The School of Greatness - 443 Will Your Big Idea Make You Money?
Episode Date: February 8, 2017If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes, video, and more at ...
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Episode number 443, Will Your Big Idea Make You Money?
Welcome to the School of Greatness.
My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur.
And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message
to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness.
Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the
class begin. Welcome everyone to the School of Greatness podcast. I get this a lot, guys. I get
so many people coming to me saying, hey, Lewis, I've got this big idea. Will you check it out?
Will you let me know if you think it's going to be amazing? It's going to make me so much money.
I just know it.
And they've been saying this for six months or a year,
and they've never actually tested it
to see if people would actually pay for that big idea.
They sit on it.
They need it to be perfect looking.
They need to have the design right.
They need to have all the pieces in place.
And I just feel like that's a big mistake,
especially in this time of day, because with the internet and with how everything is evolving and
shifting and moving so quickly, your big idea might be great right now, but in a year, it might
be old and dead and new technologies have come in or new needs have come in for people. And it's not
a big idea anymore.
So we're talking about how do we make sure we understand it is profitable right now so
you can get it out as quickly as possible.
We're covering the four-step process for figuring out if your idea will be profitable.
We also have a quiz at the end.
profitable. We also have a quiz at the end. You'll go to the show notes, slash 443,
and there will be a free quiz that you'll walk through to make sure that your idea is profitable.
So without further ado, here's the four-step process for figuring out if you have a profitable idea. What's up everyone? This is episode number 443. Will your big idea make you money? Oh man,
I get so many people coming to me with big ideas all the time. Lewis, what do you think of this
idea? Lewis, this is going to make me a lot of money. And a lot of times they're not going to
make them anything. There's a few reasons why they're not going to make them anything and
they're going to struggle along the process. And in this episode, we have a four-part process
to walk you through and guide you through a journey of figuring out if your big idea will
actually be profitable and will actually make you money or if it's going to be a waste of your time and lose you money.
So make sure to watch this entire thing, share it with your friends.
And if this is the first time you're here, the previous episode, 440,
we talked about the top 10 ways to make money online.
So make sure to watch that one as well.
And then come back to this one.
Now, no matter how excited you are about this and you've told a few friends and they said,
yes, this is going to be awesome. It's going to be huge. It's going to make you millions.
It's not going to work unless you test this. I had a guy come to me a few weeks ago and say,
Lewis, I've got this big idea. And he showed me an image of it. And he was like, you got to sign
an NDA first for me to show you it. It's going to blow up. It's going to be massive. And the idea sounded interesting. But to be
honest, he'd been working on this for over a year and he had never even launched it out there
or had anyone buy it or even tested to see if it was actually going to work.
So I don't care how big the idea is. There is no such thing as a million-dollar idea, only million-dollar executions.
A mentor of mine told me that years ago, and it stuck with me.
So I don't care how big the idea is, how great you think it is, how much money you think it's going to make.
It's not going to make you a dime if you don't test it first to make sure it works
and also if you don't execute it the right way. So we're going to cover the four-part process for how to make sure that your idea is actually
going to be profitable and make sure that it's something that you should actually launch
or something that you should completely forget and go back to the drawing board.
The first thing is to do your research.
That's right.
Most people don't do this.
They think they have the best idea, and then they're just like, let's launch this. Let's right. Most people don't do this. They think they have the best idea,
and then they're just like, let's launch this. Let's figure it out. Do the research in your space. See who else has products, services, courses, whatever it may be around the topic
that you're thinking about. Make sure you figure out, see what's working, what's missing in your
space. Do people actually need this thing, or is this just an idea that you came up with?
And since you came up with it, your ego is telling you it's the greatest thing in the
If there's not a need for this thing, then it's not going to work.
Number two is to make an outline and make an outline that's detailed about how you're
going to teach this to other people.
And think about if I can't explain this in one sentence of what it is, who it's for,
and how it's going to help those individuals, if it's confusing in one sentence, if you're
like, well, it's this thing and this thing and this thing and all these things combined
and it's going to help them with this and this and this, I'm lost.
I'm confused.
