The Livy Method Podcast - The Tweak This Week - Winter 2025 - Week 8
Episode Date: March 5, 2025Join Gina and Program Manager Kim as they break down and dig into the tweak we see in week 8 of The Livy Method.The Tweak This Week? Maximizing and Feeding the Metabolism One Last TimeIn this episode,... Gina and Kim talk about Feeding the Metabolism (one last time)—what it means, why it works, and how to make the most of it. They’re breaking down why weight loss looks different for everyone, the importance of tuning in to what’s normal for your body, and how to take full responsibility for your health and success. If the scale is bouncing or even up, that’s totally normal before a drop—so don’t stress! They’ll also unpack food noise, why feeling extra hungry doesn’t mean you need extra food, and how mindfulness plays a key role in portioning. Plus, get ready for a next-level tweak that builds on Feeding the Metabolism and sets you up for even more success.You can find the full video hosted at: learn more about The Livy Method or to sign up for the Spring 2025 Program, visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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start listening today. Welcome to the tweak this week. Let's get right into it today because we had a bit of
technical issue logging on. We don't know what's going on into it today because we had a bit of technical issue logging on.
We don't know what's going on around here,
but we are here and we are here for it.
So I wanna talk about the tweak this week.
So our last week of feeding the metabolism,
same as last week, but I really wanna save time
to talk about our new tweak next week,
where we actually start making changes
to the food plan itself.
Joining me as always is Kim, who you know,
is the manager of our weight loss program.
She has her pulse on all things, everything around here.
So the perfect person to have this conversation with.
Hi, Kim.
Hello, Deena, how are you?
I was just, side note, I was just in the group
and we have her first, am I losing too much weight comment?
I love it. I love it. Someone our first, am I losing too much weight comment? I love it.
I love it.
Someone is concerned that they're losing too much weight.
Here's the thing I do wanna say
for all the conversations we have
about how weight loss is so frustrating
and for some people it can be so hard.
Most people are losing weight just fine.
And although the standard is one to two pounds per week,
people lose a lot more than that
doing the Libby method. I had someone lose as much as 80 plus pounds during the program. If you do the
math 80 plus pounds in 91 days, it's going to seem like you're losing, losing, losing, losing. Take it
when it comes because we talked about this with Dr. Alinka yesterday, equal and opposite reaction.
You might have someone who loses,
then they're on a long plateau.
They lose, they're on a long plateau.
Let's say they both have,
someone both has a hundred pounds to lose,
just for shits and giggles.
One person is losing and then on a plateau forever.
Another person is losing and then, you know,
they're losing and on a plateau forever
and that's their pattern.
And then you have someone who loses, loses, loses
their whole first program.
And then they go back and they do their second program.
That person still loses long plateau, loses long plateau.
And then the person who lost a whole bunch
in their first program might be on what seems like
the longest plateau ever in their second program.
You'll both get there at the same time.
It's just a lot of times it can look and feel different.
This person was concerned that they're a little too all in
with the program.
As long as you're following the guidelines,
you're eating nutrient rich foods,
you're eating enough to feel satisfied
when it calls for it, you're doing the tweak.
Don't be surprised if it works really well for you.
Your body will let you know
when it's like time to take
a break.
So, but I love that I forgot that we start to get comments like that at this point.
Yeah, I know.
It's so this time is I know like I just thinking from my own experience last week, I think
I shared with you I was down five pounds last week, like I didn't lose five pounds in a
Like I was five pounds last week, but there was a lot going on before that.
And yes, they'll settled in there so
yeah you can it's you know it's an exciting time and that my own experience too reminded me we are
at that point but i think the bottom line of the comment of have i lost too much weight or
the people that are not losing any weight i think the big theme is that people just want to feel normal. And the problem is, is that there's no such thing as normal.
That you can't compare yourself to someone else and assume that makes you normal. You have to
figure out what normal is for you, what normal means for your body. If you're going to use that
word of normal. Yeah, it's it's that is such an individual thing. It doesn't matter what you're talking about weight loss like
People that are in school and their grades like your emotional health
There's nothing that is normal if you're comparing yourself to everybody else because everybody else has different experiences
Everyone else has brought a different body into this and everybody else is doing different things eating different things every day
There is literally no such thing as normal. You just have to figure
out what is working for you and that sounds like it's working for you if you're
doing that and if you feel like you're getting stuck and the scales not moving,
that could be normal for you because of other things going on but it doesn't
mean that it's not possible that that's not going to be you one day that feels
like oh my god the scale is moving so fast. What's happening here? So I think too, like that losing
too much, like nobody else is sharing this. I feel nervous. Should I be losing this fast?
