The Livy Method Podcast - Livy Method Day 66 - Winter 2025
Episode Date: March 12, 2025Gina Livy's Facebook Lives from The Livy Method Winter 2025 Support Group hosted on Facebook. This is a recording of the Day 66, 9 AM live. You can find the full video hosted at:'s episode dives into the revamped Food Plan, because it’s about quality, not quantity! Gina breaks down why the 4 Mindful Eating Questions are your best tool for tuning into your body's needs. Gina also talks protein: why shakes aren’t a meal replacement, what you need to know about powders, and how to time your meals around workouts. She also covers how to support your body when you're feeling under the weather, navigating seasonal changes with fresh and frozen veggies, and why MCT oil might just be your new best friend. Wrapping up with strategies for staying on track over weekends and making the most of time between groups.To learn more about The Livy Method or to sign up for the Spring 2025 Program, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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I'm Gina Livi and welcome to the Livi Method Podcast.
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Okay. First things first, because we've had some issues going live in Facebook lately. I am streaming
live from my public page rather than live into our winter weight loss program. So
if you want to make sure you're asking your questions privately, make sure you
watch from inside the winter weight loss group. Alright, now we got that straight.
Okay, so let's talk about where we're at this week. We are following the revamp
hot off the heels of feeding the metabolism last week. So people talking about how they're feeling more full and wondering if
they're eating too much this week with that slight bump up in protein and fats.
First of all, did you catch the conversation with Dr. Paul Herkel
yesterday? We talked about protein. It's not how much you're having at any one
meal. It's making sure that you're getting enough throughout the day. People
who are more active obviously need to get in more because when you're
working out, you're ripping and tearing your muscles and then your muscles need
that protein to repair and rebuild.
Obviously you need muscle in your body because when you eat foods, your body
breaks them down as glycogen and stores that in your liver, in your muscles,
and in your fat.
And if you don't have that muscle mass to store that glycogen, it's going to go to your
fat and that's where you see that weight carrying around your midsection.
So for so many reasons, making sure you're getting enough protein is important.
But with the focus on protein at breakfast, and then now morning snack, you can add protein
to your fruit.
Now, you don't have to, let's say you're eating a whole
apple for your fruit snack. You don't have to eat the whole apple and then add protein on top of it.
Let's say if you eat an apple and some nuts, for example, you can eat half the apple and then add
some nuts to it. So it's not like you're eating more food. You're just being mindful about
the quality of foods that you are consuming, right? This is why counting calories doesn't
make any sense because it doesn't take into account the quality of food where you're getting
those calories from. So you're not eating more food. You're not adding more protein.
You are still asking those four mindful eating questions and making sure you eat enough so that you're walking away
10-15 minutes later feeling satisfied. So make sure you double down on those four mindful eating
questions just with where we're at in the program. Nine weeks in, people tend to drop the ball on
that. You know, you've been asking for so long. Remember you want to keep asking because once
you're done losing weight and you've reached your goal, you want to be able to trust when to eat,
what to eat and how much to eat, right? So those four questions are more than just in the moment
making sure your portions are on point. It's also a bigger picture. It's going to help you enable
you to be more in tune so you can easily maintain and sustain your weight. So again, if you're
feeling like you're eating too much, make sure you're doubling down on asking those four mindful
eating questions. And remember, you're not eating more.
You are just bumping up that protein slightly.
So protein is the focus at breakfast.
And you may very well have been keeping that focus there the whole time.
It's just some people got into what they like, what they love.
So they're eating oatmeal, maybe they've added back their avocado toast, right?
So this is where you want to have the most bang for your buck.
Yesterday, we also talked about protein shakes with Dr. Paul.
You guys, I'm not a fan in the beginning of protein shakes because you got to chew your
Chewed helps you feel more satisfied.
It's hard to gauge liquid nutrients.
Everyone uses way too much fruit and doesn't add the good fat in.
But now the time has come.
But you just kind of, you want to straight up just use that protein powder and kind of top off whatever
you are eating. So it's not like you're replacing your meals with protein shakes or anything,
right? So protein powder can be added in to see if you a little top up on that protein,
but you shouldn't be using it like a meal replacement type of thing. So protein is a
focus at breakfast morning snack. The easiest way to do that is take your fruit snack
that you've already been having and add some protein to it.
Or you can switch it out for something altogether.
You can like have a boiled egg,
you could have some yogurt with some fruit, right?
So you have options.
All of those options are listed in our week nine guidelines.
And then for lunch, lunch and dinner are no different,
except we're switching up the focus.
So at lunch, it used to be vegetables were the primary focus for the next couple of weeks.
Protein is the primary focus.
And then for dinner, protein used to be the focus.
Now vegetables are the focus.
So you shouldn't have to make different meals for these.
It's just a matter of what you're focusing on when it comes to consuming your meals.
And then the afternoon is down from two snacks down to one.
What I love about the fact that you are feeling
so satisfied that you're not even hungry for your snacks
is that you are feeling so satisfied
that you are not hungry for your snacks.
So many people were nervous that when we drop
the two snacks down to one, you are gonna be so hungry.
