The Sevan Podcast - #140 - Kate Gordon

Episode Date: September 15, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. All 10 of my followers, they can still see me from not being banned. Yeah, I saw that you're kind of in like shadow band, right? Oh, super, super shadow band.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah. Hi, guys. Do you have another account? I do. I you have another account? I do. I do have another account. But this one, I have a blue checkmark, and I have like 90,000 followers, so I think I'm cool. So even though only 10 people can see me, I just, you know. It's like those pair of shoes that you just think they hurt your feet, but you just keep wearing them.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yeah. Oh, shit. I thought I went live. Wait, let's see. Oh, can I not go live anymore? Have I been banned from going live? Yeah. Oh, shit. I thought I went live. Wait, let's see. Oh, can I not go live anymore? Have I been banned from going live? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh, that's incredible. I think I've been banned from going live. Wow. Wow. Maybe I'll quit the app. Hey, guys. We are live on YouTube on the seven podcast and oh looks like people are logging on good to see you guys uh kate gordon's here seven's here i have covid that's why i'm that's why i'm wearing a uh warm vest and a warm hat
Starting point is 00:01:40 it's eight o'clock at night here what What time is it where you're at, Kate? 1 p.m. 1 p.m. And she is in what we in the United States refer to as the world's largest prison. But people are telling me it's really not like that there. It's just like,
Starting point is 00:01:55 that's just the news here in the United States portraying it that way. Like, I've heard Joe Rogan talking about the military and forcing people to stay inside. And I know that in Sydney, they are utilizing the military because the police
Starting point is 00:02:06 forces, they just don't have the capacity to enforce this thing. So they were getting the military in, but I don't, I don't know if it's like, you know, it gets blown up and magnified on the media and it's like the stuff that goes viral is the most extreme version. But Melbourne's pretty bad. Like Melbourne where I am, we have a curfew um we can't go out beyond 9 p.m and we have to be home from 9 p.m till 5 a.m we've got a 5k radius like you have a bubble you can't go out of your 5k radius uh you can only leave your house do you
Starting point is 00:02:37 follow those rules guys i'm on with kate gordon it's it's we're we're starting hot straight about the lockdown in australia then, drugs, and rock and roll. And then the most important thing, saving people's lives with CrossFit. Saving people's lives with CrossFit. You've only missed two minutes of the show. Please, the Sevan podcast, tune in. And I can't play with you guys right now on Instagram. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But I love you guys. Check it out. This is one you guys have been wanting and I'm scared to do. So log in and watch this shit. Peace. Okay. Back. Sorry. I will give you my undivided attention. That will not happen again, Miss Gordon. You deserve better. So yeah, we're pretty locked in. But so Greg, my- Are you following the rules? Well, so there's a couple of loopholes. There's the intimate partner loophole,
Starting point is 00:03:22 which is like you can go and see your intimate partner so they can't really define intimate partner so i think a lot of people tend to break the rules by being like well i'm going to see my intimate partner um and whether that's a one night intimate partner or it's their you know partner for five years it's like there's no difference don't see my partner and he's in a different area. So I've got his 5k bubble. I've got my and how many and how many Oh, oh, interesting. Okay. And you're saying that you can go see that intimate partner if they're outside of your 5k 5k bubble. Yeah, yeah. So you can like you can travel outside of your 5k 5k if your intimate partners outside of your 5k or for people that
Starting point is 00:04:02 are in rural places, if they can only get access to like groceries and places beyond the 5k bubble, they're allowed to leave it. So there are some kind of like, so they can't really enforce it. You could find a dude who you have an agreement with or, or chick, I guess it doesn't matter. It can be your intimate partner. It could be, it just has to be a human, right on facebook can be like oh yeah this is my intimate partner and hey i'm coming to what city do you live in i'm in melbourne and melbourne so you could find it oh they do that makes me happy to hear that because when they show the police doing that shit in the united states i just think man i can't see our police doing that
Starting point is 00:04:41 yeah i've spoken to two cops and they're like it's it's not why we became cops like it's fucking bullshit we have so much more important things to be doing um and and the whole like intimate partner thing it's like how are we gonna even know like it's a rule that's impossible to enforce have you had covid yet no it's not it's not really out there here yet so do you actually have covid right now yeah i got it okay i got it i'll probably dead i'll probably die by the end of the show well i mean that's what they're saying someone actually said it craig white you actually have it so this is what happened about a week ago my kids started getting really sick and when i mean really sick like that means like um they wake up in the morning their voice sounds funny and five five minutes later, they, they just rage.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Right. So they were, they like, they're, they were just sick and they, they sleep funny and you set up a humidifier in their room and stuff like that. But my kids are just barefoot and, um, you know, born at home straight out of the vagina, you know, breastfed. Yeah. Just dirt twirlers and, um, never wear shoes. And so basically,
Starting point is 00:05:45 we didn't obey any of the rules here in the United States since the lockdown, and they've just been running wild. And my thought was like, hey, I want them to hurry up and get COVID so that they can build an immunity to it so that they have it their whole life. So they don't have to be, God forbid, they get obese, but when they're 80 and obese, if they were, that they don't have to worry about it as much because they've already fought it off once like kids here who get the chickenpox, right? And, and we all know the efficacy of the measles vaccine and the chickenpox vaccine. Like these are, these are a joke here in the United States. Like when we have outbreaks that half the people who get it have had the vaccine. Now that of course there are great
Starting point is 00:06:21 vaccines. The polio vaccines appears to be really good. Smallpox vaccine appears to be really good. Not a leaky vaccine. But so then my kids were sick. And then last week, my wife and I got really sick. And like I said, once again, you know, I'm going to say something really pompous here, but it's the truth. By CrossFit standards, sick. That means your sickness sets in around 8 o'clock at night and your throat starts to get sore. Throughout the night, your throat is sore sore you wake up a few times you double down on some vitamin c vitamin d drink extra water you get up in the middle of the night
Starting point is 00:06:52 and pee too many times because you're drinking so much water you get up at eight o'clock you feel sick you have a cup of coffee and you're fine and you're healthy all day until yeah do you know that kind of sickness the one that only comes at night i've i've never been proper like fully sick i've been you know it's like i'm sick but i still i still work out and i still you know life doesn't really stop right right right and so and i've been i so so she was sick for about a week and then we got tested and we both got tested and we both tested negative and it was because our throats were so sore but we would had didn't hear from anyone else that that was one of the symptoms you know
Starting point is 00:07:29 we always heard other stuff fever headache and then so like four or five days passed and this morning she woke up and she's like hey the weirdest thing just happened I go what she goes I just I made a cup of coffee and I couldn't taste it so So I dumped it out. I thought it was a shit cup and I made another cup. I'm like, you wasted a cup of good dudes. Are you kidding me? I was pissed. And, um, so she, in these troubled times, man, in these troubled times, you can't be wasting a good cup of good dudes. So, um, I'm like, well, how's the second cup? She's like, I can't taste it either. And I go, wow. So she went and got tested and she tested positive.
Starting point is 00:08:03 So I just assumed that that means we all got it. Yeah. Can you taste stuff? Can you smell stuff? I can. I can. I think I can. I'm drinking a cup of Good Dudes now. Not smart to do at 8 p.m. Let me see. Yeah, that's an aggressive move. Yeah, I think I can taste it. I'm more like just a trash compactor. I just eat for, like, comfort. Like, I don't even really taste my food. I'm just, like, get a bag of broccoli and a tub of hummus and eat.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I love watching Three Plain Brothers and them just eating leaves. Leaves and broccoli and whatever. My buddy Paul Saladino wouldn't approve., but yeah, I eat a lot of greens. I want to read something to you off of your – we've never met before, right? No, I think we've been close because I've been at the games and I've been with Seminist Stop for like seven years. And I've definitely been to trainer summits that you're at. Yeah, so I think we've been in the same building a couple times,
Starting point is 00:09:04 but that's about it. For those of you who don't know, um, Kate, are you still on the L1 team? Yeah. Yeah, I am. Well, I mean, seminars are few and far between in Australia right now, but yes, still on staff. So for those of you who don't know, I did a hundred podcasts with CrossFit Inc. And in every single one of those podcasts, with CrossFit Inc. And in every single one of those podcasts, mas o menos, I talked about how great the L1 team is. And it is crazy, crazy valuable for any human being in the world to take that course. It is the operating manual for the human being. Like every single person should take it. And the people who teach that course are out of this world not only do they teach you that information but they share with you the culture of crossfit
Starting point is 00:09:52 and so like people who haven't taken the l1 or who haven't like what you can do and and i love the affiliates i'm not this isn't to dig at affiliates but what you learn in one year in affiliate you will learn in two days at an l1. And it's more than just movement. It's more than just nutrition. You will, you will break barriers of comfortability with your movement because these great teachers will, will they're, they're like, um, I've never said this before. They're like, um, midwives. And for those of you who've ever worked with the midwife, what they do is they hold the space for you. And for some people, it's almost too profound to understand that, but they make it safe for you to learn about your body. And you can take that with you from those two days. And Kate is one of those people on that team. And I think that there are no better trainers in the
Starting point is 00:10:42 world. And I think that even people who despise and hate CrossFit know that. I think that there are no better trainers in the world, and I think that even people who despise and hate CrossFit know that. I think everyone knows that. It's kind of like people who hate the military. They still – a Navy SEAL walks in the room, and they're like, yes, sir, no, sir, and they know that that's a great human being. So I'm looking at Kate's – she's got at least three Instagram accounts and I scrolled all the way to her second post. Her first post is of her brother, which is really sweet.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And I scrolled to her second post and it says, it's a quote from Calvin Coolidge. I'm going to let Kate talk to you guys. Don't worry. Don't worry. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people place of persistence talent will not nothing is more
Starting point is 00:11:26 common than unsuccessful people with talent genius will not unrewarded genius is almost a proverb education will not the world is full of educated derelicts persistence and determination alone are omnipotent calvin coolidge when i was in college I was obsessed at 21 years old with sex, like obsessed with just the mechanism and what it was just the, I was obsessed with the obsession. Like I wasn't obsessed with sex. I was obsessed with just the obsession of sex. Like I was just fascinated by just this, this college scene at the university of Santa Barbara. And I wanted to write a book on it. And I used to, and I made all these surveys and I was doing all these like studies. And I thought I was like some sort of scientist and it was funny.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And during my, during my research and I never wrote the book, I, I came across, uh, uh, something called the Coolidge effect. Have you heard of it? No, I haven't. And so Calvin Coolidge, the president of the United States, he went to one of these huge, huge farms. It was like 50,000 square acres, and he went there with the first lady, Mrs. Coolidge. You know Calvin Coolidge was the president of the United States, right? Yes. Okay. So they went to this giant subsidized farm in the United States, and it's 50,000 acres, and they take a tour of this farm. And the president goes one way, and the first lady goes another way. And the president says – or so they take the first lady and show her the prize rooster of the farm.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And the president is off somewhere else, and they said, Mrs. Coolidge, this is our prize rooster. Um, and I forget what the, exactly what it was, but he has sex 500 times a day. And Mrs. Coolidge says, Oh, please tell, um, the president showed the president this prize rooster and let him know that. So they circle back around and they bring the president Calvin Coolidge in. They said, Mr. President, uh, Mrs. Coolidge wanted us to show you our prize rooster and let you know he has sex 500 times a day. And the president says Calvin Coolidge, in. They said, Mr. President, Mrs. Coolidge wanted us to show you our prized rooster and let you know he has sex 500 times a day. And the president says, with the same chicken? And they said, no, sir, with 500 different chickens.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And he goes, oh, make sure you let Mrs. Coolidge know that. That's good. Thank you. Oh, Calvin. So what's interesting is this is Kate's second post, and it was made in January 23, 2013. And we go forward eight years, and these are my words about what Kate is doing. But some people explore nutrition, and I think Kate has definitely done that. And other people also explore relationships and societal norms and just like not trying to find maybe happiness or intimacy in the current paradigm that we've been given, but sort of to just to see outside of it.
Starting point is 00:14:23 just to see outside of it. And so I think it's interesting because you flash forward to your most recent post and I like the way you're doing it. You're keeping it light, but basically I don't even know how it unfolded, but there's this man you've been dating, right? Yeah. And you're in a open relationship with him,
Starting point is 00:14:42 whatever that means. I don't even know what that means exactly. I mean, like all relationships, maybe all relationships are open. Maybe, maybe it should be called an honest relationship. Yeah, I think so. We just make up the, we just make up the boundaries. Right. And I, and I, and I just find it fast. How old are you? 31. And, and you've never been married, right?
