The Sevan Podcast - #141 - Josh Bridges and Devon Larratt

Episode Date: September 16, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Josh, not show up. God, Josh, you better show up. And we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Oh, shit, I need my headphones. Bam. Bam. I'm doing two things at once. I'm doing Instagram. I'm doing three things at once i'm doing instagram i'm doing three things at once i'm doing instagram live i'm doing three plane brothers workout 10 rounds 250 meter row 25 push-ups 25 push-ups uh congested yes i'm very very very snotty and congested. I have the COVID. I had a sore throat for a couple days, but that's long gone. Let me, sorry guys on Instagram. Oh, actually, maybe I can do it on my
Starting point is 00:01:14 computer. Josh, let's do this. I am live on youtube now you want to know how you know that someone's lying i'm trying to get on oh good oh shit maybe i need to josh is in dubai so maybe he's got some sort of uh maybe he's got some sort of issues getting on uh ask josh what his favorite affiliate ever is 10 years when i'm allowed to leave australia i want to travel gyms in the u.s uh who are you talking to today my guy i'm talking to devin and josh bridges they're both fighting in dubai uh on 18th. I think it's the 18th. It's Friday. Is it Friday for us? We're about to find
Starting point is 00:02:11 out. He just texted me and he says he's trying to get on. I wonder if he can't get on because he's in Dubai. Wouldn't that be a trip? Let me ask him. Do you think you are having issues because you are in the UAE prison? Internet prison? Let's see. I think we did because he was on Android shit, and we might have trouble getting Devin on because he uses an Android. Patty the Batty, I'm in his DMs. He's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Patty and I have exchanged, I don't know, 50 DMs, 100 DMs. I just can't get him. I am on my phone. Oh, shit. Do you have the Riverside app? Shit. Sorry, guys. This is going to take me a second.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Standby. Okay. Shit, my bad. Josh is on his phone, and I have to send him the Riverside app. What a pain in the ass it is to talk to me. Bam. Download that, please. Okay, so we're waiting for Josh to come on. He is coming on. He's getting the Riverside FM app. I wanted to let you guys know. Hey, guys, I'm going to get off the Instagram now. Depends on what country you're in, what state you're in, what you should plant in your new garden. I'm going to get off Instagram now and go just to the Sevant podcast. Thanks for checking in.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Josh should be on any minute. I'm only doing, I'm not doing so good trying to multitask on everything. All right. Bye, guys. Delete video, discard, bam. While we wait for Josh, I want to talk to you guys about the word free the word free anytime you hear the word free you know the person's lying
Starting point is 00:04:33 you know that it's a liar's word there is absolutely nothing free let's make college free for everyone it's impossible it cannot be someone must pay someone has to pay the teacher. Someone has to pay the electricity to keep the lights on in the room. Let's make, there's just nothing free.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Let's give out free food. It's not true. It's not true. Someone is paying the price, always. And it's crazy manipulative to the point that I think you're basically lying anytime you say something is free because it's not. There is nothing free. And why is that important? Because we live in this society where everyone's being manipulated on such a crazy level with words that we really have to start understanding what we're communicating to each other and what we're communicating to the world, to the masses. These words like equity. Someone's paying the price. 905, it's about right for us five minutes late there we go
Starting point is 00:05:48 i never thought it would happen my i am the luckiest man alive we're here we're live i am no christian you didn't miss it josh was just putting the final details on waxing his mustache i'm making a cup of coffee. I'm still doing it, actually. And trying to, like, download Zap. Buddy, buddy, do you need some...
Starting point is 00:06:10 I got six bags. Hey, don't worry. I travel. I travel as well. Don't worry. Double plug. Don't worry. Double plug.
Starting point is 00:06:21 You know? That's right. Are you in your hotel room? I am. Making a cup of good dudes right now, brother. That's right. Are you in your hotel room? I am. Making a couple good dudes right now, brother. That's how we roll. I want to start with something very intimate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'm so excited to see you. I'm so excited to see you. It's crazy. I know. It's so crazy. So let me ask you the first question that i guessed every get asked every single day but it's cool you're making your coffee like that i'm really digging this i'm like i don't even want to start the show because that means it's going to be over um by the way it's
Starting point is 00:06:54 907 here and i got my uh good dudes black no cream nine o'clock at night whatever i don't give a fuck i got another podcast at 7 a.m you know who i'm interviewing at 7 a.m tomorrow aj fletcher he's the guy okay who had that flying knee in the contender series in the first week knocked that that crazy russian dude out i'll send you a video clip of it yeah it was crazy it was crazy yeah so people keep asking me if the josh matt and seven podcast is over dude i could i get i get those dms too and um and i i i don't know i i don't i've never i've never asked you or matt if it's over i asked matt o'keefe what he knows when he was on the podcast a couple days ago he said he asked matt the same thing does anyone know the answer to that question i think
Starting point is 00:07:49 no one knows man i think it's uh i think um it's it's all up in the air it's i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm definitely i love i love him i love, I love sitting and chat with you and Matt. It's my favorite hour, a good, a good hour of the week. And, uh, you know, I think that, um, right now, obviously things are just a little hectic. I think, I think it'll pick back up. I think it could kick back off. Um, what is more likely that good dudes coffee will deliver to Australia or, or that we'll do another podcast with Josh, Matt, and stuff like that? Shit, Australia. So we tried to start doing international shipping off the bat. And it was,
Starting point is 00:08:36 we just got a lot of things getting hold of in customs. And so we were taking, it just didn't work. We had to get too many returns. We were taking – we were eating too many costs for it, and so it just didn't make sense for us. So we had to pull it from the website. And I don't know. Maybe at some point we could find a distribution out there. That would be awesome. There were whiny Australians were causing it, making it so it wasn't affordable?
