277: Master POS Edition
Episode Date: June 7, 2018In this week’s episode, Christian Movie Reviewer continues to be the most secure job in trump’s america, the Supreme Court rules that you can't have y...
A weekly look at religion and the stupidity that breeds it. Hosts Noah Lugeons, Heath Enwright, and Eli Bosnick delve into theistic attempts to intrude on the secular world in an unflinching expose on just how juvenile the whole god thing is.
531 episodes transcribedIn this week’s episode, Christian Movie Reviewer continues to be the most secure job in trump’s america, the Supreme Court rules that you can't have y...
In this week’s episode, Catholic Hospitals will get a reward for keeping those “no jews or Irish” signs in the basement for a reason, Alex Jones conti...
In this week’s episode, we learn that the cure for mass shootings could be mass, we learn when the Bible says it's okay to use the N-word ... It's whe...
In this week’s episode, Trump's ready to Armaged-it-on, Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe tries to form flood water into a ball to prove gay people are ev...
In this week’s episode, Iowa redefines abortion to mean felching, Sarah Palin gets appointed to be National Secretary of All the Newspapers--wait, no,...
In this week’s episode, my pug gets really good at Blackjack, Australia gives Cardinal Pell a timeout in the corner to think about all the kid-raping,...
In this week’s episode, Ken ham’s ark park see less footraffic than your mom, we find a great new reason to ejaculate on a wall (your mom), and Lee St...
In this week’s episode, the Mormons introduce the world to their black friend, we learn on InfoWars that Alex Jones invented the clitoris in 1988, and...
In this week’s episode, God’s dead at the box office, Coach Dave gets a handjob from a dude while thinking about a goat, and perfect word of god will...
In this week’s episode, we catch us on all the news we missed while we were looking for one single human being in the entire state of Oklahoma. Seriou...
In this week’s episode, we discuss Trump’s crayon-panned trans ban, we learn that your firearms are useless against killer swarms of bee-sting acupunc...
In this week’s episode, The Olten Enterprise will print all the news that fits into a vagina, a comedian holds up a mirror during a set at a Catholic...
In this week’s episode, Kim Davis becomes the first person to write a book she can’t read, the reputation of United Airlines takes another hit after G...
In this week’s episode, Kentucky vies for that “Toddlers and Tiaras”, “Say Yes to the Dress” crossover we’ve all been waiting for, Roy Moore tries to...
In this week’s episode, we figure out if blessed AR-15’s kill less kids, rabbis in Iceland are running out of good excuses for sucking a baby's penis,...
In this week’s episode, we’ll see which christian can blame not-god the hardest, a Pennsylvania pastor finally finds that platonic gay bondage relatio...
On this week’s episode: Alex Jones wants to know Optimus Prime's preferred pronouns ... North Carolina makes a special gay marriage lane that's separa...
In this week’s episode, we’ll discuss the international, secret child rape cabal from the nineties that didn’t exist, Virginia considers a tax on porn...
In this week’s episode, we break out the Book of Mormon voices one last time, we learn which Jehovah's Witness elder ate the most cum-covered cookies,...
In this week’s episode, the Pope on a Rope makes himself look a dope, God finally takes over control of all the snipes in Oklahoma, and we’ll reach th...