The Livy Method Podcast - Maintenance & Mindfulness Weigh In Wednesday - June 5, 2024

Episode Date: June 5, 2024

Gina Livy's Facebook Live from the Maintenance & Mindfulness group hosted on Facebook. This is the live recording of Weigh In Wednesday from June 5, 2024.You can find the full video hosted at:http...s:// covered:Are situational change & seasonal change the same? Is the anticipation of choice an issue & association? If you don't feel ready for testing the waters, you probably are not. The Coffee Loophole: no harm but also nothing magical here. Next Week: Feeding the Metabolism and an Activity Challenge with the Weight Loss by Gina team! To learn more about The Livy Method, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Gina Livy and welcome to the Livy Method podcast. This is where you'll have access to all of the live streams from my 91 day weight loss program. With a combination of daily lives, guest expert interviews and member stories, there is something new almost every day. Miss the morning live? Want to re-listen to one of our amazing guest experts? Well, this is the place. This podcast is hosted on Acast, but it's available on all podcast platforms, including the one you're listening to right now, Spotify, Apple,
Starting point is 00:00:31 and Amazon Music. summer runs, or playoff season meditations. Whatever your vibe, Peloton has thousands of classes built to push you. We know how life goes. New father, new routines, new locations. What matters is that you have something there to adapt with you, whether you need a challenge or rest. And Peloton has everything you need, whenever you need it. Find your push. Find your power. Peloton. Visit Peloton at
Starting point is 00:01:24 Well, I'm feeling feisty today and I have to pee, so this should make some great conversation. Hi, ladies. Hello. Welcome to Weigh In Wednesday, where we weigh in. We share our opinion on a variety of different things, mostly relevant to either weight loss or more so maintenance, since we have this conversation on maintenance. Hi, ladies. Joining me as always is Kim. She is the manager of our weight loss program and Odette who is the manager of our maintenance program. Hello. How are you guys feeling? Are you feeling feisty too like me or? Yeah. Yeah. The heat and humidity here is getting to me today. So well now you're just bragging about it. I know already like, I'm here in BC.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I know, it's been cold in BC, right? Like four degrees or something? And pouring with rain and dark. The sun's coming up now. We're supposed to get it hot after this, so we'll take it. But yeah. Yeah, so Kim is in BC
Starting point is 00:02:18 and Odette and I are in Ontario. I'm in Ontario too. I'm just kind of northeast of you. And to me, I wish it was warmer. It's not really, I gotta go for my second swim of the day today. And yeah, it's just super humid. I find super muggy, like almost that heaviness, right? It's full sun here. I'm in Burlington. So I'm like just West of Toronto and it's, um, full sun, but it's the humidity. And I just don't tolerate that as I start to get older. Well, it's supposed to rain here, I think for the next 10 days, but you can't wait. We
Starting point is 00:02:49 should weigh in on the weather. Can you ever even trust the weather report? I remember back in the day that my parents would, would like, they would, you could like plan a whole two week vacation around the weather. Like when the weather said the weather was going to be what it is, it is what it is now. Now it changes. Like sometimes you get a whole week of the sun and the rain and the thunderbolt and the cloud. And you're like, fuck you. And then it rains half the days and whatever, like you can't trust it. That's my, I'm weighing in on the weather. You can't try who, who hands up. If you feel the same, you can't trust the weather. I look at it one day. What was the thing called called i know my parents had one on their wall and it looked like like your hourglass gina but like the all-night thing mounted on the wall and it
Starting point is 00:03:35 measured the humidity and what the chance of precipitation was and it was i don't remember it was called but it was they had one of those and that's what they used to sort of use. Am I that old that that's what we used to have? And now I have this digital one that will tell me what it's like in the moment. And I'm looking at my app on my phone where some meteorologist that has studied this at university puts together. And I'm like, he don't know. It's going to rain. He knows nothing.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Going back to that weatherman. It's like, I can't let go of him just yet. Like, I'm like, oh, maybe this time he'll be right. Or, you know, maybe this time I got to believe him. And then sure, he keeps letting me down. Or she. I don't know what it is. I don't want to blame just him. But like, when I went to the Bahamas, you know, we booked this trip and I was like, it's going to rain every day. Why are we wasting our money? Why are we going? We didn't even see a drop, like not one drop the whole time we were there. Yeah. You can't trust them. I used to want to be a weather girl. Actually, I tried out for a weather girl job. I ended up as a sportscaster. FYI, funny need to not necessarily need to know information about me. Yeah. I was, I ended up being a sport. I was a
