The Sevan Podcast - #111 - Luke De Jonge

Episode Date: August 24, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Savan, is it better if I speak louder? Yeah, I think it's better if you speak louder. Okay, guys, bye.
Starting point is 00:00:35 The Savan Podcast. We're doing Luc Dijon now, and then we got a bunch of guests this week. I think we have someone almost every single day. I think I saw Adam Neifer, Justin Medeiros' coach. Did you see his name on there? Oh, I think I saw Laura Horvath tomorrow morning. Yeah, both of those. God, that would be awesome if we got her.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Would you get Dana White's mom on there? Yeah, anyone's mom on there. What's a mom? Ask him about training in West Virginia before before covid who luke de jong's been to west virginia isn't this kid australian he's got a crazy phone number oh adam ask adam about training in west virginia okay okay homeboys coming on i gotta go the sebon podcast live right right now bye guys bam bam uh we're live on youtube and i was doing live simultaneously on instagram brian is here we're waiting for luke de jong uh am i saying his name right brian i'm not sure we We got to ask him.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It sounds like a French name, but he's an Australian dude, right? Someone told me he could possibly have a South African background. But I don't know. Oh. I'm not sure of that. Someone hypothesized that that last name could be. Can you see your text if he texts us and he's having issues would you know yeah i got the same one as you joining now oh and then you click that same link that i sent him i wonder where he's at i did click the same link yes are you on a computer?
Starting point is 00:02:31 You know, we are you on a, you know, we are not sponsored by Assault Bike. And I use the shit out of their bike and talk about it all the time. We're not sponsored by Ancestral Supplements. I use those all the time. We are not sponsored by Sogo Snacks. God, I don't know how much more I could say about them. And my kids eat that shit. Uh-oh, he texted us.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And yet when I... Oh, great. We are here waiting. Waiting for you. Oh, there he is. Shit. There he is. There you are. man oh my goodness i did mention again luke had a bit of trouble finding some headphones because these ones don't have any like mic in it but it still works fine yeah and you know what do you want to take them
Starting point is 00:03:21 off we can try i feel fine i'll leave them in. Okay, cool. Hey, thanks for doing this. Oh, all good. Thanks for inviting me on. Excited to be here. Are you, what are you, in between protests right now? It's something like that, yeah. Are you, are you, how old are you?
Starting point is 00:03:40 21. Man, 21 and you've already been to the CrossFit Games. As a teenager, yeah. Yeah, that and you've already been to the CrossFit Games. Uh, as a teenager, yeah. Yeah, that's crazy. Do you know Brian? Uh, I'm familiar with him. I know he follows me on Instagram. That's about it. Um, oh, so you didn't see him when you, yeah, good. Because I've told him it's a little weird if he goes to the CrossFit Games and watches the Teenage Division. I told him to stay away from that shit. You get it, like, it's not safe in this world anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Yeah, yeah, agreed. division i told him to stay away from that shit you get it like it's not safe in this world anymore yeah yeah agreed and you've been to the um you've been to the games as a teenager once yeah 2017 and i placed horribly it did not go good and how'd you place i think i was like 14th or 15th but it was my first time on a plane ever so i was just jet lagged i didn't know what was going on i only felt normal until the very last day brian why is luke go ahead not even been on a plane like uh inside australia no never first plane ever that's a big first yeah madison wisconsin oh yeah yeah that's crazy how many planes did it take to get there? How many what, sorry? How many different planes did you have to take?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Oh, three. So it was like 16 hours, four hours, and like two hours, something like that. How have you never been on a plane before? Your parents, you used to have money to go on a plane? Your parents weren't like, hey, we're going somewhere. We got all this extra cash. We're going somewhere. No, just never really been into traveling too much just everywhere that we go we just drive to normally so i've just never really been on one god that's awesome and were you scared not at all i reckon it was awesome and is that the only time
Starting point is 00:05:19 you've been on a plane now your one trip to the games and i went home and that's it since then you're retired from going to on planes oh no since i've been like i've been um down south up north in australia i've been to wadipalooza so i flew to miami to compete there okay so it popped your seal it's like the first pee in the morning or when you lose your virginity it's just like oh my god i'm 17 i'm never gonna get laid and then you get laid and it's just just like there's just girls everywhere exactly like that yeah yeah it's nuts okay so jamal i want to tell you guys a quick story about jamal smith if this show sucks it's this guy's fault this guy dms me telling me how great i am right before the show starts and i'm like oh that's really cool if you want me to respond to you just tell me how
Starting point is 00:05:58 great i am so i respond and say thank you and try to act all humble then he says okay i go well i'm gonna go live on the podcast now he goes yeah me and my daughter are gonna watch and i'm like oh great like i do not want to know that like little kids are like listening to the show just screwed my whole show up and i wrote back to him i'm gonna try not to swear and i'm just like this is ridiculous i should block that dude jamal smith for telling me he's listening with his daughter you've already talked about having crazy sex after just being 17 and i don't condone sex until you're 18 either so there not that i disdain it but i just don't condone it um uh so how did luke why why brian why do we have luke on the show right because all my questions are like i know he's he's turned he's developed into quite the man he's he's yoked but like he
Starting point is 00:06:53 didn't even do good at the uh he didn't even do good at the at the games when he went i thought we just had like games and he went oh yeah i thought we just had like good athletes on here what's going on with luke What's going on with Luke? What's going on with me? That's not the only criteria, but... Well, you could be old as shit, too. You could be... If he was like 80,
Starting point is 00:07:16 we'd have him on. But he's young and strong and good-looking, but he's not going to the games. Isn't that the baseline? No. I don't know what the base is. He's on our top 10 under 25 list, and that was largely on the back of the performance that he had this past semifinal season where he was actually doing quite well
Starting point is 00:07:40 and had taken, I think, second and a first or maybe two firsts in back-to-back events in the middle of the competition, which seemed like he was poised to do very well and possibly make it to the games. And, you know, we've talked about how difficult the men's field is in Oceania. There's probably like, you know, six to eight guys that could make it and do well and represent that part of the world pretty well at the games. And he was right in the mix.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And then I think he can fill us in on some of this, that he started feeling poorly on the last day and didn't, or maybe even the evening of the second to last day. And it was pretty obvious if you look at his scores on the scoreboard that it wasn't the same competitor. Now it's all making sense. So actually, it wasn't me getting sick on either of the days i like i was in a bad place month for the competition like i didn't really train to the
Starting point is 00:08:33 torian pro at all so i was feeling horrible since day one like i didn't think i was going to compete and why is that so i got really so it started, I had tendinopathy pretty bad, like last year during like last lockdown. You had what? Tendinopathy? Yeah. What's that? So just break down on my tendon in my, in my knees basically.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Oh geez. Okay. Yeah. So I was dealing that for a while. Then right before the open, I got really, really sick, lost about 10 kilos uh didn't work out for probably five weeks at all just stayed in bed that's 20 that's 22 pounds for people who can't do the math 22 pounds 22 pounds okay um there's a few funny videos of me trying to do the open i just like if you look at my placing in the open it's appalling like i think 2019 i was like fifth in australia and this time i was like a hundredth or something i just did it
Starting point is 00:09:25 to get through the quarters got through the quarters like uh i was still like in a horrible place i didn't think i was going to qualify at all just didn't didn't feel fit felt horrible somehow qualified in like last i have no idea how i made it like i didn't expect to make it at all and then um or about a week before the torian pro started so this is me not barely training for the competition at all and i did a workout with um ricky garad tell ricky to get on our show damn it i want him to be a regular what's he doing okay slap him in the ass for me be like yo i will or slap him wherever yeah just slap them up.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah, so I did a workout. I was biking heavy thrusters and something like that. It was a horrible workout. My back just blew out in the very last thruster, and then I couldn't walk, couldn't really do anything without pain for a week. And then that was three days before the Touring Pro started. So I was just doing three sets of 10 bird dogs every single day until the Touring started, and then it went from there. Brian, I wrote something down for a second so i wouldn't forget and then he said he did three sets of 10 bird dogging can you translate what did i miss did he define what bird dogging was
Starting point is 00:10:34 and i missed that probably most of the people who are listening know what a bird dog is but it's an exercise that's meant to just activate and build some stability in the posterior chain? Can you explain to me? Most of the people, my mom doesn't know and my sister doesn't know, and I don't know. That's three listeners right there. Well, they might recognize it if you see it. Basically, you're on the ground on all fours, knees and palms on the floor. You've got one leg and the opposite arm, so maybe your left leg. Oh, oh. pick up one leg and the opposite arm so maybe your left leg oh oh your knee to your elbow and then you extend and either hold or reach and go from there wow that was the extent of your working
Starting point is 00:11:16 out yeah yeah like that was it i barely did anything i was just resting so i wasn't injured for the competition um what why did you get so sick? So all my wisdom teeth started coming through at the same time, and I got really bad tonsillitis, so I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. I was probably the sickest I've ever been in my life. I had people telling me, like, I don't even know why I did the open, but I just did. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:48 The only time my kids have ever had fevers or sick or appear to be sick is when their teeth came in. So they're born and they don't have any teeth, but when kids' teeth come in, they get crazy fever. Did you keep your wisdom teeth? I got these two out. So this one came out straight away. My mouth was way too infected to get any of the rest out, so I had to wait a month. I got it out, I think, three days before quarterfinals, and then these two i still have in because they've just calmed down in the last month holy shit i've never heard of anyone getting their getting an infection for when oh yeah zach jack
Starting point is 00:12:18 jack buchanan i'm gonna ask him about that i'm tripping on all the butter boy shit i'm tripping i'll get to that sorry I'm looking at the comments. I've never heard of anyone getting an infection when they have their wisdom teeth come in, but that's interesting. All mine came in and I didn't have them pulled. I still got them. But I think it's pretty common that like everyone gets them pulled. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I don't know why my teeth aren't – my mouth seems to hold on my teeth. Were you living at home when all that happened? Yeah. Were you on antibiotics? Oh, yes. Heaps. Heaps of painkillers, heaps of antibiotics. Were you born – oh, this one's going to be weird. Were you born vaginally?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yes. Yes. You were, huh? And did you breastfeed? Me personally, no, but I was breastfed. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. So you were breastfed that's what i mean that's what i mean so you were breastfed it's so sorry if i asked that wrong you were breastfeeding man fucking my theory all up
Starting point is 00:13:12 like a kid like if you have infections in your wisdom teeth i want to blame it on the fact i know that people are going to have a field day with me for this but i want to blame it on the fact that you weren't born vaginally and you didn't breastfeed but damn you got a good mama yeah yeah i do and do you still live at home yeah still at home dude you're living the dream do you have a do you have a do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend uh yeah i have a girlfriend who i haven't seen for almost a year and a half now who's stuck in america because of the lockdowns of the lockdowns oh my god there's too many topics opening up okay so but brian don't let me forget about the girlfriend stuck in america and by the way you can give her brian's phone number he'll take care of her um um so you're really good even when you don't try.
