The Livy Method Podcast - Livy Method Day 73 - Winter 2025
Episode Date: March 19, 2025Gina Livy's Facebook Lives from The Livy Method Winter 2025 Support Group hosted on Facebook. This is a recording of the Day 73, 9 AM live. You can find the full video hosted at: episode is all about setting yourself up for success! Gina is reviewing The Food Plan and this week’s tweak, breaking down why working with your health care practitioner can be a game-changer, and diving into the mindset shifts that make this the last diet you’ll ever do. She’ll unpack the three reasons your weight might go up, how each round of The Livy Method helps you tune in to your body’s needs, and why this process is not about control—it’s about trust. Plus, a deep dive into the four steps of mindful eating and a brand-new feature in the app to track your weight!To learn more about The Livy Method or to sign up for the Spring 2025 Program, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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I'm Gina Livi and welcome to the Livi Method Podcast.
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It is time to take a minute out
to hear from our podcast sponsor today,
which is another podcast actually,
the new wellness podcast from Audible.
It is hosted by Chrissy Teigen.
It's called Self-C hosted by Chrissy Teigen. It's called
Self-Conscious with Chrissy Teigen, where she's providing a safe space to embrace the
twists and turns of personal growth, one conversation at a time. And she has some really great guests
that she's having these conversations with, like Mel Robbins, Adam Grant, Gabby Bernstein.
These are some of my faves. So she's inviting listeners to learn life-changing new skill sets alongside her and her guests
to discover powerful new ways of understanding ourselves.
I like that.
That's right up our alley.
Self-conscious with Chrissy Teigen, expand your self-awareness, gain valuable insights
and become more self-conscious.
You can go to slash Chrissy, C-H-R-I-S-S-Y podcast or wherever you
get your podcast from and start listening today. Day 73 of the program rolling right along week 10.
We are working the revamp this week. So we are focusing on making sure we're getting enough
protein and fat that feeds into your satiety hormones. It makes you feel more satisfied.
You absolutely need carbohydrates in your diet.
They are energy foods.
Carbohydrates are things like fruits, vegetables,
then there's your grains, your potatoes and whatnot.
I don't really classify breads and pastas as carbohydrates
because they're not really whole foods.
We're dealing in whole foods.
Breads, pastas, a study processed foods.
I always use the example of black beans.
Like there's a difference between black beans when you eat them whole, the fiber, the protein,
the carbohydrates you get in them as opposed to a black bean pasta, for example.
So, so this is definitely not keto.
This is definitely not trying to get more protein than what you need.
Obviously a lot of conversation on how much protein do you need again, when it comes to
that conversation out there
that everyone is having, whether it's aging or menopause
or dieting, and they talk about this need
to make sure you're getting enough protein,
that's because they are assuming when it comes to weight loss
that you are starving and depriving yourself.
And that's the problem with the new GLP-1s,
the new weight loss medications,
is they make it so that you're not hungry, so you're not eating,
and you want to make sure you're getting that protein in so you can maintain your muscle mass
and even build muscle mass.
And then the problem as we get older, especially if you've spent any time dieting,
because dieting, starving and depriving, there's a difference between fat loss and weight loss,
that we talked about last week, where when you do a deprivation diet you are not just losing fat you're
also losing muscle as well that's what we're trying to prevent here by losing
weight in a healthy way so then aging you're you tend to be not as active as
well your hormones are changing especially women when they're going
through menopause a drop in estrogen also affects your body composition. And so it's important to make
sure that you're getting that protein in to maintain your muscle and also to build muscle as well.
And so protein definitely is important, but eating more protein than you need is not beneficial.
And it also comes down to the kinds of protein. So if you're looking to get more protein in your diet, yes, you can augment with protein powders, but you want to make sure
the protein that you are consuming is giving you the most bang for your buck as well. So doubling
down protein focused at breakfast, adding protein to your morning snack, you can still have the
fruit, nothing wrong with the fruit. You just want to make sure you're also getting that protein in there.
Not eating more food, just being selective in the types of foods you are consuming.
And of course, lunch, we're focusing now on protein, still having those vegetables, leafy greens.
You do want to minimize any of those heavier carbs like your rices, your potatoes, your grains and whatnot.
But if you need them, that is the place to add them in.
Some people are more active, they have very active jobs.
And if that's the case for you, you can still have those at lunch.
And then of course, your afternoon snack is down from two to one,
you know, combining your vegetable snack with your nut and seed snack,
or you can have some yogurt and fruit or you can have something else altogether.
And then your your dinner, the focus is now on those vegetables.
Essentially, you're just swapping the components or the focus for lunch with dinner and the
other way around, but it shouldn't affect the type of meals that you're consuming.
So this is about understanding how protein and fat feed into your satiety hormones, how
you don't necessarily need more food.
In fact, when you bump up that protein and fat, you might feel more content and
actually need less food, understanding how different foods kind of hit and
process. This is the setup and the lead up. That's where I'm going with this.
You got any questions, load them up. I'm going to get to them in a second.
This is the setup and the lead up for next week, personalizing the plan.
Now the biggest takeaway, if you're listening, you need to understand,
this is not you doing your own thing. This is still you following the guidelines,
still making sure you are not going longer
than three and a half, four and a half hours.
We give you a little bit more runway with that
without eating, still making sure you're drinking your water,
maximizing not eating after dinner,
still making sure the foods that you are consuming
are coming from that grocery list,
but you do have more options.
Lunch is still the place to have your, um, those heavier carbs if and when you need them, that type of thing.
