The Sevan Podcast - #139 The News - James Hobart

Episode Date: September 13, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Number one, dad. So what? Go number two.
Starting point is 00:00:33 It doesn't matter. I'm going to have a little rant. Go. I want to listen to it. My goal tonight is to act as flesh and bones clickbait for you. Thank you. And we're live. Bam.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Four seconds in the show. Okay, guys. We're live on the Se podcast thank you uh seven did you let your kids partake in halloween i do i do let my kids partake in halloween i do i there's a whole like a method to that madness though they're still kind of young and you can throw all their candy away without them knowing um you have covet i don't know if i have covet i think i think I was born with it. Okay, guys. I love you.
Starting point is 00:01:14 The Sevan Podcast live, 6 o'clock with James Hobart, Matt Souza pushing the buttons, and Sevan Matosian and Danielle Brandon supposed to be here. And she is not. It's probably a horrible way to advertise the show on my Instagram. Let them know Danielle isn't here. Hobart, go, go to the bathroom and do your thing. No, I'm good, man. Hey, what if I tried to call Danielle Brandon using Instagram? Didn't we try to do a show with her already live? And she said that she would, um,
Starting point is 00:01:41 she had the time wrong or something. Danielle, you still join us. We are live now. Awesome. Sousa. People are going to be so pissed so pissed hey i want you guys to know we never plan on having her on the show that's just a way to get you get you peeping toms to watch so far we're two for two two for two yeah we're tricking the people and they're thinking she's going to come on the show what's crazy she came on the show with hopper she makes that show no problem then we have hobart on and she doesn't that makes sense to me i can take that heat i can take that ask danielle what sheets brian has damn inappropriate blocked yeah how dare you hunter Damn. Damn. Inappropriate. Blocked. How dare you, Hunter.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So I have this issue when I see bathrooms and it says all genders, all gender bathrooms. Or when I just like anything, like I go to the Reebok website and I'm buying and they're asking me what gender I am. I want to read you guys. And this is really important because you dumb down all of us when you don't use the words right. People use the word gender and they have no idea what it means. And I'm going to read you the definition of gender. OK, this is it's a pretty broad definition. I'm going to give you one just off of Google that pretty much nails it. Gender is used to describe the characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed. So by that, I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm going to read to you one more time. Gender is used to describe the characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed. You have to understand gender is not real. It's like Bigfoot. It's made up. It's like red means stop. That's made now that's okay it's not i'm not saying anything derogatory nothing derogatory about gender but it's just in your head no two people could ever exactly understand another person's gender i don't even have a gender i don't even think about that stuff i don't even have a gender but what i I do have – oh, you want to say something? You want to fight, Hobart? You want to fight?
Starting point is 00:03:47 No, no, no. I was going to agree. I was going to say, so if we rewound time to when humans started popping up and creating cultures and societies, it could have turned out different. Genders could be totally different from what we know them as now. Dude, I had my boys with long hair, girls capri pants, and wife beater. And the reason why I did that is because I always thought Baryshnikov was the most masculine dude ever. And other people are like, oh my god, you're trying to be progressive and make your kids feminine. No, no.
Starting point is 00:04:16 My idea of what masculine was for my kids is just different than what yours was. I was picking a different gender for them. But it's not real. It's all made up. So when you have a bathroom sign that says all genders welcome, that's idiocy. That's redundancy. What you mean to say is both sexes are welcome. And when you conflate those definitions, And when you conflate those definitions, you make all of us dumber. You make all of us dumber. I'm going to define what sex is for you.
Starting point is 00:04:53 What I do to your mom. Sex is either of the two main categories, male and female, into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. Now that is signifying something that's real. We can both point to Hobart and be like, he is not a seahorse. He does not carry the baby. He's a, his sex is male human. Most likely he has a penis. I mean, there's no way to know for sure. I mean, there is a way to know, but I don't think he's going to, I mean, for the sake of this, is this show ready for that? So, so, so in my opinion, I think it's, it's for the most part, it's a waste of time to worry about what your gender is,
Starting point is 00:05:37 at least for someone like me. I just like, I'm not, I'm, I'm just cruising. I'm just cruising. Like, and there's like, there's gender roles that I think are fun and cool. Like I liked – do you know Mark Bell, Smelly Bell on Instagram? I do, yeah. So he's got this mustache that I find is like – reminds me of like this quintessential 1980s homosexual man. And then he's got this really buff body. And he has his shirt off, and he's flexing, and he's in this really buff body and uh he has his shirt off and he's flexing and he's in san francisco
Starting point is 00:06:05 and i just like that because i i just uh i think it's it's playing it's having fun with his gender rules right so i mean i like i like the i like um i like going to those shows i like going to those shows where the dudes are dressed up as women and they dance and sing i like all that shit you but you don't lie to yourself it's made up it's not real red does not mean stop green does not mean go we we made this up just to have fun don't conflate the two and i'm going to tell you some other things two other examples that are a little different they're not on subject but but but it'll give you an idea of what the power of thinking and dumbing us down gatorade has more electrolytes in it than water but gatorade also wow going back to matt go down to the the first post and then we'll get back to gatorade and just click on like the comments for
Starting point is 00:06:58 the the most recent post because i want everyone to see savann's comment. How do you know? It's all right. I'll read it for the world. Savan Matosian. I'd honk my horn at that. I'd honk my horn at that. That's good, right? I mean, yeah. Mark Bell looks good.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Do you know why? I had my shirt off one time in San Francisco, and it was after a rave I went to, and I was just standing on the street, probably just rolling ecstasy, and it was after a rave i went to and i was just standing on the street probably just rolling ecstasy and i was near golden gate park and i had my shirt off and a car drove by and honked at me and it was these dudes in the car and that's the only time anyone's ever honked at me i think that's the only time anyone's ever like gone out of their way to be like hey you're good looking or or i want to fuck you or whatever however i interpreted it
Starting point is 00:07:44 but what if it what if it what if their honk meant put your shirt back oh i hate you okay so so when you drink gatorade there's more electrolytes in it than water but when you drink gatorade you're still diluting your electrolytes. Like, do you understand what the importance of thinking is? Why it's important to think? I'm going to give you another thing. People will say coffee will dehydrate you. But actually, if you just eat a handful of the beans, they might dehydrate you. But if you get a coffee, you are probably actually hydrating yourself. The water in the coffee is like 99.99% water. Like you just have to think a little bit.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Just think a little bit. And I want to apologize for calling LeBron James a C word on my last show. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. Would you say that to him to his face? Yeah, totally. Well, yeah. I mean, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Like if he FaceTimed me? Well, I like, yeah. Yeah, if he FaceTimed. No, if you were like standing toe to toe with him. So for you, it would be like you'd be just, you know, staring into his kneecaps. His balls resting on my head. I like that you apologize. Yeah, it's dumb.
Starting point is 00:09:08 It's dumb. It's frustration. It's just name calling. Oh, listen to this. Look at these texts coming in. Danielle Brandon, I'm still at the grocery store. I swear to God, you think we would tolerate this from someone who's not as good looking? Do you?
Starting point is 00:09:23 She does have a lot of Instagram followers. Let's chime in let's first news report from the grocery store thanks guys for tuning in this is the new show we're nine minutes in and we begin good evening james hobart savon how you doing i'm doing great you see i put gel in my hair you actually yeah you look great new glad not new glasses but i don't see those a lot yeah i put these are kept in the safe kept in the safe i took a cold shower before i came on so today's my like 65th week of fasting for 36 hours how do you feel no idea what it is after 52. I stopped counting. I feel amazing. This is actually a hard part of the day for me 6pm. But I'll but I'll sleep tonight and I'll wake up in the morning and I'll feel amazing. All my inflammation will be gone. I don't recommend it for everyone. But
Starting point is 00:10:15 if you're 49, I highly recommend it. And I did some workouts today. I worked out today. And then after I worked out, I did 100 pull with uh avi which i'll post on my instagram soon and uh your boys competed in a um competition this weekend yeah that was cool jujitsu competition heck yeah and you know what i only show the good shit on my instagram but you should know that i went to a jujitsu competition a couple weeks ago it was my boys first one and they got the shit whooped out of them but But this week, this week, we cleaned house. This week, man, Garth Taylor jiu-jitsu. Avi was whooping, whooping.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Did he win? He did. Do they do awards right now at this point in there? Yeah, yeah. And although he lost his second match, I'm going to give him the win for it. He put this girl in a rear naked choke, and he had her in a rear naked choke for probably two and a half minutes. Are the rounds three minutes? I think the rounds are three minutes.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And he was winning 6-0 in points. And then all of a sudden, I don't know what she did, next thing i know with one second left she got four points i think she got him in mount and she had gotten three points for getting out of his rear naked choke so she won seven six but i'm giving him the win i'm giving him the win when do they um what do they do them so so we were in the car and i go damn some chick with glasses whooped you and he goes he looks at me goes not really he said that yeah and then my other my other boy joseph he won his first round and then his second round it went to distance and he lost in points and i go hey man i'm like that kid looked older than you he goes nope nope heidi heidi means dad in armenian he goes that boy was faster than me. That's a four-year-old. I was like, damn. Do you notice that the younger kids who do that in general have more self-awareness or slash poise in that sport than other sports you see young kids play?
Starting point is 00:12:18 I feel like that's pretty – like to have that – I mean, I think most kids, if you talk to them, they always have that amazing, like, ability just to present data without being jaded from life experience. You know, they just kind of say things. Like, one time when I was really little, my grandfather had trouble getting in the car. And I was like, Grandpa, you're like a fat whale. And it was true. You know, like, he was overweight. But, you know, I wasn't colored by, like, don't say that. It's your grandfather.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Oh, I thought there was going to, don't say that at your grandfather. Oh, I thought there was going to be more. I thought that was it. He slapped the shit out of me. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then that's what I can never see grandpa again. Cause he beat me up. Um, no.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yeah. I heard my kids tell someone the other day that they, they asked why, why are your arms so jiggly? And the person wasn't, I mean, the person wasn't like morbidly obese. They were 30, 20, 30 pounds overweight, but they had more jiggly arms than they had noticed among other people. Yeah. I mean, my, my wife has no jiggle. No, no. And you, you know, I have some jiggle. They've, they've,
Starting point is 00:13:18 I have a little jiggle. You need to fast longer. I'm 160 pound man and 135 pound body, but they have a lot of poise. They have really that that's high self-awareness to say no he was fast with me that's why i got beat that's really cool yeah and and it's shitty parenting on my part because you asked him that he was older i was just giving him an out i was being a i was being a i was i was giving him an out i was making excuses for him i wasn't keeping it real i was being a i was being a bitch you know what i mean yeah that's the way i take it when did when did they stop having boys and girls um compete against each other or is that just always a lot is that allowed up to any songs everybody's like out
Starting point is 00:14:02 the last tournament i was at they they split the sexes up they split the sexes up regardless of gender they split the sexes up but they don't normally do that at this age and i'm telling you the girls like the girls at that last tournament we went to i'm so lucky they weren't in my boys class because the girls are freaks. They are so good. They are so good. I think from what I can tell, the girls are better than the boys. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I mean, they're really good. I got to learn more about that discipline. I'm so lagging behind. There's always almost – David Friend says there's almost always one or two thumbs down on these. And it's gotta be someone who just hates Sevan. What, what are the other choices? They can hate me. I could take that.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Maybe it's one for each of, I hope it's one for each of us. Does this, does this, um, does this show have a dislike on it already? Someone tell me, cause what's funny,
Starting point is 00:15:00 Matt, do we have a dislike already? Oh, we do. Yeah. Cause it's the second time we've clickbaited the world here with with daniel brandon oh that's true we kind of deserve one dislike for that you're right um there the you know i've had people on my instagram do some pretty malicious shit too like basically just start reporting all sorts of crazy shit that's
Starting point is 00:15:22 not true um to try to get get me in trouble i basically had to erase any pictures of my boys with their shirts off working out seven hot take on the eu vax passport being abandoned i don't think i i don't think it's the whole entire eu i think it was just england and i don't even think it's wales and scotland in that other country with elves in the Lucky Charms. Oh, how insensitive. Ireland. But What is that? We'll take a phone call from Oklahoma City. I'm so glad you changed another terrible ringtone.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Thank goodness. I don't think the last ringtone was that bad. Chris Doron, are you here to admit that you gave us a thumbs down? No, that was not me. All right. I would give you a thumbs up, too. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Thanks, Chris. Please log in under a fake name and give us two thumbs up. So, Ron, I have a question for you since you were talking about the gender thing. Did you see the MMA fighter? I think her name was like Alani McLaughlin. I did see that. It's an interesting thing, right? I don't know how matches are made,
Starting point is 00:16:35 but I'm perfectly okay with it as long as the person who's fighting them is okay with it. But it is freaking weird. I don't know if you saw what happened hobart a dude who is now a chris correct me if i'm wrong a dude who is now a chick because they had their penis removed and turned into a vagina got into a cage with a woman who was born with a vagina and they fought and the one the person that had their penis removed and turned into a vagina beat the shit out of the other one.
