The Sevan Podcast - #115 - Josh Bridges & Jacob Heppner

Episode Date: August 31, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:00 Okay, let's do it. Let's go live. Cool. Oh, that's cool. I think even that part where I said, okay, let's do it, let's do it, that even made it on there. It did? I don't think so no i think it did i think that i like that it says james hobart where i'm my picture is oh damn damn he got you got one day miss one day and i'm just kicked oh i got too many audios on what's going on here yeah what just what just happened Uh-oh. I got too many audios on.
Starting point is 00:01:46 What's going on here? Yeah, what just happened? I'm at my mom's house, and so I have my computer in front of me and then her computer in the back. Hey, guys, what's up, dingus? Dingus healthy lifestyle. I got my computer in front of my mom's computer, and I just had the volume on both. You know how they have these rolling blackouts in California? my computer in front of my mom's computer and i just had the volume on both i'm uh you know they have these rolling blackouts in california i don't know if you guys know this but basically they'll
Starting point is 00:02:09 just threaten it at a moment's notice to be like hey we're turning the power off josh knows he lives in california and so um they i have this generator 200 watt generator being hooked up at my house that's gas powered so that if the power goes off i can still live in the life of luxury nobody cares be quiet josh bridges so good to see you welcome hey what are you drinking it better be it better be fucking good dudes or you're gonna get your ass kicked listen i'm fired up i'm up. You already got me like pissed off. I couldn't get a coffee in because we're going to go. It's a live show.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Integrity, Josh. Integrity. Come on. Come on, Siobhan. Come back. I am very disappointed. I'm very disappointed that I'm not drinking good dudes right now. I drink good dudes for every single one of my podcasts.
Starting point is 00:03:01 What happened was, though, Josh, is I'm at my mom's house because i'm getting some electrical work done at my house with a generator put in oh you mother rosemary oh my god my favorite herb hey you know what's cool is uh hobart was on the show yesterday and uh both our moms are CrossFit famous for different reasons. Yes. Jacob, good to see you, buddy. Good to be seen. Is this a good camera angle, or should I change my camera? I think that you should have the strip club sign in the background.
Starting point is 00:03:40 If that's what you're at. This is a great show. We're not going to have to do shit, right? Oh, there it is. Oh, that's nicer than I thought. What did you expect? It's a classy joint. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:03:55 It's a classy place with some good service. Jacob, is it called Whispers? Whispers, correct. Whispers. So I was, you're parked pretty far away, too. If you park closer, do you think you'd get a better signal? I mean your signal is good. No, I don't really want to park that close.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I interviewed – I think the guy's name is Jason Whitman. He's a UFC fighter. He fought a couple weeks ago, and he was doing the podcast with me from a parking lot also. And I said, just interviewed jacob heppner he was in a strip club parking lot and i go but i can't remember the name of it and this guy was in kansas too and i go yeah and i go it starts with a w he goes oh whispers he goes that's a real shithole no uh somewhere around there, he was from – I want to say he was set – I watched it, actually. He was from South Kansas City. It was like Overland Park. Is it Overland Park?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yeah, I think that's where he was from. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. I don't think there are – don't quote me. There aren't just very many in Kansas City, but on the outskirts of Kansas City, there's quite a few and i'm the outskirts so yeah whispers what a classy joint i i invite josh to be on every podcast with me when i have mma fighters on for for two reasons um because he has 750 000 or 800 000 followers on instagram and i want my guest to
Starting point is 00:05:20 be like oh there's someone that's like worth being on the show with and then also because he was a navy seal like just to give me some clout you're welcome you're welcome buddy i'll i'll i'll fucking help you out anytime i can pal hey how many times has he accepted your invite well he he's graciously denied it more than he's accepted it but it's gracious denial i would gladly come on i actually would love to talk to those guys because I've actually watched most of them or at least parts of them. And, you know, combat sports is something I've grown up in loving wrestling and then growing up watching boxing and now UFC constantly. Like I love talking to these guys and picking their brains and hearing their stories. Hey, did you wrestle in college? Did you go to college at Lindenwood?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Lindenwood, yep. You went to Lindenwood? Okay. Yeah. Yeah, we – you guys were in our – I went to Central Memphis. So we played you guys for football, and you guys kicked our tails with your C-Squad. Really? Really?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Lindenwood? See, when I was there, I remember going to a football game and not seeing a first down in the first half like in that first half whole first half i was like wow like our wrestling program was phenomenal when i was there but the football team wasn't yet and i but i do think i remember hearing it got better and how you're 32 jacob i'm 31 so it would have been it would have been uh 08 to 12 oh yeah you guys you guys got pulled in a couple like guys who played at d1 or like played in the nfl and then dropped down to d1 they couldn't get the grades or something you guys got a couple guys in your team that were just they can't return they just return it back i said every time so
Starting point is 00:07:02 we never saw first down either to be honest, to be honest. Because it wasn't running for one. Yeah. It was a good school, though. I remember thinking St. Charles is a really cool town. Yeah. And a good outside of St. Louis. Yeah, it was definitely – it was a nicer part of town. You know, had a lot of good sports programs.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Our wrestling program was a pretty solid program. We had a phenomenal coach, Craig Martin. I think he recently retired. I don't think he's a coach there anymore um but yeah we had we had some great programs uh and then lyndonwood was literally two exits away from my house so like high school college right there hey jacob do you know the story about how one time when josh was at the uh frat house he beat up six guys by himself while holding a beer with his left hand and he was punching him just with his right hand. Just all jabs. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:49 There's a video of it somewhere. He can't jab with his right hand. He's not Southpaw, so he's going to have to jab with his left. Damn. Damn. I've worn it out in these couple months. You just got schooled, Savant. He's been studying you. He knows what hands... it would be that you're a southpaw
Starting point is 00:08:06 hey did you guys ever talk when you guys were at the crossfit games together did you guys ever like yeah we actually uh my in 14 we were in the house together in nike house at the games or was that 16 that was the
Starting point is 00:08:21 16 yeah 16 yeah 16 sorry not 14. 16. And so you guys, during the whole Games Week, you guys were in the same house together. Yeah. And did you guys seem like you guys liked each other? We cuddled. Did you guys...
Starting point is 00:08:34 What room were you in? Were you in the same hallway as me and Cole? No, I was in a closet. I was in a closet, I thought. I'm dead serious. I'm pretty sure you're still in the closet, buddy. I'm pretty sure you're still in the closet. Just. I'm pretty sure you're still in the closet. Just ask your mom.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I think you were at the beginning of the hallway. I think your room was at the first room in the hallway, and then me and Cole were further on down the hallway. No, no. See, I had to move out of that room because I heard the people who were like the cooks, that they had cooks, remember? And it kept me up that first night. It kept at the night so i had to move rooms but yeah that's where i was supposed to be and i moved into a fucking closet it was like would you know that i feel bad now i set up an air mattress and lived in a closet i was like this this was not a good idea what was a big closet don't get me wrong it was a pretty big size it was probably a closet. Don't get me wrong. It was a pretty big size. It was probably a closet three-quarters the size of my room.
Starting point is 00:09:28 What's the date of your fight? September 18th. Okay. Is it the 18th or is it the 17th? So I think it will be aired here in the United States on the 17th, but I believe that we are fighting in Dubai on the 18th. Ah. I believe that is what it should be.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Okay. One of the first comments was in the in the chat here on youtube live was like hey how the why the fuck is it so hard figuring out when this fight is and that kind of explains it so we got a a international dateline issue yeah but they're not past the international dateline i don't think are they who knows i don't know to be honest um and uh and do you have to you have to download the app the core sports app because i i actually spoke to the promoter on a podcast indrice was that his name brian in edrice indrice edrice something like that i don't know about the end indrice edrice do you know him do you know him? Have you guys met him?
Starting point is 00:10:26 He met him. Cool dude, right? I had not met him. I'm sorry. I talked to him on the phone all the time because I'm a manager. So it's usually me talking to Don. He's a good guy. Really good guy. Don Idris. And he basically said that you have to download the CoreSports app and then you just pay $10 and you can watch all
Starting point is 00:10:42 the fights. Do you know that Steffi Cohen doesn't even have anyone to fight yet and neither does Avril? Well, as of a few days ago when I spoke to Dawn, they didn't have people to fight. Have you guys heard any updates on that? I have not gotten an update on that. That was actually – so I kind of – I was kind of starting to realize that they weren't fighting each other because I always believed – I thought that those two were fighting. Yes. And then I saw a couple things where I was like, oh, okay. Those two aren't fighting each other because i always believed i thought that those two were fighting yes and then i i saw a couple things where i was like oh okay they're those two aren't fighting
Starting point is 00:11:09 they're just they're um two more fighters on the card okay that makes sense uh it made sense because i knew that i'd heard that avril was a pro fighter and i knew stephy was not yet so i was like man that's a ballsy move by steph um which i would definitely see her doing but uh yeah probably I don't know um maybe it's not start your first or your second fight is uh with a pro fighter also like their body types are like complete opposites yes which is what I was like Stephie's obviously shorter stouter and then uh I can't think of it as an avril i can't think of her name what is her name yeah yeah avril like taller longer i was like man i would not want a box of profile that's taller and longer than me no jacob has is this getting real for you yet like do you feel any like like is the fight getting real for you like do you really do you feel it
Starting point is 00:12:02 in your body and the reason why i ask is because i chat with Josh, I don't know, once a week, once every two weeks, once every three weeks. It depends. We have ups and downs. But in the last month. Our love life is definitely on to some roller coasters. But in the last month, I would say that he has become more difficult to get a hold of. The conversations are shorter. I mean, he just.
