Patriot fans and Red Sox fans, Boston fans as a whole, which is pretty crazy for me to be a Giant and a Yankees fan and feel that way. But, yeah, sorry, man. New Miami Heat fans when Bronwyn over there was kind of annoying. Haven't seen any Miami Heat fans, but I don't want to start with sports.
Starting point is 00:02:42 No, they're in Cleveland. We'll slow down on sports How was your week? My week was good Did Soulja Boy kill you yet? Apparently not, because you're still here No, I've been ducking Hired security, but I think I'm going to be okay
Starting point is 00:02:57 Alright, good, I'm glad to hear that Now, the big news today is Kanye West, he power walked into the Trump Towers, a.k.a. New York White House. He power walked in, dodged, managed to not answer any questions from paparazzi or reporters or interviewers. Any questions from paparazzi or reporters or interviewers, he totally ignored them. And then miraculously came down hours later with Trump. Well, not hours later, but actually it was 20 minutes later or something like that. He came down with Trump, slow walked right to the cameras to do nothing. To sit there and wait and say, I just wanted to take a picture.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So how are we feeling about this? I've been busy with real life stuff, so I haven't been online to see the fake outrage about this. But was there fake outrage? There was, right? A significant amount of fake outrage. Of course, because social media today loves nothing more than to have fake outrage every morning about some shit and totally forget about it the next day.
Starting point is 00:04:07 So what were the quotes? What was the sentiment? Well, it was the same sentiment from when he said on stage that I would have voted for Trump had I voted. And it seems like a lot of Kanye fans are like battered ex-girlfriends that like I'm done with him. It's over. And then like a week later, I'm done with him. It's over. How many times are we going to be done with him it's over and then like a week later i'm done with him it's over how many times are we going to be done with kanye west oh so that's what they were that's what they were saying we're done with him again all right we're not we're not really you're not really
Starting point is 00:04:34 done with him you're not going to be done with him i would like to delve into what is kanye's obsession with trump well i mean it was weird because everyone gave Kanye well he's mentally sick he just checked into the hospital so we're gonna maybe let this Trump wait let's time out there and we're gonna touch more on this later but you know when I'm driving and I get off on the Deegan at the Fordham exit sometimes I see a guy that wants to clean my windshield and he wants money, but sometimes he's dressed too nice for me to give him money. I say that to say Kanye looked a little, his
Starting point is 00:05:12 skin was shining. He got a new hair, new hair, new him. He didn't look all sick. He didn't look like he was fresh out of UCLA's medical rehabilitation center. That's not how he looked. I think he's going to Chris Brown blueprint. Chris dyed his hair blonde, and we kind of forgot about him beating the shit out of Rihanna.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Is there something about blonde hair that makes us go, you know, maybe it's okay? I hate all the young fuckboy haircuts. I hate them. It's like a young fuckboy haircut. I just asked my kid today who looked like he rolled over, got out the bed and that was his haircut. I said, do you need a haircut or is that like
Starting point is 00:05:52 the trend? And that's the trend between 15 and 21 year olds. They're just doing wild fuck shit. You know who I think started it? I'm probably gonna be wrong and they're gonna kill me. I think Wiz had the first young people fucking haircut that I hated. Which was like the blonde dye in the top of your fucking shape up okay i think that was the first one is whiz responsible for the dye the dye patch i i could be wrong but that's the first time
Starting point is 00:06:19 i saw it i'm sure there's i never looked but i never looked i never looked at whiz and said all right he looks like a real fucking cornball no i didn't say he did but some of these other gentlemen yeah my kid looks like a cornball um kanye looks a little nuts with a fucking it just looks crazy to me but anyway yeah but when i wore fucking triple xl t-shirts my father said i look like a fucking nut so i guess stop the circle of life that is a false that is not a equal parallel at all everybody at some point was wearing triple x t-shirts i'm saying that trend of wearing extremely baggy shit our parents don't compare don't compare just
Starting point is 00:07:00 because you did it doesn't mean it's inexcusable no i'm just saying like we wore baggy jeans when our and we sagged them when our parents told us not to. Why are you sagging? Why are you wearing jeans so big? Like, all that's the style. So blonde hair is the style. I know you think otherwise, but I think if Joe Budden was 17 years old, Joe Budden might have an
Starting point is 00:07:17 Odell Beckham haircut. First of all, when I was that age, I was experimenting with my hair. I was doing some different things with my hair. Experimenting sounds kind of gay, but I'll let you roll that age, I was experimenting with my hair. I was doing some different things with my hair. Experimenting sounds kind of gay, but I'll let you roll. Well, I was doing different things with my hair. I had... That sounds very straight.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Whatever. I like women. What do you want me to say right now? Anyway, back to Kanye, right? So he takes this photo op, which from why? We don't know. Well, he went to Twitter, which that's what I was pulling up. He tweeted about it and tried to explain himself this is if he didn't delete it already this is all very very uh this is growing to be rather annoying and i'm not sure why exactly i'm
Starting point is 00:08:00 not sure what about this is growing to be so annoying i guess our our obsession with shit that is just none of our business no i can't say that this is everyone's business i can't say that well let's let's put some context to what why he went there he tweeted five hours ago i wanted to meet with trump today to discuss multicultural issues these issues include bullying supporting teachers modernization and violence in chicago i feel it's important to have a direct line of multicultural issues. These issues include bullying, supporting teachers, modernization, and violence in Chicago. I feel it's important to have a direct line
Starting point is 00:08:29 of communication to our future president if we truly want to change. Hashtag 2024. All right. That's true. So here we are to our same argument
Starting point is 00:08:42 and topic from last week with Charlemagne and the girl. This is just this is apparently an acceptable response and rebuttal to we should have open dialogue and discourse with people that we're disagreeable with. See, that's where these two things do not meet with Kanye and Charlemagne, because Kanye West went on stage and said, I would have voted for Trump. To me, I'm voting for Trump means I agree with at least a majority of the things this gentleman has to say and is going to do. All right. So you can't do the open dialogue thing like, all right, he's here now. So let's try to figure this thing out together. It's not that he said he would vote for him anyways.
Starting point is 00:09:25 These are two totally different things. He did say that. He said it in the middle of what is deemed a mental breakdown. So are we sticking him to that? I just don't think a mentally sane person would have a mental breakdown. The last thing we heard was I'm voting for Trump. And then the first thing you do is fly to New York. a mentally sane person would have a mental breakdown, go to the, the last thing we heard was I'm voting for Trump. And then the first thing you do is fly to New York,
Starting point is 00:09:51 walk in there. Don't say shit. Then when asked, you just go, I just wanted to come here for a picture. Does that sound mentally sane? I'm a bit, I'm a bit through with some of these egotistical acts, some of the attention seeking. I'm a bit through with some of these egotistical acts, some of the attention-seeking.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I'm done with celebrities exploiting their own celebrity. I would delve further into this if I didn't always want and need a Pusha T verse. Like, I would have much more to say about Kanye and his recent behavior and antics and just... It's dialogue. I don't think Pusha
Starting point is 00:10:29 is going to get upset. Shit. Fuck you. Well, you had a lot to say about Drake. Well, I'm telling you, you got niggas that, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:40 they ride for their dude. As they should. I told you, remember, I got into it with Wayne, with Lil Wayne, over comments that low-key got me in trouble with when we was talking about Gutter Gutter and him, and him and I had to have that conversation, right?
Starting point is 00:10:53 There was somebody else. Oh, Ab Soul's album, whose album just came out. Ab Soul was on Rap Radar's podcast talking about how, yeah, he's going to diss Jay Electronica for that shit that he said about Kendrick. So, I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:10 people ride for what they ride for. But I need a Kendrick verse, so I'm not getting into... You mean a pusher verse? Or you want to? I mean, I'm not... No, no, I meant pusher, pusher, pusher. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I meant pusher. Oh, no, what's up with Kendrick, man? So let's just skip past Kanye meeting with Trump. What's up with Kendrick? No, no, no, no, no, no. No let's just skip past Kanye. No, no, no. What's up with Kendrick? No, no, no, no, no. No, we're not doing that. Wait, so you only diss Drake so you get a push averse.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That's crazy that this is all coming from a circle. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But, well, we have to say that for the idiots out there. But, yeah, I'm just through with the attention-seeking antics. I mean, with the... Well, not attention-seeking. Let me not say that because we all attention seek everyone attention seeks in some form or uh some form
Starting point is 00:11:51 or another celebrities exploiting their own celebrity and what i mean by that is the celebrities that call the paparazzi on themselves but they're celebrities the celebrities that purposely go where the paparazzi is to manipulate the yeah i just said but it works america has this obsession with just real stupid shit and now it seems that everywhere that we look and turn to here there's a there's a very strong indicator an example of that i.e president elect trump i.e the kardashians being uh the uh as powerful of a family as they are there's just at every turn there's a sign i saw i saw something that denzel put out yesterday it was a meme that was going around i mean not a meme but a clip but a clip. Denzel's great, man. It was phenomenal what he said.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Super simple to the point. I could probably pull it up. It's in my favorites. Find it. I loved when he said, if you don't read the news, if you don't look at the news, you're uninformed. If you look at the news, you're misinformed. I got it right here.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Do we have the aux cord? That might be the aux cord there. Okay, and we have audio. Denzel, friend of the show, this is the clip that we were talking about. No, I voted. No, what'd they say? I switched, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you make of all the fake news?