Starting point is 00:17:08 One. And so people are like, hey, that's basically a dude who beat up a chick. And it's, yeah, I can't, I need to think about that more. I can't tell what I think about that. Am I being sexist because I don't think it's okay for women to beat up. Am I just old school? Like what's wrong with me? How come I'm not okay with that? I don't know. What do you think, Chris? Yeah. I mean, it's definitely an interesting topic for sure. Um,
Starting point is 00:17:37 I think there should be some sort of testing like your testosterone levels. Um, I, yeah, it's just like, like i mean there's an interesting conversation like not every man is created equal that's why there's you know weight classes and so like for myself like i weigh 170 i would not want to go up against john jones at 250 so do you fight are you a fighter i am not i i train but i would not consider myself a fighter right you punch yeah that's me me too me too i i had a bob in the garage i punch it i pretend like it's hobart and i punch it but it doesn't punch back um you know you know what's you know but but let's just flip the script for a second would we like it would be kind of cool to see amanda nunez who
Starting point is 00:18:22 hobart i don't know if you follow mma but she's the greatest female fighter of all time like hands down she's she might be the greatest fighter of all time she right she has two weight classes belts and two weight classes and she's holding them both down i mean it's nuts and they can't find any competition for it would be so fun to watch her fight like uh i don't know like a super lightweight fighter wouldn't it that would be amazing yeah that would be amazing i'd love to see her a girl bring it's like i wouldn't say tj dillashaw or anything but that'd be pretty interesting fight i think tj's too big for her i think tj's too big for her sorry i'm receiving a facetime call i'm doing a podcast what's up
Starting point is 00:19:02 even a FaceTime call. I'm doing a podcast. What's up? Is this one live? This one is live. You're on with... Oh, shit. I can't. It's career suicide if I'm associated with you. I can't let people know I'm talking to you. Hang on. Hang on. This is really live? Edit this piece out. I can't be associated with you. Hey, I like your mustache. God, he looks he looks man he's turning into an adult i'm glad he's got the mustache back remember when he was your boss hobart sorry chris for interrupting when tbc calls it's rare but i gotta take it live
Starting point is 00:19:37 right i understand at least daniel brandon comes to his podcast hey he's right damn yeah oh chris listen listen i want to tell you something i'm gonna go to chris's youtube and give him a thumbs down chris they um i think she actually did flake on them someone did i think she actually flaked on them and they had um to pull in someone last minute. I can't remember. But I said something to him and he told me that she flaked on them too. So it made me actually feel better. Because I knew he was going to love it that she flaked on me.
Starting point is 00:20:18 What's crazy though, here, let me ask you this, Chris. She flakes on us, right? And then she flakes on us one show. then oh someone's calling from beverly hills do i ditch chris or do i just bring in a second caller out yeah no we'll just stay with chris chris give me your opinion on this she she calls it she she does she does our show wait did she do our show yeah she did our show and then and show. And then she missed one of our shows. And then she came back on for the Hopper show. And then she missed another one of our shows.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Do you think that she specifically didn't miss the show with Hopper because Hopper was on it? Or do you think that's just coincidence? I would think it's coincidence. But I did see, so I'm from Oklahoma. And I did see she was from oklahoma and i know vegas chicago that's that's kind of the middle point for her and brian so um i don't is she really from oklahoma i like getting brian thrown in there but but i know she's in oklahoma doing someone something i mean something yeah i did notice that on her Instagram.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I found that interesting. I was like, oh, someone famous in Oklahoma. Not very common, especially like CrossFit. Oklahoma. All right, Chris. Well, thank you. I appreciate you coming. All right, thanks.
Starting point is 00:21:38 All right, don't hit girls. Yeah, I don't know. I struggle with the hitting the girls thing. And I know someone's going to yell at me and be like, well, that's not a girl. That's not a boy hitting a girl. That's a girl hitting a girl. I don't know. I struggle with the hitting the girls thing. And I know someone's going to yell at me and be like, well, that's not a girl. That's not a boy hitting a girl. That's a girl hitting a girl. I don't know. I'm not sure,
Starting point is 00:21:49 but, but you shouldn't be doing drugs and sports and, um, or if you, I guess it's transparent. I guess it's, I guess, I guess I like honesty and transparency more than I above anything else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Both fighters agree to it. Yeah. Danielle isn't here because Brian isn't here. Hey dude, she doesn't, she doesn't know Brian's not here. She doesn't know Brian's not here. I watched the U S open today.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Are you going to talk about the U S open at all? Not at all. Beyond me too. I'll talk about it real quick right now uh and there was a guy um the uh medvedev won the guy from russia medvedev smashed it should we take another call three in a row yeah sure okay but you had to open it all i like it when people call because I use my special voice. Hello. Calling from Beverly Hills. How can I help you?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Hello. This is the number you called. How can I help you? Oh, James Newberry. I don't know about that situation. Would you like to share with us the details of it? Just check out the Instagram. Well, I hope. I'll
Starting point is 00:23:13 send him a box of Kleenex and some candies and maybe a Playboy. What does she think about it? What do you think about it? Great question, Hobart. Thank you. You know what? No comment. And what is your name, Miss Beverly Hills? It's Miss Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:23:35 What a great name. All right, well, thank you. This is not a gossip show. Please refrain from bringing your gossip to our show. This is a news show. It's actually not technically true. This is a news show. Not technically true. It is the news, though. Let's have Hobart weigh in on that. Is that news, Hobart?
Starting point is 00:23:53 James Newberry breaking up with his beloved ex-girlfriend or previous girlfriend or boyfriend or something? I mean, he's got 200, is it news? Gosh, that's a philosophical question. Yeah, sure. It's news. It's news for people who are really concerned about that kind of stuff. This is Jessica Pearson, I think, calling. Yeah. I mean, personally for me, I hope everything's good with him. He's a really nice guy. I've only met him a couple of times. And her. Hey, isn't that – I know Hobart is breathing heavy.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I like it. I'm aroused by it. Hey – You guys told me to turn up the mic, so now this is what you're getting, heavy mouth breathing. Hobart has a job, so he has to give those correct answers. I hope Newberry and his ex-girlfriend are doing well together yeah i do i do i hope that's true no you mean you do you do have a job what is this jerry springer uh jessica pearson says i'm not calling she's and she's not
Starting point is 00:24:56 calling okay uh so so novak so jokovic novak jokovic won or lost the u.s open today if he would have won it he would have been the first guy like in, I don't know, 50 years to win the Super Grand Slam all within one year. And he lost it to a guy named Medvedev, which I never thought I would ever be able to pronounce, a Russian kid. It was an amazing game. I realized I hated tennis up until about a month ago. And my son's tennis instructor kind of makes us watch it. So I started watching it, and I that, you know, what tennis is. Tennis is baseball.
Starting point is 00:25:28 But with all the bad shit taken out, like baseball is really stupid. I used to go to a bunch of baseball games, but tennis is just just the hitting part. Just dudes hitting. It's cool. Just a lot of good hits. And and they're really skinny. They're painfully thin. These guys.
Starting point is 00:25:45 He smashed his racket. Yeah, that was cool. He smashed racket. Anyway, at the end, this guy Medvedev wins $2.5 million. And they say, and to present the check from the diversity, equity, inclusivity department, head of diversity, equity, inclusivity at JP Morgan. And this guy comes out with a check and $2.5 million and hands it, or he walks over and shakes his hand or he hands him something.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I can't remember, but I kind of started seeing red because first of all, anytime you see diversity, equity, and inclusivity, all that does is scream of racism and shitty leadership. Equity always comes at the cost of equality. Anywhere you see equity, you know it's someone's foot on someone else's neck. It is evil. Equality is what we want, people. We do not want equity. They're passing that word off because it sounds like we call equality. Equity, I've said this before, it's what you have in prison. You all will have the same sheets. Your doors will close all at the same time.
Starting point is 00:26:49 You will all eat the same thing. You do not want equity. It ruins society. It's okay that Bezos is rich as shit and that he flies to space. Clap your hands and be happy. It's why we all have iPhones. It's why my dad had to fucking live in a 10 by 10 square concrete hut with nine brothers and sisters and be raised there. 77 years ago, 67 years ago, 57 years ago, he escaped from that. 10 kids being raised in a fucking 10 by 10 concrete hut with no electricity in the bathroom 50 yards away.
Starting point is 00:27:25 And no one has to do that anymore in this country actually he didn't do it in this country that's a little bit of a of a stretch he did it in lebanon but anyway if you want if jp morgan wants to help people build gyms in fucking east brooklyn build gyms in fucking East Brooklyn. Build gyms in Compton. You just want to fire that guy and do something to really help people. That council is just bullshit. It's a facade. It's a fucking joke. But I'm not name-calling anyone.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I'm telling you the idea because I don't want to name-call. Shit, I have a hole in my crotch. It's just sad to see such a bullshit job. And you know what the irony is? Here's the funny part. Of all the people on the floor, everyone was white. Do you know who the one black guy was? And sorry if I'm disrespecting Mexicans.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Maybe there were some Mexicans there, some Pakistanis, but the guy from JP Morgan was black, that diversity, equity, inclusivity guy of the fucking 200 people on the floor. Fucking joke. He's probably a good dude, though, and he's wearing a nice suit. The news. Let's do it. I almost wanted to jump ahead to a story about charity on that note, but we'll wait till we get there.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Okay. When Daniel Brandon comes, you're going to have to talk to her for a few minutes so I can peek. Yeah, I will. She, um, hopefully she will find out what she went grocery shopping for.
Starting point is 00:28:56 All right. Story. Number one, we're going to keep this rolling. Cause I think people are interested. And, um, my goal now is just to try and get as many thumbs down as possible.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Thank you. I'm going for a new metric. Okay. Kim's new – Whoa. Whoa. What is that? This is Kim Kardashian dressed up.
Starting point is 00:29:18 This is an outfit she wore out, all leather outfit. Sorry, Hobart. Call from Australia. It's a gift from – oh, jeez. Do you think this is James Newberry? If it is, I hope he blasts you. James, I was disgusted by the fact that that girl called in with spreading rumors about you. I'm very sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Would you like to come on my show sometime? James? Newberry? Hello. Is this James Newberry? Hello, this is James Newberry. Ha! I knew it it sounds just like him i want to apologize for any any rumors that started on this show about you and your girlfriend that is all right oh thank you i have a question yes go ahead james um i want to know is Jason Hopper
Starting point is 00:30:05 living rent free in Justin Medeiros' head it's the other way around yeah I hate to say it I really really say it one more time maybe you said it wrong or maybe you guys just see everything backwards because you're in Australia go ahead say it one more time
Starting point is 00:30:22 is Jason sorry is Justin living backwards because you're in Australia. Go ahead. Say it one more time. Is Jason sorry is Jason is Justin living Jason living rent free in Justin's head? Oh shit. We got to go for a third time. I want you to Mr. Newberry, I want you to take a deep breath.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Justin's living rent free in Jason's head. Yes, yes, yes. 100%. Do you agree with that statement? Yes, that is correct. That is with that. Yes, that is correct. That is 100% correct. Not only Hopper's head, he's in everyone's head. He's living rent-free in everyone's head. Even Hobart's head.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah, he said I was too old to compete at the robe competition. He said it? Yeah, he said that last time. He said, no, because i wanted someone to coach me i said can you think matt would coach me he goes are you 22 i'm too old to get coached by matt fraser uh justin madaris is is is uh yeah what do you think what do you think james mr newberry i think that he is he is living owning real estate in his head yeah
Starting point is 00:31:26 do you think he's going to get over that? do you think Hopper is going to get past that? nah I reckon Justin all day he's going to win next year huh? yeah you know what
Starting point is 00:31:43 Justin Medeiros should do right now? he should start training mma too well he was a he was a wrestler he could be great at it he should just start another sport simultaneously yeah why not why not train in striking and some jiu-jitsu for the next five years and when he's 27 just just parlay that into something else you know the crossfit community would lose their shit and he could fight women their shit. And he could fight women. He could fight women. What?
