The School of Greatness - 4 Steps To Manifest Miracles & Abundance | David Ghiyam
Episode Date: March 12, 2025I'm going on tour! Come see The School of Greatness LIVE in person!Get my new book Make Money Easy here!What if the path to financial abundance begins with spiritual transformation rather than busines...s tactics? In this profound conversation, money manifestation expert David Ghiyam reveals the four essential quadrants that unlock miraculous wealth creation. From spiritual teacher making no money to co-founding a billion-dollar brand, David shares how true abundance flows when we shift from seeking validation to serving with certainty. His vulnerable admission about struggling with success's temptations offers a masterclass in sustainable wealth – not just accumulating money, but building the spiritual vessel required to hold abundance without being destroyed by it. Whether you're starting from zero or scaling to millions, this episode illuminates why most people work hard but never break through, and how invoicing the Creator transforms your energy, attracting prosperity beyond your imagination.David Ghiyam’s website to learn more about him and his missionIn this episode you will learn:The four critical quadrants that must be aligned to manifest financial abundanceWhy having certainty is the VIP access card to the realm of miraclesHow seeking validation blocks the flow of wealth and how to break the cycleThe difference between linear and circular vessels and why it matters for sustainable successA powerful technique for releasing resentment by "invoicing the Creator" instead of peopleThe hidden danger of success coming too quickly without spiritual preparationWhy money amplifies your existing problems and how to prepare your vessel to handle wealthThe crucial importance of focus and why dividing your attention sabotages manifestationHow to receive divine inspiration that leads to financial opportunitiesFor more information go to more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:Danny Morel – Sean – Joe Dispenza – Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX
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Today on the School of Greatness, we are here to be of service to you to help you create
true wealth in your life.
And if you feel like you've been blocked emotionally or spiritually or mentally around creating
more financial opportunities in your life, true financial wealth, not only externally
but internally, this is the episode for you.
David Guiam is back and he spent over a decade of his life focused on
serving spiritually to communities around the world. Then he shifted his mindset and said,
how can I serve spiritually, but also financially create abundance in my life? And he has gone on
with his wife, Mary Ruth to build a billion dollar brand called Mary Ruth's. And today David's going to reveal that true wealth creation
begins not with business strategies, but with spiritual
alignment. And some of you might be thinking, well, I just need more
tactics and I need the right strategies to create income and to
invest in all these different things. But that's, that's true, you could have those strategies and
tactics and all these kind of things tools that could help you
increase the processes in your career or your business. But so
often there are there are mental, physical or spiritual
limitations that hold us back from believing we are worthy and
deserving of creating more
true financial abundance. And in this episode, we're going to talk about why doubt is the
greatest blocker to abundance, and how certainty is your VIP access to the miracle zone in
financial opportunities. We're also going to talk about how to shift from creating a linear vessel inside of you that
constantly needs external validation to creating a
circular vessel that can receive endlessly. We're going to be
talking about a few of these different concepts that most of
us have maybe never heard about, and really trying to shift the
inner perspective to create more external financial success in your life.
He's also going to talk about the counterintuitive reason that receiving too much wealth too quickly
without proper preparation can create chaos in your life.
And there's a moment in the book of my new book called make money easy that is out in one
week from today.
Make money easy, create financial freedom and live a richer life.
There's a moment in the book where I talk about this, this relationship with money and
early on in my kind of business journey and, and trying to figure out who I was in my early
mid twenties, I had a mentor that would go on walks with me every single week that I would
ask questions to about business and marketing and all these different things.
And I was struggling after like six months.
I wasn't making any money.
I was really struggling trying to figure out my way.
And I remember saying to him, man, I'm struggling right now.
I could really use some money.
And he told me money comes to you when you're ready for it.
And on that walk, I said, well, I'm pretty ready to receive some money. I'm broke. I'm living on my sister's couch. I
could really receive some money right now. And that stuck with me. Money comes to you when you're
ready for it. And if wealth comes too quickly without proper preparation, it can create chaos
in your life. And you see this all the time with pro athletes who go bankrupt to two years after they
You know they retire because they weren't ready for it
You hear this from lottery winners who lose all their money and have extreme depression
within a couple years after winning lottery you hear this sometimes from
children of wealthy parents who were
Handed down a ton of money without being ready for it if they weren't prepared for it
Financially and spiritually then it might create more chaos in their life
You see this with child stars who have tons of fame and wealth all these different things
We're gonna be talking about this and so much more in today's episode
And if you have not got a copy of the book which talks about
episode. And if you have not got a copy of the book, which talks about healing the relationship with money in your life so you can break free from the financial blocks that you have, make
sure to get your copy of Make Money Easy right now. You can go to the link in the description
of this episode, or go to Amazon and type in Make Money Easy. Get your copy right now.
Get a couple copies for your
friends as well. This will give you the tools to unlock that relationship that's blocking
you from the abundance in your life. And there's so many strategies and tools to support you
in your growth. It'd mean a lot to me. The book is out in one week, but you can preorder
it today. I'm also going on tour. If you go to slash tour, I will be on the road in Austin, Texas,
New York city, Boston, Nashville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego.
Starting March 15th through March 25th.
Make sure to get your ticket right now.
Bring your friends and family.
Lewis slash tour.
I would love to see you because we got some great
things happening on that tour that you do not want to miss my friend. Okay, thank you again for
your support as always for being here on this show The School of Greatness. Without further ado,
let's dive into the episode right now. Welcome back everyone to The School of Greatness excited
about today's episode with David Guia.
We are talking about the step-by-step process from growing broke to millionaire and what that would look like.
And also how to make making money easier in your life.
Because I think a lot of people struggle with making money or they feel like they have to work hard to make money.
And I want to get into that in a little bit about, you know, do you need to work hard all the time or is it sometimes in hard to make money. And I wanna get into that in a little bit about,
do you need to work hard all the time?
Or is it sometimes in order to make money,
what does that look like?
But you have, you've been on the show now many times,
and people love our conversations around this.
In the last episode around money,
we talked about the energy around manifesting money.
And you, in my mind, are a money manifesting expert.
You went from spiritual teacher for many years making no money to manifesting an abundance
of money, having a billion dollar brand in business with Mary Ruth's Organics. And I
wanted to ask you the first question. If you were broke today, all the money was gone, and you had to create a step-by-step process from
going to broke to millionaire and beyond. What in practical terms would that look like for you?
And would it be hard? Well, first, very flattered by everything you said. And thank you for having
back. And yes, I think our connection, our chemistry,
and every time I come with you,
like the gates open, there's so much to come.
So I just love the time that we have together.
If I was broke today, if I had nothing,
what would I do?
Yeah, what's the step-by-step process?
And what is hard work?
I think those are two beautiful questions.
One, hard work is essential,
but let's define what hard work is.
A lot of people think,
a lot of people are investing their energy in hard work
and in the physical world.
So it's the amount of hours I spend doing something.
It's the amount of effort I exert in doing something.
And one of the ways of looking at it is... The Cabal has kind of explained, and I've simplified
it in four quadrants. There are four things that we need to do and do very well in order to manifest
a miracle. In order to manifest the miracle of abundance, wealth, love, whatever it is you're looking for.
And often the reason why people are working so hard
but not seeing the miracle is they might only be focused
on one of those four quadrants
and investing all their energy in that one,
but ignoring the other three,
or maybe just three out of the four.
It's when you hit all four that the gates open.
And every time I've given this seminar,
I ask everybody in the room,
how many people are four out of four?
Nobody, really, ever, including myself.
When you're four out of four, the gates open immediately.
When you're not four out of four, things take time.
They become a struggle, they become harder.
And then the universe has to compensate for the quadrant you're not working on. out of four, things take time, they become a struggle, they become harder.
And then the universe has to compensate for the quadrant you're not working on.
So I'm going to get into those four quadrants in a moment, but what does it mean the universe
has to compensate?
The universe then has to push us or cause some form of pain and suffering to awaken
us in that quadrant.
So what do we need to feel pain to then bring attention to it to start focusing on how to improve
Because our attention often only flows to where there's pain.
Now, if you can proactively put your attention somewhere, then the universe does not need
to get involved.
Then there is no signal sent to send somebody toxic to you, to make you fall in love with
them, to then break your heart, to learn a lesson. Yeah.
There is no need for someone to come in to steal from you
or to sue you or to sabotage your business in some way.
There's just no need.
There's no need for your family to be destructive
all of a sudden and cause problems and drama.
All of these things happen because a signal is being sent
to pay attention to something.
So what are the four quadrants?
Spiritual work, which I'll define.
There's physical work, certainty, and prayer.
This is all technology.
And when people hear this, I want to make sure you know I am not a religious person.
I do not ascribe to, let's say, a dogma or a specific path.
Everything I'm sharing is what the great sages and Kabbalists who understand the energy of our world,
understand light and vessel, have explained how you can build the vessel to hold this energy and light of creation.
Some people call it God, some people call it the creator,
that exists and is waiting to come into your life.
Because our birthright is to be happy,
to be fulfilled, and to have everything.
This is what we are meant to receive,
every soul in this world.
And all of creation is actually pushing us
towards this point where we can receive all that.
So what is this technology?
What is Mac max spiritual work?
And we talk a lot about this in Kamala,
and there is a whole step-by-step process to it.