Starting point is 00:04:42 sportcaster for like the six o'clock news. Crazy insane. But I was always jealous of the weather person. I wanted to be the weather person. I want to be the weather girl. It doesn't matter how many times you screw up or get your job wrong. You still get to show up the next day and do it again. And nobody holds you accountable for it. It's never your fault. It's not your fault. Okay. Um, this, I see this as a good segue into, uh, the topics we're talking about today. So what are we weighing in on today? Okay. So the first thing, I'm just going to start with the first one. So the first one we're talking about came out of two places. So first, something I read online. And second, then I saw it in the group pretty soon after. So it had to do with situational change and
Starting point is 00:05:22 seasonal change. So I'm asking, are situational change and seasonal change the same? And I want to ask because I was reading online, I'm often reading about kids and summers and as minor going to the summer tend to become less healthy when you think they're going to be more healthy because they're off routine, they're not eating as well, you know, and that's the summer. And we talk about situational change throwing us off. And we see that as a reason why, you know, one of the reasons why we can gain weight back. But yeah, but is seasonal change, can seasonal change also be situational change? So a member commented in the group on a post that the timing of the post was perfect because they're feeling old habits knocking at the door with summer approaching. So there's the question, is seasonal change and situational change the same thing? I was going to say no. And then you went into that explanation. I'm like, okay, maybe. No, I think it's really that. Wow. What a great. Yeah. I mean, okay. So there's triggers different seasons, right? And how you in the summertime, you drink more, spend more time on the patio, being social, doing whatever. And so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Is seasonal change the same as situational change? I got something to say. You're thinking though, so I'm going to let you say it first. No, you go. Go. I was just going to say, I think they can be somewhat interchangeable in that it can be seasonal change can be a situational change. They're not the same thing, but it can be one. When you think about the situations that are brought on when the season changes, like you got kids, my kids are in sports and activities.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I know like as the weather warms up in April, April is an insane month for me. April, May, going right into June with all of my kids' stuff overlapping. The winter sports overlap with the summer sports. School's still in, but we're starting to try to go camping and go away. All of that is happening at once, which is we talk about stress, whether it's good stress or bad stress, stress and situational change. And it can happen at the change of season. Like the kids aren't being unhealthy in that situation because it's summer. It's because they're off school. The season has nothing to do with it. They have two months off school to sit around and be slothily and eat potato chips and play video games. If that's what they choose to do, it's got nothing
Starting point is 00:08:00 to do with whether the sun's out or not. It is their situational change that just happens to occur in the summer. That's my thought. I love Mel. Melanie just chimed in. I think change is change. It doesn't matter whether it's seasonal or situational. It's just fill in the blank. Yeah. I mean, but we do talk reasons why your weights, why you keep like reasons you'll gain weight back, right? Not putting time into solidifying your weight, not being mindful and situational change or not. It's really not the situational change or the seasonal change. It's not adapting to that change. Just like, so in the summertime, you know, we tend to eat, you know, more fruits and, you know, more leafy greens and we eat a little bit lighter and then rolling into winter. Funny enough, I was talking about this, uh, this morning on the live and the winter, we tend to crave those
