The School of Greatness - How To Develop A Rich Mindset, Double Your Income & Accomplish Your Dreams w/Rachel Rodgers EP 1184

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

Today’s guest is Rachel Rodgers. She’s the founder of Hello Seven, a multi-million dollar company that teaches you how to earn more money and build wealth. As a business coach, attorney, CEO, Blac...k woman, working mother, and self-made millionaire, she’s known for her blunt, sensible advice and for calling out the elephant in the room—whether it’s racism, misogyny, or centuries of unfair legal practices that have stripped financial power away from women. She’s written a new book called We Should All Be Millionaires where she teaches how to succeed financially in spite of the very real obstacles along the path. This is actually the second half of our conversation, so if you haven’t yet listened to that yet, make sure to go to this episode we discuss the difference between a rich and poor mindset, what it took for Rachel to go grow her business from 7 to 8 figures, how to double your income this year, and then I help Rachel unpack a dream she’s been putting off for over a year! If any of you have dreams you’re procrastinating on, I really think this section is going to speak to you.For more go to: out her new foundation: out her website: www.helloseven.coThe Wim Hof Experience: Mindset Training, Power Breathing, and Brotherhood: Scientific Guide to Living Longer, Feeling Happier & Eating Healthier with Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Science of Sleep for Ultimate Success with Shawn Stevenson:  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is episode number 1184 on The Millionaire Mindset with Rachel Rogers. Welcome to the School of Greatness. My name is Lewis Howes, a former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur. And each week we bring you an inspiring person or message to help you discover how to unlock your inner greatness. Thanks for spending some time with me today. Now let the class begin. Welcome back, everyone. Today's guest is Rachel Rogers, and she's the founder of Hello7, a multimillion dollar company that teaches you how to earn more money and build wealth. And as a business coach, attorney, CEO, black woman, working mother, and self-made millionaire,
Starting point is 00:00:43 she's known for her blunt, sensible advice in calling out the elephant in the room. And she's done some incredible work in the world. And she's written a new book called We Should All Be Millionaires, where she teaches how to succeed financially in spite of the very real obstacles along the path. And this is actually part two of our conversation. So if you haven't listened to the other one yet, make sure to check out slash 1183 after this to get that part as well. In this episode, we discussed the difference between a rich and poor mindset, what it took for Rachel to grow her business from seven to eight figures, how to double your income this year.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And then this was fun. I helped Rachel unpack a dream she's been putting off for over a year. And if any of you have dreams you're procrastinating on, then I really think this section is going to speak to you and support you in moving into action ASAP. If you're inspired by this, if you're learning from this, then make sure to share this message with someone that you think would be inspired as well. Someone who wants to learn how to have a rich, abundant mindset. And you can send them this link or go to slash 1184 and text a few people, post it over on social media, and make sure to tag myself, Lewis House, and Rachel Rogers as well.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Okay, in just a moment, the one and only Rachel Rogers. What do you think is the difference between a rich mindset and a poor mindset? Yeah. Well, I think it's just about seeing opportunity and feeling expansive and seeing abundance versus seeing everything as small and not possible. And like, does it cut off your opportunities or does it create opportunity for you? You know? So I think that's, that's the difference, right? And just making decisions that are going to create more abundance in your life. And sometimes it's the opposite of what personal finance people say, right? Like personal finance people are always like budget, budget, budget, budget is king, budget is ruler, right? Like you are beholden to the budget, nothing else rules,
Starting point is 00:02:43 never go outside the budget blah blah blah right and it's i think it's more than that i don't think it's just about money is about yes you have a balance sheet you do math money is math as well but it's also feeling right so like the advice that's always given to women about like don't stop buying lattes, stop buying shoes, cut coupons. It's like, that doesn't make me feel rich. That doesn't make me feel abundant or feel wealthy. It makes me feel broke if I can't afford to buy a coffee when I have a good job and I work hard every day, you know? Sure. So what does make me, if I, but if I buy a latte every day and that makes me feel fabulous as I sit and drink my latte and think about whatever it is that I'm thinking about. When I have that feeling, I'm more likely to create
Starting point is 00:03:29 things that will add value to the world and get me paid. You're more excited, passionate, abundant feeling, energetic, and that energy attracts opportunities. That's right. So do the things that bring you joy. Yes. And I'm not saying like, oh, go buy a Lamborghini, you know, if you don't have Lamborghini money. Right. I'm not saying do that. But like, how can you find ways to feel abundant every day? And it's not just that. It's like, you know, I was staying at a place. It was not an expensive place in Laguna a couple of weeks ago. I'm sorry, a couple of days ago. And, you know, it's like not a fancy room at all, but it had this gorgeous ocean view. And I listened to the ocean as I fell asleep like that is abundance. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I went for a run like along the beach. That was amazing. It cost me nothing to go for that run. You know what I mean? So it's like sometimes it's just sitting outside and petting your cat and being in the sun and taking a few minutes for yourself makes you feel abundant. and petting your cat and being in the sun and taking a few minutes for yourself makes you feel abundant. So it's not always dollars, but finding that way to just sort of attract that and to feel like spaciousness, like I have time, I have the ability, right?
Starting point is 00:04:35 I have creativity, you have a wealth of things. And the reality is of like, if you live in the US, you have a lot more than a lot of other people around the world, right? So you are rich, right? Whether you think you are or not living in this country for most most people and so if that's the case right how can we start to think that way why do we lack the perspective you know it's yes i think it's you know all of the things that we're inundated with every day like the different media might be the shows that we watch you know like people joke about like watching a
Starting point is 00:05:03 sitcom and like somebody you know she's a waitress, but she has this fabulous apartment in Manhattan. It's like, really? How does that work? So I think it's sometimes the things that we expose ourselves to. And we can just choose to expose ourselves to other things, right?
