The Livy Method Podcast - Livy Method Day 68 - Winter 2025

Episode Date: March 14, 2025

Gina Livy's Facebook Lives from The Livy Method Winter 2025 Support Group hosted on Facebook. This is a recording of the Day 68, 9 AM live. You can find the full video hosted at: this episode, Gina dives into the power of setting intentions and end-of-day reflections, fresh from the Canadian Obesity Summit in Montreal with Dr. Ruth Kane. Dr. Ruth shared insights on what people are truly learning while losing weight and how repetition helps rewire the brain for long-term success. Gina unpacks the shifting conversation around calorie counting, the critical role of protein, and why science is finally catching up with The Livy Method. For those repeating the program, she encourages a closer look at personal growth and necessary adjustments. With seasonal transitions impacting hunger and energy, Gina breaks down the importance of tuning in to what the body actually needs—including the protein shake debate. Plus, a heads-up on the Liv Lighter ad campaign and what’s ahead as Back on Track rolls out next week!To learn more about The Livy Method or to sign up for the Spring 2025 Program, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Gina Livi and welcome to the Livi Method Podcast. This is where you'll have access to all of the live streams from my 91 Day Weight Loss program. With a combination of daily lives, guest expert interviews, and member stories, there is something new almost every day. Miss the Morning Live? Want to relisten to one of our amazing guest experts? Well, this is the place.
Starting point is 00:00:23 This podcast is hosted on Acast, but it's available on all podcast platforms, including the one you're listening to right now, Spotify, Apple, and Amazon Music. It is time to take a minute out to hear from our podcast sponsor today, which is another podcast actually, the new wellness podcast from Audible.
Starting point is 00:00:42 It is hosted by Chrissy Teigen. It's called Self-C hosted by Chrissy Teigen. It's called Self-Conscious with Chrissy Teigen, where she's providing a safe space to embrace the twists and turns of personal growth, one conversation at a time. And she has some really great guests that she's having these conversations with, like Mel Robbins, Adam Grant, Gabby Bernstein. These are some of my faves. So she's inviting listeners to learn life-changing new skill sets alongside her and her guests to discover powerful new ways of understanding ourselves. I like that.
Starting point is 00:01:12 That's right up our alley. Self-conscious with Chrissy Teigen, expand your self-awareness, gain valuable insights and become more self-conscious. You can go to slash Chrissy, C-H-R-I-S-S-Y podcast or wherever you get your podcast from and start listening today. Hi everyone. Good morning. Happy day 68 of the program. Also happy Friday. I was just in the group while I'm in the group right now and I was reading some of the comments. Can I just say how much I love and respect those of you who are setting your intentions
Starting point is 00:01:44 every morning in the check-in video. I mean, at the end of the day, that is for you. If you haven't been setting intentions, end of day reflections, it's not too late. In fact, it's not too late to do any of the things that you can do to be proactive. We are, I hate to say winding down the group because we go right to the very last day. We like to finish stronger than we started. But the reality is many of you are going to be back in our next program and it's a real
Starting point is 00:02:10 it's really just a continuation of your weight journey. So it's never too late to start doing the things and making the changes that you can make right now today that are not only going to help you actually lose your weight, but going to help you be able to maintain and sustain it. So if you haven't been setting your intentions each day, this is something we talked about really early on and setting your intention is just kind of waking up and declaring these are the things that I'm going to pay attention to today. These are the things I'm going to try to do today. Whether
Starting point is 00:02:42 you make a list, you say it out loud, you write in a journal, you put it in the app or you post it in the group. What that does is it brings it to the forefront of your mind and it's just kind of reminding you. Okay, drink a little bit more water. Got to move get my supplements in try to be more in the moment whatever that is and then end of day reflections is is the same but different end of day reflections is just taking a minute and be like,
Starting point is 00:03:05 okay, I'm on this mission. I set these intentions in the morning. How did I make out? Well, I got some water in. Okay, what can I do tomorrow to make sure that I get more water in? So bring a water bottle with me, maybe set an alarm. What did I do really well today? That's really important to, just take some time
Starting point is 00:03:26 being like, oh, I was super consistent with my meals and snacks, I made an extra point to do this or that, and then what can I better focus on tomorrow? And that's, I think, with any goal, just taking a minute out each day and just remind yourself that you're working towards a goal, remind yourself of the things
Starting point is 00:03:44 that you can do, and at the yourself of the things that you can do. And at the end of the day, before you go to bed, just spend some time reflecting on your day and be like, how do I feel about my day? And sometimes, you know, life gets in the way. I see a lot of you talking about how it's March break. You're busy with your kids. You have visitors completely thrown off your routine and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And so reflecting gives you the opportunity to reconnect with knowledge. And that's like, okay, maybe something happened, it threw me off, what choice did I make? And I wasn't so happy with the choice I made, what choice would I make next time? What could I do differently? So next time you encounter a similar situation, because you took time to reflect on that you're more likely to go like oh
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah, last time I did this I didn't feel great or you know, I have a new plan. Let me try this So it's taking the time to reflect on the things you did and even the things that you didn't do and that's how you're sort of Reconnecting and bringing focus to how you can better do or keep doing the things that you're doing So I do want to talk so if you got any questions load them up Let me just find the check-in video today So we're at the Canadian obesity summit here in Montreal I just we we had an opportunity to hang out with Ruth last night. It was super fun So Ruth if you Ruth is the one who's been studying the Libby