Starting point is 00:12:24 He's meaner's not meaner but just um he he's not he's he's i could tell he's cutting down on the distractions like like he's like it's funneling down i would say i haven't spoke to him about it he could tell me to fuck off it's not true but is that very true i just feel like shit, it's just getting real for Josh. Yeah. I mean like, uh, so I stopped lifting in general, probably, uh, she's almost half a month ago and we just literally just do cardio and half a month. Is that a fortnight? Yeah. Yes. A baker's dozen of days or whatever it is. Um,
Starting point is 00:13:05 but, uh, that, and just hitting the bag and the bag and just doing sparring sessions and stuff like that. So it's quite a bit changed quite a bit. And then, of course, you know, and I know Josh knows this feeling, too. The idea where folks will be like, so, for instance, my wife is like, hey, we're going to Lake this upcoming weekend with a bunch of our friends. And I'm like, no, you're going by yourself. Like, I i'm not going with you to lake and they're like oh no we'll bring spar gear you can like punch each other i'm like that's not how that works like i'm not gonna get on a hooli pad to hit you guys with mitts like so uh if you wanted to do that you could have gone down to the wadapalooza filming with uh hopper maderos and crazer they were wrestling
Starting point is 00:13:43 there was no hands-throwing. But yeah, it's a lot of cutting back on a lot of things. Hey, if this isn't going to help me a month from now or a couple weeks from now, then why am I doing it, to be honest? Yeah, exactly. That's right. I mean, I think we,
Starting point is 00:14:00 obviously Jacob has gotten to the level in CrossFit where you know that he knows what he's doing. He's a professional athlete. When you say the level, you mean Brian's top 40 list of all time? Or is that what you mean by it? I'm sure. Was he on Brian's top 40? I mean, I wanted to have some discussion about this.
Starting point is 00:14:16 He was. My placement, even though I did appreciate being in the top 10. Oh, you were in the top 10? What are you complaining about? I got a lot of complaints. All right, Jacob, you know, it's my life. Let me be me, man. But no, no, I appreciated that, Brian, actually.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I did appreciate it. I didn't like how you defended Vellner's shortcomings when he had shortcomings in the games, because all of us have our shortcomings when we had ours, but you defended Patrick Vellner like he was your significant other, and that's okay. I'll let it go. But just so you know, yes, I have you at 10, and Heppner was right around 20, so they're both well up there.
Starting point is 00:14:57 No, I watched the whole video, and I actually enjoyed your explanation of stuff. I just very much noticed your deep, deep love and admiration of Patrick Vellner. I think in general people are really critical of him and Fikowski for the last two years at the Games. And injuries is one thing, and there's a ton of athletes that have these ups and downs in their career because of injury. I think in those two seasons, for those two guys in particular, and this year kind of
Starting point is 00:15:28 solidifies this point, is that the structure of the games just, for whatever reason, didn't work for them those two years. It doesn't mean that... I don't believe Fikowski was 23rd best in the world that year. He finished 23rd.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Those tests didn't work out well for him and the system didn't allow for him to make up for a bad performance early in the weekend that year. Is that what you have a problem with Josh? That kind of shit. Um, a little bit because in the end we all have, we all have, we all have the same test laid out in front of us and be that that as it may, it didn't work out for Brent that year.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It is what it is, right? Like you have to be – that's CrossFit, right? You have to be ready for everything. And my final two years, I have plenty of excuses written down why I took 30th and 31st place. So I just – but again, I thought your list was very accurate to be honest. Like I thought it was really well done and like well thought out and appreciated it. I was like this guy actually took some time and actually like dove pretty deep into whether it was event wins or year-by-year breakdown, all of it. It was really well thought out.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So I'm just giving you shit saying – it you know and it was it was really well thought out so i i i'm just giving you shit saying you know like give but uh i really a lot of people give me shit for uh for being too close to velner i guess but that's really fucking good also yeah man jacob's doing some cool jacob was just like looks like he was taking notes on what you were saying then took a break to bite his nail and i was taking a sip of his coffee i like i like listening to you and watching jacob this is a nice mix okay so go back to what you were saying, then took a break to bite his nail, and now he's taking a sip of his coffee. I like listening to you and watching Jacob. This is a nice mix. Okay, so go back to what you were saying, Josh, when I interrupted you and I brought Brian into the conversation. You were saying that Jacob has basically worked hard. He obviously is a top-notch competitor.
Starting point is 00:17:15 We've seen what he's done at CrossFit. Obviously, he's going to realize what he needs to do to fine-tune the last few weeks before he goes into an event like this. So, yeah, it'd be different if both of us had never been to the games for very many years, different type of mindset or whatever we've done, but we've both done,
Starting point is 00:17:36 we've done for very many years and done well at it for obvious reasons. Right. We know how to, I mean, to be quite honest, like to say no to a lot of things requires a support team around you that is willing to accept no. A lot of guys I know that I've competed with didn't have the significant others or the team around them that could take a no. Like my wife, and I'm sure Josh has significant others that can say, I can hear, no, I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And they're okay with that. Like, yep, that's right. I can hear, no, I'm not doing that. And they're okay with that. Like, yep, that's right. That's who Josh is because Josh is the focus on going to games for his last time or doing this boxing match or whatever the case may be. And that takes a good support team to be able to take that no and kind of roll with it. Or else if they don't accept your no, they got to get kicked to the curb.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I mean, I'm just not going. I'm not going to like. So you either accept it or not. I don't know. Someone here says that they'd pay money to see uh froning and matt fraser fight no shit no right who wouldn't i'd gladly step out of the ring and be like go ahead guys i will pay to watch this i will watch this um jacob have you thought about your next fight after this fight?
Starting point is 00:18:50 Oh, yeah, probably with my wife when we come back from the lake. I don't know. I mean, in my mind, like, when this was offered to me, I mean, when Coop first called me, I didn't know who he was. He was like, I got a phone call and he's like, no, we want you to box bridges. I'm like, get out of here. Who the crap are you? Like, shut up.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I'm not listening to you. Who are you? This is a fake call. Yeah. And anyways, it was real. But I mean, in my mind, it was really cool to take an opportunity. It was outside of my space. It's been very enjoyable to learn something that's outside of my realm. Uh, I've said this before, but I think my hope is that other athletes in
Starting point is 00:19:36 our space, males or females realize that your fitness isn't defined by four walls and what you do. Your frame time doesn't make you fit. Like try something that's a sport that's a legit sport and go see how well it transfers like it's been very enjoyable to do that and now saying that i don't think i'd take a second fight unless it was monetarily worth my time i mean it is a humongous time suck not in a bad way um but it has been enjoyable to learn it but it's a humongous time constraint sure and i'm assuming i'm assuming for both of you that it can't be nonchalant for two reasons one it's not in your personality to do anything half-assed but also you're not this isn't a celebrity softball game like you're going in there to put the other person to sleep right i mean you you you in an ideal situation um you guys would walk out there, throw three punches and Josh or Jake would be on their back and be like, oh, shit, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yeah, exactly. Right. Like there is as opposed to the other where you're on your back asleep. and i it's too much of exactly it's too much of a combat sports is just so different right like you can't take anything for granted because it's it's too real it's not a game like they always say right it's so cliche or whatever but you don't play boxing right we're literally punching each other in the face and trying to knock the other person out like that's the sport um and again like you just said i don't think captain and i or either of us are going to take that lightly and if you are it's going to be a bad day right and so we both know that we're both not doing it we're both putting in extreme amount of work in the gym um and recovery and like you said just removing distractions which means not as much
Starting point is 00:21:23 time with your loved ones or your friends and things like that. So if you go back and watch our, what we've done in the years past, you never really saw us. We weren't the kind of guy that sure, like Josh and I would probably have some good jokes and make some good, good times, but when it was time to compete and it was three, two, one, it was time to work. And that's what we're going to do here. Like, I'm not going to, we're not doing this because it's, you know, a benefit for a charity. And, you know, to be honest, we're making the same amount of money win, lose, or draw. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to take a draw.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And same for Josh. Like, we're here to win. And that's what we've done for years past, whether it was CrossFit or anything we did in life. Well, the truth is also that if it does be if, if, if it does be a good show, if it does, if one of you knocks the other one out or if it were a close fight or if there was something, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:11 spectacular, there's going to be people who are going to want to see at least one of you fight again. That is the truth. Like each other or each other. Right. Or each other again. You're right.
Starting point is 00:22:21 How many rounds is your, how many rounds is the fight? Six, six. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. when you see these guys who are who are also i'm trying to change the subject here when you see these guys like the fight last night who you know are taking this shit really seriously like you know um jake paul has taken this as serious as a heart attack and what do you think about their level of fitness lasting um jay can i mean woodley obviously i mean he has so much combat experience it's crazy but is that a concern for you guys like
Starting point is 00:22:51 six three minute rounds i mean of course it's a concern right like um but like that's what we've been training for it's what we've been you know obviously i'm sure what jacob's coach knows what he's uh what he's doing and my coaches know what they're doing and they're they're getting me ready they're getting me prepared for 18 minutes of fighting right no matter what and hopefully actually to be honest they're getting me ready for 24 minutes of fighting you know because it's going to probably feel like 30 minutes of fighting so um yeah i mean watching last night's fight that was the first thing i noticed about jake paul but, but Jake Paul's not a CrossFit athlete.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Jake Paul isn't, uh, hasn't been to the CrossFit games. He's never been seen adversity. These, he's actually only fought, uh, he never made it past the second round, right? Until last night. And so I did notice that he was gassed pretty early. Um, my, my thoughts on that fight were that Woodley, if that was a street fight, Woodley won the fight. If it's a boxing match, Jake Paul won the fight
Starting point is 00:23:47 because he outjabbed him. Really, that's all he did. And if Woodley would have thrown his jab a few more times, he would have won that fight. I also think that if Jake Paul was, and I think both of them did a great job. It was entertaining. Super entertaining. I think if Jake Paul
Starting point is 00:24:03 were four inches shorter, Tyrone Woodley would have fucking destroyed him. And it makes me feel like size is a really, really big factor. I think we saw it in the Mayweather Logan Paul, and now we've seen it in this. What do you think? I mean, like a huge factor. I didn't realize how much of a factor it would be until uh
Starting point is 00:24:26 just kind of like hearing i hear my coaches saying it like they kept they were very worried about jacob's weight very worried like they kept being like you gotta get him to come down you gotta get him to come out and i kept telling him like listen at the end of the day we're gonna on september 18th he's gonna step on the scale and i'm gonna step on the scale and then we're gonna step into a ring so it doesn't really look at even manny pacquiao the guy he fought yeah yeah like a manny in my opinion that was a bad deal for manny that guy was too big manny needs to be fighting people 10 pounds lighter than that anyway sorry so go ahead mini bag is also 42 years old i mean that was uh i mean isn't that how old you are 55 i'm 52 oh 52 right yeah. Oh, 52, right. Yeah, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I've had a couple of sparring matches, going back to your conditioning question. I had a couple of sparring matches, and at the end of it, a lot of guys would come up to me. Because that's the beauty of the sport, right? I'm sure I've never done a combat sport like wrestling, and I'm sure Josh can attest to this. But what I do love about it is at the end of it, you can hug any buddies assuming no one cheap strategy and it's a good match right but that's what i've really enjoyed about the idea is i can hit you in the face and at the end of it we can go out and have a coffee if you really freaking want to um but when we got done with it a couple of guys have come up to me and been like man you're in really good shape like that's gonna be such a huge pivotal thing in the fight and i was like you don't understand like if we are both in good shape, it's null and void.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's really not going to matter. People don't understand because they look at me and think, well, you've been boxing for five months barely. You're in great shape. It's because of what I did before this that really allowed me to do that. And it's not like Josh is sitting around not conditioning. We're going to both have the same amount of conditioning when he stepped into that ring. What is the weight you guys are fighting at whatever we weigh that day so there's no weight set yet no it doesn't sound like it's going to be
Starting point is 00:26:16 i honestly like uh when they first when coop first called me and i signed the contract i've never done something like this so i wasn't't, I didn't know how this worked. And there was never a weight concern in the contract until we got past it. And they were like, Hey, Jake, how much do you weigh? And I'm like, it's on the CrossFit Games website. I'm like 200 pounds. And then I quickly realized, I was like, wait, how have I never really thought of Josh? Like how, you know, look at your competitors and CrossFit space and be like, oh, Josh is five, whatever, and weighs 175. You don't think at your competitors and cross the space and be like, oh, Josh is 5-whatever and weighs 170 pounds.
