The School of Greatness - 567 Be a Warrior with JP Sears

Episode Date: November 24, 2017

"GROWTH DOESN'T HAPPEN IN OUR COMFORT ZONE, IT HAPPENS IN OUR UNCOMFORT ZONE.” I know him as a comedian with great videos, but were you aware at how inspiring JP Sears is? He puts himself out o...n the line every day, purposefully making himself look silly and taking chances. He doesn’t let fear get in his way, he embraces it. It’s normal for all of us to become scared, and hold ourselves back. That doesn’t create happiness, though. It creates comfort. If you want to be happy, take a lesson from JP Sears on this episode of Five Minute Friday, pulled from a previous interview. He discusses how fear isn’t something we should be pushing away from. It’s what we need to embrace in order push ourselves further, find out who we really are, and achieve the true happiness we want. Discover all of that and much more, on Episode 567.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is five-minute Friday Welcome everyone to the school of greatness today. I hope you have an amazing day We've got JP Sears in the house and he is known for his hilarious videos on YouTube and Facebook Called awaken with JP. he is a holistic coach, practitioner, hundreds of millions of views all over the place online, and they continue to just blow up. I think our growth and happiness is also related to our willingness to be afraid in stepping into the unknown, into the mystery. Because growth doesn't happen in our comfort zone. It happens in our uncomfortable zone, the mystery of it. And I think it's human nature to be afraid of the unknown.
Starting point is 00:01:05 But it's kind of like, wow, if I'm not willing to be afraid and go forward anyway, then I can't grow. And if I can't grow, I can't be happy. So I think it's paradoxical. A willingness to be afraid is directly proportional to the amount of happiness we can get. And I think a lot of us are too afraid to be afraid. So it's like we're afraid squared. We're afraid to be afraid so we don't move but i think true courage which equals growth which equals happiness true courage is i am afraid and i'm the warrior going forward anyway i think archetypally the warrior is not fearless i think that is just a fairy tale bs right i think the warrior is the one who's connected to his or her heart and feels the fear, yet has the courage to do his or her task anyway,
Starting point is 00:01:54 to hear the call to quest and abide by the mission. It's going to be scary going into battle, you know, with other people like charging you with guns and knives. For sure. And especially a lot you with guns and knives for sure and especially a lot of those guns and knives that are charging us come from our own freaking psyche self-doubt inner critic man and i love that infinity is always bigger than we think it is and i think infinity is the capacity we have to grow and i know that sounds a little cliche and airy fairy and abstract yet i think it it's freaking true. And to me, it's so inspiring to not play it safe in life. And I think one of
Starting point is 00:02:31 the great curses that someone with success could have is, wow, this has worked for me. So I'm going to keep doing exclusively what has worked for me, but there's no risk in that. There's no growth. And is there happiness? There's comfort. There's comfort for sure. And from my delusional point of view, I think a lot of people, when they're talking about their pursuit of happiness, they're saying the word happiness, but they're not talking about happiness. I think they're talking about comfort. I think the direction a lot of people take when they're not talking about happiness. I think they're talking about comfort. I think the direction a lot of people take when they're quote unquote pursuing happiness, they're pointed towards comfort. They're trying to achieve a sense of comfort. Acquire something, right? They're trying to achieve or acquire a certain sense of
Starting point is 00:03:19 money or freedom or something. They're trying to have it. For sure. And then they'll be happy but playing it safe for the comfort for the status acquiring is like wow i think that's the repel of a great life even though it's what we create i think self-preservation we want safety self-realization we want risk safety equals death of our self-realization and safety equals life of our self-preservation but i think the purpose of life isn't to survive life i think the purpose of life is to live life and i think that if we're not willing to scare ourselves to death then
Starting point is 00:03:58 paradoxically we cannot live our life we'll survive our life at best, but maybe not even that. That's powerful. Thank you.

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