But this is where you're noticing
you're feeling more satisfied. What you eat matters. Carbohydrates are great. You need carbohydrates. You want
carbohydrates. They're great energy foods. Proteins, in fact, give you a different kind
of energy, a more sustaining and fulfilling type of energy. So with those two afternoon
snacks that are down to one, you can simply do what you were doing before and take your veg snack and add your nut snack.
But you're not adding both snacks together and eating both.
You can do that.
You can have vegetables and you can have nuts and seeds.
You still want to ask those four mindful eating questions.
So you're not eating two separate portions and combining them into one.
You're just taking the components, vegetables and nuts and seeds, and now that's your snack. Or of course, you can have something else. So, a lot of people
talking about how they're feeling a little heavier, a little way down, they're concerned
if they're not getting enough protein, they have to eat more. You want to make sure you're using
quality protein, so then less is more. You want to make sure you're just focusing on protein at your
meals and snacks. When people talk about making sure that you're getting enough, usually that's the referencing
shitty diets where you're starving and depriving yourself and just focused on the calories
that you're getting and not where those calories are coming from.
You really shouldn't have to worry about the amount of protein that you're getting if you
are following the Libby Method food plan and you are making sure
you are making your food choices nutrient rich, which you've been doing all along,
and you make sure you double down on asking those four mindful eating questions.
I'm not sure what you mean by the focus. Does that mean at lunch you eat more protein than
vegetables and at dinner more vegetables? Yeah, than protein. Yeah, and it's not like you're
going to sit there and just eat your protein first and then your vegetables. It's just you want to make sure
that protein is the focus out at lunch. So rather than a salad, for example, with a few
bits of chicken on it, you want to make sure there's a good portion of protein with your
leafy greens and vegetables, right? And not that this is not all salads, by the way. And
so it's really just the focus, making sure you got that quality protein at breakfast,
and making sure you're loading up on those vegetables at dinner. That's it.
What you're going to do is just instinctually eat what you feel is most appealing to you.
So we don't want to be overthinking this. It really just comes down to when it comes to preparing
your lunch and your dinner. That's all. Don't overthink it.
Don't overthink it.
Let me see if I got any questions in the group here.
Again, so I'm streaming from my public page because we're trying to get as many people
as possible because we've had some issues with the lives lately.
Facebook usually is pretty good, but it's been a little glitchy.
Normally they sort things out within a couple of days.
We are doing a workaround for that.
So I'm trying to stream from my public
Facebook page into the private group. So if you want to ask private questions,
you can do that from inside the group. I got eyes on both that's going on right
now. We are also, for the people who can't see the lives, we're gonna repost
the replay with a exclusive YouTube link in the group as well. I want to remind
you though that all of our guest segments, for example,
are in the Livy Method app, which is really super cool. So if you go to the guide section,
it pulls it up. And if you just go down to the guest expert guide, which I'm going to get them
to move that button to the top. If you go down to the guest expert guide, there's all of our
conversations. So the one with Dr. Paul yesterday, Dr. Sean Rice, who I went and saw yesterday, he's amazing.
On Monday, the hormone conversation with Dr. Alinka.
So again, if you have not listened to that hormone conversation with Dr. Alinka two parts
yesterday, it's going to be a game changer.
Don't spend one more day trying to lose weight without listening to that conversation.
It is in the guides.
It is also, you can download
and listen to by podcast. Some of you are asking about bone broth. Bone broth is great.
Bone broth is great. Again, not a meal replacement, not a snack replacement, but you want to drink
or sip on bone broth throughout the day. Honestly, it's so great for you. You can totally do
that. No problem at all. It's a great addition. You can make your own,
you can buy it. You just really want to watch the salt content on any of the broth that you're
having because sodium, high sodium, if you're not drinking enough water, it can cause your weight to
be up a little bit. Again, not real weight gain, but something to keep in mind, but broth is totally
fun. I'm just trying to find where I'm at on my main page here. So I can go in and answer any questions that you have.
Can you find that for me, babes?
I'm logged in under your account, Tony to the rescue.
This is a silly question.
No such thing.
Been craving butternut squash soup
because I've been so sick.
I'm not big on packaged foods anymore,
but I found an organic brown brand with clean,
I'm gonna say natural ingredients.
I wanna have it for lunch.
Would this count as part of my veggies of my lunch.
So first of all, if you're not feeling so hot, we have a whole sickness protocol.
So you can keep your foods nice and light rather than having something like a,
you know, steak and potatoes at lunch.
You're going to want to have something light like soup.
And so whatever makes you feel good, really in this moment, you want to
just focus on feeling better. Try to avoid
obviously high carb foods, any sugary foods. When you're sick, you'll either won't be hungry at all,
so you can keep it nice and light, or you'll be like craving carbs and sugar. That's usually a
call for water. So soup, great. High water content is like perfect to have when you're not feeling
well. And then if you're not hungry, you don't want to force yourself to eat either because your body is just keeping you low energy because it wants to heal. And a lot of people are concerned
that if they're not eating, it's going to cause their body to feel the need to store fat.
There's a big difference between you not eating because your body is telling you you're not hungry
because it's focused on trying to heal you or get a virus out, whatever, and you being fully
functioning and starving and depriving yourself.
So if you're not, if you're not hungry, don't force it.
And if you are hungry, try to follow the plan the best you possibly can.
But soup is a great option at any time.
