The School of Greatness - 935 Dr. Steven Gundry: The “Healthy” Foods You Should NEVER EAT, Boosting Your Immune System and COVID-19

Episode Date: April 1, 2020

“A leaky gut is the cause of all disease.”QUESTIONSWhat are specific ways to heal your heart without surgery? (7:20)What’s the difference between a good virus and a bad virus? (18:03)What are th...e foods that heal leaky gut and defend against viruses? (28:50)Why is peanut butter such a bad thing? (37:25)What boosts the immune system? (59:43)Is it possible to have such a strong immune system that you can reject any virus? (1:06:40)How important are probiotics right now? (1:09:35)YOU WILL LEARNWhy fixing the heart medically can only help your health so much (1:06)Why we need germs and bacteria to stay healthy (13:45)The benefits of time-restricted feeding (20:25)What causes aging (23:17)How mental illness comes from the gut (43:30)Why food labels can’t be trusted (49:20)The importance of human connection for your heart during a time of social distancing (1:12:55)How bacteria choose who you are attracted to (1:15:01)LINKS MENTIONEDThe Plant ParadoxDr. Gundry PodcastDavid KesslerTerry WahlsThe Longevity ParadoxDr. Amen podcast with Dr. GundryVibrant AmericaGundryMD.comIf you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at and follow at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is episode number 935 with New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Stephen Gundry. Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the class begin. Michael Pollan said, don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.
Starting point is 00:00:40 This is all about how to optimize the immune system and what foods you should never eat that you think are healthy and the foods you need to make sure we bring you some of the best information possible to help you optimize your health, your immune system, and truly have a greater life. Dr. Stephen Gundry is a renowned cardiologist, surgeon, medical device inventor, and author. Although he has performed thousands of heart surgeries in his 40-year career, Dr. Gundry's current focus is empowering people through diet to reverse and prevent ailments. He's a director and founder of the International Heart and Lung Institute, as well as the Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs in Santa Barbara, California. And he helps
Starting point is 00:01:36 patients learn to take control of their weight, health, and energy by using his surprisingly simple diet advice. He's a New York Times bestselling author of books like The Plant Paradox and The Plant Paradox Cookbook. And he also has a new book called The Longevity Paradox as well and the Dr. Gundry Podcast, which he is the host of, which is extremely insightful. In this interview, we talk about the myths and facts about how to boost your immune system, the difference between good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut, the importance of carbohydrates and dietary fiber in defining the true amount of sugar in the foods we are eating. He shares some of his patients' stories and how they were able to essentially reset their health, how to stay healthy in
Starting point is 00:02:25 times of pandemic and social distancing and so much more. The lessons he learned as a heart surgeon, everything in between. Very excited for you to hear this and you have the ability to truly change someone's life today by sharing this with a friend. Just send the link slash 935, post it on your Instagram story or Twitter or social media, or send someone a message on text. Wherever you're listening to this podcast, you can copy and paste the link and share it with a friend before we get started. I'm so excited about this episode. And without further ado, let's dive into this one with the
Starting point is 00:03:02 one and only Dr. Stephen Gundry. Welcome back, everyone, to the School of Greatness podcast. We've got the inspirational Dr. Stephen Gundry in the house. Thank you so much for being here. Very exciting. Hey, thanks for having me. And thank you for your distance. Yes, we've got some social distancing right now.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I'm very excited about this because we've seen a big um response to the last couple interviews that we did on youtube specifically during this time of crisis and i wanted to bring you back on to really focus on how we can optimize our bodies our minds our hearts in times of crisis And you have been a heart surgeon for 40 years. Is that right? 40 years, you were a philosopher at Yale. Then you went into heart surgery and you changed the game in heart surgeries. And now you are helping people essentially reverse
Starting point is 00:04:02 autoimmune disease and become healthier, happier, whole human beings through nutrition. And you realized a long time ago that fixing the heart medically can only take you so far. Yeah, that's right. We have to fix something else. And what is that? Well, you got to fix why, for instance, you got heart disease in the first place. And I was taught, as all my colleagues were taught, that heart disease is kind of inevitable, that's the leading cause of death for both men and women. It's inevitable for all of us? Yeah, pretty much. That's what we were taught. At some point. Yeah. And then even if you get it, let's say you get coronary artery disease,
Starting point is 00:04:47 that the best we can do is slow it down to slow the progression. And what I realized, thanks to Big Ed, who I talk about in all my books, who reversed his coronary artery disease. This is a man who had 100 pounds overweight. Yeah, he was really overweight. He was late 40s. He had inoperable coronary artery disease. Everything was clogged up.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Wow. And this guy went. And so you opened him up? No, well, he had gone to six different centers in the United States saying, do know, do something. And everybody who saw him said, well, no, there's no place to do bypasses. There's no place to do stents because everything's clogged up. Have a nice day. And so this guy spent about six months doing this. And he went on a diet during this time. And went to a health food store and he bought a bunch of
Starting point is 00:05:47 supplements, kind of willy-nilly, quite frankly. And so when I met him, he was still a huge guy, weighed 265 pounds. And he brings me his angiogram, the movie of his heart from Miami, Florida. And I look at it and I go, you know, I agree with everybody else. There's nothing I'm going to do for you. And he says, well, yeah, that's what everybody says, but here's the deal. You know, I've gone on this diet. I've lost 45 pounds in the last six months and I've taken all these supplements. And, you know, maybe I did something in here, you know, and I'm scratching my profession. So the video was from six months prior.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Wow. Okay. And I said, well, good for you for losing weight. And, you know, I know what you did with those supplements. You made expensive urine, which I fully believed. And he said, well, you know, why don't we do another angiogram? You know, what would it hurt? So I go, yeah, don't get your hopes up.
