The School of Greatness - 714 Use Food to Heal Your Body with Mark Hyman

Episode Date: November 2, 2018

IT'S TIME TO GET THE ROOT OF YOUR HEALTH PROBLEMS. Are you constantly feeling like crap? You don’t need to live like that. The food that you put in your body has a lot to do with how well you functi...on. Your body is incredible in how it can heal itself when you change your habits. Not only do we need to work on our personal health, but we also need to be aware of how our country’s policies affect our nation’s health. That’s why I’m sharing part of a conversation I had with a leading health expert who is working to transform the healthcare system: Dr. Mark Hyman. Dr. Mark Hyman is the Medical Director at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine, the Founder of The UltraWellness Center, and a ten-time #1 New York Times Bestselling author. He is dedicated to tackling the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional Medicine to transform healthcare. Dr. Hyman says that the science of healthy eating is the same no matter what eating program you follow. The important thing is to implement a practical, sustainable nutrition plan that will help restore your body. Learn how you can be more in control of what you put into your body and how the healthcare system in America should change on Episode 714. In This Episode You Will Learn: How to go from sick to well (1:30) Why 21 days is all you need to reset your body (2:15) About the IFLC (I Feel Like Crap) Quiz and how it can help you eat healthier (3:30) What Dr. Hyman believes is causing our socioeconomic problems (4:10) The American policies that Dr. Hyman wants to change (4:45) Why it’s so important to teach nutrition in school (6:30)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is 5-Minute Friday! Thomas Jefferson said, If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong. I am super pumped you guys are here for this special episode with Dr. Mark Hyman. For those that don't know him, he is the director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, the Pritzer Foundation Chair in Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, Chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine, and founder of the Ultra Wellness Center. He's also the number one bestselling author of 12 books, and just came out with a new one called Eat Fat, Get Thin.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So if someone is listening and they're on some type of medication or they're just feeling like constantly sick, you know, something's constantly happening to them, what do you think is, because there's so much information online that it's scary. It's scary, right. You know, these stuff, just there's so much information online that it's scary. It's scary, right. Well, here's what I would say. Let them be stuffed, just like looking up anything and Googling it and seeing all the nasty photos and just like, oh, what is an approach that someone should take if they
Starting point is 00:01:13 have some challenge that's constantly happening in their health? Should they first analyze the food they're intaking and do like an analysis? Do you have like a process? Absolutely. Absolutely. It's a great question, Lewis. So, you know, what I am is a doctor. And what I do is see patients in my office. That's my main job. Yes, I've written a dozen books. Yes, I do a lot of stuff. But that's my main job.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah. And so I've learned over 30 years of doing this how to create sustainable, practical programs to help people get from sick to well very quickly. And what I've done, because not everybody can come see me, and there aren't that many of us out there yet. We have so many hours in a day. And there's not that many functional meds. So I've written books and programs to help people operationalize this in their own lives. So eat fat, get thin.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And look, I could say do my program, but I don't really care what program you do. As long as it's based on the basic principles. And there are a lot of my colleagues who are writing great books about this. It's all the same information because it's all the same science, and if you're telling the truth, there's only one story here, the truth, right? And so
Starting point is 00:02:15 this EFAC Get Thin is a great program that I put together to make people have no friction. It's easy. It's very straightforward. It's 21 days, practical, goof-proof, and it tells you what to eat. And when you get to the end of that, you'll see how you feel
Starting point is 00:02:31 because most people in 21 days will change their habits, but they'll also allow their body to reset. It's like putting your body back to its original factory settings, right? And then if something's left over, then you know, gee, maybe I need to go deeper. Like if you still don't feel great, maybe you have Lyme disease.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Maybe you have heavy metal poisoning. Maybe your thyroid's not working. Maybe you have a parasite. Maybe, you know, like you could be eating the perfect diet but still feel bad. Do the 21 days first. Yeah, but 80% of the time. You're going to cure yourself. Yeah, 80%.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I mean, 80% of the time, this works for people. And then the 20% who have to get extra help, they need to come see somebody. And the body's pretty incredible in how it can heal itself very quickly once you change habits, right? Unbelievable. We did the survey of 1,000 people who did this. I mean, they lost weight, yes. And they lost inches, yes. And that's all impressive.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And their blood sugar dropped 20 points. And their blood pressure 10 points. But the thing that really matters to me is I have everybody fill out what I call the FLC quiz. You know what that is? That's when you feel like crap. Okay. So it's a quiz. How do you, like, you know, do you have bloating?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Do you have asthma? Do you have headaches? Can you sleep? Like joint pain, muscle pain? What's your mood? Are you depressed? Like, so you fill out this whole score and zero to four for every symptom and you get a score.