So you're following all the guidelines of the program, except next week you,
you'll be able to choose between if you're hungry, right?
Am I hungry?
So you're going to check in at breakfast, check in at morning snack, check in at
lunch, check in at first snack time, check in at second snack time, check in at dinner. Am I hungry and So you're gonna check in at breakfast, check in at morning snack, check in at lunch, check in at first snack time,
check in at second snack time, check in at dinner.
Am I hungry and need to eat?
In which you can choose not to eat.
We're not skipping meals,
we're just choosing not to eat because you're not hungry.
So if you choose not to eat breakfast, totally fine.
Then you're gonna check in at morning snack
and be like, am I hungry?
Okay, maybe not, but could I eat? I could eat. So
I'm going to have a few token bites or should I eat is if I don't eat right now, am I running the
risk of going too long without eating? So that's where we're going to check in. Am I hungry and
need to eat? Could I eat token bites or should I eat? I need to eat.
So I'll have a token bite because if I don't,
I'm going to go too long without eating.
And then you have more flexibility
in terms of what you are choosing.
Now it's still at lunch.
You want to focus on your protein, vegetables,
leafy greens, healthy fats.
Lunch is still the place to add in those carbohydrates.
So nothing changes there,
but you do have a little bit more flexibility.
People freak out with this tweet because they think, oh my goodness,
if I'm just left up to myself, I'm going to eat bagels and donuts all day.
Bagels and donuts are not on plan.
That's not part of it.
That's not it.
And nothing wrong if you have a donut every now and then in a bagel,
but it's just like any other tweak.
You want to make sure you're following all of the guidelines.
We're going to get more into that on Sunday
when we post the guidelines.
You can ask all the questions that you need.
But today at 12, Kim and I are gonna talk about it
for the tweak this week, so if you wanna join us for that.
I had a doctor's appointment.
She didn't comment on my cholesterol,
talked about my lower sugar levels,
but I was called in to see her
because a trace amount of blood in my urine,
so back for more testing, not concerned.
Ooh, Helen.
Yeah, I mean, checking in with your doctor
along the way, really important.
What I love about this point in the program
always do have so many people who checked in
with their doctor before the program,
or even a few programs ago, now checking in again
and actually seeing tangible results, right?
Drops in that cholesterol, drops in your A1C,
whatever that might be.
You are noticing the change that is happening inside.
I mean, that's some of my favorite, lower blood pressure.
Like to me, those are my favorite non-scale victories.
It's hard when we are just constantly focused on the scale.
And I get non-scale victories, our clothes are fitting better.
Okay, that's great.
And you know, our rings fit and you know, you're feeling more in tune to your body's needs, you know, experiencing all these non-scale victories, our clothes are fitting better. Okay, that's great. And you know, our rings fit and you know,
you're feeling more in tune to your body's needs,
you know, experiencing all these non-scale victories,
but really what's happening inside is like,
that's always the best non-scale victory.
I'm excited about the one snack,
finishing up feeding the metabolism today.
Hi, Ashlyn, I always find I'm doing the mental math,
trying to fit it all in,
fitting all in the afternoon snacks before dinner.
Yeah. It's a lot.
You're meant to give this a lot of thought because we want this to be the last diet you ever do.
And what does that mean?
You are learning the skills and the tools that you need,
and you're making the foundational changes you need to make to make actual change.
And then you have the skills and the tools that you need to sustain that change. I saw someone on one of our ads or a post yesterday say, Oh, these diets are always
great people lose in the beginning. And then everyone I know is always gained their weight
back plus more like, yes, because it is what you are learning while you are losing that matters.
That's why everything that we do is big picture. So in the weight loss program, our big picture is setting up for success in maintenance. And in the maintenance program,
it's really interesting. Our big picture is setting you up to live your life. There will be a time
where you're just going to wake up, look good, feel good, and just go about your day. How do I
feel this morning? Am I hungry? Do I need to eat? Could I eat? Should I eat? What's the best choice for me to eat here?
What do I feel like? You'll know the minute you won't have to ask those four
That's eight questions. You won't have to ask the four questions anymore because you will know the minutes
That if you take one more bite, you're gonna feel full or you will be like this shit is so delicious
I'm eating all of it and then that will be the end of it. No your you know what's wrong with you never gonna lose your weight. Oh my god
you ate too much. Let's punish yourself the next day. It'll be no hashtag that
was delicious. Hashtag worth it. Oh my gosh that was amazing. That was it. If you
make a choice to go eat your face off, drink your face off, right? You come back
your weight is up. You just you feel it. Oh my gosh, whoo, I did a number on myself.
Let me let me do some things to help me get back to feeling my best. That's what you'll implement
back on track. A couple days of following that basic food plan, your body's like, oh, I remember
this. All right, this is cool. Stimulating your digestive system, giving your body what it needs,
it helps your body get rid of that backlog. Next thing you know, you're back to feeling your best
back to back to wake up, look good, feel good,
go about your day and just make good choices.
Not even really thinking about it because it's who you are.
It's just who you are and it's how you live your life.
That's the end game.
So this is meant to be a process
you constantly have to think about right now
because then it just becomes second nature.
That's like that, that's why you're asking
the four questions so often.
I do not have to ask four questions.
I can look at my food.
That's going to be too much.
Just an just enough.
Like you know, I'm going to need more just by looking at it.
You asked me what I feel like eating.
I'm running through my head.
Is it protein?
Is it fruit?
Is it vegetables?
What is it?
What do I have in my fridge?
What do I want?