Starting point is 00:13:20 If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed. So what do you do? That's a great question. What is the long-term effect of too much information? One of the effects is the need to be first, not even to be true anymore. So what a responsibility you all have to tell the truth, not just to be first, but to tell the truth. We live in a society now where it's just first.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Who cares? Get it out there. We don't care who it hurts. We don't care who we destroy. We don't care if it's true. Just say it. Sell it. Anything you practice, you'll get good at, including BS.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Wise words from a decent man. Wise words from a decent man. Wise words from a decent man. That's a great guy. But with that said, back to the theory of the Kardashians and Kanye, this will pass. People will get over it, and the next thing will come. But we kept him in the news, and he's remained relevant. Just give me the music, dog.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I just want the music. remain relevant. Just give me the music, dog. I just want the music. I seem to be one of the last people left that really only cares about the music. I don't care about these antics. I don't care about who you're marrying. I don't care about who you're fucking.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I don't care about how you dress. I don't care about any of that shit. And before I begin to sound like the old guy in high school, I'm just going to shut up. Well, no, but you have to look back though at at history kanye always comes with antics you may just want the music but name any from college dropout to uh the life of pablo has every single album not had antics it's not like this is something oh i just want to go back to when kanye was just about the music he never was i don't care he always had antics? It's not like this is something, oh, I just want to go back to when Kanye was just about
Starting point is 00:15:05 the music. He never was. I don't care. He always had antics. I don't care that this is not- They come hand in hand. I don't care that this is not new behavior from him. This is new emotion from me regarding the old behavior from him.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Maybe I wasn't tired of it then. I'm a little sick of it now. To me, I'm not sick of the behavior. I'm sick of the decisions in the behavior. Get help. That's it. Get help. If you need help, get help.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I'm tired of the fucking celebrities running the rehab and using mental illness as a scapegoat because you hit send. Like, I'm tired of it all. There's definitely an Obamacare joke with kanye in the hospital and then meeting trump shortly after there's a joke somewhere in there there's someone smarter has to find it though i'm not gonna make it uh oh speaking of uh people doing things right before their album did drake pushing his album back that's a that's a behavior every time he has a project coming oh well i mean i thought it was it was cheap but it was genius by ovo let's keep drake relevant in the fourth quarter with all that is coming.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And then the moment all those records come, let's just push it to January. It was the plan all along. It was great. That's fucked up. OVO fans that still listen, if you do still listen, that was not hate. I actually think that was a great idea. Of course they still listen. Some of the OVO fans know that we were not hating.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And since we won't stay on that, let's go to someone else smart who had a big week cold. J. Cole. J. Cole. Jermaine motherfucking Cole, baby. Now, before we start this, I really hate, see, a lot of y'all have been tweeting me, right? And you've been dying for me to give A review on For your eyes only Which is the new Cold Project
Starting point is 00:16:47 I feel a little way about it I do Yep I feel a little way And just as I tweeted I feel a way About you niggas Wanting reviews from me
Starting point is 00:16:59 And then not agreeing With the fucking review I think y'all just wanna see me Get in trouble for some shit. I do. And they do, too. Yeah, I'm part of that squad. So I have a trick for all you niggas.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I got a trick for Rory. Guess who didn't hear Jermaine Cole's album For Your Eyes Only. Now, wait, I have a rule. I don't listen to albums as soon as they come out. However, when it's a prime time release From a gentleman I enjoy I normally bypass that rule I ain't listen to fucking cold shit
Starting point is 00:17:32 I don't have a review I don't know what the beats sound like I don't know who he was talking to I don't know nothing about nothing There So now, what that does is allow two things to happen. One, it allows
Starting point is 00:17:50 me to tell you guys about all I've heard about the album without being held accountable for it because I didn't say it. It's just what I heard. What did you hear? It was trash. That was one, but I didn't hear it. So I don't know., so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:06 See, I don't confirm. Twitter's biased because Twitter loves to say J. Cole is trash because they think it gets them retweets. Well, slow down. We got to be careful about who and where we get our opinions from. You have people who just think Cole is trash and his music puts you to sleep. I'm not one of those people. I do want to dead the uncreative and unfunny people that just continue to make, oh, you're
Starting point is 00:18:28 sleepy, you must be listening to J. Cole jokes. Yeah. Because they're corny. They're not funny anymore. They were funny for like a week four years ago. You're not funny anymore. You're uncreative and think you get a retweet. And outside of that, if you're falling asleep during a song, my nigga, then go to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Like, is it just a joke or are you guys really getting tired when you're listening to Cole? I don't get it. But anyway, so I have not heard the album number one. Number two, what that does is it makes Rory. Now I have to get in trouble? Michael fucking Roars, Rory Lanez. Yeah, because what Rory and Maul and everybody always likes to do, they like for me to just jump out on the ledge by myself with an opinion that they too share. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Y'all always share the fucking opinion. I just take all the heat for it, which is fine, by the way. I'm okay with that. So, have you heard the album? I defended you a lot after that Drake shit and got a lot of shit for it. Yeah, but it was my words that were on trial, not yours. Not once on this podcast do your words get put on the stand. So, listen.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Rest in peace, Gregory Hines. Stop with the tap dancing here. Have you heard J. Cole's album? I have. So finally, for once in the life of this podcast, the short life here, can we get a Rory expert analysis? An expert analysis.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Breakdown of the Cole album. Tell us. People depend on our podcast. analysis breakdown of the Cole album. Tell us. People depend on our podcast for groundbreaking shit. Well, not to get their opinions, but I mean to hear our opinions. People listen because they want to hear our opinions. What do you think of this album? Cole is a friend of the show.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Friend of the show indeed, yes. Cole is extremely talented. Oh, he's setting us up here. Oh, man. When you start out good, you're ready to end bad. All right, I'll skip the tap dancing of how much I do actually really like J. Cole. Did you watch the documentary at least? No.
Starting point is 00:20:43 All right, one more. I have not seen or heard shit i don't know shit well let me give you the backstory of the documentary was about 45 minutes long a majority of it cole was not even really in it was studio sessions with elite his engineer all these beautiful instruments and beautiful voices just focused on how we're going to put this music together. No lyrics. There was the fucking false prophet shit in the other verse that were mixed in there, but that's all we got from lyrics wise. This shit was solely based on look at this melodic, beautiful fucking music we're creating
Starting point is 00:21:21 in this studio now. Okay. I like it. music we're creating in this studio now. Okay. I like it. I was sitting here very, very excited because I think I share with a lot of people that Cole, that little small factor he's been missing is the amazing production behind. I think Forest Hills was his best produced album.
Starting point is 00:21:38 All right. So I had high hopes. What's J. Cole's best album? My opinion is Forest Hills. I think a lot of people would say that if we're not counting the mixtapes. Yeah. Because Warm Up and Friday Night Lights were phenomenal. But those were over a lot of Dilla and Kanye beats.
Starting point is 00:21:56 His first album is Born Sinner? No, it was... He's sitting in the locker room. What's the fucking name of it? Who the fuck put out Born Sinner? He did. That's his second album and Forest Hills is his
Starting point is 00:22:08 third album and this is his fourth fourth I don't think we're missing one there alright alright I'm following I think the first
Starting point is 00:22:15 the sideline story was the first joint a seat on the bench if you will whatever Forest Hills Forest Hills is Cole's best project
Starting point is 00:22:23 by a lot of I think a lot of people being by a lot of people. So with that being so great. The documentary, he's letting us hear beats that are going to be featured on his project. Well, the making of. It's not full beats, but it's a lot of live instruments. Does it sound nice? Sounds very nice. All right, beautiful.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And then in between there, we get False Prophets, which I think we all liked and thought Cole was really spitting on that. I liked it. He was. So you mix in all these live instruments, and the only focus being creating these beats. You hear some great lyrics, and then you press play on the album. I didn't hear not one fucking riff or violin or key from that fucking documentary on that album.
Starting point is 00:23:10 The old bait and switch. We tricked you guys. Well, no. A lot of times, well, were we expecting to hear that? The music from the documentary? Well, yeah. Don't do that weird fucking reverse. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:27 If the documentary is called All Eyes for Your Eyes Only, and the album is called that, and it's the making of the album, I would imagine you would think the album would be that. But for visual, a lot of times, you just want to use a dope music bed,
Starting point is 00:23:40 is my point. Not necessarily shit that you're planning. I'm not talking about music beds. I'm talking about filming live instruments like the woman that played the violin. Like, alright, let's use that. Alright, play that back. Oh, so that has to be there somewhere.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I'm sure it is. But how great and how much I thought it was focused on production, it was not there. Was Cole spitting his ass off? For sure. It sounds like you're still. What? What is your laugh?
Starting point is 00:24:11 I want you to be a man for a change. When am I not a man? What is this complex review you're giving me here? Cole can spit. You want the Twitter one. You want the fire trash. That's being a man? No.