Starting point is 00:06:40 But, okay. So this guy has cleaned out, in six months six months time half the blockages in his coronary artery you know gone shrunk and you go i've never seen this before that you know that that doesn't happen um and so this is what after 30 years of doing this after 35 years yeah that doesn't happen you know come on that's impossible you don't clean things out the only way to clean it 35 years? Yeah. Yeah. That doesn't happen. Come on. That's impossible. You don't clean things out. The only way to clean it out is through surgery.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Right. Yeah. Or put a stent in. Wow. So let me give you an example. And this is kind of off the subject. So if you work out with weights and you happen to wear a wedding ring or an aura ring, you get calluses, right? Yes. So calluses are your body's response to protecting itself against an irritation.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And you build up layers and layers. Yes. Right? So it turns out that these plaques inside arteries is a response to an irritation. And you build up calluses. And think about it. If I took off this ring and started working out with weights, this callus would go away because there's no longer any irritation.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And what Big Ed showed me was he had removed the irritation so he no longer needed calluses and starts his heart started to heal and it literally goes away and so that's what i've been doing for the last 20 years is teaching people how to remove the irritation to the inside of their blood vessels and the calluses miraculously go away. They don't miraculously go away. You don't need them anymore. Right. And was there a, was there a moment when you were doing deep in your practice where you were
Starting point is 00:08:33 like, I'm not going to work on another heart until they actually follow this plan and start losing weight and start eating the right things. And then if there's no hope then maybe i'll dive in but was there a point where you're like never again will i do well yeah so i mean i wrote about this in the plant paradox that i had this gentleman in his 60s bad diabetic came in with a heart attack scheduled him for surgery the next morning we're in the pre-op room and the guy is trembling like a leaf and he says I can't go through this and I've learned enough that if somebody is that terrified don't go put him to sleep and
Starting point is 00:09:15 do it because something probably is not gonna work out very well fear so I said okay I'll make you a deal I said you got to follow everything I do, tell you to do. And if you do it, I can guarantee you I will not have to operate on you. But if you don't do it, you're coming back here and we're going to do this. Well, that was now 10 years ago. He's not a diabetic. He has no coronary artery disease. And, you know, he comes in twice a year now and just, you know, and we do stress tests on him and, and, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:53 and he, that, he became one of my best patients. Wow. And, you know. So you were going to do. Yeah. We were wheeling him into surgery and the guy's shaking like a leaf. I don't think I can do this. I said, okay, here's the deal. Wow. That's crazy. Oh, yeah. We always reminisce. He says, you know, it's been 10 years now and I followed what you told me.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And I said, yeah, here you are. You don't have a scar on your chest. I said, you're really bad for business. So what were the few things you told him that he went out and did? Was there like some specific exact things he did? Yeah. Well, I do this in all my books. So we're actually, my staff always told me, don't say this story because people get the wrong idea.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Jack LaLanne, I got to know Jack LaLanne late in his life. He was actually an advisor to our arthritis institute in Palm Springs. And so, you know, Jack, the godfather of fitness. I mean, come on, let's give him a stew. The juicer. The juicer. That was his big mistake. So Jack LaLanne used to have this expression,
Starting point is 00:11:03 is that if it tastes good, spit it out. And my, you know, I obviously like to sell books and my, you know, my staff said, don't say that because then they think they're going to eat twigs and weeds and it's going to taste awful. And, you know, you got to eat bad tasting food. Well, that's not what he meant. He actually meant that you should not be eating for this two inch by three inch piece of muscle, your tongue, but you should be eating for the microbiome, for the bacteria and all the other cute little viruses that actually live in your gut, live in your mouth, live on your your skin and if you eat for them
Starting point is 00:11:47 they will take care of you because you are actually their home we're merely a condominium for bugs and and how many bugs do we have on our body or you know yeah we have well over 100 trillion bacteria. And since the Human Microbiome Project was finished about five years ago now, I mean, we didn't know that these guys really existed. In fact, I was on my podcast, the Dr. Gundry podcast, we had Dr. David Kessler, who was head of the FDA in the Reagan years, who made the guidelines for the labels, the labeling laws on the back of packages that show saturated fats and carbohydrates. And the labels, by the way, if we get into this,
Starting point is 00:12:42 are completely wrong. They were forced on the Reagan administration by big food companies. Wow. And so anyhow, if you feed bacteria what they want to eat, and that's all in the longevity paradox, they will take care of you. They will not, they'll take care of the wall, the lining of your gut, and they, you will not actually age, which is kind of cool. So if you take care of them, of the bugs in your body, you will not age. of cool. So if you take care of them, of the bugs in your body, you will not age. Right. So you got a hundred trillion bacteria. You have over 10,000 different species of bacteria. And just last year, they discovered another thousand. So who knows? Right. So 99% of the genetic material that exists in you and me is non-human genetic material.
Starting point is 00:13:49 We're only, our genes are actually so unimportant, it's kind of humorous. And when people take a family history, what they're actually finding out is if your parents taught you how to eat, and most people's parents teach the kids how to eat, if your parents taught you how to eat, and most people's parents teach the kids how to eat, and your parents had diabetes, or your parents had high blood pressure, or your parents had coronary artery disease, and you eat like your parents did,
Starting point is 00:14:17 the odds are that you will do that. Right. For two reasons, the food choices that you made, but more importantly importantly you inherited your bacteria from your parents and actually your siblings and so it's not the genes of your parents that mean you are susceptible to heart disease or um alzheimer's or whatever right it's not the genes of your parents it It's typically the foods they ate that you're probably eating the exact same foods
Starting point is 00:14:48 that cause the same type of problems. Correct. Yeah. I mean, there is an Alzheimer's gene and my program, according to Dale Bredesen, is the best way not to activate that gene. And there are certain genes that people inherit that make the world's meanest nastiest ickiest cholesterol that most doctors
Starting point is 00:15:11 don't even measure and oh by the way if you're prescribed a statin drug you know a lipid lowering drug it actually worsens the the center particle yeah so yeah there are genes but there's such a small part nature magazine had a big article in late 2018 i think proving that only about seven or eight percent of what will happen to us is based on our genes. And 97 or 98% of what's going to happen to us is based on our environment and our food choices. Our decisions.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Our decisions, yeah. Now you said we can, aging is essentially a choice is what I'm hearing you say, but if someone watching this saying, well, Dr. Gundry, you've got white hair, you look older than when you were 10 years old. Yes. So how can you say that you can eat certain things that can reverse aging or can make you not age when you look older than when you were younger?
Starting point is 00:16:18 That's true. I'm definitely chronologically older, but recently on my podcast, I had Dr. Terry Walls, who I think is very famous, rightfully so, for reversing her MS for multiple sclerosis. And she did it via diet. she did it initially by eating nine cups of vegetables a day and uh i i dare people to try to eat nine cups of vegetables a lot of fiber right a lot a lot of fire and we'll get back to fiber because i think that's probably the key and this is actually what jack elaine was trying to say if it tastes good spit it out. And Terry became famous for telling people that when you look in the toilet every morning, you should see a very large coiled snake looking back up at you. And in fact, in The Plant Paradox, in the original manuscript, I had said, when you look in the toilet,
Starting point is 00:17:26 you should see a giant anaconda looking back up at you. And my editor, Julie Wills, you know, called me up. She said, do you know there's a movie where an anaconda is coming out of the toilet? And I said, oh yeah. She said, I don't think we want that visual in your book. And she said, let's take that out. But what we didn't know, what you didn't know, I didn't know, is that that giant coiled snake is not the fiber and the roughage that we ate it's actually bacteria that have eaten the fiber no way and bacteria inside of us yeah that's coming out it's coming out so most of your oh my gosh is if you will baby bacteria no way and so the more so we want to get the bacteria out of us no you want them to grow and prosper and the more they grow and it sounds like aliens in our bodies it's like you know you're absolutely right and one of the things that is
Starting point is 00:18:33 kind of hard to embrace is we we probably only exist as a place for bacteria to live on earth wow and and you know intelligence if there was no bacteria inside of us we're done we would die so we know that we can breed germ-free mice and interesting fun fact that i put in the longevity paradox. My fifth grade science project was to build a germ-free mouse environment. This was in 1960. And so this isn't my first rodeo. So we can build, we can raise germ-free mice that have no bacteria in them, have no bugs in them. And they live short lives.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Really? They have horrible immune systems. They get sick. They get sick, yeah. And so they're a basis of so much of what we know. And so you can, so bacteria are incredibly important. And we know now that these bacteria actually teach our immune system from day one. In fact, scary. We used to think that the placenta where the baby, the womb, the uterus that feeds the baby
Starting point is 00:20:02 is sterile. Of course it has to be because the baby has to be sterile. The placenta is full of bacteria. Feeding the baby. And it turns out that the bacteria in the placenta actually give information to the baby's immune system before the baby even pops out of the womb. So we need these viruses, these good viruses. We need these viruses and bacteria. We need them. And in fact, fun fact, long ago, the only way to treat bacterial infections
Starting point is 00:20:37 were viruses that could actually infect bacteria and kill viruses. And Eli Lilly Company from Indianapolis got its start, this giant pharmaceutical company, as what's called a bacteriophage company. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. And it turns out that viruses actually are really useful in us as well.
