The School of Greatness - 224 5 Steps to Relieving Stress with Drew Canole

Episode Date: September 7, 2015

"Every diet works; what doesn't work is not being consistent." - Drew Canole If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes, video, and more at ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Episode number 224 with Health Master Drew Canole. Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the class begin. Welcome, everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Joining, if this is your first time here on the School of Greatness podcast, thank you so much for joining. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast over on iTunes at slash School of Greatness. And if you've been here since the beginning or you've been here before, then welcome back. My name is Lewis Howes. I'm an author, entrepreneur, and host of this little podcast where we get close to a million downloads a month. And it just blows me away by the response I get each and every episode. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in, for listening, for taking action, and for sharing this with your friends online.
Starting point is 00:01:11 It means the world to me. I've got a new book out coming out very soon. October 27th is the date. It's called The School of Greatness, and it's all about the eight principles to help you take your life and business and relationships to the next level. It's about a real world guide to living bigger, loving deeper and leaving a legacy. So if that's something you're up to, if that's something you're interested in, then make sure to go to and pre-order a copy or 20 copies and give them away to your friends today. Again, go to, check it out. Pre-order a copy over on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And I would love for you to grab a few copies for your friends as well. We've got a great guest on today. His name is Drew Canole. He's a good buddy of mine. He was one of the first, I think, 20 episodes we had on here a couple of years ago. And I'm bringing him back
Starting point is 00:02:02 because he's had some incredible shifts and transitions in his business and his mindset. And a lot has happened in a couple of years where he's blown up his business, helped transform the lives of thousands of people around the world with And I just wanted to bring him on to share what's happened, how he's doing it,
Starting point is 00:02:22 how you can master your health, and some of the latest and greatest that he's up to in his business in the health world. So without further ado, let's go ahead and dive in with this episode with the one and only Drew Canole. All right. Welcome, everyone, back to the School of Greatness podcast with my man Drew Canole in the house. Brother, good to see you. Good to be here.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Also Organifi. We're having some green juice. So cheers. Cheers to you, my man. This stuff has been a lifesaver. I'm going to have a sip. So good. If you want to take your health to the next level, this is what it's all about. This is it. And I want to dive in. We've had you on before. I think you were like episode 15 or 20, somewhere around there. We'll link it up so people can see that. How many episodes are you at now, by the way? I think around 220 something. Wow. Yeah. I feel honored, privileged because you've just, you've blown up. You've had over 8 million
Starting point is 00:03:18 downloads recently. Yes. It's been crazy, man. It's been crazy. And the book is coming out. For those who don't have a copy of the book yet, make sure to preorder this. Go to Check it out. I was actually reading it on the way here. Love the book. Thank you very much. So simple. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:33 The problem is, here's the problem with it. If you start reading it, you're not going to want to stop. I appreciate it. So you literally, yeah, you have to block out chunks of time. Yeah, exactly. It's like that favorite show that you get. Well, you were on the train, so luckily you had some time to read it. But I want to talk about you today because you've got so much going on.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And I want to first talk about kind of your health journey, which you talked about a little bit on the first time. But for those who don't know who you are, let's do a recap of what you've got online just so people are aware. gets how many million hits a month? Anywhere from 4 to 10 million. 4 to 10 million. Per month.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Unique visits a month or just? Unique is around 6. 6 million. Yeah. So about 60 to 70% of that at any given time. Gotcha. Okay. Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And can we talk about business as well? Absolutely. How it's doing? Are you pretty open about the numbers or you are kind of just... No, I'm totally open. I love it. So talk about what your business is doing so people can understand the power of Drew Canole and really the impact you're having on people's lives. To me, when we talk about business and numbers and everything else, it's all about
Starting point is 00:04:39 who you're impacting, right? If you can impact a billion people, you can become a billionaire. Right. And that's what it's all about. You want to make a million dollars can impact a billion people, you can become a billionaire. Right. And that's what it's all about. If you want to make a million dollars, impact a million people. Yeah, exactly. So the more people you impact, the more greater influence that you have. And it should really come... And of course, my journey came from trying to help as many people as possible. But that change had to come from demonstrating myself. And as a coach, as an entrepreneur, as you know, we have to be that demonstration everywhere we go.
Starting point is 00:05:06 You can't deviate from that. You always have to be that inspirational person. So flashback four years ago, I was 40 pounds heavier, right? I was actually about the same weight, but it was all fat. There's a before and after photo that doesn't even look like you. Should we show that? We should show that. So if you send it to me, I'll link it up on the show notes. It and after photo that doesn't even look like you. Should we show that? We should show that. So if you send it to me, I'll link it up on the show notes.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's insane. It doesn't even look like me. It doesn't look like you. I was like, who is this? And I was still a happy guy, but I didn't have as much energy. I was lazy, lethargic. I would drink a lot on the weekends. I didn't have a lot of passion, zeal, zest for life.
Starting point is 00:05:42 So I had a mentor tell me, I used to meet with this man every single day. He's one of my best friends now, Frank Scheidler in Tampa, Florida. He's like that sage that just walks into a room and everybody listens. He told me if I do anything at all to impact and change people, he goes, do something that really creates change for them. And I thought about that. At the time I was running a credit and debt company, I was doing very well financially. We had the whole continuity program where we're helping people monthly. And it was great, but I felt empty inside. And it wasn't until I really started to give back and help people where I started to feel fulfilled. So, how did I do that in the very beginning? Well, I started making YouTube videos of me making smoothies and juices in the kitchen and all these like highly vital foods and nutrients.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Like the micronutrient diet type of thing, right? And sure enough, I started to lose weight. The more micronutrients like this green juice I have here, the less I craved the sugary treats, the pastas, the alcohol, the things that were holding me back that my body at the time loved but wasn't loving my body. Right? So I did this in a period of about 90 days. I went from over 20% body fat down to sub 7%. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I got in the best shape of my life. And a sideline benefit of that is I gained more charisma, more confidence. Yes. I felt like I could do anything. Energy, focus, clarity. And more presence. We talk about being present with your coaches and everybody that you work with. Really being able to tune out yourself and listen to somebody else in a fully engaged way is very powerful.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah. You're one of the most present guys I know. Whenever I'm around you, your eyes, you're so connected to people and you really listen. You ask great questions. You listen. You give your full energy. And it's like you have 100% energy in that moment. Not many people have that type of focus and clarity nor the confidence to look at someone in the eyes for that consistent of a time without being weird about it but just being –
Starting point is 00:07:41 Are we having a staring contest right now? Yeah, exactly. How long can we look at each other in the eyes? But not many people have the confidence within themselves, the inner confidence to look at someone and be seen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's powerful. Because they'll look for a second, but then they look around.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I mean, it's also weird if you just stare at someone constantly when you're looking at them without a couple of glances off. Yeah. But most people will look down when they talk to you. They don't look you in the eyes. Yeah. That reflects what they're feeling about themselves. Yeah. But most people will look down when they talk to you. They don't look you in the eyes. Yeah. That reflects what they're feeling about themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Wouldn't you say? But you're so present. So, and part of that is we say we're in this together, right? And we're in this together basically means that you and I, at the end of the day, we are one, right? And you said something very powerful from Chris yesterday. You remember what you said to me? I said... Are you able to me? I said –
Starting point is 00:08:25 Are you able to share that on here? Yeah, yeah, yeah. If people know that you're really deep like this. Yeah, of course. Yeah. I mean, the more intimate we get, people love it. Doubting yourself is like doubting your creator. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So whenever we doubt ourselves and we're discounting our gifts – and I was doing a Periscope session the other day about accepting compliments and acknowledgments. Most people can't accept acknowledgment or compliments. And I say when you don't accept it, it's like you're not accepting your power and God's power or the source's power or whatever you're- It's like laughing at God. Exactly. When you say, no, I'm not good enough, you're saying he or she's not good enough or you're-
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah. It's interesting. What if everybody listening to this actually believed that and started living that way? Big game changer, man. What could they do? I mean, think about that. Add in those possibilities. So if they're in their car or they're at work listening to this podcast right now and they really took that on as a model of their life, what could they do?