But in essence, spiritual work is,
my soul came to this world with certain spiritual baggage,
fears, limitations, and I am meant to transform them
to get to a place of wholeness, which is the vibration of the Creator.
That means that if I have a fear of abandonment, I'm transforming this. That means if I have anger
issues, I'm transforming it. That means that if I'm a judgmental, sarcastic person, or a person
who's always seeing the bad, or a person who is feeling that they don't deserve. These are
all qualities that don't exist in the Creator. The Creator does not have
weakness. The Creator does not have fear. The Creator doesn't have jealousy. The Creator
does not have these limitations. And so why do we have these things if
the Creator doesn't? Because this is a very deep question. I'll try to answer it
as simply as I can.
We were created with this darkness
in order to have the free will to choose to remove it.
For example, if I got my five-year-old
a puzzle for his birthday, and I said to him,
I said, Elliot, can you wait right here?
I'm gonna show you something really amazing. And I go and I make this 1,000-piece puzzle for him. And then I'm going to show you something really amazing.
And I go and I make this 1,000 piece puzzle for him.
And then I bring it to him.
I say, OK, I brought you a gift.
And I made the puzzle for you.
And he's going to be like, Dad, wow, you know,
not only did you buy me a puzzle, but you also made it.
Like, I love you so much.
This is why you're my dad.
Like, no, he's going to look at it.
He's going to be angry. He's going to be upset. He's going to be like, I don't care for this this is why you're my dad. Like, no, he's gonna look at it, he's gonna be angry,
he's gonna be upset, he's gonna be like,
I don't care for this, he's not gonna feel fulfilled.
He needs a broken puzzle so that he can make it.
Now, I will help him make it, and that feeling,
and when he puts that last piece himself,
the joy he has that he completed something
isn't like no other.
There's a difference between if you built a company or you took over your dad's company or your mother's company.
There's a whole different level of feeling. So we asked to have this level of darkness so that we could
transform it and then finish the creation this way. The Creator didn't need that.
We asked for it so that we could have the feeling of wholeness.
So that's the first quadrant, spiritual work.
And every single person right now,
no matter what your spiritual beliefs are,
no matter where you are in your life,
something has been revealed to you,
at least one quality that you can transform,
that you need to transform in order to create the miracle.
So at every given moment,
we are being shown one negative quality, at least.
There are people who are literally triggering you
and bringing stuff out.
You may feel like a victim in certain things.
You may feel that something is unfair.
You may feel bitter.
You may feel resentful.
These are all feelings and emotions
that are indicative of something that we need to transform.
Yeah, but he did that to me. Yeah, but they took something from me.
Yeah, but they, I gave them two years of my life and they cheated on me.
All of this is a test since the time of creation
that your soul asked for. This person that gave you two years of his life and your life
and then left, your soul asked for this
in order to have all these emotions and feelings come up so you can transform them. in your life and then left, your soul asks for this
in order to have all these emotions and feelings come up
so you can transform them.
And there was no other way to do it.
There was no other way for you to see
what needs to be transformed without this person coming.
And so every single person right now is feeling something
and going through some kind of fear or emotion or darkness
that Kamala explains.
And that is highly correlated in this place you're trying to make a miracle.
Okay, so someone says I'm trying to make more money. The first question I'm asking them is
what fear are you feeling right now? And it could be in a totally unrelated part of life,
but it is correlated to the miracle. Really? That's the first quadrant.
What's a common fear you hear around people who say I'm trying to make more money or I'm
struggling making more money or I'm in debt and it's, I don say, I'm trying to make more money, or I'm struggling making more money,
or I'm in debt and it's, I don't know,
what to do to make more money.
And you ask them, what's your fear?
What's the common response?
I would say the most common fear and or quality
that comes up for people
when they're trying to manifest a miracle is doubt.
They doubt themselves. They doubt themselves.
They doubt themselves.
They doubt that they will be happy.
They doubt that their current situation is good.
They doubt that there's a creator or universal force
that is looking out for them.
And doubt is a quality that does not exist
in the vibration of the creator.
So as long as you have doubts,
you cannot enter the miracle zone. Like imagine there's a gate and there's a guard at
the gate and only people
Who have certainty can walk in so they look at you and they see it, but you have doubts
You are not allowed to enter the room of miracles
So you could be an amazing person you could be a sharing person. It could be a kind person a spiritual person
You could be a person who only does good for people.
But if you have doubts,
you cannot enter the world of miracles.
So doubt is the key card, is the VIP access to miracles.
So what does it mean to have certainty?
It's not certainty that this will work out
or certainty that this person's my soulmate
or certainty that it's certainty that everything is good.
Everything is from the Creator,
and I feel whole and complete right now.
Despite what I see, feel, and hear,
I know it's an illusion and everything is whole.
Like we said before, I am wealth, I am love,
I am all of these amazing things,
and I trust in the light of the Creator.
All the variations of what I just said is certainty.
So if someone doesn't feel like they're whole or complete right now, and if they don't trust
that they are in the right position in this moment where they need to be from the Creator,
from God, from the Creator, what's going to happen to them if they don't believe they
are whole and they don't have certainty around that?
They enter a different destiny.
So imagine you need to travel to San Diego from Los Angeles.
You put it in Waze.
Waze will give you the fastest path there, also understanding the traffic.
Let's say it takes about two hours.
This is the path of miracles.
The most direct.
That would be a miracle to get to San Diego in two hours.
So let's give it three.
So let's give it three hours.
This would be akin to the path of miracles in our lives,
which is the most direct path.
If I decide to have doubts, literally, I'm
reprogramming the GPS to take a very long route,
and to go through a lot of windy streets, and eventually I get to San Diego in 19 hours.
Now, I will get to that destination. So even people who don't operate on the vibration of the
Creator, who don't do spiritual work, who always have doubts or who do negative things in this world, there is another circuit breaker, some backstop that will make sure that even those people
transform at some point, but they will transform to pain and suffering, the roundabout way.
So a lot of things will happen to eventually break them down to become a spiritual being,
either in this lifetime or the next. Some people are very
stubborn and they still choose not to transform and they still choose to blame everybody else
or blame their circumstances. These are the people that it's painful, but unfortunately,
they will always attract chaos and drama because more is required to break them down.
Because if we can't get rid of that cancer,
the spiritual doctors are going to inject more chemo,
more radiation, break it down, break it down
until the cancer disappears.
So it behooves all of us to surrender the negativity
as soon as possible or it will be forcibly taken away from us.
Yes. So this is the spiritual quadrant to start with.
This is the spiritual quadrant.
And the last thing I'll say is,
there's two ways for a person to stop smoking.
One, if they want to stop smoking, one is,
we know, and I'm sure everybody can agree,
smoking is not good for your health.
Okay, I'm not saying it's bad if a person smokes,
but I'm sure even a smoker knows this is probably not the best.
No one's thinking smoking is making you live longer.
So you can either choose proactively to break it,
and it's very hard, and it's a very difficult addiction,
but there's ways you can proactively push yourself to do it.
Or there's a second way, which is lung cancer could
come up. And then you go to the doctor and the doctor says, you have lung cancer and I need to
stop smoking. So what happened was you have two different scenarios lead to the same outcome.
One was you're forcing the universe to push you to change. The other one was proactively change.
We are often shown and told mercifully
through the people around us and through just inspiration,
the things that we need to change.
And if you are sensitive to that,
you will take heed and you will learn and you will grow.
Oftentimes the people closest to us,
especially immediate family,
the creator is telling them to tell you
or to awakening you what you need to change.
If we ignore them or we say it's their problem
or we say, I don't like the way you're telling me,
I don't like your tone, or you got trauma,
this is your issue, even if all that's true,
you're still missing the fact that the
creator is trying to tell you in a very merciful way. Even if the messenger is not a good person,
still a messenger. If your ex tells you something really bad about you that you don't agree with,
but it feels painful, it means there's truth there. So take maybe 5% of you is like that.
If your ex says you're a horrible person or a narcissist,
you're like, I'm not a narcissist.
But it bothers you.
And as long as it bothers you,
it means there's a piece of you that's in it.
So I would say, okay, so maybe there's 5% of me that is,
and let me explore that.
Only so that I can release it,
not have to have another relationship show it to me
or have another chaotic situation come up.
Yeah, okay. So this is a spiritual quadrant, four keys. not have to have another relationship, show it to me, or have another chaotic situation come up. Yeah.
So this is a spiritual quadrant, four keys.
The second one we already talked about, which is certainty.
Certainty is a whole bucket in and of itself because none of the other quadrants become
activated without certainty.
Certainty is everything. It is the consciousness that removes all the dark forces,
all the negativity.
It is the consciousness that creates happiness.
It is the consciousness that creates joy.
It is the consciousness that vibrates
for infinite universes.
Every moment of certainty creates positive forces
in this world that go out into this world
and fight for you. And so when someone is in doubt or is not certain about something, then they're
blocking their abundance. They're blocking their ability to be creative or meet the right people
at the right time or take action or move into awareness of whatever they need to do in order to
create the money opportunities for themselves. They're blocking, yes, they're blocking the ability
to create the vessel that can hold all of those things.
Now someone's saying right now,
well, I know a lot of people who are wealthy,
who don't have certainty,
and they have doubts and anxiety all day long.
So what's going on there?
These people have a different process.
Oftentimes, the creator will give somebody wealth,
and that's the beginning of their spiritual process.
And it's not that this wealth was something they earned
through their spiritual work that they can enjoy.
