The School of Greatness - Habits To Manifest & Attract All You Desire In 2023 EP 1366

Episode Date: December 21, 2022

Leo Babauta is a simplicity blogger & author who helps people train themselves to be comfortable with uncertainty. He created Zen Habits, a Top 25 blog with a million readers. Leo loves helping people... to fall in love with uncertainty, turn towards their fears, and do their meaningful work in the middle of uncertainty. Check out Leo’s Fearless Living Academy where he helps people form habits, find purpose, and train with the uncertainty of their meaningful work. In this episode you will learn, The secret to keeping your confidence high when building new habits. Simple steps to help take control of your emotions. How self-judgment stands in the way of you and increased productivity. The best ways to start implementing new habits into your life. For more, go to Shetty On Mindset Habits for Happiness and Thinking Like a Monk : Your Brain Health By Starting These Habits: Amen On The Secrets to Better Brain Health & Boosting Your Mood:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you are doing meaningful work, if you're out there kicking butt in the world, right, like you're going to feel uncertainty because you're out into the unknown. You're not, you're beyond what you already know. And so being a... Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the class begin. And I wanted to ask you about habits and manifesting anything that an individual wants
Starting point is 00:00:42 in their life. There's a lot of people watching and listening who want to attract things. They want to attract the right relationships. They want to manifest better health. They want to feel more fulfilled. They want to earn more. All these different things. They want to be in the right career or opportunities. And I'm curious, are there some key habits that you've practiced,
Starting point is 00:01:04 studied over the last 15 years of your research and writing and implemented and tested? Absolutely. That have been instrumental in attracting the things you want in life? And if so, what are those key habits? Yeah, well, the first part of that answer is going to be so basic and boring that everyone's going to be like yeah i already know that but not everybody actually does it so um the first part is just a foundation of like just good health um just really taking care of yourself just that kind of foundation where it's just like i am good if you don't have that you know if you're really just like working too hard you're not resting you're not taking care of yourself you're not sleeping what happens is you're just kind of on this like shaky foundation
Starting point is 00:01:48 and we can't really leap off of a shaky foundation and so you have to have that down so that's just the simple things like sleep exercise eating well meditation and then another thing that i just think of is just like self-care like are, are you taking care of yourself? Yeah. That's the first one. First one. And those are so fundamental. And yet we ignore them so much. Flossing would be another one.
Starting point is 00:02:12 You know, just these little things. It's like where. And if people think, like, I have that down, I would invite them to, like, look at, like, where else can I actually really solidify that foundation? Is there some place where it's a little bit off? Because the next phase that you look at, if you don't have that down, you're really ignoring the thing that's going to make the rest of it solid.
Starting point is 00:02:35 It's like a kid who knows that they've got love from their mom. They can go out, run, and explore, and feel that confidence. But if they don't have that solid base, a secure base they're going to be like constantly looking back and that's how we are with our habits and another one is really like being present to your emotions which you know it's not a thing
Starting point is 00:02:58 that we're taught as guys i think when we're first you you know, growing up, but really understanding like what's coming up in me as I move forward in the world as I go through relationships and go through my job. Like, am I feeling shaky? Am I feeling scared? Am I feeling angry? A lot of us don't own our anger. We don't even like know that it's there. We pretend that we're just like these calm, peaceful people. We don't own our anger. We don't own our anger is every so I don't own our anger what does that mean so like so for me I was taught by my dad the anger is dangerous he was angry he was just anger just spewing all over us and so that he you know he just let himself be angry all the time and I learned that was dangerous because I saw how it was for me my mom and my sisters and so I'm like okay don't do that it didn't feel safe no so I just always told myself if
Starting point is 00:03:53 you're feeling anger turn into something else so I can't ever feel anger so that's one way that guys do and the other way is they do it like my dad which is basically I'm angry everyone else around me better look out I'm just gonna like hurt people through that anger i'm gonna spew it all over people make them feel like crap those are the usual two ways and neither of those is actually owning the anger so only anger is right in the middle where you're like i can feel anger it's okay to feel it i am okay to express it in my body, but I'm not okay with directing it at someone and just having it be hurting them.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm gonna go take care of my anger, I'm gonna learn something from that and bring that to the person. So it's acknowledging that you're experiencing or feeling anger or frustration in the moment, not responding or reacting to it in a negative way, processing it in a healthy way, figuring out
Starting point is 00:04:45 How can I process this self soothe talk to someone about it so that it doesn't you know? Spew on everyone else and it doesn't also hurt yourself because when we feel anger consistently the nervous system gets wired up We're in stress mode. We're not able to flow as much. Is that right? That's right. Yeah So taking care of your emotions is something as simple as breathing and getting present to what's there. You and I both have dived into mindfulness. And so that's a big component of it
Starting point is 00:05:13 is just really being present to the physical sensations of emotions in your body. And it's not that they're bad. We don't have to make them wrong. But could I just be aware that I'm feeling stuff? And does it take any kind of I'm feeling stuff and does it like does it take any kind of a priority like it doesn't matter could I like yeah like give myself permission to feel stuff you know there's something I've learned recently about the language we use
Starting point is 00:05:35 around emotions too you know I used to say to myself a lot I am angry you know even if it was for a moment I'm angry and I started to learn through just kind of like healing therapies over the last few years to say I'm experiencing anger I'm experiencing frustration or I'm feeling anger yeah feelings and distancing not saying that I am meaning anger is embodied in me it's part of me as opposed to okay, it's something I'm experiencing right now, but it's not who I am. That's right.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That's amazing. I think if we can start shifting our language around these things, you know. Yeah. As opposed to saying, I'm sad, I am tired. It's like your body is gonna connect with that language, saying this is who you are, not what you're experiencing. Because these emotions come and go.
Starting point is 00:06:24 That's right, like the weather. Exactly, but if you say, this is who I am, not what you're experiencing. Because these emotions come and go. That's right, like the weather. Exactly. But if you say, this is who I am, I am sad, your body's going to think that you're a sad person all the time. You just identify with it and that becomes your self-image. Exactly. So I think we've got to be intentional about the language we use around feeling and expressing these emotions.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So that it can come and go and we can get back to a healthy state, a conscious state. So the first one is be in great health so that you have good energy and you can show up in the world in a positive way. And the second one is be present to your emotions. Yeah, and that's really an extension. It's like the next level of taking care of yourself. Like I take care of my health and all of these basic things.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Am I taking care of my environment? Am I taking care of my finances? These are all an extension of taking care of my health and you know all of these basic things am I taking care of my environment I taking care of my finances these are all an extension of taking care of yourself mm-hmm so finances is another habit that I would say like are you actually taking care of things do you know where your money is you know where your debt is do you know your plan to take care of that that's a whole is a whole area right but it's a simple of like simple habit of taking care of your life taking care of yourself and we've all seen people who are like leaders who don't have some parts of
Starting point is 00:07:32 their lives taken care of that's not wrong like we're all we're human right but know what it's like to be led by someone who they've got a huge mess over there they're not taking care of and you could feel that really like draining their energy or they don't know how to take care of their emotions so that just gets all over us and that's where they're leading from yeah and so when a leader is not taking care of their life taking care of themselves their emotions their finances their physical space and you're you're someone who I can see is a really good model of that as I walked into this studio you could see that you take care of your
Starting point is 00:08:09 physical space of the people around you of like your work right and that's a model that we need is because people are leading from a place of like I haven't taken care of this stuff yet and if you haven't that's what everyone else starts to replicate it's kind of like you know when you're in school and I don't know, did you go to school or were you homeschooled? I went to school. My kids are homeschooled is what you're referring to. But when you went to school as a kid, I remember it was hard for me to get homework done if I had a messy room. Yeah. It was like, okay, I could always know that my room is messy and I'm distracted because there's a mess somewhere. And it's like once I organize my space, my environment, I felt like I had the space and the freedom and the clarity to focus a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I struggled as a student, so everything was challenging for me, even if it was clean. But in general, it's kind of that feeling like my bed's messy, my room's messy, my finances are messy, my health is messy. That's right. And it's a distraction from you going out and running into the world, you know, knowing that there's safety behind you. Yeah, that's right and it's a distraction from you going out and running into the world you know knowing that there's safety behind you yeah that's right it's hard to be fully focused fully put your energy into something when it's like all of this stuff you can feel that around you that that it's a great example what's another good habit to attract and manifest what you want well i'm just gonna make a caveat to the other stuff
Starting point is 00:09:25 because you can see how that could be taken too far where it becomes a problem. Like I have to take care of everything around me. An extreme. Yeah, a little bit of like compulsion where it's like before I can do any kind of work, I have to make sure everything is perfect. So I want to just caution people that...
Starting point is 00:09:42 Because that could be a distraction and a story you tell yourself, I can't take action until this. Yeah, that's right. It can hold you back. Yeah, and what we've talked about is a lifetime of work. You know, like all my finance has to be in order before I like start my business. No. Like no, of course, you and I both know that's not true.
Starting point is 00:10:00 But a lot of people use that. That was the case. Me neither. Yeah, and a lot of people use that as an excuse or a rationalization to not move forward. And what I'm saying is it's a lifetime practice to take care of these foundational habits. So don't let that stop you. Move forward and you'll be continually deepening into that. Yeah, be okay with it being imperfect.