Starting point is 00:09:20 It's infinite. You know, I think about that often. Yeah. Because I really attempt to demonstrate that. Yeah., I think about that often. Yeah. Because I really, I really attempt to demonstrate that. Yeah. You know, and you do too.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Sure. We're not perfect, but we... Yeah, exactly. It's the consistent routines that we create to have what we have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:34 It's so tough too. We were just talking about routines and habits earlier. So let's, you started doing this yourself because you wanted to have a healthier life yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:42 You wanted to have more energy and focus. And you started posting YouTube videos. When was this? Four years ago? to have more energy and focus. And you started posting YouTube videos. When was this? Four years ago? Four years ago. You started doing YouTube videos. You started posting about it. Your friends started saying, hey, can you show me how you did it? How are you doing this? You look different.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Last time I talked to you, you weren't really this present guy that's very passionate about life. Now you're focused. They want the secret sauce. They want what you have. Yeah. Whenever anyone creates a transformation, you usually do that. Your friends, your family knows.
Starting point is 00:10:10 100%. They're like, what is the secret? What are you doing? Yeah. And that's why it's the easiest thing to sell. I think transformation is so simple to get somebody to buy into because it impacts them on a cellular level. It changes their DNA. They can no longer be the same person that they once were.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Exactly. Once they start to adopt these new principles, these new rituals for life, these new triggers, these new habits, everything starts to change. You will never be the way that you once were once you take this on.
Starting point is 00:10:39 So what were you doing most of it? Were you juicing a lot? Were you just going to Whole Foods? Every day. Buying like veggies? As many micronutrients as possible. And you were just juicing it every day people would come over and they literally thought they were dropped in the organic section of whole foods wow you just had greens everywhere
Starting point is 00:10:53 all over the kitchen i mean i remember at a time i went with my buddy brooks holland who natalie jill's boyfriend of course yeah her husband now yeah they just got married so we went to this place and if you ever talk to Brooks, ask him about this. But we went into this organic produce place. And we literally got 80 pounds of organic veggies. And we shot this video. I think it's probably still on YouTube. But I remember this clear as day.
Starting point is 00:11:18 I mean, we had like 35 cucumbers, like this box of celery. And we would just juice all the time, tons of green juice. Wow, man. And it literally, it starts to change not only the way your body looks, but it changes the way you feel. You become so much more in tune with everybody around you. You start to hear things that you never heard before. It's almost like Superman's secret elixir that he drinks. So why is that? Why is green juice?
Starting point is 00:11:49 I've had a lot of people talk about green juice. I've had a lot of health experts on here. But why do you think green juice is one of the most powerful things you can do to transform your health? Well, because the SAD diet or the standard American diet, as we can call it, is super nutrient devoid. So the average American eats 4,000 calories a day, right? I'm probably about six to seven. Yeah. Not average, right?
Starting point is 00:12:14 But you eat really healthy. Yes. I've seen what you eat. The average American, it's processed food. It's McDonald's. Things that come from a can, you know, a plant, not as in from the ground, but from a factory, a box, things that have a stability life of like five or 10 years. So they're eating all these things and they're
Starting point is 00:12:30 loaded with toxins, right? Xenoestrogens, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, all these things that cause more estrogenic chemicals in your body. And as a man, that's a problem. The more estrogen we have, the less testosterone we have. Testosterone is that fat-burning hormone. It's the hormone that helps us think better. It's the hormone that helps us be a man, that alpha male that walks into a room and is the leader. And I believe that we're supposed to be those kind of men. Yeah. And what we have now is a lot of beta males running around because of this estrogenic problem.
Starting point is 00:13:02 They don't know it, but there's just too much estrogen in our environment. In our system. And just being overweight in general is hard to really have the focus and clarity. When we have that baggage, that excess weight, it holds us back mentally. It holds us back emotionally. 100%. It makes us less – an alpha male is actually able to stay calm in crazy situations the most. They're actually the most calm in those situations.
Starting point is 00:13:27 They're not crazy. Yeah. Or like freaking out. They're like creating peace. Yeah. And they're like that strong force. It's just a command. It's just like, no, let's just stop the violence.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah. And let's, you know, figure this out. Whereas, you know, if we don't have our bodies and health in order, I feel like our mentally and emotionally will be triggered more to react. You have to react. You have to. So the person – and it's not gender specific. It's not like – and I said alpha male. You said alpha male.
Starting point is 00:13:54 It can be that alpha person. It doesn't matter. It's 2015. Right, right. Exactly. That's cool. But you're right. I remember flashback four or five years ago, sitting in traffic at a
Starting point is 00:14:06 red light and all this, these cars around me, I used to get angry for no reason whatsoever, just upset. And I used to rev my horn up and honk at people. And I was not a happy person. Wow. But what I was finding was a lot of those impulses from the dopamine surge that I would get from the sugar and the processed food and the neurochemical imbalance that we get from the food consumes us. It controls us. And it makes people do things that they normally wouldn't do just because their neurochemicals are off.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Right. So once you can get those under control, which is why the green juice is so good, because it just supercharges your body on a cellular level. Your mitochondria are having a dance party in your body. Your probiotics, your prebiotics, the micro gut biome from within starts to change. And that changes every 20 minutes. Your whole entire gut colony changes every 20 minutes. 80% of your immune system is in your gut.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So there's so much to drinking a green juice and having those nutrients absorbed within 15 minutes. You can't do that with a smoothie. A smoothie, it takes about three, three and a half hours to digest like we talked about yesterday because you're ripping apart the full food value to get it. And you may get 60% of the nutrients from a smoothie and some would argue that the fiber is really good and I believe that as well because it pushes things out of your system and it helps with your digestion. It's very healing.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Smoothies are awesome. But there's something magical about this green elixir that we have in front of us. Okay. So smoothie and juice debate because I've got friends, Simple Green Smoothies. These girls do awesome and they're helping a lot of people that transform a lot of lives. I drink smoothies. You drink smoothies. People drink smoothies all the time.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. If you're going to have a smoothie, when is the right time to have a smoothie? And what should be in the smoothie? Well, there's no – essentially, there's really no wrong time because it's more plants. And I'm a firm believer in not putting a lot of fruit in my smoothie. In your smoothie. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 So more veggies in the smoothie. Unless you're a metabolic type. So looking at your DNA, looking at your genetics, testing the heart rate. I don't have it on me now, but the heart rate variance. So if you drink a smoothie, what you want to do is test your heart rate before, five minutes, wherever it is. That's your baseline. Drink the smoothie, put whatever you want in it, and then five minutes and ten minutes afterwards, check your heart rate again. If it goes up, your metabolism's fired up.
