The Johnny Salami Podcast - Darryl Brooks

Episode Date: February 9, 2021

Darryl Brooks is a former URI Rugby Player and powerlifter, who is currently pursuing his aspirations of training professional athletes....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, what's going on, everyone? Welcome to a new episode. Daryl Brooks, thanks for coming, man. Yeah, no doubt. Haven't seen you in years, man. In a while, yeah. And like I said, man, we've never had a full-on conversation, but I mean, this should be fun, man. You've always seemed like a really positive dude, so.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Appreciate that. But yeah, man, I've been following you, you know, on Instagram and stuff. How is, like, so you're a trainer now. Sure. What is the name of the barbell club? Carroll Barbell Club. All right. So are you just, like, training, like, you're a trainer now. Sure. What is the name of the barbell club? Carroll Barbell Club. All right. So, are you just, like, training high school kids or?
Starting point is 00:00:29 So, I pretty much do just, like, private training, which is kind of work to high school kids. I work with athletes mainly. A couple personal training, like, one-on-one, just, like, regular clients, I guess. Yeah, like, pretty much doing mostly private training and coaching is what I've been focused on these days. Yeah. So, do they, like, they just, like, allow you to use the space? Pretty much, yeah, like pretty much doing mostly private training and coaching is what I've been focused on these days. Yeah. So do they like, they just like allow you to use the space? Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah. Did you like build a relationship there first and then kind of? Yeah. So, um, yeah. So the, the guy I, uh, work with, uh, he owns the gym I work at. Like I started an internship a couple of years ago. He was working there. He's one of the coaches at URI and he opened up his own gym. So, um, and he needed something to come with them, kind kind of help him out like be his right hand guy so i was
Starting point is 00:01:08 that for a little bit um so but like you pay rent i don't know if like i know most people don't know that but like you know you pay the owner of the gym a certain amount of money to train there work out there um and then do whatever you want kind of from there yeah yeah yeah i know a lot of people who are like always looking for space man it's kind of hard to find the right space dude yeah you know you have like space on the fucking freeway like no one's gonna bother going exactly exactly just in the fucking park yeah man i was thinking about that like we used to have a there was like a gym like literally two seconds away like right on the main road and like it looked nice but nobody would go because like the parking and everything yeah and it's just like you got to find the right space man yeah you know i feel like
Starting point is 00:01:44 the industrial buildings like really do a good job you know like there's abandoned industrial buildings dude yeah those are like the sickest ones i feel like man yeah just all the space right that's where they do crossfit don't they yeah man it just looks like an abandoned like paper mill and like you go inside and you're like oh shit you know i want to get a good workout in here i want to go hard yeah but like um i mean you've done some fucking crazy lifts man like um back in the day for sure yeah like what got you into like power lifting in the first place um well i think like most people like played football in high school and you know that was in rhode island yeah in rhode island providence um classical
Starting point is 00:02:22 shout out um shout out classical dude you. You know what I'm saying? Purple pride, baby. You already know. Yeah, but then started lifting. Made me better. And then I kind of just fell in love from there, you know? Like, someone approached me for powerlifting at the gym one time. I was training for rugby.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And then it kind of just took off from there. Yeah. Wow. So you, like, it was, like, based off of rugby? Like, you were just training for rugby like yeah pretty much like um me and a friend had decided we wanted to play and i just started training for that like um yeah that was really it like that was really my whole intention like i wasn't super into like when i was in high school i was a big meathead all i did was bench and like
Starting point is 00:03:01 didn't care about any of the other lifts or anything i think that's what everyone did yeah yeah literally like you know what i'm saying like you you bench for like the first 10 years of your life of lifting and then yeah just like five by five yeah just max out every day you know you know you know you're classic yeah i thought i honestly thought i was the only one who did that like you ever think about like if you knew what you knew now and you could go back like yeah maybe there would be a difference but i just remember like maxing out every day just throwing it on like doing one shitty rep a bench like throwing the biscuits on man hey you know you can't get those days back though i think they're uh i think those are important days
Starting point is 00:03:35 for for your development you know yeah i mean i feel like a lot of people now like even when they start off though like they're doing like the five by five like that's that's the most popular so i guess you could say we were doing that yeah i think that's true we were uh well i don't know did you like where did you feel like you got your like lifting stuff from like back in that day like like every other like tool bag dude i actually started at like a younger age yeah my dad bought me like these eight pound dumbbells from walmart and they were like uh they were pretty feminine but i'd get after it with the eight pounders dude man you do like 20 reps those things bro you can feel it fucking pythons that's right and uh then i remember i got uh like a walmart bench yeah they used to have these like
Starting point is 00:04:13 90 pound sets and dude i remember just like not being able to get girls yeah and just getting mad and going upstairs and just fucking ripping bench dude doing curls and everything man yeah uh so like that was when it started but we had like a small weight room in high school probably honestly the size of this room okay and it was so small man like you couldn't slam weights or anything but they gave us a program to follow but honestly man i think we had like a fucking board and it was like uh it was like 650 club 750 club 850 club yeah yeah and it was like squat uh hang clean and then um bench and you you would just total them so that's like all we really cared about we were like we just want to get on the board
Starting point is 00:04:58 yeah what was your best total actually do you remember i was the first not bragging dude all right i was the first one not bragging dude i was the first one to get on the like getting the 850 club yeah and uh i don't know man i just had like i honestly think i was probably stronger back then than i am now but i weighed more and um yeah man i remember being like the 750 club even just making the 650 club was like a big deal back then you know um but dude cleaning like to the fuck you should not be fucking like i mean if you have good form man go ahead and clean but like dude i had no idea what the fuck i was doing yeah i remember that and uh i remember seeing some people fall because there was like a whiteboard behind
Starting point is 00:05:41 the the cleaning platform dude people would fucking crack their head on that yeah if anyone tells you before a lift like you might crack your head open it's like this is probably yeah it's not a good time yeah but yeah man that was uh i remember i needed like uh like 30 more pounds to. Yeah. And one of the coaches was like, look, man, you're going to have to squat 405 pounds. And I was like, are you fucking insane, dude? Are you serious? Like I had just dislocated my knee. I was like paranoid as fuck, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And I just remember like getting to the bottom and just being like, fuck. This is a bad decision. I can feel my spine like flexing and shit i'm like dude if you don't get this up bro it's over man like you're cracking your fucking skull that's it and uh it was just adrenaline man you got it i got it up yeah sweet sweet but that was like my that was my first experience like doing heavy lifting and stuff yeah and like i said man like you probably did the same thing man just like either like five by five or just like maxing out.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Like, yeah, a lot of like, or, you know what we did actually first thing, first program ever ran was a 10 by 10 German volume training. Oh shit. It's just like,
Starting point is 00:06:55 I don't recommend it. I don't recommend it to anybody. Like you literally just like could not move my arms for like days after, like, you know, couldn't sit on the toilet, take a shit. Like, none of that. Like, it was no fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I remember that, though. Yeah, yeah. I remember, like, do you remember the first time you squatted, like, the day after? Yeah, definitely. Just not being able to take a shit. Like, literally could not sit on the toilet. Just standing while you take a shit, dude. Yeah, you're like, I don't think I ever want to do that again actually yeah man that was rough dude i remember that a lot i think a lot of the time i think about like form though i think about like because like you obviously like once you get
