The School of Greatness - 799 Wim Hof: Master Your Body and Heal the Mind

Episode Date: May 20, 2019

RELAX. How often do you say, “I’m just going to get through the day.” You’re running on adrenaline. But it’s not sustainable. If you’re not relaxed, you’re not breathing. If you’re not... breathing, you’re not getting oxygen. It’s a loop. You’re going to be exhausted all the time. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the power of breathing to heal our mind and body with a man known as “The Iceman:” Wim Hof. Wim Hof got his nickname “The Iceman” by breaking a number of records related to cold exposure. His feats include climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle on his bare feet, and standing in a container while covered with ice cubes for more than 112 minutes. He developed the Wim Hof Method: a natural path to an optimal state of body and mind. He says that our brains have the power to guarantee us happiness, strength, and health. We can actually regulate our mind and the autonomous nervous system by breathing and being present. Shut Up. Go in. Feel. Be. Connect. So get ready to learn how to harness the power of the mind on Episode 799. Some Questions I Ask: How does creating stress on the body prevent disease? (4:00) What do you think about right before you get in the cold water? (8:30) Why did you get into the ice and breathing business? (16:30) Where do you feel the most loved in your life? (29:00) Who was more influential? Your mom or your dad? (38:00) In This Episode You Will Learn: How control of the autonomic nervous system in the brain can help depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders (10:00) How cold helps you still the emotion on your mind (25:00) About your sixth, seventh, and eighth senses (32:00) About the science behind the benefit of putting stress on your body (3:00) Follow me on: Instagram @LewisHowes Twitter @LewisHowes Facebook @LewisHowes

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is episode number 799 with the Iceman Wim Hof. Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the class begin. Nelson Mandela said,
Starting point is 00:00:34 I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Welcome to this episode. Super excited. We had Wim Hof on a few years ago and it blew up. It blew up on video, on audio, and we decided to bring him back on. For those that don't know who he is, Wim Hof got his nickname, the Iceman, by breaking a number of records for his ability to withstand extreme cold. He has set Guinness World Records, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts,
Starting point is 00:01:09 and ran a half marathon above the Arctic Circle barefoot. He believes humans have an inner power, which is the ability to adapt to extreme temperatures and survive within our natural environment. On this principle, he developed the Wim Hofit method, a natural path to an optimal state of body and mind. And in this interview, we talk about how to prevent illness when creating stress on our body. Also Wim's life story and how he got into ice and breathing training, our sixth sense and how tapping into what makes us feel fearless. And the greatest lesson that cold has taught him and so much more. I'm super excited about this one.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's a powerful one. Make sure to share this with your friends, slash 799. This can transform your life. If you apply some of these principles, I've done these principles over the last few years whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed. Some of my team has done this, and I've seen complete life changes in them. And so many of our listeners who have gone through
Starting point is 00:02:17 this have seen huge transformations. So make sure to share this with a friend. Be a hero to someone today by just texting a friend this link, slash 799, and spread the message of greatness moving forward. All right, guys, I'm excited about this one. This will be powerful. Make sure to share with your friends. Without further ado, let me introduce to you the one, the only, Wim Hof. This bomb is being heard. They see what kind of hole we have created in the ignorance, in the dependency of ours.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Okay. And that we shoot chains and see past these walls of not knowing now how much you could know within yourself, and that it is there, scientifically endorsed. Yet it is not to the interest of the establishment to be so self-aware, with so much more power within, in such a short time being able to set off. Right. such a short time being able to set off. Right. And so six years ago, we showed as the first ones in medical history that the autonomic
Starting point is 00:03:32 nervous system can deeply be influenced. After 16,134 test subjects of endotoxemia, bacteria injected, all became sick, very sick, because it's inflammation causing this bacteria, E. coli bacteria. It's a controlled experiment, and it's to find out if we have a natural way, means of our mind, maybe breath, maybe this, maybe that, in hospitals, in a controlled environment, how to beat inflammation, which is the cause and effect of any disease in the end. Inflammation. So they created this endotoxemia model that is injecting a bacteria and it works for three to six hours.