Starting point is 00:24:24 It's amazing or it's whack. That's being a man? No. It's amazing or it's whack? That's being a man now? No. All right, so shut up. I want you to walk into your barbershop and tell me about Cole's album. That's what I want you to do. I would have said the same thing. What the fuck barbershop do you go to then?
Starting point is 00:24:38 You're going to walk in there and say, listen, on the documentary. On Monticello. He gave us so much beautiful instrumentation that when I received the album. Why are you speaking like Trey right now? Because that's what I hear when you're saying that when I received the album and I didn't hear those sounds. I mean, for me, Cole's a great spitter, but the music just didn't back it up.
Starting point is 00:24:58 That's what you're going in the barbershop and saying. Really? Come on. This is my point. Be a fucking man. What is it? On a scale of man and say, what is it? On a scale of one to ten, what is it? Man up.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Is it trash? If it's trash, say it's trash, nigga. I do not like the album, which I was getting to before you fucking interrupted me. Damn it. Cole was spitting on it. I can't say that Cole was spitting on it. I can't mention that. I mean, yes, you can, Roy.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I hate when people Even say that about me And my albums Like every time I put an album out Niggas is like That boy rapping So Like no shit
Starting point is 00:25:32 You ask me about the album I'm a high level MC Of course I'm fucking rapping J. Cole is a high level MC Of course he's rapping I feel that That should be Like not even said
Starting point is 00:25:42 That he's rapping I disagree But okay Cole has not missed a beat With's rapping. I disagree, but okay. Cole has not missed a beat with his rapping. He's on his fourth album. You're on your fucking 15th. It's a little different.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You've been around a long time. We know you will consistently rap. I'm just saying for niggas that have never showed their pen to fall off at all. And I'm telling you it didn't. That's all I'm suggesting. You just wanted Joe Bud in the situation and make it more than what it really was. No, if he's a great rapper, then I expect that on the album. I don't want to hear about that. I want to hear about the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I want to hear about the beats. I want to hear about the hooks. I want to hear about his arrangement. Anytime you tell me, you know what the difference is? Anytime a Kanye album comes out, me and you, you and I both are in awe at some of the things that may not get spoken about in a barbershop, like arrangement. So now when we're talking about coal, you're just, oh, was it just trash or good and that's it?
Starting point is 00:26:28 No. Tell me about it. I haven't heard it. But you just did the opposite and said be a man and tell me if it's trash or not. Which do you want, Joe? All right. So Rory's.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, skip it. Anyways. No. I was not impressed by the production or the arrangement on it. I had high hopes watching that documentary that this was going to be a very musical album mixed in with his rapping abilities. Of course, the Super J. Cole fans have the great theory that he's spitting as somebody else. And on the last song, this is the only verse that he's J. Cole. There's a whole theme to this album that apparently is very very deep which i understand but if it's not enjoyable to listen to
Starting point is 00:27:10 i'm not interested do you think it's not enjoyable to listen to yeah i saw the little uh paragraph going around and i read it uh i will say i read it the last song on the album is phenomenal. What's the name of it? For Your Eyes Only. Okay. That's the same as the album, I believe. I saw the thing going around where it says him and his friend lived two different lives and his friend died. And even though they're two different people, they really lived the same life.
Starting point is 00:27:39 So now he got to hold it down for his daughter who's not here. So the C is for her eyes only. But y'all get to see and hear it too. So it's not just for her. It's not just for her. What a snitch. Yo, and I want to hear Cole say that. I want to hear if that's what's happening,
Starting point is 00:27:59 if that's the scheme on the album, if that's the metaphor, I want to hear Cole own up to it so I can then comment. I can't comment the way I want to about what the fans are saying Cole is doing. I have to go hear the album myself. But when I read that, I was like, that's cute. No, it's certainly there, and it's probably true, but he focused all on that theme and not on what was behind that theme aka the music
Starting point is 00:28:26 well he's projected to sell a bunch of records i also don't i liked uh i also love the no fucking platinum no features joke but this one could have used some features like i don't need j cole to sing every fucking hook and i don't even mind his singing i like j cole singing sometimes i don't mind it but dog there. I like J. Cole's singing sometimes. I don't mind it, but dog, there was hooks on there that you could have just got a nice little feature. Why didn't J. Cole go get features? I think he should have done the opposite there
Starting point is 00:28:54 and just got mad features. Made that shit a Khaled album. But here, who is my opinion? Because I play every instrument in the world and I've arranged Mad albums before So everything I say Is concrete here I like the fact that
Starting point is 00:29:09 Cole don't fuck with niggas That's dope I kinda do Cole reminds me of me In a lot of ways Not musically Or even a little bit of that Just for another time
Starting point is 00:29:20 Anyway So we were talking about How We were talking about Migos last when so we were talking about how uh we were talking about amigos last week yeah we were and as soon as we finished quavo is putting out a joint project with travis scott this is his uh b day this is q day listen bro i don't know what the kids are into nowadays i'm just telling you this is dangerously on Cody. This is dangerously in love. What I'm reading in the streets.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Are you going to go get that project? Probably not. I love Travis Scott. You love Travis Scott. Whatever is funny. Whoa. He loves Travis Scott. What a perv.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yo, Beakley, I told Rory that I was coming in here today to be a complete goofball for about 45 minutes, and I was checking the fuck out of here, but I'm not going to do that. I thought that we would have a lot more people here, and I really wanted to get in depth about loving hip-hop, but I'm aware that a lot of y'all don't give a fuck about it, so I won't spend too much time on it, but boy are you missing some classic fucking television. I don't care how woke you are. I don't care how conscious you are. You need that 60 minutes out of your week to just laugh at complete and utter buffoonery.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Let me tell you something. It is so much enjoyment that happens on that show that you can laugh at. When I learned that the show was a two-hour special. So I thought I missed a week because I tuned in at the time that I usually tune in, and then it kept going, and I was like, oh, I guess I missed last week, and it starts at 9 now. No, two-hour special. Wait, so did you catch both? Yeah, but I thought I guess I missed last week and it starts at 9 now nah two hours special wait so did you catch both?
Starting point is 00:31:07 but I thought I had missed the last one there's so much going on I don't know where to begin I laughed at Rich's daughter telling the girl that she was dressed like a slut
Starting point is 00:31:24 I laughed at you telling your girlfriend telling the girl that she was dressed like a slut. I laughed at you telling your girlfriend, Sky, that she's been passed around the league like a basketball. A page out of your book. Which is a good Joe Budden bar, but damn, you got to say that in a song.
Starting point is 00:31:39 That's what it is. That shit, when he said that shit, it just came off rather harsh. And I said, damn, how do you say something like that? Then I remember, well, I kind of said that. Just a quick sidebar. Rappers, you do have that luxury.
Starting point is 00:31:54 There's so many things you can say that I could never just say. Yes. You have to be able to rhyme it. But why? Because who doesn't appreciate a good rhyme? Yeah, but what if I threw a beat on in the car when I'm talking to Shorty and then rap it to her? That's not gonna work.
Starting point is 00:32:10 No, but this is even before throwing a beat on was an option. We've loved rhymes since Dr. Seuss. So, a good rhyme? Yeah. If he would've rhymed that shit, cool. I'm always amazed that these bitches stick around.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Cardi, the producer, and the producer's girlfriend. There's got to be another episode. They can't just not stick around. Where the hell is Sisqo to fix all of this? Him and Peter Gunz. Sisqo is the voice of reason. Rory's trying to sign to Gwinnon. Come on, I'm trying to keep the rap.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Lil B is a homewrecker. What the hell is happening? We got to get one of them on this podcast. I hope you were as thrown back as I was when there was two first ladies of the Gwinnon team. Yo, that was the greatest. Oh, my God. Yo, I love self. Self is great.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Self, if you're listening to this, I need you on this podcast to explain to me the Gwinnon infrastructure. And are you hiring interns? Because I'd be happy to join the Gwinnon team. Rory needs to intern for this podcast. Fuck. What else? I feel like something really big aired. Or have I just been glued to sports?
Starting point is 00:33:30 I don't think anything aired I've been watching What's the chick from The King of Queens? I have no idea The wife from King of Queens I forgot her name The only wife I know is the wife The fine girl from Modern Family Okay
Starting point is 00:33:43 Well she does this show now she used to be a Scientologist so now she's doing how come everybody used to be a Scientologist that's how you made it in Hollywood
Starting point is 00:33:51 alright duh that's why you're not on Law and Order because you're a Catholic am I Catholic I don't know just roll with it
Starting point is 00:33:58 alright she does this series now where she exposed because she left Scientology she does this it's like 8 parts I think they're on episode 3 it might air tonight you shouldn't be allowed to leave Scientology she does this it's like eight parts I think they're on episode three it might air tonight
Starting point is 00:34:06 you shouldn't be allowed to leave Scientology she'd be like the bloods and crips well no that's the thing like they're gonna try to murk her because she's doing all this
Starting point is 00:34:14 well what's she doing she's exposing it and like getting all these other people that left Scientology to talk about how it's like ruined their lives and their families and all that shit
Starting point is 00:34:21 it's interesting I'm into it how did Scientology ruin your life you gotta watch the series and their families and all that shit. It's interesting. I'm into it. How did Scientology ruin your life? You got to watch the series. What do you think about the fucking, you know, another series that they told me to watch is The Fall.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Have you ever heard of that? No, I don't think I've heard of it. What's it about? How do I know? I never saw it. Oh, I thought you had the synopsis at least. No, no, no. Like a pediatrist.