Starting point is 00:16:26 It's actually processing it. Gotcha. What a lot of people will do is their metabolism will actually drop, and that's a bad thing. Okay. So that's a way to biohack, to test your own metabolism. Gotcha. You can do it with temperature, and there's a lot of other tools that you can use to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Gotcha. So if someone was going to have, what's the perfect amount of food for you? Let's talk about you because everyone's different. And we were talking about this. What's the test that people can take that's 99%? So
Starting point is 00:16:53 What's this test do for people? So it tells you, number one, where your ancestry is from. You spit like a tube or something. Percentage-wise, yeah. So I found out that I was like 84% Northern European.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And if you trace that back, what do european people eat the ancestry right and you start testing those types of foods first so predominantly irish and british you know what kind of foods were they eating well it was mainly meat and it was mainly like simple potatoes yeah right so finding out what your ancestry is, is very, very powerful in understanding like your genetic makeup and what you actually should be eating. Because a lot of, I think paleo is great, but there's a lot of stuff that paleo misses out on as well. Sure.
Starting point is 00:17:36 A lot of people that do it long enough, their hormones start to go out of whack. They start to feel more tired. So there's pros and cons to every single diet. And every, and here's, I'm a firm believer in this too. Every diet works. What doesn't work is not being consistent with it. Consistency wins everything. And so many people fail at that game.
Starting point is 00:17:56 They try for a week or two and then they're – Yeah, they're not getting the results they want. They quit. They give up. So how does someone stay consistent? You know, when probably 99% of people don't stay consistent with their diet, the lifestyle change that they want to make with their health, what's the key to staying consistent? Well, you actually talk about this in your book. Yes. Right?
Starting point is 00:18:16 It's the why. It's the vision. Right? It's having the why powerful enough that makes you cry. The why that makes you cry. Why that makes you cry. We call it why-dentity. It's the emergence of your identity and your why. And it can't be just to have a six-pack. Yeah. That's not strong enough. That's just so superficial. You'll never make it. You'll make it for like two months and then you'll be like, it's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Yeah. But if you're the parent where you're the dad that's like, oh, I see my son, he's three years old right now. When he's 18, I want to throw the football around with him. So if I maintain my health now and my longevity, then I can see that. I can visualize it. When he's 18 years old, we're out in the yard. What does that look like? Well, the sun's shining. We're in the forest. We're playing. You put those mental images in your mind in the future. And that allows you to avoid anything in the present that could cause a distraction, right? And lead you down the wrong path. So maybe it's a completely different story. You're the mom or you're the, maybe you want to impact the world. You know, you're Lewis Howes, you have this podcast and people come up to you and they know that you're
Starting point is 00:19:19 having people on the show that are great. You're inspiring these leaders. So when you're seen out in public, you can't be that fake person that's not congruent. So what does congruency look like in all levels? If you're not congruent in your health, how are you ever going to be congruent in business and everything else? Yeah, that's powerful. And there's a lot of people that are that. They're great businessmen, but their health is dismal. They go into the doctor and then the doctor is like, you know, you got six months left to live. And they would have paid anything in business. Steve Jobs would have paid anything to be on this planet longer. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:19:52 You know? And he did probably. He had the best doctors and everything. And he lasted longer than he probably was supposed to. Yeah. But people in the present moment, people totally undervalue how powerful their health is. So let's say you have a powerful why and you discover that, but you still are challenged with staying consistent. Is your why not big enough or powerful enough?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Or is there some other thing that you can do to really make sure that you stay consistent? What do you think? Is it having an accountability partner, a buddy, a coach? Is it finding support groups? I think coaching, as you know, because how many coaches have you had in your life? Dozens. Dozens of coaches, likewise, mentors, people that have impacted me on a really deep level. So I think that's huge. Having accountability, a coach. We have coaches at FitLife TV. And
Starting point is 00:20:39 this is something that we talk about why. Mae Desmond, our coaching director, shot a Ydentity video two years ago. And she's like, in this Y-dentity video, she's like, I want to impact people all over the world in different countries. We just took the team to Costa Rica. And I'll tell you the story about how this guy came to us or whatever in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:20:57 But first, in her Y-dentity video, she stated everything that she wanted to see happen in these two years. And she just watched it. And she was blown away. Because she said, she said, the certification program's taking off. People are impacting their lives on a deep level. Not only are they learning to be a health coach and make six figures doing this, but they're actually transforming themselves. They're changing their lives. They're losing the weight. They're getting more mental clarity. They're
Starting point is 00:21:22 feeling better about life. And she watched this video and she teared up. I mean, she was like, everything that I said that was going to happen in this wide-ended video has actually happened. So reflecting often on that, what does it look like? What do your friends say about it? What does it look like in the mirror when you, you know, a year from now or six months from now, whatever your transformation is, and that can be for anything. So really making that more powerful, I think, is one of the secrets and having a coach hold you accountable to that. So if you ever deviate from your why, I can be like Lewis, you know, you said here that it was important. You wanted to hear this on Amazon for your book, right? We did the
Starting point is 00:21:59 periscope, the video, but this action that you're doing is not going to get you the result. Supporting that. Yeah. So how can I help you in that particular phase? I like that. So do you recommend posting a video or doing a video for yourself of your vision of what you want to achieve in the next year, two years? What's the long time frame for you?
