The Sevan Podcast - #126 - Matt O'Keefe

Episode Date: September 10, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Conditions apply. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. Missed you, brother. Whiskey and arm wrestling. Oh, I wonder who that is. And bam. We're live on the seven podcast no very very very soon guys um log into the seven podcast and you can hear us go
Starting point is 00:01:17 live any minute now it's on our YouTube station. And bam, we're live. Okay, I'll see you guys later. Do you like carbs? No, I don't like carbs. I mean, I like carbs, but I don't like carbs. I mean, I like carbs, but I don't like carbs. Shoot, what am I doing? Trying to hang up.
Starting point is 00:01:37 How do I hang up this live chat? End now. Delete video. Discard. And now, delete video. Discard. Brian Friend, Ryan Jevning, producer, Matt, who's waiting for the illustrious and amazing guest, Matt O'Keefe, will be with us for the first 10 or 15 or 20 minutes today. And then we are going to go through some list. I'm ashamed to know. I don't know the exact title of this list, but it is the fittest people on the planet of all time.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Like who are the best of the best? And Brian Friend actually gave us this list with images provided by Ryan Jevening earlier. I don't know. It's three months ago, two months ago. There are episodes 81 and 82 if anyone wants to go back who missed them. And we've refined the list. People have paid Brian. Brian has felt peer pressure, and other competitions have happened. And with those three- Josh Bridges. Josh Bridges.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Sorry. Josh Bridges specifically put pressure. People threatened his life. And after these many outside pressures,rian has changed his list no the real reason is the crossfit games have happened and brian told us ahead of time that the games would alter the list so we're gonna revisit it i was freaking out that we didn't have a podcast today um so brian was nice enough on his day off from the podcast to be like all right all right i'll come on and suza and uh got o'kee podcast to be like, all right, all right, I'll come on. And Sousa and, uh, got O'Keefe to be a special guest.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Hopefully that'll give us some more viewers and, uh, more change, more change in the YouTube account. And, uh, Ryan Jevney showed up. You guys can't see him,
Starting point is 00:03:18 but he is fully attentive while he fuels himself. So what do you think about my name on the YouTube channel today? The Seven Podcast, episode 137, Brian Friends. Oh, no. Look on the actual YouTube video. It says your name. Oh, shit. Daniel Brandon. Who did that? Is that
Starting point is 00:03:38 Jevneen fucking with you? I think so. That's awesome. Mr. O'Keefe, what's up, brother? How are you? What's up, brother? How are you? What's up, boys? Hey, Matt. Hey, what's going on? The mature Matt O'Keefe, one of our biggest episodes of all time.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm not the biggest anymore. I've lost. We had Rich Froning and Dave Castro, I think, have you. But I mean, I think your show maybe has more views than like Noah and Daniel Brandon. And Miss Personality herself, Laura Horvat. Damn. Damn, Laura. You got punk.
Starting point is 00:04:21 You're asleep right now, right? Where is she? Belarus? Hungry? Hungry. Hungry. Hungry. How are you guys? Good. I'm sick as a dog, actually.
Starting point is 00:04:33 COVID? No, actually, a friend of mine does the testing, and I went to his house this morning, and he swabbed me up. You know, I'm sick, I guess, like the way CrossFitters get sick. I have all the symptoms, but I still like everything else is normal so you have covid okay like i like i still work out i still like say inappropriate shit to my wife i still chase my kids around you know what i mean i still like dusted spiders out of the garage today like it doesn't affect i just like my throat is sore have you had covid matt um not that i know of but i'm certain i've had it right how could you have not right i've been i traveled a lot in covid like early i was going
Starting point is 00:05:14 to tennessee quite a bit i you know i was in spain when it really heated up pre like that like beginning of february that year who knows i uh I'm sure I've never had an antibody test or I'm vaccinated so I was in I was in Wuhan were you no no no but I'm just trying to get my story better you're like I was in Spain fuck you I was in Wuhan I was with somebody the other night I was I was at a local meeting for a coach soccer and this woman was talking about how she does she does some sort of like uh lab education and she was in wuhan in december that year oh damn so she has to be like patient zero well hospital and in all in in all honesty the the gym that avi does his ju-jitsu at three to five days a week, and I have two other kids.
Starting point is 00:06:10 They're really just training partners for Avi, but I should mention their name once in a while, Ari and Joseph. They train at a place, and there was a guy there visiting from Wuhan who was there in December and January training at the gym. So, I mean, shit. who was there in December and January training at the gym. So, I mean, shit. And man, December of 2019 and January of 2020, man, there was a sickness sweeping through Santa Cruz, California that was fierce. I mean, not me.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I don't eat sugar-refined carbs and I do CrossFit, so I'm bulletproof. But the rest of you fucking pussies. You're good. Negligent. Negligent people who don't value life as much as me the real question is ryan how did you get mixed up with these two brian or ryan ryan actually i mean i still can't hear him you guys can hear him i can hear him so matt um i got into with Sivan just because I saw the Josh Metz von podcast and I felt like I could help start a clip channel. And that's kind of what I did. So yeah, now I'm helping do the live stream and all that. So yeah. We're social media friends, Mr. O'Keefe.
Starting point is 00:07:24 We're social media friends, me and ryan no one else can see ryan other people can't see you right just me they can hear you but only me matt and brian can see you that is correct yeah it's it's weird too matt because like he he's there for the whole show and we can see him and like sometimes he's eating or or I'll say something funny and he doesn't react. Or I say something that I think is true and he starts shaking his head. Don't talk to me. I'm not supposed to be here. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Mr. Hopper is professing his love for you publicly on Instagram. I saw a post. Your newest. you publicly on instagram i saw a post your newest um i don't did you hear my my my monologue aggressively attacking you did anyone tell you about it no no no i do what can we replay it right now basically i was just bashing you for like not like like like you're sandbagging like you're sandbagging like you pick these dudes like jason hopper to represent and matt fraser and and just these winners you have all these winners and it's like it's like you just take it's like it's like you're cherry you're cherry picking and like i want to see you take someone like colton mertens and like and like polish a turd
Starting point is 00:08:36 i don't sorry colton that wasn't fight that wasn't fair uh but instead you're grabbing you're you're just you're just you're just cherry picking it's totally did you ever think for a second that maybe people come to me at times it's a good point I didn't I'm very closed minded like that
Starting point is 00:08:57 that might have to change you're ruining my whole stand up bit I'm not you know but yeah Jason's a great kid i mean you know it's it's funny i was just got off the phone with velner his wedding is in a week i'm going up there for it and uh do you represent him too i do i do i rest i rest my case your honor i've been with pat forever i got pat as a client because of Matt. Okay. So Pat asked Matt, you know, they were, became friendly early on because they're in the same region. And Pat said, Hey, like, I think I
Starting point is 00:09:32 need some help with the business side of this. And, uh, he said, well, you should use the guy that I work with. Yeah. So that's how I met Pat. That was like six six seven years ago but he we were talking about hopper and justin i was just in miami on a trip we were doing filming for water palooza's online qualifier and justin and jason were there daniel brandon tola bailey um christy aramo and christy aramo was like the elder statesman she's in her 30s but i was saying that the generation gap's real for me now like when i met pat and matt they were like you know in their early 20s and i was in my early 30s now in my 40s and these kids are all 22 and it was like very real the gap yeah on this trip i was like yeah i'm gonna go back to the hotel at like 10 o'clock
Starting point is 00:10:25 you guys have fun tonight you know yeah i'm feeling you when we interviewed justin madaris the other day if i i can't believe i'm interviewing a 22 year old guy uh he's too he's incredible he's so young and i felt the age difference it is wild like you know, I'm always fascinated with that. Was even with the crop, you know, the elder crop now. But at 22, I was not thinking about what they were thinking about. Dude, it was pretty crazy. I was doing a study of, because I don't know if you saw the Pitt team throwdown had an 18 and 19-year-old division this past weekend. And I was trying to look back and see, see like how many times have an 18 or 19 year old person qualified to the games and when i was going back and tracking like the youngest athletes
Starting point is 00:11:10 by year i dated back to 2013 for the study and it's crazy you get to like 2015 and the top three women were tia katrin and sarah and they were all 22 22 23 years old and already at the top of the sport. That is wild. And they'd stayed there for a long time. Yeah, it is fascinating. I mean, Brian, you've probably studied it all, like when women are at peak in strength comparatively to men. Matt always talked about it with weightlifting, like women would be better at certain ages. But that is wild considering there is a younger crop of men coming there is there is some the girls too you see mal o'brien
Starting point is 00:11:52 and um hayley but you know justin won you know you know he's winning at this point at that age it's crazy in a very dominant fashion i'm i might add like um by the way i just i uh for those of you don't know um uh matt o'keefe is coming out with a book a children's book it's called uh when pat asked matt and it should be released in a few months well like fingers were crossed where that one was going i just heard you say that line and i just thought oh that's a great children's book you said well Fingers were crossed where that one was going. I just heard you say that line, and I just thought, oh, that's a great children's book. You said, well, Pat asked Matt, and I was like, oh, that's your children's book. Oh, Keith, I think I gave you even a hard time about it on Instagram when you got caught up in the fray on the raft down there in Miami.
