The Livy Method Podcast - The Tweak This Week - Spring/Summer 2024 - Week 7

Episode Date: June 12, 2024

Join Gina and Program Manager Kim as they answer your questions and break down the tweak that we see in The Program this week. This is the live recording from June 12, 2024.You can find the full hosted at: covered:Feeding the Metabolism and really getting in tune with your body's needsWhat is the overall objective of Feeding The Metabolism?Are you resisting the information or looking for loopholes?Old diets versus genuinely understanding what your body needsWorking through past diet mentalities of starving and depriving yourself.Preparing your portions for the Feeding The Metabolism tweak.The importance of preparing your whole meal to SEE it before you split it into portions. Eating out and strategies for splitting your meal in social settings. Eating to satisfaction and visually seeing what you need.What does maintenance look like when preparing your portions and eating to satisfaction? Breaking through the fear that you are going to be hungry later.The Tweak Next Week, week 8, Maximizing and Feeding The Metabolism One Last Time. To learn more about the Livy Method, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Gina Livy and welcome to the Livy Method podcast. This is where you'll have access to all of the live streams from my 91 day weight loss program. With a combination of daily lives, guest expert interviews and member stories, there is something new almost every day. Miss the morning live? Want to re-listen to one of our amazing guest experts? Well, this is the place. This podcast is hosted on Acast, but it's available on all podcast platforms, including the one you're listening to right now, Spotify, Apple,
Starting point is 00:00:31 and Amazon Music. Welcome to the Tweak this week. So many tweaks. This is my favorite or one of my favorite weeks in Tweaks. I know I say that every week. Kim is joining me. She is the manager of our weight loss program and group here. We are here to talk about feeding the metabolism. Hello. Hello. How are you? Good. You know, I love this. I love where we're at in the program. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:19 We're in the messy middle. Um, which I love our conversation with Dr. Dina. Oh my God. She amazing or what? Um, but at the same time, it's like, we're at this messy middle, which I love our conversation with Dr. Dina. Oh my God, she amazing or what? But at the same time, it's like we're at this place where people have put so much time and energy into the basics that kind of like they got it. And this is sort of where we really get into it, right? And this is like really about like really getting in tune to your body's needs, knowing what your body needs, really finding out a lot about yourself and really leveling up, which isn't necessarily doing more. Um, but really understanding weight loss is so much more than what you were eating and when, and bigger than that, this is all about the end game. I was saying this on the live. This is about getting to a place where you have lost your weight in a healthy way, physically,
Starting point is 00:01:59 mentally, where you are calm around foods, where you legit move on from your weight journey, right? Like, just don't even think about it. Wake up, look good, feel good, go about your day, live your life, make good food choices. So what you are learning this week is part of that. Part of that. Yeah. I had a member question kind of pop up in the group this morning that had me thinking a lot about that, about what we're doing and when. And it was Anita this morning. I think pop up in the group this morning that had me thinking a lot about that, about what we're doing and when, and it was Anita this morning. I think he was in the queue. I could be wrong though. But she asked, what is the point of this week's tweak? And she said, I know it's called feeding the metabolism, but I'm having a tough time making the connection. How does eating
Starting point is 00:02:39 and then eating again, 30 minutes later accomplish this? Is the overall goal to reassess our portion sizes? I need some clarification. Like what is the overall objective? And asking that, I was like, this is really interesting because I started thinking about like understanding the rhyme and the reason. That makes sense. I very much need to know why I'm doing things in order for them to really resonate with them. But our members getting held up on worrying about and having to make sense of it and have it fit in one of their preconceived diet boxes in order for them to follow through with it and be able to like make the most of it. Do they need that? Or is that a barrier for them from just doing it and getting
Starting point is 00:03:22 it done? Also, don't I explain that in the guidelines? Like I'm pretty sure I'm pretty clear about, and no disrespect to the question, but I think this comes to people's personal barriers because I explain this. I talk about the rhyme and the reason behind it. I talk about the whole point of it in the actual guidelines itself and in the written content. Plus we have the whole maximizing post that went out today that specifically, I'm going to pull it up right now, talks about the rhyme and the reason. So I'm sure she saw that. I'm sure she watched it. I'm sure she read it. This could come, like you said, to your point from a place of trying to make it fit into your diet mentality box,
Starting point is 00:04:04 trying to make it make sense based on all the other diets you have done, and you're not going to make sense of it in that way. I think people can be really resistant to wanting to really fully understand it in the way that I'm actually presenting it. So it helps you get even more in tune to your portions, and it helps you do that freely without the restrictive pressure that downsizing did. Downsizing was for a rhyme and a reason too. Less about eating less, but yes, about getting in tune to portions and more about the issues and associations that have been brought