What do I what do I feel like I need? Right?
Do I need a steak and potatoes or do I need a salad?
And so that just all becomes second nature because of all of the work.
And this is bigger than that.
This is, this is rewiring your brain reprogramming.
So rewiring.
That's what we focus on in the weight loss program is, is rewiring your brain, how it's
come to function, your thoughts.
You know, this goes off the conversation with Dr. Beverly yesterday too, our brains are
so wired negatively.
And so there's a lot of thoughts that have been sort of habitual.
And so rewiring how your brain functions, especially in your relationship to food and
rewiring your body, rewiring addressing your body's need to feel this need to store this
fat because it feels like you're going to starve it every few months.
And then once you get into the maintenance program, it's about reprogramming.
It's about solidifying that mindset.
It's about solidifying that weight.
And so you really come out of this process being a new person, physically, mentally,
all of it, right?
If we gain our weight back, it's on us.
We have the tools and support,
so it's up to us to use them.
Yeah, but we're gonna help you figure that out.
And some people do gain weight back
because things happen in their life.
So there's three reasons, there's four really,
but three reasons why people gain weight back.
And the biggest one is situational change,
not adapting to situational change.
And I always use the example of maybe you lost your weight
while you were at home, let's say COVID for example,
and then all of a sudden you got to go back to work
and your stress levels have changed,
your daily routine has changed,
and you're not adapting to that.
Now you're back to going all day long without eating,
you don't have time, like your stress levels are up,
you're like maybe you go from a nine to five job into a shift worker job
and you don't help your body adjust to that.
So that's situational change.
Situational change can also be you're going through your life and something traumatic
happens to you and you just, it just throws you off and you fall back into old habits,
coping mechanisms, something extreme you've never encountered before.
And now all of a sudden you're just, you're, you're going back to your go-tos, right? So
situational change. The other one is not putting time into maintenance. You have
got to allow your body and that's why our maintenance program is so great.
Again, I'm not trying to sell you on it. We're gonna give you all the tools that
you need. We're gonna teach you about maintenance so you don't have to sign
up for the maintenance program. We're not trying to make you do that, although I
highly suggest you do. You work so hard to lose your weight. It's a great program. And that's about
giving your body time to actually adjust to your new weight. You have your body's got like a high,
like it's you reach a new low and then people all of a sudden go back to what they were doing
before. You've got to give your body time. The size of your heart has to adjust to the new size
of your body, your blood flow, your body temperature, your hormones, all of that.
And you have to do that without challenging the body.
You really just need to just allow your body to solidify your weight.
That's why doing the maintenance program is so effective.
What we used to do back in the day is another round of the weight loss program, which also
was effective.
The intention obviously wasn't to lose weight, it was more to maintain your weight.
So it's all about intention. But now we've created our own maintenance program using the pillars that
Ruth, Ruth, um, you know, Ruth discovered through researching and studying
people who've been successful at losing their weight.
And then the other is just not being mindful.
You have to be mindful.
You have to, you, you, you can't just just go back to old habits, not think about it. You, you have to be self-aware. You have to be you you can't just just go back to old habits not think about it
You you have to be self-aware. You have to be self-aware. You have to stay connected
You have to be mindful. You have to be in tune
You have to you have to make an effort for that make it be in tune in the moments
Right make an effort to check in on how you're feeling make an effort to pay attention and be self-aware
You can just mindlessly go back to just eating whatever you want and which is is different, I think, than falling back into old habits, falling back to old habits
is usually triggered. There's something going on where, you know, just not being mindful is just
that, you know, back to just not giving a shit and just, you know, so you wake up, you look good,
feel good. I open my eyes every day. How am I feeling? How am I feeling physically? How am I
feeling mentally? What do I need today? Set my tone and intention for the day. I still do that before I get
out of bed every day. I close my eyes. I think about my, sometimes when I wake up, my brain
is just chaos. I got to do this. I got to do that kind of whatever. And I'm like, no,
no, no, no, no, I'm not getting out of bed like that. The other day I said something
to Tony is like, we haven't even woke up yet and you're stressing. Like, how about you
just like wake up first? Like, that's not how you want to wake up Tony, he's like, we haven't even woke up yet and you're stressing. Like, how about you just like wake up first?
That's not how you want to wake up.
And he's right.
And so when my mind is racing, I don't get out of bed.
I take a few minutes and I'm like, let me just calm myself down,
take a deep breath and just kind of visualize my day and how I want it to go.
And if I feel I'm extra stressed, this is where I need to make an effort to be like,
let's just take a deep breath and let's try to Be more in the moment and slow it down
Let's try to slow it down today and be in the moment. What am I gonna need?
What kind of day do I want to have right?
And so maybe my my intention is not about eating my snacks and drinking my water
But my intention is you know, I still do my intentions, right?
It's still important
Those are the those are the things that you learn while losing weight
that now that you're no longer looking to lose weight,
you can implement to maintain and sustain.
I need to know where your glasses are from.
My glasses are, so my glasses are from,
I don't know where I got them from.
It's the same eyeglass place in the mall
that we always go to, Pearl One, Pearl Vision.
Pearl Vision, that's where I got them from.
Tony actually picked
them out. They're not usually my style. My style is like this. But I needed a thinner
frame too because when I wear my headset, anyway, they're totally not me, but here I
am wearing them. So yeah, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I am not a fashionista.
I'm not a fashionista. I'm not a fashionista.
Hi, Rainy.
How are you?
First of all, Rainy, I love your walks.
Can I just say you inspire me every day?
