The Sevan Podcast - #119 The News - James Hobart

Episode Date: August 31, 2021

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Starting point is 00:03:53 I think Ryan took a sip of tequila and just fell out of his chair. He's drunk. No, sorry, my... Julian Ford says she can't hear. Can you hear me? It's on now. It's on now. It's on now. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:05 No audio. No audio. Yeah. The subscriber-only mode I just turned on so that we don't get any trolls trying to cause a ruckus. Oh, in the show? Yeah. So if you want to troll us, can you maybe pin that on the top? I guess if you want to troll us, you have to subscribe.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I don't mind trolling so much. I basically try to put on subscribers where only people who subscribe can comment, right? Yep. I think that's just a good tactic to try to get subscribers. Yeah, 100%. Troll away, baby. Troll away. Troll away, but subscribe.
Starting point is 00:04:42 The Tony tone. Sevan will most likely talk about Kanye West's Donda. I don't really know much about that. I saw something pop up yesterday about that and I haven't looked into that. Don't worry. I want to talk to you guys about being ashamed. What it means
Starting point is 00:04:58 to shame someone. People will say, hey, don't fat shame or don't... I guess that's the only kind of shaming I hear. Do you hear any other kinds of shaming, Hobart? Oh, we can hear you, Ryan, clicking away. Do you know any other kinds of shaming? I did hear a term the other day called othering.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Oh, othering. Like if you're othering, you're creating a group of others. Oh, like if I said you were like a handsome man with nice skin, I would be othering you from me? Is that othering? I think that has to have some pejorative element to it. Well, it is. It's towards me because I don't see myself as being young and handsome. So you just othered yourself?
Starting point is 00:05:44 I guess. I'd have to look that up. I stayed away from those topics tonight though okay i just first of all danielle brandon is on the show you just can't see her she's wearing her invisible cloak and if you don't believe me i don't care actually i do care i want you to believe me or else I wouldn't have told you. So there's this word shaming, and I looked up the word shaming, and it means to be embarrassed or guilty of one's actions, character, or association. And I think that it's okay to feel shame. If you feel shame, that means that you have a conscience. If you don't feel shame, then I'm guessing it means you don't have a conscience. Let me give you an example of someone who should be a little bit ashamed.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I'm on a jet blue flight from Oakland to JFK. I'm back when I didn't ball and I had to sit in regular seats. Um, and I, there was a kid on the, there was a kid on the flight and he was smoking a cigarette in the bathroom and the pilot came out and said, Hey, if someone else smokes on this flight again, James, you've been on a lot of flights. Have you ever been on a flight when someone smokes? No. It's pretty crazy, right? Yeah. I can't imagine it happening. Obviously, like, you know, I don't even think when I first started flying people were, when did that when did people i know hobart's mic is low hobart's mic is low hector you're right
Starting point is 00:07:09 hector i can turn that up hector all right all right turn up hobart's microphone diana also agrees are we gonna watch the jake paul fight man i bought it and it's on in the other room i just watched uh fury's uh little brother i guess whoop some ass on a midget. So what were you going to say, Hobart? You've never been on a flight where someone smoked? Yeah, I've never been on a flight where somebody smoked. And is that louder? My mic louder?
Starting point is 00:07:39 I mean, I just turned it up. I like you low so I can take over. So you're asking the wrong person. Hobart, say it with your chest. That's like that scene in Austin Powers when she's like lower and he goes, how does it feel, baby? Maybe you should bring the mic closer to your face. Like my mic is right on my mouth. Dude, like right here.
Starting point is 00:08:00 This thing is like. Yeah. But don't lean into it because that looks that'll hurt your neck over time bring the mic closer to you and just relax i gotta raise my desk up hold on wow wow we're there wow that was awesome we're there can you see Ryan? Look at his framing, how he keeps his head at the bottom. He's breaking all the rules of framing. Never been on a flight where somebody smoked. So the pilot comes out and he says, Hey, if that fucking dude smokes, someone smokes fucking again on the plane.
Starting point is 00:08:47 We're fucking landing the shit in Chicago, you dipshits. Right? And so the plane doesn't land in Chicago. We make it all the way to New York. I've had my own bouts of addiction with nicotine. Man, I love nicotine, and it's a son of a bitch to quit. So I have a little bit of compassion for the kid. But he should be ashamed.
Starting point is 00:09:16 He should be ashamed that he's so weak-willed, and he should own that shame, and he should look at that shame, and he should study that shame. He should be ashamed that he almost caused all those other people to have to land in Chicago because he has an addiction so strong that he can't fucking get grips with it. And that the flight attendant, that the pilot had to come out and yell at us. Although there's a great argument that I actually, I'm glad it happened because what a great story I have, especially since I'm a podcaster. But that you should be ashamed of that. You should be ashamed when you do something. I don't know if you should be. Sorry. Let me refrain that. It's okay to be ashamed when you're causing other people problems. Now, I went to the park today at Santa Cruz Park, Blue Ball Park, and there's a sign there that
Starting point is 00:09:57 looks like it's a permanent sign. It's brand new. I know it's weird that it's called Blue Ball Park, right? I know everyone chuckles. You're such a child. I thought that was made up. I don't know. I am. I'm 12 years old now. I don't know. I am. I'm 12 years old now. Wow. Why does Hobart get his name so big on the screen like that? I want my name big. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yeah. Shrink that shit down. Because you're going to Blue Ball Park and I'm not. Basically, there's an artist there who made these giant blue balls and they sit all over the park. They're huge. That's great. Sousa, if you're listening, can you text Danielle Brandon or call her or FaceTime her
Starting point is 00:10:27 and get her on here? He just said. So it says on the sign at the park, it says it's all these new COVID rules, right? And it basically says if you're 65 years old, you can't be in the park. It says don't be in the park. I posted it on my Instagram if anyone wants to see it.
Starting point is 00:10:43 County rules, 65 and over, don't be in the park. It says, don't be in the, I posted it on my Instagram. It wants anyone on, see it county rules 65 and over don't be in the park. And I'm thinking to myself, why, like, why, why can't you be in the park? If you're over 65, if you really cared, because you shouldn't be ashamed if you're over 65, it's not your fault. It's not, that is, I do not think, I mean, you can be, if you want, who am I to tell you, but I don't think you should be ashamed. If you're over 65. You're not putting anyone else out. You're not putting yourself out. I know you're wondering where is he going with this.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But it would make more sense since the leading correlate of all premature death on the planet is obesity if it said if they really cared, if they really cared, the sign wouldn't say no people over 65 in the park. It would say no fat people in the park. And I know some people are like, oh, my God, that's so rude. It's not me, guys. The sign says no people over 65. That's not the leading correlate for death for people for COVID. It's obesity. They say it's 78%. We all know the real number.
Starting point is 00:11:49 We all know the real number. Oh, man, Diana, you're killing me. We're all here for Danielle. I know this whole show. Hobart wouldn't even be here. We'd be watching the fights. Me, Ryan and Hobart are here for Danielle. You don't think Hobart's anyway. So there's things that you should be ashamed of. If you're causing problems for the masses, you should be ashamed. One of the things you shouldn't be ashamed of, I don't think is being 65 years old or 80 years old. And I don't think there should be a sign at the park that says no people over 65. But what I do like is that's waking a lot of people up because what happens is, is like right now, those of us who have kids or those of us who like don't, don't want to participate, like we're being lumped up in these groups, like being called anti-vaxxers, which I'm so far from being anti-vaccine or being lumped up in these groups and vilified and coerced and all this fucked up shit. And, and, and the people who are doing it, I just want to be like, okay, wait till it happens to you. And the people who are doing it, I just want to be like, okay, wait till it happens to you.