Starting point is 00:08:49 heavier carbs, potatoes, um, fatty meats, soups and stews and chilies. And some people will force themselves to eat salads because they think that's what they need to do to either lose weight or maintain their weight. When I'm really, you have to like really feed into your body's needs, because those your body's craving those because those types of foods create heat in your body. And if you're not having those, your body might feel inclined to store fat. So I think it's adapting to the change, whether it's situational change, or seasonal change, or your situation changes based on the season, right? Because the season is changing. But yeah, now my kids are home from school. My routine is completely different. Same, same, but different. That's what I'm going with.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Same, same, but different. Yeah. And I think I agree. Same, same, but different. I think you have to just look at it, like you said, as change and how are you going to adapt to it and not use it, you know, as an excuse. Oh, it's seasonal change. It's not situational change. You know, it's, it's seasonal change. So it's not as big of a deal. We don't talk about, you know, as an excuse, oh, it's seasonal change. It's not situational change, you know, it's, it's seasonal change. So it's not as big of a deal. We don't talk about, you know, your weight can't, you're not going to gain weight because of seasonal change, but that's, you know, we just can't label it that way. We just have to see it as a change in routine, a change in habits and how do we react and adapt to it, regardless of what you call it. Yeah. Seasonal change, I think, is internal,
Starting point is 00:10:05 instinctual, right? I think situational change is external. External. I always say it's like the duck flies or the geese fly south for the winter or the birds swim upstream and the butterflies fly from wherever they fly in Mexico or where they're flying in from. That's instinctual, right? Like our bodies, when we start to crave potatoes in the fall, that's instinctual. When we start to crave lighter foods in the summer, that's instinctual. When we tend to be more active in the spring, that's because our bodies are giving us access to more energy. So I think that's more internal and situational change is more external. Like the geese flying south is seasonal change. Situational change is the wind and the things that they encounter along the way. Does that,
Starting point is 00:10:51 does that even make any fucking sense? Probably not. It does actually. Yeah. We're listening to you as you say it. We're like, okay, that makes sense. When you're just saying it, no one asked me to explain it back to you, but it made sense. What was that things that make you go, hmm, or hmm, where's that from? What is that even from? Is that, what is that from? Wasn't it from Saturday Night Live or no?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Saturday Night Live, yeah. Why am I thinking like Myers maybe? Yeah. Yeah, I'm not really sure. I can't remember. Anyway, so one in the same, same, same, but different. So it's just, yeah, I think the takeaway from that is just be open to change, accept it, but also be ready to adapt and, and, and work through it. And don't use it as an excuse. Like don't use the seasonal changes as an excuse. I think, you know, oh, I can feel the habits coming back and I want to have extra drinks. I want to have extra this. I'm not going to sleep as well because it's the summer. I'm being more social. It's the summer, you know, so just being more aware of that. Yeah. That goes back to answering Linda,
Starting point is 00:11:49 right? Time is perfect. I'm feeling old habits knocking at my door with summer approaching. So that's triggers. This is why I love the maintenance group, right? Because you can have lost your weight. So you lost your weight in winter and then you still have to go through every seasonal change, all the situational changes, all of the celebratory days and weekends now having lost your weight, but in maintenance. So it's all like testing you. I guess that's why we call it testing the waters because you are being triggered and it's so easy to fall back into old habits. So I said the maintenance group, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Someone, I was talking to someone today and they're like, I just, I don't know if I need the maintenance. Like, should I do it? Should I not do it? I'm like, well, maybe you won't need it, but why wouldn't you? And I said, the number one thing I'm telling you what to do, but I have learned so much about maintenance being a totally different beast than weight loss that I just think it's such a value to be in this group because we are having these aha conversations like this. And I think you don't know what your experience is going to be until you're in it. Yes. That's when having like that safety net of the support of the community, somebody to answer your questions is important because you don't, it's one of those things you can't, you've never been there before. So you don't know what it's going to be like, and you don't know what you're going to need.