Starting point is 00:21:05 We have trillions and trillions and trillions of viruses in us right now. What's the difference between a good virus and a bad virus? If the good virus is doing what it's supposed to do. Um, okay. Let's let's do a deep dive into microbiology. And what is the definition of virus? Okay, so a virus is probably the smallest reproducible form of life, however we want to define life. So most living things are capable of reproducing themselves one way or another, dividing or multiplying one way or another. Just like humans.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Exactly. So a virus, unfortunately, has to have, cannot replicate itself. to borrow another cell and take over the cell's machinery to manufacture more copies of viruses. And that's how they get reproduced. But in the end, every living creature is here just to make a new copy. And, you know, you and I only, only exist, uh, was to make a new copy. And, you know, my, hopefully actually only exists so my bacteria can make new copies of themselves. I'm a, I'm a condominium for my inhabitants. Duplication, yeah. And if they're happy and I'm a good landlord to them, they will keep the place nice. They actually would like me to stick around a very long time because I'm their home. So if I give them, my tenants, what they want, they'll keep me around.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Okay. All right, so getting back to Terry Walls. Yes. So Terry Walls and her giant anacondas. they want uh they'll keep me around okay all right so getting back to terry walls yes so terry walls and her giant anacondas and whenever we do a podcast with her uh from iowa she has these dolls of poop um really yeah i gotta i gotta meet this person so we uh we've become friends through the years and our diets diets recommendations are very similar and becoming more and more similar as time goes on. And recently, she and her wife began doing time-restricted feeding.
Starting point is 00:23:39 For the last 18 years during the winter, I only eat calories two hours a day. So 22 out of 24 hours, I'm not eating any calories. And I've done that for 18 years now. So that's pretty interesting, time-restricted feeding. Time-restricted feeding means you limit the number of hours you eat in the day. Wow. So she, and we had talked about this, so she and her wife actually really started doing this. And I see her about once a year and I noticed on the podcast, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:19 she looks the best I have ever seen her. And so we're talking about this. And she said, well, you know, I started, you know, after kind of reading and listening and, you know, longevity paradox, this is something real. And it's not just me. Other people have done this. And we started doing it. And I started doing it.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And then my wife said, you know, there's something here. I'm going to join you, and they have kids, and now they, she's saying, our kids have noticed that we are getting younger, and I said, well, you know, you're right. I said, because, you know, I've known you through the years and you clearly are you know younger now than when i knew you a few years ago and she said yeah our kids notice and they're calling us you know benjamin button because we're de-aging so i think this whole anti-aging thing is wrong i think it is really quite possible to de-age and as I talk about in the longevity paradox, what's fascinating is that, and you can prove this in animal models, that you age as your microbiome changes, number one. But more importantly,
Starting point is 00:25:40 that the wall of your gut should be impermeable, even though it's only one cell thick. And the surface area of your gut, my gut, is the same as a tennis court. So inside of you and me is a tennis court. Crazy. Surface area. And the problem is that that wall of our gut is only one cell thick. And these cells are held together with tight junctions best example for anyone who's no longer young is Red Rover Red Rover which we all played as a kid where we locked arms and
Starting point is 00:26:18 people ran across and a big guy always ran through oh Oh, yeah. Let's go. Oh, yeah. And you're the guy, you know, and the two girls go, ah! Here comes Lewis! Ah! And they don't get to play that in school anymore, by the way. It's too dangerous. Oh, right. Yeah. Kids get hurt.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Kids are people like you. So they're all locked arm in arm. And as long as they're locked arm in arm, all those, you know, a hundred trillion bacteria and all the other toxins stay on their side of the wall. On the other side of the wall, 60 to 70% of all your white blood cells, all your immune system is lined up on that wall. Why? Because that's basically the border. And if you're invading army is coming through the border, you want to have your army on the other side. And what's cool is as long as that wall is intact,
Starting point is 00:27:16 you do not age. But as that wall becomes leaky, and that's the whole story of the law. Leaky gut. Leaky gut. Then you begin to age and Hippocrates 2,500 years ago said all disease begins in the gut and he was absolutely right all diseases begin and I add on end in the gut and you know that's actually a good segue into a current problem with a virus then we're not used to what I've been trying
Starting point is 00:27:58 to do with my patients through the years is teach them how to heal their gut. So anybody with an autoimmune disease has a leaky gut, period, end of story. And I know this and I can say that because we can't, we measure 70% of my practice is autoimmune patients. How do you know if you have a leaky gut if you haven't been tested per se? Would you see rashes?
Starting point is 00:28:23 Would you see- So I got news for you. If you have an autoimmune disease, you have a leaky gut if you haven't been tested per se? Would you see rashes? Would you see... So I got news for you. If you have an autoimmune disease, you have a leaky gut. Gotcha. If you have high blood pressure, you have a leaky gut. If you have coronary artery disease, you have a leaky gut. If you have diabetes, you have a leaky gut. So leaky gut is the cause of all disease? Of all disease.
Starting point is 00:28:41 A leaky gut is the cause of all disease if you cure the leaky gut that you should be able to heal the disease so far so good so how do we heal the leaky gut okay so it's actually that's the key well and that's why i got so focused on these cute little plant particles called lectins. And so there's lots of gut healing protocols out there. And what intrigued me was, you know, lectins are a plant defense system and plants have multiple defense systems, but I kind of got interested in lectins. And they're little proteins that seek out sugar molecules.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And they- Love that sugar. Yeah. Got to get rid of it. Yeah. They are after specific sugar molecules. And interestingly enough, these sugar molecules line our nose, mouth, intestines. They line the lining of our blood vessels. They line the lining of our blood vessels. They line our joints.
Starting point is 00:29:45 They exist in the space between two nerves where nerves talk to each other. And these proteins are designed, if they can, to stick to these sugar molecules and act, if you will, like a splinter, an irritant. They are also really good at breaking the tight junctions that hold the wall of our gut together. And if you think about it from a plant standpoint,
Starting point is 00:30:16 if you had a system where you could make leaky gut in someone who eats you and your immune system got all inflamed and you felt bad or it hurt to move or you got depressed. By the way, leaky gut is the major cause of depression and anxiety. Really? Stress. Dr. Amen and I went through this on his podcast yeah and so if you had a predator who was eating you and that predator wasn't doing very well a smart predator would say you know every time i eat this plant uh or this plant baby i die yeah i don't feel good yeah all right you know i don't reproduce well or i'm not growing well. I'm going to go eat something else. And we also evolved bacteria that enjoy eating lectins. Believe it or not, there's a bacteria that likes to eat gluten.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Gluten is a lectin. And so, unfortunately, now in our modern society, we've killed off most of the defense system against lectins. It's, to use a football analogy, if I've got my first string defense injured, my second string injured, and now I'm pulling guys out of the stands to be my linebackers, and you're a running back, a lectin, man. You're scoring every time. be my linebackers and you're a running back, a lectin, man, you know, you may be the worst running back in the world, but if there's nobody there to tackle you, you're going to score every time. So what would you say are the four or five different foods that heal leaky gut and defend against viruses? So it's not what I tell you to eat that's important. It's what I tell you not to eat. Okay, what are the four or five?
Starting point is 00:32:07 That's rule number one. So the first thing is don't eat grains, period. No grains. No grains. Zero grains. Zero grains. And that includes rice. That includes corn.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I just gave a paper at the American Heart Association three weeks ago at the Lifestyle and Epidemiology Annual Meeting where we looked at people with leaky gut, and they had already been on a gluten-free diet. So that means they were avoiding wheat, rye, and barley. And they still had leaky gut. They're eating rice that's not gluten? Right. Yeah, rice doesn't have gluten.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Quinoa doesn't have gluten. Buckwhe rice doesn't have gluten quinoa doesn't have gluten buckwheat doesn't have gluten corn doesn't have gluten but we test these people 70 percent of people who react to gluten will react to corn as if it was wow and i see so many people who are eating gluten-free who still have autoimmune disease and or leaky gut. So when in this paper, we took away not only their gluten, but all lectums, major lectums, and that includes the nightshade family, unfortunately. Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, kind of the Tom Brady diet, to use another football example. He eats very similar to my program. Take away peanuts and cashews, which are beans, and have people, if they're going to eat beans, pressure cook their beans. Pressure cooking will destroy all lectins except gluten.
