The Sevan Podcast - #125 - Alexis Raptis

Episode Date: September 9, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water.
Starting point is 00:00:39 From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. Did you hear that little ring on my computer?
Starting point is 00:01:03 I did. And we're live. We are. We're live on the Sevan podcast, minus the guest. We're all here. Perfect. Brian Friend's been missing for a few days. Good to have you back.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Missing? I was winning the Disc Golf World Championships. I know. I heard. That's amazing. Congratulations. That is really, really, uh, Brian and Brian retired a course this weekend, right? Yes. Yes. I made a, I had an opportunity to create a course on a cool piece of property, and then we played it for the last time. People I know who live there are moving. And when you say, how much room do you need to create a Frisbee golf course? It's a very highly debated topic in disc golf, but I don't think you need that much space.
Starting point is 00:02:01 If you can use it all. Sometimes there's a lot of unusable space. One acre? Two acres? Three acres? I would say to have a course, you probably need three to four acres. Yeah, and that would be really tight, right? You'd have to be just super creative.
Starting point is 00:02:27 In a situation like that, you might not not even have, you might just, you might reuse basket locations. Oh, you were saying that to me about moving baskets around. Isn't that weird moving baskets around? Because then the course is never exactly the same. And then on top of that, aren't those things hard to move? Aren't they heavy? Oh, we just, they're light. Easily pick them up in one hand and walk wherever you want with it even run with it but um even run with it yeah yeah because they like collapse down you can put on your a jog if you wanted to but yeah the ones that are using
Starting point is 00:02:56 competition much more sturdy and more they're still not that difficult to move actually i've seen a lot of courses have multiple basket locations so you could have one yeah four different basket locations that are either further away or whatever and i've seen people move those if the basket's light won't it just fall over like when you hit it oh no no have you ever sturdy enough hey i started following a new uh – I started following the only – I'm not really a big meme guy. I'm not really into – but I started following this new meme account. It's called Wadzombie.
Starting point is 00:03:36 He messaged me today, responded to an article that I put up. He tagged me in something that was so inappropriate that I had to follow him. I think that's just the way to get my attention. Just tag me. Anyway, it's at WOD zombie, and I follow it. I swear to God, this is the first time I see some woke shit on it, I'm fucking out.
Starting point is 00:03:59 But we shall see. He's been warned. Or she. She. Don't be sexist. Don't be sexist. Don't be sexist. Good morning, Bruce Wayne. Jim Cleese, you can take that Coca-Cola and shove it straight up your. Uh-oh. The chrome is being weird trying to get it to work.
Starting point is 00:04:13 No problem. We have Alexis Raptus on the show today. She is a extraordinary Frisbee golf player. Still young. A lot, a lot of potential. golf player. I'm still young, a lot, a lot of potential. Um, and, uh, and she, you know, unfortunately she never got to plan Brian's course in that course has been retired, but we will hear about her amazing Frisbee golf skills very shortly. She's working on her browser. I just need to say that Brian's audio is finally good at the start of the podcast, getting really professional with
Starting point is 00:04:44 all this podcast. Now, Mike, if you call us professional one more time, I swear to God I'll ban your shit. Fitty burpees just for as a warning shot to you, buddy. Dropped in at your gym, Brian, this past Friday. Fun gym, good people, tons of hot beef. Wow, totally inappropriate. Oh, we almost had her. Alexis Raptus was almost there.
Starting point is 00:05:09 What is the name of your gym, Brian? When I say your gym, I don't mean you own it. I mean one that you attend, clean the bathrooms, coach people into health and fitness and longevity. It's either called CrossFit PFT or PFT CrossFit. I can't remember. PF CrossFit. That's awesome. You don't even remember the name of your gym.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That's awesome. We'd love to hear her take on transition from teens to indie competition, of course. Thank you, Jack. Smart. Jim Cleese said, thanks for the mention. Just won $100 from a friend. I told him I could get you to mention my name within 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Ah, smooth. Smooth. I told him I could get you to mention my name within 10 minutes. Ah, smooth. Smooth. That's the guy that said coke. What a douche. He played me like a fiddle.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Well, what do you think about the ingredients in the protein supplements? I have no idea. Fukumoto. But I'll take anyone who has the word fuck in their last name. I'll take your word for it. You should get James Townsend and Mal on. Dude, we tried. I think James Townsend and Mal won't come on because I'm not racist. Because I'm against racist behavior.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And I'm very, very, very vocal about it. Very vocal about it. I find racism absolutely abhorrent. What's the word? Abherent? Abhor it's you're about to get it right yeah yeah it is it is one of the most vile things you can do uh being racist and uh not knowing the definition of the word and what manifests racism it is disgusting it is it is a poisonous thought in the brain to think less of other people, to not believe in our fellow man. And I think – and I don't know this for a fact, but I think that they have different views on that than me and therefore – oh, Jim Raptus is calling. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I think this is Alexis' dad. Tell her she can't make the show. Good morning, Jim. This is not my dad. Oh. Ah, someone's dad pays for their phone bill i love it oh yeah wait can you guys not see me right now we cannot my dear but when you did come on for a second we saw and you know so alexis someone told us our show is professional this morning and i really appreciate you fucking it all up so that because i hate that i hate that professional shit. No, no.
Starting point is 00:07:25 This is good. I never use Chrome, and I'm like – I'm confused. So if you close your – oh, do you have five – are you on a computer? I'm on a computer. Should I go on my phone? No, I think your computer is fine. And do you have five gigabytes of free space on a computer? That's not very much.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Most computers just have that. Yeah, probably. Okay. And then can you – you downloaded the Chrome browser? Yeah, I downloaded it. Okay, and then just copy from the text I sent you. Copy that link and just paste it into the Chrome browser. What's probably happening is your safaris opening on default. Oh man, I just picked my nose on the air.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Damn it. Oh, okay. Um, okay. It says download Chrome or join on your iPhone. I assume download Chrome. Yeah. Did you download, you're downloading the browser now? Yeah. Yeah. Um, um this i don't know it's really weird it's a i go to the top do you have a mac uh i do i go to the top where it's like
Starting point is 00:08:38 show downloads or whatever and then i click google Chrome, blah, blah. And then does there come like a folder, like a blue folder? Am I supposed to click that? Yeah. Double-click that, and there should be something in there. And then you double-click that, and that should be like to load Chrome browser into your phone. I mean into your computer. Okay. I think into your computer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I think I'm doing it. Man, I'm messing up the show already. It's okay. It's only live. It's only live. Don't worry. It's only live. There's only 63 people watching now, but eventually there'll be thousands. This shows that you're focused on working out and training
Starting point is 00:09:21 and this podcast sideshow shit doesn't mean anything to you. It's good. Okay. working out and training and this podcast sideshow shit doesn't mean anything to you it's good uh okay uh facetime HD camera the podium pre oh here you come look at it
Starting point is 00:09:40 wow we did it that's faster than I thought. Oh, gosh. Sorry about that. No, it's okay. Brian and I were talking about really important stuff. Oh, it sounds really weird. I really don't want to be lumped up as right wing.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I really, really, I'm a tree-hugging liberal. I really don't want to be right. I just, no, I didn't. I was ignoring her. What did she say? I'm just letting her get adjusted. It's like echoey. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Unsupported browser. Alexis Raptus appears to be using Safari. What? What? Hey, I can't even believe you're on right now. Hey, can you guys see her and hear her? What an interesting test that Safari is working even. Well, if I sound fine, then that should be fine, right?
Starting point is 00:10:31 It doesn't matter what you sound like. It'll annoy the shit out of you if we're echoing. Hey, why don't you open the Chrome browser? You can't open it? I thought I am on Chrome. Did you ever see that show Wonder Years, Ryan? Doesn't she look like the girlfriend? She looks like, what's her name, Winnie?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yeah, she looks like that guy. She looks like a juiced up Winnie. A juiced up Winnie? Well, I don't know. Let's just roll with it. It's fine. Dude, you got to open the Chrome browser. You're going to hate us if you hear our voice echoing the whole time.