In fact, it's something that was their starting point
of their spiritual path.
And the fact is, until they do that spiritual work
with their wealth, they're not even enjoying it.
Yeah, but broke people will say,
hey, someone give me a million dollars right now,
I'll enjoy it.
I'm broke, that's not enjoyable.
I'm suffering, I'm in debt.
If someone gave me, I've won the lottery, I'd enjoy it.
Yes, so that is true.
You would shift from one form of temporary pain,
and then you will be shifting into another form of temporary pain, and then you will be shifting into another form
of temporary pain, and that's what will come.
Because you won't be ready for it.
You won't be ready for it,
you won't have the vessel for it.
But here's what's interesting, whoever's listening,
you have the free will to do that.
You could actually tell the universe,
hey look, I'd rather be rich and miserable.
Yeah, and poor and miserable.
And poor and miserable.
And that may shift in that direction. And you'll stay miserable. Yeah, and poor and miserable. And poor and miserable. And that may shift in that direction.
And you'll stay miserable.
And you'll still be lacking the fulfillment.
And in fact, they're actually...
And you might be more painful.
Yeah, because what happens is now that you have more energy around you, more money...
Everyone's trying to take and people are trying to... negative forces.
Because you have so much more energy around you, i.e. more money, you must have a bigger
vessel to hold that.
So you actually hundred extra challenges as well.
So maybe you're miserable and broke now, but you know, your kids are good.
Your marriage is good, but you're just kind of like miserable because kind of chemist
ends me.
In this other scenario, if you are the same exact person, but you have more money, all of a sudden you'll see not just problems in the business, but problems with the kids
and problems in the relationship. And money amplifies things. So if you have a lot of problems,
it will amplify a lot of the problems. It might solve some temporarily, but if you haven't
changed the doubt or the uncertainty within you, that's gonna amplify into greater uncertainty
and doubt with money and making you kind of step
into scarcity, holding it back, you know,
frustration, anger, all these different things as well.
This is true and we have to understand why.
Because this is such a beautiful true statement
and I think it's very powerful when people hear
the why behind it because now you understand
how we're making this, not just how it is.
The reason why money amplifies problems is because money is this infusion of energy that
then comes towards you, and this energy wants to be revealed in its full potential, but
it sees that your vessel can't hold it.
So this energy starts to press upon you, and Kabbalah is called the surrounding light.
It's a light that surrounds you and says, hey, I want to be revealed.
And in order for me to be revealed, I'm going to put pressure on you to change who you are
and expand.
And so that is when people feel stress.
Stress is when you have energy that's trying to be revealed, but you're not changing fast
enough to let it in.
You're not overcoming old belief systems,
limited belief systems.
This thing that your spouse told you
that you're being very selfish,
or you're not being focused,
or you're being very angry,
like you're just not dealing with it.
So then, but what are you doing?
You're making more money.
So the money is coming in saying,
I'm energy, And your wife, I sent your wife
to you two weeks ago to tell you about something you need to change, because I'm coming. And
you haven't made space for me. So now I'm going to become chaos. When energy comes to
a vessel that can't hold it, we have chaos. If a waiter came right now and poured a gallon
of water, which is what is a great thing into my cup, we have chaos. Yes a waiter came right now and poured a gallon of water, which is water's a great thing, into my cup, we have chaos.
I need a bigger cup.
I need a bigger vessel to hold all of that.
And so it's the same reason why we don't just,
I remember when we had to do our trusts
and like, what are we gonna give our children
when they grow up or when we pass on?
Like, is there a big danger to passing wealth
onto children who haven't worked for it?
So, you know, we created a beautiful structure
where it basically said, for every dollar they make,
maybe they get 50 cents of what we make,
but until then, it is not given to them.
So, energetically, because I understand vessels, like if I give my, if one of my kids is 25
and God forbid I'm no longer here, if I give him an infusion of cash, I destroy him.
The lightning bolt of energy and he, and we all know this is what happens.
There's no child, no kid, no 19 year old, 20 year old, 25 year old, 30 year old, where
you can hand them 1 million, 5 million, 10 million, 100 million 20 year old, 25 year old, 30 year old, where you can hand them $1 million, $5 million, $10 million,
$100 million, who says, you know what?
All right, this is good.
I'm not going to let this affect me in any way whatsoever.
I'm going to be more responsible.
No one's thinking this way.
Now I'm going to go learn financial literacy.
Now I'm going to understand how to use it.
Now I understand the tax codes and all these things.
You don't know all that stuff.
No. You're going to buy a house. You're going to buy a car.
It's gone.
You're going to go spend it on your friends.
It's gone. Spend it go spend it on your friends, it's gone.
Spend it on women, and the chaos begins.
So you actually bring all this energy in,
but nowhere to change your own vessel.
I guarantee you 99% of people watching and listening
are saying, ah, but I still would love to have
$5 million just handed to me.
Okay, so you say that out loud,
that prayer will draw the energy of five million to you.
And that's a great thing.
Every year I say to the Creator, I would love to have, here's my new goal, which is much
more than I have today.
So then that energy comes towards me.
The pressure builds, it detoxes my soul's negativity, and I begin the process of seeing
When you ask for $5 million,
you're going to get 5 million problems.
But that's a good thing because
these problems are showing you what you need to change.
So I'm with you. Nobody wants to be broke,
nobody wants to be alone, nobody wants to be sad.
We should have all these things,
but I've learned and I really just want to share that there is a process that goes from where you're at to where you want to be.
And that process is a very spiritual process. You're just going to see your limitations.
And you need the certainty to figure it out. But if you don't have certainty, there's a process to creating certainty as well.
We all have certainty when things are okay.
Good. Yeah, it feels good now.
You see the money in the bank, I have certainty.
It feels good, yeah.
It's when it goes wrong, you have doubt.
You realize you never had certainty.
You borrowed the certainty that the money gave you.
Here's also the thing people watching this thing, I already know they're going to be
saying and thinking is, I don't know which direction to go.
I have all these options laid out.
I have my mom or my spouse or someone
telling me, my friend telling me what I should do around my career, this 17 passion projects
that I want to work on all at the same time. And I don't know which decision to make. How
does someone get certainty when there's so many options and people telling them what
to do?
That's a great question. In my prosperity seminars,
I talk about five different concepts
of how to manifest prosperity.
The first one is the limited beliefs
about building your vessel.
Another one is simply the power of oneness and focus.
One of the things that the negative side does
as you aim to be successful, are successful,
is to dilute your focus and work on many things.
I have learned that there are only two things I ever want to focus on. One is my brand,
as long as I have it, and one is my spiritual platform. These are two things. Now, how many
opportunities come to me?
Someone comes to me and says,
oh, you should invest in Bitcoin or crypto.
I said, look, maybe, but I'm not,
here's a huge opportunity to invest in something.
Here's a board of a company you should be on.
Here's a this and here's a that.
And by the way, they're all very lucrative potentially.
And some of them are guaranteed wins.
In fact, it's the guaranteed wins that are the most dangerous because you're like, well,
I'll do that too.
And what the negative side does is divide and conquer.
Once your attention is divided, everything becomes less of the vibration and state of
So I have learned to find one, maybe two things.
And there are some people who can handle more.
But for the majority of us, we need one or two things.
And to go very deep, deep, deep, deep, deep
and pull our energy into it.
Because someone asked me,
if you had to build a vitamin company today,
how would you do it?
One is I have seen why other people can't do it
is because 100% of their attention and focus
is not on that.
I said, you want to compete with me?
Good luck.
Oh, I mean, yeah.
My attention is 100% on this.
And I'm obsessed.
Now, if you're doing six other things,
it's going to be very hard to energetically shift
and move and open those gates.
So the person who is the most focused wins.
So if you're trying to break into a new industry,
the focus is the only way that's really gonna work, right?
Starting point.
Now, the question I think your audience is asking
or that you said you think they're asking is, well, how do I know of these 10 different options
I have which one to do?
And this is true.
This is a good question.
This is...
I have all these passions.
I have all these things that excite me.
Yeah, and I want to do all of them.
And I don't know which one's the right one.
How would I deal with that?
One, I would acknowledge this is not bad.
The creator is showing me 10 options.
That alone is good because when you say something is bad, you will never understand it.
When you say this relationship was bad or the situation is bad or the fact that I don't
know what to do is bad, you already aren't on the vibration to understand what needs to be done.
So you have to first say it's good, just even if you don't mean it.
Say it over and over again.
This is good that I don't know what to do.
Now that you've said it's good, you've established a connection to the miraculous
realm of the light of the Creator, now this light will illuminate what you should do.
If I didn't know what I should do, I'd do nothing.
And I continue with the prayer.
I will walk all around Los Angeles like I always do.
And I will say, what?
Show me.
Show me what is the right thing for my soul.
And here is my spiritual peace offering. I'm also going to work on my negativity,
that spiritual quadrant, because that will then expand my vessel to get the answer.
If you don't know what to do, it means you haven't merited the answer. You haven't earned the answer from the universe. Well, how do I earn an answer? You have to build your vessel for the answer.
So certainty, spiritual work,
and these other two quadrants, which I'm going to say, which is the third one is prayer,
which I just mentioned. Prayer is the third quadrant. Is all building the vessel even
to get an answer. These four quadrants can be used to manifest anything, even an answer.
You need an answer about something and you're not getting it?