Rainy goes out and she tags us in her Instagram
and she's out walking every day.
The time that you saved that swan,
I just want to say like, oh my God, my heart.
I adore you.
I got my yearly blood work results yesterday
compared to last year's in round one.
My results are great.
I love that.
And IV seen increase in ferritin, magnesium,
vitamin Bs and Ds, love that.
Yes, I'm taking some supplements,
but this is results from my diet.
Nice to see concrete evidence on how the living method
really does support our whole body and health.
Man, but you're working for it. You are rain, shine, snow, sleet.
You are out there.
You're getting your steps in.
You are. You're doing all of that.
I'm so happy for you.
I'm so honestly, truly, I'm so happy.
That's so great. Let's see what I'm saying.
That's like that gives me goosebumps.
You know why? Because.
And this is what I mean by our Live Lighter campaign.
If you haven't seen it, we're doing this new Live Lighter.
We're like, what are we trying to sell to people?
Obviously, we have a business.
We have to let people know about our program.
What are we trying to sell?
And I'm not trying to sell a diet.
I'm not necessarily trying to sell weight loss.
I'm trying to sell hope.
Hope that you have the power to make change in your life. You have the power to make change physically,
not just can you lose weight,
but you can do it in a way that makes you healthier,
where you walk away feeling better than you ever have,
and not just because you've dropped some weight.
You know, like actually make a change in your health.
And especially as I get older,
especially as we get older,
my guest yesterday for my Real People Real Journey talking about
how in his life, people you know start to pass away.
And then you're like, shit, I want to be healthy.
I want to live a long life, or I'm not just living a long life or I'm living my life.
And it's so much more than just wanting to lose weight the other day, so much more than
just wanting to lose weight at the end of the day.
And so I think this gives people hope, hope that you can actually make change.
And that's what the body wants to change.
And it's on your side.
It's just a lot of times we try to, you, says, okay, eat better, do this, do that. And we do these things, or someone gives us advice,
and we do these things, bits and pieces,
and then just get bits and pieces of results.
And with the living method, the body loves routine.
Routine is the foundation of change.
Sleep is also the foundation of change.
Managing your stress is found here.
Eating better, all those things.
But really it's the routine. And that's why the body loves routine.
I had someone ask an excellent question yesterday.
I've never been asked this before and she said, after doing so many programs,
is it fair to say that the body gets used to doing the program?
Now, there's two ways I can take this.
Does the body get used to the routine?
Absolutely. But if it's asked in a way, does your body get used to the program. Now there's two ways I can take this. Does the body get used to the routine? Absolutely. But if it's asked in a way, does your body get used to the program so that it no longer
works? Then no, I said, that's not really fair to say. Your body's always repairing and rebuilding
and regenerating and rejuvenating. And this goes back to the very first science post.
Your body does not want this fat. And that's not something that we dwell on.
We don't dwell, I don't dwell on that.
I figure you're here, however you got here, you're here.
Let's not berate ourselves, get on ourselves
and talk about how detrimental it is
to store this extra fat.
Excess fat in your body is not healthy for you.
Now, I always say, that doesn't mean
that because you carry excess fat,
you're not a healthy
person and that doesn't mean a skinnier person is healthier necessarily than someone who
carries more weight.
So I always have to preface that.
But the reality is that carrying excess fat, more fat than we need causes inflammation.
It causes all sorts of health issues.
So your body doesn't want the fat any more than you do.
And so when it comes to the
living method and your body getting used to it, that's the beauty of it. You're not just counting,
weighing and measuring, eating less like you do on other diets. And you're not just counting points
like you do on other diets. You're actually challenging the body. And whether this is your
first program or your 24th program, because our 25th is coming up,
this is the opportunity to challenge your body on a whole new level.
And so each time you go through the program, you're working on different things.
And it's limitless the number of things that your body needs to work on,
especially if you've spent any time at all dieting.
So the body is always leveling up, repairing, rebuilding, regenerating, rejuvenating,
addressing, increasing your metabolism, and you're becoming
even more in tune to your body. I mean, people spend their whole
life trying to master being in tune. Like that's a whole lives
literally trying to be in tune with that. And so your body
doesn't get used to the program. That's the beauty of it is that
every time you do it, it's an opportunity to level up
even more, dig a little deeper. And the time you spend downsizing, the time you spend splitting up
the meals and snacks, the time you spend working the revamp or personalizing the plan, there's so
much to be learned in that, right? So much to be learned in that. Yes, Gina, I get to be here and
do life and now I have the tools, I need progress over perfection. Yeah, right.
That's exactly it.
Exactly it.
How do you prioritize routine
if it changes every few weeks, albeit slightly?
So it's the foundation of the program.
It's how we build on that, right?
So you have to understand,
if you signed up for my weight loss program,
you've signed up for my weight loss program.
You're setting aside this time to focus on weight loss.
And what you are doing is that you are addressing your body's needs, helping the body focus
on fat loss.
And you're also picking up the tools and the skills that you need to make permanent change
to change who you are, how your body functions physically, how you function mentally.
And because we're constantly switching things up, this is why consistency and routine is
so important. That's why we re we work that same
basic food plan for so long. And then just as your body gets to
feel like confident and happy in it because a calm like your
body your body like when you work those first few weeks of
the food plan and you're into that routine, your body is like
this is fucking amazing. I love this.
I can bank on the fact that you're gonna eat every few hours,
give me all this nutrient rich foods.
I feel fantastic.
But a happy content body isn't necessarily motivated
to work hard, drop fat, do all those things.