Starting point is 00:11:08 No one wants to hear an echo. Yeah. Look it. Did you download Chrome? Yeah, I downloaded Chrome. And did you load the application into your computer? Did you like double click it and it says ask for your password and says would you like to allow Chrome to be an application in your computer and all that nonsense?
Starting point is 00:11:26 No, it did not ask me that. Hey, what if we send you a link to Riverside FM right now and you download it onto your phone, the app, and then you just open it through your phone? That's what we're going to do. Yeah. How often do you use your computer? I mean, I'm just bad with technology stuff. How often do you use your computer?
Starting point is 00:11:48 I mean, I'm just bad with technology stuff. You can't be. Seven, are you reading these comments? I want to be, but I just keep looking at Winnie. I can't believe we're talking to Winnie. Someone thinks she has two browsers open, and the reason she's hearing the echo is because she has both of them open. Yes, that's very solid advice.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Okay. That's very solid advice. There we go. I got it. You did? Gershwin. Gershwin saved the day. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Damn. Seven, you get 1% of the credit. Gershwin gets 99%. Dude, that's a smart name too, Gershwin. Like when your name is Gershwin, you better be like it. Like that better be your go-to. Smart shit. Shout out Gershwin. Alexa Raptus.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You sound like a superstar. That's a cool name, right? Really? Thank you. Okay. Don't you think? I think I'm all good. Like there's some people who don't like their name.
Starting point is 00:12:44 You like your name, right? Yeah. I don all good. Like there's some people who don't like their name. You like your name, right? Yeah. I don't mind my mom. That's cool. Yeah. What kind of last name is that? It's Greek. My dad is 150% Greek and Reptile.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And what's your mom? A lot of, I don't know know a mix of a ton of things she's like irish i don't know all of them um when i think of the the last name raptus that for some reason i think of birds like prehistoric birds like rapt, yeah, like a raptor dinosaur or something. Yeah. You know, all the announcers always, always, Raptice. And I'm like, is it that hard?
Starting point is 00:13:37 I don't know. They want to be smart. That shit sounds smart. Raptice. They're trying to make it sound more fun. Raptice. Raptice. Someone just said Sevan could be a Marvel villain. That shit sounds smart. Reptis. They're trying to make it sound more fun. Alexis Reptis. Reptis. Someone just said Sevan could be a Marvel villain.
Starting point is 00:13:49 That's horrible. Podium has Sucralose, which is artificial sweetener. It's garbage. Steven Fukumoto. How do you see these comments? They're on YouTube. If you're on the Sevan seven podcast you would see them pouring we should send you a link to that too but usually we have a guy who helps us run the show but i think
Starting point is 00:14:09 this morning like he wants to go to the game so he's probably like working out or something oh okay do you want to go to the games yeah i want to go to the games bad right bad again i was close yeah i mean i went as a um but yeah you did pretty well as a teen yeah yeah so i'm like i thought you know after i was like oh i going to make it next year. And five years, it's just really hard. Like, that jump is, it's crazy. I'm actually, actually, you interrupted me this morning. I was working on an article because this past weekend was the pit. Who interrupted you?
Starting point is 00:15:01 Alexis interrupted you? You guys. You guys interrupted me. Oh, both of us. Okay, good. I poorly planned my schedule so I didn't have time to finish before this, but I'll finish it later on. The Pitt team threw a pass weekend in Michigan for the second year in a row. That event, because the teenage division at the CrossFit Games was canceled. And this year, they actually broadened the kind of spectrum
Starting point is 00:15:25 of who they had there. They had two new divisions. One was like a rookie division. So these are younger people who've never competed before at the game in anything really, which is cool. And then there was an 18 and 19 year old division. So the article that I'm writing about today, which hopefully will be up sometime this week or next, is about if that is, you know, what's the relevance of having an 18 and 19-year-old division for the first time, and is that something that we might benefit from in the future in terms of bridging the gap from teenager to elite or open competition, as you were just talking about? Yeah, that'd be pretty cool. I mean, you're still a teenager, right? So, I mean, it kind of makes sense. Yeah, I think that would be really cool. and did maybe regionals or whatever until regionals ended but then okay you are like
Starting point is 00:16:27 going to college or so hard to do everything and probably won't make it for like four or five years it's kind of hard to hear um if someone make it for five years or whatever I don't know what I would do because I really thought I would have made it. But then, I mean, I'm glad that I stuck like COVID happened and then like regionals went away, COVID happened. And then this year,
Starting point is 00:16:59 but yeah, I think, I think that'd be pretty cool. Like another division of teens or whatever. People's response to COVID happened. COVID didn't do anything. Just minor technicality. Minor technicality.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You know, you said something very, very interesting that I think a lot of great people know. If someone would have told you how hard something was, you probably wouldn't have done it. But you're not but you but you're clearly not afraid of super duper duper hard things and that that's like um it's and you didn't say that you wouldn't have done it but man like i i totally i totally feel what you're saying like if someone told me like um this podcast isn't going to be good until the day i die i i probably would stop doing it but the chances wait but Wait, but think about it even differently than that. What if you started doing the podcast and in the first year, it was amazing and it was killing it and it was great, but you
Starting point is 00:17:53 were just like one echelon below where you wanted to be. And you're like, oh, probably in the second year, we'll get there. But then in the next three years, it plummeted down to way below what your even minimum expectation was with the promise of maybe getting back up to beyond what you had in year one four or five years down the road. Because I think that's what happens to the teenagers that makes it so difficult is someone like this goes to the teenage CrossFit Games, fourth place, second place. It's like you're at the top of the sport.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And then it's very difficult to go from the top to not that's that negative regression is really difficult for people to deal with is it like there's no college sports in crossfit is it like if everyone had to go from high school basketball to the nba is it or is that what what's going on that's what i'm that's what i'm exploring in the article and the thing is that that the entire landscape for this conversation changed this year because prior to this year, you couldn't be paid as a professional athlete in collegiate sports. And now you can. And that was also true for CrossFit. Up through 17 years old, you couldn't actually win money at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:18:59 But now I think that might shift. And it changes. Because it was like, oh, now you're 18, you can earn money. That's why I think they had that cutoff there and they didn't have a division. But it was, I think it's, you know, the way that they changed that this year
Starting point is 00:19:17 is for the first time ever had an 18, 19 year old division. That's what I'm working with with the article to explore the possibility of, are these things kind of just lining up for this to be the obvious next step? What, where, where's the glitch? My, my, my six year old, my six year old can did a hundred burpees the other day and four 41, really solid burpees to clapping at the top feet over the ground. But, but when he does Fran, he does it with uh 15 pounds a bar with 15
Starting point is 00:19:48 pounds on it is is that is that the glitch like what's what's the alexis what's the what's the hang-up where do these younger people where do you have to make the biggest leap are they faster than you are they stronger than you like where is that leap more endurance what is it for me it was just always the strength like i mean obviously but i think it's different for everyone for me that's kind of held me back um i mean when they and when you say strength you mean just like just to be clear the deadlift snatch snatch, back squat, front squat, jerk. Yeah, I mean, I would say more like back squat, front squat, deadlift. If there's a snatch, my snatch is really close to all those other girls, if not right there. But if you give me a clean and jerk it's that front squat that really like
Starting point is 00:20:45 I would say limits me um and so I mean there's been workouts in the open where they like one rep max clean or um like even the workout um quarterals, they did front squat. And then those like pure lifts or whatever, that's what limits me. 80% or 90% even, and we're doing a workout where it's a heavy barbell, I'm actually really – but then it's those one rep maxes where if they were to put it um somewhere like you know you have to do one of the events is like a clean and jerk to get to the games then that would be it would kind of like bring me down um how old are you? I'm 22. And you turned 23 in September? January. Damn, look at me trying to show off.