Well, the answer is there
because the answer comes before the question.
What came first, God or the vessel?
So what came first, the light or the vessel?
The answer.
The answer comes before the question.
The only reason-
Not the knowledge, the wisdom.
The only reason there is a question
is because there was an answer before that.
If you have a question, it means the answer is already there.
Well, why isn't it revealed to me?
Because your best soul hasn't been built for it.
So let's build it.
Is that prayer then?
The third quadrant is prayer.
So if you pray-
What's the difference between spirituality and prayer?
Spirituality is the concept that I have a soul and my soul has a purpose, and I am now
going to learn about that purpose in order for my soul to receive everything that it
is meant to receive.
This is the definition of spirituality.
It's the way everybody says they're spiritual.
I ask someone, are you religious?
They say, no, no, we're spiritual.
It's like a great, people love saying it
because they resonate with this idea.
Yeah, I'm a soul and I'm meant to receive everything,
so I'm spiritual.
Now, certainty is a concept, is a vibration,
is a quality of the creator that I must inhabit in order to
be on a spiritual path.
So a spiritual person is also a certain person.
Oh, was it a prayer that you said?
So prayer, okay, I'm sorry, I thought of a certainty.
So prayer, same thing.
Prayer is another technology
by which I can best transform my vessel.
Because every time I pray,
my vessel vibrationally changes
and everything becomes clear and expands
and the energy can come in.
What does prayer look like for you?
Depends on what I'm asking for.
So let's say I don't feel enough certainty.
I'll just keep asking for certainty
in my own language over and over again.
How do you say it?
Give me certainty.
Over and over again.
Give me certainty.
I am certain.
I want certainty.
I have certainty in this.
I have certainty in my happiness.
I have certainty that this thing is good.
And I'll actually go through every problem in my life
and say, I have certainty that this is good.
I have certainty that this is good. I have certainty that this is good. And I'll actually go through every problem in my life and say, I have certainty that this is good. I have certainty that this is good.
I have certainty that this is good.
So I'll start to inject the light force of certainty in everything that is currently
not working.
Because if I don't proactively do that, subconsciously, your mind thinks it's a bad thing.
So you're blocking the energy.
If you do not, if you don't pray, the default is that you think something is bad.
That doesn't go your way. That's just how we're built.
So you actually have to reprogram your body and mind every morning
and point to everything that's not working and say, I have certainty.
I have certainty this is working or this will work or?
All of them work. I have certainty that this is good.
I have certainty that it will work or? All of them work. I have certainty that this is good. I have certainty that it will work. It's actually more powerful to say I have certainty that it is already done. I've already
reached the level of manifestation. It's actually a higher vibration. Okay. Wow. But I let people
kind of comfortably find what works for them. Gotcha. Because sometimes just saying one thing
may not be appealing to someone and you need some baby steps along the way. How often are you praying on a daily basis?
So I have learned that 99% of my day needs to be prayer
and even now-
99% of your day is prayer.
Is prayer, so like even now we're praying.
This is prayer for you.
Well, what maybe the audience doesn't see is that
every pause I'm taking or when you're talking,
in my mind I'm like,
Creator, please make sure that the next word that comes out
is the right word.
So I'll be praying for that.
Or when I'm drinking the water,
I'm saying I want that the light in this water
is what I connect to, not the physicality of the water.
Because everything also has light in this. And what I connect to, not the physicality of the water.
Because everything also has light in it.
So if your intention when you drink or eat is, I'm just hungry.
So you're feeding the pain.
Yeah, you're feeding the body consciousness, which is the doubts, the fears and activity.
So Kabbalists have this whole thing about how to eat food, how to chew food.
Say if you chew food until
it's liquid, actually science says the same thing, chew food until it's liquid, what you're
doing, the mastication of food is separating the physical from the spiritual. And so by
doing that, you're elevating the negative coarser part of the food out
and you're elevating the light that's in it.
So what will happen is your consciousness will be elevated.
But if you're just gonna eat and just shove it in your mouth
and you're like, I'm hungry,
your intention here is to feed and empower
your body consciousness, which is the selfishness,
the insecurity, the neediness, the lust of the body,
the need for power of the body.
So even food is a technology, if used in the right way,
to elevate your consciousness of certainty.
Okay, so that's prayer.
And then the fourth part is physical.
Yes, now, if I did all of this
and I just sat on my couch, there's a problem.
Because while we spiritually need to earn everything,
the body also needs to move.
The body needs to earn itself.
This is why the gym is important.
This is why exercise is important.
Exercise is actually very spiritual.
Kabbalists say that when you sweat,
the sweat is actually the breaking of negativity as well.
And that's why almost every time you sweat, you feel good.
Because you're cleansing negativity.
I sweat all the time
So I must have a negative video needs to come out of me. I sweat very low
So it's a great feeling you sweat when you're pushing when you're proactively pushing yourself
Yeah, so the body's cleansing itself when it sweats another sweat is it's the cleansing of the body consciousness
So and sleep by the way what sleep does
spiritually is the soul is so pure that when it's inundated with all the negativity of this world and the limited consciousness and the fears and
not just of you but everybody around you, the soul needs to recharge and cleanse itself.
Science even says our body rejuvenates itself,
so why do we need to sleep?
Sleep is actually a spiritual process
that the body benefits from.
The soul leaves at night, and the body experiences
actually a little bit of death, and that's why
it starts to cleanse itself.
And you know, a person wakes up in the morning,
they have bad breath, they have this, they have that,
they need to like kind of clean themself,
they need to use the restroom.
It's because when the soul leaves, it's kind of pushing, they have this, they have that, they need to like kind of clean themself, they need to use the restroom. It's because when the soul leaves,
it's kind of pushing, the soul leaves,
it recharges, comes back,
and it pushes out of the body like the negativity.
So there's a cleansing happening every time we sleep.
So why when we sleep well,
we have higher consciousness, we have more certainty,
we have more happiness, we have more joy.
So sleep is also a spiritual process
that enhances these four quadrants.
So the physical work is so important
in terms of the way you eat, the way you sleep,
the way you exercise, all for the sake of
uniting yourself with the Creator,
not to impress someone, or because you're insecure,
shift it to, I wanna be like the Creator,
and actually working in your company, in your
business, like you actually have to put the time in. Elon Musk didn't just say, I have
certainty and you know, did everything. He actually was sitting in his factories working
really hard as well. So when hard work, when a person is just physically working hard,
the reason why it's not working is because they're missing the other three quadrants.
And that is why it feels like nothing's moving.
So you could work really hard, spend tons of time,
but not feel like you're getting a lot of results,
or feel like the results are coming very slowly,
or for others it becomes more effortless,
but for you it's harder, and maybe even doing it for years.
It's because you're not focusing on all four quadrants
to improve the quality of them,
or maybe you're not doing one of them,
or two of them, or whatever it might be.
And so you should be assessing,
okay, within these four areas of my life,
spiritual, certainty, prayer, and physical,
do I have any blocks?
And spiritual.
Yeah, spiritual is number one, right?
Number two, certainty, number three, prayer, number four, physical. Do I have any blocks? And spiritual. Yeah, spiritual is number one, right? Number two, certainty, number three, prayer, number four, physical.
Do I have any blocks?
Am I paying attention to this area of my life or am I neglecting it?
If I'm neglecting it, how can I improve it?
All these different things and making it a daily practice to try to improve all four
of them.
And the truth is, each quadrant, I could probably give 10 to 20 classes and seminars on, like, how to go deeper and what it really means. And all of this is in my master class as well, but this is kind of like the headline of it.
But there's depths of it. And if you go deeper into each one, you will be a manifestation powerhouse.
Everywhere you go, you can open any gate and then you collapse time as well
and you do it much quicker.
What's the area, which key do you struggle with
the most in your life right now?
Spiritual, certainty, physical or prayer or physical?
Which one is blocking you from the next level?
I would say in the spiritual category, at this stage, like things have moved so quickly
for me lately.
So much has come in that it's kind of the negative side is using it as a way to distract me.
What do you mean?
I think that I got to a place
I was so methodical about my spiritual work
and step by step and how do I break through
and then things open.
So as long as things go methodically for me, I'm good. And they go slowly and patiently,
like I'm very structured.
But now it's abundantly flowing to you.
So the creator and the negative side got together and said, okay, how do we really test them?
Let's give him so much momentum that it actually distracts him.
Yeah. So what I've kind of learned now is to not fall into that, or I'm trying to anyways,
I'm trying not to fall into that and constantly rebalance because there's so many shiny objects.
There's so many ways and opportunities and like what do we do and how do we do it that
very easily I can lose myself.
And I have, by the way.
Like there's, I'm not sitting here saying, guys, I got this.
Like I am in the same seat as everybody else.
Not a perfect man.
Just a different level, yeah, yeah, just different levels.
I hate to even say that because it's kinda like,
we're all so different in so many different ways,
but I can just tell you the same mistakes you make, I make.
The same fears you have, I have.
The same problems you have, I deal with on a daily basis.
The same pain, it's all the same.
And in my case, I am just learning that I can very easily get lost in the momentum
of things and I need to always remember what's important. What is important for
me that I'm reminding myself is my family, is the spiritual work that got me here.
Because now he's like,
oh, look, I got all this manifestation,
whatever this happened, that happened.