Starting point is 00:12:41 But when you talked to Jason, he said you were the instigator. I was the instigator i don't know he put it on you i mean i was i was trying to relate a little bit at times and then realized my age quickly got on the boat and watched them horse around for a few hours it was there was a lot of testosterone on that on that mat there's a lot going on i just assumed watching and looking at i see you on the side i'm like oh you know keith's just trying to enjoy it here next thing you know these like guys are wrestling on the thing next to him he's like holy shit get me out of here that is more like it but that it was fast it always is when you get that like that trip every year is a blast because it's
Starting point is 00:13:23 post games we come down to Miami, have a good time. We do some filming, but it's more of that. You saw boats and having fun going out in Miami. The competitiveness that comes out of that day-to-day is insane. the competitiveness that comes out of that day to day is insane. Those like, you really see how competitive these guys are when they're playing like a Monopoly card game or, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:52 whatever. I mean, I think they were making games up. Like they're playing some stupid game in the pool. That's both like some rendition of horse, but there was no basket and there was no basketball, you know, and they were like fighting over who's winning. It was like, okay guys.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Hey, does that make you, um, uncomfortable that intensity sometimes? Like if I was there and those guys are wrestling on the mat, like I would, I would start to get uncomfortable. Like, I can't explain it. Not anything like specific, like they should or shouldn't do it. I would just start getting nervous. Like someone's going to get upset or someone's going to get hurt or like i don't know it would be weird like i don't know i would have trouble chilling yeah i mean not anymore i mean i i think early on like i i guess i cut my teeth with matt you know because he was the first guy i met and matt was always borderline unhealthy competitive you know and uh you get groups together and it would be very competitive no matter what they were doing and it was always like yeah i understand that it's like uncomfortable like hey you know we're just not we're not on the
Starting point is 00:14:58 floor right now and i it's like they actually have fun with it. Like, I think they have it in a good place. They're a really mature group. Um, again, beyond their years. Um, and now I don't like in terms of getting hurt, it's at the point where like, even though you're 22,
Starting point is 00:15:16 you're an adult. Like if you don't know better to not get hurt, like, you know, I'm not going to babysit you. So, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:24 and everything was like reasonable,. Everything was somewhat reasonable. Somewhat reasonable. Hi, Brenda. Thanks for the $1.99. You're a good gal. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. Matt did get hurt, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:15:39 Did Matt get hurt? He blew out an eardrum or something? This was my fault. That's probably what Jason's talking about. I tackled him off the boat. I was like, you know, trying to act young. And he hit his head sideways when we went in the water together. Slammed his head out of the side.
Starting point is 00:15:56 He came out and he's like, you mofo, you just blew my eardrum. And I was like, what? He did know right away. I was like, yeah. I mean, we had been horsing around for like an hour but and so and what does that mean is that bad is that isn't that what happened to miko salo at the crossfit games one year it can be really bad you know in terms of like equilibrium and there's like there's layers of it he's gone through a lot of your stuff since he was a kid so
Starting point is 00:16:23 it's kind of matter of fact he's he's since he was a kid, so it was kind of a matter of fact. He's good. He was probably vaccinated. That's a common side effect amongst kids who are vaccinated. A lot of your problems. I'm not joking. I was with him last night, actually. I drove up to Vermont. He's good. Where are you now? Are you in Vermont? Are you in
Starting point is 00:16:39 a back bedroom at Matt's house? No, I'm home. I came home this morning. You should have stayed in Vermont this weekend. The Green Mountain Disc Golf Championship is happening there. Are you flying in? No, but it could have been fun to watch. I think that's something that Matt could really embrace and get into because I've tried the golf route, and he's defiant.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So maybe disc golf is the path. You should get Matt into that. Oh, Keefe, I had this idea of doing an interview while playing disc golf with an athlete because Tommy Marquez also plays. And so we were like, man, it would be cool if we got one of the guys because there's actually some guys, competitors that play. Pat Vellner plays sometimes. But anyway, so yeah, but that would be cool to do a little interview
Starting point is 00:17:24 while you play film some shots have a conversation i've i've loved watching your uh progression with it well you look like you just competed recently yeah i did my first ever competition it is great learning experience i mean it's similar to anything once you know you got to do put yourself out there in an uncomfortable situation you learn a lot right away and then learning comes pretty steep and then i'm going to do another one later at the end of this month yeah it's um if it's anything like regular golf i i do regular golf competitively and it's like an out-of-body experience you know when you have have to actually put the ball in the hole
Starting point is 00:18:05 or you can't go on to the next hole, it's really... Dude, it was a huge... Wait, did you describe golf as an out-of-body, putting the ball in the hole as an out-of-body experience? You got your sports crossed up. There's some out-of-body experience sports. That's not one of them.
Starting point is 00:18:19 That was teed up for you. I knew that. Jeez Louise, out-of-body experience. Have you ever heard anyone else describe golf as them having an out-of-body experience golf have you ever heard anyone else describe golf as them having an out-of-body experience yeah go to a golf tournament like individual sports are like that it's relatable it's probably what the guys go through at crossfit but it's like you're on your own you're on an island and that ball seems so easy to hit straight when you're just doing it with your buddies but but when it's on the line, it gets hard.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's a mental thing, too. If I'm practicing and I have a bad putting green, take three shots when I probably need one or two at most, then I just on the next hole practicing, it's whatever. Okay, be aggressive, commit to your line. But in the tournament, when you three-putt the second hole and all of a sudden you have a double bogey and everyone else is one under par, then you're cautious the rest of the time.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And it could be relative, like relate to CrossFit. You go out there, you're feeling great the first two events, you bomb it. How are you going to respond to that? Ryan, I just watched our viewer count drop by 30. Don't do that again. I saw it go up by 10. Don't do that again. I saw it go up by 10.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Don't do that again. Matt, do you think Fraser would have wrestled if he was still competing? Would he have partaken in those shenanigans if he was still competing, Matt, last year or two years ago? No. Interesting. Not as much. Definitely cautiously, if at all. Interesting. Not as much. Definitely, uh, cautiously, if at all. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I mean, he told a story about how he had, like, COVID tests on his porch for anyone who was coming into his house prior to the games. I mean, that was me. I flew in there quite a bit in COVID leading up to the games. It was really most of the travel I did. up to the games was really most of the travel i did i'd go down every couple weeks and i would get off the plane walk in mask on take a shower take a covid test upstairs when i got a negative i'd come down and then we were still cautious throughout the time i was there just in case you know yeah that's that's interesting and do you think that that's is that something he's going to pass on to those guys? Is that something that you think he might say to Justin or Hopper?
Starting point is 00:20:31 Hopper, it was weird. We had him on the show, and I think he said that Matt and Marconi are his coach now, although it seemed a little slippery the way he was saying it. I mean he said it like four or five times. It just – I don't know why it just didn't land in my brain jason slippery maybe i did maybe i did but but do you will matt tell him stuff like first of all let me before i get on myself is is is that correct did i hear jason hopper tell us correctly on the show that marconi and um jake j Jake is coaching him. He's doing HWPO programming. Yeah. And it's like a pro version. Correct. Yeah. That's in, uh, yeah, that's in process for more of the general public, but, um, right now, yeah, that's, um, that's, yeah, it's a, it's a more, uh, beefed up version of what people would subscribe to.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And do you think that those are the kind of things that they would tell Jason, hey, that horse shit you pulled on the boat, that's a no-go for people who are serious about the games? Yeah, I mean, I think that, and Matt's been very willing to talk to anybody that's competitive. I think he really wants to mentor the next generation in general. You know, we'll see if like he takes on, you know, athletes more, if he becomes more closed down to that, I do think he'll still be a relative open book on that. He, you know, he feels like a lot of people helped him when he put his hand up and said, Hey, i have a question and he'd like to do the same but i think that
Starting point is 00:22:05 that would just tie into his mindset of all in but that specifically yeah in a moment i think people that you know he was associated with if he saw things that he would call out certainly but would you say it as their agent would you also yeah i mean, I mean, that certainly is stuff that, you know, definitely came up along the eight years with Matt where I'd be like, all right, dude, enough. Like, be careful. You know, early on, you know, but like he got it real quick. I mean, Matt was to the point late in his career where it was like
Starting point is 00:22:38 he went to bed at the same minute, woke up at the same minute. When he wasn't working out, he was on the floor rolling out or stretching and like eating the same exact foods every day going to bed with a dawn simulator waking up with what like he was so choreographed um that you know when he was done that last you know those last few years it was like he was handling himself with kid gloves you know it was just about getting him to the games and you know good shape and one piece i never hear don simulator by the way when anyone says it all i hear is dong simulator ever since that show i do them the mac goes to sleep with the dong simulator yeah i get it we're we're three for three you're grabbing on everything who who have you picked up this year who do you represent
Starting point is 00:23:27 this year so jason hopper is is new to the to the crew anyone else that you could tell us um not new at this point no uh he would be the only one new i generally generally this is like a time of year where there's like possibly some moving around. Some people have like, you know, maybe realize some success and think they need some help. So, but yeah, he was, he was pre-games. So we started working with him after in between the Mac and the games. And do you have trouble sleeping at night that you didn't get Daniel Brandon? Like, do you ever just like, just, you just wake up in your right hand just punching you're just punching
Starting point is 00:24:09 yourself in the dick like god damn it how did she get away i know you know it's it's i'm a big fan of hers um i got to spend some time in miami for the first time really like personally like i'd met her before she competed at my event in Vegas. Um, I, you know, she's super cool kid, but you can't, you know, I mean, there's, there's like, what's the saying is like an ask for every seat. Um, I, I don't profess to be a fit for everybody. Um, so you're pretty damn good. You're pretty damn cool. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Appreciate that. But yeah, I mean, the only people I know who don't like you don't like you because of damn cool thank you appreciate that but yeah i mean the only people i know who don't like you don't like you because of how cool you are i appreciate that can you list them please no no no i can listen i don't want to spend yeah oh i should have worn my hwpo shirt i had had my – I put on my black one before the show started that Dave fixed for me, speaking to people who love you to death. And, man, I'm just joking. I know you and Dave have a good relationship. I'm just blasting your balls.
Starting point is 00:25:22 When is Wadapalooza? It is January 12th to the 16th. So Martin Luther King weekend in Miami. I'm pretty sure that Martin Luther King got canceled, but we'll just go with that until that's confirmed. So the next Wadapalooza will be in 2022. How far is that from now it's like four months yeah 120 something days or yeah whatever but who's counting who's counting it's coming in like a freight train it's like now is it and i heard a train where are someone has a train in the background. Right when you said that, I heard, oh, that's awesome. On cue.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Yeah, it's funny. I was talking to someone about an hour ago about this. They're like, how are you doing? I'm like, it's now. Guadalupalooza is a six-month experience for us. It's a lot of work. We're getting 1,100 volunteers. We'll have 20,000, 30,000 people do our qualifier,
Starting point is 00:26:28 and then you've got to whittle it down to 2,500. There's a lot going on. It's busy. When does the qualifier start? First week in October is individual, and then it's 10 days, and then there's a short break, and then there's a team portion after for 10 days. Most of October, we're live with qualifying workouts a couple uh a couple of members at our gym are signing up for the qualifier are you brian no uh yeah it's um i'm coaching them through it though i've missed i've missed missed you haven't been so far right
Starting point is 00:27:05 yeah I went one year kind of maybe two years maybe I've been two years for sure one year but I didn't it was zero experience for me you know what I mean like I was there I was in and out were you there the year Greg was there
Starting point is 00:27:21 yeah okay yeah it's um it's wildly bigger than it was then and it you know it started to really pop then it's um i'm psyched i mean all the work that it is is a lot it's painful at times but um it's all worth it that week that week is awesome it's it's honestly just you can't even describe it to the experience it we're excited like we're broadcasting it for free this year for the first time so it's like a lot of great improvements we've taken a lot of heat for our broadcast in the past
Starting point is 00:27:53 we had a paywall and we are doing that you know free of the public streaming we're building bigger stands for people because there's you know we have one issue which is a good problem but you know every year we grow at a rate that we can't predict and you know people can't get a seat so we're building bigger seats you know new stages it's going to be a badass event in the same beautiful location down there by the water it is yep it is we were down there last week checking it out it's fun you got to come this year. I know. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll start driving now because the likelihood of me getting on an airplane is like.