Starting point is 00:07:34 pretty heavy like in powerlifting especially i mean i've never been a powerlifter but once once you throw on the biscuits man it's like you gotta have like some, man, it's like you got to have like some form, bro. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, for sure. Like did you learn a lot from URI powerlifting like over the years? Like do you think you evolved? Like did you think your form evolved or was it just kind of like consistency? That's a good question actually. So I got to – I'll give another shout out. I'm going to shout out my boy Brandon Amo like, I remember one day I was in the gym and he was just like, man, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Like he's like looking at my squat. He was like, you got to do better. He taught me how to squat for real. And then ever since then, it kind of shot up like that summer. I was just real consistent. Um, went to the gym every day, just focused on the stuff we worked on. And like, uh, I had a big jump over the summer. Like I think my first meet I ever did, I squatted 413.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah. And then the second meet I did, I squatted, like, 562. So, like, my body, you know, I have a body that's kind of meant for squatting. Yeah, dude. Yeah, I shot up real fast like that, I would say. Yeah, man. The squats definitely go up fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:38 The bench is just, like, the bench, I was just, like, yeah, I'll figure it out one day, dude. But you're a good deadlifter. I'm a pretty, I'm an awful deadlifter one day dude you're a good deadlifter i'm a pretty i'm an awful deadlifter really deadlifting yeah i'm a good i'm a good deadlifter with uh like like uh maybe like more reps you know what i mean like i'm not a big like one rep max guy sure and like um i don't know man like i always tell people that like why do you lift and i'm just like low self-esteem yeah like i don't have any other reason. I gotta fake it till I make it, you know? You know, like a lot of people will put up like these like five-page, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:08 essays about why they lift. Yeah. Just like low self-esteem. Yeah, that's it. Gotta get rid of it, dude. You know what I'm saying? You know, they got the saying like, I wanna look good naked.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Like, I don't know what other reason I need for that, you know? I was talking, this is one kid I work out with and I like, I was just spitting, I was just spitting the truth with him, dude. I'm like, dude, like,
Starting point is 00:09:24 I wanna like, I wanna dress like I'm homeless but have like a nice body that's the dream man yeah for sure no one could tell you shit at that point i feel like yeah man it would be cool too to just like you know i mean people already make fun of me enough yeah you know with the whole eyes out thing just to fucking rip it off dude you know just have the salamis hanging out yeah you know just have a decent body. Wait, the Izod thing? You gotta explain that to me.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Dude, not gonna lie, you probably follow David Goggins, right? I do follow David Goggins. I just started reading his book last night, dude. Okay. Cannot stop laughing, dude, because I was like 20 pages in. Fucking awesome book, man.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah. Highly recommend reading it, dude. Yeah. I think like on the third or fourth page, he talks about how he used to wear eyes out yeah i was like fuck yes dude like i had no idea man he wore eyes out but three or four pages in man he just like explains how he used to wear eyes out and i was like shout out my boy david dude yeah but yeah man a lot of people ask me that and i never even like
Starting point is 00:10:20 really thought about you know what i'm saying it's kind of like uh if we were going to talk about the uri rugby like i wouldn't even know how to answer anything yeah because it was so short-lived and stuff but people always ask me they're like dude like why are you wearing that you know what i'm saying i'm like why are you worried about what the fuck i'm wearing like no one's ever i don't know man i've always had like trouble with like uh like wardrobe stuff but sure sure, yeah. Dude, short answer, man. I just feel like, number one, I want to get rid of, like, I don't want to have an ego. I never have had, like, an ego.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah. But, I mean, you go to a gym like I go to and there's just, like, a lot of big swinging dicks. Yeah. It almost seems like. I know exactly what gym you're talking about. Yeah, man. It almost seems like they're more focused on who's looking bigger. Oh, yeah. Versus, like, who's working harder. Yeah. So, I just want to more focused on who's looking bigger versus like who's
Starting point is 00:11:05 working harder. Yeah. So I just want to be the guy who's like working harder. I feel that. I want to be like sweating my balls off in Izod. Yeah. Just confusing people. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:11:13 You know, you don't fuck with a guy who's working out in Izod. Yeah. You just don't. You leave that guy alone. Yeah. I just want to be left alone, dude. I want to work hard, man. And I just want to hide the ego.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Like, I don't want to be comparing myself to fucking other dudes yeah we're probably on horse tranquilizers dude so i don't you know what i'm saying like probably is being kind you're being nice yeah probably but uh yeah man it's also really comfortable man yeah like i remember wearing my first one and i was just like dude i feel like revolutionized man you know what i'm saying i feel like a fucking transformer now dude you're literally like a frontiersman on that you know so i just ended up buying a bunch of different colors man yeah and i haven't given up since yeah i'm just gonna keep going with it not gonna stop man have you seen people start to like copy a little bit just see a couple more pairs in there not even close just like just like genuine confusion dude
Starting point is 00:11:59 every time they're like oh that fucking john psyche kid again they definitely they definitely think i have some chromosomal issues dude but that's fine dude like nobody bothers me at the gym so that's good yeah yeah man do you ever like come across that like um when you're training kids uh what do you mean what do you mean so like if you're training someone um do you i mean this is gonna sound shitty but do you have like kids like you obviously have kids who you train who you like more than others. Like, is there certain characteristics that they have that, you know, the ones you hate, you know? You can just start name dropping right now. Give me a list.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I will say some kids are less needy than others. And some kids respond better to the type of training I do. I wouldn't know. I wouldn't say if I have favorites. I would say maybe connect with some a little bit better based on, you know, how my personality is. You know, some kids like you find like like or even adults. Right. Like some people need that huge like dick swinging thing in the gym.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And I'm going to be in your face and all that. And some people are just like, yo, just go lift. Like like do you want to live yeah all right cool let's lift like yeah man so those are the kids i think i really resonate with the best you know yeah so like um when you give someone like a workout plan has there ever been an instance where they've been like this shit isn't gonna work uh not necessarily i would say no they usually like especially with kids like maybe like you said when you were younger like they're less patient like they're like i want to put all the weight on it right now like i don't want to squat good or bench good and um but yeah i mean patience is a big part of it i think yeah it's longer have you have you ever had a client who's like just followed
Starting point is 00:13:43 everything you said and just like really like transformed the shit out of themselves or i got one of those like that right now um but like uh he's a very needy adult is what i would say like some you'll find some people who are like really all right do exactly this do exactly this yeah need that kind of like that structure that command even you know yeah i feel like i'm like that sometimes yeah yeah programming yeah i'm just like this shit's not gonna work yeah it's like this is stupid this is dumb yeah and then i like then i'll just like i'll be a free bird and i'll be like i don't know what to do yeah you just have no direction in there yeah uh i mean like you know having done powerlifting where it was like super like strict i'm doing this i'm doing this um i don't know people burn
Starting point is 00:14:25 out a little bit faster i think so yeah i think like even for myself for my kind of training sometimes going in there with like i just know i want to work this muscle or just feel this like pump or whatever you know yeah like uh so it's a little bit better so are you doing uh power lifting still are you more like hypertrophy now i think i would say i'm more hypertrophy um or more athletic training like you know i'm not you know i still play a little bit of rugby and i like love pickup basketball a lot of pickup sports so i kind of just want to um be good for that like if i'm playing pickup basketball i want to play well or or jump high or shit like that you know dude you look good man i appreciate it appreciate
Starting point is 00:15:00 it it's okay it's okay don't get too excited you know what you're saying nah man you'll be slimmed down a lot have you um like have you incorporated um like like you said you've been playing basketball and stuff yeah is there something like you you do as a hobby that like really uh you know gets the calories burning or uh you know i do a lot of running you know you mentioned david goggins um super super hardo. Yeah. Um, you know, eating a little bit better. I think just like, okay, when you do powerlifting, you just do slow, heavy lifts.
