The School of Greatness - 917 Make an Impact and Next Level Success with Dean Graziosi

Episode Date: February 19, 2020

“I want to make self-education the new norm.”QUESTIONSWhat’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned about intimate relationships that applies to business relationships? (8:00)What are the keys to ...constantly deepening your love in a long-term relationship that apply to business? (14:13)How to create a hunger within yourself to achieve great things (23:20)What did you learn last year that you’re letting go of this year? (35:49)YOU WILL LEARNWays you can learn to build a profitable career without going to college (2:30)Why 2020 is the year for female entrepreneurs (9:28)The different kinds of entrepreneur you can be (26:30)The message Dean wants his soon to be born son to know (29:31)What happens when you are in complete alignment with yourself (42:01)Who masterminds are for and who they are not for (46:26)If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is episode number 917 with New York Times best-selling author, Dean Graziosi. Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the class begin. Nelson Mandela said, money won't create success. The freedom to make it will.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And Tony Robbins said, you either master money or on some level, money masters you. This interview and episode could be one of the most powerful episodes of your life if you choose to learn the strategies to take your financial freedom to the next level. And this is all about the art of creating financial freedom. And if you don't know who Dean Graziosi is, he's a mega successful entrepreneur, marketer, success coach, business owner, real estate investor, and leading trainer throughout the world. He has also appeared daily on TV in America for nearly 15 years and is highly respected as an entrepreneur, multiple New York Times bestselling author, inspirational speaker, and his books have sold over 1 million copies.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Now, why is this going to be powerful for you? Because Dean is so passionate about creating online education, especially for people who didn't do well in the traditional school system like myself. I was in the special needs classes pretty much my entire schooling years and just struggled. But somehow, I was able to take my knowledge and build it into a successful business today. How did I do that? Me and Dean talk about that. Dean also talks about the biggest lessons he learned since turning 50 years young. He talks about self-doubt and how you can empower yourself to go after your dreams. He talks about self-doubt and how you can empower yourself to go after your dreams.
Starting point is 00:02:11 We also talk about the idea behind Dean and Tony Robbins' mastermind and the power of financial freedom. Now, I want to share a quick story. I was in Fiji with Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins. They host this private exclusive mastermind from an online training they have called Knowledge Business Blueprint. from a online training they have called Knowledge Business Blueprint. And they brought me to Fiji, and I got to do some behind-the-scenes Q&A with both Tony and Dean and about 10 other extremely successful entrepreneurs building massive businesses.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And the things I learned in those five hours and five days that I spent with them was truly transformational from connecting and learning from Tony and Dean. They just have so much experience combined on all that they've learned about how to really build businesses. And in this episode, we're going to hear from Dean directly. But if you want to really learn how to take your expertise to the next level and how to extract a skill or an expertise or a passion that you have and get a ton of people excited about it to pay you for it. If you want to learn about why writing a book or creating a course or being a consultant is not the fastest way to making a massive impact and profits. And if you want to learn the secret that both Dean and Tony Robbins used when they first got
Starting point is 00:03:31 started to launch their business before they were well-known experts around the world, then they are doing a free training for you that will teach you all of these exact things. I've been through this training and it's mind-blowing. This free information will literally blow your mind. If you go to, you can get that information. So just write that link down right now,, and make sure you sign up for that for free because they're going to teach you some amazing things about this.
Starting point is 00:04:03 But this episode is going to blow you away. I'm super excited about you for diving in. Make sure you take notes on this. Make sure you share with your friends because Dean is going to dive in deep and share vulnerable, intimate things that he's never shared before. Right after this was done, he sat there with his wife and he said, wow, I've never shared these things. I think you're going to get a lot of value out of this about the art of creating financial freedom
Starting point is 00:04:25 and really letting go of that self-doubt that is holding you back from getting the profits and the impact that you truly want. So I am super excited about this. Again, make sure to tag me at Lewis Howes and Dean Graziosi over on social media and the link to share with your friends is slash 917.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Now, without further ado, let's dive into this episode with the one and only Dean Graziosi. Welcome back to the School of Greatness podcast. We've got my good friend, Dean Graziosi. It's good to be in the house, man. Super pumped for you. Man, I'm so excited. When we're done, I got to hear about your trip. So we got to talk about it. The trip was crazy. It's a new year, new decade.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Yeah. You got a baby on the way. I do. You got an amazing life right now. One, because you got an amazing wife. You got an amazing baby on the way. But you're impacting so many people with the movement you guys are creating. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:24 It's pretty awesome. Which is really cool. on the way, but you're impacting so many people with the movement you guys are creating. I know. It's pretty awesome. Which is really cool. I think it's really cool when you meet someone who's had a lot of experience in life, made so many mistakes, had a lot of success, failures over what, 20, 30 years now of you doing business. Over 30, yeah. And says, you know what, I want to take this information and simplify it and teach people how I did it.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I think that's like, it's inspiring when you meet someone who's done it. Yeah. And then it's more inspiring when you meet someone who's done it and then tries to help others do it. Well, for me, and the thing is, I mean, at this phase of my life, I appreciate you saying that, brother, because it's what saved my life. Like, if I look at all, I've been blessed. I did well in real estate in my 20s. Started with no money. That really was my life. Like if I look at all, I've been blessed. I did well in real estate in my 20s, started with no money. That's really was my momentum. And I've written multiple New York Times bestselling books and all this stuff and failed miserably in between. But if I look back,
Starting point is 00:06:12 what really saved my life was learning from other people. And at this, like, at this time, like, how could I not want to give that back? It's what changes the world, right? I mean, I want to talk about it today because it's such a part of who I am and what Tony Robbins And I are doing right now, but at the end of the day self-education is what saved all of us I mean, this is what you give back to them Yeah And I'm so proud of what you do and and and to be to expose yourself to the world and bring on other people and deliver That value to people it's it. It's a really noble thing. I mean, I don't know about you
Starting point is 00:06:41 But I do know a little bit because we talked about it but in high school my guidance counselor I mean legit sat me down I wasn't taking my SATs I knew I wasn't going to college and she looked at me and she was just like no you're not are you sure and I said yeah so it went from no college like that was going to be perfect and I'm not saying college is bad for everybody but like it was either ah, heaven's open and the sunbeams come through. Right. And the angels sing, or she's like, oh, no college. Well, maybe you can work with your dad, fixing cars. She knew my dad didn't make a lot of money or go apply at the only factory in town for minimum wage. That was the two options she gave me. Right. So how many people are there out there right now that if the regular
Starting point is 00:07:24 paths not work and they think there if the regular path's not working, they think there's no other path or go working at a gas station? I'm not knocking if you work at a gas station. I'm just saying that's the way my supposed guidance counselor looked. And what saved me was the third option that I didn't know existed until I knew was self-education. Learning from other people. I found a couple older people in my town. I became friends with them.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Great mentors. Yeah. Yeah. Like they became mentors. And then I bought Tony Robbins' course. And then Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle. And I started going down this path. I'm like, oh my town. I became friends with them. I saw them. Yeah. Like they became mentors. And then I bought Tony Robbins course and then Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle. And I started going down this path. I'm like, Oh my God. And it changed my life. So I owe such a debt of gratitude to self-education. So it's, it's a pleasure to give it back. And if you didn't, if you didn't have mentors and you didn't have books or places you could learn information, where do you think you'd
Starting point is 00:08:03 be? I I'd still be working on cars. mean that's just a true story and here's the thing what's cool now is what why the world has changed so I'm not a gazillion years old but being 51 right now if I look back when I was in my 20s and wanted to do more so I had dyslexia one you have to be worried man what's that good for you I'll take that well my life makes me look young, so that's really good. But in my 20s, I knew there was more. I was going after it. I was a hustler.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Hands down, I was a hustler. I was running away from a broke, painful, young lifestyle. When I was young, I didn't like that lifestyle. I was running away from it, so I was working hard. And when I wanted to find a mentor, there was no podcast. I couldn't go listen to Lewis Howes. No YouTube shows. There was no YouTube shows.