Starting point is 00:26:45 You don't think about those things. Instead, it's like, how much can Josh snatch or how much can this person clean? And so I didn't really know my competitors' weight until later. And I'm like, oh, that was like 30 pounds or 30, 40 pounds. But we've steadily just lost weight because, like Josh knows, it's a freaking sweat fest where you change your clothes and you're not lifting weights anymore. There's no purpose in me lifting weights. Like I don't need to have strong legs. I need to be fast.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And that's not – It's been really – How crazy is it? How much like – I feel so much faster and looser. It's insane. It really is. It's like, wow, I'm not stiff all the time. It's so nice.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I feel healthy. It feels nice to be like i feel healthy it's like oh this is what healthy feels like like i mean for crossfit like you pack on weight you're doing repetitive motions over and over again now i'm sure if you and i like boxed for three years our shoulders would probably be wrecked like i get that right um but it is my face conditioning every day that i do it's really fun josh have you really jacob said he's basically hasn't the last what'd you say two weeks you basically just stop working out unless it's like directly related to stop lifting weights stop lifting weights yeah like i'll jump on a rower a runner or whatever. How about, how about, how about wall balls?
Starting point is 00:28:08 I haven't done wall balls in forever just cause. How about, how about, how about pull-ups? How about calisthenics, pull-ups, pushups, air squats?
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah. I will do some of that. I've got a, I've got a teenage girl that still is like getting ready for like waterpalooza qualifiers. So I'll do stuff like that with her. But not just a teenage girl. A teenage girl. But if we're snatching
Starting point is 00:28:25 cleaning squatting deadlifting anything with a barbell that's heavy i'm not touching it it's not not gonna be good i've done some light very light lifting very light like just to kind of almost just keep the just it was almost mentally i needed to do it a little bit immensely right like i squatted a little bit but it it was very light, very low volume. Like for a photo shoot pretty much. Right. I'm going to take a picture of this, put it on the gram, and say, hey, look, I still squat. Look, I dropped my shorts.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Josh dropped his shorts today. He's got a barbell on his back, and he's like, I still squat, guys. That was pretty much a go. That's right, baby. That's right. Josh, are you wearing those new shorts at at the event or do you have like boxing no boxing shorts oh those new shorts are dope by the way congratulations thank you it's cool it's cool they flip up and they flip up in the inside that's cool that's the only part that i thought was
Starting point is 00:29:15 stupid but other than that they're right they're phenomenal i've been i literally we've been waiting on those shorts we were told that those shorts were going to be in in like March. Yeah, I guess COVID stuff. But yeah, so I've had them forever. Oh, all the shorts got contaminated? No. Oh, you hate me. That's for all the mom comments, buddy.
Starting point is 00:29:39 That's for all the mom comments. I love it, man. I love it. No, but yeah, they finally literally got in today, and I was stoked, man. We've been working on those forever forever those shorts are they are they're great shorts i was gonna send you a pair of them but now i uh i'm gonna go ahead and scratch that off the list pal but jacob will send jacob miss you know are they doing cooper actually mess with me today they're doing our shorts yeah you're having them do your shorts for the boxing match um they're gonna no no i'm not um i had someone else doing it but coop did say that someone could do them for me over there You're having them do your shorts for the boxing match? They're going to – no. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:30:05 You guys are going to do them? I had someone else do them, but Coop did say that someone could do them for me over there. What color are you doing your shorts? I'm still debating on the color. Can we tell you mine? You can't tell me mine. Yeah, tell me yours so we're not the same color. I'm black. I think I'm black on black.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Okay. Nice. I think I'm going more towards a red, white, and blue probably. That's cool. That's a good concept. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. Okay. Nice. I think I'm going more towards like a red, white, and blue probably. That's cool. That's a good concept. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Surprise, surprise. I'm going way out there with a red, white, and blue look. You're going to have the frills on them too? Oh, definitely. Big frill guy. Big frill guy. I got a lot of flair on mine. I got like 13 paces of flair.
Starting point is 00:30:43 How many pieces of flair do you got on your boxing shorts josh you know that's as many as yours you know that move adrian broner does like if if he spins someone around and then he pretends like he's like hammering him doggy style have you seen that you know the boxer i've seen that video yeah i've seen the video yeah would you would you do that to um heppner if he turns back to you. No, no, I like, I like Jacob too much. Those are your mom though. Jesus Christ. In a sparring match, have you turned your back on someone on accident yet? I've heard that a few times.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I don't know the rule. I'll be like, I'll be like tripping over my own feet and, um, like falling over. I'm like, Oh, hold on,
Starting point is 00:31:22 hold on. You know, like I'm losing my balance. Uh, yeah, it's bad, but luckily I have really good sparring'm like, oh, hold on, hold on. You know, like I'm losing my balance. Yeah, it's bad. But luckily I have really good sparring partners who don't take advantage of like knock me out at that moment. So I think Jacob's frozen. Did he freeze?
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah. Oh, he looks good like that. I heard his echo coming out. Oh, probably the strip club's probably rebooting their Wi-Fi. That midday reboot. oh yeah oh yeah thank you ryan put a picture of the shorts up on the feed yeah those are really nice what's the emblem there that's the um that's josh that's like my my logo okay yeah it's dope yeah those are dope i can't wait to get a pair you can you can buy them online if most sizes are still available i think that's
Starting point is 00:32:04 right that's right ryan how do you do that so you you have a agent or a manager and they're like hey let's let's make some workout shorts and sell them and yeah or you have a favorite pair of shorts and you're like dude let's put my name on these i love these um so coop was uh coop was the guy who kind of initiated that you know and he um like he was the one who got my uh oh yeah he got my logo kind of done he like we we started working on that process a while back when we were working on the website and um i really like that that logo um once my nike contract kind of ran out with for clothing i'm still with nike technically for shoes um but for with clothing i no longer have a sponsor it was like well why don't i just go get my own pair of shorts made, put my logo on it, and if people want to buy it, cool.
Starting point is 00:32:50 If not, I still got my own pair of shorts that I get to wear that I love. So, yeah. Oh, the lifey looks cool right now. I don't know how you did that, Ryan, but we all look like we're magnifying glass. Oh, there we go. You know what I did, Josh? See that shirt that Brian's wearing? glass oh there we go um you know what i did josh uh see that shirt that brian's wearing basically someone sent me because we were doing the josh matt and seven on podcast someone sent
Starting point is 00:33:10 me a shirt it was a picture of a goat on it you know good greatest of all time and i'm like wow i fucking love this shirt this shirt feels great but it should have my logo on it so i think matt souza just called those guys and was like hey hey, will you print shirts for us? He loves your shirt, but take your fucking logo off and put his on. They're like, sure, no problem. There it is. I mean, that's pretty much how clothing works, I feel like, these days. It's like, I like these, so make these adjustments and boom, there it is. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Do you have anything you peddle, Hepner? Do you have any wares that you ped pedal that help you put gas in your car? I mean, I don't have any product companies where I sell a tangible product per se. I have online. He sells his knowledge. Yeah, I sell my brain. But no, I don't sell any tangible products like Josh does. That requires a whole solid team that that you trust and it's not
Starting point is 00:34:06 something i have right now so wow i almost feel like that was a little bit challenging what jacob said like he was like no i don't i don't think it was challenging i think it is it's a you have to fucking like i could not do that on my on my own whatsoever like i'm not even i'm not even gonna try to pretend like i could like i'm very thankful of pooping um my team uh there's uh there's another guy uh young guy jake who's uh who crushes it as well um helps with the marketing helps with um the distribution i mean all that i mean it's marketing distributions all that stuff like it's a lot of pieces yeah there's so many different pieces and like get like finding material, finding the person to make it, finding the person to print on it, all that stuff. And it's not something I even have time for. You're too busy loading the donkeys up with coffee.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Damn right I am. Damn right. I know how that works. Hey, did you see – I'm sure you guys saw that that guy Devin Lorette stepped in to fight Thor. Yep. How crazy is that i was so impressed that they were able to find a man willing to step into the ring with thor because that in itself is insanely like there cannot be that many people who would be willing or even would be a fit to get in that ring with them who it's even safe for right yeah it's crazy so like for that guy we talked to bkg and he's like dude that thor is lethal right now like i would be scared for my life fighting someone was someone was telling me i can't remember who it was i think it was um who was it ryan can we see some footage of him boxing?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Someone was telling me that he can hold 700 watts on an assault bike for seven minutes. Seven minutes. Hold 700 watts for seven minutes. Is that true? Do you think that's true? I think it is. Yeah, I don't know why I wouldn't be able to. That's crazy, though.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I wouldn't be able to. That's crazy, though. And does the guy who subbed in for Eddie, he has a previous background in MMA. I mean, I'm not one to judge. I have no background in anything. But he's not just stepping in with a month to train, right? Like, with nothing.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I think he is. Yeah, I don't think he has any sort of striking background. He's a professional arm wrestler he's basically a power lifter he's basically a dude who just for the last you know i mean i mean he comes from special forces in canada i mean and so like the guy the guy can work out he can move but the last few years of his life since he's retired from special forces has been just one arm. I mean, you couldn't pay me enough to do that for that. And let's just take that off the table. If you were like, Jacob, we'll give you a month to do this with bridges, I still wouldn't take that.