Starting point is 00:34:43 No, I'm getting off it. I just wanted to say that people told me to watch it So that the listeners Could be like So if the listeners have seen it Or they're watching They can tell me if it's good or not
Starting point is 00:34:51 Oh I have some more Be a man Review beef Alright This one pains me too Alright If you've been listening to this podcast Or been around me
Starting point is 00:35:03 For the past few months I have been the biggest Lloyd True supporter, I think, in the tri-state area. Good old Lloyd. I've always liked Lloyd. I think most people would agree that they liked Lloyd. Lloyd took a little hiatus. Lloyd then came back, put out this single called True, which explains everything. Didn't do the typical comeback.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Who's hot right now? Let me go get a 2 Chainz verse. Let me just do that. What's the sound? Mustard got beats now. Let me go get a mustard beat. Put out this really, really, really nice. Organic, honest.
Starting point is 00:35:40 It felt great. I was really happy. Felt like Lloyd. We're happy to hear from Lloyd. Friend of the show, Lloyd. Lloyd is definitely a friend of the show. And then I get the inbox full of all the albums, Dream, Cold, Lloyd, Abso, everybody on that day that that day was. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I click Lloyd first. And who do I see as the fucking features? Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, 2 Chainz. 2 Chainz, yeah. Lloyd has an EP out. If you don't have it, make sure you go out and purchase it. All of the Lloyd fans. No, it's on iTunes. He's selling it
Starting point is 00:36:14 for $5.99. I bought mine. Didn't get an email with all the new releases that day. Oh, I didn't download it. I bought Ab-Soul shit. Soul shit Ab Soul might have The best project Out of all the projects
Starting point is 00:36:29 I like The Dream I like Dreams a lot A little tired of Dream Why are you tired of Dream? I haven't been getting The Dream that I fell in love with I feel like
Starting point is 00:36:38 To me There's a stranger In my In my speakers When The Dream is playing He might have got The worst of that Christina Milian breakup. I don't know. The music ain't really been the same.
Starting point is 00:36:50 She's been all over in colorful dresses. He was subbing her on this last show, so he still ain't over it. She's been at Laker games looking great. I don't know. Well, we got 1977 out of it, so we won. That's a great project. That's probably his last great project. That is the last great dream project, 1977.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And for someone who's such a dream fan... I don't mind this last one. I mean, it's just cool. It's just cool. It's just cool. I don't think Dream is one of the people that I want just cool from. And be clear, I know I hate everything.
Starting point is 00:37:22 That's definitely on record. So listen, so I was wrong. And I want to ask you about the Go Amazon store shit. Oh, yeah, yeah. But I was wrong. On the MTV Hottest MCs list, YG is number nine. Okay. Released today. Oh, it was released today.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah. Oh, so we can talk about it. So 21 Savage is number 10. YG is number nine. Rory does not feel that YG should be. Let's backtrack quickly before we get to YG. The options, I watched it. It was Young M.A.,
Starting point is 00:37:51 Gucci, 21 Savage, obviously. Who was the fourth? I don't fucking know. Was it Desiigner? It was Uzi or Vert or Yahtzee. Same person. Or Yahtzee. Somebody. I don't know. one of the younger. What do you want me to do, man?
Starting point is 00:38:10 And who ended up winning that one? 21 Savage. 21 Savage won. So Gucci can't be on that list, period. We're talking about the MTV Hottest MCs list that's going to air on MTV2 this Friday, the 16th. So no. That's a stupid call by MTV, by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I don't think they know the power of the, because they selected those people very, very well. I think the selections of that roundtable was probably the best it's been in the last 10 years. Okay. Why slot that on a Friday night on MTV2? Do they have no faith in that? Well, isn't that where it is normally slotted?
Starting point is 00:38:46 It's a Charlemagne thing. Charlemagne's executive producing, so I would assume Charlemagne, him and... I think that's far better than a Friday night spot. I think you put that on a weekday when people are on their timelines and want to talk about it. And watch it together. I don't know. Just my opinion, because I think... Did Charlemagne handpick all those people
Starting point is 00:39:05 I have no idea I have no idea Speaking of Charlamagne So I bumped into Envy At Hey At the barber
Starting point is 00:39:13 Oh man Did we have it out Oh man You didn't even tell me about this Now I'm excited I know I'm hearing this for the first time On live on the podcast
Starting point is 00:39:21 That's what I'm saying I totally forgot about it So listen I'm sitting here Getting my fucking haircut with Jose. And Jose, out of nowhere, he says, are you cool with Envy? And I'm like, oh, yeah, to my knowledge, yeah. He's on the way.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Didn't even say that. I can see Jose doing that shit. Jose's bum ass did not even say, well, on the way he just asked that i answered it and that was the end until 10 minutes later who comes strolling in there on the phone so i hear a voice it's dj envy who strolls right on over to jose cutting my hair says hello to him mind you for the listeners it's in a basement and there's not really many
Starting point is 00:40:06 it's not a barbershop yeah he comes over he daps Jose up immediately turns away and walks away to continue his phone call and to reiterate
Starting point is 00:40:15 to the listeners you can't go anywhere if there's people in there you have to acknowledge them it's a basement so I thought to myself mmm wow it's about to get juicy because you know me.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Who am I to? Hey, for y'all that don't know me. Jesus Christ. All right. For those of you who are unfamiliar with me personally, which is all of you, let me tell you a little bit about me. I love confrontation.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I love awkward, uncomfortable situations. I love to make things uncomfortable. I love to make people uncomfortable. I get a kick out of all of that shit. I love arguing. I love debating. Anything that can get my little mental wheels turning. So when Envy didn't say hello to me, boy, was I excited. I said, oh, man, I get to get up from this barber chair and then stay an hour. For real. Because he clearly don't want to talk to me. But where can you go while you're getting a haircut?
Starting point is 00:41:18 So I'm going to sit here and talk to him. Yeah. In Jose's basement at that. So I got up. Envy sat down. I said, Duke, you want you want to talk he said ain't nothing to talk about Envy with the clap yeah it was heavy it was intense in there oh man he said ain't nothing to talk about I said okay okay now mind you before I like it now mind you before Envy and I started talking I bet Jose bet me that I would end up apologizing to Envy. Envy usually means well.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And then I said to Jose, I said, well, if I am wrong, I will indeed apologize because that's what you should do as an adult. I mean, the break point there is Envy is a really nice guy and you are not. And stop, man. You stole my, that's where my story ends. There. Because I went into this conversation with Envy
Starting point is 00:42:10 very ready for combat. Well, I like his little buck back. We ain't got shit to talk about Duke. I'm not mad at that, Envy. I like the little Queensville shit
Starting point is 00:42:18 you bring back. I like it. So he clapped back at me and then, you know, whatever, a conversation started. A little light skin on light skin. And he said, you know, he started with, you know, he'sapped back at me, and then, you know, whatever. A conversation started. A little light skin on light skin.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And he said. I'm intrigued. You know, he started with, you know, he's beginning to tell me some things that I have done that made him feel a way. With our existing history. Because our history is extensive, and we go back. Got to be 10, over 10 years, right? Way over 10 years. Envy is one of the first people I ever gave a joint to.
Starting point is 00:42:49 For those that don't know, Envy is one of the first people I ever gave a joint to, one of the first people to ever played it. Envy is from that Queens, Lyndon, Merrick, you know, that whole skein, clue, web, nitty, Envy, Fab. It was just all of us back then. I fucking helped Envy get his first on-air job. Me and Envy have a lot of history. I was on Envy's first album. Pardon me.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So there's a lot of history there. So Envy was giving me mad cold shoulder in the barber chair. Man, listen, you was my man. Now you not my man. Talk that shit, Envy. And that's just the bottom line Get yo the fuck out of here So when he starts telling me
Starting point is 00:43:28 This list This list of Of things Oh he threw you Under the bus too Oh man Yeah cause on one of our podcasts Apparently you said
Starting point is 00:43:36 Envy is the worst radio personality Or whatever Did I say that? And me being his man He don't know you But me being his man I should've checked you Did I say he was Did I say that? Yeah yeah being his man, he don't know you, but me being his man, I should have checked you.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Did I say that? Yeah, yeah, you said something bad about him. You did. I just don't think he's an interviewer. Maybe that was my point. Well, no. I mean, it's a podcast. Sometimes we embellish. We say things.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just say things loosely without ever thinking about how it affects people. I don't think he is. If I said that, I apologize. At the end of mine and Envy's conversation, because when he started reeling off what was wrong, I just started calling him sensitive. Like, oh, you mad sensitive. You mad wrong about all of this.