Starting point is 00:05:06 method and she will she studied the fact that the Libby method works. So if you don't know the Libby method works people are losing a clinical amount of weight. So a clinical amount of weight is 5% of their body weight in six months people on the Libby method are losing that in three months some people as much as 25%. So it's pretty incredible the amount of weight that people are able to lose.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Now, keeping that in mind, one to two pounds a week following the program is amazing. Still being here at this point and not seeing that much on the scale is still amazing as well, because as we know, it's much more complicated than what you eat and what you're doing for exercise. So Ruth has now been studying people in maintenance for the last couple years. People who have maintained their weight for two or more years and what are their commonalities and some of her findings
Starting point is 00:05:56 is all about what people are learning while they are losing weight and we know this from her in her early on research because she talked about how people who spend more time doing the weight loss program have an easier time in maintenance than someone for example who did one program or a couple programs they were able to easily lose their weight but they didn't spend as much time working through their issues and associations and beliefs. So I see some of you anticipating the end of the program, the start of the next, asking, well, are we just doing the same thing again? And yes, we are doing the same thing again, but you have changed.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So you're bringing a whole new body into the process, physically and then also mentally. So there's some cool things that people are talking about and one of them was the importance of repetition, especially when it comes to actually changing your brain. And I know Dr. Beverly is going to come join us next week and she's going to talk about how to get from where you are at now to where you want to go. So that was really interesting thing that they're talking about here. The other is, so last time we were at the summit, which is a couple of years ago, they were like, okay, great. okay great yeah your program works we know people can lose weight that's not the
Starting point is 00:07:08 problem and then we've even had people coming up to us and saying well they must just be eating less calories and moving more and I'm like no it's not about calories I said people don't count and so they were really stuck on it and I was just like when are they they going to like change this conversation? Yesterday at the opening ceremonies, they actually said out loud, it is not eating less and exercising more, which I thought was like, I was just like, Whoa, what did they actually just say that out loud? So that's really exciting.
Starting point is 00:07:39 The other thing that I'm going to do is hook up with the Canadian obesity society and obesity matters. thing that I'm going to do is hook up with the Canadian Obesity Society and Obesity Matters and Sandra Elia as we know our food addiction expert and Sandy Vam both part both both work with Obesity Matters which is a nonprofit organization and they have a lot of great resources that I think many of you didn't even know about because when I went on and did that talk with them a couple weeks ago you were surprised to hear that there's so many resources available so I'm going to start sharing some of that. So just a little update with what we're doing here. What else did I want to talk about? So protein. So you saw my check in this morning on protein. I love that Dr. Paul and I had that conversation.
Starting point is 00:08:28 conversation. Tony's here with my coffee. I love that Dr. Polanyi were able to have that conversation and finally address the numbers of how much protein you need. It was really interesting because I saw Pam, I saw Pam you talk about this and a few other members and they were like if I'm taking my weight and dividing it by 2.2 and then times in it by 0.8 or 0.1 or 1.0 that's a ridiculous amount of protein that I would have to eat and then someone the other day said Well is am I am I eating the protein for the size body?
Starting point is 00:09:01 I'm at now or am I eating the amounts of protein that I need for the size body I'm at now? Or am I eating the amount of protein that I need for the size body and weight I want to be? And they're having a hard time being like, why do I need this excessive amount of protein? So first of all, there's a lot of caveats to that calculation and how much you need. Some people need more, some people need less. If you are taller, you carry more weight.
Starting point is 00:09:24 If you are more active, you need more protein. And so when people are working out, they're causing damage to their muscles in order for their muscles to repair and rebuild. It needs that protein. So it can strengthen the muscle back up again. You need muscle to maintain muscle mass. But I got thinking about this, cause I was like, yeah, what is that about? And then I remembered someone who was talking about how they went to the store and they
Starting point is 00:09:49 bought two 10 pound bags of potatoes and they were carrying that around and they're like wow this is the same amount of weight that I lost so they were carrying that weight so when you are just living your life your muscles are working really hard just to move you here, move you there, every time you bend down, get up, walk downstairs. So if you can think that you're carrying an extra 80, 100, 200 pounds, your muscles are working really hard just on a daily basis. We hear this all the time. People who lose 50 they go they travel and they're carrying their luggage and I'm like how was I
Starting point is 00:10:29 carrying this around. So there is a need for more protein depending on your size but again there's lots of variables that and I just want to reiterate one more time you do not need to count and weigh and measure your food just by following the living method. You are getting more than enough at the end of the day. If you want to make sure you are getting as much as you need, you want to make sure that you are using quality proteins. So this is the thing too, right?