Starting point is 00:13:01 So why not have all of the tools there and at the ready in case you need them? Yeah. I think, go ahead. No, you go ahead. No, that's a valid point. I mean, like, you know, Kim said, you've never been here before and wouldn't it be better to just have, you know, some guidance, some support versus just kind of being out there on your own. I mean, this is where the maintenance group came from in the first place, right? Was recognizing that people needed a place to land. Yeah. Well, here's Vivian back to my goal. So just checking in here today, as well as continuing the spring group, Gina, you must be exhausted three times today, but tons of helpful points. I'm always exhausted, but this gives me life. Like this gives me life. I always said that I want to be able to talk for a living. Like that's
Starting point is 00:13:44 what I wanted to do. And here I am doing it. Um, but you know, we also really have a passion for helping people too. Right. And I think that that's what gives the maintenance group value is that you have this one. I think our community is like, are you, we should charge a mission just to access our community. Uh, and then the other is people that want to help. So hello. Yeah. We're we're, well, what are you doing? We're all hanging out together. Okay. So the next one, what's our next topic? So the next one actually came out of something that you said on the live and it got me thinking on the, on the Monday live, the Monday live,
Starting point is 00:14:15 the maintenance live. And it was, we were talking about, you know, getting into testing the waters and people being excited, members being really excited to be able to choose foods and being excited to add, you know, new foods in, in this stage. So then, and you said something about like, why do you feel the need to have to choose? Why do you feel the need to have to add them back in? So then I started thinking, is the anticipation of choice, of having that choice an issue in an association in itself? So are we, you know, choosing foods, you know, choosing foods and the way we feel about them? Do we have associations tied around them? Like I'm going to choose to have,
Starting point is 00:14:52 Ooh, I get to choose to have French fries because it's a treat food or it's a bad food, you know, is having that choice in itself an issue and association that you have to work through? Yeah. Cause I think it was a question from someone that they were planning. They're, they're, they're testing the water. They were planning how they were going to work through. Yeah. Cause I think it was a question from someone that they were planning their, their, their testing, the water they were planning, how they were going to test themselves. I'm like, no, no, no, no. It's just that when you are solidifying your way, you really want to minimize indulgences. Then when you reach that third stage of maintenance, testing the waters, that is where like, it's okay to have the burgers and the fries and the things, but, but also your work isn't done. See how your body's responding. You know, you're not just like, you know, you're not getting to a point where you're waking up, looking good, feeling it, but you don't have to tell. I said, you don't have to test the waters.
Starting point is 00:15:30 You don't have to go. Cause they were nervous. I remember that she was nervous. She was like, I, I want to test the waters, but also I'm nervous about that because I have my son's wedding coming up and I feel like I can't maybe trust my choices. I'm like, you don't have to test anything. Um, so I thought that was really interesting that she brought that up and, and yeah, so we're choosing, it's like, we're choosing to test the waters with a cheeseburger and I'm thinking, well, you just, that's planning and that's, that's not really what we meant. So I thought, shit, do we need to have to reframe that? Do we have to call it something else now? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah. I think, you know, it comes to like working through it. I mean, I think, you know, we talk about the solidifying stage being where the work continues to solidify your set point. But when you get into testing the waters, it's not just, you know, oh, I'm testing the waters now. It's, you know, this happy place where we land. The work can still, does still continue. We have members like, you know, Valerie, who says she's been there for two years trying to, you know, figure it all out. I think it's that anticipation. And are we still tying, like I said, tying words
Starting point is 00:16:34 and feelings around food that we need to work through? Like, it should just be like, oh, I'm just going to have fries, not like, oh, I'm going to have them and see what happens because they're a bad food or they're a cheat food. You know, and I think if that's what's coming up over and over again, that's something when we talk about having to keep working through these associations and recognizing them, that's where this anticipation comes in. Well, and it gets, I think it comes down to that mind-body connection of like, if you're going someplace, like you have a restaurant that you were going to on Saturday for lunch and they have this burger that you love and you get there. And when you go to order that burger, you sit down and you're like, oh, yeah, I can't wait. I'm ordering the burger. I don't even have to look at the menu or, oh, that salad looks really good. And I'm feeling a little bit like I'm being in tune with what you want.
