The School of Greatness - Dr. Joe Dispenza: Break Free Of The Addiction To Negative Thoughts & Emotions EP 1309

Episode Date: August 22, 2022

Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international speaker, researcher, author, and educator who is passionate about the findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the sci...ence behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to help people heal themselves of illness, chronic conditions, and even terminal diseases so they can enjoy a more fulfilled and happy life as well as evolve their consciousness.In this episode you will learn:The three things that create excellence.How to fuel your brain with supernatural energy.Why it's so important to stay curious.And much more!For more go to here for more episodes from Joe Dispenza!Transform Your Mind To Manifest & Attract Financial Abundance: the Full Potential of Your Mind: Your Mind for Lasting Love: Your Mind & Heart To Change Your Life:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When people do this, in seven days of going all in, at the end of seven days, their body looks like, genetically, with all the metabolites, that they're literally in a different environment. Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the class begin. I feel like a lot of people see you, Joe, and they see that you've got this mastery level of this. You've been teaching this for a long time and studying this. You've now got scientists and universities and research and all these different things proving the results in your studies over the last 20 plus years.
Starting point is 00:01:02 30 years now you've been doing this? A long time. Since you were born right yeah and i'm curious and i think a lot of people listening or watching that could be curious about what is your thing that might come in every now and then as a limiting belief for you oh god or something that i'm no different i'm no different than anybody else i mean of course i mean and what are those things then that hold you back or that maybe limit you or get you into the memories of a fear state as opposed to the future? Look, it takes a lot for me to do what I do. I mean, there's a lot of energy. There's a lot of
Starting point is 00:01:37 people that would love to see me fail, you know, and, you know, the beauty behind, I think, my perseverance is that we're uncovering some really powerful truths for people to really embrace. I keep telling the scientists, I can't believe this is the truth. I tell them that. I can't believe this is the truth. We have the evidence right there that you can make your brain work better in four days, you can make your heart work better in four days, you could make your immune system 50% stronger in four days, you could regulate eight different genes in four days that are all promoting neurogenesis and stem cell production and oxidative balance and all kinds of wonderful things,
Starting point is 00:02:25 cellular structures enhanced. All of this stuff is really cool because if you don't know that that's possible, then it doesn't exist for you. If you're unconscious to the fact that you could heal yourself, you'll make the same choice as you always do. So I'm challenged in my own way at a different level to do my best, to do the right, make the right choices all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And sometimes those choices, I can't rely on anybody else but me to make those choices because nobody else knows what it's like to be me than me. Even my closest friends think they know me. But when it comes down to making the choice, it's a lonely moment, right? Because I'm doing my best to try to preserve this work and to inspire people to apply it in their lives as many ways as I can. So a lot of times I get discouraged, like my god like another challenge another challenge but you know I think you know when I'm truly in the right zone I I think the only way that we actually can grow in our lives is to
Starting point is 00:03:35 be challenged right so and I think that the greater the greater we evolve or the greater we become I think the greater the challenges you know and so so I have my own set of challenges that I have to really retreat from my life. I have to spend a lot of time alone and I have to remember that vision and I have to get beyond all those other things that say, wow, my God, this might be a good time
Starting point is 00:03:58 for you to quit. Or this is a good time for you to say, wow, this is getting pretty intense. What would you say is the biggest challenge? Is it the internal conversation about just? No, it's just a lot of moving parts. We have a big team, we run events for thousands of people, we have staff, we have volunteers, we have scientists,
Starting point is 00:04:16 we have papers, I mean, we have growth, we have websites, social media, we have, it's all just a lot. A lot of moving parts. Yeah, a lot of moving parts. And so I think for me personally, I guess I could say this, is that what I love to do more than anything else is to create, right? I mean, the meditations that I develop and the things that I think about
Starting point is 00:04:40 and the music that we work on creating, all that stuff, we've got great science to show. I know now what music works. I know what words work. about in the music that we work on creating all that stuff we've got great science to show i know now what music works i know what words work i know the rhythm i know the cadence i know the mathematics of music that works really well so like that stuff is the fun stuff that's stuff that's where i want to be in a studio and with the sound and making the right meditations for people to but i'm running you know i'm a lot. I'm doing a lot of things over here. So the balance in my life to be able to make time for myself and the people that
Starting point is 00:05:10 I love and keep that private and keep that special and at the same time interface with the world and provide them the tools to make measurable changes in their lives. You know, you come up against a lot of challenges in that process. What do you think will be the biggest challenge you face over the next few years? Oh, gosh. Either personally, professionally, spiritually, physically. Yeah, no, I just, I really just think it's my balance. You know, I mean, and we run, I mean, we run a week-long event.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Once a month. Yeah, but we're going, you know, six, five in i mean we run a week-long event i'm once a month yeah we're but we're going you know six five in the morning till till seven eight at night and and but it doesn't matter to me because that's the easy part being in an event is like a spiritual rave i mean our events are our events are like nothing you'll ever see i've heard i've had so many people go yeah i'm listening to our interviews and they go and they're just like it's incredible you have to come so this year you're not committing'm sneaking in. I'm breaking through security. Disguising myself. I mean, I have, look, I have a lot of challenges. I have a lot of challenges
Starting point is 00:06:14 just like anybody. I'm no different than you. You know, I react, you know, of course. And, you know, the question I have for myself is how long you're going to do that for? Like, how long are you going to keep that up? Like, well, you know better. So defaulting and remembering, I think, is such a great thing for us to do. So I work on that. So you might default to a reaction for, you give yourself, what, an hour or two hours? No, well, I try.
