The Sevan Podcast - 07/12/2024 CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Their videos do about as good as the Barbosman's does. They're doing... Jeez, Louise. Yeah, that hurts. Damn. Well, we have 6,000 subscribers. And, like, they're trying to break into the sports space. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:15 John Young, senior analyst in the CrossFit space. All things CrossFit games. Who's good? Who's bad? Who has who has a chance who doesn't who's worth talking about who's not worth talking about honest sincere emotional intellectual and then for the fastest news in the crossfit space most detailed detailed. Has just completely shit. Taken over the space. Including three hours ago
Starting point is 00:00:50 laying out the map. Beautiful map. There it is. This has to be the four mile loop for individual event run swim. Right? Question mark. The open grassy area
Starting point is 00:01:03 is perfect for a mass start. The boat dock is 3.4 miles for the run from the boat dock where they enter to the boat dock near the start line is 0.55 miles from there the athletes could sprint into the small parking lot where the uh the parking lot was where the iconic photo in madison was taken of tia toomey a lot similar to the finish of the swim and the paddle in 2019. Oh, I mean you're on the same page spin. There you go. In total, it would be 4.05 miles.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I only have one question. Are there gators in this water? No, but there are snakes along the path. How do you know that there are no gators in the water? Because lakes similar to this in the region have gators, correct? Yeah, there's gators in Houston. I guess there's never know. Very small.
Starting point is 00:01:58 They're not the big ones. Yeah, that's what I heard too. I heard they're small, but then a lake nearby there, I saw a gator, a big gator, picture of a big gator. The thing is, is if you Google this region, what's it called, the Marine something or another? Marine Creek Lake. Yeah, Marine Creek Lake, and type in gator.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You just don't get anything. I don't know if being man-made has anything to do with it, but I don't know if being man-made has anything to do with it, but I don't know. I mean, this has been made for non-motorized boating, swimming. They do triathlons here. So, I mean, maybe if they are gators that are seen, they wrestle them out and get them out to a different lake. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And late, like every cool guy should be, J.R. Howell. Casually late to the party, just when you thought you had a chance with the chicks, J.R. shows up. Fucks everything up. Fergie Show, Domet Nation. Wow, you're sold, huh?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Yeah, Abigail Domet is the shit. Welcome, JR. JR, Gators in the lake here? Have you investigated that? I don't see it. On a 1 to 10, how impressed are you with Spin having this map, the barbell Spin? It's expected.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Business as usual. So 10. He is a 10. He just rolls as a 10. It's just expected. He can only fall from the graces. Correct. God, I love your fucking mic. Hey, is that conscious to use a mic that when you pick up, we all see it so we know you're ready to talk so we all shut up? No, I just wanted to make it really easy for those out there that
Starting point is 00:03:45 are counting the words to figure out how much i get paid you said a lot of stuff just then that was a lot of work that was expensive soon as they kick them off the show uh spin could you turn your mic up just a schmidgey um there is there is something that i i want to say that's um not crossfit related uh before we go any further, something you guys should know. There has been a ton of more censorship I noticed going on on Instagram lately, more and more. It seems like it's ramping up. I'm not sure if it's because of the election, but I definitely feel like it's ramping up quite a bit. You should hear from this guy.
Starting point is 00:04:21 For those of you who are conservatives, you should know that this guy is a hardcore liberal he ran for the governor of california i definitely would have voted for him he's a hardcore democrat uh he's a good dude um and uh some some some interesting stuff went down on uh twitter today but elon musk is claiming that the european union tried to bribe him, Google, and Meta to start censoring things in Europe, and then they would then wash away the fines that have been imposed on these companies, other fines that have been imposed on them. And you should hear this. Once again, this is from a hardcore Democrat who understands the premise of liberty. We have to maintain our liberty. One of the components of that is our free speech. If we don't do that, then we can't have a democracy. Liberty is the foundation of a democracy. The liberty is what makes it so that we can't vote out our
Starting point is 00:05:15 democracy. Our constitution protects us from people using the democracy to vote out the democracy, like what happened in Egypt. So just listen to this a second, take a little second and just take this in. But this is a bipartisan, this isn't a one side or the other. This is just important for you guys to hear a little bit of this. Everybody, it's Mike Schellenberger for public. The totalitarian nightmare that we have been warning about is now happening. The European Union is at this moment forcing big tech companies to secretly engage in mass censorship. Google and Facebook are apparently going along with it, and only Elon Musk's X is resisting. A few hours ago, Musk said the European Commission offered X an illegal secret deal. If we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. X did not. And so
Starting point is 00:06:03 now the EU is preparing to punish X with massive fines, up to 6% of its total global revenue. I can't imagine a more egregious form of foreign interference in our domestic affairs than foreign governments demanding mass secret censorship for ideological and political reasons. Most terrifying of all is the apparently direct involvement of government intelligence and security agencies, as well as their intermediary organizations in demanding censorship. This is all happening at the very same moment that those governments, including our own, are warning of yet another Russian
Starting point is 00:06:35 disinformation campaign through spam accounts that hardly anybody ever sees. So don't be fooled by what's happening here. Governments and former intelligence officials in Europe, Australia, Israel, Brazil, and the Ukraine, as well as other nations, are not only demanding censorship, they're also often spreading their own disinformation. For example, the European Union claims that there is more false information on X than on other platforms, and more censorship would reduce it. Both claims are false. Only X has the open source community note system, which allows for real-time corrections to false information. A recent study in JAMA, the Journal of American Medicine, found that 97.5% of the community notes were entirely accurate, 2% partially accurate, and just 0.5% inaccurate. It's not a perfect system. And of course,
Starting point is 00:07:22 science is never standing still. So what appears accurate today might not be accurate in the future. But X's community notes uses more speech, not censorship, to provide context to controversial content. You can still agree or disagree with the original content, even with a community note attached. So just take note of that. Hey, this guy's even built like a liberal doesn't he he's like a pete bootyage but like smart a great guy uh if you're a liberal get behind this guy uh michael schellenberg he's great on so many topics um and i don't think he is a uh flat earther so okay uh back to alligators i i don't i don't want to get kicked off this platform i i i i absolutely uh love the um the platform okay back to the barbell spin uh this is a
Starting point is 00:08:17 beautiful uh run course how many laps would they do is it would it just be one lap yeah one lap yeah you start at that. And if you go, there's like three other photos if you scroll to the right. So, I mean, that's kind of the start that I could see and envision how kind of a big enough area to have 40 athletes line up in the grass, kind of have a quick sprint to go around the corner. And then they just run around counterclockwise up around the north of the lake and then down to a boat dock, which is the next image. So I believe this is under construction. I think it's gravel from what I've been told
Starting point is 00:08:57 after I posted this. But it could either be fixed in time or I'm sure they could do some type of work around where they still enter around the same part. Hey, Spin, it doesn't look like there's a lot of room for parking for, um, spectators. Uh, if you go to the first photo that you, there is a, you'll see a larger park. Yeah. Oh, over here. Okay. There's a pretty big parking lot there. I think there might be some up a little bit north of that too. Okay. Okay. So, you know know i've asked crossfit if there's going to be you know how they're going to if they're going to allow spectators how they're going to manage it
Starting point is 00:09:30 haven't heard back yet um so and then there's the finish very similar if you are familiar with madison and uh how they kind of walked ran up the uh the parking lot there to the finish line so and they obviously won't allow spectators to the parking lot there to the finish line so and they obviously won't allow spectators to park here because there'll be buses in here and people in the athletes storing their stuff and in all the film crews and all that stuff right yeah me and tyler are going to try our hardest to get a paddle boat out there at the same time and we're just going to paddle boat out there and video them up close. Smart. I like that. Maybe even get some interviews in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So this looks like a massive housing project here. What's this lake for, Spin? Do you know? Is it a reservoir or is it recreational? It's made for outdoor water recreation as far as I can tell. But no motorboats? Correct. Okay. Non-motorized.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And this looks very clean, like something that Dave Castro would absolutely love. And the PFAA. Oh, very nice of you to consider that. What's this thing right here? Do you know, spin, this thing at point number three that's in the water? Could that be another starting or finishing line uh i mean it could it looks like it's more like a boat type dock marina thing um like a pier yeah that was my first kind of thought
Starting point is 00:10:57 is that they would if they ran to that and then they'd swim close to a mile. But if you watch the video from CrossFit, the guy is diving in to water with trees behind him. And so that boat dock that I have him leap, entering the water, there's actually trees to the right of him. So that would be the best location, I think, that kind of matches what they were showing. So you think that video that they made is very likely here and not just
Starting point is 00:11:25 some sort of staged you know i i personally just thought it was just like they just got someone to jump in water and you think it's actually at the event the drone was there i mean he was running on that i mean you look at the bridge it matches the what the bridges look like at this lake have you sent this to anyone at crossfit and asked for confirmation no i've not gotten any confirmation okay and but you you appear to have good contact with uh the team over there yeah i mean they've not responded to my question but generally speaking how often do you communicate with the team there once a week no no oh maybe once a month maybe Okay. And these points here, this 1, 2, 3, 4, do they denote anything? Those are the mile markers. Oh.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Oh, oh, oh. No elevation? They don't have it on this app. From what it looks like, it's not very much. All paved? Yes. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So a path there, a wide path, 8 feet, 10 feet, 12 feet? Probably 8 to 10 feet. In the article I wrote, I found two videos where they put a GoPro on a bike and cycle around the entire six-mile loop. I don't think it's 10 feet, Sven. That's long. Not that wide. I was thinking like 6 feet. i don't think it's 10 feet span that's a that's long not that wide i was thinking like six feet i don't know but it does look all page it's much wider than like water palooza where they're running on the you can definitely pass people yeah it won't be hard to
Starting point is 00:12:56 pass all right uh exciting and do we and this is this is event one so so this would be Thursday morning. Any estimates on the time they'd start this? Eight. No. No, I'd say probably nine, but... No. You think earlier? Mm. Mm.
Starting point is 00:13:19 How long do you think it takes to do this event? About 40 minutes. 40, 50, yeah. And two heats? No, I think they'll just do a mass start. They could. Mr. Howell, thoughts on this? Texas, 107 degrees that day by 10 a.m. I think a lot of it would depend on how many more events on Thursday
Starting point is 00:13:43 and if they're taking the field of play one more time or twice. Why aren't you mentioning the heat as the primary factor for the starting time? Because I think it's going to be morning regardless. I think it's going to be 7. Whether it's 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m. I just think that last year the heat seemed to play more of a part on event two. Likewise, the quick turnaround from the bike into the workout on North Park, there wasn't a whole lot of time.