Starting point is 00:22:18 So I like to do radical stuff quickly in the present moment. So my timelines are always short. Three to six months. Yeah. So 90 days I find my timelines are always short. Three to six months. Yeah. So 90 days I find is the perfect time. Yeah. Like six months for me. So a year,
Starting point is 00:22:31 two years, it's a little too far out. It's too far to think. Yeah. Yeah. So being in the present moment, shooting a video, one of the best things you and I can do,
Starting point is 00:22:38 you know, is shoot a video and say in 90 days, this is what I'm going to do. And then sharing that with our friends because. You recommend putting it out to the world. I would. Yeah. And then some people would say, no, you want to keep your dreams and your goals to yourself. But if I tell you, one of my brothers from another mother, that I'm going to do this, I'm going to move to LA. Which you said this morning. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So now I can keep you accountable.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah, exactly. Because I believe there's more influencers here than there is in San Diego. Some would argue that virtually you can impact anybody in anything. But in LA, you're around that vibration where people are doing things and going places and everything else, right? Yes. If I say that to you and I put it out to the world and I don't do it, then I'm not being congruent with who I am in this world. So you got to get people to commit. I'm not being congruent with who I am in this world. So you got to get people to commit and committing boldly instead of just kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:29 halfway. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I like that. So if you've got a vision or a dream right now, what should people do? Should they shoot a video? I think they should. And post it on Facebook? They should tag us in this.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And tag us in it. Hashtag Ydenity. Hashtag vision. Whatever. Yeah. Okay, cool. And tag Drew Canole, Lewis Howes. Post it it. Hashtag Ydentity. Hashtag Vision. Whatever. Yeah. Okay, cool. And tag Drew Canole, Lewis Howes. Post it online.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And I love watching these. Yeah. And you'll find that the more people that watch this video, the more inspired you're going to get. To take action too. Yeah. Yeah. Because now you have fans of your vision. You have little ambassadors that are going to hold you accountable.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And you said 90 days ago, you were going to do this, Lewis. And I saw this video and then you did it. And now people believe that whatever you said was possible is truly possible because they saw it made manifest in reality. And people don't see that a lot. Especially in the world today, it's all Instagram. It's this instant generation that we're in. So there's no consistency with long-term results. So when you actually demonstrate that, that's what inspires humanity to evolve and change and like really powerful. Social media is powerful in a lot of ways, but also distracting a lot of ways. You got to use it for good, obviously. And you've done a great job with that. Let's go back to your, the business side of things, because side of things because when did you come on? Probably
Starting point is 00:24:45 two years ago you came on and this is when you just had eBooks and juicers. So last year, and I shared this with you and I can share it with the audience. Last year at the same time. You were like almost broke, right? You were losing anywhere from 30 to 50 grand a month. And every month, luckily I had saved everything, right? Because when you have a dream, you don't frivolously spend on stuff that you shouldn't be spending money on. You invest it, right? So I was stockpiling all this and every dollar I saved, I was like, you know, we're going to one day, this is going to break free and we're going to impact millions of people by doing this. So last year we were losing tons of money.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And every month I would have a talk with a team like I, and we're going to impact millions of people by doing this. So last year we were losing tons of money. And every month I would have a talk with a team like I, and we had to let people go. I had to let two of the most, like very, very, there were great employees, you know, people that were not only employees, but they were your friends, people that you bonded with, you communicated with very well. So we had to let them go. that you bonded with, you communicated with very well. So we had to let them go. And I was about to like, you know, I was, it was the only time where I was questioning if FitLife was going to survive. Wow. And that's your baby. Imagine the school of greatness, like questioning in your mind, is the school of greatness going to exist? Cause I can't even pay for food, you know? And
Starting point is 00:26:02 I remember sitting down with the team. We were at this place called Vitality Tap, this juice bar in San Diego. And one thing that I'm tenacious about, and the team will tell you this when you meet them or you talk to them or whatever, is that turning something negative into positive. And you do a great job of that as well. We were trained from the very... That's it, man. Turning adversity into your advantage is one of the chapters in the book. Yeah, exactly. It's in your book. Yeah, I saw that.
Starting point is 00:26:28 So I remember sitting there and we were so caught up and we're not hitting our numbers. Facebook, organic reach on Facebook is dead. Correct. It died. We had invested over a million dollars in Facebook ads growing this thing because of organic reach was so powerful. So we didn't have any other advertising mechanism. We were just losing money. You've got almost 2 million fans on one of your pages, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now we do. And so I remember turning it around and I'm like, guys,
Starting point is 00:26:54 let's just take a moment out of this and let's talk about what we want to see in a year, right? So it's going back to the vision. So everybody around the table, there was five of us at the time, and every single person spent a minute or two talking about what they wanted to see in a year, right? And they were like, well, you know, business is profitable. We're traveling around the country as a team together. We're meeting people from different races, ethnicities, like impacting them, changing lives, right? And this is what it's about. It wasn't about the cars that people would be driving in a year or the homes that they would be buying. It was really about changing people's lives on a deep level.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And sure enough, after that, a month later, Organifi had launched, right? And this was like November. And all this goodwill, all this faith that we had, not only in ourselves but in the community that we had built. For two or three years. Two or three years. Free content, giving away, inspiring. Yeah, yeah. And having a really great product, it took off.
Starting point is 00:27:56 So each and every day from that, I mean, I remember the initial launch. We only ordered 3,000 units to begin with Organifi. And how much does 3,000 units cost for you to produce and create? About $40,000 or $50,000. And how much did it cost to create, to make the formula, to source it all? Well, with advertising and everything else, it's a lot. So we probably invest a quarter million dollars into this. Just in making the product first, and then it costs $40,000 for the product. Design and everything else. So there's a lot that goes into it that people don't see. But it exploded.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I mean, people absolutely love it. It's changing so many people's lives. And it's cool to reflect back on that day that we were all going around and we flipped the adversity into advantage, like you talk about in your book. Yeah. And see how that plays out because now the company is totally profitable. You know, the goal is to do $10 million this year, 10 exit, do $100 million the next year. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:53 So, and never in my wildest, and I used to dream about this, but I didn't think it would happen so fast. would happen so fast. You know, I thought the quickest route to being wealthy when I was in Michigan, you know, graduating was to run like a legit business and, you know, and work with, you know, a big company and have this physical office and, you know, do the nine to five thing and have people check in. And now we have health coaches that are all virtual, that are all over the world, that are living their passion, that are actually doing something that they love. And it's creating a living for hundreds of people. Right. And you actually have now a certification program for health coaches to teach them how to become their own health coach.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And this is interesting how you do this. Yeah. Because they have to go through their own transformation in order to become certified essentially, right? Yeah. Because we believe that in the demonstration, and we've seen it time and time again, but when you're actually changing yourself, like you said, people are going to come out of the woodwork and they're going to ask you, how are you getting healthier? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:29:56 And if you have the appropriate tools and the coach guiding you along the way. So every certification actually is about eight weeks long. And for the eight weeks, you're actually transforming. So you're actually demonstrating it. You're going through your own lifestyle, health transformation. You're going through your own lifestyle, rituals, health transformation. And you're also learning about the business aspect of it as well, right? So you're learning how to market.
Starting point is 00:30:18 You're learning how to build a following. You're learning how to create a sub-niche within a marketing world. Some would argue that the weight loss niche is so massive that it's even hard to tap into. But when you break it down and you have like a splinter niche, then there's an unlimited amount of depth that you can drill into and actually abstract as many qualified clients as possible. So it's not about quantity. It's about going deeper with people and really impacting them on a deep level. So that's what the coaching program does. And it shows them how to set up their own website, do the basic SEO and Facebook page and internet marketing.
Starting point is 00:30:51 They can build a movement within a movement kind of thing. Interesting. And not, like you said, build this huge audience, but build a corner niche that you capitalize on and you bring in the right customers. If they want to have a huge, huge movement following, they can. I encourage people to do that. Gotcha. That's crazy. What does that cost for that certification?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Just curious. Right now, we're about to raise the price up on it, but it's $3,000. Gotcha. To become a certified health coach and teach you the business side of things. What's cool is the certified coaches that have gone through this
Starting point is 00:31:22 are making more money monthly now than the actual certification cost. And we try to do that. It's all about whatever – and you're like this too. But whatever we put out into the world and people invest in – 10 to 100 times back. Yeah, 10 to 100 times back. Right? Augmentino, right?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Famous author. Has written some amazing books. But that's the goal. Yeah. Everything that they invest in. 10 to 100 times better. That's what I try to do with my courses as well. Invest $1,000, hope you're making 10 to 100,000 back and more. Because you personally, I mean your karma, dharma, whatever you want to call it, you want to feel good when you go to bed.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Of course. And you want to be able to sleep. Yeah, exactly. That's great, man. So you've got that going on. So when you started this Organifi, which is why did you create this green juice mix yourself? There's lots of green juice mix out there. Some of them are doing really well. Did you do it because you were just sick and tired of juicing yourself all the time?