And you forget, because my teacher,
one of my teachers, Karen Berg, said,
whatever miracle you're having today
is because of seeds you planted six months ago.
Or six years ago.
Six years ago.
Oh, yeah.
So if you want to have miracles again in six months,
or in six years, or in six days, plant
the same seeds now that you did before.
The greatest seed you can plant for miracles is when you are so broken, so at the bottom,
so confused, so hopeless, but you inject happiness, certainty, and you do those four quadrants,
when you're at the bottom, it's the greatest light that can be revealed. So I know that a lot of the great things that are happening in my life today
are from, let me think about it,
it was probably from one of the most painful times of my life.
I mean, a lot of painful things happened last year,
the transition of obviously, you know, family and relationship.
A very painful thing happened four years ago,
which was like one of the worst things that...
Like every four years ago, which was like one of the worst things that ever...
Like every four years, something crazy happens.
And then I know that either a year or two or three years later, there's a huge blessing
that comes as well.
So I'll tell people, if you're going through that now, that darkness, that broken, that
like, I don't even know what to do.
And it's, I'm so scared.
If you apply these four quadrants right now,
it's the greatest soil to plant this seed.
I love that you started this when we talked about
going from kind of broke to millionaire today,
if you had to restart this process or teach this process
to someone who's struggling financially
that's trying to earn a lot of money.
That you don't give some, you know,
go register a business domain or go start an LLC or, you know, buy this book and learn these kind of
financial strategies. You're not teaching that first. You're saying, understand your
spiritual vessel and take an assessment of where you are in the four areas of life, spiritual,
your level of certainty and belief in yourself, your prayer, your
level of prayer and how that looks for you and your physical world.
Because I think a lot of people get ahead of themselves on how do I make money, whatever
you need to create.
I need to come up with some good idea and then execute this idea.
They get ahead of themselves on the product, the process,
who they need to hire before assessing themselves,
creating self-awareness on their life.
And these are the, like you said,
this is the soil for you to expand and grow.
And without having fertile soil,
without having the assessment of these kind of four areas,
you will ultimately
fail or be stressed or be overwhelmed or burdened with something else and be brought back to
these four areas.
That's correct.
So you might be getting ahead of yourself and be successful on the outside, but suffer
on the inside without applying these four keys and constantly being reminded of them.
So that is the first, I don't know
if that's the first four steps for you then, but would there be other steps after that? Once you
were like, okay, I'm going to get into a spiritual practice and ask God to show me what my soul needs
right now to expand my vessel. I'm going to have certainty that this is everything, that everything
that's happening for me is happening for my good, for my benefit,
for growth.
I'm certain this is working out.
I'm certain this is for me.
Thank you so much.
I'm appreciating what you're creating right now into prayer.
Give me the certainty.
I have certainty.
I am certainty.
I am wealth, like saying these things over and over again.
And you can ask for anything.
Yes, yes.
And then making sure that the body is
taking care of itself,
that you are taking care of your body,
you're moving, you're sweating, you're sleeping,
you're intentional about what you're eating
and how you're consuming, all these different things.
Once you've got that foundation
and you still gotta go make money now,
what are you doing next?
Well, here's what's amazing.
When you do these four things,
you are connected on such a vibration
where you start to have divine inspiration.
So the divine ideas and thoughts
become to a person who's doing these four things.
We know that when a person is happy, they receive messages.
When a person is sad, they don't receive messages.
And why?
Because it's a vibration of energy.
Happiness is in line with the light of the creator.
So you're receiving divine inspiration.
You're receiving visions of the future.
You're receiving the right words at the right time.
You're actually finding yourself in the right place
at the right time.
And it's all working out when you're on that vibration.
When you're not in that vibration and you have sadness
or there's laziness or there's
this being stubborn and not listening, then it's like the thoughts are blocked.
The ideas are blocked.
You could be saying the right things, but people don't feel you.
I've heard this so many times.
They'll be like, I hear you saying all the right things, but it's like...
The energy's off. The energy's off.
Or they hear something totally different,
because everybody feels our energy.
They're not listening to our words.
This is a very powerful thing that I've also learned,
because when I started to like want to put content out there,
one of the mistakes I knew I could have made was,
how do I make really the content unique?
And I was talking to somebody else recently,
and she's like, I haven't found my niche
to put out new, unique content.
I don't want to be like every other influencer.
And I said, look, if you're trying to solve this
in the physical realm, this is a niche, this is my niche,
you'll get far, but the world is looking
for something very different.
And I actually think content for our next generation,
what the audience will really appreciate,
I call it content 2.0,
it's less about the hacks of life and,
hey, like we said before,
if you're in a breakup,
block them for 30 days and respect yourself.
All of these things are really great,
but we've heard it a lot.
Then 2.0 is the energy you transmit through the content,
the certainty you transmit through the content,
the spirituality through the work you've done on yourself that you transmit through the content, the spirituality through the work you've done on yourself that you transmit
through the content.
This will be the new era of influencers because people are now, people see through the BS.
People see through the, I'm telling you what I think is great to hear.
But they don't believe it or they don't have certainty around it or something.
Or they're turning off the camera
and going back and screaming at their kids
or cheating on their wife
or whatever it is that's going on.
So they're saying one thing but doing another, right?
And by the way, we're all inauthentic in some way.
Whatever I say to you, am I living it perfectly?
Absolutely not.
The question becomes, what is your desire?
If your desire is to always reach that level,
it is as if you have reached that level.
But if you're really just living two different lives
and you're like, I know this is what the world wants to hear
and this is actually what I wanna do,
that polarity is going to be shut down and not rewarded.
I believe in the next five to 10 years.
So you do not have to be perfect
but you have to have a desire to want
to grow these four quadrants.
The desire itself is the immunity and the protection
and your audience will feel it.
And I really want to emphasize that.
Don't try to be perfect.
I've tried this and it has backfired tremendously. Don't try to be perfect. I've tried
this and it has backfired tremendously. I've tried to look perfect. I've tried this in
my gut. If I'm on a spiritual platform, I can't make any mistakes. I can't... I used
to not leave my house for fear that I would make a mistake and ruin my future. It was
that bad.
That was why I said in the last podcast, I didn't even date a woman from the age of 20
to 29
until the day I got married,
because I was so afraid of making a mistake,
or hurting somebody, having a bad reputation,
somebody calling me an asshole,
somebody calling me a creep, somebody calling me whatever.
And then I realized I was actually avoiding
very much what my probably spiritual work was at the time,
which was need for approval, let's say.
Wow. So it is very-
Because you don't want to be criticized
or you don't want someone to say you're not living up
to the standard that you're preaching
or something like that.
No, I think there's, I feel like I would be,
if I had to get on a stage and say something
and feel that when I got off of it,
I did the exact opposite intentionally,
I would die inside. Like I would feel like I could not. And I think most people cannot do that. You cannot get
on and talk when you know you're doing something else intentionally.
Yeah, it's authentic. It's authentic. It's a disconnection. What is the biggest fear
for you then? We've heard the thing that you maybe, I mean, I guess, again, you're doing
all of these four things at a high level again, you're doing all these four things
at a high level, but you're saying the spiritual aspect is the thing that's speaking to you
that you need to continue to step into.
Even though that's not, it's not like you've erased the spiritual aspect, but you're like,
okay, I need to refocus on this at another level.
But what is the biggest fear you face in your life right now?
Because you have this billion dollar plus brand, you have a growing
audience of communities that are inspired by you. You're the healthiest you've ever been.
You know, your kids are starting to grow up. What is your biggest fear?
You have spiritual wisdom that you've been teaching and serving for a long time.
What's the big fear for you?
I think in some of my most recent walks and meditations and prayer, and I ask, what is
my soul meant to do?
I see a future.
I see a vision of something I know I would love to do and a desire to do and believe I'm meant to do. Let's say for example it's an audience
because again I only started this like a half a year ago or eight months ago.
If I want to reach, if I want to be of service to let's say a hundred million
people, that they learn this wisdom of the creator. Not my wisdom, like, totally be clear about that.
This is not my wisdom, this is not my content.
This is all stuff I've learned from my teachers,
we've learned it from their teachers,
it's thousands of years and I love
that we can have access to it.
And I would love to be part of that process
of bringing it to the world.
But how am I, how would I ask my question?
How would I sabotage that?
Because if I'm a vessel for that,
the question's gonna be, what do I need to do,
expand the vessel to fit that energy
through to 100 million people, right?
I don't know, if my audience is a couple million now,
I would have to become a completely different person
to service 100 million people or a billion people,
and not fall.
There's a lot of times we can get to those numbers and then there's a crash that happens.
I'm always asking myself, what do I need to do to the best of my ability to expand my
vessel to service those souls if I feel that's my purpose?
One of the things that's come up, and I'll just be vulnerable about it is that I think the most dangerous thing we all face, and
I have it real big, is the need for validation. We all love being validated. We love when
people message us and say, that was the best thing.
You're amazing. You're awesome. Hey.
Every time somebody says, that was the best podcast with you and Lewis, I'm sending it to you right away.
Did you see that?
The truth is, it's great to receive thank yous and compliments and validation.
But I asked myself, what's going to happen when you give a seminar for 1,000 people?
I came to your seminar,
you have 4,000 or 5,000 people there.
I asked myself, if I was on the stage,
I would be like, wow,000 people there. And I asked myself, if I was on the stage, like I would be like, wow, like look at me.