Starting point is 00:08:47 There was no Instagram. There was no Facebook. And I had dyslexia really bad, so I hated reading. There was no audio books. So back then, it was like, if you don't find a mentor and you're not good at reading, there's no... You're screwed, right? So I was lucky enough to watch an infomercial. I mean, everybody asks me, why did you go in the infomercial business 20 years ago?
Starting point is 00:09:03 Because I watched an infomercial. Tony Robbins took my money. He gave me information. It changed my life. I'm like, I want to do that. So that's why I went in that business. So if I wasn't lucky enough to be up late one night and watch Tony's infomercial and then go down this path of like, Holy crap, there's people out there that get good at something. And then they extract it and share it. Like I cut him a check and they gave me knowledge. Once i understood that you could pay for speed game changer for life and then i got upset i mean you know i'm obsessed on it masterminds is something i do on a regular basis we own we we're teaching the world how to do masterminds and extract what they know because it's it's the biggest it's the biggest needle mover there is it's funny you said that uh paying for speed because in football the the saying is
Starting point is 00:09:46 you can't teach speed and you you'll find guys that run the 4-3 and the 40 but have horrible hands because you can teach them the other stuff speed is the thing you can't teach in sports you either kind of got it you can get to a certain point but it's hard to really get past that uh the next point but in business or in life you can teach speed yeah it but it's hard to really get past that, the next point. But in business, or in life, you can teach speed. Yeah, it's the ultimate unfair advantage. It's like, it's this thing that lives out there, and the people that know about it are the ones that are doing better,
Starting point is 00:10:15 and they're going faster, and you don't know why, right? It's like two people in a restaurant across the street from each other, one's killing it, one's not. Guaranteed, one's in masterminds, or one's learning from somebody, or one has a mentor, or one goes to a to a live event or has a coach and the other one's trying to figure out through trial and error yeah i mean if you look at if you look at what we have as options to learn to go faster whether that's you know you want to make more money to give it all away you want to make
Starting point is 00:10:38 more of an impact you finally want to start that business you have or your business is doing okay but you know there's that next level like you see the person next door like they're doing it there's a couple ways to get there you go back to school kind of the traditional path and we could talk about that that's it's just an antiquated system it's not working anymore it's not delivering what people need it did at one point but it hasn't evolved and people know that that's why it's there's a huge exodus from college right now right or we have trial and error. You'd figured out on your own and that can be the most costly time consuming. And besides timely and time consuming and costly, the worst thing about trial and error is everybody has a threshold where they finally get to a point
Starting point is 00:11:19 and give up and go back to what they knew. Right. It's like, you're trying, you're trying, I'll pay the bills over here, but I'm trying, I'm trying. The business is doing okay. I'm trying. It's like, that's not working. I'll go back. And kind of give up. And there's a certain point in life where people just try, try, try. And then they hit this flat spot and they coast forever.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Like they don't die till they're a hundred, but really at 37, they gave up and they weren't growing. Right. But what most people are missing is this whole other world of self-education, right? Whatever it is you want to do. You want to learn. My wife is the number one hairstylist in Arizona for the last eight years. You want to learn how to do extensions and make 10 times more than the average hairstylist.
Starting point is 00:11:57 You could try to figure it out. You can go to cosmetology school and go work for somebody. You could do a trial and error. Or you could spend a weekend with my wife and make several hundred thousand dollars rather than the twenty eight thousand dollars that's the norm like just using that as an example but it's every niche that exists on the world in the world if you're starting off at day one there's somebody out there that's got five years ten years twenty years and if you can extract what they know yeah decades in the days kind of tony robbins always says that you get to start
Starting point is 00:12:25 off where they left off. So I'm curious, you're 51 years young now. Yeah. You've been through lots of different business growth, failures, successes, different things. You've had lots of money. You've lost some money. You've made more money. You are married, divorced. Yeah. New marriage. You have kids from a previous marriage. You've got kid coming in a new marriage Yeah, what's the greatest lesson you've learned in the last? Since you turned 50 about intimate relationships that have applied towards business relationships Great great great question and and I have no especially because of our relationship. I have no problem especially because of our relationship i have no problem sharing i know i know you definitely want to talk about this yeah no but it's a it's a really good question because again not to go
Starting point is 00:13:08 back to tony but he's my dear friend and when i was 48 he said to me something that no one ever asked he said who are you going to become in your 50s because everybody else talks about what you're going to accomplish and he said that it kind of sticks in my head and you know who i've become in a relationship and that's related to business, empathy is probably the biggest word. Compassion. And there's a time where I wasn't sure. Like, I think empathy or compassion could seem like weakness. Right?
Starting point is 00:13:38 And what I realize now that I know this sounds crazy, but maybe to some people, not to to most special people listen to you But love is the answer to everything It really is like when you love your business when you love your employees when you love the impact you're making on people when you Love your wife when you love your kids It's an easy word to throw out there But when you truly understand it on the other side of all the craziness that we've tried to figure out what love is It changes the game. Yeah, listen I don't know. I going to back up here. You threw me for a loop and I want to give it.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Listen, if people are going to spend time with us today, there's a million podcasts they could be listening to. They're listening to you. I want this to be one like, holy crap, I'm so glad I listened to Lewis and Dean. But I want to break down something. This might be a little different than your question, but the difference between men and women and why I think, you asked me this question,
Starting point is 00:14:27 so I'm going to do it on this road. Why I think 2020 is the start and the year of the woman entrepreneur, of the woman success. And this is what I learned from my wife. So it'll tie back to your question. And I say that because, and I might not be politically correct
Starting point is 00:14:41 and I'm not perfect. You know, if I say this wrong, I apologize. But the balance between women's opportunities and men's wasn't always where it should be. Let's just face it, right? It was stacked in our favor. But I think we're getting closer. Maybe it needs a lot more evolution, but I think it's closer. We can both agree it's closer now than ever before in history, right?
Starting point is 00:14:59 And I think women finally, it's not that they don't need permission. I think it's a time where women who have more empathy, just born with it, more compassion, and I think more instinct than men, right? I don't know about you, but if you're listening right now, ask your husband or you have your wife or your grandmother or your mother or your sister, has there ever been a time you brought somebody around and your wife or girlfriend said to you, I don't think he's a good guy. Don't do business. She says this to me all the time. And you're like, no, no, no, he's good. And what happens six months later?
Starting point is 00:15:28 That guy wasn't so good. You're right. Their instinct is unbelievable. Their empathy and compassion is unbelievable. Right? So, and this ties back to the guys too. But if you think about that for those years, a lot of times that was used in relationships It was used for their children now It's being used for the world and or simultaneously We're in a place in society where we're so done with the get rich overnight get skinny overnight fall in love overnight Intimacy in two seconds read this book like we want real so bad So I think we're at this point where the playing field is more level and the any Abilities of that women have is what the world is craving
Starting point is 00:16:08 That's why even in our the program Tony and I have it's more women than men crushing. Yeah, really? Yeah, we're about 57 percent women just destroying it like making such an impact on the world because They tend to be more just real and genuine were a lot of times with guys were aggressive We go in we start selling before we kind of times with guys, we're aggressive. We go in, we start selling before we kind of know. We want to make a change before we really understand it. So with that said, being in a relationship where I, you know, I made mistakes in the past in a relationship, but my relationship ended. I'll take just as much responsibility as my ex and I needed to grow.
