The Sevan Podcast - #12 - Gary Roberts

Episode Date: May 30, 2020

Star of Killing The Fat Man losing weight plastic surgery politics CrossFit The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by Follow us on Instagram Sevan's Stuff: Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. How many people, like my life as it is right now is 100% related. Like I wouldn't be here without you. I wouldn't have my girl.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I wouldn't have my girl. I wouldn't have my son. It's a hundred percent. You know, when you, you look at things and you look at doors opening and those lead to other things. So many doors in my life where I'm at door, you were at the door and opened it and said, come on in. I will be take responsibility for half of one percent of the doors that you maybe walk through and i won't take credit for it but i'll just say i walk through them with you yeah i mean it's just like i just think about anyways thank you uh you and Tyson. And of course, without Coach Glassman, none of that would have happened. So it's like I got to. I want to apologize to you. Enough of this talking about me. Let's talk about you.
Starting point is 00:01:34 OK. I just used you because you said you were going to vote for Trump. Oh, because you did vote for Trump. Yeah. Then you had to wear a Hillary shirt to work one day to appease your new woman. And we teased you for that too. Yeah. And now you look at this fucking fiasco.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Trump's and Biden's and Cuomoomos and it's what a fucking mess. No one should be judging anyone. It is a fucking mess of codependent people who aren't actually helping the American people. Well, one of my reasons for voting for Trump, cause I hoped, well,
Starting point is 00:02:23 you can say that with your woman in the room you're not i thought you'd like i saw her in the background i brought it up because i thought you'd avoid it no no no no no i just he no matter this is a philosophy i have and i i just it never changes that to me past politicians have always, I put them in the three categories. One, they always think about self. Two, if they're not thinking about self, then they think about the party. And then only three, if they're not hurting thyself or thy party, then do they think about the people.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Wow. And that's always annoyed me across all parties. And so Trump was the first guy to say, hey, man, I don't care about the world. I'm focused on Americans. I recognize there's world needs. But like if I go to a Starbucks, I want the manager of Starbucks making sure that the Starbucks is running efficiently. The manager of Starbucks shouldn't be focused on Dunkin' Donuts down the street. So I think our politicians too much have focused on other things. And so he said, I want the people. And I like that. Were you raised a Republican? Wait, real quick,
Starting point is 00:03:43 let me interrupt. Were you raised a Republican? Wait, real quick. Let me interrupt. Were you raised a Republican or a Democrat? Neither. I don't affiliate with parties. I consider myself more just conservative. I like more in the Ron Paul vein. Okay. Just a conservative. I like smaller government.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I don't like government blowing money. Like, I just think they're not efficient with the money that they have. And my wife always brings this up. Hey, man, you're not one to talk. You're financially horrible. And I recognize that. But I want to hold the government to a higher standard. And I just don't feel they spend the money as if it's endless. In the current state, I'm correct. They're just devaluinging let me run this theory by you i have i just came out with it in the last week that the problem with the country the singular problem with this country is the fact that one of the parties is anti-patriotic one of the parties it's it's taboo to be patriotic one of the parties it's not cool to fly the flag
Starting point is 00:04:47 one of the parties is embarrassed to be americans one of the parties is embarrassed to be part of the united states of america and what sucks and one of the parties raises their kids to not be patriotic and what sucks is like i'm not saying that there's a bigger, a bigger love. There's a one planet love. I'm not saying I'm, you know, I'm down with all that shit. But if you can have a favorite football team or a favorite basketball team or a favorite baseball team, and you can't fly the American flag in your front yard, kind of like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And that party is the democratic party. The Democrats, the liberals, they are anti-american and i and you know and this that's it's hard for me to say i was raised in berkeley berkeley california i love me some liberals but the fact is this country it's um and how i came to this is someone said that someone was from from france was telling me that even when they're going through tons of turmoil, everyone loves the country. And they put the country first. And I just kind of wanted to piggyback on that.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You know, I don't know how. It's just weird. Democrats, it's taboo to love your country. And I just don't get that. It's sad, actually. Well, to be perfectly honest, I really have been very good. I told Caroline, hey, man, I'm stepping back from politics. I know I was really focused during the 2016 election.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Like, I don't know. I was really interested. But now, like, I beg to take a step back because our lives, I mean, our lives should be the focus of our energy and uh if anything for like i went a whole year right and pay attention to democrat or republican on that note i kind of feel like it's the thing you have to do to fit in so i don't know if all democrats are anti-american but neither do i neither do i It's sort of the banner you have to wear if you want to fit in. Yeah. It's not even that they're anti-American.
Starting point is 00:06:51 It's just that they can't fly the flag. They can't be patriotic. It's like for some reason it's taboo, and I never got it. Yeah. I mean, our country in its origin days, yes, did a lot of things that are, you know, horrific. But like we are where we are today. We assimilated well. Everyone is welcome, except for the Native Americans. I feel like if we were going to do anything for anybody, I feel like we've done the Native Americans wrong. And at Fort Washakie, my my buddies over there we did a video
Starting point is 00:07:25 i was driving down the road and there was a horse rotting in the road on the side of the street and it felt like it was in another world another country and i was like how can this be america that we have uh people so poor that they can't afford to feed their horses and then they die on the side of the road and nobody picks it up so that's my one caveat uh anyways uh so i've i've stepped back from politics so i don't know if i have a ton new info to give on that department other than i disagree with all the the money printing i feel it devalues our you know in the name of the six trillion yeah in the name of propping up, like they're propping up zombie banks, zombie companies. It's like you should be allowed to go out of business.