You will start noticing though, those of you as we, as the days start to get longer and
the sun starts shining, your body is pulling you out of this winter hibernation mode.
Your body in the winter does keep you on slow-mo mode, and then you tend to crave those heavier,
hardier foods.
You're going to start to notice that you feel more energetic, you have more spring in your
step, and you actually start to crave lighter foods like leafy greens, salads, and whatnot.
Again, not that it's all salads, but you'll notice there'll be a difference in your hunger
levels. Great time to focus on fat loss because, but you'll notice there'll be a difference in your hunger levels.
Great time to focus on fat loss because when your body transitions, and we have a post
on that for you today in the group, when your body transitions from winter to spring, it's
naturally looking to go release any fat that it would have stored over the winter time
to keep you warm.
Remember, your body still functions on a very primitive level.
Now you may not have gained weight over the winter,, your body still functions on a very primitive level. Now,
you may not have gained weight over the winter, but your body doesn't care. It's going to
look at your excess fat and going to be, hey, we don't need this anymore. So let's get rid
of it. So great time to focus on fat loss.
I've been eating a lot of spinach, but no arugula waiting for the farmer's market to
eat. Yeah, trying to buy Canadian, which is difficult with leafy greens. So seasonal foods, right? Go into your, we don't have the markets yet. When the markets
come, my goodness, that's amazing place to get your produce. There are other places you
can get it from. I mean, it's tough. Don't forget about frozen. Don't forget about canned
or frozen vegetables, especially like frozen. You can saute your greens. Like I love sauteed spinach.
So if you're having a hard time or it's costing you $15 million for a head of
lettuce or you know, whatever that is, don't forget about the frozen stuff.
That can be a great way.
And you also don't need to be having a salad, right?
It's just getting those light, those leafy greens in.
So you can go for whatever seasonal vegetables are in and then just do like, you know, saute up
some, you know, spinach from frozen, right? So there are ways you can be really economical with
that. I am going to in the group, so many people are asking me about protein shakes. I don't use
them. I don't use them. When I do, I do like hemp protein, like if I bought them in the past, it's a hemp protein or vegan protein.
I find soy protein, whey protein, which is just a milk derivative, a little bit hard.
When you try protein powder, some sit in your digestive system like rocks.
So it's good if you can try a few.
I don't really use them, so I'm not really up on them.
Dr. Paul gave us, he talked about he talked about, you know, what did
he talk about whey protein, talked about plant protein and give us some options. I added
them in that, in that protein shake post yesterday. So they're in there if you missed that. Or
it's today. Is that today? Is that that might be today. But what I'm going to do is going
to do a share page in the group. So if anyone's listening, Kim, anyone's in the group, Kelsey,
I want to create a protein
powder share page where you guys can share your favorites.
And if you want to know kind of what proteins, what protein powders people are using, again,
you don't need to add in protein powder.
Someone also asked me yesterday, I thought it was a really interesting question.
They're starting to be more active in adding in exercise.
And from our conversation with Dr. Paul yesterday, we were talking about how much people need.
And there's like a standard, right?
So there's a math equation for that.
Where did I write it down?
There's a math equation for that.
But usually anywhere from 80 to 100 grams of protein.
And it was talking about how, you know,
if you're someone who's active and going to the gym
four to five times a week, you might need more.
And if you're not really all that active,
you might need less. I mean, this is why numbers just are not a way to go when it comes to
try to lose weight or figuring out what your body needs at the end of the day.
But someone asked about if they're working out, what do they do? Do they need to add more protein?
In general, if you're just following the program, we know it's not about what you're eating at any
one meal. And this goes for workouts too, right?
As your body starts to give you more energy, you start moving more, maybe thinking about joining a gym, lifting some heavy weights, whatever.
You don't need to eat anything different before and you don't need to eat anything different after.
And you have to remember this whole protein shake, protein bars, meal replacement things,
all the stuff that they're telling you to take before and after workouts.
If you're not a professional athlete, probably don't need them.
And also that's a whole business of people trying to convince you that you do.
And studies have shown it's not what you're eating before or after taking any special
It's how you are feeling your body day in, day out throughout the day.
So you don't really need to eat anything different before a workout or after a workout.
But what you can do is that you can kind of time your foods differently. So if you're working out
in the evening, try eating before your workout, then try eating after your workout. Or you can
have a bit of your dinner before your workout and a bit of dinner after your workout. So play around
with it and kind of figure out what works best for you. Same thing in the morning. If you're
choosing to work out in the morning, if you eat and then do a workout, you're
not using the energy from that food to work out.
Your body is using the energy that's been previously stored for a workout.
Chances are if you eat, unless you're eating an hour and a half before a workout, it's
not really doing anything for you.
So let's say it's eight o'clock, I eat something, I come down to my workout area, I do a workout, my body is using the food that has been previously stored and
chances are as I'm working out, my body's not even really focused on processing my food.
So when I'm done working out, my body is going to start to process and digest that food that
I ate before my workout. So just play around with the timing. Just play around with the
timing on that.
You guys are talking about yogurts, right? Yogurt is great. So you can start adding in yogurt.
You can do things like yogurt and fruit.
You just want to make sure that you are, you know, it's more yogurt, less fruit, that type of thing.
Nothing wrong with fruit.
There are some yogurts that are better than others.