Starting point is 00:06:40 You know, I try to keep it under 10, 15 minutes. Well, of course. Sometimes it's easier than others, just like anything else. What's the biggest trigger for you? I'm curious. What's the thing that gives you a default reaction that you're like, ah, I know I need to improve that? I think the thing that I care the most about is really just keeping this work as pure as possible. I think I care a lot about that.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Do people try to not try to muck it up or something? Well, there's always variations of it. So I guess if I was really honest, I would want to say that I'd want to keep it as pure as possible. That's what I work on. How do you keep it pure? What's pure mean? Well, just in its original version, right?
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah. Your morning and evening meditation is incredible. I don't know if people... Well, that's a great example of metacognition. That's a great example of reminding yourself of who you want to be and who you no longer want to be. And then check in at the end of the day. You say, I had a whole lifetime today. How did I do?
Starting point is 00:07:39 It's incredible. Yeah. And your evening meditation, I listen to the morning one and the evening often. And the evening one, you have this thing where it's like, how did I show up? Did I show up as my best version of myself? And did I do the things I said I was going to do? And it's a beautiful reminder of having accountability. Yeah, accountability is one of the three things that creates excellence.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Accountability is basically owning what you say you're going to do or what you're asked to do. The other element, of course, is competence. You've got to be really good at it. And if it takes you your whole life to get good at it, get good at it. And if you have a vision or a mission that's bigger than you and you put those three things together, you have a lot of excellence in an individual. Vision bigger than you. You've got to be able to master your craft.
Starting point is 00:08:26 You gotta be really accountable and responsible for yourself. You gotta own yourself. And you gotta have that vision and you gotta keep that vision alive. And that's heading in a direction. Vision, purpose, mission is ongoing. You could have a mission to be healthy.
Starting point is 00:08:38 You could have a mission to be wealthy. You could have a mission, you could have a purpose to be, you know, to gain knowledge. There's never an end, right? So it's a direction. The goals we set up along the line of our vision are just to remind us that we're still on course, right? And if we're not arriving at those goals, then we've lost our vision. Do you feel like each individual should have a vision statement for their personal or professional life?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Or just have an idea of a vision in your mind? No. I think it's really important for us to be curious. I mean, I'm the best when I wonder. Like I say, I always say, Joe Dispenza, what do you know? Sit down. Don't turn your phone on. Shut it off. Answer the question. What do you know? Like, what do you really believe? Do you create reality? At what point do you stop believing that? You know? I mean, I really, I want to know I want to think that through all the way because I think the more we understand what we're doing and why
Starting point is 00:09:32 we're doing it I think the how gets easier right so I spend a lot of time reviewing knowledge and information and thinking about ways to teach it better or easier for people that make it more practical more simple I can tell you there's such a quickening going on in our culture right now. People are so ready to really embrace this information. They've had it doing it in other ways. And so taking that time to really think and contemplate is such an important process because when it gets stale
Starting point is 00:10:02 and it gets routine and it gets boring, you just forgot what you were doing and why you're doing it, right? And sign the back up and relearn it and get down to the basics again. What was the biggest discovery you found in the last five to 10 years based on practicing, trying, learning, research? What was the thing that was like, wow, this is a new thing or a thing I thought that was going to work, and it's actually working. Yeah. Wow. I don't know if we have enough time for that, but the research that we're doing right now,
Starting point is 00:10:32 Lewis, we'll give you an example, like a drug study. When you do a drug study, it's about 18 to 25% correlative cause and effect, right? Our studies are 75% cause and effect. There's no pharmaceutical that effect right our our studies are 75% cause and effect there's no pharmaceutical that looks anything like our studies and the amount of wonderful metabolites That are being created in people's bodies. What is a metabolite? It's like a cell is releasing information like what is what is the information is that the cell is saying I'm in growth Or I'm in trouble. I'm in growth or I'm in trouble? I'm in emergency. I'm in disease, right? So in seven days at a week-long event,
Starting point is 00:11:13 we discovered that people make thousands of different metabolites to show that their body is in a very different environment, very healthy healthy environment. Than when they walked in, the beginning. Yeah, dramatic changes. And I keep saying to the scientists, where are those chemicals coming from? Where are they coming from? They're certainly not coming from some pill that you're taking. It's coming from within us.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Our nervous system is the greatest pharmacy in the world. I mean, you take blood from an advanced meditator that hits a certain brainwave state. We capture that moment of connection. There's information in their blood that causes them to be immune to viruses, any virus. You take the blood of the advanced meditator and you subject it to a uterine cancer cell. And 70% of the energy is diminished in the cancer cell. Lights are out. It shuts it down.
Starting point is 00:12:17 It shuts it down. And what do cancer cells want to do? They want to move and they want to multiply. So if you take away energy, they can't move, they can't multiply. It's exactly what we're seeing in our testimonials. You take the blood of an advanced meditator and you subject to a neuron, it down regulates the gene for Alzheimer's. There's wholeness.