Starting point is 00:33:47 And then we take away certain milk products, American cow milk products, and we showed in this paper that not only will they heal their leaky gut, which just by removing those things, which just by removing those things. But in 9 out of 10 people that we've now retested multiple occasions, they no longer react to gluten by their immune system. Now, I'm not saying that, guess what? If you follow my protocol, then you can have all the bread that you want. No.
Starting point is 00:34:27 But it is intriguing that you can re-educate the immune system to defend itself against these things. To not get interested anymore because the gut is sealed. So you could have it once in a while and it shouldn't affect it
Starting point is 00:34:37 or penetrate through. Correct. But if you keep doing it every day, every meal, then it's going to penetrate through. It's going to do the same thing. So zero grains, no rice, no corn. Until you heal the gut, then it's going to penetrate through. It's going to penetrate through. It's the same thing. So zero grains, no rice, no corn.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Until you heal the gut, then maybe every once in a while. Yeah. And then what we do is we actually ask people, okay, let's reintroduce something. Yeah. And see. See how you feel. Yeah. Don't get too comfortable, though.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah. Don't get too comfortable. And what we do in really bad autoimmune folks is that we will, every three or six months, we're retesting their leaky gut and their autoimmune status. And it's really kind of humorous. Sometimes we see that when people reintroduce things, their leaky gut starts again. I'll give you a great example, a personal example. So years ago, when we first started doing autoimmune testing,
Starting point is 00:35:34 we obviously do it on ourselves. And so I did it on myself, and my staff comes running in and says, oh my gosh, Dr. Gundry, you have lupus. I said, I don't have lupus. Come on, where's the lupus? And they said, no, no, no, you're positive for anti-nuclear antibody, which is one of the good markers for lupus, an autoimmune condition. And I'm going, well, you know, that's interesting. My family, my father's side of the family has massive psoriasis. My dad was on methotrexate for 51 years. It was like a steroid or like a cream?
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, it's one of the immunosuppressants. Wow. Yeah, he was on an immunosuppressant. So you wouldn't have psoriasis all over you? Yeah, you would have psoriasis everywhere. Wow. And so I said, and my aunt had it and my cousins had it. So I'm going, you know, that makes sense. I obviously have a predisposition to an autoimmune disease.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And I said, I think I'll turn it off because I'm always experimenting with food. That's my job. And so I ate perfectly. I followed the rules for two weeks, remeasured my anti-nuclear antibody, done, gone, turned off. After how many weeks? Two weeks. Wow. I said, eh, that's pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:58 So we actually did a study that we presented at the American Heart two years ago of 102 patients with biomarker-proimmune disease, like antinuclear antibody, like rheumatoid arthritis, like Hashimoto's, Kelly Clarkson, just to give you an example, and retested them at six months. And most of these people were on immunosuppressants, like what you see on TV every day. Drugs. drugs drugs. Yeah. And in six months time, 95 out of the 102 people were negative for their marker of autoimmune disease and they were off their drugs. Wow. 94% success rate. That's not bad. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. So, so then,
Starting point is 00:37:38 so two years ago I was in New York city working on actually the longevity paradox. And I said, you know, I need to re-challenge myself. Let me, you know, things are going great. So I was there for about four days. I had pizza. I had bread. I had ice cream.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I had pasta. I had tomatoes. Oh. Tastes good. And I felt tomatoes. Oh. Tastes good. And I felt fine. So I come running back on a Monday to the office and I have them draw my blood. Boom. I'm positive for anti-nuclear antibody again.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Wow. And I went, oh, shucks. And I said, well, this is interesting. I'm going to turn it off. So I ate normally for two weeks, retested, boom, turned off. Wow. So when I give pronouncements on autoimmune disease, one colleague came up to me one time, she said, what do you know about autoimmune disease? How dare you talk about autoimmune disease? Oh, really? Well, you know, I can make mine come and go. And that's the point. You can stop these things. And all it is, is a manifestation of
Starting point is 00:39:00 leaky gut. Wow. Okay. So three things you said so far of leaky gut. I'm hearing you say no rice or corn, which is zero grains, no nightshades, which are tomatoes. Does that mean like tomato sauce or things are prepared a certain way? Yeah. So here's the deal. Peel and deseed your tomatoes. Peel and deseed your peppers. The Southwest American Indians always peel and de-seed their peppers before they eat them or grind them into chili. They've known that from time immemorial. The Italians always peel and de-seed their tomatoes before they make sauce. And I get to interview chefs all over Italy. They all say, you know, you gotta.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We do this. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta do this. And I said, well, how do you know you gotta do this? Well, my mother. We just know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:52 My mother taught me. I'm a Hachino. My grandmother taught her. Yeah. They know. Now here's something that's interesting. Peanuts and cashews. I'm a big fan of peanuts.
Starting point is 00:40:01 And I think the last time you came on, maybe the first time you came on, you were like, you can't eat peanuts anymore. And I didn't eat them because I was having like little rashes every now and then. And I was thinking it was probably like the almond butter, nut butter, just I was consuming so much almond butter and peanut butter. And so I really cut back and I was like,
Starting point is 00:40:18 okay, no peanut butter for a while and cut back on almond butter and felt fine. About a couple of months ago, I started eating a lot more peanut butter and noticed it started coming back. And so I shut it off again and it went away. Now, why is peanut butter an issue? Why is it such a big thing? So 94% of human beings are born with an antibody to the peanut lectin.