Starting point is 00:15:06 No. And you don't have any kids? No, no. Yeah, man. Your 30s are great. You're doing it right. You're doing it right. And you're just right at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I never understood people that were in a rush to get to that part of life. I was like, man, no, this stuff's good. This stuff's real good. Before we get to that, I i want to go go back just a little bit more but but but we have a good bit um are you you're born and raised in australia born in new zealand so grew up in new zealand uh i was in the u.s for a little while i went to uc irvine and then uh australia for the past seven years okay so you're a New Zealander and is your family still there? Yeah. And why did you move to Australia? I actually got fired. I got fired from my job. I was working at CrossFit
Starting point is 00:15:54 New Zealand. We had a fallout. I got fired. And then I started working for a guy who was on seminar stuff as well. He ran a gym out of Brisbane and just was like, screw it. I'm going. Wow. And, um, is CrossFit New Zealand still around? Yeah. Yeah. They actually are. Wow. How stoked are they that they got that name? Yeah. That would never, that would never happen anymore. I don't think they allow that. No.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And so you come, and so you come to Brisbane and you never go back. Are your parents still in New Zealand? And your brother and your dad? Yeah, yeah. So all my family's in New Zealand. But I mean, it's a two-hour flight. It's really not that far. It's like living in San Fran and my family are in San Diego almost. Do you plan on going back to New Zealand? You know, I thought about that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And maybe I would, you know, just because the drawcard of being with my family is strong. At some point, potentially. And they don't have a lot of presence on your Instagram outside of this post and post with your dad because you're not, you're not home. No, I've seen them. I was lucky enough to see them in between a small like break in our lockdowns. But otherwise, we're not even allowed to travel to New Zealand at the moment. Wow. That's so that's man. Okay. So, so, and now where are you working?
Starting point is 00:17:13 So I was at a CrossFit 1010, which is a really cool little small affiliate and about an hour South of Melbourne city. I was coaching at Reebok CrossFit Frankston as well for a little while with Rob Forte. And now I'm mostly online. Like I have to say with obviously it's a big push for me to just play
Starting point is 00:17:33 online thing. Is it scary trying to make ends meet there? You know what? I think I'm having a following on social media. it's i would have never guessed in 2013 when i started posting that like it would have resulted in so many people being like hey i like you i want to follow you tell me more um but they completely support me
Starting point is 00:17:57 like completely um i think without that kind of social media following i don't think it would be possible but yeah i know i'm good online is great. And what do you mean they support you? Meaning like you, you sell your services? Like all my clients, all my clients come through Instagram, 100% of my clients. Holy cow. And what's the name of your business? So I'm running CFK programming, which is an individual, like at home training and affiliate programming. Uh, And then I've just started CFK nutrition. So basically, it's like one on one, I guess you guys have the equivalent of like wag in this in America, it's kind of similar to that similar format where it's like you get a coach and your coach hangs out with you and helps you just figure out the food thing to get your
Starting point is 00:18:39 food and your training on track. And it's kind of where the magic happens, right? And it's interesting that you do that all online how long have you been doing that uh the cfk programming i've been programming for people online for about 18 months and then the nutrition stuff my particular business for about a month it's brand spanking new some people would say that how vulnerable you've made yourself and the topics you're talking about you know like um food menstrual cycles just just i guess i want to say a human anatomy some people would say that hey you shouldn't be doing that if you want to grow a business and i'm guessing that maybe you've shown them hey it's the exact opposite that's true.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Do you know, like, I feel like there's something to having a niche market where people that can see your, your authenticity. It's like, that's a really attractive thing to have. So I think my stance has always been, if people don't want to see my shit, then good. I don't want to work with them. If they're not aligned with me, then like, cool, don't follow me. Don't jump on board. Like, but man, I'm going in a really good direction. And you can be part of that or you don't have to be. Like, I'll never force anyone to fucking do my shit.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So I think it's like a filtering process. Yeah, I fully get that. And what's the split? That's kind of just that. That's kind of the beginnings of CrossFit was like that also. What is the split of your men and women? So it used to be more men than women about maybe not by much, maybe like 55% to 60% men.
Starting point is 00:20:20 And that was when I was posting a lot more just like training stuff, like just like workout videos and like, hey, here I am, like a crop top and fucking lifting barbells. But more recently, it's become just swung slightly towards the other way. So like 55% woman now or even closer to, yeah, 60% woman. And do you think that's just random or do you think it's more because of your attentiveness to things that might appeal to women? It's been in the last couple of years that I've been talking more about like eating and nutrition. it's more because of your attentiveness to things that might appeal to women. Oh, it's been in the last couple of years that I've been talking more about like eating and nutrition. And then talking about periods and sex and relationships just is naturally
Starting point is 00:20:54 something that I think women are particularly drawn to. The, I used to bring up girls periods, not nearly the, um, with the class that you bring it up. Not that I brought it up in an unclassy way, but on the CrossFit podcast, I spoke about it with a lot of different women. And it ended up being part of my demise, the conversation I had with Stacey Tovar about it, which is just, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Cause then I had her on this podcast and within the first 10 minutes she brought up her period. So, but what are you going to do? It needs to be talked about. It needs to be. It just, yeah. It's not, it's, it's even, it's even a little more strange than that. It's like, it not only does it need to be talked about it, it doesn't need to be talked about as something that doesn't need to be talked about. Do you know what I mean by that? Like,
Starting point is 00:21:48 like it's not, it's not a big deal. It's, it's like, it's, it's, it's, it's like peeing and pooping and,
Starting point is 00:21:57 and spitting and breathing and periods. And like being a human. Yeah. These are, these are autumn. These are automated things. No one has control. No one has control over your digestion or your period or your you know um when when will things um get back to normal for you when when do you have any idea when you'll start being on the l1 tour again well i'm sure if i can get into a different state it looks like
Starting point is 00:22:24 they're running seminars in queensland so they're pretty open at the moment so queensland is kind of the place to be for seminars um i did get a couple in this year but um yeah we're they're not looking to open up victoria until it's like 70 vaccinated and that's that's saying the end of this month but um i mean with the rate that they've been doing lockdowns it's like you just can't fucking trust anything they say about, you know, when they're going to open or whatever's going to happen. And even if let's say they even get to 100% vaccinated, if one person there gets COVID, then your shit gets all tossed up again. Yeah, it just the it's really funny. I think you guys probably experienced the same thing with different states making different decisions around how they deal with it. And we've just got the one guy who likes to be the guy that makes really tough decisions for everybody. And he's just like, it's hard for him, but he's just the hero and someone's got to do it. Like, that's the kind of life that you get from him. that you get from him.
Starting point is 00:23:24 So he kind of loves the harsh rules and the harsh lockdowns and just being like, this is the sacrifices we've got to make. Meanwhile, you know, he's fine working and continuing to do what he does and provide for his family. Right. There's a crazy lady over there,
Starting point is 00:23:36 an Armenian lady. Gladys. I'm pretty sure it's Gladys. Her last name starts with a B? Yeah, I don't know what her full name is, but yeah. She looks Armenian. She got the nose and the black hair. She's B? Yeah, I don't know what her full name is, but yeah. She looks Armenian. She got the nose and the black hair.
Starting point is 00:23:48 She's thin. Yeah, yeah. She's a fucking nut job. She is a nut job. Man, it sucks that she's Armenian. I'm Armenian. Yeah. So I'm just like, hey, man, you're, I mean, not really.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I'm just a person. It's funny because from where I'm standing, looking at New South Wales, she's actually someone who recently has said things like, Hey, when we're 70% vaccinated, if you don't want to go somewhere where people that are unvaccinated are eating, then you don't need to eat out. So like, she's been, Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. Good. Good. It's been interesting. Like she's kind of, it's almost, and I'm not following it super closely. I'm definitely not an expert, but it seems like she's letting things go a little bit
Starting point is 00:24:30 because the reality is that it's going to be endemic and we're going to have to deal with this and lockdowns aren't really stopping an airborne virus anytime soon. So what's that mean? It's endemic. Endemic meaning that it's just part of the population. So when it's pandemic, it's an epidemic that becomes like worldwide or global and endemic, meaning it's just part of of life.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah. Yeah, I like that. How come I don't know that? I do know it's just part of life. You know, a big word that says it all. I just tell people so many people know, hey, man, this is just a part of life. This is just the way it's going to be. I love how good our reception is. Usually when I talk to people overseas, there's a small delay, but other than that, this is, this is working. Um, did you, in the picture I used of you, um, for the, um, to show that you're coming on the show, there was this thing, the menstrual cup. Yeah. Tell me about the menstrual cup. So basically the menstrual cup is like, so women typically use tampons or pads, which is like, you go through a million of them because you have to constantly reuse them. Um, so long while you run in the store and get me some tampons.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Sure. Whatever you want, babe. So the menstrual cup is something that you can use for like 10 years. Something that you just, um, sterilized by like boiling it in water and you literally stick it in your vagina. It pops open and it catches all of the blood. So you just empty it out whenever you need to and then put it back in. Is it good? It's fucking amazing. Like it's reliable. It's a good catcher.
Starting point is 00:25:56 You got it. It takes a little while to get used to it because you have to position it around the cervix properly. You have to get in far enough. So it's like it's there's an application. There's a skill to the like getting it in but um it's you know when you've been using stuff that you have to go through a million of you're always carrying them it's like and you know like this has happened around the globe i'm pretty sure in every you know like we used to do in the gym and school
Starting point is 00:26:20 like in all workplaces women have to like trade like tampons or pads if they've forgotten their own and it's like this secret thing but um you just don't have to like worry about having extras or spares it's like you have a cup and you just like i have two and i just rotate them i would always if i was a girl i would always like i would always have pads around like in every glove compartment well i don't know i would just have them as just backup they were whatever they would all they would be everywhere they would like like i have friends who are paranoid of like intruders and so they have guns placed all over their house if i was a girl i would be like hey i'm just gonna have pat like they would be everywhere i mean it'd be like
Starting point is 00:26:57 having kids like you'd have diapers always right yes we have wipes everywhere we have wipes in every car you have backup wipes yes yes so so when you first start using the menstrual cup, do you still put a pad in just in case it leaks while you're learning? No, I mean, look, if somebody had like a really heavy flow and it was positioned incorrectly, like, I might get a bit messy. But, you know, I'm the kind of person, I'm like, look, if it gets a little messy, it's fine. It's not the end of the world. But yeah, you could potentially use a pad still. Or even like, there's some really cool things coming out like period underwear where they have underwear with a built-in pad almost. And you can reuse them and wash them. Hey, duh.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Right? Yeah. Yeah. Right? And this menstrual cup, do you ever forget that it's in you? Because I know that's a thing with you girls. you ever forget that it's in you because i know like i know that's that's the thing with you girls like you can you can forget that stuff like tampons cups like you could potentially forget it i my brain doesn't work like that like i know my brain's like it
Starting point is 00:27:53 knows that i put that in and i'm not going to forget that but um yeah it's something that like because you guys you guys get like weird about that shit is it in there is it not in there i can't feel it i'm freaking out is it in there i'm? Is it not in there? I can't feel it. I'm freaking out. Is it in there? I'm not sure if it's in there. You can't feel it. That's the thing. You can't feel it. Can you lose it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:13 You would not be able to lose it. It would be physically impossible to be lost forever, but you can have a hard time getting it out. And man, I've heard some funny stories. I had a friend. Why couldn't you tie a string to it? and then I've heard some funny stories. Like I had a friend. Why couldn't you tie a string to it? I had Noah Olsen on and they put some,
Starting point is 00:28:27 I had Noah Olsen on and they put something in his, his penis got damaged. Did you, did you see that? Hear that by any chance? I used to work with Noah. I used to coach him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:37 If there's one man in this planet who does not deserve to have his penis hurt, it's Noah Olsen. It's weird that it would happen to him, but he had his penis damaged and he had to have like a stint or something put in his penis and um they had left a string hanging out yeah why couldn't you tie like a string like um uh to the end of the the menstrual menstrual period cup menstrual cup cup yeah probably but some of them just have a longer like tail like the actual silicon tail is longer which is effective but like when you when you figure it out it's really easy it's a combination of like kind of pressing down to like push down your pelvic floor and it kind of pushes
Starting point is 00:29:17 it out and you get enough like grip on it to tug it out all right if you say so but i know you guys trip on losing shit in there um whenever i see a um what are the what are the what are the ones with the strings they get all bloody that like the cotton those are tampons tampons whenever i see one of those i always think it's a dead mouse is that weird do you ever think of it i kind of think i kind of agree yeah you do like if i see one in the trash can or something in my bathroom like I'd be like, I mean, I know it's not, but I just think, oh, is that a dead mouse? It's got a tail. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:29:49 It's got a tail. It's all fucked up. It looks like a head got caught in the mousetrap. And I always think, this is why I didn't want to do this show. This is why I'm having issues, you guys. All right, Sevan, are you cold? No, I'm not cold. I'm sweating.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I'm uncomfortable because I'm afraid. The premise of the show is that I have to give a little bit more than the guest so that the guest feels comfortable giving more. But like this isn't an area where I want to give too much because like I'm married now and I got like kids, but like I'm fucked. It's doomed. It's who it's who I am. Would you would you date a guy who is weaker than you? Are you a relationship expert? I kind of do. I kind of do. I'm a relationship expert on myself. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I'd argue. Say that again? I'd argue that I'm a relationship expert on myself. Right. With almost everything. You know, when it comes to like food and training and people ask me a lot of fucking questions. But I'm like i can tell you everything i know about myself but how it applies to you might be different okay okay i get that and but when i hear you say you're a relationship expert on yourself i also get it that you have the meditative capabilities to watch yourself perform in this world.
