The Okay Podcast Powered by The Strength Co. - EP 61: Laser Wars, Firing Squads & Chow

Episode Date: February 28, 2025

Podcast Hosts:Grant Broggi: Marine Veteran, Owner of The Strength Co. and Starting Strength Coach.Jeff Buege: Marine Veteran, Outdoorsman, Football Fan and LifterTres Gottlich: Marine Veteran, Texan, ...Fisherman, Crazy College Football Fan and LifterJoin the Slack and Use code OKAY: out BW Tax: https://www.bwtaxllc.comBUY A FOOTBALL HELMET: - ROLL CALL04:56 - RAT WAR UPDATE14:04 - LASER WAR30:33 - PAN UPDATE33:14 - CHOW STORY41:47 - ADVANCED LIFTERS51:59 - SPORTS01:10:42 - TUSH PUSH01:13:04 - FIRING SQUAD01:19:15 - SAVED ROUNDS

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, and welcome back to episode 061 of the OK podcast powered by the strength co. I'm your host. Okay. Oh, sorry. Oh, guidance. Oh, I forgot the checklist. We just free them. Trace Mike might be a little hot. Yeah, it might be a little hot. Today's date is February the 24th in the year of our Lord, 2025. The price of Bitcoin is $9,000, $67.85, which means that we are rich. We are broadcasting to you live from the high desert, beautiful 29 Palms, California. By way of Utah, we have our resident Mormon, Mr. Jeff Bouger. And of course coming to you from Amarillo this fine afternoon is Mr. Trey Gotledge. Robert Gotledge, the third, he is the third. He goes by training
Starting point is 00:01:05 as three daughters and life is just super easy for him. We have a lot of things to talk about tonight. I think and lots to catch up on. I just be advised if you're listening to this podcast, I just want to make sure you're tracking that we do a roll call and just so you're tracking, that's what we do. And I just want you to be advised that make sure you're tracking. And with that, the one's not here, he's off doing admin things
Starting point is 00:01:41 because whenever someone's not here, we just say they're off doing, and then we insert their job title as a verb. Like, Oh, Oh, tap. He's off doing tap things. Like, what does that even mean? But anyway, the one's probably out publishing the morning report from last year. Anything from the deuce? Yeah, taking a deuce. He's out. He's out. He's taking a deuce.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Deuce is doing deuce things as he usually does. In the vault. Yeah. Three, you want to go over cops? Cops. Okay. We haven't hit on it yet. I know it's going to come up. So I'm just going to hit
Starting point is 00:02:25 on it now. Uh, trash. Oh yeah. Okay. Let me just go ahead and let everyone know, be advised, trash is still our number one priority. It feels like in the hearts and minds of the folks around the battalion that's slipping, but we need to be advised, it's the commander's number one priority. Priorities have not changed. If you go ahead, can we pull up the commander's priorities slide real quick? Okay, nope. Yep.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Hang on, nope, nope, not that slide. Not that slide, nope, nope. Just restart the- That one didn't get to, no, hide that one, hide that one. Restart,'s like, nope. Nope. That just restart. I want to hide that one. Hide that one. Restart. Wait, why isn't it formatted? Tom, Tom, the projector's down. I literally lived through this this morning.
Starting point is 00:03:14 This morning with a one star general in the room. It was incredible. It was like, no, that's not the right slide. And hey, guys, let's just level set everyone real quick. Let's just level set. Why com fixes the, the fixes the slides, but uh, yeah, anyway, here's the G1 report card right here. Everything's looking good.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Okay. Great. Next slide. Yeah. Next slide. Anyway. Yeah. Trace that trash talking about trash. Number one, they trash is important. Uh, continuous. Next slide. Anyway. Yeah. Trace that trash talking about trash. Number one. Hey,
Starting point is 00:03:45 trash is important. Continuous. And continuous. It's like chow. And the funny thing about chow is it produces trash. It produces most of the trash. Yeah. And chem lights. Yeah. And chem lights. IR chem lights. Yeah. So thanks for tuning in. Thanks for the cops three. We appreciate what you do. This is trash six. I want to thank
Starting point is 00:04:11 everybody for coming team team. We really appreciate you. We couldn't do it without you. Remember it's not about you. It's about the Marines. That's what I've always said. And if you're a Lieutenant here, these are the best days of your life. Okay. These are the best days. I wish I could go back to those days. Now I'm just making PowerPoints. Apparently I can't even figure out how to do cause they're all trash. Speaking of that, secure that trash. We need a sponsor for the roll call. Yeah. We do need a sponsor for the roll. What's a good trash company? Waste management. Yeah. We do need a sponsor for the roll. It's a trash company. Uh, waste management. Yeah. Uh, waste a lot of money. They can throw around. Yeah. Potential sponsor waste management.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah. Yeah. I like that. Um, anyway, three, you want to go into the agenda? Okay. Gentlemen, uh, agenda slide. Okay. Uh, let's see. I think first up, we're all sitting on the edge of our seats. A lot of listeners have tuned in last week. They want to know what's the update with the rat war. How are we doing on the rat? Yeah, we know who's in. Have the lines changed? Are we are we gaining ground?
Starting point is 00:05:19 Are we losing a little rat? I I was at a sacrificed space for time? Is that what it is? This morning, real quick, was in a little traffic jam, getting to Camp Wilson this morning, got out of the truck, couple of young skippers in front of me, those nervous captains, they don't understand field gradisms. And I said, wow, we're going to have to hurry, we're going to be a little late. And one of them looks and goes, yes, sir. I didn't do a good time space analysis this morning. You did it. Yeah. Call them a dork. A little bit late, but anyway, so you're, you're trading space for rats. You're
Starting point is 00:06:02 trading trash for rats. in space for rats, you're trading trash for rats. Now we brought so what was updated again last week? I upgraded my rat trap new. Upgraded my rat traps. Um, and still no rats. I feel like they have relocated. They're currently in a defensive position. Ooh, OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Are they are they like in a downward position. Okay. Okay. Are they like in a downward slope defense? Like on the front edge of the hill? I feel like they're, it's a, they have an L shaped ambush somewhere in the garage and I have not, it has not been sprung yet. So once I find it, we have, you know, the best way to get through the ambush is fight through it. Have you been getting like evidence?
Starting point is 00:06:45 Like are they snooping and pooping? Oh dude, there's poop everywhere. And not your daughter's poop, like rat poop. Well, it's poop in the garage from rats, poop inside the house, poop in the backyard from dogs. There's poop. That's like, I don't know. This trash sticks real quick.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Just want to cover some of the, some of the things that sometimes we'll talk about. We talk a lot about MRE heaters, keeping the aluminum away from the 10 and the 10 away from the metal and the metal from the plastic. But I just want you guys to be on the alert. We got a surface shitter on our hands and the surface shitter is at large.
Starting point is 00:07:22 We tried to isolate them and we have not been able to flush out that surface shitter and uh, Trey, what you're dealing with there sounds like you got a whole host of surface shitter. I feel like my whole house is that. Yeah. Yeah. We've got toilets around here. Everyone. Come on. Yeah. It's so great. We did do some isolation research on the surface shitter. Interesting. And uh, this is the only time we'll, you know, we'll use a super abrasive profanity on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:07:49 but you can't say sure surface crapper. You can't say dry dumper. You can't say the alliteration the surface shitter. It's the greatest name ever. Like it's, it's a guy that just surfers shits, you know, it's incredible. But be advised, I am tracking that he was in Fort Drum, New York. Fort Dix, New Jersey. Twenty nine palms. Oh, so he's in your unit. And at every evolution, which means he hasn't gotten hurt or gone to a special school. We are narrowing it down.
Starting point is 00:08:28 What if it's grant? He's just like trying to throw everybody. Oh, what? I shall move on. The twist. You mean my buddy? Yeah, your buddy. No, it's you.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You're just going out there and trying to frame your buddy. Yeah. I mean, it is kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of funny. I mean, it's kind of Your buddy. No, it's you.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You're just going out there and trying to frame your buddy. Yeah. I mean, it is kind of fun. It's like, hey, we need discipline. Stop doing this thing. Sir, we don't know who's doing it. Someone's doing it. It's me. I don't know. You do that. So easy. Rats are large, but I feel like they've pulled back. So they're still they're still at large.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Have you seen any of them recently? No, probably not in a week. Okay. That's good. So, right. Yeah. Well, well, we've seen their poop. I still feel like they're around. Yeah. Yeah. Fresh rat droppings. Um, like have you tasted them to see if they're fresh. Yeah, clever. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they're with the shotgun. Did you name any of the rats?