Starting point is 00:17:23 You're not eating that burger just to see if you can you're actually still when you're testing the water you're still like listening to your body it's the ultimate mind-body connection that's what you're not testing your reaction to the food you're testing sort of how your mind-body connection is when I see that burger do I really want it or do I want something different? Am I eating it because it's there and it's that association where that's a treat food and I can have that now because I'm testing the water. If you really want the burger, have the burger and see how you feel. If you really want a salad, don't order the burger just because you're trying to test yourself.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Have the salad, like choose what you feel in the moment you want to have. And then after you have that choice, how you feel, like I what you feel in the moment you want to have. And then after you have that choice, how you feel, like I've walked away from burgers before feeling like a million bucks, like it did not upset my stomach. It didn't because it's what I wanted. It's what I needed. I was like, in the moment, I was like, yeah, that's exactly what I wanted. I don't even feel bad. And I don't physically feel bad. And that's okay. It doesn't mean I'm going to eat a burger for every single meal after that. I'm still going to continue to be in tune. That's the whole point of it is being in tune. I think it's also the level, like I think the testing the waters is you are doing
Starting point is 00:18:34 this within a contained amount of time with a contained mindset of I am not done this journey. I am still being mindful. So if you are not ready to test the waters that make you nervous, you're probably not ready. Right. But what, what better time for you to try having that thing that you might want to have, you know, at that restaurant, you've had reservations within the, with, with the support of the team and the community and the conversation. It's like, this is why eventually we want you to go on your own and wake up, look and feel good. And if you choose to get a restaurant, you are fully aware of how you are going to feel and fully aware to not have that negative mindset of like, why did I do that? Oh my God, I'm a horrible human being. So I think testing the waters is
Starting point is 00:19:21 the awareness stage where it's like, if, and when I do have these things, I am really testing the change I've made. Am I at a place yet where I can move forward in my life and just wake up, look good, feel good, make choices? Right. Can I trust that? And I think that's where that's where testing the waters is. I think there might be a fine line between testing and sabotage and challenging because some people are like, Oh, well I ate the thing because I'm just want to prove Gina wrong. This thing doesn't work for maintenance. I'm like, okay, well you fucking yourself over is not really what, why? But then people have that. They're like, I don't trust that I'm going to be able to maintain this weight for whatever reason. So I'm going to sabotage myself and prove my self rights. Right. So it could be
Starting point is 00:20:10 your definition. Are you really testing? Are you challenging? Are you sabotaging? Are you, what are you doing? Um, I think it could, these are deep. Yeah. And I think like what you said there, if you, if you don't feel ready, you're probably not. If you're coming into this situation and you're fearful or you're apprehensive or you're feeling a little bit anxious about it, then just wait. There's no rush to have to make that choice. There's no rush to have to push yourself into that. I don't think because the option is there, you have to take it right. You have to do it. I also think if you describe it as cheating, it's not, you're not there. It's choosing. You're just choosing. Like you, here's what he said. I think we need to change the verbiage to not cheat, but choose. Yeah. And to enjoy the gift. This is why I called it a Tuesday. It's a Tuesday. No one needs a cheat day. You're not, you're the only person you're cheating on is yourself. It doesn't mean it has less effect on your body. It doesn't do anything. It's you're choosing to have something. And then what's the aftermath of that? What's happening mentally, what's happening physically. And why
Starting point is 00:21:13 did you choose it in the first place? Right. And so if you're choosing, like there's lots of times Tony and I recently went to, um, it's a place in Yorkville and it was like, um, I can't remember what it was, but they had these short ribs, like these, these massive short ribs. I Insta-storied it and that's what they sold. So that's what we went for right now. I would have been okay if I wasn't in the mood for them to choose something else, but we knew the guy was like, well, normally four people share that. And we're like, yeah, we don't care. We came for this. Like we're going to take the rest home, whatever, you know? And then we totally overate it because it was so amazing. But we went there
Starting point is 00:21:48 to do that. So we chose to drive there to order that, to overeat it. We chose how we were, we already were, we chose how we were going to feel afterwards before we even went there. If you're looking for flexible workouts, Peloton's got you covered. Summer runs or playoff season meditations, whatever your vibe, Peloton has thousands of classes built to push you. We know how life goes. New father, new routines, new locations. What matters is that you have something there to adapt with you,
Starting point is 00:22:21 whether you need a challenge or rest. And Peloton has everything you need, whenever you need a challenge or rest. And Peloton has everything you need whenever you need it. Find your push. Find your power. Peloton. Visit Peloton at Well, that's interesting. Should we move it along to this next? I want to get to this next one because this is just insane to me. This is craziness. I know. And so it is insane, but it's also not new. So I think that's what I wanted to start with. So what we're going to talk