Starting point is 00:31:13 You mean like someone who's self-aware? Yeah, like as you're opening, you open the fridge at 1130 and you pull out cottage cheese and then you start putting honey in it and as you're eating it you're kind of having this out-of-body experience going you dumb fuck you dumb fuck what are you doing everybody does that don't yeah i don't know i don't know i don't know if they do that i don't know i don't know if they if they if they watch themselves or they they know um they know that they are not you you know that you are not your thoughts. Are you aware of that? Yes and no.
Starting point is 00:31:49 But that you're personally responsible? Okay. Yeah, like I can be really self-aware. And then there are other times where I can't separate myself from myself. Of course. Yes, yes, yes, of course. So you are stronger than your current boyfriend? Look, in some things, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Some other things, no. So like just straight up powerlifting, like squat, deadlift, press, he's stronger. But I'm stronger than him in, yeah, in our Olympic lifts, I'm pretty sure I'm stronger. I mean, like, let me just – like, could you date a guy who had, like – could you date a tennis player? Yeah. Yeah, no problem. I mean, he's got a 112-pound bench press for three reps. He's got really big quads. He's got – he's 6' hundred and fifty one pounds after he eats dessert i mean
Starting point is 00:32:48 that's okay it doesn't it doesn't matter to you i don't i it's not that you know there are things that just don't matter because i think you know physical attractiveness or or not necessarily um stereotypical attractiveness but being attracted to someone is, it's something that is genuinely required. But the thing with me is I kind of have to go into any relationship, assuming I'm probably stronger because I lift a lot of weight pretty regularly and I've been doing it for 10 years. So most, most people aren't cleaning and jerking like 110 kilos or what is that? Um, fuck, what is that in pounds? I don't know what that is in pounds. 250. Let's say 250. 2. pounds. 250. Let's say 250. I'm just saying 2.2 times 110.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Let's say 250. Someone will do, someone will do the math in the comments. Yeah. So it's like, you know, I can probably snatch and clean and jerk more than most guys, unless there's someone who specifically trains and cross for the weightlifting. So it's. And your strict muscle up is crazy. Yeah. I love, you know what I have, I have been gifted with broad,
Starting point is 00:33:45 strong shoulders that I hated when I was younger. And now I'm just like, man, this has made my whole CrossFit career. It's, it's, I'm not normal. And I, and I understand that, but it was always weird to me that like someone wouldn't want to be with a woman who is stronger than them or wouldn't want to be with a woman who made more money to them. it was always weird to me like when guys would be like hey i like girls with i i like girls with red hair or i like black chicks or i like chicks with big butts because i was always the kind of person who just knew what i didn't want yeah like the thought of a girl making more money than me sounds great the thought of a girl being stronger than me sounds fantastic. The thought of banging every ethnicity, race, fucking seven feet tall dwarf, it all sounded great to me. I just didn't want anyone mean.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I didn't want to have my feelings hurt. Other than that, like, shit. Let's do it. I think it's kind of a good approach. let's do it i think that's i think it's kind of a good approach you know i think a lot of people go in with like when they start dating someone or seeing people they're like oh i want to make sure they have these things and that they check these boxes and it's like well what about the shit you don't want do they have yeah and actually another thing that you had a post like that like there's things like you don't talk about what you want you you show the things that you don't want
Starting point is 00:35:02 yeah well that's something that i feel like from having previous relationships and like dating people I'm like I come out of each relationship being like okay I've learned some things about what I really don't fucking want and then I know some things that I'm like cool I kind of like that I might take that from this so yeah you end up with like a I don't want this I definitely don't want that I'm not looking for this I don't want to repeat that bullshit I want to do something that goes in another direction. I'm 49 and I've been with my wife forever now, right?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Like it took me, like I wrote a screenplay. It's called Five Years to Fornication. And it's the five years that it took me to get her, to get her to be naked with her and bone her, right? And like actually nothing happened for the first five years. It was nuts. It was nuts. She had a boyfriend. We were friends. Yeah, she had a boyfriend friends we were friends yeah she had a boyfriend i had a girlfriend i had girlfriends and she like and i would try to make the move on her she'd be like hey what are you fucking stupid i got a
Starting point is 00:35:52 boyfriend like you know and uh and we worked together we worked together for five years in our 20 and i was in my we were in our 20s um but when i was man there's a lot of things to unpack here that i want to ask you about there was a time in my life where i i had lots of girlfriends and i and i and i was i wasn't dishonest about it but i didn't hide it so like i can remember like being in college and being at a sandwich joint with one girlfriend and then my other girlfriend walks up and be like oh hey would you like to join us and then another girl walks up like, Oh, Hey, would you like to join us? And then another girl walks up and I'm like, Oh, Hey, would you like to join us? And it's just, shit's just getting weird, but I'm kind of enjoying how weird it's getting. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:34 But like now it's not like that. I don't know. I think I really go ahead. What? Say it again. Hook up culture on campus. Like I think that's still a thing. You mean that people are just... But I never thought people were cool with it. They weren't just hookups. I never had one-night stands. They were intimate.
Starting point is 00:36:58 They were relationships I tried to maintain. I think that's unique. For sure. I even think you you know you're like oh it's not like that anymore but I'm I'm thinking that even back then it probably wasn't like that I think no no no sorry I don't mean it's not like that anymore in the world I mean it's not like that anymore with me oh with you like something if you were to ask me 20 years ago hey would you would you be um a one woman man I would have said no fucking way yeah and now if
Starting point is 00:37:26 my wife died i just i i i think of myself as becoming a monk i have no interest in other like so women other women now are just like flowers that other be i mean i like i like them but other bees pollinate them yeah you said that you get like quite obsessive with things right and you're obsessed with sex like i'm not obsessed with not i wasn't obsessed with sex i was obsessed with the obsession of sex yeah okay does that do you know what i mean like i was more interested it's but in in like your nature as a person is you become obsessed with things yes yes yes but i was never really obsessed with things. Yes, yes, yes. But I was never really obsessed with sex. Like, I guess, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:38:08 Like, I don't need to watch porn every day or I don't need to bone every day. I've never been like that guy. Yeah. So I think like for me, because I'm similar, I become super fixated on things and become like, I call myself an obsessive person because I take it to, you know, to an extreme point. because I take it to an extreme point. But I think for myself, when I am saturated into something and I really enjoy it and I become obsessed about it, there comes a time where I'm kind of no longer obsessed about it.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And I'm like, I feel like I've done that. I filled that void or I filled that gap and I've gotten all the information and I've done all that learning and growing. And then I kind of moved to a new season or a new phase of life. But, but the two things that you have chosen are like, are pretty eternal things. Hey, do you think that we're obsessed because we're searching for God and everything? We want to drill down to like, to see the atoms, to see the God and everything. And I use the word God very broadly. Yeah, it sounds like a Jordan Peterson question.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Maybe. I think we're searching for... I don't know. I think, you know, like, my stance is that I'm not searching and I don't like people who are like, oh, I need to find myself. I'm like, no, man, you just need to decide what you want to be
Starting point is 00:39:22 and go and do that thing. Like, I've never been someone who's like, I'm going to go find my purpose. I'm like, no, the, you just need to decide what you want to be and go and do that thing. Like I've never been someone who's like, I'm going to go find my purpose. I'm like, no, the purpose is to give yourself purpose. So I don't know if I'm looking for answers. I feel like I'm looking for information because information is exciting and interesting and things that I obsess about. I love. Do you know what you want to be? No.
Starting point is 00:39:45 I mean, I really enjoy what I'm like, be like in terms of like, I've never known what I want to be like, like I'm a father. Like I never wanted to be like, like all these people are like, I'm a,
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm a movie director or I'm a fireman or I'm a lawyer. I want to be a doctor. Like I never knew the only thing that I've ever felt like, the only thing I've ever become is that I'm comfortable with is a father. Like if someone asked me, are you a father? I'd be like, yeah, I'm a dad. I fully have embraced that. But all the other,
Starting point is 00:40:16 and I'm trying to embrace the podcast thing. Yeah. I'm trying to fucking embrace the shit out of it. But yeah, but I'd never have known what I want to be. But I thought you said that people should know what they want to be and they should pursue that. Or did I misunderstand that? I don't think it's like a, hey, you should know. I think it's like you get to decide and you can make your mind up and you can go charge towards that rather than waiting for something to come and find you. It's like,
Starting point is 00:40:46 Hey, you, you can control that. Um, it's up to you. Did you know you wanted to be on the L1 team? No, I had a friend tell me, she was like, man, I just did the L1. You are one of those trainers. You got to go and do it. And I was like, that's really fucking cool. That was one of the biggest compliments I've ever been given. I was like, I'm going to do that. Wait. So had you taken your L1 when the person told you that? Yeah, I had, I'd taken my L1. So I was coaching in a tiny little gym that doesn't unfortunately exist in LA. Uh, and she was like our front desk girl and she went and did her L1 and came back and was like, man, that was unreal. Oh my God, you should be one of those trainers. And that was, and you sent me off that path. Okay. and how long before had you done your l1 um probably about a year prior
Starting point is 00:41:30 i've been coaching for about eight months and and when you took your l1 what was your do you who were your trainers at your l1 so it was it was actually in new zealand it was when i was on a little hiatus in new zealand so i had boss boss, Boz was living in Australia at the time. So I had Boz, I had, uh, pretty much the whole Australian team. So I had Doug Armstrong. I had, uh, Danny Mella. I had, uh, Stacy, who's no longer in stock with us. Um, and I had, did you have Lillian or Matt Swift? No, Swifty wasn't on it and Lily wasn't on it, but later on, Sw later on swifty swifty swifty he became my training partner before uh he went to the sicken games so we trained for a year together and that was like the best fucking year ever yeah is matt swift the greatest trainer who's ever walked on
Starting point is 00:42:16 the planet i'm pretty sure he's the greatest fucking human who's ever walked on the planet he's i love swifty he's the best. He is truly, truly remarkable. Is he still – I know his wife was sick. Is that better? So he was kind of – I think it was his wife's mother. Okay. They moved to the sunny coast in Queensland.
Starting point is 00:42:38 So they were in Brisbane. They sold CrossFit Brisbane, moved to the sunny coast. So they're living in a beautiful, like, surfy town called Noosa. They were living with or close by to, yeah, his wife's mother. So I think that might be who you're thinking of. Okay. Sorry, I shouldn't be digging into his. I should just have him on the show and ask him.