Starting point is 00:14:17 That workout was also really long. So I think they'd be a little bit more conscious of how much recovery is going to be needed after this. We do have a correspondent in Texas. Excuse me, John. We have a correspondent in Texas, and he's going to report to us on the weather. Mr. Slater, the official from our weatherman on the ground, it's hot as fuck over here, Seve. Where's Slater from? I'm from South Texas.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Or at least not from, but I live here. Every video that I've seen with Greg, with Greg, with Dave is like, dude, it's fucking hot here. And dude, he lives in Aromas and it's hot there. I think it's hot everywhere, man.
Starting point is 00:14:55 I mean, the one thing to think about. John, John Young weighs in. It's hot enough. It's, it's, it's, it's hot everywhere.
Starting point is 00:15:02 The, even the dark side of the moon, it's, you're either good in heat or you're not that's attitude I had a month ago but now I'm starting to trip a little bit a month ago I was like fuck you guys running the heat the thing to consider is on Thursday
Starting point is 00:15:17 ESPN's exclusive coverage is from 6 to 8 local time so you'd imagine the individuals would be there at that point too 6 to 8 local time. So you'd imagine the individuals would be there at that point too. 6 to 8 p.m.? Yes. It's pretty late Friday and Saturday night. So if they started at 6, now we're
Starting point is 00:15:34 looking at a 14-hour day. Yeah. Also, I can't remember who the interviewee did with, but he said that the water is also warm. Have we got any temperatures of the water of this pond just short of boiling i'm sure yeah that's what i heard don't drink it
Starting point is 00:15:57 sam well it will be in full bloom spin are, are you taking a look? Someone tell Cornway not to drink the lake water. Yes. Was he one of the ones? I think he had to abandon almost because he was so sick from the lake water. Slater, I went to fire school right there next to the run course, and we had to run around this lake all the time for PT. I heard at night it's been over 100 degrees there with the sun down that's what night is right
Starting point is 00:16:33 it's one of the components of night time it's 88 right now at that place in Fort Worth yes at 947 at night 847 ok very nice of you guys to come on the show so late especially you jr uh barbell spin like i said best place to get your news god you could
Starting point is 00:16:56 do a whole show just going through your um going through your uh. Okay, next thing. Do you have a post spin on the measurement? I keep hearing about this measurement for quad sizes. Quad sizes. Have you done an article on that? I have not. Do you have any thoughts on that? Why they're asking for quad sizes of the individual athletes?
Starting point is 00:17:23 I mean, people have speculated something to do with climbing but i'm not sure they would need that at that far ahead of time so i don't know do you think it's just a stat they're asking for so people can report on it that's my assumption at this point uh john young you think it's anything more than just a novelty how much do you weigh how old are you how tall are you and what's your quad size i's anything more than just a novelty? How much do you weigh? How old are you? How tall are you? And what's your quad size? I have never heard that as a novelty thing to ask somebody. I think it has to be for something.
Starting point is 00:17:52 And I'm not saying it has to be a part of the games, but it is definitely for something. Maybe they have thermal shorts and their quad sizes of the shorts run differently. I don't... Or it's climbing. Or it's something different. Do we have a true confirmation or is it just rumor?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Are they actually asking the athletes, the individual athletes, for quad size? Do you know, JR? Are they asking? Have they asked Mr. Hopper? I haven't asked Jason if he's been asked that before. But Sousa said maybe it's because the last time they did a run-swim run in 2017, everyone told you on the behind thethe-scenes that they all cramped because the compressions were too tight.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Oh, and do we know, are they, I'm guessing they're being provided swim shorts again? You would think so. Does GORUCK sell swimwear? No, ROKA, R-O-K-A. That's the provider for the swim gear? They're the official partner of eyewear and swimwear. Okay, so they'll be getting goggles. Flippers?
Starting point is 00:18:54 It's possible. They haven't released any of those details. For a lot of people that think a mile in the water is too skewed to that, no one assumed that they were going to wear flippers that year either. I hope they don't wear flippers uh angelo martinez seven hi angelo let jr talk when he raises the mic he's ready to talk pick up the non-verbal cues thank you thank you i worked with uh disabled mentally disabled adults and uh one of the ways uh we were taught to interact with them was to be very sensitive to the nonverbal cues and I will try to, it's been a while, but I will try to institute, reinstitute, reincorporate those when I interact with JR. So anything else, anything else that you guys could think of?
Starting point is 00:19:41 They wouldn't have climbing, would they? Why not? Because it would be obvious that it was bent for Miss Laura Horvat if they did. I don't think Dave knows Laura Horvat's great at rock climbing. I don't think he knows who Laura Horvat is. Did you see his interview with Emma Lawson? He's like, dang, you're good. You're the future.
Starting point is 00:20:10 You might win the CrossFit Games. Anything else you guys can think of? I think the shorts is a viable guess. viable um i think that's i think that's a viable guess yeah i mean if they do because i do not think it's i do not think it's for a talking point on the commentary no not at all a novelty thing as he said okay so it's it's somehow relevant to some piece of equipment oh is there is it is there anything in strongman or anything where they would be standing in something no Is there anything in Strongman or anything where they would be standing in something? No.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Okay, so there's something exciting there. Possibly. Where do you weigh in? Do you weigh in on it anywhere, JR? Do you think it's something as mundane as just short size? Usually the simplest answer is the one that's the most correct, but I like to think way more on the conspiracy theory side. So I want to say that there's something to it. I'm going to go to the Roka website.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Do they have that question when you buy shorts do they ask anywhere um men's elite uh let me see let me pull this up here that's a good thought go over here to their site and then is this something that is this a swim i don't know shit about swimming men's elite hd jammer swimsuit god that's a horrible name for something you wear around your balls a jammer is this something that they would wear right here? Just so I'm in? I think so, yeah. So I click on that.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And, oh, and they're out. Hey, so that's a good sign that they've used all their stock up for the games. I'm not even joking. It's difficult to have enough stock for all these guys. And then I don't even see a size chart. Add to cart, buy with shop, more payment options, easy return. Add to cart.
Starting point is 00:22:15 They have triathlon suits too. But it's measuring waist, hips, chest, height. Okay. All right. Interesting. And no one's asked Dave that. I haven't watched all the interviews, but I've watched a lot of them, and no one's asked him that yet, right? Not that I can recall.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Okay. We will come back to this. I do have some interesting quotes from people. Before we get to the videos, Chad is the seventh event on Saturday morning. That's when the first cuts will be. Do we know how many cuts there will be? Two. They've announced both of them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:01 So the first cut is after seven events, which is in the seventh event is Saturday morning, which is the chat event. That's the a thousand step ups with the pack on your back. Uh, and when's the second cut? Um, we don't know how many, like after whatever events, but I, you can assume after nine to 10 events because after Saturday it is. So, so Sunday morning, we'll have, we'll have the'll have the 20 okay so so the last event on saturday do we know that for sure yes yes yeah it cuts down to 20 after saturday's last event okay so it cuts down from 40 to 30 and then to 20 okay uh thoughts on that being the uh seventh event uh jr i think if there was a way to get people excited about and or um incentivize the athletes to not mail it in and to actually go for it
Starting point is 00:23:56 that's the best case scenario it's dirty but in the best of ways yeah i agree uh spin thoughts but in the best of ways. Yeah, I agree. Spin, thoughts? Yeah, that's going to hurt. If you know you're 25th to 35th, you just have to sell your soul. Dude, if I'm 35th, we're just getting through it.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Hey, it makes it a thousand times more interesting, just right off the bat, even if it's just generic Chad, because now all of a sudden it's all on the line for 10 of the athletes, right? 25th through 35th. right off the bat even if it's just generic chad because now all of a sudden it's all on the line uh for for 10 of the athletes right 25th through 35th and you have time to process that right like a fast event it just happens you don't really know like oh somebody beat so and so but like if you have 50 minutes to see somebody who is 28th and they're struggling and they're well behind the pace like you can start speculating for the next 20 minutes that they're they got to pick it up i really really really hope like if it is just chad and that's just all it is is that with the step ups and there's nothing else to it that they have a scoreboard like the marathon row
Starting point is 00:25:03 on the big screen where you see every but where everybody is at and then their rep counter is just you know going up or down and you get little lines with everybody the way they did the marathon row i really hope that they have that i think they're going to move the box up the floor at the middle yeah but even then you're still within a hundred of somebody like you don't know where people are at and i think it's fair to say that is not the twist the twist is not just advance the box that's something they do in workouts all the time that's not a twist so we talked about this on shut up and scribble and i know it may be a little bit far-fetched to
Starting point is 00:25:38 hope for something this intricate as far as a new format goes but whoever brought it up first that idea of just having everybody on the field and saying hey if you're one of the top 10 to 500 your workouts done and then now we got 30 left the rest of you the next 10 that gets a 700 first you're done and you finish 11th through 20th and And then now we're left, now we're left with 20. And so that whole conversation about don't punish the people who are fitter by making them do more work and an elimination style workout, do it the opposite way. Cut the people or make the people who are the slowest, who are the slowest. Now you still run into the issue of what if there's someone who's crushed the first six and done really well. And they're, they're going into
Starting point is 00:26:23 that workout intent. So, you know, they're going into that workout in 10th? So you know they're going to make the cut. But for some reason, they're just not good at Chad. And then that person who's, you know, in a top 10 position after half of the workouts, they did a thousand box step ups. But because they were slower, everyone else that's advancing with them, a lot of those guys only did 500. So you still get that argument, but it would still be the best way and it would be a way to force intensity and make a workout like that fun to watch i like that a lot but what if they did go ahead so you're saying make cuts in the workout so at 500 start making whoever hits 500 first has first place yeah i would say like it would be
Starting point is 00:27:02 an elimination but not eliminating the slowest you're eliminating the fastest wow wow that would be amazing what if they did that but at just a hundred and it's just five people then i think it's way too um can you imagine the speed we would see coming out though people would be making decisions and like if it's failing in that decision and if it's just step ups can you imagine the speed and trying to judge at speed so i i don't i don't like it with a 80 pound bag you know so you're saying every hundred cut two people like every hundred two people are out or three people are out. I mean, JR's version is much, much better, and that's what they need to do. But I'm just imagining so many people trying to go so fast
Starting point is 00:27:53 and then just blowing up ridiculously at like rep 400. When you think about what most of the athletes are doing right now, they're doing three minutes on, one or or two minutes off for maybe for 10 rounds. Maybe they're building up to something like that. Or maybe they're doing like a 20 minute AMRAP of step ups just to kind of see what their pace would be when they get about halfway into it. No one's just saying, Hey, let's just do 500 as fast as we possibly can. Or no one's saying, Hey, there's a checkpoint and there's a score here when you're a fourth of the way done and that's one of the scores i don't think a lot of people are training
Starting point is 00:28:30 it that way and it probably wouldn't be smart to train it that way yeah and when dave talked about being a twist it was more about to alleviate the concerns of doing a thousand box step-ups, right? So like doing less work for the better athletes makes sense. I also think that it could just be box step overs. I feel like that would be on the legs. And the judging, there's going to be something there that's going to take the judging out. And so if it's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:29:02 all you have to do is get on the box and get off the other side, it doesn't matter if you open your hip or whatever, I think that could be a viable option. They have to take the judging out, right? Or you just quadruple down about it and say, oh, you think that was a problem? Okay. But inevitably, some people are getting cheated and some people are getting away with things.