Starting point is 00:08:11 If I'm bad with my money, I go out of business. Nobody bails me out. I think governments and companies should be the same because what comes next would be stronger. companies should be the same because what comes next would be stronger. Like the 2008 recession, if they never spent that money there, we probably wouldn't be in the situation we are today. The fact that companies are living paycheck to paycheck, just like people are, it's like, what? You should have cash. Fully scary. Companies should not be living paycheck to paycheck. Gary, give me one second here. You're on a roll. Great to hear your voice. What I'm going to say isn't true, but the spirit
Starting point is 00:08:51 of it's correct. So bear with me and change any details you want. But just to catch people up who are listening, 20 years ago, I showed up in an arm wrestling tournament interested in arm wrestling and knowing nothing about it, but wanting to make a documentary about it. And Gary Roberts was there and he was also there with his camera and he didn't know much about arm wrestling either. And both of us were learning, but he was interested in filming and making documentaries and movies and shit too. So from there, we built this friendship and both of us were so dedicated. We would see each other everywhere all around the world at these obscure arm wrestling tournaments and over time we built you know shared batteries swapped cables um ate dinners together and built a pretty remarkable friendship and stayed um in close contact and then um and he did something what i thought was pretty
Starting point is 00:09:38 revolutionary before youtube gary started a pay arm wrestling internet tv station called arm tv which was killed by YouTube, basically, because then anyone can film with their cell phone and put it on YouTube. But Gary gave that really niche community a place to where they could go and see arm wrestlers from all over the world. Now, some of you might not see the profundity of that,
Starting point is 00:09:58 but that was like really early internet where you would fucking die to see like a picture of an arm wrestler in another country i mean this was a really obscure sport that was found in every country on the planet and that all human beings do but you couldn't get any information about it and gary was one of the first pioneers to to bridge that community however weird and obscure it is through the internet then um as he was sort of pivoting can i jump in yep i would just also also like to add that um one of the things and i did it it just came naturally but it seems
Starting point is 00:10:34 like it's like now a rule to branding is that connecting the arm wrestling community not just the information but i thought bonding all these guys together and creating the community through Arm TV was like just a natural thing to me. And, you know, it turns out that that's what's caused a lot of success through the internet, CrossFit, community, you know, it's all about the community. This is pre-Facebook, this is pre-Instagram, pre-Tweeter, pre-all the tweeters. And I was doing it with arm wrestling. Pre-pornhub. Unknowingly. Like, I didn't even realize that's what I was doing. But it turned out, like, I met a family among, you know, friends like you. Anyways, continue.
Starting point is 00:11:26 we hadn't talked in a long time and we reached out and we were just talking about maybe doing some work together at CrossFit. And I said, do you know much about it? And he knew a little bit about it. And then I said, hey, he said he was interested in losing some weight and how he was going to do that is he set a goal to run like a half marathon or a marathon. And so, that was going to be his motivation to lose some weight. And I said, hey, dude, why don't you just join a CrossFit gym and I'll film it and I'll make a series. And that'll be your sort of introduction to the community and to filming and just to an awesome indoctrination. And he said, are you fucking out of your mind? Of course, I'll do it. And that was sort of like Gary knew the challenge was huge, and yet like all big challenges, he grabbed it and ran with it,
Starting point is 00:12:09 and we made the series Killing the Fat Man together, and I just went and looked the other day in episode one of season one has over a million views, and on average 52 times a year, I get an email from someone, which means you must get even more, or a DM that says, holy shit, the Killing the Fat Man series saved my life. And of course, Gary and I, at least I can't speak for Gary, but I think the same with me. We don't really look too far into the future. We're more like we get an idea, we put our fucking head down, and we're more like bloodhounds.
Starting point is 00:12:45 We're not even looking for the prey. We just get the scent and go. We're fortunate. It hasn't taken us off a cliff, I guess, because we're good people. But with our head down in the scent. So then we made a season. That's a really good description. That's a really good. We did season one.
Starting point is 00:13:00 We did season two. Gary's gone through just all sorts of transformations that he shared with the world. And so I started this podcast and I'm like, man, let's find out what Gary Roberts is up to. Gary, how old are you? I'm 47. God, you look young. Yeah, we're similar age. We're similar in age. You're older than me by a year. Yeah, I'm 48. You told me when I had a big beard one time, you told me I look homeless.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I loved your beard. Don't backpedal. Don't backpedal. No, it's fascinating how you can grow that. I never tried to grow a beard until last year. I wanted to see. I still can't. This is the most I can get.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And it's coming off soon. There's a story on why I have it. Let's hear it. Why do you have it? Because you're quarantined like the rest of the planet? I mean, I don't. There's no roadmap to where this conversation is going right no uh i have some notes i have some notes well i got i got fired by crossfit i don't know if you know that i got let go
Starting point is 00:14:20 which i don't know during that period of time i was met i was on i'm a big reddit so i go on reddit and there was a lot of crossfit hate a lot of people not understanding the layoffs and i feel like i have a really good opinion on this because i was in it i was in the cog i'd like i saw how the machinery worked i remember being in regionals in Latin America and talking. I can't remember my man is the signage guy. And he's like, I've been to, you know, this is my sixth country and I haven't been home and all these rounds, all these airfares. And I was like, his labor, his airfare costs, his hotel costs, his food costs. I mean, it's just like the astronomical amount of money
Starting point is 00:15:05 CrossFit is spending to make sure the signs look good. And like, I love him. I love what he does. But it's like, from a financial point of view, it's not exactly like amazing. Well, anyways, I was on Reddit and trying to defend, you know, Coach Glassman's moves. And people were like, you just got fired.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Why in the world would you still support CrossFit? And I'm like, well, I love everyone involved. I love CrossFit still. And I completely understand because, I mean, from a financial point of view, it was like smart to make changes. But anyways, I got let go. And during that firing, you guys gave me – am i allowed to tell them a severance amount you gave me a lump sum of money which i don't think i had that amount of money ever in my possession at
Starting point is 00:15:53 once and when i'd lost weight uh the one thing that i didn't really like about it oh can i introduce you to my son? Sure. Because I only got a few minutes. This is, this is Bubz. Oh my God, Gary, congratulations. You're stoked. Thank you. My goodness. This is my baby boy.
Starting point is 00:16:20 How old's the baby? He's three months today. Congratulations. That is incredible. I love him so much. He's three months today. Congratulations. That is incredible. I love him so much. He's my baby boy. His real name's Odin, but we've been calling him Bub since he was in the womb. Odin.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So, Odin, as your dad was saying, he got fired, got a huge chunk of cash, was on Reddit trying to defend the mothership even though he had to walk the plank, and? I know what I'm about to say. I've been watching your podcast lately and your opinions. And I know the choice that I make isn't something that CrossFit would promote, but I did it anyways. When I lost all the weight, I did it anyways when I lost all the weight I really didn't like the hanging skin that that was hanging down on my belly and so I had this lump sum of money and I was like I don't know if I'll ever get this money again at once so I went and I cut it off congratulations I had plastic surgery which I don't know if the CrossFit community. Brother, no judgment.