Starting point is 00:32:08 What about Justin vs. Jason in a boxing match? Who takes it? Oh, now? I don't know. Hopper's scary, man. He's a big man. Hopper is a big dude. What about in a spike ball match?
Starting point is 00:32:25 I don't approve of spikeball. I don't approve of spikeball. I think Jason would beat him. Spikeball is a bullshit sport and it's just you guys with good bodies. It's just all you fuckers with great bodies
Starting point is 00:32:40 having an excuse to take your clothes off and dance around a little net while the rest of us keep our t-shirts on at the beach and we'll look at you. I'd honk at that. That's what I'm saying. I'd honk at that. I don't approve of that as any I don't approve of that. I don't approve of that. I don't approve of that.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So what happens if one of your boys came up and said, Dad, can I play swipe ball? Would you approve? Someone translate that for me. Translate that for me, Hobart. I missed the first part. What did he say? What happens if one of your kids one day came up and asked if you could go buy a spike ball? I actually own a spike ball.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I would approve. Whatever they want. Of course you own a spike ball. Whatever King Avi and the two training partners want. It's totally fine. Does Newberry want to be our guest next week for our new show have you ever met James Newberry Mr. Australia
Starting point is 00:33:28 yeah I have is he a cool dude he's a cool guy you think it's true that he broke up with his girlfriend or that was just a vicious rumor I think it is true they both posted it on their Instagram man I don't think Hobart if you got a divorce would both posted it on their Instagram man I don't think
Starting point is 00:33:45 Hobart if you got a divorce would you post it on your Instagram no yeah me neither I'm not sure I wonder if you need more followers to do stuff like that oh shit Brandon Waddell three thumbs down okay we gotta get back to the news
Starting point is 00:34:02 Mr. Australia you're hurting our ratings thanks for calling later what time is it in Australia Adele, three thumbs down. Okay, we got to get back to the news, Mr. Australia. You're hurting our ratings. Thanks for calling. Later. What time is it in Australia? This is like a real show we're doing. Okay, back to Kim Kardashian. Get that picture up.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Kim Kardashian, this is – I mean, I have no comment on this. I just wanted to start somewhere. And I know we've been following with Kanye, and last weekend it was Kimye. And I figured if we're going to talk about the news we might as well talk about the most popular thing in the news which is celebrity news so this was an outfit uh where's your face where's your face that's a mask that's i don't it's like a statement piece i want it i want it actually i made that joke when um when mask mandates were coming out i was joking with a buddy of mine that I was going to start wearing a gimp mask to work, but I didn't. Okay, so she could actually see that.
Starting point is 00:34:52 So we don't even know if that's really her. Yeah, I think it is. Is she pro? Is she like all pro mask? I can't see her being pro mask. I think this is more of like a statement thing. Like, fuck you guys i don't really understand fashion but anyway 152 million followers that's you know like what
Starting point is 00:35:15 80 of the u.s 90 i'm not gonna lie i think 30 million of those are fake i think she only has 222 million. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, she has more fake followers than everyone on this show. Has ever been on a show combined. She has more fake followers than there are people in Manhattan. Moving on. We're going to get the ball rolling. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:35:39 my goal is to be click baity for you tonight. I've been nice. I've been trying to, you know, get, keep you off a soapbox, but tonight's the night. So we're tempted to watch the NFL and turn this trash off off it's 11 30 a.m in australia ah brutal well yeah you take your woke ass to the nfl go watch the nfl you put in your anal beads and you watch the nfl go ahead yep here
Starting point is 00:35:57 we go all right this next one uh just a little more tmz tom holland and zendaya are dating tom holland who plays spider-man co-stars with model actress Zendaya. They have finally come out that they are dating. Chemistry on and off the set has sparked rumors since 2017, but both have denied it. Recently, Tom and Zendaya were seen publicly kissing in his car. I don't know why I drummed up this fact, but they both have a net worth, I think 15 million dollars so good for them wow that that's the next spider-man he's been in multiple spider-man movies he has yeah oh shit then i haven't seen some of them and who's she that's the uh that's the girl like like the the girl spider-man's girlfriend. What's her name? Lois Lane.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yep, Lois Lane. She's the love interest for Spider-Man. But also on her own, I think pretty successful acting and modeling career aside from Spider-Man. There you go, smooching in the car. How do people get these pictures? I don't know, but someone made like 500 bucks for getting that photo. Way more than that. Actually, that's a good news story how much did that picture cost oh look he's so excited he's so excited good for him uh-oh
Starting point is 00:37:13 did i lose you hobart i'm back i said about my nose oh i thought you farted no i did that earlier i've never heard of them either al easy i never heard of those people either that's that that shows how out of the loop i am i've seen every spider-man because my kids watch that shit okay we have two more stories to get through then we'll get through celebrity entertainment we'll be done and dusted new game show coming out someone you're gonna like this one this was for you the new game show is called the activist oh shit and i'm gonna find a way to get you on it activists go head-to-head in challenges to promote their causes with their success measured via online engagement social metrics and host inputs the final challenge will be held at the g20 for those inquiring minds the g20 is an
Starting point is 00:37:59 intergovernmental forum compromising of 19 countries and the european union works to address major issues related to the global economy such as international financial stability climate change mitigation and sustainable development feedback on this show so far not positive i want to tell you guys something about um uh interesting about activism the little bit i know about it most most activism is just complete bullshit it's for people who can't do anything but when greg glassman was at the helm of crossfit crossfit did get into activism because what happened was is that coca-cola started meddling in the in the in the sciences and we not only know coca-cola and just what's funny is that the the ceo of coke is on the board of pfizer but anytime you get any of these idiots like Pfizer, Bayer, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, any of them meddling in the health sciences or in the sports sciences, it's completely biased and paid for nonsense.
Starting point is 00:38:54 And even if I'm wrong, you're best off thinking that way. And so that's the reason why CrossFit got into activism, but because it was more of a protection mechanism. It was a mechanism to keep the spread of health and wealth going, to keep the lifeboats and to keep the affiliates going. And we know what happened. There was a paper put out that said there were – anyway, fuck it. That's a whole other show. I can't wait to have Greg on.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I'm going to have Greg on like 20 shows in a row. Yeah, I said it. Well, he's not going to top my record. No, he's not. But that's going to – He's not going to have Greg on like 20 shows in a row. Yeah, I said it. Well, he's not going to top my record. No, he's not. He's not going to have his own mic either. He's not going to. He won't top you. So Matt knows I'm going to roll down all the way to the bottom because we're going to talk about something good real quick before we jump into the real juiciness.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Cool article. Did a little digging today on the topic of activism down in North Carolina. Volunteers needed. Lori Rowlandson. want fucking equal pay in the wmba then work your ass off and become the president of the wmba don't stand out front with a fucking sign complaining that they don't get equal pay you're a lazy fuck you're a beggar go work hard and become the ceo of wmba and get them equal pay that's the way you do it. That's not – activism is for cowards. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Sorry. I told you. I told you tonight was the night. I've been nice until now. Lori Rowlandson, director of volunteer services, explained that before COVID-19 pandemic, there were about 1,000 volunteers in her area that were home-delivered meals across APA's 10 county areas down in North Carolina. During the pandemic, that number plummeted to 220. Since then, it has picked up somewhat to nearly 500. But program staff remain concerned about the number of volunteers.
Starting point is 00:40:37 She basically said, obviously, we have half the volunteers that we had when this program is running smoothly. So point being, kind of weird stuff all over the internet about volunteer and participation in volunteer organizations. So my little advice of the week would be go out and volunteer if possible, something I need to do more of. But I thought it was a cool article. And on the note of – You really are trying to piss me off.
Starting point is 00:41:00 These are people who volunteer to take food to people who have COVID who are stuck at home? Yes. Okay. Cool. I also think this was to elderly patients perhaps. Awesome. I don't care who it's to.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Senior center. Senior center. Great. I'd love to see the food. I'd love to see the food. You volunteer to do something good, and next thing you know, you're delivering 12 packs of Mountain Dew. I'd love to see the food. You volunteer to do something good, and next thing you know, you're delivering 12 packs of Mountain Dew. I'd love to see the food they're taking to people. Well, you want to keep rolling?
Starting point is 00:41:34 How long did you prep for today's show, Hobart? Danielle Brandon spends more time doing her hair. That's because Hobart was working on the news story. She didn't have time for his hair. Tell that person it's because I was spending time with their mom and they should relax a little bit. Clearly not enough if you're making that comment, so I will prep more
Starting point is 00:41:54 next time. I apologize. You are fully prepped. They're all positive about you, Hobart. I had to dig through to find that one negative. I like it. I'll prep more. We'll keep rolling. That was supposed to be uplifting, you know, like how to give you something like a win of the week. I do like it. I do like volunteering is cool.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Volunteering is cool. You know what, though? Everyone should be volunteering all the time. Like all the time. Well, what's cool – You get out of your car and there's trash on the ground, pick the trash up. There's someone in line behind you at the bank and they look like they're in a hurry. Let them go in front of you.
Starting point is 00:42:28 The bank. Like anyone goes to the bank. That was stupid. Take two. You're in line at the grocery store and someone's behind you and they deserve to go in front of you according to what you think. Just do it. Just let them go for whatever reason. Just everyone should always be volunteering to make it a better place.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Call LeBron James the C-word on one show. Apologize the next show. Little random acts of kindness. Okay, go on. All right, Black Widow lawsuit. Scarlett Johansson filed a lawsuit against dis... Yes, here we go. I didn't really want to talk about that story anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Let's roll. story anyway let's roll oh she looks good in that suit wow she looks good i like scarlett johansson god if i went to her instagram account and saw she was woke i'd die uh hello from phoenix how can i help you what's up man it's jake hey jake how are. Hey, Jake. How are you? Cool. Good. Hey, so... Shouldn't you be on your way to... Jacob, shouldn't you be on your way to Dubai? I wish, man. I'm still trying to get that six-pack. Ah, oh, Jake, not Jacob.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Okay. It works. Jacob works. Jacob. Anyways, I'm trying to add my own news report for this week. So it's hilarious how I came across it. It was tanning your, sorry to be all inappropriate, but tanning your ball sack to increase your testosterone. I've heard this. Sunshine on the butthole.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Savan actually knows a lot about this. I know nothing heard this. Sunshine on the butthole. This savant actually knows a lot about this. I know nothing about this. But what's interesting is, do you think Sousa could pull a picture of this story up? Please don't. Is this an actual news story, or have you just been hanging out with Ronnie Teasdale? Oh, yes. So hilarious. I didn't know you knew this.
Starting point is 00:44:22 This guy smokes weed. Jake, do you smoke weed? I do, yes, sir. I knew it. I knew it. You caught me. But I was just listening to a podcast, and these guys were talking about it. And it's like, come check it out.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And they pulled up this video. First video I saw, it was Ronnie D. Yeah, yeah, Ronnie's my boy. Ronnie's been on the CrossFit podcast. I actually need to have him on this podcast. He would be hilarious, because I saw him first on the behind-the-scenes, shaking his body all crazy. And I was like, who is this dude? Wait, scroll down a second.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Sorry, Suze, I want to read that for a second. They found that men's testosterone levels went up by 120% when the participants' chests were exposed to UV light and they went up 200%. I don't believe that. I don't believe that. And 200%. Is it real? I don't think that's real. Hey dude, if that's real, if that's real, there would be like little things you could just put in your underwear, like a little red led.