Starting point is 00:04:24 People become really sick. Have you don't have you done the injection. Yes. Yes, I've done the injection and then I was the first one to show a complete different chart than all the 16,000 people and then they said but that's because you are the Iceman. You are a freak of nature. And you do these crazy extreme things. And that's why you are able where others are not able to do that. And then I said to them, no, what I can do, anybody can do. Then they took me on in the end and I took 18 people to the mountains, four days. I learned them to cope with extreme cold in their shorts. I learned
Starting point is 00:05:16 breathing techniques and I learned the mindset. Mindset is a neurological muscle inside. We have. It's not placebo. It's a real muscle, neural activity. When that unites, it's called willpower. And you can really connect with that into any part of the brain. And with that into parts thought of inaccessible. And this is the latest study I've shown in Detroit, Michigan, in the Wayne State University, in brain scans.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Cold water is stress. In the end, anything out there, stress, negative stress, coming to us, creating cell biological stress. So when we create stress on the body, how does that help us kill inflammation or disease? Or sickness? Sickness. How? By going from your consciousness, your will. We thought of will is somewhere there. It's not over there. It's right over here. It's a muscle. And you are able to go with that willpower. It's the center in the brain, prefrontal cortex, going into the brainstem. The brainstem is about survival. But because we live every day in a very controlled environment, like the world where we live in with the heat, the cold, sedentary lifestyles, going into the car. We got it all controlled by our thinking, not by our feeling anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Not nature is coming to us anymore. Thus, the deeper parts, the old brain, the reptilian brain, brain stem, and the limbic system, the mammalian brain, the the animal is not being lived anymore we are not living like zebras and giraffes and and i know the danger and flee and fight and food and it's all there the food is in the supermarket you don't need to find it you don't need to flee fight but the dangers are still there. And when the dangers come like inflammation, causing inflammation, then we don't know how to tap into those deeper parts of the brain because we were thinking all the time. Thus, 25% of our blood flow goes into this thinking
Starting point is 00:07:42 brain and the rest is like on stand by surviving yeah do you think it's possible for someone to if they're getting a cold or a flu like symptoms to without breathing techniques or without cold therapy can they just use their mind yes to change exactly that flu like sickness is that possible or do they need breathing and cold? No, no, they don't need it This is the yeah, we are different than zebras and giraffes That is true. And that is because we are a part of us is animal But here comes in the human consciousness the human power of the mind and the seed of that is our brain.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And our brain, we have learned only to go into the surface, the thinking, thinking, thinking, and controlling the world around us. With that, we have no way of accessing into these neurological pathways into the depth of our brain. We didn't exercise that. For that, the cold is great. For that, the breathing is great. Neurological pathways in into the depth of our brain. We didn't exercise that for that
Starting point is 00:08:50 The cold is great for that. The breathing is great. But once you have done that Then suddenly these neurological pathways are Existent and you know what? This is what I did in Michigan showed as the first one in the world In brain scans how to get cold water stressor, on the body and make it go away. Just my skin temperature did not go down just by using the mind. Really? That could be a circus act or whatever, you know? It's not that matter. It's about how to deal with stress on your body, just by using your mind. And stress on your body could be caused by biological stress, physical stress, emotional
Starting point is 00:09:32 stress, any stress, but in the end it is cell biological stress. And we have a possible connection between our will and a part of our brain which is dealing internally just through the mind using the mind with stress with the result of stress when you're about to enter into 30 or 40 degrees ice cold water and what is the thing that you think of 30 seconds before obviously you're doing your breathing techniques and other stuff but what's the thing you think about when you're getting in and then sitting in there so that your temperature does not change, or maybe it changes a little bit, but not drastically?
Starting point is 00:10:14 No, you know, if you stay for two hours in, and the core body temperature, the core is not changing, and even in New York, I was with Dr. Ken Kamler after one hour, 15 minutes, until here with the ice, my core body temperature went down to a point where normally, physically or physiologically, by mathematics, as stated,
Starting point is 00:10:42 this is, here we have no power over our core body temperature anymore it goes spirally down from here and you're you're going to die hypothermia or hypothermia getting into coma body parts shut down and then you die we have no way to get down and i was dangerously past this level you were there yes. Yes, I was there. I was at Regis and Kelly. Wow. And one of the Serena Williams was there who just won the US Open.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And she was there. And I was looking there. So I was not busy with controlling my body. I went dangerously down. And then where normally you cannot go up anymore. with my controlling my body, I went dangerously down, and then, where normally you cannot go up anymore. I just used my mind and. What are you thinking in your free time? Now comes 30 seconds before I go in,
Starting point is 00:11:36 I just say, shut up, shut up, go in. Feel, be, connect. And this connection, feel, be, connect. And this connection they saw now is the connection with the periaqueductal gray hemisphere. And what they say, we now have the compelling evidence of the key components of the autonomous processes in the brain related to mood regulation. brain related to mood regulation. When normally we get into depression or anxiety, fear, trauma, PTSD, psychosis, all those things, it's because we don't have a hold on those key components of those autonomous processes. Autonomous is outside of the will, now it's inside of the will, shown in the brain scan, and that to regulate your mood or the emotion itself.