Starting point is 00:17:31 If you want to cut your skin off, you earned the right to do that. It was your money. It was your hard work. I kept it a secret for so long. There's so many things that came out of that. It wrecked my training. I'm still feeling like I Googled. Wait a second. Cutting off the skin wrecked my training i'm still feeling like i googled what wait a second cutting off the skin wrecked your training oh fudge bro oh my god oh my god you have no idea the thing have you seen the movie bedazzled with elizabeth hurley and brendan fraser
Starting point is 00:17:58 no but i like both of them maybe i have seen it sounds like something from the 80s she plays the devil and she grants these wishes to whatever a brendan fraser wants in the world whatever he wants whatever your dream and then when she grants that wish he lives this lifestyle but every wish comes with some failed horrific events so no matter what you wish for there's always going to be a bad side that nobody tells you about and that's what the crux of the movie is oh gary this is so good i had no idea we were going to get into some yummy shit like this so i had this vision that if i didn't have this hanging skin that life would be perfect. I was fit. I was looking good, newly married. And now I get some juicy details before. Okay. So how much are you weighing at the time that you have the surgery? To be honest, even though I was training i i dude i
Starting point is 00:19:05 seven i apologize because i i watched your don't apologize don't i watched your ten parenting rules and uh man i your ability to just forego sugar in your life it's amazing bro well i don't i hey i preach it i'm not the best practitioner i preach it well I'm not the best practitioner. I preach it. Well, anyway, so being comfortable, married and recently let go. So I had this like, Oh, you don't need to, you don't represent CrossFit anymore. Even though I did, because like you said, I still get messages from killing the fat man. And I had planned the surgery for like uh I don't know four weeks out and so I started honestly eating more because I was like oh I'm having surgery and I'm you know living the life
Starting point is 00:19:55 and and I'm a big like bad guy on quantity and so I I like got up to like 22, 227 when I had the surgery. And so I probably gained like 10 pounds just building up to the surgery, which is obviously a bad sign leading towards the future. So then I go in to have the surgery, and they cut five pounds of fat. They sucked five pounds of fat and skin off my waist area and my titties area. Because I never liked how I had, like, man boobs. So, anyways, no one told me that when they cut your skin and separate it from your ribs and they pull the skin all the way up your chest.
Starting point is 00:20:46 No one told me that they're cutting every single nerve that allows feeling in that skin. So when they sew you back up and they tighten it all down and you look amazing, you have abs and everything, but you feel nothing around your entire, you have no feeling for how long oh my god i didn't start feeling i went into the gym they told you you could start working out after like six weeks i still couldn't feel anything i couldn't do a sit-up i tried to go in i couldn't even do a pull-up because you need to activate your midsection, which I couldn't feel.
Starting point is 00:21:25 It was very difficult to work out for months. I still, to this day, it's been over a year. I still, to this day, can't feel part of my midsection. So in hindsight, you wouldn't have done it? I mean, I'm not saying you wouldn't have done it. What I'm saying is that somebody should have told me this is a repercussion. I was never even told. I love the doctor, but I was never even told. And even in Google, nobody told me this. If you Google it today, no one talks about this.
Starting point is 00:21:58 So if you're like an athletic person and you're, oh, it's sitting on my bubs. Say goodbye to bubs. He's going with mama. Later, bubs. goodbye to bubs he's going with mama later bubs later odin um i just lower your microphone just a little bit in front of your mouth brother hey what headset is that by the way uh it's a gaming headset from best buy uh 50 bucks logan that's what you want and that does that that plug in USB or does that just plug into a auxiliary port? It just plugs into my phone, man. Oh, you're, oh, okay. Okay. So if you were using it, you're, you're, if you were using a computer, you could plug that into a computer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:39 That's it. I was watching, I was watching your podcast and I was like, oh, no one has good audio. So when you said, oh, can we do an hour earlier? I was actually going to Best Buy. I was experimenting with how to improve my audio. And I finally came up with this and I was running to Best Buy to get it so I could have better audio. Will you send me a link to that when this is over? That, because you sound great. Yeah, I will.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Okay. 40 bucks so you get the surgery you lose the sensation in your in your in your midline and but but but you but when i ask you would you do it again i was expecting you to say fuck no i wouldn't do it again but you're like yeah actually i just wish i would have known i mean so i could have made an educated decision. If I didn't CrossFit, I don't know. It's tough, man. It's a tough call. But the point is, and I still am. How much was the surgery?