People really want to connect to an experience that everybody is feeling and feel like they're all
experiencing the same thing. But the bottom line is that's just not realistic.
all experiencing the same thing, but the bottom line is that's just not realistic.
And this number two, I'm just going to check the comments.
This number two, it's just like, Oh, I almost feel,
I feel guilty sharing my weight loss with my friends in the group, you know? And that's just how it is. When one person is moving and grooving,
someone else is struggling. And then you guys switch off. You'll all,
you'll all have your moments. Also, we know,
like, you can have people who are just very good at following the guidelines. There's a lot of
variables. People are like, can you guarantee me I'm going to lose a certain amount of weight? I'm
like, I'm not going to guarantee you're going to lose any weight. I know I'm offering a weight loss
program. I will guarantee that I will share all of my knowledge, everything that you need to know
in order to lose your weight, but I'm not guaranteeing nothing. At the end
of the day, there's a lot of variables to that. And you know,
how consistently someone else is someone is showing up. And so we
have people who are very good at following the rules, aka the
rules, because it's the guidelines. And then they lose
a lose a lose a lose a lose, then they get into maintenance.
And they're just like, Oh, like, then they then they start dealing with issues and associations
tied into food, then they start, you know, the deep stuff starts to come up. At some
point, you got to deal with the stuff you got to deal with. So
Well, and I think you need to like, there are a lot of situations in weight loss and
in life where there are no rules. And if you are a rule follower, that's probably a lesson
that you need to learn is that sometimes you need to figure it out for yourself. You are
not going to be given a rule. You're responsible for it yourself. And I think the only person
that can give you a guarantee for your weight loss is yourself. You can guarantee that you
are going to be successful by doing everything that you know that you need to do.
Nobody else can give that to you.
And if that's like the only thing that you take away from this program, I think that's
a huge life lesson in really taking responsibility for yourself, your health, and where you're
For all the science out there, I say there is zero science to suggest that it is impossible
for you to lose your weight. If your body is storing excess fat, there is no reason why you can't lose it.
There's a lot of reasons why it can be frustrating,
but there's no reason why you can't. So I want to get into the tweak this week.
So again, you, there's a, first of all, before I go one step further,
take time to watch or listen to the conversation with Dr. Alinka Trejo
It's on hormones and weight loss,
but it was so much bigger than that.
Honestly, invest the time.
It's hands down my all time favorite conversation.
Like it was like so poignant, so relevant,
so like just mind blowing.
Dr. Olenka really was able to say in a way the rhyme and the reason behind a lot of the things that we're doing,
the rhyme and the reason why some people struggle more, the rhyme and the reason to why you want to be here on week 8 of the program,
everything is adding up and making a big difference. So make sure you will not be disappointed.
You have got to watch or listen to that whole conversation. I do also want to say this week too, so same rules apply, meaning that it is normal to be extra hungry
in the evening right before the weight drops. It is normal for your weight to go up right before
it drops. So none of those things are changing. I think sometimes when we introduce a new tweak,
people forget about the basics. And then I just want to share here, I saw Louise, I've gone up in the last three days, 0.5 the first day one today. I'm a bit
frustrated. I'm sticking with it. I'm in it for the long term. So unless you know, there are reasons
why your weight is up, right? Like you indulged in foods causing inflammation, salty food,
whatever it is, like you've been making choices that cause your weight to be up. It's not real
weight gain. Then you're probably maybe frustrated with your choices. But if you're doing all
the things, there's no reason to be frustrated because it's, it's, it's normal for your
weight to go up before it goes down. Um, so nothing changes there, right? Now I do want
to also talk about this week. One of the common themes were I am extra hungry, right? I'm having
more bowel movements. I don't know what the other ones are. I think people were noticing they needed
more water. I'm extra thirsty. I'm eating more water. I'm tired too. Like that can be also one
that people notice this week. I haven't seen a lot of that, but I know in the past we've had people
mentioned like being tired. Yeah. So Kim and I talked about this week because this is your in the pursuit of change.
You're going to notice the changes. So in making your body work extra hard eating so
often you might find that you're hungrier, which is totally normal. You should also find
that you get more satisfied on smaller portions. Hung, doesn't need more food necessarily.