Starting point is 00:10:22 It doesn't have to be perfect before you take action. And I think, again, I would not be here It doesn't have to be perfect before you take action. And I think, again, I would not be here if I had to have everything perfect before I started. I leapt with the mess,
Starting point is 00:10:32 with, you know, the health challenges, with the messy apartments. I leapt and started to organize as I grew because I realized to get to the next level,
Starting point is 00:10:41 you got to clean up certain things in your life. Otherwise, you'll stay stuck at that level. So it's just being aware and mindful and in tune with what's happening in your life. Okay, I like that. So what's another habit for manifesting or attracting what you want? Well, one, as you asked that question, I love the framework of that question. One is just actually asking yourself what you want. And you might think that's so basic just because you've been doing it for so long. Most people don't even do that. They
Starting point is 00:11:10 go to their job, they do what's told, and they just do what they think they need to do, what you should be doing. And none of us are, we're not really taught from an early age to like ask, what do I want? No one asks you, do you want to go to school? Do you want to do this work? And you're like, no, I'm just going to do it. And if you ever tell them, no, I want to go play and have ice cream, they're like, nope, you can't have that. And so that's painful.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And we learn to actually suppress our wants. So if you actually want to manifest what you want, you have to first get in touch with what you want. So just things like vision boards or just writing a vision or journaling what you want, you have to first get in touch with what you want. So just, you know, things like, you know, vision boards or just like writing a vision or journaling what you want, getting in touch with your desire and giving yourself permission to actually want something. For some people, that's a whole edge right there is like actually asking yourself what you want. And I would, I had a friend who every January would take at least a week to go in on retreat. And he would take his favorite books that helped him with this. And he would
Starting point is 00:12:11 ask, what do I want in my whole life? And what do I want this year? And then start to break that down to milestones within the year. That's cool. But that's one example of that habit. But it could be a daily, you know, morning thing. What do I want today? What do I want out of this day? You asked a great question before we started filming. It was like, what would make this the most powerful conversation you'd ever had? That gets me into the space. It's a habitual question that you ask
Starting point is 00:12:38 that gets me into the space of really asking, what would be amazing here? What do I want? And so those kinds of questions really help us to get in touch with that and until we do that the rest of it can't flow right yeah getting clear on what you want the vision yeah sounds basic but again hey the basics are what matters the fundamentals are what people miss out on um anything else you'd add to this list of habits to attract and manifest yeah another one um this one is habits to attract and manifest? Yeah, another one.
Starting point is 00:13:07 This one is going to sound, again, really basic, but it's such a deep one, which is that it's an action habit. Again, I think you're kind of a master at it. So it's like talking to someone who's like, yeah, breathe every day. But action habit is just, again, if all of the stuff we've talked about stops you from taking action, that's where we don't want it to get in the way. We want to be in the habit of actually taking action every single day. And so execution can be one way it looks. Again, a caveat is this could be taken too far where it's like everything has to be about taking action and execution and productivity that's not what this is about but if you're not in the habit of taking the thing that you saw that you want and starting to actually move forward and manifest it it's not going to
Starting point is 00:13:54 happen and so what you want is the action habit to be lined up with that thing that you saw that you want where are the it's not just random actions every day although that's still better than what most people do random actions is good like what actions can i take today that would be feel really good that's gonna like get me better at the action habit but what we really want is to be taking action towards the life we want to create and i'm going to point to two examples if that's okay yeah um one of them is you so uh the I think it might have been the first time we ever met in person was in Manhattan, New York City. At lunch, right? Lunch.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And you said, I'll be the guy with the rose on the table. Yeah. Red rose on the table. And I was like, what an interesting way to invite someone to lunch. It was a cool little cafe or something like that in Manhattan. It's called Delicatessen in Prince and Sullivan right there. Dude, you have such a good memory. I remember exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Actually, I think that really speaks to you are someone who has a habit of connection. And not just connection, but the next level of connection. Not just surface level, but taking that to an elevated level. level, but like taking that to an elevated level. And I think you have an action habit around that, that you formed that, that creates deep lasting connections. We're, we're talking more than a decade later because of that rose. You know what I mean? You elevated that moment to something special. And you've done that here with this conversation. You have an action habit of elevating connections to the next level. And I've seen that very rarely.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I had another friend. I don't know if you ever met Scott Dinsmore. He had a blog called Live Your Legend. And he was really good at it. Our first time that we ever did anything together, we went on this amazing run in San Francisco through the hills with a sunset that was setting the world on fire. And it was such a memorable moment. And people like you and him don't realize that they're doing it. You might not realize you're doing it. I mean, you might consciously do it, but you might not realize how exceptional it is.
Starting point is 00:15:57 And I told him, I'm like, your ability. He connected with Warren Buffett through his love story. Crazy. You know, he kept updating Warren Buffett's secretary, send this to Warren, about his like romance with his, you know, fiance when they got engaged. That's amazing. Little things like that.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And I was like, he kept sharing these stories. For him, they were just like cool stories, but I could see that he put this action habit into place where he was constantly creating connections with his advisor, his creating connections with his advisor, his mentors, with his investors, with his friends that elevated things. And so action habit doesn't have to be elevating connection, but you have put that into a place where you might not even realize you're doing it anymore. I'm guessing you're pretty intentional about it, but people like you
Starting point is 00:16:41 kind of just start to put into place and then it just becomes just who you are yeah and so that kind of habit will manifest connections that are deep lasting and powerful and I believe that's why you're where you are today one of the reasons you know it's interesting it's funny you remember that story because when I just moved to New York like a few months before that and maybe like two months before and I didn't really know many people and so I came up with this idea I said I was like okay I'm gonna do this thing called the red rose project we're gonna buy a rose every day there was like a flower shop right by the apartment I was living in yeah and I was
Starting point is 00:17:20 like okay I'm just gonna buy a flower every day I'm gonna go give to someone in New York City and just as an experiment see what happens like i remember trying to give it to a girl one time and she like ran away from me and i was like oh that's okay that's interesting i gave it to another like older lady and she was like thank you so much just like i went through the most challenging morning and this brings so much light to my life yeah you know i would give it to like cute girls or whatever it is but i just like, I gave it to you or someone else. And I was like, I don't care who I'm going to give it to. It's like, who do I feel I should give this to?
Starting point is 00:17:51 And just see what happens. It's amazing. The interaction. Maybe someone runs away from me. Maybe someone remembers it 10 years later and it makes an impact in some moment in their life. And I think I learned, my father used to do this
Starting point is 00:18:06 when i was growing up that's probably where i got it from because he would always read the paper every day and he would cut out newspaper clippings of like different people in the community whether it be kids you know doing important things or adults and he would cut out the newspaper clippings and either send it to the parents or send it to the adult it's about and write a handwritten note. It's amazing. And he would send a $2 bill in it. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And it was just kind of like old school, handwritten note, newspaper clipping and say, hey, congrats on this and like a $2 bill. And he'd send it to people. He'd find the white pages or the yellow pages, whatever it was. And he'd send these letters every week.
Starting point is 00:18:42 That's amazing. So I probably just modeled that. I love that. It was like, how can I kind of recreate this in my own way so what an amazing model to have in your life that formed you yeah it was oh by the way scott also carried two dollar bills in his wallet that's so funny yeah it's just a memorable thing it is and i'm just gonna speak to the the people listening and watching is that this habit that you created of that red rose, it was maybe a month long or something like that. It doesn't have to be forever, but you manifested
Starting point is 00:19:13 the connections that you wanted in your life through that action. And not everyone's going to want a connection like that. Someone else might want, I want deep mindfulness and peace in my life so what are the habits that would manifest that what are the actions that you could take every day that would start to build that out and it's magic like you you see it this is what i want in my life and then you start to take that action habit and to create that and it's like did i just create magic in the world and the answer is yes, you absolutely did. And, you know, there's nothing magical at play in one way. It's scientific.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It's like actually doing what it takes to make that happen. But on the other side is that something we don't know what gets created when we start to take this action habit. You didn't know what was going to happen. No idea. No idea. Yeah. And it's, you know, it's like a little bit of a risk. Okay, I have to put myself out there to strangers and maybe I get rejected or somewhere looks at me. But you have to do, I think you have to do something uncomfortable consistently or something that goes out of your way, out of your norm, right?
Starting point is 00:20:17 It's like my dad spent time for an hour every day and would read the paper. Maybe he enjoyed it. It was fun. But at first it's like, okay, this is taking an hour a day away from my kids or family or whatever, my work. And I'm doing this extra little thing and creating a memory for someone. They're getting a letter in the mail. They're getting a $2 bill. They're getting the newspaper clipping about them.