Starting point is 00:23:35 $12,000. The most important thing, and here's why I should be saying that. Your wife's right. You're not good with your money. Yeah. Here's the thing. I told you the reason I got the beard. When you take the fat cells off your body in one area, the fat has to go somewhere else. So, when- Oh, shit. So, listen, man, I'm telling you, this is not out there somebody should know about this fact because it is crazy i swear to god this is the absolute truth after i had surgery and i'm starting to recover and i'm feeling good and mentally you think you can have a few more
Starting point is 00:24:19 cheat meals even though you're well i i couldn't work out during recovery but you still like oh i can have a i i have now a buffer where i can have a few few more cheat meals you can feel i felt the fat being injected it felt like a couple hours after eating if you told me somebody was injecting fat directly into my face and my chest area. That's what it felt like. Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me. I swear to God. Okay. So you're telling me, bear with me here, that you have a thousand places on your body to store fat. I'm making that number up. That number is not what's relevant. And when you had your surgery they took out 200 of them so you're skinnier by 20 but
Starting point is 00:25:07 wow no scars that's amazing um but you're telling me that fats if you eat like shit after that that fat then has to be stored in the remaining 800 buckets? Yes. Is that true? Have you asked a doctor that? Dude, I'm telling you. You have a finite number of those storage sacks?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah. All my life, the fat has gone to the belly area, the belly and titties. So now you spend 20 years putting fat in that area. I swear to you, when you took that away and now the excess fat that you've eaten, sugar, the process turns into fat has to go somewhere. And because that somewhere is new, my body could feel it. I'm tripping. I could feel it. I could feel it happening. And I and I was like oh and the fat under your under your rib cage is actually the more dangerous area so what I did by having the surgery is I took it
Starting point is 00:26:12 out it's it's not safe to be overweight but fat subcutaneous like under the the under the stomach like within the the your organs is the more dangerous areas. And so now I look better in pants, but if I don't fix my nutrition more thoroughly, I'm actually putting myself at higher risk for long-term heart disease and shit. Wow, the pressure is on you. And now that I have a kid and I watched that video, you said, work out in front of your kids. I'm like, that's, that's the easiest rule of year 10 that I think should be able to follow. Like, make sure your kids see you sweating. So they, so you role model.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I'm like, I got to do that. I, I got to take my kid to the gym. I got to, you said you work out 51% of the reason is so your kids can see. I'm like, that's, that's it. That's what I got to do. I don't want to die, man. I like, I used to not really care if I died so much, but now it's like, whew, now I got three reasons to, to, I want to see, I want to see i want to see as much of their movie as i can i want to observe that shit and i you know when i hit the road in the rv last time and i told you you know working out by myself is difficult uh i had when i was uh recovering i was not at the gym and then when i finally was like okay i could start working out again I signed back up to the gym and then I was, I was going, but I wasn't hitting the nutrition a hundred percent like I should.
Starting point is 00:27:50 So I was kind of like just breaking even. And then the pandemic freaking hit. I need a box, man. I'm the guy that needs the gym. Unlike you, I kind of need a babysitter in that regard. So I need a gym. I need a community. Well, let me tell you something. It's not so much you're giving me too much credit. It's probably more that I'm intimidated to go to an affiliate and that's why I worked out alone than it's that I have discipline. You're giving me credit where not really credit is due. You flourish in that environment and I flourish in, I mean, I used to like working out at
Starting point is 00:28:28 HQ with those guys, even though I was, everyone there fucking crushed me, including you. But that was cool because you guys were all my bros. But anyway, you're saying you just basically can't do it alone or you don't want to, you don't have the motivation. Not that you can't, I don't want to argue your limitations for you but it's just not your ideal scenario i just when i work out by myself i find i see the pace i go the effort i go and it's like it's like magic that the difference when i'm in a in a gym environment how much i'm pushing myself. Plus keeping to a schedule, some sort of regimen. It's a, it's a different.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I'm going to ask you a crazy question here. Do you feel you, so you meet this, you basically, you, you get married to this beautiful young lady as an, as a, as a, as a 18 or 20 year old Marine you're with her for 20 years. You raise a kid, you guys get it, end up falling out of love and go, go your separate ways. You're still friends with her. I'm assuming. I mean you have this beautiful child together and then you fight while you're at CrossFit, you kind of reinvent yourself.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You become what we deemed as fuckable and handsome again. And then you meet this um pretty fucking remarkable attractive uh successful woman on um on the internet and you guys and you end up um getting her pregnant and marrying her or marrying her and getting her pregnant hold on you blended like the first marriage with the set okay sorry so at 40 so at 20 you start a life with a woman you guys have a kid at 40 it's over you guys raise that kid together and you move on to the next stage in your life and then you find another woman and you fall in love again and you get married and you have a kid with her and this time um you meet her weighing 200 pounds and handsome and working out every day do you
Starting point is 00:30:29 217 do you feel any pressure so that you didn't false advertise like are you like oh shit man like i should do it for my health i should do it for my kid but I should do it for my kid. But also, man, I scored this fucking rad chick. I can't turn into a fucking 265 or again. Yeah. That would be eating me alive personally. Here's the thing. Every day I would use that for my motivation. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:31:01 This, and I don't want to throw my wife under the bus, but I got to just a little bit, a little bit. She wants you to weigh 300 pounds i i i eat better if i don't keep in the house i have a problem with portion control right she's a normal person who can have a scoop of ice cream right so she's like hey i want i and i scoop of ice cream right so she's like hey i want i and i so in our life she's we have what you call a reverse situation where i'm more the husband and i mean i'm more the wife and she's the husband scenario like she's the one who makes the bucks compared to me especially since uh savon called me and fired me one day no just kidding just kidding uh so i kind of like to balance that out i was like okay well i'll cook and clean to to try to make a balance and she would be like oh i want at 10 o'clock at night i want i want some
Starting point is 00:31:58 ice cream and i'm like i don't have it or she'd want like a ginger ale so I'd like have to put it there and then I'd have that temptation and then so we got in some fights where she's like hey bro you're not like you got to maintain the training and I'm like of course I want to maintain the training I'm having difficulty because she can portion control and she can have a snack whereas I can't so we have this like thing in our relationship where i'm trying to keep some snacks in the house for her and it's my like kryptonite right and i'm trying to figure out how to uh like one time she's like hey i want some ice cream and i was like oh shit the ice cream's all gone and she's like what the fuck i only had a i only had one scoop right and you only had i'm like well you haven't had ice cream for two weeks. And she's like, what the fuck? I only had a, I only had one scoop. Right. And you only had, I'm like, well,
Starting point is 00:32:46 you haven't had ice cream for two weeks and it's now been in the house. What do you want me to do? Right. So anyways, things like that, right. I'd like midnight munch. It's a, it's a big problem. That's why 50% of the world is fat. And, uh, So answer the question. Do you put, do you put pressure on yourself? Are you tripping? Do you ever go to pick up a bowl of ice cream be like nah i better not eat that i gotta look good for my lady well let's put it this way when you talk about those 10 parenting rules so many things i violated there with mckenna that like i, I just didn't do a good job in terms of role modeling health and
Starting point is 00:33:28 wellness for my daughter's life. And I think the pressure is not necessarily with my wife because she does love me. And, uh, it's about my kid and my kid's future and have having a better role model. I'm like, I've've been blogging i haven't posted the videos but i've been filming my i call them ktfm diaries and i just haven't posted them yet but basically i i get people messaging me saying hey man you've changed my life. You're so awesome, blah, blah, blah. And I just, I don't like being on a pedestal because I'm really good when Sevan Matosian comes to my front door and say, hey, let's go work out. And he has a camera. For some reason, I perform really well under those circumstances. I don't know why. I can lose 50 pounds in three months a hundred times if Sevan's around and if I'm at HQ and Tyson's messaging me meal plans I can do that a million times but then when you guys disappear
Starting point is 00:34:31 I'm just an average person like everyone else messaging me who's weak and looking for some inspiration I don't think I'm that special and I'm struggling every day. Like, so it's going to be a battle on the final episode of the season two. I said, Oh, I was so strong, mental strong, never going to, I got to maintain this for my wife, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, I'm such a weak bitch right now. And I'm like, you know, you got to find that motivation to get back. So I just, my life may just always be a rollercoaster. Like I'm really good at that short sprint but i definitely need the gym that's true and i forgot to give a shout
Starting point is 00:35:12 out pacific strength crossfit as my home box in oakland uh that i was going to after i got let go from crossfit does kim bosman work there does kid does ad Adrian's wife work there? She used to. She kind of, I think she left right before I joined the gym. Gary, your dad had bypass surgery? Yeah, quadruple bypass. And he was overweight? Yes, yes, sir. Are you terrified that the COVID is going to get him?