Starting point is 00:16:42 But when I ended that relationship instead of thinking I needed I need to find a better woman someone who you know fits me and I I was lucky enough to see that I needed to become a better man wow and I worked a lot on myself and when I decided and I wrote down on a piece of paper the only relationship I would accept I found my wife and we're three years in it's the best relationship in my life. We fall more in love every day. But you asked me that question. Going through the pain of a divorce,
Starting point is 00:17:12 which was mostly painful because of my kids. My ex and I knew our relationship was done years ago, but I went through a divorce in my childhood. My parents went through a bunch of divorces. So I didn't want to put that on them. But going through that pain was actually the greatest thing. Because on the other side, just if you're starting a business, in a relationship, trying to lose weight, like the pain of going through it made me realize I had to become better. And I was able to attract the greatest love of my life.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And then now that I look at her with this love and admiration and I respect her so much that when I see her empathy when I see her instinct I trust it on a level I never did before then I take those lessons. I push them back out to the world I put them in my courses. I start on my podcast and all of a sudden people like I don't know about this Everybody's like this new version of you and it's it's it's not just love I love love is amazing, but it's love and respecting what I see in her. And when I give it to the world, I see everything lift. Right? Now, here's a question then.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah. So you're four years in the marriage relationship. Yeah. Almost six months in the marriage, I think, roughly. Four years in. So how do you, you know, in business, sometimes we can get excited about an idea. And we build it up for a year or two. We're promoted like crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And then we're like, okay, we've done this. We're on to the next idea. Let's launch something new. Let's create this. Let's do this. Let's get a new business plan. Right. We're off to the next thing.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Sometimes that happens in relationships too. We get excited. We fall in love. There's this emotion. A year, two, three. Okay. Now I want to try something new. I was saying everyone, but you seem to figure out a point where like you fall in love more and more every day. emotion a year two three okay now I want to try something new I think everyone
Starting point is 00:18:45 but you seem to figure out a point where like you fall in love more and more every day or have more and more respect every day what's the keys to deepening your relationship in a intimate relationship long-term relationship marriage and and falling more in love with the person or the relationship that you can also translate into business as well. How do you do it in your relationship, in your marriage now? So I would say- Because it didn't work before and now it is working. Just what you said a couple of years in looking for the next business. That's how I felt in last
Starting point is 00:19:17 relationships. I'll be transparent and say that to you. And it's the complete opposite now. Because I had enough of that pain to realize that doesn't lead anywhere. So that's probably time on this earth to realize that there's never a time where I said, Oh, this is so great. It's like, you look back and like, that was just dumb. It was a dumb decision. Like I was always searching for say the perfect business when I needed to be the perfect business owner. Right? So if you're dabbling and saying, Oh, should I work on Shopify? Should i launch a should i write a book should i create a course should i do masterminds sometimes we're looking for the outside thing to make it great when really it's us yeah and so i think that's time on this earth and
Starting point is 00:19:55 i know i had to go deep inside the second thing just like a business is burn the boats like yeah i never burned the boat i always left one boat in the harbor this relationship is so magical to me and let me back up when i said this is what i must have in a relationship and this is what i can't accept in a relationship and i found that i found this connection i found this love i burned the boats and i also did, I think they use this in like a 12-step program, but I did like fantasy contamination. Like the way I love this woman, I say this because she's here in the room with us right now. There's nothing I can compare that would want me to compromise that love.
Starting point is 00:20:39 When she walks in a room, the only man she looks at is me. I screw that up. Once she might still be with me, what if she didn't look at me that way? What if she didn at is me I screw that up once she might still be with me what if she didn't look at me that way what if she didn't love me on that level so I think through okay what if I even just flirted with this girl what if I just text back to a girl that hit me up just to say hi I'm like what if she saw that and then the next time she looked at me just didn't have that luster so I think of that and I contaminate all of it and I burn the boats and there's zero options wow what do you call it fantasy Fantasy contamination? Fantasy contamination. I heard it someplace, so I'm just going with it.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Right, right. But I do because, and none of them have ever, would be more rewarding than this. So burn the boats. First off, you know, make sure you're in the right relationship, burn the boats, stay in your swimming lane and proximity. That's a great one. That was great advice I got from somebody is proximity. Like I used to travel all the time, do events, thousands of people and always be alone. Always, always, always. And the truth is not that I have any temptation, but I don't want to be alone. I want to grow with my woman. So there's everything I do. And I mean, she's sitting with me now. If I'm on stage, there's 8,000, we just did an event with 8,000 women, Rachel Hollis's event. I got the audience going crazy, cheering, clapping. they're waiting in line to do it when I look over I'm
Starting point is 00:21:46 At my wife right there and I like that's my woman That's my everything and when I'm on stage when I'm on a podcast I am NOT before and previous relationships. I barely talked about my relationships. I don't think I ever heard you know, I never did There's not a time. I'm on stage I'm out in public and and here's this crazy thing and you know this with your business and take it back for your business The more you talk about something With excitement with it. You don't just anchor it into the world you anchor it into yourself Yeah, so with my team my my office, you know, we have 70 people in my team every day every day Lewis
Starting point is 00:22:20 I talk about how we're changing lives. We're making self-education the new norm It's our responsibility to create an alternative to the education system. Our clients aren't leads. They're not they're not some of you just sell These are human beings and they're putting their faith in us to help change your life. This is a responsibility We get to change lives for a living I say it so much that I know where people first start working there like oh this guy Dean I hear it But you give it six months. I walk in like, dude, you changed 2,700 lives this month because it became part of it because it's what I spoke out to the world.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah, that's cool. So, uh, yeah. And plus I write her a note every single week that's, you know, that helps too. Yeah. Maybe two a week. What's been the, what's the hardest thing to keep it thriving? The relationship and the business um like is there ever moments where like oh it's stressful i got this i got that my kids you know traveling yeah
Starting point is 00:23:12 i mean i'll just tell you let me just tell you the last 42 hours or last 42 hours i i jumped on a plane flew to utah did two business meetings four podcasts but brought my daughter and my wife um and i wanted to do four hours of snow so we went and played in the snow and did all this fun stuff. But then my son was home and I missed him. So we flew back to Phoenix so I could spend four hours with my son. I played baseball and ping pong and basketball. And then I dropped them off at his mom's and I jumped on the plane and I flew here, got here late last night, had a meeting last night, had one this morning and love being here right now. That's just the last 42 hours. And you know, but it's always like that, right?
Starting point is 00:23:48 So I didn't say that to brag because we all have busy lives. We all have a lot going on But what drives me and kind of goes back to personal development? Sometimes the our buddy Randy Garn we both know very well always says the little things aren't the big things the little things are everything So for me what keeps me going, listen, I had something today go completely sideways in one of my businesses. Like the carpet got pulled out of something I never saw coming. Just the reason I was a half hour late. I'm never late for anything in the world.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Had something go sideways today. But how do you take that in and still find a way to look forward and get up early and hustle is having such a big compelling future that's always changing that it pulls you towards it. So in my business right now, I want to make self-education the new norm. I want to give people the world, an alternative to the traditional education system and traditional trial and error. Tony and I both feel that same way. That's why he worked so hard to create this. Right. So I wake up in the morning, literally, if it's a tough day, I'm like, I'm going to let the world down.
Starting point is 00:24:55 If I don't do this today, if I don't hustle, I listen, I'm 51. I feel blessed. I have the house of my life. Like if I wanted to bail, I could, I could bail today and never do another thing and be totally fine and not run out of money ever. But what would that do? Like, there's no passion in that for me. For me, it's like, I want to, I want to leave a legacy. I want to change the world. So I got a couple of things for me that are non-negotiables is I get my kids half the time. Half the time. Half your time? Half my time. Like your waking time. Right. So. So if you're awake 16 hours. Oh no, I, half the time, meaning I get them half the week. So I get them three and a half days every week. I get them 15 days every month, right?