Starting point is 00:29:37 It's just that's going to happen no matter what. Not on purpose, but just through human error. Seventh event, the one we know that's before that is the run which is on thursday uh i know that there will be uh obviously five other events in between that first event and seventh event but any thoughts on um the compounding um effects of having a run on thursday and then saturday morning having to get up and do these thousand step ups knowing those two events i think if uh you want the whole field to be able to do both of them, they're spaced as perfectly as they could be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:12 They're the furthest apart from each other. Yeah, that's what he's asking. Yeah, I know. It was just kind of a they can't be spaced anymore. Sure. John, it's slightly better than your answer of it's hot everywhere. That's fair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:32 That's fair. I hate to pick on you, John. Okay, here we go. Victoria Campos, her English is much better than I thought. I think she said she's living, is she living on the Cayman, out in the Cayman Islands? That's her residence i guess but she's at mayhem most of the time yeah she doesn't even sound uh brazilian anymore okay uh let me see
Starting point is 00:30:53 my notes for this 8 15 uh chatter saturday morning um already makes it a thousand times more interesting we talked about that let's uh hear this little bit um i'll say this. It's so it's the last one before the first cut. So talk about the extra added pressure. It's the seventh event prior to it. So it's the Saturday morning event. And then after that, that's when we cut down to 30 so it with with the current mental stress of it there's also that additional pressure because people are going to have to um go faster to make the cut line yeah how bad do you want it that's going to be exactly he had uh duan young on now I don't want anyone to take this like – It's my girl.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I really like it that he's doing this. But let me ask you this first. Is this the first time that's been announced in this interview with Victoria Campos? Yes. It's truly an international sport, more international than probably just about any sport in the world. And yet it's being released in English. Does CrossFit make sure that it's released somewhere on their website somewhere so that these people who don't speak English, who might not like DeJuan Yong, can get this information? i'm i'm by no way i'm not i still think it should be released or whether she can or she can't but it is something that popped up in my head the workouts have not been populated on the website so the answer to your question is no it's not like when dave says that they don't post the workouts so everybody can see it. You have to go to the barbell spin if you want the news that fast.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Okay. And DeJuan Young knows that. Yeah, we have a translator. Okay. Okay. Magnus Holmgren, woke Sevan. I just want equity. I just want to – does anyone here have a problem with that, with him releasing these on here? And, I mean, obviously it can't be translated into every single language, but that it's not even – there isn't a place where this stuff is being gathered in real time after he announces it here.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And it's written in English somewhere besides the barbell spin so that then they can at least know that they need a translator. No one has an issue okay and can you go down here and choose a language for it like is there a is there like can you go subtitles can you go where is that is that in here no like the captions oh subtitles okay on oh but it's only in english? But in South Korea, it would be South Korean. Oh, okay, on their YouTube. Yeah. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:52 I'm sure they have everything adjusted to that anyway. Most media comes out of America. All right. All right. Mike Halpin. Good to see you, buddy. 830 of the Alex Corona interview. Corona asked about the twist.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Dave responds reiterating it's the cut event. That's the twist. Oh, I don't know. Interesting. I got some other video that may say different. Oh, shoot. Also, I already closed the the window I don't think I can get it back but also there's a great time in there for those of you
Starting point is 00:34:33 athletes who already have your level 1 where Victoria Campos asks him hey I already have my level 3 instead of giving me another level 1 seminar can I take my level four and dave says absolutely contact me david i thought that was a beautiful that's awesome yeah i thought that was a beautiful moment okay uh gabby magawa
Starting point is 00:34:58 dave is excited i thought of jr when i saw this because I think that these are the nuances that he looks at. Oh, boy. Dave Castro speaking to Gabby Mugawa about how excited he is about the CrossFit Games this year. Pretty good. Do you have any questions for me or any thoughts? I don't know. Are you excited for the games like i'm extremely
Starting point is 00:35:28 excited i'm so excited i don't know if i've been this excited in a long time because of the new venue because of it's kind of like my return back to the program because i was gone for a year or two and then also this has helped me get excited talking to all of you guys. I usually go into the games. I don't ever know any of the new athletes, all the rookies, no idea who they are. And then some of the old athletes just don't have a close relationship with like, I know you as an athlete, but I've never talked to you like this before. So like for me, having had this or creating this opportunity to talk to all of you, that is making me go into the games just a little, even more excited because I'm going to know all of you guys and have a
Starting point is 00:36:08 relationship that I have not had in the past with everyone. There's some athletes I have a good relationship with, but not everyone. So this is, I'm excited for a variety of reasons. Yes. Oh, you think he's more excited than any other year ever in the history of the
Starting point is 00:36:22 games? Yeah. We're 17 in, 18 in. I think every year he's been asked that question, he said it's his most excited he's ever been. Yeah, this year. Right. Singularly focused on the programming himself.
Starting point is 00:36:39 He said that last week in one of the interviews, and now meeting the athletes. John, do you have any thoughts on what the implications would be that it's the most excited he's been and he has the most intimate relationship with the athletes? I think him as a programmer, it shouldn't have any implications at all because if he has this more intimate relationship with the athletes, he's going to like some more than others.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And if that bleeds in the programming, then he shouldn't be the programmer of the CrossFit Games. And I don't think it does, but I don't think it should implicate anything as far as his job goes. Well, can you see any reason why it should? As he gets to know them better, he changes the programming? No. Any reason? No. I don't. Do you guys think it should? I don reason why it should as he gets to know them better? He changes the programming. No. Any reason?
Starting point is 00:37:25 No. I don't. I don't. Do you guys think it should? I don't think it should. I used to think he keeps them at a distance for that reason. You know, but I will say this.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I think hearing some of their ideas is changing his opinion. Like if he's ever been scared to make the games tough next year, the games are going to be really, really tough because I think he's ever been scared to make the games tough next year the games are going to be really really tough because i think he's getting some feedback from the athletes like what he got from roman last week let's make this thing a fucking bloodbath yeah they've all said they're ready for the they're ready for the beat down and i think uh it's easy to say it's easy to say that when you're in it yeah they should stop saying when you're not in it yet they should stop saying when you're not in it they should stop saying that because it's be careful what you wish for so so we're gonna have 2009 but the modern day version there's gonna be 23 events next year uh virginia spread it spreading
Starting point is 00:38:18 virginia spread again spread again spread again spread again spread again it's very interesting uh Virginia Spreadigan Spreadagian Spreadagian It's a very interesting profile picture Some would say it's a well Who knows Okay, let's keep going Now we get to the part that's juicy
Starting point is 00:38:40 This one's fun spin Here we go This one's up your alley Here we go Yeah, that's really cool Did you come up with this idea with talking with everyone or kind of like someone no i was just i was just sitting there at one of our meetings recently and i was like you know what i think i want to do i'm like i i'm like i just want to interview all the athletes because i was
Starting point is 00:38:59 thinking about like the new athletes and like how i don't know them and i'm like you know how you get to know everyone i could start doing an interview and it'll accomplish a few things. It'll be great content for the community. And it'll be great to get to reconnect with people and meet people. I don't know at all. So it was just like a, and a lot of like the ideas and the programming, it sounds cheesy, but sometimes it just kind of like hit me and I'm like, ah, here's an idea. And then this one, as soon as I had the idea, like I asked Sevan, I'm like, Hey, how do I do interviews with people? And he's like, there's this, there's this a service called StreamYard. So, uh, where'd the idea come from? By the way, he didn't, he didn't, that that's not exactly
Starting point is 00:39:38 accurate. Uh, I think he texts me, you're fucked. I go, what happened? I thought like, maybe I didn't get my media pass. He goes, I'm going to do interviews and kill your channel. I'm like, oh, he's all, I'm like, uh, how long are the interviews? He goes five minutes, which is interesting. Cause they're all over 10 minutes. Right. Yeah. So, so my insight into his originally, he wanted them to be five minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I don't know if you guys remember, he did do a show many, many years ago. That was like three minute interviews. And I did some of them too. And this was like way, way back. I want to say Jr's pissed. Cause Jared doesn't know what I'm talking about. I was like, wait, I know everything some of them too and this was like way way back i want to say jr's pissed because jr doesn't know what i'm talking about jr's like wait i know everything about the game no i know oh okay sorry jr knows uh and this goes way way way back um uh spin uh thoughts on um uh dave doing this he also started this on a saturday and he says he was in a meeting i'm curious who he was in the meeting with and why he's doing this.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I think he's doing it just out of like, fuck this, we need to do stuff. I don't think he gives a fuck about meeting these people. I'm like, and sort of John implied that. I don't think it's going to affect him or he gives a fuck. Well, I don't think he thought it was going to affect him, but it is affecting him. It might affect him emotionally.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I'm just saying I don't think it's going to affect how he programs right i i could see them sitting in a medium like how do we want to do how do we want to highlight athletes and feature them who can we have that does something like that and he's like i'll do it right Right. Like he steps up cause there was no good answers coming out of whoever he's meeting with. Um, and I don't know what it was like when, you know, you obviously you followed him around for many times around the games,