Starting point is 00:09:35 So it's not it's not like Cinderella where they're fun. No, they're not making like dressmaking strats or anything. And they're really Cinderella. I. Making stress or anything in the rally, Cinderella. I don't know. Maybe that could be maybe when you get into peace talks with them, that could be something you put on the table. Yeah, I know. Try. Trubs come down. If you make these offered, he's offered to do stocks.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah. Yeah. I like that. OK, well, dang, it's a good threat. That's right. Yeah, dang. It's a good rat. That's a good rat. Yeah, I wish I had some bodies. Oh, which had some bodies. If you if you slay a body, you got to send me a photo immediately. So I can post. Yeah. Yeah. The rats don't pee on it.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Or if you do pee on it, don't videotape it. OK, what do you use? Yeah, don't don't pee on the dead bodies. What are you using for a baby? Peanut butter. Crunchy or creamy? Just creamy. I also the other thing I sprayed the outside of the house. Peanut butter. No peanut butter.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Coyote urine. Oh, you should have come up to the high desert. I have that an endless supply. You get coyote urine? Amazon. You just go to apparel and more. We actually use it to season our cast iron pans. Oh my goodness. Coyote piss. That's what that thing is. What's the smoke point? It's unbelievable. It's the highest. It's higher than grape seed oil. Yeah. That's what I've always said. Coyote urine. Wow. That's incredible. Coyote urine for rats. Doing a little Googling here. Quick. I like it. Oh yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Coyote urine for rats. Well, it's just booming. Don't spray. Keep the rats away and go about your day. Great. The other thing is they this website looks like it's from 1993. So the garage is busy, right? So I got that. We have you guys.
Starting point is 00:11:43 You and they're working out all the time You know you got kitchen six in there just lifting weights. I got strollers cars being parked yet Three strollers, but well that's saying so no car the cars outside so the rats get into the car Oh, no wires up wait in the car That's so they get up into the engine because it's warm What are you driving these days Oh Christ from any van. Hmm. Is it like from 2020 or newer? Yeah, see that's the problem. You need like a 95 Chevy Silverado Where the engine the complete opposite of that.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Neither of them get warm. The engine compartment so good on the 95 Chevy. It's just like pissing air. Yeah. Just runs cold. Yeah. The guy next to me, I need to talk to my next door neighbor. He has a good, uh, square body. I think you'd appreciate. Can you send me a photo? I'll send you a photo. He took off the bed. And so it's just the cab right now.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Hmm, okay. Okay. He's doing some sort of work, I think. Is it a Chevy? Yeah. Is it like a cool one or is it one like I have? Hey, yours is cool. I think it's-
Starting point is 00:13:03 I mean mine's cool to me, I think it's around the same year. But's cool to me, but mine's a dime a dozen. Like is it? I feel like it's around your year. Okay, so like the trucks that when we were kids, everyone's dad drove. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay, it's like a 91 to nine.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I think, yeah, I think that seems accurate. I'll send it to you and you can verify. Yeah, please do. Please do. I'm not good. What was that? Remember in Fort Silver they would like show the AP vehicle and you had to like say,
Starting point is 00:13:34 it was like whatever Russian vehicle it was, you had to like identify it. And Jeff would always look at it and be like, oh, look at that, it's a little baby truck. A truck? Ain't no little baby truck. It was two S6. Yeah, awesome, two S6, ain't nothing but a baby truck. Two S six. Yeah. So two S six ain't nothing but a baby truck.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I'm actually back into doing that tray like what I did. Finds like the war and it's like I'm like flash carding, like all these weapon systems. And I'm like, this is incredible. Nothing's changed. Oh yeah. You had your big laser tech war. Dude, do I get into it? I was actually excited about this.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yeah, no, it was, uh, are we just going right into a three and a three? We're going to go into it. Okay. Absolutely. Absolutely. Next slide. Let's push. Yeah, no, went into the big war. It was, you know, it was fun. So we do, you do a bunch of stuff. I mean, Jeff knows, Trey knows you talk 24 hour
Starting point is 00:14:35 ops. You don't have two Marines walking around with red lenses at night. Like you, you, you man, crew serves all that. Every time we go to the field, you try to do the right thing, but it's just, and crew serves all that. Every time we go to the field, you try to do the right thing, but it's just, unless someone's trying to kill you and there's consequences, there's just always a default of like, well, now I'm just gonna go to sleep or whatever the case is. And so I will say Godfather and then like even
Starting point is 00:15:01 the subordinate or the hires commands took it very seriously. And so we went out there and I mean, it's like, so there's no phones. They did an RFID sweep. So they swept for all phones. So if you brought your phone, like, yeah, they'd find you, which was cool because one, they showed evidence that they did it later, which was good, but then two, you know, like you just never realize how much the phone is a crutch until there's no phone. And then, so they're using satellite imagery,
Starting point is 00:15:34 they're using stuff. So we had decoys, we had fake howitzers, we had fake launchers we were throwing out. But you go out and like, you know that your reconnaissance elements are like out there soon. And it's like Marsauks out there, recon's out there. And it's just, it was just like a five day, no sleep haze fast.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And for the listener, it's basically a glorified laser tag muzzle flash from your weapon kicks off the laser and then the laser goes and hits it. And then there's simulation stuff and there's artillery simulation rounds and there's people that are there to adjudicate. What does adjudicate mean? I think I know, but Marines asked me this argument or like settle a, yeah. So I was just saying like there are some of the judge of the outcome, the judge to determine facts. That's how I described it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Something. Yeah. So there's people running around adjudicating, you know, if you killed someone or not. And obviously you're fighting a like-minded enemy, other Marines, but it was pretty cool. The Marines that we fought all came in from Okinawa. And so they just finished Mountain Warfare training at Bridgeport. So there was actually like some real like human factors as you're looking into it and doing this stuff. Anyway, so we go out there and you're hiding and you always put nets up over howitzers and you're trying to tuck them down. But there was some time.
Starting point is 00:17:09 So the enemy air had these Russian Heinz. So I think it's a, I think it's a, is it a mig-29? What's the nomenclature? It's called the Hein, Russian Hein, MI-24. And man. Like in Mission Possible 2. That thing. Yeah. I've never. Oh, Lord of the Rings. Got it. Yeah. Yeah. But that thing was a threat to us. So we had low altitude air defense with us. But it was a great exercise because someone's trying to kill you. There's a winner and a loser.
Starting point is 00:17:36 If you die, you literally get sent to this grid in the middle of the night. And you're like, Oh, I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I a great exercise because someone's trying to kill you. There's a winner and a loser. If you die, you literally get sent to this grid in the middle of nowhere and put in a concrete bunker. And in the middle of the bunker is like a pallet of MREs. And you were just there until the war ends. And like, if you die and like you only take what's on your body. So it's not like, Hey, let me go back and grab my pack. And like my sleeping system, it's like, if you die and like, you only take what's on your body. So it's not like, Hey, let me go back and grab my pack and like my sleeping system. It's like, if you're on an O P or like whatever, like you die and like you get set to the, so like no one wants to
Starting point is 00:18:15 die, which means like everyone wants to live. Yeah. It's shocking how that works. And I forgot where I was going with it, but, but oh yeah, the hind. So then the high came. So we had a little out to the air defense, which is cool. So we kicked the thing off. It's like you enter the box at a certain time and there's like game rules. And then there's a last imagery sweep and then like at whatever time it's like, boom, game on. And so we opened up with like a big artillery barrage, like what we thought was maybe some like Marsauk observation posts and stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And you're all tied in with the maneuver and all that stuff. And then we like beat feet in the middle of the night, like this other position and we're taking Lad with us. What we do in Lad pops nine tires and Trey as a logistician, you know, nine tires is like the death of you. And so they're up in blacktop and my ex's vehicles down to pop tires. I'm like, whatever we got to fight. So I leave them there. We put in the request and they're like, yep. Tomorrow morning I punched to like zero four. I like got two distributed platoons. I'm in a Humvee running, you know, FTC stuff, FDO down range.