Starting point is 00:40:44 with an antibody to the peanut lectin. And so now you go, so most of us inherit an antibody against the peanut lectin. And you go, well, wait a minute. When I was growing up and probably when you were growing up, very few people had peanut allergies. Now, everybody's got peanut. Well, because our immune system used to be taught by our gut microbiome that, hey, there's some nasty stuff out there, but we got your back. And we're going to handle it long before you ever have to deal with it and you just you know let's just you know
Starting point is 00:41:28 use a southern california example there's a bunch of kids on the beach and they got a bonfire not in the time of social distancing right and they're having a great time and the cops uh are you know looking at the beach like oh yeah we know those kids kids are good kids. They're not troublemakers. We'll go have a donut and a smoke and just chill. So compare that, that you're in a disadvantaged part of a community and there's gang members and there's shooting and the cops, everybody is a suspect until proven otherwise. and the cops approach you with an Uzi rather than an ice cream cone. And what's happened to us is that for the most part, our lines of defense against bad things like a peanut lectin are gone. Our gut is leaky so that our cops are always on hyper alert so a little benign little peanut lectin comes in now it breaks through and the cops go oh my gosh you know
Starting point is 00:42:37 kill it kill it right and that's why we got epi pins with all of our little kids Wow now the same thing happens we most of us number one don't have a great microbiome that is able to fend off viruses fend off bacteria like they should and after all they're defending their home rights but more importantly probably because most of us have leaky gut most of our immune system that should be up in our nose in our mouth protecting us against a virus is down in our gut do attacking whatever is coming through the wall of our gut and it's completely distracted now where i'm going with this is you hear on the news that people with chronic medical conditions are
Starting point is 00:43:34 the people who are most susceptible to viruses in general to the flu to the coronavirus to whatever to the flu, to the coronavirus, to whatever. And, well, why is that? Why would having high blood pressure make you more susceptible to dying from a virus? That actually doesn't make any sense. But if having high blood pressure is actually a sign that you have a leaky gut and that most of your immune system is actually down in your gut rather than patrolling the periphery like it should,
Starting point is 00:44:17 and your immune system is, I mean, all the troops are down, distracted, then it makes completely sense that you would be susceptible to this yeah and let me give you a great story years ago years ago i was at the uh i present a lot of papers at the microbiota meeting in paris every year and there was a fascinating paper that And there was a fascinating paper that there are smelling neurons, olfactory neurons, you know, that live in our nose, that live in our kidneys and live in our heart. And you go, well, why would I need, why would my kidneys need to smell anything? Why would my heart need to smell anything why would my heart need to smell anything and it actually intrigued me until I realized in writing my next
Starting point is 00:45:13 book which is called the energy paradox that these smelling organs in our kidneys and our heart smell bacterial farts, the fermentation products of bacteria. And they can smell good farts and they can smell bad farts. And if they smell bad bacteria farts, they actually activate the blood pressure system to make your blood vessels more rigid and give you high blood pressure. And what was striking to me, and I didn't know the reason way back when, is when I had people with high blood pressure and we put them on my program, one of the first things, the first calls I would get is, what are you giving me? What supplement are you taking that's making me lightheaded and dizzy? And, you know, I'd look at my nurse and I'd look at me and I'm going,
Starting point is 00:46:15 there isn't a supplement that does that. You know, come on into the office, let's see. And, of course, their blood pressure is really low. And we go, okay, you know, let's cut that high blood pressure pill in half. And then they call back a couple of weeks later and say, I'm dizzy again. And we bring them back in. Sure enough, their blood pressure is low. Okay, let's get rid of that blood pressure. What we were doing is we were changing the bacterial signals in their gut. And they were now getting, if you will, good farts that they were smelling in their
Starting point is 00:46:45 kidneys and their blood vessels were reacting. And we eventually developed tests that we could prove that in fact that happens and publish that data as well. So this is not science fiction, it's not conjecture. And so we now know that there's this incredible symbiotic organism that is us. And the more we learn about the really important part of us, the more it all makes sense on how we work. And returning to Dr. David Kessler, the head of the FDA, he said, you know, when you and I, Steve, were going through medical school, we were taught that the intestines was just a hollow tube and all they were there for was to absorb protein, fat, and carbohydrates, end of story. That's all we were taught. And he says,
Starting point is 00:47:39 who could have guessed that living down there were 100 trillion five pounds of bugs that were essential for the functioning of everything? It's like Dr. Amen says, who would have guessed that mental illness is coming from the gut? Wow. They're connected. The heart and The brain and the gut. Yeah, the gut-brain connection. He said, who would have guessed? Because all of us thought, that's just a tube. And yeah, there's a few bacteria down there, and they're really bad, and we poop them out, and it's just waste. Right. Now we know. Much more than that. They are us.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Wow. Now, there's so many things you've covered here that I want to close a loop on a couple of these. I'm trying to figure out the solution to my peanut butter problem. What's the nut butter that I can eat that's actually okay? Is there one? Yeah. So, interestingly enough, we have a number of people with rheumatoid arthritis who react to the peel of an almond. There is a lectin in the peel of almonds.
Starting point is 00:48:51 So you take the peel off. You take the peel off. So the de-skinned almonds are okay. Yeah, so like Marcona almonds. And there are actually a couple of companies that now make peeled almond butter. And you can find them. Really? Yeah. It shouldn't be an issue then.
Starting point is 00:49:04 It shouldn't be an issue.. It shouldn't be an issue. Yeah. So, if you're going to choose- That's interesting. So, walnuts are a great choice. Pistachios are a great choice. Every time I eat a walnut, I sneeze. So, there are some tannins in walnuts that certain people react to.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So, stay with pistachios. Macadamia nuts. I love macadamia nuts. They're really good. Okay. Mac nuts really good. Okay. Mac nuts are okay. Yeah. So, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:30 So get yourself some peeled almonds. I'm going to do that now. Try it. Okay. You said American milk is something that we should not have in order to fix leaky gut. Yeah. Is there such thing as non-American milk that is okay to drink? Yeah. So most people can have sheep milk, can have goat milk.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Interestingly enough, goat milk traditionally was called mother's milk because the components in goat milk are very different than cow milk. Yeah. They're far more similar to human milk. And so I actually tell mothers, if they're going to give their child some animal milk, please make it goat milk rather than cow's milk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Is there any other foods that we should not eat to heal our leaky gut? So the more... And I know you talk about this in Plant Paradox as well, but... Yeah. The more you, there are a few people that actually react to either the white or the yolk of eggs. Most people don't. Okay. But we test for those.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And here's just something to throw out. I don't want to cause widespread panic. Yes. There is a- There's already enough of that in the world right now. That's right. Yeah, we got plenty. There is a lectin in spinach that I was unaware of, but thanks to a company called Vibrant America, they discovered that there are a class of lectins
Starting point is 00:51:00 called aquaporins. And they're present in tobacco, they're present in tobacco they're present in spinach they're present in corn they're present in soybeans they're present in green peppers and I think that's it anyhow they actually can cause leaky gut and they can cause leaky brain and I stumbled upon this because I have a few people with really bad IBS and really bad autoimmune disease who are saints. They follow my program. They never cheat.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Why would they? Why do they still have issues? Why do they still have issues? And so when we had these new tests, lo and behold, almost every one of these people reacted to spinach. No way. And they ate a lot of spinach.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And knock on wood so far, when we took the spinach away from them, that was the key. Now, don't everybody go home and throw out your spinach. But if you're following my program and my program does have spinach in it and we're still having problems, consider giving up spinach. There's no human need for spinach.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Now, you said, what was her name? Is she a Dr. Terry? Is that her name? Terry Walsh. Dr. Terry Walsh. You said she was doing like 10 or 12 cups of veggies a day for... Nine cups of vegetables. The snake looking back at you.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah. Now, what should those... Now, why is it important to have nine cups of vegetables? And what does that do for your microbiome and your gut every day? So getting back to Dr. David Kessler, head of the FDA. We thought that carbohydrates were carbohydrates. And complex carbohydrates, sarches were fine because they're complex carbohydrates. Everybody's wrong.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Food manufacturers have figured out how to make a complex carbohydrate a simple carbohydrate and make you think it's a complex carbohydrate. So when you read a label, number one, if you have to read a label, you're probably, you should put the package back because there shouldn't be a label on a head of lettuce. Right. I'll give you an example. But you have to take, and if anybody, if the take-home point from this is, we'll save so many people's lives, read total carbohydrates on the label, then take away the dietary fiber.
Starting point is 00:53:25 That'll be the next thing under it. So that will tell you the amount of grams of sugar per serving in that package. Do not look at where it says sugar. Do not look at added sugar. It is a lie. So if it says zero sugar, zero added sugar. Yeah. So let me give you an example that he used on my podcast, which was a great example. He said, let me, what would you find in a store?
Starting point is 00:53:51 The label says it's 300 calories. It has zero fat. It has zero grams of sugar and it has four grams of protein and it has 35 grams of carbohydrates is that broccoli i don't know what is that it's a bagel a bagel a bagel and wow 300 calories 300 calories wow zero sugar how does that zero sugar i thought that's just the sugar the label law lies to you it's got 35 grams of carbohydrates now to make that it's turning sugar which is sugar it is pure sugar in fact it is better than sugar the way it has been manufactured so you take to figure out how much that is, there's four grams of sugar per teaspoon. So let's take his 35 grams of sugar, divide by four. Let's make it easy, make it 36 grams. That's nine teaspoons of raw sugar in that bagel.
Starting point is 00:55:02 So that's number one. All of a sudden you have... How many grams of sugar would that be? That's... Well, so a Coke, a 12 ounce Coke is about 12 grams of sugar. Wow. So you're basically chugging a Coke when you eat a bagel. And it'll actually get into your bloodstream faster than if you chugged a Coke.