Starting point is 00:12:29 This is what they said. The professors, you can look it up. And it's all been published, by the way. And I'm waiting for the next study on people with bipolar status. Because I think it takes four days to get people out of their bipolar state of mind and get them back into this sense of control and have balance within themselves the way nature meant it to be. Because being bipolar in nature, the mammal, it would not survive.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It's bipolar. There comes life. Yeah, well, f*** you, bipolar. I'm going to eat you. You look like a steak. So we are equipped after millions of years how to deal with all those states of mind to become the best in the moment again and regulate that yeah but we lost it through the thinking brain too much we have indulged too much into the thinking brain
Starting point is 00:13:20 so when we get this now back we are able and there's the importance of your work, my work, to bring people to the awareness that they are in control over their beautiful emotions through their beautiful mind. Absolutely. When you see someone that comes to you that says, I'm overworked, I'm overstressed, I'm depressed, I have no purpose, I'm constantly in a prison in my mind and I have no way to get out. What would be the path that you would recommend in the next 24 hours for them to start moving towards that balance? If they're overworked, stressed, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:00 First I would do a relax. Do you want coffee? Do you want tea? Bulletproof or non-bulletproof. It doesn't matter. Whatever you feel. What do you feel? Relax the person.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Bring it away from the anxiety. We have the tendency, we have the power as humans to share love, to share a deeper feeling. And when one is in anxiety, you say, as humans to share love, to share a deeper feeling. And one is in anxiety, you say, oh, there's, is it that man? Chill out, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah, chill out, brother. And really pass it on.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And some oxytocin coming, it's all there, it's nature. So that would be the first one. Okay. And then I say, are you ready for some changes? Yeah, okay. Yes, of of course i'm so tired okay tired we will increase your energy we will get you back in the sense of control you uh drive your own car it's your car it's your wheels man and you want to go from A to B and enjoy the view while going. So we will get you there, okay?
Starting point is 00:15:10 Just relax. Tell them to relax because a relaxed body is able to store up oxygen. So if you're not relaxed, if you're not breathing, you're not getting oxygen. And logically, the biochemistry will be less quality. And if that is going to be chronic, it's a loop, then you're going to be exhausted. All the time. All the time. That's the burnout and all those things.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Shallow breathing, wrong biochemistry, keeping on going, put some adrenaline on because you've got some deadlines to go. And in the end, there is no lifeline anymore right yeah so something like that so i i get these people and within 20 minutes of breathing deep breathing we know and they feel completely restored in their biochemistry and thus completely restored in their biochemistry and thus, wow, yeah, that's who you are. Right, right. And from there, they feel, when the biochemistry is right, energy comes. It's mitochondrial.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Mitochondrial, you get aerobic, yeah, aerobic, what is it, oxygen. Oxygen in your little energy factories and suddenly you get more ATP ATP the molecules is energy with the energy Let's work on the transportation system the blood vessels within your body is at the length Three times the world it all has its beautiful little muscles and it wants to be awakened so it is able to run the blood flow better through the body.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Bring the nutrients, oxygens and the vitamins, the life force itself into the system to all cells. You know what happens? The heart rate suddenly goes down. 15 to 30 beats a minute. 24 hours a day. Where's the stress? It's gone. Because in the end, everything is cell biological stress.
Starting point is 00:17:12 But people don't know anymore. And with that, they get this sense of control over their... Simply by breathing and going into the cold? Yeah. Sorry that it is so simple. Just do it and it comes along and for those that don't know yours that we go into the cold Yeah after you relax tomorrow, I got this Oscar actor actress
Starting point is 00:17:37 poltro Yeah, whatever tomorrow and within one a half hour I will get a half hour in an ice bath, very stressful environment, and you're going to feel great. Wow. When is that? Tomorrow. 12 o'clock?
Starting point is 00:17:54 Well, 1 o'clock. Gotcha. Very cool. For those that don't know your story, why did you get into the ice and breathing training in the first place? This is from like you're two years old, you're always in the cold or? Yes. This is from like two years old, you're always in the cold or? Yes, actually, if you go back, way back, I was born traumatically. I was one of the twins, identical twins.
Starting point is 00:18:14 They never knew there was another one. And I came almost too late, like blue, purple, in the cold of a hole way. That's where i came and my mother was very religious like naive religious strong as a woman very strong she made this invocation and she told me later oh god let this child live because they were to go to cut her open to get the baby out and she was in fear about that she was being pushed from the recovery room to the operation room and in the hall just before entering the rubber doors of the operation room she just got me out with the words oh god let this child live. I will make him a missionary. Here I am.
Starting point is 00:19:07 The missionary. So I got a mission. But at that moment, I was a piece of nothing. Like purple. With that invocation, a mother has power. And naive or not, she can change the world therein. She can make it hard like a tattoo on your soul. And that's what happened. I was always different than my identical twin brother.