Starting point is 00:05:18 We can be exposed to a lot of things that tell you like, oh, you're not good enough or you're not smart enough or you're overweight or you're whatever, all kinds of messages that we get every day. And so you got to curate that, you know, curate your Instagram feed, right? Curate who's in your ear. If you have somebody who, you know, if your mom or your friend from childhood is always making you feel like you're broke, stop talking to them, like talk to them. I mean, I'm not saying cut them off, but like maybe don't be on group chat with them every day, you know, but be on group chat with people who have that
Starting point is 00:05:49 abundant thinking, right. Who are thinking expansively. Um, and also, you know, what makes me feel rich saying no makes me feel rich. Like we just talked about, right. Like having boundaries and somebody asking me, do I want to do that thing? Whether it's a money thing or not, and just saying, no, I don't want to go to that party or no, I don't want to do that thing. And just feeling like comfortable doing that, that feels abundant, you know, and that creates more space for abundance in your life. So that's cool. And what would you say the biggest insecurities or challenges you face now at your stage after, I guess, 13 years in business now, you know, crossing the a hundred thousand crossing the seven-figure mark
Starting point is 00:06:27 and beyond, what's the challenge for the next level for you? Yes. Okay, so we just hit eight figures, and here's something that I just caught myself doing is being like, well, I know how to run a seven-figure business, I don't know how to run an eight-figure business, I don't know how to run a $10 million business.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And it's like, that's not true, actually. Maybe there are figure business. I don't know how to run a $10 million business. And it's like, that's not true, actually. Like maybe there are some things that I don't know about this next phase, but that doesn't mean I can't figure it out. Or, and there doesn't mean that there aren't things that I do know. So I've had to like, this is an ongoing journey, right? Where you're having to constantly correct yourself and say like, stop talking like that. Cause that's actually not helping anything. So what do you know right what evidence do you have that you are the right leader for this organization during this next phase you know because i think being a founder and an entrepreneur creating something is different than continuing something and continuing to scale it right um and i've seen this happen with some of
Starting point is 00:07:20 my peers too like your company gets to a certain size and you're like should I even be CEO anymore right right maybe you shouldn't I mean or maybe you should right maybe it's just imposter syndrome so I think that's one of the things that I'm kind of dealing with and I also think something that I recently went through that I feel like I'm coming out of is trusting myself with this amount of money you know what I mean you've never had this much money before exactly so what do I do with this amount of money. You know what I mean? You've never had this much money before. Exactly. So what do I do with this much money? Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Which investment should I be spending it in? Am I spending it the right, wrong places? Interesting. Yeah, and I've had like, you know, you have different financial advisors that you go to or you're supposed to get advice and they tell me to do things or they don't, here's the interesting thing.
Starting point is 00:08:02 They tell me to do things that I don't want to do. And then the things that I do want to do and I do get excited about investing in, they tell me not to do it. And I'm like, well, but that's the thing I want to do. And to me, it makes financial sense. And they tell me why they think I shouldn't. And I'm like, still want to do it though. Can you give an example?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Like, okay, like buying this beach house this year, right? That is something, and I bought that beach house for my family so that I was just imagining being on the beach with my kids like all summer long. And we lived in a landlocked area. I love water. I like being near water. And so it was like, this will be absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:40 And we usually go like one or two weeks to rent and it's so expensive. And so I'm like, do that we could buy something We could rent it And then we could use it during the summer and it was the best summer ever She were there the whole summer all summer long. My family came down. My friends came to visit beaches beach houses attract people This is in North Carolina and the beaches in North Carolina are amazing. So, you know, we've had an amazing time at this like expensive piece of property that my financial advisor told
Starting point is 00:09:15 me absolutely do not buy. But the value in it was really like... A rich life, a rich feeling. Yes. That was it. Which probably allows you to think bigger and expansiveness and your business totally your family is you know feeling joy and love and exactly and it doesn't have to make money right like i have other ways to make money i can if i can and i can break even on it so i'm like i could have all of this amazing time with my family and it allows me to be generous like one of the um um, I just invested
Starting point is 00:09:45 in a startup the first time I became an investor this summer, um, which is another thing that I was like feeling uncomfortable about, you know? And so, um, the founder was like, just on this like big work sprint and doing so much to get this company up and running. And she was like, going to go on a vacation. She asked me where to go in North Carolina. And I was like, Oh, come stay at my beach house. And just like that, you know what I mean? Like being able to do things like that is cool. It's awesome. And I've done that for a couple of friends now. And it just feels so good. So I think it was worth it. It may break even it may make me a little bit of money, but like, that's okay. And I had it, I could afford it, I had the money to do it. Um, so it's just like, I've had to learn to listen to my own voice.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Here's the other thing that happens to me a lot with financial advisors and like accountants and like all the financial people, not all of them, but most of them in my life, they all are like, well, you know, in order to do X, Y, Z, we'd need to make another million dollars or we need to do this or that or whatever. And it's's like that's not possible we can look at that for next year or the year after and I'm like oh no I'm gonna go make that million right now let's go and they're like that's you know we shouldn't be doing that like that's not possible right like you're gonna break the business right like they're too conservative exactly yeah and I'm just
Starting point is 00:11:02 and they don't believe me and I'm like I want you to look at the panels for the last three years of this business and then come at me again and tell me that I can't do it. Like, what are you talking about? Of course I could do it. And and I'm like, here's the problem. It's happening inevitably, right? Like we are naturally growing ramping up. Exactly. There's an audience there. There's more and more people interested in what we're selling.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Like it's happening anyway. and that's the other thing we create these projections and they're like we're not going to hit those projections and i'm like your projections are too low like you need to go with mine and and inevitably we always exceed it every year yeah and then i'm like it becomes a problem because you actually can't plan right if you're like really under shooting so then you grow too much you don't have enough team to cover it. Right. Like all of those things. So learning to trust my own instincts over all of these quote unquote experts. And they are experts and they definitely advise me on different things. But when it comes to like my own skill set and what I know I'm just kept saying, that's not possible. You know, really, you know, you should be more conservative, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, goodbye. Get out of my ear.
Starting point is 00:12:11 You're not helping me. You're not putting me in the space of abundance. Yeah, that's true. What was the mindset shift for you from going seven figures to eight figures? Like, what did it take? Yes. Well, it took... Is it tactical? Is it mindset? Is it a team? Is it systems, processes? did it take? Yes. Well, it took... Is it tactical?
Starting point is 00:12:25 Is it mindset? Is it a team? Is it systems, processes? What was that? Yes. I think it's all of that. But I think a big part of it is learning how to not do
Starting point is 00:12:34 and learning how to lead. That is what takes you from seven to eight is learning how to have a team, delegate to them, remove yourself from the day-to-day and recognizing that the more you remove yourself from the day to day and recognizing that the more you remove yourself from the business, the more it's going to grow.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Because usually if there's something dependent on me, I am absolutely holding it up. What I do, it's like you have to keep redefining your role in a company, right? If you're the CEO, then it's like, how does your CEO role change over time when you've hired a COO or you've hired other leaders on your team? And you've got this team of copywriters and all kinds of people, coaches on my team, right? Like, let them do their thing, right? Learn how to get out of the way. You've hired smart people. Let them do it.