Your bowel movements because you're eating more often, you need more water because you
need more water because you are eating more often.
Again, not necessarily more food, but eating more often.
Tired because you're constantly thinking about what you're eating and when, and your body's
working extra hard.
So that is totally normal to notice changes, even though they're just slight tweaks that
we're introducing, you might have a big response from your body.
So, all of those normal this week.
And I just, I noticed a comment from Linda in the group.
And I think Linda, I think I've actually noticed comments and shared them from her before.
Linda's got some great insight into the program.
I think I'd love to chat with her more.
And she said, my portions are the smallest I've ever eaten, which has
been very eye opening. When I split my meal and eat the first portion, I find I'm more
unsatisfied than when we did the week where we ate to dissatisfaction. I usually feel
that waiting for my second portion is going to be hard. After 25 minutes, when I think
I'm still hungry and approach my second portion with gusto, after one or two bites, all of
a sudden I feel full
not just satisfied but full this is making me more aware as I approach my second portion and
I thought like this this is what like this is like a Dr. Alinka's conversation about the hormones
and how they're affected when you're eating and what hormones affect your hunger and everything
I feel like this is such a Linda's experience is such a great example of you what you can learn by doing this tweak
This tweak is all about what you can learn and yes, or is that physical aspect?
Which I love the conversation with dr
Lincoln because you have hunger hormones hormones that tell you when it's time to eat hormones that tell you when you've eaten enough
Hormones that tell you when you've had too much
It really comes down to hormones
and how your body has learned to function.
But it really is about the takeaway, what you are learning.
And then when you take the pressure off,
like downsizing comes with a lot of issues
because it's most like a diet,
that restrictiveness, the food waste, the food scarcity,
the fear of being hungry, all of that. Whereas this kind of like this allows you to
Get even more in tune to your portions in a way that you don't have that same pressure
Or that same thought process that you do in downsizing it kind of lifts it up
So that you can be more aware actually to physical cues, the things that you are
thinking and how you're feeling and really paying attention to those.
It's such a cool tweak.
It's such a cool tweak.
It is.
And I think the mental cues too of that whole like you like just I think Linda's experience
that she's noticing she's even more dissatisfied where she got over that knowing she couldn't
eat more when she was eating to like downsizing.
And to your point, you've always brought up
that having to eat that second portion
creates a whole other thought process in your head
when you're going through it.
And it's not just how you're physically reacting
to the tweaks, it is that reaction mentally to it.
Like now that I have to eat it,
I realize I really don't need it.
Yes, that's it's away from the all or
nothing. I'm just eating when I'm hungry or I can't eat. And
there is a middle ground there where okay, you've had some of
so then you're like, Oh, how am I feeling? Am I? How am I
feeling about that second portion? Think about that.
That's not really an opportunity you get to pay attention to, be aware of, to be checking in on where you are at, because you
not only can you have that second portion, you have to have at least a few token bytes of that
second portion. And so that really gives you an opportunity to step into this middle space that
we don't normally function from and really pay attention to our body's cues, which I think is really
And I think finding that there's, to your point, there's a difference between that all or nothing.
Like I'm hungry, I need to eat means you need to have a full meal.
Sometimes that feeling like just because you're extra hungry, does it mean that you need an
extra amount of food?
That's not how satisfaction, that's not how your body functions, that's not how your body works.
When it's not, I'm extra hungry, I need extra food. It's about meeting the needs of your body,
your body letting you know it needs something, but that doesn't mean that it wants to be stuck
working through the backlog of overeating and having you feel full and process it.
It just
means it needs a little something. Let's take a minute to hear from our podcast sponsor today
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Yeah, needs a little something something.
I love this about food noise, Barbara.
Most days I do not have food noise issues.
That's that what am I going to eat?
When am I going to eat?
Why do you eat that?
That whole thinking about your next meal and you haven't even finished your first one.
But when I'm stressed, I have loud food noises.
I'm trying to get out to do something and sometimes it works and sometimes not.
We had a great conversation, Greg McDonald this morning on self-care and the routine of like bedtime.
So if you struggle, for example, drinking wine, trying to drink less wine, you're trying
not to eat at night, you're trying to create new routines for change, like, you know, go
make yourself a nice bath, right? I mean, the conversation was so much bigger than that.
But recognizing and trying to switch up the routine is one thing. But then also maybe a nice bath, right? I mean, the conversation was so much bigger than that, but recognizing
and trying to switch up the routine is one thing. But then also maybe recognize, listen
to turn up the volume on that food noise and be like, what is, what is this about? Right?