The more clear you are in your story, in your messaging, the easier it will
be to sell your idea. So really get clear and have a detailed outline of what it is, who it's for,
and how it's going to help them. Number three, test out teaching your idea to friends or a few
target customers. So you want to get this going. You want to get some feedback.
You want to make sure that it's actually going to serve your audience, but you want to test it first
before you launch it out into the world. So find a few friends, offer the service, give them the
product, walk them through the solution, whatever it may be for your big idea. Get feedback. If they
said this was the biggest thing they've ever seen, this is a hit,
I will pay a certain amount of money for this, then you might have something to keep working on.
So make sure you test out your idea. That's number three. Number four is to launch it with a live event. Now this could be with a webinar or Facebook Live, a YouTube Live. This could also be a
Kickstarter campaign where you're going to launch it and you're going to either teach or share part of it and then sell the product or service at the end.
So you're not going to give them everything if you're teaching them in a course or product.
You want to give them kind of a teaser of what this will be and then say, hey guys, I'm going
to deliver this to you in the future. Pay me now and And in the future, I'm going to deliver this to you
just like you do on Kickstarter. You sign up for the product, sometimes a year or two in advance
before you get it to say, hey, this is something I'm interested in. This is something I want. And
I'm willing to take out my credit card and pay you for it right now, even though I'm not going
to get it until maybe months, maybe years down the line like most Kickstarter campaigns. So you can do it on Kickstarter. You could try this with a webinar, which is where I
like to test things. I'll do a live webinar. I'll give an hour-long teaching or training of what
part of the solution is. And then if people want the entire solution, they'll pay up front. It
gives me a week or two to develop the training or the product
and then i'll deliver the product a few weeks down the line when i'm ready to deliver it but first
i'm getting proof of concept i'm getting people saying yes lewis here's some money i want this
solution for my life i want this product in my life and i'm willing to pay you up front for it
to to get it
down the line. I understand I'm not going to receive it right now and that's okay. But when
you can do that, when you can get people to pay you before they even get a dime, then you know
you're onto something. Then you know that your idea is profitable and it's something that you
should go in full steam ahead. So think about launching something first, making sure you get
great feedback, and making sure you get paid for your idea before you even have to create the
entire thing. So you've got a big idea. Now, will it make you money? This was a four-part process
to discovering if it would make you money by doing the research and going through these steps.
We've also given you a quiz.
There is a link at the show notes, slash 443
to get a full quiz on if your idea is actually profitable.
You're going to go through a few different questions
and at the end, it will tell you if your idea is profitable.
Very powerful.
Go to the show notes to check out this quiz.
It's completely free.
Check it out right now.
Here's the thing, guys.
I want you to follow this process.
Do the quiz.
Follow this four-part process as well in this video.
Because so many people come to me and ask me, is my idea going to be great?
I've got a big idea.
And then they sit on it for six months, a year, sometimes a year and a half before they
do anything.
Your job is to get something out of your mind and into the world as quickly as possible
to see if it's actually going to be profitable.
If you're holding on to all these different ideas and you wait a year because you're like,
I don't know if it's going to be ready or I don't know if I feel ready to launch it or it's got to be perfect first, you're wasting your time
and opportunities. So take action now on this four-part process and go through the quiz.
Launch the idea. See if people actually like it. If they don't, it's not a big idea anymore.
You can let it go. You can move on to allowing your mind to dream, to imagine
about some other solution that you can offer into the world. So do this as fast as possible. Go
through the process and see if your big idea is actually going to be profitable. And in next week's
video, we're going to be talking about how to build a massive social media following and also
how to attract millions of followers to your website. So if you're looking to build a massive social media following and also how to attract millions of followers
to your website.
So if you're looking to build a massive following
either on your website or social media,
then make sure to subscribe to this video
and also over on iTunes
to get notified of when the next episode comes out.
Leave a comment below as well
and let me know what your big idea is
and I'll give you feedback
if I think it's going to be profitable myself. Again, thank you guys so much for being here and you know what time idea is. And I'll give you feedback if I think it's going to be profitable myself. Again,
thank you guys so much for being here. And you know what time it is. It's time to go out there
and do something great. Bye. Thank you.