Starting point is 00:44:16 But with Jose... What were his points? Not to be talked about publicly, but I thought they were sensitive. Were any of them? Can you speak on any of them? I'm sure there's a few. Well, you saying what that bullshit you said... Which I want to know what I said, but I thought they were sensitive. Were any of them? Can you speak on any of them? I'm sure there's a few. Well, you saying what that bullshit you said.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Which I want to know what I said, but all right. What do you mean? You said whatever you said. But, I mean, I can't be held responsible for things that my podcast co-host says. Oh, and then he didn't like that I went to the Ebro in the morning show and said that I'm never doing The Breakfast Club again on that interview. He didn't like that because he felt like
Starting point is 00:44:51 if I had a problem with something at The Breakfast Club, I should have been able to talk to him. I don't know, man. Some of my ideologies are a bit different. I can attest to that. I never call my radio industry friends. I just don't. I just deal with the things that happen. I don't feel I just don't. I just deal with the things
Starting point is 00:45:05 that happen. I don't feel like I need to abuse the relationship that way. But at the end of mine and Envy's conversation, it boiled down to, I was standing there
Starting point is 00:45:13 thinking to myself, yo, this guy's a really nice guy. Yeah, Envy's like one of the nicer people. This is the problem here. The problem here. Now I feel bad
Starting point is 00:45:24 that I think I said he was problem here is envy is super nice. He's sitting there telling me how much he loves me, how much he cares about me, how he viewed me, and how my actions affected him. So that felt bad. That felt bad. You have a long history. You're not like. I'm just not a nice person.
Starting point is 00:45:43 So when I meet People who are just nice I don't think New Yorkers are nice I agree I think in New York Niggas is on they way Minding they business Move out the way What do you want
Starting point is 00:45:55 That's how I feel like New Yorkers behave Yeah but he's Maybe suggesting that You guys have such a long history Yeah that That mentality is not based Between the two of y'all
Starting point is 00:46:04 Cause I'm that way, but with my friends, I'm not so much that way. So, I'm going to buy Envy a Christmas gift. Some cologne or something. Some real light-skinned shit. I like it. And I would like to issue DJ Envy a very
Starting point is 00:46:19 public apology just for being a dick. Just for being a dick. That was very mature of you. Yeah, you don't want to be a dick to people. I know I've earned this reputation for myself as a dick. But you don't want to be a dick to everybody. Or everybody don't have to know you're a dick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Or not the people that you care about, the people that you have history with, the people that you love, that you have relationships with. So envy. No, no, you could be a dick. It's just when you go out of your way to be a dick, it's just unnecessary. Yeah, I don't want to be that way. So Envy is now a friend of the show.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Let's clap it up for DJ Envy, man. I like DJ Envy. And we're issuing a public apology to DJ Envy for all the horrible fuck shit that I have said and done. And Envy, I don't think you're the worst radio personality ever, if that's what was said. I do. What I think I said was when they're interviewing on The Breakfast Club, I think Envy is a mic that is for the radio to play music and do the segues. I just think Charlamagne and Yee are a bit better with the interviews.
Starting point is 00:47:21 No, no, it matters. That's what I meant. I told Envy, I do remember when you said that, because at a later date, we eventually broke down all their roles on the podcast. All the Breakfast Club roles on the podcast. So he just didn't hear that one. People always hear the shot. Of course. And never the, so I get it.
Starting point is 00:47:37 It's cool. Well, shout out to Envy, Queens. Yeah, shout out to Envy. Shout out to Charlamagne. Shout out to Angelique. Shout out to everybody up there. There was something before we went into it. I wanted to talk the Amazon Go shit just because I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Oh, the YG shit is what we. That's what we. Oh, yeah, YG. Tell me about YG. Okay. Going to get myself in trouble again. I'm going to be a man by your standards. Finally, finally, this nigga will put his fucking.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Yeah, man up. You agree that YG, because I'm giving context to what we spoke about before i don't jump in and show it we spoke and i said i can't believe you agree that yg should be on the top 10 of 2016 correct is that the conversation we had can i give context to our listeners yeah yeah you think he should be on there yeah no no No, no, no, no, no, no. Time out. Let me be clear. I think that if someone were to put YG on their hottest MCs list, that they could argue it.
Starting point is 00:48:38 And in 2016, I disagree. Why? Ice agrees with you. Ice doesn't think that YG should be on that list either. And Ice is a huge YG fan And I'm a YG fan as well That's why I'm gonna speak on this Because I pay attention to YG's career My Crazy Life I think should've got a fucking Grammy
Starting point is 00:48:54 That was what, 2015 or 14? 14 14 He took 15 off, if you will And then this last album came out This year What did you think of still brazy just curious it was cool it was cool was there particular singles on there that bumped
Starting point is 00:49:14 no there was the donald in my opinion there was the donald trump shit which eventually went but when i heard it. It didn't. The hook, like, you been to parties, dog. They played it for like five seconds and then they continued on. Well, you know what it is? I think the timing of it. The timing of it was perfect. Kind of like Black and Yellow with Wiz and the Steelers winning the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:49:39 The timing of fuck Donald Trump with the way that the country was feeling. It was pretty impactful, the five seconds. Just like when Jeezy put out, my president is black, when Barack won. I mean, that didn't go, but it was hard, and it was a nice gesture. I guess this was a nice gesture. It was great, and I agreed with it. And because I was touring, and because I was touring in the height of it all, a lot of DJs were playing the fuck Trump shit, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:10 because, again, I was touring during the election. Yeah, and I think the single with Drake, Why You Always Hating, came and went. I don't think that really went. The album, The Week Of, everyone had the same reviews. It was cool. We didn't love it. Y'all only didn't love it
Starting point is 00:50:26 because it wasn't the uh first album it wasn't a bad album i'm not saying it was a bad album but to put someone on a top 10 list when they had an average album and then put out at the end of the year something that went under the radar completely just to show people's caring level at the end of the year something that went under the radar completely just to show people's caring level at the end of the year with him i just don't see it in the top 10 and i to to the i have to reiterate you don't see how you don't see how it could be argued though well no no no my point was that i didn't think it was beyond there of course course, I'm arguing it now. YG is phenomenal, and I think I would put him in my top 10 right now of artists that I care for, but I just think 2016 was not his year. I think there was 10 other people that had more of a significant year than YG. Well, the thing about that MTV list, and this is where the problem lied for me,
Starting point is 00:51:24 I don't know how hot or not 21 Savage is. Apparently there's a 22 Savage running around. That's a joke. Well there's not a YK. There's only one YG. So there goes that theory. Wait till you see who's released tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I think it's Kendrick. We might as well say it. I think Kendrick is number eight on that list. A lot of fighting about that one. So see, here's the point. A lot of fighting about Kendrick. But YG was active. YG was very active according to the
Starting point is 00:51:57 criteria. And the criteria was your socials, your community what's the fucking community activity, whatever. Judging your activity and your community what's the fucking community activity, whatever. Judging your activity and your community. YG was very active there. He's very active on social. He's well
Starting point is 00:52:14 liked. He put two projects out and fuck Trump kind of went. And Karen Civil and Sycamore were there. So YG is going to make a list with his two people. Both friend of the show. Karen and Sycamore. Love Karen. When did Karen Civil become fine?
Starting point is 00:52:29 Karen's always been a very pretty girl. No, that's not what I said. Oh, that's why I interrupted. We know Karen Civil has always been a very pretty girl. Well, this is very misogynistic of us. She's done so much more than just look attractive. Why did we go to that? Why is that misogynistic?
Starting point is 00:52:43 Just because we want to know when she became fine. I've been told that I'm misogynistic if I immediately go to what they look like. We didn't immediately go to that. We went to her business ventures first, and then we said, well, I said, when did she become fine? At that little MTV thing. Boy, Karen's looking all right. Good looking girl. I've never looked at Karen that way.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Karen was looking all right. Good looking girl. I've never looked at Karen that way. And even when I caught myself looking at Karen that way, I immediately smacked myself mentally and said, get a hold of yourself. That's fucking Karen, man. You can't just look at me like that. But she was looking all right. But yeah, with the same argument with YG, again, it's 2016. So I think Kendrick is,
Starting point is 00:53:25 of course Kendrick is at the top of the fucking rap game. To Pimp a Butterfly was this year or not this year? I don't fucking know. I don't think it was this year.
Starting point is 00:53:35 It was like the end of last year. It was the end of last year. Yeah, so I can't say I can put Kendrick in 2016. If you want to talk about the game together,
Starting point is 00:53:43 yeah, YG and Kendrick deserve to be there. But we're talking about the year 2016 from January to December. The big argument for Kendrick was because we're discussing the year, Kendrick's performance on the Grammys in February was a breakthrough performance. No, that was BET Wars.
Starting point is 00:53:58 No, the Grammys he performed embodied it last year. Yeah, he killed it. And then he put out unmastered, unfiltered, Unremixed, Unwarranted. I don't know the name of it. But people, a lot of the year-end lists have that album really high. No, they do.