Starting point is 00:36:54 You couldn't pay me enough for that. Let alone with a mountain. Right. A month is a short period of time, man. There's not a lot you can learn in a month. It's funny that you say that because a lot of the games athletes seem to have the opposite mentality when it comes they qualify for the games there's an announcement of workout and boom okay i'm gonna learn this thing in three weeks and i always think it's crazy i'm i'm with you everyone's at
Starting point is 00:37:18 the same but everyone typically is on the same playing field where this is not right like it like there's one person who knows how to kayak and the other 40 and the other uh 79 have to learn yeah exactly it's like for the most part it's like everyone's on the same playing field with the games that's like and and you're using your athletic ability and your fitness um to like what what us what us games athletes and these games athletes do typically if you translate it into uh translate it into those worlds, we're not doing anything impressive by any means. We're very mediocre below average. But we do all of them really well if you combine it. So that's the difference.
Starting point is 00:38:03 But you tell someone, hey, you got to get into a boxing ring and fight somebody in a month that you you've no no idea what you're doing dude what would your coach what would your coach teach you in a month i wouldn't even teach you like defense i'd be like hey man we're just gonna throw you're gonna haymakers ryan can we actually see um thor actually throwing some punches maybe yeah yeah i'm just trying to get uh the camera situated i wanted to show context to the viewers like everyone knows who alex smith is sorry word i just want to see i i the the footage i've seen of thor throwing punches is he is moving extremely slow though like like he's so big he's gonna have to but both of those guys are gonna be
Starting point is 00:38:45 slow yeah maybe slow isn't the right word he's telegraphing like you can see what's going on it's like fighting a tree but he's also six nine how could you not see it right i mean his i wonder what his reach is do you think that you and hepner together could whoop Thor's ass? Dude, no. That's funny. At dinner last night, that was actually a topic of discussion at dinner last night with my wife. She was like, if you and Josh got in a ring with half Thor, could you win? I'm like, no, no. He would just pick on one. He'd be like, I'm going to corner Hefner, take hits from Josh behind me, knock Hefner out, and then knock Josh out.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I don't think we could do enough damage to him. Unless we could do shit that we were not allowed to do you know what i mean like yeah you can't like trip them like like me get like me run up and get on my hands and knees and jacob come up and push him over me you know kind of thing yeah actually can you guys see the youtube channel and ryan was just showing his footage of thor punching he actually uh he's actually not slow it's it really is is just that he's so big and Can you guys see the YouTube channel? Ryan was just showing his footage of Thor punching. I can see it. He's actually not slow. It really is just that he's so big, and the punches are coming from so far away. Speaking of which, last night, did you see that fight?
Starting point is 00:39:56 Jake Paul kept the fight at his distance. Like, Woodley needed to fight way closer. Didn't you think that the whole fight? Like, holy shit, they're fighting Jake Paul's fight. Yeah, I thought Woodley would get in a little more distance. But I just thought like Woodley fought like a fighter. And he kept trying to just land his power shots, which he did. He landed a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:40:17 He landed more than Paul. And he just didn't use his jab. He didn't box. He wasn't boxing. He was fighting fighting and that's where but that's his world and so when you get tired what do you do you go back to what you're fucking what your brain has trained you to do for woodley has been doing that i remember going to a bar this is how old like woodley's woodley's from st louis missouri or uh yeah st louis uh he went
Starting point is 00:40:42 to mcclure high school or m McClure North one of them um and he wrestled my brother in high school uh beat him both my brother was a state champ his senior year but uh Woodley was a two-time state champ anyways he graduates goes who won who won Woodley or your brother Woodley won Woodley won it was that it was just a but it was that just like a random tournament I think or yeah it was a tournament um but anyways so woodley graduates he goes on wrestles at mizzou um and then i remember being at a bar in like south county and they had a cage in there and woodley was fighting on like on that like and so i mean that was probably 2005 2006 you know 15 years ago crazy i mean it's nuts and now you know, 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Crazy. I mean, it's nuts. And now, you know, he's still boxing on main events. It's impressive. How much did they make? I have no idea. I haven't heard. Have you heard, Sivan?
Starting point is 00:41:37 I heard it was four times as much he had ever made in a UFC championship fight. much he had ever made in a ufc championship fight i'm guessing which makes me think he that he made probably i don't know somewhere between 250 and 500 000 in his uh championship fights with the ufc so i'm guessing he made a million bucks in this fight i'd heard the number 500 000 for this fight for him i'm guessing that there's some tie-in with the with the pay-per-view yeah i'm gonna assume that too like i'm gonna assume that might be like his guarantee is probably like 500 and then pay-per-view points or something I did think it was crazy that Jake Paul um agreed to fighting him again like I feel like Tyrone Woodley won the mental game at the end there like he fucked Jake Paul up with that with that stunt he pulled yeah Yeah, it was good. I mean, it was a good play for him.
Starting point is 00:42:27 For Tyrone, yeah, totally, right? Totally great play. He knew. He knew. Great. If I can get one more paycheck out of this and do one more fight, that'd be awesome. And Jake Paul should not fight him again. No.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I think it would be bad for Jake Paul if he fought him again because I think that Woodley's a fighter. Woodley's a fighter and I think I was impressed by Paul's um the fact that he he he was really really tired and he continued to fight and didn't get knocked out um I was actually really impressed by that because I thought he was going down for sure once he once back up for a second he did get knocked down and I don't know why they didn't score that a knockdown um you mean when he went into the ropes when he went into the ropes? When he went into the ropes. Because the ropes – the only thing that kept him up was the ropes, which is considered a knockdown. They should have called that – I thought it looked like a knockdown personally. What do I know, though?
Starting point is 00:43:14 But I thought he was going to go down because he was getting gassed for sure. So I was impressed that he actually stayed on his feet. Jacob, did you not watch the fight? No. I think I was watching The Bachelorette last night. Wait, are you not watching fighting? Are you not watching boxing? Did you watch UFC the night before?
Starting point is 00:43:37 No. I mean, I watch amateur boxing matches, but I'm not going to watch professional boxing. That's a whole different ballgame. They're pulling stunts that... That wasn't professional last night. I guess that's true. I guess it was a pro fight. Jake has a pro card. I don't know if Woodley does.
Starting point is 00:43:54 So, why aren't you watching boxing? No, I didn't say I wasn't watching boxing. I said I wasn't watching professional fights. How come? And tell me why, because it's so different than the style of fight that you and josh are going to have that you don't think it i would probably i assume that like i think you might be right by that i'm not pulling half the stuff they've got going on so
Starting point is 00:44:17 i mean you're looking you're looking good man those videos you're posting you're definitely looking a lot smoother and cleaner we're're coming along. It's connected the past couple months really well. So that's been good. But the first couple months are just like, what the hell are you doing? And then when you're doing it, you think you're doing it, and you're not doing it. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:44:59 or visit Please play responsibly. And you watch and you're like, I wasn't doing shit they were saying. That's the worstibly. And you watch it and you're like, I wasn't doing shit they were saying. That's the worst thing. When they film it and they show you later and they're like, you think you look great and you watch your film and you're like,
Starting point is 00:45:12 God, I suck so bad. Wait, what do you mean? What do you mean they'll tell you like, jab, jab, jab, and you'll think you're jabbing and then you go back and watch the tape and you're not jabbing? No, not jabbing. Or your hands are low or hey, you're slow or and then you go back and watch the tape and you're not jabbing no we're jabbing your hands are low or hey you're slow or whatever the case is you're not using your hips you know
Starting point is 00:45:31 like like shit like that you're like you're like yes i am using my hips and you like watch like oh shit i'm not using my hips at all that you know that's the hardest part is like i think one thing i've realized the biggest gap in crossfit is we do not rotate at all at all no rotational power or lateral movement yeah is that what it's called well no but both things lateral without rotating the torso or just torso rotation in general yeah the rotational shit is is big luckily i mean i grew up playing baseball so i have some rotational you know i did have some sport in rotation like throwing and swinging a bat um but it's it's different it's very different but yeah like i agree man like crossfit has zero rotational uh app app like application yeah so i spend my whole waking time learning rotation
Starting point is 00:46:18 on slam balls which is like the worst way to learn you mean basically you hold it in front of your hand then you about to turn and bounce it off the wall? The wall, the floor, whatever you got that you can throw it against. What should CrossFit do to fix that? What do you think that they should do? What movement should be put in there? I mean, the sledge stuff is the only stuff they have ever had, you know. Were you there the year they did that?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Okay, dang. 11 was my first year. That was like 8, I believe. Okay, 8 or 9, yeah. 8 or 9 when they did the sledge with the spike. I think it was 8. I think it was 2009 because 8 was every second counts here. There were much fewer events that year.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Oh, you're right, you're right. Yeah, it was 9. Yeah, you're right. And Nicole Gordon hit her finger with the sledgehammer, went to the hospital, got it sewed up, and came back and finished the games. That was pretty gnarly. Fuck, yeah. It was part of that first day that was maybe, or for a long time, was considered the most difficult day in the CrossFit Games history.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Oh, I remember that, yeah. And do you remember how people will complain about different spots on the field where the sled is either easier to push or harder to push? I heard that spike was ridiculous. Some people people would hit it once it would go like it would just like sink and then other people would hit it was like not moving at all yeah yeah that i yeah i've heard that story i've heard that story where it was like people were hitting it once and literally would just like disappear and then other people would hit it wouldn't budge well did you have a did you have a good a good lane in 20 what year was it that neil maddox destroyed as a sled push dude that was um that was a dump so that was 14 14 yeah i remember watching i'm sitting there yeah because they had us out on the field right and you And you're watching and you're like, everyone in this lane is crushing it.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Crushing it. And then you'd see some lanes where people are getting just stuck, just stopped like it's in cement. You're like, what the? Wet cement. It was crazy. I remember watching Lucas Parker try to push it. And I'm like, I'm not better than Lucas Parker at a sled. But that boy's struggling.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And I'm like, this is not well thought out. None of this stuff that these guys are saying is true, by the way. To all the listeners out there, none of this bullshit is true. Dave does not. Every event at the CrossFit Games has always been 100% fair, pre-planned, and every detail has been worked out. These are just what you're hearing as professional complainers. Just crybabies. We're just crybabies. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:48:44 When do you go to Dubai, Josh? When do you go, Jacob? I don't have my flight yet, to be honest. I heard the 9th and 10th. I talked to Don yesterday. I think we all might be on the same flight out of Houston together. Yeah, that's right. I've heard that too.