Starting point is 00:14:08 You made Brian Friend's list best top 10 under the age of 25. And when he said that, I recall it's a little weird because you didn't even qualify for the games, right? And yet you still made the list list i think there were only two or three of you right is that right brian it was him and dallin pepper and someone else um probably looking i can't remember i'm not i don't know i really don't have any of my notes in front of me i'm on the road but uh are you oh look i got it i are you are you are you serious about CrossFit? Extremely serious, yeah. And so, okay, here we go. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Dallin Pepper, Cedric LaPointe, and Luke DeJong. Will you pronounce your last name for me, Luke? Yeah, DeJong. You said it right. DeJong. Man, and you're not married yet, right? No, not like Dallin. No, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 God, you're so much looser than Dallin. Man, Dallin was like talking to my – like I was interviewing my grandfather. It was like weird. It was like we had some role reversal. It's like all my daddy issues were coming up with Dallin. He's like too mature for a 19-year-old, far too mature. Okay, so it must have been brutal to not be able to train because of something going on in your mouth it was pretty brutal i i probably quit the season like 50 times i remember it wasn't
Starting point is 00:15:35 even my mouth so much that was stopping me it was my knees as well because they just started degrading like crazy because i wasn't eating and i have i have it doesn't make it sound worse but I have MCAD so my body finds it really difficult to burn fat when I'm not eating so I was basically just burning muscle destroying my knees and just making my mouth worse hence the because another weird thing that you said and I guess it makes sense you explained it a little bit is that you lost 22 pounds how much how much did you um weigh before your wisdom teeth started coming in uh sitting around the 93 mark kilo brian just over 200 pounds and and how tall are you 62 okay and that's interesting too because i think you can kind of see it i wasn't sure like i wasn't sure what was going on with your body in
Starting point is 00:16:24 some of those pictures because you know there there's some athletes, especially younger athletes like you, they're growers, right? They don't look that big. And then they work out and you're like, Jesus, that dude got swole. And I think you got a little bit of that going on. Like you look kind of, not that you look normal, but you look more normal. And then once you start working out, you get jacked, right? You puff up real big yeah i guess uh yeah because i remember pat barber when he was young that was always tripping on how giant he looked when he worked out but but there is kind of some weight discrepancy in you and your you your build definitely changes a lot in the last let's say year of your posts like up and down not just consistently and so i
Starting point is 00:17:02 guess that would explain the knee and the sickness and now is all of that behind you except for those two teeth that need to be pulled? All of it's behind me except I'm still rehabbing my knees at the moment. So I'm about six, seven weeks in of that and I'm slowly getting better. So another four weeks and I think I'll be on top of things again. They gave you a new tendon in your knee? Can they do that? Oh, no, no, just rehabbing it. So just slowly, progressively loading it.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I had to start from just walking to light step-ups and just I'm slowly getting into squatting now. What about... Go ahead. Go back and watch the events that he won at the Torian Pro. I mean, you're not going to believe it knowing this. That his knee, that he was pulling, he was trying to compete with
Starting point is 00:17:45 scott panchik for knee damage plus plus the lack of training and everything else lost losing to over 20 pounds what do you think about the knees over toes guy luke absolutely amazing i'm basically following his stuff i actually have um so hayden wolfsbrough um from down he's actually doing all my rehab and he follows pretty similar to what neovatose guys does what's his name hayden who uh hayden wolfsbrough okay he's he competes also he used to compete yeah he used to compete okay take him off your list b Brian, for top 1,000 CrossFitter. I just remember seeing his name maybe on some of the Australia regionals or wherever they used to be called.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I contacted Luke. I contacted that guy, the knees over toes guy, and I asked him to come on the show. Oh, shit, I'm losing my voice already i asked him to come on the show and he was really cool until he said i think like he wanted to schedule like three months out and like i don't even know if i'm gonna be alive in three months i was like i started that started making me like really anxious that but he was very courteous his back and forth in the dms i was i was kind of surprised because he's got a half million plus followers and i'm sure there's a ton of people dming him right
Starting point is 00:19:09 oh my god my knees fucked up help me please and uh but i gotta get him on the show that's cool why do you like him uh just the movements he implements like there's certain things that i didn't know how to lengthen correctly like the piriformis i've never seen someone do a piriformis rdl and i got rid of my sciatica in like two sets send me that okay will someone explain that to me a piriformis i love how excited luke gets at first i like how smart he's smarter than me and i like how excited he gets every time i mention the knees over toes guy. He gets a little like he's going to come out of check. Okay, so tell me, what is piriformis, RDL, sciatica? So you know like the classic pigeon stretch where you have your knee 90 degrees
Starting point is 00:19:54 on top of you on a box? Yes, sir. Except I do it on the floor. Yeah. Okay, go ahead. So you do that except on a box or slightly slanted on a bench. And you have a weight in the opposite hand to that leg. And then you do an RDL in between the gap.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Okay. And you just did that. And before then you had some sciatica and that helped it? Yeah. And did you just learn that from watching his Instagram or do you have to pay him money to learn that kind of magic stuff? I've just been watching all his YouTube videos and pinching whichever one I need. And that was one that popped up. Kne popped up knees over toes man we got to put a link to him on our youtube
Starting point is 00:20:29 on the bottom wouldn't it be great if we had someone on our you like who was part of our team and like they were like pulling up videos right now like anytime i mentioned luke's body like changing they pulled up like two pictures or the knees over toes guy they pulled up a video or the winning events at the torian pro yeah yeah yeah or him shitting the bed in 2017 even like the whole thing like we could have all that or like when he came on we just showed a giraffe because he kind of looks like a giraffe oh man um luke what was there ever a point in your life where you're like oh my god what am i gonna do with my hair and then all of a sudden you're like one day you're like damn i got some fucking hair i'm gonna work this shit like there was like a transition uh so are you always good with it
Starting point is 00:21:16 i was always pretty good with it when i was really young used to be super curly and blonde and then around when i was probably 14 15 it started getting real fro-y and i used to get made fun of at school for it's called a jufro so it's a white man afro jufro i'm familiar with the term yes yeah so then later on i had so early on people kind of made fun of it and said look funny and then later on like only in the last couple years people kind of say oh you have sick hair like i love it i was jealous of your hair so now i just grow it out and let it go crazy yeah you just roll with the jufro yeah you're like a buff do you know little dicky the rapper uh not familiar with that no no you don't know who that is oh my goodness isn't that right up isn't that his age brian
Starting point is 00:21:58 i'm also unfamiliar with it little dicky oh you gotta look him up we promised to look him up i'm gonna send you a link afterwards sounds like it's more in your age range no no no no no i just found why do you know it i'm just hip like because i'm just hip like that i'm cool so at first i i i thought you were doing i you know there's some people like who do like mayhem programming or people who do proven programming or like just the different kinds of programming out there. They do the bridges, bridges programming. What's bridges called? Pay them, pay them. Anyway, and I thought you were doing some programming that the buttery bros sold like Heber and Marsden sold because i would see these references to butter boys
Starting point is 00:22:45 in your instagram but now i'm starting to think that it has no relationship with marsden and heber and that they're actually no i'm there it's not okay tell me about butter bros programming boys so it's butter boy oh yeah butter boys i so have you ever googled that have you ever googled that word yeah that's how we stuck with it because oh god i love it okay the og butter boys okay let's hear it so it started in 2015 it started as a pull-up so i used to get made fun of all the time for doing these horrible crossfit pull-ups so i was like all right i'm gonna make a pull-up that looks even more disgusting so i just made it look horrible like was kicking my feet everywhere and it ended up being called the butter man and then about two weeks later like someone said oh