Starting point is 00:12:49 So just so you guys know, one of the nicest parks in Santa Cruz County, if you're over 65 years old, you can't go now. For your safety. It also says kids can't be in there for more than 30 minutes. Can you imagine taking a kid to one of the greatest parks in Santa Cruz County and like limiting it to 30 minutes? A kid needs to play for eight hours. Is Hobart replacing Brian brian no not replacing replaced replaced get your conjugation right today's my fast today's my fasting day you know and you should be ashamed for saying shit like that savannah that you replaced right i know that's
Starting point is 00:13:20 false misinformation i disagree with you on the shame thing. Okay. Talk to me. Because I think shame is a specific emotion that doesn't lead to a proactive fix. I think shame is like this mental state that becomes like this oppressive thumb. I agree. You're supposed to feel the shame regardless of what subsequent action you take. I agree. You don't dwell on the shame. That what subsequent action you take. I agree. You don't dwell on the shame. That's for sure. I agree with you 100%, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:13:48 It's a signal. It's a signal. It's a signal. You feel ashamed because you almost forced the plane to land. You feel ashamed because it's your lifestyle habits that are bringing everyone down around you. You feel ashamed because you didn't let the – or you didn't help the old – you get home and you realize you didn't hold the door open for the old lady who dropped her can of soup
Starting point is 00:14:11 at the grocery store because you were in a pointless rush. It's okay. I'm not saying you dwell on it. I agree with you, but I think it's a good signifier. I think it's okay to be aware. Let's say me and you are going out. Let's say me and you are a couple, James, and we both smoke. And I knowingly – and you're coming home from a long day's work, and I'm living off of your income. And there's one cigarette left in the pack, and you come – and I know you want to smoke it when you come home because you're not allowed to smoke at work.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And you come home, and it's not there because I smoked it. I think it's okay if I'm a little ashamed. Yeah. I smoked it. You're the breadwinner. You deserve that glass of cigarette. I'm not saying I dwell on it though. I agree. Is that what you're saying? Like I shouldn't like just dwell on it and I should fix it. Yeah. But I think that's how shame is. Thank you, Ryan. Thank you. How society uses shame. It's like a, it's like a tool is like, regardless of
Starting point is 00:15:06 what you do next, you should still carry that shame forever. I guess not like that's like biblical shame is like, you know, we're just stuck with that shit. I don't know. I'm, I'm, I'm above all that. I'm so cool. I do like that part in, um, in game of Thrones when they're like shame, shame. Do you see what Brianrian he's walking around naked yeah and i love naked i love nudity hey are you did you see all the pictures ryan just put up that's blue ball park that's the park at my house did you see that no i gotta pull up the um the lives the live pull up the live feed he showed it isn't that crazy ryan were you surprised the park has blue balls all over it's so weird it's the funniest thing ever uh if i was a conspiracy theorist i'd say they were sexualizing my kids what is
Starting point is 00:15:54 hobart drinking they could be okay hobart what do you got flavored non-sugar water that's a good picture you put up put up with me um i got a couple things one some people over on the master's side of the fence i just got off a podcast with them um wait you were you were like on you were like on the show yeah moon lighting and they they were saying they were saying they got a bone to pick with that is blue ball park look they got a bone to pick with. That is Blue Ball Park. Look at you. They got a bone to pick with you because they said, you know, you talk shit about masters and say they're not real athletes. So I told them I would relay that message to you. And I stood up for you a tiny bit.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I said, I think Savan comes off, you know, he's a truth teller, but I think he comes off a little rougher than he actually is. Yeah, of course. I'm in the three-plane brothers compound with ladders and horses for me to climb on of course i i got so much swagger in my 20 000 square feet of yard but i i don't think i ever did say to be honest i don't think i ever did say that i don't respect masters athletes the thing is this i believe in capitalism and free markets and I believe in like like I'm okay with the WNBA I guess making less money than the NBA if people don't want to pay to see it do you get what I'm saying and so like yeah I don't think the math I think that there's
Starting point is 00:17:16 I think the master's athletes make an and I don't to be honest with you I don't even give a two cents anymore did you see that I caught myself from swearing um that's really good because i when i worked there it was just hard it was it was hard because there were so there were a few masters athletes who were always making so much noise and it was and part of me was like dude you're just lucky that you have no idea how much this cost crossfit inc to put on a competition for you and to do all this and to run all of this and to care about you. And like, I know there's this community aspect, but like, there seemed to be a lack of appreciation of just it being done. Right. Like, I don't think like, I don't think like at the suit, like these other sports, and I know we're, we're different. We're
Starting point is 00:17:57 way cooler than other sports, but they don't have like the, um, the old, like at the Superbowl, they don't like have like the individuals and then the old guys play. I don't know. I do respect Masters athletes, especially more and more as I get older and older and having more and more trouble getting out of bed. I hope it didn't come across like I don't respect them. I just get frustrated. I had gotten frustrated in the past when they're like, more money, more attention, more this, more that. It's like, dude, we're in an era of social media where you can blow yourself up as big as you want.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Release a sex tape. Release a sex tape. Yes, go ahead. I wish Brian was here to, well, nevermind. Talk about his top 10 picks for- Best masters. Masters. We can do that. Oh, you hate yourself for letting that slide out. You hate yourself. We're into it.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Brian Friend. I love the Masters. Next week. I love the Masters community. Just so you guys know, next week on the show, Brian Friend will be releasing CrossFit Games Masters Athletes 10 Best Sex Tapes. Well, it was a fun ride. Well, it lasted. I'll see you guys never. Um, you guys, thanks for tuning in. Basically what this show is supposed to be, what this show is going to be, what this show is about to become is we're trying something new. And I stole this
Starting point is 00:19:21 idea, stole, ripped off, grabbed, inspired by the Howard Stern show, How They Do the News. That was like my favorite part about Stern. I actually stopped listening to Stern a couple years ago when he started spreading so much fear. But so I was talking with Hobart the other day. I try not to do that off air but it happened on accident I said hey let's do a news show where we just randomly pick like 20 news stories and share them with people and talk about them a little bit and then every
Starting point is 00:19:52 week we'll have a guest on and they'll help us talk about it so this week we reached out to Daniel Brandon and according to Matt Sousa she said oh my god I'd love to Matt made it seem like I mean to me maybe he's just blowing smoke up my ass but that she was pumped. And I think she's, I mean, she's clearly not here on the show.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And I think last I heard she was in Miami skinny dipping with Jason Hopper, Justin Medeiros. Medeiros. You guys hear that? Enunciation? Medeiros, Medeiros. You guys hear that? Enunciation, Medeiros. And Matt Fraser and Matt O'Keefe and the likes of all the cool kids. But, hey, do you watch her story? No, I don't follow her on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:20:38 She posted this story, and it's Justin Medeiros on a raft that's floating in the water, like a carpet. It's like a really thin, like, it's not full of air. It's just something that's buoyant. That's probably like 10 by 10 and like a floating carpet. And it's Medeiros and this guy, I really don't know his name. I'm going to screw this up. Jake Marconi. I think you do know Jake? Yeah. So that I got his name right?
Starting point is 00:21:07 You did. Does he work for Matt Fraser? I think. Actually, I don't know the answer to that question. He does, Ryan? Yeah, I think he's been helping out with them. Yeah, he helps out with the Hard Work Pays Off program and stuff like that. And I think some stuff with Loud live, but I'm not a hundred percent sure on all of the long live stuff. All I heard was all I heard when Ryan said that is my brain translated to
Starting point is 00:21:33 Matt doesn't do any of the programming and this guy does it, but I'll ask Matt next time I see him. But anyway, Justin Madera Madera throws this guy like off the mat into the water. It's crazy. I don't even know how he i mean i know he was a wrestler and i knew he was good but i mean they're in the water and he throws them you would think there would be no leverage it's a sweet move they battling they were battling it's cool hopper claims um that he he won that king of the mountain basically he was
Starting point is 00:22:01 tossing everyone off including justin fraser marconi everyone he is a pretty big guy yeah seven sometimes tries on the champ yes he wants to yes seven sometimes tries too much to come across that he doesn't care when it is so clear that he does care that is when he says i don't give a fuck but he is a nice guy i'm gonna sleep on that i'm gonna sleep on that i'm gonna sleep on that you know who's not down That is when he says, I don't give a fuck, but he is a nice guy. I'm going to sleep on that. I'm going to sleep on that. I'm going to sleep on that. You know who's not down at the beach partying and playing King of the Mountain?
Starting point is 00:22:33 Who? Colton fucking Mertens. Oh. Oh. There it is, guys. There's the picture. He's in the lab right now. Oh, geez. I that's that's a great picture thanks ryan i mean you see hoppers is basically putting madaris to sleep and matt
Starting point is 00:22:55 frazier's getting someone pregnant i hope that's sammy under there wow that's a great picture that's uh that's marconi. Oh, getting smashed by Matt? I'd let Matt climb on me like that. You would? All that hair? Oh, sorry. I didn't know my mic was on. I didn't know my mic was on.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I was going to give Colton a compliment, but you cut me off, so we'll move on. But anyway. You did give him a compliment. What? No, that was good. What? How did I cut you off? I didn't know if you took it as a compliment. No? I didn't know if you took it as a compliment. No, I didn't know if you took it as a compliment.