Starting point is 00:45:25 You just always have light on your nuts. Look at the look that guy is giving us. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. His testosterone levels are through the roof. That guy's on meth and he's, and he's waiting for three dudes to come over.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Okay. Jacob, thanks for calling. Uh, we got to get back to scarlett johansson um don't smoke weed more than once a week thank you perfect see free advice free advice yeah he's not gonna take that advice man i know i don't think so either um i'm gonna go try and do just a little uh spread eagle sunshine time tomorrow morning scarlett johansson send me a photo
Starting point is 00:46:07 i will scarlett johansson filed a lawsuit against disney i actually didn't know this was happening this is pretty interesting alleging a breach of contract related to the black widow's concurrent release in theaters and then on the same disney plus premiere. And I didn't even know Disney owned Marvel, which is also amazing to Disney. Disney also failed to renegotiate her earnings for the film, which were largely structured around box office performance. The movie, I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I had great ratings on rotten tomatoes. Wow. So basically what she's claiming is that she was supposed to get a cut of the, the theater money. Yeah. And they released it in Disney, which means people won't go to the theater. They'll watch it in their home. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Sousa, can you come on for a second? And they're not getting a cut of that online Disney streaming money. What if I had a Coke bottle? I just peed it. I, we, we talked to Hobart for 30 seconds. Will I be,
Starting point is 00:47:09 Oh, no, this is a good time. I'm going to do my, I was going to start a new little segment and it was going to be my recommended watch for the week. Something to watch a little Netflix documentary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:21 You might've seen it already. And, um, my, I've, I've peaked it a little bit and my wife was raving about it all week. Something to watch called River Runner. It's a Netflix documentary about Scott Lindgren, 20 plus years, extreme whitewater kayaker.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Really interesting story. He wanted to conquer, I guess, what they're called the four great rivers that originate from Tibet's sacred mount. I'm going to pronounce this wrong. Golly. Kailash. Kailash. Kailash. Anyway, cool movie, cool documentary about emotional journey from him understanding, you know, fragility of his own life.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And I don't want to give it all away with how he navigates these rivers, but really cool movie, just about an extreme sport and just kind of going through a journey of accepting your own mortality, but using that as a strength to conquer a really what looks like an insurmountable challenge and kind of being able to quantify your own legacy. So get out there, Watch that. River Runner. Scott Lindgren.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Really cool movie. You did a story without me? Yeah. We had to. I started a new segment, and that was a really quick peek. Something to watch. A little watch recommendation Netflix documentary for everybody out there this week. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Glad you were saying something smart. Hey, I want to tell you something tosh is is a what is a significantly better comedian than dave chappelle tosh is the funniest comedian alive tosh.0 yes you think so yes i do i don't agree with that well that's you're wrong why do you say that because i've watched both of them and tosh he's just great it's it's it's uh he's just great it's not an argument but you're entitled to your opinion timing delivery breadth and depth of subject matter humility ability to touch on uh wide variety of subjects he does cover a wider variety of subjects. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I mean, nothing is off balance for him. Race, sex, the whole, he's, he's really another, another LA.
Starting point is 00:49:38 I don't even like LA. Do I just hang up on this one? It's from LA. No, let's, let's check it out. How many thumbs down do we have? Please tell me you voted yes on the recall.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Yes. Thank you. Thank you. I knew. I didn't know we'd get a phone call, but I knew that would just, that's like just taking a bat and hitting the hive. I just, I really think that. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:50:16 What, what, what you're stoned to. God damn it. Are all our listeners stoned? Yes. That's the only way they can, that's the only way they can get through this without giving it more thumbs down. To be totally baked. Tell me what you like about Chappelle.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Tell me what you like about him. He's funny, bro. Cosplay, no, just reactive videos. Hey, what? He's just reactive videos. Cosplay, no, just reactive videos. Dave Chappelle is on top. So, so, so.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I used to think that, too. But to uh go on to either like net go into like i think it's netflix one of those one of those streaming apps and watch his stand-up his stand-up is insane he has three two-hour specials tosh does and you will die they are so good so that's your another recommend to watch there's one that's called like happy places or happy days. Watch that one. He did it in 2010. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Hey, what'd you vote on the recall? Yes or no? I know you're in California. Tell me, tell me. I'm from California. I'm not there no more. And if I did vote, I would vote. What's it?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Get that guy out of office. I don't know what it is. Yes or no. He's horrible. He's horrible. You sound like someone I know. Do I know you? Yeah. You know me. I be coming on your shit all the time. Oh, you're cock goblin.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Oh, my what? What did she say? I'm not going to repeat it. Did she say cock goblin? That's what I heard. Oh, man. Alrighty. I will not have any of my cock goblin be talked about on my podcast.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Thank you for calling. Bye. My cock goblin. I didn't think anyone knew about that. Someone must be watching my Alexa. Okay. I'm all self-conscious about how heavy I breathe into the mic now i'm trying to hold my breath it's your show you're it's your show haven't breathed in the last 35 seconds your word is on longer valid for that your word is
Starting point is 00:52:18 no longer valid for that reason you're wrong i knew that that one gosh with video let me tell you guys like chapelle because it's the cool thing to do i'm telling you just who's better i don't know chapelle's sketch comedy in his show i thought was excellent and i've found way more entertainment from that than watching tosh.0 but that's just my two cents fair fair butterflies are scary let's do it let's get rolling here we got a lot of good stuff to get through. Okay. People got to know the news. Okay. I think this was some scientists in Asia or Indonesia observed adult milkweed butterflies using tiny claws on their feet to scratch wounds into caterpillars' bodies so they could
Starting point is 00:52:57 lap the liquid that oozed out. So basically, one butterfly is flying down to a caterpillar, cutting it wide open, and then sucking out the juice the reason they think they do this which i don't understand how they discern this male butterflies seek certain compounds produced by milkweed which repel predators and help the butterflies produce pheromones these compounds exist after the caterpillars digest the milkweed. So the male butterflies fly down, tear them open and suck the juice out so they can attract females. Do the caterpillars die?
Starting point is 00:53:35 They didn't really say, I don't think they live. So I have a milkweed forest. Have you ever seen my milkweed forest at my house? I have not. Of all the plants you have. I'm going to tag you tomorrow. So I have this milkweed forest at my house? I have not. Of all the plants you have, I have not. I'm going to tag you tomorrow. So I have this milkweed forest. I planted it like four years ago, and it comes back every year stronger and stronger. And it has so many monarchs and monarch caterpillars in it right now. I mean tons.
Starting point is 00:53:58 It's crazy. That's crazy that you just said that story. And I see the – what's funny is my mom told me. I don't know if this is true but she got my mom got the impression that the monarch butterflies they don't actually go to the milk they don't they just laid their eggs at the milkweed they don't actually get any nourishment from the milkweed plants that they need some other plant to get nourishment from like to you know get the the flowers because milkweed flowers are really tiny the bees are always in them but anyway i wonder that if that's why all the monarch butterflies always hang out in the milkweed not only just
Starting point is 00:54:27 to lay eggs but to like rape and pillage the uh suck the caterpillar juice yeah suck the caterpillar juice and they're huge those caterpillars are huge i don't know if i believe that story where'd you what's your source for that one um i believe it all right would you post would you read anything you didn't believe without telling us or would you start it with like hey i'm not sure i believe this shit i have one story on here that i'm a little skeptical about and then we have our conspiracy theory of the week but we're getting there okay where are we now oh this is a core okay here's another one for you this is this is a soapbox opportunity for you savant junk dna huge swaths of our dna library are made up of a non of non-coding genes that were long regarded as junk dna some of these gene sequences once
Starting point is 00:55:21 considered quote-unquote junk are actually fragments of viruses. Whenever a virus infects you, there's a chance it will leave behind a piece of itself within your DNA. And if this happens in an egg or sperm cell, it will then be passed on through the generations. Now, quick disclaimer here, people. Most of this was discovered to occur only so far in marsupials. Those are little animals with the pouches like the kangaroos, which live down in the area where our Australian friend called us from earlier. Or platypus. Yeah, platypus I think are marsupials too.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You make a lot of good connections. So I guess what's interesting about this is that they think potentially that basically you can pass on this virus DNA, which can help build resistances and immunities to viruses. But again, only studied so far in marsupials. So I'm not making any social or political commentary. I just thought it was a cool story. But I'm sure Siobhan will. So I don't know what's true on this subject. But basically I've been told that our dna is made up of eight percent of us is made up from viruses i was also told that it was a
Starting point is 00:56:30 virus that whatever species or fucking plant we were before we were humans that before we gave live birth it was a virus that whatever we were that that made it so humans gave live birth basically it created the first mammals. Isn't that one of the distinguishing qualities of mammals is that they give live birth? I'm treading in water that's going to get me destroyed in YouTube. That's fine. Yeah, let's just say yes. Distinguishing characteristic, live birth.
Starting point is 00:56:59 So what's interesting about that, and I find – today I was in the garage doing 100 pull-ups with Avi, and he asked Alexa something about the, about the virus. He asked her something funny just out of the blue during the middle of the workout. Like Alexa, do you wear a mask? And she goes, she's responded with like, I don't like, I don't like any viruses. And I was just wanting to be like, you dumb bitch, but she's not real. So I didn't say that. And I don't call people names. I'm trying not to call people names, but isn't it crazy? It's like there's these words like virus and bacteria.
Starting point is 00:57:29 There's just all these things that have all this negative connotation, and we don't know shit about them. They might be vital to our survival, to our evolution. To some extent. Yeah, I mean, everything. I mean, cars take you to the supermarket to buy food so you can stay alive, and they run people over that's a bit of a leap but i get what you're getting at oh come on yeah no i get it i get it come on people like that butterfly story on the uh on the comments all right let's move on hey you don't have time to read the comments i just got to check i'm on the whole breathing thing it's got me freaked out now. I understand.
Starting point is 00:58:05 All right, John. Oh, man, you're breathing loud. Now you're like. Hey, most of the time you would think it's the exhaling, but it's this. But it doesn't bug me at all, just so you know. Well, I'll sit back a little bit. All right. This one's actually kind of cool. A little more science.
Starting point is 00:58:21 A little more science, and then we're going to roll on to the good stuff. Promise. I rubbed my nose on my mic. I rub rub my viral load on my yeah you're really close to it very close bugs have metal teeth scientists already knew that the mandibles fangs and stingers of several invertebrate species contain large amounts of heavy metals such as zinc, copper, and manganese, up to 20% by weight in some species. They learned that the individual metal atoms are woven into the proteins, like a cyborg bug, woven into the proteins to create a strong, long-lasting composite material, which they've dubbed heavy element biometals. Here's why this is cool.
Starting point is 00:59:02 They've dubbed heavy element biometals. Here's why this is cool. The logical leap is that we could make tools with the same atomic arrangement of proteins and heavy metals that could lead to products that are light, strong, and resistant to everyday handling. Yet, another example of how nature knows best. Hey, scroll back down to that spider, Sousa. Is that why that spider are colored like that? Are those its teeth? Is that like the metal giving off that color?
Starting point is 00:59:30 No, I don't think. I think it's just its teeth or the fur on it. I think it's really hard to see. It was done at the microscopic level. But it's cool because it's like the body and the molecular structure of the animal has found a way to weave into or weave the metal materials or elements into the rest of their physical makeup. It's pretty cool. Spiders are cool. I love the insect stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:56 You know I really like insects. They're a good dude. Well, they do wild stuff. Like it just talks about now how they can chew through leaves faster. Can you see this fingernail right here? Right right here yeah see it's long yeah i have seen that is that because it's full of heavy element biomaterials that's a a gender thing that long nails mean you're female but yet i have a penis and i have a long nail i've always what do you do with that long I've always had that long nail. I have two long nails. My grandfather had long nails.
Starting point is 01:00:27 I used it to pick my teeth, my ears, and my nose. Scratch. And when I play Frisbee, they immediately break off. So you know I haven't been playing much Frisbee when I have long nails. Okay. Next story. Thank you. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Here you go. Rich people flying into space. It's the hot topic right now. Commanding the mission is 38-year-old billionaire Jared Isaacman. Now, this is the flight. Jew. Jew. Isaacman. Probably. What is Bezos? What is Bezos? I'll look while we take this call. Hey, there's going to be like the first woman in space and the first black guy in space.