Because that that food noise is something where we are trying to be get to a place where
we're calm around food. And that can seem really overwhelming that food noise for a
lot of people. That's one of the things that people are finding with the new GLP-1
medications. It helps to quiet that food noise, helps them actually get in tune to
their hunger and so this is an opportunity with where you're at to
start like sometimes that food noise my point is can overtake the physical cues
you're so in your head you're not paying attention to your body, right?
And so maybe that's a matter of just taking a few deep breaths
before you eat your food, right?
Chewing your food, chewing your food better
will make you feel more satisfied on smaller portions
as well as you're connecting the amount of chewing,
you're giving your body more time to process
and digest your foods,
eating in a nice calm state where we can listen to our body's cues as well.
Like all of that is really huge.
Really huge.
Yeah, and it's doing your food extra.
It's not one of those old diet tricks where like, oh, if you chew with this many, you'll
be satisfied and you'll trick your body into thinking it doesn't need more fruit or it's
eating more.
It's actually giving your body a moment to process what you have and decide if it needs more. Like the process of chewing,
it does obviously have a physical effect on you and your digestion, but it also is a, you got to
do something with your brain while you're doing that chewing. What about thinking about how you're
feeling in the moment and pausing that way.
It's hard to think and eat at the same time. Where's, sorry, excuse me, where's this post?
Oh, Cathy, splitting gave me more energy.
That makes me want to do it all the time,
but I'm following the program as is,
but man, I like the boost.
Okay, so it's probably less about feeding the metabolism
and more about where we are at in the program
with week seven, also with where we're at seasonally.
So this is a really great time to focus on weight loss,
the winter into spring, spring into summer,
your body's naturally going to keep you
sort of more in hibernation mode, the darker days,
the colder weather, in the winter time,
you feel like hibernating,
you feel like heavier, heartier foods, kind of moving and grooving in slow-mo. What you're
probably noticing and feeling is your body as the days get longer, your body
actually starts to give you more energy and is pulling you out of that winter
hibernation mode. Plus with where we're at in the program, each time you do the
program you're really addressing the body's needs. You probably had a ton of
energy in you before but when your body's carrying excess fat it will keep you on reserve mode. If it feels the need to store the fat,
it feels the need to keep you on reserve mode. And so as your body's releasing the fat, it's
also actually giving you more energy plus less pressure on your joints and you just
feel better and the foods you are eating are making you healthier. And the work that you
are doing mentally is making you happier. So yeah, sleeping better, sleeping better, pooping better, all of it.
So yeah, the feeding the metabolism can kind of really fast track.
Again, the tweaks are meant to fast track the process.
We're not fucking around.
We're just getting right into it and doing all the things that we can to keep
things moving and grooving, but with where we're at.
So this is where I want to actually talk about the tweak next week.
So this is sort of where we start to revamp
the food plan a little bit.
Of course, people get nervous.
And so we've been following that basic food plan
for a while, we've tweaked it slightly
with downsizing feed the metabolism
to get more in tune to our portions.
Now we're actually moving towards getting more in tune
to our body's needs and how it functions normally.
It's really not normal to eat so often.
It's our own way of getting in tune, but now we want to get even more in tune to your body's
So off the heels of splitting up the meals and snacks next week, we're going to make
it easier for your body to get the nutrients it needs.
And one of the ways that we're going to do that is really put more of an emphasis on
making sure you're getting more protein or continuing to focus on protein and fat, which feeds into those say, tidy hormones that Dr. Alinka talked about.
And so it's going to go a little something like this.
Breakfast, we're going to make sure we're focusing on protein.
Now you may be like, I've been doing this all along. Some people started out that way, and then some people got into maybe having some oatmeal,
and you know, not that there's anything wrong with that,
but that's not really the highest protein, right?
Like they maybe were making it nutrient-rich before,
and nuts and seeds and all these things,
and now they're just going back to oatmeal
and their brown sugar.
So it's just doubling down on making sure protein
really is the focus at breakfast.
For your morning fruit snack,
you can now combine a protein and fat with it.
So you're getting that energy from the carbs,
from the fruit, plus you're getting that sustaining energy
from your protein and most likely proteins have fats
in there as well, like nuts, for example, protein and fat.
So you can now have apple slices with some nut butter.
