The Sevan Podcast - 08/04/2024 CrossFit Games Daily News Show

Episode Date: August 5, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam we're live! 716pm Pacific Standard Time. And 4 hours and 45 minutes plus 3 hours, 7 hours and 45 minutes. My driver will come to my house, pick me up, drive me to the airport. I'll fall asleep on the plane before it takes off. I'll land at 10, 30, or 11 in Fort Worth. I'll Uber over to... to... where will I Uber? I'll Uber over to the place I'm sleeping, wherever that is. And then I will...
Starting point is 00:00:41 They'll tell me my room's not ready, because it can't be, it's not ready till 4, then I'll call my wife and ask for an early check-in. Then they'll tell me I can check in at 3, and then I'll be sitting around in the lobby with my thumb in my butt until 3. That's the plan for tomorrow. Who's picking you up from the airport? Just Uber. Some guy named Autumn with an I am last name some Armenian dude I
Starting point is 00:01:07 Wonder what ethnicity the drivers are in Fort Worth Emmaline wood haze about to put in my bpc 157 raging on a Sunday night. Whoo Get some where you put it in your stomach right in the stomach for gut health or in my BPC 157 raging on a Sunday night. Ooh, get some. Were you putting it in your stomach? Right in the stomach for gut health or you shooting it into like a spot, a spot. Jeffrey Burschfield, what's up dude?
Starting point is 00:01:36 They will let you in early. Oh good. I checked the hotel still has rooms available which is a trip. Jake Winter. Hi, you look like Marsden Sawyer. That burpee dude, Jake Winter again. Crossfad. Oh, Sevan. Packed. I am packed and I'm switching suitcases though tonight. So the two things I have left I need to pack
Starting point is 00:01:55 up my phone and take it with me and then I'm gonna switch suitcases and then I'm gonna play chess with the boys. I've been dying to play chess with them all day. I need Sevan to put all the shows with James and Kate together in one playlist Can we make that happen James and Kate James? Oh from the old days Wow? Wow I Was stressing I was trying to get all my shit into three bags Roll on with camera gear a backpack with camera gear and then a roll-on with clothes to check in. And finally, I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:27 I'm bringing a huge roll-on. I don't care. You know when they say when you go to the luggage and you see what you can bring on, it says 62 inches. And so that's all the sides added together. So you measure the depth, the length, the width, and the depth. And then mine's exactly 62 inches. So I'm like, all right, the width, and the depth. And then mine's exactly 62 inches. So I'm like, all right, I'm bringing it.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Clock, those are the only two things I've watched this games for some reason. Just not interested this time around. Oh, in the Olympics. I watched a little bit of Djokovic and Nadal. And I would watch Djokovic and Alvarez, Alvarez, Al Alvarez if my kids wanted to watch it. I'm sure they do. Anthony Nick, Sevon, I just started watching Killing Fat Man. It's crazy how much you've added to the CrossFit space. Thanks, dude. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:03:19 You might like it now, but wait till you see the other shows that are non-CrossFit. Then you'll be like, fuck this, dude. Then you'll be back to square one with nothing to watch. Hi, thank you. Hi, you're welcome. Okay. Are we locking the bedroom door tonight? I'll lock it. Okay, sounds good.