Starting point is 00:19:33 He's still alive? Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. He's alive, but he's not able to do what I do. Because I do what I do. Because I had different experiences coming there from. Nate imprinted my soul, imprinted my type, my character. It was there, boom. And always being different than him,
Starting point is 00:19:54 but 100% genetically the same. They did all two studies on us, and then they saw, yeah, it's genetically the same, but he is not able to do what he is doing. And it's because of the training. Wow. If he did the training, would he be able to do it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And he's doing it now. Yeah, yeah. Gotcha. And he's healing a lot of people now. Yeah. And it's happening. And everybody who's doing this is able to pass it on and get the same results we scientifically have achieved.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Amazing. The autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, the immune system, and the deepest part of the brain are now accessible at will for anybody who does this properly. And when did you start getting into this? Was this a teen years or? This is like a sub-current. When I was 12, I was reading on psychology and Buddhism and I was always a little bit strange looking for things out there. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And wherever I go to get my hands upon, I was into. And when I was 17, I already read so many books, so many religions, traditions, cultures, esoteric disciplines, yoga, kung fu, karate, anything I could do, you know? I had done. And there I found the cold water. Really? In the morning, Sunday morning, a thin layer on the ice, on the water, looking around, I just undressed myself, went in and I knew from the inside, this is it.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Wow. It connects you. And this is what happened. You can't think about anything else. Exactly. You have to think about that moment. Oh yes. Present. Yes, but it matched my birth trauma.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And this is what I later figured out. I was born in the cold of the hole, almost suffocated. Too long in there suffocates you. You get less oxygen. So the first thing you do when you go into the cold water is you begin to breathe deep. What do you do when you get born? Take a deep breath. You come with an inhale.
Starting point is 00:22:09 You go with an exhale. That's it. So the cold does the same. The cold brings you right there. Like rebirthing. And I felt, you know, beyond or deeper than thinking you feel This is it. I felt power. I felt this connection which I had experienced at my birth and
Starting point is 00:22:35 At that time I was absolutely not aware of anything But now I was aware that I had touched on something I was always looking for. And that made me feel so... What were you looking for? That trauma to get a hold of that what was imprinted inside. And that made me the other day come back... And do it again. And do it again.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And do it again. And do it again. Four months later later I was able to stay and this is not for nobody this is me for five to seven minutes under the water holding a breath holding the breath after 25 of these deep breaths then because that all worked and it was great you feel a great stillness while doing it. It's like in a fetus position. I'm under the water just on my own. And nobody around.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I had it always just for my own. The trees were there, no leaves, but it was my little place. Nobody could see it. And there I always trained, every day, every winter. And at a certain moment, I began to separate the breathing and I brought it home. And then I saw all the lights and all the chakras and whatever they call in all these books, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And this time, not because of reading, but because of doing it and experiencing it. Being saw it. And this time not because of reading, but because of doing it. Experience it. Being in it. Yes. And didn't you have an experience later in your life where someone died in your life and you came back? Oh yes. My wife, when I was 35, with whom I had four children, and still have. And I work with them. You saw just two of them.
Starting point is 00:24:27 They're great. She jumped from an eight-story down because of mental disorder. Really? So severe. I mean, like here, just kissing the kids goodbye first. Love was there, but the terror was also there. And she decided to jump and go. That can be life.
Starting point is 00:24:53 That can be terror of life, in life. And a lot of people are suffering in this world. I, at that moment, was earning very little, having four children. I was in the mountains at that present moment because making money through mountaineering and being a mountain guide and all. My kids were with the family in Spain, Basque country, and she did that. Wow. And that had, of course, such a great great impact it broke not only my heart i was just shocked you're shocked you cannot think about it you cannot you don't know what happened but you have four children so you you take care of the children and you go on but deeply you are broken now there i began very consciously going into the cold water
Starting point is 00:25:50 because at that moment from there on i had to deal with my own terror in my mind my own worries my own broken heart and it all influences your thinking brain every day, every day. The cold makes your mind still. Yeah. You cannot picnic. You cannot think about your words or about your mortgage or anything. You can't breathe. You have to focus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:17 And so you are surviving. And surviving is the same part as the emotion, the deep emotion. So that was the only way to still influence the emotion, creating all these bubbles in my head. So my children made me survive. The cold healed me. And now... How long did it take him to you? Yeah. Oh that took I
Starting point is 00:26:48 Don't know five five to ten years really to heal the process. Yeah to get it consciously to my mind I think it took me like a month to get a hold of this anxiety inside of this anxiety inside, something like that. And then from there I just kept on doing it, of course. And I loved it as I did it before, but now it had its absolute therapeutic power. And a purpose too, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And now look at this, Lewis. This happened in 95. Wow. It's 2018, it's like 23 years ago and now I'm a dropout from school But now I'm teaching the professor's and the doctors in all the world That we have an ability to tap into the deepest part of the brain and solve all the matters Related to mental disorders and having no control.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Wow. And there is no pill, no medicine involved. It's your own awareness, your own power. And then you get into the cold and the breathing and we skip the breathing and the cold at a certain moment. We get in our innate control by our mind the way the establishment doesn't like it, but the way we should have to confront ourselves
Starting point is 00:28:14 with any stressor happening in the world to take care of our beloved. Yeah. Well, the establishment doesn't like it because it's not making them money. That is the disease. That is the big disease though, withholding. Yeah, well the establishment doesn't like it because it's not making them money if you That is the disease that is the big disease though withholding and I think making money very nice great But I don't want pills. I don't want medicine. I want happiness strength and health if you are happy
Starting point is 00:28:46 How much money do you need you see how much cars do you need how much of this if you're happy you're happy so if you are able to regulate your own mood and we found the compelling evidence of the key components of the autonomous processes in the brain related to emotion itself i want it out there i want to be professors and doctors prove me wrong guys Because we got it approved already in the science, but now we are with the establishment So the establishment is there is very nice You can make bridges and big buildings and and all that and shoot people to the moon Let's begin and start guaranteeing happiness, strength and health. Because it's there.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Boom. There, your work and my work collide positively. Absolutely, man. It's amazing. Where do you feel the most loved in your life? I just loved your walk. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. I think you're a very lovable person.
