The School of Greatness - 522 7 Keys to a Successful Life
Episode Date: August 11, 2017"If we never ask what we can give back to the world, it's going to be an unfulfilling life." - Lewis Howes If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at
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My seven keys to living a successful life.
I recently did a post online sharing my seven keys to living a successful life.
And I asked for feedback of which points resonated the most with individuals.
We received thousands of comments and replying.
So I'd love for you at the end of this to listen carefully to each key and then tag me on Instagram at Lewis Howes and let me know in your Instagram
story which one resonated with you the most. Here we go. Point number one to living a successful life
is to always, always, always follow your dreams.
Oprah Winfrey said,
I have a lot of things to prove to myself.
One is that I can live my life fearlessly.
I believe that if we don't have a dream,
we are going to be unfulfilled.
We're never going to be fully happy inside if we realize that we never allowed ourselves
to go after a dream. It doesn't mean we
have to have the biggest dream in the world, but some type of dream that gets us up out of bed in
the morning and gets us excited and living a purposeful life throughout every single day.
So number one is follow your dreams. Point number two, grow your mind.
Grow your mind.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. said,
A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions.
Our greatest happiness comes when we are learning, when we are challenging ourselves, when we are taking in new
information and allowing our mind to see other possibilities for our life. So continue to learn,
continue to read, continue to consume insightful, meaningful, purposeful information into your life and watch your life continue to grow as you grow your mind.
Point number three, share your talents. Marianne Williamson said, success means we go to sleep at
night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others. When we hold back our gifts and talents
and we don't share those with the world,
we're really showing people
that it's okay to dim your light
and that we don't believe in ourselves enough.
We don't believe in our talents.
We don't think we're worthy enough
to share them or to use them.
But in reality, we're here for a reason.
And that reason is to share them or to use them. But in reality, we're here for a reason. And that reason is to share our gifts and to find meaning in those talents that we have and cultivate new talents
and impact people around us with our gifts. But if we hoard our gifts to ourselves and keep them
close to our chest and never open up in a vulnerable way, then we'll never make a true
impact on the people around us. So number three is share your talents. Number four,
find friends that inspire you. Amy Poehler said, find a group of people who challenge and inspire
you. Spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life. When we hang out with people that inspire us,
that lift us up, that are doing creative things,
that bring out of us ways
that we would never bring out of ourselves
by being around them,
it allows us to have a greater impact in the world.
It brings more joy and fulfillment to our lives.
We have more fun in our lives
as opposed to hanging out with friends
that don't inspire you, that are negative,
that pull you down, that keep you back from living your dreams and sharing your talents,
that continue to say nasty things about you. When you spend time with those individuals,
it's hard to get back up on your feet and chase those dreams that you have.
So make sure to find friends that inspire you. Point number five, take care of your body.
Jim Rohn said, take care of your body.
It's the only place you have to live.
We really only have one body that I'm aware of
that we're capable of getting right now.
Technology isn't advanced enough
for us to have multiple bodies, at least not yet.
We must take care of it.
We must continue to learn and develop new strategies for optimizing our body, optimizing
our health, taking care of it, making sure what we put in our mouths and into our system
is healthy nutrient foods, not foods that are going to make you tired, exhausted, lazy, depressed.
Fill your body with positivity in terms of the foods you have.
And also make sure you're moving your body, detoxifying it by sweating constantly throughout
the week, making sure you're mobile, flexible, limber, allow your body to move, allow your
body to expand and make sure you take care of your body
point six live in gratitude now eckhart tolle said acknowledging the good that you already have
in your life is the foundation for all abundance doesn't that feel good it's hard to create
abundance in your life if you're not grateful for what you already have.
So you must start looking at things in your life
that you can be appreciative of.
The things that you aren't appreciative of,
start looking at them in a way that you do appreciate them.
Find the people in your life, the family in your life,
the people that frustrate you,
find good in them and be appreciative. Be grateful for the car that your life, the people that frustrate you, find good in them and be appreciative.
Be grateful for the car that you have, even if it's not the nicest car.
It's still a vehicle that drives you to work every day.
Be grateful for having the ability to walk, to talk when some people in the world don't
have that ability.
It's all about gratitude.
Live in gratitude.
And point number seven is to be of service to others.
And Anne Frank said, no one has ever become poor by giving.
Life is about giving.
If we show up just asking what the world can give to us and never say, how can I give back
to the world?
It's going to be an unfulfilling life.
These are my seven keys to living a successful life.
Make sure to tag me on Instagram, at Lewis Howes,
and let me know which key you appreciate
and think is the most meaningful to you.
Take a screenshot of this podcast on your phone right now
and post it on
your Instagram story, tagging me with the key that you love the most. I hope you enjoyed this episode.
Make sure to tag me on Instagram at Lewis Howes. Share with your friends and I love you for who you
are and what you do and what you bring to the world. Continue to develop your gifts, continue
to live in gratitude and continue to give back to the world.
And you know what time it is.
It's time to go out there and do something great. Thank you.