Starting point is 00:23:28 why don't we call ourselves the butter boys and we do the butter man or something like that so then that kind of stuck in 2015 we made the instagram in 2017 and then um ever since then we've just been called the butter boys and i've basically been programming for all of us have you and you've been doing the programming uh yeah oh good on you have you thought so you do all your own programming that was when you were 15 years old that you first did the butter man yeah and then two years later it's the you started writing programming for all your friends uh we've been doing programming for ages just we just go in there right on the whiteboard kind of started out as a bit of fun and then when i took it seriously i really put some time into it
Starting point is 00:24:08 what is the time into it like researching from uh any particular you know method of it or at talking to people yeah well my mom's a good like crossfit coach and well-eating coach uh i've been doing fitness for ages. I'm currently studying exercise and rehabilitation at university. So basically that's what I study for a living at the moment. Dude, there must be some epic haters there who just love fucking with you. Oh, you're into rehabilitation? Oh, and you compete in CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Fantastic. Psycho. I call it. Yes. Oh, you're your own experiment you're gonna do all these dangerous things and destroy yourself so you can fix yourself that's fantastic luke it doesn't look good when i'm rehabbing at the moment and i say that oh little dicky is his favorite he's lying to you zach thomas wayne lang knees over toes guy is good friends with marcus philly get him on
Starting point is 00:25:03 kobe hengene. Stop lying, Luke. You love Lil Dicky. I know. I don't believe him anyway. You think he's lying? How many of these are butter boys that are making these comments? All of them so far.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Brian Gamble, Luke's hair is amazing. Who wore better, Luke or Khabib? Wow. Have you thought about dying it? No, never. How about now that I mentioned it? khabib oh it is wow have you thought about dying it no never how about now that i mentioned it now are you considering it uh if i get enough messages about it maybe yeah i'm like that too i'm like that too i'm very easily um influenced if someone's like hey shave your beard i'll just shave my beard
Starting point is 00:25:41 for the people for the people or grow it out um how has your ambition for how has your love for your girlfriend changed in the last year and a half no how has your ambition changed um since you went to the games in 2017 to now that you've gone through you know these struggles just related to my girlfriend no that was it i was i was getting my wires crossed i was getting my wires crossed i'm just wondering like at 21 you know you hear we talk to some people and they're like hey man like i like i want to win the games. And then you're sort of this era. Right now it's up for grabs. So people for the last five years, you can just imagine.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It's just – I mean the only thing holding you back is your government. But for the last five years before then, it was Matt Fraser was holding everyone back. But you look and you can kind of see it's a it's a little bit wide open right i mean so so is the goal to go to the games at 21 or is it to win the games or is it to get on the podium or is it to stay healthy like i'm just trying to figure out how at 21 what you think yeah so i want to make this clear so at at the torian pro everyone thought i was there just to get followers and like muck around but ever since i've ever started crossFit, since I was, like, I started when I was 10. And, like, any time a match would come to train with me, the game, like, the whole goal of everything was make the game to try and podium.
Starting point is 00:27:13 So that's all we've been doing for the last eight or so years. So. And the reason why you're, like, being adamant about that is because also you do your own programming. And other people are relying on you too. Yeah. Not that there's anything wrong with mucking around and going to – I mean shit, if I could go to the Torium Pro and do well and pick up 100,000 followers, I'd do it. But it's not going to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 But you only pick up 1,000. Yeah, right. I actually just woke up, you know, I'm under this crazy shadow ban and that, and I was constantly putting on followers, even though it was crazy shadow ban. And then in one day, someone's like, Hey, did you notice they just took 2000 followers from you yesterday? And I'm wondering what happened? Like, how did I just lose like 2000 followers overnight? What is what shadow ban? I've heard that before, but I have no idea what it is so like if you try to tag me in something it'll say you can't tag this guy or if you try to follow me you'll get a message that says um are you sure you want to follow this guy he gives unreliable
Starting point is 00:28:15 information oh right so the um the fact checkers have checked me and have decided that the information i'm giving out is wrong even though most of the information I give out is just like straight off of our government websites. Yeah, I must say your story does get a bit chaotic. It does. It does get a bit chaotic. I don't think you're mature enough to see my story. Run that by your parents first and let them watch it and then decide whether you should see it. Run that by your parents first and let them watch it and then decide whether you should see it. So tell me, how is your girlfriend – how do you get separated from – is your girlfriend American or Australian?
Starting point is 00:28:52 Yeah, American, from West Virginia. Okay. Oh, where in West Virginia? Her name's Morgan, and she's from Morgantown. Oh, that's cool. Does she CrossFit? Yeah. So I actually knew of her from the 2017 crossfit
Starting point is 00:29:06 games when i went as a teenager and was she an individual athlete yeah she competed in the 1617 girls and i was in the 1617 boys oh okay so she wasn't in the okay i was thinking maybe she was in the open division i was like, that would be impressive. Okay, so you meet and you guys met there? You courted her while you were at the games? No, not at all. No, we were very much focused on competing. We didn't really talk much at all.
Starting point is 00:29:37 It was mainly online after the games we really started talking. Did you know when you saw her at the games, you're like, okay, this girl is attractive. When this shit shows over with here. I'm going to DM her. No, not at all. I was very much focused on competing and just getting over my jet lag. I didn't really know what was going on half the time.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Oh, do you remember how long before the game started? You, you arrived in Wisconsin. It was, I think it was the day before, or maybe two days before. It wasn't long. And if you had, if you had the next time you make it was the day before or maybe two days before. It wasn't long.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And the next time you make it to the Games, how much in advance will you want to arrive? Hopefully, if I get some good sponsors, I'd do it for two to three weeks and then do a training camp in America and then compete. Someone just said someone named Tristan Allen. Do youish tristian tristian allen said do you know who that is yeah he's one of the battle boys i'm not responsible for anything they comment oh yeah okay he said he's always perving on younger athletes i mean i take offense to that i take offense that why would you only be perving on younger athletes you should be just be perving
Starting point is 00:30:40 on everyone you should just you should be consistent you shouldn't be ageist i will not tolerate any ageist racist or sexist should perv on just everyone as long as they're of age as long as they're of age um so okay so and did she have interest in you i always wonder about that too because you know i've i've had a few friends who are olympians and they basically said that that olympic village i don't know how it is this year and how it was this year in japan but in olympic village there's just like big bowls of condoms in all the hotels and they're talking to the athletes there about having safe sex and just all this shit right because i mean you have all of these young you know people there and i mean the whole reason why we exercise is to avoid getting someone pregnant while we're young um so so did she spot you there when you talked to her in hindsight was she like oh yeah i spotted you or no neither of
Starting point is 00:31:31 you saw each other neither i'd say neither and you're 21 and and and you have a relationship with a girl that you didn't meet on the internet i mean you are a winner thank you thank you you're very special and and and and have you ever met heber and marzen and told them like hey uh knock that shit off with the butter boys thing that's ours no that when i was in miami actually it was pretty funny they um they were at my gym here in australia when i was in miami and i was like the chances of that are incredibly unlucky but then they actually flew there on day two of the competition and i met him and got a photo with him but i've obviously never said anything about that because it doesn't really matter did you what were they doing at your gym lagged sorry did you ask him if they were jet lagged no no those dudes don't sleep those dudes don't sleep yeah um What were they doing at your gym, Luke?
Starting point is 00:32:28 I think they were there for the tribal clash at the time, which is like a kind of an international cross-fiddle competition. They competed in that, and I think they won, didn't they? Oh, yeah. I think they did, yeah. Wow. Your friends are really filling up the chat. I really like that. It makes me feel popular.