Starting point is 00:35:45 You know, they did a pretty good job quarantining. So I, I don't know. I, the whole COVID thing, I have so many people on different sides of what that is. And I'm kind of like, I'm neutral. I'm Switzerland. I'm staying out of that. I have no idea how bad this is. It's collecting souls with underlying conditions primarily diabetes hypertension and cardiovascular disease and when i say primarily that's me just being nice by my dad you go on
Starting point is 00:36:18 how do you feel are you scared for yourself? I mean, you look good. No, no, I'm not. I'm not. I mean, we've quarantined very well. And Caroline is far more on the like, like be cautious side. So she's made sure we've had masks and sanitize and this and that and stand away from groups. My dad, what I wanted to say about him is he's found a groove. He doesn't, he's found a groove where he's found what works for him he still has that lifetime of kind of like loose skin and like overweight a little bit but but he's living a relatively healthier lifestyle at this age than he was
Starting point is 00:36:58 in previous years so i'm very impressed on that he's he found a maintain. It's not perfect, but at least he's eating, I think, far healthier than he used to. Hey, basically, I'll let you know, and since you're trying to block it out, I want to make sure that you don't block it out. The COVID, this SARS, this disease is killing fat people. Yeah. This thing is basically fucking just cruising through society and killing people who are addicted to refined carbohydrates and sugar. And anyone who says, oh, kids are dying or healthy people are dying, they are fucking being negligent and they're putting noise in the system. And they're talking about these extreme outliers and it is bullshit. Unless everything I see on the internet's a lie. But, and what's crazy is the media is not even hiding it, but they're not talking about it.
Starting point is 00:37:59 But when you have 10 kids dead in the UK out of 24,000 deaths and the average BMI is 40, I mean, like, come on, people. This isn't a black thing. This isn't a white thing. This isn't an old people thing. This is getting chablitos. Yeah, it's the one thing. And they can change it. They can change it like you did.
Starting point is 00:38:18 In 21 days, man, I'm making that number up. You can cut refined sugar and carbohydrates out. You can go to a CrossFit gym and get the peer pressure that you got and then you will you will you'll be in the clear man not you gary roberts i mean yeah i you know sometimes i think the world doesn't truly want to address like the medical industry right they make they may make more money by just keeping your sickness at a continuum. Like if the world got healthy overnight, you know, a lot of businesses would not be sustainable. So I kind of, I don't know if it's the media is doing it intentionally, but I kind of just like as a society, it seems like the people in charge don't truly want to fix some things. I mean, that's more.
Starting point is 00:39:06 They're scared. You know, you nailed it. What you said about politicians is amazing. First they're interested in taking care of themselves, then the party and then the people. And it's like, wow. Because if you care just about the people, you wouldn't be talking about masks and quarantine. You'd be talking about getting rid of sugar you wouldn't release the prisoners from jail you would give them better food you'd cut all sugar out man i talked to a guy in jay from oh i talked to cory
Starting point is 00:39:35 the other day cory allen you know him he was at your wedding shared it yeah god damn he was telling me about the food in prison and since then i've I've gotten so many DMs. It's scary what they feed prisoners. Of course, they're psychotic and fat and unhealthy. Caroline and I have gotten in a lot of disagreements because she likes to trust leadership. She likes to trust people. And she's like, hey, the experts, we should trust them. And I'm like, politicians,
Starting point is 00:40:03 I just, if you look at everything politicians do it's almost like they go down that are they truly being selfless in any of their acts it's like for looking out for self looking out for party and only if they don't conflict between one and two do they do stuff for the people it's like it's i i If you were guaranteed a paycheck from the people and you're overweight, why would you have any issues with the quarantine? Yeah. So it's right up your alley. You have a bias.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I'm not saying that to be rude either. That'd probably do the same thing. But the world's turning back on and you're, you guys, like how is CrossFit? It's good. How's it been impacted by H2? How CrossFit was impacted is it became illegal to do CrossFit, to run the CrossFit business. All 98% of the gyms in the world were closed down and all L1 seminars were closed down.