Starting point is 00:04:35 up if you've spent any time at all dieting. Feeding metabolism is a different way to get in tune to portions without the pressure of diet mentality because you get to eat that second portion. You have to eat that second portion. It allows you to be calm in the moment and actually take that time to allow your body to start processing and digesting your foods. A lot of us eat really quickly and it takes about 20 minutes for your satisfaction levels to register and a lot of people are done their meal before 20 minutes. So it really gives them an opportunity to understand that there is a bit of a gap between when you start eating to when that food actually registers. And it is also understanding
Starting point is 00:05:15 that when you're separating your proteins from your carbs, how different foods process differently, feeding into those satiety hormones, the importance of adding protein and fat to your meals. There's so much to it. And I think maybe they just want one answer, right? Just tell me how is this going to help me lose weight? Well, it's not any one week or tweak that's going to help you lose weight. It's how they all work together. And I think that's the takeaway because you're not really asking how does this tweak work or the rhyme and the reason behind it? Because I literally tell you in the notes, it must be like, okay, but how is it going to help me lose weight? Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's a lot of, to your point, people are reading the information. We're
Starting point is 00:05:58 assuming people are reading the information and they're getting familiar with it. And often I think some of the questions come from that resistance to want to accept it. Like if I, maybe like, maybe if I ask it a different way, I can get a different answer. Or maybe if I'm not saying that Anita is doing this, but maybe if I find out why, I can figure out another way,
Starting point is 00:06:24 my own way to do the same thing without having to follow through what they're asking me to do too. Because we do know there's people who look for loopholes and look for things that, that kind of, um, you know, they can get away with in order to still feel like they're following and say, I'm following, I'm following along. But are you really like just trusting the process, not blindly trusting it, but trusting it in that you're going to do it, I'm going to give it a shot, I'm going to see what happens. Because I think that's the big thing that my big takeaway from feeding the metabolism was I absolutely hated it the first time I did it, because I was like, Are you who has time for this?
Starting point is 00:07:01 And then I did it. And I was, you can actually feel like I could feel my body changing. I could feel my energy levels changing. I could feel my hunger changing. I could feel, I think this is a week where I really felt like, oh, wow, this is really doing something. I'm feeling all of the stuff that we've been working towards now. So, you know, give it a shot. Yeah. People we've had, we've even, this is like a week where I've had people get, we've had people get mad. Like you're setting me up for failure and you're trying to ruin my progress and I don't have time for that.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And I was like, people would feel very strongly about this. And I'm just like, okay, wait a minute. And like, I get it. And I love what Jenny said here. It makes no sense if you come from a diet mentality. Seriously, this isn't a diet. I've never been on a diet where I'm supposed to eat until satisfied and then eat more often. It is all learning and unlearning journey.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah. And so you, this is the thing about if you're new, right? The towards the end of the program, we're going to have you eating in tune to your body's needs. But if you don't know what your body needs, if you don't have a clear understanding of what satisfaction means like, and feels like to you and what unsatisfied like feels like and means to you, then how are you going to know, right? Like dieting is spending years and years and years, disconnecting from yourself, starving yourself, depriving yourself, not eating when you're hungry, trying not to eat.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And so the end of this program is really about you really understanding what your body needs and your body's needs change. That's the thing. That's why calorie counting doesn't, doesn't make sense because it's not taking into account nutrient value of your foods. It also doesn't take into account your body's needs change every day, right? One day. And you probably are noticing this on the program or one day, even on downsizing, you're super hungry. The next you're not, you're downsizing, you're still not hungry. And so this is why if you, if you, I love what Dr. Dina said yesterday, I actually, I should maybe memorize what she said, but the ask is asking you to do this tweak to learn, right? To have a better understanding. It's in terms of
Starting point is 00:09:16 how is it going to, how is it going to affect this scale? Well, one, it is making your body work a little extra harder. You are getting even more in tune to those portions. You are still expected to move your body and manage your stress and get your sleep. And this is why I'm saying it's, if you just follow the basic food plan, you should expect to lose weight too. But these tweaks are designed to approach weight loss in a different way and really allow you to get deep with it and, and. And really, this is what's factoring into the losing your weight in a healthy, sustainable way. What you are learning is going to help you not just lose your weight, but be able to maintain and sustain your weight. Like the maintenance part is part of that sustainability is built into the program, the things that you're working through. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah. And I think with, um, with that, with this tweak, one of the things that, um, you really need to do is work through it because if you're somebody who wasn't eating a lot back to the point of like fast diet, if you're somebody that wasn't eating a lot, a lot of us, like I think about like our grandmother's diet, which was what, like coffee, cigarettes all day, and then have a big dinner. That's like, I don't know. That's, that was what my grandma did. My like full time, I was bringing out no breakfast, no lunch, and then a big dinner with a cigarette. Right. So that is, you were taught that the less you eat, the thinner you're