Starting point is 00:32:43 That's awesome. It's all good. It's's all great it's all great and boys listen his mom's probably reading these too so keep it clean is your mom in the other room right now watching uh no no she's not home at the moment oh good i'm glad you said that even if she is watching because that would just make it even harder on me to show okay so tell so tell me about the – so you're in Australia, and what's the name of the city you're in? Well, I'm in Wollongong. Okay. Oh, shit, and that's where they used to do the regionals too. How convenient, right? Okay. And what did you call it? Wongong? Yeah, Wollongong.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Wollongong. Yeah, Wong Gong. Wall and Gong. Yeah, so W-O-L-L-O-N-G-O-N-G. Oh, Wall and Gong. And so then you get back home after the games in 2017. Somehow she pops up on your radar and you just hit her up in the DMs. Hey, what's up? I'm Luke. what did you think of about event three dave's a jerk for programming that just sliding the dams and yeah and then so
Starting point is 00:33:51 i think she always wanted to come to australia so she's like oh i'll come to australia and i'll just yeah stay at my place and then came over we hung out hit it off and then it's been good ever since and your mom let her stay at the house yeah oh man i had a great mom and dad like that too i could invite anyone over that's awesome god i can't wait till my boys are having international girlfriends okay so so then she so she comes over uh so she comes over and how long does she stay i think she stayed about three weeks the first time and and she came by herself no she didn't bring a chaperone or her mom or anything no all by herself and just flew straight over i was pretty surprised that her parents let her do it to be honest but and are there
Starting point is 00:34:38 is it obvious there's a little bit of sparks and tension even before she comes over oh yeah yeah there is okay so you already told her hey you're you know you're pretty like shit like that whatever boys say to girls i don't know if that's what guys say to girls but something like that i guess you could say okay she knows she you said something that would would allude to the fact that you found her attractive yeah for sure yeah and she reciprocated yeah yeah 100% yeah it was it was mutual it wasn't creepy at all and so that's a year and a half ago and she stayed for three weeks okay and then she went home and then what happened when did you see her again after that uh so then
Starting point is 00:35:17 i tried to qualify for waterpalooza now originally it was an individual i should have qualified individual sitting top five until the clean and jerk. And then didn't qualify for that. So I was like, oh, we'll make a team. So we made a team at Waterpalooza of all Old CrossFit Games athletes. So it was me, my girlfriend, Daviel, and Sequoia. So all from the 2017 CrossFit Games. So we competed on an elite team in Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 00:35:40 We met up over there. I went a month beforehand to hang out with Morgan. And then we competed. And I hung out for another week or two after. Was that Sequoia Barrera? Yep. How did you guys... Go ahead, Brian. As a teenager or maybe her first year after,
Starting point is 00:35:56 maybe her first year after, she would qualify for the West Regional and she was competing out there at Del Mar when we were there. Oh, when we were there? Yeah, she had a couple good workouts actually i think she did pretty well on the triple three and then maybe struggled with linda and the hansen obstacle course but how old is she how old is she same as luke probably 21 shit wow she must have been young then in del mar it was i think she was. I think it was her first year after the year that...
Starting point is 00:36:25 Okay, so did you actually go to West Virginia to visit her in the trailer park she lives in? Yeah. That's awesome. Right to her. She was still studying uni at the time, so I was just kind of working out and hanging out between her classes.
Starting point is 00:36:42 That's awesome. And what did you think of West Virginia? Was it weird that you were the only person there with teeth? Yeah, a little strange, a little strange. Everyone there is super nice, but I am a big – I do love home, so I did get some teeth. So that was in the winter. It was winter here, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I've never been in snow like that before in my life. Yeah, I was going to say. Did you go skiing or anything like that? Attempted, you could say, yeah. I've never been in snow like that before in my life. Yeah, I was going to say, did you go skiing or anything like that? I attempted, you could say, yeah. It pulled my groin, but it was good. Every single person, by the way, I'm just joking, every single person I've ever met in West Virginia is awesome. Good people, old-fashioned, good times.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And when you went there to visit her, her parents were just as welcoming as your parents were? I didn't. I met her grandma at the very um beginning and then i have still haven't met her dad but i met her mom but uh she lives in an apartment by herself at university so she doesn't live with her parents oh man why did you ever come home wait you visited an american girl who has her own apartment and who just wants to train with you yeah okay that must have been really hard leaving yes okay so so and so then you come man that's a good life your life just keeps getting better and better what i mean it's not like he was going back to nothing. The Butterboys were all waiting for him back home.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Exactly. Glad you got Luke. Big fan since I saw the Torium Pro. Also, Brian, you rock. Thanks for keeping Savant on track. GG strong. $49.99. $50.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I don't know about keeping you on track. This show is over. We're done. We got our money. Let's go buy a sack of weed or something. You know what's interesting? I don't know. I used to smoke cigarettes until I was 34 and I started CrossFit and I quit smoking cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And then over 15 years of doing CrossFit, I eventually pretty much quit doing all added sugar and refined carbohydrates. But my life, when I used to smoke cigarettes, I used to like, and it's kind of like this with coffee. Do you drink coffee, Luke? Oh, I love coffee. Yeah. I wonder if you do this. So I would like reward myself when I was like your age. I'd be like, well, I actually, I didn't smoke cigarettes when I was your age. It was probably, I started later when I was 25, but I'd be like, okay, if I work out right now, then I can have a cigarette afterwards. It was always like my reward for something. And now I really don't have any vices.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Like, um, I keep this bottle of this stuff. I don't know if you know what this is. This guy, um, Jeff Evans makes this stuff. Quick plug. Yeah. It's Sarah's flow. I don't really know what it is. It's supposed to make it so you breathe better. But you're supposed to take it before you work out. But I don't take it before I work out. I just like it. So in order to feel better about coming to talk to you in the middle of the day and spending time with my kids, I leave this in here. And there's cayenne pepper in here, and I give myself just a drop of it. That's actually two.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I took one to treat myself in the beginning of the show. Do you have that? Do you set treats up for yourself? I mean you got a treat for a reason to go to west virginia but do you have other treats like are you like okay if i work out really hard right now i can have an extra cup of coffee or i can have a donut or like there used to be this ice cream store like five miles from my house and i'd be like okay i can get three scoops of ice cream if i walk there and walk back i guess my thing is i don't have a treat or anything like that like i love a coffee but i can kind of say no to it the one thing is if i do work out for ages and have like a good session i just give myself 20 minutes where i don't have to do anything after i can just like lay down and
Starting point is 00:40:17 just be lazy wow that's a great vice i wish i had a vice like that do you have anything brian do you have to reward yourself? Do you have any pathologies like that? Addictions? Yeah, after a solid day, if I've done everything I need to do on that day, then I watch some disc golf. So I take some supplement that has cayenne pepper in it. Luke likes to lay on his back and rest for 20 minutes, and play disc golf god we suck no one does heroin no one anyone anyone no one's that cool okay so then you you spend you go that was cool that you did that so you basically go a month ahead of time
Starting point is 00:40:58 hang out with her train do you like training with her yeah it's awesome super fit so it's good and there's no weird tension because with some people there's weird tension when the when the man and the woman train together i've heard about that i don't understand that at all good me neither yeah yeah i don't have that with my wife either it's fun you get to watch them right it's dope yeah i just love competing with anyone so especially if it's your miso it's even fun yeah what did you call her your miso yeah missus or missus yeah missus miso so um and uh so you tonight seven miso to your wife miso come to bed so so you so then you you go a month early you um train with her then
Starting point is 00:41:48 you guys go to waterpalooza you do the team thing um you get along great you stay for a few weeks after and then you go home yep and what was the date on that do you know roughly always the the start of a month is when i left so if waterpalooza was February I think I got home the 1st of March and that's it and that's of 2000 uh 2020 and that's the last time you've seen her yeah and and why haven't you come to visit her uh well with yeah lockdowns I can't really leave the country at all and then if i do to get an exemption that's hard enough and then if i do get it it's going to be like 20 grand just to fly or 30 grand so wait a second you can't just leave your country no why would they care if you left i
Starting point is 00:42:37 would understand i could understand if they're if they didn't want you back you can't leave either no from what i know unless you get a special exemption and have a lot of money, it's pretty hard to leave. And why hasn't she come to visit you? Same thing? Yeah, no one's allowed in at all. Especially to Sydney and Wollongong, which are hotspot areas right now. And we just had protests like you know. Oh, we should fucking nuke you guys and just take your shit.
Starting point is 00:43:03 We should just take that island. We should unfuck ourselves and take that island from you guys. Oh my God, what is going on over there? Can we leave, Ryan? Are we allowed to leave? Does anyone want to leave? Leave the United States? Yeah, we can go anywhere we want, right?
Starting point is 00:43:20 I guess we can't go to Australia. We could go to Cuba. The rules seem to be changing by the day or the week hey um can you go to any restaurant you want like i heard in new york city you can't go into a restaurant unless you prove that you're vaccinated is it like that in australia once they open maybe but everything's shut at the moment so there's only takeaways you can't go into any restaurant i think you even have to wear a mask outside at the moment all gyms are shut even the supermarkets are getting stricter on that sort of stuff. Oh, Stefan, I saw something the other day that you would love.
Starting point is 00:43:50 This is nuts. What? I was leaving a park where I was probably playing disc golf, and we were in the car, and a guy pulled up into the gravel parking lot, got out of his car, was not wearing a mask, walked to a porta potty as he was going into the porta potty, put on his mask, went in the porta potty. I ain't hating.