Starting point is 00:41:04 And now they're turning back on. But the ice cream stores are left open. Baskin-Robbins is left open. Where you cure chronic disease and build a, hey man, how about this? You take your L1 and you learn about the fitness, wellness continuum, right? And all the time in the L1,
Starting point is 00:41:24 there's this underlying message, hey, you're building a hedge against sickness. You feel it for two days for two days and greg glassman's been preaching preaching that for 20 years and i remember a doctor who had 16 years dedicated his career to taking care of people with type 2 diabetes and finally he said to greg hey man you should win the nobel prize for fucking coming up with the continuum and i'm thinking man that's a little bit of an exaggeration the nobel prize well now you look at the continuum and dude anyone who's been doing what greg glassman said for the last 15 years there's no way covid can kill them you know there's 15 000 gyms in 162 countries and only one person has died one crossfitteritter. I mean, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah. And if you look at pictures of them, you'll, you'll, you'll, you'll fit, you'll get it. Yeah. So, uh, Can I say something? Yeah. Going back to when, uh, CrossFit made those changes. I, I, how tight are you? This personal use sebon use this isn't crossfit
Starting point is 00:42:27 related correct this is sebon's podcast sebon the sebon podcast yes so am i allowed to say anything controversial yeah if i don't like it i'll cut it out or avoid it okay in the beginning i i'm a hundred percent not a hundred percent i i recognize that Coach Glassman had to make some changes. But he said a few things that were disparaging about the CrossFit Games that didn't sit well with me. So I would just like to say I was a fan of CrossFit Games before CrossFit. I don't – I've never believed in this world where it's got to be CrossFit health over games or games over CrossFit health. I thought the games made CrossFit stand out to me.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It's the only sport in the world, when LeBron James goes has a record night, no one in the world who's a fan of the NBA can go duplicate that at anywhere. No one in the world who's a fan of the NBA can go duplicate that at anywhere. Yet, like the best in the sport of CrossFit, I, as a fan, I can go and try and I can measure myself against them. It's the one thing that makes it so unique and special. And I just hate that. I love Coach. He's changed my life. I really don't like that he kind of made the
Starting point is 00:43:45 the war more like between like like i i feel like both worlds can be sustainable and help each other and anyways i disagree about pushing the games behind uh crossfit health anyways that's my opinion i just want to get out there because i love the crossfit games i love watching athletes but i love crossfit anyways you and i so so when i came to crossfit of course i was blown away by the greg almondsons and the annies and then listening to greg talk about fitness and health and movement and the health piece was always there like we all know it he's been saying it since it was forging elite fitness that hey we're building a hedge and i know you and I have had a million conversations and fucking bowed down to Rich Froning a thousand times. What a great character.
Starting point is 00:44:32 What a great physical specimen. Who wouldn't want to be him? Who wouldn't want to bring that body home and shag their wife with it? Got it. Check. And shag your sister's wife too too, at the same time or whoever. I mean, that body should be just shagging everyone. But from where I sit, and I don't want to steal Kelly Starrett's words,
Starting point is 00:44:58 but it's almost like Greg is a fucking season to the future, man. This or he's paying such good close attention to the numbers. What we're seeing civilization go through, my words, not Greg's, is like civilization wrecking. This, like, this sickness, dude, like that guy, Asim Malhorta, I'm not saying his name right. He's a scientist or doctor out of the UK saying that 83% of the people or something like that are metabolically deranged meaning in the United States in the UK meaning that they can't eat food and process it properly and get the and get the energy from it because their fucking systems are out of whack and they're eating the wrong foods
Starting point is 00:45:38 that's probably an oversimplification but in in half the country having diabetes I mean type 2 diabetes I mean we type two diabetes, I mean, we can't afford that. It's $100,000 a year to put someone through dialysis. So I think what Greg is doing, and I would love to hopefully have him on the show, I think what he's doing is he realizes that we have Forging Elite Fitness and no one's ever going to take that from us. No one, no one, no no one ever ever ever ever ever
Starting point is 00:46:06 ever ever yeah ronnie teesdale with his magical shit can beat the f45 champ or whatever f46 whatever that thing the champ is p90 champ and so i think what he's doing is he's just saying he's just basically wants to roll the red carpet out so fucking far to the doorstep of every obese person on the planet he wants to roll the red carpet pat it to their front door into their living room into their bedroom so when they get out of bed they can step on the cross at red carpet i think that's what he's doing and he's doing it because that's all he knows how to do it's not for money it's not for legacy it's because he's like me and you he's like he's just put his nose down and he's doing it but all that being said i don't mean to sound defensive
Starting point is 00:46:58 fuck the games are fucking great i totally agree with you fucking like can i ask you one more question? I would love to see Scott Panchuk win the games You always told me that the behind the scenes Was your baby and they would never go anywhere And there's a lot of people that want to see you do that again I've been neutered Can we save the CrossFit's health?
Starting point is 00:47:19 Can we save CrossFit's health? Introduce CrossFit to the front doorstep Of every obese person in America But still have Sevan Matosian give us behind the scenes. I don't want to get greedy. I don't want to get greedy. Let's be happy we have the podcast. We can do both, man. We can do both. I'm a big fan of Sevan's. I was talking to Brittany Selene the other day. She used to write for the journal yeah and she's like I miss she's like she's like I really miss Sevan's producing like he he does great work he's an artist and we
Starting point is 00:47:53 miss it I I get that you're executive media director yada yada but you're a great producer and people miss that element of you so just saying saying, I'm glad to see you have an outlet here with this. That's why I'm here to assist. Thank you. What is the plan for you for getting out of quarantine and getting back in the gym? And why are you in Chicago? Doesn't your wife work out of the Bay area in California? Okay. So my wife, uh, for the last few years has been working with WeWork. Uh, I'm not sure if you've paid attention to their, their news in the media, but a lot of changes going on with that company regarding like failed IPOs and valuation going from 47 billion to two point something. going from 47 billion to two point something.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Well, anyways, we, she kind of got pregnant right at the perfect time that the minute all these changes were happening in her company, she was going on maternity leave. And, you know, me and doing adventurous things, somehow we put all our stuff in storage and we're like, since I work mobily and she's going to be on maternity leave why would we spend over three thousand dollars a month in rent in Oakland we'll put all our stuff in storage and take this opportunity to to visit grandparents and let them see their grandchild so we spent a cut we spent six weeks at my mom's house in Sonora, and then we came to Chicago to spend with her parents during her maternity leave so they can get grandma time and we can save money because you can't buy a house in the Bay Area without a down payment. save some money. And during that time, her company's West Coast office was eliminated because of quarantine and other business stuff. So she's got additional severance. And now we don't know where we're going. We've got to decide if we're going back to the Bay Area.
Starting point is 00:50:00 We can stay here and save money. The longer we stay here, we can save more money to buy a house. So we're kind of like up in over the next couple of months, we're in undecided about where we'll be long-term California, of course, but I love saving money. So right now we're in the basements of her parents' house, just killing it with the savings. But I just got off the phone with a CrossFit Carbon owner, and they're opening up the gym. Illinois's okayed them to actually begin opening gyms, I think, this week. And so all their equipment is on loan out. So technically that's what's holding them back at the moment.