Starting point is 00:03:39 It always gets a little freaky in the house the night before I leave. I don't leave very often anymore. When are you going to start covering Strongman? I don't know. I think I'm more likely to cover slap fighting. You think I should cover Strongman? I've tried to interview some of those dudes. I've reached out to a half dozen of those dudes. I've never gotten a response. Oh yeah. Triple hug, quadruple hug. Don't don't expect me to recognize you. No, it's like just you got to say your name. If you're gonna walk up to me and be like hey it's blah blah blah and then just act cool because I'm gonna try I'll probably pretend like I know you and I won't. Although I probably will know you Jeffrey, you're probably a bad example. I
Starting point is 00:04:22 don't want a hug from him. I go hip to hip. So I watched a video on the exerciser today and a guy who used it for 30 days. He said it added turned his penis from six inches to seven inches and added girth to it. Slap fighting is the worst. I couldn't agree more. But I love people. So what am I going to do? Could Sevan fit in an overhead bin? Probably. Your chin is looking chiseled. I'm shaved a little closer. I did a really hard workout today because I'm not going to work out for the next five days. I used to work out in my hotel room as a young man, young CrossFitting man, but I won't work out. It's enough to be on my feet for 14 hours. Okay,
Starting point is 00:05:12 let's say quick, there's not much to share today. Let me know if Dave puts up his show and we'll watch his show from today. We'll watch his show from yesterday and we'll go through his Instagram. The CrossFit 2024 CrossFitfit game schedule the things that are interesting to me Are that Thursday the first indie event is at 7 a.m? And the last indie event ends at 8 p.m. And so I just think oh one went that means so that means I I'll probably Leave the venue at leave the venue at 8 30 I'll get home at 9 I'll order a steak and I'll do a show at 9 30 I always just think when I'm gonna get back to you guys when I'm gonna get to hang with you guys so I'll
Starting point is 00:05:54 cruise back to you guys Jonathan Ortega if I see you Sevan we hug nut to butt. Perfect. That's fine. Hole to hole. Keeping it real, you have a torso and legs in real life. I do. Need a runner for ingest cards. Probably. I used to. The cards are so massive these days and I got all the best shit. And then Saturday, it's 8 a.m. and then indie ends at 6 45. I'd love to do dinner with Zara Cox that night and what's my boy's name from RxSugar? Dan.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And I'd love to do dinner with Caleb every night, but Caleb won't even be there. That sucks. And then Friday gets over at 10pm. That's just crazy. Oh shit, I went out of order. I went from Thursday to Saturday Friday's just crazy Friday night is I mean think of how crazy Friday night's gonna be cuz I am gonna do a show Friday night So that event will be over at 10. I'll get back to my hotel room at 11. Fuck. What if the hotel is not doing room service? Oh
Starting point is 00:07:21 my god Excuse me and then Sunday the event will be over at 5. Yeah, that's not a problem. I don't normally stay for the awards ceremony. You know what I'm gonna do? So since I don't work at CrossFit, I'm not allowed on the floor. Even when I worked at CrossFit, I wasn't allowed on the floor. But I would go on the floor anyway after the final event. Like right as they announced it, I would run out there and start filming with Dave. And that's how the behind the scenes ended for like 10, 10 years. And last year didn't end like that.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And I was like, God, that was lame because I was scared because I didn't go on the floor. So this year, like, what are they going to do? Right. So right when the event is right, when he says to you to me and is the fittest woman on earth, then I'll say, Jeff Adler's the fittest man on earth because the boy, whoever goes second, then I'll go out there. And I'll start filming with Dave. And I'll get that because that's always the good closing scene. I sure as fuck I'm not staying for the closing ceremonies
Starting point is 00:08:26 Was it called award ceremony? No, thank you. That will not be in the behind the scenes Okay, so that's a schedule and then Wednesday There's I think Wednesday I'll be at the venue check for registration Probably I'll probably mostly be trying to hang out with Dave and the demo team. And there's some, I'm sure there's some media orientation that I'll have to do.
Starting point is 00:09:01 So if you had to rank all the behind the scenes in order, your personal favorites. There was one I did in Del Mar, the semi-final I did, it was dope. My two most memorable probably, my most memorable shit is like with Rich, there's a funny scene with Brooke Wells, Ben Smith, Sam Briggs. I don't know. I can't even remember the years. It's all just jumbled into one big one. So, okay. Next, let's cruise over to Dave's... Let's look at Dave's Instagram first and study that as a group. By the way, if anyone has any, here's the, I'll open the phone line.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Where's the phone number? Okay. Let's, let's cruise over to Dave's Instagram and see what's going on over there. He got a, we talked about the after party yesterday. No new workouts People just forget that I'm actually a good runner something with Daniel Brandon. That sounds like a pity party No, no one's forgotten. You're a good runner. Okay. Here we go On a good career Trista Smith Sydney Wells and Dave Castro hanging with the ladies
Starting point is 00:10:23 looks like they're at the track. There's Boz. And Chuck Carswell, who's that other guy? Oh, I forget his name. You know, I hear what's so funny. This guy here with the hat on, Boz walked up to me last year and said, don't get that guy in any of your footage. And then he was like, I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I'm like, OK. All right. There he is. FWFarrington, WISD. Dave Hashtag's proven for some reason. Oh, there's Jason McDonald. There's Courtney. Oh, that's the McDonald. There's Courtney. Oh, that's the Dave Whisperer right there.