Starting point is 00:32:18 And you still juice today, right? Or is it just Organifi now for you? I still juice. I drink about 64 ounces of juice a day. 64? Yeah, green juice. And you blend it yourself or is it pressed juice? I for you? I still juice. I drink about 64 ounces of juice a day. 64? Yeah. Green juice. And you blend it yourself?
Starting point is 00:32:27 Or is it pressed juice? I get it from Vitality Tap, this juice bar in San Diego. So it's pressed and it's – I'll tell you the recipe. Okay. Let's hear it. This stuff, I mean, if you're not used to it, you probably had it. Have you had it before? Did we get juice last time you were in San Diego?
Starting point is 00:32:40 I thought we did. I think we did. Yeah. So tons of ginger, right? Yes. I like it. Dandelion greens lemon swiss chard kale and uh lots of lemon and ginger that's the thing so when you drink why
Starting point is 00:32:51 lemon and ginger because ginger is amazing for your digestion right it heats your body up gets your metabolism going clears your sinuses gets rid of mucus in the body there's so many benefits to it right and every vegetable every root has a signature. So if you look at ginger, it kind of looks, you know, if you've ever seen it, it looks like your digestion track. So it's great for that. Yeah. Lemon is one of the most alkalizing foods on the planet, right? It is one of the only things that actually helps with phase two liver detoxification.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And phase two is what you really, really want. That's what presses out those xenoestrogens that we talked about earlier. That's what's going to alkalize your body rapidly. So tons of lemon in it. It's hard to drink because I put so much in there. Like most people that have it for the first time, they're like, oh, this is a potent juice. Right. It's almost like an elixir. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:41 So I like to do things somewhat differently. Like this green juice is different because this, you know, the powdered organified green juice, it has ashwagandha in it. Ashwagandha is touted as the king and queen of Ayurvedic medicine. Okay. Because it helps with stamina. It's an adaptogenic, you know, it's an adaptogenic root that actually lowers cortisol. It's an adaptogenic root that actually lowers cortisol. Cortisol is that stress hormone that we get. It's the fight or flight response when people have anxiety. And it's what forces your body to hold body fat.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And you're completely unaware of it because you're not doing things to lower your stress. You're not taking that time in the morning like we talked about the morning ritual and going over things that you're grateful for. You're rushing off to work. You're drinking the coffee on the way into work. Then you're hit with your email instantly and then you have these lights above you that cause more cortisol because it's artificial lighting.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So all day long, you're bombarded with these high levels of stress. And we're not really, as a society, we're not doing a lot of things to alleviate that. It's the yin and the yang, right? So this adds, in the clinical trials of the ashwagandha we put in here, it actually lowers stress 29% in an eight-week period. And that's substantial because your hormones are tied
Starting point is 00:35:00 to your stress level as well. So if you're a man and you have low testosterone, there's a good chance your cortisol stress level as well. So if you're a man and you have low testosterone, there's a good chance your cortisol is high as well. So you start lowering that, your testosterone starts to go up. You have low testosterone. That's what I meant to say.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I think I said high. Sure. Right? Yeah, yeah. So your T levels start to go up, which is that fat burning hormone as a man. And I wanted to add it because of the adaptogenic power of ashwagandha. I was taking it separately and having my green juice.
Starting point is 00:35:27 I thought, why not combine the powers of a 5,000-year-old medicine with this elixir that we have? And the results are nothing short of phenomenal. Wow. There are testimonials that I read on Amazon. The testimonials that we have coming in through our Facebook, you know, the Saturday strategy videos that we do. Yeah. Amazing, man. It blows me away. And there's turmeric in here too, which is one of the greatest anti-inflammatory foods
Starting point is 00:35:50 on the planet. The one that we have is the most bioavailable curcumin there is, right? And this is another thing that I read a blog post recently. Turmeric does 22 things that prescription over the counter like medicine can do. Really? Yeah. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And it's from Mother Nature. Mother Nature has the answers. It's the best medicine that there is. Yeah. There you go, man. I love it. Now, I'm curious about stress. What are some maybe five to seven different ways to really relieve stress and lower your stress in your mind?
Starting point is 00:36:21 If you did these things every single day, you would relieve your stress. What do you like to do? Simple things. Number one, a great exercise is getting present. A lot of people are living in the past. They're thinking about things that have happened to them and they're living in the future. And if they're living in the future, that causes a lot of anxiety, which causes stress levels to rise. And the reason that they can't separate their mind from the present moment and they're constantly thinking about the future is because everything's coming at once visually, right? So if you have 15 things to do today and you haven't written it down and you don't know what to attack first, then all those things are pop-ups in your brain, right? Like that computer screen.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And they're all flashing constantly, which elevates that stress level. which elevates that stress level. So if you just write them down and assign tasks to those 15 things that you have that are happening today, then you'll start to recognize that a lot of those things aren't even important. You can just X those off. But you don't know that because you haven't gone there yet mentally. You haven't decompartmentalized what's going on in your mind. So always checking in, always reflecting what's happening up here
Starting point is 00:37:24 is one of the most powerful things that you can do. Creating a list down and making sure you're only doing the most important things. Making sure you're only doing the most important things and making sure you're inspired to do it. Yes. A lot of people do things that they don't love to do. Yeah. They're checking into that nine to five job. They're driving to work. They're working for somebody else. They're not happy. They're using the weekend to make them happy. And it's false happiness because what are they doing? They're changing their state with alcohol.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Some people- Going out late, partying. Going out late, partying. And they're just partaking in escapism. But if they really loved what they do, if they really were passionate, I believe we could change the whole world if people were actually working and doing what they love. And that's what the School of Greatness is all about. My mission is to serve 100 million people, show them how to make a full-time living doing
Starting point is 00:38:11 what they love. Doing what they love. That's your mission. That's it, man. I believe if we do that and you're on your way to doing that, and I'm going to help with that, that the world will change. Because now they're operating as a different human being. Their DNA has changed.