Starting point is 00:42:56 You absolutely should. Man, he's the best. I hate to say it, but that's great. You look amazing, Savan. What? I look amazing that I've had COVID? Sorry, I'm reading one of the comments here. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I wonder if some shows we do live call-ins. We've never done a live call-in show where we have guests. It's usually I have James Hobart on. Oh, James Hobart had lots of nice things to say about you. He's the best. We've worked together a couple times. He's fun. Oh, James Hobart had lots of nice things to say about you. He's the best. We've worked together a couple times. He's fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:27 He said you were amazing. Anyway, we have this show where we allow live callers to call in. I should have allowed people to call in so people could – we'll have you back on and people can ask their questions about dementia. I'd love to know what people would ask. Okay. okay so um so she when you take your l1 did you think for a second that oh my goodness i i will one of these days i'm going to be these people or that didn't even enter your mind or did you think they were amazing or what did you think so i took the l1 not because i wanted to become a trainer i'd been doing crossfit for like i think i've been doing crossfit for about five or six
Starting point is 00:44:01 months at the time and this was when like you couldn't get onto L1s, especially in New Zealand, there was sold out for months. I think it's a little easier now. Well, I mean, I'll take that back as a lockdown. But one of the guys in my affiliate, he pulled out last minute, and I was like, I hammered seminars and was like, Hey, I need the spot, give me the spot. And so I jumped on last minute. And it was just one of those experiences where it was so logical, it fucking blew me away. And I remember being like, man, why has no one told me this before? It was so good. And yeah, I didn't even really plan on being a coach.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I definitely didn't plan on being one of the seminar staff people. I think the only thing I went in thinking was I'm going to get my first muscle up at my L1. Oh, yeah. They pulled out the strict muscle up, and I was like, I am not going to get my first muscle up today. Oh, you didn't get it? No, hell no. I was miles away. You really do have an amazing strict muscle up.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I got my first muscle up at the L1. Oh, nice. Yeah, Greg Amundsen and Eddie Lugo and Nicole Carroll helped me get it. And I never, I still to this day, I just don't do kipping muscle-ups. I just do strict muscle-ups. I mean, I have a little bit of a kip, but you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I don't do the... Have you ever done a strict bar muscle-up? I have. That was a no. That took me so long to learn. It took me... I haven't done a lot of them. That was a no. That took me so long to learn. I think I've done one. I haven't done a lot of them. I did a lot of negatives. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:30 That's great. Anyone learning pulling movements, muscle-ups, negatives is the best. Yeah. How did you learn your strict bar muscle-up? So I did a lot of hanging. And so I used to get like trigger balls, like lacrosse balls and hang and false grip just to get used to hanging. Cause it was so uncomfortable. So I'd hook a ball over the bar and just hang and do like Tabata hang. And I used to do that on the rings as well.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I used to hang in false grip just because the hanging was so hard. And like now it's like, I love hanging. And then, yeah, I did a lot of strict pulling. I don't know if I did that many negatives because I kind of – I think I had the strength that was just that last little pull to just get your torso in the right position and to kind of like throw – like just get over that little bit, and then I was golden.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But, yeah, I just did a lot of strict chest to bar or chest to like – it was my belly button to bar. And then once I got the position, it was kind of – you kind of fall over at the top of the bar yeah it's nuts i i actually never thought i was going to get it and it and it wasn't pretty i should have never let it go yeah i i don't know if i could i'm gonna have to test it i'm gonna have to try and see if i could do them still i um i with my kids i have them do tons of jumping bar muscle ups and I never see anyone else do those.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Maybe it's because there's aren't bars low enough. And then after that, I have them do like a hundred, you know, I do like 10 and raise the bar, 10, raise the bar, 10, raise the bar. Then usually when, when my old, my six year old gets to the top, he can usually do one strict. That's legit. Yeah. I've trained a ton of people to do jumping ring muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Oh, okay. Yeah. You just have the rings at like forehead height, and you just practice jumping into it. And the trick is like, you know, you can't turn them out. You've got to actually do it as if you're doing a muscle-up and keep the rings closed. But it's, yeah, jumping muscle-up, jumping pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I feel like people don't really use those. No, people should use those. Those are brutal. Yeah. Those are really crazy brutal. Okay, so we talked about the menstrual cup. You can just buy those online? Yeah. Those are really crazy brutal. Okay, so we talked about the menstrual cup. You can just buy those online? Yeah, they're expensive, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:31 relative to buying tampons for like 20, 30 years, it's like they're very cheap. Liberating or pain in the ass? Pain in the ass initially, like anything, is a pain in the ass initially, and then it's fucking the best it's so convenient i i hmm is it is it all you use do you use it exclusively uh i only don't use it if i just don't have it on me which is like if i'm traveling or like you know randomly if i'm if i'm at my
Starting point is 00:48:02 partner's house or something it's like how, how about swimming? Yeah. We're at swimming. Working out. Yeah. We're at working out. Everything. Yep. Everything. Um, tell me about this, uh, thermometer. Yeah. Um, what, I always called it the, the Catholic girl method, but you had a different word for it. Yeah. So i use the symptom thermal method which is basically that we're say that one more time symptom thermal method so i'm tracking a few different things to track my basically to track people use it to track fertility okay um but what i do for birth control is rather than figure out when i'm fertile i just establish when i'm not fertile.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Right. So women, women are fertile for such a small period, like small phase in their period that it's like, if you can figure when that out, when figure out when that is, you don't need to necessarily worry about protection or at least not the risk of falling pregnant outside of that window. So it's just a matter of establishing, Hey, when does that window occur? And you can do that by tracking your basal body temp, because what happens is, and what does that mean? Basal body temp? So it's your temperature, it's your temperature.
Starting point is 00:49:13 And I should really find out the exact definition of it, but it's like, it's your body temperature and basal, I think means I need to, I need to Google that, but it's like you take your temperature during the night or first thing in the morning before you've gotten out of bed. So it's not during the day when you've been running around. It has to be first thing in the morning before you even sit up out of bed. I actually have a wearable thermometer that just tracks it for me during the night. I don't even worry about it. Where do you wear it?
Starting point is 00:49:42 It's in my armpit. So it has a little like sensor in my like kind of in between my um bicep and my it's like right on the on the vein i can't remember what the vein is but uh it sits there with a little strap it's kind of like a it's like a loop band but it's it's worn around my like in my above my bicep a whoopee do you wear a whoopee i actually do yeah and i've heard that they're bringing out temperature tracking which could mean that anyone who has a whoop could could track their basal body temp, which would help them figure out roughly when their ovulation happens. If you're hoping to get
Starting point is 00:50:12 pregnant, you can use the basal body temperature method to determine the best days to have sex. Similarly, if you're hoping to avoid pregnancy, you can use the basal body temperature method to figure out which days to avoid unprotected sex. It doesn't make you nervous? So here's the thing, if you're only using basal body temperature, it's going to give you a really rough estimation and it's not going to be accurate enough. So in conjunction with basal body temperature, simple thermal method uses some other like little track like metrics, I guess. So it's also cervical fluid. So like cervical fluid or cervical mucus is the same thing. It's basically discharge. So it's like throughout the month, according to what
Starting point is 00:50:50 your hormones are doing, the consistency and the texture of the discharge will change. So anytime your estrogen is higher, it becomes more clear and egg white. So literally like for anyone who's looking to start tracking, you just have to look for egg white cervical mucus like in your underwear or on toilet paper and you'll know that your estrogen is increasing so it will happen generally right before ovulation wow it's insane it's so fucking cool like you there's this so that's that's the second data point temperature discharge temperature which increases after you've ovulated so progesterone increases which increases your temperature so when you see an increase you can confirm ovulation cervical fluid will go egg white right before ovulation or right around ovulation and what it does is it just makes it easier for
Starting point is 00:51:38 the sperm to get to the egg um so you'll see egg white cervical mucus and then the last thing is cervix position so your cervix position will drop up and down throughout the month. So right when you ovulate, it's generally lower. And then same thing when you get your period, it's lower and your cervix is closed. So you can figure out how high your cervix is and judging off that, that will give you an indicator of whether you're ovulating or not. And you want the cervix open to get pregnant? Uh, yeah, I don't, I don't track that though. I just track like where it is.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I know. I just wanted to say that. Cause you said it. I just wanted to say something. Um, do you feel yourself, um, ovulate? Occasionally? Yes. It just depends. Like some months you can tell, and I'll have like a little bit of like a little pain on one side, but I'm like, I think I'm literally like today I'm ovulating. always whenever my wife tells me that oh I feel myself ovulating I just I it's it's maybe like the one of the only times that I get jealous like oh I really want to feel what that feels like because I just picture it like just like like a little pebble rolling down the side of the hill but you know like just the egg like just yeah just like rolling slowly down the side just waiting for some sperm like oh my god that must be so amazing to feel that
Starting point is 00:52:52 and and um and what what about um uh venereal diseases and stuff i guess you have your your if you're going to do that you you get your your you get checked you have your partner yeah you get your shit checked pretty regularly so especially because we have an open relationship it's like we get checked we use protection with other people it's like you have to be smart you know it's like you're smart with sex and with my partner it's like we basically have a 10-day window where we am i i don't know if this is too much information but a 10-day window where we – I don't know if this is too much information, but a 10-day window where he cannot finish inside me. And then outside of that, good to go. Golden. And that 10-day window is to be safe about getting pregnant?
Starting point is 00:53:36 Yeah, so that's my fertile window. Yeah. So my fertile window is about 10 days. It used to be more like 11, 12. I've gotten it down to about 10 where i'm accurate with it um and then outside of those days yeah fine you're not um how how how many days is a woman really fertile is she only fertile for two days oh so those other nine days are just padding for your own psychological relief yeah so 24 hours is generally it's like 12 to 24 hours the
Starting point is 00:54:03 egg is actually alive before it begins to disintegrate but sperm can live inside you for like five days and then the exact day that i ovulate it can be a little bit hit or miss so i give myself a few more days after that um i'll tell you a story that i probably shouldn't tell so when what my wife and i used to always use protection and then she and then she then she was 39 or something. I was 43. And she's like, Yeah, you guys had kids quite late, hey?
Starting point is 00:54:31 Yeah. We were never going to get married and we were never going to have kids. Ever, ever, ever. That would like, people who got married, that was just your tool of the man and kids are for fools. And then we started hanging out with some people
Starting point is 00:54:41 who were like breastfeeding. And we were hanging out also with some people that like, I never thought in a million years and she never thought in a million years could raise a kid right so my wife is like she's seeing other women breastfeed and then she's seeing these other people like you know raise a kid who she didn't think can do it is that a reusable bottle yeah it's soda stream oh that's a nice bottle um and so she just said to me one day hey i want to have a kid i And I'm like, sure, whatever. Okay, let's have a kid. You know?
Starting point is 00:55:07 And so she ended up getting pregnant. And it was just crazy because, like, all of a sudden after, like, basically 15 or 20 years of having sex, just all of a sudden now we never needed protection. You know what's crazy is when I told my mom we were trying to have a kid, my started like sending me advice on how to have a kid i'm like no yeah just like like the time and like yeah she started giving me like advice on this shit was there weird stuff where it's like once the sperm's inside you have to sit in a particular way to make sure that it stays i don't even remember i think i just blocked it all out i just remember saying mom no no no be cool just be cool Buy diapers or something. So we have the kid, and it's like the whole time they're pregnant,
Starting point is 00:55:51 you're having sex, and then just like it's game on. It's like, holy shit, I couldn't believe it. It was the best two years of my life. And then when the baby was getting older and her period came back, we were having sex one night, and she's like, hey, you got to be careful. I'm ovulating. I'm like, oh, yeah, no problem, and then the next night we're having sex, and I let one fly in her, and she goes, what the fuck did you just do?