Starting point is 00:21:50 September. Is that what Google said? No, I just have it in my notes and I didn't look. I have January. I was just trying to freeball it. Yeah, no, it's like the raw strength. Different. So I don't know. I think some people just can't spend as much time during that transition stage like all these top-level athletes.
Starting point is 00:22:11 And so to be able to devote that same amount of time can be hard if you're trying to go to school and have a lot of time. I mean, if you're 18, you're still in high school, I think. So you're still trying to be a kid kind of that stuff gets that stuff limits you too i think um but yeah when was the first time you saw that you were strong um i don't know why i just thought about this but during um you remember they used to have this thing? It was like teams of four. You had a good team in 2016. It was so fun. And I remember I never really saw myself as like a strong athlete, I guess.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Maybe in the teenage division a little. But there was Hang Power Clean. I think it might have been hang power clean or something 190 and even now i feel like that i don't know how i did that but i remember thinking oh my gosh um so yeah i mean but i mean even before then there there there wasn't a time like when you were four years old and your dad handed you a 12 pack of like Budweiser to carry from the car into the house and you're like, oh, and you heard some adults say, oh, shit. Lexus is strong. Or like in the eighth grade, you did a pull up and you were the only girl who did it.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And everyone's like, God damn. Yeah. Like did that ever happen? Oh, for sure. I did gymnastics growing up. Um, I did gymnastics growing up. So like in elementary school, I remember they would bring out like a rope like once a year and it was like the best day ever because I would climb to the top without my legs just to like show off to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And I remember like thinking, wow, that's like every single time they had like a like push-up test i remember i always had to win like but i remember doing like i think i could do like 70 push-ups in a row which i don't even think i could do that now but i used to do gymnastics like i said and it was like okay um so yeah probably and how old were you then like 10 like fourth grade maybe yeah maybe 10 yes yeah yeah what what is your max weighted pull-up do you know oh i don't know i feel like it maybe a year ago. I don't know. Maybe like 60 pounds. I don't know. I wonder if that one's more important to guys. Brian, do you know
Starting point is 00:24:54 your all-time max weighted pull-up? Weighted pull-up? I know I've done a 72-pound kettlebell. I think that might be the highest I've tried. Maybe Dave needs a programmer. Then everyone will know. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:09 They haven't had that in the games ever? A max weighted pull? They did. I think they did, but it was like 10 years ago. Most people will not remember that it was part of the skills competition. I think skills one or skills two was one of three tests or something like that. Yeah, they had to throw the ball weighted pull up an L-sit or something. Oh, that sounds so fun tests or something like that. Yeah, they had to throw the ball away to pull up an L-sit or something. Oh, that sounds so fun.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I would like that. The L-sit, the classic. The winning score for the men was like 52 or 53 seconds, Jason Kalipo. But in the early years of the journal, Greg Glassman says you should strive for a three-minute L-sit. Hey, people are saying her audio is all jacked up.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Oh, really? Sounds good to me. I know. She sounds good to me, too. That's really bumming me out. Are a bunch of you guys getting that? Look at the top of your screen. Does it say Chrome up there? Yeah. It does, huh?
Starting point is 00:25:59 And Safari's closed? Yeah. Yeah, your video and your... Kyle, has it been jacked the whole time where do you live what city do you live in alexis um i live in salt lake right now utah and where are you born uh born and raised in michigan right outside of Detroit, Wixom, Michigan. You a Detroit sports fan? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Is your whole family? Yeah. What's the sport of choice? Basketball, football? What do you guys like? Hockey? Hockey. The Red Wings?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Man, they haven't been good for a long time, though. I know. They were so good for so long, and I don't know what's happened to them. Detroit Red Wings. Well, my brothers don't know what's happened to them. Detroit Red Wings. Well, my brothers both play hockey. I grew up watching. That's one of the last. I think that's the last not woke sport.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I think that's the last sport that's not racist. Disc golf. Also disc golf. Her sound quality is glitchy. Yeah, her audio cuts in and out. Oh, come on, guys. You're killing me. Can someone lie to me and tell me it's all great?
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah, the entire time. Jeez Louise. Oh. Well, you know what I can do after this too is I can upload the clean copy because we will have a clean copy. You started CrossFit at 15 years old? Yeah, I was 15. You started CrossFit at 15 years old? Yeah, I was 15.
Starting point is 00:27:32 So that was, it was the summer going into my sophomore year of high school. Okay. I had quit. I had gymnastics growing up. I ended up choosing to quit. I had surgery on both my elbows, one of them twice actually, and it was like a year process of trying to come back. From a gymnastics accident? From an injury in gymnastics? No, it wasn't an injury.
Starting point is 00:27:55 It wasn't like that thing happened. It was kind of just over time, just like wear and tear on my elbows. It was just at the point where I couldn't straighten my arms. I couldn't like touch my shoulders. My range of motion was just horrible and I kind of just put it off for a while because my coach – Wait. How old were you? How old were you? In like sixth grade.
Starting point is 00:28:30 You had elbow surgery in sixth grade well i had the surgery in seventh grade but i think it started happening in sixth grade oh your poor parents were they freaking out yeah i don't know how old i was then maybe 12 or something. Yeah. I mean, my coaches like much about gymnastics, but, um, like the coaches are pretty crazy. Um, with just, I mean, you don't like, if something hurts, you don't really because most of the time, um, push, push through it. You're fine. Like you'll um push like push through it you're fine like you'll just push through it and it got to the point where it was just so painful I could barely do anything um so I got them checked and they were like I don't even know how you've still been doing anything on them your elbows are so bad um I had surgery right away on the first one and then I went through a little bit of PT and stuff and then had the other one done. And then my first day back to training, because I would go to the conditioning, do whatever I could.
Starting point is 00:29:35 And then my first pop in my elbow and something like popped in there and I needed a third surgery. And so at that point I was like, I want to be able to use my arms one day. I, I've been out, I don't think really this is worth it. Um, and so gymnastics and I was in this weird, like from training four hours, four hours a day, every day being super disciplined um that was kind of just my life and I was just like the gymnast at school like I like to be kind of be different than everyone I like to work really really hard and um I just felt like I you just devote so much time to something and I had always wanted to do college
Starting point is 00:30:26 gymnastics and I had all these dreams and um after that I was like I have no idea what I'm gonna do I'm not really passionate about um and I think ESPN one year I'm not what year it was but I remember seeing them do bar muscle-ups. Now I can do that. Like I should be doing CrossFit this like that. So I was like, I always had that in the back of my head. Um, and then my boyfriend, uh, he wasn't my boyfriend, Andrew Wood, Andrew Wood. Um, yeah. Great last name. great last name. He was doing CrossFit, and I was like, hey, can I come with you to CrossFit one day? I'm so just – I'm just lost. Like I was going to a globo gym, like spin classes.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I didn't really know how to work out on my own. It was weird because when you're in gymnastics, like you're told what to do every single thing. Like you have a coach and they tell you, you know, how many sets, how many reps, like they tell you everything. And so I never had to think about any of it. And so getting out of gymnastics, I started working with a personal trainer who did this back in the day. And so she would give me workouts with like all the body weight stuff. I've been doing sort of CrossFit movements without CrossFit, I guess.
