The School of Greatness - 501 You Are the Inspiration
Episode Date: June 23, 2017“We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility.” - Albert Einstein If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at ...
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5-Minute Friday, episode number 501.
You are the inspiration.
When you have the courage to chase your dreams, you inspire others to chase theirs too.
Don't give up because you never know who you're inspiring.
Have you ever been working out at the gym or running on a trail outside and been inspired
by the person working out next to you? Maybe you're feeling a little bit tired. Maybe you're
a little exhausted. Maybe you feel like you're going to stop on the reps you're doing. And you
see this person pushing and moving and breathing and constantly going through the pain they're
experiencing to get to the other side. And when you see this and you see them still going through it,
doesn't it inspire you to push a little bit further,
to take another step, to take a deeper breath and move through your pain as well?
Well, guess what?
You are that person to so many people in your life.
You can be that same inspiration because we never know who is watching us.
Every action you take, every
post you make online, every conversation you have can be the inspiration someone is looking for.
We never know the full impact we're having on others, but we know what we are capable of inside
and we know we have the choice to chase our dreams. You know, I remember playing sports.
Sometimes not many people would show up to the games that I was playing at, whether it be in
high school and college when I was playing on a smaller team. Sometimes we'd only have like 50 to
100 people show up. And I said, you know what, I'm not going to get discouraged that there's not
20,000 people here. I'm going to give my best on every single play because that one play that I
make may be the difference for a spark in someone's life after they see it. I remember so many times
after games, people would come up to me and say, thank you. You inspired me. You did something.
You came from behind. You made a play that showed me this level of effort or hustle that made me say, you
know what?
I should be doing this in my life or my business or my relationship.
They would tell me, thank you, Lewis.
I was so inspired and moved by how you showed up.
You never know who is watching.
You never know what they're going through in their life and how your simple action,
your way of being, you chasing your
dreams is going to inspire and impact their life. I have done so many episodes, over 500 episodes on
this podcast, and I never know who's listening. But man, the emails and the messages and the
people that come up to me when they see me in person and tell me about specific instances,
specific things that I said or
guests said that shook them up, that got them out of their comfort zone, that made them
look at their life a little bit differently and start taking different actions.
So many people have told me that the podcast has changed their life.
I never know when it's going to happen.
I never know what I'm going to say, how I'm going to say it, and who's going to be impacted
by it.
But I know that I just got to give my best in every moment, no matter if one person's
listening or a million people are listening, because you never know who you're going to
You never know who needs to hear that one thing you've got to say and how it's going
to shake them up and change the course of their life forever.
got to say and how it's going to shake them up and change the course of their life forever.
Because you, my friend, you are the inspiration and it's your duty to show up living a full life, giving your best, having positive energy.
And when we commit to this, when we have the courage to overcome the pain and the suffering
inside and commit to choosing positivity and love and a level of giving and service to the world,
that's when we are remembered,
that's when we make our greatest impact.
And remember, you'll never know
the full impact of your actions.
You'll never know unless people come up to you and share.
But showing up with low energy and not chasing your dreams
will never inspire anyone else to follow theirs.
Albert Einstein said, we have to do the best we can.
This is our sacred human responsibility.
You are doing no good sitting on your sister's couch being depressed
and complaining about the life that you have right now.
You're doing no good for the world.
So pick yourself back up.
Quit complaining.
Start being grateful and positive about what you do have.
And start seeking out the information you need and taking massive action now to create a shift in your life.
And by doing this, you're going to see the ripple effect.
You're going to see the impact you have
on the people closest to you.
Then the greater the impact and the influence you have, people that you don't even know.
Then the world. More and more people are going to be inspired by your actions because you decided
to stop complaining and start creating an abundance in your life and chasing your dreams.
You, my friend, are the inspiration. Never forget this.
Always come back to this principle.
You have the power to shift anyone's life through your example.
Step up and be that example today.
This is episode number 501, 5-Minute Friday.
You are the inspiration.
If you enjoyed this one, share it with your friends.
Tag me on Instagram stories at Lewis Howes and put the link out there, slash 501.
If you know anyone who could use this inspiration, share it with them right now.
It means the world to me when you share it.
So make sure to tag me everywhere on social media so I can connect back with you and say
thank you for being a supporter of the School of Greatness.
And as always, guys, I love you so very much.
We couldn't do this without the army of greatness
that is constantly listening and sharing this message.
So thank you for being a part of this.
Thank you for allowing me to interview
some of the most inspiring people in the world
and share their insights with you.
I love you, and you know what time it is.
It's time to go out there and do
something great. you