Starting point is 00:10:56 It's not just like you have. It's not just like here have this protein. There are some foods that have more protein in them than others. So for example, oatmeal has protein in it, but eggs have a lot more protein. So I just want to remind you again that we have that list. The one we posted the other day about high protein foods, the proteins, carbs and fats post also has a list in there. All right. Let's get into your comments and see where you are at mine. Oh, there's Pamela.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Mine was 170 grams. See, like you would have to literally eat all day long in order to get that protein in. Because it's also not about, it's not about how much you're getting in one sitting, it's about spreading throughout the day, but even with following the program, that's a lot. And so what happens is that when people like you Pam, right,
Starting point is 00:11:40 so if you're in a larger size body and you're used to eating larger amounts of food, like your portions when you came into the program, a lot of you were based on how much you are used to eating, not how much your body actually needs. And so there's a couple of things. Just because you're eating lots of protein doesn't mean your body is processing digesting that protein and you're getting max absorption from that. So the state of your digestive system makes a difference.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And then in getting in tune with your portions as well, eating more protein is not going to be a benefit for you if you are making sure you are adding protein to your meals, you're eating nutrient rich, and you are eating enough to feel satisfied, right? So that's why there's a lot of variables to that. I don't calculate mine, but I'm very aware of making sure I have high quality protein to my meals and snacks I'm good right most of you are good. Most of you are good. I love that necklace
Starting point is 00:12:33 We're wondering where she got it Tony got it for me for Valentine's Day Yeah, you got it for it's from Jenny bird if any of you are interested It's not like it's not it's not I'm sure it's not a brick of real gold too, by the way. It's not. I totally got it for me for Valentine's Day, thank you. Never realized how much I hated tracking and counting calories. I feel so free and I love that I learned
Starting point is 00:12:57 how to gauge my hunger cues and I have no fear of what I can eat or not. Yeah, you know, and I was really hesitant to put those numbers. In fact, it started with a whole post on the number with a whole post. And then there was like a calculator and I'm like, this just feels wrong. We spend the whole time teaching people that they don't need to count in a way and measure. And now we're like, here's the calculation to count. And then I was like, okay okay and I was already working on the protein
Starting point is 00:13:26 post. And so I was like okay that protein post from the other day. I was like I was already working on this post. Let me include it in here because there are people who do kind of see in numbers. Tony's like a numbers person. It's like his language. He loves numbers. And so I do recognize some people like just like to see the numbers to have an understanding But really the takeaway is you don't have to count and you don't have to weigh and you don't have to measure and I'm really glad That we are nine weeks in having this conversation And that this wasn't something that came up at the beginning of the program
Starting point is 00:14:00 And that's the thing like when people talk about what you need to do or not do, no one, no one's talking about people doing the Libby method, because no one would imagine that you're able to lose weight eating in this way. And like, that's one of the things that we Ruth and I were talking about yesterday, too, is the the assumption that people don't even understand that you some people need to eat more food in order to lose weight. The assumption has always been, if you carry excess weight, it's because you're just eating all the wrong foods,
Starting point is 00:14:32 you're eating way too much food, and in reality, I know there's so many of you listening right now, like how much less could you eat? How much more could you exercise? And that is what sent me to my doctor. When I had gained over 100 and something pounds, I was like, I hardly eat anything. I exercise excessively. What is going on? Right? And so a lot is really changing. And the interesting thing was, and I love this, because this
Starting point is 00:15:00 is almost the excuse because people have come at me, people, you know, at first when I started it was like, how dare I tell people to eat butter? Margarine is so much healthier and now look where we're at, right? Like I used to, I can't believe how much time I spent on the butter margarine debate. And then there was a time people would tell me that people are going to die because I was suggesting the two, two and a half, three and a half liters of water. And now that's bare minimum. And now that's science. People when I used to talk about insulin resistance five years ago was like, that is pseudoscience. That's not a
Starting point is 00:15:32 real thing. And now not only is it a real thing, but it's like the basis of a lot of chronic issues that people have. And so the thing about science is that science is science until the science changes. And people get so stuck in what the science is Saying but then science is always evolving and then they're like oops Okay. Yeah, I guess now we know better and then that's the excuse is like Oh, well, we only knew what we knew then and rather being open and try to like look at it from a different perspective Right. I know I'm going going off what was I talking about counting way and measuring
Starting point is 00:16:09 counting way and measuring I remember that was a huge WW analysis carry these potatoes to give you an idea of how much extra weight you're carrying I don't need the potatoes I can feel it in my knees exactly exactly good morning hi Maria Gina this is my fifth program and even though I haven't reached my goal, I've learned so much about my body and forever grateful. I'm feeling better than I've ever felt. The non-skilled victories are unbelievable. Love the program and learn something new every program.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And you know, this is sort of where when you're coming back and you're continuing your journey, it's really interesting. First time, if this is your first time doing the program. First time is a real physical experience right? You're learning each new tweak so that kind of keeps you on your toes. Your body is responding to the changes that you're making. You're getting in tune to your body's cues. That only you're only building on that as you go. And so it's like when you started at a certain level right? Like this is where you came into the program. Your body's functioning on this level, and