Starting point is 00:19:33 We're shooting and pooping and then we ended up like in Lovick Lake, big area. And we got the guns like distributed a lot and like tied into like the mountain ranges with the nets. And there's this new net out called an oil can, sounds like oil can. And so like forget the desert tortoise. No one cares about him anymore. You're like tying this thing to the ground. You're like staking it up so that there's no like hard edges. You're doing everything you can to the point where like batteries are like taking their Sue as like your little drones and flying
Starting point is 00:20:04 it up just so you can look at yourself and like, see if you look messed up. Anyway, so we're doing pretty good recon gets up on a hill and spots like two of however many howitzers we have and calls in the hind and that thing just comes in. It just, so I'm like up on a mountain top, like in a vehicle. So I like see it happen. I watched my boys like hasty displace. One of them gets killed. One of the prime movers gets killed. They paint the whole scene, whatever. Um, but I'm like, man, that thing's like crazy. And uh, and so I'm like, I gotta get lad back up. So we get lad back up finally. And it's like day three. I don't know. It's all a blur. I'll tell the story and then we can move on.
Starting point is 00:20:44 But it's like day three, we go in, we enter this new position. I got the lad boys up and they're all pumped up. I gave them a bunch of Godfather swag before we went out and they've been like broken down for 36 hours. MWSS like took forever. Like the hind comes in, dude, like jumps out, hops on a burn with a man pad. They paint the hind dead. We're like, yeah, we're shooting artillery. Hind comes back, shoots it again. Hind comes back a third time. They say he misses. And then like the painters start throwing all these artillery Sims. And I'm like on the radio, like two or three times, like, is it contact or are we taking IDF? Because if you're taking IDF and you don't move,
Starting point is 00:21:27 they'll just start painting everyone dead. And everyone's like, it's IDF. So I call like the brevity code for IDF and everyone just like hits the road. We're in like the Delta T. And I had just taken over like three guns from another battery because like all their leadership had died.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And so they rolled everyone up under Godfather. It was great. I was like Godfather battalion. And so I got like all these chiefs and stuff. I don't know. So I'm like, I'm on the hooks. It's got father six. We're going north five clicks lower left. Like give it. And we're like going down the road and I'm like, there's three trails. Everyone take a different one. And it was like all training stuff like goes out the window of like it's 35 miles per hour. Like don't do this. And we're just like hauling and I split like we're driving and all of a sudden I hear like the hind and it's coming like directly for like the convoy in front of me on the left
Starting point is 00:22:19 and it's low man. Like it is it is so low and I felt like I was in a movie and it's coming and I'm like, go right. And like, we're pulling a generator too. And my driver's like cutting it right when the soft sand, we're like spinning out. I'm like, Oh no, I'm gonna like flip a Ginny and we get it. And he comes down and he just like strafes the front of the convoy. And then we're like, okay, he's gone. He's gone. And then all of a sudden, like my turret gunners like up there is like, sir, look up. And like, I look up like back up through the turret and the Heinz just like, like, I swear if I had put my arm out the
Starting point is 00:22:56 window and chop my fingers off. And I was like, this is awful. Somehow I didn't get painted dead. Definitely not a word they're not dead yet. Right. Like, like you can't just like leave someone that's not actually dead, like on the side of the desert for the next two days. Like they still require food. Like the truck that just got back from the truck, like the truck that just got back from the truck, like the truck that just got back from the truck, like the truck that just got back from the truck,
Starting point is 00:23:24 like the truck that just got back dead on the side of the desert for the next two days. They still require food. The truck that just got blown up still has to take the people to the zombie camp. So there's definitely stuff away from it. But in terms of hiding, camouflage, use of UAS, and some other stuff. It was definitely a good exercise, responses, nessus fires. And we did like a lot of like TTPs and stuff. Well, we definitely like tried to implement some stuff that's like current, you know, and like the Ukraine Russian conflict, but yeah, it was fun. It was exhausting though. Like it was, yeah, it was, um,
Starting point is 00:24:01 so I take your loss. Uh, no. So I don't want to say we won, but we didn't lose. We definitely did better than the other side. Um, and again, this is a maneuver game, right? Like artillery support. Um, yeah, we definitely, it's like, if one side starts winning, they start like regenerating forces, you know? So yeah, they kind of make it go, but no, we, we, there was no like decisive, like these are the champions.
Starting point is 00:24:36 But, but we definitely were on the winning side. And for us, like we'd never lost all our tubes, which was the goal. Cause usually it's like, I have this, you know, God gun that's on a boat offshore, like destroy all the artillery day one. And so like the hiding and stuff works. So yeah, it was, it was fun. Yeah. Anyway, this can give me a little, little high desert metal.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah. Yes sir. Attention to orders. Attention to orders. Yeah, it was good. Yeah. So was it just a helicopter like pretending to be a hind or was it an actual? No, it was, they had two Russian Hinds and they had a contractor that is, he's like a retired, tired, I think US Colonel they said. And he's definitely, they were, they,
Starting point is 00:25:26 the guy in the debrief today said something about like, he has more hours flying like the Russian hind than like all of the HMLA pilots that participate in the like exercise combined. Like he was like, fantastic. Like it was incredible. Like, and he, he was having the time of his life and probably making like $4 million an hour or something insane. But no, it was a real, it was a real Russian hind. That's awesome. That's pretty cool. It was cool. It was cool. And like it was, um, I don't know today in the degree if it's from, I like some Cobra pilots and like, Whoa, everyone's like talking about the hind. Let's the hinds not actually that great of a capability. I'm like, I don't know, man. That thing seemed pretty cool. It's pretty damn lethal. I'm pretty sure it's
Starting point is 00:26:16 like, I think it's like a troop carrier attack helicopter. It's everything. It's everything. Yeah. It's a, he can get loaded out with a bunch of, a bunch of stuff. It was cool. That's probably why they say, uh, that's probably why they say wide miss cause they're like, well, we got to keep this guy around. Well, so he had like, um, he had, I think he had eight tails. That's what, how they call us. You could kill him eight times. And so, yeah. So he would go
Starting point is 00:26:46 and they, you'd have a time where there was air on station. So if there was air on station, you basically just button down on your nets and like not do anything. Which like, if you think about it, I mean, both of you can relate Jeff more recently, but it's like, like you're in the field, uh, like outside of like times in Afghanistan, like when you're on like a normal training app, it's like, Oh,'re in the field, uh, like outside of like times in Afghanistan, like when you're on like a normal training app, it's like, Oh, there's like downtime. I'll just like sit over here and need an MRE. But it was like, there's air, there's drones, there's helicopters, there's things over me. So it was like literally like nets are stake to
Starting point is 00:27:19 the deck. Like you can't, like the only way out would be to pull a stake in like low crawl out. And so you're just like under this net. Uh, like we had piss trenches, wag bags, uh, it was, we were all in. That's awesome. It's pretty awesome. So compared to the Ditz gear is much better. So yes and no. Yes. Uh, especially today and some debriefs, I like saw the tracking. It's
Starting point is 00:27:47 like the tracking of forces as they play that back is pretty cool. Because of the nature of artillery, we're not in a bunch of like hand to hand. So like we didn't deal with a lot of like, boom, I don't know, 80 blanks. I never shot one. My primary weapons, my radio, you know what I mean? But yeah, no, it seemed way better. It did definitely seem better. I mean, I think it was like, I think it was like, I think it was like, I think it was like, I think it was like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:28:37 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, That's cool. That's cool. His name was Biggie and I said, okay. Oh man. Wait, so you're saying you guys have like SUAS or organic to the battery? Don't divulge any top secret info. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's just say batteries are throwing their own little Puma sneakers around. That's good. That's good. I like hearing that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, obviously this, uh, we should do a shout out to our sponsor. It keeps up big old BW tax. Yeah. So BW tax, he's his, his head's down in the trenches. He's under the night and a net he's got it staked down. I did get to talk to him a day or two ago and he said, I said, what are you