Starting point is 00:41:15 but like, did he interact with many of the athletes other than a handful of them? No, just all the best ones in broke. No, not even, not even like, no even not even i mean no he didn't i don't ever remember him like talking to rich at the games or talking to matt at the games unless it was like hey sign this hat and then he threw it into the crowd i do not remember him in a i mean he didn he didn't even know Emma Lawson was on the podium last year. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:47 The only one I remember is... No, back in the day, though, he... To Danielle. He would. Right, but that was before the games last year during the behind the scenes. Oh, yeah, out there when they're making googly eyes at each other.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah. Yeah. During it, I feel like it's more... As we talk through it, I think it's more about just getting more media out there from CrossFit employees. But I don't think he, when she said, how did he get the idea, I think it was truly impulse.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I think he was sitting there. I also don't think anyone's helping him with this because we're hearing stuff like, oh, I just sent you an email five minutes ago. Thanks for coming on. Like Sousa schedules all my shit. I don't even think Dave has anyone scheduling. Scheduling 80 athletes in a fucking month is crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Yeah. All right. Taylor Self, all right, my work here is done. All right, good to see you. All right, my work here is done. All right, good to see you. Jack Mosley, is this Dave protesting against the CrossFit organizing who he clearly can't do media anymore by doing this in his personal channel? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:01 It would be fun to see Annette do these interviews. I did not expect that out of your mouth Mr. Young wouldn't it though it would be great to see anyone do the interviews I think it's fantastic Chris Giles look at this is pretty woke too Chris Giles Taylor was bullying Halpin damn I missed it Chris Giles, look it. This is pretty woke, too. Chris Giles, Taylor was bullying Halpin.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Damn, I missed it. Okay. Gabby Magawa on the Dave Castro channel doing Gabby Magawa things. Have you guys watched most of these? No. I maybe have watched a quarter of them. Yeah, I missed a couple, but I'd say I missed – Watched all but two or three. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Emma Lawson, I want you to remember this too, this one, because later on when we look at a video of Shelby Neal, she says some stuff that's very interesting as a young athlete that kind of – Wait, what happened? That's Gabby's back? How did Gabby come back? Hi, Gabby. Oh, Emma Lawson, there you are.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Where's Caleb when you need him? Can you guys hear my phone ringing? No. Emma Lawson took second place at the crossfit games uh 19 years old just graduated from high school last june is she 19 i thought she was 18 that was kind of where it was like who is this girl 13 year old what the heck is going on so yeah so it's pretty safe to say that you're potentially like the future female of the sport, the future female champion of the sport. Agree, JR? Future female champion of the sport? Yeah, I think she'll win for sure.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Spin? Probably. Oh, what's wrong? Spin issues with emma lawson no i think if you want to listen to the whole thing uh i hope she doesn't pull a mal listen i i think we're talking okay okay go no no go ahead john i want to hear what you have to say it's about that do you want to wait no no go ahead i think her talking about her mental problems is actually a good thing the fact that she's saying i've kind of was struggling mentally for a little bit, but like we're doing our best. I feel much better now. And yeah, I think that's actually a good thing.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah. Like if you convince about it, it's not you know, you have people in your corner. You got people who care about you no matter what, no matter how you do on a leaderboard. And those people know that that, you know that that's in your head a little bit. I think that's a good thing that she's doing that. What I'm saying is I don't think she'll end up being like Mal. Where Mal's just trapped at hard work pays off. You have to kill yourself every day. You don't want to let Matt down.
Starting point is 00:46:02 And then it just breaks. Right. Go ahead, Spin. every day you don't want to let Matt down and then it just breaks right oh but Jay go ahead spin her coach when this all kind of came out during his little after this after semifinals debrief you know one of the things he said is you know all the analysts out there put a lot of pressure on these athletes they rank them they say they should be good they should they're not gonna do well, etc. And then you have Dave Castro layering on top of it.
Starting point is 00:46:30 It's more than just John Young yelling that she's three ranks down on the mountain. Now you have another person that's at CrossFit saying she's the future. Not the best word. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:46:46 I kind of wish Dave didn't't say that i don't but but i'm saying i think emma's i don't think it's a bad thing that she's talking about it and bringing it to light because i think holding it in when it's there is much worse by the way for anyone's listening that's more woke than anything i've done on the show what john just said john saying saying that Dave shouldn't have said you're going to win. No, no, no, no. For her, like, for her, he doesn't know. Like, I'm not saying he shouldn't have done that. But, like, it's not great for what she's just said she's had struggles with.
Starting point is 00:47:16 JR, I want to ask you a question. Spin, will you turn your mic up a little bit? JR, what's more likely to happen? JR, what's more likely to happen? Taylor Self making it to the CrossFit Games or Emma Lawson winning the CrossFit Games? Taylor making the games. Wow. Spin, is there anyone who hasn't won the games
Starting point is 00:47:37 who's more likely to win the games than Emma Lawson? On the women's side? Male or female. I'd say Ricky's's more likely i'd say roman's more likely as well as well anyone anyone jr do you want to weigh in on that one is there anyone more likely to win the games than uh emma lawson um yeah i'd probably agree with those guys that both roman and ricky i would say are more likely on the women's side i would say emma lawson is the next best one to win the games after laura and tia and you could also say that emma looks like of all the athletes in the field that she
Starting point is 00:48:23 could have a i don't know if dynasty is the right word but multiple wins and it would be hard to say that about anyone on either male or female right now i don't think she's going to distance the women like alex gazan and alexis raptus the way the other dynasties kind of distance themselves. I think those three girls are going to be rivals might be the wrong word, but I think they're all three going to be in it for a while. Fair enough. Okay. Let's keep going. Listening to Ms. Lawson. At this rate, I mean, second place last year, all that history you're talking about. So you're going, you're like,
Starting point is 00:49:03 you're set on going for that podium I'm hoping so yeah yeah that's yeah we'll see what happens though this year's definitely I've definitely noticed some uh mental struggles just not like going all into it can be a lot um so yeah there's just I think this year has actually been the hardest year that i've had just in terms of the mental side of things but yeah i'm hoping to work through those issues myself if you don't mind me asking what do you mean and like what's been tough on that front um i think i've just uh great great follow Follow up, right? Follow up. Yep. Follow up.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Like, I've been extremely successful at such a young age that I feel like I've associated a lot of my self-worth to a placing on a leaderboard. And yeah, I think just like trying to find the fun in it or making sure that I'm still having fun with it and not getting caught up in feeling pressure or, you know, putting these crazy expectations on myself. So, yeah, that's just been something I've been trying to work through. But, yeah, I think once I can get through that, which I think it'll always be a work in progress. But, yeah, I definitely do obviously still enjoy this a lot. So. She sounds so smart, right? Like, Hey, I'm not going to fix this. This is going to be a work in progress. You, you like her answer, JR? Yeah. It sounds very mature. I will say, um,
Starting point is 00:50:38 when we first started talking about Emma, you, you know, asked, uh, you said is Dave kind of reiterating how good she is and how much promise she has and all that, really not what she wanted to hear, what she doesn't want to hear. And I'll just say that I think there are very, very, very few instances in a young man or woman's life where a compliment and or someone believing in them is negative. So I think that is there someone out there
Starting point is 00:51:12 that doesn't need to hear those things? Maybe so. But I think most oftentimes than not, that's all young people want, is they want to know people believe in them and they want to receive compliments from them that's it yeah but but do you think it's good like you don't give those affirmations to jason or do you think it's more important on the for women than men like would you approach that
Starting point is 00:51:36 differently uh answer my question first are you gonna deny to deny that? Sorry, Simon. That's okay. Yours was good too. I give him compliments. You do? Yeah. All right. You say so. That's from a man who doesn't talk to her. What I was going to say about daughters is I have two of them, so maybe ask me again when they're 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Clearly the female athlete is different than the male athlete. I mean, just in terms of, I think, in terms of the mechanisms which... Have we had a single male athlete openly talk about this or drop out? Because the only person I can think of that maybe... Now I'm saying that he struggled. He had a really, really hard year. Who's the guy at Underdogs who split? DeLugos.
Starting point is 00:52:30 DeLugos. But he also wasn't at the highest level. Close, right? Palladino. Didn't Palladino drop out? Right. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Draw your dagger. JR giving a compliment head nod uh tomorrow sponsor for kill Taylor twenty five hundred dollars no one will win it so if you're if you only like the show to see people win it do not watch tomorrow no one will win tomorrow uh Taylor is on complete fucking
Starting point is 00:53:00 fire uh if the semifinals were today he would probably uh raise up five spaces. His fitness is just outstanding right now. It's like he's preparing for the games. Graciano's coming in hot this evening. Just gained another fan. HDR CBD Athletics.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Thank you, Carl, for your second sponsorship of Kill Taylor. I got the gummies. Tomorrow I'm going to eat one on the air. We'll see what happens. If got the gummies. Tomorrow I'm going to eat one on the air. We'll see what happens. If it affects me. If it chills me out. If it does chill me out, we should probably give Taylor like five after every workout.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Ryan Garrison. I think Mr. Howell has a point here. I think that confidence from others can be interpreted as pressure to athletes like Emma who know they have potential. Here's the thing. There's a nuance to it. If your mom believes in you, it helps you. When someone like Dave Castro says it, I don't think it helps you. Now, I don't think that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I don't think it's anything you should try to control. It's just part of the fucking landscape. I don't think it helps if John Young or Brian Spinn or Seva Matosian are giving you feedback. I really don't. I think it's a double-edged sword. You think you want to take the good, but it ends up being – then Hiller makes a video on you and unravels your shit. Like, you've got to be able to take the good and the bad and throw it away.
Starting point is 00:54:12 But if your mom believes in you, I think it's good. JR, you think that's an important nuance? Yeah, I could see that. But do you think it would be better for mental space if Dave said, I don't think you got it. I don't think it's going to happen. Not everybody is fueled off vindication. And I mean, I'm someone that is.