Starting point is 00:23:26 No, that's a huge compliment. You're basically saying he's not playing grab ass in the pool with these guys who are living their Instagram fame. He's tossing pigs over the fence. Damn right. Yeah, I hear you. Colton. Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And you know who else isn't fooling around right now? Laura. Laura. Lauren or Laura? Lauren Hor now? Laura, Laura, Laura, Lauren or Laura, Lauren Horvat, Laura, Laura.
Starting point is 00:23:51 She wrecked you, man. That was great. That should have been a news. That should have been our first news story. Hey, I'm like a week away from my wounds being healed that she fucking delivered to me all the battle wounds and getting her back on i just need a little bit more yeah my favorite when you asked laura how old she was and she's just straight up says you know how old i am it's just like oh it was great man it was great
Starting point is 00:24:18 we got a lot to go through here let's do it danielle is having too much fun too busy in miami i agree diana matt is wild yes three plain brothers would have put matt in their guard then a triangle then lights out peace you think so no but that's what someone said interceptor but it is pretty trippy next time you come around i'll have you um try to get uh out of obby's guard or into obby's guard or out of yeah either way try um try to get out of his guard or um have him try to get out of your guard you know what that is a guard in jujitsu no show me right now it's basically you're on your back like this and someone gets between your legs and you got to try to get out and uh either position if you're if you try to hold i mean obviously you're bigger
Starting point is 00:25:06 and stronger and you could just punch him in the face and kill him and choke him out but if you play within like the rules of just not killing him it's crazy it is he's a handful i want to get my invite i'm ready tell him i'm gonna take him down hey ryan do you have the phone number to this phone to this phone? You do. Susie gave it to you. Wow. I'm kind of scared. Did I tell you about this part, Hobart? I hooked up a phone to this podcast so people could call in. So like as you're doing the news, if someone wants to chime in on some shit, they can't. But we can't really vet the calls. So they'll just call on this extra cell phone I have, and then I'll answer. And they can basically say anything. They could be like, Hobart, you're a douche or anything.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I can take that. Okay. All right. All right. But I'm going to start off with just some nice innocuous general news. Okay. We're just going animals. We're going to start start can we roll now yeah
Starting point is 00:26:06 let's roll i have to pee already and we got only um we got so go through okay i'm gonna take a pee break in 10 minutes at 6 25 okay well i think if we can get through five from that'd be good okay let's do it first news the six-day-old southern white rhino and the southern's important actually and this was kind of a letdown anyway six-day-old southern white rhino and the southern is important actually and this was kind of a letdown anyway six day old southern white rhino calf is born and exploring its home at the san diego zoo now here's the deal i thought this was going to be really interesting because i looked up how many white rhinos are left in the world yeah there are only two northern white rhinos left in the world according to the internet but this is a southern white rhino
Starting point is 00:26:45 which i think there are 11 000 so turns out the story not as cool as i thought it was going to be when i started researching it wow that's an amazing animal though it looks like you could own that looks like you could bring that home how heavy is that baby i think that's kind of the problem is that um a lot of people do own them or try to bring parts of them home. And that's why there's only two northern white rhinos left in the world, but 11,000 southern white rhinos. So my immediate response to the video that Ryan put up in the story you put up is the reason why these fuckers are extinct. People like me. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:27:18 There you go. I understand. I now empathize with the murders. That is really a cool animal. Do you know how much that baby weighs, Hobart? At least 800 pounds. The baby? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I'm just slinging it right there. That's not news. Fact check me on that. All right. Don't worry. They will. How much does a baby weigh? Rhino weigh? Somebody should.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Someone look that up. All right. Hold on. Moving on. Bugs and light pollution. This one actually came from Yusufan. Oh, yes. I don't know if you read it. No on. Moving on. Bugs and light pollution. This one actually came from Yusufan. Oh, yes. I don't know if you read it.
Starting point is 00:27:48 No, I did not. I think the real... Anyway. In a UK study, artificial streetlights were found to disrupt the behavior of nocturnal moss, reducing caterpillar numbers by half. I think the real travesty of this study is the fact that we're studying how lights affect bug reproduction wait wait wait why is that i like that actually don't we need bugs well they didn't say the study said bees ants and beetles were disappearing eight times faster than mammals yeah hey and you know what's crazy they're so. And you know, it's crazy. They're so
Starting point is 00:28:26 important in the food chain. It's nuts. It's nuts how important they are in the food chain. And when I used to drive from San Francisco to LA, I would see so many birds like in the freeway underpasses and just everywhere. And then basically I heard some crazy statistic, like there's a hundred times less bugs, insects in California now than there were 30 years ago. And who knows if that's true or not, but I wonder if that's why there's the birds or bird numbers are dropping too. Cause there's so few less insects. Don't hate on the bugs Hobart. They're important. Well, I know there's, I didn't find anything. I know there's a big thing with bees as far as how bees are important to the ecosystem and spreading plants and flowers and providing food. So I know that's a huge issue, but, um,
Starting point is 00:29:02 spreading plants and flowers and providing food. So I know that's a huge issue. But 40% of species undergoing dramatic rates of decline. And LED streetlights appear to have the biggest impact. So I'm going to start a new campaign. Oh, but they're saving the planet. But they're saving the planet, Hobart LED. I'm going to start a new campaign, which is to shoot out all streetlights. Oh, I like it.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah, Sevan looking for bugs and ice. Sevan bringing a rhino home would be like Brian friends successfully courting Lauren Horvath. I don't even want I don't pass on that comment. Where is the guest? Does anyone show up on time? I never have to clean my windshield on long drives anymore. Yeah, Chris, you're feeling it. Brian, she is here.
Starting point is 00:29:44 She's on the show right now. You just can't see her. She's wearing her invisible cloak. Her name is Danielle Brandon. Savan, do you want me to put on the phone number on the screen? Sure. Let's see what happens. It should just be flashing constantly.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Just maybe once. Maybe let it once scroll up and by and see if anyone dares to call in. Let's just see. Okay, next story. I think next time I'm going to make these little race here. I like this. This is good. All right, so we're going to stick with the animal theme.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Then we're going radioactive snakes. I think this is in Japan. A massive earthquake hit or tsunami hit Japan a decade ago in the Fukushima Daiichi. Nuclear power plant experienced a catastrophic meltdown. So scientists have attached something called a dosimeter to the reptiles so they can serve as living bioindicators to detect contamination levels. But more importantly, still in the world, regardless of radioactive activity, 3,000 species of snakes on the planet and 7% of them are still able to significantly harm or kill humans, except for radioactive rat snakes. That's what I got out of that. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:31:00 There's 3,000 venomous snakes? No, no. There's 3,000 species of snakes and 7% of those can significantly harm or kill humans. So what is it? I don't even know what species means. I think it means like you could have a rat snake, you could have a Cobra, you could have a Python, a rattlesnake. And there's like 50 different kinds of Pythons or a hundred. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Ball Python. Okay. Are like, are you and I the same species? No, I'm probably far beyond. You're far beyond. Oh man. I think, I think we are. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Where in the world is Danielle? Stop, stop, stop. You're making me have to pee even more. Brutal. Next story. This actually one hits close to home and it's kind of a sad one.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Animal. CrossFit Inc. Sold. CrossFit Inc. Sold. Yes. And I got to watch that. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Pandemic pets are crowding Colorado animal shelters and nationwide. So I guess I don't know if anyone experienced this during the pandemic, everyone got bored and lonely because they were incapable of living with themselves. So they just got pets to offload that burden and shame. And now people. What's that? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:32:21 The name is Jim, Jim Wilson. I'm so scared scared i'm scared too jim what's up buddy hey i'm like a real i'm like a i'm like a real host now jim welcome to the show how can i help you you're here with hobart and ryan jeff how can i help you jim did you want to contribute on the whole snake venomous snake thing jim You're here with Hobart and Ryan Jevdon. How can I help you, Jim?