Starting point is 00:25:29 So I replace quantity with quality. So every day they're with me at three o'clock, I'm outside their school. I don't care. There's no business deal in the world. There's no meeting. There's no podcast. There's not a billion bucks that could stop me for that. That's one.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I coach every little league, coach baseball,ball nothing can change that i want to spend time with my wife and keep maturing this relationship i love my team i love impacting the world nothing else gets my attention yeah and i think about somebody taking away any of that from me and i get out of bed faster quicker stronger than anyone and i have more energy everybody's like i just did all these podcasts people like i need so much energy it's like, I just did all these podcasts. People are like, how do you get so much energy? It's like, because I know where I'm going and I stare at it and I think about it every day. Like people say, how often you got to look at your goals every day? Cause the world's going to gobble you up if you don't. So that's why I have so much energy towards my businesses. Also with my relationship,
Starting point is 00:26:21 I know what it's like to go through a divorce. That sucks for everyone. I know what it's like to be in the wrong relationship. I know what it's like to not feel love and feel lonely. Like I remember years, I'm just being, I remember years of being New Year's day. I'd watch the ball drop alone for like five years in a row. And I used to just think, man, I'd love to just find somebody I was like, I'd love with, like, I want to kiss somebody on New Year's. That was the day that hit me for some reason more than any other day. You see everyone kissing. Like I want to kiss somebody on New Year's that was the day that hit me for some reason more than any other day I'm sure why kissing yeah But it hit me like everybody and the outside world thought my life was perfect and me I'm I have all these great people around me all this money and it my heart is so lonely on the inside So I remember that and I know the way I feel now my heart is completely full
Starting point is 00:27:00 I kissed the love of my life on New Year's this year. And when I see that and I feel it and I'm grateful to God, I have it. My compelling future is to make this woman love me more every year. And that's what I just wake up and keep doing. I legit put energy into it. I never did before. I think of ways all the time to surprise her, to make her go like, I'm like, how can I get her to love me more? Because the more I give me, the more I get back. Wow. Now, something you said there about a bigger, compelling future. Is that what you mentioned? Having a bigger, compelling future.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I think there's probably 80, maybe 90% of people in general, I feel like, don't have this massive or big, compelling future. They have a goal or a dream, but it's not big enough to get them out of bed every morning when they're tired and all those things right so there's a big group of the world that i feel like doesn't know what their big compelling future is and then there's a group of the world that has made it they've made a bunch of money they've built a company they've sold you know have more money than they ever thought they would make in their lives and they kind of lose that big compelling future because it's like well i'm i'm not. You know? So how do those two types
Starting point is 00:28:08 of people recreate that? Or do we discover really great questions? So on either spectrum, you know, like the beginner or the one who's already made it. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll talk about the one who made it in a moment. The beginner or just starting. I just, I'm just going to get really simple on this. I look at it like a beacon of light, right? What's a lighthouse, right? It tells the boats either where to go or where not to go. It's a light that the ships used to see way out and they'd know how to get to the shores of the East Coast
Starting point is 00:28:36 up in Boston, those areas, that's where lighthouses first came into play, right? So I think of a lighthouse, like a beacon of light that we all need to go towards every single day. Like I need something that gets me out of bed to look at it and go, oh, that's why I'm getting up. That's why I'm working hard. But what happens is so many of us have already surpassed the goals we had when we were 19. Like most everybody listen right now.
Starting point is 00:28:56 If you went back to your 19-year-old self or 17-year-old self and said, you're going to do this and do this. You're like, no way. That's so cool. But we don't keep taking that lighthouse, that beacon of light and moving it further out. I think I like simple visuals is what is it if it was the best year of your life? Like we all have aspirations, right? If we're sitting here a year from now, Lewis, and it's the best year of your life. I tell everybody, just start dreaming. Best year of my life looks like this, looks like that. My love would be on a whole nother level. My body would be here. The money I'm making, my company's thriving. You write all those down and then
Starting point is 00:29:28 you stick them on this beacon of light and push it a little bit further away from you that you can't reach it. And it's got to be a little bigger than you think. So it challenges you, right? Like I don't say, Hey, I'd like to create a course with Tony Robbins and help change a few people's lives. It's like, no, I want to change the school system. I want to create a new way that people learn. I want to make it so when people go to a job interview in 10 years from now, they go, yeah, you went to college. That's great. But where'd you get your self-education? Right. So when I think about that and it's posted on that beacon of light, like I can't let, you know, grass grow under my feet. I got to hustle. The other thing I like to think about is, and I'm digressing a
Starting point is 00:30:05 little bit, I like to play like I'm 10 points down. I like to not say I won before I won the last game. That's why it's so hard for championship teams to come back and win the second year. They're kind of resting on what they did the year before. It's almost like a curse, except for the Patriots, right? But everybody else. So always have a compelling future, deciding what's your best life and continue to to reexamine it and change it. Listen, in my 20s, when I first started making money, I was a broke kid, didn't go to school, started making money. You know what success was to me? I was able to jump on a plane on a Thursday after work, fly to South Beach, Miami, get a table, and dance on a table until 4 o'clock in the morning and party and have fun.
Starting point is 00:30:48 That was a compelling future to me at the time. I wanted to go back and do that because I had nothing as a kid. That is so far from exciting to me now than anything on the planet. But that compelling future has changed 20 times since then. So you got to keep changing it, keep analyzing it, make it so it gets you out of bed and then push it a little further out. And the other thing for people who, for people who've sold and i have a lot we have a lot of mutual friends that have done that sold and they kind of lost their luster yeah it's it's forgetting and i know this is personal growth 101 and everybody's heard it but it's forgetting that this journey is the excitement it's not the end right and everybody that cashes out realizes that so i would just look at it as the two different
Starting point is 00:31:26 Entrepreneurs and you should self-identify. There is an entrepreneur That is a lifestyle entrepreneur. Yeah, it means I get to a certain amount of money. I don't need anymore I want to golf a couple days a week. I'm gonna wake up at 10 I make a million a year whatever that number is and that's all I want the other entrepreneur is an accomplishment based entrepreneur That's I climb this mountain. There's a bigger one. I want to climb that one. I climb this, I want to climb that one. Just figure out which one you are. And what I tell a lot of my friends, if you're going to sell your company, have a re-engagement plan within six months.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Right. Because I watch all of them. If they go a year, they don't even know how to get back in the game. So re-engage earlier if you didn't already sell. How to have a game plan quickly. You have to because you have all this momentum and then it's just emptiness. It's like everything goes quiet. You have a big bank account, but then you're like, what's my purpose?
