624: Sucks to Suck Edition
Episode Date: February 13, 2025In this week’s episode, Donald Trump checks under Christianity's bed for monsters, the decor at Mar-a-Lago is getting pretty goatse, and Jesus will ge...
A weekly look at religion and the stupidity that breeds it. Hosts Noah Lugeons, Heath Enwright, and Eli Bosnick delve into theistic attempts to intrude on the secular world in an unflinching expose on just how juvenile the whole god thing is.
539 episodes transcribedIn this week’s episode, Donald Trump checks under Christianity's bed for monsters, the decor at Mar-a-Lago is getting pretty goatse, and Jesus will ge...
In this week’s episode, Washington and Montana break god’s super best friend promise, a new bill in Mississippi aims to teach people that erections ha...
In this week’s episode, the church begs for mercy too liberally, God maintains the streak of perfect inattendance, and we’ll see what the other side o...
In this week’s episode, Donald trump ORDERS trans people to stop existing, a Tennessee local ordinance demands the CORRECT version of dumb plastic cra...
In this week’s episode, the Christian god does a bunch of fire smiting, Atheist groups finally get rid of that expired ketchup in the back of fridge,...
In this week’s episode, the State of the Union is BAAAAAAAD, Pope Francis may have accidentally opened a Morning Stargate, and we’ll learn that “flat”...
In this week’s episode, Congress has as many atheists as it does chances not to end our civilization, we learn if it's gay for men to have hetero sex...
Just a reminder that we're off this week, but we'll be back next Thursday. Happy holidays!
In this week’s episode, Tiny Tim is at the center of RFK Junior’s vision board, flat earthers put their heads where the sun don't shine AND where it a...
In this week’s episode, Christians reject our adorable Satanic gnomes, our next chief of public health takes a fake shower like 8-year-old me trying t...
In this week’s episode, we’ll warm some old headlines up for leftovers, Heath pushes new boundaries on the surface tension of stuffing, and we’ll foll...
In this week’s episode, that's head of health and human services brain worm to you, the Department of Defense is gonna be run by a very special proud...
In this week’s episode, we’ll see how believing in reality did at the polls, the Church of England come clean about a scandal Justin the nick of time,...
In this week’s episode, sane America clenches for four more years, Tucker Carlson grapples with his outer demons, and we’ll read some more of the upco...
In this week’s episode, JD Vance defends cringey losers who everyone laughs at,, Chick-fil-A becomes a DISRUPTOR in the homophobic sandwich multimedia...
In this week’s episode, the Catholic Church gives a whole new meaning to Powerball Lotto, somebody finally connects the dots between hurricanes and ea...
On this week’s episode: Marsh will appear magically for some headlines ... Neal Stephenson fans love that Snow Crash allusion ... And Anna Bosnick wil...
In this week’s episode, Jerry Falls Well into our show again, Harvard scientists give us the REAL story about underground lizard alien angels, and CS...
On this week's episode: Mike Johnson gives a whole new meaning to Christian apologetics ... Brett Weinstein tries to improve his image with some Russe...
On this week’s episode: A blasphemy suspect in Pakistan gets a taste of American policing ... A Christian newspaper tries its hand at skepticism and p...