Starting point is 00:15:29 You're taking like 20 minutes between each set. Um, so I think going into the gym and trying to move fast and, you know, doing more sprint stuff, doing more running, um, you're eating naturally becomes a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Cause you know, eating Wendy's before the gym is not fun when you're, when you're doing burpees and shit. Like it's, it's fun doing deadlifts and squats and like you know bro but uh not anymore so yeah man yeah the diet was like really hard for me yeah still is man i'm trying to cut down but i feel that it's the whole bread thing man fucking sandwiches bro i'm not against any bread though oh really you're one of those people i love bread i mean you're're Johnny Salami, I mean, you can't not eat sandwiches. You got to fluff them up, dude. That's right.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Exactly. I don't know, man. I feel like I could have a perfect day of eating, dude, and just have one sandwich, bro, and I'm fucking blowfish, dude. Someone said I might be, like, gluten, like, allergic to gluten, but I was like, fuck that shit, man. Nah, I don't care. I don't want to be, like, one of those people who's like, is this gluten-free? You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:26 What's wrong with those kind of people? Ah, dude, this is too picky, man. This is too picky. You just got to fucking dive into it, dude. Yeah, just take whatever consequences come with it. Yeah, just got to send it, man. Yeah. Yeah, the whole sandwich thing, dude, fucked me up, man.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I'm part of a weight loss challenge now, and I feel like an asshole, dude. Because everyone's losing a shit ton of weight, dude. And my numbers are just going up like i'm just gaining weight so i'm always in last place what are you what are you doing what's going on yeah i mean i'm taking creatine too so it's like i'm sure a lot of the people in the competition are just like hitting the sauna dude just losing fucking water weight and shit yeah those fucking assholes dude yeah but i still got a few months left like it's a long-term one so so it's not
Starting point is 00:17:05 about the how you start so you finish right yeah have you ever done like a challenge like that this is my first challenge i've never done one before no i can't say that i have actually um like i haven't had any like specific weight goals other than just like you know changing how i train and changing how i eat like yeah um a big go-to for me used to be popeyes every time i squatted really yeah so even not doing that yeah bro i me used to be popeyes every time i squatted really yeah so even not doing that yeah bro i've never been to popeyes never no is your chicken good it's not the best not the best i mean you live in cumberland like there's probably not it's not around here there's a chick-fil-a down the road but yeah i've never been to chick-fil-a either why i just never
Starting point is 00:17:40 have dude i feel like they came along after i started eating healthy so that's that's true. I'm also scared of the drive-thru, dude. It just looks too intense for me. It's always nuts. Yeah, it's always nuts. Yeah, man. I just feel like I'd be confused. Like, I wouldn't know what I wanted. And they'd be like, look, you need to figure this shit out, man.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah, I feel that. It's always packed, man. Like, you go up and you spend more than 30 seconds up there. You just feel like an asshole. Yeah, man. Whereas, like, McDonald's, Burger King, like, you can just fucking slide right through, man. Just go through. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Shit. But, yeah but yeah man the diet's been diet's been everything man but so you haven't like done any challenges i mean i thought it was no no challenges nothing like i thought it would motivate me dude the other channel dude i uh you ever like take pre-workout and you just get wicked hyped up so no not even really i fucked up i took pre-workout one time my roommate gave it to me in college in my face i'm just in the gym just like scratching my face i couldn't do it i forgot what that's called man what is it yeah it's a certain like ingredient that they uh they add um it's in that pre-workout it's called lit yeah it makes your fucking face itch yeah they might be in c4 too
Starting point is 00:18:42 yeah you just used to it now it just doesn't bother you yeah my caffeine tolerance is like off the charts dude i wake up and i fucking take like 400 milligrams of pre-workout okay uh it doesn't make me itch like some have and i hated it but yeah like 400 milligrams of pre-workout just off the jump just as soon as you wake up yeah man you know i'll just start blasting music and then i'll work out early in the morning and then like directly after dude i'll have like a coffee with like a shot of espresso dude felt that adrenaline once during that squat in high school you're just trying to chase it since dude there's no there's no other feeling like it yeah i believe it sometimes i i feel like i'm way too dependent on caffeine man yeah um but then i actually started i don't know if you've
Starting point is 00:19:24 done this is like drinking a gallon of water a day uh try that in like middle school really and uh was promised that i would lose like 30 pounds and i didn't and i've never done it again dude i tried it for like two days and i felt like life-changing man really felt better it's just so hard to do yeah yeah like you can buy these gallon bottles that are like mine has like certain levels to it to like motivate you throughout the day. And it'll have, like, the time attached to it. Yeah. I just remember drinking the entire gallon.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I just had, like, so much energy, man. Like, my body just felt so much better. But it was so hard, man, just to, like, drink all that water. It's a lot of water. That's a fucking shit ton of water, dude. I don't think people realize you're just pissing all day. Like, you're not doing anything. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I piss a lot, too. So it was tough for me. But, yeah, man, I don't think people realize, like people realize like how like life-changing it was man yeah you know and some people do that every day man yeah but like vegetables is another thing like i fucking hate eating vegetables but you hate eating vegetables i mean i like broccoli but anything else like the what's it called uh the ease in vegetable that's like the only one that people like let themselves eat i feel like like. Oh, really? Yeah. Everyone loves broccoli.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Who doesn't like broccoli? I can name a few. Call them right now. Yeah. Tell this kid right now how much you fucking hate broccoli. Yeah, my broccoli's, I mean,
Starting point is 00:20:39 I fuck with broccoli, but it's tough, man. Just eating veggies and drinking water compared to fucking, I mean, down in Chick-fil-A and fucking, you know, shit like that, man. saying like i got you i was trying to relate now yeah i got you i got you yeah man that stuff makes you feel like shit though dude oh it definitely does yeah like especially if you go periods where like you don't have it a lot too as soon as you put it in you're like why is my uh shit black again i don't know what happened like it changed a little bit changed colors man but if you're on like a solid diet dude
Starting point is 00:21:10 just gonna slide right out it's it's true yeah it is true man yeah definitely yeah the caffeine doesn't help though dude no no man all right you say you piss a lot you probably take like 80 shits a day probably no i think like the caffeine the caffeine is like a huge diuretic so okay yeah if uh like the second i have my coffee dude i'm just blowing loads out of my ass dude yeah it's not even you can't even stop it dude yeah there's nothing why would you why do you even want to no man it's a good time just saying like i believe it but yeah man the other challenge i was thinking about doing was uh it was david goggins challenge yeah he's got the four by four by 48 and i thought about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And I was on pre-workout, and I was like, I'm going to do this shit. Like, I can do this. And then, like, I sobered up a little. I was like, there's no way I'd do this. I sobered up from my pre-workout, yeah. Dude, that would be fucking tough. I think that would be nuts. I think that would be absolutely insane.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah. I'd probably fucking definitely get injured. Yeah, yeah. But at the same time, I mean, you have four hours to run four miles so it's like you can probably walk honestly yeah you really could though yeah it's just like you literally just have to take two days out of your life yeah and you're gonna be running like four in the morning yeah just thinking about like dude i don't think i've ever ran four miles before in general no so to run 48 miles dude yeah holy shit you said you've been getting into running a little