Starting point is 00:32:11 What's my purpose, right? And then what I'd say is exactly that. I was here when I launched Millionaire Success Habits. I had a process in there called the seven levels deep. Just asking yourself why you're doing anything you do. So I would just really analyze your why. Again, personal development 101. But find another accomplishment, even if that's giving money away.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Like look at Branson. I got the chance to spend a lot of time with Branson. He felt that until he found charities, Virgin Unite and Space. Now he's just completely jacked out of his mind up every day. You look at Tony. Tony's whole mission right now is serving people and contributing. He's giving more money away than he ever did before. It gets him out of bed in the morning, right? So you just have to find that next biggest thing and have a reason to get out of bed. Do you guys have a name for your child? We do. Is it public or no? It's not. Can I tell
Starting point is 00:32:59 you? No, you don't tell me. You don't tell me. I can tell you by the time this comes out. Boy or girl? It's a boy. Boy. I haven't told anybody. His name's going to be Luca. Oh, that's my nephew's name. Really? Yeah, that's cool. Luca Graziosi. You're the only person we told. We didn't tell our family.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So that's how much I love you, bro. This won't come out for another month, I guess so. So Luca, what a great name. Is it after something? No. Just write the name. Yeah, because Graziosi's so long. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Luca, that's a good name. How's it spelled? Do you know? L-U-C-A. Okay, my nephew'siosi's so long. Yeah, sure. Luca, that's a good name. How's it spelled? Do you know? L-U-C-A. Okay, my nephew's L-U-K-A. Okay. After Lewis and Catherine. Oh, nice, nice, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Hypothetical. Let's say you get to write a message to your son in a letter. And you're never able to say this message to your son throughout his entire life obviously you're going to be able to do this but let's just say hypothetical you're going to live a long life you're going to see luca grow up and be this incredible young man and do everything he wants to do but you'll never get to say this message to him until you're gone okay and there's a letter he gets to open up wow and you get to someone hands it to him the day you're gone And he gets a read a letter
Starting point is 00:34:07 That you can never say these exact words, but it's everything you want to tell him Wow, it'll be the most important message he ever hears What would be that message just obviously I didn't prep you for this, but what would be that message that you can never tell him? But it's the most important thing that you need to tell him and he gets to learn it the day you're gone well you know i don't want to just give a candid message that comes to my heart because if i was thinking through the eyes of my son there's a couple things part of that letter would say um i shouldn't say don't listen listen to the right people you know we have so many people giving us opinions and advice. I already have two children, right? 13 and 11, Brianna and Brody. And I tell both of them, be careful who you
Starting point is 00:34:50 listen to, even me. Because, and I tell them, like, if you have something that's passionate and it's driving you, you have to go for it in spite of what anybody thinks. Because the world is always telling us what road, what path to walk on, what's right and what's wrong. And this life, we only have one shot at it. And I'm in a space where I get to meet thousands of people on a monthly basis. And I meet so many baby boomers or guys in their 50s or women in their 60s. I'm like, God, I wanted to do this, but my mom fought. I want to do this, but my teacher said. I want to do this, but my employer. They have so many of these guidelines or this feedback coming in so i to simplify that i would tell them to listen to the voices inside um and gain capabilities from people who've already done it yeah i would tell him
Starting point is 00:35:35 i guess one of the biggest things i'd say is watch the stories we end up telling ourselves i don't know where they come from i'm sure you have your own yeah and when you decided to do this i'm sure there was a million stories saying you can't read good or you know, you're your football player You're not someone who could impact lives like we all have this This is a really tough questions. I don't want to just I don't want to just get some can answer I'm thinking if I was gonna write to my son, I'd say okay. I'll mean back up I would say you're always gonna have two voices that live inside of you. You're going to have one to say, that's risky. Probably won't work.
Starting point is 00:36:07 You're not smart enough. You're not big enough. You're not, you know, you don't live in the right area. You're going to have that voice that always lives inside of that voice of self-doubt. And you're also going to have this voice that says, we got this. We can do it. We'll gain the capabilities. I don't care what anybody else says.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I'm going to make it work. I'll fight through it. I'll just say it's okay to have those two voices just this one's got to win by a little bit yeah not a lot the score could be 21 23 that this voice has got to win right um so i'd say fuel the voice of you know that empowers you that's good that's a good letter imagine your son has watched you accomplish so many things over the next 50, 100, 200 plus years. Old as you want to live, you're going to live forever, I feel like. And he's witnessed everything you've gone through. What do you want him to say he's most proud of about you at the end of the day?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Tough question. Bro, this is great. I'm going to have to write all this down in my journal for my son. I would say one, that I loved his mother. Because if I love his mother the right way, he'll find love like that. I didn't have a good example and I didn't do so great. And I worked really hard to make that right. I would say that my dad knew his values and he stuck to them. And then he never gave up.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Wow. You know, I think if we… It's so funny because so many people ask me, they want that definition of success. I don't know if you get that question a lot. Like, okay, yeah, all right, Louis, just tell me the one thing I can do. It's like, okay, don't… One thing. One thing. Oh, here it is, right?
Starting point is 00:37:46 But if I could give three things to anybody, nothing ever works without hunger. If you're not hungry to learn, hungry to grow, hungry to make an impact, hungry to support your family, if you don't have real hunger, like I just wrote a book called The Underdog Advantage, if you don't feel like an underdog, even if you're successful, there's a lot of people going to pass you up that are hungrier
Starting point is 00:38:08 than you. The second thing is focus. You asked me about my relationship. I said, burn the boats, stay in one swimming lane. You got to put focus on it. I know you're putting a lot of focus on this podcast. You're going to blow it through the roof because your focus is there. Your focus is like a shotgun. You're doing everything good. You got a laser, man, it just grows. It's just the way it is. It's why I'm putting so much time into this partnership with Tony because it's growing like crazy. We're impacting lives. So it's hunger, focus, and measurement. I think those three things can allow you to have a foundation for success. Like I would, I would, I mean, measure means you wouldn't play a football game if you weren't keeping score, but you can't run a company without knowing numbers of where you were, where you want to go and measure against it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 If you're losing weight, you weigh yourself. Right. So we need to measure those factors that make a relationship amazing. Because if you measure, you go, wow, when I come home and I look at my phone after not seeing my wife all day, it makes her sad. I'm measuring that. No more looking at my phone when I come home. I want to look my wife in the eyes and say, did you have a good day?
Starting point is 00:39:07 Like you measure that and you adjust. You measure, if you're gaining weight, you measure and you change the way you're eating. You're losing the game. You measure, you change, you start running the ball more. A lot of people don't measure their life in their marketing, in their business. It's like people will just do ads or do promotion
Starting point is 00:39:24 and they're not measuring it methodically so they don't know if it's winning or losing until they go in their business. It's like people will just do ads or do promotion and they're not measuring it methodically so they don't know if it's winning or losing until they go out of business. So hunger, focus, and measurement are the three things I always tell people. You have those three, you got a great foundation. Those are powerful, yeah. And what do you think would be the thing you'd want Lisa
Starting point is 00:39:38 to be most proud of you at the end of the day? To say she's most proud of what specifically? Things that you did said became that was a man of my word i did what i said because in today's world that's uh i don't think that's um honored as much as it should yeah as it should i mean i don't think it's respected as much as it used to be honored was such a big thing now it's like ah my buddy always bs's like that or like yeah yeah i think it's lost a lot of its value. And I don't think since the day I met her, I don't think there's anything I've ever told her that I didn't do or fought to try to do.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Right. And I think that's, uh, that's cool. And I'd like her to say he, I was a great role model for our kids. I think the world needs some more role models. So true, man. You're a great role model. You had a big year last year. 50 was huge.
Starting point is 00:40:24 It was. Right. I mean, it was like every level. Yeah. That's so true, man. You're a great role model. You had a big year last year. 50 was huge. It was. Right? Probably the biggest year of my life. On every level. Yeah. Personally, emotionally, physically, you're in better shape. You made more money than ever before. Everything grew in a powerful way, right?
Starting point is 00:40:36 True. What's the one thing that you learned that you need to still let go of from last year or years that you're letting go of moving forward this year yeah another good question i would say that still inside of me i'm a broke kid really yeah i was i you know doesn't that create hunger for you it does is there a way to be no that's a great question without having the brokenness inside or the tom brady chip on your shoulder from 20 years ago yeah being picked in the seventh round or whatever. Yeah, exactly. Is it still? Yeah, and I think there's a really,
Starting point is 00:41:09 there's a great way to do it. I've worked on myself on so many different levels, but I think deep down, I still hustle like that kid that was told he couldn't, that had dyslexia, was in special reading. And I think that's a really, I think it's healthy. I think it's healthy to the point of getting momentum, like getting the rocket off the ground. It takes so much energy.