Starting point is 00:38:24 They're walking around. They're not even thinking about the weekend because the weekend is every single day. Yeah, exactly. Saturday is every day. I was just thinking, you know, I'm going on a vacation for like three days. I'm going to Kauai. And I never go on a vacation because I never feel like I need to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:42 It's like every day. Location. Yeah. It's like constantly feels like I'm doing what I love. Why do I need to get away from it? Why don't I keep doing more of it? Yeah. But I'm gearing up for this big book launch and I'm like, let me just disconnect for a
Starting point is 00:38:54 few days from all electronics because I know I'm going to be overloaded for a number of months during the launch. So I was like, let me just get away for a few days, reflect, really stay connected to my vision and then come back full steam ahead. Something tells me, if your audience is anything like ours, you have these ambassadors that love this truth, that want to free people from the nine to five, and want to really empower to live their vision and stuff. If you were to ask people on your podcast, your Facebook, your Instagram to help you during this time because you're already forecasting it. You know you're going to be in the data and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:28 You'd have people raising their hand from all over the world that would help you with this message and they just want to be a part of it. People want to be a part of greatness. Yeah. We've got a launch team of 500 people who are... That's awesome. We had over 1,000 people apply to be on a launch team
Starting point is 00:39:43 and to be ambassadors for the book. Wow. So we had 500 in the US who got a galley copy of the book or another galley copy. And their job is to spread the word of greatness and buy copies and promote the book when it comes out. How does that make you feel as a human being? It feels amazing, man. I've also been seven and a half years of hustling and working and serving people and giving value kind of like what you did for a few years before you launched something. And, you know, constantly creating content, you know, paying Chris to come
Starting point is 00:40:14 in and shoot videos every day. It's not like this stuff just like it's free. It's like been consistently adding value and investing in content for my community. So the goal is now that hopefully they've seen the value and they've received a lot of great things from it in their life and they want to buy a few copies and promote it. And books are an amazing thing. Yeah. You know, I had a mentor tell me once, he's like, you could take somebody's life story, which this is yours, right?
Starting point is 00:40:39 It has your whole life in it as every trial, tribulation, every problem, every setback, every great thing that you've ever done. And it condensed it into this 200 and I think it's like 280 pages. Yeah, somewhere around there. Into this book that tells everything in it. And you can get it for roughly, what is it, 20 bucks? You can get it for 15 bucks on Amazon right now. $15 on Amazon to get 20 years.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And here's the thing. A lot of people will ask, I'm sure you get emails all the time, but I'm constantly getting emails from people that want me to mentor them and give them 30 minutes and meet with me, things like that. It's an honor and I feel very grateful for it because I used to do that and I still do that today with people. I want to meet with
Starting point is 00:41:18 people and learn. The powerful thing about books or podcasts or video shows like yours is you can get their information. You can get their answers with 15 to 20 bucks. Yeah. You can get everything you need to know in a book. Yeah. Or by listening to a free podcast or watching a YouTube video.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And that's why you do some of these strategies where you're sharing this information. You're going to say the same thing to someone one-on-one that you do over a video to everyone. 100%. So you might as well just invest in the time into watching something or listening to a podcast or reading a book. So I like the idea. Let's go back to these other – how do I relieve stress? So there's two, right?
Starting point is 00:41:49 Yeah. So what's the next thing? We have the whole listing it out, figuring out what's stressing you because there's the emotional stressors. There's the physical stressors. There's all these things. You got to decompartmentalize. Mental stressor, definitely. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Nutrition plays a huge role in this as well, as you knew I was going to say. Of course. Right? If you're eating processed food, lots of sugar, then it's going to spike up your dopamine levels. You are literally going to have more anxiety than what you need. And I've split tested this. I've done diets that are higher in fat. I've done diets that are loaded with sugar. and I really, I have an emotional like journal. I write down throughout the day where my emotion is, how I feel, if I'm angry, if I'm upset. And on the days where I partake in having more of those sugary treats and different things like that,
Starting point is 00:42:33 I notice those erratic spikes in irrational type thinking. I've seen it in other people too. So I have a friend, you know, she comes over to my house every once in a while and she's just in a really bad mood. It's negative Nancy, we call them. Everybody has that negative Nancy friend. And I know immediately it's a blood sugar issue.
Starting point is 00:42:53 So I hand her five or six almonds. I'm like, hey, eat these. You're going to feel a lot better. It's because people aren't feeding their bodies what they need. And it's not because they don't have the skills or ability to. It's just because they haven't learned it yet. Right? So when you understand that you are literally embodying nature's greatest miracle or the creator's machine that he's put you in, right? He, she, father, mother, God, whatever you want to call it, that you're walking around
Starting point is 00:43:17 as this being, and you can understand this ancient wisdom that we've had this whole entire time and start to leverage that for your advantage. that's when the game starts to change. Yeah. Right? There you go. So changing your nutrition, making sure that you get the micronutrients, making sure that you're consistently supplying your body with enough of the macronutrients as well. What's the difference between micro and macronutrients? So micro are the phytonutrients, the phytochemicals, the aminos, the different things of the plant that are devoid in a lot of the macro stuff. Gotcha. So you need both.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I'm more focused on getting the micro because I know the macro would just follow suit. Sure. So if I know I do 64 ounces of green juice every single day, I'm getting a lot of micronutrients. Yeah. Right? That's amazing. Okay. So that's number three is the health and investing in your
Starting point is 00:44:05 nutrition. Yeah. Do you have two more maybe? So number four, I think exercise. Oh, yeah, of course. 20 to 30 minutes in the morning, if that's all you have, stretching out, doing Qigong, working out, lifting weights, doing that kind of stuff is absolutely amazing. Last but not least, one of my personal favorite things, this is going to sound like a no-brainer, but really focusing on your breathing. So many people today do not focus on their breathing. And most people don't know this, but the fastest way to alkalize your body, it's not by drinking green juice, which, you know, many people would say, well, she's going to say green juice. It's not, it's breathing. It's, You can actually put more alkalinity in your body quicker by
Starting point is 00:44:47 changing how your lungs are handling the oxygen, right? So, the big, it's called box breathing. So, you breathe in, you fill up your gut, then you breathe out, and you really visualize and focus on expanding your whole rib cage like this on all corners. And if you want, you can actually press right here, which is where your lymphatic, the majority of your lymphatic system. Those who aren't watching are just listening. It's a little duct. You got to palpate here. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:45:15 On your body for those who are just listening? It's right under your shoulder. Under your shoulder, next to your neck? Yeah, yeah. You'll feel it when you hit it. You want to palpate that. And as you're breathing, it flushes out your whole lymphatic system. I learned this from Kusha Karvandi. He's on our team. He's a total ninja gangster, right? When it comes to, he's got like 18 certifications. He leads our high level certification. The guy's just gifted. You think I know a lot about health? This guy. Next level. He takes it to the next level. Wow. Yeah. So you palpate your lymphatic system by breathing.
Starting point is 00:45:47 You do this once a day. You're going to notice your immune response. Wow. You're going to start to see clearer. Is this above or below your collarbone? It's below. So it's where your chest muscle intersects with your shoulder. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Right in here. And you want to do the left side of your body because that's mainly where your whole lymphatic system resides, like 78% of it. And your lymphatic system is actually bigger than your circulatory system. So getting that going, right? Rebounding is great. Sitting in the infrared sauna for your lymphatic system is awesome. Doing a hot and cold shower in the morning can help with your lymphatic system as well. So there's tons of stuff that you can do with that.