Starting point is 00:29:36 doing? It's Sunday at 2200. He said, man, the okay podcast bring me so much business. I don't have time to go home, but no, he has done quite a few. Okay. Podcast people's taxes. He says, thanks for listening. We want to do a, an okay podcast client spotlight of the week, but couldn't cause he was busy doing taxes. But, but yeah, no BW tax more than a warm body. Great guy, better taxes. He's everything you need. And it's, it's February 24th. If you haven't started your taxes, I mean, honestly, it's going to be hard to catch up. But you know, BW tax I talked to him this week too. Of course you did. I heard you were super organized. He must have a low bar. Well, the bar is low. Dang. Well then, another topic that's, I'd say again, kind of in line with
Starting point is 00:30:38 sponsorship, the company that powers this podcast, the Strength Co. They released a cast iron pan. How's, how's that doing? Is there an update you wanted to give on the cast iron pan? Yeah, no, the cast iron pan is doing good. Well, have you come through yours much Jeff? Oh, almost every driver. I use it. Yeah, almost, almost. So serious question, how was the break-in? Like, cause it still needed to be broken in, I assume. Honestly, not bad. Like, I thought pretty quickly it was up to speed with the pan they know that I've been using for years.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I actually, I really like it. Have you been oiling it at all? Yeah, I was kind of, well, like wipe down, like clean it out, put it on the burner till it's completely dry, and then do like a coating of beef tallow on there. Just to keep it all dissonant and shiny. Yeah, you know me.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I don't vaccinate the pan either. I make sure that it doesn't receive any vaccines. That's good. It's more difficult than you think. So let's just say that. Yeah. Oh, we're going to say true. The leather, uh, Pod holder.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah. Pod holder. I like it, man. From us. Did you get the pan too? I don't remember. I didn't get the pan. Oh, you just got the holder. Yeah. Yeah. I got the whole, yeah. No, both are good. Yeah. No, the pants are in good, uh, selling well. It's the limited release did 300, uh, maybe a little over, over halfway sold out of them. And you know, it's funny, a little behind
Starting point is 00:32:18 the curtains for the okay podcast listeners. Um, I haven't even launched the page like to sell the pan. Like, uh, I have a buddy of mine in Texas that's in the cast iron. He's shooting the whole pan. He's been busy. He shot most of it. He hasn't sent me the photos. We have like a website update like for the pan page. It's just like the photos like I took on my stove. That's been selling it this far. So they had another pan's good. Go buy yourself a pan.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Use code. Okay. Okay. And I forgot what it saves. That's something like 29 bucks or something. You definitely save some money. Just get Netflix. Some months right there.
Starting point is 00:32:59 There you go. It's a Slack membership. Hey, how are you? Hey, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm Netflix some months right there. Yeah. There you go. It's a slack membership.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Hey. Oh yeah. That's true. Yeah. Dang. Okay. We got a lot of sports topic. Well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:33:15 There's one before I move away from marine stuff. There was a chow hall post in the slack there, uh, peanut butter and broken ice cream machine, I'm guessing was that's referring to yeah Trey will like this a train remember we used to have to report on the chow hall. Have we talked about this in the show before? No, we have not talked about my show by do you remember that yeah you remember that Jeff or no Jeff you were on the Mew I think With Lizarraga. Yeah. Steel Reign 5 would make you when you're on duty, you had to eat all three meals at the chow hall and had to like review and evaluate the chow hall and then turn it into the chow hall staff and then come back, brief him and then go over to the regimental forum, brief
Starting point is 00:34:02 him on what sucked about the chow hall. And I hated it, but I kind of loved it, but I mostly hated it. But now I think it's an absolute requirement because the chow hall facilities and 29 palms send the message to the general. They're terrible. I'm like a trading over here. They're absolutely heinous and garbage. But I say, let's say I go to the chow hall and I go to my favorite one, PFC Littleton World War II that go look him up. Let's see the chow hall is named after. And I go to that one and I'm just doing my thing.
Starting point is 00:34:36 You know, I'm getting my chow and that's where I've been told I've had a Southern hospitality and the food's bad. The piece of chicken I got was like smaller than my thumb. Uh, the line is absolutely packed because it's like school break hours for the comm school. So I'll never make it back through. So I go to get cottage cheese. They don't have cottage cheese. The yogurt tastes like glue. And I'm just like, I gotta get some protein. They're out of white milk. Um, they're out of chocolate milk. And I'm just like, I got to get some protein. They're out of white milk.
Starting point is 00:35:06 They're out of chocolate milk. And I'm like, whatever, I'll just go get those little peanut butter packets. You know, I'm talking about Jeff, like the ones with like the white packets, you know, I'm talking about tray with like the blue and red lettering. And I'm like, I'll just get like 10 of these and I'll be good. And I go and there's none there. And I'll be good. And I go and there's none there. And so then I'm like, now I'm like starting to get pissed. So I go to the girl, I find her. I'm like, Hey, how are you? And it's like, you know, she assumes I'm gonna like, I don't know what she assumed, but she was like really surprised to talk to her. And I was like, peanut butter, it's usually here. And she's like, Oh yeah. Let me go look. So she goes
Starting point is 00:35:46 back and like, clearly someone like forgot to put out the peanut butter. So she comes out with like a bin of like 5,000 peanut butter packs and like puts it out. I'm like, Oh, okay. I'm like, what, like, are you guys ever going to get the cottage cheese again? She's like, Oh, it fell off contract or something. So I get the peanut cheese again. She said, go ahead. Fell off contract or something. So I get the peanut butter and I walk back and I'm so hungry. I was like giving like Lima beans and a small piece of chicken. And I'm just like, all right, I'm going to get ice cream and I never get ice. Yeah. I fell off contract. The college she saw contract. It is funny. It is funny. And they say it was so much certainty and like they were the
Starting point is 00:36:22 ones negotiating at the table with the cottage cheese, like advocating for me like, Oh, we tried, but it fell off contract. Anyway, so I go, I go to, I'm like, I'm like get ice cream. So I go get a bowl and I walk over to the ice cream machine and right as I walk up some Lance Lance corporal like, Hey sir, it's broken. And I turn around, there's like four Lance corporals at a table. Like it's broken, sir. And I'm like, Oh, you, you tried it? And they're like, yes, sir. It's broken. I was like, all right. And then like, I looked at my lap, there's like four PFCs and they're like, sir, it's broken. I'm like, really? And they're like, yes. And then my staff sergeant came
Starting point is 00:37:05 because he was eating ice cream. He's like, Oh, it's broken, sir. And I just like look at it for two seconds and I go, is it broken or did they forget to put the handles on that like you pull down? And they're like, it's broken. I'm like, well, how did you like attempt to get ice cream? And they're like, well, sir, there's no way to attempt. And I'm like, well, how did you like attempt to get ice cream? And they're like, well, sir, there's no way to attempt. And I'm like, well, that's my point. It's clearly like missing the lever that you pull. So I go back, I find the peanut butter girl, the same girl. And I'm like, Hey, the ice cream machine. And she's like annoyed now. Like, why would this guy ask me for cottage cheese, peanut butter and ice cream? What is this guy's diet?
Starting point is 00:37:46 He must be keto. Carnivore. The Marine diet. Just chow hall. That's the chow hall diet. Just chow hall. That's the chow hall diet. The only things they have. It's cheap. What's left on contract?