Starting point is 00:09:00 No, no. Or just the customs. It wasn't the people. You're saying – No, it wasn't the people you're saying no it wasn't yeah it wasn't people no it was the good the governments yeah yeah somebody else was you know saying hey let's not do this i don't know you know i have covid right now yeah yeah yeah yeah right now i heard you sniffle that's why i'm that's why it reminded me. I got my negative test. We had to get a negative test to come over,
Starting point is 00:09:28 and then we have to take another test on Thursday before we fight. What country are you in right now? United Arab Emirates. And it's split into, do you know what's going on there, the way the government works? Are they split into three? Is that like Dubai? Do they have three different kingdoms there, the way the government works? Are they split into three? Is that like Dubai? Do they have three different kingdoms inside?
Starting point is 00:09:48 What are the three kingdoms? You know, I don't know. I know that you got Abu Dhabi, you got Dubai, and then I don't know if there's another one or not, to be honest. I don't know a ton about this country. You used to know, but your teacher punched you so many times in the head, that chick. What's her name? Anna? Anne and, and, and Najjar and Najjar. She, what is she there? She's from Iraq. She's from Iraq. Oh, no shit. Well, she, she's not, she's, she's born and raised in San
Starting point is 00:10:18 Diego, but, uh, her family is from Iraq and you brought her with you to Dubai. That's crazy. Yeah. And my other coach, my other coach, Berlin's going to be here tomorrow. But you're not like, you're just a dude.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You're just some amateur. Like I'm just a guy, man. And she's like a party and she's a real boxing coach. How did you get her to do that? I guess money talks, bullshit walks. I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I don't know, man. I mean, we've, um, you know, it's so funny. The first time I went into that gym, she was like, we're going to get you on a card. We're going to fight. You're going to fight like, like those YouTube guys are going to fight. She called it, called it from day one. I had like, this was literally just me going into the, into a boxing gym to box. That was it.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And she called it. And here we are. Did you have your shirt off when she told you that? That was it. And she called it. And here we are. Did you have your shirt off when she told you that? It's a fair question. Fair question. You're looking lean and mean.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Feeling lean and mean, baby. If the producers were awake, they'd pull that photo up of you. I'm going to stare at it here for a second. It's a picture of your back. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a crazy. I picture of your back oh yeah yeah that's a great this uh yeah this this i mean your back is crazy there right yeah i think it's the camera guy doing something there you know yeah i don't figure this yeah yeah and she looks taller than you too she can't be taller than you right no i think we're about the same height she looks like she's four inches
Starting point is 00:11:42 taller maybe it's because you're bending down and striking. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. So you're in Dubai. How's the hotel? It's nice. It's a nice hotel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 It's Oaks something. I don't know. I don't know the name of it. Is it really nice? I mean, it's not. Yeah, it's a nice hotel. I don't know. I wouldn't say it's real. I wouldn't say it's like i've been in i've been in nicer hotels but um i would say it's like
Starting point is 00:12:09 it's a it's a nice hotel i'm not complaining whatsoever right so so and and dubai is just known for doing shit right yeah it seems like it seems like a really cool country i haven't really left the hotel terribly like to be honest i I haven't left the hotel much. I'm trying to stay focused, trying to stay like, you know, I'm not here to see Dubai. I'm here to fight. I left the hotel for the first time yesterday and went across the street to the mall to just to get dinner, just to change up dinner because they have a restaurant here. And it's but it's kind of the same thing every day. And so I wanted to change it up and ended up just walking around the mall for about 30 minutes. And I was like, all right, I'm going to go back to the hotel. Do you have a black eye right now? I do. Yeah, I got my last sparring session before I left.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And a bump on your forehead? No, that's just a, uh, that's just a zit. Thanks for, thanks for noticing. Oh,
Starting point is 00:13:10 you should say that shrapnel. You should say that's a piece of metal from like an IED or a firefight. You were. Yeah, no, that was just some little pimple I got after this. Wow. I didn't know people got pimples.
Starting point is 00:13:22 30, 38 years old, right? Still getting zit. Um, did you old, right? Still getting zipped. Did you sleep throughout the whole night last night? Last night was my first night. It felt so good, man. So good. What time did you go to bed? Your time? I went to bed my time around 11-ish, 1130-ish, and then got up at like 645, like right when I texted you this morning.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So you would actually like to sleep a little bit more yeah but i can't complain the last night was three hours the night before that was four hours so last night getting seven i was fine with when you went down at 11 is it just like are you just hurting or are you wide awake and you're like fuck i hope i fall asleep no last night i was definitely starting to get tired um i ate i try i'm trying to like i feel like it's weird you know shifting shifting 10 hours in your um and your night you know your sleep right is such a hard thing on the body and so uh i'm always i feel hungry all day long right now and so i'm trying to eat a lot in my meals
Starting point is 00:14:24 um because i feel like I'm waking, like the last two nights I'd been waking up just like hungry still. And so at dinner last night, I really like forced some food down and I think it helped. Have you seen everyone? Yeah, yeah. Everyone's here. Like you've seen them all. You've seen Devin, Lorette?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah. I saw the pictures. Yeah, yeah. Definitely hung out with Devin. Devin's awesome, man. yeah everyone's everyone's here like you've seen them all you've seen devin lorette yeah yeah yeah definitely hung out with them devin's awesome man he's such a cool guy um you know you told me how cool he was and and then uh met him the first day i was here met first first morning it was actually really funny it was like me thor devin and this other guy matt benson sitting at a at the table together and then me and i'm like oh man Vincent, sitting at the table together, and then me, and I'm like, oh, man, it's like king-size snicker bars, and then I'm here, here I am, a little fun size. Who's Matt Vincent?