Starting point is 00:13:19 So really removing yourself and learning how to lead and have a vision and say, Hey y'all, here's where we're going. Here's where we're trying to go in the next three years. Let's talk about how we're going to get there. We'll figure out the how together. And these are the goals we're going to hit this year. And then just let them go and be there to coach them and support them, you know, and help them step into their own leadership, help them solve the problems you've solved,
Starting point is 00:13:41 like learning how to delegate or learning how to protect your time. Now you've got to teach them how to do that sure so that's that's what that phase was and what what the next phase holds I have no idea probably even more of that more of that yeah Wow what's the business model for you if you can break it down for people what's the main revenue streams that yeah we sell We sell one thing. We sell We Should All Be Millionaires, the club, which is a membership community that teaches people from marginalized identities
Starting point is 00:14:13 how to build a seven-figure business from scratch. Okay. What's the membership price? It's $2.95 a month. $2.95 a month. Or they can join annually for $29.95. And that is the only thing we sell at this moment. There's lots of discussion on my team about whether we should be selling other things.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And so we may have other things in the near future. But I'm really a strong believer of like focus. Yes. Simplify. Focus. Yeah. Like I think, you know, when you look at your P&Ls, I love numbers because there's a story there. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And so when I look at my numbers and they're telling me like The vast majority of your in your revenue is coming from this place And then you've got this other thing you're selling over here that's keeping people mighty busy, but it's really not bringing a lot of money Yeah It's like drop it and let's get focused on the main way that we can serve people We did you have many offerings before and you just focused on this one recently? Like when I transitioned out of my law practice, I had probably 17 offers. I mean, I tried everything.
Starting point is 00:15:09 One-on-one coaching, group, retreats, workshops, like all of the things and drove myself nuts with that. And then after a while, I was like, let's stop doing that. And so I started to like narrow it down and get really focused. And I did this in my law practice too, but I had to learn the lesson again. Because in my law practice, I was doing everything. And when I looked at my numbers, I saw the main things that brought in money were Small Business Bodyguard, that product, and trademark services.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So why not go all in on those two things? Cut everything else and just sold those. And we made a lot more revenue. Wow. So it's one part, it's called We we should all be millionaires, the membership. Right, the club. The club. So everybody calls it the club.
Starting point is 00:15:48 The club, gotcha. Yes. So this one club, this membership, recurring revenue, brings in eight figures. Yep. It's great. And that's the only thing you're selling. You might have book deals and speaking here and there
Starting point is 00:15:58 or some smaller. Yes. Not smaller, but other side income. Right. But that's the main offering. Yep. That's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And what's the process for lead gen retention? Yeah. Is it all, you know, launches throughout the year? Are you doing webinars? Are you doing challenges? Are you doing Facebook ads? Yes. What's the affiliate launches?
Starting point is 00:16:17 What's the... Well, so we do, we don't do affiliates. We have, we've done two launches this year, or we did one. We're going to have another one that's coming up. Right. So we'll have two big open launches this year. Each month we have a wait list.
Starting point is 00:16:31 We open the cart for the wait list for two days for just those people on the wait list. Wow. And that's it. You know, like we do, you know, I have a podcast. We have the book, which has been probably the biggest promoter. Really? We do a lot of press. We have the book, which has been probably the biggest promoter. We do a lot of press.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And I've been organically building this audience for 11 years. No Facebook ads? We do Facebook ads, but we spend barely any money on it. I know. And I usually have marketing people yelling at me saying, we need to spend a lot more. And we probably do. I mean, there's probably opportunity there. When you open it up, are you doing webinars?
Starting point is 00:17:03 Are you teaching to get people in? Or are they just say, sign up, and they just spend three grand? Well, the last launch we did, we literally just opened the doors and sent a couple of emails, and that was it. Because I was doing so much press for the book that I was like, that should be enough momentum, right? Like, if that doesn't convince them, then that's fine, you know? So, and this time we just created an assessment so people take it to help them figure out where they're we have something called the grow scale and here's the other
Starting point is 00:17:32 thing that I think is so crucial for entrepreneurs to like really be able to work their way out of their business is like it's just a process of downloading what's in your brain so that your team can take action on it and so we created recently the hello7 grow scale which which is basically like coaching people based on what stage of business they're at so if you're at 0 to 25 or 25 to 50 or a hundred thousand to 250 or 250 to 500 wherever you're at here's what I would say to you here's here's my yes your mindset issues you're having what your org chart should look at at this stage what investment should you be making what does your team look like at this stage what are the you know what's your graduation checklist
Starting point is 00:18:14 like your these are the things you need to do to get your revenue up to the next level where can people take that that is at slash growth so they can take assessment, then they get a report that gives them a little bit of that. And then if they join the club, they get the full growth scale experience. That's amazing. What do they get when they're part of the club? So they get the growth scale course. We have some other courses in there.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And the growth scale course teaches them? How to grow business from zero to seven. There you go. And it came from because in this book one of my friends was like wouldn't it be amazing if you could just give a checklist of like how to grow a seven-figure business like just give us all the steps and i tried to do that and realized it's circular not linear so some things you got to revisit and so i hired an instructional designer that basically helped me and we created this huge
Starting point is 00:19:03 scope and sequence that then we filmed and we created this huge scope and sequence that then we filmed and did all the pieces so that it was this growth scale course. Because I want something that coaches them when I'm not there. So if they're like, what would Rachel say? You know, you can access it on Tuesday at 2 a.m. if you want, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:19 So, and that was just me like downloading my brain and then it's a great tool because now I can train my coaches using it. Right? Like it's, I trained my team and then also teach my clients. So it's just, it's basically creating intellectual property from your brain. Um, that can serve people when you're not there. So you have coaches that are delivering on a monthly basis in here, but
Starting point is 00:19:39 they're doing group coaching or one-on-one they're doing group coaching. They do some one-on-one so folks can like, who are in the program can buy one-on-ones when they need them. Oh, gotcha. From your coaches. Yes. Well, that's cool. Yeah. That's great. How many coaches do you have? We have three at the moment. Well, including me, it's four. Yeah. That's great. So, and we're hiring two more. So as we keep growing, we need more. And how many are on the full-time team? We have 25 employees. 25 employees. Do you think it's possible to get to eight figures with under ten employees I think it's possible yes I think it really depends on what are you selling is it can it be very like based on technology if you can use a lot of tech to deliver versus human power that's
Starting point is 00:20:19 gonna allow you to do that so I think it's possible but I'm sort of like you know my team is funny because I'm always like you know my copywriters are getting backed up and they're busy and they're you know we have two of them I'm like let's just hire another copywriter and they're like well we don't need it I don't know if we can keep them busy full-time I'm like not now but soon we will so let's just go ahead and do it work into it yeah yes so I'm always like who's our next hire? Right. And usually we have, you know, 10 different roles that we're hiring. Right now we have a lot of roles that we're hiring for. And to me, I'm like, listen, I'm creating a great place to work that I was looking for when I graduated
Starting point is 00:20:56 from college that didn't exist or I couldn't find it. And so I'm creating that. And what does that include in that environment? It includes flexibility. I think that is key. You know, people are like, I got to go take a doctor's appointment or I want to be there for my kids thing or whatever. Do whatever. Do what you need to do. Autonomy, right?