Starting point is 00:17:05 then you work through the tweaks, you're giving your body what it needs, it's repairing, rebuilding, you're getting more in tune, it's increasing your metabolism, you're actually getting healthy as you're losing weight. And so the next program that you go into, you're starting at a whole other level. And so it's not even about, you're doing the same thing routine wise because the body loves routine. Routine is the foundation of change. When you're in that routine the body can be really calm physically. So this is your first time through the program you might feel like you noticing all these little changes
Starting point is 00:17:37 week to week to week with the tweaks. But then it becomes really routine which really allows your body to level up and take things to the next level, and then also mentally allows you to level up, take things to the next level, dig a little deeper into your issues and associations. So when you come back to your second program, that can be a more mental experience, because especially if you've been successful,
Starting point is 00:18:00 you know the program works, you know what to do with the tweaks, so that's kind of all routine. Sometimes it's hard to just show up and do the things that you need to do when the novelty is worn off. And so this is where people get stuck on, well last time this is what happened. Or let's say your weight is really moving this week in week nine and so you kind of blow off week seven and eight being like I'm just gonna wait to week nine because that's when you know things really came together for you when it was what you were doing in
Starting point is 00:18:27 week seven and eight. So people have this perception of the way you're doing the program and what's working best for you. And then it gets stuck on that or they get stuck on what they ate. So if they were successful, they're like, well, this is what I ate for lunch. So I'm going to do that again. This is what I ate for dinner. So I'm going to do that again. This is how much water I drank. So I'm gonna do that again. This is the size of my portion
Starting point is 00:18:49 so I'm gonna do that again and your portions might be even bigger next time because Your metabolism is higher and so you actually need more or Maybe your portions are a little bit smaller than previously because because you're still working at getting more into your portion. So every time you go through the program, it's the same experience, but it's also different because you are actually changing. And so the things that you did last time are not necessarily the things that you need to do this time.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Also then there's life. There's different seasons of life, right, that make it interesting for us. And then there are actually different seasons. And so if you've been listening lately, I've been talking about seasonal transition. And this is all about as the seasons are changing, your body is changing, the time is changing,
Starting point is 00:19:36 the days are getting longer, and this is where you might want to make some adjustments. And that's why I love this tweet this week, dropping the snacks down to one, is that you can kind of make those adjustments. Maybe you want to eat lunch a little later. Maybe you want to have your afternoon snack a little later. Maybe you want to have it earlier eat dinner earlier.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So you do have a little bit more wiggle room in terms of eating in the evening. You do want to eat as early as possible before it gets dark. And as the days get longer, you got a little bit more room there to push that back a little bit later because it's when it starts to get dark out that's when your body starts producing that melatonin but in the wintertime your body has you on hibernation mode so as you notice in the fall you transition from salads and fruits and whatever to wanting potatoes fatty meats soup stews warm foodss, warm foods, right? And that's so you can feel it.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And your body wants those foods to help keep you nice and warm. And you got to make sure you're giving your body those foods, which is why the program is not all about salads. So in the wintertime, your body has you on slow-mo, a little bit reserve mode. The days are shorter. You're less energetic. I didn't want to cozy up. And now what you're going to start feeling
Starting point is 00:20:45 is you're going to feel like you have a little bit of spring in your step, you're more energetic, you might be rolling out of bed with better energy because where you're at in the program is aligning with increase in your metabolism and where we're at seasonally is also aligning with where you're at. Now, in the fall, as your body starts to signal I
Starting point is 00:21:05 need this switch in foods because winter is coming your body would be inclined to store more fat or you're craving those heavier or your foods because your body's looking to add some insulation. Obviously if you're doing the weight loss program not only were you not adding insulation but you are focused on losing weight. Every season has its pros and cons. There's like it's always a good time to focus on the weight loss but especially this transition from winter to spring. So what's happening now is your body is increasing your metabolism and is going to go looking to get rid of any extra fat that it would have purposely stored for the winter. Now even
Starting point is 00:21:41 if you didn't gain any weight for the winter your body is still gonna look for excess fat it no longer needs and it's gonna go looking to release that fat. So this is a great time in the program to really be focusing. This is why you don't want to take your foot off the pedal hence that Mel Robbins post. This is where you really want to be like let me keep going this is where people start talking about the end of the program. We still have three weeks left, right? What is it? 10, 11, 12. Yeah, three weeks left. Last week I was saying we had a four and a half, so I was wrong about that. Three weeks left. This is where you really want to put the pedal to the metal because this is where everything is aligning. Plus seasonally it's a great
Starting point is 00:22:18 time right now. Seasonally it's a great time. Does protein count towards your liquids as well as protein? Yeah, I mean fruit, like the water content in fruits count as liquids, your soup counts as liquids, but I think you're the base of your fluid you want coming from water, especially protein. You might find you're extra thirsty bumping up the protein a little bit because you need a little bit more water to, I mean you're down a half liter just from breathing. You need more because you're eating so often and you need more because the whole high fiber protein