Starting point is 00:15:12 He's a hate brand. He's a two-time Highland Games champion. Just a really cool dude. I've been on his podcast a few times. You guys would get along. I'll connect you guys. He does a podcast called the i'm so podcast and really great guy really just like is he fighting no he's just he's friends with steph he's friends with thor um do you know what the highland games are i've heard of him yeah so he's he won it twice, I believe. Those are dudes who work out in skirts and throw barrels and shit.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. I hear that right. You were at a table with Thor and Devin. How is it? Is it superficial? Is it cool? No, I think that was the only time that I've seen those two together, really. It was really quick.
Starting point is 00:16:04 It wasn't for a long time but you could tell thor is very serious he's like um he's one of those he seems like an athlete who you know staying focused staying very professional uh very like into his own world and you know some athletes are like that where devin seems uh a little more i don't know how to put it but like um i i kind of reminds me of me where i don't have to be serious all the time actually i like to not be serious i like to coke and joke and have a good time and then when it comes to game time i'll flip that switch and that's what happened so it kind of seems like that what did you say coke a joke coke and joke coke a joke it's a military
Starting point is 00:16:40 term how can you like coke i've talked to you so i've talked to you for so many times for so many hours and you still always have like these lines these things from your other life from your life um did you vote before you left for the recall election uh no i didn't i totally forgot totally you don't give a shit because you could be moving out of state. I'm leaving state right when I get back, so I apologize. Did you vote? You should. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Five times. Ten times. I'm watching on Instagram all the shit startup about how fraudulent the election is. There's this undercover video of a guy saying he'sulent the election is and like there's this undercover video of a guy saying he's at the mailbox and some of the guys filming him and he goes did you vote and the guy's like yeah three times i voted no three times in my in my coffee copy machine broke and i'm like oh great here we go again oh good times man does um what's what's it looking like right now what's the poll saying i think uh think Gavin's like, I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:48 just the hatred for the black man in California is so strong. Larry Elder has no chance. I mean, this is the most racist state in the world. They just hate him. I couldn't resist. I couldn't resist. Back to the fight. Back to the fight game.
Starting point is 00:18:06 You regret asking, don't you? I brought my dudes with me. Oh, that is awesome. You know what's funny is my boys were going to bed just now, and I kissed them goodnight and then ran over and turned this on, and I was like, oh, man, Josh can't even do that. So I'm like cooler than Josh. I couldn't put them to bed, but I got to kiss him goodnight.
Starting point is 00:18:26 That's awesome, brother. That is. Have you talked to him much? Oh, yeah. I talk to him every day. Yeah. Do they know what you're doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah. They're really fired up. I mean, I did. Do you remember? I probably shouldn't say this online or whatever, but, like, I FaceTimed with him with the Jake Paul fight, and, you know, let him watch the jake paul fight and uh you know let him watch watch the jake paul fight with me so that was cool um so yeah no my older son is really getting into it he loves it he actually their baseball team did a little boxing clinic and man he was
Starting point is 00:18:56 and and since i've started doing it i work with him on some striking i'll hold the pads for him and uh he felt really cool you know because none of the other kids had done it so he felt like he was he was out there doing roy jones you know like dropping his hands and dancing and stuff and uh it was good so he he really is actually he'll watch the ufc fights with me sometimes not all the time but every sometimes so how old are they 11 and 9 um and what's funny is that their baseball clinic is teaching them to fight now listen if the pitcher hits you we got the track coach here who's gonna help you get to the mound and then this guy's gonna tell you what to do one two three it was just like my uh his coach's cousin was a boxing guy and he's like hey let's just change it up for uh the weekend and we did
Starting point is 00:19:44 this uh boxing clinic and i was actually shocked at how many of the parents were okay with it and they actually ended up doing like little sparring it wasn't like long you know like they uh but they let them throw hands at each other which was cool and the other parents were like okay with it so it was fun um is is it is it public like is it like you know is good dudes well it's good dudes changing states that you're going to be doing business in? What states is Good Dudes? What's the headquarters for Good Dudes? Headquarters is actually technically – gosh, is it – I think it's Arizona.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Arizona. Because that's where Cooper is at. And so – no, it won't have to change states. Oh, my God. Poor Cooper. cooper's at and so no it won't have to change states oh my god poor poor cooper oh yeah we gotta tell a story yes story time so we get off the plane we listen guys we're this this is the 20 minutes in we haven't even mentioned mr heppner's name yet this is great this is great so so we get off the plane in dubai after you know 15 hour flight which uh wasn't actually it wasn't that bad at all uh and so but we're we're waiting for luggage and all of a sudden like me and anna sitting there we're like where is cooper at like
Starting point is 00:20:56 he was he was it wasn't that far behind us in the customs line um and all of a sudden he comes walking up with a like a security guard and he's like, he looked a little like, you know, serious. And I was like, Coop, I'm like, what's coming? Like hands up. What's going on, man? And, um, he said, he's like, he's like, I'll be, I'll be right back. And so he grabs his, they grab his luggage off the carousel and then he walks back to
Starting point is 00:21:21 a back room. I'm like, what's going on? And so he's got his girlfriend here. And I guess he had a CBD pen, which is not legal here. And so – or they thought it was – they thought it might have THC in it. It wasn't – they didn't think it was just CBD or something like that, whatever. So they bring him back to the back. And he ends up getting literally like everything had to get searched, stripped down, butt naked, searched, made sure he had nothing else on him. I'm like, what a way to start this trip. Here we go. Did he go into,
Starting point is 00:21:57 cause we were texting and he said, yeah, they, they strip searched me. And I said, rubber glove. And he said, yeah yeah they did i don't think they like i should have asked did they use butter boy lube or you don't you don't think they i don't think yeah i don't think they yeah no i don't think they did that but i think they just had a they had a little gander at them you don't oh like hey bend over and spread your butt cheeks i don't think that happened. I think it was more like, just like, is there anything taped to him or something? Which could have easily been, just, they probably could have felt.