Starting point is 00:29:48 You're a big bear. I get to meet people like you. And that's amazing. And that's very lovable, but also very powerful. Because in the end, love is the greatest power in the universe. If you are in love with somebody, then you fly. Fly. There is no thinking anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:09 You just, nobody can stop you. Fly. So that love is the biggest one. And that love you got, not only for your woman, you got it also for your children. You got it for, and we should have it for nature. Because then you don't even need the respect. You love it.
Starting point is 00:30:26 You're not going to damage it. Yeah. You see? And we lost that because we lost the connection. We are wrongly schooled from the beginning off. And so the school, like the school of greatness, it starts in the primary school, primordial, primary, the primal. Let's not have them just being taught in history, language, and mathematics. Teach them love.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Teach them love. Composed by scientific endorsed reality, wherein they are able to tap into the immune system, endocrine system, to guarantee happiness, strength, health, happiness is endorphins and dopamines and all that the health is the control over the tapping in into the immune system in all the levels we have shown we have shown we have shown and and the strength is the adrenaline at your service,
Starting point is 00:31:24 like the adrenal axis in your conscious will, and that strength is the adrenaline at your service, like the adrenal axis in your conscious will, that it is all there. And with that comes the rest too. We should not be individualized through schooling to become a tough motherfucker hitting with the elbows to the others because you've got to compete and you become strong. That's not
Starting point is 00:31:45 strength that is aggression yeah strength is where we help each other to become the best of ourselves that's true and it's all there now that's true there we are what's your greatest fear greatest fear for you personally it's always a different question. It looks like the same. But, you know, a fearless state, I can explain it like this. A fearless state of being is a being that is able to go with his conscious will into any part of the brain. What is that? That is the sixth sense. The sixth sense. The sixth sense. We have shown the sixth sense, seventh sense,
Starting point is 00:32:26 and eighth sense now. Through scientific mechanisms, we are able to detect different neurological networks in the brain related to the body. It's rooted in the body. It's of course commanded by the brain. We call it subconscious, and there you've got the sixth sense, the seventh of course commanded by the brain. We call it subconscious and there you got the sixth sense, the seventh sense and the eighth sense. Sixth sense is the, I make a shortcut,
Starting point is 00:32:52 is the ability at will to enter into any part of our brain. We thought there was only 16% being able to be controlled by our will in our brain. And now we have shown in brain scans in Germany, with one of the two best brain scans of the world, to create 100% neural activity. That means we are able to create, at will, consciously, 100% neural activity within the brain. And thus, suddenly, the willpower is able to enter into the right neural active parts of any part of that brain. That means we are able to go past the space, time-space barrier of our thinking.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And that is the sixth sense. The sixth sense knows in the future. Sixth sense knows what happened. All with mathematical precision beyond Einstein. Anything. It's going to be the future. I will tell you. There is the fearless state of being because your brain and your body are connected to be able to interact and confront with anything that is going to happen in the future. Fear only exists because we are too much into our time, space, little area, narrowed consciousness. And when there is narrowed consciousness in the future, things will happen wherein you have to go to another part of the brain to solve the matter at that moment.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Those are the life lessons, but it is too narrowed. So that's why the fear comes in. And the fear says only one thing, go to me and find out why I'm here. It's a signal, like pain is a signal. Psychologically, fear is there. So that is number six, the sixth sense. And you can feel it as confidence.