I'm not a fan of low fat, no fat yogurt, because a lot of times when they take the fat out,
they're changing the consistency of yogurt.
So there are some really great yogurts out there that have a good protein content for sure.
I'm down nearly 20 pounds this round.
I was at the grocery store and I picked up
two 10 pound bags of potatoes.
Wow, I thought I was carrying this around with me.
No wonder I was tired.
What an eye opener, good lesson for me visual.
We get this a lot, especially when people are like,
especially people lost 50, 60 pounds
and then they have to carry their luggage when they're traveling.
Or I love this, you went and you got two 10-pound bags of potatoes and yeah, you're carrying
that around.
Isn't that incredible?
Like that sometimes you need a reference like that to be like, oh shit.
This is like when people talk about, I've only lost five pounds.
Go to your grocery store and literally pick
five pounds of butter out of the fridge and stack that shit up.
Take a photo of it.
And then you're like, wow, that's a lot.
And so because with the living method, you're losing weight in layers, which is great and
good for your skin.
Like we talked about with Dr. Rice on Monday, you might not notice it in other diets where
you starve and deprive it off.
You get that quick hit
of that loss and usually comes from certain areas like your face or your boobs or your butt or
whatever and people are like, wow, you lost weight and you feel like you've lost so much weight because
you've lost so much in certain areas. So with the living method, it's like you're losing a layer.
So if you take that five pounds of butter and smear it all over your body, it's not really
going to amount to much, but it actually is quite a bit. Can you talk a bit about MCT oil? I'm not using
it as a supplement, but see that it's on the supplement list. Check it out. It's really
high in fat. So is it something we cook with? I heard Dr. Paul talk about it. Okay. I have
MCT oil right in it. You know, one of the things about the supplement conversation is
that we used to go supplement by supplement
by supplement.
Now we have a more generalized conversation about it.
I think sometimes that's not really doing our supplements justice because again, the
Living Method is not a supplement program.
We don't sell them.
Yeah, I mean one day we might have our own, but you don't have to take them to be successful.
They really are things that can be beneficial and help you.
One of the things that we talk about amongst other things is MCT oil.
So MCT oil was all the rage. Gosh, 20 years ago, how old am I?
One, two, 30, 50, 20, 15 years ago. 15 years ago MC, so I used to use it when I used to help bodybuilders.
And it works like a thermogenic. It just goes
straight into your liver. It gives you a great energy boost. It's high in fat, so it's great
for the brain. It's derivative from coconut oil, but not actually like drinking. It's
not the same as coconut oil. right? So it's a derivative of it. And
so this kind of, I hate to say thermogenics, it's because you think thermogenics, you think
the old hydroxy cuts, thermogenics like hydroxy cut would just like increase your heart rate
and therefore then you would just burn more. That's not what you want because you don't
want to have a heart attack. But MCT oil is really great, especially when you're stressed
out, high stress, it's a good energy kick.
So what people were doing, and you don't hear people talking about it so often, but they
did this sort of this, this MCT oil or it was called, what was it called?
What was that brand that did the MCT oil?
What was it?
And they used to like, they used to call the coffee something bulletproof.
So they just call it a bulletproof coffee.
But bulletproof was actually just the brand, the company that made MCT.
You can get MCT oil from anywhere, your health food store.
And they called it a bulletproof coffee.
And so what you did is you took your plain black coffee and then you added grass-fed
butter in it, which you can just use cream.
I mean, you can also use lots of people but butter in their coffee.
And then they added the MCT oil.
And so this is really great for that added extra energy, that thermogenic effect.
And if you're stressed out, it can be great.
Whether you're high stress or you're just a busy mom, it's great, kind of calms you
You do not, however, want to use too much.
And a lot of people will think, oh, shit, this stuff is going to help me lose weight. So let me guzzle the whole bottle. You really want to be mindful because it is a liquid
and it is an oil that used to start less as more, but this is a great addition. It's something
actually we don't talk enough about. It's a great addition. Now you can also drizzle this on a salad
dressing. You don't want to cook with it because once you heat it, it loses its beneficial
properties. It is a fact, but it's not a fact that's going to make you fat. It's a fat that's going to help you lose fat.
Also, did you guys see that post today in the group? So you know how you can put it
in your tea if you want, green tea, you can put it in your tea or your matcha. I don't
know what the consistency would be like, but yeah, you could totally do that. I actually
just started drinking matcha. I'm drinking a coffee right now, decaf, but Tony made me a matcha. So
Within Us has a really good matcha with collagen. So I'm trying to up my collagen and get my
matcha in. That's really good for you. What was I going to talk about there? Oh, so Dr.
Paul, yesterday we talked about the difference between weight loss and fat loss. I know we
talked about this a lot, right? This is why if you lose 10 pounds on the living method, it's going to look like 20 pounds on any other diet because you're
losing weight in a healthy way by giving your body what it needs, which hits different,
which looks different, which hits different. But what does that actually mean? And I've
talked a lot about it, but I broke it down and I created a post for you yesterday. It's
not the funnest, but it's informative. And just the difference between fat loss versus weight loss and then
all the ways that when following the living method, you're actually focused on fat loss
over weight loss.
