The School of Greatness - 345 What Is Your Legacy?
Episode Date: June 24, 2016"The only thing you take with you when you’re gone is what you leave behind." ~ John Allston If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at ...
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What is your legacy?
John Alston said,
the only thing you can take with you when you're gone
is what you leave behind.
Welcome everyone to this special edition of 5-Minute Friday.
I want to share with you three questions
that could literally transform the rest of your life
based on your answers
and based on your actions from those answers.
Questions are this.
What are you creating with your life?
Who are you impacting by your way of being?
And how will the world be different because you were here?
Feel free to write these down because I want you to answer
them and really think about your answers. And your answers may shift over time and that's okay.
It may evolve and grow based on the season of your life. But this is important to think about
your legacy, whether you're a teenager listening, a college athlete, a new mom, a grandparent.
It doesn't matter where you are in your season of life.
This is an important topic, and these are three important questions that everyone should answer.
And if you don't know the answer to these questions, then life is going to be a little unfulfilling.
Life is going to be a struggle, a stress.
There's going to be a lot of uncertainty. And listen,
even if you do know these answers, there's still going to be uncertainty and stresses and
challenges along the way. There's going to be obstacles. That's the beautiful part of life,
that there are obstacles when we chase our dream. But if we don't even know what our legacy is,
what our dream is inside of us that we want to leave behind, then everything
seems kind of random, stressed out, frustrating.
There's a lot of negative emotions as opposed to the positive emotions we can have.
And whatever your reason is for why you think you were born, it could be a spiritual reason.
It could be a random reason.
I'm here randomly and I have no clue why I'm here. Or there could be a bigger cause for you. Whatever the
reason is, it's important to give this experience meaning. It's important to create some type of
meaningful experience here. Otherwise, we're going to be pretty miserable throughout our lives, and it's not going to be fun.
And I like to believe that we are here for a reason, and there is a greater power guiding us through this experience towards something bigger than all of us.
And other people think that there is no reason.
It's chaos, and we're here randomly, and and we just exploded and this is what is left.
And it's fine to think about whatever, but we're here for a reason. There's a world of
possibilities. We were born here and this world is available for us to explore, to create, to
connect, to try things, to live life. And it's a beautiful experience if we choose it to be.
But I want you to answer these three questions. And again, I'll read them off to you.
The question is, what are you creating with your life? Really think about this. What do you want
to create? We are here to create, to explore and to create. Are you going to create something
that's negative? Are you going to create something that's newsworthy on the negative side where there's killings
happening all over the world right now?
And Orlando just had this mass killing.
Are you going to create something that people talk about in a negative way?
Are you going to create something that is inspiring and empowering and moving people
towards a clearer direction to a more joyful experience
in this life.
You have a choice.
Is that choice going to be a positive creation or a negative creation or no creation at all?
What are you creating with your life?
Literally write down right now, what am I creating with my life?
And write down all the things that you are currently creating and what you want to create. No matter how crazy it may sound, whether it's a business idea,
an invention, a family, an experience, a feeling, joy, love. What are you creating and what are you
going to create? Write that down right now. The second question is who are you impacting by your
way of being? So who are the people you're impacting in
your life? Write that question down and then answer it. I'm impacting my brothers and sisters.
I'm impacting my parents. I'm impacting my children. I'm impacting my classmates. I'm
impacting my team on my sports, my sports team. I'm impacting the employees at my company. I'm
impacting my colleagues. I'm impacting the people that listen
to this podcast. Write down all of the people you are impacting and how you are impacting them by
your way of being. So write that down, all the people you're impacting and who do you want to
be impacting in the world? Maybe you're not impacting as many people as you'd like right now.
Who do you want to impact? Write down who those people are so you're clear impacting as many people as you'd like right now. Who do you want to impact?
Write down who those people are so you're clear on what your legacy currently is and what you're going to leave behind.
The third question is, how will the world be different because you were here?
How will the world be different because you were here?
The world was a certain way before you were born.
Then you were born.
And how do you want the world to be different because you're here?
Obviously, it's different because you're here.
You're a human being.
And therefore, once you were created, the world was different.
But how do you want the world to be different based on who you're being and what you're
creating in your life and for the rest of your life?
So write a list down.
How will the world be different because you were here?
This is a part of your legacy, my friends.
And I just got a great message over on Instagram, actually,
the other day that I saw from a guy who said,
I've been following your podcast for over a year and a half.