Starting point is 00:32:01 But I just got so bored with it. I was doing like the machines and like spin classes, like I guess. Um, but I just got so bored with it. I was doing like the machines and like spin classes, like I said, and I just, my body was, I was just bored. I didn't really know what to do. And so I was super excited about CrossFit and the handstand pushups, um, tire flips and like sledgehammer things and I just thought it was so cool um and then I remember being like hey you should try this and try this and I bought pretty fast because gymnastics like that's every day we would do them strict we would do handstand to me was like oh this is fun like I used to do
Starting point is 00:32:46 so that's kind of how I got into it um I didn't know about like competing or anything like that I just was doing it because it was really fun and it was exciting and um I started seeing my body change I started getting more muscular um I had never lifted weights before I mean like squatting and all that was exciting because I was getting PRs like all the time because I had never done that before uh it was just something new and exciting and then until I think so team and then 2015 they came out with like division and so um I didn't hang up for I was just like oh this is cool I'll try my best whatever no expectation and then um I ended up getting in the open like or something and then something about the a couple girls um videos got like uh they had no rep you mean 12th in your in your age division
Starting point is 00:33:55 when you say 12th you mean like in the little girl division yeah so they take um well at the time they took top 10 from the open to go to the games. And so I, I didn't think I was going. And, um, I guess a couple of girls, I had to meet or whatever. And so they emailed me, but at the time, like I didn't check my email or anything. And so I had made it to the, because you were only because kids your age don't check their email. Okay. Yeah, exactly. And they were trying to contact me for weeks. And I didn't know that I had qualified. And he's like, have you checked your email? Like I've been getting calls for the games.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And I was like, what? I had no idea. So, and then after that, it kind of just took off. But yeah, it all started. I have a bunch of questions. Yeah. How old are people when they get their own email address? How old is a human being?
Starting point is 00:34:52 I remember having an email in like fifth grade. I don't know why though. Probably to like, I don't know, probably for school or something. Your social security number when you're born if you're born in a hospital if you're not born in a hospital you don't get one yeah i don't know okay so fifth grade around fifth grade and do you remember getting it like did you sign up is that the same email you've had since like so no no i remember my email was a hotmail Uh, it was a, it was like, Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I don't know. Um, I don't know when I switched over. Probably, it probably broke or like shut down or something, or I forgot my password. I can't remember. Yeah. Now I have a new email and I've had that for a while.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yeah. And you're a Gmail now. Yeah. Gmail now. Yep. And, and you're a gmail now yep and you said you liked hard work is this guy Andrew Wood still your boyfriend? yeah he's still my boyfriend we've been dating for a little over 5 years now if you're 22 and you started when you were 15
Starting point is 00:36:04 that would be 7 years wait long if you're 22 and you started when you were 15 uh no we didn't date until i was oh that's smart that you you guys you have to say that because you can't say that you were dating when you were 15 because then he'd be 19 and he goes you're smart good okay i like that no we i mean at the we both, we first started training together. We were just friends, like training partners. And then I took the role of like, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:34 one of my coaches. So he ended up coaching me at the games both years actually. Um, and then it wasn't until around the second year at the games that we started dating. Um, but yeah. Do you think you'd be better if like you would have kept all of, actually um and then it wasn't until around the second year at the games that we started dating um but yeah do you think you'd be better if like you would have kept all if you wouldn't have started dating and you just would have kept all that tension there just crazy tension no okay just a thought just a thought because there must have been just great there's crazy tension there
Starting point is 00:37:01 right like as you start having a crush on your coach and your coach starts having a crush on you it's just nuts i mean he called like he wasn't my i had another like he would do all the workouts with he was the reason you woke up in the morning he wasn't your coach he's the reason you woke up in the morning i guess i don't know he was multiple roles i guess clearly clearly good job andrew okay and and you said you and you said you always like to work hard you kind of said something interesting you said you and you juxtaposed it with a thought previous to that you said i was different than the other kids i like to work hard what um tell me about that like what do you mean you like to work hard how did you get that instilled in you honestly I don't I don't know both of my or both my parents were athletes growing up um but I always was doing I always wanted to be the best to do whatever it took to be the best. Before I did soccer, and I remember, like, even,
Starting point is 00:38:08 I remember just going outside and doing, like, drills, working out in the basement. My dad has, like, some, like, cable machines and all this stuff, and I remember, like, making my own workouts and doing, like, abs, and, like, parents will send me, send me and it's like me writing down like I'm gonna 10 a week and do cardio like twice a week and I don't know why and like I don't know who taught me that um but I kind of like that and then when it came to gymnastics um I don't know it was just I just love to work that was another part that was hard after gymnastics go from that to like I did uh
Starting point is 00:38:56 for a little bit and it's just crazy to me that all these people they don't I mean at the sports I did I mean I did a little bit of soccer I did cheer and no one really liked oh we just want to like have fun and we're so annoyed by that and I think that's why I didn't play sports very long because I'm like you know I, I want to be the best. Like, it's not fun to lose and it's not fun to just participate, I guess. So, yeah. Are your siblings like that? Do you have siblings?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Yeah, I have two brothers. They've, yeah, they've always worked really hard. They played hockey and lacrosse. They played hockey and lacrosse. I think in high school they wanted – they didn't stick to hockey after high school. My mom and I played lacrosse in college. But other than that, they really liked the social aspect of football. And they just liked to do other things, which I did too, but after a while, I just saw this, like, vision where, okay, if I want to be the best, like, I can't,
Starting point is 00:40:13 I can't be doing, I can't be out of the kids, and I had no problem, I don't want to call it sacrifice, just be, I don't know, like, I I think I would say I'm probably, I think we're all really competitive, but I'm probably the most competitive with just always wanting to win. I don't know. It's just, and I think that's probably why that, cause it's like you put in all this hard work, always like, okay, I just, I've come so far to come this far, if that makes sense, like, all this work, I'm not going to let it just go to waste, and I've been, I've been like, okay, I've worked this hard, I'm not just going to continue to work this hard and about it like i just i love to see progress to do things that i thought i couldn't do before
Starting point is 00:41:12 yeah you said you said that you wanted to switch you said you wanted to switch workouts because your body wasn't changing yeah you wanted to see progress you wanted to see change you weren't just happy just with whatever the radio thing is. Michael Burchfield says, don't worry, Brian. You'll talk next episode. Maybe. It's in the comments because Brian's already talked way more than he's allowed to most episodes already. There's some annoying beeping going on next door.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So I was muting myself for a while. I don't hear the beeping but there is that when you mute yourself it's pretty cool because um it there's a very subtle hum that i don't hear until you mute yourself and then it goes away okay wait hold on so you know what's funny is when i i was like i should probably listen to one of them to see what's gonna happen and i looked on the uh podcast von and brian friend and i don't know if i just read it really fast i was like man savann has brian's so many times like i thought you were like brian's friend someone i'm like oh my god and then i read i'm like and I watched a podcast and I'm like, ah, that's Brian's friend. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:42:28 There's a dude in the comments named David Friend. It is such a weird last name. I give you full pardon. No, it's not weird. It's just like, I was confused. It's so weird. It's not even a last name. It's not even a name. Friend's not even a name.
Starting point is 00:42:43 What do you mean? It's just not a name. Friend's not even a name. What do you mean? It's just not a name. We moved here to hide ourselves from all the Germans that were trying to get us. It's not a... Are you German? That's smooth. No, he's probably a Jew. He's saying they had to hide from the Germans.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I took German in high school. Oh, nice. Do you speak any Greek? Did your dad teach you? I don't know, like, three words. No. Was your dad teach you? I don't know, like, three words. No. Was your dad born in Greece? No.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I want to, I think, so it goes back, my great-grandparents were born in Greece. Because my grandparents, yeah, they grew up here. And then, I mean, my grandma spoke a little bit of Greek. It kind of just, she's kind of lost it as the years have gone on because my dad, she never taught my dad Greek or anything. So we literally know a few words and that's it. Because immigrants and kids of immigrants, they're notorious for that hard work shit. Just put your head down and grind what what sports did your parents play you said that they were both uh athletic um my dad did
Starting point is 00:43:52 football and baseball and then my mom did gymnastic cheerleading what has your elbow caused you any more problems since you started no no no yeah no thankfully i mean um if i don't warm up my front rack super well i feel like my elbows get a little but other than that i've had really no issues But you didn't warm up for this podcast and you already showed others, so it's progress. Yeah, yeah. Well, I didn't used to be able to. I can't believe that. But yeah, no, my mobility is pretty – not too bad.