Starting point is 00:11:07 That's the chick that I got to be really best friends with. This is the girl that so this girl hopefully will share her location with me. This girl in the gray who comes in from screen right. Can I pause this? Oh, yeah, right there. Courtney Reif. Because if she shares her location with me, then I'll know where Dave is all week.
Starting point is 00:11:29 So that'll be kind of priority number one when I get there. Oh, I should start at the beginning. Hold on, hold on. What's going on here? Okay. Oh, look at this. What's Colton? Oh.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Colton is wearing... Colton is wearing... Colton is wearing... What is Colton wearing? Is that a GoPro? All right. I wonder if the media is going to be allowed on the green. That would be nice. Okay, so they're running on the track and it looks like they're running free, right? No weights, no implements, everything looks good.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Then there's Tudor Magda and Scott Tetlow. God, that was Tudor? That looked like, you know who that looked like? That looked like James Sprague. Who is that? That is Tudor. Oh, that is Tudor. He recognizes Hog. All right. Dave must have done a drop-in at an affiliate. There's some dumb joke about a shark being in the
Starting point is 00:12:38 water. TDC mercantile. Someone used the extra virgin olive oil. Oh, it's a recipe. All right. Someone made something with Dave's olive oil and made a little reel. Don't need to read the notes at all. Colton is loving, trying to beat everyone. Yep, that's true.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Good night Ernie. A GoPro on chest, yeah. Faith, Dave's living his best life with the hot chicks demo team He might be too too old to appreciate that now Who are you afraid to approach should we do some mock sessions? I'm afraid to approach everyone I was just talking to my mom about it She's like, how are you doing? I said anxieties at like 1000. Full anxiety. It's fine. Okay. The day in review testing in the morning and the evening at Farrington
Starting point is 00:13:41 L1. Okay, so this is just a post about his day in review. We'll look at that soon. Tell me you guys if his day in the review pops up for tonight. Lucas Zapata, that's the guy I told you with who has the... He has all the notes from all the testing. He's the one who carries that little journal. He has all the notes from all the testing. He's the one who carries that little journal. That guy has seen it all. And then there's Tutor Magda holding a water bottle, Chase Ingram with the Go-Ruck shirt, Trista Smith with the, is that a bikini?
Starting point is 00:14:17 And then this is Chuck Carswell. I don't know what Chuck's role is this year. I don't know if Chuck's role is this year. He might I chuck I don't know if Chuck's the head judge If he has Bosman's old position, I don't know but I really like this Distance That he's keeping from Trista Smith. I think that's healthy and uh It maybe he shouldn't even be casting a shadow on her. That may be inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I don't know what the current HR regulations are. Everything's gotten so strict. But eyes forward, Chase is looking over her head. Tutor's looking away. Lucas is probably checking her out. He's got his sunglasses on, but he's like doing that thing where you like look this way, but your eyes are cocked to the left.
Starting point is 00:15:05 So they must've been testing the swim workout today. It was interesting Dave invited people there. Sevan is definitely tamed since the old days. Oh that sucks. Praying for you Seve, thank you. Are you a secret introvert? I'm not an introvert. I'm just, like, I don't see people. I just don't see people. Like, even going to the airport is like the fact that I'm going to interact with people
Starting point is 00:15:44 there. I just don't see, I don't see people. Like even going to the airport is like the fact that I'm going to interact with people there. I just don't see, I don't interact with people. CTP, what's up dude? Good to see you. I liked your bit about knowing the athletes. Will enjoy watching the future. Help my anxiety heading into the weekend. Yeah, okay, good.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So you have it too. Yeah, that's the thing, right? We're basically making them a yearbook. That's all we're doing. Anxiety and excitement present the same in your body. It's the story you tell yourself. Yeah, fair enough. As soon as I crack the seal, it will all go away. At least that's what normally happens. I just crack the seal, it will all go away. That at least that's what always happens.