Starting point is 00:12:38 There's information in the chemistry of their blood that's not coming from anywhere out there. Their eyes are closed. The music's playing in the background. their blood, that's not coming from anywhere out there. Their eyes are closed. The music's playing in the background. They're not eating. They're not doing, they're sitting still. They're not being massaged. They're not having like liquid dry.
Starting point is 00:12:54 They're not taking injections. No IVs. No, they're making strong compounds in their body. From within. From within. Is that from thought into brain into heart, body? How does that? No, back to our original conversation about putting our attention on matter and putting our attention on energy.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Well, a quantum field, right, is, you know, you look at reality, it's a particle in the wave, right? The particle is matter, the wave is energy. Okay, so it's a scientific fact that we perceive less than 1% of reality. And as a matter of fact, the mathematics say it's 100% that we perceive less than 1% of reality. So don't exclude yourself from that as well. So we're missing out on a lot, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:40 So our perceptions, our faculties are only perceiving 1% of what's actually real. That's exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing. So our sight, our taste, our smell, only 1% of what's actually. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Wow. Yeah. So we're missing out on a lot. So even if we could get to 2% or 3%, it'd be a whole new world. Called enlightenment. Yeah. So then what we teach people to do is take their attention off the particle, off matter, and put it on energy.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And you can experience that energy with your senses. So you're going to experience it with your awareness, okay? So what happens? Okay. A person changes their brainwaves from high beta, that aroused state we talked about earlier. They start sensing space. Their brainwaves slow down to alpha. Why? Because when you're sensing,
Starting point is 00:14:25 you're not analyzing and thinking. If you're not analyzing and thinking, you're not in beta. So you start dropping down and the brain switches to alpha. And in alpha, your inner world tends to be more real than your outer world. Alpha is a creative state, okay? So in beta, the voice in your head is always talking to you. Do this, do that. It's that default, right? In alpha, the voice kind of goes away, and you see more in images and pictures. You're dreaming, right? You're remembering stuff, and it's more imagery, right? So, it's an imaginary state.
Starting point is 00:14:56 When we see people move into that state, they don't just move into any kind of alpha. They move into that coherent alpha. Now, the whole brain is in cadence. It's sending out very strong signals right if you can get a person dialed down into theta where they're completely relaxed the body is so relaxed that it's resting in a light sleep yes and they're still awake and they're conscious the door between the conscious mind the subconscious mind is wide open to information in fact theta is a hypnotic state. So when you're being hypnotized, you're suggestible to whatever somebody's telling you, right? But
Starting point is 00:15:29 if you're in a meditation and you're suggestible to information, but your eyes are closed, there's music playing in the background, you're disconnected from your environment, there's only one other place information can come from, and that's frequency. Frequency carries information. Wi-Fi signals, radio waves, TV waves, they're all carrying information and that antenna decodes it. It's just kind of crazy when you think about it. You know, 10 years ago, if you'd have said, hey, you're going to have a physical device and you can see someone across the world, we'd have been like, what? How is this even possible? So Star Trek, right? It's crazy, right? So that's exactly what the brain does. It transduces frequency into very profound experiences internally. And when that happens, the person is suggestible to information.
Starting point is 00:16:15 The more coherent their brain and heart is, the more there's a resonance between the unified field, which is an orderly field. There's order. And the order in their brain. And the brain can decode frequency and all of a sudden the person goes into these brilliant brilliant states of high gamma not a little gamma not a lot of gamma what happens when we're in our highest state of gamma they're in they're in a very aroused state now the arousal is not fear the arousal is not pain and the arousal is not aggression the arousal is not fear. The arousal is not pain. And the arousal is not aggression.
Starting point is 00:16:46 The arousal is ecstasy. The person is feeling a very familiar, unfamiliar feeling where they feel like they forgot something that they knew all their entire life. They start connecting to energy and there's no word. People say bliss, ecstasy, more love than I could ever explain. I'm so grateful. Transcendence, whatever you want. Whatever that is.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And we actually can induce that state. We can predict it and we can replicate it. And the scans look exactly the same. And it's not the thinking brain that is in that aroused state. The lights are out there. They're in theta. They're shut up. It's the limbic brain, the seat of the autonomic nervous system, that's sending such fast, coherent information to every single cell in the body.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And it's energy that's touching the cell, and the person feels like they're electric. They feel like there's an awakening that takes place. Now, what comes with that, many times, is a biological upgrade. Energy starts to inform matter. There's a tumor. now it's gone. There's the Parkinson's, now it's gone. There's the eczema, now it's gone. You see this all the time at your events.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah, it's kind of wild. So what we're doing is we're drawing the blood from people at the event that have that experience right after they have that experience and 24 hours later. And we're finding the most incredible things in that blood. That's why I keep saying, where is that,
Starting point is 00:18:09 where is that, where is that, all those chemicals coming from? Where are those? It's not from a medicine. It's so cool. It's coming from within us, right? So, so, so the data that we have, we did the largest microbiome study in the world, actually. We did a thousand people and we had, you know, we did the largest microbiome study in the world, actually.