You can have an apple with some cheese, or so you're
taking your fruit snack and adding protein and fat to it
boiled egg even we're going to give you a list. Or you can have
something completely different and have something like yogurt
for your morning snack. So you don't just have to have fruits.
Now you can switch it up to something else entirely.
Your lunch now, the focus is on protein, right?
So the focus, but rather than vegetables,
it's now protein, adding those vegetables.
You're gonna try to minimize any of your heavy car,
heavier carbs like your rices and quinoa,
but lunch is still the place to have them
if you feel like you need.
Your two afternoon snacks are down to one afternoon snack. Simplest way to do that is combine the two
snacks, not combine equal portions because you're not going to take them both and combine equal
portions, but take your veg snack, add some nuts and seeds to it, and then you're down to one snack.
So now you may be like,
oh my gosh, I'm down to one snack in the afternoon. Yes, but we've also bumped up the protein and fat.
So we've given you the foods that you are eating or getting more oomph. So you'll be fine dropping
down from those two snacks to one snack. And then now for dinner, we're switching vegetables. Your
vegetables are now the star of the meal
with your vegetables, leafy greens,
and healthy fats and whatnot.
So that protein and fats,
you're making it easier for your body to get the nutrients
that needs more sustaining energy
rather than making it work harder and eating more often.
We are minimizing the number of times that you are eating
and we're really making sure we're bumping up
the nutrient value of food,
especially when it comes to that protein. But this is not keto. Um,
you also have options of your, sorry,
your afternoon snack doesn't have to be nuts and seeds or vegetables and combine
them. They can be something else, yogurt and fruit and whatnot.
Now I do want to talk about fruit as well.
As we transition from winter to spring and spring into summer,
you do want to start bumping up your fruit intake,
but we're not adding fruit in the afternoon
because it's sweet and we want sweet.
We want to add it in because we feel like
that's the best choice.
Now we're going to lay this all out in the guidelines
and we're going to give you options for protein.
It gives you more flexibility,
but I just wanted to give you a quick overview.
So there's changes coming.
What do you want to say about this tweak, Kim?
Well, I think I'm just going back in my history with other groups and the things that members
really want to know is grocery wise, you don't need to do anything different. Meal preparation
wise, you really don't need to do anything differently because you're really just moving
things around.
The team, we call this cheese week, we call this peanut butter apple week because those
are our favorite things about this week.
So if you haven't been the people that at the beginning of the group that we're asking
about if it's okay to add some nut butter to their apple or something like that, this
is a week, but you don't have to do that.
But when you're doing things like adding the yogurt,
when you're adding the peanut butter,
you still want to really be mindful
about where you're getting your protein
and your fat sources throughout the day
and make sure you're getting a variety.
This does not mean that you eat cheese for every meal.
This does not mean that you eat a no fat fruit filled yogurt
for both of your snacks,
because that's what you're gonna fall back on that,
whatever the skinny brand of yogurt is or whatever.
We're not changing things up that way.
You still wanna go for your high fat Greek yogurts
when you can and bump up the protein.
Don't overload it on fruit and make fruit the star
instead of protein, because that's going to affect it. And don't fall back on eating yogurt for breakfast and both
snacks and lunch because that's not going to get you close to your goals either. I think
the biggest struggle that people have that I've noticed, we get a lot of questions of
is the dinner. People struggle with making the veggie the star of dinner because traditionally protein seems to be the star
in most people's households.
You have like this meat item that is the focus of your meal
and you purposely call the other thing sides with your meal.
So the rethinking is really around dinner,
but we have, I think a great resource for that
is actually the vegetarian and vegan share pages
that we shared earlier. We do have some great recipes that we is actually the vegetarian and vegan share pages that we shared
earlier. We do have some great things that we have in the app, but honestly, you can
still have meat and add it to some of those amazing recipes that members have shared,
like put together something like a ratatouille that's full of vegetables and add chicken
to it for your meat portion. Make a big batch of that and have leftovers through the night
and make sure or through the week, not through the night and have it that way. So I think the
big the switch of the brain is please do not fall back on what is easiest for you for snacks
because now you feel like you've been given permission to not be strict with those snacks.
You really want to be mindful making sure you are making the best food choices. And
always if you are unsure about something you're thinking about, we're going to share
the information on Sunday in the week guidelines and we have more information coming out through
the week.
I know Gina's got a new post coming on protein rich foods and things like that.
Ask the questions in the group.
That is what the team's for.
Ask the questions of AI.
They'll be able to answer, the AI will be able to answer some of your questions
and really get to know,
because this is going to lead into the next tweak.