Starting point is 00:38:12 Oh, we got peanut butter, ice cream and cottage cheese. Perfect. Server to the Marines. It's so true. Anyway, so I say to her, I say, I say, Hey, I think the ice cream handles are missing. And she's like, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't work in ice cream. I'm like, well, you work here, right? And she's like, yeah, but I had to do the ice cream. And I was like, okay. I was like, I just like the handles are missing. And she's like, wait a minute. And some other guy comes out and he like comes from the back, very disgruntled that like anyone asked him to do any work today.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And he has like, and he comes up and say, yeah. And I'm like, Hey sir, I hope you're having a great day. Like I think you forgot to put the handles on. He's like, damn it. These dudes ain't doing their job. And he turns around literally like right there on the counter. I could have grabbed myself. There's three ice cream handles like on like a chain and he like grabs it. He comes over. He like clicks them in place. He's like, sorry about that. I'm like, Oh, it's all good. And I grabbed my, my ball
Starting point is 00:39:26 and I looked back at the table of Marines that were there and I was like, broken, huh? And I did it. And I made like a six foot high ice cream thing. And they were like, wow, thanks sir. And I was like, no problem. So I go back, I dump all the peanut butter into the ice cream, made the thing. And then when I go to leave the chow hall, there's a line of like a hundred Marines just like attacking the ice cream. Anyway, I was like, Jeff would have loved this. Oh my gosh, dude. And it was just like the most basic problem solving skills. Are they, is it civilians running it? Yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty bad. I put in an ice complaint.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I've been complaining about everything. Wait, ice cream complaint? No, cottage cheese complaint. Yeah. Hey, you. Oh my goodness. There's your ice cream story. I love good child.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Love a good child. Oh my goodness. Your ice cream story. I love good jobs. Love a good child. Oh, my gosh. It makes you appreciate that when you get a good one. Yeah, that's true. No, it's true. Apparently, the one in Japan, it has one like best chow hall of the Marine Corps, like 10 years in a row.
Starting point is 00:40:40 OK, so I'm excited. Again, that's a little far. We're looking up. Oh, you get swole over there. I just really go to like any other branch and it's just like phenomenal. Oh, remember the you remember the one in Fort Hood, Jeff? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah. And it was like a lot auxiliary. Like it was like the chow hall. Yeah. It was like one. They set up for us for like two weeks and they you'd walk up and they'd be like, can I get eggs? They'd be like, what kind? I'd be like, am I only allowed one? Like, no, maybe whatever. I'm like, I want scrambled over easy six hard boils and an omelet. And they're like, no problem. This place is fantastic. Yeah, that's how it was really good. And it was like, yeah, it didn't definitely didn't function all the time. It was because like we were there doing 80.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And yeah, man, that was yeah, that's good. OK, all right. OK, OK. Hmm. OK. And some some some lifting questions in there. I don't know if you want to. Did I now pose them? You talked about one scene, a video of Jim Brose versus blue crop group. Blue collar workers doing some lifts and then you had some questions about the intermediate phase.
Starting point is 00:42:08 That was a question. Hmm. Tell me more. Intermediate phase. So here's my question. OK, you I've heard you talk about it. You say you're just in the intermediate phase. Right. Perpetually, that's how you would perpetually. You say you're just in the intermediate phase at right. Perpetually, right? Is there, what's after that?
Starting point is 00:42:32 Advanced. Like who's in the advanced? What is the advanced? Yeah, so I mean, I think in short, like the phase is the way that starting strength puts them out, which I think in short, like the phases, the way that starting strength puts them out, which I think are pretty smart are based on rate of adaptation. So a novice means that workout to workout, you get stronger, which means you can add more weight to the bar.
Starting point is 00:42:57 An intermediate means like week to week, you get stronger. In advance means over the course of a couple of months, you're able to put more weight on the bar, like hit a top PR or lift a new weight in a particular lift. I would say I'm a perpetual intermediate and kind of early intermediate because like one ran the novice program well. And then two, I like to lift, but I don't live to lift, meaning like I don't miss workouts. Like I mean, I have this year, I probably lifted the least amount of times because of field training opportunities, but as much as I can be in there, I can be in there. But I'm strong enough that if I have a hard workout, I can't just add five the next workout, but I'm sporadic and not sleeping as well as I could. Chow holds out a cow to cheese, messing up my nutrition. There are other factors at Bay that mean like the programming does not need to be advanced.
Starting point is 00:44:09 So the advanced lifter is like, you know, it's someone, it's Jen Thompson competing for, you know, the Arnold powerlifting, you know, bench press competition and like everything in her life is dialed in to facilitate her training. I mean, obviously she has stuff she's, I'm just using her as an example, but like the, the, the lifestyle supports the training and then the program is set to peak. Uh, whereas like for me intermediate, I mean, uh, since I got here January 2nd, I basically have just squatted between 360 and 420. And sometimes it's just 360 and sometimes I feel kind of good as 420. Not following in a program.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I'm just like three sets of five. What feels hard today? This feels hard. Go for it. I'm kind of like maintenance mode. So I'm not like really a novice. I'm kind of intermediate. But yeah, I mean, the advanced is more dialed in. I would say like where you... So I say I make my life like training is a part of my life. It's a part of my life.
Starting point is 00:45:20 So I make sure I go to the gym, but I'm not crying if I did lift at 455 or 470 or 465 or whatever. I'm just making sure it's hard and heavy. Whereas an advanced lifter, one, has run the novice program well. Two, has run a proper intermediate program well. We're week to week for probably two to three years. They've seen progress go and now they're basically tapering and like peaking because you can't like, if I can squat 500, which I probably couldn't right now, but if I can
Starting point is 00:45:50 squat 500 and I squat it, like I probably can't squat 500 the next week. Right. Be like it for me. And the numbers are all kind of relative, but like I peeked up to get there and I hit it and then like, I can't live there. And so like the advance is more like, hey, I'm taking all my training modalities and I'm changing them so that I can perform
Starting point is 00:46:11 on a specific day in a specific lift to like win. And it's just a little bit more complex. The other way you could say is like, some older people kind of become advanced lifters because they never lived it before. And because they're older, their novice phase goes fast. And then they realize like, Hey, I have to lift like in order to survive. So their intermediate phase goes well, but like, because they're, I don't know, 75, like there's more complexity into their program, like their left knee's bone on bone. Like this is that. And so there's more complexity into their program, like their left knees, bone on bone, like
Starting point is 00:46:46 this is that. And so there's more complexity and it's spaced out over time to like hit PRs at a larger date gap. So I don't know. Does that answer your question? No, that makes sense. Yeah. I'm just a perpetual intermediate.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Which I think is a good place to live in. I mean, I think so. Like I have like benchmarks. Like if I can go in and do this and that like, I think today was, what's today? Monday? So I came on a Saturday night, went home, saw the baby and wife, got in late, hung out Sunday, drove back Sunday night, got to the gym this morning at six.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And I was like, all right, I haven't lifted in six days. Last time I lifted it with squats, I should deadlift and I should press. And like I pulled 455 for a top set of five. And I'm like, man, if I can come into the gym after like not sleeping and running around, be getting chased by a Russian hind and deadlift 455 for five, like I'm very happy. That's right. Yeah. Especially if the child holds out of cottage cheese. Yeah. So the big thing is just like your life dictates like kind of what phase you're in.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Yeah, I think so. I mean, I think if, and people would probably laugh at this answer because like I run a strength training company, but I think if I, I don't consider myself an athlete, like I'm just like a recreational lifter, but if for some reason, like lifting was like the, like the main focus of my life. And yeah, I could get to an advanced stage. But it's like when I look at 52 weeks of the year, I'm not in this stage of my life able to be like, okay, I'm going to peak my lifts here, here and here. I'm just kind of like, not there. So I'm not really on an advanced program. Now, with that said, I mean, I think I've definitely been like late intermediate in my past and probably
Starting point is 00:48:52 will be in my future. Like when I get to Japan, it looks like there'll be like a 10 week schedule, like a 10 week period of time where I'm like, man, I'm going to be able to train and I 100% will like train really hard, but it's still not advances. Like you make a living off of lifting, which no one does. So really advances like a unicorn. I've never met anybody in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I mean, you've been to the Arnold. Yeah. You probably, you probably did meet someone. True. You met Huck Finn. Huck Finn. Well, that's this weekend. That is this weekend. Wow. The Arnold is. Yeah. Wow. It's crazy. I mean, like for three years, like this week, I'm probably getting to Columbus like today. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. Dang. It's not stressed out at all. Oh, have not thought about it.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And I mean, I thought about it today because Tanner texted me something. I forgot what we were talking about. It said something about setting up his booth. And I was like, is that soon? And I was still kind of like brain dead from the field. And then I was like, oh, it's this weekend. And I was like, ah, really glad I don't have like ten thousand dollars of equipment headed to Ohio right now.