Starting point is 00:50:41 They're trying to get all the equipment back, and then they're releasing a plan so he's gonna text me the minute i can have a clap my first class so that's what i'll do crossfit carbon and vernon hills and did you call him only after i told you hey do you want to do a podcast with me and you're like oh shit i better fucking find a gym no the funny part is it was just uh it was we'd just been talking about uh going like, I'm like, I got to find the gym. And I was like, I asked her, when is the Illinois opening? And like within the same eight hour period, you'd message saying you want to go to a, to do a podcast. I was like, oh, the timing is so funny. Because we, the Illinois is just opening back up in the news, so that's why it was a topic. I did, when I was in my parents' house, I went to CrossFit Sonora,
Starting point is 00:51:32 and I rented out some equipment, did some home workouts. Not as fun as the gym experience. Who lives in CrossFit Sonora? Your mom who lives over there? My mom lives about 15 minutes from sonora hayley is uh you know good friends with peeps there yeah um did you see allison i texted allison she had knee surgery recently so she's we never met up but we texted a little bit so you don't know what your next chapter is going to be no no i don't i mean it's all it's all about the baby everything with like right now it's just all
Starting point is 00:52:15 about trying to maintain like i love how you said get up before your kids well what happens when your kid gets up every two hours it's hard to get up before them that rule may be a little premature for you yeah so right now we're just our odin either he's either pooping sleeping puking peeing and we're just trying to find a balance with the getting through the day so it's very hard to to move are you having another kid we've talked about it it all depends on uh on where we end up uh you never know you never know we have a we have a i don't know i can't say premature but we've talked about it but if it doesn't happen i think we'd be okay and we could wake up tomorrow and say we'd like to but at the moment you I think you can't start trying to like eight
Starting point is 00:53:11 months after the first one or something like that so anyways yeah I don't know where I'll be but I do know that CrossFit I used to work for CrossFit and I did CrossFit but now that I used to work for CrossFit, and I did CrossFit. But now that I don't work for CrossFit, it doesn't change the fact that CrossFit is what worked best for me. So it's kind of funny because now I have no affiliation ties to CrossFit, but still, it's what I will do in the future. It's what I need to maintain my health and wellness. And regardless of you and I being friends, it's funny because it changes nothing. It's still what works best for me. And that's what I will continue to focus on regardless of what my work life is. Gary, thanks. Hey, I have one more.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I've got to update regularly yeah go on one more go ahead if i want to have the home gym that your kids have with all those toys how much does it cost how much do i need how much do i need the three boys the three boys how much is that i i have to guess it's really expensive here Here's the deal. That's what you're looking at in the three plane brothers garage is 14 years of equipment. So like those, those D ball, even those D balls or those D balls are probably, I don't know. I want to say those slam balls. I have $2,000 in slam balls. You know what I mean? So probably a thousand dollars in slam balls and another thousand dollars for shipping them. That flooring in there was really expensive. That was one of the things that like I went back and forth on for like two months. I want to say the flooring in there was $3,500 plus a thousand
Starting point is 00:54:54 dollars for shipping. I was just at a friend's house the other day, a very, very, very famous guy in the health space, maybe the most in the world, you know who I'm talking about. And he just had horse stall mats and stored on the floor in his garage. And they are awesome. And his father-in-law put them in, you know, just went to the feed store and got horse stall mats and put them in beautifully. And man, it is, I, it might be nicer than my rogue floor i have to google that one more question why then tumble track hold on and then and then the stuff and then all that stuff from tumble track it's not cheap but it's
Starting point is 00:55:35 well worth it but if you're gonna you know what i'm gonna say hang the rings hang the rings yeah okay what what took you so long to do the podcast why now um i don't know if i could answer that honestly i feel like as i'm about to spit out the answer i feel some reservation on answering that honestly i could make i could make something up i want to get controversial. I got to say one more thing for you. Cut me off. Please. So when all the media guys got let go,
Starting point is 00:56:13 it seemed obvious that creating your own channel and doing something in the social media space to try to like further, like the Buttery Brothers, like they went down a path where it's like, okay, we're going to keep doing what we're doing but on our own and for a heartbeat I was like okay maybe that's I got to create it since I don't have Seb on on me forced me to go to work out by starting my own channel maybe that's the forced accountability that I'll put myself in. And I was like, but I can't do a channel and work a
Starting point is 00:56:47 job. So it's like, would the channel have to produce some sort of revenue? And I was like, I wanted to learn that space. So I messaged a very, I think, famous guy in the lost a lot of weight doing CrossFit, although I think he lost it, not originally doing CrossFit, but then started CrossFit. Anyways, I started, he was like, as I was messaging him as a fan, he was totally willing to chat. But the minute I started asking about like, well, how do you do this as a channel where you need to generate revenue? I got ghosted. And I was like, oh man, I thought we were like the community. We're not about sharing information. Oh man. No, he didn't want to share the trade secrets
Starting point is 00:57:31 on how to like, you know, do this social media channel. Anyways, I never launched it because it's like, it would take a lot of effort to put into social media channel, daily posts, to put into social media channel, daily posts, daily updates. So I filmed stuff, but I haven't yet launched it. Anyways, I just want to throw it out. I think you could own that space in a way that's very unique. I think the people who are in that space are inspiring transformational characters. Sorry, inspiring characters with great transformational stories. extremely unique because your honesty and the fact that you would show yourself sneaking to the refrigerator at 1.30 in the morning and eating ice cream. I don't think a lot of people will do
Starting point is 00:58:33 that. And you can talk about your surgeries and you can just talk about, you can talk about it in a way you're capable of saying. I've never heard, I get it. You feel accountability when Sevan and the camera and Tyson are pressuring you. The other people, all those people are exactly the same way, but they would never say that. You don't think Heber and Marsden and Obese to Beast and that guy talks funny from the UK. I don't know his name, but he's always with Matt Fraser. know his name but he's always with matt fraser yeah those those people that they have so much they've never told me this but they have so much obligation to their community they might not even know it but they have it and they feel it and it's a driving and pushing factor
Starting point is 00:59:17 and it's okay but you know it so you can have you can be in like an echo chamber do you know it, so you can be in like an echo chamber. Do you know what I mean? You know it. Those people are doing really, really cool shit. I mean, the stuff that I've seen that Heber and Marsden do since they left HQ, man, the quality and the inspiration. But it's a lot of showmanship, yeah yours would be yours yours wouldn't be that yours would be sort of more self-reflective and what's that called when you make fun of yourself and you put yourself down self-deprecating self-deprecating yeah yeah but don't think that they don't feel that pressure from the community that and they don't need that also to keep going. Man, none of us would make shit if no one was watching it.