Starting point is 00:41:28 So if running away from an ugly situation gets the rocket off the ground, use it. But I think once you're out in orbit, you don't need to hit the gas so hard. You kind of let those things go. So how do we let go of that? What's that? How do we let go of that story for all of us from the past? Whether it's the broken kid or the broken parents or was never pretty enough or smart enough or the friend bullied me. How do we let go of that story or do we hang on to it a little bit? Well, so I've done a lot of therapy, right? So the best
Starting point is 00:41:57 way, and I'm, for those of you who are therapists and know this better than me, I'm sorry if I screw it up, but one of the best ways I've done it, and I had to go through this when I was separating from my kids. And I have to say separating from my kids. Cause that was the part that was giving me angst and anxiety is just going back and seeing where the fear came from. For me, when I went back, let me go back to one of the toughest things is I was literally having, I was having debilitating anxiety. Like I've never been, I've never had anxiety in my whole life. When I when I was When it was finally when it was the month before I was gonna sit down with my kids and say we're so I'm leaving right I'd already been living in the separate bedroom for two years. They knew that but now I'm leaving the house I already got another place and I got to sit and look at him and I'm having anxiety to where like
Starting point is 00:42:38 It felt like I was dying. I'd like to like say I had this and I was strong Dude, I was popping Xanax twice a week. I never take an aspirin. Like I haven't taken medicine now in five, four years. But I was popping Xanax twice a week and slugging it down with two glasses of wine just so I could feel okay for like two hours. I didn't know how to. And I was meditating, doing yoga, going to counseling. I was watching Wim Hof.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I was doing the breathing. I was doing all of it. And I'd get 20 got 20 minutes and boom might be back into this panic stage for me one of the things that I realized is all of that was from My eight-year-old self and six-year-old self and my parents went through a really bad divorce and we were hiding from my like It was just weird. We lots of crazy stuff, right? We were literally hiding from my dad because he was going to come and i realized that i was still feeling like that six-year-old kid who
Starting point is 00:43:31 thought i was going to die right and the process i went through is sitting with my six-year-old self and i know that's probably therapy 101 it wasn't to me i never heard it before but uh i was with dr amon daniel amon he made me find that six-year-old version of myself he said think of Therapy 101. It wasn't to me. I never heard it before but I was with Dr. Eamon, Daniel Eamon. He made me find that six-year-old version of myself. He said think of a place you like. I thought of a stream that I used to fish at by myself. It was my little sanctuary. I'd come home from school when there was chaos going on in my house. I'd grab my fishing pole. I'd walk. You grew up in Ohio. You know how quick you go to any stream. Any pond's got fish. Some crawdads. I'd go down and hide and I'd fish all by myself. And it was
Starting point is 00:44:06 my peaceful moment. So now I'm sitting in that stream with my six-year-old. I pictured a, I remember a jean jacket I had when I was probably eight, but I pictured this jean jacket I had on. And I had a conversation with that eight-year-old six-year-old version of myself. I said, Hey, you got to stop worrying. We're good. All the things I got goosebumps talking about. I said, all the things you were worried about, all the things you were worried about, all the things you were afraid of, none of them happened. Your life turned out amazing. You're in a great relationship.
Starting point is 00:44:32 You have two incredible kids. You're impacting the world. You got to let it go because I promise you, you're safe. And then Dr. Amon's taken me through this and I literally hugged my eight-year-old. I said, hug him and tell him he's okay. And he's like, say it out loud. And I'm saying, and I'm not crying.
Starting point is 00:44:46 I'm like sobbing. Like the hardest cry of my entire life. I'm hugging this younger version of myself and saying, we got this, we're okay. You're not gonna die. You don't have to be afraid. And it really got to my heart. And it was part of the healing process.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And I think it's the same thing with everything. Like I have to go back and say, the 17- 17 year old kid when all my friends went off to college and i knew i wasn't and i was going to take my dad's business and my dad's business went out and i'm like stuck with nothing and i'm living off credit cards i still feel that some days and that's why i hustle like i'm broke like you ever watch you know how i work you work your ass off man and everybody's like everybody they must wonder like does he do to say no I want to right but I think I think I need to spend time now that you said I need to spend time and go back to that 17 year old kid and say hey man you're just fine yeah yeah so I think that's the process I mean that was a process that worked for me yeah and
Starting point is 00:45:43 then hug the The 46 year old version of yourself going through the divorce It's gonna be fine. You're gonna look what you're gonna create Yeah after you you separate and get through the divorce, you know, I've said this to you before maybe even on the last podcast We did but there was zero doubt in my mind That something I wish I learned earlier and again, this is something I put in a letter to my kid Yeah to Luca or to any of my children is our next level always lives on that thing that something I wish I learned earlier. And again, this is something I put in a letter to my kid, to Luca or to any of my children, is our next level always lives on that thing that we're afraid of the most.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Like, I don't think we're allowed to get to our next level until we face it. I mean, look at, you just did an amazing trip. Fearful stuff that was little, but look at the breakthroughs you had in that little piece of just cold water. Huge. I look at so many things that I avoided for years.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I mean, even in my last relationship, I woke up for seven years straight every morning. And the first thing I think about is like, when am I going to end this? Oh, my God. I know that feeling. It's horrible. It's a horrible feeling. But then that, even though I still had massive success in my life, massive gains, ran my company, that was still like a weight on my shoulders.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Huge weight. Why do you think I had such a good year last year? If you had to look at it from the outside, you've known me for about six years now. What do you think one of the reasons I had a great year? I think you were in a relationship. You were in the right relationship and you were excited about the relationship. And you were in integrity with yourself in the relationship. And so there's no weight.
Starting point is 00:47:07 You're in complete freedom because you have everything you need with that I I was hoping you said it because I'm just in complete alignment Like there was a part of me that was a fraud even though the world didn't know I knew it Right. So all of a sudden when you're in complete alignment like the weight You don't realize you were carrying around 200 pounds on your back, right? You wake up and you think about gratitude and where you can go and your compelling future. So I think it just all ties together. And the other thing too, I know Bill Gates says it, and Tony Robbins says a lot of people say it's been around for a long time,
Starting point is 00:47:34 but we all overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in five or 10. And the next five years is going to go by like that, no matter what, right? My last five years like that. So no matter where you are, you might say, well, Dean, now you're 51. You went through all that stuff. You got money. But it all has to start at one moment. Like this, this podcast, I enjoy being with you so much, man. And I, and there there's, I'm trying to get a lot out in a short period of time, but if you just take what serves you and throw the rest away, if you took anything from this podcast today, um um just know that we have
Starting point is 00:48:06 to start someplace and if you're in a rough spot just decide to start today just like there's always a line in the sand where you could say enough is enough like say yes to something you've been wanting to say yes to for a long time say no to something you've been dragging your feet on because i know with me my life was stuck for seven years stuck my income was stuck my who I was as a parent who I was as an example who I was as a role model I mean what kind of role model would I have been if I stayed in that old relationship I'm not advocating divorce but for me it wasn't the right right relationship I was living in a separate room I was seeing other people on the side and my ex knew it like we had this thing it was so like ah and
Starting point is 00:48:45 finally when I just looked at it and said no there's no more excuses I got to face this pain now it was crippling until it just stopped and then it was over and then there was the next level of me and you know and now now that I face that nothing seems scary yeah you know I love this stuff this stuff I love to talk about we've got a few stuff this stuff I love to talk about um we've got a few minutes left but I want to talk about financial freedom because I I know that financial freedom isn't the solution to happiness but it sure as hell is a solution to a lot of things it sure is it may not be the solution to your fulfillment but it's so it can
Starting point is 00:49:23 be the solution to a lot of suffering in the physical world. Yeah, it sure can. And I think, and you know a lot of rich people that are extremely happy and fulfilled, and you know probably a lot of rich people that aren't happy and fulfilled based on their values and integrity and their mission and what they're doing. It's not everything, but it's a big thing. And I think when you lack the financial
Starting point is 00:49:45 freedom you lack choices in your life you lack the ability to do certain things get rid of certain problems you're more of a you have to commit to certain things you don't want to commit to all those things you have to give up time in a certain way so yeah it's not the only thing it's not everything but it's pretty close to necessary for us to be able to have certain freedoms in our life when we maximize this the last three years I had a mastermind that brought me a lot of financial freedom but it also allowed me to impact a community of people on a massive way I've been to one of those amazing yeah and you were amazing
Starting point is 00:50:20 teacher at it and they were able to impact their audiences in a big way as well so through impacting a small group yeah exponential impact made exponential impact an amazing income as well you've got mastermind calm a year ago you launched this program with Tony Robbins that blew up the world one of the biggest launches in the world because not because it was you two only yes because both you have this you two only, yes, because both of you have this, you know, 60 years of experience together, but because it's such a,
Starting point is 00:50:51 it's not easy, but it's a simple solution to teaching people what you already know, like you said, teaching hair extensions, if you're a hairstylist, to a group at a high price, as opposed to doing one-on-one trading for your time. There's so many people out there that are doing masterminds now that are changing their financial freedom and at least bringing in a big chunk of change and impacting people in an exponential way.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Can you share what this is all about, how we can get involved, and who masterminds are for and who it's absolutely not for? Yeah, really great question and i know we're all over the place today i love talking about this it's just it's hard to get it all out in a short period of time especially you and i haven't seen each other i want to catch up but first off on money here's the best way to look at money the reason i drove so hard to make money in my life is because of my mother and my father they both worked their tails off for lack of a better word like work so hard my mom and dad split when i was worked their tails off, for lack of a better word, like worked so hard.