Starting point is 00:18:25 We did 1,000 people and we had measured human microbiome. There's more cells that live in your body than the cells that make up your body and they have dramatic influences on so many different functions in our body. And in just our preliminary studies, we saw the microbiome that's associated with cancer growth dramatically reduced. We saw the microbiome that's associated with inflammation dramatically reduced.
Starting point is 00:18:57 We found the microbiome that causes a person to be resistant from treatment for cancer significantly reduced. Like you're just finding all this crazy stuff. When these scientists are seeing this data that they're working with, the people that come into your events, and they're seeing this massive reduction. They were all skeptics, by the way. Yeah. And what do they say when they see the results? Are they like, eh?
Starting point is 00:19:21 No, no. No, in the beginning, they were running the tests, the same tests over and over again, expecting to get a different result. And I said to them, you're changing your belief. You're doing that right now. You're changing a belief right now. They're looking and seeing, oh my God, cells are not behaving the way they should in this plasma. Let's run it again. Let's run it again. Let's do it another way.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And they tried all different ways and they're like, oh my God, this is incredible. We've never seen anything like this before. So again, why is that important? The testimony of the person who stands on the stage and says, I didn't have $2 to rub together and now I'm worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The person who says I was diagnosed with stage four cancer, it was in my bones, it was in my liver, it was in my lungs, it was in my pelvic organs.
Starting point is 00:20:17 It's not a drop of cancer in her blood. This happens all the time. It's the four-minute mile. It's the person in the audience who's looking at truth. That person's the example of truth. Truth is right in front of them, and the story is not glamorous. You know, they got worse before they got better.
Starting point is 00:20:37 They lost things. The doctors told them they were gonna die. I mean, they had every reason to give up on themselves. And man, when you hear those stories, I mean, the whole audience is in tears. Invariably, somebody in the room is looking at them and saying, if he can do it, I can do it. Yes. Invariably, when we put up that data, the scientists put it up. I always say, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying this. The data's saying that. People see that data, they're so encouraged.
Starting point is 00:21:07 That's the truth, that's the truth. Like wow, we are greater than we think. We're more powerful than we know. We're more unlimited than we could ever dream, right? And we're just starting to push that envelope a little bit and we have never been disappointed. We do these experiments with random event generators, right? With what?
Starting point is 00:21:26 A random event generator. Random event generator. So it's a sophisticated coin toss. You toss a coin, you keep tossing it. The more you toss it, the more it's going to be 50-50. 50% heads, 50% sales. The more you toss it, it's going to be the 50% average. So this programmed machine flips a coin a thousand times in one second.
Starting point is 00:21:48 We get a collective network of observers, a collective consciousness of people that are all resonating at the same frequency. We teach them how to do that. And the moment they go into a certain state, random events are no longer random and they become very intentional. In other words, they're influencing a machine that's programmed to go 50-50 to behave in a very different way. Their energy is somehow altering the mechanism of a machine. Huh, really? Over and over again.
Starting point is 00:22:21 So then, okay, so something's happening where random events are no longer random. They're becoming more intentional and the collective network of observers that have brain and heart coherence somehow can produce measurable effects in reality. Okay, so then we said, got it happened every time. Let's take cells and let's program these bacterial cells to either make a red protein or a green protein. And it's a 50-50 shot too. And of course, if you look at a colony of bacteria, you see this kind of brownish color. And if you get really close, there's red ones and there's green ones. And it's usually 50-50. You get a whole group of people together and I tell them to focus on green.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And all of a sudden, the colony of cells switch over to it. Come on. Wow. So again, if you don't know that that's possible. You'd be skeptical. You'd be skeptical. But the scientists are scratching their heads saying, we're up all night trying to figure this stuff out, right? What are they saying is the cause of it?
Starting point is 00:23:16 There has to be some quantum entanglement. So we're bringing in quantum theorists, theoretical physicists, information physicists. We have just all kinds of different. we're doing functional MRIs now, looking at brains. We can actually study brains when people are walking now. I mean, we're trying to piece together what exactly it is. And so to me, that's a good reason to get up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:23:44 To me, it's... good reason to get up in the morning. To me, it's... Keep learning and discovering and creating. Every time we do an experiment, every time we do an experiment, we're never disappointed. And the cool thing about it, more than anything else for me, is that you don't have to be a Buddhist monk. You don't have to have 40 years of devotion. You don't have to... In fact, it's better off that you don't have to have 40 years of devotion you don't have to in fact it's better off that you don't a lot of guys that come that their girlfriends or their wives bring them they're just like hey dude listen I have no idea I don't anything about this those are the guys that do the best kind of force to calm
Starting point is 00:24:16 me like I don't know anything just tell me what to do exactly what we tell them to do we had we had some really, really elite forces come recently that those guys had some rough roads with trauma. Completely different guys. Completely different guys. I mean, completely different. I'm curious your thoughts on, I have two questions. One that just came to me.