The next one.
And if you really just decide you're gonna like go crazy
and make this tweak all about you eating
your favorite foods again,
you're going to have a tough time transitioning
into the next tweak.
So I think that would be my big, my big
tips for people is really rethink that dinner. That's going to be a tough one. You might
want to do some meal planning on Sunday. What am I going to make this week to make sure
my go to is a Greek salad that I make for every night of the week with tomatoes, cucumbers,
peppers, and then I just throw meat on the side of it because it's easy. And I know I
have a lot of vegetables in it there.
I can add my leafy greens.
So if you have like a go-to veggie salad, just make a big batch of it.
And if you are stuck and you're not sure what to make, you have it there and that way you
won't kind of fall back on, oh, it's fine.
I'll just have my meat and greens because I don't have anything else to eat.
Obviously this is a sticking point for you or just eat more broccoli and less steak, whatever that is.
Just add more vegetables.
Add more vegetables.
I know, yeah.
I know the question.
That's a great tip.
Yeah, that's a great tip.
Mine would be, people are always like,
but I'm not eating carbs.
Cause we're trying to, we say, you know,
try to minimize your heavy,
they're not eating carbs.
Carbs are fruits, carbs are vegetables, carbs are grains. You know, this is not high
protein, it's not keto. That's not what we're doing. But you know, that is where you are
sort of using your those vegetables or your carbohydrates, try to minimize those any heavier,
any heavier ones, like definitely take out breads and pastas.
Some people have been having breads and pastas
the whole time.
I'd probably take those out for this week.
If you're doing oatmeal for breakfast
and you have the luxury these days of doing eggs,
having some eggs.
Like just most bang for your buck
for all your meals and snacks is what we're trying to say.
This is not where it gets easy.
It's still work most bang for your buck.
We're gonna give you a whole list
of what you can have for snacks.
Someone was asking about fruit
if you don't have it in the morning,
can you have it in the afternoon?
You can also maybe put some, you know,
slight like berries on a salad at lunch, right?
Like you can still, you always,
you could still have eggs with some blueberries on the side.
Like there's still ways of getting your fruit in
if you wanna switch up and have something else for
For snacks the other thing is this is where people are always like I feel like I'm eating I'm
Weighed down it's affecting my bowel movements
This is also the point in the program where people start laying off those four mindful eating questions
So when you have when you make changes in your diet
You do want to make sure you are really digging into those portions with those four mindful eating questions. So when you make changes in your diet, you do wanna make sure you are really digging
into those portions with those four mindful eating questions.
A lot of times people are feeling way down or heavy
because they're just eating too much.
They get excited with switching things up
and are not understanding that protein and fat
hits differently.
That was part of what we tried to teach
was separating the proteins from the carbs in the splitting up the meals and snacks tweak. So in listening
to this conversation, especially if this is your first time, if you didn't separate the
proteins from the carbs last week, that might be something that you want to do this week.
Separate those proteins from the carbs, fats go either way to help you understand that
protein and fat does hit differently.
Process is different, it's a different kind of energy.
So as we are bumping up that protein and fat slightly,
that's gonna affect your portion.
So you're gonna really wanna dig into those four
mindful eating questions.
Before we go, someone's asking about protein powder.
So this is the time in the program
where if you do wanna add in in those protein shakes in the beginning
I'm not a fan. It's best to chew your food. It's always best to chew your food rather than drink your liquid nutrients
Keep things in mind minimize sugar minimize fruits watch your portions make sure you're adding good fat
But this is the point in the program that you can add in
Protein shakes there's a time and a place for those all that's gonna point in the program that you can add in protein shakes. There's a time and a place for those.
All that's going to be in the guidelines.
But really that's what's to come, which is why if you want to take it a step further
with splitting up the meals and snacks this week, separating those proteins from those
carbs, it might be great practice.
We got to go.
I know I see Tony just hop back in.
I think he's checking up on us because he needs us somewhere else.
He doesn't.
I actually, he made me some salmon. I got some lunch over there. So I'm going to go.
Yeah, well enjoy. Okay. Thanks everyone. It's exciting. We're evolving here and the food
plan is going to evolve along with us. It's exciting time. The fact that you're still here,
the program, please go watch that conversation with Dr. Lincoln Trejo. It's a game changer you will be so happy that you did uh have an amazing rest
of your day as well and thanks Kim we'll see you next week thank you bye everyone
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