Starting point is 00:22:26 bit more like what's the most you've done i just do sprints though you do sprint stuff yeah man i just went on the internet i was like what's the best way to burn calories yeah and sprints yeah like the interval training stuff yeah yeah and uh i don't know did you do that in football where you do like pyramids and stuff uh yeah and like uh like 300s we should do a lot of 300s yeah football so i just do pretty much everything i did in football yeah yeah but i don't know i mean 48 i mean uh yeah four by 48 shit yeah dude it's fucking overkill i think it's for psychos yeah do you feel like did you uh when you were younger i mean i used to fucking i would like cry if we had to run yeah were you the same way uh yeah i have plenty
Starting point is 00:23:05 probably people who legitimately remember me crying while running like during football yeah did you like come up with excuses and shit or were you just like i would say i was not well maybe yeah sometimes yeah yeah but i was not usually an excuse guy it's usually just like uh i'm gonna cry but i'm gonna do it because i feel this obligation to like do it. My teammates need me to do it, so I'm going to do it. It definitely is one of those. Yeah, man. I used to fucking hate running. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:30 It's so weird that I have to run now just to stay sane. For sure. I wonder what that is, man. Hey, growth, I guess, right? You're getting older. Yeah. I mean, I do like to do things that I'm scared of now to a certain extent. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:44 Yeah. Some shit, I'm like, nah, that'll be good. I'm going to keep that inside'm like scared of now. Yeah. To like a certain extent. You know what I mean? Yeah. Some shit I'm like, nah, that'll be good. I'm going to keep that inside me for a little bit. Yeah. I'm not like a David Goggins type of person. Yeah. I'm like, dude, I'm just going to run 48 miles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I just like casually say that, but. I mean, he's like, you know, and he's done what? Like 200 mile races and shit like that. Yeah. Like a four day period. Yeah. Like, I think he's a, you know i i love running i love runners but i think there's a level of like psycho that you have to be to like do certain stuff like that
Starting point is 00:24:11 like yeah i mean there's also a level of psycho you have to have to play rugby too that's true yeah yeah that's what they say what what got you into rugby like uh honestly the simplest thing simplest thing i could say is they gave me the ball and said run as hard as you can and like try to fuck that dude up who's in front of you like yeah and i was hooked that didn't have to tell me anything else honestly yeah um you know in football like you're a lineman right probably i was a lineman um i didn't get to do shit i think i had one carry in my career four yards four yard average yeah man um but rugby they let you get the ball every time get the ball multiple times a game i think that was sick yeah yeah man that does keep you going yeah it's basically like uh it's like a high that keeps you coming back definitely it's kind of like golf where you hit
Starting point is 00:24:55 one good shot and you have like 5 000 shitty shots but you're like do that one shot one keeps me i've never seen i've never golfed i don't think i've ever had one good shot in golf dude once you get that first drive. Yeah. That's just a fucking rocket. You're like, I'm coming back. I'll be here next fucking week. Like, you say you're not coming back.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You're like, I'm done with this shit. And then, like, two days later, you're like, let's fucking hit the links, dude. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah. I feel like, I would say, yeah, that's definitely, you know, you said you get that adrenaline and then you're kind of just chasing it for the rest of the time, you know? Yeah, it kind of reminded me of football, though, like at URI because, like, I mean, I was fucking, I was fat as tits, dude. And they had me play prop and I felt like I was more of a forward.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So that, like, really, that hurt my heart. Yeah, I like that. I got you. I remember playing forward at Johnson and Wales and I had the time of my life, man, because I could just run around with the ball all the time, dude. You know, throw down some spin moves and shit. Yeah, oh, yeah. The talent level was obviously different, you know. Sure.
Starting point is 00:25:52 But, yeah, man, just that feeling of, like, because I played the eight, dude. Yeah. So just, like, right out of the scrum, just taking it. I'm just, like, I'm not giving it to the backs. I'm just taking the shit, man, and I'm running, dude. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. Yeah, man, even as a, I mean, you do get the ball sometimes. So you didn't like prop'm riding it oh yeah oh yeah yeah man even as i mean you do
Starting point is 00:26:05 get the ball sometimes you didn't like prop though i didn't know man i remember those one time because we remember those uh fucking scrum machines we had at uri i remember being next to you on one of those dude and you know how like you get set and everything dude and i remember like the coach hooked up the fucking resistance bands yeah somebody got like hurt. And then they were like, yo, John, come fill in for him. I like left prop.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And I'm like, what? Dude, I don't want to do that. So like, I remember being next to you and like, I wasn't set at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And we just fucking went for it, dude. And I just remember like my back, like being crunched up, that feeling of just being crunched up, dude. And like the idea of the fucking scrum just collapsing yeah yeah you know um that machine is no fun at all it's really not man
Starting point is 00:26:51 and uh i just felt like it just kind of reminded me of football of just like not matter like i just felt like it didn't matter you know like you do matter but you like you don't get the attention you deserve no i feel I feel that for, like, the amount of shit that they put you through. Yeah, like, I feel like a lot of people don't understand, like, how much tension is inside the scrum, dude. Like, it's fucking scary, man. Yeah, like, that's actually a good point to bring up. Like, I think props, like, don't get a lot of love in, like, the fact that they literally have to scrum, whatever, 25 times a game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Like, and go through that every, like, 25 times a game or whatever. Like, and winning those scrums, like, you know what I mean? It's not as pretty as whatever scoring a try or. Yeah. So important, though, man. But, like, yeah, it's a big part of the game. Yeah, man. So, like, that, that fucked me up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah. You're like, I don't want to do this shit anymore. Yeah. But, like like it reminded me of football because like you remember like i mean freshman year like you had your own freshman team so it was fun yeah but then when you went to sophomore year you were like who am i what am i doing yeah am i gonna am i gonna play this position yeah and then as you get older like you might even switch positions and be like wow i actually fucking matter now yeah kind of i'm an important important part of the team yeah but you just gotta stay along for the
Starting point is 00:28:08 ride man yeah i feel that yeah like you did you feel that way you felt like you were pretty patient with the whole like development process uh that's another good question i mean yeah more more more or less like you know the guy i had in front of me was a pretty good player and um he had been there for a few years, so he was older. So I knew my time would come. Like, I think another thing, too, you know, I was, as you say, fat as tits also. So they don't make them as big as us just anywhere, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:36 So I think that was definitely to my advantage as far as the development stuff went. But, like, man, I used to be pissed on the sidelines like at least to my sophomore year of like not getting any time or um you know rams versus jrams shit like that but uh kind of just stayed with it like i said i knew my time would come so just kind of worked so i could be as good as i could when it came yeah i mean i tried to i'm not gonna say i followed you guys because i didn't but i mean i heard about it like you you guys like went to nationals and stuff. Yeah, yeah. That was, you know, that was URI's best year.