Starting point is 00:21:15 You know, people will be like, can I skip this meeting? I don't know. Can you? You decide, right? Do you feel like you can do your job by skipping this meeting or do you feel like you have to be there? And then let them decide? So I'm really teaching them how to be leaders. Right. Like lead yourself. Be a strategic thinker, you know, and also have autonomy.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I trust your opinions. I trust your decisions. So teaching them that I think we all want that at work. And the ability to be creative and contribute ideas, I think, is crucial is crucial and then of course you you need a 401k you need like we do profit sharing so if we have a big month everybody participates in that and it's the next month so we so like in may we had a huge month in june everybody got a check based on may because i want them to see like whatever we did that created may let's do that again then there'll be another big check for everybody. And, you know, health insurance, like, you know, paid time off and working remotely, I think are all things that that's cool that I was looking for in a workplace that I was like, that would be a dream come true. Like, yeah, that's like you're asking for too much when I graduated. But now it's becoming
Starting point is 00:22:20 more common and just being able to provide that work environment and a cool, a great culture as well where people feel seen and people feel like they can fully bring their full selves to work. That's cool. That's my goal. And it's a work in progress. Like there's always things to work on. There's always ways that we can improve our culture. So I'm very aware of that.
Starting point is 00:22:38 We haven't figured it all out. Yeah, right. You know, I'm learning. As we're growing, we're always figuring it out. Exactly. What if you had to double your revenue in the next calendar year, let's say, from this year to next year, if you had to.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I love this question. Life depended on it. Yes. What would you do? Obviously it's a hypothetical scenario. Don't need to be that drastic. Yeah. And some years are double, some years are incremental.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Like, it depends on what's happening. But if you had to, what would you do? What would be the next three moves you would make for the rest of this quarter to lead you up to doubling next year? Yes. You had to. Okay, so it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I don't think I would do anything particularly drastic. What would you do? I think I would, I'd spend more money on Facebook ads to get in front of more people. I would probably reach out to some of my peers and ask them to help promote whatever launches or work we're doing. I would probably say yes to more press
Starting point is 00:23:41 because I say no to a lot of it to get in front of a bigger audience. And I think I would just, instead of doing two launches a year, I'd be doing one every month. And that's it, really. I feel like I would just do more of the same, but turn up the dial. Because I think it's such a great question because it points out exactly the places where we're complacent and we're just like, I'm content with this level of growth. I'm not going to really work hard. I'm
Starting point is 00:24:07 going to coast for the rest of the year. And it's like, if you had to hustle, it's really actually not that different. I wouldn't launch anything else. Maybe I would, but I don't think I would need to. I think I would just keep doubling down. And you know what I'd probably do? Because Schmilly Nation my my clients are so amazing that i probably would just go to them and say hey can all of you um share about the club with friends of yours and we're going to create an affiliate program to give you some kind of benefit when you share that probably alone would double it just depending depending on, like I, they are so amazing and it's like they are a movement, you know? So I feel like they would, they would be the best ambassadors.
Starting point is 00:24:51 So the five things I heard you say is spend money on Facebook ads, actually. Target people and get in front of people. Two is find affiliates from your peers. Three is do more press. Four would be to ask your customers to refer one person that would double it yes and then five is launched monthly yes or every other month or something yes like do two times you might put it out there more put yeah like really just put more effort into the marketing and so if you let's just say you implemented this and it's the end of next year and you went from whatever, say it's 10 million to 20 million,
Starting point is 00:25:28 what would that do for you? And what could you do with that extra $10 million? Well, I'm in the process of starting a nonprofit. And so that would be a lot of bread to put into that nonprofit. Who would you be serving and how would it change their lives? Well, we'll be serving the entrepreneurs
Starting point is 00:25:44 that we're serving and helping them to build businesses. And then also with some of that money, we would be serving single moms, who's who we want to support. How many moms would you be able to serve with that much more money? A lot. Give me a number. Probably a thousand. A thousand single moms. How would you serve them specifically? Well, there's a couple of things I want to do. I want to provide doulas for every black woman giving birth in America. That's cool. How much does that cost? A doula probably is somewhere between like $500 to $1,000 for them to be there when you give birth.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And there might be like a little bit more involved and it might change depending on the location But not that much money for how many people do you want to do that for? I Said a thousand thousand moms. Okay, so he served a thousand moms and it was a thousand dollars per mom That's not that much Okay So and then the other thing that we want to do so like I want to take it all the way so doulas Then I want to provide night nurses to moms because this is a thing that I learned from my rich friends and I had with my last child.
Starting point is 00:26:52 They get sleep. They have the energy to go create. Hello. Yes. You need to sleep. I mean it is life changing and it's not even that expensive. You know? And so that's something that I want to be more accessible and then the other thing is childcare so like it would be doulas
Starting point is 00:27:09 night nurses and then you know subsidizing childcare especially for women who are trying to build their careers or wanting to build something entrepreneurial okay how much would that cost to do a thousand moms for all three of those services that's a good question. I think for child care for the year, the least it would be is like $5,000. And then, you know, the doula was 1,000. Night nurses for, let's say, the first month would probably be like $2,500. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:40 So, you know. So it's like $8,500. Per person. Per mom. Wow. For a year, I guess you're talking about. I don't know how So it's like $8,500. Per person. Per mom. Wow. For a year, I guess you're talking about. I don't know how long the doula process is. Is that the last three months?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Is that? Yeah, they meet with you a couple of times during your pregnancy. So it's a set fee though. Yeah, so it's a more finite thing. And then the night nurse, I think if you have that in the first month, like you're probably less likely to be,
Starting point is 00:28:03 get postpartum. Yeah, of course course you know what i mean like it makes a huge difference just getting some damn sleep of course yeah sleep is key yes so that would be amazing um and then also you know covering child care for a year or at least subsidizing it yeah um i think would be life-changing sure for. Sure, okay. So 1,000 moms, if it costs 8,500 bucks, that's a lot of bread. Yeah, but I feel like, I think there's a lot of money that I could put into it.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Right, you could get donations. Is that 8.5? Yeah. So there you go. There's your actual 10 million. That would cover it. That would cover it. And I also have a lot of rich friends.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah, you can get donations. Yeah, exactly. You didn't have to fund them all yourself, but that'd be a good start. And I also have a lot of rich friends. Yeah, you can get donations. Yeah, exactly. You don't have to fund them all yourself, but that'd be a good start. I love that you made me break that down because it just makes it feel so much closer. Because I was like, this is a faraway thing, but I'm going to get the ball rolling. I mean, every month you launch, you could also say, if we hit this many in sales, we're going to help 100 moms. Oh my God, I'm obsessed. Yes. So I have a meeting behind every launch every launch needs to serve moms so that will support you and actually getting people behind
Starting point is 00:29:12 it knowing their money is investing in something that you're spending on helping moms as well yes so every month it should be we're gonna help a hundred moms this month and how much money do we need to earn on this launch to give whatever that percentage is going to be to serve that many moms or a certain percentage of that fee in this nonprofit, in this charity that you'll be raising money for as well? I'm assuming. I think that would be powerful for your team to get behind, your community to get behind, and just grow from there. How much do I owe you for this? and just grow from there.