The formula, yes, the formula that you got was a larger number, 175, but it said, so
that's kilograms. I'm trying to find the math that he did so I'm not
a math person it was let me find it someone should know it was like point something I've got so many
notes all over the place anyway I did mine it's like times it okay so you take your weight no no
that was kilograms take your weight you take your weight mine's 130 you divide it by 2.5. So that's going to give you kilograms times
point eight. I
don't know.
Get it for you.
I don't pay much attention to numbers and proteins because everyone's a little bit different and with the living method
you don't actually have to count or any of those things. But your number should be like
between like 80 and 100. They're saying 100 grams.
If you follow any of the menopause gurus,
they're all saying 30, 30, 30.
30 grams at breakfast, 30 grams at lunch, 30 grams at dinner.
That's so standard.
That's a minimum recommended.
You may need more if you are, like you said,
if you're going to the gym and you're lifting those heavy
weights, and you may need a lot less.
And eating extra protein isn't beneficial for you isn't isn't
beneficial for you, right? So what I will do point eight,
that's what he said, thanks. Thanks, Randall. So you take
your weight 130, for example, and you divide that by 2.5.
Where are we with my calendar? So we go 130 divided by 2.5
calendar. So we go 130 divided by 2.5 times 0.8 equals, no that's not it, it wasn't 0.8, times 1.5 if you exercise. Okay times 0.8 if you don't exercise, so mine's coming in at 41 and 1.5 if
you do exercise, divided by 2.5 equals, times 1.5 equals 78.
It was times 1.5.
That's what he said.
So let me clear that up again.
You take your weight, mine is 130.
You divide it by 2.5 to get kilograms and then you times that by 1.5.
Everyone got that?
Should I make a little post for you?
I'll make a little post for you.
Mine is 78, right? Now I make a little post for you? I'll make a little post for you. Mine is 78. Right? Now, I did a little workout today. I didn't do any heavy weights. So on
a day that I'm lifting heavier weights, I might need a little bit more. Is it 2.2? All
right. Fine. Fuck. 2.2. This is why we do not need math. Y'all. This is why we don't.
I also am dyslexic in math. I'm not saying that as a joke. I legitimately am dyslexic This is why we do not need math, y'all. This is why we don't.
I also am dyslexic in math.
I'm not saying that as a joke.
I legitimately am dyslexic in math.
And I think that's how I kind of stumbled upon.
I'm just not doing, I'm not doing, I'm not doing counting calories and all of that.
There we have it.
It's 2.2.
So you take your weight, you divide by 2.2 times it by 1.5.
Yes, please make a post.
We're making a post. We're making a post.
Hi, Sally. Good morning. I'm finally realizing that being a bit hungry in the evening is no
reason to camp out in the pantry. It is not because I'll tell you why, because it is normal
to feel extra hungry heading into the evening after eating all these nutrient rich foods right
before your weight's about to drop. Like that's such a thing right? And now if you're craving
carbs and sugar maybe you need to jack that water up but really by the end of
the day your body is tired especially when you're following the living method
and you're eating so much your body's like girl I don't I'm not interested I
don't want to eat any more food. Digestion takes a lot of energy I want
to wind you down so you can get a good night's sleep so I can repair and
rebuild. So this is where your cortisol levels start to drop, right?
Cortisol levels got you jacked up through the day,
you got good energy, they start cortisol levels start
to drop, melatonin levels start to rise,
it sets the stage for you and says,
it's nighty night time, go to bed, go to bed.
But we stay up, right?
We're still doing work, we're watching TV,
we're on our phones. We're getting
dopamine hits by scrolling, all of that. And so it makes sense. Our body's like, yo, you
still up? Are you hungry? Like, what's going on? You're like, no, I'm going to bed. Sometimes
you have to talk yourself through it, right? But because your body is not naturally inclined
to be hungry in the evening, especially if you've eaten throughout the day, because it
wants you to sleep. It wants you to sleep. Like sleep is the foundation of health. And so if you are hungry heading into the evening,
that's usually a sign your weight is about to drop the next day. So you definitely don't want to be
eating them. But let me read what you have to say. Not sure exactly what has helped curb late night
snacking, but wow, the scale is now moving. It's a game changer. Sometimes it's because your cravings
were residual or out of habit. If you had the habit of snacking at night and then you get
triggered, whatever you do after dinner, maybe you would have a cookie and a tea. I remember
my parents did that all the time. Every night after dinner, they'd have some tea and then have a
little cookie. So that's where you might crave something sweet after dinner and that's hard to
Or if you're used to having a snack in the evening, right?
You're watching TV, you have a snack, you go for a walk, you have a snack.
Just by habit, you get triggered by that snack.
Plus, you know, we can get triggered by what we see.
Triggered if you're stressed, if you're stressed, normally you'd eat something to manage your
stress, right?
So there's a lot of reasons why we're hungry, we feel actually hungry in the evening.
So just time, time with where you're at, right?
And time with just like sometimes sitting that uncomfortableness of like not having
it and then when you click, how much better you feel the next day when you don't snack
at night and you really grab onto that feels, you're just like, okay, I might want to snack
but man, I feel so much better. I feel so much better when I don't eat.
Then you're just like click, click, click.
And then that's your association, right?
That's you think, oh, I eat and I feel like shit tomorrow.
Let me read what you said.
I'm not sure exactly what has helped curb the late night cravings, but wow, the scale
is now moving.