Starting point is 00:22:52 content of the foods that you are consuming as well. And then you need more water to help your body detox. So I wouldn't kind of like nitpick your water with your, like does it count towards this or that? If you had a protein shake, then sure, the base of the water or the protein shake would count as your protein, but I wouldn't go looking to, although the water content in foods, like adds up,
Starting point is 00:23:14 I would look to get the amounts of water that you need through straight up water at the end of the day. How many of you are doing protein shakes? So you do not need to do protein shakes. I love that Dr. Paul talked about them the other day to augment or to bump up your protein. So I'm not a fan of like meal replacement protein shakes. I'm not a fan of before and after workout shakes. You don't need it unless of course you're like a
Starting point is 00:23:38 hardcore bodybuilder. Sometimes we get people in the program who are like hardcore. They're athletes or whatever. Adding in a protein powder, whether you're adding it to some yogurt or you are augmenting with a protein shake for example, the best way is just to get the protein, add some water or you know, another base and then just kind of mix it up and drink it back. Like your, I don't think your protein shake should be something that you're sitting there and be like, oh, this is so delicious and yummy and all of that. It really is and should be to strictly get that protein in because you feel like you need that little extra. So in that way I guess I thought about the
Starting point is 00:24:15 whole protein whey mix bought it and figured we're already getting enough through the plan. Make better protein choices. We'll use it when having snacks as a booster. Yeah as a booster it when having snacks as a booster. Yeah, as a booster, right? Like augmenting as a booster if you feel like you need more. Now that's not to say you can't do a protein shake, like a, you know, mix the fruit and whatever. I find when it comes to protein shakes,
Starting point is 00:24:37 people again use way too much fruit. Like, you know, some people are like throwing in two bananas. I'm like, you know, you would not even need to eat two bananas, let alone throw two bananas in, two bananas and some berries and avocado. And I remember, and I'm cognizant of this, because I remember I used to work at a gym. And this was like, I was still in my larger body.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And I was working, I was working at this gym downtown and they had a juice bar. It was a body alive. Ali was the juice guy I don't know if anyone remembers back in the day and he would make this these juices like fresh like like hardcore machine and so I was trying to lose weight and I would go and teach like back in the day like it was like hardcore aerobics high intensity In fact, I used to teach this it it was called high intensity aerobics,
Starting point is 00:25:25 for 90 minutes, like jumping, like screaming, shouting, sweating, like busting my ass. And then I would come out, and I would like drink this like large juice. And I remember Ali said to me, hey, you never eat anything. And I was like, yeah, I'm like, I'm trying to lose weight. And he's like, babes.
Starting point is 00:25:48 He's like, you trying to lose weight? And I'm like, yeah. And he's like, this drink you just drank probably has about 2,500 calories in it. And I was like, what? He's like, yeah. It's like two bananas, all this stuff. He's like, it's fruit,
Starting point is 00:26:06 but it's like sugar at the end of the day. And you know, and then I see this, I've seen this in gyms where people go to the, the shake guy afterwards at the counter, same thing, they're throwing in their bananas and their berries and their avocados and all of that. And then they're just drinking it. And that's my thing with shakes,
Starting point is 00:26:24 is if you're gonna make it, like then it has all that in it, you would never probably sit there and eat a whole banana plus a cup of berries, plus a whole avocado, like you would never eat that amount of food. And so to drink it, and you've already broken down the, you've already done the breakdown process.
Starting point is 00:26:47 It's like liquid nutrients hitting into your guts. And so that's really hard to gauge your satisfaction levels. So this is why I'm not a fan of it for meal replacements augmenting getting a little bit more protein. Yes, a little bit of protein. Yes. The first time I heard Gina say that when we give our body what it needs, it will release fat, it really stuck with me. There is such a freedom in this way of eating.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah, understanding that your body is on your side. It doesn't want the fat any more than you do. It's interesting because we are also, there was a conversation happening at the summit here where they were talking to someone who lives in a larger body and they were talking about this is your brain is so wired to feel like it's never gonna work, you've tried everything, and you're honestly so terrified of eating more and giving your body what it needs
Starting point is 00:27:36 because you've always been told if you can't lose weight, you're eating too much or you're not exercising enough. And as we know, it's just way more complicated than that. One of the things I've been reflecting on as we have been having this conversation is how we still have so much unlearning to do. Hi, Nezneen. Our immediate worry about the numbers is a hold over our past diet messages. Yes, there's a saying this. we need to be calm about this information in my opinion if we become obsessed about those numbers we aren't trusting ourselves enough I am working hard at knowing my body to me to me and this was
Starting point is 00:28:16 always the issue with counting and weighing and measuring is like every body is different they used to say calorie is a calorie calorie is not a calorie where you're getting your calories from makes a difference. And counting and weighing and measuring is outside of yourself. It's not at all being in tune with what's going on. And you need to be able to trust when to eat, I'm hungry now.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Am I actually hungry or am I dehydrated and craving carbs and sugar? Am I stressed out and just want some salty good fats? Am I being triggered? Am I using food to cope? Am I actually hungry? And you'll get to really know true hunger. And hunger also is not an immediate need for food. So those of you who are playing around
Starting point is 00:29:04 with the timing of that afternoon snack, you'll notice you're probably getting hungry at that second snack time, because you are used to it. And so that is routine. It's not because you necessarily need it, it's because you are used to it. And that routine works really well for what we were doing up until this point.