Starting point is 00:22:31 But no, they wanted to, they got him naked. Wow. And did his girlfriend get to go in the room? No, it was just him and two security guards. Let's be honest though the reason why it's not that you know that they didn't stick their finger in his butt to check for anything it's just that you don't like that version and so like you're like back off that no man i don't if they like that visual false i if they if they put their hand
Starting point is 00:23:03 if they if they did anything like that i definitely would have uh told the story correctly he'll he'll never he'll never forget this trip now no man it was a great it's it's been a fun trip so far it's been uh we're having a good time like definitely uh it's been an experience and i'm that i'll keep with me, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm sitting back, and I'm kind of taking it all in. I'm excited. I'm ready. I want the fight to be here. Just so you know, is the mall that you went into that mall that has the skiing in it?
Starting point is 00:23:40 No. That one's not too far from here, though. Okay. I've been over there in that mall, I'm like, like back then I was like a world-class shopper. They do not have great shopping in Dubai. They don't even have an app. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 They don't even have an Apple store. What I'm saying is, is don't feel bad. Like, don't feel like you're missing out by not going there. It's not like. Yeah, I don't. They have a Shake Shack there. That's the best thing. Are you familiar with what that is?
Starting point is 00:24:04 Oh yeah. I like Shake Shack. I do. Yeah. They have Shake Shack there. That's the best thing. Are you familiar with what that is? Oh, yeah. I like Shake Shack. I do. They have Shake Shack here? Yeah, in that mall right next to the ski, next to that indoor ski thing. But you're not. The hotels are the coolest thing in Dubai. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I was. The service is insane, right? The people are so polite. Everything's like perfect. Everyone is. Everyone's awesome. I mean, like. Safest place you've ever been.
Starting point is 00:24:23 That's what I keep hearing. It's crazy. I you ever been that's what keeps that's what i keep hearing it's crazy i'm like that's nuts i would never you know like in my mind i didn't i didn't know what to expect and uh it's been really cool yeah it's a great place so so you've you've seen half thor you've seen devon yeah have you seen stephy cohen yeah absolutely she got here two nights ago uh i saw her we we both actually trained uh at the gym yesterday pretty much right after each other so i got to talk to her there and then i'm seeing her at the hotel and talk to her a little bit she seems fired up and ready to go i'm excited for her too yeah man her her i just started following her on instagram she's she's
Starting point is 00:25:00 like serious as a heart attack yeah she presents that she presents that way on her instagram yeah she is she she's got a crew here and she's got a good coach she's got like four two coat two or three coaches um her husband or fiance i'm sorry or i don't know i think i think they're engaged i don't know to be honest she's boning whatever yeah and then um hayden who's like super strong power lifter guy um and then uh yeah like her crew you know so like two camera people like yeah she's she seems fucking ready to go i'm excited for that fight it sounds like she wants to be a professional boxer yeah no that's what she said she uh we talked last night a little bit she's like are you what are you what are your plans and i'm like i don't know what my plans are after this fight, to be honest. And so she's like, I'm like you, she's like, oh yeah. She's like, I'm in.
Starting point is 00:25:49 So she sounds like this is a, her path for a little bit. How old is she? Do you know? I don't, I don't know. She's like one of those like really like really goal oriented people. Yeah. She's a, she's a, she's got a doctrine, I think in, um, she's a chiropractor, I believe.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Like, I don't know. I might be misspeaking, but I don't think you are. I don't think you are. She's like, she, she,
Starting point is 00:26:15 like her Instagram, every, she talks like a doctor, like she espouses, like eat this, this, this is true. This is not true.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And I'm pretty sure it's in chiropractic, chiropractory. Yeah. Whatever that thing, the adjustment doctor, the adjustment doctor. Um, yeah, I don't know, man. Like she seems like she is exactly a very focused person. And when she puts her mind to something, she's going to go get after it. So, I mean, someone who has 25 world records in powerlifting, how do you, you know, at the age of like 22, I believe, like, yeah. And have you met the girl she's fighting? I don't even know who she's fighting. No, I have no idea who she's fighting either.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I actually asked Hayden about her. I was like, hey, what do you know about her opponent? And yeah, he said that, you know, she's a good fighter. I think she was like MMA for a while. And then she recently transitioned to boxing a few years ago. And he's like 4- I was a pro fighter. So, um,
Starting point is 00:27:07 yeah, I think it should be as an MMA fighter for no, as a boxer, boxer. Wow. So you, do you, do you have to do any amateur in MMA?