And the fact that that would affect me
and change me means I'm not ready for it.
But you've been teaching workshops for 20 years.
I have.
The big audiences, the massive celebrities,
billionaires, like they all come to you and say,
teach me, coach me, help me.
So I remember when I was 24 years old, I started at 20 teaching seminars at 24.
I went on tour and I went to four different cities a week for, for a year.
So I, I don't know what it was.
I did like 200 something seminars.
And so I would go to Phoenix, like 300 people there.
I would go to San Francisco.
There was 700 people there.
Like I went and I went, I went with like a group of five people. I was staying at the great hotels. I was eating people there. I went. And I went. I went with a group of five people.
I was staying at the great hotels. I was eating great food. And I'm like,
this is like rockstar. I felt so great. People come up to you after the speech and
you're amazing and you're changing my life and thank you. So new for me. I'm like, this is amazing.
You feel like you're changing the world. You feel like you're doing something spiritual.
I think after the 30th one, and it's the same seminar over and over again,
I think after the 30th one, and it's the same seminar over and over again.
I was exhausted.
I'm like, I don't want to do this anymore.
I don't want to see people anymore.
I remember vomiting in the airports,
I was sleeping enough, and flight after flight after flight.
I'm like, I didn't want it at all.
I didn't want to go to another city.
At some point, people coming up to you and saying,
that was great, becomes the opposite. It's more like you feel like they're taking energy from you.
Now they're telling you the whole life story for three hours, and you're trying to be president,
serve, and you're like, okay, now I'm exhausted.
Correct. Before it was like, wow, look, they want my energy. Now it's like, oh my God,
they want my energy.
Right, right, right.
So I remember calling my mentor at the time, and I said to him, so why? Like one of the wisest spiritual teachers is Michael Bergen.
I said to him, I said, I don't want to do this anymore.
Like I'm exhausted.
I want to come back to LA.
I want to sleep in my bed.
I want to like just teach there.
And he said to me something I'll never forget, one of the most profound things he ever said.
He said, you need to know everything you've done up to this point
actually was no revelation of light
because you were the taker.
You went to San Francisco and you took validation from them.
I know it looked like you gave them,
but you took from them.
But you did it because you were excited
about the validation you were getting.
And so, yes, they look like they were inspired, but to the extent of the taking
is they're not going to be left with the blessing and the miracle. They're not going to remember
the wisdom. The reason why we still, there's the major religions of Christianity and Buddhism
and Islam and Judaism, the reason why these words, these great sages, still continue to today is because they perfected
their need for approval.
They perfected their vessel to truly be pure channels.
And so their words became immortal.
And the reason why most people just forget about us
after a certain point is because our words are not
immortal because we are really like,
we're mixing some purity with a lot of selfishness as well.
And I thought to myself,
to the extent of my need for validation
is to the extent that not only will my words not carry,
not only will the message not carry,
but I will not be able to reach that group of people.
So he said to me, he said, from this moment on,
everything you do will actually be giving
because you don't want to do it anymore.
You're not even enjoying it.
Ha, ha, ha.
You look at someone approaching you, you're like,
oh God. Oh no, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then when you look them in the eye
and you talk to them, this is you are now God
because you don't have any desire to receive for yourself.
But isn't the whole point of life to receive?
So how, we're creating something to serve. Very deep question. desire to receive for yourself. But isn't the whole point of life to receive? Yes. So,
we're creating something to serve. Very deep question. We're creating because we want to serve,
and the whole point is to receive all of our life's desires and dreams and manifestations and
abundance, right? So, do we just create and not receive anything? You are now asking the most powerful question. And from this moment on, if I answer it,
we're actually now studying Kabbalah.
Because everything before this was like pre-Kabbalah.
It was like scrimmage.
Because I didn't...
It's JV.
I rarely... Yeah, it was JV.
Now we're in the varsity.
If you want to hear the answer to this, because...
And for the audience that's gonna hear it,
it's going to sound contradictory,
and it's gonna bend your mind a little bit,
but you're gonna feel the energy of it. And for the audience that's gonna hear it, it's going to sound contradictory and it's gonna bend your mind a little bit,
but you're gonna feel the energy of it.
Because Kabbalah is so powerful and advanced
and I almost never on a podcast format will go into it.
I'll do it in my master classes,
because we have time, but here's the thing.
There are two vessels inside of you to receive.
One is called a linear vessel
and one is called a circular vessel. What
do we know about a linear vessel? It has a beginning and an end. Meaning, if you feed
that vessel, you're always going to feel good and then it's going to be gone. And this is
how most people feel. I got validation, I feel amazing, and then tomorrow I need it
again. Most people are operating in a linear vessel.
When you get to that point where you no longer enjoy the giving and you still push through
with the intention of I'm doing this
to become one with the creator,
because I just want to fit into your form.
You now shift to a circular vessel.
The circular vessel is endless and no chaos can come
in this. And now you can receive endlessly because what happens when you don't care anymore,
but you still give, I can give you a million dollars. I can give you a hundred million dollars.
I can have a million people say you're amazing. It won't affect you because you're serving now.
You're looking for validation from the Creator.
You can only get to that second phase when you no longer are in the mood to give, and then you shift through that darkness.
So what does that look like specifically for you right now?
Or for someone watching right now?
Maybe they do something, maybe it's with a good intention, but unconsciously, or they
still want that validation, or they still want someone to acknowledge them, or they
still want someone to appreciate how hard they're showing up for them, or whatever.
Maybe it's an employee and they want that from their boss consistently.
Maybe it's your romantic partnership.
You do something for your partner and they're not thanking me or appreciating me enough.
I'm guilty of all those things.
So what would the process look like for anyone or for yourself to going from a linear vessel of
I'm gonna do something and I hope to get something.
Yeah, and then I gotta do it all over again.
And then I gotta keep showing up every day.
And then if somebody doesn't give you validation,
you're depressed for three, four days.
Well, you're resentful, you're frustrated,
you're, you know, whatever,
you're negative, you're negative thought process.
So how do we get out of this linear loop
that holds us back from needing something consistently
when we still need things to live and survive also
in the physical realm to getting into a circular place
where you don't care about receiving something,
but you still give and then you receive it
99% of this spiritual work is just wanting it. So, what I hope from this podcast, everyone
hearing is, hey, we're all in the same boat. We all want validation. We want everyone to
love us. Like, we want to be the man, we want to be the woman, we want to be it.
Let's admit that that's our problem.
And then let's pray, ask, and desire and say,
I want to get to this circular place
where I don't need it at all and I can truly serve
and be a giver and I receive only the validation
of the Creator.
I invoice the Creator, I don't invoice the people. I have learned that when
I make do a favor for someone immediately, I write an invoice
to the creator. I do not. Otherwise, I will look for
something from the person. I did something for them. Why aren't
they doing something for me? There's nothing more powerful
than invoicing the creator.
So what does that look like? You do something for someone else.
You give a speech, you do this podcast,
and a thousand people message you,
you're amazing, David, that was incredible,
you blew my mind, thank you for your wisdom,
and you're changing my life.
How do you invoice the Creator
instead of people validating it?
When it's coming to you,
you have to pause constantly and say,
okay, one second, what is this doing to me?
Is this inflating my ego? Is this making me feel a certain way? How do I recalibrate myself
back to becoming the vessel that creates miracles? How do I get back to being the cause? Because
as soon as somebody validates you, you become the effect.
Now they are controlling my mood. I'm no longer in the vibration of God
and the Creator, and I am now actually not planting any more seeds. Now, that doesn't mean we
shouldn't compliment people. We should. And you don't want to bypass and say,
oh, is all the Creator, you know, you don't want to bypass it either.
You don't want to say, oh, it's not me, it's the Creator.
Never say that to them. You always say thank you to them. You never say, oh, no, no, it's not me, it's the creators. Never say that to them. You always say thank you to them. You never say, oh no, no, it's not me
because you're also now rejecting their ability
to shine their light.
You're blocking their gift.
You're exactly.
So it's the constant calibration of,
this is why slow and steady wins the race.
And if you get too successful too fast.
So true.
Yeah, you get too famous too fast.
It's almost impossible to recalibrate your consciousness.
You almost have to fall and then the recalibration happens, which by the way, it happened to
me many times.
I've fallen and then I had to recalibrate.
I'm learning now if I want to go at this momentum, I need to like pray more.
I need to like ground myself more.
I need to spend time with people who have achieved this.
I went to dinner.
I was in Miami. I went to spend time with people who have achieved this. I went to dinner. I was in Miami.
I went to dinner with someone.
I had two options. To go somewhere really fun or go to this dinner.
I went to the dinner, it was three people.
I'm trying to see if I am allowed to say his name
because I think that he would appreciate it.
It will be context of the story.
Do you remember Adam Newman from-
Yeah, we work.
We work, right? Yeah. He's got a great story, right? and it'll be context of the story. Do you remember Adam Newman from... Yeah, we work.
We work, right?
So, he's got a great story, right?
So, Adam...
A lot of people don't like his story, but yeah.
A lot of people don't like it. I'm not here to like him in a painting.
But there's a very powerful...
Uh-huh, well he freaking exploded,
and this massive unicorn got a huge investment,
but then it all crumbled.
We Crash was the documentary.
I was in it.
You were in it?
Well, they took a part of my...
Oh wait, actually I...
They took an interview clip of mine and recreated it.
Oh really?