Starting point is 00:54:37 And there are a lot of people out there that are. But I wonder if at 18 or 19, you know that's who you are. All I want you to do is tell me I can't do it. Yeah, Colton clearly, right? Because, because, because I only do it for the doubters, like that kind of mentality. Yeah. And, and I mean, that can come from a lot of different places in life. It can come from a parent, not believing in you. That's where it came from with me. My dad came up to me when I was 16 or 17 and said, what's your plan for school for college? And I said, well, I'm going to play college basketball. And he said why would that happen you've never been you've
Starting point is 00:55:09 never gotten one recruitment letter from anyone and from that day on all that i was going to do is get a scholarship to play basketball so i mean i guess it can happen at a really young age but the whole point of that was to say you want him to say oh so you're not you're not the second coming you're not the yeah that's come on uh she is i want him to say good luck i hope you do great like like neither you'll have to be like you're either the second coming or i don't think you got it you don't have to say either of those. If he truly doesn't know her and she's just kind of newly came out about mental struggles
Starting point is 00:55:52 and then he comes out with you're the second coming, like, I bet you maybe he didn't feel anything at all. But like, all i would want to say is what do you want to do oh you're pretty good okay well we'll see how you do this year you know that's it not one one or the other that's what i would have if i was her coach or like i knew her that's what i would have wanted would have wanted from it not neither of the other extremes you
Starting point is 00:56:24 know what i mean and i i don't think it's a bad thing i think it's fine again she's talking about it openly so i think it's fine i don't think it's bad or good but if i was her coach or like her parent or her you know anybody close to her that's how i would have wanted it to go if she makes the podium this year under uh uh tia and Gazan, she will be the most remarkable young talent that's ever come out of the sport. She'll pass everyone. She already has made the podium over Gazan.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Do you think that she's a more remarkable talent than Mal O'Brien right now? No. Spin? No. Spin? No, not yet. But close. She's getting there, right? Yeah, I think she's close. Second to Tia, yes. I don't think Mal is close to Tia.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Oh, so you consider Tia a remarkable young talent also? No, I'm saying if Emma comes second this year, then yes, I would saying if Emma comes second this year. Second or third. Yeah. Then, yes, I would say she is. I think if Emma took second, I would be amazed. Yeah, that would be crazy. But not impossible.
Starting point is 00:57:34 No, it's not impossible. There's a handstand push-up event, almost likely. Jared, there will be a handstand push-up event. A hard one, where that's the crux. There will be a hard one, right, Jared? handstand push-up. A hard one where that's the crux. There will be a hard one, right, Jared? I think so, yes. Like one that wounds Laura.
Starting point is 00:57:56 I'm not going to say that, no. But I think there is going to be a handstand push-up workout where the handstand push-ups will ultimately decide who does well and who doesn't. Annie wanted 22. No. Yes, you're probably right, but Annie, that was a, I hate to say it, but it was just a different era. Two podium finishes before the age of 20, I would say she's the best youngest athlete,
Starting point is 00:58:20 whatever your original question was, that's ever been in the sport. Just another podium finish. Taylor Self has stolen the show by's ever been in the sport. Just another podium finish. Taylor Self has stolen the show by fighting with people in the chat. Please feel free to mute the show if you can't read and listen to us at the same time. We will not be offended. Okay, Emma Lawson.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Good to see you, Emma. Taylor's had a rough evening. We got some unfortunate news today. He's pregnant. Why would that be unfortunate? Because he's not a believer. He doesn't think men can get pregnant. So it would be kind of like a...
Starting point is 00:59:00 Oh, you mean in the literal sense? Yeah, yeah. Gotcha. Can you share with us what the news was? No. Okay. Do you think he'll share it on tomorrow's show? Yeah. Daisy McDonald, she's coming on the show soon.
Starting point is 00:59:20 She's Hayley Adams' training partner in Australia. This question is going to also... God, this is like the J.R. Howell show. This one's also going to tickle Mr. Howell. Here we go. This is her first trip to the CrossFit Games. Australian women are, in my mind, on average, significantly more confident than American women at a young age. Anyone want to dispute that? I know it's across the game show, but I'm just saying, like,
Starting point is 00:59:49 they just seem more confident, more sure of themselves, better orators. I think it's just the culture that makes them seem more confident, but I don't think they are. Oh, okay. Tia was not confident. Yeah, Tia was. I think she think they are. Oh, okay. Tia was not confident. Yeah, Tia was. I think she was the opposite. Great, good point.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Okay, I stand corrected. Daisy McDonald. These interviews have been really good. I've been enjoying them. Thank you. My question for you is, what would you rate as the most iconic CrossFit Games moment ever? Oof like the most iconic CrossFit Games moment ever?
Starting point is 01:00:27 The most iconic cross the most iconic CrossFit Games moment ever Dave Castro will answer that shortly remember join your local My name is Steven Roberto and 26 years old I'm from Ecuador and I go to Salty Hive CrossFit. My first day was so nice, all the people were like, oh, let's go because it was wall walks, love wall walks. I did this and everyone was like, oh yeah, you cross that. I just felt good, not because they were saying that to me, just because the intention of them,
Starting point is 01:01:09 which was filling me, make me feel comfortable here. And I love that. I love that I felt the warmth of the place and that was really good. I was going home and I remember like driving, I was like, I like that a lot. And then here I am, I have more than two years here. I'm like, I like that a lot. And then here I am. I think I have more than two years here.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I'm like, I'm not quitting this place. I moved pretty far from here. But still, I always try to make it. I'm like, I don't mind to drive a lot because for me that's the place where I love to be. I get all my problems out and I just come here, have fun, suffer of course, of all the bunch of workouts that we had, very hard. But that's the point. I mean, like, nobody, like, obligates you to do it.
Starting point is 01:01:55 It's just how I like it here and how it makes me feel always every single day. This is my peace space and happy enjoy enjoy everything here welcome back to the cross the games update show let's take a small break to analyze the dave castro what you're about to see in this clip is she asks him a question what's the most iconic moment and this is truly a moment where we actually see dave come completely present and just let his first thoughts come out of his mind no editor zero editor now john during that i'm going to ask you a question to see if you can do that. I'm going to test you so you can see how potent that is.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I'm going to test you to see if you can do that. You can be completely present, and I'm going to ask you a question. So I was just outside because I drank a Fit Aid, and it went straight through me, and I went outside and peed. And for the first time in my life, I became aware of what hand I hold my penis in when I pee. Do you know what hand you hold your penis with when you pee? Yeah, you do. Just been, do you know which hand you hold your penis with? Yes. Do you know Jr? Yep. Wow. I didn't even know. I hold my penis with my left hand when I pee and I use my right hand to hold my pants down. You know what I mean? Like to make sure they're not putting pressure on the vase deference or on the scrotum or anything. And then to hold my pants down. You know what I mean? Like to make sure they're not putting pressure on the vas deferens
Starting point is 01:03:25 or on the scrotum or anything. And then I hold my penis in my left hand. I had no idea. If you would have asked me before, what hand do you hold your penis with, I would have said right because I'm right-handed. Good, good. I'm glad that you found that out for yourself.
Starting point is 01:03:41 All right. Back to the show. So notice how greatave is here with this answer uh how notice the psychology of how he just just flows i mean i'm really impressed of how vulnerable he is as they say uh with the uh what's a parlance parlance and uh psychological parlance how present he is how vulnerable um my question for you is what would you rate as your like the most iconic crossfit games moment ever the most iconic crossfit games moment ever it's interesting when you say that a few moments passed through my mind one because i
Starting point is 01:04:20 thought about it and talked about it earlier was was the churning around of the athletes at the 2020 games at the ranch, making them do that second lap. Because it was something we could never do anywhere else. We couldn't do that with 40 people. We couldn't do that with a big production. So that was pretty unique. I also, when you ask that right now, the other thing that flashed through my mind was the first ever event.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And that's what I saw when you ask that right now like the other thing that flashed in my mind was the first ever event and like that's what i saw when you said that and only because like i had no idea what that meant at the time i had no idea like that that first event we did at the crossfit games was gonna lead to this thing and where we are now and people like you dedicating their lives to compete okay uh quick question on both those answers. JR, why can't they do it? So he just ruled out ever doing that again at an event, turning people around? For those of you who don't know, Matt Fraser, there were only five people at the CrossFit Games that year. Matt Fraser came running down the hill thinking he was done with the run,
Starting point is 01:05:19 and Dave pointed, nope, you're only halfway, and they surprised the athletes. Does that mean that's out, JR? They'll never surprise the athletes does that mean that's out jr they'll never surprise the athletes again yeah i think there's uh there are two crossfit games events that probably should never be programmed again because you can only do it once and i would depending on what the twist for chad is maybe put chad in there too um but one is that trail run and the other is chaos. And I don't think they should be done again. Is chaos when they did grace and had to do grace again and didn't tell them
Starting point is 01:05:50 until they got, I didn't know how many reps they had to do of all the movements. Oh, 2018. Oh, that's not our one. I didn't pay attention to that event either. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:03 And, and, and then he also said the, the first event ever at the CrossFit Games. What was that event? The Hopper, right? But what was the actual? But what was the actual event? Very first event.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Five rounds, 500-meter row, seven shoulder to overhead, and 25 pull-ups. Something like that? Am I right, JR, or how off am I? There's a great story I remember in that workout where Freddie Camacho said that he was doing pull-ups next to Chris Spieler, and he thought to himself, what the fuck is this guy doing here? What's this little midget doing here?
Starting point is 01:06:45 And then he looked over, and Spieler was gone, and he thought Spieler tapped and what the fuck is this guy doing here? This guy, what's this little midget doing here? And then he looked over and Spieler was gone, and he thought Spieler tapped and dropped out of the workout, but Spieler actually won it. What's that noise? I hear a noise, like a... I don't hear it. All right. We won't wait for JR to come back.
Starting point is 01:07:05 We'll continue. Qualify to the CrossFit Games. What's that again? Is he looking at what the workout is? Who knows? Maybe his electricity went out. So those two things pop out to me as powerful moments in the history of the Games for me, for sure.
Starting point is 01:07:26 And, you know, there's so many moments inside of the Coliseum, inside of Madison that were powerful. And honestly, even when I say that, not that it's a positive, but something that pops through my mind is watching Brooke's elbow, you know, break when it broke. I know, bad, but that's just what popped to my mind right now. So I have a lot of moments like that that might not necessarily be the typical iconic moment for a fan or for an athlete just because I'm viewing it from a very different lens. And on that, I also don't necessarily view the events from a spectator lens. I'm very much viewing him from like my role organizing and making sure everything is working, making sure the test is performing the way I want it to relative to what I had planned.