Starting point is 00:44:10 That sounds like the best use of a mask ever. I ain't hating. That's great. This parent walks up to me. This parent walks up to me at my kid's tennis, and we shake hands, and we're talking. And then, I don't know, somewhere in the conversation, he basically says he assumes that everyone's vaccinated and that he doesn't want to be around people who are unvaccinated. And I'm like, well, shit, well, I'm not vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:44:38 So I'm thinking to myself, I'm just thinking to that. And so then afterward in talking, we have a pleasant talk. He goes to shake my hand goodbye. And I like I pull back and he's like and he's like holding his hand out.'m like dude you can't shake my hand he goes why i go i'm unvaccinated because he had already told me he didn't want to be around people who are unvaccinated i already shook his hand once like i owe him the respect to tell him like so he goes oh so we were done talking and we walk away a few days later i see this guy walk up to another guy who I know is not vaccinated and ask to borrow his cell phone. I'm telling you, putting using someone else's cell phone is like a couple degrees off from licking their scrotum. I mean, it is like you, especially a man's cell phone.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You should never touch another man's cell phone. I mean, let alone put it on your face like this, ever. Yeah, I wouldn't touch any of the Butterboy's cell phones. Yeah, yeah, smart. There you go. From Luke. You heard it. Luke Dijon.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Especially Jake's. Jake's. Yeah, good. See, Jake's getting bombed. I love it. Let me see if Jake has said anything smart-alecky that deserves it. No, I don't see him. Luke, you said that you, what was it competition you trained with ricky right before
Starting point is 00:45:49 yeah yeah that was yeah before taurine when i hurt my back is it uh is that something you do regularly as train with him is he is he nearby you guys yeah he's pretty close i think he's in wongong also uh i think as soon as my knee's fixed and lockdown's eased, hopefully we'll line up a few sessions together. Because everyone in America is getting all these big training groups together. So everyone's just progressing like crazy. I know like the Proven squad is all getting together. Like you've got the Training Think Tank squad.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And they're obviously like amazing to train with those sort of athletes. So they're just pushing each other 24-7. So hopefully if we can get something similar down here, that be awesome so it'll be kind of me ricky butterboys hopefully khan can come down from sydney and we'll kind of link up a bit more when you say the butterboys that's you too though you're part of that squad yeah how many people are in the butter boys oh about seven of us wow and are there any girls in the butter boys uh there's heaps of girls at our gym as well but they they call themselves the the mama ladies marmaladies so they're sticky and you guys are buttery yeah something like that yeah okay um and and is it okay to say that you train with ricky gerard that's not like taboo like you don't like have to like you're allowed to talk about that uh
Starting point is 00:47:05 i don't know i know some people probably don't like it but he's a good guy he's pretty funny apart from the fact he stole my drag right apart from that he's a good guy i actually think he's extremely funny and a good guy too um but i didn't compete against him either and then do you train with benny also uh no never train with ben do you? Yeah, he's come in with Ricky a few times. He's had some funny shit. It's good. Yeah, they are funny as shit, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Is that pretty typical for Australian men? Yeah, I feel so. Like most competitions I go to, it's a bit of a laugh, so it's a good time with them. Who else do you know over there? Do you train at all? Do you know like Rob Fort you do you train at all what do you know like rob forte or chad mckay or uh what's the guy's name boomberry blueberry who's the guy newberry newberry
Starting point is 00:47:55 james newberry jesus boomberry james newberry like i'm just trying to uh con oh by the way someone sent something uh someone sent something to me about con porter i gotta ask you about brian blueberry is con kidding me jason newberry dude i don't say that guy's name very often cut me some slack i'm working on luke de jong luke um do you see any of those guys luke i never i'm not close to any of those guys i think a lot of them are in like melbourne and then in bris. So the only ones around me are really Ricky, to be honest. Do you think you're going to the games next year? I should have gone this year if I didn't get sick. I thought it was going to be an easy, clean sweep, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Wow. Is he going next year, Brian? I'm kind of curious to see if they're going to make any amendments to the qualification process but if only three can go there's going to be three guys that don't go that could easily outperform the guys that make it i think like it's that five or six guys yeah is is ricky coming back you think 100 100%. Yeah. I feel the same way. God, I hope he'll be a regular on my show. Sorry, Brian.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Our show. Sorry. Sorry. God, that would be awesome. What do you think I should do to court him? Luke, what do we do to get him to come on as a regular guest? I've got no clue. I guess you'll put in a good word for us. Yeah, I'll put in a good word for us yeah i'll put some yeah i'll
Starting point is 00:49:28 put in a good word for him don't worry um who who are the three who are the who are the pipe hitters brian that luke's gonna have to deal with in australia or in oceania yeah well you know him i mean the the three guys that made it this year are very good. Jay Crouch, Royce Dunn, and Baden Brown. James Newberry just missed. Con Porter just missed. Luke was in the running for a long time. Luke Fiso, this guy from New Zealand, is very good. Obviously, Ricky's coming back.
Starting point is 00:49:54 I think that we'll see if, like, I don't know what Matt McLeod was doing this year. I really, people have asked me. I'm not sure what he's up to. Zeke Grove might give it one more run. I mean, there's a bunch of good guys. Do you train with Royce Dunn? No, never. There's that picture of you on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:50:13 That's not a real picture? The one where I look bigger than him? That's a real photo. He's a small guy. Wait a second. Am I getting played here, Brian? I'm lost. He says he doesn't train with him, but that's a real photo?
Starting point is 00:50:27 That's a photo from the competition. Ah, gotcha. I just look at two dudes. I don't even look at words. It's a good picture, though. Especially for Luke, that's a good picture. It's a great picture. I forget the photographer's name,
Starting point is 00:50:44 but he DM'd me. He said, yeah, I did a great job of making Luke um photographer's name but he dm me he said yeah i did a great job of making luke look great yeah ben watson um when will you be a hundred percent do you know honestly i thought now i was going to be fine but i did a lot more damage at touring than i expected especially in event one when i had to run 5ks on my knees so hopefully i'm going to give myself six weeks and i should be squatting again and then even with a bit of pain and a bit of um just adjusting my movements i should be well training at full capacity again i guess you don't know because you're you're 21 and i'm asking you to reflect on what it's like to be 21 but
Starting point is 00:51:20 at 21 i don't think a lot of people would have the maturity to like be patient and tone it down. You know what I mean? Like at 21, if you're a guy and you hurt your back deadlifting all you, as long as you can get back in the gym, you'll start deadlifting again and fuck your back up again. Is it like that? Or are you smarter than that? Uh, I know I have to be smart. It's, it's very hard to take it back. Cause I'm so used to just killing myself 24 seven. Cause it's so addictive and that's what I live smart. It's very hard to take it back because I'm so used to just killing myself 24-7 because it's so addictive and that's what I live for. It's so fun. So at the moment, I'm trying to put my focus somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:51:52 So if I'm not training 24-7, I've got to be studying harder or I've got to be doing something else that's going to test me mentally. So one thing we chucked in this winter was spending 10 to 20 minutes in cold water. So I think that's been something to take my mind off and just have a bit of a challenge and i've been enjoying that so i think that's keeping me sound how long have you been doing that for uh i did it for the last month so i think i totaled like almost 30 days of doing it and now that it's warmer i just don't do it what's what's like the
Starting point is 00:52:19 general takeaway from the month ben have you felt like you've what have you what's changed for you doing that i think taking control of my breathing because we do it in winuna pool which is actually one of the coldest pools on the illawarra i think it is the coldest pool in illawarra which is where i live so going down there just early morning or late night just wind in your face just super cold water you just can't stop shaking and just focusing on your breath has been like pretty cool so now when i go on the assault bike or skier i just close my eyes i get into a breathing pattern and every pace feels the same tell me about this body of water sorry go ahead brian yeah yeah and is that something you've been doing alone or does someone go with you group of guys uh mix of both i'd half the time i just say i'm gonna go this time if someone shows up, they show up.