Starting point is 00:29:23 And now you're taking that down to one snack. Now your your hunger again and this goes back to the hunger post that we talked about so long ago. Hunger is not an immediate need for food. Hunger is your body saying oh hello I based on our energy reserves when our glycogen starts to deplete, you might want to think about getting something to eat. So your body knows you're gonna need to find the food, and in a very primitive way, like literally find, hunt, kill, get the food, right? You got to find the food, you got to prepare
Starting point is 00:30:01 the food, and then you have to eat the food and some food takes hours to process and digest before it's broken down into usable energy. And so that's your body just saying, hey you might want to think about eating. Now this is sort of where also you have to use common sense in your situation and be like if it is 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock at night, your body's like, hey I see you're still awake. You know you might want to think about, it's based on awake. You know, you might want to think about, based on where we're at, you might want to think about getting something to eat if you're going to stay up. And not that your body knows it, it's like, whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And this is where you're like, okay, but I'm going to bed. So I don't have the whole day ahead of me. I'm awake past when my body starts pumping that melatonin to calm me down because I'm stimulated watching TV, I'm talking, I'm on my phone, and so we're kind of artificially stimulating ourselves as our body physically is trying to wind down. And so this is where you say, okay, I'm hungry, like I'm going to bed. If I eat something now, it's nine o'clock at night, by the time my body processes and
Starting point is 00:31:03 digests it and turns it into usable energy I'll be asleep or maybe not because eating is gonna cause me to have a shitty sleep because now my body has to focus on processing digesting my foods so that that is being in tune to your body's needs Wendy and then there's what to eat and this is why you know paying attention to the protein and how that fits hits differently I'm noticing that you're gonna start looking for a lighter food choices as we do transition from winter into spring all of a sudden you're gonna be looking for salads you're gonna be asking can we get in more fruits in the summertime you want to bump up your fruit intake to like three servings a day while
Starting point is 00:31:37 decreasing your heavier carbs because when it's hot your body wants quick energy so it doesn't have to work so hard. So this is like what to eat. Do I want a salad? Do I want a steak? Do I want fruit? And this is sort of where you'll start going to restaurants and you'll look at a menu and you'll be like what is most appealing to me right now? And it's not going to be the burgers and the fries and the poutine or the whatever like that might sound yummy but it's not going to be what your body needs. And then you'll get to discern that, right? Okay, yeah, I'm not going to eat the poutine, but what else on this menu is appealing to
Starting point is 00:32:14 me and feels like something that I need right now in the moment. So get really in tune to what your body needs. And then how much to eat you're already working on. That's what we still are asking those four mindful eating questions. You will get to a point, I do not have to, Tony this morning, there was a buffet downstairs, put the largest hunk of eggs on my plate. And because he just scooped it and there we go.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I'm like, okay, knew instantly. Okay, this is way, there's no way I'm gonna eat all these eggs. Also, they weren't great, but whatever. I just knew that I was not gonna eat all those eggs. That's it, I just knew it. Like I didn't have to eat the eggs to know there's no way I'm gonna eat all of those eggs.
Starting point is 00:32:51 And so I don't have to ask those questions anymore. I know the minute that I'm gonna go into the point of no return. I know the minute I'm gonna eat more than I need and I'm gonna start being like, oh I ate way too much. And sometimes I purposely do that. I'm just like, I know I'm eating eat more than I need and I'm gonna start being like oh I ate way too much and sometimes I purposely do that I'm just like I I know I'm eating too much. I don't care. This is so delicious I'm gonna eat all of it and I make that conscious choice then I make that conscious choice without oh my god
Starting point is 00:33:16 Why did I do that? I'm never gonna lose my one this and that and whatever. I'm like that was so good That was delicious. So so that's where we're trying to get to it. And you can't accomplish any of that by counting and weighing and measuring and living by numbers. You can't, you just can't. Now, if you felt like you weren't getting enough protein, you would know.
Starting point is 00:33:41 You would know if you were feeling unsatisfied. So this is sort of where people in the wintertime were feeling like you're forcing yourself to eat salads that might make you feel unsatisfied is if you're not getting in the energy foods like maybe you needed some rice or some quinoa or some potatoes or squash to go to with your meal. or some potatoes or squash to go to with your meal. And so that's that you would know if you weren't getting enough protein in your diet, you would know, you would feel unsatisfied. This morning there was eggs, but there was like, no, that was it. And I was just like, hmm,
Starting point is 00:34:18 this kind of is not really doing it for me. I, because I got to the buffet late was my own fault. So they'd really just had eggs, potatoes potatoes that were just they weren't really great. I was like these are not good. I would have loved some vegetables there. They also had fruit, but I was like, I don't feel like the fruit. I would really like to get some some vegetables something just a little I need a little bit more. So this is when to eat what to eat how much to eat everything that you are
Starting point is 00:34:43 learning now is going into you being able to not just lose your weight but maintain and sustain it at the end maintain and sustain at the end my second hi Diane this is my life goal for the remainder without the living method could not have happened so everyone hang in there do not be hard on yourself, enjoy the challenge, everyone can be in charge of what to do day to day and in the moment. This, it's a whole vibe, this is a whole vibe. Hi MJ, this is my sixth and most successful round.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Hit my lowest low again today, eight pounds down this round and working through all the stress, skin, allergic reactions and gut issues. I'm now losing as slowly and consistently as I build my healthy habits. So glad I stuck it out. Amazing. Hi, Helen. Oh, that's so great. That's what you want. So I don't know if you guys seen it, please share it if you see it our new ad campaign with our incredible members.