Sending out hugs to others who've struggled with evening snacks.
It's hard, but not impossible to figure things out. All the nutrient rich foods throughout the day and recommitting to all the
water is critical. Now down 11 pounds." Yeah. Oh, that was a good conversation with Dr. Paul
yesterday. Man, and yesterday with Julie. So it was really interesting. Julie's got a great story.
She's our real people, real journey conversation yesterday and guest and interesting because
she signed up for three programs.
Then she's just like, this isn't working for me.
She never made it past, I think, day between, she quit sometime between day 50 and day 70.
Then she was talking to her sister who initially introduced Lana, who introduced Julie Julie to the Libby Method.
She said, you know, it's just not working.
Lana called her out and said, you know, like, is it not working or is it just not doing
the work?
Basically, you can't say it's not working when you haven't been showing up and doing
the work.
Then she's like, okay, I'm going to commit, do all the things.
Then she's hugely successful, did the full program.
Now she's continuing her journey.
Dr. Paul also said to us, I said, what are the, what are the things that
stop people from losing weight?
And he's like, what do you see?
What are you talking to?
Cause he talks to people who've done the Libby method.
He's like, I see people, they sign up for their first program.
They're so excited.
Or this could just be people who sign up for the first program.
They're so excited in the first few weeks.
And then they do really well in their first program.
And then the second, third program, you know, life starts to get in the way.
You know, it seems kind of like, you know, I got to keep doing this. You know, a lot of people are the second, third program, life starts to get in the way.
It seems kind of like, I got to keep doing this. A lot of people are asking me, for example,
because our next program is in spring. And I'm like, oh, do I just like, what am I doing?
Am I just doing it all again? And I'm like, yeah, fucking right, you are. Because that
two weeks that you spent downsizing, working on your food waste issues, working on food
scarcity issues, getting used to leaving food on your plate, that did nothing.
That did nothing to break through 30, 20, 30, 40 years of cleaning your plate, right?
Splitting up the meals and snacks, you know, the feeding metabolism, like those two weeks are great,
but that did nothing compared to like how low your metabolism based on all the diets you've done,
right? So each time is an opportunity to level up even more.
But you're going in with a whole new body and mindset.
So the things that you worked on last time are probably not the things that you need
to work on this time.
And sometimes people get stuck on that.
Well, last time I did this.
And this is where seasonally too, things are really important.
Because for example, we'll have people do the spring summer program, and they'll be
eating more fruits and more veggies and salads, right? And then when they sign up
for the fall program, they continue with that, even though they're craving heavier, heartier
foods, they're craving fatty meats and potatoes and soups and stews. They're like, no, no,
no, no, last time I lost my weight, I was eating salad, so I'm going to eat salads.
Well, that worked for you because it was a spring and summer. And now it's the winter, you want to give your body those heavier, heartier foods, right? So sometimes
we get stuck. Life gets in the way, doesn't make it easy for us. Sometimes we get stuck
on what we did before. Sometimes we get stuck because we get stuck on where we're at with
our issues and associations or like our beliefs or, you know, so we got some deep shit that
we're working through. And sometimes that keeps us stuck, you know? So I love this kind of like, all right, let me show up sometimes that keeps us stuck. So I love this
kind of like, all right, let me show up fresh and new each day. I love a good fresh start. I love
the fresh start of each new program. Love that, right? But let's make a fresh start to each day.
Where am I at? Open your eyes in the morning, be like, how do I feel today? What's my energy like?
What's my appetite like? What do I need? Meet yourself where you're at. You know what I mean?
So I love this So I love this.
I love this.
And you're so right, Sally, that nighttime is so hard for some people for so many reasons,
but you get used to feeling really good.
What are you doing between programs?
So we got you covered.
So the living method, just like any other diet, you're going to start it and you're
going to do as many programs as you need until you reach your goal.
Then if you want and you're interested, we have a whole maintenance program, which I
think is so worth doing, by the way, we want to make sure not only you lose your
weight, but you are able to maintain and sustain your weight. So that does leave us with gaps
in between program, which I think are really great. So first of all, you might just need
one program to lose your weight. So all you have to do is sign up for one, or you might
need 10 programs to lose your weight because some people have more weight to lose than
others, right?
And so everyone is a little different.
So I love that you can kind of scale and do as many programs as you need.
Each time you do it, it works just as well.
It works just as well.
Your experience though can be a little different because you're actually making changes in
your body.
So what you experience first time tends to be more physical.
Second program, it tends to be more mental. Second program, it tends to be more mental.
Third program, mind, body, and then moving forward from there is just really individual
and what you need to work on and where you're at at the end of the day.
We've had people do one program and we have people who are on their 20th program.
Again, some people have 10 pounds to lose, some people have like two, 300 pounds to lose.
Everyone's a little different.
In between programs, so at the end of the programs, we have another couple, we have
another tweet coming up called personalize the plan.
It is not you doing your own thing.
You're still very much following the program.
And so it's called personalize the plan.
It helps you get even more into into your body's needs.
I'm not going to get into it now, but it's still very much it's doing all of the things.
And so in between groups, you're going to personalize the plan, but we're going to make
sure you're set up and you're super clear on how to do that.