Starting point is 00:54:21 And I think my, which is why I hate these fucking year-end wrap-ups because it's so hard to find the circle that you need to put these people in. Like, of course, Kendrick is probably in the top one or two of hip-hop, period. But if we're talking about just 2016, do we throw that out and just say, hey, this is what he did in 2016? My argument, and I can talk about this because it's not, I argued Meek. I argued that Meek should make the hottest MCs list, even though he wasn't so active,
Starting point is 00:54:56 because all of the biggest moments in hip hop involved him. I don't think that's a bad argument. No, not at all. Yeah, like when a nigga's getting dissed for a whole year he's hot dc4 everyone stopped we all gonna listen yeah we care we cared i know it's cool to say we don't care we care about meek man we need him but they didn't they wasn't feeling that argument my argument for cole before Cole started his Pseudo rollout My argument was
Starting point is 00:55:26 There's something to be said For people who are able To maintain a certain level of low Yeah That's hard Like maybe because I'm an artist I understand just how hard it is To go away
Starting point is 00:55:41 Well no Not a picture Like really in the technology age here, not a picture, not a sign of Cole anywhere. It was easy in the early 2000s and 90s. It was album, tour, gobble all this shit up, go disappear, make them miss you, come back. I mean, now you have to be relevant. I don't think Untitled, Unmastered, Unwarranted, Un-whatever is coming out
Starting point is 00:56:06 back then if Kanye, or pardon, if Kendrick had just put out To Pimp a Butterfly. I don't think the need to stay relevant is needed
Starting point is 00:56:15 as much then as it is now. Well, not when your star power is that of a Cole or a Kendrick. They have the ability to do so. Which is why I think
Starting point is 00:56:23 back to our Fetty conversation all the time, which I think Fetty had the opportunity to do so Which is why I think Back to our Fetty conversation all the time Which I think Fetty Had the opportunity to do that And then Wait Oh shit Let's not get too off track
Starting point is 00:56:32 Oh shit Why is Fetty like your favorite Conversation Find the song Find it Find it Oh wait I thought we talked about that last week
Starting point is 00:56:39 Or we just spoke about it No My memory's so bad Find the fucking song Right this second Oh yeah We missed all this What were we talking about
Starting point is 00:56:50 Before Fetty just got mentioned Oh Art is disappearing Oh yeah So let's finish that And then I got Fetty Q'd up Yeah the mystique You know some people
Starting point is 00:56:58 I think Cole is one of those people Whereas If he didn't maintain This level of mystique It would hurt absolutely so that is indeed part of part of an artist's yeah level of of of heatness of hot drake had that before as well um i'm not so much now just because he's become such a pop figure which i don't think he's such a diva what a fucking diva he's become. But he did the same before.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I mean, he was never on Twitter, never on Instagram. Kendrick, Cole, Drake used to do that. Frank. I can't. Frank does it better than that. Let me tell you something. I tried to go dark for about two weeks and was losing my fucking mind. Yeah, but it's different with you because.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Because I'm not a fucking superstar. When you're a superstar, you can do that. Not even that, just with your music and... And my brand. I've always had... I was trying to avoid using your brand. Yeah, but you can't. It's the right word.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Your brand is you, which is a gift and a curse, obviously. But it's you. A gift and a curse. People are invested in your bullshit, and you just happen to be a psychopath So sometimes it backfires I'm like the original
Starting point is 00:58:08 Listen in my head If you're doing the hip hop family tree I start the weirdos Yeah but it wasn't cool to be weird I know It was madly cool I know That's my point
Starting point is 00:58:22 I mean you're still a loser But you were like really a loser I wish I could have Web and Nitty do this podcast. I would love to have Webb and Nitty over here. I wish I could have them do this podcast. Yeah. But Webb's going away for a little bit, and I don't know where Nitty is. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:58:36 I probably shouldn't even send Nitty's name. Yeah, let's move. I don't even know why we brought that up. But, yeah, I was going somewhere with that. Yeah, so in my head, that's where I start. I start the weirdo family tree in my head even if hip hop
Starting point is 00:58:48 won't give me my credit well let's cause I know fans will get that misconstrued weirdo like native tongues was weird
Starting point is 00:58:54 but it was accepted it was accepted like it was weird but it was accepted and native tongues back then it wasn't
Starting point is 00:59:02 that wasn't weird then cause that was following X-Klan and that was following Public Enemy. That's what hip-hop was back then. It was message. What's your message? If you didn't have a message, then you was weird. I suppose.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Now it's like the niggas with messages are weird. But whatever. The record. Fetty Wap Sin Sin Because Sin is the biggest Nicki Minaj fan in the universe
Starting point is 00:59:30 Sin is the biggest The biggest fan of everybody That I have tension with Nicki is a Well My friend of the show I don't know Nicki is not a friend of the show
Starting point is 00:59:38 She did the podcast And she's not a friend of the show She has a friend on the show But her and I do have mutual friends So She's a friend of the show. But her and I do have mutual friends, so she's a friend of the show by association. Nope. She has a friend in me.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Nikki's a friend of the show. Faggot. Anyway, where is a Barbie? Oh, that's not going to make me stop what I'm about to say, though. Sin dropped everything at 8 in the morning and made me plug up her phone to the big bowl speaker in my house so we could listen to what she called Nicki's new single. Now, in my head, I know that Nicki's not putting an album out. Or is she? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Nah. Nicki's not in the middle of a rollout. You never know. There is no rollout nowadays. Well, I'm not really about... Has she only put out like one album? I feel like she does a reloaded... Nah, like think about it. Has Nicki
Starting point is 01:00:31 only put one album out? She re-releases the same album every year. She has two albums. She has like one album. How many albums does Nicki Minaj have? Well, the Roman's Revenge shit was the second album, and I know that because Em is on there.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Okay. That's the album that people hated. What about the one she released six times? We creamed that album. Hold on. We creamed that second Nicki album. Yo, y'all favorite. Y'all these big time artists done brushed some shit under the rug
Starting point is 01:01:05 Ain't they? Wait This is a very good question How many albums does Nicki Minaj have? Because she does always put out a remix album Me and you keep getting sidetracked See why we need somebody else here Alright, she has Pink Friday in 2010
Starting point is 01:01:20 Which was like her start Which was great Pink Friday, Roman Reloaded Two years later, which was like her start, which was great. Pink Friday, Roman Reloaded, two years later, which was the same album like plus the Eminem record. And then the Pinkprint,
Starting point is 01:01:32 which came out in 2014. So technically two albums, but she has three retail albums. We hated Pinkprint, huh? I don't remember. Pinkprint was the one when she tried to go pop on us.
Starting point is 01:01:42 I think that was the Starship era. Yeah. So anyway, Sim comes to me. She says, we have to hear the new Nicki Minaj single, Turn It All The Way Up. I said, why am I turning it all the way up before I know if it's dope? She said, fine.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Nah, she had some ill safari disses on here. It wasn't too bad. She said, Fetty Wap is on here. I said, all right, I love Fetty Wap. Let's turn it up. And this is what ensued. I feel like Universal's going to get the fuck out of here after dissing them and then playing the record
Starting point is 01:02:06 They're gonna rip this shit right off SoundCloud Stop it Because we're You have to No we have cameras now so I can pause And it'll be okay We have facial reactions now i don't know if having cameras in here is a good thing it really might not be listen
Starting point is 01:02:31 you form an opinion of stuff what four or five seconds in you begin yeah all right he's going with the the work i'm a little The one dance thing Now that's the vibe I started to get Nicki's on it She's an island girl Makes sense That's what I thought
Starting point is 01:02:50 I said alright If this is Nicki's single Fetty wears Haitian flags Then Nicki's allowed To borrow from the OVO Family of sound And start doing Oh the West Indian's
Starting point is 01:03:01 Gonna kill you Why? It's not an OVO sound. It's OVO when it's a fucking light-skinned nigga saying mon and ting. What are you talking about? Is Drake West Indian? What are you talking about? No, I don't think he's West Indian.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Rory, stop trying to get me in trouble on the fucking podcast. They're going to kill you. Play the fucking song. It's not an OVO sound. What is it when a light-skinned nigga is Jamaican? Drake. We should talk over this so SoundCloud doesn't take a day. He should talk over it. Say so.
Starting point is 01:03:41 What do you mean, we? What did we do wrong? I just don't want to take no SoundCloud Tell me what he's saying right here I'll play devil's advocate Can we usually understand Fetty? Yes! Yes!
Starting point is 01:03:56 On his hooks, yeah There hasn't been one Fetty record Where I have not understood what he is saying You're from Jersey This is the point. This is my point. Not only did they jack the Caribbean
Starting point is 01:04:10 Rihanna work controller one dance, but he's also adopted this inaudible speech thing that's new. Yeah. Because he can croon. Can we agree it's not too far off his radar?
Starting point is 01:04:30 Yes, it is. It's not like he was super articulate. Give me one. See, listen, I'm a big fan of middle ground. I know. I'm saying. I didn't say that he was super articulate. I'm just saying he was never inaudible.