Starting point is 00:10:39 going to be. And the big takeaway for me from this week was because I was somebody who didn't eat all day often, not because I necessarily thought it was going to make me skinny, but because I just wasn't on my radar to eat, I was not in tune with my body's needs, to go from being worried about eating too much to eating so many times a day and actually feeling like seeing the scale move, yes, for people, if that's where, you know, their body's at, but also feeling that difference of, Oh, I'm eating more often and I'm noticing in my body, it's not, I'm not gaining weight because I'm eating more often. I'm not full all the time because I'm eating more often. I'm not, I have energy getting in
Starting point is 00:11:24 tune with how you feel when you're eating this ridiculous amount of times a day that most people wouldn't consider eating, because usually they go less instead of going more with the eating. It really goes to show you, it is not about starving and depriving yourself. It's about giving your body what it needs on a consistent basis throughout the day, and how good that is for your body. So you recognize that you might need to eat a little bit more often some days when you know you're in maintenance, you're in your finally and forever and you're in tune. It's okay if you feel like you need to eat eight, nine times a day, if that's what your body's telling you that day,
Starting point is 00:12:00 because you need it that day. But for the most part, it's you know, it's not always but I think it's normalizing eating regularly is another one of the benefits of this tweak. We don't expect people to continue feeding the metabolism for the rest of their lives. We're asking for four days from them and see how it feels and really dig into that. It's also about seeing smaller portions.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Lizzie just asked, so no change to portions, just splitting? Yeah, no. Every day portions are what they feel like and not about what they look like. And so this is where overthinking will come. So whatever you made yourself for lunch today, for example, make that same thing tomorrow, same portion size, same food, make it tomorrow. You don't have to. I'm just saying using that as an example. So today, what was your thought process when putting your meal together, right? What was your thought process when it came to eating your meal? You probably didn't think, Oh, I eat my, what should I eat first? What should I eat last? You probably just ate it. And if you ask those four questions, maybe you left food on your plate, or maybe it
Starting point is 00:12:56 was the right amount, whatever that is. Right? And so it's no different. You're going to take that same portion, that same meal. Again, it doesn't have to be the same food choices, but you're going to put your meal together in that same meal. Again, it doesn't have to be the same food choices, but you're going to put your meal together in the same way tomorrow that you did today. And you're going to simply split it in two. And then you're going to mindfully eat the first one, asking the four questions and assess how you feel afterwards. Now, maybe you're hungry afterwards, but then you're going to wait.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Or maybe you're not hungry afterwards. Then you're going to wait 20 to 30 minutes. You're going to give that food time to start to digest and to register. And then you get to have this second portion. In fact, you have to have that second portion. And if you're not hungry for it, you're going to have a token amount. That's it. If you are hungry for it, you're going to ask four questions. And then you're going to, you know, eat enough to feel satisfied.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Now, most of you are going to notice after you eat that first portion and you wait that time, you're not really all that hungry for that second portion, especially when you have to eat a token amount and you get to eat it as opposed to downsizing where if you leave it, that's it, right? Like it's a totally different mentality when it comes to your portions. And now that could also mean taking your portion, right, splitting it into eating the first one, waiting 20 to 30 minutes, mindfully needing the second portion and needing to go back for a third portion. If you're extra hungry and found that you needed even more food and then asking the four questions when it comes to that portion. Portions
Starting point is 00:14:20 are always what they feel like and can change day to day. This is what we're getting in tune with. But most of you will find after you have that first portion and you give it time and you can have that second portion, you're really not all that hungry for it. So this also gets you used to seeing smaller portions. You will be amazed at how much food you don't need because we are a society of overeating. And when you take the pressure off and you are allowed and have to eat that second portion, it's amazing how you are free to be like, Oh, I actually don't even need it right now. When you take the portion and you separate, let's say you have, um, some, some broccoli and some chicken, uh, leafy greens with some avocado and, um, some quinoa, right? So now you're going to take that portion. You're going to separate the protein. So you're going to have the chicken first,
Starting point is 00:15:12 and maybe you'll have the leafy greens and avocado, maybe your salad with it. And then you're going to leave your broccoli and your quinoa second. So you're going to eat the protein portion first because protein goes first. Fats and leafy greens can go either way, whatever you feel is best. I'm going to eat that first portion. I'm going to ask the four questions. Maybe I'm hungry when I'm done, maybe not. Right. And then I'm going to wait 20 to 30 minutes and see how I feel. And this is where you get to really see how protein and fat or protein feeds into your protein because your body needs those essential amino acids that you're getting from your protein.
