The School of Greatness - 738 The Fundamentals of Nutrition with Dr. Peter Osborne

Episode Date: December 28, 2018

THERE'S ALWAYS A PRICE TO PAY. I’ve got a huge sweet tooth. I’d love to eat candy all day. But I know that what we put into our body will affect what we can get out of it. If you want to achieve g...reatness in your health, you have to keep finding what works and tweak it. You need to approach nutrition the same way you approach business or athletics.Keep refining until you get to the next level. Diet is so important. That’s why, for this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Dr. Peter Osborne where he shared how what we eat affects every aspect of our lives. Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land, Texas. He is a Doctor of pastoral science, and a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Often times referred to as “The Gluten Free Warrior,” he is one of the most sought-after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. He says that you can cheat on your diet, but if you look at it like getting 6/7 on a test score, you’re only getting a “B.” I think we can all do better than that. Learn how your diet is affecting your health in major ways in Episode 738. In This Episode You Will Learn: The three fundamental rules of nutrition (1:00) How long it takes to find out if your diet is causing you pain (2:30) If you can have a cheat day (4:00) The relationship between food and death (6:00)

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 This is 5-Minute Friday! Our guest is none other than Dr. Peter Osborne, who is a chiropractor and a board-certified clinical nutritionist. He is licensed with a pastoral medicine association and is a doctor of pastoral science and medicine. He's been practicing since 2001. His clinical focus is the holistic natural treatment of chronic degenerative musculoskeletal diseases. He is an expert in the relationship
Starting point is 00:00:35 that gluten sensitivity and food allergies play in chronic inflammation, and he has helped thousands of patients recover from chronic painful conditions. he has helped thousands of patients recover from chronic painful conditions. Tell me about your book is a 30 day diet for eliminating the root cause of chronic pain for people that don't go get tested. Cause you said there's different ways to go about doing that. What do you recommend?
Starting point is 00:01:00 Do you recommend, you know, and how's this program work? Cause it's 30 days complete all grains from your diet. But you can eat anything else you want to eat or how does it work? No, I mean there's three fundamental rules of nutrition. You can't get healthy eating food that isn't healthy, right? I can't have sugar all day and eliminate grains and be good? Well, it's like business. I mean you get what you put in, right? I mean if you don't put in the hard work and the dedication, then you're not going to get an outcome that's success. It's no different in nutrition. If you put in garbage, your outcome is going to be garbage. That's a fundamental rule. We have to understand that.
Starting point is 00:01:43 tolerant or sensitive to. And rule number three, if you feel bad when you eat it, stop eating it, listen to your body. But, but beyond that, the 30 day program is designed. I mean, I've been in practice for 15 years. And so I've seen pretty much every, every autoimmune disease you can imagine. And I, and I've seen every kind of diet plan and every kind of, uh, modification you could imagine. And so this 30 day plan is based on person who's not doing any testing, and it's based on the premise of going grain-free. There's some other foods that we look at that we eliminate. There's two phases to this diet. There's a phase one, which is 15 days, and then there's a phase two, and it's graduated. The first phase is a little bit easier, and you graduate into that second phase.
Starting point is 00:02:20 For most people, if it's going to be a challenge, that's where the challenge is. phase and it becomes that's where for most people if it's going to be a challenge that's where the challenge is but but the 30 days is enough time lewis to establish with certainty for that individual that their diet is directly responsible for creating autoimmune pain and inflammation in their body because the difference will be that profound don't feel better you'll probably lose weight you'll you'll have more energy all those things you're saying. Yep. Gotcha. So you'll just, you'll feel it. Right. Okay. Beyond 30 days. Now you have a choice. Now that, now that the 30 days has proven that you feel better. Now you have a choice. Do you stop at 30 days and go back to the way you felt? Or do you recognize that with great intelligence and pursue forward?
Starting point is 00:03:09 And some people do. They pursue forward and they get tested and they tweak it even more and they get even better. Again, it's kind of like business. You get success and then you tweak that so that you can get to another level of success and you keep moving in that direction. Well, nutrition, it works very, very similar. What about those freaks of nature that are just shredded human beings, have all the energy in the world and they eat garbage sugar candies junk food ice cream whenever they want and they just seem to be genetic specimens what about those cases they always pay a price really yep always there's always a price to pay you don't get you don't get to escape the price some people pay it later in life as opposed to earlier in life.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But I see those guys all the time. Usually those guys, and they are guys. Women typically get sick around the age of 35 to 38. The men that you're referring to, they're typically in here at 55 to 58 with low testosterone. Their hair's falling out. Their sex drive is gone. Their muscles are wasting away. They don't understand why they're growing a pot belly when they've always gotten away with treating their bodies like garbage their whole life.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Wow. Okay. What about the whole theory of a cheat day? You know, six days a week, I'm going to be grain-free, sugar-free, or live by these specific principles. But, you know, we live in a day of age where this amazing dessert foods and all these different things that we could enjoy and people want to enjoy life and, and be able to experience different tastes here and there. Is it bad? Or do you think it's going to be harmful long term? If six days a week, you're eating super clean on this process. And then one day a week you indulge in you know the donuts and the cupcakes and the brownies well if a person is is truly gluten sensitive
Starting point is 00:04:53 that cheat day is a problem it's a zero tolerance policy that the science shows that gluten can do damage at 20 parts per million which is about the size of a breadcrumb, and that that inflammatory damage can last for up to two months. So if you're cheating every sixth or seventh day, you're going to stay in that chronic inflamed state. Now, some people... What if they don't have the sensitivity? If they don't have the sensitivity, look, the body is dynamic and resilient, but then we have to do the math.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I would encourage people to do the math. If you spend one of every seven days, you're basically, you're basically, if we're scoring you at your grade, right, you've got a bad score. You've got a bad test grade. You know, one out of seven is not a, if you miss one and there's only seven questions, you're writing at a low B. So if you want your health to be a low B, then that's your call. You can make that call. But that's the way I like to – the numbers don't lie that way. So think of it – if you think of it like that and then you may instead of saying one cheat day, maybe you say one a month. And that maybe becomes more of a realistic thing.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I think people have gravitated toward the social engagement with food. In our society, food is out of control. If you look at the top causes of death, every single one of them, Lewis, are associated with food. Cancer is associated with food. Heart disease is associated with food. Autoimmune disease is associated with food. The next leading cause of death is medication.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And I know a lot of people are saying that's not true, but it is true. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 provided that evidence. And it's the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. So the top three causes of death in the U.S. are food-induced. And the fourth leading cause of death is the way we try to prevent the food-induced disease is through medication. And who's winning? Statistically, you're going to die of heart disease or cancer. So you got to ask yourself, is that what you want? Is that, you know, is that cheat day worth it? And I'm not saying that,
Starting point is 00:06:54 you know, a person can never have a treat. I'm just saying, let's evaluate where the treat is coming from. I mean, I like things that are sweet, but you know, instead of buying this highly processed ho-ho with 17,000 chemicals in it, we may bake something at home that's got four or five ingredients. It's all coming from real food and not fake food, and there's no genetically manipulated ingredients, and there's no hormones or pesticides or other garbage in it. So you can still have that. It just becomes a matter of having it intelligently.

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