Starting point is 01:04:40 The only reason you're saying it's similar is because of the reckless crooning that people do when they're inaudible. I just don't think it's that far out of his wheelhouse. Rewind it five seconds and play it some more, then. Skirt, skirt, baby. That's Creole You wouldn't understand Alright but you know what
Starting point is 01:05:07 Let's say I'm an old Play it No keep playing it Let's say I'm an old fuck And this just sounds dope And we don't need to know What he's saying I'm with that too
Starting point is 01:05:14 Let's keep listening Hey Spaceship to Mars baby Hey, just like a star, baby Hey, you shot from afar, baby Hey, spaceship to Mars, baby Spaceship to Mars, baby I get it They let this go too long I think it
Starting point is 01:05:34 What the fuck is this, Lior? It's disappointing because Lior! They got 300 logo right on the artwork What the fuck, Lior? Call me, man Lior, baby How many times have you said What the fuck, call me, Lior
Starting point is 01:05:51 In your lifetime? A lot A lot A lot, actually And he don't use the call Lior, this ain't it, dawgs Let me be the first nigga to tell you Lior and
Starting point is 01:06:03 Is Kevin still at 300? Kevin is still at 300 Kevin and whoever the fuck else is at 300 I know of some people up there That got my phone number Call me man Y'all already have tried to ruin Fetty Three years ago
Starting point is 01:06:16 I'm curious When they call Are they gonna ask you to Do some Caribbean shit with him To save him? No No No No They're not But this is not it Play it Are we done? and ask you to do some Caribbean shit with him to save him? No, no, no, no, no, they are not. But this is not it.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Play it. Are we done? Let's get to Nicky. All right, yeah, we can get to Nicky. But no, what disappoints me with this is Fetty had created that amazing sound which could continue in this realm in 2017. Why is he going with someone else's sound?
Starting point is 01:06:44 That's where I'm confused. Yeah, man. I'm not mad. I think the beat is great. I'm not really into the cadence that he's doing. We're going to think all those beats with that bop. They're great. They don't need to be great as long as we can duddy wine to them. So, I mean, it works. Yeah, I just don't think
Starting point is 01:06:58 Fetty needed to do that because he's created a sound that will still be relevant in 2017. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Take it back a little bit. We missed something there. You memorized the verse? Well, she tweeted this bar. Oh, you follow her.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Hey. All right. All right. All right. Listen, man. We got to get Nicki and Safaree in a dollar van. I'll pay for every seat in the dollar van. And we will drive down Merrick together. And we will figure this thing out so we can all get back
Starting point is 01:07:48 on the same page. I can't say anything because then Sin ain't gonna give me no pussy. Wow. I can't diss Nikki. That's wild. I'm not dissing Nikki.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Well, diss her. Why the fuck are you not dissing somebody? Because I'm Team Nicky. Amazon Go. This has been a very Queens podcast. Tell me about Amazon Go. Am I from Queens?
Starting point is 01:08:12 Yes, you are. Amazon Go. He souped all your melon, New Jersey. Joe is from Farmers Boulevard. Fuck is from Dunkirk. And Jersey. I'm from both. I'm from by way of Queens.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Amazon Go put up a store where you can walk in and just steal shit. Just take whatever you want. Now, my only thing is in the little preview they showed, I didn't see anybody with a cart. I saw a man, white people in baskets. Now, I hate white people in baskets. white people in baskets. Now, I hate white people in baskets. You know, anytime I go to the supermarket and a white person grabs a basket instead of the cart,
Starting point is 01:08:52 oh my God, I immediately kill him. White people just do shit. I grab the basket. You are a basket nigga. You're a basket guy. If I'm only grabbing a few items, I don't see the need to clog up the lanes when I can just have a basket. It's a consideration thing.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Rory would be in fine fare with a fucking basket. I'd be in C-Town with a basket. Yeah, you're in C-Town. You look like a C-Town basket guy. I'm a C-Town guy. I'm a Western beef guy myself. Pause. C-Town now makes you check your bags
Starting point is 01:09:25 Like you can't walk in with a bag Rory I'm never going to C-Town So I don't care about what C-Town makes you do Where is C-Town? Everywhere Not my rich neighborhood I don't see a C-Town anywhere Yeah you follow a bunch of basket
Starting point is 01:09:39 Twelve dollar whole food Yeah these niggas is in fucking Acme with a basket But anyway So everybody in this Amazon Go video with a basket. But anyway, so everybody in this Amazon Go video had a basket and not a cart. Which tells me that
Starting point is 01:09:50 maybe you can't do bulk shopping there. So this is supposed to come to fruition I think in 2017. Next year. Summer 2017. Whatever they said, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:02 I mean, it doesn't really matter. How intrigued are we by this? I saw a bunch of idiots and idiots that follow Ice like, whoa, game changer. How? How? Because there's one store in Seattle that your fucking loser ass wants. Well, this is how it starts.
Starting point is 01:10:19 All right, well, then talk to me in 10 years where there's stores everywhere. I hate when some new technology comes out that we can't put to use, but it's there. Like all the TVs are fucking 4K. All the cable companies ain't giving out 4K, damn it. So what the fuck you selling me 4K for? That's why these people are billionaires now. Because they did this 10 years ago, and now it's a regular thing. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:10:41 So maybe you should pick up a basket and invest. Where is my... But this shit, it's funny. Did you see the parody video that they put out today? Um, no.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Yeah, someone put out, it's very similar to it, but it's just Amazon Go and Steal, I want to say was the title of it. I think it's on Worldstar. I think that's the link
Starting point is 01:11:04 someone sent me for it. Yeah. Amazon Go. Just steal stuff. That's dope. I could maybe play it. Yo, if there's any scammers out there. Four years ago, we started to wonder.
Starting point is 01:11:18 If you haven't seen the real Amazon One, it's just like this. Grab what you want and just go. Hey, hey, hey. No lines, no checkout, no paper. Yo, Rory loves watching stuff and letting y'all hear the audio. And then he thinks it's really funny because he's watching it. Yeah, duh. They can't see this shit.
Starting point is 01:11:39 They can Google it. That ain't funny just listening to it. You will be having a blast. I am having a blast i kind of forgot we were still recording this podcast this fucking dick face over here um all right so oh scammers if you're a scammer and you're listening i need a restoration hardware hookup because i'm trying to buy a couch that i don't want to pay full price for so if you're a scammer i don't mean one of the low-budget Brooklyn scammers.
Starting point is 01:12:08 I mean one of you niggas with like a $100,000 limit. I need one of y'all real niggas. So text me or something. And then we'll work out details later. Can I get arrested for saying that? Is that like conspiracy to know a scammer? I think that's a Rico. Rico Lois somewhere in there.
Starting point is 01:12:26 What else happened? Instagram rolled out their brand new feature Insta Live Which is Periscope Which is Instascope So now you can see all of your favorite hoes talk Why do hoes keep thinking we want to hear them talk? Well that's why Instagram was so good Stop talking.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Oh, speaking of... I'm not calling her a hoe, but everyone else is calling her a hoe. Friend of the show, India Love, the little girl. She just needs better people around her. India Love needs Ileana and couples therapy, Dr. Jen. She needs all of them. She needs help. You think after a while
Starting point is 01:13:08 she would just be naked and see the phone and be like, nah. I don't think she's that cute, but again, that's me. I got a thing against chicks that weigh 70 pounds. Well.
Starting point is 01:13:20 And that's her. You can see all 70 pounds online now. Yeah, because she's got a what? Sex tape that leaked, but she's not having sex. They called it a sex tape. She's just ass naked. No one's fucking, I think it's a girl, unless a guy paints his nails.
Starting point is 01:13:33 But I wouldn't be surprised. Men are painting their nails, by the way. She fucks the little rapper guys, so I wouldn't be surprised. Stop painting your nails. I know it's all of that gender shaming or whatever. Black nail polish is still nail polish. I know. You're gothic.
Starting point is 01:13:52 I know. You want us all to be able to externally see your internal pain. Whatever is happening. I don't know. But nail polish on a man? Nah. I don't know how much I have left. We covered a lot of shit.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Especially when we have shit to talk about. The holidays are coming up, and I thought we were going to get into Christmas because I'm having a hard time Christmas shopping because I never Christmas shop before Christmas and because my girlfriend, my beautiful girlfriend, gave me a long list of tedious, minuscule, just shit she wanted and then ended it with, but I love surprises. No, you're not feeling me.
Starting point is 01:14:37 So it went like I want a tool. You don't want to be a surprise? I want a tool. You don't want to be a surprise? I want a drill, a tool set, a duvet, a mannequin, a sewing machine, a piano. Just go to Amazon and then just click it all and then just hit checkout. You'll be fine. I would go steal all that shit from Amazon. Just go to Amazon Go and walk inside.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I would like to hear from some of the men out there what you're getting your significant others for Christmas. So tweet myself, Rory, at thisisrory. Tweet Maul, too, at Maul, three underscores. That's underscore, underscore, underscore, not the number three. And it's three underscores. Tweet me and let me know what you plan on getting your significant other. Well, you probably can't do that because your significant other follows
Starting point is 01:15:28 you. Oh, yeah. So then they couldn't. They probably check their timelines, too, because if they're a significant other. How many times do you think girlfriends check their boyfriend's timeline a day? I think we're saved in the queue,
Starting point is 01:15:44 and it's whenever they have a moment. Don't even be an active tweeter, then you're fucked. Then you fuck our whole day up. Yeah, I think... But that's her fault. Why are you checking all the time? Yeah, send it's parked on my shit.
Starting point is 01:15:56 But I'm curious, what happens? Like, all right, you see it now. When I hit send, it was meant to be to the public. It wasn't something I was hiding. Yeah, you know, they gotta look for shit to think about. Bitches love thinking. Just not efficiently.