Starting point is 00:27:16 You have to do a certain amount of amateur fights before you come, become, before you become pro. Do you have to do that in boxing? You don't know. Um, I have no idea. Like, I don't want to, I don't even want to pretend to know because? You don't know. I have no idea. I don't even want to pretend to know because I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Right. You just walked into the gym and your coach told you, hey, I'm going to turn you into a dude who fights on YouTube. Right. How long before – when did your coach, Ann, say that to you versus when Don Idris contacted you and asked you if you wanted to fight or Cooper or whoever, who's ever the idea? What was the timeframe between those two? So I went into the boxing gym. It was literally, I'm not even kidding.
Starting point is 00:27:58 It was the very first day I went into that boxing gym. Why did you go in there? You were just like, I just want to learn how to fight. Yeah. Well, I hey, I just want to learn how to fight. Yeah, I just want to learn how to box. And so Ann had reached out and said, asked me, she's like, her ex-boyfriend was a CrossFitter. They were watching a documentary, I think the 16 documentary where I had done Murph. And I had put on there that I was- If you guys don't know, I produced that. I know people like to make posts on Instagram, thanking everyone at CrossFit. No,
Starting point is 00:28:29 no, let me rephrase that. I executive produced that. None of those documentaries would have happened without me. No big deal. I'm just, it's just the fact. It's the fact. The fact that it makes me so cool is,
Starting point is 00:28:41 is a by-product of just the facts. Go on. Just fucking idiots. hey the 2018 documentary that's coming out that mariah moore made i'm sure they're not gonna put it on there guess who the producer of that documentary is me guess why buttery boys no guess what they filmed it i mean heber and and margin fucking beasts. They are beasts, but they're not. No, I know. I know who did it.
Starting point is 00:29:07 It's amazing. It's called integrity. You fuck nuts. Okay. Go on. Rant over. Um, rant over.
Starting point is 00:29:16 So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:17 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:17 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:17 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:18 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:18 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:18 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:22 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so,
Starting point is 00:29:24 so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, who was into CrossFit and showed him the documentary. He was showing her the documentary. They were watching it or something. And I had put on there where I lived was La Mesa, California, not San Diego. And she lived in La Mesa. And so she reached out and was like, hey, you want to learn how to box? No shit. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And so I was like, okay. I mean, she's a world-class boxing instructor you're telling me that lady reached out to you in your dms probably because she wanted to um she was doing it to impress her boyfriend you want to probably something like that you want to meet him over to the gym i get him over right and i immediately so that's what happened she dm'd you and you're just like yeah i'll learn how to box yeah immediately you know what's so funny though is at the same time i was already talking to tony blower about trying to learn how to like do some striking and tony i remember that actually yeah yeah and so i he was just it just never really worked out because he's also like an hour away he's a little
Starting point is 00:30:17 bit north of me and so um it like it was literally the same timing and I was like, yeah. And so, so when she did that, I said, yep. And I walked in the gym and we, uh, you know, we hit it off immediately. And she was just like, you're going to work like that day. Like, we're going to get you boxing. Like, you're going to box and we're going to, we're going to, you know, it's going to be fun. And I was like, Oh, I'm like, I'm like, shut up. You know, like, no, it's not.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And then I want to say it was. Hey, is she charming as shit? Does she just have like crazy good coach energy? She's just really cool. Yeah. She's really fun. She's, she comes across. She keeps it light.
Starting point is 00:30:56 She believes in people. Yeah, exactly. She's, I mean, you can see it. Like, so when I started, when she reached out, her Instagram, like her following has just exploded. Like, I think she had less than like, she had like 80 or no, 50,000 followers. She has like over 500. This is less than a year ago. Less than, or no, just over a year ago.
Starting point is 00:31:16 She has over 500,000 followers now. I know that's why I invited her. That's why I invited her on my podcast. I know, I know, I know who you are. She's over the $100,000 prerequisite thousand dollar hundred thousand follower uh prerequisite i know no she's just yeah i mean she trains she trains guys like uh jeremy stevens she's trained uh have you met him uh i did i did meet jeremy yeah that was cool killer killer wills yeah just heavy hands heavy hands uh wilson reyes who fought for the belt he fought uh mighty mouth
Starting point is 00:31:48 um for the belt and at 125 he's no longer in the ufc but i've actually done a little bit of shadow sparring with him and that was really cool um he walks around actually at like he's a 125 pounder. He walks around at like one 55, one 60. He is a thick boy. How tall is he? Uh, I think he might be a smidge shorter than me actually. Smidge, just a smidge. Um, but yeah, great dude. I love that. Wilson's awesome. I've actually trained with him a few times, so that was cool. Is he fast as shit? Oh my gosh. gosh it was he was actually the first guy when i shadow sparred it was uh he he threw so many punches i didn't know what to do it was like whoa whoa like i hadn't i hadn't sparred with him his hands were just like he just didn't stop throwing punches i was like oh my gosh it's crazy so it was awesome it was eye-opening it was so much fun though it's like
Starting point is 00:32:42 when i talk to you in full sentences, you have trouble processing it. You're like, whoa, whoa, slow down, Savon. Hey, slow down. I'm writing these words down. Slow down. Hold on. I need to look them up. I should have used Thor as that example.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I shouldn't have been mean to you. It's like using full sentences when you talk to Thor. No, no. I'm the dumb one. So, yeah, no, it's been cool. Avril? Have you seen Avril? I i did i met her yesterday for the first time she just got in and so does she speak english yeah she's australian okay she lives she actually lives in the state she lives in miami she looks european as shit i would have guessed she's not not australian that's amazing. Yeah. She's Australian. And, uh, I think her, her, yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:28 her, I don't know, their significant other, um, they, I, I didn't actually meet him, but he was, he was right next to her, but or their river. So, and yeah. And you don't know who she's fighting either. No, no idea. And you didn't meet them. No, no. Okay. So that's two people. And have you seen Mr. Heppner? Yeah. Heppner and I, we've been here.