Starting point is 00:44:37 It seems like you've had a – it's interesting. It seems like you've had a pretty good life. A lot of people – it seems like a lot of people to me anecdotally speaking is that they they do stuff like crossfit because they're they're driven by some pathology like they're they're running from something as opposed to just wanting to put in the hard work right or something happened and they like so horrific that they that they don't they feel like they're either running from it or they don't want to waste their life. And then there become – there are these people like you who just seem – and obviously we've only been talking to you.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I don't know how many minutes it's been. Maybe something horrible did happen to you. 44 minutes. But there's people like you who are just driven, right? There's something that clicked and you're just – like you said, you just want to be the best. And it's a tough call, right? Because is being the best being the best? And you know, there's probably better than anyone is being the best being the best you can be or is being the best beating to me. And it's that fine juggling act, right? Yeah. Because if.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Because it could drive you crazy if you choose the wrong one it has to be some balance between the two right you have to beat her but you can only be as good as you can be yeah for sure um i think for now i mean obviously i everyone wants to be the best and be on top of the podium one day and win the CrossFit Games. But I think if you just get caught up in that and you're just focused just on that, it's just going to be, and you don't accomplish that every year like you want to. I mean, only one person can do that every year. I think it's just going to take the, just the fun out of it. I um for a while I was so serious about training and like I just this is where I felt a little burnt out because I was just
Starting point is 00:46:34 just that and now it's like to have fun with it um I think I think competing makes it super fun for me. I think during COVID season, I had a little bit of a mindset where I was funny. I think it's because I wasn't competing. And back to your point about being the best obviously I want to be the best but I also want to be the best me every year too I actually made it so I don't know what I'm capable of yet but I'd like to think um that one day do that I want to I want to do the best that I can do, but I also always want to be however I place because I know a placing at the CrossFit Games and I've heard other athletes talk about like you have to really enjoy what you're doing, enjoy the process too,
Starting point is 00:47:41 or else you're just always going to feel like a disappointment. So I think it's more just trying to take first place. Doing your best every year and knowing that not having any regrets, going out there, doing the best that you can possibly do that year and then seeing what happens. But ultimately, yes, that is my goal for sure when um so yeah we'll see we'll see what happens alexis when did you leave detroit um four years ago i came 2017 so you started CrossFit in, still in Michigan?
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah, and I still, and then you moved out too. Yeah. I go home, I still go to the gym that I started at. It was probably the closest house, and it's crazy to think you can kind of like change your whole life um the coach that i started with i'm still super close with today all the people that i trained with and did class with
Starting point is 00:48:54 i still talk to um one of the ladies that used to actually pick me up in the morning to go to crossfit because i was 15 i couldn't drive she would pick me up you go to the morning class um well I'm thinking of like a Saturday but um okay there's this like seven that just started coming to the 5 30 a.m class at our gym and I'm like wow like that's committed yeah no I did that one time I was like I'm gonna wake gym and then I'm gonna go back after and it was like I'm like this is just I need to sleep like but um yeah so I there for a vacation I saw her the other week so it's super cool to be able to stay in contact with all those people but um yeah I started in Michigan and then I came out here four years ago, have been going to the U here, University of Utah. And, um, yeah, I've been here for four years now.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And if you say the U anywhere else in the country, they'll think somewhere else. Yeah. Um, I'm not going to be here too much longer. I'm going to actually move to Georgia. Where does Andrew live? He lives here right now. So he came with you? You met him in Detroit? He probably also goes to the U. No. Well, he came here. He's three, four years older than me. I actually found out about the University of Utah because of him.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Well, when I was graduating high school he was graduating utah and i came out here for like a christmas break or um is he mormon is he mormon no neither of us are aren't the mormons great people everyone should have to live in utah a little while because because Mormons are great people like they have this bad rap outside Like if you don't know any Mormons, you're like those fucking weirdos Scientologist Mormons and whatever you just lump them all up and then you go to Utah and you're like damn This is some good people. It's like a good place. I didn't even know what a Mormon was before I came here. Oh Yeah, I mean I I have some friends who are Mormon Just normal people to me i'm like i don't
Starting point is 00:51:07 know you can't really even tell but he so i came out like white mexicans they're just good people who have a lot of kids they're like just white yeah yeah okay go on go on canceled canceled don't ever agree with anything i say that don't ever agree with anything i say alex is gonna ruin you can lose your sponsor okay go ahead no i was oh good good okay just laughing at my joke back to the regular stuff right right good good smart smart um but anyways i came out here to visit him and um i loved it i, I had never seen mountains before. I had never really left Michigan to, I mean, I went places, but I had never been out West. I've been to Cal. Other than that, it was insane to me. And then I came out again to visit. And so I saw, I saw the spring. I loved it. So I saw the spring.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I loved it. And at the time, I applied to Michigan State, and I had gotten in. That's kind of the college that everyone usually goes to after high school, at least my high school. And I thought that was – Or to jail. Those are the two avenues from Detroit, college or jail, but go on. And I thought that's due because that's what everyone was doing. And that's kind of growing up. I was like, I just want to go to Michigan State, graduate like that's what everyone does.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And I had, I mean, I had, like, my high school phase where I liked to go out and party and have fun with my friends. And a little bit older. And so, like, doing CrossFit, I was like, well, I can't, I can't be doing it. I have to go to bed at a reasonable time. Like, my work is more important. And so, I started on that and training and so when it came time to go to college I was like I I don't even want to go to Michigan State I don't be a normal kid and just continue to try and do this CrossFit thing and there was a ton of athletes here uh teams that went to the games and so i was like well i mean i might as well apply and see if i get in and i ended up applying getting in and i just
Starting point is 00:53:36 did it like i just took the leap and i moved um which is crazy because I never thought your parents approve of that. Your parents approve of that. Yeah. I mean, they support that was never really a part of the plan. I mean, I never thought I would leave Michigan. Um, like none of my friends were leaving it. And so, um, I mean, it was, and how old, and how old were you? How old were you?
Starting point is 00:54:08 Um, 20, 19, 17. Yeah. Like, yeah. 19 maybe. Okay. Gosh, I don't know. Four years ago. So I guess 19.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Um, and yeah, I did. Training, going to school. And it was just, I mean, I've experienced, like I've done so much since I've been out here. There's, I mean, I've skied. There's so much. There's mountain biking. I've been like lucky to have a ton of awesome training partners here. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I think it was just what I needed to do it felt like I needed to do this new adventure and um it's been amazing like I've loved it I can't even imagine I've been doing if I would have stayed in in Michigan and Michigan stayed and done the whole college scene I don't know um I don't know I guess I'll never know what would have happened but um I don't know. I don't know. I guess I'll never know what would have happened, but I don't know. It's been really cool. And now I started working with Adam a couple years ago, and remote has been good. I've made it work, and it's been... Adam's the old guy that kind of looks like me, right? He's like, but he's bald. He's like the bald version of me.