Starting point is 00:24:40 What do you think, if you could predict the future about what is coming in terms of discoveries in this work that you're doing in the next 10 years? What's possible for us to even go even farther than you're seeing right now? I think we'll have a very strong intervention in cancer. Intervention in cancer? Yeah, we'll have some really important data to show people that they can turn that around. We have too many case histories and we have too much really good data right now.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I think we'll change a lot with people that have chronic pain and inflammation. We have great data to change anxiety and depression without any exogenous substance. PTSD, we have great results with that. Our coherence healings where we're healing other people. Blind people are seeing, I mean deaf people are hearing. I mean people with paralyzed limbs are lifting their arms above their heads again. I mean this is after 10 years of being... That's great. So we, I mean I've seen, if you asked Joe Dispenza two years ago,
Starting point is 00:25:42 do you think you'd be seeing what you'd be seeing today? I'd be like maybe once or twice. It's just, we had so many people step out of wheelchairs at our events. I mean, it happens. It's happening over and over now. Over and over again. It's just part of the collective consciousness.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Interesting. And I think more than anything else, collective networks of observers determine reality. And who controls the information, the right information, controls reality. And so my job, my interest, is to give people the information to empower them to be the creator of their life
Starting point is 00:26:17 and not be stuck in the program that they need someone or something or to make them happy or to change their state. I mean, people are doing it all the time now. And that's just who we are as human beings, right? So when you say collective network, I'm curious, can a group of people influence healing in another person? Yeah, yeah. It's like if they're all in a certain state oh yeah yeah my answer my answer no no my answer is 100 is it a thousand no no just eight just eight seven six people with one person
Starting point is 00:26:51 and what would that group of people need to be thinking feeling oh my god you have to come to an event bro you have to come it's just like hitting a golf ball just learn the formula and get really good at it and we have people that are really mmm really good at it they can master this stuff they can hit a target they in fact they have very little disbelief that they could do it right so it causes them to craze but what we discovered it's not the number of people with the most amount of emotion emotional of energy that's you have a stadium full of people and that's very entropic energy.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It's the collective network that's sending the greatest signal. That's brain and heart coherence. Now that's information, right? That's what seems to entrain matter. And it's learning how to send that signal with the right energy, right? Yeah, and it's just training.
Starting point is 00:27:43 The seven days you go all in, I can tell you at the end of seven days you'll be different. I can tell you that. I'm excited for this. I'm curious. I mean, mental health seems to be, you mentioned kind of anxiety, depression, and these different states that people could come in with, especially people with trauma from the past. Whether it be ex-military, special forces, people that see and maybe have to do certain things that they're not excited about and that has these traumas. Prisoners.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Prisoners, yeah. Mental health just seems like something everyone's talking about with the rise of a lot of things. COVID, depression, social media, disconnection, all these different things. What is your stance? Technology. Technology, yeah. Just the feeling connected but not connected, all these things. What's your thoughts on healing these mental health challenges or diseases? Yeah, so we have really good data
Starting point is 00:28:33 primarily for mental health conditions like PTSD, anxiety, depression, cyclic mood disorders, you know, OCD, things like that. But when it comes to psychoses, we just stay away from that because it's a pathology at that point. People can come, but they have to stay on their medications. It's just a little bit of a different game. But people have more depressed states, more... We have brain scan after brain scan to show that you could change that. You can change it.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Really short. So like trauma, if you don't know, and again, I don't know everything. Yes. But what I do know is that when the brain starts functioning in a level of order or coherence, more neurons are recruited and bigger communities. And that kind of wholism that's created is so important the other thing we realize is that when people really heal their heart they heal their mind there's no I have no doubt about that you cannot do
Starting point is 00:29:36 one without the other and when there's enough energy in the heart and we we've seen this we've we've got the we've got the technology to see that when the heart starts working, when people start doing it properly, there's this low frequency in the heart that starts to rise. It's only indigenous to the heart because they have their attention on it. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. So they're filling the gas tank up, and when it gets to a certain point,
Starting point is 00:29:58 here comes the parasympathetic nervous system saying, get out of the stress response, get relaxed. Then all of a sudden you think that would be over. But it's not. Then the parasympathetic nervous system drops down and the sympathetic nervous system comes up. And when the sympathetic nervous comes up, now the person's relaxed and awake. Like they're really relaxed in their heart and they're really awake in their brain. That state is so much better than being stressed out and unconscious in a program right so turns out when you get to that state when the heart starts informing the brain it resets the baseline for the trauma that's stored in
Starting point is 00:30:40 the brain and the amygdala it's informing the brain that the event is over because the emotion that they're feeling is dragging the body, in the amygdala. It's informing the brain that the event is over. Because the emotion that they're feeling is dragging the body out of the past, right to the present. And when they feel that glory, that really rich feeling where it's like, oh my God, this is something I haven't felt since I was nine years old or six years old. And it's this familiar feeling in their heart. The words many people use blows wide open. When they look back at their feeling in their heart, the words many people use, blows wide open. When they look back at their past, their trauma, the loss, the betrayal, the abuse,
Starting point is 00:31:12 sexually, physically, emotionally, so many times the person doesn't wanna change one thing. Why is that? Because it brought them to this moment. Now the moment is okay, and all of that's okay because I'm okay. And they look back at their betrayers and their abusers, and they have nothing but compassion. They see the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:31:34 They're seeing their past from a greater level of consciousness. So now it resets the baseline, and the event is over. And there goes the endometriosis. There goes the suicidal tendencies. There goes the rashes. There goes the endometriosis there goes the suicidal tendencies there goes the rashes there goes the gum disease whatever it is just just the body gets an upgrade it's no longer believing it's in the same trauma 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year because they're living unconsciously or subconsciously in that emotional program right so so then so then what So then what happens to that person?