Starting point is 00:32:47 Did you want to contribute on the whole snake, venomous snake thing, Jim? I'm still bewildered by the rhino. You are. Tell me. Tell me what bewilders you about it. That they're extinct? That there's only two left of the northern one? That there's only two left.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah, it's horrible. What else does Jim have? is that all he's got i don't know but i like it that this is our first call ever in the history of the seven podcast this is i'm tickled i'm like aroused there's a fake number what's the you're here, Jim. I thought this was a fake number. Hey, it's a fake podcast. It's a fake radio show. The only thing not fake about this whole thing is you, Jim. I love that.
Starting point is 00:33:34 All right, Jim. Thanks for being the first caller in the history of the Savon podcast. Appreciate it. Peace and love. The first and the last. He's like, holy shit. No, Jaden, not everyone call in. Not everyone call in. Hey, I'm going to leave you with a caller so I can pee soon.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Okay, so what were we just talking about? Awesome. COVID, people adopting pets, and now everyone's sending their COVID pets back to shelters. And this is a really huge issue. So shelters across the country saw a surge in adoptions after COVID-19 hit. And now there's a spike of unwanted animals as people return to post-pandemic life. So moral of this story, don't be such a dickhead and keep the pet that you originally adopted. Hey, so I lived in Isla Vista, California for 10 years. It's just north of Santa
Starting point is 00:34:24 Barbara, California. The University of Santa Barbara, California is there. I lived there for 10 years while I was there. I had over the time I was there, I had three dogs and I made a list at one point. I can't remember where it is. I should find it somewhere, but I made a list of all the people I know, all the students, all my friends there in that college town. It was like 20,000 students in like a half square mile or something in that town. Super impacted. And I made a list of all the people I knew who ever got a dog. And of like it was like 147 people who got dogs in college. It was only me and three other people who by the time we left college still
Starting point is 00:35:06 owned their dog and it kind of yeah kind of disgusted me i was like these people are pieces of shit hey it's a lot of responsibility taking an animal but don't get it and then like and then i don't know if crossfit is a fad. I don't know. Depends on what your definition of CrossFit is. But the definition that I have, it's crazy to even call it a fad. It's like asking if peeing is a fad. It's a lifestyle, my friend. It's a lifestyle. You really do have to go to the bathroom right now.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah, because I keep talking about peeing. Have you ever taken a dog to the animal shelter? Have you ever abandoned a pet? I'm sorry to put you on the spot, Hobart. No, I've never abandoned a pet. We've adopted a pet. But have you ever, like, have you ever taken a dog to the animal shelter? Have you ever abandoned a pet? I'm sorry to put you on the spot, Hobart. No, I've never abandoned a pet. We've adopted a pet, but have you ever, like,
Starting point is 00:35:48 have you ever, like, even like I had a pet in college, a dog, and then I had to go somewhere. So I just left it with my mom for like a few weeks. And then I came back for it. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:56 no, we've no, I've, uh, we've had a lot of dogs. We've never, uh, abandoned a dog at a pet shelter.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Have you ever gone into the backyard and shot one of your pets? Not recently. Okay. All right. Well, anyway, get out there, adopt a dog,
Starting point is 00:36:12 be a good person and don't just throw it back to the pet shelter. I wonder if Daniel Brandon owns any pets. I had that question. Yeah. She has a little yipper. Oh, she does. Yeah. It's kind ofipper. Oh, she does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 It's kind of ugly. Oh, ouch. I wonder, I wonder, would you have said that Ryan, if she was on the show? Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Ha ha ha ha. I love it. Honest, honest, Ryan. He shook his head and said, no, um,
Starting point is 00:36:42 I've rescued two nine-year-old dogs and they're awesome alizis thanks alizis hey i thought you weren't going to bring up any like covid stuff or like vaccine stuff or anything and you brought some up well i had i have a couple little things in here that are here to bait you but i'm not going to give you any softballs okay does feeding garden birds do more harm than good? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Here's the deal. The paper only references a single paper, but evidence has been building that feeding birds could disrupt the delicate ecological balance.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Hey, this is a great story. What you're bringing up, I'm actually very curious. That phone call call welcome to the podcast oh wait wait wait i gotta hold on take two welcome to the seven podcast yes ufos are real first time long time. Yeah, first. I can't see your name. What's your name? You just came in as a.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Dale. Dale. Dale like Chippendale. What's up, Dale? How are you? Rescue Rangers or strippers. I've got two questions for you, Sivan. Yes, sir. First question I've been thinking about.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Bye. Bye. That was fast. question I've been thinking about is, ah, that was fast. Um, so my question is, you have a lot of friends in the CrossFit community at CrossFit. They,
Starting point is 00:38:18 I feel like there's a hole in the space of the behind the scenes documentary arena for the game. If CrossFit was to reach out and say, Hey, Olive Branch, come back 2022 season behind the scenes documentary, all yours, if you want it, would you take them up on that? You know what's funny, Dale? Someone in the comments earlier just said someone acts like he doesn't care and basically was saying I act all big and tough, but I'm really not like that. And, like, if you wouldn't have asked, if Hobart would have asked hobart would have asked me i've been like fuck no i ain't never going back
Starting point is 00:38:47 fuck those bitches they can't handle the truth but now that it's a stranger and you asking me and putting me on the spot i think maybe that person is right it just feels weird hearing it from a stranger but yeah i mean there there is a way that i would go back and do it there's a way i'd love to go back and do it yeah and maybe yeah i'd love to go back and do it yeah and maybe yeah i'd love to go back and do it i just wouldn't want to do it and just lose my edge i wouldn't want to be scared i wouldn't want to have to do it like i was trying to maintain my job you know what i mean dale like that was the whole cool thing about it before is that i kind of walked around like i own the place and i would ask anything and that might be hard even for me to get in that mindset again. But, yeah, I'd love to give it a shot again.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I'd love to do that. I really enjoy being around the athletes. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning,
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Starting point is 00:40:01 I got the sense that you also really enjoyed this season being able to be at home, still call in, talk to Brian, kind of be kind of happy, go in the water, but still be at home with your family. You know, that's different, similar, but different. Yeah. You nailed it. I really did actually enjoy that. I re it was fun. The weird part is though, is like I thought I was going to be able to maintain like my current,
Starting point is 00:40:29 like lifestyle, like all the silly things I do with my kids. And I couldn't, it, it, that, that week actually stressed me out. Like next year I have to plan better. I can't have like, like, I got to ask like my mom and people for support. Cause I was trying to do too many things, but yeah, that was, it was really cool. That's the first time I've ever watched the games like that. So I basically took three years off from watching the games when when greg and and the douche ceo um pulled me off of the behind the scenes in 2018 um i i basically just stopped paying attention to the games it was like it was like i'd been castrated it would be like i probably like like if i would have lost my penis at 12 i would have lost my penis at 12, I would have stopped paying attention to girls. I don't know if it works like that. I don't know
Starting point is 00:41:08 if that's a good simile. I apologize if that one doesn't work. It's almost perfect. Thank you. And what was the second, um, was there a second question? Cause Hobart's really about to bring something up really interesting. I did have a second question. If so so you have a lot of guests on your podcast yes a lot of guests that you seem to very much agree with oh yes have you considered going the other way there's this local doctor that I'm friends with
Starting point is 00:41:35 who's asked me to be on the podcast a bunch fucking terrified how's that for an answer you'd make for interesting content i yeah i so there's a few people whether you guys know it or not there's a few people that i've had on the show where i'm facing my fears and um but yeah you're right you're you're absolutely you're absolutely right you know what i need to do dale when i do that too is i need to just make sure that i'm like not on my high horse and make sure i'm in questioning mode because when i'm in questioning
Starting point is 00:42:08 mode and i'm like like truly sincerely asking questions i'm probably at my best so yeah i need to i need to face that thank you for bringing that up asshole i mean did I say that last part out loud? Just keep calling in and Siobhan will insult you for free. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Awesome. Thanks, Siobhan. Thanks, James. Thanks, Dale, for calling in. You man.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I'm so curious because I had a bird feeder, James. And when I got fired, that was one of the things that I made in the budget cuts. The budget cuts at my house was to stop filling my bird feeders. Well, you're doing the right thing, Simon, because I know what your garden looks like. And here's the deal. The problem with having the bird feeder is it kind of plays preference to certain birds who like certain types of food, and they can proliferate and push out other breeds of birds. That's kind of the issue. So we know from historical research that certain species are increasing in number
Starting point is 00:43:09 at the expense of other subordinate birds. But if you are going to have a bird feeder, this is a story from the BBC, you want to clean it once a fortnight. Oh, wow. Yeah, I can make the conversion from English to English. Clean and disinfect. Two weeks.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Two weeks. Good hygiene at your feeders and leave, this is for you, leave a part of your lawn wild, people. Stop trying to trim your grass and make it perfect. Have a wild lawn so birds of all species can come and play together. I like that bush wild myself. Yep. That's a line from one of my early movies, a documentary I made when we were talking about shaving and this guy interviewed said I like that Bush Wild myself.