Starting point is 00:16:25 That's what normally happens. I just cracked the seal and then I'm just like, holy shit. I could get pretty high there too. Last year I was fucking high as a kite. Like I was on another, I was on in another fucking realm. Uh, has your 45% increased yet? I did speak with a senior member of the team that is not Jenna Hocka or Dave Castro and was reassured that everything is going to be fine. Although, and that really helped. Although... Mind over matter.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Sevan, can you sign my cock at Dicky's Arena? Totally. I would love to do that. Although... I have such high expectations and demands
Starting point is 00:17:42 of how I feel like I should be treated that it will always fall short. Like, like I feel like they like I think that there should be like a golf cart, my own golf cart. You know what I mean? That says and it should say seven on the side with like gold tassels. So either way, I'm a I'm a I'm prima Donna looking forward to finally meeting
Starting point is 00:18:07 you at the games awesome looking forward to meeting you too Devin are you related to Manny Serrano Manny zoom in on the blonde not for another year or two that Or two. That she's still a kid even though it's weird, but she's a kid. No, no, no Courtney has to drive the Dave The Dave mobile. Many, many, Devin is my lovely wife. Oh, okay. Perfect. Awesome. All right. That's gonna be fun. Okay. Here we go. Oh wait, Bernie Gannon. Hi. The CrossFit team cannot publicly admit any favoritism for Sevon. There doesn't need to be any admonition of it, just needs to be. I give myself favoritism all the time. Okay, so back to this. So they're there doing the swim. I wonder if anyone showed
Starting point is 00:19:13 up to watch it because Dave did invite people. Oh, who is that? Let's do this one more time. Sorry. Oh, there's J-Mac. Oh, that was Courtney. Oh, damn, who was that? Let's do this one more time. Sorry. Oh, there's J-Mac Who oh that was Courtney. Oh damn who was that right there right there? Who is that girl? Is that a girl? the camera pans right past Arm sleeve Tattoo Sunglasses I Don't know who that is oh maybe Denise Thomas who is that with an arm sleeve anyway Lucas and that girl were probably riding there they were probably riding with the runners. They're testing the run swim. Those guys were, there's J-Mac. He's been around forever, forever,
Starting point is 00:20:11 forever. He's the guy that the year Dave kicked Rob Wolf out, I think J-Mac went over there and did it. I can't remember if J-Mac's a firefighter or a SWAT team guy. JMAX a firefighter or a SWAT team guy? That was a funny year. Dave, oh look, and there they are running back. Okay, so there they are coming back from the run. I wonder if Colton is wearing the GoPro again. So Dave, oh, Tetlo's in the front. So, oh, they're holding something.
Starting point is 00:20:45 They're holding something. Are they, what the fuck? You guys see this? You see these oars? Do we know about these oars? Are they testing a team workout? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?
Starting point is 00:21:10 Genos Zendejas. The SA is heavy, you're back in Texas, heavy, do your thing. Thanks, Holmes. Are the oars for ants? Teen paddle? Massive paddle boats? Okay. Are the oars for ants? Team paddle? Massive paddle boats? Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Budget cuts, I guess. So Adrian uses the same team, same demo team. Damn. All right. There it is. Okay. Trista pulling up the rear. Oh, she's wounded.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Look at JMAX. Get out there. Get the fuck out there. Oh, look, look, her ass is broken. You know that walk? Her ass is busted. She's doing the fucking my butt is broken walk. Damn.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I wonder why her butt wouldn't be broken from the run. Wow. Look at this shit. Okay. Wow, that's fucking cool actually. Wow, that's really cool. I can't believe I actually like that. Oh, Heather Lawrence makes an appearance.
Starting point is 00:22:23 The director of sport. I think she might have Justin Berg's little job. That's a boss right there with the ponytail. That's us. It's basically in. I don't know this for a fact, but in my. Humble opinion from my observation, my discernment that that's second in command at the CrossFit Games. It goes Dave, then her and Adrian. They're like they're they're the team
Starting point is 00:22:50 under Dave. All right. Sydney looks red like she just worked hard. Okay and this is where we were earlier. That's the guy I'm not supposed to film. There's Adrian. Oh, Proven Fitness in a helicopter? I don't know what that was about. Tutor Magnus Sydney Wells. Okay. 534 on the clock.