Starting point is 00:33:50 We flew over together. We flew on the same – our flights are together and everything. We're at the same hotel. And actually, we've been hanging out a lot. You guys did some sparring rounds today together? No, we haven't done any sparring. That's going to only happen on saturday um but it was like the first day we went to the gym together and it was kind of weird and it was
Starting point is 00:34:10 like his co him and his coach were downstairs and we were upstairs and i was like all right we can't do this anymore because i was just kind of awkward but uh other than that like we've been like having meals together and stuff like man like i'm like i like jacob and and uh i have no issues with though on saturday night flipping the switch and hating him for 18 minutes or yeah 18 minutes you know so it's not it's not a big deal and it's it's um i'm excited to do it i'm excited to to test myself where see how far i've come and it'll be interesting to see where he's at you know but uh i i don't like i don't have to sit there and hate him for a week. I can,
Starting point is 00:34:46 I'll hate him. I'll hate him that day. And I'll be, you know, you could use the opportunities that you have to see him to start fucking with him. Yeah. To be honest, I haven't though.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And I'm going to, I'll start, I'll start. I'll start. Yeah, please do. That's the problem. That dude's nice.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Fuck him. He is. He is really nice. Fuck his nice bullshit yeah yeah that's right get get in like say some shit and get him all twisted up i'm gonna start i'm gonna start i'm gonna start uh i'm gonna start flipping the switch here soon you may just squeeze this napkin that's how tough i am yeah i keep letting him know that i was a navy seal in case he forgot yeah yeah let him know that let him hey in case you forgot I was a Navy SEAL in case he forgot. Yeah. Yeah. Let him know that. Let him know. Hey, in case you forgot, I was a Navy SEAL.
Starting point is 00:35:27 This is really easy. This is not even going to be like day one. It's like day pre, you know, way before. I'm going to put out a scenario out there. And if it's not true, then just tell me to shut up. But then like try to fix it so the podcast doesn't fall flat. Okay. me to shut up, but then like try to fix it so the podcast doesn't fall flat. Okay. You have this in 2000, I don't know, four or five. Is that when you were in the Navy and you started training to
Starting point is 00:35:53 become a SEAL? 2005. Yep. Okay. So you started your training for that. You found CrossFit, right? January 2005. And you had this goal and you were making this goal to pursue this career. And to pursue the career, you had to jump through some pretty intense hoops, right? The Navy SEAL application process, right? And then you wanted to go to the games and you wanted to win the games, clearly. And so there's this training period before the games, right? So we have these two training periods. And then we have this other training period now now before this fight with jacob heppner and in all of those training periods there's a chance
Starting point is 00:36:30 there's i'm assuming that there's times when it's like you you not not want to give up on the totality of it but you want to take a day off or okay i'm just not going to climb ropes today because like i'm tired or i i don't have time, I'd rather go home and do something else. You have these distractions. Is there one that you worked harder for? Is this boxing reminiscent of your dedication to becoming a SEAL or your dedication to winning the CrossFit Games? I would say yes.
Starting point is 00:37:05 There's something kind of serious on would say yes. There's something kind of serious on the line now. It's definitely serious. Nothing about this is a joke. Nothing about this is a game. It's not even me against myself. It's me against Jacob. That's real.
Starting point is 00:37:19 This is a combat sport. It's not me versus myself with a clock or a weight or a bar. It's not a it's not me versus my myself or the clock right or a weight right or a bar it's uh it's a fight and we're gonna go into a ring and we're each gonna try to knock each other out um so it it i would say it's definitely been hard it's a it's an abbreviated version of it you know because it was short it wasn't like how long i trained i gave myself a year and a half to train for uh to go into buds right and then the training myself a year and a half to train to go into BUDS, right? And then the training was a year long, right?