Starting point is 00:32:08 They belong to the future now. They no longer belong to the past. And so it's almost like they don't even have to do much now. It's almost like they're happy for no reason. And they're okay with themselves. And when you're okay with yourself, you're okay with everybody. That's And when you're okay with yourself, you're okay with everybody. That's just the way it is, right?
Starting point is 00:32:27 So there's one woman who told this story. She had a lot of abuse in her life, a lot of abuse by a lot of family members. And she was in her meditation, and she thought, I'm doing this all wrong. The amount of emotion just came out of nowhere. And she was about ready to give up. And then she thought about the nine months or year, however long it was, where she never missed a day of doing her meditation. And she said it was just like it was such a horrible feeling that she didn't think she could go any further. And then she just said, I'm just going
Starting point is 00:33:05 to go one more time. And she just went right past it. And then heart blew wide open. Literally reborn. Literally a different person. Like every biological condition that she had, every mental health condition. Gone. supplements all the drugs all that stuff gone away and so then the question is what happens when the chemo isn't working what happens when the radiation isn't working what happens when the surgery didn't work what happens when the the ketogenic gluten-free vegan diet didn't work what what what now right what now because the cancer researcher on the stage with stage four sarcoma she did all the drug trials research cancer research she had the cancer had the cancer nothing was where she did all the drug trials all the chemo tried the rare
Starting point is 00:33:57 rare everything the rare rare gene of 1.001% of the population. She's a physician. She's a researcher. She made sense to her. No cancer in her, anywhere. Not in her bones any longer. I mean, out of the bones. I mean, it's insane. I mean, you ask any physician,
Starting point is 00:34:18 if something metastasizes to the bones, you're pretty much going to be with that for a long time. All of a sudden, it's gone. Like, you know, so like, again, those kind of things those four minute miles uh give people permission to step into that same same footprint so what is the point when all those other things aren't working and it only means one other thing it's not going to work unless i change and nothing changes in my life until I change, right? And that's the thing that people start to understand. It wasn't about her healing.
Starting point is 00:34:50 It was about her disbelief. It was about her emotions, that she mismanaged her emotions under too much stress. And she's like, oh my God, nobody's worth this. Like nobody is worth this. This is not loving to me. I gotta stop this. I understand now what I'm doing in my brain
Starting point is 00:35:05 and my body by doing this a big moment right and you look around and not a lot of other people are thinking this way but you come to an event and everybody is but out in the world you know it's just the the program is like you need something out there that didn't work we have something else for you right so that's a that's a lot of taking our power back, you know, in those circumstances. I'm curious your thoughts on this. I've never done this. I have tons of friends that have done this. Ayahuasca and other types of medicines, right? Or plant medicines, I guess they call it, right? I've been invited a bunch of times. I know a bunch of people that do this. I've just never done it and i'm curious what your
Starting point is 00:35:47 thoughts are on plant medicines in terms of helping you heal or yeah or can it really help you or is it more a crutch or here's my thought about it and it's it's a tight rope for me to walk this i think that a lot of plant medicines fit into the same receptors, serotonin and melatonin, and they tweak the brain to fire in a different way, which gives us an altered perception from outside of ourselves, which for a lot of people, we need that. Step away from where you're at.
Starting point is 00:36:21 You're just seeing reality from a different dimension. You're not seeing it from you, you're seeing it from a different dimension. You're not you're not seeing it from you You're seeing it from a different place and and for some people that journey is painful and it creates Nausea and vomiting and you know and some people kind of wind up getting really trapped and other people have really profound experiences, right So if the person has the transcendental experience from the plant medicine my most Fundamental important question for them is, what are you going to do with that? Is that going to change your lack? Is that going to change your life? of the world and it truly causes you to be whatever it is whatever the whatever the experience is to to take that piece with you and use it in some way that's great but for many people insight never changes behavior you can
Starting point is 00:37:16 understand that your father was overbearing you could understand that that Saturn is in the wrong house you know you can all of that stuff you could understand that you know that there's a chemical imbalance in your brain. None of that. You could understand all kinds of things, but that won't really change your life. Really? It doesn't really change your life. So there are people who have done 65 ayahuasca sessions because they have cancer and the cancer hasn't changed. My advice to them is try something else. Right. Right. Just come on. Come on. Let's just, just let's make a different move here. So, so my concern is, is that this is human nature. Everybody has this, you know, you take something and it makes pain go away. You take something and
Starting point is 00:37:57 it gives you an altered perception of whatever. You notice that you got a change in your body. You remember what caused it. And so every time you feel that whatever, you remember to do that, right? So now you got a dependency on something outside of you. On a substance outside of you. Yeah, so right, right. So now you need that substance in order to take away the other feeling. That's not what this work is about. This work is about actually self-regulating and changing that feeling without anything outside of you, right?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Does that create mystical experiences? Profound mystical experiences in our work. Do we have the data? Yeah, we have great data to suggest that those high gamma states, the person is having a full-on sensory experience without their senses. And the brain is not having a little bit of energy. It's not having a lot of energy. It's having a supernatural amount of energy,
Starting point is 00:38:45 more than you would ever record. The brain is way outside of normal, way outside of normal, like hundreds of standard deviations outside of normal in that state. So it's important then for us to realize that if we're using that substance to regulate our emotional state, I would say to that person,
Starting point is 00:39:07 work on changing that emotional state before you take the substance and then take the substance and have a great trip. Have a fun trip, right? What is the biggest fear you have moving forward? I really don't really have a whole lot of fears in moving forward. I feel really good about my team. I feel really good about our research. I feel really good about the way we run events. I mean, there's always growth pains, and we outgrow things, and we have to do things differently. Do you have any personal fears? I just want to stay healthy enough to be able to continue to do this. I'd love to get some people that I trust to be able to help me do some of this, you know, on the stage a little bit more. Sure, sure. And I really want to make this work not about me. I never want it to be about me. I
Starting point is 00:39:58 want it to be about you, you know. And I do really, you know, I do my best to try to be the example of everything that I teach. Is your age out there, public? I think so. How old are you now? My body's 60 years old. Your body's 60. Yeah. What's your mind?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Oh, gosh. I think I have a pretty good young mind. Your body's 60? Yeah. Holy cow. I didn't even connect with that when you just said that. That's amazing. You look incredible. Thanks, bro.