Starting point is 00:28:30 We're going to build a desk for people to podcast. We did that a couple years ago. It was really fun. They go live from like the partner quad where everybody's kind of eating and chilling and shopping and people can hear it. And it's also recorded. You should come down and podcast. Yeah, that would be awesome. You want to tell you a funny story? Um, so this year I applied for media credentials for the, uh, CrossFit games and, um, I got them. They were nice enough to give them to me, but I didn't go. And Brian was there, uh, working for
Starting point is 00:29:01 CrossFit, but then he had a hiccup with his job so he got um he got released from his duties for crossfit on day one so we had a lot of free time to do all that shit for the seven podcast and we were murdering it right me ryan and brian and miss susan we were doing like four podcasts a day i was on oh great yeah yeah that was one of our big ones yes i stopped in and um so since brian was free um at one point he goes to this location. He's like, because he was doing them from the venue. And it was so fucking loud. And I'm like, and it was right before we're about to go live.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I'm like, dude, what the fuck's wrong with you? You picked the worst location in the world. He goes, you'll never believe where I am. And I go, where? He goes, I'm in the area that the CrossFit Games has set up for people to do podcasts. And I go, well, is anyone else there doing podcasts? It's unbelievably loud. He goes, no, I'm the only one. And there was like 12 tables or six tables or something, this huge area. But they put it in Vendor Village, which made it completely unusable. It was like an echo chamber.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And we didn't do the podcast from there. Brian went outside and just sat on a step or something. But yes, so that's cool. Are you suggesting that your location where you said your podcast is has the acoustics it does it will be it'll be better than that yeah we're outside we're outside too that that being inside that's probably made it tough i didn't even see where that was actually it was a good idea it's a great idea it is it is like that um media you know we started that as like a media center idea we'll see where we get we'd like to build the desk for you know people you know uh the broadcast to be live from between workouts and a spot for people like yourselves to go live so it'd be fun do you think i could do you have any good coffee vendors there we always do um you know it's it's been different every year like we've had you know black rifles been i think you know uh good dudes has come uh before i think they're coming back dan has a coffee
Starting point is 00:31:01 company now god's country i'm sure they came to another event. I think they're coming or should be there. He was at Granite Games, yeah. Dan doesn't even drink coffee. Oh, he does. He does now? Well, yeah, he was involved in Good Dudes. And then, you know, he then started— But I don't think he drank it when he was involved with Good Dudes, did he?
Starting point is 00:31:19 He's a coffee drinker. All right, if you say so. Yeah. I'll take your word for it. Okay, so the teen division there so the the granite games are january 12th through the 16th in the uh waterpalooza what did i say granite games jesus do you do the granite games we do we own the granite games yeah and and is waterpalooza the next event event coming up on your schedule?
Starting point is 00:31:45 On mine, yeah. Rogue is next, obviously, on the calendar. And you don't own the Rogue one, right? Imagine if I would have said the Rogue one. I know he doesn't, Brian. I know he doesn't. When's Madrid? What?
Starting point is 00:31:57 Madrid is in mid-October, second weekend in October. We do own that. So that's the next one, I think. That's our next one our local partner is uh running that this year we're supporting um a little from afar i i'm planning on going see what happens with travel um so it's i imagine it's gonna be almost exclusively europeans this year it is you know funny enough uh some americans have qualified it's not really there's some elite athletes competing like zach george is competing i think adrian winweiler like some guys
Starting point is 00:32:33 you know there's like a small amount of prize money and they've competed at some stuff in spain in the past but no big competitors are going but some i say, like, semifinal or quarterfinal level athletes are qualified, you know, from the USA. Yeah, I think a bunch of new travel restrictions just came down coming out of Europe, too. I think I saw yesterday. I mean, it's like, you know, we were looking at it. I mean, the last thing
Starting point is 00:33:00 I need is to get stuck somewhere, so that's kind of where I'm at this point. Oh, you mean, like, go to Madrid and not be able to come back? Yeah, I mean you've heard some stories about that from the first round of COVID, right? I mean, I think we're probably a little better equipped to handle the whole shebango now, but
Starting point is 00:33:15 I'm not interested in being stuck in Europe for three months. I have a close friend whose father was stuck in the Philippines for 14 months. For arms dealing, drug dealing, or COVID? Because of COVID response protocols and restrictions. Oh, my goodness. That's a costly one-week vacation.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Buy a house and stay for a while. He got married twice and had three venereal diseases holy cow oh my god 14 months in the philippines oh i love that the number one thought on your mind with the philippines is he got venereal disease there we go i mean i just it's just because it's a mixture of someone that Brian knows in the Philippines, and I put those two together, and I just get venereal. We had someone on a couple weeks ago. They were from West Virginia, and he's like, wait, so your dad is your cousin?
Starting point is 00:34:20 So I'm so glad I messed up calling it the Granite Games and that that's your event because that makes perfect sense. This is when Ryan's really happy. His face is on the screen. So Wadapalooza, the online qualifier starts in October. Is anyone just automatically in or does everyone have to go through the order, the protocol? You have to register for and do the qualifying workouts there are divisions you can register for that don't have qualifying criteria other than that you did the qualifier so that sounds confusing there's you know elite rx intermediate there's like we have 40 divisions you know masters every age bracket adaptive we're
Starting point is 00:35:06 the first to do adaptive um and you know it's a big piece of what we do so like there's there's um qualifying spots to all these divisions and then there's these uh beginner um in scaled categories that we don't uh necessarily have qualify for. We have people sign up for that after, but they have to have participated in the qualifier. And that's first come first serve is my point. Okay. But, but, but basically like, like there's some great CrossFitters out there. Let's say Pat Valner, for instance, he still has to qualify.
Starting point is 00:35:39 No, no, no. We'll invite a, we set some criteria for invites. So there's, you know, games finished this year, podiums at the games historically wins, you know, finishes at other larger scale events like Dubai semifinals. We try to take that professional group and not require those bigger name athletes to qualify. This is really what it is. So there always is a huge group. And some of them choose to go team too, by the way. So there's an elite team category and elite individual teams of three males or three females. So we invite probably.
Starting point is 00:36:28 You guys are bringing that back this year. We're going to go back to our roots. Yeah. It's the reason, the reason we went the other way was because we had qualifying spots for the games, you know, so we just, we're going back to that and everybody loves it.
Starting point is 00:36:40 The response has been incredible. Like, thank God we're going back. And, but so you'll see some really cool super teams. We'll put some. It was impressive. I was doing something for Kristen one time and I was looking at like the last time there was teams of three there.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And I mean, I was getting into the 20s and there were still games athletes on teams at that competition. It's like you'll see teams of, you know, multiple winners on a team from the games. It's wild. That's really fun. We're going to put a – our prize isn't announced, so, you know, I don't want to give Dylan and Arjun to announce it here, but we're going to have a massive prize post this year. You know, we're going to be really – nobody's going to be competitive with Rogue,
Starting point is 00:37:24 but we're going to be competitive with nobody's going to be competitive with Rogue, but we're going to be competitive with Dubai and with our prize purse this year. So there's a huge earning opportunity for athletes. And then what happens after Guadalupalooza? What's your next event after that? Semifinals. So it would be West Coast Classic and Granite Games, you know, whatever is a part of the semifinal season,
Starting point is 00:37:47 which would be announced October 1st. So we're still working on that. So those two events are affiliated. Go ahead, Brian. Can I ask a question? When you're talking about seeing competitive prize purses, are you more interested or excited in the prizes, the prizes for the top one, two, three increasing, or are you more interested in paying out more positions or the ability to pay
Starting point is 00:38:12 out more positions? We've traditionally paid what I would consider reasonably deep, especially for an off season event, 20 deep. So, um, yeah, we try to scale everything accordingly, but we do, um, we do put a lot of weight on the podium. So the, the, the podium will be incredibly significant this year. We, when I, when I got there, the top prize was 25,000. Um, you know, I think, you know, our first year we got it to like 35, it was 50 and 20, 20. Um, and I think our first year we got it to $35,000. It was $50,000 in 2020. I think the first prize will be close to double that this year. The podium will be a significant earning opportunity for sure, like a year's living. What have the main factors been in allowing that growth?
Starting point is 00:39:05 It's a give-back policy that we have. It's like a forward investment growth thing where it's, you know, we want to continue to grow that event, bring more people to Miami, get more people on the floor. And when we're successful, it's important that we give back to the athletes. The athletes are who we are at our core. We really are an athlete-first organization. It's money where your mouth is. We've always preached that. We want to continue to drive the sport forward.