Starting point is 00:29:08 We went to D2 nationals. That was a lot of fun in Pittsburgh. Yeah, I was going to say something incriminating about that trip. I probably won't. That trip was a lot of fun though. Yeah, like we had some good times there. But yeah, we ended up facing the, I think, the number two team in the country at the time. We went to a pretty close game with them in the final eight.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I think we made it to Elite Eight, maybe. Maybe the Elite Four. I don't know. Final Four or whatever. But, yeah, that was, like, a lot of fun. That was probably the best year we had there. Yeah, do you feel like a lot of those guys that you played in the tournament do you think they were like uh physically overpowering or do you think it was more of just like they knew how to play the game
Starting point is 00:29:51 um like pretty well i think um hmm i think they some of the i think they're like the the team that we lost to um i think they were kind of just more physically overpowering really and and knew the game pretty well also like yeah um i felt like if we made mistakes we could get away with it maybe in our own division um but they were team like every mistake like i can think of like four or five mistakes that we made where they just capitalized them right away um so i think that was probably like the level they were a lot more well coached yeah um and yeah like definitely like yeah they have kids who are playing the same positions that are like 50 pounds different like um you know i thought i was a pretty big guy at that time it was like 300 plus pounds and they had a kid on the other team who was like 350 plus pounds so um you kind of see
Starting point is 00:30:39 the difference i guess at different levels you know yeah i'd shit myself yeah it was it was no fun it's a funny picture of me tackling him, though, with me literally, like, probably just shitting myself with my eyes closed and my face all scrunched up. Eyes closed and everything. Yeah, dude. They said all you heard was just a big thunderclap when me and him just met. Oh, dude. I would say he'd won that.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He won that battle, though. I'd give that to him. Yeah. Dude, oh, man. I remember that, man. Just the eyes wide shut, dude. Yeah, that's it, you know? Just praying that you're
Starting point is 00:31:05 holding on for dear life like literally just go right for the legs dude hope for the best man dude that was the worst uh and i also will admit i'm a terrible tackler i'm like a big bitch when it comes to tackling really yeah i hate tackling well i feel like sometimes all you have to do is really just make contact yeah that's true though yeah but i'm not like uh i'm like scared i'm like i'm more like an absorbed kind of instead of, like, a move forward kind of guy. Yeah. I mean, that's how, like, a lot. I've noticed, like, that's how a lot of props are.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah, that's true. You don't see a lot of, like, props who are, like, wrestler who are doing. Yeah, that's facts. They're not doing, like, double leg takedowns. No, yeah. But a lot of the people who wrestled in high school were, like, really good rugby players, man. Every time, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:42 You can always tell, too. I think that's, like, another thing. Like, second someone steps on a field and they make like a tackle or a rock yeah you wrestled no i tried to you tried to yeah dude it's funny you say that because we were talking about the uh the 850 club yeah it was like the day of so i remember uh i was doing the clean and i didn't think i was I had to clean 205 pounds. Yeah. And this isn't like clean and jerk, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Like this is like legitimately hang clean. Yeah. 205 pounds. And the first one I missed and the second one, like adrenaline just kind of kicked in and I literally just used my arms. Yeah. And the wrestling coach was watching and he was like, who is this kid? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Like we got it. We need a heavyweight for wrestling. So they told me to go to, like, some wrestling club. Yeah. And I remember going to the first practice in basketball shoes, and they were like, what are you doing? Some dude had to give me, like, his shoes. Yeah. And we just did, like, live wrestling the first day.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And, dude, I can't even explain how fucking exhausting live wrestling is, dude. Dude, it's so fucking tiring, man. That's nuts. Three minutes. So you'd go like three minutes on and then somebody would go and then you'd go again, dude. And I just remember being like, I think I'm actually going to die. This is terrible. I'm going to just puke on this guy like while i'm like here
Starting point is 00:33:06 and it's like the intensity man like you're using every ounce of energy dude for that amount of time it's just like oh dude i give so much respect to wrestlers man i feel that like i didn't end up wrestling uh all that to say yeah talk about the next day dude i literally couldn't move my body i was like what about your neck like i feel that to say, yeah. Talk about the next day, dude. I literally couldn't move my body. I was like, fuck. What about your neck? Like, I feel like that's a big thing, too. Yeah, your neck takes a huge toll because, like, you basically, like, my right arm's around his neck and our heads are fucking rubbing against each other's.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I have, like, my left hand free. And they were basically just like, yeah, man, like, we're just going to have you single leg and double leg. Yeah. And I was going against these fucking fat kids man who weren't mobile at all so like when i was doing single legs and double legs like i was just like so fucking tired yeah yeah and i was trying so hard to get him to the ground but they're just so fucking big dude it's
Starting point is 00:33:56 like it's crazy i got a few of them down but even when i got him down i was like i don't know what to do now yeah you know i'm just laying here just breathing on him, like, trying to get my breath back. People are yelling, just like, lay on him, fucking lay on him. Like, what do you fucking mean? Like, but yeah, man, I remember trying, and I was just like, this is literally the most tired I've ever been. No, I feel that, though. Like, fuck football conditioning.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Fuck all that, man. Wrestling is the most exhausting shit, dude. I would agree, yeah. But if I stuck with it, I probably would have been a way better uh rugby player yeah maybe though just from like the single legs like the double legs yeah just knowing how to use your body i feel like too yeah like i mean definitely like a lot of injuries would have came with it but yeah it's weird man like if you were ever like fighting someone who wrestled oh you'd you'd be fucked. Like I would, I would not.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Like the second that they like went into like a stance, I'd be like, all right, all right. Let's chill out. Let's relax. I don't want to do this with you. I don't want to do this.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'd be like, dude, I'm so fucked right now. Yeah. Like no way. No way. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I learned that. Like, I remember one time in high school, wrestled one of my friends. He would probably weighed 140 pounds at the time. I had a hundred pounds on him. He kicked my ass. man i learned that like i remember one time in high school wrestled one of my friends he would probably weighed 140 pounds at the time i had a hundred pounds on him and he kicked my ass like literally we wrestled he just beat the shit out of me and i was just out of like breathing super hard exhausted and he just like had me in a choke hold and i was like yeah what the fuck
Starting point is 00:35:20 like humbled the fuck out of me though honestly like i was like oh man i'm not just gonna talk shit to i'll never talk shit to a wrestler now like i'm gonna just mind my business over here yeah dude it's not something i want to fuck with honestly no yeah no way like even if i did like somehow sprawl and shit i'd be like if he does this again man no way there's no way i'll do this two times in a row i remember like uh i remember one time in phys ed class, we were walking up to the baseball field. Yeah. And this kid walked up to another kid and just smacked him in the face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 And the kid immediately did a double leg takedown. Yeah. And it was so intense, dude. Yeah. It was on concrete, too. Oh, my God. It happened so fast, dude. I was like, holy.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I was watching. I was like, holy shit. Even the teacher was like, like i was watching i was like holy shit like even the teacher was like let's see what happened oh my god that was like good form that was good technique over there yeah but dude he just held him down like on the ground and this kid was squirming for his life like so uncomfortable because he couldn't do anything dude he's pinned down to the ground instantly regretted that decision i was like dude if i was in that kid's situation i wouldn't even try to get out of that i just be like look man like you won yeah i'm sorry yeah he was just holding him down like smacking him in the face he was like you do that shit again dude i was like dude that's
Starting point is 00:36:37 no way fucking hardcore shit man yeah for real yeah dude shout out to wrestlers man yeah real talk though yeah and they just get like fucking, they get paid shit money. Yeah. You know? They get no, like, coverage of sports or anything like that. Yeah. Like, all that stuff. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:36:52 They're always, like, really nice dudes, too, man. Yeah. So, shout out wrestlers, bro. Because they know. They know they can literally just drop you at any point. Like, all it takes is you say the wrong thing, and you can get dropped. Like, that would be good. Yeah, they definitely, like yeah they definitely like
Starting point is 00:37:05 i feel they must be so used to like the hand-to-hand combat yeah they're just like they're just chillaxed all the time yeah yeah yeah man every like every wrestler i've ever met has been like really like relaxed yeah i've never met one who's just like always pissed off i feel that way about some some combat sports in general like even boxers and like yeah mma fighters and um like people do jujitsu like they're very like not like you said yeah some of them are like hardos that you know are like yeah like just going nuts at all times or 100 but some of them are just very like chill like i know i could beat the shit out of you like i think the i think the hardos are like the white belts yeah they're
Starting point is 00:37:42 insecure that's why they're like they're like look man i just joined the gym bro i can take on the fucking world that's right yeah literally i feel like there's always someone above them who's just like listen man like yeah you know you know what you know what i do okay you've seen it like don't even try me you're a fucking disgrace yeah you embarrass their sport you embarrass it yeah that was kind of like rugby though dude when you saw like some of the kids play you were just like this kid fucking knows what he's doing man like fuck but i just uh yeah i just remember like i was bringing up the overpowering things i remember like the some of the schools you played were like a lot of the military schools and they all like shaved heads and like they were on horse tranquilizers but like i mean we you guys beat
Starting point is 00:38:23 them every time so it was like it was pretty cool to watch i feel that i feel like those those like you know i know we played coast guard and we played norwich which are both like military schools um those dudes were always in shape but like i don't know just never was good as you thought they would be though just like meatheads yeah just like meatheads for sure like um like very simple game plan we're gonna just try to like bully you like it's supposed to like try to beat you um yeah that's like a good point too yeah yeah i just remember that yeah but do you have any like uh i know you're training kids now is that kind of like what you want to you just want to like kind of build on
Starting point is 00:38:59 the the brand uh yeah pretty much i mean like so i do a lot of coaching i'm actually coaching at uri matter of fact i'm the interim head coach right now for the rugby team oh really yeah um there's been a lot of change over there in the last couple years so um yeah i'm just trying like i want to be a strength and conditioning coach like i want to work um hopefully with professional athletes one day but collegiate athletes and high school athletes um is my ultimate goal for all that stuff but how many like uh licenses do you is my ultimate goal for all that stuff. How many licenses do you have to get to do that? I guess there's not a specific number.