Starting point is 00:56:18 And I go, what do you mean? She goes, I told you I was ovulating. I go, that was last night, and then bam, we have twins. So now we have three kids. Yeah, I was going to say, you guys have three kids. Hey, there it is. It takes one day, literally. If you get the right day, the right window. Wow. So that's amazing. That's really amazing. And I don't know if you knew this, but so she has twins and we don't have twins in the family. And someone told us, and I think we verified it through Google or something, that women who are over 35 start to drop multiple eggs oh interesting and that might
Starting point is 00:56:52 be like an evolutionary thing like yo bitch you're old it's time we're giving you two you know what i mean like we gotta make sure that's like human right yeah so that that that kind of rocked her and uh um for like 24 hours she didn't like that so much and now now we wouldn't have it any other way now it's just yeah yeah um do you plan on having kids yeah yeah at some point oh you do yeah probably in the next three years three to four years how come i just i want to have kids i absolutely love kids i want to raise kids like i want to Yeah, probably in the next three years, three to four years. How come? I just, I want to have kids. I absolutely love kids. I want to raise kids.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Like I want to, I actually, you know, thought about adoption as well. But yeah, no, I would love to have kids. I want to go through that process. Yeah, it's really cool. I just can't imagine wanting them. But they're great. I mean, I highly recommend, like everyone should have them. But I just can't imagine, like, it're great i mean i highly reckon like everyone should have them but i just can't imagine like it's like one of those things if you know how hard it is you
Starting point is 00:57:50 might not do it you know what someone said to my wife actually what um this lady said to my wife if you don't have kids you might regret it if you do have kids you won't regret it and then all of a sudden she was like no more condoms i was like all right you know that was it i mean like fuck it's i i love this quote and i can't remember the name of the guy it's one of the ones that i've posted on instagram as well it's uh i think it's walter or ralph walton anyway um his his letters that he used to write people were always pretty dark and one of the letters was to a friend that was like my my honest and friendly advice is this do it or don't do it you will regret both and oh yes i saw that in your instagram yes yeah it's like yeah 100 that guy's name is really hard to say i can't remember wow something yeah i don't know in in one of your posts you talk about food a lot
Starting point is 00:58:46 and like i don't have a i don't have a healthy relationship with food at all like like it's all fucked up um but i accept it i i fully accept um that it's fucked up but one of the things you talk about is not wanting other people you were talked about a phase you went through where you didn't want other people to see you eating um shit like so like if you were gonna have a piece of cheesecake you would do it behind closed doors with the lights off you know what is that thing on your ceiling back there that black thing is that the government watching you it's a speaker oh okay all right all right just checking i'm filming you i'm not worried about me i'm not worried about me yeah no maybe that's how you're making your money. That's your fans-only camera?
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yeah, my own night. Yeah, that's it. That's it. God, I wish I could. It's on my kitchen. It's the best spot. Before we go back to the food thing, was that guy, what's the gentleman's name? Have you revealed his name?
Starting point is 00:59:43 Yeah, Greg. Greg. Greg. Yeah. Was it hard to get him to be okay with just the way you're allowing this unfold to the world? The reason that we did kind of keep him a little bit secret was that I wasn't sure how much I was going to talk about relationships and sex at the time. sure how much I was going to talk about relationships and sex at the time. I just started to like break into that. And, and it was just a little bit like, you know, for him, he's, he works in like the corporate world and it was like, look, it would potentially be a little risky for you.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Probably not for me. Cause I'm, I work for myself, but for you, it could. Um, so we were just like, oh, let's just sit back and just wait. And then I kind of have found a way to talk about a little bit stuff without just necessarily referring to like my personal experience or us as a couple. So, um, yeah, now he's been like, Oh, I really, it's not a big deal. It's fine. And I think there's actually a lot less, um, negative like backlash and maybe it's just because people just don't follow, you know, like I get a lot of unfollows, but, um, yeah, I don't get anything. I get a lot of unfollows. I think you handle it in a very, for lack of a better word, I don't like any of these words, but I'm going to use them anyway. I think you handle it in a
Starting point is 01:00:51 moral high road way with integrity and honesty, and there's nothing sex culty about it. It's really along the, it's more, it's really a long, it's, it's really along the lines of tiptoeing around one of those elimination diets, kind of like, that's what it almost seems with your relationship, you know, elimination diet, you get rid of everything. And then you like maybe add in a little honey and just see how it works. It's not like you're like, Hey, let's go do ecstasy and lay on the leg and go to the nude beach. And just, it's not like that. Yeah. Yeah. There's a, Hey, this is like, I'm, I'm exploring, um, intimate relationships. Like tip, like it's not, I don't see it as a, I don't see it.
Starting point is 01:01:36 There's no orgy component. Yeah. And I think, and I'm not, I'm not judging that component, but that component is easier to judge. Well, I think that's where people's brains go to, you know, when you hear like non-monogamy or open relationships, you're like, oh my God, they're kinky and they just have orgies and they go to swingers parties and all my God. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, well, the reality is your neighbor is possibly non-monogamous and you just don't fucking know about it. Right. Um, and I think what's funny and it happened to me, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:59 it's like when you meet people that are in open relationships or non-monogamous or in the sex community, it's like, you're like, oh, oh, they're normal people. Oh, OK. Yeah. Just normal people just just enjoy doing these things. And like, OK, cool. That's just part of being a human. That's right.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Emotions are really weird. I've used this one on people before. Imagine you were in a relationship with a man for 20 years and it was the happiest. You were so in love with him and you couldn't see your life any other way and after 20 years you found out the entire time he was cheating on you would you leave him and every nine out of 10 99 out of 100 people to me say yes and and i go but you just told me it was the happiest 20 years of your life because there was something you didn't know about you're gonna throw it. Like that, that to me is fucking insanity. That is not,
Starting point is 01:02:48 that's not, that is what I call someone who's really immature and doesn't understand relationships. Yeah. I think like, like I wouldn't, I wouldn't like if the whole time the person, it was a horrible relationship and I just needed the fact that he's been
Starting point is 01:03:02 cheating on me or she's been cheating on me for 20 years to leave them. Great. But if everything's been great and then you find out something about someone, there was a love boat episode. You probably don't remember the show love boat. It's an old show, but, um, I'll never forget this episode. And there was a guy and he was a postman and he had retired and he was like 75 years old and his wife on the cruise. It was, it's like a sitcom drama show it's an hour long and on the on the on the like do you remember fantasy island yeah i vaguely remember both of those things i know all of them they had isaac the the black bartender yeah okay yeah okay anyway so um so she says to him hey i've a million dollars. And she tells him that on this cruise.
Starting point is 01:03:45 And instead of being thankful, he's so fucking pissed. He's like, you should have told me this five years ago so I could have retired five years sooner. You wasted five years of my life and he's pissed. And I see that as just like one of those kinds of things. Like you're not going to know everything about your mate. I know it's not ideal that your mate's been out there cheating on you, but like. Yeah, I think that's it right it's like and i use the word cheating very loosely
Starting point is 01:04:11 yeah i think i think people one i think people can love more than one person like that's something that i believe inherently that people can love more than one person whether it's serial monogamy or seeing multiple people at the same time like I just believe that we're humans capable of fucking loving. And you don't run out of it, you know? What if I were to say it's impossible just to love one person? Then whatever you're feeling isn't really love. Oh, oh, that would freak people out. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I know, right? Go on. So I think, you know, it's like you're not going to run out of love. So I think what happens is people think if someone's seeing someone else or cheating on them that they're losing because of that, that there's some kind of net loss. But it's like, well, no, not potentially. But also to if after 20 years with someone to be like, nope, you're done, you're out. It's like, man, you're judging them based on that one thing. And sure, maybe it was going on for a long time, but it's's like surely you can take in all the other things that you know about that person
Starting point is 01:05:08 and that counts for something you know like if you're going to judge someone judge them on the whole person not just the one thing that they did right figure out if it's it's yeah if it was one one especially if it's like hey it's a happy marriage it's a happy relationship it's a happy whatever it's like yeah i feel that way about money also or thing well first i don't ever lend the only thing i ever lend to anyone is money if someone comes to my house and like oh can i borrow this book i'm like no you can fucking have it or no you cannot you know what i mean or if someone's like can i borrow your car i'm just like no unless i'm i think in my head if they crash the car am i going to lose the friendship like can they afford to replace my car you know but but i've had people who who owed me thousands of dollars like you know a friend of mine borrowed money to finish their master's program at school
Starting point is 01:05:55 and um they didn't pay me back and it's it's i'm not i'm i'm not mad at the person it's, I'm not, I'm, I'm not mad at the person. It's on them. It's, it's like another friend of mine. I, um, this is maybe 20 years ago. I had, they had sold like $4,000 worth of weed for me and I left it at their house for like three months. I didn't go to their house and pick it up. Their house was like 300 miles from my house. And when I went down there to pick it up, they're like, dude, I spent it.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And I'm like, okay. And like this person now owes me that money, but like it's been 15 years, but like I'm not throwing the relationship away. Yeah. There's no way. I didn't do anything. Why would I throw it away? I just don't – I mean I don't lend them any more money. Yeah, I'm going to stop doing that.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yeah. Well, it's like there's this beautiful duality that we experience in life, right? We can have two truths exist at the same time. So, you know, we can disagree with someone or have different opinions to someone, but we can still value a friendship or a relationship with them, which is probably what you've experienced all on social media with talking about the vaccine or talking about that shit. It's like, man, you can disagree with someone and totally think that what they're saying is absolute bullshit. But that doesn't mean that you think anything different about them. It's like, man, they could still be your best friend or they could still be a family member or whatever. It's like, I think that people have a really hard time holding onto two things. They feel like, no, no, no, I've got to choose. Like either you're with me and you're only with me and you never
Starting point is 01:07:22 cheat on me or you want to be with other people and you're not with me at all. It's like, well, you know, people – there can be – two truths can exist. We're complex beings. Right. You know where it's getting very tricky for me is things that are encroaching on my kids. So like if I didn't have kids, this would be awesome. Like if I was the 20-year-old version of kids, this, this would be awesome. Like if I was 20, the 20 year old version of me right now, I would be so excited. I would want the world to turn
Starting point is 01:07:50 into complete fucking anarchy. I would be so excited about what's going on. I would pack my fucking bag of weed and, and, and, and, you know, whatever, take my girlfriend and we just hitchhike across the country. But it's not like that now now now there's people saying my kids can't go to school unless they get an injection uh hold on a second you know what i mean now it's like now now there is um it's it's hard it's hard for me because there's people um there's people who are involved in a movement that I feel threatens my kids. Of course, I don't care if they get vaccinated, but like now that you, you want my four-year-old and my six-year-old to get vaccinated to protect
Starting point is 01:08:33 your eight-year-old grandmother, who's 200 pounds overweight and binges on Twinkies and has dementia. Sorry, I'm struggling now. We're, I can't be a friend. I'm not that big of a person. Is that okay? I think so. I think there,
Starting point is 01:08:51 I think when it comes to kids, it's a different thing. Right. Yeah. Um, so one of the things you talked about about food was, is that about eating food? Like you didn't want people to see you eat bad food because you wanted to
Starting point is 01:09:03 maintain a certain, was it a reputation? Um, I don't know if I was trying to maintain a reputation. I think I was trying to avoid being judged based on the kinds of ways that I would judge myself. What's the difference? Like being judged versus like, like, so for instance, I don't, I will talk about thing bad. I will talk about the fact that I, um, every a hundred days, my kids do ride a skateboard consecutively. I bought them ice cream or after 365 days of riding a skateboard every day, I might post a picture in my story that only lasts 24 hours of them eating ice cream. But the other times that they do, let's say if I went to your,
Starting point is 01:09:43 let's say I came to your house and it was your birthday party and my kids ate cake, I wouldn't post it on my Instagram. I wouldn't show the world and I would talk about it, but I wouldn't show the world. And the reason why is because I feel like we're all mirrors
Starting point is 01:09:56 and we shouldn't be showing each other our bad behaviors. Yeah, I think- Is that wrong? Do you need to unfuck me well i think like people who post like pancakes every sunday morning like like or like i watch i watch that show mad men and the guy's always smoking and drinking and it makes me want to light up a cigarette and drink yeah i definitely understand that i think there's there's there's extremes and then there's nuance
Starting point is 01:10:23 to it right so it's like i mean you can have one person that's posting shit food every single meal and it's like, ah, you know, maybe you don't want to have that thing in sight reminding you of the delicious food that you're trying not to eat all the time. But then you have the opposite where someone never eats anything bad is totally perfect. And whether that's real or not based on their Instagram, it's like you have this impression of someone who doesn't touch foods that you perhaps desire or crave or things that you really enjoy eating. So suddenly you're like, Oh fuck, I feel bad. I'm not, I'm not eating like this person or I'm not living up to my own expectations, um, based on some kind of highlight reel. But I think when, in terms of like my own eating and my own history, I, Instagram wasn't even in the equation, like social media and all that kind of stuff. Like that wasn't even part of it. It was that I had so much guilt and shame around particular types of food that I considered bad
Starting point is 01:11:09 or things that I was trying not to eat because I was trying to diet or I was trying to do whatever the fuck I was doing. I just had, I was just suffocating in this shame and it had to be a secret. And then the worst part about making it a secret is that it made it more shameful. And the worst part about making it a secret is that it made it more shameful. So it was like it felt safe to do it in private. And so it was just like this internal fucking dilemma of like, I don't want to eat these foods, but yet I'm eating these foods. So I just feel terrible about it. And I'm just like, I'm just going to do it at weird times at night, like in the car,
Starting point is 01:11:41 like go and pick up some food and just like eat it before I even get home or like make sure my housemate doesn't see me eating it um and if they do it's like i just yeah i just i don't know it was it was i think like not necessarily avoiding being judged but just yeah just feeling so much guilt around it because i really wanted to be good quote unquote and i always use quotes around terms like good or bad, because it's like, you know, it's just fucking. Who knows what those mean, right? Yeah, but yeah, I just, it was a real struggle to figure out, like I'm trying to do the right thing
Starting point is 01:12:14 and I keep on doing the bad thing and fucking myself over. And I don't want to see anyone fucking, like seeing, I don't want anyone seeing me fuck my own shit up. Is the, how do you get out of that loop? Do you finally give up eating loop do you do you finally give up eating those foods or do you finally accept the fact acceptance it's that acceptance yeah yeah so if you so the more that i restrict and i even had this so i did some intermittent
Starting point is 01:12:37 fasting like uh a couple years ago i was uh uh coaching danny haran who i fucking love she's awesome um and she's intermittent fasting. And I was like, you know what, I'm going to, I'm going to give this a crack. And I did like three weeks and I just found that restricting and not eating just put me back into this habit of like, I would restrict and then binge and then restrict and then binge. And I was like, Oh no, no, no, I cannot do that. So yeah, for me, it's definitely about, Hey, give yourself permission to eat whatever and accept that it's okay to eat those foods. It's just food. I prioritize whole foods and I prioritize these things. I try to add
Starting point is 01:13:09 in more of the good stuff. But then if I do feel like having something that's the pancakes on the Sunday morning or the cake at a birthday party, it's like, hey, I just have that stuff. And there's no, no, like, I have the thought of like, hey, you probably shouldn't have this. And then it's like, hey, no, it's okay. Because if you don't have it now in like two weeks time you're gonna totally fly off the handle and just go nuts because you've been trying to restrict this stuff it's not like when i smoke cigarettes i had to try quitting like 20 times it's not like that like i can't i can't break i can't i can't tell you the last time i had pancakes i would love to eat pancakes i just can't it I can't break. I can't, I can't tell you the last time I had pancakes. I would love to eat pancakes. I just can't. It would, I would feel so, I didn't, I don't even eat birthday cake anymore. I would feel so bad. I do binge eat, but I binge eat like on a bag of a pound of macadamia nuts,
Starting point is 01:13:56 you know what I mean? Or a block of cheese or a pound of salami or you know what I mean? I just couldn't see myself. But I mean, at 31, I was doing that at 31. I was eating a pint of ice cream every night before I went to bed and doing three CrossFit workouts a day. I mean, I mean, here's the thing for me, I still don't keep the food in my house. Like, it's not like I've got like, bottles of wine, and I've got chocolate bars, and I've got crisp or cracker, like, whatever the shit food is that I think about. It's like, I don't keep that in the house. It's you went to a wedding.