Because I had the only interview with Rebecca.
Oh yes.
And so they kind of recreated that clip of me
and they even say like School of Greatness,
but it was some actor.
That's some boy.
Anyways. I love that.
We had dinner with him.
So I met Adam for the first time before he had WeWork.
And I was teaching privately in someone's home.
And he was-
Before he had WeWork, you met him.
He had his other company.
Before he was Adam.
There was no- and he was learning Kabbalah in this home.
Yeah, it was a private thing.
So I've known him all these years. and he has been an incredible, he and Rebecca have
been incredible friends, mentors, guides in so many different ways.
Like when you get to know who they are and the love they have and what they want to give,
like I've always kept them by myself.
So and Mary Ruth.
I went to the school that she created, and I thought it was fascinating concept,
and I was there, and I was watching,
I was like, these kids are playing music in the morning,
and they're running around, and it's creative learning,
and yeah, I was like-
I just heard about the school in Miami,
she was just telling me about it,
I'm like, oh my God, I want this in LA.
I would love my kids to be in LA.
So, I went to this dinner, and he said to me,
he said, look, I see what's happening to you.
I see what's happening to your platform, I see what's happening to you. I see what's happening to your platform.
I see what's happening to your business.
And it was a four-hour conversation.
And what I got from that was basically the energy of,
we hope we never want you to crash.
Here are the things you should do.
So that it doesn't happen.
Well, what do you say?
So the biggest thing was the validation.
Ah, you said you have to be from a validation point of view.
You have to make sure that you do not allow this to take you from the core of who you are. And from everything you did to get to this point,
reconnect with your spirituality deeper and deeper than ever.
Reconnect with your mentors and teachers
and the ones who were there for you
more deeper and deeper than ever before.
They also have something very interesting.
They have a great relationship together,
and he said, you know, being in a relationship,
being in a healthy relationship, a romantic relationship,
whatever, like this is also a very important thing
in which you choose wisely.
The greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life
is my relationship, partnership with Mary Ruth,
a female figure in my life who undoubtedly without her
I would not be anywhere that I am today.
Like, I owe everything to her.
And so whoever that partner is in
your life, right, the way Mairuth took me from who I was to where I am today, and whatever
that next chapter of my life is, like this, they said, was so valuable because that is
who you're spending the most time with. That is who is affecting your consciousness. That's
who is affecting your belief systems. And so this is a very important thing as well.
And the third thing they said, remember the intention of why you are teaching this wisdom.
And it is only about the light of the creator
and helping people connect with the light of the creator,
know the creator and not know you.
Because one of the things I struggled with is
as a marketer by trade,
what's the smartest way to bring this wisdom out?
Personal brand?
Personal brand.
So that's interesting.
So how do you build personal brand?
Because people need to hear from a messenger.
They need to hear from people that they can connect with
or relate to from their story, their backstory.
And so how do you or how does anyone build a personal brand
without losing themselves in the desire
to be validated constantly
from their community or audience?
Because the personal brand is gonna help you
probably get to the next level of reaching people.
They need to know about you
if you wanna impact of reaching people. They need to know about you if you want to impact a hundred million people.
But how do you now let that take over your soul of like, oh, I'm the man or I have all this attention or people love me.
So I don't know.
I don't know yet because I'm just going to be honest.
I don't, I don't fully know because I'm going through it.
And I also believe I'm failing gonna be honest. I don't fully know because I'm going through it. And I also believe I'm failing, by the way.
I remind myself every day, most likely you're failing this.
Because that will actually position me better
to not be delusional.
So most likely I'm failing.
I got it all figured out, I'm doing perfect, yeah.
It is so scary to me, because it's happened to me
and I've seen it happen to people very
close to me. So I almost always assume that I'm not doing it right. So do I know how to
do that? I'm struggling with it. I am praying every day. And I think this is probably the
answer. I know my heart's in the right place. I know my intention is I want to be pure.
I don't want to be corrupted.
I don't want to fall to this.
I do see my negativity come up regularly
and this is new negativity, right?
Because I've never been in this position before.
So like, I'm so human.
Like I always want to let the world know,
like I am human, like know that I'm gonna disappoint you.
And I am doing right now the best I can,
which is pray and ask and just be around good people
who I know will call me out.
And they called me out for like four hours.
And the first thing, and I felt my soul.
And I left and then I called, I texted them the next day,
I said, I need to hear that more often
and I want to have that because it's not the words they said. Remember, they've gone through it. They've put the highest high, I said, I need to hear that more often, and I want to have that. Because it's not the words they said.
Remember, they've gone through it.
They've put the highest high, all the attention,
all the investors, all the money, all the press,
and then boom.
And one of the things I asked, I said, what was really,
what really, like, what's the one thing that really did it?
It's those covers of the magazines they said.
I mean, can you imagine being on the cover of Forbes cover of times? Like, I can't, I know if I, if that
happened to me, you mean it got his validation too big or I just like how all the energy
happened, right? Like once all of that happens, right. And I, and I, I really hope it's okay.
I shared this. I believe that they would want this message to be out there. Um, I know if
I was on the cover of Forbes,
I'd probably be demolished.
My soul would probably rot at that point.
Level of ego that would.
But if someone is, so how then?
Me, I'm not saying other people,
I'm saying from me at this stage.
Let's say if that's something that you desire
to reach hundreds of millions of people
and spread a message of light, energy, love, and wholeness to the world.
And people want to acknowledge you to spread this message on the cover of magazines, on podcasts, or whatever it might be, billboards, whatever, everything.
It's like you're out there, your face.
David Guillaume.
The man.
The man who brings the message to the mass.
Yeah. David Guillaume. You know, it's like. Yeah. The man who brings the message to the mass.
How will you approach that to say, oh, yes, I desire this also to bring it and this is
a consequence of me spreading this truth, spreading this message, and I want to be on
the cover of things and things are going to happen for me and millions of people are going
to see these things.
How will you set your future self up now? What seed are you planting now to set yourself up
so that you don't lose yourself, your ego in the linear vessel and you go into this circular vessel
of I'm just pouring this back into the creator, back into light, energy and redoing those four
keys of my life and making sure I'm have the foundation and putting in circular, not linear.
What's the seed you need to plant now for that to happen?
So when you're on the cover of fours,
when you're on the cover of whatever,
it doesn't get to you.
That is the question.
Yes. And that is,
I think the only solution,
I need to ask myself that question every day.
Because it's coming.
If you desire it, it will happen.
The momentum is there.
Yeah, there are things that I see and that I feel,
which means it's destined to happen,
either in this lifetime or next.
That's my free will.
Time will be the free will of when it happens.
So if the creator is speaking to you right now
and saying this is exactly what you need to do
in order for you to receive all the blessings
and to be able to share my message with the world
and to serve humanity at the highest level,
to bring them light, to expand their vessel
so they are able to remind themselves
that they are made of pure love and wholeness,
what does the Creator need to say to you so that your ego doesn't think you're the one doing this
when the fame, the success, the magazine covers come your way?
This is why I spend time with you,
because you ask me this question all the time.
So I'm trying to take myself out of my body and ask if the creator was asking me.
Or what is the creator telling you?
You know, there's a...
It's harder for me to describe in words, but I can describe in feelings.
There's a feeling I have.
I know when I've been broken and like what that broken feeling is and I
still go out there, that feeling is a very powerful place to be. That it's like
you're broken but you're appreciative, you're broken but you're happy. That's
the only protection and I have to always try to connect to that energy and duplicate that so that crashing doesn't do that.
And just as you're saying it, I think I would need to take even more time out of my day.
Instead of manifesting things, instead of working, instead of trying to make more money,
I need to work on building that feeling and that consciousness because that vessel is what's going to be
able to hold that future that you just talked about.
And I think what I'm actually realizing as I'm talking to you is the negative side, this
dark force that we all have an opponent, this opponent could very well be giving me so much
good things so that I don't spend any time or I just don't have the time to
reconnect to that consciousness of a broken vessel.
Because you have so much momentum, so many opportunities.
Oh, this is all these blessings are coming to me and my whole purpose is to receive them.
So I'm receiving, I'm receiving all this is coming, it's coming.
So all these things I'm doing will draw in the energy, but I'm actually not taking the time
to build the vessel that will hold it when it comes.
That's the danger.
So it's getting away from those four keys.
It's like, it's just because you have so much going on
that all your day is stacked
that you kind of forget about the four keys.
That is the scariest thing here.
When you get so busy and the day is stacked
because the good things are happening, you
then forget the spiritual and the spiritual things you did to get there.
You know what's interesting?
I had a pastor on a couple of years ago named Michael Todd, a Christian pastor.
And he had a book come out that was on the New York Times list.
I can't remember the exact, I think it was like three months, every week in a row for like three months, something like this.
And early on in his pastor mentorship with like the pastor that taught him how to be a pastor and the person he was being mentored under.
his past his pastor mentor said before you get into this I want to remind you that you know I take a month every year to recharge and every year it doesn't matter if everything's going well
everything's going wrong like I take a month every year to to reset and I do no work, no work for a month, no preaching, nothing. I'm with my family,
I'm recovering, etc. And he had been doing this every year for I don't know, seven or eight years
as long as he's been doing his church. And his church just took off, like crushing, like he saw
him everywhere, his audience, his platform, the church, everything is crushing. The New York Times bestselling book, and the week it went on,
he was on the New York Times bestseller list for every week for three months or something,
or five months. The week it stopped being on the New York Times bestseller list was the first week
of his month of that year of his taking off time. And I go, why would you stop the momentum?