Starting point is 00:37:48 So the process was a lot longer. The training for the CrossFit Games, I just did it for so long that it became that. So for me, it just happened so quick. It was such an abbreviated version of that. But the difficulty and the amount of time and the amount of dedication I put into it was just that the same. I didn't take, I definitely limited distractions and as much as possible as a 38 year old dad, you know, I still have obviously obligations that I have to do, but I didn't miss training. I didn't, there was definitely moments where, yeah, exactly. I'd have obviously obligations that I have to do, but I didn't miss training. I do. I didn't, there was definitely moments where, yeah, exactly. I'd have those thoughts that I was like, maybe I
Starting point is 00:38:30 should just chill. And I'd be like, oh, you think you need to chill? Cool. Let's go to the gym and I'm going to go do, you know, 10, 30 cal sprints on the assault bike with a minute rest. You know, it was like, it's just like, no chill. That's going to be your chill. That's going to be my chill. Right. So yeah, it's like, it's, it just, I had that. I definitely flipped that mind switch where it was like, no, the moment you think you need to rest, you need to go in and you need to do something else right now. Um, and so, yeah, it's been, it's been a difficult process. It's been fun and difficult in the sense that boxing is just not easy. I'm not like trying to say like, Oh, this is, it's, it's hard, uh, to, to train. Cause it's not hard to train. I love
Starting point is 00:39:10 training. I love going into the gym. I love testing myself. I love learning new, new skills. And so none of that part has been difficult. It's more so the, um, it's actually like learning the, the sport and learning all the different nuances of the sport. But yeah, I've put the same effort as I've done in both of those parts of my life as I have in this. And I didn't take it lightly at all. At the end of the day, like we said, it's a combat sport. And there is something different about that. Instead of being against yourself, you're being against another human being who
Starting point is 00:39:45 is trying to do the same thing that you're doing to that want to do to them um for those of you who don't know or maybe you do know i have i have some other friends who are also um former navy seals i have other friends who are high level performers and there is something a characteristic that these um boys and girls all have that are the same. I don't know for how many weeks it's been that Josh has been training, but basically, whenever I've called Josh, and I'd say I call him on average, let's say once a week, sometimes three times a week, sometimes not for three weeks, but let's say I average once a week for the last few months, more times than not, I get an answer that's, hey, I'm with my boys.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Hey, I'm good training. And then it's a hang up. It's just a courtesy answer or a quick text back. Hey, and that's just the way it is. And another thing, you said that you have obligations, you have to do the obligations of a 38-year-old dad, just so people know he didn't mean the word have to. Josh is like dedicated to his kids. He's like, he does the same thing that all of us do. I can be talking to Josh in the car and we can be in the middle of a conversation. He pulls up to the school or wherever to pick up his kids. And it's like with my kids by, and you just hang up.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And it's like, just known like, Hey, you're you, I fit in in between these things that's making him Josh bridges, which is being a world-class father, being a world-class athlete, like choosing, like we don't. And I respect respect that and we all respect that of each other we all know that like we all know who he's a he to be friends with josh bridges or anyone who performs like this you have to be a low maintenance friend or you don't get to exist you can't very true you can't be like well dude i have three more things to tell you dude i haven't talked to you too well be a nerd like eat a dick yeah so this is like actually the easiest i've chance i've had to get a hold of josh because he's in dubai and his two kids aren't competing with my attention
Starting point is 00:41:33 for him i know because this man is dedicated to his kids and his boxing um so this coffee this coffee comes came fast by the way i ordered the six bag packets back in stock it came really fast that was we've been we've been working with our donkeys we've been you know training them getting them on getting them up up to that uh that uh whatever his name was kip chong the guy who ran the two two hour marathon you know putting them on that program did someone really run a two-hour marathon yeah the guy the nike athlete i think it's like chip chong or whatever thing oh yeah i'm i know i'm screwing it up but yeah something like that i think i did see that and he still didn't get the record he wanted right he wanted a certain record and he didn't get it
Starting point is 00:42:18 but it was still fast as well well he didn't get the record the first time he did it so when they did they did this thing it was like he it in like two hours and three minutes. And then at the next marathon he did, he broke it. He went under two. Oh, shit. Without the pacers. Like it was a real marathon. It wasn't like a stunt?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah. Because that first thing was just a stunt. Wow. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. What are you going to do when you get off this, uh, get off talking to me? Uh, I'm going to go train. I'm going to go do a little, little light, light training, little conditioning at, uh, actually at a CrossFit gym today.
Starting point is 00:42:54 So at, uh, whatever, Aletheo, the big one here. And is that in 17 minutes? No, no, not until 11. So my time. So I actually have a couple hours. So I'll just chill joe you joe just gave seven dollars to the show joe you can ask josh anything you want for seven dollars you type how much of that seven dollars do i get none none what the heck someone wrote aliens probed cooper uh we love you josh jacob hepner never heard of her thanks for jumping on josh um jeremy stevens who the fuk is that guy you know who the fuk that guy is if you don't you won't say that out loud when he's nearby is he still not when he's by is he
Starting point is 00:43:45 he's still fighting too right yeah he just had a uh his last fight he remember he pushed that dude and gave the guy a concussion at the press conference oh that's right yeah that's right did you talk to him about that no i haven't seen him i haven't seen him in a while actually he got he had he got he had gotten injured and he hadn't been to the gym any time that I had been in lately. I haven't seen him in a while. I literally just said hello to him. Don't ruin the story. Stop, stop. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Stop, stop, stop. I'm not going to try to pretend like I'm buddies with this guy, because I'm not at all. I literally just said hello to him, and he seemed like a cool guy um so today is for me today is um tuesday september 14th i'm really gonna fuck your head up here and um the fight is on what day and for you right now it's the 15th in the morning it Yeah, it's Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. Okay. So when is the fight for you? And then I'll figure it out. The fight for me is September 18th at 11. I'm going to fight. The card starts at 7 p.m. here. I will be fighting at what I've been told is like 11, 1130 ish p.m.
Starting point is 00:45:03 So like right before midnight. On the 18th. on the 18th. Yes. And so for us, it will be, I want to say it's like around noon or 1230 your time on Saturday. No, on the 18th. Oh,
Starting point is 00:45:21 that's right. Right. Right. Okay. Okay. So September 18th and um midday i hope don doesn't hate me i um have you met don yet yeah i met don the first day he's nice guy man really uh he's cool right yeah yeah so i basically sent him um a dm and then i also sent him a text
Starting point is 00:45:42 um saying hey like you guys need more publicity saying how to watch the show because they keep advertising it but every time they advertise it, I panic because I'm like, so do I download the CoreSports app? Do I? And I think that's what you do. I think if you're on Apple TV or Roku,
Starting point is 00:46:00 you download the CoreSport app. C-O-R-E. You don't know. CoreS i don't know i know it's on core sports is where you go to get the pay-per-view um but i don't know exactly i don't know the detail to find details no shit i know i know it's terrible you're just it's a little it's you're just a little i'm here i'm here to throw hands. That's it, man. Holy shit. We got a thumbs down. That's incredible. Always. Always. I get a thumbs down on everything, so it's okay. I know, but this is live. They have to look at us and do this. No, that's all right. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Wow. Do you know who Gary Roberts is? Isn't he the guy who you used to do the Killing the Fat Man thing? Yeah. He owns a company called Arm TV, and he just donated $20, and he says, I will be watching the fight. Hey, how much of those $20 do I get? None, dude. None, none. That $20 plus that $7 is going to pay for an hour.