It will.
And that's why when people say, well,
can't we just work the basic food plan?
Yeah, you can.
It's gonna take you longer
because you have to get your body in a situation
where it's specifically focused on fat loss.
And that's where the tweaks come in each week.
And the tweaks are meant to challenge you
to shake things up physically, albeit small little changes.
And the tweaks are also there to get you to...
Am I low?
The tweaks are also there...
There. The tweaks are also there to challenge you mentally.
But that's the change.
That's why when we're downsizing, for example, if we go back to downsizing, that's why we're
not messing with the routine.
We are just eating slightly less.
That's why we're not starved, deprived, cutting. We are just slightly less. And even then people are like, oh my god, I'm starving because they
ate a few bites less than what they were used to. And so same thing with feeding the metabolism.
Feeding metabolism is taking those same portions that you were eating to satisfaction,
splitting them in two. Now you can eat that same portion, but just in two separate portions.
But because there's no pressure and you don't have to leave food on your plate, like the
feelings that come up with downsizing are very reminiscent of dieting, restricting,
Like we have to work through our issues tied to feeling restricted.
Even when you're people in the beginning are like, oh my God, how am I going to eat all
this food?
This is way too much food.
Then they get used to eating the food.
They're like, oh my God, how do we eat less food?
Ah, right.
And then we split up, we take those same portions,
we split them in two and you take that pressure off.
People are always like, oh, well, I'm not hungry
for my second portion or as hungry.
And they're like, do I have to eat it?
And we're like, yes, you do have to eat
at least a token amount.
Because again, I don't want you going
into that restrictive mindset at this point in the program. Right, and then when we do the revamp, people are so concerned about switching to something else,
but the base, the foundation is there. And that's why we slowly, we bump up your protein and fat
for these revamp weeks. And then we take the two afternoon snacks down to one. So that's a big
change for some people when they got so used to eating those two afternoon snacks. Now, essentially
you shouldn't eat them, need them. With now bumping up that protein and fat,
you're giving that body that more sustaining energy that you need. And you'll notice why some
people say, oh, I'm full. I feel like I'm eating too much. Yeah, because that slight variation,
the way your body processes is fat is different. And so you feel more satisfied on the foods that
you are eating, right? So slight changes. So this is why it's very systematic.
So why the program works in a way that
although one to two pounds a week is average,
people can lose a lot of weight.
Like, you know, the clinical amount is 5% in six months.
We've had people lose as much as 25%
in three months in a healthy way.
And so then it's that routine. So this is where though, and I love the routine. You have to remember this is not how you're going to eat for the rest of your life. And next week's tweak
is going to set the stage for giving you a taste of what life will be like after you've done
losing your weight,
solidifying your weight,
and you're ready to just live your life,
that wake up, look good, feel good.
So when I wake up, look good, feel good,
I might eat breakfast, I might have a snack,
I might have lunch, I might have two afternoon snacks,
I might have dinner,
not thinking or following a program or plan.
The next day I might wake up and not be hungry for breakfast,
not be hungry for morning snack, but have an early lunch,
and then have two afternoon snacks,
and then choose not to have dinner.
And then the next day I might decide,
okay, I want breakfast, I'm not hungry for my morning snack,
I'm not hungry for lunch,
but I'll have an early afternoon snack
that might seem more like a lunch,
and I'll have another snack and then I'll have dinner.
And that's the reality that your body's needs change every day.
You might have a day where it seems like you're really hungry,
and it looks like what we followed in the basic food plan.
And then you might have a day where you're not really all that hungry at all,
and you're like, I'm not really hungry at all.
But as long as you're not going three and a half, four hours.
And so that's the tweak next week is to set the stage for you
to actually eat and tune to your body's needs.
Back in the day when our body functioned really primitively, we'd go days without eating.
We were like literally, we're not, we go days without eating.
And the problem is, is that now we have food accessible all the time.
And it's not the accessibility of food, it's the starvation diets that we've done.
So we go long periods of time without eating, and then we overeat when we do eat. And then now we've added high stress and then lack
of sleep, which affects how our body processes digest foods, right? So, so the concept of
breakfast, lunch and dinner was created out of being social. It's not necessarily that
our body needs more food at breakfast, more food at lunch and more food at dinner. Like just think about that. Why is your body doesn't need significantly more amounts
of food at certain times a day.
We've gotten used to that.
We're taught that's how it works.
We've gotten used to that.
We gotten used to seeing it.
We got used to doing it.
But here's the thing, like if you get satisfied on a snack,
you would also get satisfied on a snack-sized lunch.
It's just we feel that we need to eat more.
And if we don't have a big lunch, oh my God,
I'm starving and I'm deprived.
But are you really?
Or is that just in your mind?
Now, before you did the program, sure,
if someone just offered you a small-sized lunch,
you probably would be hungry
because you probably didn't eat that morning or you've small sized lunch, you probably would be hungry because you probably
didn't eat that morning or you've been starving yourself.
So now following the living method changes everything.
So the whole point is to get you off following any type of program or plan.
And that's where people will say, well, I don't want to eat like this forever.
And this isn't sustainable.
And this is whatever.
No, you're not done yet.
And this is why when the last diet you ever do
is about losing your weight, it's about maintaining your weight,
it's about acquiring the skills and the tools that you need
to live your life.
And that's where Back on Track comes in.
I use Back on Track whenever like I go away on vacation
or do a number on just drinking wine
and I'm eating chips every night,
I'm going long periods of time without eating.