Starting point is 00:20:39 They're getting a handwritten note. He was like going the extra mile. So amazing. And he would get a lot of business and clients from that, but it wasn't his intention. He was just like, I want to add value to people in our small town community. And he created memorable moments. That's amazing. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. This holiday season, I want you to do something for a special person in your life,
Starting point is 00:21:06 and that person is you. Give yourself a gift to raise your spirits, and not just for the day. The holidays can be a really tough time for some of us. Between managing family dynamics, racing from thing to thing, and braving the cold and dark weather for some, it's normal to feel down. Having someone to talk to about how you're feeling and what you can do about it is truly a gift. And I'm a recovering people pleaser myself, and therapy was the main thing that helped me to start realizing that it's not mean to set boundaries
Starting point is 00:21:33 with friends or family or situations in life. In fact, it's a form of self-love, protecting your peace, your time, and your mental health. Talking to a therapist really gave me the confidence to be a better caretaker of myself and feel comfortable setting boundaries. The tools that therapy gives you are specifically helpful around the holidays with lots of quality time with your loved ones and busy schedules. And as the world's largest therapy service, BetterHelp has matched 3 million people with professionally licensed and vetted therapists 100% online. Plus it's affordable. Just fill out a brief questionnaire
Starting point is 00:22:04 to match with a therapist. If things aren't clicking, you can easily switch to a new therapist anytime. And it couldn't be simpler. No waiting rooms, no traffic, no endless searching for the right therapist. Learn more and save 10% off your first month at slash Lewis. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P, dot com slash L-E-W-I-S. I think it's really cool. What a model for all of us to have. I know, right? Yeah, thanks for sharing this. It's just about being generous. I think it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:22:25 What a model for all of us to have. I know, right? Yeah, thanks for sharing that. It's just about being generous. You know, how can you be as generous as possible? And even when it seems uncomfortable, even when it seems not convenient. I would say especially. So yeah, I would like to just use that as an entryway into talking about something that's really important about these habits is that every single one of them, if they're really if they're going to really make an impact on your life and on anyone else's are going to have what you talked about is that there's an element of risk, which is this uncertainty, maybe a little bit of fear, maybe a lot of fear in some cases, but a little bit of like shakiness to it. And then that
Starting point is 00:23:06 discomfort that comes with all of that. And so if you're doing action, if you're doing the action habit that, you know, doesn't give you any of that and you're like, oh yeah, that's easy. I'm taking a sip of water every day, like one sip of water a day, that's going to not going to create anything, you know, cause it was easy and it's what you already know how to do. If it's not giving you that little bit of an edge, a little bit of uncertainty, a little bit of like risk, or sometimes a lot, you know, to the degree that you're able to, the capacity that you have to be with that. If it's not giving you that, you're just doing what you already know how to do. You're like, okay, I'm going to go out for my walk and walk once around the block. That's an amazing habit. And it's not going to actually expand your capacity to lead in the world and to create what you want, because it's something you already know how to do. There's
Starting point is 00:23:55 no discomfort there. But if you're like, I'm going to strap on my running shoes and go for like a mile run, you're like, it's a little bit of an edge for me. After a while, it doesn't become one. And then you have to find the next one. The new edge. Yeah. And the problem with what I'm sharing with people here is that that discomfort and that edge, that uncertainty, the risk, we don't want that. Our minds are just, you know, they've evolved to try and eliminate that. We want comfort. Comfort and eliminate uncertainty if there's uncertainty our minds go into overdrive how do i get out of this it's like if you saw like a predator on the savannah not to go too into evolutionary stuff but you imagine that's happening you gotta your mind goes into a mode where it's like do something so that this is to
Starting point is 00:24:41 either kill that animal or get the hell out or find some protection, get my posse together so we're safe. Whatever you have to do to not make that a threat anymore. And so our minds go into this mode and we still do it now with our phones, with everything. Our minds go into this mode where we have to protect ourselves until we can get to a place of peace. It's like, okay, stable, I'm safe. And that worked well at one point in our evolution. But now, because we have these uncertainty devices called phones, we're constantly being given it
Starting point is 00:25:15 and we're constantly trying to get out of it by distracting ourselves, giving ourselves comfort. And so the problem with the proposal that I have for people is to do something that's a little bit risky a little bit uncertain every day take that action habit is that people don't want that and you'll get excited about it at first and then after a few days you're gonna stop yeah and that's where that place where you want to stop is where the real magic is because you're just going you got to keep going during that. What is the number one habit that you've practiced and implement that has been the hardest to stay consistent with and yet creates the biggest benefit as well?
Starting point is 00:26:00 That's a good question. A few come up to mind, but I think the main one is meditation. So I've been meditating since before I started the blog, you know, more than 15 years, close to 20 years, but I have never been consistent with it. And like someone who has a blog called Zen Habits, who shaves his head, who's a Zen student, you might think like he meditates every day. Yeah, two hours a day he's got down he's like meditating right now as we're talking which i am but yes but the actual practice of sitting down and meditate i've had a real struggle doing that and that's actually been really enlightening for me is like why is that what stops me from sitting down and it's like,
Starting point is 00:26:45 oh, I got all of this work to do, the emails, all of that kind of stuff. So every time I can highlight when I don't do it, it's transformative. So the not doing it is just as, almost as transformative as doing it. But when I do sit down and meditate, it has me face the things that are getting in my way from actually meditating like the the reason why i'm not actually sitting down and i turn away and go to my computer i actually face that on on the cushion and i can see that it's there and that really helps me to like fully face what i don't want to face and that's the same thing as this action habit that i'm talking about like if you can face the thing you don't want to face it's confronting we don't want to
Starting point is 00:27:29 it's uncomfortable and it's transformative and I think all great things come to you when you face the thing you don't want to face you know it's like if you're overweight and out of shape and you face it and you go through the pain consistently daily to do whatever it takes to get in shape again yeah great things come to you you your confidence comes back you know opportunities come to you people look at you differently with a level of credibility or respect because you've been disciplined now for a period of time they've seen how hard it's been to overcome this and they say wow that's really inspiring the adversity you you overcame or whatever it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:05 You know, getting, if your finances are all over the place and you put them in order and it takes months to go through all your documents and auto bill pay and getting rid of credit card debt. It's like, it's a painful process. But on the other side, you feel peace. Your money starts working for you as opposed to you paying interest all the time on things you're in debt in. All these things, the uncomfortable conversation in a relationship you've been delaying for years. What's on the other side of that is a more,
Starting point is 00:28:32 a deeper intimate relationship. Or less pain and resentment. All great things come on the other side of taking an action on the things you don't wanna take action on. I'm gonna make one caveat. I 100% agree. 100%. That's just a really powerful statement.
Starting point is 00:28:49 All of these great things come from being able to face the thing we don't want to face. And the caveat is, or feel the things we don't want to feel, right? The caveat is we have to choose into it. There's a little switch that happens if we say, I am going to take on the thing I don't wanna face. If you're like, okay, I'm gonna do this, and I wanna learn something from it, and I wanna like really be with all of this.
Starting point is 00:29:15 If you are being forced to by your boss or by your spouse or by the life, it's basically, it's like being a victim. Sure. It's like, I'm just being. It's like, I have to do this as opposed to I want to. yeah you you might actually feel the stuff you don't want to feel and you're like i don't want to this sucks and it's not it's actually going to be maybe more of a painful thing than anything yeah yeah so if you decide to choose into it that's the difference so just be like okay
Starting point is 00:29:39 i'll do it because i have to or because leo said so or That's not it. You're going to just be, it's a disempowered way to take on stuff. If you take it on with empowerment, like I'm going to tackle this on. I'm going to conquer that beast. And it turns out to not be a beast. It's actually love. But anyway, like you're going to go towards that thing. But you choose to and you want to learn from it and get the most out of it. That's where the transformation will take place.
Starting point is 00:30:05 That's where I think all of the great things will happen. Yeah, you'll feel a lot more confident about yourself, your self-esteem, you won't doubt yourself as much, all those things. What are the top three habits that are the most destructive habits towards creating the life you want? This is tough.
Starting point is 00:30:25 So the first one, this is, I'm gonna just lump them all together as avoidance. Yes. So, you know, procrastination is one way we talk about it. This is not necessarily, I hesitate to call it destructive because it's a protective mechanism, right? So we're trying to protect ourselves by avoiding. So I'm avoiding the difficult conversations with my partner or my team.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I'm avoiding taking a look at things, avoiding my finances, all of this stuff that we've talked about. The habit is actually just avoidance on the other side of it. And this is the thing that causes it all to build up. This is why we have this huge mess over here is because I've been avoiding and avoiding and avoiding. And so again, not making it wrong because we can demonize that part of ourselves that procrastinates or avoids. We're going to just like layer on the second thing that I was going to say, which is self-hatred, self-judgment self-criticism
Starting point is 00:31:25 just like hating on ourselves for not doing all of those things that i was just told that i should do right so the first one is avoidance and then layering on top of that the second one which is self self-hatred hatred might be too strong of a word for some people it's just self-judgment self-criticism self-flagellationllation, that's also a protective one. We were taught, or some of us were taught from a young age, if you are hard on yourself, mean to yourself, you're gonna motivate yourself to get better. It's that like football coach is like yelling at you.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I experienced that too much. Stop being such a whatever. Don't be lazy, don't be weak, don't be whatever. Get up off the the ground and there's a good intention behind is like if i yell at this person they're gonna get up and work hard and it actually does work to some extent because a lot of fear in the body and stress and anxiety too yeah we're motivated you know and so you you get up but think about this like once you have that person stop yelling at you you're not going to be doing it you haven't really learned anything that's actually going to do that and internally
Starting point is 00:32:28 it actually is just constantly destructive we're constantly ruining our self-image we're not empowering ourselves by beating ourselves up or self-hatred yeah self-hatred beating yourself up self you know sometimes we don't even notice we're doing it it's so so subtle for some of us some people know they're doing it they're like actually you know pounding their head on the wall or like yelling at themselves in private like you stupid whatever right but some people it's so subtle because it's just the voice that you've just learned this is just reality so you just don't even realize you're constantly trying to motivate yourself by telling yourself what a crap bag you are you know so i
Starting point is 00:33:05 mean i'm laughing because it's just so human but it's not funny at all because we're just constantly berating ourselves and that energy that we were getting from like building this foundation we're just dropping it down yeah and if you're looking to manifest and attract great opportunities great connections great relationships good health you know all those things we want in life, self-hatred is going to be a repellent of those things. And it's kind of like no one wants to be around someone who's constantly putting their own self down. That energy is contagious in a negative way, not a positive way.