Starting point is 01:16:11 All right, now. All right, I'm getting out of here. That's all the time we got here, folks. Anything good coming up happening this weekend? Nope. Christmas party. Oh, my Christmas party is indeed this Saturday. A bunch of people are having their Christmas parties this weekend.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I'm putting mistletoads everywhere. It's E-B-Y. That means everybody bring a bag. Or no, everybody bring a bottle. A bag. I mean, or a bag. Whatever your vice is. Whatever you're into.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Jesus Christ. You can't tell people what to snort, smoke. It's your house. So that's exciting. Yeah, I'm excited. Are you coming? Yeah, I'll be there. Milan is DJing.
Starting point is 01:16:50 I love DJing. Miss Milan is DJing. I'm going to buy like fucking finger foods and shit. I was just about to ask. Are we doing the chef thing? No. You know why? And Sin talked me out of it. I was getting a
Starting point is 01:17:05 chef to feed my closest 20 friends that come early and then have a party afterward. I don't think she wants to feed anybody. She said it wasn't fair to everybody. You can't feed 20 people and then not feed other people. It's a Christmas
Starting point is 01:17:21 party. They're there to get drunk. That's what I'm saying. Niggas ain't there to fucking really eat. Sin is way too much of a fucking humanitarian. She's way too kind-hearted. So I am getting some finger foods and some appetizers and some stuff like that. I am getting some alcohol.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Everybody's bringing a bottle. This should be a lot of fun. I am getting some board games. Maybe we'll get a good drunk game of Taboo Or something like that Drunk Taboo We haven't done Taboo In like two years
Starting point is 01:17:47 We haven't done shit We're just fucking losers Well you I mean We had We dissed Drake And then there was an album A lot happened
Starting point is 01:17:56 Between our last Taboo game I need to put out I'm really thinking about Putting out a Rage Deluxe project Sometime in January You just shit it on Nicki Minaj
Starting point is 01:18:10 If I'm gonna do that Two years later She's gonna put something out Two years later She did 2010 to 2012 She put out the same album Which is why I shit it on
Starting point is 01:18:18 Not the idea You're about to do the same Not two years later I'm coming right back Two months later And I'm not I don't think I want to call it a deluxe.
Starting point is 01:18:25 I'm going to call it like a Rage Premium or something. It could be something completely different because now, I know we shit on streaming all the time,
Starting point is 01:18:33 but it makes it amazing for artists like you. You can put it on Apple Music and Spotify and Tidal and still get paid for it and call it something completely different. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Yeah. I'm not a fan of putting out like the four song EPs though. Why? Five song EPs. I like those. You like five song EPs? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I'm a fan of albums that are 11 songs and under. I'm a fan of EPs that are five songs. My last EP was phenomenal. Some Love Lost. Easily one of my favorite projects I've ever put out.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Oh yeah, that was a good project that was a great no it wasn't it was a great fucking project it wasn't good to me anyway to me
Starting point is 01:19:11 I don't know I'll think about that fans give me some feedback on that let me know what you think about that too and I always think that if you put
Starting point is 01:19:18 five new songs on an old project it's a new project cause it changes the course of the album yeah it's still new project because it changes the course of the album. Yeah, it's still annoying, though. I want to change the track. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:19:29 I'm not buying your album again, dawg. I don't care if it's five new tracks. I'm not selling it for $9.99. But wait, so that don't make sense. So you would buy it if it were an EP, but you wouldn't buy a deluxe album? I'm not buying By Law again, dawg. Just give me a new- By Law might not be on it.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Give me a new album. You didn't buy Abso and Lloyd and Dream and fucking J. Cole. I streamed them all. I streamed them all. Dickface. Do you have a sleeper pick? I do. I fell off, man. I don't have sleepers anymore. I've been, like, really working. You know what I realized? You and I both forgot in, like, the past four weeks, and we
Starting point is 01:20:01 listen to her all the time. The her chick. I didn't. I played a sleeper from her. Did you? Yeah, when it first, first her all the time. The her chick. I didn't. I played a sleeper from her. Did you? Yeah, when it first, first, first, first, first came out. I don't know why I felt like we both forgot about her. Mm-mm. I played it.
Starting point is 01:20:13 All right. Do I go first? Sure. Uh, you could. I don't have one. Chakra there. I'd be trying to also play some classic shit And you and Maul be hating Cause you play fucking Like Liberian Girl by Michael Jackson
Starting point is 01:20:29 Like it's not a sleeper dog Who a 17 year old listener Would have no idea About Liberian Girl That changes the whole spectrum of this Which makes it a sleeper to the 17 year old kid And we do have fans that are 17 years old We can do that for every sleeper pick that we on just play a one other
Starting point is 01:20:46 song all right this is a gallant who had a phenomenal album this year this is skipping stones with janae aiko Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, babe What am I missing? What am I missing? What am I missing? Find me skipping something, wash the rocks Holding out for something I can't force What am I missing, oh babe?
Starting point is 01:21:47 What am I missing, oh? Where's the peace of mind? I was told, I was told, I was told I'd be dead Oh, baby, you got the mind But I was born in a league of my own I'm sinking So find me skipping stones and wash the brush Holding out for something
Starting point is 01:22:25 I can't force What am I missing? Oh baby What am I missing? I've gone for miles and miles in search of right direction I long to figure out but I keep on forgetting Sorry, Jene. We don't play the whole record.
Starting point is 01:22:58 That song sounds pretty good. It's really good. His whole album is very, very good. I like him. I do too. I've got a few joints by him Let me see the Aux Chord
Starting point is 01:23:07 So I'm gonna play this song By Tank Who's not a sleeper artist At all But Tank sometimes Like is weird
Starting point is 01:23:18 And puts out songs At three in the morning And then that's it He doesn't retweet them Ever They never go on a project. He just puts them out, and if you heard it, cool. If not, then you're shit out of luck.
Starting point is 01:23:31 So he did that with this song called All About You, and I like it a lot. So if you like Tank, you'll like this a lot. He's whining about some chick that left him. Tank? No way. That's how we love our Tank. The Tank I know. He's admitting his wrongs again.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Fucking Tank. The Tank is mad wrong. Yeah. Look. How many times have you said this to her, Tank? Tank. Come on, Tank. We need to get Tank's girl a backbone.
Starting point is 01:24:01 How many times have you said this to her, Tank? Tank. Come on, Tank. We need to get Tank's girl a backbone. How many times has Tank's girl been lied to? We need to get your girl a backbone. How many times has your girl been lied to? Oh, man. You can't be in your 40s and be the new you That's still you, dawg
Starting point is 01:24:36 Hey Hey Wait a minute, man Oh I promise that it's all about you It's like it was hard enough to make a project and he just like put it out a few months ago. I like it, Tank. Remember when you heard it first? That's brand new music by my man Tank.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Right here. 101.9. The number one station for your smooth. If you want to say something, nigga, don't just let me fucking run off at the mouth. This is your thing. No, no, no. You do this every, why would I, you do this every nigga. Don't just let me fucking run off into the house. This is your thing.
Starting point is 01:25:25 No, no, no. You do this every, why would I? You do this every podcast. Is that my thing? Yes. You pretend you're a radio person. You've been doing it for three years. You're fucking weird.
Starting point is 01:25:36 You're not on a radio station. You don't own a radio station. It's just something that your friends think it's weird, but play along with. Shut up, Rory. You're fired from radio station There's no radio What am I fired from? Take us home tank
Starting point is 01:25:52 We said nothing is happening this weekend Uh no Nothing is happening next week I don't want to end on a super, super somber note. Then don't. It's lit. Gotta go. Bye.
Starting point is 01:26:09 I want to end on a somber note. A very, very close friend of mine's cousin passed in the Oakland fire that just passed like two weeks ago. I don't know if you saw that. It was a really, really big fire at a club in Oakland. And a bunch of people died. Oh, you're mad uninformed. Well, yeah, very close friend of mine's cousin passed. There's a GoFundMe for his two twin daughters that I will put in the bio.
Starting point is 01:26:34 If you have prayers or a dollar, always appreciated. Thank you to the people of Beats for supplying these headphones today. Shout out to Beats. Shout out to Kristen and all the good people over there. That was dope. Yeah. I can't really make it unsomber now that you did that. I mean...
Starting point is 01:26:53 You threw on your fucking compassionate and concerned voice. I'm gonna just let it rock. Well, no. Back to your radio station. You tell these people not to be in traffic on Twitter and on... If you're in traffic with Periscope open listening to Joe's mix, you should not just be in traffic on twitter and on like if you're in traffic with periscope open listening to joe's mix you should not just be on the road maybe you're the reason there's traffic when are you gonna instascope soon i know i'm not i don't do insta snapchat whatever the insta
Starting point is 01:27:18 snapchat is whatever they call that you should start. I'm not going to do it. I like Periscope. I'm sticking with Periscope. Me too, man. I might boycott Instascope. Yeah. Facebook owns Instagram, so I get it that they're trying to steal everything
Starting point is 01:27:35 like they always try to do. Is there a Facebook Live shit too now? Yeah. Facebook is clearly trying to get everybody out of here. Are you on Facebook? No. You don't strike me as a Facebook guy. No, I'm not on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:27:45 My mom is, though. Hi, Mom. My mom's on Facebook. Hi, Rory's mom. One. All right. Wait, we have to go out. We're tanking it.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Dick face. We're letting the beat rock so we can sound cool as we exit. Jesus.

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