Starting point is 01:01:07 I wonder if this guy, Isaac, is the first Jewish guy in space. Hello, Cedar Rapids. How can we help you on the show today? Please say something that improve our ratings and our Instagram followers. Get us less thumbs down. That's not going to happen. Sorry. Oh, you're not stoned.
Starting point is 01:01:27 That's awesome. Our first caller, it's not stoned. It's killer. That's great. That's awesome. Yeah, I'm a father of two and a third one soon. So don't be here. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Thanks for making me get sober for a second by talking about kids. There we go. Passing on a viral load. Yes. There's a lot Passing on a viral load. Yes. There's a lot of DNA stuff going on. I'm wondering how long until Bezos discovers the fountain of youth and humans live forever. I think it's like the popular thing.
Starting point is 01:02:00 All the rich guys are working other than going to space. What is Elon Musk's neural elon musk's uh neural neural link yeah so they're they're maybe they'll work together yeah hey um i don't i don't know much about this shit but they're i guess in your dna at the very end of the dna strand there are these little things that hold all the dna on the strand i forget what they're called tell them what are they i believe they're called telomeres telomeres and and just from the the the youtube videos i watch from 12 year old kids make and they teach me stuff and make me smarter um a lot of it has to do with the fact of those when those things fall off shit starts going bad and. And that's basically when your end of your time has come.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Well, that was the hypothesis on the clones, was every clone would have shorter telomeres. Oh, that's interesting. As they went on. Oh, wow. But I don't know if that's true. Did you ever see that Michael Keaton movie, Multiplicity? And he basically is able to clone himself,
Starting point is 01:03:01 and each clone becomes a little less functional. I think his name's Steve. And there's this one clone who just walks around licking pizza. That's what I imagine. That's what I imagine the derivation of cloning might be. I don't think that will ever happen by the way. I think it will. You do.
Starting point is 01:03:20 I'll bet on it will, but I just want to have your take. Thank you. So thank you. Why do you think it'll happen? I just, like, look at the past 100 years, right? Yeah. I mean, 120. There it is.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I just think it's going to, I mean, that's the proof, right? You mean just there's been so much crazy progress? You mean like 20 years ago there wasn't, I'm just going to say something stupid here, but bear with me. 20 years ago there wasn't Facebook, and now everyone on the planet is on it. You mean just like that? Yeah. Yeah, I think it's going to be another 100 years, but I'll be dead.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Maybe my kids. We'll see. Do you know, I read in this book that the average medical surgery, surgical procedure, has a lifespan of about seven years. Meaning every seven years they realize, most medical procedures after seven years, they realize, uh-oh, that was dumb. And it goes away and doesn't come back. On average, seven years.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Like stints. They're starting to realize that stints actually do more damage than good. Or how many different kinds of breast plants have they gone through, implants? So it makes me wonder how much progress we're actually making. I mean, some things clearly we're making progress.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Well, look at the average age. I mean, it's not really going up, right? Or the death, right? Right. So people aren't really living that much longer. Are they living better lives? Probably not. And look how stupid we are
Starting point is 01:04:45 in the 1930s we realized that diet specifically sugar auto warburg won a nobel prize for it was cause cause of most cancers we realized that diet was the cause of most most cancers in the 30s and yet we're still looking for a cure it's like can you imagine looking for a cure for pregnancy while while while you're given the cock it's like no you have to stop sitting on penis if you don't want to get pregnant there's no cure for it you have to stop doing something and yet we're still looking for a cure for cancer it's same same with this this covid thing they're looking for a cure when everyone knows it's the only people who are dying are the people who eat like shit when i say the only bear with me people the vast vast vast vast vast vast vast majority and so i i want to believe in your i want to i want to think it's like yeah yeah we're making
Starting point is 01:05:35 progress but man we're just but we just bark up the wrong trees well maybe it'll turn bad you know people live forever and they just something really bad happens you know oh well i'll destroy the planet forever immediately just to say that again what about destroying the planet if if humans figured out a way to live forever the planet would be destroyed within like five years yeah that would be interesting just overpopulate yeah i i'm always i always i one of my friends in college nick hoyle i don't know if i should have said his name i guess doesn't matter he told me one time humans will never destroy the planet they'll kill themselves first and then the planet would just bounce back i kind of but i see what you're saying
Starting point is 01:06:19 but i just like that other narrative better right well i'm gonna I'm going to go. So thank you. No, no, no. I have to go. I definitely have to go. I was actually just reading a cool article about this. You might like this, Simon, so talk about Jeff Bezos
Starting point is 01:06:34 and his little exploration into defeating aging, as they're calling it. Wait, what about the guy who went to space? The billionaire is going to space. We'll get back to that. But you'll like this.
Starting point is 01:06:44 In this, the companies that they're partnering it with um investment is specifically aimed at rejuvenating certain parts or all parts of the human body but they say diet can directly affect the immune system which is why as of recently health apps are used in order to assist users to make healthy choices. Also, healthy morning routines that can be done in order to push towards a healthy lifestyle are encouraged. So, you know, I thought you might like that. Yeah, what was the picture? I saw a picture pop up.
Starting point is 01:07:18 What was that? I missed it. Oh, damn. It was like how long people live on average. I think average lifespan is around 79 years. For the United States? I didn't check that. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:07:34 You know, that was one of the weird things when we had the guy on from... Oh, there you go. Where's 84? I'm moving to Japan. Well, one of those was Japan. Yeah, you're right. The one with the red dot? Yep.
Starting point is 01:07:50 The vaccine is the thinning of the population, says Craig White. Great. Now this YouTube video is going to get taken down because I read that out loud. Yeah, you shouldn't have. Okay, go on. Wait, wait. The billionaire in space. Yeah, we're going to that.
Starting point is 01:08:02 We're going to that. So this is a SpaceX project to send, I think, three or four civilians or an all-civilian crew into orbit for three days. So this flight is going into suborbital space, which – By the way, Susan's put our email address up there twice now or three times or five times on the show. Fantastic. If you get random emails, just hate on Susan. Okay, go on. SpaceX, three civilians.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I think it's four civilians headed into space. And this is all to help benefit St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. The flight Excel, the seats on the flight cost roughly $200 million, but they raised and donated $100 million to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, which raises the question, why not just donate the $200 million to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, which raises the question, why not just donate the $200 million to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital?
Starting point is 01:08:51 But it's not me to tell people how to spend their money. Raised an additional $13 million through a lottery to win seats on the plane. This was neat. One seat was reserved for St. Jude Ambassador 29-year-old Haley Arseneau. She was a bone cancer survivor who was treated at St. Jude's as a child and now works there as a physician's assistant. She'll be the youngest American, here you go, to go to space as well as the first person with a prosthesis. go to space as well as the first person with a prosthesis target launch uh no earlier than 8 p.m eastern time on uh september 15th so what would be tuesday or wednesday there you go first civilian flight into space wow john george says please take lebron oprah and biden that would be awesome yes they should all go to space. I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 01:09:46 They deserve it. They worked hard. They deserve a quick trip to space. Yeah, so the first person with prosthesis is going to go to – I wonder – we only – oh, and it's a girl, and she'll be the first 20 – and she's the youngest person you said? She's set in all sorts of records. Youngest American to go to space,
Starting point is 01:10:04 and she was a cancer survivor who was treated at st jude's all they have to do is find a picture of her in high school where she went to a party in blackface or something she tweeted uh about asians on her twitter account and she will not be going i thought that was a nice a nice nicer story yeah that was a nicer story. Yeah, that is a cool story. Simon, you're going to get Starlink? Do you know what Starlink is? I have heard of Starlink. I've only heard some bad shit about it.
Starting point is 01:10:34 What's the bad shit you've heard? I've heard that our night sky is going to be totally different now. There's going to be a ring of satellites we always see. I'm really curious about that. So right now, so this is a crazy stat. So Starlink is going to be low-orbit satellites that offer high-speed connectivity and low latency, which means downloads, which means you get to Pornhub quicker. I'm sorry, what? Porn what? Hub?
Starting point is 01:10:56 Well, I was going to say Starlink is just hyper-fast internet. I don't know what Pornhub is, though. I know you don't. Go on. Are you checking out what it is right now? No, I just need a little note. I'll look after the show. Smart.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Anyway, Starlink is a company started by Elon Musk, designed to cover remote areas where traditional companies cannot easily reach. But what was interesting is it's a, I think it's called suborbital or low-orbit satellites. They're anywhere from 200 kilometers to 2,000 kilometers above Earth. So it's about 124 to 1,200 miles. But – so I was really curious about this. So I was like, okay, how many are already up there? This just reminds you of how big the Earth is and the sky is and space in general.
Starting point is 01:11:41 There's already 5,000 of these floating around above earth what satellite low orbit satellites or starlink satellites no no not starlink yet just low orbit satellites in general hey think about that for a second how many did you say 5 000 so that would mean that to get 500 that would mean once a week for the you said 5 000 there's 5 000 up there right now that would mean once a week for the last hundred years we've been sending satellites up well so here's the kick and we know that hasn't been happening so that means every day basically there's a satellite going up somewhere on planet on planet earth and that would still take 15 years people holy shit and this will be multiple per day um by the way that's called thinking you see how i contextualize that see how i think he says 5 000
Starting point is 01:12:36 i start thinking well shit how long would it take to launch 5 000 satellites if you did one a day would take see how that like puts things in perspective people that's how that's called thinking here's some more perspective for you savannah okay go ahead um this is the i think the um issue behind starlink so pretentious is that starlink expects to launch somewhere between 30,000 to 42,000 satellites into what they're going to call the star link belt so are you saying seven don't be worried you haven't you last you you don't even look at the night sky because you spend so much time on porn hub you don't notice any of the 5 000 that are up there now don't worry about the next 30 000 that are going is that your wave like gently or am i reading into that no no i think that's fair that's kind of what i'm saying but anyway so here's here's something i don't like about the article here's something i don't
Starting point is 01:13:29 like about the article it says that it's to reach places where there isn't internet like shut the fuck up dude like he's doing it like it's cool he's doing it but it's really just to bring faster internet everywhere and to make more money and to advance society and whatever, and so that Elon can get more chicks or whatever drives man at his most fundamental route. But it said on that article that it's 40% – it goes up to 40% the speed of light or whatever, that it's going to be the fastest internet in the history or whatever, right? And so they don't need to couch it.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Wow, that's an incredible graphic. in the history or whatever. Right. And so like, don't like, they don't need to couch it. Wow. That's an incredible graphic. You're, you're making me hate star link. Sousa. Is that really what it's going to look like in the night sky? Um, wow.
Starting point is 01:14:14 That's Jetson shit. Is that really what it's going to look like? Sousa? What, what is that? Yeah. That's a picture of the satellites being launched. I think it's above the netherlands
Starting point is 01:14:25 wow yeah i think they launched like smelled something out like i love you or something they launched like tens i don't know like tens and tens and tens of them at a time wow anyway it's cool that he's doing it but they don't need to like couch it as like it's like to help places where there's not internet. Like, look, it's just faster internet for everyone. Just be honest. And so you can have more money and sleep with more women, Elon, or men or whatever gets you excited. Proceed. All right. I thought you'd like that story more than you did right there, but we're going to move on to –
Starting point is 01:15:01 I really do like it. It's neat, but I'm old school like i just struggle with all that shit in the spit in the air all right well i'm gonna i'm gonna take an article from the atlantic is that okay oh please oh i see what you're doing okay this is there our conspiracy of the week the internet is dead theory i love the names of the people who come up with this this is from illuminati pirate the dead internet theory suggests that the internet has been almost entirely taken over by artificial intelligence peppered with casually offensive language post suggests that the internet died in 2016 or early 2017 and that it is now empty and devoid of people as well as entirely sterile much can i ask you a question real quick are we on the just so i know what internet is
Starting point is 01:15:54 are you and i on the internet now i think we're on the internet yeah okay so i think so too okay so it's not totally devoid unless we're just i I mean you are AI. That's why it's so ironic. Okay. Go on. It's just devoid of people. And this is just sterile podcast. Sorry. Much of the supposedly human-produced content you see online was actually created using AI. Illuminati pirate claims. And was propagated by bots, possibly aided by a group of influencers, quote unquote,
Starting point is 01:16:25 on the payroll of various corporations that are in cahoots. That's how you know it's a real story with the government. The conspiring group's intention is, of course, to control our thoughts and get us to purchase stuff. Savan, go. I'm on the internet. As far as I know, man, the Pornhub has really lit up the comments. As far as I know, I am not a bot, and I think that just that in itself destroys the theory.