Starting point is 00:43:56 So old. If you've lived in Santa Barbara maybe you saw that on the public access show where I started my career. That would actually be a good little news article research. Yeah, that would be, that would be, I think it's weird how people are afraid of hair. Yeah. They do think it's really dirty. Like I actually, um, I found a piece of my, my wife has really beautiful, long curly hair and it like a little,
Starting point is 00:44:22 it's everywhere. And there was some on my plate the other day and i just continued to eat my food and she was kind of not interested that i was doing that she kind of repulsed by but i was like it's just your hair yeah it's just your hair yeah it's just your hair prehistoric flying reptile so here's this story is really about, uh, they found this special, one of those things called fossils of a fly. I'm having a good hair day. Sorry. Go ahead. Great hair day. This story is more, more interesting. They found a prehistoric fossil of a flying reptile that they weren't quite sure certain facts about it, but that's not important. What I found out was at the end of the story, they talk about how rich actors, I guess there's this big thing in Hollywood where wealthy actors like to purchase black market fossils.
Starting point is 00:45:13 So can you guess which actor, who is one of my favorite actors, they mentioned by name of being a culprit who purchased some black market fossils, but then had to return them to Mongolia after being contacted by the department of homeland security dude this is killer this is so good hey you know what danielle you missed out you missed out danielle whatever you missed out danielle could be getting her toenails pulled off right now and she's still having a better time hey hey i just love it that we're about to find out who one of your favorite actors is it's a question i would never ask someone it's
Starting point is 00:45:50 so cheesedick stupid but i fucking am dying to know who one of your favorite actors is is it is it do you have a guess ryan i wonder who one of his favorite actors he read the article i know i know who it is yeah it's pretty funny oh he just highlighted it you like that quack he's great man he used to be great he's lost his mind i think he needs to come stay with me for a few months i need to do an intervention on no way anyone who could play ghost rider is great and if you talk shit about that movie you're just out to lunch and also also i just want to say something um he was recently in a movie called mandy have you seen that james yeah yeah the one in the circus the clown one
Starting point is 00:46:32 um it's i can't even explain it but you just have to go watch it i don't want to ruin it lsd one it's the lsd one there's two his movies are completely insane like if you watch them like i don't believe in hell or heaven but if you watch them you're going to hell his last two movies mandy was incredible i thought it should have won movie of the year it was psychedelic and crazy and weird and the colors were awesome i loved it wow you're cooler than i thought ryan that's some artsy shit yes adam lindsey lohan that's one of my favorites i love mean girls i have to pee i have to pee. I have to pee.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Don't go too far off the fossil subject, Hobart. Give it an L1 lecture. We got to move on right now. Okay, one more. I got to pee. I need 30 seconds. Maybe someone will call in. Maybe someone will call in.
Starting point is 00:47:17 You can talk to them while I pee. How am I going to talk to them? Because you're holding the phone, man. No, you can't hear them talking. I can. Oh, yeah. So once they call in, you can just talk to them. Oh, this is high tech. You know they're patched in.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I'm not holding the phone like on the mic like the old days. Oh, they're patched in. They're patched in, baby. Well, then go pee. Let's see. Wait until somebody calls in. Let's get somebody to call in, and then you go to the bathroom. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Oh, someone did call, and we missed the call. Shit. Is there any way I can end it? Oh, someone did call and we missed the call. Shit. Is there any way I can end it? Because if you leave and the nuclear codes aren't being able to be accessed, there could be some – I can read it.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I can just – Start off all nice and Hobart's talking to him and then they just start just saying – And the second you leave, yes. The situation epitets just nonstop. Yeah, that's what I don't want. I can actually I just realized I can mute it. I can mute it. So it's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Okay. So don't call it and try something crazy. Just because I'm taking a leak, guys. Don't do it, guys. Don't do it. Final fucking. Someone from Atlanta called. I missed the call.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Call back. Sorry. But anyway, Nicolas Cage had a tyrannosaurus rex skull i just want to say that's awesome wow hey you know what's weird when i think of prehistoric birds hobart i don't think of them as having wings but they must have had wings sorry feathers i think of them as like like they must have had feathers but when you think of them don't you think of them as all kind of like lizards and scaly? Well, this article said, yeah, I do. This article said it had something not like feathers.
Starting point is 00:48:51 It was resembling fur. So it wasn't a good flyer. They suspect it could only fly for short periods of time, which I don't know how you figure that out. Maybe because of its weight or estimated weight. But yeah, I think they're like totally like a, like a, like an iguana flying through the air. Okay. I'm going to pee my pants. Someone call in for Christ's sake. I got to go pee.
Starting point is 00:49:09 It's okay if you don't say anything. You can just stare at the camera and make it uncomfortable. No, we're going to go through the next one because the next one was going to be for Daniel Brandon, but she's not here. And it's a nice uplifting one before we turn into the real depressing nonsense. Maybe Ryan can weigh in on his two cents. This one is running faster with your eyes. Is this
Starting point is 00:49:28 study done? I think it's from BBC. Thanks for coming. I don't remember. Olympic runners say focusing on the finish line helps them win. They did a little study. Two groups with ankle weights walked on a track. The other group walked normally.
Starting point is 00:49:44 One group focused on the finish line, and the other group just focused on whatever you normally focus on when you walk. The study uncovered that visual focus and mental focus are connected. The finish line group, so the group focused on the finish line, estimated that the finish line was 30% closer. They moved 23% faster. And they said the entire process was not as uncomfortable as the other group. So point being, keep your eye on the prize and stay on the finish line, people. It is actually something that helps you be better. There you go.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And that is the secret to world peace, Ryan. And it's too bad Savant just missed it. That was incredible. My life has changed. What if this wasn't my own show and I couldn't pee? That goes back to what Dale was saying. What if this was the CrossFit podcast, I couldn't do that, right?
Starting point is 00:50:40 Or could I? I don't know. Hold on. I got to turn up my mic volume because Hector is just talking trash. The ad sounded. I know I like Hector. Is that louder? Answer the phone.
Starting point is 00:50:54 I'm trying. I'm trying, James. I'm trying, but it's not ringing. It's not ringing. It's not ringing. All right. We're through page two. Wait, I want to hear that one again.
Starting point is 00:51:03 What did I miss? What was that? That looks like some biblical shit. No, we're not going back some biblical shit how to run faster by changing the way you see oh serious moving on artificial wood made out of kombucha let's go artificial wood show you some artificial wood it took science a long time but we finally found some good for kombucha other than using it to clean paint off of vehicles hold on one second sorry hobart didn't rip ryan maybe underneath that phone number you can write the sevan podcast and then people won't have to ask what it is or do you think it's so obvious it's just crazy that
Starting point is 00:51:33 you have to write that okay go ahead over over are you cleaning your mic i'm turning this thing up to 11 all right here we go i once went to a camp that said moving your arms faster helps your legs sprint faster move your hands from hip pocket to eye socket quickly yeah i've heard that that kind of stuff too i bet you hobart knows all that from hanging out with hinshaw from cheek to cheek oh that's good i gotta have hinshaw on the show do you think he'd come on the show are you friends with him? Yeah. Do you want me to reach out and ask?