Starting point is 00:50:10 That's just north of Georgia somehow. Somehow. So I don't know. That does not track. Do not believe that. I was. Yeah, I was not advised of that. OK, I beat eyes. Ohio is north of Georgia. It's impossible. Sorry. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:30 No, that was my main question. The other one was just a video I saw. I'm like, oh, it was just like, dudes who like work out constantly, lift in, like doing PRs, going against like just blue collar workers who are just like naturally strong. Just country strong.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I mean, that's kind of you to be fair Trey. Yeah. What? Yeah, dude. No, like I'm not, I'm not taken away from any of your like runs in the gym where you've done pretty good. And like consistency wise, I'm just saying like,
Starting point is 00:51:04 I have coached hundreds of people in my gym. And it's like when they squat 315, it's like the equivalent of like having their first child. Like it's like a life altering event. And I'm pretty sure like on week four, you did 315 for like three sets five. Right. Um, yeah, man. Like I said, I'm fortunate enough to where I feel like I can, I can gain muscle or gain strength. And Texas, we just call that baling. Hey, that's it. Tough to do against tall grass. You know why, you know why we're all strong. I'm going to go to the top of the screen.
Starting point is 00:51:46 I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. I'm going to go to the top of the screen. sports topics, sports topics ready to dive in. Dive, let's do it. All right. All right. South Carolina women's basketball. Tough stretch for them, right? They pick up. Yes, they they they broke the they snapped their own record winning at home, which I think was like 80
Starting point is 00:52:21 something games at colonial life arena. And they get the breaks beat off on by Yukon. Good team. I still think good, like 18 to one year will always scar me for life. Like I don't want to go into the championship game undefeated. And I know the women's game cocks have done it, but I think a loss once in a while is good. It's like, you know, it's like losing a prick. One 53, you lose one. Yeah. They lost to Michigan and then locked back in and yeah, but they're, they're okay. I think they're number five or six. They're playing good ball. Don'saley still at the helm. Uh, they're,
Starting point is 00:53:05 they're doing good. Um, or still be a one seed. Are we, how close are we to the end? And this is just, no, we're close to the end. It's getting close. Yeah. Close to bar. Two games left. Yeah. I'm looking now. Um, yeah, I don't know if there'll be a one seed, but, uh, still think they're in a team to beat. Oh yeah. We'll see. Well, if they do one, the SEC, the loss to tech, we knew they lost Texas. We talked about that, right? Yeah. Yeah. And then the loss to you con. So they lost two games. So now what a terrible team.
Starting point is 00:53:40 There's 24 and three. So that's not too bad. That's pretty good. I'd say it's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that's a good one. I think that They're number one. It's either them or Duke. I think what is going to win. Wow. Wow. They're number one. Yeah. Wait, it's almost March.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Are we going to do an okay podcast March madness? We got it. Okay. We'll drop a link. It'll be in the show notes. Pay 10 bucks. You get a month of Slack membership free and you get entered into March madness. Hey, you can't afford not to be part of it. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. All right. So you pay $10. It's a recurring fee because you have to cancel, get a free month slack. You get entered. You get a chance to win. We go 33, 33, 33%. No, what do we do? We do 50% of the winter and then split second, third, something like that. We usually throw some t-shirts. Yeah. Come join us. Yeah. We could take a good time.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Come join us. And then, yeah, one other college basketball related topic. How long is like the review, like the like the replay review been going on in college? Is that a new thing? Or is that a couple of seasons old? And I'm just I just have I feel like it's a couple of seasons old. Really?
Starting point is 00:55:26 Me, I think it's relatively new. Yeah, it must be excited. But like they review everything. Like it's absurd how much it like slows the game too much. I think way too much. There were there's a like three or four plays like at the end of like the Georgia Auburn game the other day. And like, no, like no one was complaining about these calls. It was like, you know, oh, who did that ball go off out of bounds?
Starting point is 00:55:54 And like every time I was like, oh, yep, confirmed. And it just like and then the teams, obviously, they go back to their benches and like huddle up, but even though like the reviews over and the refs take like 30 more seconds, like actually getting them to come back onto the court and just like, just drags the game out. So they take commercial break. Uh, I think on one of them, they did, but the other ones like, you know, cause they kind of like show the ref like watching it. And then he comes up and
Starting point is 00:56:23 he like, it's like conspiracy. Right. It was that my years is that they do it for commercial breaks. You're trying to see, um, did you guys see Bobby Knight's chair? But the one he threw. Yeah. So Bobby Knight to the chair, it was like, uh, I think it was 30 years ago. Does that sound right? Sounds right. What are we in 25. So 95, right? Math in public. Yeah. February, like 22nd or something is when you threw the chair, like the famous thing and like the coach went and found the exact chair
Starting point is 00:56:59 and like sat in it for the game. I thought that was super cool. That's really cool. Yeah. But I like, I like old stuff. Yeah. Indiana. Yeah. I liked him better as a red Raiders, honestly. He came in my high school. I believe it. I mean, the guys between him and George W. Bush, you're basically just a Texan. He, uh, well, yeah, cause he cuts for tech afterwards. He was recruiting some kid from it from the one to my high school. Reckham to get white.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, super tall white kid. Nice. My hon, Jeff. There's a fair question. Tech. Jack Jeff got me that tech. Yeah, tech gig. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it.
Starting point is 00:58:15 I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it.
Starting point is 00:58:23 I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to sign it. warehouse will somebody will sign it. Yeah. No, I'll be signed. You buy it. It'll get signed. I love it. I do love messing with Connor. Connor, Connor came by. So not to spill any cool beans, cool names, cool. That's not my guys were here early in the month. Actually, it was February 1st. I know this because I was down there for the day and they saw my wife and I saw my wife. And then when I saw my wife yesterday, I texted Tanner and said, I have now seen my wife more
Starting point is 00:59:04 recently than you've seen my wife. I hadn't seen her since the last time. Funny joke. If you like funny jokes. But anyway, so Connor comes to the gym and he brings his lift flag and he has like CT Fletcher's signature. John Cena. I forget who else is, is it? Can I never ask you guys to sign this? And like, I'm sitting there and I'm looking, I'm like, he's like, I'm like, you never asked me to sign it. And he was like, Oh yeah, well, you don't really matter. See you all the time.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Thanks, Connor. Yeah. You know me, big autograph guy, big autograph guy. Oh my goodness. Just so you're tracking. Oh, okay. Good. Good. Yeah. Be advised. I feel like I've been advised. Let's see. We talked about it last time. Oh, so I got a lieutenant. I like, hopefully you never listen to this. If he does, it's funny. Real quick. I got a lieutenant. I feel like he's like a miniature tray. He's a little bit older. He took six years to graduate the university of South Carolina. So he's real smart. And, uh, he was a chubby model. He was a chubby model in college, you know, chubby shorts. Yep. Yep. Yep. He was like an ambassador for them. I thought that was a good piece of the gouge. And this reminds me that's something that I would do.
Starting point is 01:00:26 No, he's just like, um, stocky, funny, intellectual. Yeah, it just reminds me of you. Trey, if you told me, oh yeah, when I was in, I was a chubbies ambassador. I'd be going, yeah, I believe was in him, I was a chubbies ambassador. I got. Yeah, I believe that. I believe that checks out. It looks like he's from Nebraska. Great. Great. Big old muscular thighs to put in those little shorts trotting around.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Texas heat like you sell some shorts. Tell you what. Little cake caked up. You know, baby. Yeah. Speaking of cake, how, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, on the first game because we recorded while it was and the memes from that after were
Starting point is 01:01:25 incredible and then I was in the middle of fighting the war and so completely forgot about the hockey game came out and saw that we lost. My question is, was the game like super hyped? Like was everyone watching it? Did it matter? Dude, it was yeah, I the amount of buzz that they created. Yeah, people are high it Like compare because I think it was the same weekend as like the NBA all-star game. Yeah. Yeah and Which nobody cared about no. Well, that was the first game, I think. May I was like, I felt like the final had a lot of hype, like people, I think people were hyped up like that.
Starting point is 01:02:13 The garden was the highest in Boston. Like, yeah, it was the highest viewed hockey game in the last 30 years. Oh, really? And we lost. Yeah. Yeah. It was a good game. It was a really good game over time, really? And we lost. Yeah. Yeah. It was a good game. It was a really good game. Overtime, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:30 So, you know, can't win them all, but who's the guy who scored for Canada and McDavid? David is his name. The best player in the league. Apparently, yeah. Right. Best player in the league. And so apparently, we left him wide open at the end of the game. I know nothing about hockey.