Starting point is 01:08:13 So, um, so yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Uh, Daisy McDonald, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:20 trained with Haley Adams of Australia coming to the United States, headed straight to Mayhem where she will train with Hley Adams of Australia, coming to the United States, headed straight to Mayhem, where she will train with Hayley Adams of CrossFit fame, Mayhem fame. Top ten finishers at the CrossFit Games. That's kind of cool. Will Daisy finish? Will Daisy make the first cut, John? I doubt it. Mr. Spann?
Starting point is 01:08:44 No. No. No. I don't know if I should ask JR. He doesn't look like he's really in the space to answer any questions. Does he? What are y'all's moment? The greatest moment of the CrossFit Games? You tell us, John.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I mean, for you guys. I want to know. I want to know you. I'll tell mine after. you know what i really liked i mean there's so many but i really liked when um ricky i think it was ricky and justin were doing the sandbag lift and they both were going beyond what they thought was capable and you could feel the kind of the tense vibe between them and they kept having to get up and get up again psychologically to go out there and put the bag on them and do the heil hitler i thought that was fucking crazy that like i never
Starting point is 01:09:35 thought that i don't even think dave was at the game was was that the year uh that was 2022 that was the bods year odds year yeah i thought that was wild yeah I thought that was wild because I thought that event was going to be shit it was great last like 20 minutes of it Mr. Spin do you have one the
Starting point is 01:09:57 21159 complex in 2014 with Rich that one sticks out. Yeah, that one, I always just remember just how awesome it was to watch him. You knew he had to do something and he did it. And just watching him just dominate was great. JR, what kind of problems are you having right now?
Starting point is 01:10:24 Some Wi-Fi issues, apparently. By the way, I also, while I was out there holding my penis in my left hand, I figured out what Taylor's bad news was. Did you? Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. He didn't make the games? Yes, that is accurate.
Starting point is 01:10:44 You don't know how true that is that is 100 percent it jr what's your what's what do you think the greatest moment the crossfit games was greatest moment ever yeah uh what do you say great you mean like what brought me the most joy what gave me the the most chills or what yeah what gave you the most chills is probably the best moment for you i would say that it would be my definition um because i have a distinct one that like like made me like this man this is this is the greatest thing I've ever seen. I want to throw my life into this. It's when the What Can't This Guy Do
Starting point is 01:11:30 when Matt Fraser won the sprint. Oh, God, that was so good. Just because he was so bad at sprinting the year before. And I know there's the whole, like they did the handstand walk beforehand and he recovers the best out of everybody. But for him to win the heat, I know he didn't win the event, but for him to win the heat and beat Ben Smith like he did,
Starting point is 01:11:54 which was the guy that he was going against, like you see that camera shot of him passing Ben Smith in the documentary at least, and then you have Sean's call. I'm like, that guy works his weaknesses like nobody else. And, like, that is a champion. And that's what made me, like, a big fan of Frazier's. But that's my favorite moment in all of CrossFit Games. It's so simple, just a freaking sprint.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Like, but I love that moment. And the story's great, how he had to work out with her he you know and we just went to the local high school and started sprinting with those kids like that's that's awesome mr howell um we won't hold you to it you could change your mind after the show thanks i appreciate that uh i want to make sure that i'm like speaking truthfully and i haven't forgotten about anything um i really think that the race and post celebration ofpull is still probably one of the most iconic things I've ever seen with Josh and Rich.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Amazing. Do you think it's because everybody expected Rich to win, to come back and win like he was, and then it just looked like it was going to happen and Josh staved him off? No, I think it was because everyone knew Rich had to do well or going into the final day he wasn't going to have the lead. So I think there was a little bit more drama there
Starting point is 01:13:32 because the guy that everyone thought should be in the lead wasn't at that point. I could really feel JR's energy when he talks about his favorite moment in CrossFit history. Oh, almost. When Froning grabbed Fraser's chalk, was it? And this doesn't
Starting point is 01:13:50 surprise me at all. How happens this? Carrie Pierce doing Mary. Great moment. It was good. And it fits you perfectly, Halpin. It does, right? It does. It fits him perfectly. I don't know why it was so funny. Oh, you do know why it's so funny but
Starting point is 01:14:06 no one wants to say okay uh listen uh can you win the spirit of the games award before the games the fuck you can yes we already have our spirit of the games award winner uh before the games even starts uh maddie sturt it's exactly where i want it to be. Yeah, okay. That sounds cool. So you, I was looking at your history, 2016, 17, 18, and 19, you qualified for the Games. Yeah. 2020, 21, 22, and 23, you did not qualify for the Games. No.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Okay. That's a big gap. It is. Okay. The goal was definitely to still be qualified. But, yeah, that wasn't the case. But, yeah, I'm pumped to be back this year. Well, congratulations on getting back. Dude, I think that's solidified.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Do you guys feel me on that? That's it. It's done. That's the spirit of the games. Four years, you make it to the games. Fucking Tia shows up and just starts fucking up the whole region. You have the most dominant athlete ever. There's no chance of you going. She's a fucking midget.
Starting point is 01:15:29 She stays with it. What about Brandon Luckett? Great. Great. I mean, it's great. It's good. I like Brandon Luckett. Literally the same story, just a little bit different.
Starting point is 01:15:40 It's a little different. Do you think you can win the Spirit of the Games Award before the games even start? Do you think that makes her a contender? Do you think that should be taken into consideration? Yeah, I think she's a cont different. Do you think you can win the Spirit of the Games award before the games even start? Do you think that makes her a contender? Do you think that should be taken into consideration? Yeah, I think she's a contender for sure. I think we should rename the award, though. I think it should be called the Cole Sager Award. I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 01:15:56 I think that's actually cool. I think that would actually be cool. I sincerely do. Yeah, I do too. I like that. You like that, Spin? Let him retire first. Yeah, right, too. I like that. You like that spin? Let him retire first. Yeah, right. I agree.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I want him to rename it right now and he can win his named award. How many times have you won it? I think they only let you win it once. I don't think they give it to you again after you won it. If there was going to be anyone to give a name to that award,
Starting point is 01:16:24 I think that's who it would be. I was just thinking the whole time you guys were talking about Maddie Sturt being spirit of the games, I think we should pencil her in for a comeback athlete of the year. Is there a comeback award? If there isn't, there should be. That's a good point. I'd be down for a comeback award.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Look at this word count. John Young is at 37,398. Maso menos. But JR's is spot on accurate. 376 on the button. No need to fact check that one. All right. Maddie Sturt.
Starting point is 01:17:02 And also, you know what's interesting about her? All right, Maddie Sturt. And also, you know what's interesting about her? You have her who's in a training camp right now and training side-by-side the most confident person in the CrossFit Games. Then next to her, her boyfriend, Jay Crouch, is like on a rocket ship. Like the boy's feeling himself he's found himself and like he's verbalizing things about what he wants he is like he's not there to participate in the games he's there to get on the podium and then you have her someone who's like scrambled in worked her ass off
Starting point is 01:17:44 and made it in after four years. I wonder what that, they're all kind of on three different planes. You know what I mean? With where they want to go. Whereas I think maybe Ricky and Alex Kazan who are training with each other, they're closer to being on the same page psychologically.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Yeah, I can see that. I think something switched with jay like something clicked on how to approach the competition how to train better like i mean he's on another level you put his headspace in jason hopper and you might have a a podium winner in hopper you put crouch's headspace maybe in hopper i think jason's gonna surprise this year i hope so i hope so i mean after watching that the documentary that came out today i feel really confident that he'll make the first cut i mean the first two events that have been announced are he should be good at these events
Starting point is 01:18:46 too like there's nothing that's oh yeah i would say it's going to be bad so far i i think at this uh level i always forget how important headspace is whenever athletes are like so much matters what's between your ears like when i hear them say it i'm like fuck you that you've that that sounds just like an excuse but when i interview people like it, I'm like, fuck you. That sounds just like an excuse. But when I interview people like Crouch, I'm like, ooh, wow, he's in a good headspace. JR, do you think, because I know Jason's very distracted right now with the Tour de France. Do you think that's a good thing for him or no?
Starting point is 01:19:19 Who? Who's distracted by it? Hopper. Me and Hopper have have this really big bet on the Tour de France. The loser has to bike 100,000 meters on the biker in one sitting. He has to do it before the games.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I don't know if he's told you that yet, JR. You have to do it the day after the Tour de France. How far do you have to bike? 100,000 meters in one sitting it's going to take four to five hours uh there's no way hopper will do that if he loses the bet he shouldn't do it jerry should not let him do that do you think that's bad though that he's distracted that distracts him or is that
Starting point is 01:20:02 a good thing i don't think it distracts him but i think it's good to have lots of other things that you can think about and uh do for hobbies other than just sitting sitting around thinking about your cadence on chad yeah dude watching the tour de france is inspirational i think i'm on that side doesn't seem like it uh john young sub five burpee as a clydes. What's that mean, sub-five burpee? Oh, that's the greatest moment in all of fitness is what he's saying when I went sub-five minutes. Oh, oh. I was like outside of myself looking at myself like killing myself,
Starting point is 01:20:39 and then it happened. Did you really have an out-of-body experience? I couldn't feel anything until I felt everything. Wow. John, was that the first time you think you've been in flow? No, I've been in,
Starting point is 01:20:53 I've been in flowing machines plenty, um, in a workout that is not lifting. Probably. That's cool. It's a cool feeling. If I barbell cycling, I can get in a really good group barbell cycling and just not think about anything
Starting point is 01:21:09 But never never in running. I've never had any kind of a flow running Earlier Mike Halpin said something about the twist being that with Chad being that it is the Event that's the the final event before the cut. But this makes me think there's something else. Good job. I just get excited to see what I'm like, what's going to happen. But I don't know. Are you excited about Chad?
Starting point is 01:21:39 Yeah. Yeah. When you announced it, I was like, what the hell? But I did some like a little variation of it because I've never actually done it before. So I think it would be pretty cool to do it at the Games for, like, the first time. I mean, I said I'd do it before in training, but...
Starting point is 01:21:55 I guarantee you it'll be pretty fucking cool to do for the first time at the Games. It's going to be a very unique experience. You guys will enjoy it. So what's the twist? Oh, you'll have to wait and see. Hey, it's a unique experience, meaning this Chad that they're going to do there cannot be done at home.