Starting point is 00:15:45 You need protein in your diet. You need essential fats in your diet. Carbohydrates, not so much because this is where your body can produce that on its own. And so you're going to have that protein first, and then you're going to have those carbs second. So your vegetables or your grains or whatever, based on your need. Um, this is where also when you're separating that protein, it feeds into our tweak coming down, um, for weeks nine and 10, which is our revamp week and tweak. I'm not going to get into that, but this is sort of where separating that protein is kind of the lead up and the set up for that tweak coming down the pipeline, whether you do that or not, whether you do that or not. So, so it is very much still about portions, right? So there's, there's not necessarily a change to the portion
Starting point is 00:16:31 that you are plating, but this is about always being even more in tune to your portions. If that makes sense. I know that was a lot. I know it made sense whether or not, you know, people understood that as a whole other thing. Yes. Um, I think one of the big things too we've been getting that people are asking is or not asking or suggesting and we've heard people comment in the past is about um how do they want how do they split it in two if they pre-make their portion and they split it in two then the second half of their meal is going to be cold or not as appealing or have been sitting there for a little while. And I think that's something like I, I think when you're thinking that, like, yeah, of course we want to like our food, we want to, but I think this is
Starting point is 00:17:16 one of those situations where you want to ask yourself how badly you want this. If you are really concerned about wanting that food to be yummy and hot and warm, then are you really willing to do everything to dig into this tweak and make the most of it? Because to me, somebody who's making two separate portions, and I've heard in the past people doing this, like, well, I'm just going to make a little bit and then I'm going to make a little bit more. You're not taking that portion as a whole looking at it. And especially if you're dividing your protein from your carbs and you choose to take it that next step further, you really run the risk of that portion of protein looking too small when you're looking at it on its own and it being way more than enough. Whereas
Starting point is 00:18:03 when you look at your plate as a whole with your protein, your leafy greens, your carbs, which can be vegetables or those grains at lunch and stuff. If you're looking at that plate as a whole, you can assess like, oh, okay, that looks like a lot of food for me. Maybe that's too much or, oh, I might need a little more.
Starting point is 00:18:19 If you're separating it, it's very easy to look at, like, oh, that's a tiny little piece of steak or that's a tiny little chicken of steak, or that's a tiny little chicken breast, I might need more to be satisfied. And you're only looking at that first portion to be satisfied. And you should be looking still at that one meal as a whole. Is that what I think looks like, feels like the right amount to be satisfied, and then taking it apart into those two sections. That's so important because otherwise
Starting point is 00:18:45 you're just having a small portion and then going back for more if you need. That is not the same thing. That is not the same thing as visually seeing. Make a salad with chicken on it. Like that's people eat salads with chicken on it, cold, put some quinoa on it, cold all the time. If it's your, you know, your meat, whatever, reheat it if you need to. But think about that. It's only 20 minutes, half hour. Like people will sit at a dinner. We went for dinner last night. It was my daughter's birthday.