Starting point is 00:48:58 But I haven't gotten flight information. Me neither. First class? Better fucking be. Yeah, good. uh first class better fucking be yeah good not first i think business a long it's a long flight um emirates business class i'm assuming you're going emirates i have no idea like i said i believe so yeah pretty much the only option yeah and and uh pretty much every seat on that plane is good, but business class is crazy good. I mean, it's not. In the back of the plane, it's just a normal plane.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Oh, it is? Yeah, you can get packed in there pretty tight, yeah. Oh, sorry to hear that. Brian's like, hold on. Sorry to hear that. I was not on a business class flight. Sorry to hear that. So you'll be there a week before, and do you guys have to do a bunch of promo stuff, or is it just that week before is just basically just to get situated and get ready?
Starting point is 00:49:49 Jacob, you talk to Don. I don't hear these things. I know there's – I'm Josh's manager. Yeah, there's going to be some promo stuff for sure, but I think what's probably going to happen is they'll have all the equipment we're probably going to need there. I'm sure what will happen is probably very very similar what happens to the crossfit games i'm sure josh and i will decide what time we each want to go into a ring or an area or work out air we have we're not gonna be the same time right makes sense and uh we'll probably share share that with everyone else going in there of
Starting point is 00:50:19 course i don't care if in the same time in this half four i'll just watch him yeah um but uh we'll probably do some promo stuff i know we're gonna do some i think we we both of us are leaving like the day after pretty soon thereafter so i'm hoping we get some stuff uh to go see some things in dubai like at least a minute i mean you can't box the whole day and do promos up the whole day so wait a second you leave the day after your fight? It's like a day or two days after. It's pretty quickly. What if you're fucked up like Pacquiao was?
Starting point is 00:50:51 Did you see Pacquiao after the fight? The day after the fight? Still, there's a reason why we're wearing 16-ounce gloves. But you're right. But you're right. We could be. What were their glove weight, Josh? Pro boxers wear eight. Oh, God, no, man.
Starting point is 00:51:08 No way. That's fast. I put on an eight-ounce glove, and I'm like, oh, my God. It's like nothing. And they get hit 800, 500 times in a match. Is that what they were wearing last night, eight-ounce gloves, Jake Paul? I didn't see. I actually wanted to see that. If it was considered a a pro fight i believe they have to be at that at
Starting point is 00:51:28 their weight class i pretty don't quote me on it i think so i know after a certain weight i think they do go up to 10 ounce gloves um i can't remember i don't know what that weight class is though yeah look at these pictures of pacquiao i mean the day after that fight they showed pacquiao basically was sitting on a table and his his wife was feeding him cereal and shit. Dude, it's real, man. It's fucked up. It's real. I mean, if that's me, I'm going to sit on that plane, and I'm just going to be like, give me some melatonin, and someone feed me that crap food.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Business class, man. I don't know i'm gonna guess i've i've been on business class a few times because of um like nike whenever they flew you to overseas or whatever they put you on business class dude the food in business class isn't bad real silverware real silverware yes that's right you can lay you can lay all the way down even if you're in a bad state you might be comfortable in business class yeah um who are you going with josh do you get to take anyone um yeah my uh my coaches both my coaches are going um ann and berlin and then uh coop and jason are going holy shit and and i'm josh josh josh are you taking coaches uh sorry jacob are you taking coaches yep i got a coach and then i got my wife, who's just going to scream at me.
Starting point is 00:52:45 She actually asked me the other day. She actually asked me a good question. She goes, what do I wear to a fight? I'm like, I don't know. I've never been to a fight. I don't know what to wear. I'm like, I don't know. Is she going to be in your corner?
Starting point is 00:52:57 Is she going to be in your corner? No, no, no. She'll be in the wherever. I don't know what we're fighting at. I don't know the details for that. She'll be there, but she's not going to be in my she's not a round girl so um and uh man you know this could be really intense for her yeah i uh yeah i know that so she may or may not like it we'll find out she's she's gonna hate josh
Starting point is 00:53:22 after we're done i'll be like got to go give him a hug. You got to go. Yeah, you got to give him a hug. She got, she'll, I actually haven't, it's probably a disturbance I've done. I need to have her come to a sparring match. It's not the same thing as a fight, right? We're in headgear, but I at least need her to see that because she has not seen that side of i mean that's the side of a person that you don't normally see that's tough it's different like i remember my mom growing up like hated
Starting point is 00:53:50 watching her like she didn't hate watching this wrestling she's just stressed out but like yeah it's different it's different when you're like you're literally just you and another person i mean jacob go ahead i i know i know josh well enough to tell you that anything he says to you within three hours after the fight is totally, if it's nice, it's so fake. It is so fucking fake. If he says to you, good fight or good job or that was fun or anything like that, it's fake as fuck. I promise you. Is that true regardless as if Josh wins or loses? Either, either.
Starting point is 00:54:23 He can't just turn it off like that. Once he turns it on, it's going to be like, it's not going to, he can't just land that plane. I don't know. I feel like if he won the fight, then he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:54:35 yeah, good fight. And he'd be like, yeah, good try, buddy. No, he's, even if he wins the fight, he's going to be like, I should have fucking punched him in the throat
Starting point is 00:54:42 two more times on the way down. I'm telling you, he's not a, he's not a, he's not, he's not he's not he's not he's a good dude he's not a nice guy he's a good how about how about you jacob do you think that it's gonna be uh pretty so intense that it's gonna be like take a while to come down from that one uh that's a good question i don't know to be honest um i think it'll be tough but it's not like we get done from the fight and they shove us in a room and expect us to hang out right so start playing yahtzee yeah yeah we're not and and so we're not on the same flight back either
Starting point is 00:55:19 so they're not going to put us in the same plane because who knows what would happen in that plane, that business class area. But, yeah, I don't know. I haven't had experience in a combat sport, per se, like wrestling, where we have to be. I mean, the difference is, though, and Josh, if I'm wrong, I don't know if Josh has actually wrestled someone he actually knew in a previous sport and then wrestled him afterwards. It's probably always been i don't know this guy i'm gonna go out and take his head off i don't know him beforehand like you weren't really required not that we're required but he wasn't really required to be court you know courteous to this guy afterwards because yeah when he was on the teams when he was on the teams those guys would wrestle i mean it was a little more informal. Yeah. Different. They're different.
Starting point is 00:56:05 It's different. In the end, man, like, we're going out there. It's a sport. Like, I don't hate Jacob. I don't dislike him at all. I think he's a good dude. And when we're done fighting, I'll be just fine. I'll be hard on myself.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I'll be critical of myself and my performance. I know I will be. It's just who I am as a person. But I won't take it out on Jacob. How unusual is this for the two guys that are going into the ring together to have a conversation like this a couple weeks before it? How unusual is it? Does this ever happen?
Starting point is 00:56:38 I'm sure there's MMA fights that are pretty relaxed. I feel like there's some really good... Like that Steven Wonderboy Thompson. That guy's the nicest guy ever. But then when he's in the ring, man, he's a fucking killer. But they will put fighters...
Starting point is 00:56:56 So they put Jake Paul and Woodley at a table three days before the fight or two days before the fight. Just three feet away from each other. Facing each other. This is still three weeks out i guarantee you that this conversation will be a little bit different if it was 24 hours out and we were all sitting at the same table together i don't know maybe it will be it will be it probably will be to a degree but josh is right after we're done like i think like i've said before like i think it's gonna be good for the sport it's gonna it's gonna be good for all the male athletes in our sport that are
Starting point is 00:57:30 too scared of doing something outside of the realm of capabilities you are capable go do it go do something different try it do something that scares you every day right test yourself like go out and test yourself and go like be vulnerable be willing to fail at something or willing to just give it a shot man and i got that it's been my motto for my life is like what what do i got to fucking lose right if i if i go and i go fail okay i go fail oh people are going to be like oh you lost you did this who gives a shit what somebody says they were too scared to get in the ring anyways so So, you know, like for me, I'm going out to test what I've trained to do for the past, I guess, year-ish. But really training for a fight, I guess, six months.
Starting point is 00:58:19 For about six months, it was just like just doing it to be in shape actually. It was almost just for conditioning um but yeah it's like just fuck it let's go do it let's go compete man i love competing competing's fun and if i look like a fool i look like a fool but at least i'm out there trying yeah this is go ahead just go ahead jacob i remember the first time i'm the first time you sparred i remember when i did it i, dude, this is nerve-wracking. Like, I'm going into there. Yeah, I have a freaking headgear on, but still, like, I can get smacked. It was nerve-wracking.
Starting point is 00:58:51 And I remember getting done and looking at my coach and being like, hey, I didn't die. Like, you didn't die. Like, you didn't get knocked out. Like, hey, you survived. Like, now next time, don't do it. You know, because the first time you spar, man, it's just whatever happens, happens, right? You literally, this is what it feels like. It'd be like if I took a blindfold over your eyes and then you go in there and you just get hit a few times and you throw a few punches and then you take your blindfold off and you're like, oh, it's done?