Starting point is 00:55:27 He's... I don't know how old he is. Yeah, he's old. He's got like gray hair and shit. If it's the same guy... Well, he's bald. Bald. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:36 He's your coach and Max is your coach? You have two DOS coaches? No, Adam is my coach. I was training there for semis. It was kind of like coaching everyone. What do you mean when you were training there? At Think Tank? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:51 At Noah's house? Okay. Whose house? Noah's house. Travis's house. That's what they call Think Tank. Noah's house and Travis's house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Everyone was coaching us when I was there. Okay. But anyways, yeah. um everyone coaching us when I was there but um but anyways yeah it should not be called Noah's house it could be called Travis's house or Max's house I know I regret it I regretted calling it Noah's instead of Travis's I'm probably I'm probably gonna pay severe public apology public
Starting point is 00:56:20 I love Noah but it is Travis Mayer's house sorry don't you love Travis oh my god oh my god I have I love Noah, but it is Travis Mayer's house. Don't you love Travis? Oh my God. I have his whole neighborhood on Google Alerts, so if a home goes for sale in his neighborhood, I can move there. I can buy it and move there. You need to get 10 of his.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Oh, that would be awesome. Someone should send me that. That would be awesome. You should have him on your news show sometime soon. But really, Travis is... This is hard for me to say, but I'm thinking about pivoting to Colton Mertens in the next two to three years. Uh-oh. I don't even know who that is. We should talk about that. I think Travis is done.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I think he's got two or three years left, and then it's going to be the Colton Merton show. Oh, did Colton qualify through Granite Games? He did. He was the fifth qualifier there. No, I'm pretty sure he qualified through a scholarship because of how short he was. Consensus fit. They had to let someone in who was 5'4", and he just got in. He's not actually good enough to go to the games.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Pretty sure. That's why there were so many guys over 6'5". Right. God, I love Colton Mertens. She doesn't like her jokes. How tall is he? He's 5'4". He's 5'4"?
Starting point is 00:57:41 Yeah. 5'4", 185 pounds. He looks like a little action figure I swear to god I'd get my kids that action figure Alexis have you talked to Dallin Pepper since the West Coast Classic
Starting point is 00:57:56 I texted after the West Coast you did awesome. I was like, now let's go punch our ticket. It's ironic because I'm pretty sure we both got
Starting point is 00:58:15 sixth at West Coast and then both got 12th or 9th. I don't remember what we got on the last chance. I think he was right around there. Yeah. I think it was both 11th. I don't remember what we got on Last Chance. 11th. I think he was right around there. Yeah. I think it was both 11th.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yeah. But it wasn't only that. I felt like also at the West Coast Classic, you guys had similar, not exactly the same weekend, but I really thought you both were going to make it on the final event. So did I.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I thought he was, I mean, he was killing it. He started off, I think I just kind of like went up. He started off super strong and then had some of his weaker events later on. So it was kind of. Yeah, I'm sure if you would have asked him that like he was planning on qualifying that was his goal and he really thought he was going to I know for me that was my goal and that's what I thought um but yeah everything I don't know everything happens for a reason I like to think that that was it's just a part of the plan but for sure, I really did think I missed that clean. A part of me was like, no, you're still going to slip in somehow.
Starting point is 00:59:36 If I'm not mistaken, that was your first live competition since the 2017 regionals? No did uh i did mid-atlantic 2019 it was like the first i took i think eighth place i gotta check my notes i have the i have oh i know why i missed it do you get anxiety every time i get up and take a leak, Brian? Like, oh, shit. What if we run out of shit to say and Savon's not here? No, no, no, no. Oh, yeah, I do have you on there. Oh, yeah, that was good. I was searching the men's database for that year.
Starting point is 01:00:15 That's why I didn't find you. Oh, yeah. Yes. And I was actually at that competition. I remember now. Oh, that was a fun competition. They had a snatch and then a total. Really put me in a lot of trouble. When I was 19 years old.
Starting point is 01:00:36 They always have that event there, by the way. I know. When I was 19, I wanted to be the best at what I did too. And no shit. Like, I didn't realize it until just now when you said it. I thought, wow, what a fucking overachiever. What a shitbag I was 19, I wanted to be the best at what I did too and no shit. Like I didn't realize it until just now when you said it. I thought, wow, what a fucking overachiever. What a shitbag I was. But I wasn't a shitbag. I just had different interests. I wanted to have the biggest bong with the most chambers in it.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Do you know what a bong is, Alexis? I do. I do know what a bong is. Like a water bong? Like you smoke weed and then the water goes through and it like filters, supposedly filters through the water. Smoke weed and then the water goes through and it like filters – supposedly filters through the water. I wanted – and then you could make it so it could have different chambers so it could filter through like not just one level of water but two levels of water. And you could make it so it – so I had this bong that had – pardon me?
Starting point is 01:01:17 You didn't accomplish your goal? I did. I had the – like at UC Santa Barbara, I had a bong with like eight chambers. It like filtered through. It was like the most anyone had. You had to stand on the couch to smoke it. And like I always wanted to smoke the biggest bowl. So like you could buy weed like in these bags that were like 3.5 grams for $60. And like my goal would always be to smoke the whole bag and like three bong rips.
Starting point is 01:01:36 And the bong was so big that like someone else had to hold the lighter. And now I don't smoke at all. It's disgusting. And I actually wish I would have never smoked. Because now all I think about is all the damage I did to myself. Can you imagine burning shit and inhaling the fumes? It's just – I know this is going to upset some people. It's fucking retarded.
Starting point is 01:02:01 But it's just – I just feel better about myself now because I really wanted to be the best at that. But what if I would have gotten refocused and like wanted to be the best at crossfit that would have been so much cooler you really chose a better i mean as a kid like i wanted to like bake the world's largest pizza i mean i've always wanted to be the best too i just didn't realize that until now talking to you like i've grown i feel better about myself now that i talk to you i'm like well i was always like i never had aspirations but i did they just weren't cool shit. It's just like your shit's bettering you. Now your shit's bettering you. Your shit is like, even if your CrossFit stuff doesn't work out, you're doing something hard.
Starting point is 01:02:35 That's that's compounding. It's making you a better person. Like, I don't think taking the biggest bong rip like i mean i guess it kind of it's a funny story for the show i guess in that way it plays out nicely is that true did you really want to what which part uh create the biggest yeah all that stuff's true oh nice oh yeah yeah all that shit's true all that shit's true i wanted to yeah i wanted to go like i was so obsessed with marijuana for like i thought everyone was i thought that's what you did in college that's probably why you left michigan state there were too many people like that yeah i was obsessed i want to have the
Starting point is 01:03:12 coolest bong the prettiest bong the cleanest bong the biggest bong rips the like how many like smoke weed at school and all the places you're not supposed to you know just like it was just it revolved around um the consumption of smoking but god i hope my kids don't take that path i hope they i hope they i hope they watch this so i know i i follow um instagram thing they're so cool i really think that they're amazing. Yeah. Thanks. They're so fun. They jump off those stairs and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:49 That's literally so cool. It's so fun. They're amazing. Yeah. That's why I do the podcast in the morning so I can make $30 on my YouTube station so I can afford tennis trainers and shit for them. And then I play with them all day and drive them around. It's a really tight loop. You you're gonna have kids alexis um not for a while um okay maybe like when i'm or something not for a while yeah my my wife's a
Starting point is 01:04:22 crossfitter pretty good one i mean not like you good but like good and uh you guys can have kids like super late she didn't have we have three kids she had her first kid when she was 30 39 and then she had twins after that yeah and she just squatted and all the kids she just pooped them out in the living room floor i mean you crossfit girls are amazing you can do whatever don't don't even think you have to do it at 30. You can wait as long as you want. You guys are amazing. I got a lot I want to do before I want to have kids, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Yeah, do all that shit. Yeah. A lot of people think that you're going to have kids and that you need to have kids when you're young so you can do that stuff with them. And I totally hear you. At 49, I played Frisbee with my son today or yesterday at the beach. And I had to break it up into a one-hour session, break two hours, and then another one-hour session. And if I would have been 30, I would have played with them four hours straight. So granted, you do lose some of that, but it doesn't really matter because you have so much fun just watching them. I'm never like, oh, my God, I wish I was younger so I could – no, no, I don't do that.