I found it and I started listening and I got addicted and I started seeing results in my
life and I finally caught up to all 344 episodes.
And I would watch or listen to them when I was driving or when I was working out or when
I was going to bed.
He just said that they were so inspiring.
He was getting so much great information from the guests I was bringing on
that he saw the impact in his life,
and he wanted to leave something better behind.
He wanted to create better things in his life and impact more people.
And for me, that is meaningful.
That is meaningful to know that I am creating something
that other people from around the
world, I think he's somewhere in like Eastern Europe and other people from all over the
world who I have no clue who I'm impacting until they leave a message, whether it be
on Instagram or email or Facebook or whatever it may be, and tell me what they've created
in their life because of the impact I've given them.
For me, that is so meaningful.
It gives me meaning.
It gives me fulfillment.
It inspires me to learn more, to give more, to create more so that I can impact more people
all around the world, people that I know about and people that I don't know about.
Because I can guarantee there's thousands of people listening right now who have never
commented, who's never reached out, who never told me what they've learned from this podcast or what they've gained from
this experience that's helped them in their life.
Even if it's just one little golden nugget that shifted them in a relationship or their
business or their health or their spirituality.
And for me, it's so fulfilling and rewarding to know that it's making an impact on people's
So I want you to answer these
three questions today. This is important because it will guide you. It will help you get clearer
on your vision. If you feel stuck or frustrated, it's going to put you on the path towards living
a fuller, richer life. What are you creating with your life? Who are you impacting? And how will the world be different because you were here?
Think on that today, my friends.
And I hope that is helpful today.
I hope that gives you some insights.
I hope it gives you some clarity on where you're at in your life and what you want to
create moving forward.
Because whether you want to believe we are here for a reason,
or it's all random, we're still here. So what are you going to do with your time to make the most
of it? Now, most of the people listening are entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial minded people
are people who want to strive for more in their life, strive for more in their health,
their relationships, their spirituality, and their finances and their business. And a lot of people reach out to me for online business, online marketing advice,
and learning how to take an idea and turn it into a profitable business. And for years,
I've been building my business and I've sold a company and I've been coaching other people at
a high level how to generate more sales, more leads, more traffic, all these things that we talk about in building an online business.
And for years, I've been doing one-on-one coaching and group coaching.
And I haven't been able to scale this information at the level and the quality that I would like to until now.
And I just released my brand new program about how to build your online empire.
And it's called legacy. This is about something bigger than just making money. This is about
really creating a meaningful life around the thing you love doing and making a full time income
with that thing that you love to do. And I'm put everything together, you know, eight years of training and
experience and lessons and learning and building businesses. And I've put everything together in
one place, how to take any idea. I'm going to teach you everything I've learned from when I
was on my sister's couch, had no money, living off credit cards and had student loans. And I'm going to teach you how I built it
into a multi-million dollar empire, how I turned all of my ideas into a profitable business.
And I've been working on this for the last six to eight months. We've been developing the content,
we're packaging all the information to make it consumable, easy to understand, and easy
to implement so you can replicate
it and build your own business around your idea as well.
It's called Legacy, and you can go to slash legacy course, and it'll give you all
the information there.
There'll be a video explaining more about it, a bunch of testimonials, all the information
about what you're going to get in this course, but it breaks down everything you need to know to take any idea you have and build it into a
sustainable, fulfilling, meaningful business that gives you the flexibility and the freedom you want
in your life as well. Essentially, everything I've learned about building an online business,
I teach in this course. I give it to you all in one place
and break it down video by video,
worksheet by worksheet.
So make sure to check it out, slash legacy course
and let me know what you guys think.
Already had a bunch of people signing up
so I'm very excited for all the new students
who are gonna go through my training
about building your online empire
and building your legacy.
I hope you guys enjoyed this episode.
If you did, it's slash 345 to get all the show notes and to share it
out with your friends.
If you have any friends who you feel like are stuck or not sure what they want in their
life, make sure to send them this link to let them go through this as well
and answer those three questions.
What are you creating with your life?
Who are you impacting?
And how will the world be different
because you were here?
I love you guys so very much.
It's been an incredible journey.
Episode three, four, five is in the books.
We've got some big interviews
and big guests coming up,
big topics that
I'm so pumped to get
in front of you. Thank you for being here
each and every week, Monday, Wednesday,
Friday, and you know what time it is.
It's time to go out there and do
something great. Outro Music