Starting point is 00:34:49 If you are confident, then that is because you are able to go past the time-space barrier, past the narrowed consciousness. Because that's the narrowed consciousness all about. All this enlightenment and all that. So far away. It's right over here right now Feel confident number six number seven is the immune system proprioception Neurological network thought of inaccessible now we have shown to make it accessible for people. It's the immune system
Starting point is 00:35:20 So what is the immune system is a detection system to get the wrong intruders out right like in a moment not waiting five to seven days and and then the flu comes in and the fever and this and it needs five to seven days to get into the specific answer and get a a molecule on the membrane of the intruder and then suddenly you have no flu anymore. No, you can do that in five minutes. Wow. With your will, which was able to go past the time-space. So that's number seven.
Starting point is 00:35:55 We got that, and we have shown in science, I'm only bringing things together. And then number eight, I lately showed brain scans in Detroit how to tackle top down a stressor out of your body. And that is the power of the mind. And I tell you, I'm just at the beginning. Yeah, man. What is your personal fear, though, for you?
Starting point is 00:36:23 I got a family with six. I'm in fear all day long. Really? With one and a half. Running around? He doesn't think. He does. We think.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And so he goes so fast out of your sight. I'm there. I'm there. Yeah. So you're afraid of something happening to your family or? Oh, yes. Yes. And that makes me very attentive.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I'm learning of him right now. Because once again, I'm just at the threshold of the power of our mind. Yeah. And to dive deeper and explore more. In the end, it is to guarantee love composed by happiness, strength, and health. Guarantee to our children. And then getting into the power of the mind. This is the new dimension where I got in. They saw me in Germany activating.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Not even me. I'm just giving the protocol. Right. Then they have these people in brain scans. And they suddenly see, at will, make it a disco. All the neural activity everywhere. Creating the right neural biochemical environment for the willpower, which is in the end neural activity, to enter into any part of the brain. Which is not possible if we are too much.
Starting point is 00:37:45 The way we are schooled is narrowed down. Then the 25% less of blood flow goes to the other part. Thus, there's not a life. We make it a life. And suddenly, the power of the mind is able to naturally go where it needs to go, into the so-called subconscious, submarine. You are a submarine to go in and adventure and to find out what there is going on in there.
Starting point is 00:38:14 In the end, it's for the soul to be able to flourish and to be. And there is all the power of the love. Who was more influential in your life growing up your mom or your dad and what was the greatest lesson they taught you my dad was like a gypsy a gypsy free no rules no there's no let it go indulging into life and my mother was very strict really yeah naive very catholic every sunday to the and you have to do it so and so and so and so yeah i loved my mother as if i have a guru a teacher it was her wow and now it's my dog your dog yeah because my mother is she's ruling that she is still there and she's great we we love our mothers and my dog when i go into the mountains in freezing temperatures the iceman and they go
Starting point is 00:39:14 go mount everest and all that my dog is three times faster in the, she is playing around. It's minus 20, minus 25 Celsius, which is freezing, freezing cold. And she's just playing around. Wow. So I'm learning of, yeah, if there is a teacher, it's her. But in the end, it's the cold itself. The cold is my teacher. What is the greatest lesson the cold has taught you? The cold is merciless but righteous.
Starting point is 00:39:49 So that's it. And it's always there. You can always depend and always you are able to tap into the depth of yourself by going through the initial reflexes of the cold coming upon you. And then suddenly you get a deep peace and deep power. I think it is a noble force. Wow. Can we do a three-minute breathing exercise?
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah, yeah, sure. Together where you just work with me, guide me, and tell me what to do. And if someone's watching, and if they only have three minutes a day to do some type of breathing exercise or a mindset. You could do, you know, in four minutes. Four minutes, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:28 You got a push-up exercise. This is what we do. And the push-up exercise vacuums the oxygen out of you. But first we're going to oxygenize. We're going to alkalize the muscle tissue. And thus, when the muscle tissue is alkalized, it is the right chemical environment for the neuro performance neurotransmitter to keep on going. Just to show it to yourself.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Besides of that, you get deeply into the autonomic nervous system within four minutes. Let's do it. Can we try? Yes. Let within four minutes. Let's do it. Can we try? Yes. Let's do it. Let's do it. Good. Very soon, I'm going to ask you to do push-ups.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Okay. Without air in the lungs. Without air in the lungs. Yes. And that is because before, we are going to alkalize the blood. And that goes into the muscle tissue and that will Create the right chemical environment for the neurotransmitter performance to keep on going. Hey, what's the matter? I'm not breathing get no air my self and keep on going. What is that? That is the alchemist
Starting point is 00:41:39 That's you within four minutes does you get so fast in your biochemistry, and you hold your breath, which is consciousness, and thus the consciousness goes into the nervous system, into the depth thought of by science. It's not possible. It's the autonomic nervous system. Within four minutes. I think you have four minutes every day. And you know what? You're going to
Starting point is 00:42:05 feel great. Great. Nice. So what do I do? Do I breathe first? Do we do push-ups first? Do we... You know how many push-ups you normally do. Okay. Keep that... And now that is your baseline. Okay. And now we're going to do more push-ups
Starting point is 00:42:21 without breathing? Is that possible? Hey, be the alchemist. He's going to show. And you're going to do more push-ups without breathing? Is that possible? Hey, be the alchemist. He's going to show, and you're going to feel. Okay. Relax. Relax. Body is able to store up oxygen. Four minutes.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Huh? Four minutes. Do we sit or stand for this? Does it matter? If you stand, you know, you can go directly into push-up exercise. As you wish. As you wish. As you feel. Relax.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Okay, there you are. Fully in. And let it go. Fully in. Let it go. Fully in. Let it go. Get them up. Fully in. Let it go. Pull it in. Let it go. Get them up.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Pull it in. Let it go. Keep on going. Pull it in. Let it go. Pull it in. Have one thing in mind. You give the best, you get the best. There we are.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Fully in. Light-headedness, losing the body, tingling. Whatever you feel, make it stronger. Breathe into it. Okay, 19. 18. We are oxygenizing the body, alkalizing the body. Muscle tissue is becoming alkaline it's going good 14 pull it in go pull it in go pull it in go get it in get it in, get it in. Go. Ten.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Nine. Eight. One thing in your mind. Be a mean machine. You are the alchemist. Four. Three. Four. Three. Two.