Starting point is 00:46:24 But breathing, bar none. Breathing is so powerful. I've been doing more breath work lately. I mean, if you can oxygenate your body, your muscles and everything in your body has more oxygen, you're going to be a lot more calm, less stressed out as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Can I give them a bonus one? Yeah, give them one or two if you have them. So number six, another thing I learned from Kusha is actually vestibular drills. So in your eyes, there's one muscle to every nerve that you have. It's the most nerve muscle dense area in your whole entire body. What do we do most days? We sit in front of our computer like this. We're staring at our computer, right? We don't look around much. And what that does is it greatly handicaps our ability to see
Starting point is 00:46:58 threat, right? Because we're apex, omnivorous apex predators. That's what we are. So we want to observe the whole landscape immediately and get information. If we're apex omnivorous apex predators. That's what we are. So we want to observe the whole landscape immediately and get information. If we're not getting the right information, that's when pain triggered to our body. We have this ponte medullary reticular function, which is above the midbrain. And that's actually where your pain sends signals to your entire body. So once you start to correct your vestibular system of the eyes and the inner ear and you balance your left and right hemisphere, that pain starts to go away. I mean, I've seen people get better with herniated discs in just a few sessions, like immediate. And I've seen a craniosacral therapist, I've seen chiropractors, I've seen acupuncturists, and nothing works like this.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And this is part of our certification. We actually get into this deep, really crazy stuff. So one thing you can do to start to correct your vestibular system, which is where I was going with this, is doing something so simple. And this lowers stress, which is why I'm bringing it up. But doing pencil push-up drills where you actually look at your finger. You bring it in. Once it starts to split, you bring it out. And if you ever see a doctor, doctors do this too. Like little kids that have a lot of anxiety or stress,
Starting point is 00:48:08 they'll have them focus on this finger. And I've tested this with my heart rate monitor on the Apple Watch. Your heart rate will start to drop immediately as soon as you start to do this. You're just staring at it the whole time. So bring it in, push it back out. It starts to get dizzy when I look at it that close.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Chris kind of looks like Leonardo DiCaprio. He does. Has anybody ever told him that? Push it back out. It starts to get dizzy when I look at it that close. Bring it in. Chris kind of looks like Leonardo DiCaprio. He does. Has anybody ever told him that? Like the Wolf of Wall Street? Have they? A little bit, yeah. A little bit here and there?
Starting point is 00:48:33 That's awesome. So we do this for how long? A minute? Not even, dude. 30 seconds. 30 seconds. Just a few times in and out. Yeah, just a few times. Stress is going to start to go.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You can go to the left like this. Follow it. Keep your head straight. Chin tucked in. Do it. Yeah, it just sinks your left inner hemisphere like the peppermint. Sure. You learn that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Yeah, okay. What was that, number six, number seven? We could go on for days, dude. Let's do one final one. Do you have one final one? We could do 100 of these. Okay, what's one final one to relieve stress? To relieve stress?
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yes. A human connection. Hugging someone. Hugging with somebody. Increases oxytocin levels of the brain. That neurotransmitter that makes us feel like we belong. When we say we're in this together, it's that same chemical. It's like being part of a tribe.
Starting point is 00:49:13 So hug a stranger. I try to hug at least five strangers a day. Wow. There you go. That's the challenge. Go to the street and have a sign that says free hugs and give hugs. I mean, I hugged Leonardo DiCaprio. He did.
Starting point is 00:49:25 He came in here. He doesn't know me, right? So hug some strangers. I like to do like the five to ten second hug. Like the really uncomfortable. Where people start to pull away and I'm just still hugging him tighter. And they're kind of like, some people like it. Some people are like, they're uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:49:41 But I kind of like to make them feel a little uncomfortable. Yeah. Not in a weird way, but like in a loving way. When you started rubbing my nipple, that's when it got a little weird. Exactly. Exactly. Man, I could go on for hours with this. So I appreciate this.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Let's finish with your morning ritual. Okay. And then one or two final questions, because I don't know if I asked you these questions. Last time? Yes, which was like two years ago. questions, because I don't know if I asked you these questions. Last time? Yes, which was like two years ago. Yeah, because I was episode like 15. Yeah, you were early on and I started to evolve more. So the game has changed.
Starting point is 00:50:11 The game has changed a little bit. So let's start. Morning ritual. Morning ritual. What do you do every morning to set you up to win for the rest of the day? Obviously, this would be the ideal morning 30 to 60 minute ritual. You probably don't do it every single day the way you want it to be. But if it was ideal, what would it be?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Okay. So, and you're right. Because every morning changes. Yes. So, it can be consistent every time. But you can hit it most days. Yes. So, waking up five minutes of gratitude.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Even before, like, I told you about this. This is going to sound woo-woo to some people. This is even before the five minutes. This is something I haven't shared with a lot of people. I shared it with you because you're like my brother, right? Yes. Is I lay in bed and I do what's called a self-induced lucid state. This is going to sound crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:50:55 If you're like, where's this guy from? It's the Pisces in me. Yes. But essentially what I do is I visualize what I want to have happen throughout the day. But I want my melatonin and my cortisol levels at a certain point in my brain that actually induces lucidity. And if you've ever studied lucid dreaming, while you're in a lucid dream, your brain is 50,000 times more active than it is in reality.
Starting point is 00:51:18 So how do you separate the two? Well, some would say that the information that you can get in a lucid state is some of the most powerful answers that you're looking for in your life. And I've seen it. I mean, I've been in states where I've gotten immediate response to things that I was dealing with that I would never anticipate. And it came from the source, God, whatever you want to call it, right? Yeah. So self-induced lucid state for like an hour. We'll just lay in bed where you're kind of sleeping. That's why I go to bed like around hour. We'll just lay in bed where you're kind of sleeping.
Starting point is 00:51:48 That's why I go to bed like around 9.30. So, the evening ritual is actually more important than the morning ritual because it sets you up for success in the morning. If you're out till 12, 2 o'clock in the morning, it's hard to have enough time for yourself to really plan accordingly, right? But sometimes networking and everything else, you have to as an entrepreneur. Yes. So, doing that, visualizing, and then having that turn into that type of state. And then before I get out of bed, five minutes of gratitude, right?