Starting point is 01:14:27 I went to a wedding. No, I'm saying you would eat it at a wedding. It's not at your house. It's at a wedding. I went out to a restaurant with friends. It was like, Hey, if I'm out, like I don't keep it in the house. Like there's, there's still things that I practice that benefit me and my overall health within my environment.
Starting point is 01:14:41 So I create an environment that supports the health that I know that I need. But yeah, I think you get so caught in the trap of especially trying to get weight loss rather than trying to be healthy. It's a very different thing. It's a very different fucked up mindset and trying to lose weight and being in the realm of diet and being skinny and not eating certain foods and being at a calorie deficit. You just get all kinds of fucked up in the head and then, and then trying to eat for health.
Starting point is 01:15:06 It's, it's so much more enjoyable and I have to allow permission to include some foods that maybe aren't the craziest, like healthiest foods. Um, but it just keeps me saying, yeah. And you have a metabolism now that can handle it.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Oh yeah. I found, I found CrossFit at 34 and by the time I was 37, like everything just started slowing down. And now I'm 49. It's like way, way, like, you could, you know, I work out and I'm not sore until three days later now. It's weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And food's like that, too. Having muscle has saved me during this lockdown because I've been eating more and training less. But I still just, I just burn calories. Like, I'm, like, 80 kilos of, like, pretty like pretty much all muscle. I'm like probably 18% body fat. So it's like, it's cool. Like I I've gained a little bit of weight, but it's like, I'm never going to be in the danger territory of like, Hey, I haven't been training as much. I'm eating a lot of food and I'm, I'm just piling on the pounds. So you're fertile 18% body fat. You're fertile. Yeah. You got to drop to like 3% and then you don't have to worry about any,
Starting point is 01:16:06 any, you don't even need your menstrual cup anymore. You know, the fastest way to get rid of your menstrual cup and birth control is just get down to 3% body fat, starve yourself. Yeah. You've been on the L1 team since 2000, February 2nd, 2014. That's when you received the invitation and it's 2021. In 2017 or 18,
Starting point is 01:16:37 when Greg started switching the, he had a switch, the, and during that time I was running the media department, he had a switch the and during that time i was running the media department he had a switch uh 17 18 he had a switch the the front end to from forging elite fitness to basically we have a cure for the world's most vexing problem and there was an order from him to let all hundred thousand trainers at that point who had taken their l1 or however many it was, that not only did they have the manual for the human operating system, but that they had the cure for type 2 diabetes. And we started putting pictures of obese people on the front end and showing pictures of obese people. This is before we went to the old person thing. There was like a year in there where we started showing before and after photos and just shit like that that
Starting point is 01:17:20 we would have never done before, and um before before that it was just guns hot dudes and hot chicks right and and which is cool i'm no i'm down with that it's great everyone wants to be hot being hot it's awesome i mean i'm guessing it's awesome so um did you notice anything different in the l1 because as we started changing it joe westerlin i would get feedback from joe westerlin and a few other trainers in the united1? Cause as we started changing it, Joe Westerlin, I would get feedback from Joe Westerlin and a few other trainers in the United States. And they would, they would say shit to me, like, Holy shit, it's working. And I go, what do you mean? They're like, I'm seeing people in the L1 who are now like 80 pounds overweight, or I'm meeting people who have lost a hundred pounds from
Starting point is 01:17:58 CrossFit. Have you noticed any shift? I feel like we've been seeing that the whole time. i feel like we've been seeing that the whole time um you mean like going back from 2014 it just slowly happened i don't know you didn't see any big shift damn it i think the shift that i saw no hang on hang on let me give you something i'll give you something okay i'm looking for a pat on the back here yeah okay now i'm gonna give it to you i'm gonna give you a good pat the affiliate owners were like, hell yes. We've been waiting for this because people don't come into the gym because of the CrossFit games. Right. But now we can talk about health and we can talk about real fucking people and the lives that are being changed.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And we've got this display of it and people can see it. And it was like, it was, I think the affiliate owners were like, these are the people we're serving. Like we're not serving the Matt Frazier's of the world as much as we'd like to, like, it's just not the reality. So I think the, every affiliate owner that I talked to was like, Oh, finally, yes. Like this is what we wanted from CrossFit. Like that's, this is what we're doing. This is the work that we're doing. And that's, it's aligned with the level one. Like it's completely, you know, I think a lot of people that were, I think the people that pushed back on it were maybe participants, but not affiliate owners or trainers. And they were like, man, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:19:10 This is such a big shift and a big change. And like, what are they trying to do now? And it was like, no, buddy, this is just, this is what we've been doing the whole time. Right. We just didn't talk about it for a little while as much as we are now. So I think they took it too far when they fired the media team and started showing the old people on the couch. That was too much. That should have been just, that should have been a little bit like, like, I think that was, that was, yeah, that was too much. That was
Starting point is 01:19:35 too much. Like, but, but doing the weekly a hundred pound weight loss stories I think was potent. Yeah. Yeah. I think people love seeing those stories do you know who um craig howard is over at diablo crossfit i know diablo crossfit but i don't know craig howard okay he's the owner yeah he's the owner and he was like fittest dude who was 112 years old in the world or whatever right he's like my age and so he went do a video on him did you do it i'm over the oh in the in the heyday he was like only like one of the only gyms near HQ, so we did a bunch of videos on him back in 2008 maybe. Yeah, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:12 But so he – I don't remember what year it was, 2018 or 19. He called in our CEO at the time, who's a knucklehead, and our COO, who is Bruce Edwards, and he called a meeting with them. And he said to them, hey, this, I was thinking, I'm paraphrasing, Craig, I'm sorry if I'm misrepresenting you, but I think basically he told them, hey, I was going to de-affiliate. But this, all these stories you're showing with 100 pound weight loss, it's changed my clientele, and I'm excited about it. We actually had a client come in the other day that we told to get in the prone position, and they were so obese they couldn't stand up.
Starting point is 01:20:51 And so we as trainers had to learn how to coach someone how to get off the ground. And I was just like – and I was so excited about that because that's like, that's it. That's like saving lives. I mean, that's what I want to tell my kids we do. That's what I want to tell my kids we do. We save people's lives. An affiliate owner still to this day, just yesterday, an affiliate tagged me saying that, hey, we cured someone of type 2 diabetes. And that's so awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Well, the thing is, is like, I don't know anyone who started CrossFit and hasn't had some kind of transformation. And maybe it's not as dramatic as losing a hundred pounds and being obese and pre-diabetic and then suddenly healthy. But it's like, I was on the path of being someone who probably drank wine every night, didn't really work out. I wouldn't have had a lot of muscle i wouldn't have been as particularly healthy human not you didn't work out before crossfit no i did i did like i used to do do you guys are you familiar with like liz mills body like group fitness classes yeah like body pump used to like go to i used to do a couple body pump classes you said yeah i i wasn't as a kid i did a little martial arts and little gymnastics gymnastics, but I was a dancer.
Starting point is 01:22:06 I wasn't a competitive dancer. I just enjoyed it. I wasn't an active competitive athlete at all. How did you find CrossFit? I'd been seeing it online. I'd seen it on probably Tumblr. I think back in the day, I'd seen it on some blogs and Tumblr. And I remember going, you know, those girls are pretty buff.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Like I don't know if I want to be as buff as that, which I'm like, oh, fuck, man. I could have punched myself in the throat. But I eventually went to a gym that had a special. It was like, hey, do a month for like, you know, X amount of dollars. And so I did, I think I did two sessions in a month. And I went back in on the last day and was like, oh, look, I don't think I'm going to sign up, but like, thank you. And then the owner of the gym was like, no, no, you're signing up. I'm going to give you a deal.
Starting point is 01:22:52 You're going to sign up for six months. And it was the best thing. It took me about three months to like kind of get to understand the lingo, to like learn. And I was sold. I was totally sold. It became like a second home to you. Yeah, I was sold. I was totally sold. It became like a second home to you. Yeah. I remember going, I was in, so I had been in New Zealand for the, for about six months and then I started CrossFit and about three months into that CrossFit journey, I was in Australia
Starting point is 01:23:14 for a weekend and dropped into an affiliate. And it was the first time I'd been to an affiliate that wasn't my own. And I was like kind of nervous and kind of like, ah, like I didn't really know all the movements. I still was learning. And I still drop into that affiliate. I'm buddies with the owner. Like I've dropped in and done classes for them now. I like remember people cheering me on during the workout. Like I just remember going in there and being like, this is a whole family that I can have at any affiliate that I walk in around the world. And it blew me away.