Starting point is 00:19:09 We sat around that table for like an hour and a half. And that food is still, I'm still picking up the food, still eating. The food's been sitting there on the table for an hour and a half, an hour and a half. And people are still picking, you go out for a nice dinner. You're usually, you're in a setting where you're not eating your dinner in five minutes, you are having conversation, you were enjoying, enjoying your food, like really, this comes down to that we just sit down, we wolf down our meal in five seconds. Like, you know, and same thing with people who like, well, I only have a half hour, we'll eat soon as you can get your lunch in. And then before you head off to do whatever
Starting point is 00:19:44 you need to do, get the second portion in. Like, I know it's the easier said than done. But yeah, like that's overthinking that. It's overthinking that. And it's not getting the same thing out of it. As see, it's about visually, it's about your association to food, which you are visually used to seeing. It's about having nothing changes.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Same thing with downsizing. Nothing changed except eating slightly less. This is nothing changes except you're splitting the portion in two, right? Or nothing changes except you're separating your protein from your carbs. And this is where you'll really get to understand really being in tune to those portions and visualizing seeing so. Anyone that has ever tried to feed a child eaten uh has eaten a cold meal it's not going to hurt that bad yeah i was thinking that when we were talking like any of us who have got like kids or like to your point the restaurant but yeah kids like i remember when my kids were
Starting point is 00:20:38 little like trying to like finish a cup of coffee while it was still warm. No, it was never going to happen. I do that now. I just drink my coffee cold now. I'm like, I'm like, this is, I can't reheat it for the 16th time today. I'm just kidding. It's only four days. You're going to be okay. Even in attempting it, right? Like that's the thing. It's only four days. Yeah. Give it a try. It's even in the attempt. It's in the attempt of it. It's really cool what you're going to learn from it. Okay. So a couple of things people are asking about is the star of the meal. I know that. Don't worry about that. Make your meals as they are made. The star of the meal is going to change as we go. Don't worry about getting in, like eating the vegetables or not getting those or anything that even though they're the star of the meal, again, plate the plate, the meals, the way you've been
Starting point is 00:21:27 making them or your snacks or whatever. I got a great question today about snacks. If you're not hungry and you're just having a token amount anyway, you don't need to split that up. So if you're not hungry and you're just having a token amount, just have that token amount. People are asking, can I go longer than like, can I do an hour in between? If you, if you don't have the time to eat the second portion in 20 to 30 minutes, then don't split the portion. Just like really double down on asking those four questions. Um, I think those are the big ones. Yeah. I think the other one we touch on and we touch on it in the posts of course too, but the like things like soups and stews or people that are taking oatmeal and bumping up their oatmeal with healthy fats and protein, how do they separate those? And I
Starting point is 00:22:09 think you don't want to overthink it. If you are having something like that, just simply split it in half. And don't worry about having that, you know, trying to take the protein out. If you have some meals, like if you're really interested in taking it that step further, yes, adjust what you're eating and give it a try. But if you have your meals that you want to eat, there's no, there's still a benefit. It's going to not give you that whole, like that getting in tune with how you feel after the protein, but there's still benefit to separating it. If not, you know, it's just taking it one step further. You can do a combination. Some of your meals can be splitting the protein first and then having the carbs after and other ones just simply split them in half if you want to. Yeah. And some people will be able to do this with all meals and snacks and some people
Starting point is 00:22:53 maybe only a few meals and snacks and, or maybe a couple of days where you're at work, you can't, but maybe you can get dinners in and then maybe do it on the weekend. I love what Judy said here. I'm going out for lunch with friends on Friday and I'm thinking about getting really chatty during the 20 minutes wait between portions. Hope this will work. I don't want to say what I'm doing, but want to follow the tweet, right? Like you start with your meal, you drink your water, you chat, you hang out, like, you know, really indulge or, you know, you could be like, oh, I'm not, you know, all that hungry kind of pick at your food, move it around. And, you know, that's kind of the same thing, right? Whereas if you, so many of us just eat so fast, where if you did just sit,
Starting point is 00:23:29 because you know how you do this, like when you have done that, and you're and then you find yourself just kind of picking anything, oh, shit, like I haven't really eaten my meal, I should eat it. But I'm not even really I don't need it. Because I just I had enough. You just wait long enough, you'll realize you have enough. I just pretend I'm kind of full and then 20 minutes, keep eating. Who's going to know? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I totally get this too. It's a little weird and you don't want to have to explain it to people. And you don't want the whole, your whole conversation to be about what you were doing. So that's what I, that would do the same, right? Like start eating or just really, you could look at this as like even really just taking your time to eat your meal, right? Like enjoy, you know, part of it and then kind of sit there a little bit and, you know, allow it.