Starting point is 00:44:30 One. Here comes the last one. Pull it out. Let it go. Stop. And go. No breathing. Two, three, four, five, six, 7, 8, 9, go.
Starting point is 00:44:56 40, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, no and locks. 20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Whenever you feel the urge to breathe, you can take him in and keep on going. Oh, man. Well done. This is the way you get deeply into the autonomic nervous system and re-regulate the adrenal axis. It's all happening because he was not breathing
Starting point is 00:45:22 and he became vacuumed within. Suddenly, you got to survive. A thing we never do. And it's good for you. You feel, hey, you tell what you feel. Easy does it. Easy does it. Well done.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Well done. Well done. Well done. Well done. Oh, man. I wish I didn't do chest this morning, but I did a full chest this morning. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Sure. But it feels good. Yeah. Yeah. I was feeling tingly and lightheaded during the breathing. That's good. Yeah. But then I felt like I had a lot of energy when I breathed all the way out.
Starting point is 00:46:00 When I was pushing, I felt like I had a lot of energy. That's it. That's it. That's it. I was pushing, I felt like I had a lot of energy. That's it. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:46:07 That's the alkalinity in the muscle tissue and the performance neurotransmitter acetylcholine is able to go. And normally, when it becomes sore, acetylcholine is not able to go anymore. And this could be altered for football or anything. Sure. Do you recommend people do that four-minute exercise every day? Yes. Yes. Would they do push-ups?
Starting point is 00:46:29 Everybody has four minutes. No excuse. Should they do the exercise with push-ups or just the breathing by itself? No, no. With push-ups, a lot better because you get the shit out of your system. Really? Yeah, I'm like sweating. It's a toxifying it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:45 And you are, the adrenal axis is on, and that resets the body. Yeah. And that means you get into this natural biochemical state. It's like a high. Right on. Yes. And you recover. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:01 That's logical, but that's of all. The thing is, if they want the, we got a free app on the website. How do they get it? And that is, I don't know. Wim Yeah, And there is a free app.
Starting point is 00:47:21 And there you got all the scientific science behind it and about the cold, the way the breathing deeply gets into it. Video training. Video training. Video training, yes. Amazing. You're doing workshops around the world right now too, right? So if people want to do a workshop with you, they can go to
Starting point is 00:47:41 Back in LA it's going to happen in November. Okay. Yeah, and New York, it's going to happen in November. Okay. Yeah, and New York, New Orleans, I thought. Things like that. All over the world. Australia, Asia, Europe. So they can find all the information there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:55 It's great, man. Yeah. What is your mission? What do you want people, what do you want to do? I want everybody to be happy, strong, and healthy. And that it is there. And that you learn to own your own mind, because it's beautiful. Then you sense a power, and you become powerful, you become proud,
Starting point is 00:48:14 and you are a protector, and you live in harmony with nature around you, inside, outside, same thing. Yeah. When you have control, you're not being a, you're not trying to survive and be a victim of life. You're in control of life and you're able to serve other people around you. Yes, our energy doesn't need so much to survive and to be. We got so much more energy and we naturally give that. But for that, we first have to know who we are and for that we need that control
Starting point is 00:48:47 and for that we are into the science to show everybody has it who are you i'm uh i'm here like a simple dude changing the world if there are three words to describe you, what would those three words be? I'm crazy about life. They always said, this man is crazy. He's crazy. He's crazy. You know, negatively content. And I say, I'm still crazy. I'm crazy about my life and my wife. So the family and being, who am I? I'm the savior, but you too, and everybody is. Wow, yeah, it's amazing. Well, there's a couple questions I want to ask you to finalize this. One is called the three truths.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I don't remember if I asked you this the last time, but I'll ask you now. Imagine it's the last day of your life many years from now and you've achieved everything you want the world is healing the you know people gain their power back there's less mental stress and disease inflammation is leaving people's bodies they're they're controlling their minds everything wonderful the work you've done is impacting the world, right? Imagine this happening. Your family is healthy. You've got 20 grandkids, whatever you want. Everything you want has happened. But at some point you got to leave. You got to leave this earth. And everyone's there and