Starting point is 00:33:38 We like people who are disciplined and organized and positive in their energy. They have great attitudes. Attracts. Yeah, they're like, okay, I like being around this energy. They have great attitudes. Attracts. Yeah, they're like, okay, I like being around this person. They make me feel good. But when someone's complaining about themselves or beating themselves up or saying I'm so stupid
Starting point is 00:33:54 or I was an idiot, that builds an identity that is not a confident, powerful identity. It's a limited, powerless identity when we say those things to ourselves. Right. And again, I love for us to bring love to this because it's easy to judge that. It's definitely harmful.
Starting point is 00:34:15 That's how I used to be a lot of my life, saying all these negative things, and it drove me to get results and succeed in sports and business, but I always felt unfulfilled and not lovable. How can you be loved by someone else if you don't love yourself? If you put yourself down constantly, why would you receive love from others if you can't learn to accept and love who you are now and the progress you're making?
Starting point is 00:34:39 And I 100% agree with all of that. I love that you've gone through this journey. Bring the caveats. Bring the caveats. The caveat. Well, again, if you see that destructiveness, you might just add, your habit is going to be destructive already. So you're going to add more.
Starting point is 00:34:57 You're like, ah, I suck for being this way, right? Yes. So the love that I want to bring is just that we have these for good reasons. Like there's a, again, that coach, yeah, the coach is trying to motivate you. So we've learned if I tell myself I'm a crap bag, I'm going to motivate myself. But another one that you pointed to is
Starting point is 00:35:14 another way that it shows up for some people is I'm just constantly beating myself up to prevent anyone else from beating me up. You know what I mean? If I preempt you and I'm like, ah, I'm so stupid. I don't know i did that you you you could have criticized me but you wouldn't have criticized me this hard as bad as i criticize myself yeah i've taken it to the next level and you're just over there like what what the hell is this person doing like why is he doing this like
Starting point is 00:35:39 i didn't i didn't it wasn't that bad you know like it's kind of bonkers right and so you're like calm down dude and so then what people do is they try and like comfort you but they don't want really trust you they don't really want you to be in relationship with them they're going to comfort you to the extent that they can or that they have to and but they don't like really think that you've got yourself taken care of you've lost your credibility yeah the your credibility. Maybe this happens once in a blue moon. You're like, oh, that was a dumb move by me. It's different than every day or every week. You're putting yourself down internally and your energy is low
Starting point is 00:36:15 or you're externally verbalizing it and others can hear you. It's just not a good energy. So that's another destructive habit that will make you not successful. What's one more that you think if you do these things consistently, it's going to be hard to get what you want in life? So this one is going to sound like the opposite of the other one. There's this way where, this is something that I have so so often way where we let ourselves off the hook and it's again a protective mechanism and and sometimes it can feel really loving so letting ourselves off the hook isn't always wrong right like you know I'm going to take a break today
Starting point is 00:36:56 that's a good thing we don't want to demonize that right but there's a way where if we just all just go to that always every time we get into discomfort, just like, OK, you know, this is one where I discovered when I quit smoking. That was one of my first habits. It's like smoking destructive. OK, don't do that. So I stopped. But then I'm like, like, why am I putting myself through this pain, the suffering? Why am I doing this?
Starting point is 00:37:23 I guess life is too short for that. So that's the story I told myself. Let me have another pop. Yeah. So it's like this is not this suffering. Why am I doing this? Like, life is too short for that. So that's the story I told myself. Let me have another pop in. Yeah, so it's like, this is not a big deal. Yeah, like what's the point of this? I'm just making myself suffer. So I let myself off the hook and did it. Started smoking a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah, and then I would add the beating myself up. The shame. On top of that. And the beating yourself up. Yeah, like, ah, I keep doing this. And so it was this cycle of like beating myself up the shame on top of that and then beating yourself yeah like ah i keep doing this and so it was a cycle of like beating myself up and then like feeling bad about myself feeling bad about myself is actually why i wanted to smoke so i would then be like oh don't smoke you know you know it's bad for you and then oh this is too hard i don't want to i don't want to face this discomfort so smoke then beat myself up and it's just like this cycle and the thing that cuts through all of it first of all is
Starting point is 00:38:10 love so i'm going to keep bringing that up as corny as it might sound to some people that's great is just love yourself through this whole process like i'm feeling bad about myself or stress or anxiety could i bring love to that that feeling in the body and i want to let myself off the hook nothing wrong with that desire but could i stay in that discomfort for a little bit longer give myself love find another more loving act than a cigarette you know meditation or a hike or whatever yeah get it get a hug from my kid you know know? Yeah, just do something. Massage my neck, have a hot cup of tea, take a bath. Yeah, do some kind of, I would go out for runs and I started meditating. Those are my, two of my big go-tos. But you find an arsenal of things that we can do. Arsenal is too harmful,
Starting point is 00:38:58 but a toolkit of something that we can do that's more loving than that cigarette, but that we need at that point. And how long did it take you to, I guess, feel like you weren't suffering from developing that new habit? Something that's really addictive as smoking, that gives you relief or whatever it might be, and that you've been doing for a certain amount of years. You know, how long did it take you? Was this weeks? Was this months? Was this a year? Until you finally felt like, oh, I'm not feeling the suffering feeling of not having a cigarette. It's hard because it's more of a spectrum than like, okay, now I'm done, right? Sure, sure. Yeah, but the thing that I learned is, first of all, again, the choosing into,
Starting point is 00:39:41 the empowered kind of relationship to the discomfort. I'm like, you know what, I'm going to face this discomfort. So first of all, that felt really good. I felt more empowered than I ever had before. It was more like I'm a victim to my own discomfort. And it also sounds like you probably had a vision of why you wanted to, you know, why it was better to not be doing that habit for your life. It was for my life and it was for my loved ones. Right. Yeah. My wife was going to start smoking again after her pregnancy. So she had quit, but I knew she was going to start again.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Especially if you're out there on the front porch, you know. Yeah, she'll feel completely justified to do it. And then my kids, I know that kids of smokers are much more likely to grow up as smokers. So I'm like, that's not the model I want. And I also knew that for myself, that wasn't good. But at that time, you know, doing it for them was much more powerful for me right right which it's still still is a pretty powerful thing sure so how long did it take for you then until was like okay the first wave of suffering to end where
Starting point is 00:40:35 was now a second wave of like okay I still have the feeling but it's not as strong well the the transformation that came for me there was pretty early on probably within the first couple of weeks. And the thing that happened was I realized that there was this internal thing that was arising. I thought of it as an urge, but it's really just discomfort or like, I can't do this. It's anxiety, discomfort, stress and urge. Right. So it's the urge to go do the thing, you know, eat the donut, watch Netflix, go on Instagram, right? It's that urge to go do the thing.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And it's just a discomfort or an anxiety or stress. And the transformation came when I not only took on an empowered relationship to it, but learned that I could soothe that and take care of it and give it love. And as soon as I'm like, okay, some deep breaths, some meditation, like I could actually take care of that. It was a transformative thing because then any other habit that I was avoiding, like I was, I was deeply in debt at the time, I transformed my whole life one at a time based on that one thing.
Starting point is 00:41:41 What was that thing again? Learning that I could soothe that thing again learning that i could soothe that discomfort learning that i could i could actually turn towards it take it on and actually like relieve it by not doing anything not having to do something external but actually be with it take some breaths calm it down like a little kid that's caught that's like anxious you're like you know if if you're a parent you know like if a kid's anxious you could you could get anxious too and you're just like running around with the kid like ah you know like we're and the kid only gets more anxious when you're doing that and so you can hear my voice like this is the kind of the way that we relate
Starting point is 00:42:18 we're like we're yelling at the kid the kid's yelling at us and we're like doing this but if you look at this kid as like they're anxious how do i calm them down you deepen your breath you start to relax a little bit you give them some space you give them some love some acceptance it's okay for you to be anxious it's okay i got this we got this we can do this it's the same kind of relationship to the discomfort and anxiety uncertainty that arises in our body deepen your breath do all of the things i just said that you would do with a little kid the kid starts to calm down they can be however they be they're just being a kid it's not wrong to feel discomfort or stress or anxiety but as we give them this deeper calmer space and just accept them and
Starting point is 00:43:07 love them they calm down they're like you know they might start sobbing you give them a hug same thing with this you might start to feel some pain at like how i've been smoking for the last 20 years but then you start to like it's okay feel your pain feel your sadness and you just give it the space if you can learn that you know i've i've really kind of gone a little bit in depth here but if it's a simple self-soothing because we take on the addiction or the thing that we know is not good for us to help us soothe like i you know i'll eat the ice cream because i want to soothe myself. For you, it was cigarettes. For some people, it's potato chips or binge-watching Netflix or whatever it might be. For me, it was all of those.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's alcohol. It's like, okay, I'm feeling an anxiety, a stress, an overwhelm. Let me use something external to help me feel a little bit of relief and what I'm hearing you say is if you can create a greater vision for your future that that doesn't include those things and learn a strategy of self-soothing that's right when there is anxiety because you're going to feel it for a period of time until you learn how to get through it that's part of the process learning how to self-soothe not yeah external soothe yeah and I'll also be clear that the external sooth actually did work in the beginning. There was a way that cigarettes or ice cream calmed you down. They work in the short term but then there's shame, guilt, you know
Starting point is 00:44:35 embarrassment that in the long term and there's side effects that hurt you. Right. The days watching the alcohol, the cigarettes the cigarettes the sugar it doesn't help you long term yeah and that temporary relief is what trains the habit so if we get that temporary relief it's like oh that actually worked now we know we intellectually we know that there's a long-term cost to it and we don't we actually might even be able to see that the long-term cost is actually increases our anxiety and discomfort. So we do more of it. We'll do more of it.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's a vicious cycle. We might intellectually know that, but in the moment when we've already trained ourselves to reach for that automatically, we don't even have a choice because it's at such a level that it is just basically instinctual at this point. And so the only way to break that is to create choice. And so you have to create a moat
Starting point is 00:45:27 where you don't have the cigarette or the ice cream, get all of it out of the house. You have to drive somewhere. And an even better moat is call your sponsor first, you know, for alcoholics or other addicts. But for me smoking, I'm like, I'm going to tell someone first before I smoke. And that was a moat where I had to actually
Starting point is 00:45:44 bring consciousness to this. And so by creating that moat, it gives you some space to notice what's there and then gives you some choice. And then you can then, with an empowered choice, choose to be with that and soothe it. And if you can do that, every other habit that we've talked about, all the bad ones, all the avoidance, Every other habit that we've talked about, all the bad ones, all the avoidance, all of the good ones where you want to like turn towards your finances or exercise or flossing or meditation. They start to become empowered or enabled because you are able to be with that one thing that is controlling your whole life. Wow. And what would you say are the main habits of the happiest people in the world?