Starting point is 00:35:45 We are it's all live lighter. So live LIV, LIVY method lighter because so we started this when we started using before and afters and it was like it was like 20 pounds down and I'm like that's such like a heavy thing to say. They're like, let's make it 20 pounds lighter. Beyond just the weight, they've just like, you know, they're transforming. It's about feeling lighter.
Starting point is 00:36:16 It's not so weighed down, not just by your weight, but the weight of other people's opinions and judgments and how you judge yourself and how you think about yourself and how you move through life. And so we had this new campaign. Wait till you see it. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. And it's all about living lighter and that's that's really it's this feeling and
Starting point is 00:36:37 that's what I want to sell to people. I don't want to just sell weight loss. I want to sell change hope hope that you can actually make change, not just what's happening on the scale, but but but feel your best self. It's like like have the capacity to want more for yourself to get excited about yourself, be confident that you can do the things that you want to do in your life. So if you see it, please comment on it, share it. It's like it's it's a whole vibe. But this is what it's about. It's not just losing weight.
Starting point is 00:37:08 It's having a more sense of self. It's repairing your relationship. It's feeling worthy. It's working through dramas for some people, right? Like that is gonna make you, like that is like, it's the layers. It's like the layers, right? And what's underneath.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I can tell you I'm super inspired. You know, the Livvy Method is in listening to the conversations that are happening. It's pretty incredible what we're doing. I'm going to also say, so they had someone who, so they had two doctors yesterday on the panel. One was a Dr. David Mecklin, who we're going to actually have come on and do a podcast or come in the group. And he's been helping people lose weight forever and then on the other side was a psychologist Dr. Ballis and he talks
Starting point is 00:37:52 about cognitive behavioral therapy he's the one I was said last year I went up to him because he was talking about how your body is wired and I said yeah yeah yeah but people can change because it was so depressing but like people are basically doomed to gain their weight back because of their set point I'm like, yeah, but they can change She's like they can but it takes so much work and I only have so much time to see people one-on-one And we're not making a difference and I'm like, but you can teach this to people on mass He's like in theory maybe and I'm like, this is what we're doing
Starting point is 00:38:21 this is what we're we are we. We are making you the expert. And as and so they did this kind of panel where she'd come in shared where she's at and the doctors are trying to figure out what's going on and how to talk to her. And I'm like, she's more than just the patient. You're more than just the member. You are the expert. You you know your history with your weight. And if I was to say to you, why do you think you've gained weight? Right? It's not what you're eating. It could be long periods of time and then overeating.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Sure, when you do eat, but it's way more complicated than that. What's your history? And so Ruth and I were talking about this. We're like, I'm not the expert. You are the expert in your weight journey. And what I'm doing is facilitating the conversation, yes, sharing everything that I've learned by working with so many people, so many experts like yourselves, you sharing your knowledge with me, you sharing how you feel with me, and then me trying to understand how to best
Starting point is 00:39:23 support you. And then bringing in our guest experts who are then sharing their knowledge with you to empower you. And it's those aha moments you're like, oh yeah, when I make this choice I feel like this, or I made this choice because of that, ooh when this happens, this is how I cope.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Oh, I keep sabotaging myself, why? I'm doing so well. Why am I now sabotaging myself? Maybe I don't feel worthy. Maybe I'm afraid. Maybe I'm uncomfortable. I don't know who this new me is. Right? Like there's there's it's interesting. There's so much to that. Hi, Ashley. What's going on with you, girl? I you know, I'm keeping my eye on you. First of all, you are doing the hard work, okay? It's not all, and I know you crushed it and your weight's dropping and you're doing amazing.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Now you're doing the hard work. Not that it wasn't hard before, not that you didn't work hard before. This is the work for you, this is the work for you. I need help, I'm falling into the vicious cycle of sleeping like shit, feeling like shit. It's my kid's suggestion on how to fight that and find energy. What is going on? You're the expert, right? What is going on? What's going on with you? What's happening in your environment, right? Your
Starting point is 00:40:41 home environment. You got a kid that is like needs a little bit more help right now in your life than normally they do. Right? Are you giving all to that? Is it like not just a physical thing you're doing, but a mental strain? I know I've seen there are moments I've had stuff going on with my kids, that was just completely like exhausting. Of course, as their mom, I would do it again and again and again, and I need to have to, will do, but it's still exhausting. So it's not just what you're doing as a parent.