Starting point is 00:23:16 What's that mean? Anybody? Turn up the volume. 536. Nice, Sydney. Turn up the volume. Proven helicopter32. Good job. 536. A track star, Sydney Wells. Hey, so they are running the mile. I wonder if they did the first workout first. You know what I mean? Whatever the sprint is.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Notice the weights. I think those are 55s, 55 the weights. I think those are 55s 55 pound weights Anything else on the ground worth noticing? Yeah, oh Oh nearly well well well, what do we have here? Yeah a star We have a star ladies and gentlemen Courtney that's the star there you go We have a star. Let's see how fast
Starting point is 00:24:52 it's running. That's running fast. That is not 170 pounds. 170 pounds. Okay. Well, there you go. Interesting that they were done in that order, right? Because the way the workouts announced is a sprint and then mile run
Starting point is 00:25:32 and thank you wadzombie. By the way if you want to get your new wadzombie cards go over to Mint Trading there's of cards. There's even one with me. There's a whole packets you can buy. There's Ariel Lowens. There's Jeff Adlers. There's Jamie Higayas. There's Emily Rolfs, vaccine injury survivor from Canada. There's Tyson Bates, nope, not Tyson Bates. There's Pat Velner.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Some of these already might be on second edition. Anyway there's tons of Colton Mertens. You know what would be cool is we need a whole demo team card from the games that'd be awesome. I'm embarrassed I said that to you Wild Zombie, probably everyone's like suggesting cards to you, strike that from the. Probably everyone's suggesting cards to strike that from the record. I don't want to be one of those guys. Saban, where's their drone? They must protect the airspace as good as the Secret Service does. I know I should bring a drone.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I know if I bring it, it'll just sit there and no one will use it. Okay, let's go over to the Dave Castro. By the way I think tomorrow morning is it tomorrow morning? Either tomorrow morning everything at will be 20% off for the rest of the games week or everything's 30% off right now at paper street coffee or both. right now at paper street coffee or both. Or both. Fuck, I don't know. But the thing with the paper street coffee thing is
Starting point is 00:27:12 his prices are gonna go up, so it's smart to buy shit now, especially your subscriptions because I think you get grandfathered in. Oh, there it is. Oh, in his hotel room. Dave always gets the presidential suite, so that'll be fun. I wonder if we'll get a tour of his room. All right, here we go guys. Hopefully this thing's not long. Oh, awesome. Five minutes. Okay, here we go. I'm gonna lower my volume so he can be a little bit
Starting point is 00:27:39 louder. All right, let's party. Day in review. Sunday August 4th. So big, big room. That's the living room, presidential suite. Maybe the dining room and then over to the right you can see there's another room. He must have he has a huge balcony two sliding glass doors Ornate ceilings 2024 from across the game so last night on this
Starting point is 00:28:16 He's tired He's tired review. I said we were going to test the Swim event was from Frank and Phil. I said we're to test the swim event which was from Farrington Field. I said we're gonna test the swim event on Monday at the lake, the swim and run event. So that was misdirection. Was he even speaking English there? We were gonna test the swim run at Farrington Field?
Starting point is 00:28:43 2024 from across CrossFit Games. So last night on this day in review, I said we were going to test the swim event from Farrington Field. I said we're going to test the swim event. Oh, he made the video from Farrington Field last night, I guess, saying they were going to test the swim event on Monday. Is that today? No, that's tomorrow. That at on Monday at the lake, the swim and run event. So that was misdirection. I said that. So if anyone was planning on going out there and seeing what we're doing, they would think it's Monday. The
Starting point is 00:29:20 reality is we did it this morning. So Oh, Davey, everyone follow that. And yesterday's day in review, he said that they were gonna anyone's invited to come watch him test the event on Monday, which is tomorrow. But instead, they did it today. He said that to kind of redirect everyone or anyone going apart. I said last night that we were doing it this morning. We people might have shown up to watch it.
Starting point is 00:29:45 So misdirection, the truth is, we're not going out there tomorrow. We did it this morning. And so took the entire demo team out there and actually brought out an additional local athlete, Rebecca Foussoulier. And we did- Rebecca Foussoulier, local athlete.