Starting point is 01:05:22 I'm just – oh, I'm glad I'm old and calm and I don't beat them like my parents beat me. They didn't beat me. They didn't beat me. But young parents are angry parents. Everyone knows that. Sorry, Brian. Sorry. Go back.
Starting point is 01:05:36 You guys – it was a stunning conversation you guys were having. Brian, is she going to make it to the games next year? Did she get strong enough? Well, I think she has everything that it requires to make it to the games next year did she get strong enough well i think she's i think she has everything that it requires to make it to the games if you look at her performances this year the clear outliers are the strength tests like you talked about but even at the semi-final and by the way they were you know really pretty strong top heavy field at that women's semiifinal um like i felt like there was basically everyone was battling for one spot you know she had every everything was in the top half and she had um
Starting point is 01:06:13 was it four now three finishes fourth or better she had an event win and a really difficult event that's you know i think a lot of people were surprised that she won that event because both Bethany and Carrie were in the field. But I had insider information that she might win that event. From who? From Max. I had talked to him. Yeah, why? It was the second-to-last event, and you were very close.
Starting point is 01:06:41 And I went up to him, and I was like, are these handstand push-ups going to slow her down at all? And she goes, slow her down. Yeah, no, I was super excited for that event. I could win it,
Starting point is 01:06:55 but I also knew, I mean, Carrie. So I was like, it's going to be tough, but was going into it in four. Something happened. I was in the team, and something happened, and that night they, like,
Starting point is 01:07:13 pushed me down to sixth. And so I was like, well, if I want to make it to the game and then do well in the last event, like, I win. And so I went out, and I was a little nervous about the torque. Cause I know. And in practice we did a sled and that was so hard in practice. And when I got out there, the torque just felt like 10 times easier than.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Oh, that's cool. Like, all right. That's that stupid machine right yeah that machine is pointless right where the harder you push you don't get you don't get points for pushing it harder yeah i i don't know some of the guys were like sprint push i don't know if it made them slower or not but but – I got to ask Dave about that. It's unfair that that thing would get harder and torque down on you or whatever the word is. I don't even know if that's the right word.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah. The more energy you put into it, the more you pay. I mean that's – I could see that maybe for training, but as a competition event, am I thinking correctly on that, you guys? That's stupid, right? You should get rewarded for more work for more energy put into something i think it's overall it's just it's just like it's an unfortunate circumstance that sled pushing at the games have has gotten so much scrutiny because it's such a great test of fitness but they can't seem to come up with a way to make form tests that like doesn't doesn't yield all these complaints and so obviously this
Starting point is 01:08:45 company was trying to to find a different way around that problem and it sounds to me like there's just a different problem yeah um you know what else is interesting she alexis you in that event you you beat third place by almost a minute. Really? I mean, that's crazy. And she beat the two girls that made it ahead of her by two minutes and three and a half minutes. And that's the type of thing right there that probably Jason Watkins, who's watching in the comments here, who we talked about the scoring, is going to look at and say, you know, the relative performance is not reflective of the points gap. Yeah. Yeah, who's currently ended up competing to the end of the games
Starting point is 01:09:35 was Danielle, right? Of all she's seen. Oh, yeah, that's a great point, Alexis. Wow. Maybe you should be a co-host on this show, too. That's crazy. I mean, it's obviously what happened to Bethany and Carrie is not competition related. I mean, Bethany and Danielle.
Starting point is 01:09:54 But still. I think would have been. I mean, who knows what would have happened, but I think they could have been up on the top. Towards the top at the end of the weekend. I mean, they were amazing at West Coast. They were, they were. I mean, yeah, looking at the programming from the games, I don't, I feel very confident that Kerry and Bethany,
Starting point is 01:10:15 if everyone had been able to compete, because also I think, you know, obviously Brooke Wells would have been, I think sixth at worst. I think Kerry would have been up there in the top six and Bethany would have been like eighth at, 6th at worst. I think Carrie would have been up there in the top 6th and Bethany would have been 8th at worst. Yeah. No, they were really dominant at West Coast.
Starting point is 01:10:31 It was amazing. What do you think about how light Miss Raptus is? How light she is? Her weight? That's probably not right. It's listed as 138. I'm like one.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Probably. I don't remember the last. Weighed myself, though, to be honest. Pretty much. I've been like 143 for the past. I don't know. Four years now. I feel like I haven't really.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Or lost weight. So you think she's going to the games next year, huh, Brian? Well, we don't even know the format for qualification. So if we're assuming that it's the same as this year, I think she has an excellent chance, yeah. This guy, David Friend, did you see the comment that basically he has the last name Friend too to avoid persecution for being Jewish so that the Nazis didn't cook him? That's pretty cool. Are you guys related?
Starting point is 01:11:31 Not that I know of. If you were to break down – I'm going to go back to what we very first started talking about, about going from a teen to the individual adult competition. Brian, could you break it down to exactly where the gap is? And does anyone really know how to make kids strong? Well, we need to ask Emma Carey and Mallory O'Brien because I still can't believe after watching the whole season play out. I was just looking at the four-rep max front squat. Mallory O'Brien is five years younger than Alexis.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Did 45 more pounds than her for four-rep front squat? Oh, the front squat. I don't know how those girls are so strong. It's crazy. Yeah, and I mean that's what I'm saying is like, you know, Alexis's score is not that bad, but this girl is four or five years younger than her and she's doing three, five pounds more. That's like, like those two are, something's not right there. It's either genetic, just like super anomaly. I think it's, it is the strength, like that is the gap. And that's, you know, and I think that that generally shows up. It's the 16 and 17 year old divisions have the same programming as the open division for the same weights. They get the same standards and everything. That's why they're qualified that way. to work capacity, like when you see something like Emma Carey and Mal O'Brien dominating open workouts 21-1 and 21-2, it's not that surprising. Okay, wall walks and double unders, sure. Shoulder endurance, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Box jump overs and dumbbell snatch, fine. All you have to do is be able to breathe harder and longer than everyone else and you can make it. But then you get to the last event where you have to do a strength complex, and they're still putting up scores like that. That's what blows my mind. Alexis, are you willing to be weird and selfish
Starting point is 01:13:38 to the degree that it takes to be a CrossFit Games champion? Have you actually thought about that? I'm not even joking. These people at the top are not, they're weirdos. Yeah. They made themselves weirdos. They did it. Do you need some examples or do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:13:58 I want the examples. What are your examples? I think I know what you mean, but. They don't have friends. They don't have friends. They don't have friends. Really? No, no. Not in the way that you and I think of friends.
Starting point is 01:14:11 They're extremely isolated. They, their loop is super duper, duper tight. That thing that you said, you said something about it that hints that you're willing to do it. But basically, you wanted to work out and not party. You said something along those lines. You wanted to focus. You wanted to go to Utah and work on CrossFit, not do the college thing. They take that to the fucking upteenth degree.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Yeah. Like they don't care that someone's getting married across the country. Like that's fine. Get married. the country like that, like that. It's fine. Get married. They have training and sleep to do there. It's, it's about them. And I know someone might think that I'm being negative about it.
Starting point is 01:14:53 I'm being a hundred percent positive about it. I think it's totally fine to be, to do that to yourself. I think being a weirdo and, and, and pursuing your dreams to the fullest extent and you're in your late twenties and thirties is brilliant. I did it.