And it's great practice to not have the group, the structure of the group, to just see what
you got, to see what you learned, to kind of do it on your own.
And you're going to learn a lot from that in that timeframe.
And then you're going to take what you've learned from that break period and you're
going to bring it into the group, right?
Because the structure of the program is really great.
The support, the guidance, all of that.
But at some point, you're going to have to move on with your life and trust yourself
and the choices that you're making.
So these little mini breaks are strategic.
So I love the structure of individual programs three times a year.
When do people want to lose weight?
In the fall, right? In the winter, in the winter, in the new year, and in the spring. So it hits all the major
points, right? And that's these gaps in between our strategic, where you just need to step back.
You need a bit of a break and you're like, let me see what I got on my own. And two weeks,
five weeks, not long enough for you to gain any weight back. So you don't have to worry about that.
We are actually working on a yearly program.
Some people know that they're going
to be in it for a little bit longer.
And one, they want to pay monthly,
although the $99 is super amazing for the value
that you get.
For some people, they just want to pay monthly.
They don't want to have to worry about signing up
for programs again.
And we are looking into a Bridging the Gap program.
And so if you are looking for some sort of
structure where there is support in between programs, not guided support, but a place where
you could pop in and ask any questions if you need. So that's what we're working on. That's what we're
working on. Light bulb comment. If you're not focusing on following the program on the weekends,
you're only doing 57%. Yeah. So although there is nothing you can do on a weekend,
that can't be undone by getting right back at it. You do want weight loss is based on momentum.
So you do want to be mindful. Take a look at, so the last month of the program, a lot of time to
lose a lot of weight. Take a look at your social calendars, right? The patios are going to open,
you're going to want to get out and about. Maybe you've got some nice spring weddings coming up.
Take a look at your social calendar. When am I going to want to keep my shit together to create wiggle room for the times where
I know I'm going to want to be indulged?
So take a look at your social calendars.
That's really important.
And absolutely, if you're just doing Monday through Thursday, and then Friday, you start
going off the rails, Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, get your shit back together on Monday,
like that's two steps forward, three steps back.
That's your work in 57%.
57%. 57%.
If your kid got 57% in school,
you probably wouldn't be very happy with that.
I know, I know, I know, I know.
Sometimes it's just a matter of framing things, right?
It's just a matter of framing things.
Let me see if I got a couple more questions here.
Last few years, I've been on the struggle bus
with my mom's passing.
Hi Joyce.
Uh, and emptiness syndrome.
Yeah, I bet.
I've been really, really struggling.
I know the program.
I know it works.
So I just have to get back on.
I follow you all the time.
You're a true inspiration to me.
Just got to get back to focusing on me.
Thank you for everything.
You know, it's so hard.
You know what I love?
Let's just talk about how the fact that you're still listening, there's so much good information. Our guests alone are worth the price of admission.
Honest to God, our guest experts, how they just freely share. What's really cool about
our guest experts is they know exactly what you're doing. They know exactly what you need
to hear. They understand your struggle. And they're so straight, right? They're straight
talkers. That's what I love it about our guests.
If you are just, and this was really important, and we talked about this, we've talked about
this before with capacity.
You know, we're just, you have time to do it.
You just don't have the capacity right now.
But can we just talk about how you just being here today is enough?
Just you listening, that's enough.
You're learning.
Like, and so when you are ready to get back at it, you're coming back with all this knowledge.
So just listening to the guest experts enough.
Just listening to me is enough.
Just doing the little things that you can do.
If you just drink your water today, that's enough.
If you just drink more water today than you did yesterday, that's enough.
If you just don't eat the chips, that's enough.
Forget about having to follow the
food plan and all the things. Right? If you just eat half the chips that you normally
have, that's enough. And so I think sometimes we put pressure on ourselves to get back,
get back on the track. Right? You can kind of walk alongside the track for a little bit.
You can jump on for a little bit and jump off that. Like sometimes I think that I don't
know that concept of back on track. I think is a great visual.
Get back on the path, get back on the track.
Um, you know, it's just sort of kind of like you're off, you've off, you've
back on the road, right?
You're headed to Disneyland and now you've just sightseeing visiting
families, had something, had an accident.
So you're just taking a minute before you get back.
Something's happened.
Something very tragic has happened.
So everything has shifted in your life.
Who the fuck are you now?
Like it's a big shift.
Your mom's no longer there for your go to.
I can't even imagine that.
Your kids don't necessarily need you in the way that they do.
Same thing.
I got my son.
He's 17.
And I'm just like freaking out because I know he's going to go off to school next year.
And I'm thinking, am I going to regret not spending more time with him? Like, what am I? Oh my God, freaking out.
And meanwhile, I know they're going to be back. Tony thinks they're never going to leave,
right? But still the thought of that, and they just don't need me as much anymore.
And so that really messes you up. Who are you now? And so, you know, I think what happens when the
people in our life pass away, it shifts our who we are and
how we function in the world and also our vision for the future.
When you thought you had more time and you had based your whole life around, I saw this
with my kids when their dad died, my son especially.
I think he just didn't understand a future without his dad.
And then when his dad died, and even though Tony's amazing and he's a great father, and
he's got that father figure,
I think he never expected that he would have a life without his dad.
It really shook him up.
He just felt lost.
He kept saying, I feel lost.