Starting point is 00:29:43 How much do I owe you for this? My mission is to serve 100 million lives weekly in what I create. Yes. And so, you know, you're the one who came up with this idea. I asked the question. Yes. To unlock that for you to then get clear. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:01 So, you know, you're the one that did all the work. Yeah. Well, I'm excited because now we're going to do it but I think that's I think when the reason I wanted to ask this is because people can say I want to double my income this year double my revenues here why yeah why and how are you gonna serve your you know if you're broke okay do it to serve yourself so you can have your life set up your family your situation yes you can have your life set up, your family, your situation, so you can feel like you're having a rich, healthy life.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Yes. Then once, okay, once you've made $10 million in your business and you've got a rich, healthy life and you're buying horses for your kids and stuff like that, great. Now, if you're going to double our revenue, is it to buy 100 horses or to help 100 moms a month? Yes. And how are we going to serve with the tools that we have and the finances that we have and that's what's been meaningful for me and what we've been able to create is to be of service to the things that are important to us
Starting point is 00:30:54 yes beyond hiring more people and beyond you know our lives but how do we serve with the with the extra that we can we can give back to yeah%. And I think that will drive you and your team to work with more intention and focus and continue to feel even more proud. We're helping our customers and we're helping beyond. Yes, it does. It makes it more exciting. Because I will tell you,
Starting point is 00:31:17 one of the things that I've been dealing with is like this mental burnout. Like I have all the energy in the world, but I'm just like mentally, I don't know if it's boredom or what. Because you're doing the same thing over and over or what? Yeah. Well, I think, I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:31 It's like you master a skill or your team is doing it. So it's like I'm almost having this existential crisis of like where am I needed because my team's got it. So I don't really, I don't have to show up to work and everything will still keep running. When I have had that thought for me, I keep thinking I'm not serving on a high enough level. Yeah. So where do I need to serve more? Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And that's why I wanted to ask you this question because I wanted to figure out what's meaningful in your heart. Yes. Because you've mastered money, you've mastered bringing a team to this level, but what's gonna get you excited nonstop like five years ago? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Seven years ago to get to the million dollar level to then say, we're going to change a thousand moms lives every year. Oh, my God. I can imagine what that would have felt. I'm going to get chills of thinking about this. I mean, I'm so lit up right now. Imagine yourself back when you were 27 or whatever it was. Yes. When you were like making 40 grand a year, struggling
Starting point is 00:32:25 to, you know, you got your kid, you got this, and you're just trying to figure it out. And imagine a thousand moms like that or not even at that stage of how you could change their life next year. And the ripple and the impact in their families that would have because of you and what your company and your mission was able to create. That will get you excited that's pretty dope and i think i'm gonna just think about it i'm like man that'd be fun but it's um i think those meaningful missions uh once you've like okay we just keep making more money
Starting point is 00:32:55 and everyone's making more money now as a team we're giving out dope checks to everyone and we're thriving and this now how can we take it to another level exactly and you don't have to you don't have to work that hard and show up that way. You can be where you're at and be happy there. But I think as a person that wants to grow and impact at a bigger level, I think that would be the next level for you, potentially. Yeah. Maybe it doesn't need to be 1,000 women next year.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Maybe it can be 100. It doesn't have to be like this grandiose project. I like grandiose projects. I hear you. I like big excited audacious goals but let me ask you this rachel if it was new year's eve next year 2022 is this still 2021 i don't even remember sometimes yes 2022 it's new year's eve you're with your husband your four kids and your 3 000 horses on your your barn, you're sitting there,
Starting point is 00:33:45 taking a ride on each one all night, reflecting on the year, or you're on your beach house in North Carolina and you're reflecting on the year, and let's say you in some way impacted funding 1,000 moms with some part of this process. Yes. How would that make you feel?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Oh, I'd be on top of the world. I'd be like, I'd be like, I did it, you know? And then I'd be like, okay, how can we, how can we serve another thousand next year? So I think it's, it's almost like what you're making me think of is the truth is that you have to make money to free yourself so that you can do what matters to you more than anything else yes you know and why does that matter to you because i want black people to have money yeah and i want to make it easier for them um i want to take away some of the burden so that they could recognize like if i just have a minute to think if i have a little bit of space you know know, financial space, right? Like time, then I can create any number
Starting point is 00:34:48 of things. They could do exactly what I did. They could do bigger and better things than I did. But you just need, sometimes you just need that little bit of support. And I want to be that support without making them fill out 12,000 forms and, you know, go to every government office and all of these things. I just want to make it, I want to make it more likely and a little bit easier for them, take away some of the burden because I can, right? So like, why, why not? Yeah. And I'm sure that there's, there's a million ways that I've thought of sort of solving this wealth chasm in our country. And that's the first one. That's just my first thought. Season one.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yes, exactly. Thousand moms and then the next season of life, we'll figure out what can we do next. Yes. I think it's beautiful. Have you done this with any moms yet? No. So what would it take for a mom listening
Starting point is 00:35:38 or watching right now to be the one of the first people that you support before the end of the year? Oh, wow. What would that take for you to, whether be the 500 or a thousand as a dude? Maybe they are gonna have a child in the next four or five months Maybe they just had a child and they're you know, they're not sleeping right now. What would it take for someone watching and listening? To be that first person for you to start this process. Yeah, you know what? This is actually what I have imposter syndrome about,
Starting point is 00:36:05 you know, is what you're making me realize. Like, I know how to build a business and make money, but building a nonprofit and doing it right and not screwing it up, I'm really nervous about that. So let's just say you're gonna help one mom. Yeah. And this mom is watching and listening right now. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Where would they need to contact? Who could they email? Yes. What should they need to say? We're gonna make this on the fly yeah it doesn't have to be perfect okay so you know what I would do how can they apply for this in their own way do they send a video they write you an email do they post this on Instagram and say Rachel I'm a perfect person for this or I know someone is perfect for this how do I get involved and receive this? Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Well, I mean, we could do an email. I wouldn't wanna make them do a video. That's too much. It's like, we don't got time for that. We're jumping through hoops. But I think, what I imagine doing in this nonprofit is really just having a type form. Like having a simple application that people fill out.
