The School of Greatness - 1065 Five Things to QUIT for a Happier Life
Episode Date: January 29, 2021“Only look back to the past to see how far you’ve come.”On today's 5-minute Friday, Lewis outlines the five things that you should quit doing in your life to live happier and feel better.For mor...e go to: Robbins: The “Secret” Mindset Habit to Building Confidence and Overcoming Scarcity: Joe Dispenza on Healing the Body and Transforming the Mind: Your Mind and Defy the Odds with David Goggins:
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This is 5-Minute Friday!
Saying no to the wrong things creates space to say yes to the right things.
Max Story.
Today's episode is all about the five things you need to stop doing if you want to live a greater and happier life.
These five things are all unwanted sources of negativity.
So once you get these things out of your life, you and the people around you will be far better off.
The problem is you might not even realize that you do these things. So my hope is that by the end of this episode, you'll be able to catch yourself next time you're about to fall into
one of these five bad habits. And here they are. Number one, trying to please everyone. I'm telling you,
the opinions of other people don't matter unless there's someone you highly respect that you're
mentored by, that you're looking to get to a place where they're already at. Some people may be
jealous of you and afraid of your success and give you bad advice. Others might have your best
interest at heart, but they don't know what will make you
happy and leave you fulfilled at the end of the day. So don't pay attention to the opinions of
these types of people. Don't even worry about proving them wrong because that's negative energy
also. Just focus on what you want deep down inside. And just a reminder, it's simply not
possible to please everyone, let alone everyone while making yourself happy
as well.
You're never going to be able to do it no matter how many people you help in the world,
no matter how kind you are and generous, someone's always going to have an issue with you and
it's not your issue, it's theirs.
Number two is talking negatively about yourself.
Oh man, this is something I had to learn the hard way because as a young boy growing up,
I talked horribly about myself to myself. Man, this is something I had to learn the hard way because as a young boy growing up,
I taught horribly about myself to myself.
And your self-talk is a reflection of who you want to become in the future.
So when you speak negative about yourself, whether it's to yourself or to someone else,
you become a negative person that attracts more of those things that you speak about.
You'll bring this energy into your business, your relationships, your routines, and everything else into your life. And the negativity will drag you down by filling you
with self-doubt and resentment. And that is not a good thing. It's hard to accomplish good things
in your life with that. Always be on the watch for negative self-talk. When you catch yourself
saying something negative about yourself, teach yourself that it's
not true. Find a more positive piece of self-talk to replace this and then take action on something
that proves the negative self-talk wrong. So keeping your word to yourself, saying something
kind about yourself. This is what it's really about. Not focusing on the negative because
you're never going to be perfect, but focus on the good. Number three, gossiping about others. Small-minded people talk about other people's problems.
Again, small-minded people talk about other people's problems. They bring other people
down in their conversations. Gossiping about someone else might inflate your ego in the
short term. It might make you feel good about yourself, but in the long term, most people don't
want to be around gossipers. We just don't trust those people who talk badly about others behind their backs because
they're probably talking bad about you behind your back. So instead of gossiping, talk about ideas,
talk about solutions, talk about goals, dreams, opportunities, things that inspire you. Tell
other people your vision for making the world better with your mission. And try to elevate the people around you
through your conversations, through your questions, through your curiosity. Don't tear people down.
Lift them up. Number four, holding on to the past. Oh man, have I held on to the past too many times?
Have I held on to those stories of the past that bring me validation and make me feel a certain
way? Your past is gone, my friend. You can't do anything about the past.
You can hold on to it and hurt yourself,
or you can let it go.
It hurts to have built up feelings of regret,
anger, or resentment about those experiences of your past,
but you have the power to let these feelings go.
I've done it, and I tell you what, it feels incredible,
like the greatest sense of peace I've ever had.
Only look back to the past to see how far you've come or what worked well for you before
or what worked not so well that you're not going to do again now.
The past can be a powerful tool for reflection.
Just don't obsess over it and hold on to it as who you are right now.
And number five is stressing about the future.
You cannot predict the future.
You can't.
There's so much that's out of your control.
And do you think anyone could have predicted all the craziness that happened in 2020?
No one understood what this would be like.
So don't stress about the future.
Don't worry about the future.
Focus on what's going on right now.
Prepare for the future, but don't stress about the future.
Focus on becoming your best self in the present moment so that you'll be equipped to take on whatever challenge the future throws your way.
You'll say, I'm prepared for this because I've been building myself up.
And always remember to cherish the present moment.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us.
If you're always stressing about the future,
you'll never get to experience the joys of living right now.
And once you stop doing these five things,
you'll start attracting so much more happiness and positivity in your life.
I'm telling you, each step of these
will support you in a big way.
And once again, number one, don't try to please everyone.
Number two, don't talk negatively about yourself.
Number three, don't gossip about others.
Number four, don't hold onto the past.
And number five, don't stress about that future.
Just live right now, baby. Let's live right now. And number five, don't stress about that future. Just live right
now, baby. Let's live right now. And I want you to think of these five things and the things that
you need to quit. And I want you to look yourself in the mirror, take down a piece of paper right
now and identify which of these five things affect you the most. Let me know. Send me a DM over on
Instagram or message us. And once you are aware of these things, maybe it's one or all five
of these things, you can start the journey of letting go of these bad habits. So you can actually
start pursuing your greatness without negativity holding you back. And I want to leave you with
this unknown quote I found that says, knowledge is learning something new every day. Wisdom is
letting go of some bad habits every day. I'm so grateful for you. I hope
you enjoyed this episode and I want to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you
matter. You know what time it is. It's time to go out there and do something great.