Starting point is 00:39:40 The games is the beacon. They give away the most prize money. It's awesome. It rogues coming in hot. And we want to get to those type of numbers over time. So anytime we can, we're going to push. Are you going to have some of the other competitions, the strongman, the weightlifting, anything new this year? Yeah, so we're working on – we have a weightlifting competition.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's like a bracket style weightlifting competition. We've traditionally done, uh, we've partnered with Spencer Arnold on that year. You know, he had a lot of success at the Olympics this year. Um, I don't know. Partnered with who? Say that person's name again. Spencer Arnold. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And he had, I think, multiple medalists at the Olympics this year. Catherine Nye got a civil medal as an athlete at his, Harrison Marius, I think is his name. Maybe he finished fifth, but he's, you know, stepped out as one of the elite coaches in weightlifting in the USA. So I don't know where we're at with him, but we've actually started to work on and would love to have a a significant amount of people just do a traditional weightlifting meet so that's in the works i'm hoping it comes together um hey that's pretty cool by the way we did like a little exhibition there were probably like 15 of us who competed or participated in it and i did it it was
Starting point is 00:41:00 my only time i've really done that format and it put a different perspective it gave me a different perspective on weightlifting so that would be awesome if you made that available to like more just the public we would love to do it um in a different way you know i i think like one of the only and i think a lot of feedback comes and guys like matt have lifted their whole life you know you know um they lift you know this individual is lifting, you know, for 12 hours and there's all this cat and mouse. And we want to maybe put, you know, 10 people from a division on a floor kind of like they do at the games and just have people lift, you know, and then, you know, create some excitement. And I would love a USA Weightlifting to sanction something like that and take a new look. I think it would speak to their growth because a lot of their growth has come from this crowd you know um and and they like all of it
Starting point is 00:41:50 yeah and funny enough like i i actually really like that they give a lot of credit to that um there's a lot of people that wouldn't they um they don't hold any punches there they immediately talk about how crossfit has taken them to the next level so it's probably done that for every sport to tell you the truth like every like every sport it's probably injected into badminton to that thing that brian does where you throw the plastic around all of it has been changed by by crossfit because people are fitter and they want to express their fitness right it is interesting i've I've been able to start to do some work here and there and some other sports and golf being one of them. Jiu-Jitsu, I bet you, has been, I bet you a ton of CrossFitters have switched to the martial arts.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Well, a lot of people in UFC do some CrossFit, you know. So, like, there's a kid, one of one of my favorite fighters michael chandler is a you know is a crossfitter you know he does quite a bit of it and uh you know there's still a lot of those guys will reach out to matt like he hears from some of those guys you know how should i train give me some workouts um but yeah that um i really i we are very intent on looking at ways to bring more sports to that event is the answer, Brian. Over time, this year is like a unique year. Like I was really bullish on adding a thousand weightlifters, bringing MMA. I wanted to have a fight night.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Just like start to really, you know, bring more festival to it. And COVID is uniquely still stepping on our throats where we have to be a little cautious um kind of stick to our roots uh we're going to be good we've met with the city it's outdoors but you know i'm hearing that biden is going to drop some sort of you know uh covid vaccination sanction on any event or a certain amount of people inside or out moving forward apparently this week so he dropped something today did you see what he dropped today that's what is that what it is i didn't see it i didn't see anything about events i'm sure it's in the small print but he basically i think the big one was is that if you're if you're a business and
Starting point is 00:43:59 you have more than 100 employees you basically have to get everyone vaccinated or they have to test negative once a week which basically in a nutshell is going to force i think businesses with over 100 people to mandate um people get vaccinated because who the fuck wants to build an infrastructure within their company that's also like a medical you have to have a little hospital there to test 100 people a week right we're doing it um loud and live is testing twice a week right now for the the employees there yeah yeah it's it's um just you know everybody's experiencing covid in their office so we've gone to twice a week tuesday and thursday there's mandatory testing if you're in the office if you vaccinated or not by the way yeah so we just have had a had some of it floating around so we you
Starting point is 00:44:49 know um we've gone that route but yeah so that what he dropped includes events apparently i've got a read up on it so who knows what it means but the chaos continues, maybe I won't even be allowed at your event. Well, you can test. We can give you a PCR. Oh, if you did it personally for me, that would make me feel safe. I'm going to leave that there just so it doesn't go somewhere else. Matt, thanks for your time. Awesome. It's great to catch up with you guys.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yeah, that was good. That's great having you on. Basically, after we kick you off here, Brian's going to give his list of the 10 all-time best CrossFitters, the revised edition. We've had to revise it since the CrossFit Games this year, and since I heard you
Starting point is 00:45:40 sent a check for $50,000 to get some of your people up to the top of the list. I got to tune in for this one. I read Brian's article, so I might know who's going to be at the top of his list. That article did make it your way, huh? I did. I did read it, yeah. I don't know anything from you.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I haven't put too much out since the games. I've been hibernating a bit hey you know uh okie a lot of people ask me what's going on with the josh matt and seven podcast and i always just respond i don't know maybe you're the person i should ask what's going on with my podcast with matt and josh is that thing dead or is that thing still alive do you have any idea i asked the same i asked the same question last night and it was just like uh yeah just a little just a little break right now. Yeah. That's what I mean. Yeah. Like we, like, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:29 We don't know. Let's bring it, let's bring it back to life down in Miami. Yeah. Good. That's a good, so that's a little long. I'd like to do maybe one or two in between that, uh, now and then, but, uh, you can prep the people for a bit. Like let's get like 20 guests lined up. I mean, the one thing about that event, and I know you're trying to get rid of me, but the one thing about that event that is the most fun is it's sort of NBA all-star-esque. Like, everybody who competes, everybody who doesn't compete comes.
Starting point is 00:47:01 So, like, Matt's there. Annie was there. Kat, like, all these, you know, Brent, Pat didn't even compete last, like matt's there annie was there cat like like all these you know brent pat didn't even compete last like one one year not he competed last time they're they all come down and just chill and and roam around do stuff for their sponsors so there's always a lot of cool people roaming around to interview so that's another reason to come yeah that is great and i think the show would be much better if we did the interviews live hey Brian we could talk O'Keefe do you have another 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:47:26 yeah you do Brian we could just change the title of the show and push off this top 10 thing for another day do you want to pick O'Keefe's brain for another 20 minutes I'm cool with it either way you game okay or do you just want to drop your top 10
Starting point is 00:47:46 another person can be here to critique you. No, I mean, I like to do those when we can have Hobart on, but he was unavailable tonight. It turns out, I think, for the better because we got you. Ouch. Did you hear that? More rare. I hope Hobart heard that. I hope Hobart heard that. I hope Hobart heard that.
Starting point is 00:48:05 We might end up with both is what I'm saying. So why are – so the Granite Games and the West Coast Classic are both pathways to the CrossFit Games. They are. But Wadapalooza is not. And for one of the most obvious reasons is is the um the time right because the events that are the pathway to the crossfit games have to happen after the open is that correct am i thinking correctly yeah so they're all slotted in that whatever may june area on the calendar so it just doesn't fit like we could not we were actually with covid
Starting point is 00:48:45 gonna try to do one year of this thing in may and and thankfully not like it's just too hot and rainy and it's like it doesn't work january is perfect in miami do you wish there was some way do you like wadapalooza being its own, its own thing outside of the, the, the CrossFit game circus, or do you wish there was some way to get it in the loop with your other events? The Granite Games and the West Coast Classic. I think, I think that I would love for it to be a part of,
Starting point is 00:49:17 you know, something in a, in the system for sure. Like I don't, I mean, I don't, it's one of those events that is such a, its own happening that, and thing that there's not stress on where it sits.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And people love it. And it's really the everyday, everyday athletes mark on their calendar. It's their Super Bowl. So, you know, whether it is or isn't, isn't a stress point, but it would be a really nice to to have scenario where we're all linked together and you know i think you know there's a day and a time and a place that that happens where there's something that links that stuff in it's just on an odd place on the calendar it's like hard to say that plays a significant role in a season that you know you as an organization want to be open and shut February
Starting point is 00:50:05 to August right which I can understand too so um yeah but I'd love for it to have uh greater significance with other things I do really love that we have events in the season too right like I love being a part of those those were really really fun this year. What I really am excited about with those events is adding to them and allowing those to be bigger events for others that aren't even competing in the semifinal. But those semifinals to be more waterpalooza-esque, like there's, you know, 25 divisions competing. The broadcast, you just see kind of that elite division, but there's more going on at those events. Podcasts, you just see kind of that elite division, but there's more going on at those events. I'm going to give you two kind of stories here. When you show up to a hotel, if you bring a stack of 20s with you, like you bring $500 in 20s, and every person you run into, you give a $20 bill, there becomes a point when the hotel starts to feel like it's working for you. So you pull up in your car and you give the guy who opens your door 20, then you give the guy who's like in the back, getting your luggage out at 20. Then you give
Starting point is 00:51:12 the bellman at 20. Then you give the person at the desk at 20. And you're basically, let's say you're staying there two weeks. And basically within the, you give out $500 and $20 bills in your first, you know, 24 hours of being there, and the hotel starts really humming for you. And I know a lot of people haven't been in hotels that are those kind of hotels, but they're all over the place. you are, let's say a drug cartel there that's against the that's illegal, but you have more money than the government, you can do things like what happened
Starting point is 00:51:50 in Mexico. Basically what happened is the army came to shut down the cartel and the cartel told them to go away and the army went away. Do you remember that? That was like a year ago. And basically what you see here is just basic economics, right? Whoever has the money is like they're kind of running the show because money is human energy, right?
Starting point is 00:52:11 Like if you sent me $100, like I would say anything on my podcast for you. Of course I'm coming to Wadapalooza. It's the greatest event in the history of the world. Like you can buy my mouth, my human energy to do stuff for you, right? You can buy my mouth, my human energy to do stuff for you, right? So what is giving CrossFit the – the CrossFit games are the pinnacle of the sport. They claim to crown the fittest person in the world. Is it just the prize money that allows them that? No.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Is it the people who go there? Like, what if next year Matt decides to come back, but he just participates in Wadapalooza and wins Wadapalooza, but doesn't go to the CrossFit Games? Everyone's going to be like, whoa, whoa, what the fuck? Then it's going to put a kink in the armor of whoever wins the CrossFit Games, everyone's going to be like, whoa, whoa, what the fuck? Then it's going to put a kink in the armor of whoever wins the CrossFit Games. It's going to do something weird to the event.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Right? I mean, it would do something weird to me. I'd be like, wait, so now we have this guy who was the Five-Sides Champion who came back. Well, what if Ben Smith beats Justin Medeiros at Rogue this year?
Starting point is 00:53:23 And then doesn't compete at the Games? He didn't compete at the Games this year. He didn't qualify, yeah. He tried. He didn't make it. I mean, the pundits would start speaking. I mean, there would be some... But before... That's good, Brian. Before we go too much further, do you...