Starting point is 00:37:02 We create like, you We create some internal, here's how we choose the moms that we're gonna serve. Give me a link that you can say right now that you'll make in the next couple days that'll be up by the time it's- You really put me on the spot. I love it though. What's the link? slash what?
Starting point is 00:37:20 Mom? Yes. M-O-M or moms? What do you want? Moms. Moms. Yes. slash moms.
Starting point is 00:37:27 By the time you're listening or watching this, there will be a form you can go to that will show you the step-by-step approach to apply or fill out, and you'll have the next week to figure this out. I love it. I'm down. Let's do it. So Rachel's committing to this. If you guys are excited about this and you spread the word to all moms
Starting point is 00:37:45 who are about to be moms, who are, you know, just getting pregnant and they're about going through this scary process, who are just about to have kids, as she's figuring out this process, go to slash moms. And she's going to commit, hopefully, before the end of this year, to at least supporting one mom and figuring this process out over the next few months. While she figures the process out, it's not going to be perfect. And so for the next year, she can continue to grow in whatever this is going to be. I love it. Whether it's one or a thousand moms.
Starting point is 00:38:17 We'll do ten. She's committed to doing ten before the end of the year. So if that excites you then make sure to message Rachel over on Instagram and send her a message over there and Give her some encouragement to keep going as she feels like an imposter in this stage in this season And send her a message over on on Instagram. Is that your main place Instagram? That's where I know Is it Rachel Rogers there and Instagram? It's Rach Rogers ESQ Rach Rogers ESQ. Yes Money mom Rogers. I like it there on Instagram? Or is it? It's RachRogersESQ. RachRogersESQ. Yes. Money Mom Rogers, I like it. slash moms.
Starting point is 00:38:50 We'll link it up in the description as well. What does that, what would that make you feel like supporting one mom? I mean, it would feel great. It would just feel like I'm creating possibility in other people's lives. Yeah. So, and it's feels like you need,
Starting point is 00:39:07 like you were saying, when you're running a $10 million business, you have to have a reason to grow, right? Not just more money for yourself. Yeah, you can just keep maintaining it, right? Like I would keep the same team, pay the team, keep the same amount of clients, serve them. There's no reason that I have to grow.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Should people want to grow should people want to grow in their business or is it okay if like you know what i'm happy making you know a million dollars a year in my business and i've got 10 people on my team and yeah we're you know we're happy here i think that's okay and i think the reality is it's all seasons right like there are times where you're like i'm content i'm not in the mood to hustle like i don't really want to figure out how to scale it right now i'm just gonna just coast and enjoy it for now and you're gonna have that and then you might have a time where you're like i'm bored with that now let's go let's go do some some big things let's create let's build let's make let's serve yeah yes that's cool but
Starting point is 00:39:58 i think having you know this is why i wrote this book and this is why I want women to focus on their money, really pay attention to their money and really look at the possibility of becoming a millionaire because I want them to have financial power. When we have financial economic power, we can create change, including backing political candidates that we believe in, right? Funding nonprofits, helping other people, creating scholarships. I mean, there's all these different ways, but we can have a more powerful voice when we have money, right? It's a tool that allows us to show up. For example, you know, I have friends who are activists and when they're raising money, they can come my way and I'm definitely writing them a check, you know? And just having that ability, like it's, I feel like it costs me nothing. Like there's money out of my bank account. It doesn't cost me any time, you know, but I get to, because of what I've created in
Starting point is 00:40:53 the world, I can write this check that they can then go do this important work. Right. So like that's, that's really it coming full circle, right? We need to take care of ourselves, but we also need to impact the world in a positive way. And we live in a world that is not equitable. And I think when more marginalized people have money, it will become more equitable. We'll have more economic power and we can see the change we want to see in the world. Yeah. So what are the next three moves you need to make to empower yourself for this season? Yeah. Well, I need to make to to empower yourself for this this season yeah well i need to go create that type form yeah okay that's step one we're talking about you about creating it yeah um what do i need to do what's the non-profit tentative working name going to be called uh
Starting point is 00:41:36 it's just called the hello seven foundation okay um that's what i went with for now and honestly i'm creating it because i'm good at making money. So I feel like I've raised money last year for different causes. And I was like, oh, turns out I'm good at raising money. Let's do this. So I really just want to have a place to put money in people's pockets. I don't really necessarily, there's not going to be a service that we deliver through the nonprofits. It's really about getting money and giving it out directly. Yes, exactly. and giving it out, directing it. Yes, exactly. So that's one thing.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Right, okay. Okay, what else do I need? You need someone to manage it and run it and start it and build it? Yes, I think I do. And I think that's, it's all so daunting. So, and you know what's so funny is what I've been thinking about for a long time is like I have two friends who I need to talk to
Starting point is 00:42:20 who are experts in this space. You haven't talked to them yet. And I just need to schedule that call. Yeah. You know? So can you send them a I just need to schedule that call. Yeah. You know? So can you send them a voice message right after this? Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:29 A voice note? Yep. Or FaceTime them right as you leave here? I will. With the car back to your hotel, just call one of them and see what they say? Yeah, I'm gonna call both. Okay, see who picks up.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yes, exactly. And yes, thank you. Okay, that's step two. Thank you for stopping me from procrastinating on that. That's step two. And then what's the third step? What's the third step that I need to do to empower myself in this season?
Starting point is 00:42:50 To overcome the fear, the resistance of launching. You know what I think I need to do? I think I'm doing it on this trip. Just being around more of my peers. Because it's like you, I had a lot of friends that I was growing businesses with and some of them have paused or sold their companies or whatever and there's not a lot of peers or friends that i have that are in the place that i'm at and just like coming out here and just calling people and saying hey you want to get dinner or coming and doing
Starting point is 00:43:17 this show right like doing those things and talking to people who are at that same level dealing with those same challenges um and just being reminded that I can do it this next phase. You know what I mean? That it's doable, it's not daunting, and there's a reason to do it. I think that's the other piece of it. Who are three people you can call today and ask for a $100,000 check?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Okay. You want me to say their names? Do you have their names in your mind? If you don't want to say their name, but you don't have to, but I'm like, I'm going to be putting them on the spot. But who can you call today and say, I'm launching this charity. We're going to serve a thousand moms this next year doing these three services. Maybe it's going to be adjusted. I'm putting in the first hundred thousand. Will you match it? Yeah. Let's get to, let's get to 200,000 by today. thousand by today yes if you're like hey we're
Starting point is 00:44:07 gonna give at least a hundred thousand I'm gonna you're assuming gonna do more yeah but let's just say I'm gonna you're gonna kick start it with a hundred thousand for your own nonprofit and get three other people to give you a hundred thousand that you're you know yeah have close relationships with maybe people that would be like all about this. The first person that I would actually call is Arlen Hamilton. I knew you would say that.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Can you call her today and ask for $100,000? I could, yes, I could do that. Is that too big of an ask for you? No, it's not. To serve moms. I mean, well, this is a new, you know what? I could do that 100 rejections project. Absolutely. And just make and just have a, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:46 just make a list of 100 names and start going down and then see who will say yes. Absolutely. And say like, okay, if 100,000 is too much, can you give me 50? What about 10? Or start at a million. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And ask for 100. Yes. You're laughing, but why is that a shock? I mean. People have $100 million out there. Yeah. No, that's true. And they've got access to funds.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I don't have a lot of personal friends that have that kind of money, or at least I don't think I do. You never know until you ask. That's true. Maybe you're not having those conversations in the beginning like we talked about. Yes. How much money you got in the bank? How can I get some of that to serve some moms?