Starting point is 00:22:49 about is the coffee loophole. So if you haven't heard of the coffee loophole, I just, I'm going to just read a quick synopsis of what it is. I knew you were feisty today, so I knew we had to talk about it. So the seven second coffee loophole is a trending weight loss technique that has taken social media by storm. The premise behind it is that you need to consume black coffee sometimes with additional ingredients within a specific time frame, within seven seconds of feeling hunger pains. So advocates and influencers are making some bold claims about this method, asserting, I know, asserting that the intake of coffee tricks the body into feeling full, which suppresses your appetite temporarily. So dumb. So all I want to say is there's no drink that's going to coffee, wine, whatever. There's
Starting point is 00:23:44 no drink that's going to help you work, whatever. There's no drink that's going to help you work through your issues and associations. So whatever. Like if you also, I think that they're, they're drinking coffee with lemon in it. Lemon and cinnamon is the lemon cinnamon. If you remember the bulletproof coffee of the past, some people did use that as a weight loss tool as well. Um, that's not really what it was brought around for like originally it was more for like cognitive function and focus and that sort of thing. But this is the same thing. You put lemon in it. You can put, some people are saying to put green, you know, a bit of green tea in it. Some people are saying, yeah, honey, cinnamon,
Starting point is 00:24:18 because it's supposed to, it's supposed to suppress your appetite and in turn, you're not going to, you know, stupid. First of all, the fact that people are trying to suppress their appetite, that start with that, right? Like this, I actually don't mind the bulletproof coffee, the coffee with a, with the MCT oil. Cause we talk about MCT oil, at least that is giving your body that instant energy, right? Hitting your bypass and digestion, hitting your liver, calming your mind. I don't, I'm all for that. Here's what you do rather than combine your coffee and your lemon water and your cinnamon, whatever is you have your lemon water. When you wake up in the morning, you want to throw some cinnamon in it. Great. There's cinnamon's great. And it's known, you must, you know, this from your, your, your days,
Starting point is 00:25:01 you guys have, it's great for digestion. No one's like, great. If you want to add some cinnamon for digestion, great. All it really is, is coffee and lemon and cinnamon or some green tea, take some L-theanine pills, or I just have green tea. It's, it's, it's what it's playing off of the, well, if you are hungry and you drink water, it will make you feel full. If you are legitimately hungry, nothing really suppresses your appetite unless it's nutrients that you need. So this is just playing off of the, you were probably dehydrated and not hungry in the first place. Also first thing in the morning, it's normal to not be hungry. So you're not really doing anything for yourself. It's not really suppressing. And like, um, I've, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And I mean, if it's got the word loophole in it, I mean, already you should be thinking a little wary. Just have it on your cheat days. Yeah. Yeah. So I thought it was really interesting because, you know, I feel like there's always the next thing and just for it to say like influencers and advocates are pushing for this um you know and it goes back to a conversation we had a long time ago about you know can social media have an impact on you and i think exactly what you said like why do you want to suppress those hunger pangs you worked so hard to become in tune with them to understand what your body's trying to tell you and doing it's such a disservice by telling it to be quiet
Starting point is 00:26:24 right well i think if you add lemon water to coffee, that's disgusting. So you're just going to be like, so if anything, that's might be why you're not hungry afterwards. Like it's no, it's no harm done. Go for it, but don't expect miracles. Just like the lemon water and apple cider vinegar. It doesn't do all the, it helps you cleanse your palate. So you're less likely to go for something sugary for breakfast and it helps you get hydrated in the morning, it helps you cleanse your palate. So you're less likely to go for something sugary for breakfast and it helps you get hydrated in the morning and it helps you like recenter yourself into I'm drinking this crappy shit because I know I'm on this weight loss program. Like that's, you know what I mean? Um, yeah, I think there's always something.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I think to be an expert in this, because I actually did this seven second coffee loophole for about 30 years as my effort of trying to lose weight before I found the method. I would get up in the morning and I didn't want breakfast and I would drink coffee. I would distract myself for the entire day and I could go through dinner time just drinking coffee. You know, my grandma, I remember when she was younger, the only thing I ever saw my grandma, and she was quite slim, ever do was smoke cigarettes and drink coffee and drink beer after dinner. So this isn't new. I invented this. Little Coke on the side.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Little Coke on the side. These people are just catching up to me. And I can tell you from experience that it doesn't fucking work. It is, you're basically, you might as well be fasting. You might as well be starving yourself. You might as well be ignoring. You're just suppressing because coffee is a stimulant. And that stimulant is suppressing your mind from recognizing your body's signals.