Starting point is 00:24:16 You're basically, you're basically allowing your body to start digesting your food and give it the time that it needs to let you know when it's had enough as opposed to you eating it all in one shot and then trying to, that's why when you eat it all in one shot, we're like, you're, the goal is not satisfaction in the moment, right? That's why, that's why up until this point, it was like, when we're eating dissatisfaction, you were eating just enough so that when you're walking away 10, 15 minutes later, that's when you're starting to feel satisfied and not stuffed. And if you keep, you know, if you keep eating just enough and then you end up feeling full, then when it comes, you got to
Starting point is 00:24:56 scale that back even more and get to that point so that when the goal is that when you walk away 10, 15 minutes later, that is when you're starting to feel satisfied, right? So it's kind of the same, same, but different, same, same, but different. Yeah. And that's one of the questions that members have regarding eating to satisfaction is like feelings. Should they feel satisfied after that first portion? What if they feel satisfied after that?
Starting point is 00:25:22 And, you know, how are they going to feel? How are they going to feel in between? Are they expected to feel hungry? So I think those are all good questions too. Well, if you split your portion in two and you are actually satisfied after the first portion, then you're probably portioning out your portions or you need to reevaluate your portions, right? And this is where you're going to realize, like, if when you had that first portion, you give it that half hour without the pressure of that's all you get to eat or downsizing and you get to chew, like you have
Starting point is 00:25:50 to eat that second portion. That's when like without that pressure, which a big part of that is mental and from diet, spending so many years dieting, that's where you're like, oh, like I've eaten half my meal. Like yesterday, this was like enough. Today I've eaten half and like I'm already realizing like this is more than enough for me. And this is where you start to realize not just with your hunger cues, but visually seeing, oh, okay, like I didn't need that whole portion yesterday. And a lot of that was your mentality. This is your one shot.
Starting point is 00:26:22 This is your portion. This is what you got. You know, you're asking the four questions, but this is delicious and I want more. I'm afraid of being hungry or all those things where now you're just like, okay, I get to eat this whole portion if I want. I get to eat a half now. But chances are by the time you're done that 20, 30 minutes, you're realizing, oh shit, I'm not really all that hungry without the pressure. And so that's the big, that's the big takeaway with that. Yeah. I think that that holding off for the 20 or 30 minutes allows you that extra pause to really dig into how you're feeling. Because I think often we get panicky for that 10 minutes after a meal, especially specifically during downsizing week. You don't feel that panic between for the entire time between your meals and snacks. You'll really only feel that panic that for the entire time between your meals and snacks, you'll really only feel that panic that people have talked about feeling for the first 10 minutes. And then once your body kind of settles in, you forget about it, because you're over it, your body's over it, you realize like, I don't need it, I'm actually good, this is fine. And this allows you to get
Starting point is 00:27:18 through it's like that buffer to get through that kind of panic zone, if that was something that you experienced the last couple weeks when we were downsizing. Yeah, I love this question from Holly question, do you ever in your weight loss journey get to a portion that makes you feel satisfied, but you continue losing weight in my mind, I think that's maintenance. But it's something I think about, well, your portions should be making you feel satisfied. So, so like, for example, today, when you're eating, you should eat enough that when you walk away, you're feeling satisfied. That's kind of like, you'll get to realize, and this is, this is why most people are probably still overeating. So we're starting to get even more in tune to those portions. And the reality is satisfaction changes
Starting point is 00:27:59 day to day to day. And you're not trying to eat less. Like you're not, you're losing weight isn't based on eating less. I mean, for some people, obviously, but it's not about that. It's about giving your body what it needs based on your set point and the weight that your body has decided it's comfortable at based on, on need and storing that fat because it feels like it needs it. And it's about once you address your body's need to store fat, it's really about providing the opportunity for your body to release that fat, which is, you know, by not overeating your foods, you know, by, you know, by facilitating detox, making sure you're moving your body, getting good sleep, managing your't have to ask those four questions. By the time you're ready to go live your life in maintenance or live the living way, you're going to eat when you're hungry. Like when to eat? Oh, I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:28:52 What do I eat? Oh, I want a steak. You know, like you want to want a steak or you want a fresh salad. Like you'll know, this is what I want. And then portion wise, you won't even have to think. I don't ask for questions. I don't think about my portions. I know exactly the moment when I've had enough. So we went out for dinner