Starting point is 00:45:21 Exactly. What do you care about? What do you want to work on to help more people? Yes. You got $50 million in the bank. How can we serve people moms. Exactly. What do you care about? What do you want to work on to help more people? Yes. You got $50 million in the bank. How can we serve people together? Yes. Do you care about moms?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Because that's what I'm about. Yeah. Let's do this together. I'll work. I got the team. You just help me fundraise. Yeah. It doesn't have to be all your money.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Yeah. I think we could do it. But there's three people in your mind that you can think of that you can call today and ask for at least 100 grand. Yeah. And see if you get something I want
Starting point is 00:45:46 you to text me tonight and see how much money you've raised by tonight okay sounds good I like it by tonight tell me how much of the colony three people I'm gonna call these three people see how much you can raise okay I bet you can get at least 50,000 by tonight I think so too at least I think so too and have a form up in a day if you wanted to. You could text your team and say, create a form with five questions, 10 questions. Yes. You call these two friends who have the nonprofits experience.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yes. And call three to five potential donors. I like it. In 24 hours. Okay, let's do it. You gotta text me tonight. Listen, I love a challenge. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:46:24 But I think in general, most people don't challenge themselves to actually launch the thing they want to do. Or they keep waiting and waiting. They think about it too long. How long have you been thinking about this? Oh, at least a year. Really? It's not longer. And why have you yet to even create a form or a process or help one mom yet?
Starting point is 00:46:43 What would you say are the three things that have been holding you back? Fear of doing it wrong. Okay. I think that's it. Really? Yes. I think it's fear.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I think it's like, I don't know, trying to sell other people on it. Like the financial people in my life talking to them about what i want to do and how to start setting this up and then sort of saying this is a slow thing not a fast thing but that's not how i i'm a quick start like i i i like to move quickly so i think it is true that sometimes when you think too much about an idea hold on to it too long in your head it's it starts to die yeah or just keep prolonging it as opposed to exactly like a raisin in the sun right dream frizzles up so yes yeah i
Starting point is 00:47:34 like this challenge thank you for that of course i know you're going to manifest and make this all happen and even if it's you know whether it's a thousand moms or one mom you're going to change someone's life in this process and it's not going to be perfect and it's going to get better over time yes you just got to be aware of that you're so you're so right you're going to mess it up you're going to hurt some people's feelings you're going to over get you know there's going to be things you're to do that aren't perfect yes but it doesn't need to be perfect when your heart is on my friend says it's hard to be nervous when your heart's on service yes my friend rory vaden says that it's hard to be nervous when your heart's on service. Yes. My friend Rory Vaden says that. It's hard to be nervous when your heart's on service.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I love it. It's so true. And if you're focused on, ah, everyone's going to laugh at me or failure or rejection. Yes. Ah, I didn't do it the right way or I didn't use the money the right way. Like as opposed to, we're here to help moms. That's our mission. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Or women. You know, we're here to serve women. And this is one thing in our charity that we're going to do in this first year. Yes. And this is our intention. And it's not going to be perfect, but we're going to give it our best. That's right.
Starting point is 00:48:30 That's a success. I agree. It's a huge success. Yeah. Who else is doing this? And you know, it's so funny. What I've been thinking about recently is that I need to do this for my clients
Starting point is 00:48:41 and do it imperfectly because I know so many of them want to do similar things and they probably have the same fears, you know? And it's like- You're not challenging them like this, are you? Yeah, every single thing that you're saying is exactly what I say to my clients when they tell me why they can't do the thing
Starting point is 00:48:58 that they wanna do. Right. So it's sometimes you just need somebody to reflect it back. I got you, girl. I got you, girl. I got you, girl. I got you, girl. I got you, girl. But you're a powerhouse, and you've created something that's really inspiring, especially for anyone, but for women, it's really inspiring to be a witness to see what you've created
Starting point is 00:49:16 in your business and in your life. To be a mom of four kids, to be able to invest in things you want to invest in, to be healthy, kids, to be able to invest in things you want to invest in, to be healthy, happy yourself, and not trying to be anyone else is a gift to the world that you've showcased. You're a symbol of what's possible for so many people out there. And so I just think it's inspiring. And if there's something that you can do to help more people and you want to do it, then I'm here to support the best way I can and push that further. Yes. So I'm excited for you. Yeah, I'm excited too.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I'm excited. Thanks for the push. Of course. And maybe this will give you that new energy that you're looking to create for next year, 2022. Totally. What about it? Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Do you think being of service and having a mission around this will help you get to 20 million faster or slower? Probably a lot faster. Why? Because I think because the 20 million is just kind of like, it's just a number. It's like, it doesn't really change anything.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Like maybe there's more things I can invest in. Maybe I can donate a little bit more too, like just to other organizations or whatever, but it's not in and of itself inspiring, right? Like there's a certain point at which you're just well off, you're comfortable, you don't need it. It's not driving. The number of itself doesn't drive anything. If I think about the clients that it represents and that number of people being served and getting results,
Starting point is 00:50:42 that is exciting, but this is even more exciting than that. You know? So getting to 20 million and serving more clients who are investing in your offering is one level of excitement. Yes. But it's not changing your life necessarily more with that much more money.