Starting point is 00:50:18 it's a great celebration, but you've got to, everything you've created, you've got to take it with you. So your work, your message, this podcast, it's all got to go with you. But you get to write down on a piece of paper three things you know to be true about your whole life and the lessons you've learned in your life. So you can leave behind three lessons for the world. What would you say are those three lessons or three truths that you would share with the world? Have the courage to go through fear. Find out who you really are. And heal as many as you can. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yes. Find out who you are and heal. The as you can really yes find out who you are and feel the real power of yourself find your real power it's much more than we thought possible and i once again i'm a dropout from school i'm teaching professors and doctors all over the world yeah i got a holistic view the world yeah i got a holistic view and the holistic view comes from nature nature knows more than we have stated in books sure yeah and gotten into our minds narrowing us down and thus it is able to be corrupted yeah the soul cannot be corrupted that's who we are that is the power i wish for everybody to find and then to go like a warrior. That's it, baby. Well, I want to acknowledge you, Wim, for the consistent madman on a mission that you
Starting point is 00:51:53 are to help heal and transform lives. I think you've found a method that works for you and works for so many people. And your passion and commitment, no matter what you look like or what people say about you, you're just a maniac on a mission to change lives. And I acknowledge you for that. I acknowledge you for your huge heart. We sang some songs last time you were here. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:52:14 The guitar. So I acknowledge you for being a passionate, curious child, even at 59 years old, and never letting your childlike spirit leave you. Because I think a lot of people your age, my age, forget who they are as a child. And it leaves them. And you've kept that spirit alive, and it's infectious in a positive way with everyone that follows you.
Starting point is 00:52:38 So I appreciate you, man. That is nice. That is great. Of course, man. Of course, man. My final question for you is what's your definition of greatness? Yeah. I'm astonished now every day.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Every day I'm astonished. I got this, my little baby. I said, I got a baby. I got a beautiful wife. I'm changing the world. Every day I feel great. I'm a man on the mission. Any man, any woman on a mission is going to feel great. I'm a man on the mission. Any man, any woman
Starting point is 00:53:05 on a mission is going to feel great. There you go. Wim Hof, my man. Appreciate you. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:53:15 There you have it, my friends. Happiness, strength, optimal state of the body and mind all through breathing, mindset, and using the cold to our advantage.
Starting point is 00:53:27 If you enjoyed this, make sure to tag me, atlewishouse, on Instagram and tag Wim Hof. Let me and him know what you thought about this and share this with your friends. Put a link on your story on Instagram with a swipe up. Your friends need to listen to this. I'm telling you, it's going to change the life of so many people if they just apply some of this, some of these strategies, the breathing, the mindset, the cold therapy. It is powerful. Anytime you seek discomfort in your life, you will see certain results. The hard things done well create better results for you over time. It's not fun. It's not easy, but
Starting point is 00:54:03 I'm telling you, it is worth it. Make sure to share with your friends, slash 799, or be a champion in someone's life today and just send them a text. Say, Hey, I thought you would like this. Check it out. It's the new show with Lewis house and Wim Hof. And here's the link. You can copy the link from your podcast app and let me know what you think. If you haven't left a review over on your podcast app, please leave us a review. I think we're almost at 5,000 five-star reviews. So I would love your thoughts, love your feedback.
Starting point is 00:54:31 We read them internally to our team every single week and they give us that energy and that excitement to continue to make this better for you every single day. You have the power to change your life in any moment based on the thoughts that you think and the actions you take. Nelson Mandela said, I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Starting point is 00:54:58 You must be willing to just lean into those discomforts, those fears, those insecurities. lean into those discomforts, those fears, those insecurities. The more you take those on, the more action steps you take towards them, the less they will have power over you. But you must be willing to address it and face yourself head on. Face your fears. It's going to be ugly. It's going to be scary.
Starting point is 00:55:20 It's going to be messy. You're going to make mistakes. But that's where the magic is. Face your fears and keep moving forward. I hope this interview helped you, give you tools, strategies, inspiration that you can do this as well. You can overcome the challenges in your life if you're just willing to go through them. Quit avoiding these things and go through them. I love you so very much.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And you know what time it is. It's time to go out there and do through them. I love you so very much. And you know what time it is. It's time to go out there and do something great. you

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