The School of Greatness - 720 The Gift of Acknowledgment with Chris Lee

Episode Date: November 16, 2018

EMPOWER OTHERS TO SHINE. How often to tell the people around you what you love about them? Sometimes it feels easier to criticize. But this isn’t the path to creating an amazing team. Even if it’s... uncomfortable to tell people what they’re doing right, it’s important. Like everything else, it’s a practice. Practice acknowledging others, and own the acknowledgment given to you. You’ll be amazed by how it changes your life. For this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Chris Lee where he shared his strategies for empowering the people around you to shine by acknowledging their greatness. Chris Lee has spent the last 27 years leading powerful Leadership Seminars around the world. A pioneer in emotional intelligence, Chris Lee has trained and developed people at the top of their game such as Olympic athletes, Fortune 500 Business leaders, celebrities and individuals with a desire to elevate themselves. Chris Lee also serves as a collaborator on TV and radio shows for Univision and The Fox Network. Chris says that great leaders are star makers. They make everyone around them better. Learn why it’s important to practice appreciation for the people around you and to receive gifts of praise on Episode 720. In This Episode You Will Learn: How to acknowledge the people around you (1:00) What to do if you feel uncomfortable acknowledging someone (2:30) How to receive acknowledgment (3:00) The seven strategies to empower the people around you to shine (3:30)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is 5-Minute Friday! Welcome everyone back to the show. Hope you guys are having a fantastic week, whichever day it is for you. And I'm so excited about this episode. I'm bringing back Chris Lee. He's a fan favorite. Now for those who don't know who Chris Lee is,
Starting point is 00:00:23 if this is your first time here, he's a transformation coach, leadership coach, and emotion intelligence trainer. And he's been doing this work for well over 25 years. And hundreds of thousands of people around the world have gone through his trainings and helped take their life, their business, their relationships to the next level. Acknowledge the strengths that people have. Like them know give feedback be verbal about it appreciate acknowledge highlight highlight what people are doing right remind people of what is right about them i was saying that i always, there's so much right about you.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Because as human beings, our tendency is to focus on what's wrong. We look at our hair, don't like it. We look at our body, don't like it. We look at our results and we're always conditioned to train ourselves what's wrong. My ethnic background, my age, my financial status, my sexual preference. We're always in judgment of what's wrong. And most of the time when we communicate to our employees, it's to correct them on something wrong. But how often we say, hey, I just want to let you know that I appreciate you. I want to thank you for being so amazing
Starting point is 00:01:46 you know think about you know I've worked for so many companies I've never rarely have I had a boss that was in gratitude about what I was doing usually it was no comment until I messed up then there was a comment about messing up
Starting point is 00:02:02 and same thing in a relationship very rare to do except in the beginning in In the beginning, it's me too, me too, me too. In the beginning, it's you're great, so you, I love you, I love you. But once the relationship is in that comfort zone, very rare do people remind each other of what's positive and what's amazing about each other. And so acknowledge people's strengths acknowledge your family members strengths acknowledge your employees strengths acknowledge each other's strengths assets what you love about each other what you appreciate about each other sure gratitude will create stars around you i love it what if someone feels uncomfortable giving acknowledging someone you know a lot of times i feel like the
Starting point is 00:02:42 reason they don't is because they feel uncomfortable or they're... Get over your ego. Okay, perfect. There you go. Yeah. I mean, that's all about you. Perfect. If you're going to be a star maker
Starting point is 00:02:52 and you're going to be a leader because leaders are star makers, you got to get beyond whether it's comfortable or not. Usually things that are worthwhile are out of our comfort zone. People should be aware of is to receive when people do practice this and when people do acknowledge because most of the times I see a lot of people who can't look someone in
Starting point is 00:03:09 the eyes when they're acknowledging them or they're looking down or they're saying no or they're not accepting it. And I think it's just as equally powerful. You taught me this is the power of receiving acknowledgement as well as giving. And owning it. Yeah. And really owning it. I appreciate that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And owning it. Yeah. And really owning it. Thank you. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So thanks for the acknowledgement. The Star Maker, seven strategies to empower the people around you to shine. And number one is to get over your own ego and your insecurities. Number two,
Starting point is 00:03:40 see possibilities and gift in others. Three, acknowledge the strengths and assets that people have. Let them know what it is. Appreciate them. Number four, acknowledge people's weaknesses and challenges. Number five, offer to coach and develop them mentorship, emotional intelligence. Work with people to transform what they need to transform. Number six, pay it forward.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Encourage the people in your life, on your team, to have that mindset of star making. And number seven, practice it on a daily basis, rigor and, you know, do it yourself. I think it's important to let people know. And sometimes it's not only hard to receive it, it's a challenge to give it. Well, look, some of the ways we could practice it is one thing is with yourself, what you acknowledge and appreciate about yourself, because being a star maker, you get to create the star in you as well. So when the moment comes, I don't necessarily say that every single day you got to saturate people.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I love you. Because then it may not be authentic. Then it's not real. Right, right. Another thing is writing it. Handwriting. Yeah. When's the last time you wrote someone a note appreciating them?
Starting point is 00:05:02 But yeah, writing a note, a gift, giving someone a gift just because today is Tuesday and I want to give you a gift. Why wait for a birthday? Why wait for a holiday? Give your boss a gift. You'll blow him away. Or as a boss, give a bonus to your employees
Starting point is 00:05:19 or give them a certificate for dinner. Just small little details, little gestures is a way to practice it.

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