The School of Greatness - 465 Upgrade Your Belief
Episode Date: March 31, 2017"We get to write the story we want others to believe." - Lewis Howes If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at ...
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Five Minute Friday, Episode 465, Upgrade Your Belief.
There's a quote that I posted recently on Instagram that says,
Don't downgrade your dreams to match your reality.
Upgrade your belief to match your vision.
Now, I was having a conversation with a good buddy of mine named Brooks today,
who's a top athlete in the NHL,
and we were having this talk about
how frustrated we get when we meet people
that don't have a big belief in their vision,
and they feel like there are rules.
There are rules to life and to business and to the world,
and they're not able to break these rules.
They feel like there's a standard that they have to live by,
and it's just not true.
Now, you might be tempted to say,
I need to get realistic or play it safe,
or I'll wait till later with your dreams.
But these reasons are all very logical,
and you will never achieve big dreams with logic
or reason or with rules that you feel like you need to live by.
You will only achieve them when you upgrade your belief to match the dream.
So no matter how unrealistic the dream may be, the bigger it may seem, the more unreasonable
you need to be in matching your belief to that vision.
You need to get so crazy with what's possible.
I was having a conversation recently with a friend who is looking to be a director and a producer in the film industry.
And she was telling me that there's no opportunities for women in the film industry in Hollywood.
No one gives her a shot. No one gives her a shot.
No one gives her a chance.
She can't even get into the room to pitch her ideas to potential investors or to the
studios or all these other things.
And I got to the point where I was so frustrated with her and her conversation and her limiting
mindset and her limiting belief.
I said, there's so many other ways you can do this.
You can crowdfund this
and get your friends to help invest in you.
And the best idea will rise to the top.
It doesn't matter if you're white, black, brown,
female, male, gay, straight, trans.
It doesn't matter.
If you create a great product,
especially now, today, more than ever,
there are opportunities for you.
And the best product will eventually rise to the top
if you come into it with unreasonable belief
and you become unreasonable in your approach
and you become a maniac on a mission,
willing to do whatever it takes.
When you say, oh, I can't do it because the rules
of this industry are this way and women don't get these opportunities or men don't get these
opportunities, whatever your limiting beliefs are, if your beliefs are so limited, you will never
achieve your dreams. You need to break free of a fixed mindset that there are rules.
You need to break your mind free of the BS that is holding you back from possibilities,
from making something actually happen in your life, from getting from where you are to where
you want to be in the next stage of your life.
I don't care if you're talking about relationships, business, career, health, whatever it is.
I don't care if you're talking about relationships, business, career, health, whatever it is.
If your beliefs are limited and fixed, you will never create the life of your dreams because you'll always be living in this limiting life, this limiting dream state where things
are realistic or unrealistic.
I don't live in that space.
I don't allow myself to ever think, uh, that's not possible or, uh, because
I'm younger or because I'm too old or because I don't have the education or I don't have the
resources or the money or the network. I say, what's it going to take to create that? What do
I need to do? What actions, what skillsets do I need to learn? Who do I need to connect with? What do I need to master in order to create
the opportunity? If everything is against me, even better, what do I need to do to rise to the top?
Again, if you're a female in the film industry, what can you do to get creative? Write a list
of all the things you can do to fund your movie, maybe in a non-traditional way of working direct with a network.
You've got to open your mind if you want to be able to create the life of your dreams.
And if we have a fixed mindset, then I'm telling you, you will never reach your dreams.
So you've got to upgrade your belief to match a big vision.
Instead, try investing in your belief. That means spending
time with people who think crazy, people who think out of the box all the time, people who inspire
you because they just are willing to go after it even if they fail. They're willing to put
themselves out there. You need to surround yourself with positivity, with possibility,
with positivity, with possibility,
and with opportunities to achieve your goals.
And then you can start taking the actions to make them happen.
They're not just gonna happen if you have the belief.
You've gotta be willing to work and take the actions
in order to see what's possible.
And even then, if you've got the big belief
and you take the action, it still may take 10 years
for the bigger dreams to come true. It may
not happen in a month. It may not happen in a week. It may take time to evolve. But just imagine
the human you are going to become in that journey of process of dreaming big and taking action and
creating things for yourself. So many things are going to unfold along that journey. And what
you're going to learn about yourself, the people you're going to meet, the opportunities
you're going to have are going to blow your mind.
You'll be surprised at what happens when you don't downgrade your dreams to match your
reality and instead upgrade your belief to match your vision.
This is 5-Minute Friday, episode 465.
Upgrade your belief.
I am so grateful for everyone who shows up here every Friday,
every Monday, and every Wednesday
when we release new episodes
to bring you the brightest minds in the world,
the most inspirational human beings alive
to teach us how to unlock the greatness
that we have inside of us.
We have the access.
It's our duty to learn the information and take action.
It's on us.
We are responsible.
We are the authors of our lives and we get to write the story we want others to read.
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I love you guys so very much.
You know what time it is.
It's time to go out there and do something great. Outro Music