Starting point is 00:40:28 In a year, I'm going to be 40. If you could go back to when you were 40, 20 years ago. Yeah. Man, you look incredible at 60. That's amazing. Your energy is incredible. If you could go back to 40, which I'm going to be in about a year.
Starting point is 00:40:44 And you could just give me some advice. Or you can go back and give your 40-year-old self some advice. What would you wish you knew? And what decisions do you wish you would have taken for any area of life? Whether it's flossing your teeth more or financially or emotions. No, no, no. It really would be to lighten up. Really?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah, just lighten up. Were you too tight? No, at 40, I was driven. Right. I was driven. And it was okay because,, at 40 I was driven. I was driven. And it was okay because, I mean, I think being driven is really great. But then when I started to really want to experiment with creating from the field instead of from matter, if I decided to create something, then I went and did it,
Starting point is 00:41:19 then I didn't let the creation happen because I got in there. You were driven. I was in the habit of doing it. Do, do, do, do, do, right? So at 40, I just started to experiment with it a little bit more and I think I learned how to,
Starting point is 00:41:32 I had to inhibit the need to kind of do it because on some level I doubted it was going to happen, right? So at 40, I was just starting to experiment a little bit more with this. I mean, this is when I was, you know, getting interested in it 40, I was just starting to experiment a little bit more with this. I mean, this is when I was getting interested in it.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So I probably tell myself to lighten up and make it more playful. I mean, I'm really good when I'm goofy and silly and playful and curious. It's not really good when I'm rigid and forcing. It's just not me. But when people act childlike and they're playful and goofy and silly,
Starting point is 00:42:04 what occurs in life when they come from that state versus a driven state i think i think we make room for the unknown i think i like i don't like i don't when i i mean you watch me at events i get really i'm tired and i'm super happy like tired and happy for me is like the perfect formula like if i'm tired and happy i see weird things i have weird experiences. I mean, I get a lot of weird stuff. So, I mean, because I think my brain waves are probably in theta, like I'm wide open, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:33 But I think it's so important for people to be curious. Like, when I'm wondering, like I'm really wondering, like, what would it be like to have this experience? And I really, really go down the rabbit hole with it. I love that, right? That's cool. And if I don't, if I come to a certain point and I don't know what happens next, I'm going to go look it up. I'm not going to get on social media and say, does anybody know anything about, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to own it. I'm going to own that content so that when I sit down to actually create that experience, I have enough information to believe it's possible, right?
Starting point is 00:43:08 So I think when nothing is left to conjecture, when nothing is left to superstition, when nothing is left to dogma, and people know exactly what they're doing and why they're doing it, the how gets so instrumental because we assign meaning to it. Here's an example. You can take a person and put them in an ice bath. They know nothing about anything. They get in an ice bath. In a minute, they're going to be in hypothermia, and that ice bath is going to be really bad for them. Take that same person, teach them a few things, have them assign meaning to it, make them look for the value in it, put them back in the ice bath,
Starting point is 00:43:44 turn on the prefrontal cortex, and the prefrontal cortex will silence all the value in it. Put them back in the ice bath. Turn on the prefrontal cortex. And the prefrontal cortex will silence all the circuits in the brain that say it's bad for you. And now you'll get value out of it. It's the same thing. You know, it's the same exact thing. So assign meaning to the act of creation, right? Like I'm never going to stop learning about that because those are more tools, more raw materials. So I would say,, you wanna be healthy,
Starting point is 00:44:05 you wanna be wealthy, study. Get real, get real with the process. So you wanna become a mystic, study the mystics. I mean, read about them. Listen to what they're saying, right? If you wanna heal your body and your mind, then go study you and go to one of your events. No, no, no, don't study me.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Go watch the testimonials. Yes. Watch those people. I always say when they send me the testimonials, that's like, that's food for me. Yeah. I always say, I call them up and I say, she's speaking the truth. And it's not coming from me. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:36 She's just telling the story. And I always say to people, don't ask her what meditation she did. It has nothing to do with it. It's how she changed. Yes. How he changed. He's talking about change like this guy is stepping out of a wheelchair in Cancun with ALS You know or some rare weird condition He was in a wheelchair walked up to the stage, you know at the end of the event and he did
Starting point is 00:44:57 I was backstage with him. He didn't say how come not all the way healed He said, you know, I'm just starting to figure this thing love out i think if i can feel deeply my body it's going to be good for my body it's going to be loving to my body and i know that i can signal the gene if i do it so this is like he's he's in the he's he owns a juice bar and he's like in the game like it's he's assigning meaning that if i can feel the emotion ahead of the experience i'm signaling the gene ahead of the environment i got to get better at this feeling of love i gotta i gotta get more into it i gotta assign meaning to it now now i'm gonna get greater value from it i gotta get it right and then the other thing people come to a week-long event they
Starting point is 00:45:41 think i didn't i don't think I'm changing. You know those people? Yes. This doesn't work for me. You know what? If you go all in, I can tell you that's not the truth. So you're crossing the river, but you don't see the evidence yet. Why would you stop? It's like running a marathon.