Starting point is 00:53:05 If they don't, I'm just there by myself. So tell me about this. So it's not an ice bath. You're saying that there's a body of water somewhere in Australia that's cold enough that it's equivalent to doing an ice bath? Yeah, I'd say so. So it's Wenuna Pools. It's an ocean rock pool, but it doesn't get touched by any of the waves. So when it sits still at night just on the edge of the coast,
Starting point is 00:53:28 it just gets super cold. And when you go there, are you the only one who gets in? Every time I've been there with someone, they've pretty well gotten in. A lot of people don't last 10 minutes, but they'll always jump in at least. But I mean strangers other than you. I'm assuming it's like a place where tourists go and look at the pools and you and your buddies are the only one who gets to get in oh they don't go in the pool wearing wetsuits no one else is in there without a wetsuit on
Starting point is 00:53:51 okay wow and then and then from there you just run back dry off jump back in your car and that's your deal that's your how far is that from your house something like five minutes super close wow that's not even the hardest challenge in that pool the hardest thing i've done in that pool was um so hayden gave me some swimming laps to do and like if someone tells me to do something i'm gonna do it no matter what so i think the pool was freezing on one of these mornings i went in did my 20 laps i came out completely numb and i could barely basically walk i was just trying not to fall over because i couldn't feel anything on my body and that's like the hardest swim I've ever done in my life was in that pool probably like two weeks ago and and why did he tell you to do that
Starting point is 00:54:33 that's more just for to work on controlled breathing and just just the hardship of dealing with that situation no I think he has no idea how cold this pool actually is i think he just wanted me to swim um did your lips did your lips turn blue yeah yeah oh the the nuts hurt so bad oh my god oh wow it stings like bad and other things that i'm not gonna say but yeah so so it it stings but is it like blue balls does it feel like they're getting crushed too oh yeah you're just getting crushed it feels like yeah yeah you come out a new man so to speak oh luke and brian have you ever had blue balls yes as a young man yes that was a very quiet that was a very delicate yes i i'm surprised he even answered i had it once in my life it's a disaster and just so there's no relief from it people there's no like for anyone who's never doesn't know it there's no like medication for it or you can't like ejaculate and it goes
Starting point is 00:55:35 away once you got it you got it you got to just just yeah you just got to make sure it doesn't happen again you just got to make sure it never happens again did you ever have it twice brian luke in general would you say you're a good swimmer? That's crazy if you set yourself up twice. That's a good question. It's a good question. So I swim with Zach Thomas, who you know is on the leaderboard. He was third after week two of the Open worldwide.
Starting point is 00:55:57 He's basically like a state-level swimmer. So any time I go swimming, I just get crushed. I've never won a swim workout. But as an Australian swimmer, I reckon I'd be average, like probably bottom average. But when I compare myself to the Americans, like in Waterpalooza, I'm actually in the top half somehow. Damn, damn, damn.
Starting point is 00:56:18 He's mashing us. No, but in the history of swimming events at the Games, Australians have a very good track record in general. But this year, two of the three guys didn't swim in the event. Baden was still seventh, and they were 22nd. And, well, Royce was down there. Brian, are you in a haunted house right now? I don't think that was my house.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I hear, like like footsteps and doors squeaking. It sounds like there's someone Oh, that's you? You have a ghost? Oh, okay. Tell her Brian says what's up. Zach Thomas says Lucas had blue balls for 1.5 years. Tristan Allen
Starting point is 00:56:58 This one, there's a better one in here. There's a good one in here. Where is this one? Oh, God. Hi. Hi. Zach is fitter than Luke. No.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Oh, shit. There was one in here that basically someone says that you give all the other Butterboys estrogen, so that way they can't get big and strong like you. That's a great. No comment. Oh, here it is. Tristan Allen, Luke takes all of our trend and gives us estrogen so we can't get big and strong like him.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Is trend like some sort of steroid? Yeah, yeah. Trend well, yeah. Steroid? Yeah, yeah. Trainable, yeah. Luke, how many of those – were any of those guys at semifinals this year besides you? John Molinear was, yes.
Starting point is 00:57:53 So it's pretty funny. We didn't – it was kind of flipped who we thought was going to qualify. So I was in a bad place in quarterfinals. I was like, basically, I'm out. I'm not going to make it. I'm just doing it to give these guys a push to go to quarterfinals. And we all thought Zach was a shoo-in because he was looking in form. He got two top ten finishes in the Open. He was looking amazing.
Starting point is 00:58:10 We were like, Zach's going to make it. Joel will make it. Then I'll be the guy who misses out. Then it ended up me and Zach flipping spots. I qualified. Zach didn't make it. Joel qualified as well. It was just me and Joel out of the Butterboys actually made it. Paul Zakos was just there being my coach. Did he handle that pretty well? Was he pissed for like a day or two, and then he'd get over it, help you out?
Starting point is 00:58:32 He can be a very angry man sometimes, so I think he was pretty pissed off for a while, but when you're at the competition, he helped out with everything, just running back and forth and we're warming up and whatnot, telling me what to do. How much longer do you have left in school? I have a year to finish this course and then I'm finished exercising rehabilitation.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Then I might do a post-grad to become a physiotherapist, which would be another two years. So three years from now. And, and do you have a job also? Yeah. I work between two gyms. So CrossFit Wollongong and NSPC center.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Oh, is that when I, cause I've seen pictures of you with a bunch of old people like people my age like in a morning class are you teaching that class yeah that's my class oh that's awesome damn you're a good dude do your parents go to that class uh no not that one NSPC no uh my mom's a full-time coach at CrossFit Wollongong so she doesn't work with the other one. And your dad, does your dad do CrossFit too?
Starting point is 00:59:30 At the moment, no. He literally got a full hip reconstruction about a week ago. Was that scary for you? No, not as scary as his first operation. He has heart failure. He has sarcoidosis. So his heart runs at about 30%, and he already has a defib inside him and a pacemaker, and now he's got a full-hit reco.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Holy cow. And how's his heart doing? It's hanging in there. It's hanging in there by a thread. He's doing all right. Wow. I'm glad to hear that, and that's wild that your mom and and does your sister do crossfit also uh my older sister does she does Olympic lifting my younger sister is actually
Starting point is 01:00:11 the strongest woman in australia in all tested federations brian did i hear that right yeah did you hear what you said his sister's tia to me for powerlifting powerlifting wait so that's your younger sister is what by the way your mom's awesome and your dad's awesome too he's like i know you know how lucky you are but someday when you get older it's gonna blow your mind um someone's saying that we're not gonna get ricky gerard to interview first that we're gonna have to wait for wiki to get him that's the south african guy that's that's uh hanging with uh he's hanging with matt fraser these days that's a good dude if anyone deserves ricky garard it's
Starting point is 01:00:52 to lube get licky all written licky to get ricky all wet for me it's wiki get him get him get him yeah okay so tell me about your tell me about your younger sister she does what she does powerlifting so in all TESA federations. So she took the. How old is she? 2020. Brea. How old are you?
Starting point is 01:01:12 She's 19. Oh, it would have been cool if you would have said like six. Yeah, she's six years old. She's the strongest six-year-old. And there's like only three powerlifters for six-year-olds. But okay, 19, that's legit. Okay, go on. Yeah, so she has uh i
Starting point is 01:01:25 think 240 kilo back squat better or just under 200 kilo deadlift and a one for a chick she has like a 110 115 bench which is big for a girl hey 240 kilo back squat so your back squats heavier than a deadlift yes way heavier can you can you back squat 240 kilos? No comment. It's crazy. It's crazy. I'm not even close to that. Dude, that is nuts.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I had my PE teachers making fun of me because my sister was always stronger than me. That's amazing. Do you enjoy working out with her? We rarely train together she trains at nspc and i do most of my training at cross the long gone so it's like two different sports so we sometimes cross over and we do some bench together but not too often how tall how tall is your sister luke uh brie how tall are you you reckon 164 centimeters and does she have a Jufro? No, she doesn't have a Jufro.
Starting point is 01:02:29 No, she has regular girl hair, I'd say. And do you think that she's going to creep over into the CrossFit space? No, not at all. No, no. Completely different sports. Not at all. I don't know, buddy. She absolutely hates fitness. I think they start salivating over there brian you know
Starting point is 01:02:48 what they get so strong and they start looking over and they're like these these pussies would beat i'll come beat the crossfitters and then they come over and they get addicted my sister will say that again my sister will only run into something chasing her. Okay. She would not. So you're the middle of three kids and you have two sisters? Yeah. That's awesome. We have a lot of similarities. I don't have a Jew fro, but I have a Jewish wife and Jewish boys.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Little prodigies. Yeah, they are such good boys i can't wait till they get into i can't wait till they get into disc golf i aspire for them to get on the disc golf circuit and brian can watch them yeah yeah before they're probably beating me talk about them on a youtube channel uh zach also loses to me in conditioning workouts. Tristan Allen. I don't even know who Zach is.
Starting point is 01:03:50 These boys are... Your butter boys are like a... They remind me of a pack of dogs. They're supposed to be attacking the intruder, but they start fighting each other. Now they're just on the other side of the fence, just fighting each other and attacking each other.