Starting point is 01:15:07 So are you willing to do that? Or you could be like, fuck off, Sevan. It doesn't have to be that way. No, I mean, I think, I don't know. I think I still want to have um good relationships in my life and I want to be able to I don't want to just have you know and like just be lonely and have nothing um with my friends on the weekends and that kind of stuff. But also the people that I've kept in my life, they know my lifestyle. They know I'm not going to stay up all night every weekend and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:15:55 So it's just the people that you surround yourself with. If you're going to have those people in your life that don't support you and they're, you know, they're like constantly trying to get you to go out and stay up late and that kind of thing. Then, yeah, like obviously you're just going to push those people out of your life. But my life, I love to have. They make it better. I love to have, they make it better. And it's, you know, I'm training all day and then I come home and it's, talk to anyone. It's, no, I do want to talk to people.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I like having a life. CrossFit, I think it just keeps me happy. And I'm moving to Georgia probably January. happy and I'm moving to Georgia probably January and that's kind of my life is gonna ever has most likely um then I'll still be in school but I'll be finishing my last semester and then after that it's like all CrossFit until the games um I'm not gonna to have my friends. I mean, I'm going to have my gym friends there, but as far as outside the gym, I'm not going to have really anyone there. And so it's basically, it's going to be all CrossFit. So I guess that's probably, I mean, yeah, I am willing to do that, but I'm not going to shut all my friends out of my life. Not be a good human, I guess.
Starting point is 01:17:29 I think you really have to. I don't know. I mean, perspective on it. I want to continue friends and have good relationships along with it. Is your boyfriend in the Army? He was in the army um he was in the army he just actually uh uh swore into the air force a couple weeks ago um it's been a lifelong dream of his and so that's cool yeah he's gonna go to pilot school actually um next year when i leave he's gonna be going to pilot school and i'm gonna go to to Georgia and, um, he's going to be flying, um, called the Casey one 35, I think it's like,
Starting point is 01:18:13 and where's pilot school. Uh, he's not really sure yet. It's either Mrs. Oklahoma or Texas. Um, that's cool that you know, what kind of plane he's going to fly, man. You sound like a good person. That really cool that's a really cool super excited so and and are your parents um what do your parents think about you dating a guy who's in the military did you ever think you'd date a guy who's in the military is that like something uh i did i didn't really think about it i guess they they know that it comes at a price in the way that, I mean, he will be deploying once he gets out of his pilot training. Like, he's going to go on deployments and that kind of thing. And that's just kind of part of it.
Starting point is 01:19:01 I'm not going to, like, tell him he can't do that just because I don't want him to, you know, leave and go on a deployment. I think it like it's his life and he's always wanted to do that for him. I am supporting him. He's supporting me. Um, and my parents love him. So they know that it's awesome. Yeah, it's just part of it. Yeah, that's cool. I love hearing all that. That's great. Your parents love them.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Do his parents like you? Yeah. Yeah, we're – so we both grew up in Michigan. We've all known each other for years, so we're all pretty close. Yeah, what a cool thing. I know the military can be scary for some people, but as a parent, because no one wants their loved ones to get hurt. Yeah. When you see people, when your son or daughter is dating someone in the military, most circumstances you can believe that they have discipline and focus and they're getting
Starting point is 01:20:05 good training and they're you know their life's on the straight and narrow and same with crossfit man his parents must be so stoked that he's found a woman who's so passionate so dedicated to herself do your parents do crossfit um yeah my dad doesn't really do, I don't know. But he, since last year, my parents have, yeah, I mean, I guess he does CrossFit. Basically a full garage gym. My dad will do like rowing and biking. That kind of stuff. He's never actually been a part of like an affiliate. But he basically does CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:20:45 My mom, she's a badass. She's qualified to the next stage of the Masters. The age of old people's time. Yeah. Wow. Qualified for that. I don't know. What's her first name?
Starting point is 01:21:03 Susan. Susan Raptus. She doesn't take it very serious but for fun and she like just loves to do it but she like she's amazing she's like she can do muscle-ups um she's pretty cool but she didn't do the open this pack she was like i just don't want to do this. I don't want to have stress. I'm like, it's fine. But pretty much CrossFit too, they have affiliates. But for the most part, my whole family trains out of the group.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Yeah. We all do CrossFit now. Damn. She was 106th in the women's 50-54. I know. I was like, if you trained really hard, I swear she just, she's got other things. I think it's just, I think it's, it's equally or maybe even more, you know, cool that she has the balance that she's got everything else in her life and she's still one of the
Starting point is 01:22:00 hundred best in the world for her age. Yeah. It's so cool. Ever since she started CrossFit too, she's gotten so ripped. She's so jacked. It's so cool. Are you guys on the same diet? Does she eat very similar to you?
Starting point is 01:22:16 No, she doesn't really have a diet. She just kind of eats healthy, eats whatever. healthy eats whatever um for a little bit um but she doesn't really count her macros or doing for the most part um why did she stop zone you think that i mean a lot of people stop it because they kind of figure it out they don't need to just eyeball it figure it out. She was like, I'm already pretty much doing it. So I don't feel like I need to be so precise. And, uh, for a while. And then after a while, she's like, I kind of just know now what, what to eat. And so she's got without having to really track or do any of that. know what the zone is and god i'm no expert but i'm going to tell you something really cool about that i know about the zone just from working at crossfit for 15 years basically most diseases if not all diseases come from hormonal imbalance and the zone is a diet that keeps your hormones like this and uh the one of the worst things for your immune system is having your hormones out of whack and having your hormones flooding your bloodstream, hormones like insulin, leptin, shit like that. Anyway, so it's a phenomenal practice to try in your life to eat in the zone.
Starting point is 01:23:38 It's basically just eating a diet that's just really, really consistent in macronutrients and so that you don't have an up and down, up and down, up and down. So people who eat in the zone usually don't crash. They're not moody and they have hormonal balance, which arguably stops every fucking disease out there from cancer to dementia. So that's cool that your mom screwed around with that. Go ahead, Alexa. Sorry. mom that that's cool that your mom screwed around with that yeah uh go ahead alexa sorry oh no i was just gonna say my they started getting into crossfit after uh um i think everyone get a little like boost of motivation but it was also my grandma had dementia and she saw, um, her go through that whole process and she helped, like she took care of her, her last few years of her life. And, um, she was like,
Starting point is 01:24:32 well, I don't, I'm going to do everything in my power to prevent this from happening for me to me. And so after that, she really dialed in her, uh, training and her eating. And, um, she, I mean, she totally believes that, I mean, it's exercise and eating and all that and um she i mean she totally believes that i mean it's exercise and eating and all that stuff because i mean my grandma was healthy but like she didn't ever train or you know on her diet and so my mom is really hoping that now um for a healthy life later on and that she doesn't have to go through that. So, yeah. Yeah, dementia is basically you caramelized your brain.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Yeah. Sucks. But it doesn't have to be that way if you don't eat like shit. And you can turn it around. German Nunez. Oh, my. Alexis is a babe. Actually, he just says Alexis is babe, but I my, Alexis is a babe. Actually, he just says Alexis is babe, but I think he meant is a babe.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Brian Christian Leon. Brian already trained today. What about you, old man? Let me guess, your back hurts. Holy shit, you're right. My back is on fire, but I will train my ass off today. Don't get me wrong, but I was doing the laundry this morning when I woke up, picking up dog poop, and man, I wanted to plant this new avocado tree I got last week, and my back just hurts too much. I just can't move until like afternoon.
Starting point is 01:25:55 I'm broken. You got to warm it up. Alexis, yeah, I totally got to warm it up. I have chronic disease in this lower back. I do have chronic pussifitis in my back lower back um alexis thanks for coming on you're awesome yeah thank you please please let the boys and girls uh alessandra pichelli travis mayor uh noah max el haj uh the guy who runs their podcast all of them that brian and i send our love Anyone else we forgot over there? Who else trains over there, Brian?
Starting point is 01:26:26 Lauren Fisher. Miss Lauren Fisher. The original little girl of CrossFit who's now a grown-ass woman. Yep. And thank you, everyone, for tuning in. Holy cow, great show. Lots of activity. Thank you so much for having me.
Starting point is 01:26:42 It's been fun. And we'll have you on again if you make it to the games. If not, it was nice meeting you. Work next time without ruining the show. And bam.

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