Starting point is 00:52:13 This is just like mental gratitude. Mental gratitude. What you're grateful for, what you're grateful for, people you're grateful for, visualizing that being with them. My parents are in Michigan. So every morning I visualize myself hugging my mom and dad and just really feeling that, right? Because it's the feeling that raises your vibration. People ask on your periscope, how do you raise your vibration? It's not about the visualization. It's about the feeling that you get from it and really embracing that. Weightful is absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:52:46 After I'm done with that, I'll hit the gym up for about 45 minutes. And usually I do strength training. So, lifting as much weight as possible, always improving there. Working on bone density because as we age, human beings, they start to lose bone density and stuff. So, lifting weights is one of the best ways to age gracefully, right? So, doing that. Coming back, reading while I eat breakfast. So preferably something that gets my mind in check. Like this book, like this book right here,
Starting point is 00:53:17 you know, I was going to bring this up again. The school, this is actually an amazing book, dude. Thank you. I love it. So, um, yeah. So doing this. You like to read every morning. Yeah. I like to read every morning and I love sending a personal note to at least one person i like how you did that yeah like we talked about yeah and um it's more powerful if you hand write it because you really feel the words if you want to get fancy like i said you can get the whack stamp i like that send it to somebody because nobody's getting mail nobody's getting these notes that are classy, that used to be timeless. People save them, right? So doing the note thing is absolutely amazing. Then I do the after breakfast, which is usually after a workout, I try to go like an omelet with
Starting point is 00:53:58 lots of veggies, generally a green juice in the morning as well with no fruit in it. Because fruit's like your mom. It's an insulin spike, right? She comes into the room, your mom, and tells you to clean up all your stuff. Whatever's in the room, it gets thrown in the closet. Well, that's your body. So if you're eating fat, when your mom's in the room, then you're going to store fat. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:54:17 Sure, yeah. Yeah, you get it? Yeah. So you want protein with that. Okay, cool. And after that, I'll do a hot and cold shower every morning, get that lymphatic system going. I have so many essential oils in my house. Remember, did I show you that? Yes. That big rack that I have? So, it's plant medicine. So, depending on how I'm
Starting point is 00:54:36 feeling or you want to get your left and right hemisphere of your brain synced, I'll do some of the aromatherapy stuff. Smart. Yeah. I like it. Is there anything else or then you just get into the day? I love to write. So choosing one creative endeavor to do in the morning as well, even if it's for 10 or 15 minutes. So writing or playing the guitar.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I just bought turntables. Nice. So just DJing, you know, in the morning, mixing some music, something creative. That's cool. Because you want to look forward
Starting point is 00:55:03 to your morning ritual. And by the time your morning ritual is done, you want to say, all right, I improved my life in so many different ways already that it doesn't even matter what I do throughout the rest of the day. That it doesn't even matter how much pain is thrown at me or anything negative, right? Because I've already set myself up for success. That's cool. I like that. That's a good one. I'm going to take on some of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:24 All right. Put it in the sequel. Where can we, before I ask the two final questions, what's the best place to connect with you online and learn more about you? Yeah. is our website. They can go there. If they want to just send me an email, you have a lot of followers. I don't know if I can do this on your Twitter or Instagram. I mean, Twitter, Facebook, it's just Drew Canole, Periscope. You can find me on any social media platform that there is. Okay, cool. Awesome. Yeah, make sure to check out You've got videos on YouTube every Saturday and any other day or no? Saturday, we have a Mindset Monday. We give away a juicer every week.
Starting point is 00:56:06 There you go. And we're always giving away Organifi as well. There you go. Okay, awesome. We'll give them a discount for your show as well. We'll put it on the show notes. I'll tell you guys where to go after that. Yeah, to get the Organifi.
Starting point is 00:56:16 The Lewis Howes discount. There you go. Two final questions. Should I be nervous right now? I'm getting nervous because this is your Evolve game. No. Should I be nervous right now? I'm getting nervous because this is your Evolve game. The first one is if there were, you know, at the end of the day, 100 years from now, your last day, everything you've ever said.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Then it better be 300 years from now. Yeah, 300 years from now because we've evolved by then. Because Organifi gives you more life. And your website's deleted. Everything's gone. Every book you've ever written has been erased from time. You have a piece of paper and you get to write down three truths. Three things you know to be true about what you've learned in life.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Three truths of the world that you give back as your legacy to whoever wants to read it. Yeah. What would you put down in those three truths? Dang, dude. And this is all impromptu, by the way. It is. I didn't tell you this before. You did not tell me this.
Starting point is 00:57:06 No, I did not. So you got to think on the spot. So number one, and this is the truth for everything, I believe, and it's the most powerful thing in my life, is always letting love lead, no matter what you do. Just let love, right? Let go and just love. And that everything that you do, ask yourself, is this what love would right? Let go and just love. And that everything that you do, ask yourself, is this what love would do? So in every business decision I make, every interaction that I have with somebody, you know, going out on dates with women, what would love do in this situation? And it's a way
Starting point is 00:57:40 to approach the world that I think the world needs right now in this time. You know, it's a very yin-centric type saying, but I think it's so powerful, so prevalent. Okay. So that would be number one. Yep. Number two is when it comes to your career work, which a lot of people listening to this podcast are so focused on because they want to be entrepreneurs and they're growing as human beings, it's to follow your passion. Do something that excites you, right? That wakes up every single morning and you absolutely love it so much that
Starting point is 00:58:12 you don't want to go to bed. So much that you're so pumped up to actually do it. And that was one of the catalysts that changed my life, right? Okay. Number three would be to find people that you can go to a really deep level with because it's those people that make your life better. It's not the material possessions. It's not the objects that you'll get from being great because that naturally comes, the materialistic nature of being a human being, right? Yeah. But the people, that's what's powerful. Yeah, man. You know, the fact that I can
Starting point is 00:58:46 call Frank Scheidler up, my mentor, who's like 85 years old and just talk to him. And that's, that's awesome, dude. You know, or you, you know, the friendship that we're, we're building together, you know, at the end of the day, that's what matters. Yeah. So those are the three things. I love it. Final question. Yeah. Before I ask, I don't think I got to do this last time. So I get to acknowledge you. At the end of every show, I acknowledge my guests for what opens up for me, for the experience. So, Drew, I get to acknowledge you for your transformation, man.
Starting point is 00:59:19 I mean, your transformation has been unbelievable over the last four or five years with your own health. But the way you impact the world and transform the world is so powerful. And you come from such a loving place every single day. You're so inspiring. Every video you put out there, every piece of content comes from a passionate inspiration that wants to serve people. And so I want to acknowledge you for your service, for your commitment, consistent commitment to giving of yourself to the world and maximizing the gifts that you have and giving it away.
Starting point is 00:59:53 So I acknowledge you for that. Well, thank you so much. Yeah, of course, man. I appreciate it. Final question. Yeah. What's your definition of greatness? My definition of greatness is
Starting point is 01:00:04 doing what you love. It's, you know, what did, I'm trying to think here, Earl Nightingale, right? You've read all of his books and everything else. He said the definition of success is chasing after a worthy ideal every single day. So my definition of success is that. And the reason I have what you just acknowledged me for is because of this. It's because I live that way. It's my nature, right? My nature is never going to change.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I'm going to be the transformed being that I am. And there'll be some times when I'm maybe a little out of integrity in different areas and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, Drew Canole knows who Drew Canole is, and he lives that way. So figuring out what your morals, your values, your code of ethics is as a human being and living from there, to me, that's success. It doesn't matter what happens, you know, because that will always be there. It doesn't matter what you take away from me, my nature will be the same, and I'll always have that code to live by. Drew Canole, thanks for coming on, bro.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Appreciate it, man. Thank you. This is awesome. Yeah, I loved it. There you have it, guys. Thank you so much for showing up today, for listening. And if you would, I would love it if you subscribe to our podcast over on iTunes again School of Greatness on iTunes and share this episode
Starting point is 01:01:28 with your friends over on Facebook Twitter Instagram tag me at Lewis Howes at Drew Canole everywhere you post this online you can go to the show notes link at slash 224 and you can also watch the full video interview of this as well
Starting point is 01:01:43 and we do another little promo video there also. So some cool stuff you can check out on video with me and Drew at slash 224. Also, make sure to check out and buy a few copies of my new book, The School of Greatness, which comes out October 27th. That's right. You can get it right now at Super pumped. I've put the last few years into this book and I'm so excited and passionate about getting it in your hands. So the way you can support me, if you love this podcast, if you've enjoyed this, if you've gotten any value out of this show ever, then you can do me the favor and pick up a copy or a few copies
Starting point is 01:02:23 today and make sure to get them for your friends as well. So again, Make sure to check out the show notes at slash 224. You guys know what time it is. It's time to go out there and do something great. Bye. Outro Music

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