I feel lost.
I'm like, is your dad died?
And he's like, no, it's something bigger.
I feel lost.
I mean, because your whole vision of who you were has changed.
And so that takes a lot.
So here's what you do.
You don't focus on the diet.
You focus on what is your life vision
for yourself? How do you want to see yourself a year from now? How do you want to see yourself
five years from now? How do you want to feel when you wake up and go to bed? What are some
of the things that you want to do? What do you like? A lot of times we spend a lot of
time taking care of people. We forget who we are. What do you like to do? We had a team
thing the other day, a building thing, and they're like you what do you like to do? We had a team thing the other day, a building thing, and they're
like, Oh, what do you like to do? And I'm just like, work? I
don't know. What do I like to do? Thank God I started golfing.
So now I can say I like golfing. Right. But what are other
things I like to do? I want to I want to take some horseback
riding lessons. I want to learn a couple languages. Because I
realized like golf is great. But what else do I do? I don't I
just work all the time. Right? And it doesn't have
to be golf or horseback riding. It could be knitting. It could be needle felt. It could
be reading a book. It can be meditation. It could be yoga. It doesn't have to be things
that cost money. But you need to take some time, I think, and be like, who am I? What's
the kind of person I want to be? I envision my life. What's that going to look like? Am
I going to get up in the morning? Am I going to go for a walk? Am I going to start journaling? How do I want
to feel?
And so this is sort of like, how do I want to feel? You want to feel healthy. You want
to feel like you have energy. You want to feel lighter. You want to live lighter. That's
our new slogan, you guys live lighter. And it doesn't just mean on the scale. It means
live lighter in your life. Right? Have the confidence to do the things that you want
to do, have the energy to do the things that you want to do, have the energy to do the
things that you want to do.
So, so I think in spending time thinking about that, you'll naturally want like think about
the energy of that.
It's very forward moving rather than the pressure of get back on the track on the trip.
It's got no energy.
Like it's got no movement.
Get on the track, get back on track.
What the fuck does like, what does that mean?
Follow a set of rules and guidelines.
Do you know what I mean? Like that's, it's not really got that energy that's
going to move you and you need something big that's going to move you because this is a
big thing you're dealing with. You need an equal and opposite reaction. So you just look
at that food plan every day. You're going to be like, okay, all right, let me get my
protein in. Let me get my snack. You're going to feel like you're just going through the
motions. Now that is one way to do it. Sometimes people are A type people and they're like, I'm going to do this.
This is what I'm doing.
They go through the motions and the next thing you know, through going through the motions,
you actually start to feel better.
So you got to find what motivates you.
But sometimes the pressure of getting back on track is not what motivates you.
If you're an A type person, follow the rules, follow the guidelines.
You're good to go.
Get yourself back at it.
Other people, it's more complicated than that.
But let's just start with the fact that you're here is enough.
The fact that you are here is enough.
Yes, it made live lighter one of my daily intentions.
Yes, so we have a really super cool marketing plan that's coming out that I think really
encompasses how we want people to feel when they're losing weight.
And we got an opportunity to hang out with some of our members.
It was so great. Over onto my Instagram account, I did kind of like a little walkthrough.
We got some more stuff to show you, but I'm really excited about where we're at.
This is why we want to share the Living Method with the world. I got to go. I got to go. So
I'm not going live tomorrow because I'm headed to Montreal for the Canadian Obesity Summit.
because I'm headed to Montreal for the Canadian Obesity Summit. So I'm going to go hear what's new in obesity research.
This is really important to us.
Ruth's going to be there.
So Ruth has been studying the Libby Method.
She did an e-presentation at the Obesity Summit
a couple of years ago in Whistler.
And we proved that the Libby Method works.
People are losing more than a clinical amount of weight.
The Libby Method is so healthy for you.
There's no downside.
It is a major player.
It is a major player when it comes to weight loss.
But now we're trying to prove that the Libby Method works
for sustainability.
So Ruth has been studying the people in maintenance.
People have been able to maintain and sustain their weight.
And one of the things she's found
is what you are doing while losing weight,
what you are learning, the skills that you are acquiring
that help you when it comes to maintaining and sustaining your
So she has a poster of hers, which is her findings has been accepted into the European
obesity summit in Malaga, Spain next fall.
So just like mind blowing.
Next thing you know, we're going to be doing our clinical studies.
Anyway, I'm really excited about that. I'll be going live Friday.
I'll just go live Friday quickly just as a touch in from Montreal,
but I'm in transit tomorrow.
So not be going live Thursday, but I'll see you Friday.
Make sure you also reach out.
Let us know if you've got any questions.
We use the Living Method app.
This has got that great AI feature in it.
So if you've got any, that's a calculator,
which we don't need when following the Living Method.
No reason to count and weigh and measure.
Open up that living method app.
You can use that AI and ask all the questions they need.
Have a fantastic day, everyone.
If you want to join Kim and I in the group today, we're going to get together for our
tweak this week conversation.
So we're going to talk about the revamp this week.
Also spoiler alert more next week.
So we're going to talk about that.
So if you want to more insight into the rhyme and the reason behind the changes
that you're making this week, or you want to hear some of the frequently asked
questions that we're going to answer, join us today for that segment. Otherwise,
have a fabulous day everyone. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.