Starting point is 01:16:55 And I use Wi-Fi calling. I guess that – does that kind of put me on the internet all the time? That's just a weird story. Why are they wasting time writing that? That can't even be true the people reading that article are probably reading it on the internet you're reading it on the internet now but it was just created by a bot to get people to buy stuff so it's even the bot that's telling the other bots that all there is is bots on there yeah a bot wrote that that's amazing well that's
Starting point is 01:17:25 some advanced shit we are then maybe that's what they mean by live forever all the people will be dead and all the bots will still be alive the comments are full of daniel brandon porn hub and porn hub talk it's good just trying to get us canceled we still only have one thumbs down i think yeah that's good hey Hey, you know what? I hope there's someone driving on a three-hour drive now and they're listening to this. I hope there's someone every Sunday at 6 o'clock, like how I used to love lines as a little kid and listen to it on the radio. I hope there's someone who's like, oh, Sunday's at 6 p.m. They have a two-hour drive and they're like, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:18:00 At least I'll get to do it with James and stuff on. Man, I hope that too. After this one though they might just be like i hope my fucking car breaks down hey next week i promise you we are going to try a different guest i'm going to try we're going to try bk james newberry is coming on oh that we could do i i wow hey suza i only like to do people on this show that on the new show that we've had on before because it would suck if like I just want to do people we've done before. Can we get James Newberry on this week so that we can have him on the new show right away? That would be kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:18:34 But I'd like to get like Noah or BKG. It would be super cool to have someone outside of the U.S. too. You know, it's not a little different world perspective. Hey, there is no place outside of the u.s so that's that's a conspiracy theory damn right baby america all right here we go except for mexico and uh this really cool animal trafficking story so for all you pita lovers out there between 2015 these stats are staggered when I read stuff like this, it makes you realize how big the world is and how many people are in it and how you should just stay focused on making yourself better and helping enhance everyone's lives around you who you see every day and love, not the rest of the world. Stay out of that mess.
Starting point is 01:19:23 2015, 2020, one person helped smuggle more than three point. So it's a five year span, more than three point five million dollars in exotic animals between the border cities of Juarez, Mexico and El Paso. This is the epicenter of the cross border trade, according to government statistics. This fellow that was tried in this case and caught Gutierrez helped get the animals across the border. This is crazy. I'm going to go around opening everybody's mail now if I see it on their porch. His accomplices put these animals into boxes and mailed them across the United States. Last November, Mexican law enforcement agents seized more than table, catch animals in the desert or wherever in Mexico in the jungle, bring them to this house, sell them to this house for cheap. And then this house, like the guy opens the door and you, instead of you buying crack,
Starting point is 01:20:28 you sell like a horny toad lizard. And then he then once, once in a while would bring the, a bucket of horny toad lizards across the border and then sell them. Yeah. And these, they're going to addresses in the U S and being mailed to people. Um, they were, one of the things they talked about in the article was how these male male men and women are totally oblivious to maybe some poisonous animals or dangerous animals that they're carrying i guess the reason this fellow was caused because i think he tried to ship toucans and uh though a couple of them died the toucans were being too loud and that's a there's a horny toe are you fucking you fucking kidding me? They did a toucan? Every animal you can imagine. It's pretty wild.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Can you imagine killing a toucan? Well, it just died in transit. That's horrible. They taped their beak shut because they were making too much noise. Now, here's the deal. Are you serious? Did you make that up? These guys are just opportunist
Starting point is 01:21:25 entrepreneurs what i'm really concerned with is how many people in the u.s are buying these black market animals that's how many toucans are alive still i'm sorry i'm stuck on the toucan do you see why i like what is it why what about the reptiles why are you so wrapped around the axle about these birds because the toucan is just one of the most incredible birds in the world and i'm pretty sure that there's there's like six left. No, there's more than those southeastern white rhinos. Total population is unknown but believed to exceed 10,000 mature individuals. I don't believe that.
Starting point is 01:21:57 When I used to listen to NPR, I heard a story where there was only like two left. 10,000 is not a lot comparatively. Let's get on – Man imagine imagine like imagine like lice like there's 10 000 toucans left but someone with like a bad bad head lice probably has like a thousand just in one one head let's look see see how my brain does that i'm always putting things in context perspective oh you can i so i just looked up how many lice in the average lice case do you want to know what came up yeah that was fast coronavirus cases worldwide of course it's all you can look at they're on to me um that's amazing anyway stop buying black market pets people good lord hey
Starting point is 01:22:43 stop buying pets period you're happy with a puppy mill dog like everyone else what yeah hey dude pet people are weird the older i get the more i realize it pet people you had you had a dog for a long time i still have two dogs it's like the worst part about me hold on stand if this isn't daniel brandon hang up danielle what's up didn't you get the link we sent you so you could call directly into the show Hang up. Danielle, what's up? Didn't you get the link we sent you so you could call directly into the show? Man, I wish I was Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 01:23:13 It's just regular Brandon. Oh, you had your, you had, you had the, this is post-op, post-op Danielle. Oh shit. Here we go. Oh, you can buy a baby elephant for $7,000 and have it shipped to Little Rock. That's right. What's up, brother? How are you? Good, good, good.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Go ahead. You talk. You take the show for a little bit. You take it for a little spin. What do you got to say? I was talking about a rhino that got its horn shaved and they were liking it to us cutting our fingernails. But they were trimming this rhino's horn because they didn't want it to be poached and killed for its horn. But yet they did the same thing to it. I just want to get some thoughts on that. I actually think – I haven't done a ton of research on this, but I've read some articles on it um i actually think this is a way to keep the animal alive right so it's it's sad because you're obviously changing its life and its existence but i do think there's some evidence that this helps reduce um the killing of of those animals but yeah it's not that it's not the best solution i guess i'm on board with that do like the video, they're like cutting it with a chainsaw.
Starting point is 01:24:29 And then they were like, don't worry, we put earplugs in the rhino. And the rhino had earplugs, so they didn't damage the ears. Do you know the backstory of Kellogg's, Dr. Kellogg's, like breakfast cereal? Was this the don't eat meat because it makes you horny guy? Yeah. And circumcision. Do you know, do you know about that?
Starting point is 01:24:49 Was he pro or against, against turtlenecks? Let's cut off. Let's let's circumcise men so that they'll masturbate less because masturbation is wrong. Yeah. Cause that's actually going to stop them. Let's feed,
Starting point is 01:24:59 let's feed boys cereal. Yeah. You couldn't chain chain. You could chain every man's hands behind his back and he'll still find a way to masturbate. Get out of here with that. Oh, shit. I'm not okay with it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:12 That's tough, man. That's tough. That's tough. I say you move all of the rhinos to the UAE, United Arab Emirates, where they cut people's hands off for stealing. And you just move all the rhinos there. And if anyone touches one, you just lump them. If anyone touches a rhino, they cut people's hands off for stealing. You just move all the rhinos there and if anyone touches one, you just lump them. If anyone touches a rhino, they get their fucking hands cut off. I think that's
Starting point is 01:25:32 a good plan. Thanks for calling in, Brandon. Bye. Is it appropriate to say people's names when they call in? I see their name but then I'm like, hey, should I be diming them out? I think first name's okay okay because jeremy jeremy what you could do thank you for the 499 everyone hit the like button now wow look at you it's funny you say that because like i never want to tell
Starting point is 01:25:56 people to hit the like button or subscribe because it just feels like i'm just begging and i'm okay with begging but just not for myself i was begging for someone else i'd'm okay with begging, but just not for myself. I was begging for someone else. I'd be okay with it. But thank you. I can, I can read it when you guys say it. Thank you. Okay. I got to read up on John Kellogg. All right, here we go. Let's keep rolling. But anyway, stop buying black market animals. Yeah. Well, did you see that gorilla was $400,000. That's it. Who is this? Spokane, Washington Elmer.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Oh, let's hit it. Mr. Fudd, how are you? That's hilarious. Too derivative. You better say something good, Elmer, because someone's calling from Longview, Texas at the same time. Well, Siobhan and James, I don't like misinformation. I wanted to talk about a couple of things you brought up earlier.
Starting point is 01:26:48 That sounds good? Oh, that sounds great. And you're not stoned. There'll be no taking advantage of you. Well, I mean, don't say that quite yet. You talked about cancer earlier and trying to find a cure for it. I'm curious, Siobhan,
Starting point is 01:27:05 what do you think makes cancer happen? How is that? I think a vast, vast majority of cancers are created by lifestyle choices. Yeah, I mean, it can be even simpler than that. I'll give you an idea. DNA damage. Yeah, and what causes DNA damage? Well, it could be something like eating a bunch of refined sugar.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Yeah. It could also be something like being the unlucky person to be in the sun too long for one day of melanoma. Right, right. So DNA damage comes in all kinds of forms. Or it could be from eating bad food and mixed with the sun and then blaming the sun when it was really the bad food that made it so that you were more susceptible to the sun. So we agree that DNA damage can come in a bunch of different forms. Sure.
Starting point is 01:28:07 But I hold the ability to go first take of moving this conversation forward. Yes, I agree with you. But you're taking me into waters that I'm uncomfortable with because I don't even know what DNA is. But go on. I mean, fair enough, man. And then by the way, I'm totally with you on that. I do wish people had better
Starting point is 01:28:24 lifestyle habits. But the point I'm trying to you on that. I do wish people, you know, had better lifestyle habits. But the point I'm trying to make is the reason why medical establishment is trying to, quote unquote, cure something like cancer is because it's also the key to reversing DNA damage, which can help somebody like you potentially live to be 150 or more. Fair. Fair. Now, that's one way to attack it, right? Sorry, so go on. Say it again. That's one way to attack it. And, you know, that's just a mild defense for what's going on from that point of view. I love CrossFit Mexico, and I do think that there's a lot more that the individual could do
Starting point is 01:28:58 instead of relying on somebody else to try and give them a magic pill to fix something that they could have prevented. else to try and give them a mad pill to fix something that they could have prevented i could agree with everything you're saying whether it's true or not true it's just it's so far out of balance elmer it's so far out of balance it should be it should be 99 talking about lifestyle choices and 1% talking about mass quarantines, lockdowns, and vaccines. And instead, it's worse than the inverse of that. And I use the whole COVID thing as the example. And cancer is the same way. And type 2 diabetes is the same way. And everything is so conflated and messed up right now. Like the other day, I was telling someone, I was like, man, yeah, lifestyle choices and what people eat, It's, it's, it's the, it's like 86% of all our medical costs
Starting point is 01:29:48 and doctors don't have a cure for it. And they go, well, no, no. The biggest cause of death is actually a heart disease. It's like, Oh dude. And then I'd explain to person that I'd walked down that beat and I don't blame them. They're just being tricked by words. Right. And I go, okay. It's kind of like how you walked me down that hole. Hey, do you know what causes heart disease? And then we have to go back to its lifestyle choices. Don't get me wrong. I think that there are cancers. I'm open to 20% of cancers being caused just by just random shit that we have no control over, right?
Starting point is 01:30:18 It's just caused by existence. Even though I would more bet that it's like 1%. But let's say it is 20%. It's just that it's so far out of balance looking for a cure for something. And then let's say the people who do get cancer and it's no fault of their own, they got the double whammy because they've been raised on Twinkies and Mountain Dew. It just sucks. But I hear you.