That's whenever my weight goes up is when I just, I get back, I'm like that, I can long periods of time without eating. That's whenever my weight goes up is when
I just I get back. I'm like that. I can go all day long without eating and that's my way it goes up.
I'm actually better on vacation because I tend to eat more often. And so when life is stressed out,
I'm drinking wine, I'm eating chips for dinner. I can't tell you how many times. I think it's
hereditary. My mom does that sometimes. I was gonna have chips for dinner. Tony will be like,
what do you want for dinner?
Chips, fucking a bottle of wine and chips.
And usually when I'm in that mode,
cause I'm stressing, that's when my weight goes up.
And then that's where I need to like reestablish routine.
I need to say to my body, okay, yeah, buddy,
we're not starving.
Hey, hey, hey, slow it down.
You don't need to store this fat.
You don't need to store fat
because I'm going all day long without eating
and surviving on chips and wine.
There is food. And so my body knows that food plant, that basic food plan, which we use is back on track.
Right. So, so it's all a bit of a creature. So that's what it's about. Hi Sharon. I'm down 30 pounds so far in the program.
I'm focusing on finishing strong, learning how to reset after day gone crazy and start the next program.
Yeah. So we're going to, I mean, this is like, can you imagine
trying to everything that I've just said today, and I love this conversation. And thank you for
joining me is everything that I'm trying to get across and in a world of eat less exercise,
more count, weigh, measure and track your points. Like this is, I'm trying to, this is where this is
what I'm, this is what I'm here for. I am not just here for helping you lose weight. I'm really helping here for helping
you lose weight in a way that you are actually truly going to
be able to maintain and sustain. And this is where whenever
people like all the living method didn't work for me, I
have a million questions for them like why what like give me
more rather than just popping on my page or an ad and be like it
doesn't work. Why didn't it work? How can we get it to work for you?
In fact, you're gonna have an opportunity
at the end of the program.
And, you know, I mean, normally when people
who are here at this point still listening
are still people following along,
but if you happen to be someone who's catching this
and you did the program and like, it didn't work for me,
tell me, I wanna know why.
I wanna know why.
I feel like I'm just starting out.
I wanna know why it's not working for you and what can we do to help it make it work for you. Right. And
that's why at this point the program, the guest experts are so important. We want to
give you all the tools. You are the expert. That's my new thing after the Canadian obesity
conference I was at is that you are actually got this from Ruth. Ruth said that she's like, you know, what some of the doctors are missing and it was a great conference.
The doctors were talking about how to talk to clients to patients and how to help them.
But I think the missing part is understanding that you are the expert.
You're the you know yourself more than anyone.
You know where you're coming from.
You know your issues and associations and we want you to make the I want you to be the expert.
And that's where this tweak next week is coming in, is you know, better than
anyone else, if you're hungry or not, right?
What you're hungry for.
Some people do really well on, you know, meat.
Some people not so much.
Some people have a ferocious appetite.
Some people are a little lighter, but they need to pay attention to making
sure they do take time to eat.
Everyone's a little different.
Some people are really active in their jobs,
some people less so.
And so you are the expert in what you need.
Are you struggling with the consistency in the food part?
Are you the type of person who goes all day long
without eating because you get so into work
and you're so focused that you just forget to eat?
Then you need to know that about yourself.
I know that about myself.
Tony will say, are you hungry?
I'm like, no, he put some food in front of me and I
wolf it down. I don't know how many times that happens. I'm
like, oh shit, they must be hungry. Right? You need to
understand, you know, is it your mental part? Are you
sabotaging yourself? Are you not doing the things that you know
you need to do because there's something holding you back?
Right? Like what is it that you need to focus on and work on? I feel so much better.
Hi Leslie, less bloated and sluggish, low blood pressure.
I love being in control of what I eat instead of food controlling me.
And I'm going to take that a step further.
You love being in tune with yourself.
You just knowing you're not trying to control anything.
It's not willpower.
It's none of those things.
You are in tune.
You just, you know, and this is your born in tune, right?
That's the thing you are born in tune and then we become so disconnected, right?
Your parents say eat everything on your plate your parents say, you know dinners in three hours
You can wait and then we get into dieting and we are trying not to eat when we're hungry
We also don't sleep when we're tired. We don't drink water when we're thirsty.
We don't want to access our feels.
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
When you're not fine, right?
We're trying to not cry when we just want to cry.
We're trying to not be bitchy
when we just are bitchy and irritated
because we can't be, I can't be that bitchy girl.
What's wrong with you?
You know, we've learned to really disconnect from ourselves.
And this is really about your body wants you to live a long time.
Your body wants you to be healthy.
Your body doesn't want this fat.
In fact, it stored this fat because it felt like it needed to
based on what you were doing.
And so your body wants the best for you.
It's all it wants for you.
So it's about being in tune to that.
And I think because we've tried to control what we are eating, we try to
do math to figure out what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat.
And that's what fucked us up in the first place is oversimplification
of just eat less, exercise more.
You know, I love being my own expert and you're helping me to hone in on building my expertise.
I feel so respected here.
I feel like my way of doing this is honored,
especially when it comes to my choice
not to use the scale until I know that's time.
Other programs gave me pushback on that.
I'm so grateful here.
Yeah, I mean, that's where I'm at.
Don't use the scale at all or use it every day as a tool.
And that's not an easy thing to do use a scale at all or use it every day as a tool
And that's not an easy thing to do because you're you got to deal with mentally what's happening when you get on this scale
I saw someone the other day when I was talking with dr.