Starting point is 00:30:10 We did the run and the swim and just to test it out and get timing down. We've had someone do it before but we wanted to do it the week of at the same time, 7 a.m. and feel the actual weather and temperature and the water and to see the environment they're going to deal with. And often in these situations, people don't realize this, but especially out in Madison, people always complained about we put them in the water. I'm not gonna say every event, but almost a lot of the water events we did do, I also swam in the water and I was in there to kinda,
Starting point is 00:30:39 I'm gonna make you do it, I'm gonna do it. So I said, tested them all out. I'm not sure what he's saying there. He's saying that when they put people in the water, they get complaints. Was that just like a generic statement? Like a hundred thousand foot view? Is that what that was? Let's watch that again. We have time. Here we go. And often in these situations, people don't realize this, but especially out in Madison, people always complain about we put them in the water. I'm not gonna say every event, but almost a lot of the water events we did do, I also swam in the water and I was in there to kind of, if I'm gonna make
Starting point is 00:31:15 you do it, I'm gonna do it. So I said tested them all out in Madison, but I did a handful of them. So this one I decided, all right, I will do do this entire event and so did the three and a half mile run into the half mile swim and there was a Couple all there was three male athletes myself chase and tutor and then Trista and Rebecca did it three and a half mile run half mile swim it and good good event. It was humid on the run. Dave did the run with the entire demo team. It sounds like plus Chase and Fusilet. It wasn't hot but you could just feel like I'm not used to running in this temperature or running in this heat.
Starting point is 00:32:04 But that being said, it wasn't incredibly hot, but noticed it. There was a point towards the end of the three and a half miles and it's just a long route. There's actually a lot of like little up and down, but there's a point towards the end. Undulations, I think is the word he's looking for undulations. Chase as in Ingram, Ingram. I do believe that is correct, Miss Katie Gannon. Right. I felt like the sun came up and was peeking through the crap clouds and it started to get hot.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But shortly after that, got to the run section, I'm sorry, the swim, transitioned, jumped in the water and started the swim. And the water was not much of a, hold on one second, was nice, but it's not, it's not an incredible, like it's not incredibly cooling and refreshing. So it still adds some warmth to it.
Starting point is 00:33:04 And while I was swimming about halfway in, I was just thinking, man, it would be really nice if this was cool. But it wasn't. But it also wasn't hot. So it was fine. Finished the swim. I ended up trying freestyle in the beginning, just a little
Starting point is 00:33:17 side note. But I reverted back to how we learn how to swim efficiently in the Navy. And so did side stroke. And that seemed to work well, especially for me, because I've done it so much, usually with Finzo, this time not. What is a side stroke? Side stroke is basically freestyle, but just one. Your turn more, what is side stroke?
Starting point is 00:33:40 I thought side stroke and free is like half of freestyle. You only do half of it. Anybody? Side stroke? With spotting and being able to swim in a relatively straight line. So, that's a really good advantage. Oh, Greg, so you have your head up the whole time like this instead of putting your head down? I think your head stays above the water, okay. Yeah, it's Navy swim, it's combat swim.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Oh, okay, here we go. Side stroke is what you're doing when you lock the door tonight. Oh, that's a good point. Side stroke, oh, let's see what Katie, I always locked the door when I'm doing the side stroke. Katie Gannon. Oh, side stroke for me is I'm way out of my league and I'm trying not to die. You stroke twice and breathe to one side. Stroke twice. Heavy Sebi. Swimmer lies on one side with asymmetric arm and leg motion.
Starting point is 00:34:47 You're on your side. Breaststroke on your side. Ah, I don't think it's breaststroke on your side. Isn't breaststroke this one? Autumn Macau. Side stroke what I did to your mom last night. Great. Oh, one arm stays straight the whole time?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Oh, here we go, finally. Geez Louise. Burn again and side stroke is an old swimming style formerly used in a competitive swimming from the 1800s to 1900s. It's primarily used as a rescue swimming. God damn, but I need to know what it is. I guess I could Google it. Who gives a fuck? Dave does side stroke. He does a lot of stroking, I bet. I tell you guys about the exercises. I'm going to give away five free exercises. The Pro Edition. It's like the 10X Pro or something. It can be used on penises from three inches to nine inches, depending on what model you want. There's like four Pro models. But I want to give it to people who will then like tell me like after 30 days how it worked, ideally. I watched a video on it. You can injure yourself with that thing it says. You could bruise, you could over inflate the penis, over hydrate it.
Starting point is 00:36:14 We got some really good times from everyone. Everyone was generally from I think 2 to 42 and then I think our slowest time was around 51. I was just under 50, I think around 48. So cool event. I'm excited. So that's Dave's way of saying that he beat someone. Did you guys catch that? He told us the times, how long it takes to swim the event. Body and being able to swim in a relatively straight line. So that was a really good event. We got some really good event. We got some really good times from everyone. Everyone was generally from, I think Tudor was 42,
Starting point is 00:36:50 and then I think our slowest time was around 51. I was just under 50, I think around 48. So, cool event. I'm excited to put everyone, I'm excited to see everyone do it. How did Dave only beat Tudor by six minutes? That doesn't even make sense. Hey if Tudor did it in 42 that means you think someone's going to be doing that shit in 36, 35?