Starting point is 01:23:41 And that was when I was like, I love this thing. And I was, yeah, I drunk the Kool-Aid pretty hard at that point. Do you think that affiliate owner said that to everyone or he saw something in you? Do you think he was like, oh, Kate, Kate Gordon, this, this is made for you. Like, what are you doing? You're fucking up. I'm stepping in here. The one that sold me on getting membership. Yeah. The one where you're like hey thank you but i'm out and he's like no you're not maybe maybe maybe it was just like i need i don't think it was like a i don't think i would have been that impressive back then i don't think it was like a unique crossfit or like you should do this thing i think it was just like a we want to get as many people into this thing as possible and we're not going to let you walk out isn't it weird that um that
Starting point is 01:24:24 not only were you that's how you got into a CrossFit gym, but that's how you become an L1 trainer? Like someone grabbed your hand and was like, over here, girl. Yeah, I'm just like too much of a pushover to say no. I'm just like, yes, okay. All right, tell me what to do. Well, you can't be if you made the L1 team. So when your friend said, hey, I went to that L1 course and I think you should be one of those L1 team. Um, so, so, so when your friend, when your friend said, Hey, I went, I went to that
Starting point is 01:24:45 L1 course and, um, I think you should be in one of those L1 trainers. Um, did you have any experience in public speaking or teaching people? So my degree is in performing arts. I went to school and studied like film performing arts. So I'd been on stage and being a dancer, like I'm pretty comfortable in front of people speaking. I was nervous because, you know, I literally, I was confident because I had a film degree. I was nervous as hell because I had a film degree. I wasn't, I wasn't a scientist. I wasn't a physical trainer. I wasn't someone that had the paper or the credentials, but I was really passionate and I really liked helping people and I was good at it. So I had to learn a lot of stuff. And as I'm sure you've spoken to every L1 trainer about it, it's brutal. It's a brutal progression through the
Starting point is 01:25:29 internship and then getting on staff and then becoming one of those people. But, um, yeah, I know I've, I've definitely gotten better over time, um, with lots and lots of practice and a shit ton of feedback. Yeah. A shit ton of feedback, man. It's crazy. The feedback they give, it makes me so uncomfortable but you guys love that eat that shit up right oh man the the without discomfort there's no growth like you just you realize that the the uncomfortable feeling is the degree to which you're learning and growing and it's just like give it to me give it to me it's like it's like you know heroin for people who don't know will you explain a little bit of the, um, the internship process
Starting point is 01:26:05 and then just the feedback you get throughout, like that you still get to this day? Yeah. So they call the internship, like a job interview is like kind of the tagline for it. It's like, Hey, you're going to go, you're going to jump on a seminar. You're going to be the intern. Um, you get one free internship. So you get one weekend to just observe. It's your one free weekend to just take in the L1 information again and figure out how it all works. And I guess you have to look at it from the perspective of if I'm going to be one of these trainers, what the hell would I be doing? And where do I have to be? And what do I need to make sure that I'm ready for? And then a second internship is where you have
Starting point is 01:26:36 to step up your game and you actually have to show your coaching ability. So what's really cool is that it's really not about how much you know, it's how well you can make people move better and how well you can kind of communicate to people and be around people and help them, like actually help them. I remember some of the feedback that I got was like, it was Danny Mellor, who's one of the, he's one of the flow masters in Australia, telling me about feedback that he'd gotten from Todd Woodman years ago. You know, it's like we all trade war stories. And he was talking to me about Todd Woodman going hey are you bullshitting me don't fucking bullshit me talking about whether or not he'd gotten some positive change out of some cues that he was giving an athlete and Danny's like no like I think I think I did all right he's like you're fucking bullshitting me don't bullshit me and it got to the point where Danny's like I was I was bullshitting you like I I didn't I didn't get it right like I was like, you're fucking bullshitting me. Don't bullshit me. And it got to the point where Danny's like, I was, I was bullshitting you. Like I, I, I didn't, I didn't
Starting point is 01:27:27 get it right. Like I was making it up. I was bullshitting. You know, your heart is just racing. Someone's telling you that you're basically lying to their face and you're just like, Oh fuck. Oh my God. I'm caught out. Like I'm put on the spot. I'm caught out. Like, Oh man. And you have to deal with that. It's like, you know, it's simple stuff. It's like, hey, you told them to push their knees out. Did they push their knees out? And you're like, yeah. And they're like, don't fucking bullshit me. And you're like, oh my God, they didn't. And I just let it go. And it's like little things. They just nail you on the little things. And you just learn to be super honest with them, with yourself and be so transparent and authentic in what you're doing and become incredibly relentless about your skill as a coach, because you don't let shit go. Like,
Starting point is 01:28:11 and that's what people recognize in the red shirt trainers. It's like, they're so good at getting, getting what they want out of people because they, they don't say good or better when it's not, you will never hear a red shirt say, yeah, good job. If it's not a good job, like you, you earn those words. And then when you get them, man, it feels so good. Like, you know, when you've had an hour one trainer who was like, dude, that's, that looks really good. What you're doing with your chest, with your knees, with your, with your weight nailed it. And you're like, Oh, wow. That's, that's cool. So yeah, you get a lot of feedback on just like how you're coaching, like, is your coaching actually effective?
Starting point is 01:28:45 What kind of a trainer are you? Because we don't want ineffective trainers. That's not what the job is. There's no, you're not allowed to go on autopilot. No, you can't. You have to be, you have to be kind of using all your senses all the time. Like you have to be eyes on, you have to be checked in. You can never check out.
Starting point is 01:29:04 You can't just like cruise through a weekend like man you i used to talk about uh when i'd get back to a coaching at the gym after a seminar seminar hangover because you'd be kind of out of it until wednesday because you just spend so much energy on those two days like yeah it is crazy up yeah yeah how often how many seminars have you done? I think I've done about 130, 140. Holy cow. Somewhere around there. Holy cow. How, how, how many times have people asked you out like on a date after a seminar or at a seminar? Zero, zero. Really? Yeah. Zero, zero. I'm scary. You didn't even want to do a podcast with me.
Starting point is 01:29:45 I'm scary. Right, right. It must be because you're scary. Yeah. Because you're beautiful and you're knowledgeable and you're open, but maybe that's what makes you scary. Yeah, possibly. Just too much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:08 just too much yeah um because you would think that um do any do you hear any of the any of the trainers getting asked out a lot because you're on the stage and people are like looking up to you like you're bigger than life and they would be like man i this is i want to marry this girl i want to take her home and go to the seminar ask her to marry me and start my life i actually have to say i don't think i have heard of many people but there are some like people that have ended up in relationships with people that they met via seminars somehow so it does happen for sure um like any workplace i guess i'm trying to think who's the guy he lives in florida he's on the seminar staff he's short I think he may even be shorter than me. Jason Ackerman. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:49 I can't believe I remember. I think he met his wife. I think she was a contestant. No, they're not called contestants. Participants. Participants. Whatever. Contestants. I mean, they could be contestants. She was a contestant in his life and she won the prize. Yeah. She's the big winner. Yeah. There's, there's another couple as well. There's a, there's a few couples that have met via, you know, being on staff and they've been one of the participants.
Starting point is 01:31:15 You don't get fired for that. I mean, I guess not. Um, well, there become a point where you think that you'll tell Greg, um, okay, uh, I don't want you seeing any more people. Um, look, the only time that I could see that happening is if I was pregnant and I'm like, uh, Hey, none of that for right now. Um, stability is really, stability is fun. I know, but maybe not in your thirties right now. Yeah. Stability is fun. I know, but maybe not in your 30s.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Yeah. Yeah, I think it's funny. We have a lot of conversations around like, hey, I kind of would love to be monogamous with you. But it's really nice to be not monogamous and want to be monogamous rather than being like, hey, we're monogamous and I kind of don't want to be monogamous. So for now, I don't see that happening, but I know that there will be seasons or phases in our relationship, you know, with ebbs and flows that comes with it. That'll we'll have periods where we're like, Hey, I don't want to see other people or Hey, I want to like, we've never developed a relationship with someone
Starting point is 01:32:19 outside of our, our, our little, uh, two person relationship. Um, and I think both of us have said that we, we probably wouldn't. I don't think we'd have the time and energy for it in the first place, but I don't think we have the emotional capacity to, like, give that to someone. But that could change as well. So, yeah, I don't think there's any, like, decided rules or ways that we're going to do it. Do your parents follow you on Instagram?
Starting point is 01:32:47 Yeah, they've seen it all. In my life, I'm 49, and the things that are holding me back are all things of perceptions of people who are closest to me. Right. So it's like, you keep thinking you're going to be grown up and free, but it's like, oh, there's one more layer to peel back. Oh, there's one more layer to peel back. Has this been like a pretty big step for you? Like just how open you are or not at all? It's just came just super easy or were you just like okay here we go and then one day you're talking to your mom and she's like so i noticed you're posting about menstrual cups and open relationship i mean or was it the
Starting point is 01:33:35 relationships thing was like a big i don't know i don't know how i even fuck man it's a good question i don't know at what point i was like i'm just gonna talk about everything and anything actually do you know what there's a podcast that i was listening to and this girl was super explicit on it about her sex life and her relationships and i was like this is the best thing ever i love getting this insight into people's lives it's so fucking cool um and i i think i was just overconfident and empowered and was like yeah i mean what's any like i don't care i don't care what anybody knows like i'm i'm just such and what i've noticed on social media is that like i like to resonate with people that understand the stuff that i am struggling with or am i i'm working through whatever it is so um i try to it's almost like hey let me be the anti-highlight reel
Starting point is 01:34:23 and if you if it clicks with you then that's fucking cool um and if it's almost like, hey, let me be the anti-highlight reel. And if it clicks with you, then that's fucking cool. And if it doesn't, like, yeah. Going back to your parents, are you excited by how much your parents, are your parents accepting the way you're presenting yourself to the world on social media? I don't hear anything from dad. I have a stepmom. I don't hear anything from her. So they're not protesting against it.
Starting point is 01:34:46 They're not also like openly supportive. My mom, I've had a couple of conversations that have been really hard conversations. But I think it's just challenging. It's like, you know, it's kind of an out there concept for me and people my age, let alone like my parents, you know, so I appreciate that it's something that she's just like, I don't know if she'll ever really be okay with it. I think she wants me to be monogamous and be in a secure relationship. But I'm like, the best part is unfortunately, for my dear mother, she's like, well, what if you get someone else pregnant? And I'm like, well, unfortunately, and this is a story from my past. One of my partners that I was with prior to Greg,
Starting point is 01:35:29 we were monogamous and he cheated on me and he got the other girl pregnant. And I'm like, mom, the risk is there in non-monogamous relationships and fucking monogamous relationships. So at least with Greg, I'll know about it. like it won't take me finding out that he was cheating on me for me to then be in contact with the girl and then her to tell me what happened it was like sorry mom but uh you lost this argument do you think people that have been through a lot together they have stronger relationships as they get through it i would imagine so yeah i mean i think you gotta be able to talk about it. Well,
Starting point is 01:36:05 right. And like figure it out as opposed to like holding resentment for 20 years. Yeah. Like being, yeah. Resentful or contentious or yeah. Just quiet about it. You know,
Starting point is 01:36:16 like not, not talking about it. There's so many things that you suggest people talk about in relationships that I just never talked about in relationships. And maybe I'm lying to myself, but I just feel like almost some of that stuff should be kept a mystery. Like just about intimacy stuff. Like what you like sexually, what you don't like. It's almost like, hey, you wait until they try to put their thumb in your ass and you're like, ah, no, don't do that.
Starting point is 01:36:46 And they're like, but I read on Cosmopolitan that boys really like that. You're nah not me i'm good i'm good thanks though appreciate it like it's almost like better to like like like leave some things to mystery but i can't i can't tell if that's just um me not wanting to talk about it or if that there's definitely a romantic notion that we should just that we should just know and be able to like give our partners what they romantic notion that we should just, that we should just know and be able to like give our partners what they need. And like, we should just understand them. And that's a signal that we know them and we love them. And I think it's like, I think that's exactly what it is. It's this romantic notion that we're like, I mean,
Starting point is 01:37:19 it's not less romantic for you to be able to be like, Hey, I really like it when you do this. In fact, it's fucking hot. Like it turns into like sexy, like dirty. Like I really like it when you do when you put your thumb on my ass, that feels really fucking good. I want you to do that more. You know, it's like, it can't, it can be sexy. I think people's talking about it is like sitting down at the dinner table and being like, okay, so tonight this is what's on the schedule. And it's like, no man, it's like, it's giving feedback. That's positive reinforcement. It's fucking, it's fucking CrossFit coaching. It's giving positive reinforcement. It's being, it's, it's telling someone what to do, not what not to do. You know, I think a lot of people think that it's giving negative feedback where it's like,
Starting point is 01:37:55 oh, you did this and it was shit. And it's like, no, it's like, Hey, you did this and it was amazing. Did you like it when I did that to you? And it just becomes this really fluid, positive, nice conversation. That's, that means that you understand what they want and you don't have to sit there trying to pretend like you can read their mind and you can deliver and you can actually get better at what they enjoy. Oh, my God. I love that. Boom. Yeah. It's like raising your kids.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Yeah. I cheer them on when they do the good shit. Yeah. It's coaching. It's fucking coaching. Whatever I think that they're doing is good, I cheer them on. Yeah. Yeah. Good job. Good. shit. Yeah. It's coaching. It's fucking coaching. Whatever, whatever I think that they're doing is good. Yeah. Cheer them on.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Yeah. Yeah. Good job. Good. Well, yeah. Awesome. It's that.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Yeah. Yeah. Coaching one-on-one. If you want someone to do something, tell them what they're doing well, because they will continue to do that thing. Right. Maybe even give them feedback right away.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Don't bust a nut and roll over and go to bed. Don't bust a nut when I'm ovulating bed. Give them, give them, give them. Yeah. Yeah. It's all. Yeah. Yeah. I really, I, I, I like that. I, I, I, I'm so limited in my scope of that, of, of anything but intimacy, because to have relationships where there's not intimacy, whether it be a man or a woman, just like, like intellectual or emotional intimacy, just seems like a complete waste of time to me anyway.