Starting point is 00:39:32 There's a couple that you definitely need. One I'm working on right now is to be a certified strength and conditioning specialist. So it's like your CSCS. There's like a college coach certification that you can get. Obviously having a degree helps but people kind of like spit at degrees these days yeah they wipe their ass with them yeah literally like especially in rhode island actually like uh like yeah having a degree in exercise science is kind of a joke like really yeah like they don't people don't really care fuck man yeah what about like kinesiology no i mean people don't really give a fuck like yeah
Starting point is 00:40:05 like you'll be like you'll go somewhere and you'll be like yeah i have a degree and they'll be like yeah but like what else like what else do you have and it's like okay i thought that this uh amount of money that i paid and this this time i spent studying meant something but i guess i'll just go fuck myself like yeah i know a lot of people uh i feel like a lot of people want to be physical therapists yeah yeah and they'll try to uh get like an internship or just like assist yeah like the primary uh physical therapist yeah but i don't know man do you like do you think you trust or you would trust like physical therapists who haven't lifted before uh no fucking way or or or doctors for that matter don't get me on a rant i'll get on a rant about that like you had some injuries where
Starting point is 00:40:50 you're just like i would not like because you know you go to a regular i'm gonna call them a regular physical therapist but like you go to a regular physical therapist and you tell them about injury and they're just like well just like stop doing what you're doing and it's like well you're fired i don't want to work with you now but you don't like you know like i think uh if you're going to be a physical therapist or a doctor or something like that like you have to have played that sport or played sports or done lifting for real otherwise i really can't buy i won't value your advice i don't know if that's like a me thing or no it's a me thing yeah okay good okay yeah appreciate the support on that.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Like, yeah. No, because I've had doctors who said that, like, especially with my knees. Yeah. I would be like, what can I do for now? Yeah. You know, to recover, like for active recovery. And they were just like, nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Nothing. They're like, oh, yeah. So. I'll give you a cortisone shot and call it a day. Yeah, man. They just want that paycheck, dude. Yeah, literally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:44 They just want that prescription paycheck, dude. Listen, I'm telling you, I don't want to turn this into a rant. You're going to get me on a rant. Yeah, it's kind of fucked up though, man. Yeah, it is. But there's definitely a lot of resources now on YouTube and stuff. Yeah, definitely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Some videos I watch and I'm like, you know, I'll do some of the actual recovery and I'm like, wow, dude, this guy deserves more. Actually works. Yeah. Like more recognition and shit, you know? yeah like but eventually they'll get paid i just feel like it's i mean it's worth it in the end yeah i think i think we're definitely seeing that like um you know more as generations are going on science improves whatever like more of these physical therapists have done sport and have done lifting and And that's almost like a, not a requirement,
Starting point is 00:42:25 but like a bare minimum for some of them, at least it seems like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've been looking a lot into like, um,
Starting point is 00:42:32 squat university. That's one thing. Yeah. Shout out, shout out squat university. That's a good, that's a good guy to follow. I don't know who I was talking,
Starting point is 00:42:41 I think I was talking to someone and they, I feel like some of like the big meat heads, they make fun of that stuff.'re like oh what do you follow fucking squat university i'm like yeah dude yeah fucking shit helps me yeah pain free boy you already know yeah hey man it sucks being surrounded by those type of people though who are like afraid to it's like dude it's it's fucking free advice yeah exactly like the dude's already getting paid for his primary you know his occupation like yeah it's not like there's like a fucking catch yeah no yeah he's not like click the link below so i can fucking hack your information like it's just like no he's just giving out free knowledge yeah man and he's actually lifted so it's like
Starting point is 00:43:14 cool to yeah cool to see what he's done dude and worked with real lifters too like he's worked with like some of the strongest guys in the world so yeah um yeah like yeah so the credibility's there even yeah so have you have you been like um i mean i've been working on like or at least trying to work on my mobility yeah like have you been doing the same yeah definitely um you know we're not too old yet but like we're getting to that age where like yeah you know you remember how fun it used to be to just like walk into the weight room and not feel any pain and just like be an asshole. It's not warm up. Yeah. Not warm up at all. Like I miss it so much,
Starting point is 00:43:47 but I can't do it anymore. So try to be more intentional with my warmups and my mobility stuff. I keep seeing like these fucking, these stories dude of like people who, uh, I mean, even like I knew who, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:01 I mean, they're either one, they're just like being meatheads in the gym and like not stretching. And then they'll go out and do something like physically active, like conditioning or something. And they'll fucking blow the shit out of something. Like completely rip the hamstring or something. Like fucking tear both Achilles at the same time.