Starting point is 01:22:21 This Chad they are going to do is going to be a unique iteration of Chad that cannot ever be replicated again other than at Dickies. I think Dave likes it when people can replicate the workout, though, especially a hero workout. I think it's more that you're going to have nowhere else can you have 9,000 people cheering for you while you're doing Chad, not you can't replicate it. Well, I mean mean that's only going to happen in the last 100 step ups i don't think anybody's cheering in rep 443 listen listen listen
Starting point is 01:22:53 one more time and then at the game i want to see if i can get jr to be on my side here we go yeah it's going to be and it's going to be a very unique experience you guys will enjoy it is it so what's what's the twist, you'll have to wait and see. It's a good question. I commend you for asking, but you're going to have to wait and see. Before we go, do you have any questions for me?
Starting point is 01:23:18 JR. I think before that, he said, you're going to have fun doing it at the games, I guarantee. Isn't that that he said, you're going to have fun doing it at the games, I guarantee. Isn't that what he said? Like that we watched him say? Yeah, it was right before we just showed. I don't know. Are you excited about Chad?
Starting point is 01:23:38 Yeah, when you announced it, I was like, oh, what the hell? I did some, like a little variation of it because I've never actually done it before. So I think it'll be. Before that or? No, no, let him go. Okay. Pretty cool to do it at the games for, like, the first time, unless I do it before in training.
Starting point is 01:23:58 I guarantee you it'll be pretty fucking cool to do for the first time at the games. It's going to be a very unique experience. You guys will enjoy it. What's the twist? You'll have to wait and see. It's a good question. I commend you for asking, but you're going to have to wait and see. Before we go, do you have any
Starting point is 01:24:17 questions for me? Man, I think it's going to be one of those things where John's going to go, that's not Chad. I sounded very happen-like there. There's a lot of scenarios that we've talked about that would not be Chad. If it's not 1,000 step-ups with a 45-pound ruck, 45-35, it's not Chad. If it's not a thousand step-ups with a 45 pound ruck, 45-35, it's not Chad. So if you're already
Starting point is 01:24:47 not going to beat Chad, you might as well make it super great to watch. I'm going to let it be Chad whatever it is. JR will get back to us next week on the answer to this question. Here we go. this is a fun moment
Starting point is 01:25:06 him and Bailey Martin Bailey Martin's feeling himself too by the way this is a great interview Bailey's so chill he's feeling himself and then Boz and the rest of the guys would do the age group stuff but since we don't have the age groups now yeah that's true
Starting point is 01:25:23 yeah that's exciting it That's exciting. I'm excited. It's going to be a lot of fun. Oh, it is. New arena. New arena, new city, new vibe. It's going to be good. A lot of new
Starting point is 01:25:38 things. There'll be some other new things coming out too. It's going to be a good one. Do you reckon some new champions? Oh, that's a great question.'m not gonna i'm not gonna answer that question uh i don't want to piss off too many people the thing is uh here's we want beef we want some beef i don't want beef with me i don't want i don't want to be the source of beef i've been the source of enough beef in the past i don't want to be the source of beef. I've been the source of enough beef in the past. I don't need that going forward. So I can't answer that question. All right.
Starting point is 01:26:10 You know what I thought when I watched this? I thought, what was that event where they had to carry the three objects across the field and they could carry them in any order and it was fucked up, man. Strongman Sphere? Yeah. What an amazing, did you guys like that? Did you like that event, JR? Yeah, it's one of my favorites for sure.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Probably top five. Just looking at the field before even the athletes came out, you were like, oh, no. Right? I mean, I was excited when I saw that stuff. Yeah, those farmer carries were nuts, right? Isn't that what they did? They had some crazy farmer's carry?
Starting point is 01:26:43 Slater logs. Is that what it was? Yeah, and every athlete said those were the hardest object by far and what were the other two a yoke and what was the other one i can't remember the other one just a sled pull you put the straps around you and then you pull it to pull a sled of weight something i gleaned off of dave there i don't know what, but I think they're going to have very, something very similar to that this year. What do you think? Yeah. Well, he definitely said some new things,
Starting point is 01:27:10 which is cool. Um, but I think it won't be a lot of new things. I don't think there will be more than one new thing in any one event. He said that before on interviews that he thinks if there's something new, then it needs to be like on its own in a workout without multiple things kind of taking the attention away from that one new movement or implement. I'd say two or three. I would say like the over under would be it would be it like two and a half, like for how many new movements or implements.
Starting point is 01:27:42 But then you start talking about, well, what's new? Like if they like if they did knees to elbows, that's not a new movement, and it's been around since the early days, but it's never been programmed in a competition program by CrossFit, by the CrossFit Games. What about that Husafell bag? Do you think that's new? No, because it's been done. No, but even the first time it was shown, it's basically just a sandbag.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Would you throw that in the new category? No. Yeah, me neither. It's cool. I like it, but it's not new. What about that thing that they pushed? The snail? Is that what it was? That thing was ridiculous too. Like a bale of hay? Yeah too that was like a bale of hay
Starting point is 01:28:26 yeah it was like a bale of hay that didn't there was no transfer to us as the audience for having any appreciation of how hard that was that'd be something really cool for them to bring back it's been a lot of years you know you know the pig kind of took a hiatus and then it's been back for a few years in a row now so it'd be cool if something like the Like the snail or fuck the snail. I'd be pork tanker snail Do you like this nail Jr. The tumbler too in the slug Or what about what about some pills A pill thruster I don't know what that is
Starting point is 01:29:08 It's like a little baby worm Oh the thing Alright Oh shit I almost accidentally ended the show Okay here Earlier we talked about We talked about a subject that seems to be We can't get away with People's psychological state when they're young, going all in with CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:29:30 But here we go. Shelby Neal takes a shot at it. Here we go. Back and forth and figuring out my life. I was in college and studying engineering, and so I really was interested in that. And then I had aspirations to join the military, and so I kind of was getting pulled a lot of different ways and a young 20 year old trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and so now I'm doing you know everything I want to be doing which is great but definitely had like the five years was me figuring out like who am I and what am I going
Starting point is 01:30:00 to do and how am I going to be happy and enjoy you know this crazy life so you so you didn't go into the military I ended up not I I just had more interest in engineering and um I didn't want to really give up CrossFit and so I kind of went all in and then or well all in and have a job still but all in using my job and it's the games last year so it was great it all worked out and you graduated from your engineering program yeah NC State okay the um and then so in that journey while you were so when did you graduate two years ago or three years so that's her path right so I think she went to the CrossFit Games as a kid and then she has a four or five years of of just kind of like trying to figure out what she's going to do.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Military is an option. She has schooling as an option. I mean, she's been on the show a bunch of times. Anyone who's talked to her knows she's fucking sharp as a tack. Um, and then she, she figures out her shit,
Starting point is 01:30:55 right? She got a fucking boyfriend in place. She's talking about moving to, uh, I think Vermont, she said she's got a job. Uh, he goes on to say she doesn't,
Starting point is 01:31:04 I don't think she does any other events. I think she's just a CrossFit Games athlete. I don't think she does the Paloozas and the Rogues and the, like, she's just, she's doing her shit and she figured her shit out. As opposed to, it's more the Pat Vellner route, right? As opposed to who? it's more the pat velner route right as opposed to who as opposed well there's that that route also but i mean just as opposed to just being all in she doesn't seem like she's like a lot of these people want to be a professional athlete and so they want to go all in thank you jr uh she wants to be all in and um she's not she's not worried about being all in.
Starting point is 01:31:45 She's not worried about, like, giving up her job and being a full-time CrossFit Games athlete. Like, she already is a full-time CrossFit Games athlete, and she's in there. She's managing a more complex life, but it also looks like it's bringing her some sanity. Yeah, I think Vellner's a good comp for that. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:03 That's what Vellner did, right? Yeah. Yeah, I think Vellner's a good comp for that. Right, that's what Vellner did, right? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, then he also, I mean, Fikowski also had a job for the longest time until he got really successful. Yella had one. He just quit in the last year. So, I mean, the several that have gone that route, we'll see which way she goes, whether she continues to work or – And yellow is a little bit different because he's older.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Like I understand like if you had a job, like if in three years Shelby's in the top five and she's like, hey, I'm going to quit my job for a year and try to be all in. I get it. But like right now – what did we hear from Emma that we've heard over and over from athletes like the leaderboard is everything is part of my identity and i don't want to poo-poo that as andrew hiller was saying recently like hey if that's part of your journey that you need to go on awesome do that and i'm with people like if you want to go that route there's some important lessons there and some realizations that you can come out the other side but this this girl is doing the the velner route and it's doable
Starting point is 01:33:18 and i remember the old documentaries um not the old ones but like uh like the 15 16 ones when they were like if you want to make the games like that's all you can do like you can't go to school you can't have a job um and they said that like three years straight when they were talking about this is the CrossFit Games, right? And it's cool that people show that you can have a life outside of CrossFit and still be this fit. Mike Albin was nice enough to send me a text message. Maybe we'll put the thigh measurement thing to rest. He said, these are the only people who are asking for thigh size.
Starting point is 01:33:48 How big are CrossFit Games athletes' legs? We got the answers from Justin Medeiros, Ariel Owen, and more. Okay, so maybe it isn't the CrossFit Games that are asking it. All those competing at the CrossFit Games this summer are of different heights, body weights, and have different overall physical builds. Their thigh sizes are very close to one another, at least our admittedly unscientific sample size of 11 women and 7 men. Alright.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Well, there you go. Put that to rest. Bethany Flores, 23 inches. Maddie Sturt, 23.5. Paige Cementa, 23.5. Emily Rolfe, 24. Wow. Who would have thought Emily Rolfe... I really, really want to know Danny Spiegel's quad size. I'm not saying that because hers has to dwarf these numbers.