Starting point is 00:59:16 Okay. All right. Cool. That was awesome. That's literally what it felt like. It was like, remember everything we talked about? It just out went in. It's just gone.
Starting point is 00:59:24 You're just going to just throw it. You like, and you don't remember and you can't see shit like you can't see anything and then now it's like now it's like i see like this i remember a little bit i went in there and sparred a couple times ago and and i'm sure you're the same you were the same way at some point like uh you get so used to this i'm gonna protect my face that you forget that you have a body below you right and so uh so i went into this gym and of course it's like my first time my hands are way too high obnoxiously high and uh my whole body is my body essentially should have a tattoo that says hit me like a target on it and i remember just everyone the crowd yelling because it was like the gym and they all gather up you go to a gym they all gather up like they want to see this like
Starting point is 01:00:07 this white guy who looks like he's in shape and cross and get beat up that's okay i'm okay with that and uh man they're all yelling hit him in the body and i just took it like a champ for like a couple rounds but it was it's good learning stuff it's a good it really is man like the learning i've gotten from getting beat up is pretty crazy how much you learn. All you've got to do is take it one or two times and then you start to see it. You're like, okay, that's coming. I can feel it now. It's been interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:37 It's been really cool. Like we've been saying, learning a brand new sport from the ground up, man. I'm sure Jacob is the exact same way. We're seeing percentages daily, like big jumps. Like, right, learning a brand new sport from the ground up, man. Like we're seeing, I'm sure Jacob is the exact same way. We're seeing percentages like daily, right? Like big jumps, like, oh shit. And it clicks and it's like 10 degrees. Like I just gained 10%, you know, like 10% better. I got 10% better today.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Where in the sport like CrossFit, man, like we're looking for onesies, 1%, half a percent, man. That's all you wanted. So it's been really cool. There was a girl there was a girl fighting last night a lady fighting last night uh jacob her name was uh something serrano and she's considered one of the best female boxers to to ever be in the game some people say she's the pound for pound greatest living boxer ever female and uh what was she was 32 years old josh yeah Yeah, she was. 32.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Her fight was amazing, wouldn't you say? It was by far the best fight of the night. Definitely a great boxing match. Hold on, Josh is texting. Let's see if he'll answer when he's done. Go ahead. We'll wait for you. Don't call me out like that.
Starting point is 01:01:40 It's only 428 people watching live. Go ahead. Sorry, 432. And basically, after the fight was over, they said that she has never owned a cell phone and has never had a boyfriend because she's singularly focused on boxing. And I was like, holy shit. That was impressive. When I heard that, too, I was like, what? She was 32? Damn.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And that was sort of my question. As you get closer, you're 18 days out. Is it like that? Is it like, okay, time to throw the cell phone away? And I guess you said it, Jacob. You're not going to the lake. You're not going to the lake to play grab ass down yeah yeah yeah i mean i'm sure as it gets closer i mean we both of us have things we still need to do people expect things from from us josh might have a team that runs his social media i do not it just means uh a shooter yourself so yeah like stuff like that like needs to continue people want to see behind the scenes of where's josh practicing his sparring session before he goes out there what is his walkout song whatever the case may be. So, no, I'm not putting down my cell phone, and I'm not divorcing my wife for the fight either.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Good call. Hector said her name is Amanda Serrano, wins by KO. 41-1 with 30 wins by KO. Okay, Damn. Damn. Raul Soto wants to know, isn't Josh too short to box? Yeah, I think so. I think that's right.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Good one, Raul. Like you're going to step into the ring and there's going to be a – Hey, well played. Good job. Hey, you know what, though? Seriously, you got to – the guy you spar with is a pretty good – to be quite honest, and this is not me making fun of anything, but it is hard to find someone I have to – guys I spar against because you're a little – and we're going to obviously get in a little closer.
Starting point is 01:03:34 What's that? What am I? Yeah, yeah. All right, this fucking shit's about to change. He's saying it. He's saying it. We're like, put it out. You're going to punch this guy in the face. spit it out yeah like the guy you sparred it
Starting point is 01:03:48 is just a pretty good height for me whereas like it's been very difficult to find someone who is your size when you get into this kind of fucking power you know what i mean oh gosh i had to have one of the guys i was sparring against like trying to like fight really low but the problem was when he's sitting in that stance it's almost like a three-point stance when he steps up and jabs up that thing has like twice as much power and i was like none of that fam i don't want that no more hold up hold up stand up it's it's it's very interesting i know yeah i was i know I know. Like I look at my weight in my weight class, and if I was a real boxer, like there's no way I could fight like what I weigh. Like I would have to drop tremendous amounts of weight to fight guys who are even like close to my height, man.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Like it would be crazy. Yeah, you'd have to drop like 30 pounds at least. Easily. Could you even do that? I don't – I'd have to like – I'd have to like start to starve. I think I'd have to, yeah, shave my face. Shave, shave. At least shave.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Oh, and what do you weigh, Josh? You're like 165? No, like 170. Like 168, 170. And Jacob, and you weigh 195? No, no, no. I'm not that anymore. I think I'm down.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I think I weighed myself this morning. Granted, I can't remember if that was before, after eating, or going to the bathroom. 193? No, less than that. I think it's almost like 187 or 88. Oh, he's not losing that much weight. Oh, dude. Jacob, Josh just chubbed up a little bit really when's
Starting point is 01:05:25 the last time you've been below 190 i don't believe you i think you're just saying that to make josh give josh false once i've been below 190 oh gosh i haven't been below 190 five since i've been competing 2013 i don't know nine eight years whatever that is eight nine seven eight years and do you feel better than you've ever felt in the last five six, eight years, whatever that is, eight, nine, seven, eight years. And do you feel better than you've ever felt in the last five, six, seven, eight years? I feel healthy. I feel very healthy. Now that also could be like, we're not squatting consistently every day, but I feel very healthy. I mean, to be honest, like I think my body's meant to be around one 81. If I wasn't like competing anything, it's probably meant to be about in that weight. So it feels healthier to be at this weight, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:06:06 And how tall are you? 5'7". Okay. So you're not that much taller than Josh. No. You're 5'5", Josh? On a good day. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I'm 5'5", yeah. 5'5". Balil Ahmed Khan says you guys will be fighting in Coca-Cola Arena in downtown Dubai. I don't know if he's just saying that to fuck with me, but I do not approve. Either way. They're going to give us monster drinks in between the rounds for us to drink next to the games.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Hopefully, yeah. Yandy says, look up Hector Lombard. He's only 185. But Hector Lombard's not 5'5", right? I mean, he's like... I think Hector Lombard actually, a few weeks ago, got in Tyrone Woodley's face at a gym somewhere. Hector Lombard, he used to be a UFC guy.
Starting point is 01:06:58 I think he's doing the Bare Knuckle League now. I'm not sure. Yeah, the Bare Knuckle League is brutal. Josh, what do you think? You think you're one and done? Or will you use this to parlay into another fight? And especially,
Starting point is 01:07:16 yeah, you're going up bigger and better. Do you have some lines prepared after you beat Jacob? That was too fucking easy. Who's next, bitch just like to hype the next fight or no i don't know man i'm like uh i mean i'm not looking past this fight i'm looking directly at it that's my sole focus right now um i have no idea what will happen afterwards uh if we if i fight again i fight again but it it's not on my radar right now it's just this is uh i'm
Starting point is 01:07:46 really excited about this and so um like you said keeping distractions away not thinking about that thinking about this fight and that's it you you you guys probably don't understand this you too um but when for me in my life when there was courtship, I would court a girl for a year or two years or three years before I could hold her hand or some shit. If I went out on a date with her and it was horrible, I didn't give up. Fuck that. I put three years in. You're putting so much time into this boxing thing. Doesn't it seem like a waste whether you win or lose to just do it once? How would you go first jay i mean monetarily no like uh i mean that's how i think about things
Starting point is 01:08:34 when coop first asked me i was like look like i'm not gonna i'm gonna do anything for 500 bucks but no less get the fuck out of them for five digits or nothing like i mean yeah i mean you could look at that way but i think uh i mean honest to goodness the people that i've met along the way have been absolutely lovely uh the people i've met whether they be coaches or people i've sparred against or or just people that have helped me out for my camp that's been lovely to meet those people so those relationships will still exist going forward so no i don't think it's a complete waste if i can say hey we're out like that's my boxing career i'm one and done when you hear when you hear jacob use the word lovely are you just like oh my fuck this dude fuck him up that's a good word though it's a good word it
Starting point is 01:09:20 was a good word i like it i like it very I like it. I like it. Very Midwest. I agree with Jacob. Nothing about this is going to be a waste. No matter what the situation afterwards happens, whether this is it and I don't ever fight again or box again or if I fight one more time, whatever, this is not a waste. This is a really cool opportunity for both of us to do something like this. And I'm taking – and I'm not taking it for granted i'm not um like like in my early years in crossfit when i was competing man i felt like i would all i would solely focus on was winning and that was it i didn't appreciate so much of it and then slowly as i uh you know grew as an athlete and grew as a person and got
Starting point is 01:10:02 later into my years man i really started to appreciate and where 18, I knew I was going there not to compete. I knew I was going there to participate. I had a shitty knee, my bum knee. I couldn't fucking train pretty much for once regionals was over. I pretty much couldn't train anymore. And I almost fucking pulled out so many times to not go to the games. And I remember saying, this is probably it for you. This is a very good shot. This could be the last time you go. Um, and you qualified, so you deserve to go. You didn't, you didn't didn't get a fucking like i didn't get like an invite because because of my name or anything um so oh josh bensmith that wasn't that wasn't that wasn't a fucking shut up it wasn't a jab at bensmith at all because okay my bad it was not a jeb smith
Starting point is 01:10:41 at bensmith because that now that we brought is now that we brought it up. Now it is now that we brought it up. Let me continue. Hunter McIntyre? Hunter McIntyre? Oh, fuck. Whatever. Anyways, so that was literally – it was not a jab at Ben Smith. Ben Smith is – Hunter McIntyre is coming on the show in less than 24 hours.