Starting point is 01:02:49 I have no idea. I game if you don't play in Texas. So I've always said apparently half the stars team is on the Canadian national team. So yeah, but straighters. But yeah, but straighters. Uh, but yeah, I don't know. Interesting how that like that four nations thing like hit a, hit a nerve like in people, people were all that's new. You realize that's new, right? Yeah. Oh yeah. It's the first is first one, right? Um, I think, yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:21 because no, I think it's second, but it could be, I don't think so. They say NHL like denied the Olympics. And so then, um, like money, TV, taxes, stuff you'd need BW for. But I think it was like, it used to be the players all went to the Olympics. And then NHL was like, no, we're not doing that. So there was nothing. They did this. And it's the same thing I do in rugby. And I get it. Rugby is a much smaller sport, but it is kind of like, it's like, I could see this going really well because it's the same thing with like the world cup. Like Americans
Starting point is 01:03:59 don't watch soccer. And then all of a sudden they're like, USA, USA. And like, uh, yeah. So I think the nation's thing could be good. And it was a good start. Good timing of it too. Like, yeah, don't try to like put it in any other time. Like there's no football going on. Oh, great. NBA regular season is happening. Baseball hasn't started. I thought you meant like politically like Trump Trump wanting to take over. I think that was part of it. Yeah. I think that, yeah, a hundred percent. But you had a little little riff going between like Canadians and U.S. Yeah. Yeah. That whole thing.
Starting point is 01:04:34 So that definitely played a part. Send me to Panama. Panama. But yeah, yeah, that was fun watching that. Watching that. So did you watch it? Mm yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I, I usually, I would never, my buddy sometimes when he's deep in the training area and knows the route well, would never have a speaker in the truck and play anything. But potentially, if he could, he'd play Panama. And then there was like a point where we'd like killed some
Starting point is 01:05:22 people notionally, of course. Of course. And like we got on this route and it was daytime said so much night driving, which is exhausting. Dude, I was like, where's the speaker? And they were like, sir, you don't have your phone. And I was like, Oh, right. I just had to sing it. Yeah, we don't need no phone. Yeah, we don't need no phone. Thanks, Obama.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Oh, no, no. Four nations also. I don't know. My whole thing with that is like I feel like those hockey players just cared more. Yeah, it's the it's the last. Right. The effort they put in. It's the last. It's the last it's the last refuge. It's the last, it's the last refuge for men. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:09 That's it. Junction boys is a thing of the past. NILs ruined college football. True. Like I feel like, I feel like hockey's like the last bastion. I feel like they're just playing for the sake of playing. When as like NFL contracts, right? Yeah. NBA contracts. And it's like they're making good money in the end, but it's not like, it's not, there's not this like one upsmanship of like, well, that guy just got paid that contract. So now if I don't get paid this cut, like this in my next contract, like I'm going to cry and pout and not show up to workouts. They're like, yeah, okay. It's okay with me. I'm
Starting point is 01:06:53 just going to go skate with the boys. Yeah. And they just go out there and skate. Okay. Just with the boys. Okay. We got to get a Canadian hockey player on here. Hey, if you listen to this and you're a Canadian and you play hockey or have ever played hockey to include when you were five DM us. We want you on the podcast. I see you. You don't have to be Canadian. You can be from Minnesota. Minnesota. Yeah. Minnesota. You have that kind of accent. You know, if it's Canadian adjacent or Canadian, we will. And they call that the Midwest. I mean, just think
Starting point is 01:07:31 about how different Minnesota is from Ohio, which is from South Dakota. Like people in South Dakota are cool. Yeah. Have you ever met anyone that you liked from Michigan? The answer to that is no. No. Yeah. Definitely. Ohio. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:07:52 No. Panama. College football. Yeah. We didn't talk about the guy that got executed in South Carolina. Oh, oh, we could definitely talk about that. I was going to see. Can you with the sports talk? Two more topics, two more sports topics.
Starting point is 01:08:13 The capital punishment is a sport. And so if they told me to run. But yes, college football teams are canceling their spring games like Texas, Southern Cal for a couple of others. Do you mean I was skipping the spring game? Yeah, I just like not going to practice. They're just not going to do the game. They're like going to do in the article.
Starting point is 01:08:38 It was like they're going to do more like NFL style, like OTAs. And I listened to. The Texas coach give the reason behind it. He's like, well one we played like 15 games this year. Yeah, he's like, so we played a lot of games, but then we didn't have enough. He's like, I need more times to since I lost a lot of people to draft. He's like, I need more time to evaluate. Yeah. Incoming freshmen. And so I'm like, it makes sense. Oh yeah. I don't like hearing the argument. I'm
Starting point is 01:09:11 like, yeah. I can, and people really care. I mean, I don't know. I guess you see like clips of like Alabama with a pack stadium for like their spring game, but I'm like, like, do you watch a spring game? Do you watch the Auburn spring game? I've been, I've been to some spring games, but I've never heard for South Carolina, but I've never watched one, but I have been to them. Do you enjoy it? Yeah. I mean, I went when I was in college and it was like, you know, it's like, Hey, let's all go to Columbia this weekend and watch the game Cox. Like it wasn't like so much about the game. I did enjoy it though. Yes. To be honest. We appreciate the honesty.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Now we're acting on a scene to be honest, be advised. I enjoyed it. So you're tracking. Just so you're tracking. I don't know. Like you can't tackle like certain players. So they always It's like it's like you can't tackle the quarterback. So there's no sacks, right? And so if it's an offensive minded coach then like you can tell because
Starting point is 01:10:18 Like he's wants to see the offense perform. So like you don't get really see what the defense looks like I don't know to me. It's just not worth like that entertainment value. It's like not very high. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they all went away. Yeah, I could see that. Which has been fun with the last sports topic, and then we'll get on to the higher views on capital punishment. This is a this is a late addition to the higher views on capital punishment. This is a this is a late addition to the slide deck. But apparently some unidentified NFL team has proposed
Starting point is 01:10:55 banning the tush push. Mm hmm. Is that why you take your hands, stuff it up, the guys wrecked them and push them over the goal line. And yeah, and yeah, just score touchdowns. And the Marine Corps, we call that mounting the turret. But I don't know. Why would they ban that? I don't know, because it's like your assist.
Starting point is 01:11:19 I don't really know. But wasn't it against the rules of college football? It's not anything with like the sexuality of it. It's more like the Legality, it's more Okay, so it's not because Don't we touch each other's fannies What did Tony soprano say and she like, so what is the problem? Because he's a fan.
Starting point is 01:11:49 And I was like, oh, 90s TV and it's pro best. But yeah, because, yeah, there was like the Reggie Bush, like the Bush push. They're playing Notre Dame. Oh, Reggie Bush. Yeah. So I don't know. I don't know. I think it's kind of a lame play, like, yeah, it's highly effective. And I so like I totally get why people do it strategically.
Starting point is 01:12:12 But I think it's just lame and it's called the touch. But it's really lame. So like. Get it out of this way. If my team was doing it, I'd be all about it. Oh, same. You know what I mean? It's like if Auburn was running that, like every play in the world, I'd be all about it. Oh, same. You know what I mean? It's like, if Auburn was running that, like every play in the world, I'd be like. Are you guys just jealous?
Starting point is 01:12:29 No, you can't run it. If you guys just stop for, if you just think about it, if we just put the fullback back in, you wouldn't even need it. Dude, you just hand it to the fullback. Just hand it to the fullback. Ah. Done, problem solved.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Life was so much better when the fullback was around. It really was. Okay, that concludes sports topics. A stand by for referral code. Ooh, buddy. What else we got? We got talking about South Carolina. So firing squad. So let me get this right.