Starting point is 00:53:40 What makes... Like, are we just waiting for someone to come up with bigger prize money? Like, is there a fight for which event is the crown jewel, the one that you want to win? It's a really good question, and I think you can look at a lot of sport history. Let's say that action happened where somebody tried to stake claim to being the platform where you should test to be the best, which nobody else in the space is doing right now. Like, you know, Bill and Katie aren't saying this is the world championship. They're saying we're putting on a really cool showcase and test and giving a lot of prize money. We are at Wazza, too. Like we don't we have people who win waterpalooza
Starting point is 00:54:25 that don't podium at the game sometimes right so that is um yeah i mean i mean you've been a part of it so long you can understand it's it's it's tribal right like it's uh that the link to the affiliate and the system and you know the allure of crossfit um is a thing right like i think that you know people like it's look at how people are licensing events globally those events are particularly in other countries and regions are super successful because they're a crossfit event i think there's more um opportunity in the United States to be independent and still have success. It's just a different market. Not to say you wouldn't want to be a part of that, but I think the license carries a lot of weight in other markets, a ton of weight.
Starting point is 00:55:20 CrossFit's done an incredible job marketing the whole idea of that being the only real test for the fittest. Like, you know, Dave has the formula. You know, that's a really hard thing to ever challenge or fight if you ever wanted to. I don't, you know, I think that that, like, you know, could I go and say, here, take this scenario. Waterpalooza is a million dollars to the winner. You know, $500,000 to second and $250,000 to third for men and women. I don't think if, you know, unless we decided to, like, reformat this and make it 15 workouts and try to look and smell and feel like the games, anybody, you know, and then the density of the field, you know, comes that anybody's going to say that that's, you know, the density of the field you know comes that anybody's going to say that that's you know the best of the best and even in year one whoever won that event
Starting point is 00:56:10 um it still would be like i don't know like i would i would make the analogy to golf so golf did this thing called the fedex cup it's what they do now to crown their season super bowl champion of golf really um for the first three years it was like what are they doing like this is a disaster like they've screwed this whole system up of how they like to find the best and now it's i mean i'm a huge golf fan but it's it fits it's like the super bowl the stanley cup you know the the world series you know all and then it's the fedex cup like they made it happen right and that's like seven just you know it's you win 15 million if you win the fedex cup if you win a regular if you win a win a regular major in golf it's like two to three
Starting point is 00:56:56 million so if you get your ball in the hole i think you get the 15 mil better than the other guys wow yeah that's a that's a complex question. I think it's hard. Hey, let me follow up with this a little bit since you brought up Bill and Katie. Do you know Bill Henninger? I do. And so I guess I'll go out on a limb here and say I know him too. And I would guess that Bill would never say that the rogue invitational, it would never come out of his mouth that the rogue,
Starting point is 00:57:39 and I'm just guessing, this is pure speculation from the fact that I know him. It's kind of hard for me to say that. It's a little bit of an exaggeration. That would never come out of his mouth that the rogue invitational crowned the fittest. But he would do it until – I could see him doing it until it came out of everyone else's mouth. Do you know what I mean? else's mouth like do you know what i mean like like i can see rogue the kind of man he is he's gonna let his he's gonna let his work speak for himself speak for itself and i and and the reason why i bring all this up is i'm sure you hear this too the rumbling is is like hey there becomes a
Starting point is 00:58:17 point where the athletes are like hey what can i do that makes me the most money and i know that sounds shallow i don't mean to paint the athletes money? And I know that sounds shallow. I don't mean to paint the athletes in a shallow way like that. It's actually more eloquent than that. They want the perfect season for them to express their art of participating and becoming the fittest human being alive. And what does it mean to get the right sponsors and to be at the right events and to peak properly?
Starting point is 00:58:41 And people are exploring that now, right? I mean, you know that probably better than me, right? People are exploring, hey, what would a season look like without me doing the games? Could I still get good sponsors and money and blah, blah, blah? buy in watafusa i i certainly think that you'll see people focus a lot of energy on that from a peaking perspective knowing what we know about the sport is it could be very hard physically to be what you need to be in august if you want to be you know at your best in this you know october december and january so um that's it that's the interesting thing, the whole idea of building this cohesive touring system or multiple event approach. What's the right amount of volume? I've always described these guys as prize fighters.
Starting point is 00:59:36 You can get punched in the face a couple times a year, right? So it's hard to define that when you talk about Bill too, like one of the, Bill's amazing and been really good to me and our organization. And I've learned a lot from just talking to him, you know, occasionally. And what he's so good at is that he's, you know, very honed in on what he does for Rogue and CrossFit, too. He's such a CrossFit games fan and flag waver. But he is – I mean, I don't think Bill's focused on really anything except really doing right by people that go to work every day for him
Starting point is 01:00:21 and people that he partners with. He just does the next right thing all the time. That's, you know, that's the best way I could describe him, honestly. And, you know, and that's athletes are such a huge part of that. And to see what he brought out this year was like, oh, it makes perfect sense. Bill, like, always does more in over the top for the athletes. And that's what that's about this year that's not about anything else it's like how can i build a sick platform that you know rogue's really proud of and the athletes have a serious opportunity to earn it's he's uh he's awesome bill and katie
Starting point is 01:00:57 are amazing like they they the uh every one of those kids should be insanely grateful that they are part of this they are amazing they're fucking they're a part of this. They are amazing. They're fucking up by not coming on this podcast. But other than that, they are like damn near perfect. They are damn near perfect. I agree. It's amazing. When did you start popping onto the CrossFit scene, Matt?
Starting point is 01:01:28 2013. Okay. So they were kind of around already but i i i remember when katie won the games and i went out and visited the gym and it was just like it was it was nuts there was like he was just he was just an affiliate he was just an affiliate owner i think he's was a Marine, right? He was a Marine rubbing two nickels together running an affiliate. And the guy has no quit in him. He has a work ethic that's like… Relentless. He has it. She has it.
Starting point is 01:01:55 They're just… They got the secret sauce. That's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. And that is true that she did have it. Did she ever go to the WNBA? She was drafted, right?
Starting point is 01:02:04 She played. She did play. And that is true that she did have it. Did she ever go to the WNBA? She was drafted, right? She played. She did play. She's a, you know, I've read a little on it, but she's a, I think she's Ohio State, a Hall of Fame. Like arguably the best player to ever come out of there. Like she's a stud. Have you ever seen her play? I have not.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I have worked out with her and that's a humbling experience she'd kick your ass in a workout and like you know workouts that were good for me with rowing and things like that she's fit i i one time we went out and filmed with her i don't know if it's 2008 or 9 or 10 when it was but there was a basketball hoop set up in in a gym that just had tons of shit in it right like boxes and beams and there was no place to play basketball, but there was a hoop set up in there, and she could make the ball from anywhere, over boxes, over beams, behind her with her eyes closed.
Starting point is 01:02:51 It was nuts. She's like Harlem Globetrotters good. It was crazy. Maybe that's why they don't let her play in that game. The knockout tournament. Oh, no one would stand a chance. She's not even like a – she's like, it's not even. Dave has, she's on the blacklist.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yeah. Never invite to knockout tournament. Have you ever played in that, Simone? I played at his house with just me and him and his nephew and the boxer, Robert Guerrero, we played. Oh, nice. and the four of us and um and we played so much that the next day my shoulder was injured and that's that's like when you're talking about the beginning show about being old like who would have ever thought if you would have asked me 10 years ago hey can you hurt your shoulder playing basketball i would
Starting point is 01:03:38 be like no what are you fucking crazy it's a four pound ball or whatever but the next morning i woke up and my shoulder like didn't work really yeah it's like that's what it's like four pound ball or whatever but the next morning i woke up and my shoulder like didn't work really yeah it's like that's what it's like being 49 i don't know i don't know what you were doing but you were doing it wrong i guess so i guess so i guess just when you're 49 you can't push a four pound ball without you know 500 times just cold oh yeah look there's bill and katie hey have you been to bill's ranch in texas i have not no man but you've seen the pictures looks amazing and you want to be invited you're like me you've seen the pictures and you want to be invited who doesn't that's about it for our similarities matt
Starting point is 01:04:18 those are the only two things we haven't said you're vaccinated i'm not you talk to matt i don't you know when the podcast is gonna happen i don't but we both want to go to the bill henniger ranch we both do we'll go together we'll just show up and knock jason hopper um when you take on a new client like that um are you invigorated like tell me are you invigorated like okay like does me, are you invigorated? Like, okay. I am. Like, does your agent mind start firing up? Oh, my God, this guy's going to be perfect.
Starting point is 01:04:50 He's going to have his own kid show, and he's going to be on a box of crackers, and I can't wait to get him lined up with this. Like, how does that work? How does he invigorate you, inspire you? Yeah, I mean, anybody. Like, we work with Justin, too. Like, you know, any type of opportunity is a ball of clay, especially when they're that new and clean in terms of, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:12 they haven't really done any endorsement deals. You know, I feel like I, you know, I have a really good formula with that, you know? So I think it's, it's exciting to get somebody that early and be able to help them build their brand, you know, and, you know so i think it's um it's exciting to get somebody that early and be able to help them build their brand you know and you know the right mix to concentrate on athletics and um you know sort of progress that way because i think it can get really like i know it's super overwhelming overwhelming to be successful alone on the floor and then to have five or six or eight sponsors
Starting point is 01:05:45 all overnight because that's like you know in your mind what you should do like is an immense amount of pressure so you know and i've seen it play out with different athletes throughout time so i just i like you know getting in the protective mode and digging in and then helping them concentrate on what is really going to help them be super successful the next, you know, seven or eight years. It's a ton of fun. It's what really lights my fire. We were talking to him. I think it's good for him to have someone like you.
Starting point is 01:06:15 You know, this year is tough for him. He was working to create opportunities for himself. Now he has an abundance of opportunities, and it's hard to know what to do, how much to do, when to do it. And I told him, I said, like, you know know this is a good year for you to experience things and then you know see make your decisions for this year talk to whoever and and go through with it but if you don't see the changes that you wanted to see from year one to year two making those choices then you really have to focus in and say okay what do i want this year to look like from two to three to make sure that I'm actually getting where I want to go?