Starting point is 00:28:03 So it's not a loophole. It's a, like, it's basically dampening your mind body connection when you choose to do this instead of listening to your body. Well, coffee does that too. People think it's a wick, wick, wick, wick, wake me up. It's a pick me up, wake me up. I guess a wake me up. But really what it's doing, it's distracting you from realizing that you're tired and then you're still tired. And then you just end up like you're tired, but all from your coffee listen i don't want to like disrespect anyone who wants but wants a quick fix who are like oh ask about these things it's listen but here's the thing i'd be slapping the living method on that so fast if it worked i'd be like
Starting point is 00:28:39 here's your living method loophole coffee i I probably call it something else, but, um, yeah, listen, if, if ever, I want people to know as much as my attitude about this kind of sucks, if there were things that you could do to that are going to be a benefit from you, I would let you know, even if they were somebody else's thing or somebody else was making money off of it, I absolutely would be like, Hey, there's, there's, there's validity in this, right? There's validity in the lemon that you're adding to the coffee and there's validity in the cinnamon that helps with digestion. And to some extent there's validity with coffee as well. Um, but that you don't want to be suppressing your appetite at the end of the day. Yeah, I agree. And you know, I'm an advocate. I love coffee. I, you know, I think I'm
Starting point is 00:29:25 Portuguese. I think I've been drinking espresso since I was five years old after dinner. So I, like, I love coffee. I think it makes me a nicer person. And sometimes when I put cinnamon in it, I enjoy it even more. And, you know, but I don't, I think there's nothing wrong with that. I think there's nothing wrong with enjoying your coffee or enjoying your drink. And I think you're right. I mean, if you want to enjoy it, it makes you feel happy and it makes you feel good. I think that that's amazing. But yeah, at the same time, I don't want everyone to put their, you know, all hope, put all their hope in it is that it's this new miracle thing. It's unfortunately. Oh, so just to say for the purpose of suppressing your appetite, that's, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:01 enjoy your coffee, have your coffee because you enjoy it and you want that cup in the morning. But when you're doing it with an ulterior motive, like this is going to suppress my appetite so I don't need to eat for great program and people should really do it. And we also offer it super affordable, but a lot of these things that people are seeing online, the TikToker might not be selling the product, but the TikToker is trying to sell views. They're trying to sell clicks. And that's just, to me, it's another form of clickbait. It's riding the bandwagon. It's, you know, it's, I find a lot of super knowledgeable people do this too right they're just like i need the views i need the clicks i need the whatever and they say the stupidest shit i'm like but i had i had people friends that i'm i mean still not going to call them friends associates in the nutrition and they were all like oh i'm offering this like
Starting point is 00:31:00 six week 21 day i'm like what why that doesn't work. Well, that's what sells. I'm like, okay, but that's not what works. Well, but that's what sells. I can get people to sign up and buy that. And they just keep buying it over and over. I'm like, because it's not actually doing anything for them, you know? Um, so I think you have to kind of, I mean, this is why I love this group. If you want to, someone actually asked this the other day in the group, I think I, I responded and I said, you know, listen, at the end of the day, it's coffee, it's cinnamon, it's lemon water, like have your lemon water, add cinnamon to your coffee. That's way more enjoyable if you ask me, not doing any harm, but it's not doing any of the magical things.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So, yeah. And yeah. And especially to our members who are so smart now. And so, and have all of this, have all of this knowledge behind them you know you've done so much work don't you know you don't want to suppress your appetite and the mind body connection like kim said you know by thinking that this is gonna help you your mind and the knowledge that you have is going to take you so much further yeah margie i will never suppress my appetite again thank you living method there you go though's fun. That went by so fast. Thank God, because I still have to pee. Odette, what do we got coming up next week before we end?
Starting point is 00:32:10 So next week for our, so two things. So our members and maintenance, if they're following along with the tweaks, we have feeding the metabolism coming up at the end of next week. So I feel even our members and maintenance have a love-hate relationship with this tweak. We find some love it, some hate it. It really brings a focus back onto themselves. They have to take the time to slow down again, focus on themselves, where they may be feeling like, oh, you know, I should be past this by now. So I really love that our members lean into this tweak, lean into this tool, and take the time.