Beverly and I meant to ask her but I'm always cognizant
I'm not going 14 hours when I talked to her and someone said she asked dr.
Beverly and said I'm sorry. I forget who it was
Though I do know who it was. It was Suzanne. It was Suzanne Rowling.
And she said, is it detrimental, I'm paraphrasing,
for me to set a program target weight?
And this is really like, I'm a big goals person, right?
I know what's motivating me is I'm going to have the number one
weight loss company in the world.
I'm going to make a difference in obesity, right?
Like I'm going to eat it.
And I know GLP-1s are already starting to make a difference. But, right? Like I'm gonna, I'm gonna eat it. And I know GLP ones are already starting
to make a difference, but at the same time,
that's not sustainable for people.
And I wanna help it actually,
truly make it sustainable for people.
And that's my goal and that's what drives me.
I want more for people.
I want them to move on from their weight.
So that goal of the number one weight loss company
in the world, now I may not achieve that,
but I'm gonna get pretty damn close to it.
I'm gonna get as close as I possibly can to it.
So I'm okay with actually not being the number one weight loss company in the
world, but having that goal drives me every day.
I find that to be super motivating.
I've never been a small goals person.
And I'm an also an all or I'm like, can be an all or nothing person,
which I think in some ways, like when you go through the program,
you don't want it to be all or nothing, get hard on yourself.
Right. I think in some ways being an when you go through the program, you don't want it to be all or nothing, get hard on yourself, right?
I think in some ways being an all or nothing person
really helps me.
And that's why it really helps me to step outside
my comfort zone and go for big goals and make big moves.
And that works really well for me.
But you might not be that type of person.
You might be more of like a small goals oriented
or let me just see how it goes, right?
That's why framing the program,
is it like a course where you like, you show up every day,
there's things for you to read,
there's homework for you to do,
and that you just wanna be here at the end.
Or is this like, is this an adventure?
Oh, the fuck's gonna happen, but I'm here for it,
and I don't know what's going on,
I'm just gonna do my best, right?
Or is it a project?
Like I'm on a mission, I wanna get this,
not that you're a project and you need fixing.
That's not the context I'm talking about.
But the project is this is the job that you are doing.
This is the time you've set aside.
This is my end result that I want.
I want to reach my goal.
And so it's really about what motivates you.
That's what this is all about.
Like the program works for everybody because you are human and have a body.
Now you may have special needs in the sense that you may have food allergies, food sensitivities,
you may have limitations, you may be missing some organs, you might not be able to drink
all the water, you may have some health issues, right?
And that's where you make it, that's where you address your body's needs.
So great to work hand in hand with your healthcare provider.
And then mentally everyone's unique.
The issues that you are working through are different than what someone else is
working through. So that's where you got to figure out, what do you need?
Where are you at?
And that was why that was a great conversation with Dr. Beverly.
This way I love again, I'll say it a million times, but our guests,
our guest experts alone are worth the price of admission for this program.
Like honestly,
and the reason why is because you have a team of experts who understand what you
are trying to do, and also understand the program, which is
really cool because they they've had the conversation so many
times because you have asked the questions. So our guest experts
who've been with us for a while, we do the poster upcoming guest,
what do you want to know from
them? And those conversations have been built on the conversations that the questions that
you are asking and what you want to talk about. So program after program after program, 25
groups later, and this is why how do you know that I would need to talk about this? Because
we're paying attention. And so the conversations that we have with our guest experts are from you.
It's what you want to talk about. It's what you need all within the structure of the program.
And that in itself is just gold. And that's where through the system, through the routine, through you doing the things that you are doing consistently day in, day out, some days be better
than others, which is totally part of the program. Those times that you are not doing the things what you are doing, but you're allowing yourself
to learn, like that's magic and that's cool.
That's what Progress Over Perfection really is about.
It's the times where you're not perfect that you are doing the most learning.
And so having those guest experts come in, you taking ownership and being self-aware
and you being your expert expert and then we adding our
actual experts like our, you know, our experts in their fields. And then what I'm doing is
facilitating. I've really come to learn what people need to be able to lose their weight
and to be able to do the things that they need to do to follow through and reach their goals.
And that's, you know, at the end of the day, that's why I hold that title
and I'm very proud of weight loss expert.
Stay in my lane.
I'm not a psychologist, I'm not a doctor,
I'm not a hormone specialist,
I'm not any of those things,
but I've learned a lot about what people need, you know, so.
That's what this is all about.
That's what this is all about.
Just type four questions.
Can we review the four questions?
You want to ask them all day, every day, right?
Just type four questions into the Libby AI search bar
in the app and the four questions will come up.
So there's a couple of ways you can do that.
You can, and I'll go through them
before I jump out of this conversation today,
but you can go into the Facebook support group
because I know some of you aren't using the app.
I challenge you next time, use the app, y'all.
It's such a great, so easy to use, even if you're not a tech person.
If you get concerned about setting it up, we have a whole tech support team.
They'll walk you through it.
It is so easy to use.
It's also really cool.
There's a lot of really cool things, technically advanced, but it's so easy to
use and there's, you can use a search feature.
So of course you can search things up in the app.
Easy way to do that.
You can use the Libby AI
or you can actually just go into the search guide.
So you just go into the,
use the guides with the little search icon
and you can scroll on the top
and then just be like the four questions,
pop that in there.
Or if you want a bigger explanation for,
do I ask the four questions?
