The School of Greatness - 456 Build Your Legacy

Episode Date: March 10, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is episode number 456, 5-Minute Friday, Build Your Legacy. Trophies and rings and fat bank accounts have a surprisingly short shelf life when it comes to greatness. Research has shown that the happiest and most thriving people are those who spend their time giving back, helping others, and participating actively in their communities. And in fact, the best gifts are the ones you give. They make your own achievements that much more fulfilling. How are you going to contribute and help others? to contribute and help others.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Guys, I'm talking about legacy this week because I see a lot of people on social media posting about their riches instead of how rich their life actually is and how rich they make others feel about themselves. To me, that's what a legacy is, is building a wealthy, rich, fulfilled life, not one filled with fancy cars, watches, and flashy money. Now, there is a time and a place. I'm not here to judge people. If you want to have luxuries, I like luxurious things. I love riding first class in the flights on airlines. Trust me, I like my leg space. I like my comfort. I love riding first class in the flights on airlines.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Trust me, I like my leg space. I like my comfort. I love all of it. And there's nothing wrong with chasing after and getting those things and having those things. They're absolutely fine. But if that's all we're chasing, if all we're chasing is the luxuries and it's never enough and we have to chase for more and more and more and we're not doing anything else to contribute to help others or ourselves, then what's the point? There is no legacy. You don't get to keep the houses and the money with you.
Starting point is 00:01:56 But the way you make people feel, the experiences you had along the way, the things people remember about you, that is the foundation of your legacy. If you're just chasing something and it's never fulfilling you, all the things you buy are never fulfilling you, then you've got to live for a different vision. You've got to start doing something that you're enjoying. You've got to make every day fun. You've got to have a process of appreciation. And again, if it's not fulfilling all these things you're chasing, then why are you chasing them? Start asking yourself the tough questions. Why am I doing the thing that I'm doing every single day? What is it for? Is it to have more nice things? Or is it to take care of my needs, have fun? Yes, things? Or is it to take care of my needs, have fun? Yes, buy nice things if I want to and make an impact. You can do both. You can achieve all the financial wealth you want in the world and also
Starting point is 00:02:52 start to build a legacy, start to build something that's meaningful, that people will remember, that people will be inspired by, that will make the world a better place because you were here. That's what it's all about. And I continually try to strive for this myself. In no way am I perfect. I make mistakes all the time. I may post something or talk about something that's off-putting for some people. I get it. I'm constantly trying to adjust and adapt.
Starting point is 00:03:18 But I am focused on impact and legacy at my core. I'm constantly striving to make an impact the best way that I can in the moment of my core. I'm constantly striving to make an impact the best way that I can in the moment of my life that I'm in. And what I do by that is I focus my energy throughout my day and I say, is the energy that I'm putting out there right now, is it working towards my legacy? Am I making a full-time income doing things that I love full-time?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Or am I just working for years and years and years on things that I hate just to make a living? Start to reframe your mind. What is it you want? Who do you want to be? And what is the type of life that you want to live? It's time to start thinking about legacy. I don't care if you're 20 or 80. What is your legacy? Guys, I've put together a free training program that teaches how to build a business and a legacy at the same time, how to make more money doing the thing you love at the same time, how to do all these things together. So it's not one or the other. It's not I have to make money on doing something that I hate, that I can use that money to go just do something that I love. No, how can you do both? How can you do what you love
Starting point is 00:04:29 and make money doing what you love? That's what we're talking about. When you join those forces together, you have an incredible opportunity to live a great life. When you sacrifice in any area, things suffer. Stop sacrificing and start living your legacy and start putting your energy into that legacy. Go check out this free video series right now. It's only going to be available for the next seven days. Make sure to go there right now so you can watch it. It's at slash video. This is for those who are looking to step up their life, who are looking to step up their finances, and who want to build a business online. They have a gift. You have an asset.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You have a talent. You're an expert, or you want to become one. Go to slash videos right now and start building your legacy today.

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