Starting point is 00:32:42 You know what? I'm just thinking, not that I need to come on 16 times a day, and I am tired, but maybe this is where you and I should be discussing the time. You know what? I'm just thinking, not that I need to come on 16 times a day and I am tired, but maybe this is where you and I should be discussing the tweak this week with maintenance. What does downsizing mean in maintenance? What is like,
Starting point is 00:32:53 we could do our own little tweak this week. The production guys are like, oh God. I just say it. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I'll write it down. Put it on the list and see. Put it down.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Put it on the list and see. So I love this one. I'll write it down. Put it on the list. Put it down. Put it on the list. So I love this one. I love diving into this one with our members because it's always interesting to see like, oh yeah, I do have to slow down again. I do have to take the time to think about this again. And another thing I wanted to just touch on here next week, the team at We Lost My Gina is doing our annual activity challenge. That's right. Go team Gina.
Starting point is 00:33:28 None of us are on the same team. That'll be interesting. Do we have teams yet? I know they separated us all. Did someone send us a list of who's on our team? Yes. Yeah. So that's starting next week, Monday. And as you know, what we do is our team comes together. We are in teams. We challenge each other. We raise money for charities that are close to our heart. And this year, we're inviting our members to come along with us and move with us. So there's going to be an announcement on Monday in the group on how you can be involved,
Starting point is 00:33:59 on how you can move with us. You know, we have this amazing community who loves to come together and feel like they're part of something and doing something good. So that announcement is going to come on Monday and we hope everyone joins us. We want to see everybody out there moving, whatever moving means to them.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Jodi's on my team. Jodi! Jodi's on my team. Jodi's on my team. Jodi's on my team. We're going to crush you, bitches. Well, Jody's going to be too busy if we add a new segment. He's not going to be able to do much.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Yeah, he's going to be busy with your new segment. Well, you guys are doing that. My team is going to- Come and join us, Matt and Gina, while they are swimming or walking. We are going to walk and talk. We're going to walk and talk. That's what we're going to do. We're going to walk and talk.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I don't know how the guys are going to produce that. I don't know how we're going to do that. Jody's what we're going to do. We're going to walk and talk. I don't know how the guys are going to produce that. I don't know how we're going to do that. Jodi's going to be walking with you because he's on your team. So he's not producing anything. I think that's going to be fun next week. I think it's, you know, we've done these mini challenges before just within the group, but to know that the whole weight loss by Gina team is, is doing it and having our members come along in the group and in the, and in our public facing socials as well, but along in the group and in the and in our public facing um socials as well but really in the group we want to see our members um taking part so yeah
Starting point is 00:35:10 it was so fun last year we raised like twelve thousand dollars um doing this because are we still doing that where we meet are we still doing that where we a dollar for a dollar for a minute all right i started my new like 91 days of swimming so i'm gonna be i'm just gonna put my phone and i'm just gonna do all my lives from the pool i'm just gonna be in the pool the whole time i'm just gonna be like so every day whatever the program guys i'm just gonna talk and swim for a minute for and that counts right treading water doesn't it you're not on your team they're gonna fill your day up full of meetings so you can't move. I've never been so active in my life. The last time we did this challenge, I literally, I didn't have any time to exercise, right? And then this challenge started and all of a sudden I had like two and a half hours every day
Starting point is 00:36:05 i was like and then i'd see tony doing something and then i'd be like okay i gotta do something i literally went from i don't have time to let me find time so where there's a will there's a way to get in so i challenge our members to do it with us it's gonna be fun yeah it's gonna be fun are we doing something kim in the main group too are we doing i don't know yeah in the weight loss group we're going to do the same thing. We're going to give everyone an opportunity to share with the, um, with all of their activity along with us. And I think we've got some fun things that we're working on with socials as far as sharing
Starting point is 00:36:36 some of the, uh, team stuff in the groups too. So, so fun. Okay. We got to go. Cause we told our production team that we wouldn't go over time and here we are way over time. So, um, it seems to be a theme for me today. So, uh, we got to go. Cause we told our production team that we wouldn't go over time and here we are way over time. So, um, it seems to be a theme for me today. So, uh, we got to go. Bye everyone. See you next time. Thanks for joining us.

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