Starting point is 01:10:58 He's coming in tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Okay? Don't care. What does she do? I heard that he wanted to fight you and you denied the fight i'm just telling you what does he weigh fucking like 220 pounds he's like six two i don't give a fuck i want to fight my uh 10 year old son too cool let's go um where were we where were we yeah it's like yeah it's like and like 18 i just remember oh she hates me if anyone wants to know
Starting point is 01:11:24 if we're gonna do any more podcasts, no. Now you know. You can be, like, you win. I don't hate you. I actually, I wholeheartedly appreciate you because without you, it would be so boring. But anyways, in 18, I freaking, you know, like, I remember actually, like, being able to step back and, like, take so much of it in and like see it and i and i feel like this doing this uh this boxing has been the exact same way where i've been able to like take in and appreciate these these ups and downs that i'm going through and not just being like oh you suck you suck you suck like you're not any good
Starting point is 01:11:53 you're shit you're garbage like why are you even doing this like i'm like no you're learning man and like i know i'm going to the ring with the same kind of with a guy that's just at my level and so i know he's struggling the exact same way that I am. And so it's like, I've just been able to like appreciate it and sit back and, and, and enjoy it and not just solely focus on like the outcome. That's well-spoken. Cause I think a lot of guys don't look at that way.
Starting point is 01:12:17 They think about, I'm only here to win. And some guys like Frazier, that's, that's fine. But like some guys forget, they, they lose focus.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Like they'll look back on years from now and think, man, I didn't enjoy myself because I was only so focused on winning. Now you and I want to both want to win at the same time. It's a good idea of like live in the moment. Appreciate the fact that dude, you need to freaking box and do pie. Like no one on this podcast gets to do that. Don't be mean we're on a card
Starting point is 01:12:49 that was supposed to be it started in Vegas our faces are on a fucking poster is this real? it was so surreal this is crazy do either of you guys golf?
Starting point is 01:13:04 big golfer do you guys golf? Big golfer. Do you golf, Jacob? Nah. Do you ever golf? It's not a big deal. Do you ever golf like 15 holes and you're like, okay, I just want to be done, and you just drag yourself through the last three holes? Sometimes.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Does that happen? Sometimes. I forget exactly where I was going with this but i i just feel like good talk i just feel like josh really likes to fight i feel like josh like wants to fight like like like i i i think he likes the money but like i think he's excited to go in there and punch you in the face jacob like he like or not or anybody yeah like i think like like he's he'd be like if there was some guy in a 7-eleven accosting a woman i think josh would love to go over there and pound his face in well i think he'd rather punch dave in the face but i think i'll think all of it dave anyone
Starting point is 01:13:58 second place anyone anyone anyone he's uh yeah any ethnicity or race can, can get some, you know? Honestly, my wife asked me as I had done a few sparring matches and, and I'm sure Josh can test this too. Like I grew up playing football, which wasn't a combat sport, but there's of course a lot of violence in it. You know, like, and I played defense. I didn't play no fricking cried a little offense position. And you have to have a little bit of violence
Starting point is 01:14:26 in your body to be like i'm gonna hit this guy i want to knock this guy out because i want him to play anymore and when you're done playing that sport and you jump into crossfit of course it's a good sport right it's good guys we don't really have a bad guy in the sport until ricky grard comes back which please come back and make it look bad i love a good villain story man six weeks out yeah there we go. We got him on the podcast in October unless he bails on us like Daniel Brandon. Ouch.
Starting point is 01:14:51 But the idea is like we played combat or violent sports in the past and it has been absolutely enjoyable to come back to it and to have that feeling again of being like, I'm going to hit someone in the face and I'm going to do it over and over again. I'm going to bloody his nose. Yeah, I'm going to get hit too.
Starting point is 01:15:08 But at the end of it, we can hug it out. That's okay. But I get to get that out of your system. And I think what people don't realize is a lot of us who play, play, compete in CrossFit, some of us have that bone in our bodies. You just don't see it because that's not what the sport calls for. Yeah. It's not there.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Yeah, exactly, man. That's great. Yeah. see it because that's not what the sport calls for yeah it's not there yeah yeah exactly man that's great um yeah crossfit is uh crossfit's a phenomenal sport and i love it i loved what what what it did for me and what it provided for me in my my life and it's uh i wholeheartedly think it's a phenomenal sport and i enjoy watching i enjoy whenever there's competitions i'm watching them typically i just like i like sports in general but um but you're right there's competitions, I'm watching them typically. I like sports in general. But you're right. There's something different about a combat sport. There's something different about going in and getting to test yourself where it's like you versus someone else.
Starting point is 01:15:59 And CrossFit is like that, but really it's more like you versus you where this is me versus Jacob. Like it's not me versus me. This is me versus him. And I'm fucking – I'm jumping out of my skin. And I'm sure Jacob is too, man. It's – for anybody – because it takes so much fucking guts to even step into the ring. That's the biggest thing, right? That's what people don't get. People will sit there and they will talk shit about boxers or UFC guys or any of those guys, but not one of them.
Starting point is 01:16:24 If they put the gloves on, whoa, okay, all right, good talk. Cool. I guess that was – I guess I wasn't saying the right stuff. I mean – Anyways, so – His mom just has the top priority. True. That's true.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I'll text her later and say, hey, don't do that again. I'll text her later and say, hey, don't do that again. But no, like I mean having the guts and the willingness to go into a boxing ring or a cage or any combat sport, man, it's like – it's impressive to me. Like every – I have respect for anybody now who is willing to go do it because it's not an easy task and it can definitely – you're putting yourself out there. It's an easy way to make a living. That's for sure. Yeah. Can I ask you guys a question? Very amateur.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Six rounds. Isn't it usually an odd number of rounds for a fight? No. Well, it's typically 12, right? 12 rounds. 12 rounds are championship fights. You have eight rounds was last night um six rounds four rounds is pretty pretty so in boxing they do even number rounds that's like that's normal i think so yeah and what are they because i always figured that the
Starting point is 01:17:37 odd number would make it easier to determine if it was if everyone both guys are still standing at yeah yeah i think so it depends on your from what i i I'm not like – this is – by no means is this set in stone, but this is kind of what I'm catching. Guys in their early pro career only do four rounds, and then it goes to like as they start to gain more experience, they go up in rounds. But then championship fights are 12. Okay. But actually, it's always even number rounds yeah that is weird i've never noticed that but that's a great point and then what do they what do they use as a criteria to determine the victor at the end
Starting point is 01:18:15 is it hit is it like so it's so it's punches um punches power punches your percentages um i think like obviously knockdowns is big. So it's not how many rounds you won. No, it is. It is. It's rounds you won. But you win those rounds by that criteria. Or if it's 3-3. Then it's just a draw. Then it's a draw. Yeah, there's draws in boxing.
Starting point is 01:18:39 I also think it's kind of a play for money too. It's like if Josh and I draw and Savan thinks I won and Brian thinks Josh, and we decide to have a rematch in March, you get more tickets because it's just going to happen. So it's a money play, I think. I'm more interested in the main event than ever before because I actually know Devin Lorette. And I know that he's a legend not only in the Special Forces community but in the arm wrestling world. And you should check out videos. You should Google his name and watch videos. He's no joke.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah, I think the only reason that person is saying that is because – They wanted to see the Eddie Hall. Yeah, the two biggest men a lot. The biggest heavyweight fight of all time. I mean, it was going to be – I was excited as well. But I, again, am so excited still about this. I was secretly hoping that they would contact the guy who played the Hound in Game of Thrones to be the fill-in. But that guy is probably not even close. He might not be that big, right?
Starting point is 01:19:43 That would be good. Probably not even close. You might not be that big, right? That would be good. Mike Baglio is asking, was it hard to negotiate specifics around glove weight and rounds? I don't think – they didn't negotiate shit. They don't even know what weight they're coming in. We texted. We texted our gloves and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:19:57 We talked. I was like, Jacob, how about this? How about these ounce gloves? He's like, yeah, sounds good. I was like, cool. Yeah. That was a hard negotiation. That was a hard negotiation. That was a hard negotiation.
Starting point is 01:20:06 I mean, when I interviewed Devin a few days ago, he basically said, he said he can't find shoes that fit him. He doesn't have a mouthpiece yet, but he does have some gloves. And I'm like, what? Mouthpiece? He goes, yeah, I'm going to go to Walmart as soon as I get off the phone with you and get a mouthpiece. But I'm also having a special mouthpiece made by a local dentist. Yeah. Those are key. are key key huge difference for breathing yes and i can use the airwave i remember the first time i went in there with like a like a nike like a nike mouthpiece that i you know they sent me and i was like i can't breathe
Starting point is 01:20:43 at all what's happening like i can't breathe at all. What's happening? I can't breathe even a little bit. I felt like I was literally holding my breath for three minutes, and then I'd get my – during the break I could breathe. But, man, when you got that custom, it was legit. Worth every penny. I'm a firm believer that there aren't any stupid questions, but I also like the notion of someone trying to challenge that believer that there aren't any stupid questions, but I also like the notion of someone trying to challenge that theory
Starting point is 01:21:08 that there aren't any stupid questions. Juicy Kid wants me to ask you, Josh, can you ask Josh if he recommends I buy his new shorts? What is that? Is that your mom writing in, Josh? Who the fuck is that Juicy Kid? No. You should go to the warehouse and steal them all
Starting point is 01:21:26 do i recommend you buy my shorts i recommend you buy 10 pairs i don't know oh my god that is a that's still a great question great question great question great question that person josh hyphen you're either sleeping with the juicy kid or the juicy kid gave birth to you one or the other because no he's actually on his he's actually got his phone below he just checks me down below like oh good point i mean that's not even a soft ball that was good let me call in i need to roast jacob real quick dude jade and i would love to let you call in oh josh we did a pot but i guess jacob too since you're here might as well share this with you we did a podcast last night a test
Starting point is 01:22:09 run where we gave the phone number out because i have some pretty fancy podcast gear and we take phone calls live during the podcast like a radio like a radio dude it was epic long time listener first time caller here yes yes someone said that too it was awesome it's great i'll have so basically what it is we're going to do it every sunday i'll have both of you on for this and we're going to have one it's james hobart does the news so like he talks about how kanye released a new album he talks about like exercises you can do to fix erectile dysfunction he talks about how led lights are affecting insects from pollinating stuff he just goes and tells you the current news events from the last week right and uh and then we let people also call in and
Starting point is 01:22:53 chime in and it's awesome that's good and then we were supposed to have danielle brandon on the show and she said she was in miami and got her time zones all fucked up so she wasn't on the show but yeah it's gonna be good it's going to be good. It's going to be wild. Someone wants to call in and tear you up, Jacob. I don't have that. I'm at my mom's house because they're working on the electricity.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I mean, just tell them to comment on Instagram. Then everyone else does it, so who cares? Yeah, just go over. What is your Instagram, Jacob? I believe it's just typing my name. I pop up. Unless I'm banned. Go to add Jacob
Starting point is 01:23:27 Heppner and just talk shit to him over there. I'll repost it. Then tag me and I'll repost it. Guys, thank you. Brian, do you want to make a prediction on this since you're the prediction guy? Who's going to win this fight? With us in the room.