Starting point is 00:55:19 No way. How does it go faster when it's just liquid? Because it's been broken down. You actually have to digest the sugar molecule in the Coke. You don't have to digest the sugar molecule in a bagel. Really? Yeah, main lines. So that's number one.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Number two, what nobody knew was the bacteria that most of your bacteria live down in your colon and your lower part of your small intestine. And they're waiting for the complex carbohydrates that you do not digest normally. They're waiting for their meal that always used to come. And that meal never comes anymore because everything's been so finely processed that we don't get those complex carbohydrates down to them so they starve to death now what's really cool is that those guys take that meal and they make all these really cool compounds that, number one, keep the wall of the gut intact, allow the wall of the gut to heal itself.
Starting point is 00:56:37 They make compounds that actually are text messages to the mitochondria in all of our cells, and particularly in our brain, that guys down in the engine room are working under full power, and we've got, you know, Scotty beam me up sort of thing, you know, give me warp drive five, and we've got the power, and, you know, it's okay to go into hyperspace. If they don't make those compounds, your mitochondria go, geez, I'm not, I got nothing to work with here and we got no backup system. I'm going to sputter down to a crawl. And people wonder why they're fatigued, even though they're eating more than ever and they're eating all these sports drinks and they're having 27 cups of coffee and going, where's my energy?
Starting point is 00:57:27 And it's because we no longer have this beautifully designed symbiotic relationship and we've starved the most important part of us. And that's why Jack LaLanne said, if it tastes good, spit it out. So why nine cups of vegetables then? Because that is actually giving those guys what they want to eat. Now, Terry didn't know this back then, but her first book was Minding My Mitochondria or Feeding My Mitochondria. But now we know it's actually, we got to feed those guys.
Starting point is 00:58:02 We have to eat for them. Mitochondria. We got to eat for the bacteria They'll back the back so not the mitochondria. Yeah, so in the longevity paradox, here's the really scary thing Mitochondria are actually engulfed ancient bacteria long billions of years ago cells invited bacteria to live inside them. In exchange for a nice place to live, the cells said,
Starting point is 00:58:33 we'll give you what you want to eat in exchange for you making ATP energy for us. And obviously it was a good deal because that's continued now. So within us, all of our cells have engulfed ancient bacteria that produce energy for us. And what's so really fun is the bacteria in your gut are the sisters of the mitochondria, which are bacteria in our cells. And they actually talk to each other. And here's what's really cool. You and I inherited our mitochondria from our mother. Dad did not give us any mitochondria. So all mitochondria are female. And if everything went okay, you and I inherited our gut microbiome from our mother, who literally took a crap on us as we exited the birth canal.
Starting point is 00:59:41 And everybody kind of knows that. Mom took a crap on me. Ladies, if you hate your mother, no, she didn't, she didn't take a crap on you. But your mother gives you your initial dose of bacteria. And that's actually why cesarean section babies who don't get that dose take up to six months to get a normal immune system compared to a vaginal delivery because they don't have the proper set of bacteria that educate the immune system. That's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Now, you're speaking about immune system. How can we boost and protect our immune system in time of pandemic, crisis, stress, and overwhelm? What are the things we can do right now? So the first thing you do is you absolutely positively stay away from simple carbohydrates. And I can tell you that if it's in a package, it is probably a simple carbohydrate, package, it is probably a simple carbohydrate. Even what would appear to be healthy. So, plantain chips. No. I can't eat those? Come on. Read the label and it will scare you to death. Will I eat plantain chips? Sure
Starting point is 01:00:58 I will, but I will use them as a dipping chip to get guacamole in my mouth. Or olive oil. Or olive oil, yeah. So, I, yeah. So stay away from simple carbohydrates. And what's really scary in times of pandemics is the grocery store shells are empty of bread and bagels and pasta and tomato sauce. That's good for you. And milk and ice cream and orange juice. There's five to six teaspoons of sugar in a cup of orange juice.
Starting point is 01:01:31 So it's actually good when the shelves are cleared of all the bad things. That's right. Believe it or not, right now, most of everything in the grocery store is actually good for you because it's all been cleared out of all the bad stuff. But what worries me is all that bad stuff is being consumed. And the best way to suppress your immune system is sugar. Sugar absolutely suppresses white blood cell function. So please don't eat like that. But luckily the stores are, and the other thing i remind all my listeners is that we
Starting point is 01:02:07 are the only creature that needs or uses toilet paper right and if you follow my program you won't need it you will not need toilet paper i i have many friends that say they don't need a wipe. Yeah. Maybe you take one little piece just to make sure. Yeah, one little piece just to make sure. Just insurance, but you never know. Yeah. And so, you know, I know when, you know, I've got some issue that, you know, that I need more than one piece of toilet paper.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah. So if you need toilet paper, I got news for you. You got a leaky gut. You're eating the wrong things. You're eating the wrong stuff. You're eating the wrong stuff. So no simple carbs. Essentially, if it's in a package, it's probably not good. No sugar. It suppresses the immune system.
Starting point is 01:02:52 What else? Either hurts the immune system? What boosts the immune system? Yeah, so what boosts the immune system? It turns out that olive oil, the polyphenols in olive oil actually really boost the immune system. So do components of mushrooms. And, you know, I make one and we'll get you some called M-Vitality, which is a mushroom extract. But mushrooms in general, even the humble button mushroom, will actually boost your immune system. And it does that, actually, by having the sort of complex sugars
Starting point is 01:03:28 that your gut bacteria really, really wants and needs. Exactly. And so it's more of an indirect effect. You give your gut bacteria what they want and need. They, in turn, will tell the immune system, hey, we got this, and relax and enjoy yourself. Wow. The other thing, every human being that I see initially
Starting point is 01:03:46 with leaky gut or autoimmune disease has a low vitamin D level. I had Mark Hyman on my podcast recently, and Mark has never seen vitamin D toxicity. I have been measuring vitamin D levels for over 20 years now. I have never seen vitamin D levels for over 20 years now. I have never seen vitamin D toxicity. You can't have too much necessarily. I have yet to see it.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Could it exist? I mean, if you have a whole bottle a day, maybe it's not good. Well, and actually, Dr. Holick from Boston University, who's really the world expert on vitamin D, has seen it only once. And that was in a physician who by accident was taking a million international units of vitamin D3 a day for six months. That's a lot. It's a lot. Now- What is that, a whole cup full a day or something?
Starting point is 01:04:36 He had been getting it from a compounding pharmacist and it had been mislabeled. So he wasn't doing it on purpose. and it would have been mislabeled. So he wasn't doing it on purpose. Got it. But for instance, I run my vitamin D level greater than 120 nanograms per milliliter, and I have for 18 years to prove I'm not dead. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:55 So many of the labs now are coming around to saying 120 is absolutely normal, and it's not vitamin detox. I have patients, I may have told you this story. It's a great story. Years ago, I had two people in their late 70s, first time. And we get vitamin D levels. Back in those days, we could actually quantify the vitamin D level. And the vitamin D was 270, both of them. And I'm looking at them and I was young and, and I'm thinking, why aren't these guys dead? And I said, you guys take a lot of vitamin D, don't you? They said, oh, yeah, yeah, it's an anti-aging vitamin. And I said, it actually is. But I said, well, how long have you been doing
Starting point is 01:05:39 that? And they said, oh, all of our lives. And I'm going, you know, you look pretty healthy to me. And in theory, vitamin D can give you kidney stones, toxic vitamin D levels. Never seen it, but in theory. Any kidney stones? No. Why? And the other theory is it makes your fingers and toes numb. And I said, any fingers, toes, numb fingers toes no no why and I'm going
Starting point is 01:06:07 huh so that's when I actually started researching vitamin D and for instance the University of California San Diego says that the average American should take 9600 international units a day to have a safe level of vitamin D. The other thing that's fascinating is most people with cancer have low levels of vitamin D. And there's some very interesting trials of boosting vitamin D in people who have cancer to prevent recurrences. So right now, I think everybody should be taking 5,000 international units, but right now... A day? A day. Right now, we're probably wise to boost it to 10,000 a day.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Wow. I'll give you an example. Last week when this started, and I still see patients every day, I took 100,000 units on Monday. I took 50,000 units on Tuesday. And I took 25,000 units on Wednesday and then hit 10,000 units. If I feel I'm coming down with something, I will take 150,000 units three days in a row. 50,000 three times a day for three days. That's nearly a half a million international units of vitamin D in three days. Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And I'm not dead. I have my patients do the same thing. None of them have died. None of them have gotten vitamin D toxicity. But I can tell you, it always cuts whatever, it's one of the most effective antivirals there is. The second thing we need to do is we need to get, if you can, time to release vitamin C. Linus Pauling was right. Vitamin C is incredibly antiviral,
Starting point is 01:07:59 but what he didn't know is we can't absorb enough vitamin C and keep it in our bloodstream because- It comes out. It comes out very, very quickly. So get yourself some time-release vitamin C. The stores are empty, Amazon's empty. Right. In the future.