Starting point is 00:29:07 last night. We had lobster, we had crab. It was my daughter's 21st birthday. Oh my God. It was amazing. It was a little bit later at night and I was like so hungry going there. But then I had like a little bit of crab and lobster and I was like, Oh shit. Like I'm hungry. I'm not hungry anymore. I've had enough. And I was a little bit disappointed because the food's fucking delicious. And, but I knew the exact moment. I knew the exact moment when I've had enough to the point that I also didn't want to like feel overly stuff. Cause it was late at night. And I was just like, yeah. So I did have one more little piece of lobster. I had some extra leafy greens. I pushed it a little bit, but I knew exactly how
Starting point is 00:29:45 much I was pushing it. I knew the exact moment I was satisfied. I knew the exact moment when I was going in for more. I knew how to push it a little bit without really completely over overindulging. And I didn't think about any of it. It's all just happened. So all of this that you're dealing with and working through is to get you to that point. That's that's that where you're not even thinking, not even thinking about it. Right. Here's Terry. I still battle that worry about being hungry later. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:13 You just blew my mind that this will help me to trust that I'll be OK. Yes. I usually focus on just the portion size during this tweak. But this time I'm going to make make feeling safe and not worry about how hungry I might or might not be later. Well, the beauty of this is if you're breaking up meals and snacks, you're eating like every time you eat, you wait, like you got your next meal or snack coming down the pipeline. Like, you know what I mean? So this sort of like you have, you're eating like you're eating all the time, all day long, right? That's what's, and it's going to allow you to do. And when you can do that, you'll be surprised how you won't do that.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yes. Yeah. That's the big thing is you, you just, the trusting the process I think is a big part of this one because there's, there's some resistance to doing it, but I feel like people are open minded, more so open-minded. I feel like this group has a really good vibe to it. Everybody's so open. There seems to be less resistance to this. So thank you, everyone. I'm super excited about that, this group. I think people are really getting to the point where they're over diets and they're looking, they really recognize it's more than what you were eating and when, and there's more to it. I think we've also done a better job of making it make sense. Like we have reworked this book 10 times to the point where it's got good, solid information. Like, you know, I think that's helping. Um, plus I think things like this
Starting point is 00:31:33 tweak this week conversation helps. Okay. Our time is up. We were talking about the tweak next week, which is again, just feeding them metabolism again. So we are back to the first three days of the week back to satisfaction, which similar to downsizing after you came off a downsizing, you notice you were even more in tune to those portions. And so we're going to do this again. No, you cannot switch up the days and the times. Don't worry about if your weight starts to drop during this weekend and feeding the metabolism, don't worry that going back to that, you know, basic food plan and satisfaction is going to stop that. I mentioned that today, like the transition of the tweaks is not going to stop your body from continuing to drop. If you're in a mode of dropping, it only builds on
Starting point is 00:32:13 that. So don't stress about that. Um, and so first three days back to satisfaction, being super in tune, maximizing one last time, and then we're going to split up the meals and snacks again, and then we're going to completely switch gears. So anything else to add? No, no. Have fun with it this week, everyone. It's, uh, it's, you don't, you go from resisting, like, what do you mean? I can only eat that on a diet. And so many people bellyache about old diets about, oh, I'm so hungry. I never get to eat anything. This is the opposite. You get to eat all day long. Enjoy it. Another diet to get to starve and deprive yourself on this one. You have to eat. I know it sucks. It's horrible. It's terribly inconvenient, which it is. All right, you guys, we got to go. Thanks
Starting point is 00:32:56 for joining us again. Uh, we love talking about all this stuff. So hopefully you got a little bit more out of it. Got what you needed. If not ask as many questions as you need. Do not be shy about asking as many questions. I'm the kind of person I have to ask 10 questions 10 different ways until I actually get it. So if that is you, ask, ask, ask again, ask again. We really are here for you. So don't be shy about that. Have an amazing rest of your day, everyone. Tomorrow, Dr. Beverly is joining me.
Starting point is 00:33:21 We're going to talk about that internal dialogue and then Kyle on Friday, which is going to be fun. So we're here all week. We'll see you around. Thanks, Kim. Thank you. If you're at a point in life when you're ready to lead with purpose, we can get you there. The University of Victoria's MBA in Sustainable Innovation is not like other MBA programs. It's for true changemakers who want to think differently and solve the world's most pressing challenges. From healthcare and the environment to energy, government, and technology, it's your path to meaningful leadership in all sectors. For details, visit slash future MBA.
Starting point is 00:34:07 That's slash future MBA.

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