Starting point is 00:37:24 And then we also after that we tested the team version. Who do you think Dave beat? He didn't beat Chase in the water. Maybe Trista? While we were there towards the end, and it didn't matter, but a team showed up, a team from Korea, and they actually had a big inflatable and they were playing around with it. And then we also, as we were leaving, we saw Roman. So this afternoon, we then went back to the venue, tested a few other cool new events, something.
Starting point is 00:38:00 The two athletes that he saw there were a team from Korea and Roman Krenikov from Team Mayhem. We also, as we're leaving, we saw Roman. So this afternoon we then went back to the venue, tested a few other cool new events. Something we've tested a lot but wanted to retest here on scene and just dial in. Tonight we're back to Farrington Field. So if they went to the venue and tested it, I wonder if the circus is gone. And he said, new, new events, new implements, new. And really dialed in the team event and played around again with the individual event.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And there's just some tweaks I wanted to play with and so it's coming together. It's going to be cool. The temperature at that time at Farrington is totally fine. It's nice. It's hot. Again, it's hot. But the sun's down mostly. There's some light until nine, then it's completely dark. And there was a breeze. So we're going to have no issues with heat at Farrington we're gonna we're not gonna have any issues with heat this year famous last words so it's really good testing they day there the carnival could it could it rain could it rain does it rain?
Starting point is 00:39:25 We're not going to have any issues with heat this year. Famous last words. So it's really good testing day there. The carnival, yes, we're dealing with the carnival and Dickies has been great. We have half of the venue to work with and the rest of the venue we haven't been able to work with because there's a circus circus in town. So they're leaving tonight and then tomorrow, so Monday, we get the entire facility back, which is awesome. And now we'll really go hard into laying out the floor, building everything out and
Starting point is 00:40:00 pushing forward. All right, that's the update. Thank you for tuning in. See you guys tomorrow. In yesterday's, I think it was in his Instagram yesterday. Thank you, Dave. I think yesterday on his Instagram, Dave showed the warmup area for the athletes. And the warmup area, although it is indoor, it looks like you can actually see
Starting point is 00:40:35 the athletes working out. He mentions that from an outside position, so it sounds like you'd be in the heat, there's windows and you can look down into where the athletes are working out. So what it looks like is basically the athletes workout warm-up room looks like it's underground and then it sticks out above ground with some windows. They're like at an angle like this and people can from the outside then can look in and look down and you could see your
Starting point is 00:41:03 favorite athletes warming up. I think that's what it looked like. We'll find out So that's kind of cool. That's a that's a pretty cool element. The warm up area looked pretty amazing Uh heavy, savvy no rain on the forecast. Okay, that's cool Um, i've spent a shitload of time in the dallas fort worth area Says virginia Spread it spread again uh as Virginia spread again. In this timeframe, storm's a lot hot as fuck and gets hot and humid in the evening and wind dies down.
Starting point is 00:41:33 All right, I'm trying to figure out like how I'm gonna stay warm on the plane. I do not wanna bring a jacket, but I might have to. All right, guys, crazy day tomorrow for me. I will see you guys tomorrow night. Tomorrow morning, JR Howell and Taylor Self will be running the ship. We don't have any plans right now of what we're going to do with Kill Taylor this week. Patrick Rios' wife is about to have a baby so I'm not sure if he's going to make it. You can get 40% off from FID-8 if you use that QR code.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Peptides to help you heal at use code SEVON. PaperStreetCoffee. Don't forget to get your metutthion. Also, Vindicate. Is that Vicate the vindicate gear is I think 20% off now or very soon It's going to be and oh did the new savan podcaster drop today. Let us see Vndk Partner apparel, Sublon podcast. I do not see it.
Starting point is 00:42:50 All right. Maybe tomorrow. No, no. Oh, yep. No, no. All right, guys. See you guys tomorrow. See you in Texas, Katie.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Hope you make it safely out of the storm weather. Alright guys, see you guys tomorrow. See you in Texas, Katie. Hope you make it safely out of the storm weather. Talk to you guys soon. Bye bye.

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