Starting point is 01:00:09 And by the way, I do the podcast because I don't like to do the podcast. I do not enjoy this. I mean, I enjoy this. I enjoy now that I'm here doing it. But like five minutes before a podcast, I'm always looking for a way out. Really? Oh, fuck. So just to add to that, like I saw,
Starting point is 01:00:27 I can't remember who, but I saw somebody whoring themselves out for a product. And I'm like, it was so perfect before because I worked for CrossFit. So I got paid to do other stuff. So talking about CrossFit and loving CrossFit, there was, there was no conflict of interest because it really is. It's not fake. It really is the best thing that worked for me. And then I happened to work for CrossFit, which supplies me money because I was working. But now it's like I don't like to whore myself out. So I can never picture myself saying, oh, and by the way, here's the product I use. And it's like, I like talking about CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:01:02 I like saying this is what I'm trying to do to maintain healthy but i just can't see myself ever whoring out for a product so i don't know do you know what i do i just find products that i really like and talk about them a lot and and a small percentage of the time the people who own that product then will reach out to me yeah and they'll say thank you and they'll offer me something and so it's kind of cool you can kind of bait people like that you know what i mean like i'm trying to get fit i love fucking fit aid i'm fucking would love for them to sponsor me but i would never ask for that because that would be disgusting can i ask you if you think the economy is going to be a v shape recovery or like a longer term no you can't ask me that because i have no idea what you're talking
Starting point is 01:01:45 about but i do think that crossfit gyms are going to be hugely hugely successful because i think and what i'm hearing and i speak to a lot of affiliates is that people are fucking scared and you think of it this way you're going to love this gary if 0.00057 or whatever i figured out of the world's population does crossfit and it doubles yeah still will be the tiniest fraction of the world but imagine that imagine if you go from four million to eight million crossfitters in the world and boy dude like to not go to a crossfit gym after this covid shit is crazy. I don't know a single CrossFitter who's scared. Not one. Are the owners making it?
Starting point is 01:02:32 Yeah, the owners are making it. I mean, some gyms are closing. But like so I spoke to gyms today in which country? In Germany. And one of the owners was saying they opened yesterday and they already have 11 new clients. I spoke to a gym in China last month that opened. They've doubled their membership. Spoken to gyms in the United States where even with their Zoom calls, they were increasing their membership. So, I'm hearing amazing, amazing shit. I'm not hearing, the worst shit I'm hearing about Crossfit gyms is and i'm making
Starting point is 01:03:05 this up i don't know what cities they are but let's say a gym in aspen or vale or lake tahoe i haven't heard those cities in specific but where there's tourists huge tourist economies um those gyms are hurting the most right because all if you have five drop-ins a day or 10 drop-ins a day you're kind of fucked because of the quarantine but other than that um these gyms i mean you have to remember these people these aren't or 10 drop-ins a day, you're kind of fucked because of the quarantine. But other than that, these gyms, I mean, you have to remember these people, these aren't crunch owners of crunch or 24-hour fitness. These are people who've dedicated their life to making people better.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Well, when I asked you about the V-shaped recovery. Yeah, what is that? It ties in. Well, like if you just turned back the economy, turned everything on, and the job numbers were the exact same, then everything would be fine. But we're now like 20 million unemployed. And so how is that going to impact spending over the next, let's say, 18 months? Like does everyone get their job back? What percentage?
Starting point is 01:04:01 So it's either a V, like everyone gets employed and goes back down to three percent three point six percent unemployment that sort of thing because those those consumers have to go to the gym right and if they're unemployed maybe they don't maybe they don't here so and i'm this is me just talking totally un uneducated just my own like whatever goes on between my own ears, my little peanut. What I think is going to happen is people who have nothing to do are going to go to the gym because it makes them better. And everyone knows that if you go to a CrossFit gym, there's one of three things that's going to happen to you. You're going to get a new job. You're going to get a raise or you're going to, your relationship is going to get better. You're going to be in a new
Starting point is 01:04:42 relationship, right? There's really few places you can go in the world to make yourself a better person. So those people are going to go to CrossFit. And then the people who are scared from the COVID are going to go to the CrossFit. And then the existing members, most of them are going to go back to the CrossFit. So as sad as it sounds for the world, well, a lot of the world is really, really going to hurt from this. People who turn, people who are in the CrossFit space. I mean, so I think it's a win. Even if there are less people who can afford the gym, I think it'll be made up by the fact that it's a bigger priority than ever.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I know you got to go, Savant. So can you promise me one thing, one last question or one last promise? Can't promise you, but I can listen to your request. No, you can promise me that if you ever need another media producer, even if in a different space working for CrossFit, you know I still love working for you. If the job opens, think about me a little bit. I am neutered send greg
Starting point is 01:05:46 see greg at asking for a job i mean not today i'm just saying maybe sometime in the future i i'm the i'm the only guy in the world the luck is that i've had two best jobs in the world working for myself with arm tv and then working for you guys with CrossFit. I don't know if I could ever match that. The experiences, I'm lucky that I don't know anybody that's had that kind of luck in terms of experiences, freedom, income that I've had between two completely different spaces. So anyways. Gary Roberts, Star of Killing the Fat Man. Watch it on YouTube. He's the man. Thanks for having me, sir. Yep. You's the man. Thanks for having me, sir. Yep. You're the best.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Thanks for letting me into your life, Gary. Thank you. Bye. Bye.

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