Starting point is 01:06:48 Well, you know, we might be looking to hire a student, Brian, so you should put your hand in the hat. Get your fucking hands off of him. Get your fucking hands off of Moki. It's so on point. Can I just say something real quick? Real quick.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Before we invited you, we invited Noah Olson on the show today. So this is one of those shows where someone's supposed to just come on for 15 to 30 minutes, and then we go on with the show. It's like a format I wanted to play with. We did it with Colton Mertens, and you're our second time trying to do it. And first we invited Noah Olson, and he responded with, Hey, can I let you guys know tomorrow? So then the producer, Matt Sousa, is like, all right, who's next?
Starting point is 01:07:28 I go, see if you can get O'Keefe to commit a little more than Noah. But no one told Noah no. And so just now he just texted us. He goes, is it time to come on the show? So what should I text him back? Should I text him back the link for the show? The show's live. Or should I be like, no, sorry, buddy.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I love you. You were our first choice, but you got like like tell me you found somebody younger and prettier yeah sorry um we have to reschedule we replaced you with o'keefe with O'Keefe. Brian, what you were saying is on point. I think the goal is, especially with a guy like him, it was Matt, when Pat came on, and Justin, and Jason,
Starting point is 01:08:22 is how do you create the opportunity for them to be able to train confidently full-time you know feel like they're you know capitalizing earning progressing on the business side but not have really a whole lot to worry about on the business side and because that that part is like you know that's a foreign language to a lot of those guys just like you know it's why you know it doesn't matter if it's me or not that you know anyone who you know has designs on success should get help you know it's just but yeah he um but what's special about him or what's special about madaris like like i so so you had matt and you had this playbook for matt and then like and you and you in i'm not saying playbook like you punched him into some fucking mechanical model my play my playbook was matt with matt was uh get with matt
Starting point is 01:09:10 and then just you know win five crossfit games and i'll be here to help you buddy so and and and it's it's an it's an art form right because you are um it's an it's an art form you're you're you're you're pushing you're pushing your rat through the maze, and you want your rat to get to the cheese. And so now you have these two other guys, but you already have one successful rat you've pushed through the maze. I should probably use a better metaphor just because the word rat is so bad. And it's cool, and you've done an amazing job. Is it – sorry, I i'm gonna shift questions is any part of you bored with it or lazy about it not at all i'm just gonna plug hopper in here get he'll be on a wheaties box
Starting point is 01:09:56 just like matt was and madaris i'll get him the ford deal and now just go back to doing blow on a yacht in miami that's a good question because I feel like that's been my biggest attraction to sports marketing is being a disruptor and a differentiator. You know, it's like the whole like Jerry Maguire thing. It's like, you know, being different and personal and businesses personal. But it really is for me. So it's super easy and it's fun because it is like it's you know building a relationship with someone you know my goal is like you know when they're 40 and they have their kids and their family and they can look back and i had a impact on their life and the success later
Starting point is 01:10:36 in life i just i i mean i could do this on repeat for the rest of my life and be very happy. Like it's, it's like to speak to that, like Jason knew Justin last year knew it's it's exciting, you know, to be a part of that and know that, you know what that can look like. And, you know, Justin Medeiros could be retiring in eight years, a wealthy man. And we could, you know, have been a small part of that. And it's super fun and exciting. And by the way, like you're talking about like oh the weedy box and gram here and rogue there that that um that one of the most exciting pieces is finding the right fits for each of them um you know what who what brand is gonna you know not only there's a financial end of it but it's you know, like Jason wanted to be with,
Starting point is 01:11:25 with a Nike, for instance, he grew up, he played college football or the swoosh and, you know, to be able to realize that with him, you know, like, it's probably, we have a great relationship, but, you know, I'm sure a lot of my, my love, his love of me come, like, I'm attached to that with him now, right. Forever. It's like, I'm a Nike athlete, you know, maybe people don't relate to that, but if, if you're a kid with that, like the biggest brand in sport history now is paying Jason Hopper, you know, to market them, that's a really big deal with some people. So, um, those right fits are really fun. And there's like super cool brands that are,
Starting point is 01:12:04 um, huge goals of these kids like rogue's a big goal for for these guys you know uh a lot of them like that you know another cool thing bill and katie have done is just you know people that they associate with as you know rogue athletes um that's a huge badge of honor you know so yeah i mean it's exciting do you ever do that? Like one of your athletes wouldn't get invited to rogue and you call Bill up and you're like, yo,
Starting point is 01:12:31 how about, how about, how about an invitation? Have an invitation for a hopper. I know he took 27th at the games. He didn't. He took what? 19th.
Starting point is 01:12:39 He's going, he's going, he's going to rogue. Did you have, did you have to swing a deal for that? Did you have to call in a favor to Bill and Katie katie that that's not how it works with those guys you can try that if you want but that's not you know there's not going to be a positive response nor what like i don't do that like i i think it's um i'll tell you like you press where you when you're when
Starting point is 01:13:00 you're passionate about it i don't ask for favors that's not that's not a good way to live your life you know do me a favor you know you owe me one i don't do that they don't do that to me i don't do that to them i don't really do that to anybody so like in the grand scheme of things everything makes sense that happens and do you push on things at times sure but it's because you're passionate about it and believe it it's you know the favor network is bullshit like that stuff isn't there's no longevity in a favor you know they like some people say like oh that's an opportunity he'll get on the floor and win the event um yeah i you know everything's earned i like it so as opposed to you like i'm calling us and being
Starting point is 01:13:43 like hey my brother just got out of jail. He's really down. Would you have him on the podcast and do me a favor? Instead of doing that, you might be, yeah, you're right. That doesn't work. Instead, you might be like, hey, dude, my brother's got this amazing story. He just got out of jail. He was convicted wrongly for robbing 35 banks.
Starting point is 01:14:02 He only robbed 32. Do you want to have him on? And I'd be like, holy shit. Now I owe you a favor. That's it. That's some high, that's some high test sales right there.
Starting point is 01:14:11 You're, you're ready. Matt, when, if someone like Jason, you know, has the opportunity to compete at rogue, I'm sure we'd have the opportunity to compete at water Palooza if he wanted
Starting point is 01:14:21 to. And he's trying to decide, should I do one? Should I do the other? Should I do both? Should I do the other? Should I do both? Should I do neither? How much are you involved in that? Do they come to you to ask about that?
Starting point is 01:14:30 Do you care what they do? I have different relationships with different athletes. I'm in a circle with some of them on that side. What do you think? It's interesting. When I lived my life as you know sort of matt's plus one in competition there was a lot less of that if any right because i think a lot of people and they respected it and it was communicated and very upfront but it's like you're
Starting point is 01:14:56 with matt when it comes to competition do a great job for me on business we're going to keep that line in the sand now there's more of that you know um you know oh i don't know if that's true matt i feel like matt's like i feel like if i don't know i want to push back on that i think if matt's going to change his toilet paper brand at his house he asked you if he's going to switch from charmin two ply to three ply you're missing what I said. Oh, okay, okay, okay. I was saying that less people in my tribe were asking me competitive advice when I was so linked to Matt competitively because I was Matt's coach in competition. It was a respect thing. On the female side, that was different.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Instead, they were all asking then, hey, is Fraser showing up to that one? That's right. But no, yeah, yeah. Certainly Brian, like at times. And, uh, I mean, I just like, whatever, whatever anybody needs. Um, I think I have a unique perspective on the sport. Like I, you know, I don't, I'm not a programmer or a coach. I've watched enough of it and been around enough of these guys that I can give them a strong opinion on what I think is right and wrong. Some of them like to compete a lot and it's the right answer. Like, you know, because of what their real goal is,
Starting point is 01:16:17 but to speak what you were talking about before, some people want to make hay in the off season, you know? Okay. If you're a gambling man right i mean i like to play table games occasionally and maybe gamble on the golf course a little here and there depending but i'm very confident on the golf course so that's not gambling i gotta maybe we'll do a little uh a little uh rogue invitational wager i got got an idea. I'll run it by you. Well, we were doing... Full disclosure here to all the listeners,
Starting point is 01:16:50 all three of you. We were... We were wagering on who would win, predicting who would win workouts at West Coast Classic. And we were doing a pretty good job of that. Who, you and Brian? Yeah. predicting who would win workouts at West Coast Classic. We were doing a pretty good job of that.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Who, you and Brian? Yeah. Matt got in the mix. Hopper got in the mix. Then there was one workout where we were all wrong. We all thought Dallin was going to crush this one workout. It was his worst workout.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Who's going to win? Jacob or Josh? Matt? In the fight? Josh. He is. I like both those guys. I'm good friends with Josh. Sorry, Jacob. I'm a homer for Josh for sure.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Josh is a really good friend of mine. And, but I think, you know, I mean, Josh is a warrior. How do you fuck with that? Well, that's true. That's true in the most real sense. Right. I mean, that's not even just like romanticizing him. He was a professional warrior. I mean, he's got fight in him that is at a level that none of us can relate to. So, yeah, I don't, I don't, yeah, I mean. He flies tomorrow or is it tonight?
Starting point is 01:18:16 He must be so happy about going to the Middle East again. I, you know, I honestly, he's, he's really good with good with it he probably he's just a super dad too he's probably just dreading leaving his kids and other than that he's he's pumped out i don't think i'm gonna get to watch they um i'm really bummed i mean i'm psyched i'm gonna be at pat's wedding but i don't think pat's gonna live stream or fight during the party pat who oh he's not married no no they uh they were supposed to get married but covid canceled it last year so they uh they had the baby and i'm really sure he told you that who me yeah yeah everyone all the podcasts mesh into one i don't even know who we're talking to now. Is this Matt Fraser?