Starting point is 01:04:04 That's pretty accurate. Lukeke you went to the touring you like did amazing on a couple events in the middle of the workout did that surprise you did you surprise uh not really i think after you look at the events all the guys were kind of like all right try and win these ones like it'd be weird if i didn't because i know my strengths and when i have my knee problems like when there was a bike event coming up all i can do is bike when i was training so as soon as that event came up like if i lose this one i'm going to be pretty angry at myself because no one spent as much time on the bike as i have wow that's cool and lucky do you think you would have done well at the games this year
Starting point is 01:04:43 uh you know i would have got crushed in the strength events especially like it's kind of a blessing in disguise i didn't make it because i'm still rehabbing i would have been pretty broken in the fitness side of things i would have gone done pretty well i feel but in the clean ladders and one-arm snatch it would have been like close to last place that's the only problem and is that something that you're going to be working on your strength yeah entirely i'm going to be really cutting back to fitness i have a bad problem with um doing strength blocks and then i get as soon as i feel unfit i just train harder into fitness and then double up everything my volume and training just goes insane because i hate feeling unfit
Starting point is 01:05:18 so that's something i really gotta like mentally take care of and say all right it's all right to lose a bit of fitness gain my strength strength, and it'll come back. Do you think that's because you do your own programming? You should get someone else to do your programming? I'll be back in a minute. Yeah. So if my strength stuff, I do get Simon Bergener out of NSDC to do my strength stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:36 It's just, it's on me to kind of calm down everything else. But I just so addicted to training that I just keep going. And then by the end of the block, I'm like, oh, i probably didn't optimize that whole session like i should have say that again who does your strength training what was the person's name uh simon bergner from nspc he did a lot of my powerlifting um training stuff is he related to the bergners no not at all yeah i didn't think so but they have the same last name? Yeah, same last name. Oh, that's weird. That's really weird. I wonder if they know each other.
Starting point is 01:06:08 They must. You don't think so? No, no. I don't think he has any clue who they are. Oh. Oh, no, he does. I bet you he does. You mean you don't think Mike knows who they are? Mike Bergener?
Starting point is 01:06:20 No, no, he knows. He knows everything. That guy. Yeah? Yeah, yeah. Even though he's big time, he knows everything. And he's a good dude. And they probably talk. I bet you same last name. They have to have. Did you know, Brian, when you were gone kissing a baby or something, doing whatever politicians like you do, his strength coach is a Bergner, but it's not related to the Mike Bergner. Oh, what do you think of that? That was not what I.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Do you make any money from your sponsorships i wish i picked up some pretty cool sponsorship from the taurian but before that i every competition i've ever gone in i've lost money like a decent bit yeah man okay good good that makes me feel better that you that you don't make any money because i was looking at your instagram like are these sponsors because we don't even have sponsors on this podcast and we're killing it and i'm like what the fuck is going on and and everyone i know who's in the sponsorship game they will not mention anyone they don't even want a picture taken of them holding something unless they're getting paid for it and i just can't do that i just haven't figured out that um i just want the people who like i like their shit to like give me money but i guess it
Starting point is 01:07:26 doesn't work that way i guess you have to like anytime i want to say anything nice about someone i have to bite the inside of my cheek i guess i just don't think i'm yeah i don't think i'm gonna be able to do that um six eight are you sleeping eight eight to ten hours a day at the moment in lockdown i am before that i was my sleep schedule was horrendous it was very bad and do you have to force yourself to stay down yes very much so so like um you'll go to bed at 10 and then like pop up at six and you'll be like nope i need to stay until seven and you'll sit before you'll just lay back down yeah almost that exactly like uh because my body clock's still set to around like 550 almost
Starting point is 01:08:05 every single time so i'll wake up normally go to the tour go back to bed and then you either get a little bit of a nap in get a lucid dream or two and then um you get up or you just lay there and just stay bored yeah and and do you think you're that's helping you are you recovering is your training getting better are you healing better oh for sure healing i i um i made a promise myself when i start doing my rehab i'm going to prioritize sleep over everything so like i just basically my room is really cold in winter so that's already good but if i need to i'll get like a cold blanket start taking cbd oil no phones now before bed and then do some breathing work and then no matter if i feel tired or not i gotta lay down at that time and explain to me the no phones before bed yeah just no blue light no stimulation at all so
Starting point is 01:08:50 exactly an hour before i actually have my phone set so all my apps don't give me any notifications after 8 30 so if i want to use them i actually can't so as soon as that pops up i just put my phone on charge don't look at it and then i'll just go to bed. Oh, shit. More disciplined than me at 21. That's crazy. Yeah, and how long have you been on this sort of this regimen of sleep and getting away from the stuff that keeps you awake? Very strictly, probably the last six months is when it started. Before that, I wasn't very strict at all.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I didn't prioritize it as much. It's only when I really started actually using the Woot, and i was realizing when i'm in bed for eight hours i'm not even sleeping close to seven i'm sleeping closer to five so i realized if i need to get some deep sleep for a longer time i gotta up my bedtime by like two hours just to get more sleep why do you have a whoopie what what gave you the desire to get a whoopie uh my girlfriend got for me as a present to start off. Oh. And, yeah, so then I've been using it mainly to track sleep. That's all I care about is sleep.
Starting point is 01:09:53 I'm just skeptical about all that shit. What's that? I don't know. I'm not about to sleep. I think sleep's important. But, like, I just don't know. I just don't. I just don't.
Starting point is 01:10:02 I'm not. I just don't. Well, let me ask you this. I'm not a Whoopie guy. I had an Apple Watch, and I can wear it for, like, a week, and then I just can't know. I just don't. I just don't. I'm not. I just don't. Well, let me ask. I'm not a whoopee guy. I had an Apple Watch and I just, I can wear it for like a week and then I just can't. Sorry. Apple Watch and Garmin.
Starting point is 01:10:11 I don't like those. Okay. Go ahead, Brian. Luke, do you think with something like that, there's like, there's a lot you can learn from it, but at some point also it can become a crutch and it's like, it would be valuable to use it for a certain period of time, learn as much of you can from it and then kind of wean yourself off of it so it's like you're in then in tune with what does work and doesn't work for you when you have gotten enough rest and haven't have it haven't without needing that thing that's exactly what i'm going to do i'm not going to keep this forever i'm going to keep it for a year i'm going to learn what patterns help me sleep
Starting point is 01:10:41 what um what routines get me the deepest sleep and like what to do and then once i realize all right this is how i'm getting the best recovery so one thing at the moment that was pretty revolutionary if i did stretching or soft tissue work before bed my deep sleep went up like crazy like more than i ever expected so if i just do literally 20 minutes stretching go to sleep that's one thing that's been a big game changer and then yeah once i know how to optimize my recovery i'm going to get rid of it because it does stay in your head if you wake up and you're in 10 recovery it messes with your head you're going into sessions thinking oh warming up is feeling hard the session's feeling harder oh it's because i'm on 10 but once i get rid of
Starting point is 01:11:19 it i'm just not going to care about it if i know i've optimized my sleep and done everything i can it's irrelevant of um what my recovery is that i'm gonna try and just as hard that's crazy insightful right there brian he's saying it's kind of like the opposite of a crutch though no i'm saying like in the long term in the long term it's the same way as you know a lot of coaches but if you have someone that's that you're coaching and like you've been coaching for a year and two years and three years and four years, at what point it's like, have you actually learned anything from me that if I disappeared, will you still be able to continue on with the things you've been doing on your own? Or go on and find someone else but have a baseline of understanding of the things that we've worked on over this time. I mean, I kind of feel the same way about eating or whatever know whatever kind of uh macro tracking people do it's like it's good
Starting point is 01:12:06 for a period of time but at some point don't you want to have that kind of independence or understanding of your own body independent of the numbers the immediate feedback from the electronic wearable or whatever it is oh i see what you're saying yeah saying don't rely on numbers but more be in tune with your body and go off feel is what you're saying. No, I think that there's value in the technology. But if you become too dependent on it, it's kind of like the Google Maps. There used to be no Google Maps and I knew how to navigate all these areas. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Now there's Google Maps and even to go five minutes away, my default is to want to put in Google Maps. I'm like, I don't need Google Maps for this. I know how to get there. And it kind of will fuck you up. Yeah, yeah, I've seen that. But I found it fascinating what Luke said too also. He's basically saying like, yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:12:59 I know like it was cool. He gave an example of good feedback. What were the two things you said? Stretch or what was the other thing? Rollout? Any soft tissue work. Okay work okay yeah that's awesome and uh and that basically then he would get better sleep and he wouldn't have known that if he wasn't didn't have the whoop but on the other hand if the whoop says you slept like shit he's basically if i understood him correctly saying you sort of start to embody that even though you might feel good like oh but the whoop tells me i did shitty so maybe i should feel shitty that's kind of interesting right that's dangerous yeah that
Starting point is 01:13:28 is dangerous i think josh bridges spoke about that that's why he doesn't have one i believe oh that's so fascinating but i mean that thing that he said about the that's like it doesn't it doesn't matter how many times i tell people that brian doesn't look good girls in the comments keep saying he looks good and there's nothing I can do. I can't stop it. I can't stop it. They're like a good whoop for him. They're like a good whoop for him. Sorry, Brian. Go ahead. No, I think
Starting point is 01:13:54 that he's, that comment he made about the body work or the soft tissue work is really valuable. I don't wear any device to track my sleep, but I do know that I have my bed and I have a Theragun. And if I do the combination of heating pad and Theragun before I sleep on like my hips or my legs, I usually I feel like I sleep a lot better. I don't have the feedback he has, but I don't know if any athlete tell me that before.
