The School of Greatness - 1044 The 3 Keys to Being Yourself (All the Time)

Episode Date: December 11, 2020

“It only gets better when we lean into the things we’re most scared of.”On today's 5-minute Friday Lewis outlines the three keys to becoming more of yourself more often and why your authenticity... is so important for not only your business and relationships, but also for yourself.For more go to: Robbins: The “Secret” Mindset Habit to Building Confidence and Overcoming Scarcity: Joe Dispenza on Healing the Body and Transforming the Mind: Your Mind and Defy the Odds with David Goggins:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is 5-Minute Friday! Ralph Waldo Emerson said, To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. You know, many people go through life wearing a mask. I did for many, many years. I even wrote a book about this called The Mask of Masculinity, but this doesn't just apply to men. It applies to all human beings. They run away from who they truly are inside because they're worried about what other people will think about them or that they won't be accepted by other people. I know I felt this
Starting point is 00:00:39 way for a long time, but hiding who you truly are is a recipe for negativity, mediocrity, and shame. Trust me, this used to be a massive problem in my life, and it took some time unwinding from. And if being yourself is a problem that you face right now, then I've got a solution for you. I've got three simple ideas, mindset shifts, that will change the way you look at yourself so you can embrace who you truly are. So here are three things you must understand if you want to be more of yourself. The first thing is rejecting who we are creates internal conflict. You're essentially saying that you're a liar if you don't accept who you are. If you're trying to project something else that is not you, you're
Starting point is 00:01:23 lying to the world. And when we show the world a different version of ourselves than who we truly are, then again, we're telling ourselves you aren't good enough as you are. This isn't just an unhealthy mindset. It's just simply not true. You're worthy of the way that you are right now. Even if there's something you want to improve and change about your life, you're still worthy where you are right now. Showing the world your true self is an act of self-love and self-respect. And realize it or not, you've got so many talents and gifts and uniqueness and brilliance inside of you. It just takes a bit of effort to bring it out and embrace it. Number two, we all have flaws and mistakes. I know I have a ton of them. I talk about my mistakes and flaws all the time on this show. Nobody is perfect.
Starting point is 00:02:09 No one. So don't feel like you need to be perfect or the pressure to hide your flaws and mistakes from everyone else. Some of us have personal challenges, traumas that make it hard to embrace our full identities. I know from my sexual abuse story of the past that I talk about a lot, it was hard for me to embrace that. This is a challenge. This is not easy. When something that you have a lot of shame around, it's really challenging to embrace it, to accept it, and to be willing to open up to people you care about about this. It's very challenging at times, but it only gets better
Starting point is 00:02:40 when we lean into the things we're most scared of. You know, they say we're only as sick as our secrets. We tend to build up walls and masks around the secrets we hide inside. When we fully accept who we are, we can let that shame go. So I want you to think about that. And number three, being authentic makes you more successful. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever thought to myself, that person's really inauthentic. Let me trust them more. Let me buy more from them. Let me hire them. It sounds a bit counterintuitive, but people don't like people pleasers and your
Starting point is 00:03:14 relationships will be more successful when you stand up for what you believe in and create certain boundaries. The people around you will trust you more when you're vulnerable and honest and imperfect rather than trying to present yourself in this perfect packaged way. And in business, again, customers are drawn to what's new, unique, and authentic. They aren't drawn to someone who's inauthentic or an inauthentic brand. You really connect and resonate with the brands that you are buying from over and over again because they have that special something that you want to be a part of and that's one of the key ingredients to the uniqueness of this podcast. I lean into that as much as I can to share who I am to be able to connect with anyone who wants to listen. So there you have it these three keys or again three mindset shifts to
Starting point is 00:04:02 becoming more of yourself more often. I'm telling you, make an effort to understand these three things so you can work towards becoming yourself all the time. I think we're trying to unbecome ourselves to try to fit into what everyone else wants us to be. But when we step into more of who we actually are and fully embrace it, it is so freeing to take off the mask and live true to who we are every single day. You deserve it and you're worth it. And I want to leave you with this quote from
Starting point is 00:04:33 Judy Garland who said, always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second-rate version of anyone else.

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