Starting point is 00:52:08 You put in a good word for me. Just be like, hey, we all think it's Danielle Brandon's. Ha ha ha. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it is Danielle's. Want me to call Danielle Brandon on this phone? Oh, I don't think this phone has her phone number on it. Frederico so mad. I know. Sorry, Frederico is so mad. I know.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Sorry, Frederico. It's false advertising. One could claim that we knew she was never going to be on it but just wrote that so you would come to the show. Okay, go on. Turning kombucha into wood. That's real? What is kombucha? I just think of it as a drink that they charge too much for at a for like the byproduct of a fermented mushroom this fellow gabe tavas
Starting point is 00:52:52 um just like everyone else in the world found out how terrible kombucha was and tried to do something useful with it so he takes the kombucha scoby mixes mixes it with a gel algae, and now has turned it into wood, and he won the James Dyson Award. The International, he progressed in the James Dyson Award contest. What do you got for that one? Oh, fuck. Going back and forth in my head should i say something funny or attack james for such a stupid story but but this is our first show and i can't it's too soon to attack you because you need to be like out of your i need you to stay fresh
Starting point is 00:53:37 well so what's what's the point of it is it just so that like we use less trees that are planted in the ground for wood and like for doors and tables so we get more oxygen in the world. Is that it? Such a bad story that even Ryan has to keep it going. The article didn't even cover that. Hobart, are you familiar with – I know you are familiar with Nicole Carroll, one of the most influential people in the fitness and health space who's ever lived in my lifetime. Yes. Incredible orator. Yes. Very knowledgeable about basically all human movement, human nutrition, just fascinating, amazing person, right? A hundred percent. And when you're around her, she's the kind of person you kind of want to try to impress. Like even if you're not, don't
Starting point is 00:54:23 want to try to impress her, you definitely don't want to fuck up she has a gravitas correct yes a very powerful human being and in my early years uh and she should really be almost a household name but anyway that's a different subject but um in my early years at crossfit inc and for those you don't know she runs the training program over at crossfit inc and um she's been she's probably one of the only people who is there. Her and Dave are the only two people who are there who were there longer than me when I was there, I think. And one time she was doing a lecture, a nutrition lecture in L1. It was probably like 2010 or 11, and we were in San Diego. And during the break or something, I ran to like one of those hippie stores and got her a kombucha drink,
Starting point is 00:55:06 like trying to impress her, right? Not court her, not court her. It wasn't that hardcore, but like impress her. Right. And she goes, Oh, thank you so much. And she was so charming and so sweet and like, you know, just melted me. And then class started up again and she's holding my drink up in front of the class and i think she's going to open it and drink it and she uses the drink i gave her as a drink that people would think is healthy but is absolute shit for you because it has 22 grams of sugar and just went on to destroy this drink i got her oh god i fucking ran into the bathroom i think it was crossfit san diego at the time and cried.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Okay. That was almost as bad as my kombucha news story. Oh, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. I say Danielle can't come back on without her hair a different color. Jason Crossman.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Agreed. Or her head shaved. That would be a good one. That would be awesome. If you look at the stream, i'm showing you a video of daniel's ugly dog so you can take a look at that if you want oh thank you and if you see daniel's dog in that video something's wrong with you oh there it is can't miss in that one oh that's a cute dog that's like a uh some sort of terrier, right? Oh, the coat's a trip. She dyed the coat or just it has that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Wow. It's like one of those naked drinks. Yeah, I agree. Hey, you know what would be amazing if we could get Danielle Brandon to come on the show? Period. But if I was really greedy, if she would shave her head on our show that would be legit thank you hey do you remember the games after party one year fucking believe she stiffed us this is in 127 episodes this is the second you can't believe it this is the second person
Starting point is 00:56:57 that stiffed me and i and like i'm still who is the first i can't remember it happened a few days ago oh actually maybe there's three. But this show was actually supposed to go live. It was some UFC fighter or some fighter. Not even a UFC fighter. Who was that? It was the ghost. It was the ghost.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Oh, the ghost, Robert Guerrero. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you, Ryan. That really sucked. That really – for a live live show that's pretty disrespectful okay next next next new show i did like that by the way mushrooms for everyone out there waiting 2030 is the best time to travel to mars scientists have raised concerns about brain damage gastrointestinal issues and cancer on a journey to
Starting point is 00:57:44 the red planet oddly Oddly enough, none of them have raised concerns about how you're going to survive once you get to Mars. Team also recommends keeping a Mars round trip to less than four years for those of you who are headed there in duration. And this is because the researchers point to a time known as solar maximum when our sun is at its highest activity level and this helps block out galactic cosmic rays oh does it say how much it's going to cost no i hadn't said nothing about the price it just assumes that we're traveling there in 20 or we should travel there in 2030 so i don't think this article was meant for me i'm not getting on that ship um and how how long did it say sorry
Starting point is 00:58:29 if you if you mentioned how long is the trip there you know it doesn't say that it just says you should make sure you keep your trip to less than four years this is an article from cnet thank you like how sorry this is going to show you how stupid i am but like do you think it takes an a year how like how long does it take to get to Mars? Like a year? We don't live in the age of wonder. I know this. So it depends, right?
Starting point is 00:58:54 Like if you're driving or flying? Well, our galaxies are – our planets are rotating at different speeds, right? Or traveling around the sun at different speeds. So at some point, we're super far away from each other. And at some points, we're super close, right? You know what I mean? So it depends on how far away we are from the starting point. But I don't know, like a year or something.
Starting point is 00:59:20 The shortest trip to Mars. So you travel there for a year, you stay for two years, and you you travel home for a year i think it's nine months is the trip okay i want to show you something by the way that ryan was just doing with his hands and show you just a month out of your fucking mind nine months nine months nine months oh okay look at look at this so you see how he was putting his fingers around in a circle like this the same direction where is this gonna go watch this watch watch what i can do with my hands can you do that yeah man i can do that my fingers are going in opposite directions no ryan opposite directions i can make opposite circles that's how advanced my brain is all right so to the most important topic kanye recently released a new album, Donda, named after his late mother. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Oh, do you know how his mom died? I don't know. Oh, my God. Here we go. Oh, my God. I'm sorry, everyone. Look it up. Maybe Ryan can pull it up so I don't fucking lie or get it wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:21 His mom was getting cosmetic surgery. She died in a fucking cosmetic surgery trust your doctor guys leading cause of third leading cause of death on the planet medical errors 250 not on the planet in the united states 250 000 traveling to mars yeah not traveling to mars it's just crazy it's people are so fucking stupid do you guys know what happened to george washington do you do you know how he died hypothermia no fucking doctors they bled him to death thinking that it was the fucking cure to his ailment i mean and people think bloodletting yeah thank you and people think like something's changed no nothing's changed if you have a broken bone it's doctors are amazing.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Or if you got like a light bulb stuck in your ass, yes, go see a doctor. We need more swim. All your other shit. Swim coaches. Your erectile dysfunction, do not go to a doctor. Stop eating sugar and stop eating refined carbohydrates. Just listen to the Savant podcast. Do not go.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah, thank you. You're having trouble sleeping. Don't listen to the podcast. Do not go. Yeah. Thank you. You're having trouble sleeping. Don't go to a doctor. You know, when one time I was coming back from Kenya, filming malnourished children there on a fucking doing one of the great things that I do for people that I've spent my life doing for people. And I heard this stat and it was how much money people in the United States spent on sleep aids. And the people in the United States spent on sleep aids. And the people in the United States spent like 10 times the GDP, the entire GDP of the country of Kenya,
Starting point is 01:01:53 just on sleep aids, people in the United States. I mean, it's yeah. Al Aziz is the show that bad that Brian should call in and talk about Frisbee's Jason Crossman, 699. You are awesome. Need to send you guys money.