Starting point is 01:19:05 No, Matt O'Keefe. That's awesome. That makes, because I had kids out of wedlock, and that's really, I'm really impressed that he would not be like such a, a lot of people are just like tools, and they just follow the protocol that's been laid out. And I'm really impressed that he was able to blaze his own trail on that. That's really good. I'm psyched.'m going up there saturday night i leave and i'm going on a boat this is really funny actually i'm going on a boat trip with all pat's uh university buddies uh um we rented two
Starting point is 01:19:38 houseboats on this lake that's like i mean it is north like you've never been north in your life like six hours north of vancouver and originally when we were going pat was just busting me on this i was it was matt sammy me brenton and claire were gonna go and now brent's not going brent claire aren't going matt and sammy aren't going so i'm going on this boat trip with Pat and all of his college couple friends. My wife isn't even going to be there because she's coming out Thursday for the wedding. Oh, you're going to feel old as shit. Oh, yeah. And I get this email from Pat like two weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:20:18 And he was like, hey, can you take this test? And I was like, for what? He's like, so you can drive the boat. Oh, shit. Oh oh i get it the silver guy that's 44 years old comes to canada my agent's coming to drive the boat i'm looking on a mat on a mat on a map uh when you say six hours do you, you're going up that. We're going like north of Kelowna, which is where Brent is, I believe. So Brent's in Kelowna, but I think it's like two hours from Kelowna even,
Starting point is 01:20:53 which is four hours from Vancouver. I don't even know where I'm going. So you're going up that thing. I don't even know what that straight is called. Let me see. It's called the Malaspina Straight or the Straight of Georgia. That's what you're going up let me see it's called the malaspina straight or the straight of georgia that's what you're going up you're talking about vancouver canada right yeah so his wedding is on vancouver island just off of vancouver proper but we're going north
Starting point is 01:21:16 for monday tuesday wednesday we're on boats just chilling on a lake And do you sleep on the boat? Oh yeah. They're like 65 foot houseboats and there's like 20 people going. Wow. And you don't know any of them except for Pat and his wife. I just found out. I know one other person, the guy who did the documentaries with, or like the series all in with Tyler. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:42 He's a cool guy. I've met him a couple of times. So he's going, so he's my, uh, dude. Oh, Keith,
Starting point is 01:21:48 you should reinvent yourself on that fucking trip. I should like put on a wig and get like a corn pipe and be like smoking sage and just weird shit and Rosemary and just like, just build this whole, just bring a new man back to my wife. When I just different persona, just try something out just try some jim carrey just see if you can lose your mind on that i mean we should just i'll i'll find some good wi-fi and we'll do a podcast from there and i'll let you watch all the
Starting point is 01:22:14 shenanigans uh yeah well who's the guy who does the um just don't live stream from inside the ropes what's what oh yes yes does o'keefe know that story is that how you got thrown out of the game yes yes day one can you imagine that i didn't i i i didn't know you got thrown out by the way um but if you told me you got thrown out i thought it might have been your you know aggressive which i think justified opinion on certain things but it's nice to hear it wasn't that no and i actually still did all the work i was supposed to do for them and it was respectful of their decision and it worked out you live streamed an event
Starting point is 01:23:02 i don't even know if I'd call it an event. It was a master's event. Oh boy. You are messing with the wrong, wrong group of people in the CrossFit community. We were promoting. We were, Oh man.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Hobart was competing. It was great. And the problem was seven, seven starts asking me all these questions about what's going on in the event, and I can't help myself. I know all the athletes, so I just started talking. Yeah, this guy's in the lead.
Starting point is 01:23:33 This guy's chasing him down. I think this is going to happen. Here's the finish. Boom, boom, boom. And I wasn't thinking at all. I was just responding to Sevan. I basically commentated the event, but it was such a shitty quality video. No one could see anything.
Starting point is 01:23:44 He's like, look, there's James Hobart and it's like this little dot running across the screen. They should have paid us money. Not kick Brian off the team. Oh my god. That's amazing. Good for you. Nuts.
Starting point is 01:24:01 I saw Dylan that night. He saw me sitting there. I was looking all sad and and he's like what's up dude i'm like i got kicked out dylan was like 10 days into getting his like ass kicked at that point we had been there for like a week already doing the athlete check and that was man the games was some kind of beat down this year we we took we did a lot more work than we've ever done at the games and it was i i found a new level of exhaustion after that that was absolute madness it must be a real downer because when i was there doing the behind the scenes i always had breath mints for you do you remember
Starting point is 01:24:37 that i my breath did not smell very good this year i actually had them i thought of you in a moment this year when somebody a good friend said hey you need some gum and i was like you know this used to be taken care of for me every year yeah did you i don't know if i ever told you that brian but i i i don't use listerine strips but it was always my treat at any behind the scenes you had them at the regionals yes i remember and i would be obsessed with them. I would buy like so many packs. And then whenever I used to see Ben Bergeron or Matt O'Keefe, I think you were the only people besides people in my,
Starting point is 01:25:13 in my crew that I shared them with, but I felt like this kinship with them because I would always share them and they would always accept them. And there was something, there was something kind of like, Albany. Okay. And there was always something I felt kind of like I was being naughty by
Starting point is 01:25:27 giving you them to them because like you have to put your finger and slide them out. Like I was doing something illegal, you know, just the way the, the way they're dole those things out. And you like in those times too, like you're fraternizing with like the pigs in the trough, you know, it was like, you know, you don't, you weren't supposed to be associated with us at that time.
Starting point is 01:25:46 But I did. You were amazing. You were the dark characters. That was Carson, Albany. Oh, man. I didn't even know Sivan. My introduction to him was he put a Listerine pack in front of me. Would you like some Listerine?
Starting point is 01:26:02 Would you like a Listerine strip, Mr. O'Keefe? So, you know, do you floss you floss are you avid flosser i do every day yeah yeah i'm pretty whenever i i think that my breath might be bad i just double down on the flossing and there's it always ends up that there was like something back there rotting like you know like some like six ounces of a steak or like if i see like yeah if i see flies like coming in i'm out of my nose like you know more than like two or three times an hour i'm like that's weird maybe i should and like and i feel them like crawling back down into my throat i'm like maybe i should floss seven you should get on hwpo we should start to train you i i'm untrainable i'm a broken i'm a broken old man i only ride
Starting point is 01:26:46 the assault bike and do pull-ups i'm i'm testing some stuff right now like as the old man to see if the volume's too much for another track like a shortened version and uh i am broken right now and it's not the it's not the it's because i hadn't back squatted or front squatted heavy or even significantly at all for years and I'm like in a squat cycle with Matt's program now and I get through it in a lot of time but I'm feeling I I said something in his kitchen last night I'm like I don't know how anybody competes at my age I mean I put my body through hell with sports but like dude i am like to be able to do that volume is crazy to me dude those guys are insane there's there's these people who like do murph like 100 days in a row i'm following this guy on instagram who's done murph 100 days in a
Starting point is 01:27:38 row it's i'm i i is that the kid that used to coach at Reebok? Zayton, the kid who was in St. Thomas? I wish I could remember his name. I think Jordan Samuel also did like 30 straight days of strict Murph or something. Do I have my phone here? Let's see if someone – Savon, your back is fixable. The info out there, stop arguing your limitations. I swear to God I hope you're right.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Thank you, Christian Leon, but I don't think it is my back is like on my basic but do you wake up in the morning stiff o'keefe i don't mean that kind of stiff i mean like like yes i i um my like my calves and achilles are always like they take like a little a little bit of motion to get going. My knees are really good, but my ankles and Achilles. When you take your morning piss, do you put your hand on the wall in front of you? Often. Yeah, that's old man shit. I never did that.
Starting point is 01:28:40 And now I do that. Like if I wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning when I take a piss, I put my hand on the wall. Because like something in my core isn't like warmed up or activated and it just feels like like if i just if i just leaned over too far like my torso would fall off my fucking waist you know what i mean like some lego character i swear to god it feels like that and then and then you know i have a cup of coffee um and i walk around the house i take the trash out open the blinds. I water some plants outside. Next thing I know, I can touch my toes.
Starting point is 01:29:07 No problem. But that first hour is crazy. And basically, I just don't want to risk hurting it. So when I squat, I always do the same squats. I squat with a 40-pound D-ball. Why don't you do a lot of – do you do a lot of burpees? I do a shit ton of burpees. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 01:29:24 I'm on this like 100-a-day thing for a year, which was like the worst decisions I've ever made in my life. Okay. So compared to you, I do not, I grossly exaggerated. I do not do a shit. I do, I do probably a hundred burpees. I'd probably do anywhere from a hundred to 300 burpees a week, but not, and that's a lot. I think 700 a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Yeah. How is that what how it is it is amazing you know part of the reason so now i'm like back doing like more you know weights and some you know olympic lifts and things like that which i love crossfit you know i had just gotten away and done crossfit a little bit more of a bodyweight machine, you know, which is all honestly I feel like I need. But I just got honed in every workout I do essentially has been had a burpee in it some way, shape or form, which, you know, for a CrossFitter that loves CrossFit sucks. Right. Because there's nothing to look forward to. And big old dudes. You got the double whammy. nothing to look forward to you know and big old dudes you got the double whammy burpees are hard for old dudes and big dudes so you like that i but i'm where i'm going with that is is that i've done a lot of burpees this year like i love
Starting point is 01:30:34 burpees now and from a fitness perspective like i love you know getting to the point with them and grinding on them like they're honestly like you don't need anything else like you want to get your heart rate up get stay strong in your core and you know get get you know get after it do 100 burpees or do 10 on the minute for 10 minutes i did that a lot i used to do that that was my go-to drunk as fuck midnight in the hotel room 10 you know 10 on the minute for 10 minutes hot shower that's hard like you try to keep that around like 20 21 seconds for that that like you're you're blasting at the end um is is that so what what time of day do you do those hundred i let i'm at the point now that i'm like so over it that i'm doing like blotches of them. Most days where like, you know, I'll warm up with them, do 20, you know, I'll do something to work
Starting point is 01:31:31 out and I'll finish or like, I'll, you know, some days I'm doing 150 in a workout and the next day, 150, cause I missed a day, you know, um, there it's all over the place. You know, some nights it's like, you know, I still have to do them tonight. I'm going to get off this. I'll do 10 on the minute for 10 minutes tonight. So I can't even really do, like now if I'm going to do 100, let's say I haven't worked out today either and now you kind of inspire me.
Starting point is 01:31:57 If I went in the garage and I was going to do 100 burpees, I would first ride the assault bike for 10 minutes. Because, just lightly, just lightly, like 110 calories or something. Okay. That's spinning. So that's not bad. Yeah. 57 RPMs, 58 RPMs. But, but I can't, if I just broke into a hundred burpees, I like something like once again, I might break in half. Do you have a, you know my kid did a hundred burpees in 441 the other day, Avi?