Starting point is 00:03:39 They do one before and after. And the before and after score, there was a 69% reduction in all symptoms from all diseases. Whoa. Because you don't have to treat everything individually. If you put in the right information, the body knows what to do. Wow. Right? So the information in food is so powerful that if you figure out what to eat, you don't have to worry about how much.
Starting point is 00:03:57 You don't have to count fat, grams, carbs, calories, nothing. I don't do that. Sure. If you're off by 100 calories a day, you're going to gain like 50 pounds in 30 years, right? You can't, you can't do it by willpower. You have to use science and low glycemic food, like low sugar food is, is really powerful. It's magical. The thing that I think is driving so many of our economic and social ills is our food system. To kind of list what are the policies that would really radically change things, not just in America, but around the world if we became the beacon for this.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And I met with the Surgeon General a couple of days ago, and he asked me to come to Washington to help change and shape this policy. So the things that matter are ending food subsidies, ending agricultural subsidies for commodity products like corn, soy, and wheat that go into all our processed industrial food. Subsidizing fruits and vegetables and things that actually promote health. Ending food marketing to kids.
Starting point is 00:04:55 We market junk food to kids. I think we're one of only 50 countries that, one of the only countries that doesn't do this. 50 countries control food marketing to kids. Really? Yeah. Us and Syria are the only ones. Oh my gosh. And all use of antibiotics in animal feed except in animal husbandry,
Starting point is 00:05:11 except for treatment of disease. Full stop. I would have clear food labeling so that people know what they're eating. Is it good for you? Green. Is it maybe a little tricky? Well, eat with caution.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Yellow. Is it bad for you? It might kill you, red. Simple. Like when you have cigarettes now, this will cause cancer. This will kill you. And this is controversial,
Starting point is 00:05:31 but I would put a tax on junk food and soda, which has been proven to work and reduce consumption. This was just done in Mexico. It was super effective. Done in Berkeley, first place in America. Very effective. Interesting. It's like cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Tax cigarettes. If a Coke was actually $10, I would actually make things cost what they really cost. The only reason a McDonald's meal is so cheap is because the government pays for it and subsidize it. Really? I met with the vice chair of Pepsi. He said, why are you using high fructose corn syrup in your soda? He said, because Mark, the government makes it so cheap for us by subsidizing agriculture
Starting point is 00:06:01 and the growing of corn to turn it into high fructose corn syrup. That's why we're using it. It's good business. I wouldn't use it if the government didn't make it into high-fructose corn syrup. That's why we're using it. It's good business. I wouldn't use it if the government didn't make it so cheap. So it would end subsidies. It would end any food that wasn't promoting health in any federally funded program. Food stamps. You can buy $4 billion now of food stamps that are spent on soda for the poor.
Starting point is 00:06:18 $4 billion. It's the biggest single amount of item. Pop. Yeah, soda. Yeah. You can buy a two-liter bottle of soda, but you can't buy a rotisserie chicken. You can't buy with food stamps online because of some stupid regulation. We're trying to change that. I would implement a whole series of policies like this. I would also make sure that we really
Starting point is 00:06:36 promote science and nutrition in school so kids know very early on what's going on. There should be no food that doesn't promote health in schools. We know that there's clear evidence that kids who are fed poor foods, and I don't want to talk about school lunches that are, quote, healthy. I mean, pizza is considered a vegetable. Pizza is a vegetable. According to Congress, pizza is a vegetable. Oh my gosh. That's all I ate every day. Yeah. And so we need clear policies that we could change all this in America. And I think people are ready for it. People want it. People know the issue is here in the kinds of industrial agriculture we're doing that are actually promoting degradation of the environment. And we need to label GMOs because
Starting point is 00:07:12 the centralization of seed production has caused huge problems. Glyphosate is now roundup, is used on soybeans. 98% of soybeans are Monsanto soybeans. 98%? I think it's something like 98% of gross. Oh my gosh. So the centralization of seed production. Even if you debate GMOs are good or bad, they're using all these pesticides and herbicides
Starting point is 00:07:31 because of these that are actually now getting into the water. Now, we know that glyphosate now, according to the World Health Organization and the International Board of Scientists, is a cancer-causing agent. And actually, I'm excited because in my practice, I'm going to start doing glyphosate testing because people don't know what they're consuming. And actually, I'm excited because in my practice, I'm going to start doing glyphosate testing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Because people don't know what they're consuming. So I would do a series of things that would really, if I had all the money in the world, to really change this.

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