Starting point is 00:44:18 You're just like, dude, how does that happen, man? So that's why I'm always running, man. I feel that. Because I feel like, dude, I get that you can squat like 500 fucking pounds, but can you run? Yeah, yeah. So that's why I'm always running, man. I feel that. Because I feel like, dude, I get that you can squat like 500 fucking pounds. But can you run? Yeah, seriously. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Can you literally run? Yeah. Like, could you run half a mile even? Like, no. And they can't, though. Especially like the sprinting, dude. The sprinting. If I go like a wild out sprinting and then I've seen some people fucking tear the shit
Starting point is 00:44:41 out of their hips. And it looks like literally like a sniper just picked him off, dude. Like, it's fucking wild, man. Seriously, like, you know, movement is movement at the end of the day. Like, I think people just think that they can kind of just, like you said, like muscle their way into it or just tough guy their way into it. It doesn't really work that way. Like, I've strongly been considering just like not lifting heavy anymore. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Well, I got in a car crash last week dude fucking blew out my back yeah and uh i like i was like kind of upset afterwards yeah and like whenever i get upset like i'll just lift you know i'll just lift it off so um that's when i lifted like the 500 pounds yeah and it wasn't like hard or anything but i was just kind of like where am i going with this yeah you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah so what more can you do even you know yeah from a natural standpoint it's like at some point i'm just gonna fucking herniate the shit out of it i feel that like don't get me wrong like i want to get stronger and stuff i feel like at this age man like like you're already done with powerlifting, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And I guess I could be that guy who was like, fuck it, man. It's not over yet. I'm going to hang on to it. Like, hang on to it forever, man. I think you brought up a good point of like, you ask yourself, like, you know, why am I even doing this? And I don't think most people can answer that. Like, as far as like what they're doing in the weight room or whether that why they're doing powerlifting or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah. While they're doing a certain movement. Yeah, exactly why they're doing powerlifting or whatever like yeah while they're doing a certain movement yeah exactly like if you like it like that's fine yeah but like yeah i mean don't get me wrong deadlifts are like crucial to everything but it's like once you reach a certain weight shit starts to break down yeah and form starts to break down i don't think i've ever done like a heavy squat and been like dude my form was on fucking point. That's the best fucking squat of my life. Like, no, yeah, it doesn't work that way. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Like, yeah. Even, you know, you talk about sprints, like think about like your first sprint versus the last one. Yeah. It's probably way different. Yeah, man. I remember when I first started sprinting and then when I, like the summer months where you get more into it. Yeah. Like, oh, man, it's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yeah, it's different though. It's such such a drastic change man yeah yeah i also don't want to like turn into one of those fucking meatheads dude when i'm older man one of my buddies almost got in a fight at the gym yeah um and he's like uh he's like somebody i wouldn't fuck with you know what i'm saying like he's like a former wrestler like does jiu-jitsu now and i guess like some meathead was uh was squatting dude like a shit ton of weight but he had like a body suit on and everything okay and he was box squatting so it was like not that impressive dude but he had like fucking 700 pounds on the bar yeah so he squats and like he looks at my friend he's like yeah bet you wish you could do that shit oh my god my friend's like yeah i'll fucking kill you why would you go out of your way to say something
Starting point is 00:47:24 like yeah i don't know yeah i wish your friend dropped him that would have been that would have been a way better i guess he like they got like an altercation that had to be broken up but i was just like why would someone ever say that yeah like what like it's like a dude if you're a fucking squatting in a body suit and you're box squatting no one gives a fuck dude yeah i feel like you know what i mean yeah yeah if you were squatting like 600 raw yeah ass to grass i'd be like all right man so the thing though is right that's kind of nuts is like if you're in the powerlifting community and you do powerlifting meets yeah the dudes who wear the suits and everything um not all of them because i gotta say i got friends who do suits i won't shit on you but like yeah shout out yeah shout out shout out them but like some dudes just fucking suck like they're like they try to shit on dudes who do stuff raw and it's like you're
Starting point is 00:48:12 you're i just think you're a loser for that like like you literally have to put on a suit have to put on these wraps um you're it's not more impressive that you're doing that with a suit on as opposed to someone who's doing it without so like just admit that you're insecure you're insecure about that kid who's watching you squat with like your shitty suit and like your half half depth um so like that's why you're trying to call him out at the gym like i don't know the kid of life it's like an insecurity thing yeah that's what i think it's unfortunate man yeah really is like why don't we just why don't you can't just be insecure and lift quietly in the corner like me and John Psyche is what I think And if you are insecure, why can't you just say it? I just said it, you know
Starting point is 00:48:48 Yeah, like after the lift just be like yo, man, I'm insecure like we can we can see how small your penis is in the suit Anyways, so you don't have to like you don't have to compound it and make it worse like it's okay Just hear you say that in the background like sticking up for him dude you suck dude you suck that's an awful squat that's an awful squat like and then so yeah there's very much it's very much like a holier-than-thou community i would say yeah yeah it's uh it's a community like i never got into man yeah and uh one was because i just like i don't something like I feel like just like rugby, like you have to have a certain like mentality. Sure.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Like it never really like stuck with me. It was never something I was like, I want to do that. You know what I mean? Yeah, I hear that. Like if I see people playing soccer, I'm not like I want to play soccer. Yeah. I'm like, I'll watch. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:49:41 Yeah, that's cool. If the ball rolls over to me, I'll kick it back to you. I'll kick it back, man. But I'm not going to join you. You know what gonna join you no i have no desire to do that that's what it was like for me but yeah it was annoying man like it's annoying now when i'm wearing eyes out and i lift heavy and people were like oh dude you're a fucking power lifter i'm like dude don't you i've never never followed a power lifting program yeah i've never power lifted yeah so i'm not a power lifter man i don't act like it either yeah you know what i mean like you're embarrassing me by even asking me that right now yeah man it's
Starting point is 00:50:08 unfortunate but it's just like that one that's like that first judgment call that everyone makes you know like oh he's lifting heavy he must be a power lifter you know what i mean yeah you know like he's wearing a turtleneck he must be gay it's just like it fucking sucks man but it's never something i got into but i was always fucking fucking fascinated with my friends who did it. I was fascinated watching you. One of my buddies who was in the Army came on. He got into it a little bit. But he's just like brutally honest, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:34 He's just like, I fucking love the pain that comes with it. And I'm like, that's deep as shit, man. You should talk to somebody about that. No offense to your friend if he watches, but he should definitely have a conversation with somebody about that no offense to your friend if he watches but like he should he should definitely have a conversation with somebody about that i think he was uh he went on a few tours in the army okay all right all right uh now i feel bad but oh no dude like he's definitely tapped yeah okay okay he comes on the podcast and we're just like you know like we're reminiscing and stuff and afterwards i'm like dude you want to go get a lift in like you're here for a few more days he's like yeah man so we go we go lift and he just starts talking about like the guys who like he was
Starting point is 00:51:11 with on tour that died and i was like oh man dude where was this on the podcast bro what's like yeah man i was like dude you are fucking tapped in the head man you know and he was just like yeah man like shit happens and i'm like what the fuck man yeah what's going on we started talking about powerlifting he's like yeah man i do it for the fucking pain man like i love just fucking i love the pain that comes with it bro yeah you know it's worth it and i was like well it takes a certain mentality man you know yeah more power to you i guess like yeah man like i said uh i you know i'll say it again those people maybe need therapy i don't know if they need gym memberships but uh, uh, you know, whatever works for you
Starting point is 00:51:47 is fine, I guess. Do you, uh, like, do you feel like a little tap though? Like not now, but like say like you're at like nationals and shit and you have to do a big ass lift. Like what's going through your head? Are you just like, cause for me, I'm not thinking about anything. about anything so uh i guess like not tab i i guess the way i did it is i kind of just um i don't know i think a lot about what i have to do like i like like i think the worst thing i would say to myself is don't be a bitch like and say that over and over and over and over like uh um