Starting point is 01:14:19 That's kind of cool. And a box of condoms you have next to your bed, I bet. Yeah, two boxes. Two boxes, Brian? How does Lukeke know luke i told you um i would also bet i'm willing to bet i was gonna say a hundred dollars but i'm not really willing to bet a hundred dollars i'd be willing to bet ten dollars that brian and i both stretch tonight before we go to bed i stretch at least half the nights before i go to bed anyway but i bet you tonight we both stretch before we go to bed. I stretch at least half the nights before I go to bed anyway, but I bet you tonight we both stretch before we go to bed. I'm going to try the Puriformis RDL.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Oh, that's good. And do you know what that means? That means you, Luke, Dijon, are an influencer. Wow. It's my first time. Who's that? Whoop is definitely questionable. I never drink.
Starting point is 01:15:06 And one time I got drunk, slept two hours, and woke up the next day 100% recovery with a 120 HRV. I don't even know what that is. But that was the whoop giving feedback. No, Yandy, that just means you should drink more. You should drink every night. night some guy named medina zaheik wants to talk about henry kissinger and about him ruining the united states of america or something i think that's a different topic um when is your next trip when will you see your girlfriend soon as the borders open hopefully she'll move over here or if it stays long enough and it's the borders don't open until waterpalooza i might
Starting point is 01:15:45 try and qualify for waterpalooza again and then fly over there and that'll be it wow that's some crazy motivation to qualify too right oh well that was the motivation to qualify for the game but i didn't do that and and when is uh waterpalooza i think they they announced it last week. I think it's February, February? January. January. So that is September, October, November, December. Oh, man, it could be another four or five months. Wow. Holy cow.
Starting point is 01:16:23 And so is it something – like when is your country supposed to open? Like when can you like – when will they unlock your cage and let you out? Yeah. So they said once we get 70% vaccination rate, they'll start easing some things. But now they're saying even if we do get 70% vaccination rate, they're still going to be harsh on the restrictions as long as the Delta variant is still around. So honestly, we don't know. We thought it was going to be like a month, but then they just announced it's going to be until November now. And then in November, they could easily just say it's going to be another three months.
Starting point is 01:16:49 We have no idea. There is no confirmed date. Yeah, I have really bad news for you. Oh, my God. Oh, God, I have such bad news for you. You guys know, right? Okay, I won't tell you but but you already know you already know oh my goodness echo variant echo echo e comes after d right echo yeah
Starting point is 01:17:17 uh nice hair luke and brian nice camera jayden dominic uh i think i have a question as well yeah yeah go ahead go ahead i saw on your um i saw on your instagram it says comedian are you is that a self-proclaimed comedian or is that totally that's totally some some some lady goes some lady was just beating the shit out of me in my dms doesn't happen very often but i was kind of liking she goes and you're such a piece of shit i know you call yourself a comedian just so you can get away with saying anything i was like shit it's that obvious i should put rapper in there rapper boxer comedian yeah because then i then between doing
Starting point is 01:18:08 between being a um oh yeah start my vespa please my nephew's trying to fix my vespa start start it up he got a new battery for he's asked me if he should wait before he starts it start it up um yeah rappers and comedians and uh and boxers you can pretty much do anything like you can hit kids pee on people hit women swear i mean you're it's shit untouchable yeah yeah untouchable you're good you're good to go you can't be you can't be canceled i mean i it doesn't seem like it doesn't seem like they should be canceled i mean you tell dirty jokes for a living. The other person beats people up for a living.
Starting point is 01:18:47 It's like… Each to their own. Yeah. Why did you ask that about the comedian thing? Did you have a bet with a friend? He's not a real comedian. No, not at all. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:18:58 I was just very curious. I didn't know if you were or not. No. Did you ever want to be a comedian as a kid? Oh, yeah. 100%. I reckon it was awesome. It's like the best profession ever.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I think even Dan Bailey used to say that he wants to be a comedian. I would have loved if he started doing that. Who were you inspired by as a kid? Well, the obvious answer is obviously your parents, but they lead you up until you probably like get a bit older then you start reaching out but i mean but i mean for the comedian stuff was there like a comedian like did you hear chris rock once when you were 10 years old you're like oh man this is amazing i want to do this uh probably seinfeld okay that's probably where it started to be honest
Starting point is 01:19:39 back to the jufro back to the jufro exactly Exactly. There's not a lot of people that I know that are in their early 20s that watch Seinfeld. Amazing show. Amazing show. Yeah, I wasn't a Seinfeld fan either, but I think all the smart people were. I like dumb comedy like Abbott and Costello and Three Stooges and just like – Dumb and Dumber. Yeah, Slaps. Ah, that was just too dumb for me.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Too far. Wrong side of the spectrum. That just too dumb for me that was too dumb for me um brian is there anything else you'd like to talk about luke we talked uh he's he's on the men's um he's definitely uh discipline schooling sleep long distance girlfriend it's almost like he hates himself it's almost like he's masochistic um he's he's he's he's already programming for himself at 21 um sister's the strongest girl in the world. Hey, your world, there's for Australians, there's only Australia. Just pretend like the rest of us don't exist. It'll be easier for you. Just pretend like we're not here.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Do you have anything you'd like to say to Mr. Luke, Ryan? No, I'm just really hopeful that he's able to get everything back on track over there. I, you know, he knows, I think most people know, I think he's got a ton of potential, but it's crazy. The more athletes we talk to this year, the more times we find out about these things that are physically or otherwise that make the competitions a lot more difficult than we would just assume that they are like training doesn't go perfectly. Life doesn't go perfectly and everyone's bringing something to the competition floor. And I always just hope that they're able to show up in their best, best shape so that we can see what they truly have. And maybe that'll be the case for Luke next year,
Starting point is 01:21:35 which would be, which I think would be, um, I think it'd be fun to see because I think he's got a ton of potential. Do you have any concerns when you see a guy this young and this much promise, but already already some injuries? The knee is the only thing that is a long-term thing in terms of maybe a flag. The rest of the stuff seems a little bit freakish or one-off type stuff with the wisdom teeth.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Hopefully, you can get the knee under control and then I'm not too concerned after that. You think that if he open-mouthed kisses Ricky, he'll test positive too? Man, tough questions tonight. Oh, that's the only advice I have for you. Get Ricky on the show and don't open-mouth kiss him. I mean, you just don't know. You just don't know. The guy has sampled and has dabbled in the goods by the way i i will say this i have not taken any supplements like that but ricky um as soon as i found out that whatever
Starting point is 01:22:37 he was on i think it was something called sarms i just googled the best sarms like you could get and i did it spent like an hour researching. And then I tried to order it. I was like, God, that would be amazing to just take steroids once and just see how strong. But I couldn't find it. It was sold out everywhere. So people talk about like Matt Frazier being able to sell shit out. But once people found out Ricky Garrard was on that shit, I tried to get it and it was like sold out. It's surprising how many people are on it.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Not in CrossFit, but just in general. It's insane. And do you know people? Oh, yeah. Yeah, i've never been here i would never touch it i don't train with anyone that would touch it um but in school definitely have a lot of bodybuilding friends who would come to school and they're um when they would take psalms they are that eyes can't dilate when it goes dark so they come in from recess and the um the lights in the room would be a lot darker and they basically can't see at all. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Yeah. It's not good. Oh yeah. That's not good. Well, I'm glad I never found it now. I've lost interest in it again. They can test for it at the games in the future.
Starting point is 01:23:39 They can just program an indoor event to transition to an outdoor event. Maybe that's why they had the clean ladder where they ran outside and inside this year yeah uh well thank you hour and 23 minutes of your time oh no i thank you for having me on it's good yeah just say thank you to my bladder for holding it for the last 15 minutes i don't know why i didn't get up and go pee i should have but i just sometimes get nervous that brian's gonna drop the ball especially because you're 21 like i'm just i just don't know like if how much you have to talk about at 21 so i'm nervous if i leave you and brian alone
Starting point is 01:24:13 you guys will just look at each other you make it awkward fair enough anyone want to ask him one question on just order podium and bait alanineine. Does anyone want to ask Luke one question? Any question you want. You have 15 seconds to put it in the comments. No limits. Anything. This is a Pandora's box right here. I think there's a 30-second delay.
Starting point is 01:24:42 No, it's cool. It's Luke. Can you imagine if we said that, with daniel brandon as a guest go ahead ask her anything you want yeah but these are like his his friends that he's been training with for eight years he only has five friends there's 116 current concurrent viewers only nine there's 99 people on here who are here good podcast thank you Sevan just order a podium thank you okay guys I'm gonna hang up here we go is it true
Starting point is 01:25:09 you cried after the Torian that's definitely one of your friends did you cry after the Torian Pro no I don't remember crying no do you remember the last time you cried that's a deep question I don't really know to be honest probably when
Starting point is 01:25:24 I had to leave my girlfriend at the airport. That was probably it. Oh. I was going to guess it was something having to do with your dad, but it always goes back to the girlfriend. Yeah.

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