Starting point is 01:13:12 The backstory is this German released the monkeys. Yes. Yep. In South Carolina is now getting a firing squad. Oh yeah. Well, you're a little trial. Incorrect. I think it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a,
Starting point is 01:13:29 it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, streak. And that's why we're killing them very well. Yeah. And also he chose that, right? Yeah. So I guess there was a thing, a Jeff pine is more than me, but like South Carolina was always doing it. And then like 12 years ago, 13 years ago, they stopped doing, um, capital punishment and then they got turned back on like a year ago. And then the last three people in the state of South Carolina that have gotten killed from the COVID vaccine. I mean, technically they call it lethal injection, but same thing,
Starting point is 01:14:20 um, have taken like 20 to 30 minutes to die and they end up dying from like suffocation and like, uh, like they're like, the medicine's not working. And so then they passed some other law that was like, Oh, don't say it's Pfizer. Like we won't say who's killing the people. And then the governor, Henry McMaster, he talks like this. His daughter went to college at the College of Charleston when I was there. And I do declare, if a man has to die
Starting point is 01:14:56 for the sins that he hath committed, let him choose whether he wants the pharmaceutical injection or the electric chair or hair and the state of South Carolina, the first state to secede the fire and squad. And this guy was like, yeah, I want the firing squad. And his lawyer was like, you shouldn't do that. He's like, I definitely want to do that. I watched the last three people die and it looked terrible.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Just shoot me. And, uh, yeah, this sounds super morbid, but like, is it, I, I, I assume it's a squad. So multiple people, is it like a last I checked, that's what squad may be doing. Uh, yeah, I've never really researched it, but like in general, the point is it's multiple people. So no one knows who's bullet killed them. Makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, let's see. How big is the South Carolina? How big is South Carolina? I joined the South Carolina. I mean, oh, the stars at 12.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Well, a full squad makes sense. Yeah, full squad. OK, or squads combined to make a platoon. Wow. How about that? Basically the headquarters battery XO regimen comes out and kills you. And then he kills himself. Yeah. That tracks that tracks that tracks. I'm tracking be advised. There's an execution happening in South Carolina. Be advised.
Starting point is 01:16:50 The amount of people that say be advised. It's crazy. It's so crazy. And it's like every transmissional story, whatever you just told me, you could have just told me you did not have to say be advised literally convoying back in the convoy like what I would say pretty tactical good ops for like four or five days and we're like convoying back and we get on the base and it's like be advised there's two joggers on the left side of the road. I'm like one I have eyeballs fair. I'm like, one, I have eyeballs. Fair. I'm going to end up on her Humvee. I can't see
Starting point is 01:17:25 anything. But two, why did you have to be advised me? And of course I don't let it, I don't let it just go. I just say be advised after every before everything now. Right? Oh, I would say, I don't know. Hopefully there's a couple of guys that over time will vouch for me. I would say people love me as much as they hate me. Um, cause they're like, Oh, he's kind of funny. But like every time someone says, just so you're tracking, I'm like, Oh, now I'm tracking. Thank you. I wasn't tracking before. Thank you for bringing me up track. I'm advised and I'm tracking it tracks. I'll say grants like your, your sense of humor. If I described it, you would say be advised sarcastically and it would be funny. And then it would stop. You keep saying it would stop being funny, but then you would
Starting point is 01:18:27 say it so much. It would come back around. Yeah. So we don't, I don't call that a sense of humor. I call that a leadership style. I'm going to talk about your hands in your pockets so much that you're uncomfortable. And then I'm going to talk about so much that you're like, does he care? And then my target so much that you're like, I'm going to go sew my pockets up. And only when you're in garrison stick those puppies in the field. Let's go. I'm here. Hands up.
Starting point is 01:19:10 We can see Brown's alibis. Oh, let me do one. Let me do one final scrub of the headless. Yeah, check the hidden slides, scrubbing, scrubbing scrubbing i think we are rounds complete okay good we love being around to be advised be advised well just so you're tracking be advised we are rounds complete. Okay good we're gonna play an oldie but goodie. It may not work. Sometimes I forget.
Starting point is 01:19:56 There we go. That's what I love. What I've always loved about BWT is, you know, you can be someone like me, I have a W-2 job still. You know, gotta support the wife, the kids, there you go. Kids, you know, there's child tax credits. You know, the government has really created a wild maze that is income tax and loopholes and all that. And that's what the folks at BW Tax, that's their bread and butter. I mean that's what they're known for and what they've come to be so excellent at and that's why you can talk to them remotely. Even if you're from some place with sticks like western, northeast, south Dakota, you can still talk to a warm body at BWTax. It's not a bot. It's not a chat GPT service. You know, it's real people there providing a real service.
Starting point is 01:20:51 And that's what I love about them at BWTax. BWTax, Yeah, that's what it was. I forget. But that's what I like. Dag gum, dad, gum. He's from the, the side. Uh, let's see if everyone go to the Arnold this week. Have a great time.
Starting point is 01:21:17 I hope you miss us. I hope you miss your free t-shirts. I hope there's text and a Instagram post saying we wish you were there, meaning to us at the strength. Oh We are forward deployed. We do everything for the updo down range. We always have, we support the troops. But yeah, have a great time at the Arnold. Go see our friends over at massonomics. They generally have like John Gruden hanging out at their booth, big sports guys. If you are there and you get your behind the booth, sometimes when you run in a booth, there's a trash accumulates and you guys can testify to this. You were at the Arnold last year. You got power lifters running around. There's Miller light cans. There's Chick-fil-A boxes and the trash can
Starting point is 01:22:03 become a deal because remember at the end of the day, we are a war fighting plate selling organization and you don't want the first look to be trash. So if you're at the Arnold secure the trash, please. The trash is a real problem. But thanks for tuning in episode 61. We get eight more till we get 69 and then retire. Nice. Yeah. It's been real. It's been fun. It hasn't been real fun. Trey, I think at
Starting point is 01:22:36 this point in the show, you talk about Mr. Helmet, you invite a guest and you take us out for a landing. In that order. Okay. Well, just do your thing. Oh, okay. Well, before I do it, I heard that you think the bathroom is going to be any better with Arnold?
Starting point is 01:22:57 Oh yeah. No, I did see, I did see, I saw Tanner post something today that was something about the bathrooms. I was like, Oh, that joke that they get to do every year over and over and over. And it always lives up. Like how convenient it's like, it's like a Marine messing up PowerPoint and then bringing up trash. Like it's the gift that keeps on giving. But yeah, no, I, it is weird not being there.
Starting point is 01:23:23 I mean, it's not that weird. All that poops on the surface. That's for sure. If I was there, the surface shooter, you shouldn't stage. Sorry, mom. You won't get it, but it's worth it. The surface shooter is really funny. The guests love it. All right. Again, the zone has been episode zero six one. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:23:40 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. You can do this. It's been episode zero six one. Correct. Yep. Of the OK. OK. OK. OK.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Good job. OK. OK. OK. OK. Hey. What are they? What do they say at ease? Oh, OK. Hey. What did they what do they say at ease? Oh, OK. Yeah. As you were. Yeah. So it's your six one of the OK podcasts, as always, like to thank our sponsors, BW tax.
Starting point is 01:24:18 It's that time of year. Get it. Get with them so you can get on it. Get that money back. Like, think our other sponsor, Mr. Helmet, Gridiron Green, Big Green, Gridiron, that we all know where to get the helmets. It would be at the link below. Big helmets, small helmets, we got them all
Starting point is 01:24:38 for big heads and small heads, any size. Also, if you look at below, you will see the link to the Slack channel. Use code OK, get a little discount there if you have any questions about lifting life. Want to be silly, want to be serious. We got it all there. Jeff has a lot of great wisdom that he passes along there, so just reach out to him. If you're not following us on YouTube, don't. I don't at this point just don't want your business. I like the number of followers we have currently, so don't follow. No more followers there.
Starting point is 01:25:14 But most probably go to and you will find the social media links. Give us a like, give us a follow, whatever you do there. But most probably, as I always say, we each have our individual social media accounts that we are very active on. My space, truth, LinkedIn, Instagram, Yup. What other ones? Blue sky. Mm hmm. I don't know. We got them all.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Star Shield. We're alive all the time. Like as you see Jeff's live right now. Oh, Jeff. Most importantly, as always, we are powered by the strength coat. Get the greatest pan company in the world coach. I miss anything. I think that's it. Thanks for tuning in. We support the troops. We appreciate all your listens. Thanks a lot for staying this long and we'll see you next time.

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