Starting point is 00:46:24 Oh, man. Okay, now we're getting to some deep stuff so the main ones uh so let's take dalai lama okay because that guy freaking rocks um and every one of who i've seen you know like zen monks who are just like these like joyful like little kids you know they're just like little kids they're actually people first of all who have gotten in touch with that part of them that we've all lost so i'm just going to tell you a story real quick i was out in the park on a phone call walking just like doing a call and i walked past this playground where these elementary school kids six-year-olds were out playing and they were all playing like they were the most awesome
Starting point is 00:47:05 people in the world. No one had to teach them how to play. They didn't like, what do I do next? They were just being themselves. There were these six girls who are all holding hands like they were some cool posse. They didn't think like, what does this girl think of me? Like, is my hair good? You know, all of this stuff. They were just like connected and joyful and just having so much fun. That is who we are at our core that we've all been trained out of by the world. And so the happiest people in the world, to get back to that, it's a simple act of remembering, simple but difficult act of remembering who we were before the world beat it out of us but before the world taught us it wasn't safe to be you know like you are someone who is pure connection at your core um someone
Starting point is 00:47:54 the world taught us that we it is not safe to just be this joyful connection yeah plague joy like love like be open-hearted no protect yourself don't do that it is wrong to be so like alive in the world simmer down you know what i mean we're taught that by well-meaning people but we're taught that so the dalai lama feels like a little kid i mean not the kind who's gonna throw throw things yeah at you so he's like tamed that part of himself. But so he's much more in touch with his emotions than a kid is. But he's also just fully himself. Joy, love, play.
Starting point is 00:48:35 At home with himself in the world. So the more that we can cultivate that, remember who you were when you were six years old. And you were out and you felt safe. I'm going to point to two other great teachers on this, if that's okay. Yes. Jeffrey Davis. He does this thing called Tracking Wonder and his thing is to remember that little genius when you were six years old. So he has some great work around that and he's got a book around it called Tracking Wonder and a blog and a podcast. Another one is my personal coach his name is adam quiney
Starting point is 00:49:07 he's got a book out just out called who do you think you are which is about these essences of joy play connection love and i've done a lot of my work remembering who i am around that and what are the things that get in the way of that all of our fears and uncertainty and discomfort that cause us to like have all of these protective, you know, whole system around us. Our whole lives are built up so that we can protect ourselves from feeling certain things. Sure. So anyway, their work are both like incredibly deep around that. Amazing. Yeah. Okay. What are some other habits of the happiest people? Happiest people? Okay. So there's another one, which is the view that we have of the happiest people. Happiest people? Okay, so there's another one, which is the view that we have of the world. I think you're in touch with this.
Starting point is 00:49:49 So you can see actually with your views, this is actually most of your podcasts and newsletters. I've been really digging into them and digging them. They are all about views. Like how are we viewing the world? How are we viewing our work, our health? All the stuff we've been talking about is about views. Like how are we viewing the world? How are we viewing our work, our health? All the stuff we've been talking about is the views. So most of us have,
Starting point is 00:50:10 we look at life through a lens of a disempowered view. I need to do the things that I have to do. These are the things I should do. This is how I should be. I'm doing things because that's all that it's okay to have in my life. That's the lens we look at. The happiest people in the world have learned to recognize the lens,
Starting point is 00:50:32 the effect that it has on them and the world around them, and then let that go. And then take on a new empowered, like imaginative, creative, loving thing that's going to create an experience of life that you want, where you get to be fully yourself, fully alive, fully open hearted, and then creates the impact that you want to have. If you have a view that not only allows you to do this, to be this, but to go out and do the things that create that impact that view is like it's invisible no one else knows that it's there and yet it's probably the most important thing so give an example of this view of the world i mean yeah and the two types of like a a great way of perceiving the world in a way that might hurt you okay make you less happy because there's a lot of pain and war and frustration and stress in the world so how should we view what should our perspective be okay great the um
Starting point is 00:51:31 i'll i'll give you another teacher who i think is also really happy she's pure joy her name is pema chodron do you know her don't know uh amazing tibetan buddhist teacher she studied under a master and is now 80 something and like her teachings are Gold and she talks about uncertainty in your body The uncertainty that we feel as we are in relationship as we do our meaningful work as we create impact in the world She talks about it as a physical sensation in the body most of us. That's the sensation that we talked about, the self-soothing part. Most of us relate to that as bad. We need to do something about it to fix it. So I need to fix everybody around me. You need to stop being the way you are. And my world needs to be set up just this way so that I don't feel this. So I'm not triggered by the world. Yeah. We don't like this
Starting point is 00:52:22 feeling. And so we have to manage the world around us in some way so that we don't have to feel this anymore and her that's a view right of that feeling the feeling is going to be there no matter what the view that we have is that sucks i need to fix the world which good luck right fixing the whole world is going to take a few lifetimes. So it's never going to happen. So we're always going to have this, and we're never going to be able to fix the world. We're never going to make everybody behave the way we want. Certain people are always going to be there in our lives,
Starting point is 00:52:56 and we can jettison them from our lives so that we don't have to feel this anymore, but other people are going to come in. Or we can create a smaller and smaller world where we don't have to interact with anybody. That other people are gonna come in. Or we can create a smaller and smaller world where we don't have to interact with anybody. That's difficult. I'm gonna interact with these two people who I really, they don't trigger me.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah, I'm gonna control their energy. Yeah, until they realize that's a sucky thing for them, and then now I'm all alone. So that's one way I could go. Or I try and go out and control the world. But her empowered view of that feeling is that we could turn towards it and bring love to it and be with it. And it is actually an enlightened energy. It is telling us something. And one of the signals that it tells us is that we are doing something
Starting point is 00:53:37 meaningful or that there's something else to learn. There's something to learn from that. But if you are doing meaningful work, if you're out there kicking butt in the world right like you're gonna feel uncertainty because you're out into the unknown you're not you're beyond what you already know and so being in the unknown will create this feeling and that is not a problem it's actually an amazing sign that you're doing something meaningful there's other reasons why we have it it's not just that but that's one one sign and so that view of that feeling uh creates a whole different shift could i give you one more view one more okay dalai lama this guy is amazing he will see someone behaving what you know what you and i might think oh this person isn't you
Starting point is 00:54:22 know oh this person is like just totally a jerk or whatever it is. That's one way to look at it. This person is totally wrong. They're bad. They're evil. They're whatever they are. He will look beyond their defenses into their heart and see them with compassion. What is the suffering that this person is going through?
Starting point is 00:54:44 And what could I do to alleviate this kind of suffering in the world if if nothing else other than just noticing their suffering and seeing it as suffering and feeling love towards them or maybe noticing my own suffering where do I feel that and do that kind of thing could I connect with them create a connection by turning towards my own and seeing the humanity in that and so he might not put it in these words but that's basically the view that he has towards other people suffering where we just relate to all the ways that they suck which you know that's a valid view but it creates more anger in me or it makes me want to avoid people and it creates less impact in the world because i'm not bringing love out into the world.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I'm not actually turning towards all of that. In his way, he can create tremendous impact because he can bring love to anybody. And it's a really incredible view. You can have compassion through all the pain. Yeah. And bring an impact. Yeah. That's interesting, man.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah. I've got a million views. So if you want more, let me know. That's great. Is there one more habit for happiness? One more for happiness? Okay. I'll give you a little one that's actually really profound for me.
Starting point is 00:55:53 So my kids used to, when they were little, they would leave messes all over. And I would clean it up. And then I would tell them, stop making these messes. Like, here's what you do to put things away. And they were old enough to learn that. And yet, they just didn't do it. So I wake up in the morning. I'd gone to bed.