Starting point is 01:39:18 But I know that there's a ton of people out there who just do that, right? There's people out there who have one night stands or who treat the waiter like shit or who treat the guy, the boy at the, at the supermarket is collecting cards like shit. And like, none of that shit is like acceptable to me. So like, there's that whole other side of,
Starting point is 01:39:34 of just zero communication and zero intimacy. And, and maybe it's just self-awareness, zero self-awareness, just at, which from my perspective is just being an asshole and not doing your part for society but it's all of that shit is so foreign to me yeah yeah i don't really understand people that don't like to connect with other people like you know like actually connect with
Starting point is 01:39:56 them whether it's through conversation or something whatever something they do it's like just a physical connection is it definitely feels transactional to me and i'm like i don't know i don't know if that rocks my boat floats my boat it seems like putting in a lot of wasted energy too it didn't never made sense to me like to put in the energy to have a one-night stand and then it just and then never have sex with the person like wait you had to learn their name and they stand and then it just, and then never have sex with the person. Like, wait, you had to learn their name and they are, and you're just going to bone them away saying you already put it.
Starting point is 01:40:30 It's like the friendship thing. Once again, you lend, you put 10 years in a relationship and you lend someone 4,000 bucks and they don't pay you back and you kick it to the curb. It's like, nah, I got 10 years in this fucker. I'm not letting $4,000 ruin it. Yeah. And like the opportunity to get to know someone as well. Like, you know, and if it's someone that you don't care about more than just like having a one night stand with, then like, why? Like when you could meet someone that's interesting and you don't, I think it's, you know, what you talked about in university where you're like, I had multiple girlfriends and it was
Starting point is 01:40:58 great and we hung out and we had a relationship and it's like, I think people are so scared of having a, that also has an emotional connection because they think, well, I guess people are so scared of having a. That also has an emotional connection because they think, well, I guess I fucking have to marry her. And it's like, no, like you can just have a relationship that is a nice connection. And you also have sex like it's OK. You don't have to have kids together one day. And it's OK to get hurt and you're going to get hurt. I had this friend. I wonder if he listens to the show.
Starting point is 01:41:28 He's not in this country. We only stay in contact through Instagram. I really, really love this guy. But we were in college and he was an exchange student from Germany. And there was this girl he really, really liked. And she really, really liked him. And I'm like, dude, what are you doing back at my apartment? Go sleep with her. And and he he goes dude she's leaving in two weeks and i'm like where to and like she was going to like uh in the united states we have this thing fucking what's it called it's where you go help people in foreign countries like in third world countries um hayley what's that thing you do like when you're in college and you're a hippie and Kennedy found it and like you're going to help people like in third world countries? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:42:13 Greenpeace. Not Greenpeace. Peace Corps? Peace Corps. Peace Corps. Yeah. There it is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:18 So she's going to the Peace Corps for two weeks. And I'm like, dude, so what? He goes, well, I don't want to like fall in love with her and get hurt i'm like dude there could be an earthquake and we can die tomorrow go over there and fuck her brains out for two weeks straight fall in love with her and have your heart torn out who cares if you get hurt yeah like are you kidding me it's like it's yeah i feel like people are willing to not not try at all rather than try and fail right and it's like what's the real failure it's the person who didn't fucking try it's like in crossfit people are like oh i don't want to do crossfit and get hurt it's like so
Starting point is 01:42:59 you're going to sit on the couch and be sedentary and get old and like weak that's that's the person that's the risky person that's it right people don't understand the cost people get mixed up right um someone said this bug said this there's a difference between her being intimidating or people being intimidated by her if someone is intimidated by her that doesn't mean they know they aren't up to par that doesn't that doesn't that doesn't that just mean that they know that they aren't up to par. That doesn't, that doesn't, that doesn't, that just mean that they know that they aren't up to par. Yeah. I see what you're saying. And I see that meme a lot on Instagram. I've never, but you have to remember if you're going to use the word tall, you have to be willing to use the word short. If you're going to use the word respect, you have to
Starting point is 01:43:41 be willing to use the word disrespect because they're based on each other. So let's face it. Let's face it. Okay. So she's beautiful. She's strong. She stands in front of a crowd and bosses people around and tells them how to move their bodies. And it's crazy attractive. And I'm sorry. It's crazy intimidating. Sorry. And am I intimidated by it? It's not intimidating and I'm intimidated. Fine. It's both. But I'm telling you, if 51% of us think it's intimidating, so we win. But I see your point. You're right both. But I'm telling you, 51% of us think it's intimidating, so we win. But I see your point. You're right, too. But I get to be right, too. That tweet that went viral that's like,
Starting point is 01:44:11 well, is she intimidating or are you intimidated? It's like, the only place that tweet lives is where the idea of being intimidating is a bad thing. In my world, being intimidating as a female, I'm like, fuck yeah, make me the most intimidating woman you've met. I want that. That's a great thing. But in my world, being intimidating as a female, I'm like, fuck yeah, make me the most intimidating woman you've met. I want that. Like, that's a great thing for me.
Starting point is 01:44:33 I don't want to be someone you're not intimidated by. Like the people that you're not intimidated by, I'm not interested in those kinds of people. So you want men who are big. I like this because I used to refer to men who might go after girls like you or girls who might go after men like you would be, I call them big game hunters. Yeah. I'm like, no, let me scare everyone off. Like I, it's like the courage to not be liked. Right. It's like, good. Because the people that do want to be with me, the people that want to be around me, it's like they cut through that and they're not, they're not scared. They're not afraid. They like being uncomfortable. They like that. It's like, it's just another filtering process. This rhino has a horn and I'm not going to be scared of it. Well, even if I'm scared of it, I'm up for the challenge. Yeah, exactly. I know this rhino has a giant horn. I know this hippopotamus has huge teeth and a crazy temper. Yeah. It's awesome. Yeah. Big, big game hunters, big game hunters, big game hunters. Um. What was I asking you about?
Starting point is 01:45:26 I was asking you about something about Greg. Not if he was stronger than you. If we would be monogamous? Not if you would be monogamous. It was something. I'll come back to it. Tell me about the big clit i can't believe it's an hour and 45 minutes and i haven't had to go pee yet yeah i'm getting close okay okay let's talk about the
Starting point is 01:45:54 big clit energy and i'll let you go energy that banner is fucking huge why would you get that banner does it click i mean i the idea of a big clit sounds cool it's easy to find i guess and like okay let me i got a i got a comment from someone who was like i don't understand that someone's trolling me someone was trolling me i love trolling yeah this this comment was great it was i'll probably start trolling you once i become friends with someone i start trolling okay so someone said she has a very big clit in response to something i posted i have no idea what it was something she has a very big clit and i was like yeah i do big clit energy so it's kind of like big dick energy people use the phrase big dick or
Starting point is 01:46:34 yeah small dick energy small dick energy is like offensive and i'm like i've never heard small dick energy yeah it's like that guy's got small dick energy or that guy's got big dick energy um so then i guess the female equivalent it's like that chick's got big clit energy oh i was trying to offend me by being like oh she's got a big clit and i was like thank you oh okay i found this banner but i ordered it from the u.s and the measurements were in inches and i thought i was ordering ordering centimeters ah speaking of big clit so it was big clit energy wrapped up in a big clit banner i accidentally ordered it now where are you putting that i think it's gonna go on the wall in my garage where my like gym is
Starting point is 01:47:17 so it's gonna take up the whole wall um you should consider hanging it somewhere um in a public place just like go to a local coffee shop and just just hang it on the wall put it on like my table it's like my tablecloth yes i want like a big foot energy face mask or something i tell you i've never told anyone so i i used to love the eggplant. I would send the eggplant to anyone, just the big, because it just to me just meant the big dick. So I just sent eggplants to anyone and everyone, just in text messages. Didn't matter who, just totally inappropriate eggplant sender, right? Like someone might be like, how are you doing today, Savana? I just sent them back an eggplant, right?
Starting point is 01:47:59 Fucking awesome, big dick energy. I just thought of it as just big dick. So just like as a positive thing, the eggplant. And after Greg made that, he made the Floyd 19 comment and then that psycho fucking chick called him racist and Greg fucking responded to her and smashed her and at that, at that fucking gym in um i don't even think it's an affiliate anymore it's a northern it's in one of the fucked up states in the united states like oregon or washington or something i can't remember but anyway i stopped sending the eggplant for like five or six months because i was just because i just felt like this this like sensitivity like you didn't feel big dick energy. No, I felt like just like the woke police were everywhere and I was going to get in trouble for fucking sending the eggplant.
Starting point is 01:48:57 And the second I got fired from CrossFit, I was like, OK, it's just fucking eggplants everywhere. Eggplant. I'm back. I'm back to my. Yes, I am. I am drinking the patent. Yeah. i want like a eggplant banner in your gym that would be the equivalent just a big fucking eggplant yes you don't see the word clit a lot no you know you know you have you ever seen google trends i know you have to pee sorry and i feel so bad because when i have to pee it's fucking the worst i'm gonna let you go do you know do you know the Google Trends? Yeah, I haven't really.
Starting point is 01:49:27 I don't spend a lot of time on them, but I've seen them. Like you can go and type in like... Are you going to find out what Clip is doing? Yeah, like you can type, damn, I can't. I feel like it's got to be better. It's got to be doing better lately, you know? Of course you think that. You have a fucking 10 by 10 sign that says Bigfoot Energy.
Starting point is 01:49:46 I wouldn't believe that. Come on. We talked about hormonal birth control. I wanted to talk about value based on looks. You were saying that I think that there's something there I need to be unfucked on. I'll have to have you back on because I think it's cool to value someone by their looks um but but i but i but i think that you could set me straight on what you mean i think there's some importance of talking there um sexually objectified versus sexually liberated gotta have you back on talk about that mouth
Starting point is 01:50:17 taping my mom's a mouth taper yeah the fucking whole section i think we gotta talk about that yeah um you you you have that that those circles within circles on that post and basically the center circle is what you can control i think it's steve covey or someone you you quote him but there's something really interesting in there that i think that you and i should talk about that would be really helpful to a lot of people what you really need to control all of you and you need self-awareness to do this is your reactions once you can control your reactions to things you're you're on your way to fucking becoming the buddha but if you can't you're fucked it's like be one of those people that's never easily offended you just never yes yes yes and if you are accept the fact that you are offended yeah and figure fact that you were offended.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Yeah, and figure out why you're offended. That's on you. That's not on what someone else said. It's because of what you figured out based on what they said to you. Savon, this is the worst podcast ever. Ouch, that hurts. I accept the fact that that hurts, and I just move on. It's okay. Like, it's okay. We talked a little bit about menses. I wanted to talk about how you view life because you're experimenting with your life. I want to talk about your hot-cold bath. I want to talk more about Matt Swift. But I've had a lot of your time.
Starting point is 01:51:36 I feel like I dodged you. I'd love to see Swifty on here. Yeah. You wouldn't be able to talk much. Well, good. I need someone. I need someone to talk over me. much. Well, good. I need someone. I need someone to talk over me. Um, you were great. An hour and 51 minutes. I can't believe I did this. Yeah, that was good. How do you, how do you do it sitting down? You're sitting down. Hey. Yeah. Are you standing up? Yes. I'm sitting in like a half
Starting point is 01:52:03 Lotus. Oh, okay. And my foot foot up yeah yeah and then my other foot like up on my knee and then I and then I my back is on a I'm just sitting super straight yeah nice nice and we're off

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