Starting point is 01:02:03 You might be out of work after this hey we said it was a pilot we're just gonna test it out but uh really quick um rapper connie west mother donda west this is a funny name uh died unexpectedly following a breast lift and tummy tuck surgery this tragedy sentwaves to the cosmetic surgery world. Okay, sorry. It's nuts. It's nuts. It's nuts. I needed my tits fixed.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Oops, you died. You talked about this. You don't have anything on your body that you would get surgically enhanced? Not anything. Even if it was like LASIK or something like that. No, no, no, no. I don't think I would do LASIKs. I don't think I would get my – I kind of am getting off on – I get off on putting on glasses.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Get my nose changed. Like if I lost a tooth like here in the front like if it just like fell out or something or like i got knocked out or whatever it came out i might get a tooth put in yes all right yeah i might get like one of those one things where they drill a hole in your gum i might do that but like like a gold tooth yeah no not a gold But, like, I wouldn't do anything like... No, I'm 49 years old. Like, if you are not cool by the time you're 49, you're fucked. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:32 You are fucked. I mean, if I got burned, I would, like, do something where, like, I'd take some skin from my butt and put it on, like, my arm if my arm was burned or something like that. What about your face? Yeah, my face, too, yeah. yeah i put butt skin on my face only if the doctor told me that it was only if someone like told me that i it would it's it would it's safer to do it like i wouldn't do it for cosmetic reasons i don't give a fuck like like i give a fuck don't get me wrong like i washed my hair and like i shaved a little bit to look a certain way. And like, but like, I'm, I'm, I don't, I don't need to work outside of with what I have. There's so much I can do already. There's so many much, much more. I can ride the assault of your own self and outside of your own control 99.9% of the time to infinity. But what if it becomes as easy as like brushing your teeth, right? So what, you know, like, I don't know, any sort of, at some point, the technology I imagine will get there so we could do any kind of upgrade we wanted.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Like, I think when it becomes that ubiquitous, it's not as big of a deal as you're talking about. In your imaginary world, yeah, that sounds true. But I'm just talking about reality. Okay. Your imaginary future. I was going to talk about how Kanye and Kim Kardashian, because you asked about Kardashians, are rebuilding their relationship. But we're moving on. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:05:04 I want to talk about that. No, no, that sounds like a great story and she's armenian i want to give armenian people all right here you go let's lay it on kardashian at kanye's album release kim kardashian stepped out onto chicago's soldier field wearing a blenciaga haute couture wedding dress recreating her nuptials with wes in an epic stunt. And someone close to them says that they are working on reconciling their marriages and their differences. Oh, so he released an album and as part of the album release party, she was there and they,
Starting point is 01:05:40 uh, Ryan shaking his head. He's dead. I like shaking your head. Like I'm wrong, Ryan, or that you just can't believe they did that no i'm just i this is this is absurd what they did but yeah no i'm not i'm not shaking my head at you why is it absurd you think it's like sacrilege or no it's just the i don't know i just see it as fake this is is all for money, I think. I think this has all been a stunt.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Oh. Sounds like the Sevan podcast and their news show they're trying. Alright, we're moving on. Okay, Daniel, Brandon is too busy taking Brian's V-card. Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
Starting point is 01:06:24 Now that's the news that people want. How dare you, Nate? 20 burpees. How dare you troll us in the chat and pick on our friend Brian Friend? Someone wrote so true. All right, this next one's good. Okay, that's it. Jeff Bezos is suing NASA.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Wow. Did he hurt his back on his space trip no it's even better uh i basically jeff bezos is mad because nasa gave spacex elon musk's company a 2.9 billion dollar contract so bezos's company blue origin decided to file a lawsuit against NASA. Now here's the best part. Apparently the PDFs that Jeff Bezos sent to NASA were so large that it has crashed NASA's computer system. So Jeff Bezos suing our government's space company, his company's files have crashed their computer system. I don't know what to say about that does
Starting point is 01:07:25 it say why like he felt like it was an unfair like i just yeah i think he's a little uh what they call butthurt wait and sorry who who who do we use did you say elon elon musk company space x received a 2.9 billion dollar contract to get astronauts back on the moon and i think bezos feels like it's unfair so he decided to do what every law-abiding citizen does and he sued them man that's the problem with having too much money you can just sue anyone that's the only problem all right moving on i'm just more worried about the fight started yet because i bought the fight and it's just playing in my house i wonder if it started yet has the fight started yet? Because I bought the fight and it's just playing in my house. I wonder if it started yet. Has the fight started yet?
Starting point is 01:08:05 Does anyone know if Jake Paul and what's the guy's name? Tyrone Woodley. Jesus. Sorry, Tyrone. I love you. Does anyone know if it started? Okay, go on. Let's get through these.
Starting point is 01:08:17 We got to go watch the fight. I know. We're trying here. Eating habits over 50. Here's a softball, Sivan. Okay. I figured it would be good for you to know this high blood pressure high cholesterol type 2 diabetes and diverticulosis and osteoporosis
Starting point is 01:08:30 some of the health conditions that become more prominent after the age of 50 here are your tips avoid processed foods eating late at night not drinking enough water and eating foods that are low in fiber who published that they should have the shit beat out of them this was the living shit beat out of them eat you're morons you guys are morons all right even more fiber you guys are fucking idiots i actually said that was one of the most important factors to consider oh my god just uh ryan do you go to starbucks i used to go i stopped no but yes i don't know like when when my girlfriend and i traveling we'll go and get a coffee somewhere if we need to he does he hates to admit it because he's
Starting point is 01:09:22 a young hipster well i just get an espresso an espresso. That's it. Just a pure espresso. That's it. I rest my case. Well, there are side effects to the pumpkin spice seasoning that goes into their pumpkin spice lattes, which I found out are just referred to as PSL. But these latte, these pumpkin spice flavoring is actually made with condensed milk so they're having issues with people buying it thinking that there's no milk in it and they're having reactions which makes me really happy because of how freaked out and happy people get over pumpkin spice lattes and i'm really glad to ruin it for them that the main ingredient is made with condensed milk so there you go. Eat more fiber.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Oh my goodness. If you're ordering pumpkin spice lattes, you have bigger problems. Although I am probably going to go and get one. You have bigger problems than condensed milk. Six exercises to boost sexual stamina. Oh man. Oh man. Just so everyone knows out there,
Starting point is 01:10:23 according to, especially with Savan's uh tirade about erectile dysfunction exercising is the safest and most effective way to boost sexual performance not as compared to alternatives like enhancement pills or other remedies it's actually the topic it's the second best way to improve your sexual whatever blah blah blah well not according to the times of India. The glute bridge, push-ups, deadlifts, jump squats, lateral lunges, and gym ball crunches. And this is from a journal education article in 2013.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Let me tell you which – let me tell you, first of all, two things you should know 100%. And then I'll let Hobart climb in on this, jump in on this. And he knows more about nutrition and movement than I do. The greatest thing you could do to improve your cock and balls. And I, and I don't have a vagina, so I don't know, but is to quit eating sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Starting point is 01:11:17 That thing gets supercharged. Second, the greatest exercise you can do to help with your sexual prowess, it's called the forearm shuffle. Place your penis inside the palm of your hand and begin to just hold it and nurture it. That's it. Those are the two. I told you I'd give you some softballs. Can I give a tip?
Starting point is 01:11:40 Softball crunches. Jesus criminy. Can I give a tip? Yes, please. crunches jesus criminy can i give a tip yeah so if you want to increase your sexual stamina what i what you should do is uh you're like uh you can do complex math you can go like all right 87 times 14 okay so i know that 87 times 10 is 870 and then you know and then you just you add you know and you just you do complex math because then you're not worried about the sensation and that can help you. On top of that, you can picture complex geometry.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Like sometimes what you can do is – so like think about a triangle. Think about a triangle that's upside down and it's spinning on a, on a ring around it and they're spinning in opposite directions. And if you do that and you do that complex geometry, you'll add one minute at least. I want to yell at Ryan for inserting, but I just put on four listeners while he was talking. I actually,
Starting point is 01:12:40 I actually tend to disagree. And after thinking about complex geometry, I've never been so aroused in my entire adult life. So thanks, Ryan. Here we go. We're almost there. I can shoot this across the room if I hold my penis at a 33-degree angle. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Next one. Carol Baskins sells Joe Exotic's former zoo. Animals are banned from being at this zoo for 100 years. Wait. She ended up owning the guy, the Lion King Zoo? Carol Baskins won. Let's see here. That's it.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Yeah. She owned a zoo, sold it, and there's a little clause that animals cannot – are banned from that for 100 years. Is she – is he still in jail? He is still in jail, yep. Oh, man. He didn't get that Trump pardon that he was hoping for. Damn it. Poor guy.