Starting point is 00:56:08 It was all clean. I wake up in the morning. It was a mess. And I would just get pissed off at them. So that was my view, was that they shouldn't be doing that. They suck for not learning the lesson that I taught them. And so one day it came to me
Starting point is 00:56:22 that I'm going to view them as love notes from my kids. So every mess that they made, I would wake them in the morning and I would either clean it up or show them how to do it. But the thing itself was a love note from them showing me that they're alive, that they haven't shut down their play. You know, they don't have to control the world so that nothing is messy like I've learned to do. You know what I mean so that they actually can live as human beings and I'm not saying that they don't learn some of these habits but like they are in my life and I could have a life that is totally clean without them but that's not the life I want I want to be in connection with my loved ones I want some messiness and I
Starting point is 00:57:02 want to enjoy that messiness and enjoy their messiness and really like just enjoy the gift of them and so every it's like your red rose everything was like their red rose like oh that's cool i get to connect with who they are and love them the mess are the love notes yeah that's cool yeah reminder they're in your life they're healthy they're playing they're thriving they're interacting they're growing up i just got so so happy every time i saw that that's cool man it's changing your perspective and your view around these things as opposed to affecting you so much i'm curious about you know we've talked about a lot of habits so far are there too many habits to take on at once yes and if so what is the best way of forming a new habit that might
Starting point is 00:57:47 be very challenging to be consistent with okay great this is this is uh some of my bread and butter this is stuff i really love because it's overwhelming you know we've mentioned a bunch people try and they're like okay great i got now a list of 20 things to do and so it's now like you already had a huge to-do list. You had too many things you're already not doing. And now you have to do another list of 20 projects. So never works. Everyone comes into my habit programs
Starting point is 00:58:15 with this laundry list of things they need to change, fix about themselves. And that's not how I look at it, but there are opportunities to like deepen into this stuff. But the way that you actually, if you want to be effective at actually creating them is one at a time. I kind of like knock down one domino that's going to start to create that domino effect. So what's the one habit that would start to help make the rest of them easier? So for some people, you know, it really doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Like they'll get too caught up in that and they'll be like, I need to start with meditation. If that is actually too hard for you at the moment, you just can't be with that, maybe it's going for a walk. And for some people, it might be like, what's their biggest pain point right now? Where they're breaking down the most in their life. I've got 10 credit cards.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I'm in so much stress in this one place. I got to create a new habit with the thing that's causing me the most pain. And maybe it's like my health. I'm really out of shape. I have no energy because I'm tired all the time. Okay, that might be the place you get started with a small baby step. I would say 100% agree if they're able to. So if finances just completely shuts you down and you're like, I'm going to do finances first. And then you notice six months go by
Starting point is 00:59:29 and you haven't done any finances and you haven't done any of the other stuff either. That's probably not the one to start with because sometimes it's just too, you know, we've been given all kinds of messages about finances as kids or some people have. And it's just like, it just brings all this kind of baggage.
Starting point is 00:59:44 For others, health habits bring a ton of baggage where that's not the place to start for them. So it's really like individual. And I would say, what's the one that feels like it would actually make a big impact with a small effort? So for some people, that financial one might be too big of an effort.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Sure. So I would say, get to that soon, but maybe it's going out for a walk. You know, like that makes me just feel like I'm doing something in my day. I feel a little bit more energetic, taking out a little bit of stress. Maybe that'll help me to be able to do the rest of them. Right. You know, it doesn't have to be that. You know, it could be, I'm going to clean up my mess a little bit in the morning.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And that makes me feel like, you know, kind of like that homework example. If I can clean up my mess a little bit, I'll be a little bit more focused. Maybe it's starting with like a short to-do list of three items, right? Like that's maybe my habit. Just like most important tasks, right? Just that'll be enough to have me be more focused during the day. So whichever one you choose, I really like simple habits that you can do in 10 minutes or less, even two minutes to start with and do the simplest, the most, the MVP version of that, right?
Starting point is 01:00:54 The simplest version. And if you want to just start with two minutes of walking, it sounds so silly. When I started running, I eventually ran an ultra marathon, but when I started, it was just like put my shoes on,
Starting point is 01:01:04 get out the door. I could keep walking if I wanted to. I could go an ultra marathon, but when I started, it was just like put my shoes on, get out the door. I could keep walking if I wanted to. I could go for a little bit of a jog, but I didn't have to do anything other than get my shoes on and get out the door. So we want to focus on the start. All you got to do is get that start going. And if it's meditation, all I got to do is get to my meditation cushion, sit down. Done.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Your success. You did it. right done your success you did it and celebrate your success and then do it the next day why is celebrating a consistent positive act on your habits so important as opposed to not celebrating them well we could get into the like neuroscience of habits uh you know i talked about how habits how bad habits are actually rewarding because they actually do relieve the stress a little bit. Good habits have the opposite. The reason why we don't already have them is because they have the opposite structure where- They're painful. They're not as rewarding. Or at least uncomfortable. We talked about it actually is pushing into discomfort a little bit. And so we need a way to actually find a reward and so if we can encourage everything we can do to
Starting point is 01:02:06 encourage ourselves habit apps work well for a little while on that so you like click on the thing it gives you a little ding and a check mark you know um seinfeld method was put a gold star on his calendar anything we can do to encourage ourselves that those ones work until they stop being encouraging so if you break a streak it it's like, ah, now I suck. So what we want to do is just encouragement, encouragement, encouragement, reward, reward, reward. If you go, you know, some people like to do a hard workout and then have a smoothie and it feels really good.
Starting point is 01:02:36 It's a reward, right? Others, it's like sharing my WhatsApp group so that I can like tell people about it. You know, post a picture on Instagram afterward. Whatever you can do to reward yourself. If you have an accountability group, three to five people, post that you did it. Give yourself a gold star. Do an emoji. Pat yourself on the back.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Feel good. Give yourself a little bit of a break and just feel like there's a celebration there. It doesn't have to be like stuff yourself with, you know, candy bars afterward, although, you know, give yourself a little bit of chocolate, it's okay. But whatever we can do to reward and encourage and make it a rewarding process, the whole, actually the whole thing should be rewarding. So from the beginning, as you get your shoes on, just feel the empowerment of of that feel how like you are changing your life with this one little act and as you do it if you're outside walking with your shoes on you're
Starting point is 01:03:30 like look at this glorious nature like feel rewarded by just being by doing the habit you know what i mean if i'm meditating could i really feel like how i'm gifting myself with some peace as opposed to like i'm forcing myself to be with all my hard feelings. Yes. Yes. So the more we can do that, the better. And it sounds to me like the reason why a lot of people want to create
Starting point is 01:03:52 positive habits and empowering habits in their life is for a couple of reasons. One, they want to feel more healthy, you know, pleasure, let's call it right. Healthy peace.
Starting point is 01:04:03 They want to feel more confident about themselves but two it sounds to me like they want to do the things that will help them either discover or fulfill their purpose yeah that's right how do we start and this is something you've been working on a lot is how do we start to discover and lean into the purpose of this season of life? Because I feel like we have different seasons with different purposes. But this season of life, how do we start to figure out what that is through the habit forming process? And should we start positive habits, even if we have no clue what our purpose is? Yes. So starting positive habits, that really helps us to get that foundation. And I say if your life is totally out of order, everything we've mentioned is totally out of order,
Starting point is 01:04:52 start there. Just get some good habits under your belt. You don't have to have all of it in order. We don't set that bar, but more like I'm starting to get my life in order, starting to take care of myself and my life. Once you've gotten a little bit of solid ground under your feet, then you can start to go towards purpose. It's okay to be doing purpose before you do habits, but I find that to be a little bit more challenging. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Because if you're going on your purpose, but your habits are out of whack, and you have a faulty foundation, it's gonna be hard to fill it. Yeah, it's hard to even ask yourself what's the purpose when you're feeling underwater. Because you're in survival mode, not thrive mode. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Now, if you already have a purpose, you're like, I know what it is. I'm going to work with these underprivileged children or whatever it is, right? I'm going to really work with this community. If you know what that is, great, go after that. And as you're doing it, you can see how the working on the positive habits actually supports that purpose. These habits now take on a new purpose. And so I actually would support that
Starting point is 01:05:55 if you know the purpose, you're going to do all of this stuff so that you can better serve those kids. They're going to see a model of someone taking care of their lives. You're going to show up with your full open heart and like full energy. You're going to be able to focus on them rather than thinking like about all this other stuff that you've got going on. So I would say if you have purpose, go after it and then work on the habits with that purpose in mind. But if you don't have that yet, if you're like, I don't know what my purpose in this season is and my whole life is out of order, I would say get some solid ground.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Get your neck above water. You don't have to be flying, but your head should be above water. A little bit of breathing space. Then once you've done that, the way that I would do it through habits is, again, first of all, asking what is it that I want? What's the life I want to create? But also, who do I care about? Who do I want to serve? What are my gifts that I could bring?
Starting point is 01:06:54 Now, the problem with that is people can get stuck in that place of just asking the question, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. And if you get stuck there, some they get it like you know an hour later or they start brainstorming and they put up this big wall and it's amazing and they're like okay got it it's one of these two things and they've got something to move towards but other people they get stuck in i don't know and then they'll just stop because i don't know is like the final answer yeah but it's actually just the start as my coach Adam says like it's it's a starting point so we don't I don't know means like you can really dig into that I don't know it's you're now in new territory and so ask yourself like what could it be and maybe you
Starting point is 01:07:36 have like some you know vague answer like I think it's working with like you know former athletes or whatever it is I think it's working with you know people who want to you know share their music online great you don't know if that's that's true yet and so um the habit after that is once you have like the vaguest inkling start to take an action habit that will move you towards that so I would say that people want to get some certainty before they they start to move towards purpose that like self-doubt that you and I talked about before this is like I'm I am like stopped by doubt and so I'm not gonna actually focus on this one thing
Starting point is 01:08:19 maybe I'll focus on 20 things maybe nothing just do what I already know how to do and what I would say is you're never going to get that certainty until you start moving towards it. So get into the action habit. Don't let yourself get stuck in the I don't know. Take a shot at it. It's like somewhere in that direction. I don't know exactly what it is.