Starting point is 01:08:17 But barring that, barring that, go to, it's still there, I go to health food stores, they're ready, and just kind of check and see what's there and what isn't. Get yourself just the chewable tablets or get the capsules and take it four times a day. Take 500 to 1,000 four times a day. Yeah. It's still better than nothing. It's still better than nothing. Zinc is a great idea. Get about 30 milligrams of zinc. I'm a big fan of quercetin, sometimes pronounced quercetin. It's a compound that's present in the white pith of citrus. It's in apples and it's in onions. And it actually may be the compound that the old wives tale and apple day keeps the doctor away. So quercetin is also very antiviral.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Okay. And there's an exciting new paper that was just published yesterday that astaxanthin seems to prevent the inflammatory response to the coronavirus. Hmm. Astaxanthin. It is a compound that actually makes salmon red and
Starting point is 01:09:31 salmon eat algae and plankton that have that produce astaxanthin. It's a really cool compound. Wow. Do you think it's possible that we could defend and arm our bodies and our immune system could be so strong that if any virus, like the coronavirus, came in our mouth and was in us, that we could
Starting point is 01:09:56 reject it and not attach to our bodies? Correct. That's the whole idea. Really? It's possible to do that? You are designed to- To defend it. To defend it just to defend them
Starting point is 01:10:05 all yeah really yeah it's like a fullback running through just blocking everyone so you can score yeah you are designed to do that i mean your immune system is strong then you you don't get sick you don't get sick and it doesn't matter how strong the virus is you should be able to defend against it it's when it's weak when you start to get sick. That's exactly right. Wow. And, you know, I mean, you have different parts of your immune system lined up on all your mucous membranes ready for, you know, what's coming. And what's unfortunate is in a lot of our patients with leaky gut and with autoimmune diseases, we can actually measure that they're very deficient in the immune system that makes, for instance, IgA, which lines are walls of our gut, and IgM, which is the second line of defense. And we can see that when we get
Starting point is 01:10:58 their gut sealed, that, wow, their immune system is back. All their numbers are back up to normal. Wow, their immune system is back. All their numbers are back up to normal. But that's what's happening. So again, the reason people with chronic diseases are susceptible to the virus is not because they have a chronic disease. It's because that is a sign of a leaky gut and your immune system is impaired. Fix the leaky gut, you won't get sick. You won't get sick.
Starting point is 01:11:27 That's what, you know, people, my patients go, this is so weird. You know, I used to get a cold two times a year and now I don't get cold and all my friends do. I just, yesterday, two days ago, I was talking with one of my patients who's a psychologist and I won't tell you where she lives. She was at a gathering two weeks ago, and three of her family members got coronavirus, including her mother and five other people, and she didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And she says, I'm convinced it's because of the way I eat. Really? Yeah. We are a society of weak immune systems, it seems like. Oh, yeah. We're just set up. It all kind of goes back to how we eat and the types of foods we eat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:26 And the amount of antibiotics we take. We didn't know that the broad spectrum antibiotics that all of us took for every little sniffle, for every little cough. That hurts us. We're killing off our microbiome. It was like putting napalm on this tropical rainforest. How important is probiotics right now? That's a great question. So we are unfortunately just because of our
Starting point is 01:12:51 lifestyle very deficient in probiotics. So should we be taking them? We should be taking them but most probiotics are pretty worthless because they're not protected from acid in the stomach or bile in the first part of the duodenum, which will kill them. Most probiotics never make it to the gut. So you gotta look for a probiotic that is actually encapsulated. Like a time-release.
Starting point is 01:13:21 That's either a spore-forming probiotic or that's encapsulated so it res time release. That's either a spore-forming probiotic or that's encapsulated so it resists gastric and bile digestion. For instance, Gundry MD makes a 24 strain probiotic. I take yours, yeah. That is in a capsule that prevents digestion. Yeah. All of our probiotics in like Vital Reds, in like BioComplete 3 are spore forming probiotics that cannot be killed by gastric acid. So it doesn't matter if you see, oh, this has got a hundred billion probiotics. If it doesn't have a system for getting it into your gut, it won't get into your gut. But what's more important than probiotics, and we need them, what's more important is prebiotics.
Starting point is 01:14:06 So that's the food that the probiotics have to eat. And that gets back to the crazy nine cups of vegetables every day. So you need the prebiotics, the vegetables in your gut for the probiotics to feed off of. Exactly. So you got to give them what they eat. So like I tell my patients in Palm Springs, if I sold them grass seed and say, go plant some grass seed. And they come back a month later and say, hey, you sold me bad grass seed. It didn't grow. And I go, well, what'd you do? And they said, well, I put it out on the sand. And I said, well, did you water it? No, you didn't tell me to.
Starting point is 01:14:46 What, did you fertilize it? No, you didn't tell me to. I said, well, of course it's not going to grow. So you could swallow all the probiotics in the world. But if you don't give them what they need to eat, and that's soluble fiber, they're not going to grow. And that's the sad thing we've learned is we don't feed these bugs what they need. And that's why, for instance, I make Prebiothrive, which is a bunch of different prebiotics, which feeds the bugs. Right. Because if you're not eating your veggies,
Starting point is 01:15:19 you got to take that to support you. I want to be mindful of time and finish with a couple of final questions. We've talked about the gut and how leaky gut is the cause of a weak immune system. We talked a little bit about the brain-gut connection, but we haven't talked too much about the heart in terms of how does the heart affect the immune system with social distancing? As a heart doctor who specialized in this for years about the heart, how important is human connection and taking care of forgiveness in the heart, taking care of letting go of anger, resentment, and not being able to connect and touch people? How much does that hurt our immune system in your mind? and touch people, how much does that hurt our immune system in your mind?
Starting point is 01:16:10 It's, uh, we're, you know, we're a, as anybody realizes now, we're an incredibly social creature and social interaction among great apes is really one of the keys of any great ape society people are constantly, you know, apes are constantly grooming each other. You know, even the big daddy silverback gorilla will groom somebody else. And even a big daddy silverback will, you know, hug, you know, a little baby. And so we really depend on that interpersonal connection. And we're actually very ill-equipped for social distancing. It is, if you will, it is not in our DNA to social distance. And I think all these Italians sitting on their balconies singing to each other
Starting point is 01:17:02 and all of, you know we we have to have that interaction so number one during this time period this is the time to get a dog or a cat or some other animal gerbils are actually quite cuddly don't put them where you shouldn't put them yeah get a pet yeah get a pet and a lot of love and a pet a lot of love and a pet and you shouldn't put them. Yeah, get a pet. Yeah, get a pet. A lot of love in a pet. A lot of love in a pet. And you don't have to social distance from your pet.