Starting point is 01:13:44 There you go hey i i i've been around a lot of like meth heads that i mean i i don't know him but that was all just classic meth head shit everything going on there the dress the clothes the hair the fingernails the friendships the sexual activities that was all just like anyway go on california man stole 620 000 iCloud photos in search of nudes sorry this isn't funny because it probably did actually victimize some people um i he stole 600 000 iCloud photos and videos from over 300 victims and he is now faces up to 20 years in prison oh that's too much that's too much come on he could have just been sending out uh pictures of complex geometry to curb everyone's sexual appetite how is he getting them like you would bring your iphone in to have it looked worked on and then he just downloaded your photos i have that um rather than a vulnerability
Starting point is 01:14:43 in the iCloud itself the perpetrator relied on phishing and social engineering so hey here's a customer support email for your gmail address you need to back up your iCloud click this link oh that's fucking crazy dude 20 years come on man they should have an option like there should be there should be something else you can do that's too long to put someone in jail and by the way the irony of this apple is is about to start going through everyone's iCloud photos have you seen that no i don't want to know that that's terrible i mean they're about to go through everyone's iCloud photos under the premise of searching for child pornography. Everyone's.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I can't wait till everyone who has just regular old naked pictures of their kids gets put into jail. Here's what's scary. I want to tell you this. I want to tell you this story real quick. Siobhan, really quick. If you're going to say that again, just say CP instead of the full word, just because we might get demonetized for that. YouTube's algorithm is very complex.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Anyways, continue. Thank you. So I went through security one time with Greg Glassman, hundreds of times, airport security. And we were going through airport security. I think we were coming back from Africa or Kenya or something, and we went through London. I think it was London. I can't even remember. It was some international.
Starting point is 01:16:07 And you know when you're switching flights in the middle of a country, you still have to go through security again. It's not like the main security, but it's like this other weird kind of like custom security. And they still have all the machines and like scanners and all that shit. You know what I'm talking about, Hobart? Yeah, absolutely. So we're going through that, and those areas are just chaotic and crazy, right? Yeah, absolutely. hated flying and hated any form of authority right so he's already like his blood pressure is like skyrocketing right and he hated all because he saw the theatrics of it all because when we would fly private there were no theatrics like that you could fucking be bringing coke back and forth by the tons anywhere you wanted but anyway um so they take his bag and they walk
Starting point is 01:17:02 they tell us meet us around over here and as they take greg's bag they walk. They tell us, meet us around over here. And as they take Greg's bag, they walk behind a bunch of like, they walk behind an area where we can't see the bag. Right. And they come out like 30 seconds later and we both come out at the end and they go to Greg, Hey,
Starting point is 01:17:16 can you tell us what's in that bag? What's in your bag? And he goes, no, I cannot. And they said, you don't know what's in your bag. And he goes,
Starting point is 01:17:22 yeah, I knew what was in it before you grabbed it. And they go, what do you mean? He's like, you just walked back there with my bag. How the fuck do't know what's in your bag? And he goes, yeah, I knew what was in it before you grabbed it. And they go, what do you mean? He's like, you just walked back there with my bag. How the fuck do I know what's in it? And that's how I feel about people going through my iCloud photos. Like, you're going to go through my photos and you're going to check?
Starting point is 01:17:36 Oh, the NSA or what's that? National College Sports Association. They're the ones who are going to license all fitness movements when they don't even below. They didn't even believe in squatting below parallel. Like, like every time there's a boss or licensure or some shit like that, you're like, who the fuck are you to fucking be putting your thumb on me and putting rules over me? If it wasn't for CrossFit, no one would be in the United States would be squatting below parallel right now. It'd be considered dangerous. How the fuck does Greg know what was in his bag?
Starting point is 01:18:04 And it was crazy. So you know what they did eventually they went back and forth back and forth and the guy's holding his bag and he goes well how much money do you have and greg goes i don't know less than ten thousand dollars and he goes you don't know how much money you have and greg goes do you know how much money you have on you right now and the guy goes you americans are horrible and handed his bag back to greg and that was the that was the first thing he said that was true, the guy. Yeah, we are horrible. And they didn't search it or nothing.
Starting point is 01:18:30 They just let us go. Even proving Greg's point more that the whole thing was just nonsense, bullying, theatrics. Sorry, I'm a little all over the place. I've never learned so much about CrossFit in one podcast. Thank you, Jason Crossman. I've never learned so much about your penis, boy. Now you know what a penis is. You want me to skip to my last one? Yes. Oh, shit, we're going to get to watch the fight. podcast thank you jason crossman you never learned so much about your penis boy now you're gonna
Starting point is 01:18:45 penis you're gonna skip to my last one yes oh shit we're gonna get to watch the fight will someone please tell me if the fight's still on because that's gonna i'm excited i paid for it we're uh we lost we lost oh we're back up to one see i was hoping we get to 200 viewers all right someone gave us a thumbs down one. Made the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits. Boom. Well, that actually plays into what we're going to talk about. How often should you shower? This is becoming a celebrity debate on the internet.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Jake Gyllenhaal says, also known as Mysterio, says, I do also think that there's a whole world of not bathing that is also really helpful for skin maintenance and our bodies. Jake Gyllenhaal, I think only showers every other day or once in a while. He is joined by Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher. Meanwhile, Dwayne, the rock Johnson who has 348 million Instagram followers says that he showers three times per day. There you go. How many times do you shower a day? What does it mean to shower?
Starting point is 01:19:51 I don't shower. I take, I wake up and take a cold shower every single day. No soap. Um, but I probably like shower and scrub with soap maybe two to three times a week. I like having,
Starting point is 01:20:03 I like, um, yeah, I am hangry. You're right. Good week. I like having, I like, um, yeah, I am hangry. You're right. Good call. It is my, it is like my 62nd week or 61st week of fasting for 36 hours.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Um, I like to, I like to soap my armpits, my pubes in the front, my butt. I like to keep those like soaped up. I probably shower at least once a day. The rest of my body,
Starting point is 01:20:22 I don't wash my hair very, I can't remember ever washing my hair. And I brush my teeth five or six times a day. I try to be gentle. Wash my hands a lot. I almost never wear shoes. I almost never wear shoes or socks. Well, the Euromonitor.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Showering is kind of important. It's so nice. Sorry, go ahead. I hate it i hate showering yeah like if i was gonna go jump in like a lake or whatever i do that but i don't like showering euro monitor international found that people in the u.s shower slightly less than seven times a week people in the uk china and japan tallied around five times per week while brazil approached 12 as for hair most people shampooed their heads about four times a week regardless of how often they showered except in mexico where people showered and
Starting point is 01:21:11 shampooed pretty much yeah happy fight night there was uh there's comments three comments in a row by a jackman jason and jayden that's got to be like some sort of like sign for me. Three J's like to buy a lot of ticket. Um, and we got a call from someone named Jim. I, I, I, I don't like to be sticky when I go to bed.
Starting point is 01:21:35 I could never like, even if like sometimes I'll work out like at 1230 at night, I have to go right into the shower. I just, I couldn't, I couldn't sleep. I don't like to sleep sticky. Do you use toe spacers?
Starting point is 01:21:44 No, I do not use toe spacers. I had some like a couple of years ago't sleep i don't like to sleep sticky do you use toe spacers no i do not use toe spacers i had some like a couple years ago but i don't use them seven practices dropping the soap for colton mertens oh meaning meaning like i oh you mean like i just go in the shower and i drop the soap and pretend like colton mertens is there or are you saying i'm not sure exactly what that looks like. You can spell that out for me, Nate, how to make a million dollars,
Starting point is 01:22:08 make TikTok videos, take steroids. That's, that's where we should end it. I just love it. The Jason Crossman, Jason, did you call tonight?
Starting point is 01:22:19 Do you want to call? You want to call and just have me just fuck you up and tear you up? Cause you've been on the show the whole time. Talked a little shit, said some funny stuff stuff i'm ready to fucking brawl with you you're just a good dude who needs to just get fucking tangled with i can't even see the phone number look at me i'm talking all big and puffy chested and you can't see the phone number that's perfect guys thank you so much for listening uh sorry about daniel brandon um feel free to go over to daniel brandon's instagram account make a comment in on her public on her last post and tell her be nice yeah be nice tell her that we talked about how beautiful she is and how we degraded her by saying
Starting point is 01:22:58 she's beautiful and disrespected her although i don't think we did say she's beautiful. Colton would need a box to stand on. Damn. Okay, guys. Thank you so much. I'm very happy with the show. Episode 127. Thank you, Hobart, for letting us do the experimentation with the news and educating the masses.
Starting point is 01:23:18 We will try to do this every Sunday next week. Shit, I guess I can say we'll have whoever, since our guests don't show up anyway. Next week we will have Justin Medeiros on. He'll also be on the new show. We're going to spice it up. Thanks, Jason. You're a boss.
Starting point is 01:23:36 You're a boss. All right, guys. Thank you so much. Peace.

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