Starting point is 00:51:45 My mom and dad split when I was three. My dad didn't help out. My mom had three jobs, came home at seven o'clock at night, her back hurt, her feet hurt, crappy jobs, like sweeping the floor and cleaning houses and cutting hair, like miscellaneous stuff, right? So I learned in an early age that hard work didn't equate to income.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Now, since they worked so hard on that, they had no time for anything else. They didn't work on their health. They didn't work on relationships income. Now, since they worked so hard on that, they had no time for anything else. They didn't work on their health. They didn't work on relationships. They were nine marriages between them because they never had the chance to work on themselves. Hustle, hustle, hustle, pay the bills. And we got evicted. I lived in a trailer park. We got evicted from a trailer park. So I realized at a young age that money might not make you happy, but it allows you freedom to work on you. And I saw that. So my first desire was to get my mom retired. That's what, that was my rocket ship. And in my twenties,
Starting point is 00:52:31 I retired my mom, but not until I got to a point where money wasn't an issue. That's when I started working on me. That's when I looked inside and said, what are the beliefs I had? What, how do I work on my personal growth? So the one thing I can say about money is get it out of the way So you can find out who you truly meant to be because if not, it's like and it's the last thing I'll say I'll tell you what Tony and I are doing if I said to you Have you thought about the oxygen in this room since we've been here? No No But if I put my hand on your throat and closed your windpipe would be the only thing you think about right the problem when?
Starting point is 00:53:01 You don't have enough money in your life. It consumes so much of your thinking You can't create the perfect relationship the perfect body eat right have a health coach those things don't happen so for me you're in survival mode you're in survival mode and it becomes this obsession and since you have lack of it you feel bad you hate it despise it and want it all at the same time it's like this crazy nonsense here's the thing make more money give it all away after you get the lifestyle you want want to, but see the freedom it gives you to become a better version of you. Simple as that.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And that's the way I frame it and keep going. What Tony and I did, it's because self-education made such an impact on our lives, right? Both of us took that path. He learned from Jim Rohn. I learned from him. We went down this path and now we came together after all these years because Self-education is becoming the new norm. It's not just it's not a thing more people are becoming Joining masterminds and learning from other people more than ever before in history courses podcast Yeah, they're coming out of college or not going to college or people not going back to college and they're deciding who can I learn?
Starting point is 00:54:02 I'd rather learn from the professional doing it then the professional teacher in the classroom who's teaching it. Right. And people, you know, I mean, if you're listening or watching, you know, everybody, you know, someone that's in a mastermind in a group and their life is changing. Just like when I went to your group, all those lives change. It was amazing. So we got together and said, if this is becoming the new norm, Forbes said it's heading to a billion dollars a day. It's at 455, self-education. It's at 455 million. It's going to a billion dollars a day. It's at 400 self-education. It's at 455 million It's going to a billion a day and we just decided if this is gonna be the new norm who better than Tony and I We have so much experience 60 years
Starting point is 00:54:33 Between us to create the blueprint on how to extract what you know and share it with others to impact their lives And get paid to do it So I mean if I was just at Rachel Hollis event event, an event after, but I always ask this on stage when I go on now. I said, if you had two choices at the end of your life, you can make a massive amount of impact or a massive amount of money, which one would you choose?
Starting point is 00:54:53 I say money, no one raises their hand ever. Say impact everybody. And I say, leave your hand up if you'd like to do both. And everybody cheers. But that's really what this industry allows you to do. Because whatever it is, you know, if you have a year in something, two years, five years, 10 years, there's somebody today starting out at day one and they can either learn through their own trial and error. They can
Starting point is 00:55:16 go down the traditional education path. That's not serving people, or you can extract what you know and share it in a zoom training or an in-person workshop or a community or a group. They pay you higher money because they say, I could take 10 years to learn it or spend a weekend with Lewis. Which one is more economical? And this is what's happening all over the world. Tony and I launched a course, The Blueprint on how to do it.
Starting point is 00:55:39 We're in 80 countries, 24,000 people strong. Every niche you could possibly imagine. We're in 80 countries, 24,000 people strong. Crazy. Every niche you could possibly imagine. We have a Facebook group with 22,000 people, 167,000 messages a month. Wow. We just passed our 11th hundredth video of people sending in, changing their life because they're like, oh my God, people need what I'm good at.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Because what we did is we realized most people are unconscious competence. Like they're good at something, just don't know how. So we created a process to extract it. And then once you realize, oh man, I am good at that. And then how to identify someone who needs it. We use social media instead of social media using you and get people to say, hell yes, I want to pay you for that to go faster.
Starting point is 00:56:18 And it's really become a movement. Yeah, it's amazing. And you've got a free training coming out too, right? We do, we do. We're doing it once a year. Okay. So February 27th, we're going live again. Last time we had over 200,000 people show up.
Starting point is 00:56:30 It was crazy. I remember the power of this thing. It was unbelievable. And I think this year will be even greater. Okay. And I think we created- What's going to be on this? We created a link for you.
Starting point is 00:56:39 So don't be afraid. I think it's If you go to, you can see it. Check it out. Reserve a spot and get there. But what we're going to do is show people the blueprint of if you have a skill, a hobby, a passion, an expertise, or even if you went through an experience and you're on the other side, there's people out there dying for that knowledge. So we show people how to extract that knowledge. And again, how to identify the perfect person that wants it, how to market to
Starting point is 00:57:05 them and how to run an event to train them, whether that event is a half hour, a Zoom or a half a day Zoom call or a two day in-person event. Because here's the thing, the knowledge industry is lots of things. It's podcasts, it's books, it's courses, it's coaching. All that's amazing. I've done all of them. I'm a multiple New York Times bestselling author, but Tony and I want to say, like, how do we create a way to get the impact faster? A book's a bitch. It's a lot better word. Every year and a half, I write one.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And it's like, oh, it's painstaking. It's awesome. And I think everybody should. But it's not the quickest way to make impact and profits. Because it might take a year and a half. And the truth is, most people don't sell more than 1,000 books. 95% of all books in Barnes & Noble don't sell over a thousand copies. Same kind of thing with a course.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And you might buy the book, but not get through the finish. Exactly. Right. You're not impacting the lives and the depth. You know when people on your mastermind, they're sitting there and they're implementing as they're in the room. Yeah, exactly. They're taking action.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And you said, I think you said this, people don't pay attention unless they pay for it. Right? Yeah. You pay attention to what you pay for. Yeah, you pay attention to what you pay for Yeah, exactly more you pay for usually paid my most successful students the ones that pay the most because I paid for it They're gonna pull it out. So books are amazing, but it's not that easy coaching is amazing But it's more of a one-on-one like I know a lot of trainers They make a hundred bucks an hour, but still every hour is a hundred bucks, right?