Starting point is 01:08:39 And then start to build something that will actually move you towards that. And so if you want to like write a book for those, about those kids or for those kids, start writing something, you know, it might start as a blog, like me write, write 200 words a day towards that book and maybe share it with people. Maybe get some feedback, maybe learn through the process of creating, maybe learn what actually works and what doesn't. And maybe through this, this is actually how my blog worked, is through this process of creating. Maybe learn what actually works and what doesn't. And maybe through this, this is actually how my blog worked, is through this process of learning, you start to like figure out what to focus on. And through this action, you're going to be getting feedback, you're going
Starting point is 01:09:13 to be learning, it's a learning loop. And you're going to get clarity. And then the clarity only comes after you've done all of this. You might actually get clarity, it's like, oh, it's not this, but it's something adjacent to it. Or actually, it's not that altogether, but maybe it's this over here. And then you start to build towards that. So build something, get feedback and use a learning loop. That's beautiful. Is there anything that, you know, if we start these habits and then they don't work for us, do we lose confidence? And how do we make sure that we continue to build our self-esteem and our confidence in the process of figuring out these habits? What's working?
Starting point is 01:09:54 Starting some, stopping some. How do we make sure we keep our self-esteem high? Even if they don't work out. Yeah. And then I'm going to say again, especially if they don't, because the thing is, they won't. They never work out. As you probably know, like, we have this idea. It's like the New Year's resolution thing, you know?
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah, I'm going to work out every day for the year. I'm going to write 20 minutes a day. Every day I'm going to do all these things that then, two weeks later, you know. I freaking love that energy, by the way. It's like this, like like you could see what you want and you're like you're energized you feel empowered i say harness that but the reality check is that you will go into that and you're gonna you're gonna fall in your face and you're it's not gonna work out the way you want it to like it could be an hour into it it could be three days into it it
Starting point is 01:10:42 could be two weeks into it somewhere probably by like the three week mark in that range you're gonna fall short you know and if you're doing something where you do like a hundred straight days of something first of all great work like you actually probably did a good job at like creating a habit for yourself and took on something that isn't too hard but also challenge yourself then because you haven't gotten, if you haven't failed, you've made it too easy for yourself. Not too easy. Like you want to start easy, but at some point it's just like, no,
Starting point is 01:11:13 this is too easy. I'm I'm my success rate shouldn't be 97% or a hundred. It should be closer to like 75, 50 to 75 in that range. 75 would be better but you know if it's 50 it's okay like what we want to do is so if it's 50 dial down the challenge rate so the challenge level so that you can get to 75 to 80 right and these numbers are are not exact but the question that you had though is when you do when you do fail do fail, how do you keep that positive mindset?
Starting point is 01:11:49 How do you go back to peace and not beating yourself up? Yeah. Well, what I would say, first of all, is that framework, that view. If you can say that the learning process has to include failure, it has to. Otherwise, you learn nothing. Then what you want to do is say, when I fail, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to like pat myself on the back and do a dance, you know, whatever it is. I am going to dust myself off. I'm going to acknowledge myself
Starting point is 01:12:18 for doing something hard and trying because failure means you actually tried something hard. And then I'm going to sit down and i'm going to give give myself some love maybe and soothe myself and i'm going to write down a list of things i learned from that lesson what is that what did that have to teach me and then i'm going to recommit myself and if you did this every single time it actually falling in your face actually is like oh great i'm here again okay here again. Okay, get up. This is how I get stronger. This is how I get better at it. And you will actually, if you embrace that, you know, it can become like a trite kind of saying.
Starting point is 01:12:54 But if you, like, embrace that, you're actually going to continually get better. But it's an idea that you choose into the failure to start with. You're not victimized by it. And then you have a plan for when that happens. A plan for failure. Because, like, you know, if you're a boxer and you don't have a plan for when you get punched in the face and knocked down, like, you didn't prepare, you know?
Starting point is 01:13:16 You just planned for everything to go great, great. Like, your trainer just failed you. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's always, you know, in terms of that, I learned I was never really afraid to fail. I didn't, I didn't enjoy failure in terms of like the sports world. I always liked to win over losing. Right. Yeah. But I also understood that failure was feedback for me. It was information. Okay. You didn't win or you didn't accomplish your goal. That means there's,
Starting point is 01:13:47 there was a gap in between where you were to where you want to be. So where does that gap lie? How can I go back to practice and figure out how to master that thing that's holding me back from the next level? And so it's having a different viewpoint of the failure. This is just an information point. This is an information to make me a better free throw shooter or catch a football better as opposed to, you know, I dropped the pass. Okay, what do I need to do next time? It's really looking in or whatever it might be.
Starting point is 01:14:12 So failure is feedback. It's not this like end all, be all. You're a loser. And the habit, yeah a that's absolutely right and by the way if you play football or some other kind of sport and some team beats the crap out of you right you it's not going to feel good but what what would it be like if you thanked that team for the lesson they just gave you this team just showed you where your weaknesses are they just showed they just modeled for you how to like play at the next level like you know sometimes there's teams that are just intimidating
Starting point is 01:14:44 because they're so good and then they just like crush you and you're like dude I just played against one of the best in the world and I learned something from them what if we could all elevate ourselves by playing with the best in the world and learning from them like I'm doing right now sitting here with you like I want to be on at this level yeah and so I want to be with people who can show me what it's like to be incredible to be masterful yes so it thank them thank you know if you fall down thank the ground you know the grass up your nose and be like thank you grass for teaching me this lesson
Starting point is 01:15:16 and i would just the last thing i'm going to say about this is that the habit process isn't so much like how to get things perfect it's the habit process is a learning much like how to get things perfect. The habit process is a learning process. You're doing a habit iteration where you're taking a shot at it, learning something about yourself and the process, and getting better and better at it. So if you fail, if you can take on that encouragement of learning of how to get better at doing habits and at this particular thing and learning something about yourself,
Starting point is 01:15:43 you will actually get really, good at mmm yeah and what and what are three habits you wish you would have practiced in your 20s or practice sooner that you know would have transformed your life in a bigger way yeah not beating yourself up for not doing sooner but if you could go back and give your 21 year old self only three things to do consistently every day. Yeah. That would have been transformational and supported your growth. You know, not making you a perfect human, but supported you.
Starting point is 01:16:11 And also the thing you recommend everyone do when they're kind of like in their late teens, early 20s, getting into that phase of life. What would those three things be? Yeah. I wish I had discovered meditation earlier. Like I said, this thing that i discovered of being able to be with and soothe this feeling if i had learned that earlier um it would have changed my whole 20s and you know like sometimes you have to kind of go through
Starting point is 01:16:37 what you go through but meditation would be like probably number one um The other one, looking back at my 20s, if I could go back, I realized I had a much more limited view of who I was and what I could do. I lived in the island of Guam, which is an amazing place. And I was a writer there for the newspaper in my 20s. And I realized, I told myself, I'm like, this is the best you could do. You can't go to the States and write. You can't ever be an author you can't do anything blogging helped me to discover i did it started in guam that i could actually do something bigger and enlarging my idea of who i was and what was possible so if i could go back it would be to listen to others who have that enlarging idea that embiggened quality of their lives. Like if you
Starting point is 01:17:25 could, if you could really surround yourself by people who actually see the world in a different way, that would be amazing. But if I could even just imagine a life beyond what I had, not that there's anything wrong with the life that I had, but realizing there could be more, what would be outside of that reality? That would be the habit that I would choose is either surrounding myself by others or be like today, what could I see that's outside of the life I already have? And could I actually imagine that could be true? Connecting with that possibility because it's a real possibility. I've just totally told myself this is all I could have and put the blinders on. totally told myself this is all I could have and put the blinders on so I wish I wish I had that habit Wow yeah you asked for three so should I challenge myself
Starting point is 01:18:10 yeah one more yeah self-reflection at the end of the day I recommend this for anybody but I remember what it was like to be 20 is I didn't have a lot of self reflection and self-awareness And if I could go back at the end of the day, what I would do is ask five minutes, ask myself, what could I learn about myself that day? Like, where did I forget to do the habits? You know, where did I avoid things? Where did I beat myself up? Where did I not be with that feeling in my body like all these things that I want to do look back and learn from that day deepen my learning and that way the next day I'll actually be able to see them more I will I will get better and better at the self-awareness and being able to like understand all of this
Starting point is 01:19:00 stuff better if I have that five minute self-reflection. Yeah, it's powerful man. You've got some amazing content over on, your Twitter also is Zen underscore Habits. You've got a membership community, a coaching program where you're really helping people unpack how to find a more meaningful purposeful life and how to discover that purpose. You take people on retreats. You create experiences for people now. You're coaching people as well, which is really cool
Starting point is 01:19:31 because we need more Zen coaches like yourself who've been through challenges and who've overcome them. And it's not a perfect human being, but you're on the path of being intentional. And I think it's really beautiful. So I acknowledge you for how you continue to show up over the years.