Starting point is 01:17:37 The other thing that's great is it turns out that animal adoption is way up, way up. Wow. And if you really think, well, eventually I'm going to go back to work, offer to foster an animal from a shelter for a while. The dog or the cat will love it. You will love it. You're not under a time commitment. You don't have to adopt them. And you might fall in love and adopt them. Exactly. It's hard to let go of a cat when you fall in love. It's true. You have animals? We have four dogs. Wow. Four dogs. I used to have a cat in medical school because obviously a dog in medical school- It's too much time.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Too much time. I love cats too. When you get the right cat- Yeah, the right cat. So, okay, to connect, to make sure we heal the heart and have a strong, healthy heart during this time, have a pet or adopt or foster. What else can we do? You know, I think pick up the phone it is amazing what the sound of a human voice will do and you
Starting point is 01:18:31 know get on get on facetime get on zoom get on skype however you want to connect face-to-face interaction can do a huge amount of good um one of the problems with most social media which is based on twitter or whatever is there's no eye contact and humans most of our communication skills actually involve eye and eye expression and one of the problems in our current social media and Twitter accounts nothing wrong with it but there's no being able to read a person's expression and just and you're you know one of the great things about talking to you Lewis is that you actually express that you are interested in what I'm saying. Most people don't express when they're interviewing you?
Starting point is 01:19:27 Yeah, no. And so when somebody says, oh, that makes me, yeah, I say, oh, I want to give you more. I want to share with you more. So get on FaceTime or get, you know, whatever, however you want to connect and make a visual connection. Yeah. And yeah, we, and then hug your dog or your cat. You know, it's interesting. Most people as I've studied interviewers over the years, cause I always want to become better. A lot of people sit side to side and you know,
Starting point is 01:19:59 in an interview talk show style, they sit kind of like this and they'll kind of, they have to lean their whole body, but they can always kind of get away from the eye contact. And I've always made it intentional to be like, now we're sitting across the table from each other, getting as close as we can, although right now we're at least six feet away.
Starting point is 01:20:16 But I typically like to be, not make it uncomfortable, but make it like locked in, because when I've been sitting side by side, or kind of kitty corner or whatever i just feel like the people are more disconnected you know what yeah and so for me it's always been intentional of like we've got to have the setting right so we are across from each other as best as possible sometimes when i'm on a stage or something like that when you have an audience it's different you want to be side by side but in an interview without an audience i think it's important so
Starting point is 01:20:57 now the other thing speaking of social distancing, since we're on the subject of bacteria, it turns out you and I have a bacterial cloud around us of bacteria. And there's really pretty interesting data that everybody's got a spot where you start to feel uncomfortable as someone gets near you. And it's actually that bacteria cloud interacting with your bacteria cloud. And it turns out that there's some pretty good data that the reason all humans kiss and exchange precious bodily oral fluids is because your bacteria are trying to make sure that they are compatible with that person you're kissing. Wow. And there's actually some interesting data that your bacteria choose the one that you should be with. Wow. Who knew? So it's your bacteria that chooses the love of your life. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Not what they do or who they are or how they look. It's the bacteria that connects you. Yeah. Interesting. Can that bacteria change over time to make you wanna fall in love more or reject the person? You know, that's a great question, but we know that mouthwash actually destroys your oral bacteria, number one.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Don't take mouthwash? Oh, no. It's one of the worst things you can do. In fact, good studies, good human studies show that mouthwash raises blood pressure because, yeah, because mouthwash kills oral bacteria, which are essential, fun fact, to make nitric oxide that dilates your blood vessels, which is another gasotransmitter. And without the oral bacteria, you won't convert enough nitrates into nitric oxide. So can you brush your teeth? Can you use toothpaste? nitric oxide. So can you brush your teeth?
Starting point is 01:22:43 Can you use toothpaste? Yeah, you can use toothpaste, but I prefer people use toothpaste that are based on coconut oil or use baking soda. Wow. Baking soda is still one of the best. So no mouthwash at all? Is there like an organic mouthwash that people can take? So do some either coconut oil or olive oil pulling.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Put a tablespoon of olive oil in your mouth and do teeth pulling. For what, two minutes? Yeah, even a minute will do it. You'd be amazed what it'll do. No, swallow it. Swallow it. Remember, I'm trying to get a liter of olive oil
Starting point is 01:23:19 into you per week. Come on, 10 to 12 tablespoons a day. So take a tablespoon of olive oil, swish it in your mouth, swallow it, and what will that do? That'll clear the smell or the bacteria? Yeah, it'll do everything. Really? Yeah, it's really cool.
Starting point is 01:23:35 I mean, that's why, you know, that's why. Any olive oil, like cooking olive oil. Yeah, I mean, go to Costco. Sure. You know, I make an olive oil that one tablespoon a day is the equivalent to having a liter per week. Gundry MD polyphenol-rich olive oil. Comes from this biodynamic farm in Morocco. It's unbelievable stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Amazing. Well, this has been powerful. I've got to be respectful of your time because you've got to get out of here. But this is amazing. You've got an amazing book, The Plant Paradox, which was a massive hit and is still selling like crazy. The Longevity Paradox, which is more recent book, which- Which is still number one on Amazon in aging. It's amazing. And this is teaching you how to essentially reverse aging and how to not, you said anti-aging was not a thing, but-
Starting point is 01:24:24 De-age. De-age. That's what we're going to do. Folks, the age, the age, your life. That's what this is all about. Some great people have backed this and, um, you've given us some great tips today about boosting the immune system, how to stay safe and healthy right now. So, uh, where can we support you? Where else can we go besides your books and podcasts? Where, what's the best place to go? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:45 So, you know, find my podcast, wherever you get your podcast, Dr. Gundry podcast, uh, If you want my supplements or my foods or my olive oil, go to Gundry I find me on Instagram. Fine. I got two, uh, YouTube channels, YouTube channels putting out recipes all the time. Amazing. Love it.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Dr. Yonagy, thank you so much for your time, for being here. Good to see you, Lewis. And thank you for a good eye contact. That's it. Thanks. I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope you found it rich of information and knowledge that you can apply to your life right now. If you did enjoy it, please subscribe to the School of Greatness on Apple
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Starting point is 01:25:58 or Spotify or wherever you're listening to podcasts and text it to a friend, post it on social media, put it in your WhatsApp group chats, wherever you can think of, spread this information, especially right now while people need the right information during this coronavirus and time of unease with their health. So hopefully you have the time to send this to a few people and spread the word.
Starting point is 01:26:21 It would mean a lot to me. And always, I'd love to connect with you. Send me a message over on Instagram, DM me, let me know what you thought about this, and let's start a conversation over there. I try my best to get back as many people as possible. We've also got so many amazing videos with the people that we interview over on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:26:39 If you're not a subscriber yet, go to slash Lewis House and check out some of the amazing videos we have and all the great content over there as well. I also do extra videos over there that we don't do on this podcast. So go check it out and let me know what you think. Michael Pollan said, don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. Now I am one to blame when it comes to eating bad foods. I could eat candy bars with the best of them, cakes, sugar, and all these different things. But the more I educate myself
Starting point is 01:27:10 on how it's affecting me internally and the energy it gives me externally, I learn to shift and really balance it in a much better way. And every time I talk to Dr. Gundry. I learned about the power of managing it more and balancing it better and really not hurting my gut and having that leaky gut, which will hurt my energy and be more susceptible to disease. So take this information, use it, apply it to your life to improve your life. I'm so grateful that you're here. I'm so grateful that you continue to apply these lessons to help improve your life. And I want to let you know that I appreciate you and love you so very much. And as always,
Starting point is 01:27:49 you know what time it is. It's time to go out there and do something great.

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