The School of Greatness - 516 Allow Mistakes In Your Life
Episode Date: July 28, 2017"The expert in anything was once a beginner at something." If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at ...
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Allow for mistakes in your life.
Mistakes are proof that you're trying.
Now, how do you feel when you make a mistake?
Do you feel embarrassed or scared or disappointed or frustrated that you're not getting things right?
Well, have you ever thought about being grateful for the mistakes you made or for the failures that you make?
Grateful that you just learned something new.
Grateful that you were courageous enough to try something.
Grateful that you might have another chance to do it right.
Because the truth is, if you weren't trying to do something in the first place, you wouldn't
be making mistakes at all.
And most people never even try because they're so afraid of failing and making those mistakes and embarrassing
themselves in front of everyone. Allow yourself the permission to make mistakes. Let me put it
this way. The expert in anything was once a beginner at something. That means that every
expert in the world was once horrible at what they started at. Think of some of the people you look up to.
Maybe it's Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, LeBron James, Oprah Winfrey.
Guess what?
They used to make a ton of mistakes in their area of expertise right now.
But they learned a lot from those mistakes every time they made them.
It gave them the drive, the passion, the desire to get better
and to not make those same mistakes over and over.
If we don't give ourselves the permission
to make these mistakes in the first place,
then we aren't giving ourselves permission
and the opportunity for greatness.
So if you feel disappointed from a mistake,
look at it, learn from it, and keep going.
If you're feeling like you're making zero progress,
reevaluate the situation, try something different, and stay committed.
If you're feeling like you're never going to get it right,
get support from a friend, find a coach, a mentor,
to guide you on a different path in the same direction.
And if you're feeling hopeless, continue to believe in something bigger than yourself
and know that the repetition and the vision and the drive will continue to get you through
and it may just take a little bit longer.
And as Dale Carnegie said, most of the important things in the world have been accomplished
by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. Give yourself
permission to mess up, to make mistakes. Allow for these mistakes to occur in your life because
without these mistakes, you'll never be doing anything at all.
This is 5-Minute Friday.
If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to share it with your friends, slash 516.
We do this every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
And we continue to seek out the most inspirational human beings in the world to share with you
insights on how to live a better life and how
to take everything to the next level. We do this five minute Friday, every Friday to share a message
with you of inspiration, to get you through the day and to reconnect you to why you're doing the
things you're doing. Mistakes are just a part of our daily life. And if we're not making them,
it means we're probably not taking enough risks in order to achieve the dreams that
we have. Or maybe our dreams just aren't as big enough and meaningful enough if we don't feel
like we're making any mistakes. So continue to look at how you can make an impact on those around you
and how you can extend that to more people. Continue to pursue your dreams and do things
that fill you up, that bring you joy, that bring you passion and continue to have love in your heart and grace in your soul.
I love you very much.
And you know what time it is.
It's time to go out there and do something great.