Starting point is 01:19:48 I think I met you 10, 11 years ago. You keep showing up consistently for yourself, for your kids, for your family, for your health, and you use your talents to be in service of others. So I really acknowledge you Leo for how you show up, man. It's really beautiful. Thank you, man. Of course.
Starting point is 01:20:05 How else can we be of service to you today? Besides checking out the blogs and, you've got a book. You've got all your stuff and your programs over there. But how else can we be of service to you? Yeah, so I'm on a mission, actually, to help 100 million people change their lives through training with uncertainty. Wow. to help 100 million people change their lives through training with uncertainty. And that's that feeling that we talked about, this feeling that Pema Chodron, that Tibetan Buddhist nun talks about.
Starting point is 01:20:36 It's a feeling in the body that basically flies under the radar and we don't see it. And it controls our whole lives. All of this habit stuff that we've talked about, all of the views that we have, it's this feeling, it's a sensation. And so my training really helps people to deal with that and so that they could do this meaningful work. That's beautiful, man. So if people wanna join me in my mission
Starting point is 01:20:52 and either read some of my stuff or contribute in some way, be a part of the work, I would love for people to reach out, contact me, and do some training and then expand the mission, take this out into the world. That's beautiful. I really want to acknowledge you too, because you are doing this as well.
Starting point is 01:21:09 You are another person who is out there helping people be of service, create impact, do something meaningful. And there's a lot of struggles that come with that. And you really are helping people to unlock all of that through the work you're doing. So I just, I'm blown away by the expanded human being that you've become.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Thanks, man. You were already amazing when we first met more than a decade ago, but you've just continued to step into that discomfort and model for us what that's like. Thanks, man. It's amazing. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I appreciate it. And you create a lot of... I received that because for the last 10 years, I've had some great things happen, but also made a bunch of mistakes. And you've got to learn from all these things and say, okay, how can I grow and how can I deepen the practice of self-awareness, self-reflection, and step into the vision of a future? Something that is of service, not as about me and what I want, but taking care of me so that I can be of service in a greater way. And it's kind of that dance. It's like, how do you do stuff for you? So you're not neglecting yourself, but use the energy to be of service towards your purpose and your mission and your calling. So it's a constant journey and every season has new challenges and opportunities,
Starting point is 01:22:21 you know? Yeah. So it's been a fun journey, but I appreciate that it's been uh thanks for sharing that of course yeah yeah we need to model that it's like this kind of work includes all of those challenges all of those failures a lot of struggle absolutely man yeah absolutely but uh that's why i think it's so important to invest in continual education you know this is why i do what i do and you do what you do it's like you provide people with resources and content and training in a specific way. You know, I just went to a seven-day meditation retreat. I invested in the time, the energy, the hotels, you know, the whole thing to be there and invest back in my growth. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:22:58 It's not convenient. It's not, you know, it's not like I have all this free time to leave my business and a growing team and all the content we're creating. It's like, we've got a lot going on. But I think that's when it's the hardest is when it matters the most to take that time. When it's hard to wake up at 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. because you've got responsibilities to do the meditation, that's when it matters the most. When it's hardest to go to the gym or go walk 20 minutes, that's when it matters the most. When it's hardest to go to the gym or go walk 20 minutes, that's when it matters the most. When it's the hardest to have the conversation with someone that you've been struggling
Starting point is 01:23:30 to connect with for a while, now is the time where it matters the most. Not delaying. You know what I mean? I love that. That's such commitment to doing that work for yourself. It's a practice. And modeling that for others.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Yeah, it's a practice. And there's still stuff I'm trying to grow into. I don't have everything in order in my life the way I want it to be. But it's a lot better than what it was three years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. So it's also acknowledging what we've overcome and how far we've come as well. And not beating ourselves up and saying, why am I not farther along? It's, well, look how far I've come. Yeah. Instead of why am I not farther along? I love that you just keep doing the work because, you know, if you're going to ask others to do it and you're not doing it yourself,
Starting point is 01:24:15 you're like, I'm done. I'm a fully enlightened human being. I invest in, that's amazing. A year ago, I invested in therapy for the year in advanced. And I go about every other week, depending on travel. but even when there's nothing like I'm struggling with I keep showing up and for me I'm like okay what's the next level then you know if I'm not facing some crisis or struggling or going through a breakdown in my life yeah how can I prepare from this space for the next season? How can I, what are the steps I can do now so that I minimize friction in a year, three years, five years? You know, what does that vision look like?
Starting point is 01:24:51 So it's just a, it's an investment in me and the peace around me and feeling good, you know, in optimal ways and reminding myself what is important. So it's not easy. It's not fun sometimes, but it's valuable and I'm worth it to invest in that. That's why I'm a big proponent of investing in a coach, investing in workshops, investing in just a book or listening to a podcast. Even if it's not investing money, investing time into learning and developing. It's so crucial in my mind. So I love that so much. Thanks for sharing that. Of course, man. A couple of final questions for you. This is what I ask everyone at the end called the three truths question. Okay. I'm ready. Hypothetical scenario. Imagine it's your last day on earth many years away. You get to live as long as you want and you get to accomplish all your wildest dreams.
Starting point is 01:25:48 But for whatever reason, on this last day, you've gotta take all of your work with you. Everything you've written, all your blogs, this interview, your books, anything you create in the future, for whatever reason, it goes with you to the next place. Or it's not here in this world. Got it.
Starting point is 01:26:04 But you get to leave behind three lessons to the world. And this it's not here in this world got it but you get to leave behind three lessons to the world and this is all the information we would have to remember you by this is a tough would i would wanna leave a lesson that everyone can be with all of it all of the stuff that we've talked about all of these feelings all of the difficulty in the world all of the things we turn away from all of the difficulty in the world, all of the things we turn away from, all of our own inner struggles. We are beings that have the capacity to be with all of humanity, all of ourselves, and all of the world. It's being with in a mindful way where you're just really opening yourself and opening your heart and able to be with all of it
Starting point is 01:27:05 rather than shutting down rather than needing to protect from or judge or attack so that's the first one is that we are much more capable of that than we give ourselves credit for we think we have to protect ourselves and we don't i'm not saying we shouldn't have boundaries or any of that kind of stuff but we are much more expanded than we believe the second one is that if you do nothing else but give yourself love and i mean like a real feeling of heart not just the words or some thoughts about it but just like the love you would pour out to the person you love most in the world, pour that out to yourself. All of your difficulties towards yourself,
Starting point is 01:27:53 all of your ways that you're unhappy, all of your anxiety, all the ways you're mad at that person, just bring love to all of it. If you could just do that, if that's the only thing that you did it would change your whole life it would change the world because then you would also have an expanded capacity to be with all of it and expanded capacity to bring love to every person you're
Starting point is 01:28:15 you're in contact with and there's never a time when we have done all of that work like i am still expanding my capacity to bring myself love so that would be the second one and the third one is that we have the ability to create any experience of life in any moment as if like you know we could do and we could feel and be and have any impact that we want in any moment and i'm not saying like you get to be president of the united states right now but what would it you get to be president of the United States right now, but what would it feel like to be president of the United States?
Starting point is 01:28:49 Would that be like powerful and feeling like you're making a difference in the world? That's always available. And we get to have that and part of the way we do that is through the view that I talked about. If you could change your view, you could have any experience you want. If you wanna feel completely lit up every day or in love with life or yourself or your spouse,
Starting point is 01:29:10 like you could feel that. If you want to feel fully connected with every other person that you see, every person, with yourself, with the universe, with nature, you can feel that. If you want to feel joy and feel like a little kid playing you can do that in anything and we usually limit ourselves and say i can't do that over here i can only have play and joy over here but over here nope that's just like total victimhood and burden and like you know slog but we can have that anywhere in any place with any person those are great truths all right i. I love those, man.
Starting point is 01:29:45 I get an A? You get an A, yes. Final question for you, Leo. What is your definition of greatness? Oh, my God. Greatness, well, it would be combining those three truths. So if you can imagine yourself stepping every day into who you are, that six-year-old kid who's playing and thinking they're awesome,
Starting point is 01:30:08 accessing your full self, the full expression of who you are, and being that in the world, and then using that to call forward other people's greatness. That's greatness. We can do that for ourselves and sit on a mountaintop or in a cave and just meditate and access all of that. But if you can do that and call forward others to sing their song, the song of their soul, or to let their hearts be expressed fully, that's a calling forward of other human beings. I believe that's what you do actually in great abundance. believe that's what you do actually in great abundance like this just calling it the school of greatness calls forward people to be the greatest version of who they are of finding what
Starting point is 01:30:51 that means for them and then really enacting that you're a person who stands for that in the world all you have to do is be that and it calls us forward i'm called for just being here in this room with you to be a greater version of myself just by who you be. And I think that's greatness. Leo, my man. Thank you. Appreciate you being here, man. I hope you enjoyed today's episode
Starting point is 01:31:14 and it inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's episode with all the important links. And if you want weekly exclusive bonus episodes with me personally, as well as ad free listening, then make sure to subscribe to our greatness plus channel exclusively on Apple podcasts. Share this with a friend on social media and leave us a review on Apple podcasts as well. Let me know what you enjoyed about this
Starting point is 01:31:41 episode in that review. I really love hearing feedback from you, and it helps us figure out how we can support and serve you moving forward. And I want to remind you, if no one has told you lately, that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.

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