Starting point is 00:41:11 It's all the other, the weight of their futures, the weight of their health, all of it on your mind. What's going on in your work environment? What's happening there? What's going on deep inside you? What are some of the thoughts and the feels that you are having? Right? Is it simply that you are staying up late worrying? Is it that you are sabotaging yourself? Is it that time change this week? Is it your serotonin levels and your vitamin D levels that have just got
Starting point is 00:41:40 you feeling down? Right? Is it hormones? Right? Like, you know, are you going through perimenopause and this is something that's new for you feeling down, right? Is it hormones, right? Like, you know, are you going through perimenopause and this is something that's new for you, that you're like, what is going on with me? I was talking to my mom, was it when it, the other day, and she was talking about this. And she was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:00 I'm like listening to what you're saying and about this menopause thing. And she's like, looking back at her life we were talking about her job and she just had to quit her job she's just like had enough had to quit her job but she loved her job and she was like I love my job and she's like you know hearing all this about menopause and just like can't can't take it can't handle it you know just everything going on and back then no one was talking about any of this and I said yeah mom you know, just everything going on. And back then no one was talking about any of this. And I said, yeah, Mom, do you know the statistics?
Starting point is 00:42:26 So like one in five women quit their jobs at some point through their transition of menopause without understanding what the fuck is going on with us. Right, and so this is sort of that, what is going, not what is wrong with you, what is happening with you. And so this is where we're gonna have Dr. Beverly come on and share a cognitive behavioral therapy model. So is it a behavior thing that you're doing?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Right? Is it the thoughts that you're having? Is it something that you're feeling? So like, what is it? Right? Like, what is it? So the sleep, if you're noticing it in your sleep, and so is this where your cortisol levels are just not dropping? So what can you do to increase the melatonin? Right? So this is like get outside and maybe it's not get outside, go for a walk first thing in the morning. It's just put your slippers on and go outside and try to get some sun on light on your face and just stand there for five minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Right? Like it's I think we were like, you got to go outside, you got to go for a walk, you got to get the sun, you got to like whatever, like just you don't have to walk you don't do any of that just go outside and stand for five minutes get the light into your eyes right or if you can't get one of those Sun lamps so what I've done with my treadmill downstairs in my basement because there's no light is I got one of those Sun lamps I put it on my Amazon account to you guys if you want that Kyle suggested and so that I turn it on it's bright at least I feel like I'm
Starting point is 00:43:44 getting that right so that's that's turn it on it's bright at least I feel like I'm getting that right So that's that's activating and then what's happening at night, right? Is this can I can I come along with my calm magnesium add some L Theanine in there? Maybe switch your May switch your magnesium or add some magnesium glycinate in there, right? So so so so that'll help kind of calm the body down a little bit. So yes, address the sleep, but it's probably so much more than that that you got going on. So just take a deep breath and you're probably feeling the pressure having done so well. And this is the thing. And so, okay, I got the perfect thing for you. So this is also when you feel
Starting point is 00:44:22 when you're doing the program and you feel like everything is, you feel like a rock star sometimes. You feel better than you ever felt. Great energy, amazing. And then when you even feel slightly off because you are now so in tune to your body, when you feel slightly off, you feel really, really, really off. And so this is just a matter of pulling, usually pulling some things in, being a little bit more consistent, figuring out what you need and before you know it things are gonna
Starting point is 00:44:47 start to come together for you but you got to take that time you gotta take that minute out you've got to step back and be like okay not what is wrong with me what is going on with me so think environments home space work what's going on right then think like actually, how can I support myself better? Right? How can I get that better sleep? Right? And then what's going on with my thoughts? What's going on with my feelings? And then from there try to kind of process and figure it might take you a while too. It's not like you're going to sit there and meditate and
Starting point is 00:45:19 be like, Oh, shit, this is what it is. It's going to take you it's going to take you a while to get to that place. But we're gonna have dr. Beverly come on and join us and talk about that Um, what else did I want to say there? I had something on my mind and then I just lost it I lost it lost it lost it lost it. That's okay. I gotta get going anyway. I've got to go to my next my next thing I know I need more protein when I start craving tuna sandwiches and don't eat meat or fish, right Jackie? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:48 You're so into it. Oh, I was going to talk. I know what I was going to say. So we also are in so next week. So pop into the group this weekend, read the guidelines. Again, it's just the guidelines is what you need to know. More of the same with the revamp next week, doubling down, asking those four mindful eating questions, really being consistent with the new routine.
Starting point is 00:46:03 We're introducing back on track. So back on track is a technique to use whenever you get completely off the rails, not just for like blips on the scale, not for a few french fries or chippies here and there, but when you go really, really off the rails. You go away on vacation, you come back, you've trashed yourself, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:20 you've been dealing with something, not thinking about it, eating everything in sight. There are moments where you're gonna feel like you are really off. You're going to implement a technique called back on track, which refers to the original few weeks of the program that is so ingrained and there was a rhyme and a reason for it will help calm the body down. And then you can get back to the current tweak because this tweak is our, you know, obviously this is what you want to be doing to keep things progressing.
Starting point is 00:46:44 So make sure you pop into the group, read over those guidelines. Let us know if you have any questions. Have a great rest of your day. Everyone. I'm back on Sunday. I'm flying back on Sunday. So I'll be ready to go on Monday. Again, we have three solid weeks.
Starting point is 00:46:55 What can you do to be even more in? You want to think about what you can do to finish stronger than when you started. And just like Julie Keeon mentioned the other day, the feeling that you are gonna have at the end of the 91 days, you will not care about what is going on on the scale. You will just be so happy that you made it. It is no easy feat to show up for 91 days. On that note, have an amazing rest of your day everyone and I'll see you Monday. Bye!

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