Starting point is 00:45:56 You're halfway through and you're going to quit, right? I can tell you there are dramatic biological changes that will happen if you go all in. Not in just a small percentage, in almost 100% of the people. Everybody who goes all in has profound metabolic changes. Go all in. Oh man, every time you come on, I'm inspired. I'm remembering so much about my future, which I love,
Starting point is 00:46:22 because I think a lot of us are remembering our past and not our futures, which I love that statement that you share. And it just gives me so much more hope of what's possible for people. And so many people have been messaging me from the last interview saying, I went to his event, it's transformed my life,
Starting point is 00:46:39 all these different things. And I want everyone to go to and sign up for your website, your newsletter, get on the list. So, because when your events happen every month, they sell out within like minutes or an hour. So I want people to have access to it. Your books are incredible.
Starting point is 00:46:58 They're incredible. Your meditation is, I think it's a must that people should at least explore and try. I love the morning and evening one. There's so many incredible free resources. All the research that you guys are doing is also, I believe, up on the website with all the different research that's available now. Yeah, of course. There's a lot of scientific research.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Everything that you guys want to see is up at Your social media is great, obviously, so make sure to follow you on social media. How can we be of best support to you right now for this next year before we get you back on in a year? Be the example that you... Be the example. I mean, show the world what greatness looks like. Show the world what love looks like.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Show the world what patience looks like. Show the world what leadership looks like. Show the world so that you can give people permission to say wow something's different about you like what is it i want something what is that what don't go around telling people you need the short you know forgive your father you need to shorten your emotional response don't do that show the world what it looks like so they say what is it what is it about you that's different or you show up and you're no longer matching the memory they have of you. Who is this person?
Starting point is 00:48:09 What happened to you? That's so important for people because that means you're out of phase. So the world needs, this is not a time to go to the Himalayas. We need you here. We need you here. We need you to be the example. This is a time to stand up for the truth, right? And we've got to show the world what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:48:29 And every single person creates that emergent consciousness. Every bird that's in that pattern, every fish that's in that school that are moving is one mind and one heart. There is no leader. Everybody's leading. This is a time where everybody's got to lead. Community is the future. Everybody's leading. This is a time where everybody's got to lead. Community is the future. No health care plan, no religion, no government really is going to take care of people the way they should be taken care of right now.
Starting point is 00:48:58 And I don't mean that in a secular way. I'm sure there's religions that really take care of people. in a secular way. I'm sure there's religions that really take care of people. But what I'm saying is we need to create a collective consciousness and collective networks of observers determine reality. Dr. Joe, I'm always grateful for your time. I appreciate and acknowledge you for the mission you're on. I didn't even know you were 60. I thought you were like 48 for some reason. But being how long your body has been on this earth, you don't need to keep showing up every month and doing these week-long events where you're on stage for 15 hours a day and doing these things. You've got enough resources and abundance in your life. You don't
Starting point is 00:49:35 need to keep doing this, but you do. And I really acknowledge you for showing up for people. We're constantly reinvesting in research to give people more evidence so they have more belief, stepping into these things for themselves. And for giving of all of your heart and your mind and soul to humanity and to creating this consciousness. I really acknowledge you. So grateful for you. I appreciate you. I've asked you your three truths many times before. So if people want to hear your three truths, they can go watch or listen to the previous episodes.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I recommend people check out the one on love we did a year ago. It's a massive hit. People are loving it and are finding incredible relationships with themselves that they've never had and with others that they've always wanted. So thank you for your wisdom
Starting point is 00:50:20 and advice on love and relationships. And we'll have to have you come back on more, but I appreciate you. And I'm so grateful for your time. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Thank you so much for listening. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's show with all the important links. And also make sure to share this with a friend and subscribe over on Apple Podcasts as well. I really love hearing feedback from you guys. So share a review
Starting point is 00:50:49 over on Apple and let me know what part of this episode resonated with you the most. And if no one's told you lately, I want to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.

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