Starting point is 00:51:00 You can buy a few more things and invest more, but you're living the same lifestyle essentially. Exactly. But having a deeper mission makes it more exciting. Totally. To serve at a deeper level. That's right. And also, again, because remember, it's that showcase, right? So like being able to show that example of bringing it full circle, like you start where you start and you get your way to a certain level and then you can start to give back in a huge way. And that's really exciting. And just being able to model doing it imperfectly,
Starting point is 00:51:30 I think is so important because my clients see it, they're such action takers. They're gonna choose something that they really care about and be like, you know what, you've just inspired me, now I'm gonna go do my thing. Imperfectly. Yes. And figure it out along the way.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Right, and that's the stuff that gets me to do things right like when i'm like i'm scared i don't want to blah blah blah but then i just think about the people that it's going to help and the people that are going to be inspired by it and be able to then take action like being a model right like let me let me be the guinea pig let me do it wrong let me mess it up and show you that i'm still alive, right? I'm okay. I made it through, you know, so then you can too. Absolutely. So yeah. That's great.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Being willing to be the first, I think. So you got a voice note to someone on your team to set up an assessment. Yes. Give me my to-do list. And then you can update that. You can make it better over the next few weeks, but you've got at least a form. Yes. slash moms.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Yes. You've got five phone calls to make, two to your friends who are nonprofit experts, and then three to investors, and you can do more if you want. Yeah. And that's your steps for today. And then the third one is to text me
Starting point is 00:52:36 how much money you've raised before midnight. Will do. Or committed raised commitments. Wait, you said 24 hours. I need that full 24 hours. Why? It's late in the day. Why?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Because what if they need time to think about it? You're limiting yourself. What if they need time to think about it? What's this excuse? It's not an excuse. You've been waiting for a year. You've been waiting for a year. Life is now.
Starting point is 00:52:56 All right, all right. Midnight it is. Midnight. Text me by midnight. I'll be up. And if you get back to me tomorrow, that's fine. But at least tell me what you've done by the night. Okay, we'll do it. Yeah, yeah. And then you can back to them tomorrow, that's fine. But at least tell me what you've done by tonight. Okay, we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yeah, yeah. And then you can tell me more tomorrow as well. Okay. This is a question I ask everyone towards the end called the three truths. So I'd like you to imagine another hypothetical scenario that it's your last day on earth many years away from now. Okay. You get to live as long as you want to live,, but eventually you gotta turn the lights out on this life.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And you've accomplished all your dreams, you've served millions of moms at this point, or whatever that level of service is, you've done it. You've got the family, you've got everything you've done, you wanted to do, you did it. Yes. Lived a great life. But for whatever reason, we don't have access
Starting point is 00:53:44 to any of your materials, your work, your message, this interview, the courses. For whatever reason, it's got to go somewhere. With you or somewhere else. But you get to leave behind three truths, three things you know to be true about your life, your experience that you would want to share with the world. This is all we would have from your lessons to live by okay are these three no pressure no pressure no pressure it can be simple they can be advanced they can be
Starting point is 00:54:16 whatever you want but what would you say everybody's three truths for people to live by I would say number one is making money is easy. I want people to challenge themselves to believe that and to recognize that it absolutely can be. So making money is easy. Number two, making money and accomplishing things is important, but your happiest moments will be doing completely boring things with people you love so I think it's important that people remember that my happiest moments are not really like on stages or you know whatever when I'm getting accolades my happiest moments are like sitting
Starting point is 00:54:58 on the couch and my kids are cracking jokes and we're playing some silly game you know like you're just like wow this is great this is living so there's that and then the third the third the third I would want to be if you want to impact a group of people if you want to be an ally you know then put money in that in those people's pockets so I think there's a lot of people who do a lot of talk and performing and it's just like can we just put some money in their pockets let's just get down to business so I think those are three valuable truths that'll help them and help them help other people.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I love it. You've got this book. We should all be millionaires, a woman's guide to earning more, building wealth and gaining economic power. And there's a lot of resources, tips, strategies, action steps, charts in here that I was going through of shifting your beliefs and your mindset around money and things like that. So make sure you guys buy a copy for yourself or a friend, that I was going through of shifting your beliefs and your mindset around money and things like that. So make sure you guys buy a copy for yourself, for a friend.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Get the word out about this book, Inspiring Stuff. We Should All Be Millionaires. You can check out the course, the program, which is called The Club. They just go to and get all the information there about the program if you want to invest in the program. If you're a mom and you want to get support go to slash moms it'll be up by that point yes it will um and they can follow you
Starting point is 00:56:32 over on instagram twitter facebook all the places and and send rachel a dm uh if you think this is a great mission mission that she's now entering into for the next season of her life and her business. Send her a DM. Send her a DM. If you have resources, if you have people that she should connect with, if you want to donate money, DM her and let her know that you're about helping moms. I think it's a great cause. Awesome. And I want to acknowledge you, Rachel, for stepping up.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Because I think when we have created opportunities for ourselves, it's important to lean into the things that might be scary and challenging for us to serve things that are meaningful to us. I agree. And this is meaningful for you. Yes. For me, the things that are meaningful is kids that don't have school and children that are sexually abused and sold for sex slavery. Because for someone that was dealing with feeling very ignorant in school my entire life and needing tutors and things like that until I graduated college, it's meaningful for me to help kids that have learning disabilities. And for someone that was sexually abused as a child, I feel like no child deserves to be sexually abused. And so there are kids,
Starting point is 00:57:46 there are two million kids around the world who are being sold for sex slavery. And I feel like it's one of the worst crimes that someone could commit on a child. So for me, that's meaningful. And I put my time and resources into that. And anyone watching, listening, you should be putting time and resources
Starting point is 00:57:59 into things that are meaningful for you. I agree. And I'm grateful that this is your cause and your level of service at this season of your agree. And I'm grateful that this is your cause. Yes. And your level of service at this season of your life. And I'm all about it. So I want to promote it and help it out. So I acknowledge you for stepping up, Rachel,
Starting point is 00:58:13 and doing the scary, challenging thing. You don't have to do this. You've got a great life, comfortable life. You've worked your butt off for 13 plus, 15 years to develop skills, to overcome challenges, to break the mold of family life and environment, to get to where you're at now, to create a new life for yourself. You don't have to do this.
Starting point is 00:58:31 So I acknowledge you for having the courage to make phone calls in the next hour to three different investors who are going to join in and stepping up and be a leader when you don't need to. I think it's really inspiring and you're a great role model for so many of us. So I acknowledge and appreciate you where you're at in your life. Final question, what is your definition of greatness? Definition of greatness.
Starting point is 00:59:01 You know what comes to mind is autonomy. you know what comes to mind is autonomy like you know leading in your own way you know making the decisions in your life and not letting other people do that i think that is the ultimate freedom having that autonomy and so i think that when we trust our ideas trust our instincts that's what's going to lead to our own greatness. Rachel Rogers, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and inspired you on your journey towards greatness. Make sure to check out the show notes in the description for a full rundown of today's show with all the important links. And also make sure to share this
Starting point is 00:59:42 with a friend. Leave us a review over on Apple Podcasts and subscribe over on Apple Podcasts as well. I really love hearing feedback from you guys. So share a review over on Apple and let me know what part of this episode resonated with you the most. And if no one's told you lately, I want to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And now it's time to go out there and do something great.

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