The School of Greatness - 411 Inward to Outward
Episode Date: November 25, 2016"Whatever we think about inward, we create outward." - Lewis Howes If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at ...
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I'm in a Friday episode number 411 inwards to outwards I'm with my family this entire week
in Charlotte North Carolina my sister lives here and the rest of my family came to spend
Thanksgiving weekend the holiday weekend here in the United States. And what has come up for me this week is that whatever we
think about inward, we create outward. Whatever we believe on the inside about ourselves,
that's how we're going to feel on the outside. That's what we're going to create. That's what
we're going to attract. When we think negative things, we create from a negative space.
When we believe that we are loved, we're worthy, we're confident, we create from a loving,
worthy space.
You know, our thoughts, they turn into real things.
That's why I believe in the power of dreams.
Because whenever I dream something,
then I create a clear game plan. I take action. I surround myself with the necessary tools,
insights, information, the team, and I take one step every single day towards achieving that dream.
Now, if I have an inward nightmare about myself, about my fears about the world, about my
nightmare about myself, about my fears about the world, about my frustrations from what has happened in the past in my life the years before, or if I'm worried about what might happen in the future, or
what things have changed in our society right now that might affect me five, ten years down the line.
When I fixate on negative things of the past that have happened or what could
potentially go wrong in the future, I'm always going to be living in a negative space. I'm always
going to be living in worry, in fear, in frustration. And that's going to show on the outside
in my relationships. They're going to be fearful. They're going to be worrisome. They're going to be
frustrating. They're going to be angry because I'm living inward this fear. What you do inside, you create on the outside.
What you think, you become. What you believe, you create. Focus every single day on doing something to support an inward belief of positivity, an inward momentum of love.
Be the cheerleader for yourself on the inside, guys. This is so important. You have the tools
available for you to live a beautiful and incredible life. You have the insights. All
the information is available for you you whether you get it from my
podcast or you get it from somewhere else the tools are available it's your responsibility to
seek the information it's your duty to show up looking for the tools that will support you
to move forward from a negative place in your life from a confusion place in your life, from a confusion place in your life, from a scarce place in your life, from a fearful place in your life. It's your duty to find the information and then take action
on a daily basis to move forward. Build those positive habits. Build those routines. Guys,
that's what we talk about this. This is the reason why I went to India for two weeks to develop more skills on meditation,
more tools and insight on how I can practice every single day, becoming better and treating myself better.
You know, I can be the king of negativity inwardly if I want to be.
I can be wrapped up in all these conversations and stories and fears from the past and worry
of what could happen in the future.
That's, I think that's my makeup, right?
That's like, that's how I've lived in the past.
And that's why I continue to do the work.
That's why I continue to surround myself with inspiring people.
That's why I continue to express gratitude on a moment by moment basis.
Or whenever I'm out of sync, I am expressing gratitude.
This is a part of my life.
It's not just a once in a time, once in a while thing.
It's an all the time thing.
That's why I continue to move forward.
What I believe on the inside, I create on the outside.
What you focus on internally, you're going to create,
you're going to bring to life, whether it be your health,
your relationships, your finances, those ideas, ideas those thoughts those shape our reality guys your ideas
what you think what you believe shapes what you create you can always change
your thoughts your ideas and your beliefs in fact you change them many
times throughout your life about certain things. You may have thought something was truth and the fact when you were younger, and then you
realized, oh, that's not truth to me anymore. That's not the facts to me anymore. I have a
different belief around something. You can always change the way you think based on creating a
different reality for yourself. Your thoughts shape your life.
Focus on giving yourself beautiful thoughts.
Focus on having a support system for your inside
so that your outside is a beautiful experience.
If you found this helpful,
please share it with your friends, slash 411.
Guys, we do this every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
And I'm so blessed and grateful that you're part of this movement of greatness.
It's all about discovering and finding the tools and information to inspire us to get
to the next step in our life, to get to the next level, to be great in our lives, whatever
greatness means to you.
If you enjoyed this, let me know.
Send me a message on social media.
I'm at Lewis Howes everywhere online.
So make sure to connect with me, say hi,
and you guys know what time it is.
It's time to go out there and do something great. Thank you.