Starting point is 01:34:29 It's just fun to look at the outliers. Of course. James Sprague, 26.5. Cole Sager, 19.5. That was a joke. Oh, here we go. 19.5. Cole Sager is actually 25 inches. Oh The last line says she didn't answer Oh Sadly, she decided to leave her measurements mystery, but she did confirm. She has Fikowski Sprague and Madero's all beat Wow That's impressive I'm gonna measure mine
Starting point is 01:35:05 You think hers are bigger than Carl Saunders I think so Yeah I think so John Young has spoken JR don't worry two is enough That's good A sample
Starting point is 01:35:22 Also You got time for one more, JR? Sure. Okay. Georgia Pryor from Australia. She also touches the subject of new implements. Did anyone watch her video? I haven't. Yeah. The audio is tough. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Maybe not movement wise, but maybe efficiency wise. How can I get this sandbag over my shoulder quicker or, you know, like running on the beach, what part of the beach is better to run on? Cause I'm not familiar with that. So yeah, there's still a learning on the spot with efficiency, but I don't think yet I've been hit with a movement because I'm not familiar with that. So, yeah, just sort of learning on the spot with efficiency. But I don't think yet I've been hit with a movement that I'm not sure about. Because usually you get told the movement before the comp, so you might have time to practice it.
Starting point is 01:36:15 So she's saying I don't got any problem with any movements. I'm good. I got it. Now Dave responds. You're okay here. I think you'll be hit with something at this year's game. Okay. Well, that's if I'm pulled something at this year's game. Okay. Well, let's see if I can pull it off.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Yes. You might have some time to practice it, though, but I think you'll be some things. Okay. That's exciting. Do you... Some things. That's fun, right?
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah. Yeah, I like that stuff. And it's not going to be double under crossover stuff. You really didn't like those, did you? No. And I'm so happy the swim
Starting point is 01:36:58 is in a lake after a run. I'm so glad it's like that. I'm not interested in seeing them in the pool fuck the pool you didn't like the ski swim event i thought that was a really cool event i did i did like it i did like it but fuck the pool still fuck the pool okay uh um one more final one for j we have to put jr uh to sleep peter ellis cool dude uh you guys think that uh before we get to this you guys think that um bailey martin's top 10 this year it's been i think i have him just outside the top 10 again
Starting point is 01:37:40 john young i think he's got as good a shot as anybody thank you hey let me just say let me just say i was couth enough to move my head to the side when i needed to yawn yes john just yawns all the time and doesn't care and he gets nothing dude he's bananas on the show he's car blanche to do anything. If you eat bananas on the show, too. And he turns to the side when he does it. He doesn't even eat them straight on. He's like... Crushing Ovaltine.
Starting point is 01:38:13 His corgis are barking. How about when John goes on that other show, people in the comments are complaining he eats. It's like, what are you talking about? There's a whole group that just tunes into watching me. Drop the drawers. Look at this. This is something.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Peter, once again. Peter Joy. Dude, I love Peter. Oh my God, he's so great. The Aussies fucking make us look like pansies. They're so confident. Humble and confident. here we go you um what are your thoughts about going to the games for the first time as a competitor
Starting point is 01:38:51 um i'm both just ecstatic like super super keen for everything and nervous i guess it's like i want to i want to prove that I belong there as well like I don't want to just show up and like I like the job's not finished like I'm not just there just just to hang out like I want to do well and see what I've got come up I come out there and give everything I've got and see where I'm sitting at the moment and keep on working on that that's a great that's a great perspective and attitude to come the job's not finished you like it jr you know i like it that's kobe talk right there job finished job finished yeah oh really is that a kobe line oh yeah uh what do you john you like it yeah for some reason i think i think p is going to get crushed in the games.
Starting point is 01:39:46 But by the volume. Or just your first time at the games. Yeah. But I think he's going to only take it in stride and come back again next year much, much better. I just love how joyful he is. I feel like he's going to soak up the whole process. Yeah, he's very passionate.
Starting point is 01:40:06 I mean, he joined our show. When was that, John? Back in December? Down Under. When Down Under just happened, he joined the show. I mean, he was telling me, basically broke up with his girlfriend to commit 100% to the sport.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Very like a whiplash moment. Have you all seen Whiplash moment if anybody has you have y'all seen whiplash yeah i've seen it whenever you have to break up with your girlfriend to um because he wants to be great and she would stop him from it wow it's dedication um his story is pretty cool too dave gets out of him that basically he was into crossfit and his dad goes hey let's go to the CrossFit games So his dad flies him out From Australia to the CrossFit games
Starting point is 01:40:50 And they watch it and he's hooked He goes back home and starts putting together the action plan Yeah well I think the coolest part about that is When he asked him have you been back since He said no So it's almost like he made a deal with himself The next time I go it's going to be when I'm competing It's a little easier to make that deal with himself the next time i go it's gonna be when i'm competing it's a little
Starting point is 01:41:05 easier to make that deal with yourself when you're 22 hours away though it's true just just saying um oh jr his dick's gonna get run into the dirt uh is john right the volume is just gonna absolutely freak him out well i don't know that he's gonna get i mean i don't know that he's gonna get destroyed on the leaderboard but i think it's pretty safe to say, and most athletes say their first time at the Games, they're not expecting it to be as hard as it is. You got the other competitors side by side. You think you've pushed as hard as you possibly can in practice at some point. Three, two, one, go. You're with the 39 fittest men in the world, and it's two, one, go. You're with the 40, 39 fittest men in the world.
Starting point is 01:41:45 And it's like, Oh shit. Right. I mean, it's just hard to replicate that intensity over and over and over again. Even once, John is what I'm saying. You can do it once.
Starting point is 01:41:59 I don't know. I mean, it's hard to replicate what you get at the games. Oh, where in terms of the adrenaline, the rush, the intensity. And so, okay. And then finally, just as a capper on this, to echo why JR, John, and Spin are so high on Peter and I am too,
Starting point is 01:42:17 here we go. Listen to this guy. This guy's kid's so cool. His dad must be so proud. You should. Like, I'll just get through that first, and then whatever happens after that is whatever like i like to be my main that makes a lot of sense yeah okay before we get
Starting point is 01:42:34 off uh the call do you have any questions for me um not really but this is unreal. I never thought I'd be talking to you on a call or a live stream or whatever. Well, thank you, Peter. Thanks for doing this. I appreciate it. Thank you very much for having me on. I really appreciate it. I look forward to meeting you next month. Dave cuts him off before he gives him a full blowjob.
Starting point is 01:43:00 But still, I mean, you could see where it was going. Peter Ellis, fuck, what a good kid. That shit's hard to say and not look like a fool. You know what I mean? He says it with confidence. He's not a doting idiot. He's like, fuck, dude, I can't believe I'm on the phone with you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:43:17 But he keeps his T level up while he says it. That's not easy. Excuse me. Who is it? Bruno did the same, and Ruan. All three of those guys were very excited to be on this call with Dave. Yeah, it must be crazy. I want to see Dave have a call with JR and see how excited JR gets.
Starting point is 01:43:42 JR's been with them person to person. that a JR gets. JR has been with them person to person. It reminded me a lot of the guys in 2019 when everybody came. Oh. That's when JR met them?
Starting point is 01:43:55 No. In 2019 with all the national champions. They were just so happy to be there. They're just happy to be there. They got to be a CrossFit Games athlete. Do you think Dave has talked to who the bottom cut people will be ever besides this year? Dude, he doesn't talk to the top cut people. He doesn't.
Starting point is 01:44:14 There's no. I don't think there's any. I mean, Allison Scud's never made it to the games. I think that's the person I've seen him talk to the most. I don't think it works like that. You know what I mean? That's fair. To him.
Starting point is 01:44:30 JR looked less excited than normal when he met Dave. Gotta give him something to remember you by, right? Listen. Yeah, exactly. Oh yeah, he even said that. What did he say to you, JR? That's right, you guys were on a podcast together. What did he say to you jr that's right you guys were on a podcast together what'd he say to you afterwards when it was over yeah afterwards he
Starting point is 01:44:49 was like uh you don't talk much do you you're a man of few words and i was like yeah he's because yeah i like that he's gonna love colton that's much better than what he said to me what he said who are you he said stop talking hey i don't know why you popped up on his radar but about a week ago he said to me who's john young i go that's the guy you were ripping on a little bit at the uh podcast he's like hmm like everything good he's all everything's good. I'm like, all right. Oh, gosh. That came out of the blue. It was weird. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:45:31 That doesn't make me feel good at all. But thank you for that. Yeah, it was good. Ken Walters, that was the most you ever talked, is when he was TDC at semifinals this year. Dave moved him out of the bathroom. What's that? When he moved you out of the bathroom?
Starting point is 01:45:47 The closet. I did one of the shows on the toilet. Oh, that's right. It was too noisy in the I think it was the air conditioning in that room, but it was too loud, so I went to the only quiet place I could find. That's right. Good memory, Mr. Walt.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Okay. Thank you, Mr. World. Okay. Thank you, guys. Tomorrow morning, $2,500 on the line. Kill Taylor episode. Do you think anyone wins it tomorrow, JR? I don't actually, for a change, do not know the workout. So I'm going to say no just because he's on a roll. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:23 John Young, do you think anyone wins it tomorrow? Yeah, probably not. 2,500, you don't think now some pipe hitters are going to call in? It depends if Colton calls in or not. Good point. I think Taylor every week knows there's somebody who can beat him, but
Starting point is 01:46:39 whether they have the balls or not to call in is a different story. Last week, nobody wanted to call in. Is he doing Chad just so nobody wants to call in is a different story. Last week, nobody wanted to call in. Is he doing chat just so nobody wants to call in and do it? I don't know, but I was talking to someone today on the phone, and he's like, hey, if no one calls in, I'll get someone from my gym to call in. I'm like, hey, listen. No one needs to call in.
Starting point is 01:47:02 We'll just hang out. Don't make anyone call in. Spinn, do you. Do not make anyone call in. Spen, you think anyone wins it tomorrow? No. It's going to be 3,000 next week. Wow. Thank you, Mr. Howell. Crash Crucible still on for October?
Starting point is 01:47:19 As long as my gym renovation is complete. Oh, yeah. How is the poop in your gym? There's no poop in my gym. What are you talking about? Okay, fine. Dude, I'm excited for Crucible, JR. Me and Jason were talking about it today.
Starting point is 01:47:34 JR, are you going to the CrossFit Games this year? TBD. Wow. How things have changed. John Young, I'll see you at the CrossFit Games. Thanks for coming on every Friday. Mr. Spin, all hail the spin, the barbell spin. If you are not signed up for the spin,
Starting point is 01:47:53 for the newsletters, for the Instagram account, then you're probably not a real CrossFitter. Talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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