Starting point is 01:30:38 I totally agree. I hear you. No, I totally agree with what you're saying, Devon. I was just trying to defend the reason why we don't look for a cure for cancer is because it's the key to fixing DNA damage. That's all I'm trying to say. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? I'm sure a ton of good has come out of it also. It's, it's, it's, um, let the scientists do it. The other 99% of us shouldn't be using that as a, as a lifeboat, I guess. But, but I hear you. I'm with you. That's exactly what I'm saying too. Yeah. Some of the good that comes out of that type of stuff is, you know, treatments for cystic fibrosis,
Starting point is 01:31:09 cell disease, you know, other genetic diseases. And it's cool. We're making headway with that. Well, what do you do for a living? I'm a medical student and a personal trainer. I've been coaching CrossFit for 10 years. Oh, what an awesome combination. And where were you? You're not born in Little Rock, are you? Little were you you're not you're not born in little rock are you little rock no man i was born in mexico i live in seattle now oh your phone number i thought said little rock you have a great accent well thanks man yeah you have a great anyway i love the podcast man i love you guys's message i just it just kicked me off and you were like went off on you know why do people even try to cure cancer?
Starting point is 01:31:45 I was like, are you kidding me? Good. Well, thank you. Do you feel better? You can say something nasty to me. Is there anything else you want to pile on? No, man. There's no pile necessary. You guys have a great night.
Starting point is 01:32:01 All right. Call back again. Thanks, brother. See you. Bye. Holy shit, that was civil that's great i liked his voice i think i was i think he seduced me with it i just watched thomas seafreed at the crossfit health summit talk about cancer as a metabolic disease and it was fantastic and informative jacqueline robinson her profile picture is her showing a bicep but i think you should be able to disagree with people but still like them i think that should be a normal thing yeah i agree here's the here's the part where it gets hard yeah i agree i'm not gonna go there
Starting point is 01:32:43 okay more stories yeah i have something coming up that's going to get you there, I think. Okay, good. Don't worry. Okay. Got a couple left. A little rugby update. The rugby championship is going on right now. I think it's six weeks.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Contested annually between Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. These are the four highest ranked national teams in Southern Hemisphere. Tell me which countries again. Sorry, I want to write that down. Argentina. Yeah, I had no idea. Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Wow, is it Argentina?
Starting point is 01:33:16 So there's a South American country that's got its – I had no idea. I thought that was like a very white man sport. No, very, very longstanding rugby heritage uh and culture in argentina huge awesome okay okay these are the four highest ranked national teams in the southern hemisphere there's another competition called the six nations is a similar tournament in the northern hemisphere i don't know a ton about rugby i just have always heard that um rugby players are awesome they also have epic names but anyway um quade cooper i think that's how you pronounce his name q-u-a-d-e kicked a
Starting point is 01:33:51 penalty off for australia after the hooter i imagine that's the whistle to secure a dramatic win against world champion south africa in the rugby championship um and then i just wanted to go over a couple cool names of rugby players michael hooper george gregan malcolm marks and then i'm going to mispronounce this and i'm sorry i think it's bongi or bongi but probably bongi bonambi just great names on rugby players anyway if you were a girl and you had cleavage we would have more viewers oh i'm just saying that you know those you know i'm not replacing you i'm just telling you i just that thought ran through my brain you know what we could do is i found talking about rugby and you had like like your boobs pushed up it would be so different um we could find a filter i've seen those filters that like would turn me into like give me more feminine features and maybe like
Starting point is 01:34:53 i mean cassandra i could go grab a sports bra from her and just we could just do the damn thing i was really hoping you would have just ignored me when i said that no okay so what about rugby? So what? Why are you telling me this rugby story? Because you wanted me to bring more sports into it. I just thought it was sports outside of the U.S. It was fantastic. Let me ask you this question about rugby.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I heard that – so they don't wear helmets or pads. I think sometimes they have like a little cap, and they might do like ear protectors. And I heard because of that that they just they play smarter than our football players like our players wear all those pads to protect them but i heard that's what really causes the damage because then they they do they they're more cavalier with smashing their head into people and the same can be said with boxing that's why ufc fighters we haven't had a death in mma i don't think or in the ufc because they use their hands to punch what's the cte and incidents in um mma oh it's probably so high okay what's the same i
Starting point is 01:35:53 mean all it seems like all old fighters are are just i was gonna say the r word but that one really bugs people yeah um uh their mental capacity has changed yeah they're broken and i wonder if that's true with rugby i wonder if rugby players how they are but that but they don't use their heads right they still hit each other pretty hard i mean i think i believe there's form tackling to some extent in both sports um i think there's more of it in rugby than there is than there is in um gridiron football american. But I don't know too much about it. Why do you call it gridiron? Because that's what American football is originally called is gridiron football.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Why? Because you're just on the grid and it's clashing iron. I have no clue. Something Susan could find that out. Yeah, he's not right now. He's just looking at concussions oh yeah that's good okay rugby story well on that note talk about people banging into each other and uh mental issues i thought this was cool in johnson city kansas this was uh put on by i think
Starting point is 01:37:01 their their city government they're doing a mental health first aid course. It's an interactive course that gives people the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it builds mental health literacy and helps the public identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness. illness. Participants are introduced to risk factors, warning signs of mental health problems, gain an understanding of their impact and explore common interventions and treatments. Next session, if you're down in Johnson City, Kansas is September 15th. I thought this was really cool because I just personally feel like this is something that needs to be talked about more in the US because I think 90% of us are running around with some low-grade mental health issue or injury. Not me. Not me. Not you. Not me. Not you. But just some stats. Suicide's second
Starting point is 01:37:54 leading cause of – here you go. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10 to 34 years old in the US. It's from the the national alliance of mental illness oh my god there's a stat for you i know that's why i told you i was going to get there and i was going to set you up and give you a baseball bat and just let you swing man so we're here now what do you think what do you think that why do you think that is that the second leading cause of death for people age of 10 to 34 is suicide why do you think that is um whereas whereas crossfit is a tool for your physical health and to some extent mental health i don't think there are as many mental fitness tools available to us in today's world i think cross it's huge for your mental health can be can be excellent for it yes huge but there could be more tools for it out
Starting point is 01:38:46 there yeah i i'll you're gonna give me some more stats to just set you up i just i i don't think two or three things i want to say real quick i don't think people realize how easy they have it in life and that because of how easy they have it, it leads to really, really gnarly mental health issues. There's just not, people just aren't fighting for anything. They don't have direction. They don't have vision. They don't have like survival. And second, I don't think people realize how much your diet fucks with your head. So I see kids every day because of all the places I go with my kids and i see kids who are 100 pounds who should only weigh 50 pounds and they are metabolically deranged their eyes are doing weird
Starting point is 01:39:32 stuff and and you see that in people too it's it's i see it in tv every day i see out in public i see adults who like you can just see in their face they're metabolically deranged and it affects your thinking process too. It affects your mental state. All food does, your body to digest food, it has to, there's a secretion of hormones. All of that has to do with your happiness and your mental stability. And so it's like you have these, it's so obvious what's going on in our society. People think that there's no amount of talking someone off the edge if you're 300 pounds overweight.
Starting point is 01:40:07 It's just – it's so sad. It doesn't have to be this way. It's more misdirection. I know you like the idea of that course, James. I bet you it's bullshit. Yeah. Can I give you a little keyboard warrior stat that might fuel your fire? Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Men who consume more than 40 grams of sugar per day are highly likely to be diagnosed with depression in a few years. Just wanted to give you that one. Dude, Sousa, how many grams of sugar are in a Coke? Over, I think, I don't know. And by the way, that's kind of a bullshit stat. That's too easy for me because that's just a correlate. I could come up with, I could tell you that men who've had their penis shut in a car door have an 80% chance of depression over the next 10 years too.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Yeah, but how many men are shutting their penises in car doors? Maybe like the refrigerator to cool it off. I'm just, I'm just – Sugar. What? 39 grams of sugar in a 12-ounce bottle. So just under the mark, just under the mark. So basically what was the stat that – so if you drink a Coke a day and you're a male who's under 40, you're most likely to be depressed.
Starting point is 01:41:18 Is that – I mean it's so – it would be so easy for me to – someone to say 7-1-1. You can just say – there's so many people drinking Cokes these days that that's just easy to say. It's like saying and I'm not trying to defend Coke at all. I want to run with that Hobart so bad. But it's like saying people who are inhaling while they're driving are more likely to get an accident than exhaling. And you're like at 51 percent. It's just it's a weird it's one of those misguided stats i need another data point so many people are eating sugar that we we we don't even
Starting point is 01:41:52 have a baseline anymore by the way i heard i read something today written by a guy named matt johnson the fuck's that guy's name i read something oh chris master john chris yeah you know who he is i do oh my goodness i read something he wrote today that that i i don't understand how smart people don't see this now listen carefully this it doesn't matter whether he's saying what he's saying is true or not that don't get caught up in that i'm gonna i'm gonna point at the moon Don't get caught up in that. I'm going to point at the moon. Don't get caught staring at my hand. Vaccine mandates are not about public health. They are about public secrecy. None of that shit's important, by the way. He shouldn't have said any of that, but that's okay. They are about erasing the control group from society so the post-EUA efficacy and safety data cannot exist.
Starting point is 01:42:45 Once again, it doesn't matter. I'm going to read it to you one more time. Don't get caught up in what the intention is, just the end effect. Vaccines, vaccine mandates are about erasing the control group from society so that the post-EUA efficacy safety data cannot exist and the efficacy and safety in the general population remain shrouded in mystery. Now, regardless of what this guy is saying is true or not true, the outcome is the same. If we get everyone vaccinated, we wouldn't have a control group anymore.
Starting point is 01:43:20 That's insane it doesn't matter the reason why people you just can't do that it's like driving with your fucking eye all ever with every with your eyes closed someone has to keep their eyes open. Oh, my God. That's an incredible wording, huh, what he said? I mean, he kind of botched it because he's got his angle in there so strong. And, like, I don't blame him. I do that too. It makes it so hard for people to see the truth in it,
Starting point is 01:43:58 especially if, like, you're super-duper pro-vaccine. But, like, it doesn't matter whether you're pro or against or neither neither whatever the choices are it's still just like no i don't drink la croix anymore my wife told me there's like poison in the cans or they're not vpa free or some shit my wife ruins all that shit for me i use a berkey water filter that's not legal in california because it cleans the water too much okay sorry go on over and my dentist told me that too much seltzer water can be bad for your teeth. I, and I would believe a dentist if he had seen that, but not if he read that.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Yeah. Well, she, I mean, she also said, you know, soda wasn't, she said stop eating sugar and anything that's refined as well. So I'm just down to water and broccoli. Oh, you're a good dude. You're never going to make it to, you're never going to be Casper Bauer. No. Just water and broccoli. Not even close. Oh, you're a good dude. You're never going to make it to – you're never going to beat Kasper Bauer. No. Just water and broccoli.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Not even close. I've got fans in the comments. All right, we've got one more. Oh, do you know Kasper Bauer texted me the other day? Let's get him on. I know, I know. I actually – I courted him for a while. He texted me out of the blue because someone – he made a post. It's not even a crazy post got pulled down instagram pulled it down it wasn't it wasn't even it wasn't it was nothing it was nothing it
Starting point is 01:45:11 was like you know god is great like something like that yeah he's a he's a concerned he's a concerned thinker poster he doesn't just want to be spoon-fed he's a good guy great guy not a uh i'm not an artificial sweetener guy, John. I'm really not. I feel just as guilty for doing artificial sweeteners as I do real sweeteners. Okay. I don't know why. I feel ashamed.