Starting point is 00:52:21 but other than that like no like you know i i hated i hated when people tried to slap me like you know the people do the slaps on the shoulders i don't know if you've seen that like i have a very low pain tolerance i'll say yeah i have very low discomfort tolerance so like i want to just get the lift fucking over with get it and get the fuck out of there like i didn't want no one to slap me i didn't want anyone to scream in my face like that shit makes me uncomfortable like and so is being under whatever like 500 plus pounds at a bar, you know? But it's like the feeling afterward that makes it worth it. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah, that's how I feel about pretty much everything in life. Yeah, I believe that. That's like specifically like comedy for me. Yeah. Like, dude, I'll take like three shits before I show up, dude. Did you get nervous though? You still get nervous? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Like, i just got in a car crash and i wasn't nervous at all yeah and that kind of threw me off a little bit i'm just like maybe i'm just like not scared of death yeah but dude if i'm about to go up on stage like i'm fucking nervous yeah yeah so i'll take like three shits before i go up and i'm like fuck man like sometimes like at this age i'm just like i just want to fucking get this over with man yeah and if it works out well i'm like it's like the feeling afterwards that makes it worth it like so what do you say so i guess i got two questions like what do you tell yourself before like you run through the jokes you kind of just try to calm yourself down and then like what do you do if it
Starting point is 00:53:37 doesn't go well like how do you feel if it doesn't go well i definitely just set um i set like eight to ten minutes aside yeah for show Just to like run through everything Yeah So like if I'm on the way to the show I'll be like going through my jokes And then the biggest thing beforehand Like that's really important to me Like I remember one time
Starting point is 00:53:54 I had a show at like Mohegan Sun or something Yeah I was still pretty young But I brought like 10 friends And we rented a We got a hotel room Yeah yeah So they were all wicked drunk and stuff
Starting point is 00:54:04 And like having a good time i was like hey you guys have a good time i'm gonna go in my car i'm gonna go in my car right now and just like go through my jokes so like that's always important yeah because it's like dude if you're not gonna practice like you're fucked yeah you gotta have your own process to like go through it you know yeah but the biggest thing that i tell myself is like i literally don't give a fuck and if i do give a fuck i'm like listen man just convince yourself like you don't yeah you don't give a fuck what happens because you have to have that dude yeah you don't have that you're literally fucked that's true so like i'll tell myself dude
Starting point is 00:54:36 just be yourself don't give a fuck but like still be prepared yeah like if you're not prepared you're a fucking imbecile that's true but um yeah yeah, man, I'm just like, you just got to have like really thick skin, man. But it's just like the nerves. It's like the adrenaline. Like I can imagine going up to a 500 pound bar is so fucking nerve wracking, dude. Yeah. But it's like so exciting, too. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:54:58 You don't even know. Like you said, you don't even really know how to feel with it. Yeah. And then I'm sure when you get it up, you're like, holy shit. Like I just did that. Yeah. So I guess like the nerves calm like you know you get that first laugh or something like that or like yeah once you get the first laugh it's it's kind of smooth sailing from there a little bit everything it's like you're in a coma pretty much really yeah yeah but then there's some
Starting point is 00:55:17 where you're like okay yeah it's been three minutes uh haven't gotten anything but at the same time it still kind of levels off you're like hey listen man like it didn't work out like just yeah so like one comic told me he's like dude i'm impressed with how like regardless of what happens you just like continue to go through your shit yeah you know like i could be telling like homeless dudes jokes yeah who don't even know like what's going on yeah you know and they're not gonna get it but i'm still gonna do my shit man yeah i feel that like i've humiliated myself before dude yeah but i always tell myself like you better do your fucking time dude yeah that's right it's like you're not gonna waste this you know what i mean i feel that yeah it's opportunity each time to get better you know
Starting point is 00:55:57 pass or fail yeah like i've been at rap shows doing guest spots long story dude humiliated myself dude people probably couldn't even hear what i was saying yeah and the dj goes it's all right man you don't have to do this and i go dude i'm doing my 10 minutes yeah he's just like all right man you respect like that though you know yeah yeah yeah man it's just like a it's just like a policy i have i'm just like you know don't just go up there for two minutes and be like, hey, it's not working out. I'm just going to give up. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:29 You know, that's like you fucking benching. Yeah. You know, like the second the dude does the lift off, you're just like, I'm done, man. Rack it up. I don't think this is going to go well. It's going to be fun, though. You're like talking to him while it's happening. Yeah. You're like, dude, just rack it.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Just fucking rack it. You know what I mean? Man, on a very serious note, I think that's some professional ass shit you know i think that's gonna get you a lot farther you know not fucking killing every show that you have but like going up and knowing that you're gonna do your thing whether it goes well or not yeah i mean i think that's with everything man yeah like i'm gonna fail a fuck ton dude it's gonna be yeah i'm just trying to like fall in love with the process for sure you know you you got Kobe up on the wall. So, oh, you got Jordan.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I mean, my bad. You got Jordan up on the wall. It's a perfect example of that though. Yeah, man. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, man. I mean, we live in a weird time though.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah. Like, I don't think a lot of people are going to do that. So. No, I feel that. I don't know, man. I feel like you and I both can both do that though. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah. Yeah. Just keep fucking failing. Yeah. I think. Figure it out. People are just like, you know, we live in such like
Starting point is 00:57:26 a reactionary society, like Instagram, Twitter, all that shit. It's all like showing people what's good, not what's great. So like,
Starting point is 00:57:33 you know, once you realize, you're like, oh wait, actually this shit's not any real life. Like this isn't... Like just because you see
Starting point is 00:57:39 people laughing or these big lifts doesn't mean it's what's actually happening every day in training or in your practice or, you know, and every time you're doing a show, so... Yeah, man, I've been reading that book't mean it's what's actually happening every day in training or in your practice or um you know and every time you're doing a show so yeah man i've been reading that book too and it's like yeah yeah yeah i highly recommend reading it man i'm not like a
Starting point is 00:57:52 hardcore david's uh goggins follower but yeah and i don't believe in motivation either i don't somehow agree with you on that i think it's bullshit man i believe that like and i was like oh i'm like maybe it's gonna be some like motivational book Like some bullshit man I get so mad When people put up Like motivational quotes Yeah yeah And they're like This is gonna change
Starting point is 00:58:09 Your fucking life It's like Maybe it'll temporarily Change my mood For like 45 seconds But it will It will leave Like I promise
Starting point is 00:58:18 Like yeah Definitely Like you're gonna Fucking read that quote Yeah Maybe have a salad And then you're gonna Fucking jerk off
Starting point is 00:58:24 And go to McDonald's Yeah Call it a week Like you'll be fine After that but yeah i remember the first the first three pages call my attention dude because he talks about wearing eyes out yeah and then just talks about how motivation is bullshit he's like motivation might be temporary dude but that shit's not gonna last man i feel that consistency is every day you know yeah man yeah it's all like discipline and stuff i feel that for sure and motivation is fucking bullshit well it's okay it's funny you actually even to circle back you asked me the question about like the athletes that i work with do i have favorites like my favorites are the ones that i don't have to motivate like the ones that like i don't have to be like hey like do you want
Starting point is 00:58:56 to work like i said like do you want to work out or fucking not like like i'm i'm gonna be here regardless i want to do this job like if you don't I don't want it more than you. Like, I think people, uh, you know, I'm a trainer, I'm a coach. They think I'm all about like motivation and inspiration. It's like,
Starting point is 00:59:11 no, like I just fucking do it. Like, it's not like I didn't, I didn't wake up today and say a hundred, like, like, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Let's do it. Like, no, it just got up and it felt like shit. I, I ate my, drank my coffee and I did what I had to do. Like all of day you know it's facts dude yeah thanks man yeah all right brother well um let's wrap it up dude all right it was a good conversation man definitely yeah i really
Starting point is 00:59:35 appreciate it yeah i really appreciate it you know it's good to see you man yeah for sure yeah i always knew you had like a really positive vibe to you yeah and we've never had a conversation but i feel like we fucking killed it this is a good one yeah this is a very good first podcast experience yeah yeah man i hope you enjoyed it dude i know this was your first one dude yeah yeah um honestly man i wish you the best though yeah no doubt right near each other so yeah i wish you the best man and uh thanks for coming dude yeah no doubt man keep eating those salami sandwiches all right sandwiches. Fuck yeah.

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