And he goes, because I made a commitment, and my pastor mentor told me early on that great
things are going to happen. But if I don't take time for me and my health and my relationships
with my wife, my kids, like, I'll eventually fall. Wow, what a discipline.
And he had a transformation with his own physical health over the last couple years.
And it's like, I think there's something to that.
There's a scary thing of blocking your momentum and stopping it because you're like, but this
opportunity and this thing and this thing.
But it's like, if you're not willing to take care of these other things and stop yourself
to pause, doesn't mean you have to block the flow of abundance coming to you but take
time to really recharge and it might have to be in the middle of the greatest
like momentum you've ever had. It's so hard. It's really hard. I think what you
just said is so many people talk about how to make it, very few people talk
about how to hold it, sustain it. being circular, not a start and end.
That's right. And so that it doesn't like end and you have to restart all some momentum because
you have a big crash. Correct. You know, going back to the WeWork founders is like, they're fine.
I mean, they've got tons of money still, but have they really rebuilt something again? You know,
it's like, so the bigger the crash is probably like, it takes more time to build momentum up again, right?
You gotta let the dust settle,
you gotta recalibrate your own personality,
all these different things, right?
And maybe they've got so much money,
it doesn't matter anymore, but it's like,
there's still a recovery phase that happens when you crash.
To course correct, to get back on track,
to heal, mend whatever you need to mend.
And so it's just something to think about. Yeah, we don't talk about it enough. Yeah. That's need to mend. And so it's just something to think about.
We don't talk about it enough.
Yeah. That's for sure.
Yeah, so it's just something to think about.
But I mean, so that's your biggest fear.
After you said it, and that's what I heard.
That's what came up for you.
That's what came up for me.
To make the time, or even take the time off,
to always recalibrate and get to that one feeling
I had before, that I knew that was the perfect vessel.
That was the circular vessel.
When you're broken and you're crushed and you feel rejected
and you feel like humiliated,
you don't even wanna walk outside,
but you still show up, then you're just a giver.
It's not about you anymore,
but then everybody loves you again.
And then that's a problem, right?
And the catalyst I can say that because when you do, when you're broken, you go out there and you give, then the miracles come and then everybody loves you again, and then that's a problem. And the catalyst I can say that because when you do,
when you're broke and you go out there and you give,
then the miracles come and then everybody loves you.
So you keep, there's manifestation,
and then you need to recreate the vessel.
The question is, do you recreate it proactively,
which is very hard, or do you wait for the universe
to crush you to build it?
Man, how to go from broke to millionaire?
It's all about the foundational stuff.
And just really the kind of the mindset stuff behind it
because you know a lot of people have made a lot of money
and lost it all.
And so it's like, what's the point of doing it
unless you have the wholeness and the peace
and the certainty within you that you are creating
from a place of not needing the validation.
You know, receiving the blessings that come to you and creating meaningful relationships with people,
but not doing it because you need the validation, but doing it because you want to give from a place of service
and from a place of, I guess, giving it all up to the creator.
Only looking for validation from the creator. Only looking for validation from the creator.
And what do you say, taking receipts from the creator?
What is that, invoicing the creator?
Invoicing the creator.
What does that mean, invoicing the creator?
So when you do a service for someone,
then you send them an invoice and say,
here's what you have to pay for my services, right?
And one of the ways I've learned
to kind of let go of resentment
is I will do something for someone, I'll give them time, maybe money, maybe energy, and maybe they don't appreciate, maybe they do nothing with it.
But I know that that energy is not lost. So I go to the Creator and I say, Creator, I am now invoicing you. You have to pay this bill.
Wow, that's cool.
So you pay the bill through any way you want, and then I'm not resenting the person anymore.
Because you trust the creator is going
to bring you everything you need.
You trust, and you also basically say, hey, look,
this is my services.
This is how much energy I use.
This is my vessel I created.
And this is a bond.
You need to pay me for my service.
Pay me for my services.
Well, you obviously have to let go about when and how it
Yeah, and how much.
And how much.
I did this much energy, pay me a billion dollars now.
Yeah, it's not gonna happen.
You should never look to take from the people.
You should only look to receive from the creator.
Now the creator may send the people to give to you,
but your intention should never be,
because otherwise that's when we get upset with people.
And resentful.
Man, that's been one of the biggest challenge for me. It's like, it's funny because I took this test
or this like online quiz of like,
who's your Disney character?
I don't know if you've ever like,
you know what I'm talking about?
Like the BuzzFeed or something,
or it's like of like the thousand Disney characters.
It's like your personality test of like who you are, right?
And mine was Maui.
And Maui feels like he does all these things
for all these people and no one appreciates him. Oh my god. I was like, yeah, that's probably
me. You know, it's like, yeah. And so it was just a good reminder to be like, okay, I need
to stop needing the appreciation of people. And I used to be an extreme people pleaser.
We're like, I'm just gonna give, give, give, give, give. And they didn't, people didn't,
you know, acknowledge it or whatever. Right. And I'm like, mother, ever. You know, give, give, give, give. And they didn't, people didn't, you know, acknowledge it or whatever. And I'm like, mother, ever.
So, you know, like what's going on?
I'm like putting all this energy into this
and they're taking it,
but not even a thank you or whatever, right?
That's the whole Maui's thing.
It's like, he says thank you, you're welcome or whatever.
Right? So.
Oh my gosh, that's so powerful.
He's like, I brought the moon down for you
and you didn't even say thank me.
I brought the fricking land up.
He didn't say thank you.
All these things in the songs.
So I was like, yeah, I can relate to that.
That makes sense.
And it speaks true to me what you're saying.
Instead of like needing the acknowledgement from people
or needing someone to thank you
or needing someone to give you something in return
or whatever it might be,
if I'm wanting to truly be of service,
then all I should be thinking of
is gratitude from the Creator,
not gratitude from people.
Now, I think it'd be nice to have some type of decency of just a simple thank you because
I don't know, I feel like there's something there in exchange of energy with people still.
People are programmed not to give you something that you are looking for from them.
That's what's interesting.
People like to give to people who don't feel entitled to it
in any way or are not even expecting it.
And so when you talk to the creator
and you still feel you deserve,
but from the creator, you say,
creator, I trust the way you will manifest it with people.
Then your energy is like very like whole and complete
and then people actually wanna give to you more.
And that's when they actually come to you.
Very fascinating.
That's interesting.
So it's cool. Don't look for validation from people. Invoice God or the creator to pay you for your
services. And it may show up in people providing an opportunity or jobs or whatever it might be.
He'll send the people and the people have no choice but they'll come here like, I don't even
know why, but I got to do this for you. Wow. That's beautiful, man. Well, I appreciate you, David, for coming to the house.
This has been a powerful episode, again,
for people watching or listening.
Leave your biggest takeaway from this episode.
What opened up for you?
What spoke to you?
What resonated?
What is the one thing you needed to hear today?
And what's the one action step you're gonna take
to support you in the four keys of your life?
Spiritual, certainty, prayer, and physical?
And also, what action step are you going to take to go from a linear vessel into a circular
vessel in your life?
Share this with a friend.
Let us know even though we don't need the validation.
Let us know, you know, what is speaking to you, what is resonating to you.
Don't worry, we won't hold on to all the validation.
We'll bring it in a minute.
We'll speak to each other.
Don't, yeah, yeah, we'll speak to each other.
But we appreciate all of your comments
in the previous videos and episodes
and everyone sharing this with people.
I appreciate you, David, for being a channel
of inspiration, of hope, of wisdom
from our ancestors
and wise individuals before us,
and being able to communicate in a way
that people can understand it,
and communicating the message in a way
where people can resonate and connect with it,
exactly where they're at in their life.
And I hope everyone watching and listening,
hears exactly what they need to hear
and they act on that thing in the next step.
I'm not expecting people to understand all of it and try to apply it all at once.
It's a lot.
But if there's one thing that's speaking to you, the thing that that hits you in
your heart or your chest and something really like, yeah, I know I need to work
on that or oh that spoke to me or I can relate to that move into that fear, move
into that pain, say thank you.
What a blessing.
What a pleasure and lean into it. So, say thank you, what a blessing, what a pleasure,
and lean into it.
So David, thank you so much for being here., your social media, DavidGhiam as well.
You've got master classes on this wisdom.
It goes extensively on your website as well.
And I'm excited to keep creating together, my man.
Appreciate you.
Thank you so much.
I have a brand new book called
Make Money Easy and if you're looking to create more financial freedom in your life, you want
abundance in your life and you want to stop making money hard in your life but you want to make it
easier, you want to make it flow, you want to feel abundant, then make sure to go to
make sure to go to make money easy book dot com right now and get yourself a copy.
I really think this is going to help you
transform your relationship with money this moment moving forward.
We have some big guests and content coming up.
Make sure you're following and stay tuned
to the next episode on the school of greatness.
I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. episode on the School of Greatness. personally, as well as ad free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our greatness plus channel exclusively on Apple podcasts. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple podcasts as well.
Let me know what you enjoyed about this episode in that review.
I really love hearing feedback from you and it helps us figure out how we can support
and serve you moving forward.
And I want to remind you of no one has told you lately that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go
out there and do something great.