Starting point is 01:45:35 I'm okay feeling ashamed. It's okay feeling ashamed. You should be ashamed if you do bad shit. One more. Okay. Maybe two more. Lots of breathing from hobart tonight should i talk you know what i think are you doing nicotine are you smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco no you guys asked me to turn on my mic i turn my mic up to 11 because i breathe heavy like that when i when i whenever i'm on nicotine i'm like no i can't i can't really breathe through my nose but yeah me neither that might be why
Starting point is 01:46:07 i was so sick for the last three days it was nuts oh when i get tested but but no i did get tested i don't care though i still work out and shit i'm a boss i'm a boss go on shoppers guilt you sent me this one survey was conducted by one poll on behalf of the Kroger grocery store chain. 2,000 people in the U.S. were polled about their grocery shopping habits. This new survey says 40% of shoppers say they are only putting healthy items in their carts to avoid being judged at the checkout line. 40% of shoppers say they are only putting healthy items in their carts to avoid being judged at the checkout line i'm so glad you read that twice i i don't fucking believe that stat no i don't believe that's that either but if that i want to though i really want to believe it
Starting point is 01:46:58 if it is happening it's pretty interesting yeah they survey also found that many shoppers use the self-checkout line to avoid being judged about their purchase or just be dickheads to go through this the self-checkout line with 30 items and then not know how to scan them and you add that yourself yes um drives me nuts and more than two and five respondents have tried to focus on eating healthier since the pandemic began. So, Vaughn, what you're doing is working. And that has meant – hold on. We're not done. And that has meant increasing importance on vegan, vegetarian, and organic products.
Starting point is 01:47:38 That's my last softball for you tonight. softball for you tonight. Being vegan, vegetarian, or eating organic products have nothing to do with being healthy. That is like... You will never win at basketball if you cannot dribble. Basically,
Starting point is 01:48:04 being vegan or vegetarian or eating organic only matter to people who've already mastered their fucking diet and their health. You've mastered your health. You're super-duper fucking healthy. You have everything dialed in. And now you want to tinker with it and try doing it under the vegan guidelines, under the vegetarian guidelines, under the organic guidelines, go ahead. More power to you. Awesome. Until you can dribble the ball forward and backward down the court, that is just another distraction and another selling tool. You are being manipulated, distracted from what really matters. what really matters is just not fucking eat poison for starters uh-oh longview texas hey i love it that people feel ashamed and put expensive
Starting point is 01:48:53 products in there or healthy products in there um in their car you should feel ashamed you should it's it's like taking two parking spaces you should feel like a complete douche for doing that that's why you only do it way way far away in the parking lot hello longhorn texas hi uh i'm actually in louisiana but i have a texas number ah hello mr louisiana or mrs louisiana with a very deep. About what y'all are talking about. A better analogy would be like worrying about exactly what kind of oil you're putting in the car, but you don't even change. You don't even do any of the maintenance at all. You don't rotate the tires. You don't change the oil.
Starting point is 01:49:40 You don't do shit. I don't know if I like the fact that he said it better. Why did he have to do that, Hobart? Why couldn't you have just been like, hey, I got a good analogy for that. Why do you have to be competitive with me? Why? I like his analogy. I like it too, but now I'm on the defensive and shit. Well, that's good.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Hobart's been trying to get you to go off all night, so we had to do it. You sit back from the comfort of your house wait for me to throw out an analogy out there and then call the number because you have one that's better you probably have a fucking think tank working on analogies you probably know with six other people uh well actually i'm sitting outside with my dog which you were i was gonna call earlier about that because you're sitting on dogs earlier too i was like man i like dogs cool pets have their place it's just that pet people in general like i mean i mean pet people are just i mean you know you know the lady who doesn't have kids and she has six dogs or you know your neighbor that has 12 cats and like you go over there and
Starting point is 01:50:38 just just pet people i think that more i 51% of the people who have pets are whack. And their pets are a manifestation of their whackness. That might be true. Okay, 52%. 52%. How high can I push you? 61%. There is such a thing as weird dog people. And bird owners.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Oh. Give me a fucking break. If you didn't find an injured bird and you're taking care of it, then stop owning birds. True. Is this a bad time to tell you that I had turtles? I had turtles growing up.
Starting point is 01:51:15 Is this a bad time to lay that in there? I had reptiles growing up too. It's okay when you're a kid if you want to catch that shit. But when you're an adult... Look at the cat lady. That was good. Mr. Louisiana, what's your name? At the Delta variant.
Starting point is 01:51:33 Oh, okay. He has the Delta variant or it has the Delta variant? It is at the Delta variant. Oh, yeah. That's good. That was good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's good. That was good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I might follow you on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:51:49 I think I might repost a lot of your stuff. You're a good dude. Yeah. Do I follow you or do people just send me your stuff? You don't. I'm like 48 followers strong right now. I'm killing it. Callers, please do not
Starting point is 01:52:06 call in unless you have 100,000 followers at the delta I'm looking it up right now I know I've seen this at the delta oh shit you don't even come up oh there it is they probably don't want you know
Starting point is 01:52:23 if you're saying the wrong stuff they they might not want you to auto-populate very quickly. And are your posts, I am inevitable? What does that mean? I am inevitable? Yeah, did you post that? I am inevitable? Look, there's the dot delta variant. Oh, no. no no that's not me okay the underscore delta underscore there i am i also i made another one the other day
Starting point is 01:52:53 just for fun just because the new just horse dewormer it's amazing how many the delta variants there are dewormer oh man all right brother thank you thanks for the better um analogy you're welcome peace love yeah so um shopping carts yeah good and and i wonder if the in maybe that maybe that's a good way to end up taking home some healthy food. I wonder what they think is healthy. They're like, shit, I want to drink regular Coke, but people are looking, so I'm going to put in a case of Diet Coke. Ah, I'm healthy.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Organic. Organic cookies. So much Diet Coke. So does addictive for a reason. Man. That's all I got. We made it through the show yeah holy cow uh i'm starting to wonder maybe if matt souza just to uh show off as the executive producer always says that danielle brandon's gonna come on the show so that you know i think he's cool but he knows uh she's not and then he just blames her for not showing up maybe it's me oh wow wow wow what she's we she's supposed to be on the show
Starting point is 01:54:22 four times she's only shown up two times and both of those times you were on the show exactly amazing hey i did a lot of follow-up texts this time so yeah it could be a fake number don't try like look at you just you being defensive suza suza means you're guilty dom gazula i'm on a five-hour drive you good man dom um colin lawrence hobart if i was gay i would suck a load off you holy cow colin that's your good dude uh i made that up he didn't write that no i know he's been writing some other nice things about me though where's all the crossfit activism today where are all the CrossFit activism today? Where are all the social media CrossFit activists from last year? How long does Greg Glassman have to refrain from speaking about CrossFit
Starting point is 01:55:11 until the sale is completed? Christian Leon, you are a smart man. The day is coming. I left and came back. Danielle's still not here. Did she put her groceries away yet? Damn. Damn.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Savan, do you have a favorite camera brand camera lens third time somebody asking oh really yeah if you are a camera snob you'll get a leica i don't know what their newest version is this is like the 240 you'll get one of their manual cameras they are insane the pictures have no uh what's that called when you have no pier they have no pier they are so unique and so amazing the problem is this camera is five grand and the lens is probably five grand so so there's that but if you were only going to buy one camera and it was going to do everything for you. I don't have it back here behind me. It's in the garage where it lives where I spend time with my kids. I would get a Sony, Sony A7S III or wait for the next Sony A7S to come out. It's a remarkable low-light camera.
Starting point is 01:56:22 It shoots it super-duper crazy. Yeah, look at those are the Leica lenses. Those are the cheapies. Oh, that 35-millimeter 2.0, that's what i had on my camera wow it's not bad um you you that sony um 7s it shoots at 240 frames a second which means it's basically super duper slow-mo um and it shoots at 24p which is like the fantastic cinematic look and it shoots under low light it's a really really cool camera and it takes amazing pictures I'd say the camera's 3500 and you could probably get a handful of cool lenses for another three or four thousand dollars Sony's amazing Canon's amazing too if you're new sports photographer you can't go wrong with Canon
Starting point is 01:57:03 amazing canon's amazing too if you're new sports photographer you can't go wrong with canon oh the days the days when i was on the crossfit tit and i owned every camera i owned everything um two hour show hobart i have this amazing story but it's so good i don't want to tell it at the end of a show where no one will hear it. Do it. I have to pee. I'm looking at my notes. I talked about gender and sex, electrolytes, caffeine.
Starting point is 01:57:37 When I was in the – I filmed for two weeks. I filmed for this movie called Desert Runners. We talked about this before, right? We didn't. Oh, and I filmed in the four harshest deserts in the world. And the shoots were about two weeks long each. A week, two weeks. One was Antarctica.
Starting point is 01:57:54 One was Gobi. One was the Sahara Desert. And one was the Atacama in Chile. They're supposedly the four driest places on the planet. The Atacama, supposedly, there's sections there that we were in that it's never rained. Anyway, when I was there, we basically, I had to carry all my, everything that I was going to use while filming these runners run through the desert over this long race. I had to keep on me like in a backpack. And, uh, so like my food and just everything, right? Where was I going with this? Electroly electrolytes and so to drink coffee every day what
Starting point is 01:58:27 i would do is i would get these little starbuck pouches of like coffee and you just mix them with water and and you drink them and i would put them in these like i don't know two no one liter bottles i'd pour one in a one liter bottle i didn't care how it tasted i just wanted a steady stream of caffeine in my blood from the second i woke up to the second I went to sleep. Yeah, yeah, there's the movie. Thanks, Sousa. And basically I – one of the producers there was like, hey, man, you need to drink water. And I go, I am drinking water. And they go, no, that's coffee.
Starting point is 01:58:59 I'm like, yeah, but it's coffee diluted in one liter of water. I'm still hydrating. And she was having trouble getting her head wrapped around that. And that's what I mean. Like people just hear stuff and they just can't think for themselves. And like there's like really serious issues that need to be thought out like every time. Like no matter where you stand on the abortion thing, don't take a side on it, man. Like think that thing through.
Starting point is 01:59:20 Like, oh my God, you have no right telling women what to do with their bodies. Like really play that out. Or, oh my God, you have no right killing babies. Really do with their bodies like really play that out or oh my god you have no right killing babies really think that out like walk down both of those paths don't be afraid don't jump on a side like there's a shortage of people who are thinking it and the reason why is because they're they're they've been pushed into their brains by people manipulating them using words words are like magic do you remember those old bugs bunny cartoons and i'm like he would have the sorcerer's book do you remember that no that's like um like mickey mouse i like fantasia that's what i think of okay the same
Starting point is 01:59:58 thing and then like or like a character in a cartoon finds a book and then they read they read the magic words in there and then someone the like the person turns into a book and then they read, they read the magic words in there. And then someone, the, like the person turns into a rabbit. And as a kid, you think that's just bullshit. But then as you're an adult and you slowly wake up and you see what's going on in the world, you realize it's not bullshit. We're in a world full of sorcerers. There's people who have amazing, amazing vocabularies and amazing abilities to trick everyone into believing things, and amazing abilities to trick everyone into believing things even if their eyes tell them different. And don't be afraid. It's okay to ask what words mean.
Starting point is 02:00:30 It's okay. Like you don't have to – like when that guy was talking about DNA, like I've never seen DNA. I can only pretend. I don't lie to myself and tell you I know what it is. But I'm okay pretending that I know what it is, but I'm not okay with forgetting or lying to myself about the fact that I'm pretending.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Like, don't lie to yourself. Red does not mean stop. Don't lie to yourself. If you can't see it, it's not real. That's not true. But you know what I mean for illustration,
Starting point is 02:00:59 what I'm saying? Ideas are not real. Stop, stop defending them with your life. Your life is real. And on that note, I think we're done. Have a nice night. Peace and love. Thanks for the news, Hobart. You're welcome. Next Sunday at six. We're going to talk about that. I am on the road next Sunday. I will be at a seminar spreading meats, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit, a little starch, no sugar.
Starting point is 02:01:30 God, if you haven't taken your L1 yet, take your L1. Greatest thing that ever happened to me in my life. Ah, second, after having kids. It is really, really amazing. Thank you for doing that, Hobart. And CrossFit doesn't pay me to say that. Quite the contrary. So what day are we going to do it nick can we announce that uh when will we do the news will we do it on monday on saturday no it's because you're no good seminar uh yeah let's do it monday
Starting point is 02:01:57 the 20th okay you hear that suza you hear that suza i'm good we hear that, Sousa? I'm good. We'll do it. Monday the 20th. He's stoked. He's like, thank God I don't have to schedule someone that day. Hey, maybe we'll get Colton Mertens on the next new show. He won't say much, but he will not not show up. Or James Newberry. Or James Newberry.
Starting point is 02:02:20 Okay. Good point. Bye, guys. Thank you.

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