Starting point is 01:23:45 With us in the room. I was thinking a lot about this i think that basically the spot on my all-time top 40 ranking is on the line here wow so you're basically if josh doesn't win you're gonna move you're gonna him and jacob are gonna swap places big time just swap them on the list i like it i like it that it. That's fair enough. My actual amateur analysis is that the guy with the best timing will win the fight. Timing's big.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Timing is big. I think age is going to be a huge factor here. I think that... I do. I think that the years older that Josh is, is his biggest handicap. That's always been your thing. Ever since CrossFit, you always talk shit about me, my age.
Starting point is 01:24:30 I've always liked older women. Yes. I mean, but I'm just saying. But I listen. So the thing about this, Jacob, so you have nothing to worry about, because whenever me and Savant talk about UFC or MMA or boxing or anything, everything Savant says is like the dumbest shit ever. He's that guy that, you know, he's sitting there eating his popcorn and,
Starting point is 01:24:51 I would kick that guy's ass. He should have used his jab more. Hey, you know what I do? Anytime I'm watching fights, anytime, I text Josh. And I do it in this most pretentious way because I just want to let him know that I'm watching fighting. So if I walk by a TV set
Starting point is 01:25:12 and there's fighting on, I'll sit down and I'll be like, wow, Vasquez has an amazing jab. Just so he knows how masculine I am because I'm watching fighting. This one's going to be good because it's only two minute rounds. What does that even mean, Savan? Shut the
Starting point is 01:25:28 fuck up. I don't even say like, hey, what are you doing? Are you watching the fights? It's like I'm talking down to him because I'm watching the fights and he's not. And I try to do it at least once a week to Josh. That's our relationship. Nine out of ten times I'm watching too.
Starting point is 01:25:44 We have a little history. We have a little history. We have a little history. I can start texting you, but you don't watch any fights, Jacob. No, no. I don't watch any fights. Talk about whispers. Yeah, yeah. Hey, so how's whispers?
Starting point is 01:25:57 My wife would love to see me getting those text messages from Zavala. They had a Shelly at whispers again. Oh, man. That's good all right guys uh ryan you can let me see if there's any good questions here um why didn't you guys do mma should i i'll buy josh's shorts if they're used wow nick of time that's that's solid. Do you guys get paid more for a knockout? Trying to figure out what any of this is. It is Dubai. It is Dubai. They might just last second bounty thrown down on the fight.
Starting point is 01:26:37 You're right. Yeah, that Dubai. Yeah, that's true. That was crazy. We're going to add $30,000 for this event. Five seconds before they go in the ring they go by the way if you knock them out 30 extra k in your pocket you're like oh yeah we just go out swinging and get tied by round two and we're just like falling over as i'm
Starting point is 01:26:54 throwing punches josh do you how old are your boys josh they're 11 and 9 do they have cell phones yet no they don't oh okay someone asked me how old at what age are you gonna let your boys have cell phones yet? No, they don't. Oh, okay. Someone asked me how old – at what age are you going to let your boys have cell phone? I don't know when I'm going to do that. I'm getting there. Never. I'm getting there to like wanting them to have something that I can contact them like just directly. Like they have – my younger son has an iPad that he uses because he used it for school actually. And so he does have that and I can – so that's actually typically how i talk to him through facetime and then um when i'm not with him and then my other
Starting point is 01:27:29 my other son hasn't actually like this is even crazier but he has an ipod they actually still make those yeah and it's basically just a very small phone it's a it's a phone but it's just small and it doesn't have actually cell service but it it has Wi-Fi, and I can FaceTime them and everything and message them and everything on it. Yeah, that's cool. Can they play the snake game? Can they play the snake? The snake game was savage. I always felt like if you're going to get a kid their first cell phone these days, you've got to get them one that has a snake game so they can see what kind of video games we had to deal with back then.
Starting point is 01:28:02 That snake game was so addicting. So addicting. Can we get a poll up really quick and see who the fans think is going to win? We should have done this from the beginning if we were organized. For the next 30 seconds, tell us who you think is going to win. Someone said
Starting point is 01:28:18 this is a great line here. Oh no. Someone wants to know, is Josh even going to be able to reach Jacob's face? That's not a good line. Let me see. Josh is going to win. That was Bill Grundler who asked that.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Was it really? No. Oh. Ouch. No one is safe. Oh, Grundler getting hit with the only thing he talks about, height. Josh, what was it josh is uh oh shit i lost it where is it there was a woman but it was a funny one it said
Starting point is 01:28:51 josh is gonna win based on the two minutes i watched some shadow box on youtube that's a good line that was good i paraphrased because i can't it wasn't even two minutes it was probably more like 30 seconds. You guys, we're going to end this podcast when we get to 100 votes. We're at 32 votes. So hurry the fuck up and vote. I'm going to vote. Where is it at?
Starting point is 01:29:15 I'll vote too. I'll vote too. Yeah. Where is this? Is this on YouTube? I got to get to 100. I got to get to the gym. You coaching today?
Starting point is 01:29:26 Yep. I'm stretching it out to the last minute for you. We're at 44 votes. I just voted for you, Josh, on my mom's computer. I'm going to skip the ad, though, so you're not getting paysed on. Oh, that sucks. Where is the poll at? I think it's at the bottom or the top it's at the top i think you just click
Starting point is 01:29:49 on its little blue bar the seven podcast one minute ago 55 votes make sure your live chat is open oh gotcha do you like that when ryan talks to you from like where's that gone outer space yeah from the dark place i'm so sorry i i always want to ridicule him for like dude what's going on in your room why is the audio like that but it's kind of cool because then like you know it's ryan okay guys 67 votes looks like it's not changing much we got josh at 70 oh there's love chat i'm like gosh you know there's josh at 74 boom oh you just voted for my vote in who'd you vote who'd you vote for jacob not really can people gamble on this i've been asked that a lot and i don't know i'm gonna guess you can.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I would be shocked if you couldn't. Yeah. Hey, shouldn't someone – hey, Jacob, sorry, one quick question. You have one minute to answer. Why don't you have an agent or a manager or something? Why don't you have – I had one way back in the day. I'm kind of a control freak. I like to control everything, so it was very hard for me to give that power to someone else. And the person that I had given it to was
Starting point is 01:31:09 not good at what he did and, um, missed some things and I didn't think it was doing a great job. And so took it on myself and just thought I could do it myself. Honestly, like I like talking to people, so it makes it easy for me. But have you thought, but that way someone could make some shorts for you or you wouldn't have to talk to don or i mean don's a great guy but he's a good dude um yeah uh there's obviously some advantages to it there's some disadvantages in my mind there are obviously some advantages in the future so i'll consider it going forward but i mean i don't know would you recommend it josh for jacob uh having a manager yeah um i mean if he thinks he can handle himself
Starting point is 01:31:46 gets to keep all the money but but i mean it's it's uh it's a personal preference thing i mean i he also doesn't have kids he also doesn't have kids yeah i mean i'm sure that's you know or some people just like like he said to fuck to be hands-on man i get it i i definitely have times where i'm like i might have handled that a little differently than how my manager handled it but um you know in the end he's they're both i have i actually have two i mean not two managers i have my guy who basically handles my endorsements sponsorships things like that and then i have coop who handles like the coffee the the website um and he's kind of starting to dabble into advertisement for the YouTube channel and things like that.
Starting point is 01:32:30 So I feel like I just have so many things going on. There's no way I could do it and still try to train to be a boxer at all whatsoever. So I have to. That's another advantage you have over Jacob. Just the age. Time. Yeah, time. Okay, guys.
Starting point is 01:32:50 September 17th or 18th. Yeah, the 17th is a Friday in the United States. The 18th is a Saturday. I think it's September 17th. It's a Friday night is when it's aired here, I believe. And you guys are the co-main event under Thor. Core Sports World. Get the pay-per-view.
Starting point is 01:33:12 It's 10 bucks, I think. You got to download that. Yeah, it's so cheap. It's crazy. It's crazy. I hope you guys fucking get it. You should pair it together, Josh. You should pair it together with a pair of shorts and buy the fight.
Starting point is 01:33:22 A pair of shorts and a bag of coffee and the fight. And then do a raffle for the one used pair. One used pair. Nick of time will win the raffle. I'll take my shorts off at the end of the boxing fight because my balls are hot. Chris Drake just gave us 450 of the L. Great episode. Looking forward to watching the fight.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Thank you. Those are British pounds. British pounds. Thank you. The L. Great episode. Looking forward to watching you in the fight. Thank you. Those are British pounds. British pounds. Thank you. The L. In the hood, we call it the L. Is that where your mom lives? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:33:59 I like some good mom jokes. All right. Let's go. When is the next Josh Mad Matt, and Sevan podcast? No one knows. No one knows. No one. I've been asked that so many times. I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:34:10 No one knows. No one knows. I'll text Matt right now and see if we can do it tonight. If not, we're replacing Matt with Jacob. There it is. Hey, there you go. I can step in and be the greatest full-time. He's planning to be back at Whispers later anyway.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Hey. Yes. Oh, yeah. can step in and be the greatest of all time he's planning to be back at whispers later anyway well timed timing right there but see brian knows about timing he knows he gets it you gotta hang up you gotta hang up

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