The School of Greatness - 525 Become the Hero
Episode Date: August 18, 2017"Are you going to step up today and move towards the life of your dreams?" - Lewis Howes If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at ...
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Episode 525. This is part of our ongoing collaboration with Fearless Motivation,
which you can download or stream on your favorite music platforms like iTunes,
Spotify, and Google Play. Become the hero. Today is an important day because you have a decision
to make right now in this moment. Are you going to embrace the unique gift
that you've been given? Or are you going to waste it away another day, another moment,
and another breath? Are you going to honor those that came before you, those that created this
earth and this world for you to experience? Or are you going to do them
a disservice and live in a negative average mindset that holds you back and even worse,
holds everyone else around you back?
Take a moment to think of your life as if you were the author of your own story.
Every day you are writing your story that others will see,
and you get to decide what type of character you're going to be.
Despite all the challenges that arrive in your life,
you get to decide who you are going to be and what you are going to be remembered for. You don't decide
what challenges arrive, but you do decide how you're going to react to them. You do decide how
you're going to show up every day. And you do decide if you're going to step up or step down
to show courage or to be a coward. You, my friend, are the author of your own story and you
get to decide who you are going to be. Become the hero you've always been searching for.
You see, you have an opportunity. You have a choice and a decision to make and in every breath that you take and in every heartbeat
That you make you can either move forward towards your dreams or you can move back and start slowly
What decision are you going to make?
You say you don't know the answers you say you don't have have the experience. You don't have the money, the resources, the relationships.
That's all bullshit.
You have everything you need inside of you.
You have all the wisdom.
You have an abundant world of resources.
All you need to do is get through the clutter in your negative mind
and open your world to an incredible land of possibilities.
Become the hero you've always been searching for because the world needs more people like you.
The world needs you to step out of your fear, out of your pain, out of your frustration,
out of your resentment and start loving yourself. Start moving towards this passion,
this creativity inside of you that's always been there,
but you've been holding it back because of the fear of failure,
because of the fear of what other people are going to think about you,
because of the fear of not making someone proud.
You know what?
That's BS.
You need to start becoming the hero you've always been searching for
because everyone's been searching for you. Now is the time to make the decision.
Are you going to step up today in this moment and move towards the life of your dreams?
Or are you going to stay stuck and move back and start slowly dying?
What decision are you going to make?
Who do you want to become?
What is the legacy that you want to leave behind?
Now is the time.
Become that hero you've always been searching for
because the world is looking for that hero in you.
Check out the powerful motivational tracks I've created with Fearless Motivation. They are
available on all major platforms like iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and Amazon.
Just search Fearless Motivation or go to slash greatness, where you can also grab three free motivational downloads right now.
I listen to these guys all the time when I'm working out.
It motivates me beyond belief. Again, check out slash greatness where you can get three free motivational downloads from me
right now. And as always, guys, you know what time it is. It's time to go out there and do something