Starting point is 01:32:27 Stop it. 441. Legit burpees. That's really fast. Yeah. I do that occasionally to, like, see my progress. I don't do that. It's not.
Starting point is 01:32:40 It is not in under five minutes. I promise you that. 91 minutes. I promise you that. 91 minutes. Is there anything you'd like to say to Matt O'Keefe? This is a great 20 minutes. Yeah, thank you. Sorry about that. No, no, that was awesome.
Starting point is 01:32:56 I love it that it's our show and that we probably some people are waiting for the all-time top 10 CrossFit Games competitors, and now we're not going to do it. Shit happens. Just dump it on them and drop the mic. Bam. Nah, nah. Nah, we got to milk that for a show. Don't you dare, Brian. We got to milk that for a show. And Ryan's
Starting point is 01:33:13 like pissed because he got all the slides and shit ready, and now instead he had to listen to us. Bullshit, Matt O'Keefe. This is history. Let's tease it. This is top 10 male and females combined. So what we're going to do is we're going to revise the top 25 or so men, 25 or so women,
Starting point is 01:33:35 because there are some changes after this year, obviously. And then, yes, also do the top 10 combined list. So top 25 of each in history, and then top 10 in history. Mm-hmm. I bet I can write down who your list is. Okay, send it my way, and I'll let you know. When we do the show, we'll pull up O'Keefe's predictions. One, two, and three are easy.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Because you've read my recent article. But I'll have some, you know, I'm sitting on some stats and some thoughts that I haven't shared with anyone really that I'll talk about when I, you know, not just putting out an arbitrary list, like I put a lot of thought and time into it.
Starting point is 01:34:21 There's some current guys that have some hardware. Yeah. There's some, like, you know, guys like, you know, Pat and Brent have, you know, started to put a significant amount of resume together. You know, it's, there's some impressive stuff going on with these careers right now. Who's going to win the games next year, O'Keefe? Tia. Rightia right right right i i don't if she competes i don't know um she i she will i mean she's gonna go hopefully go to the olympics so
Starting point is 01:34:57 she is yeah yeah i mean i think she for bobsled holy shit i think it's going to be a cool story She'd go to the Olympics, come back Go to the CrossFit Games Second time she's done an Olympic Games Double in a year I don't know, on the guy's side I still think Even after this year
Starting point is 01:35:20 I mean, because you can look at this year too And Justin was Insanely good But you can also look at some year, too, and Justin was insanely good. But you can also look at some stuff some other guys did and say, like Pat, if Pat finishes 20th in the swim, he's going into the last workout in the lead. And, you know, that's easy to say, oh, if he just finished 18 places better than he did in that event. But that event was, you know, a lot of that was the paddle for him. It had nothing to do with the swim uniquely funny enough um but i think it's i think it's another year of like
Starting point is 01:35:52 you know there's like six or seven guys in play there you know justin's gonna get better jason's gonna get a lot better justin's not justin's the new matt fraser he's not beatable ah i think i think anybody's beatable. No, no, no. Justin's a great guy. Honestly, he's... Man, what a string he put together this year. That was pretty impressive.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Justin Medeiros and Tia Toomey. Yeah. Well well thank you i don't i don't make the predictions brian does good that's what you should have just opened with instead you had to be like fuck i'm gonna see velner next week at his wedding i better say some nice shit about him i mean you don't think velner can win the crossfit games no no no that was his last chance because jason jason jason madaris is gonna get so much better and uh justin madaris justin justin justin hopper justin hopper and jason madaris no madaris is just like it was too good what he did he he told us all the way he won that last event he's just like that was like him like okay i'm here to stay i'm here like that was that three two one nonsense he pulled that's like all right all y'all can eat a dick i'm i'm here that it was
Starting point is 01:37:12 super impressive that last super it was it was it was more than enough i'm convinced he's like he put that wax on there and put the little stamp on there. And like, I know it's a hard for Brian to process. Cause he's the three to one thing. It's like, okay, but events 12, 13, 14,
Starting point is 01:37:31 Velner was three to one. Okay. Here we go. Just saying. Here we go. Uh, so Brian doesn't want to weigh in until he's, until he's challenged on this stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Brian, just quiet. Brian just loves Patrick Velner. Like so much that it's like he's his kryptonite. He's his kryptonite. I think I've done a fair assessment of him every time we've done a ranking show or predictions. Did you pick him to win this year? Yes. I think that was a fair choice.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Yeah. I think it was, too. I think it was it was too and I picked Fikowski third and I had Madero seventh I had him seventh but I also had him on the short list of four people who I thought had the chance to win don't worry I heard
Starting point is 01:38:21 I heard from his father whose father Justin's he's awesome Don't worry. I heard from his father. Where are you from? Whose father? Justin. He's awesome. He's amazing. That's the party I heard about that. If there's one reason I could have gone to the games this year, it would have been to see Fikowski. Did he just look like three human
Starting point is 01:38:45 beings in one he looks huge on the video feed i mean he almost did you and just huge though right i mean he looked like a monster he he is he's a specimen i mean he looked really good this year too like really good he almost looked like too big, really good. He almost looked, like, too big. Like, almost like he had the Noah thing going on. Like, oh, shit, really? Maybe you brought too much muscle to the party. Man, he did well in some stuff that you would think would be not stacked in his favor. Like that thruster.
Starting point is 01:39:19 I mean, and I know he did well with the wall walk thing in the open. But, I mean, even at that level, heavier thrusters. And I mean, he's, he's, he's put some, he's put some stuff together that he wasn't very good at. And he, and he was, and he was. Time domain is a huge factor for Fikowski historically. Everything that's like seven to 15 minutes. He's amazing. It doesn't really matter what it is. It's like he dominates that time domain that's why i did so terrible in stage one of the games in 2020 there's only one workout in that time
Starting point is 01:39:49 domain when like 90 across the workouts are in that time domain can you just let us be you stop with the objective behavior let us just do you know do you know this do you know the company strong coffee matt i do not oh it's um trying to remember the guy's name he's coming on the podcast tomorrow von rothfelder andrew damn what's his first name ryan do you know his name he's gonna get some marketing opportunity wait Wait, did I say Andrew? Sorry. Who's Andrew? Do you know his name?
Starting point is 01:40:27 Oh, yeah. That's the stuff. Yeah. Wait, I think I'm curious who this guy is now because I met him at a High Rocks event and he gave me a sample of his. Have you done one of those? I did the partner version with a girl from the gym. Weakness. I did a full one of those.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I got tossed in down down down in florida they're like you should try it okay i'm like okay great an hour and a half later i'm still lumbering in that thing what a beatdown yeah if you do it individually like you have to be very intentional with the sleds in rounds two and three because that can just destroy you dude i so i was at an event a febo event in miami checking it out because they you know we've talked to them about doing some stuff at waza historically and they're like we would like you to try it and i was with matt and matt was heckling me for an hour and a half so just the sled, they were like, give us feedback. I'm like, the sled is ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:41:27 It could be half the weight and it would still do the trick. Well, even if you watch Hunter McIntyre and the best in the world do it, when they get to the sled, especially the sled push, they'll do five steps and stop the whole way because it's so early in the event. If you just push it across at one time, you might ruin yourself for the rest of the thing i did my high rocks with him in that a group of those guys like isaiah whatever from spartan i did it with all those guys i finished last that was like me in the rock run wait why did you do one of those events why are you guys that's the thing hunter mcintyre does right that sheriff dude that i had on the podcast i got uh i got roped into it it was like we've talked to them about some work
Starting point is 01:42:10 and they're like they wanted me to try it and it was a terrible decision talk about hobbling around for like two weeks have you met that guy hunter i used to represent hunter oh Oh, you did? Yes. Oh, shit. I had no idea. Wow. He kind of won my heart. Not kind of. He did win my heart over. I really didn't like him for just completely biased, non. I just resented the fact that someone could be invited to the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:42:39 And then I had him on the show the other day, and it was quite pleasant. It was refreshing. I've known him a long time. I like him on the show the other day, and it was quite pleasant. It was refreshing. I've known him a long time. I like him. We don't not work together for any other reason than just took a different path, but I've always liked Hunter. Are you watching golf right now, Matt? Be honest.
Starting point is 01:43:01 I'm watching the last minute of the goat, Tom tom brady oh he said some dumb shit the other day god he's what what did he say he just said some dumb shit just around the vaccine he's just a nut he's just an i didn't hear that he's just a nut he he's uh he's the greatest of all time. Fine. Fine. Are you watching the U.S. Open, the tennis at all? Do you watch any tennis? A little bit. I love Wimbledon.
Starting point is 01:43:36 I watch that. I usually watch the U.S. Open. Although, why wasn't the U.S. Open final on Labor Day? I don't know. This is the first year I've watched it because my kid's playing tennis and his instructor makes him watch it and holy crap that shit is amazing this guy jokovic is a freak of nature those guys uh those guys are there's those three guys what's going on in tennis right now is insane nadal fetter and uh jokovic? I mean, it's like totally the golden era. It's crazy. Yeah. They're dominant.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Yeah. It's pretty crazy. There's a couple athletes in each sport. It's like when your kid wants to leave, he's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't know. I'll stop. I'll stop.
Starting point is 01:44:22 I have to. I want to. Are you coming on the podcast tomorrow morning Brian maybe it's at 730 it's with the coffee guy come on there and kiss his ass and maybe you get some free coffee I feel like I'm cheating on Josh Bridges but for some reason I'm attracted to this guy
Starting point is 01:44:37 like I think he might be really cool Sam Dancer is a part owner in that company O'Keefe oh that's how I know I know that yeah I do knowfe. Oh, that's how I know. I know that. Yeah, I do know that. Oh, that's cool. So you're having him on when Josh is in the air on his way to Dubai.
Starting point is 01:44:52 That's cool. The coffee guy that I love while he's in the air. Oh, shit. I hope I'm not jinxing him. Oh, man. I think you'd be on the plane with him going to watch this fight. I was hoping you'd be in his corner. I think you'd be on the plane with him going to watch this fight. I was hoping you'd be in his corner.
Starting point is 01:45:08 I should be. An hour and 43 minutes. Thank you, Ryan. Adios. Can you hang up on the live stream?

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