Starting point is 00:58:22 It's not exponential and courses are amazing, but you still have to have a is a hundred bucks, right? It's not exponential and courses are amazing, but you still have to have a company and do that. Right. So we said, how about we just teach people to extract what they know and run a mastermind or do an online training. And it's been magical and it's happening faster and quicker than we ever could have imagined. For me, masterminds, uh, as a student have been the most powerful investment of my time is it's not only learning from the coach or the teachers that are teaching you it's the relationships you meet in the mastermind that are typically more profitable than sometimes the stuff you learn some people you meet i remember
Starting point is 00:58:54 the first mastermind i attended about 10 years ago i had made a half a million dollars the entire year before i went to a mastermind because i always got top 10 in a contest with Ryan Dice and we got into this mastermind to be a part of this and I met five relationships that weekend and we made a quarter million dollars that next month. Wow. So from one year, half a million to a quarter million the next month from those five relationships by partnering with them on some different things, that was a game changer for me where I said, I need to be a part of masterminds I need to join more I need to find you need to make sure you find the right ones because you can join the wrong ones so
Starting point is 00:59:30 make sure you find the right ones so it's huge for me as a business owner and entrepreneur to be a part of them but it was also huge to start one it put me on a whole different level of credibility it was pretty much the easiest sale you know once you get to that level it's easy to sell at a high ticket when you have the process that you guys give because you give the whole process and it's some of the most fun when you create it when you create a mastermind so you guys create the whole process you have everything there you're going to be teaching some great stuff on the yeah because listen think of anything successful and i love that story about masterminds because they have
Starting point is 01:00:01 changed my life it's moved the needle more than any other thing, hands down. It's my unfair advantage. I started off saying that, right? So we want the world to listen. If you die someday with knowledge in your head, you should feel guilty. And that's what we want to make it. Let's extract what you know, impact others, get paid, do it over again. Right. But I think what made this magical, listen, there's a lot of courses, there's a lot of trainings, but because we have 60 years, because Tony's been doing this even 20 years longer than me It has the three magical components. The first is the mindset There's not many people better on the planet than Tony Robbins when it comes to get your mindset, right you go to date with destiny greatest event in the history of the world
Starting point is 01:00:35 It'll it'll go down for a hundred years people talk with it His for the first part of the course puts you in a mindset where you are vibrating you are unstoppable and this year we put Another three hours and of time brand new just unique for this course right it's not repurposed we shot it just for this course so your mindset you're like i could break through rock right now right but then after that and you need that you need to go for the because with the wrong mindset nothing works right so you get the mindset then the middle part of the tactics how do you in a methodical way extract what you know so you build up your confidence say this is what I'm good at then you build an
Starting point is 01:01:08 agenda then you use our tools that we've discovered through our masterminds and you build your training your holy crap this is what I'm good at this is my training and then I go deep I don't think there's many people better than me at marketing and I give the whole process on how to use social media to they've already done all the work to find your perfect clientele now you just go in and say lewis fits diane fits denise fits and attract the exact person who needs what you're good at and then how to run it so now we have the mindset and the tactics but then we went one step further and we built the implementation tool we spent a million bucks now on the software so you get fired up you learn how to do it, and then you go
Starting point is 01:01:45 over in the software and you build it. So it's like, I'm fired up. Okay, here's how to do it. Here's my page. Hit submit. It's all of a sudden now it's up online. Right? So that magical three, and I've had a lot of courses that gave me the mindset, fired up, didn't know what to do. A lot of mindset with the tactics, but then like, well, where do I get Kajabi or do I get ClickFunnels? I'll do it later later and then you never do it yeah it's too much too much so we're going to show how these three together really allow you to jump in this industry listen it's heading to a billion dollars a day and it's one of those things it's like when you watch people surf like right now is the time the waves crested you could be in
Starting point is 01:02:19 front of it and let that wave push you or you know it's like when you miss a wave and try to catch it like this is the time i think this is it and it's like when you miss a wave and try to catch it. Like, this is the time. This is it. This is it. And it's never easier than it is right now. I agree. To launch it, to create it. And people want this information. Yeah, you don't have to beg them.
Starting point is 01:02:32 They're looking for it. People are reaching out to me all the time and saying, when are you going to recreate your mastermind? When are you going to open it up again? They want people who have the information, they want to learn from those people to replicate it faster with speed. And people are excited more than ever to invest in self-education people who have the information they want to learn from those people to replicate it faster with speed and
Starting point is 01:02:51 People are excited more than ever to invest in self-education than in traditional education Yes, and that's why you gotta jump in on this check out greatness link comm you can just learn more about it You can sign up for the webinar. It's gonna be amazing. Yeah, and it's live like legit last year We had 400,000 people sign up crazy 200, 200,000 people showed up. And then like two days later, our email, I mean, literally we had to bring in 20 extra attempts in customer service. And a lot of it was, I missed it. When are you going live again? It's like, we're going live again in a year. Like, sorry, you missed it.
Starting point is 01:03:16 So if anything I shared today resonates, if you like watching Tony, if you like watching me, if you, if you trust Lewis trust Lewis, go to Check out the details. Put it in your phone. Show up live. It's going to be pretty phenomenal. Dean, I appreciate it, man. Dude, you're the best.
Starting point is 01:03:32 This is powerful. Keep up the good work. I love when you share vulnerably and raw and real. So thank you for opening up. You catch me off guard. I like it. I like it. Thank you for everything, man.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Appreciate you. Thanks for being here. My friend, thank you so much for being here. If you enjoyed this episode, if you felt it was impactful, it helped you, you learned something, then let me know. Tag me on Instagram at Lewis Howes and at Dean Graziosi and let us know. Share this with your friends. slash 917.
Starting point is 01:04:01 You know, the fear and the insecurity and the pressure we feel from not being financially free really holds us back from our dreams and our joy. Don't let this rob you of your joy. Make sure you take action on this information and start implementing it into your life and in your business today. Your career, your lifestyle. Once you get a handle on this mindset mindset you can become less of a prisoner to money and i'm a big fan of dean and everything that he does and also he and tony robbins have partnered up to create an incredible training program for you where you can truly learn how to extract a skill expertise or passion you have and get a flood of people excited to pay you for it. If you want to learn these skills and this knowledge, go to this link right now,
Starting point is 01:04:52 Go there right now, greatnesslink, and you can sign up for a free training from both of them that will teach you how to do this and also why writing a book or creating a course or being a consultant is not the fastest way to impact and profits. Again, go to that link right now and sign up to get the free training from Dean and Tony Robbins. If you enjoyed this, please subscribe to the School of Greatness because every week we're bringing you top-notch experts, leaders, icons, athletes, world changers to help you take your life to the next level. That's what this is all about. Finding greatness in yourself. I love this quote from Tony
Starting point is 01:05:32 Robbins. You either master money or on some level money masters you. Now, have you mastered money yet or is it mastering you right now? If it's mastering you, then you got to do some changes in your life so that it doesn't. And Nelson Mandela said, money won't create success. The freedom to make it will. Again, I hope you enjoyed this. Know that you matter
Starting point is 01:05:54 and that you're worthy of making money that will set you free financially. That's what this is all about. If you want to inspire and encourage others, if you want to be a hero and a champion to someone else in your life, then send them this link, slash 917.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I love you so very much. Your dreams matter because you matter. You know what time it is. It's time to go out there and do something great. you

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