This is the whole post comes up, a whole bunch of stuff, or you can just go into the guides,
the Libby AI feature and pop in four questions. If you are in the group for questions, let me
put that in there and just go pop ask. So cool. The four, here's it, here's it is, it just pops
all up. Oh, God, it's so cool. And the AI is just our program, right?
So you can't like Google, what's the weather in Minnesota?
The four step of mindful eating
contain the following four sets of questions.
Before you eat, am I hungry?
How is this portion for me?
Is this gonna be enough?
Is this too much?
How would I feel if I ate it all?
Number two, while eating your food, is my choice of food satisfying?
Do I feel any physical effects? Am I starting to feel satisfied?
How would I feel if I took a few more bites? How would I feel if I stop eating now?
Number three, when you are done eating, how do I feel? How do I know when I've eaten enough?
Do I feel satisfied? And if so, what is my definition of satisfaction?
How do I feel physically? And then four, what is my definition of satisfaction? How do I feel physically?
And then four, 15 minutes after you're done eating,
how do I feel?
Do I still feel satisfied?
Could I have eaten more?
Could I have eaten less?
And so in the group, if you use the search feature,
you can pull this up as well.
Just go four questions.
And it'll bring up, we did like a printout or something
you can stick on your fridge.
If you're more a pen and paper kind of person and in the group,
you can search that up.
Also, just ask.
Also, just ask, right?
Like you can pop into the group, say, hey, can you give me a reminder?
And the team will link those posts for you.
So those are the four questions.
And again, before I go, the reason why I want you to ask them before every
single meal and snack and ask them a million fucking times is so that one
day you won't have to. one day you won't have to.
And people still ask them in maintenance.
And then we talk about, OK, when do you stop asking them?
And you will know, I don't need all of a sudden one day, you'll be like,
I don't need to ask these anymore. I just already know.
I'm at a I'm at a restaurant. It'll happen.
You'll be at a restaurant and you'll see the waiter coming with your food.
And you'll be like, oh, my God, that's a lot of food.
That's way too much food for me. Right.
It's like you're in the buffet line and you add the food to your plate. You just know there's a oh my God, that's a lot of food. That's way too much food for me. Right?
It's like you're in the buffet line
and you add the food to your plate.
You just know there's a point, okay, that's too much.
Or you'll know what the waiter comes with your food
and plops a little tiny portion down in front of you.
Like, whoa, I'm gonna need to order something else.
It's not enough.
Not enough, not enough.
Not enough, not enough.
Instead of an evening, because I'm bored snack,
I got on the app and do research on stuff and try to learn more.
Ah, I love that.
I love that.
Hi, Suzanne, I just answered your question about the,
I see you're popping in.
I just answered your question about that you had yesterday
for Dr. Beverly about should you weigh or not.
Also new in the app, new in the app.
So we're adding a new feature.
When it does, for those of you who do like recording your weight, we've added a new feature
where you're going to be able to see all your weight throughout your programs. So we've added
that. So you'll be able to see your program, like what's happening in the program, week to week,
month to month, and then your all time. So those of you who, like for example, you've lost 100 pounds,
right? You do your next program, how it worked before
you put in your program goal, and maybe you're only seeing
like two pounds, four pounds, and you're seeing that is lost.
But meanwhile, you've lost 104 pounds. So we've added that new
feature, we're always working on things, we're always working on
things. Like I said, to at the end of the program, whether you
are new, new member or returning, we do a survey and we actually make
changes based on the things that you guys tell us.
So if you hated the program, tell me why.
If you feel like it didn't work for you, tell me why so I can do something
about that and make a little adjustments here that might help you.
If you want to give it a go again, or the next person that is in
a similar situation of you tells what you love, tell us what you didn't like. We want to hear all of that.
We'll have an opportunity to do that. We got so much more to talk about, Sandra
Elia is going to be back tomorrow talking about three mind traps that can lead to
compulsive eating. Yeah, we're still learning around here. And then of course,
we're going to introduce the tweak next week. We still have a lot to talk about
in the next coming weeks. We're going to talk about how to navigate the gap in between groups, how it's going to work if you come back. We're going to introduce the tweak next week. We still have a lot to talk about in the next coming weeks. We're going to talk about how to navigate the gap in
between groups, how it's going to work if you come
We're going to talk about what to do for people in
So the last week of the program is going to cover
maintenance for those of you who are ready.
Even if you are not ready for maintenance, we're
going to still focus on losing weight.
So that week is still for you in terms of losing
weight, but it's great to pay attention to the
conversation on maintenance so you have an idea
where you're going.
Thank you for joining me today. Thank you for all of your incredible questions
and comments. I do see them. I know I didn't have an opportunity. Hi Robert, how are you? I know I
didn't have an opportunity. Will the data that we have inputted already be seen or just going
forward? So that you can at any point you can pop into your old,
so when you sign up for the program again,
let's say it's your second program,
that's me and my mom when we are in Paris
for her birthday a few years ago.
When you sign up again, if this is your first time,
you're going to unlock the spring program.
So when you register, you get a code.
You don't have to download the app again.
You use the same app and in it, you will see the spring program.
So you'll unlock that that will carry forward your weight,
but in order to access the data from previous programs,
you'll just be able to go into the app and then access that data. Um,
we're just working on eventually you'll be able to have it sort of all come
together and see big picture. It's like, how do you put that in the app?
So a lot of information to put into that program, especially as you do program after
program after program after program. So something that we're continuing to work on. All right.
Hi mom. Love you. I'll call you later. Have an amazing day everyone. And if you want to
join Kim and I at 12, we'll see you then. Otherwise have a great day and I'll see you
tomorrow. Bye.