Starting point is 00:47:01 No, sorry, 15 minutes of tennis for one of my boys. All right, fair enough um do you have a strategy to um to what's it called dispatch is that the word you use dispatch jacob heppner is that what it means like when you beat someone is that like as a boxing term i don't know um i mean i have i have my ideas uh yeah i'm gonna talk to my coaches and we're going to, you know, we've, we've started to game plan a little bit. Um, yeah, I have some things that I feel like I'm going to try to use in the, uh, in the, in the fight. And he said that he doesn't watch a lot of professional fights. He watches a lot of amateur fights. Is that sort of your, your thing too?
Starting point is 00:47:42 No, I watch professional fights. You watch professional fights, watch professional fights but you are aware that it's going to be a dude who's never fought before coming to the ring there must be like some there must be like some standard thing that these people who've never fought before do maybe yeah i don't know um my coaches have my coaches are like hey this is probably what's going to happen you know like hey this is this is the route he will he most likely will go or whatever so yeah and then they're probably saying the same thing about you probably yeah that you we've been seeing more and more like really solid patient fighting i feel like lately
Starting point is 00:48:19 i thought so too i think so too so just amongst all disciplines boxing mma like we're seeing a lot of patient fighting yeah did you see mo miller's fight tonight oh no you were sleeping i did i know i did and i missed i'm so bummed i saw you i saw i saw the text yeah dude good oh dude it was so great the dude he fought was five foot four and he had like his legs were so thick the guy he fought the guy had like the thickest legs ever and he and he got some good kicks on mo i wonder if mo got the contract after the fight was over michael bisbing said that he didn't think mo miller deserved the contract which i thought was bullshit i like michael bisbing but i thought it was bullshit because the guy that mo
Starting point is 00:49:00 miller fought was five and oh mo miller was five and oh and they were both good they were just saying they were basically saying that mo didn't do enough on the ground. I mean, Mo controlled him on the ground for like, there were three five-minute rounds, and six minutes of the fight, Mo held him on the ground. Really? Yeah. And the guy was really aggressive.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Say that again. Okay. So what was the fight? Was it mainly Mo taking him down, or was there some striking there? There was a lot of striking, too. I feel like Moe threw a lot of just single jabs, and the guy threw a lot of combos. But I think Moe beat—what's interesting, I think Moe beat him on the stand-up game, and on the ground, the guy actually landed a lot of blows on Moe.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Not significant strikes, but he was slapping Moe a lot. But Moe was in control. And Moe looked huge compared to him. Oh did yeah yeah i think mo's 5'8 and this guy's 5'4 so he just looks huge yeah makes sense um when the fight's over uh when do you come home the next morning i literally get on a plane like nine hours after the flight fight wow yeah um are you are you looking forward to that is it like yeah i just can't wait home to get to my kids are you like man shit i wish i stay in a day to lick my wounds no i uh i i yeah i'm ready i'll be ready to go home we've been here for this it'll be day 10 we'll be here for 10 days and for me that's plenty of time to be away
Starting point is 00:50:23 from my way away. I don't really want to be gone anymore. Yeah, why did you fly in so early? I think to do some of the promotional stuff, to maybe get a little bit more acclimated. I don't know. We were just asked to come in that day, and that's when we decided to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Also, I think there's only so many flights, too. I don't think that there's flights every day to Dubai. Really? Nah, they got flights. Or maybe. They got to. Maybe not direct flights, too. I don't think that there's flights every day to Dubai. Really? Nah, they got flights. Or maybe. They got to. Maybe not direct flights, then. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Something like that. It's weird that you would go so early. The UFC fighters, when they fight on Saturday, they fly in. Yeah, like Sunday or Monday. Yeah. It was a little. It's definitely been a little long but um it is what it is you know we're here so and the time zone you'll be fully acclimated
Starting point is 00:51:09 yeah whatever i mean well it would suck to fly in the night before to be honest they the next day after i flew in was one of my the days one of the days i felt the best so far besides besides right now. But this is also early in the day. I don't know how I'm going to feel later. Right. And ideally, you'll sleep in longer and longer and longer since your fight is at midnight, right? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I'm starting to stay up later and then try to sleep in a little longer, kind of take a nap throughout the day kind of thing to, you know, chill out. In your poster, you can see the black eye. Yeah. It was very thick. Today is like a week since it happened. So it's starting to fade. Who did it to you?
Starting point is 00:52:00 My sparring partner, Jeremy. The guy I posted about. He's like a Hawaiian. Dude, awesome guy man but uh it was actually my best sparring session with him he just he hit me he hit me with a few combos and it just puffed up um i'm really glad it's a black eye because when i first saw it just now i was like oh shit this motherfucker's like got liver damage and he hasn't slept in a month like i was like oh shit like you know how people will get that with the crazy black yeah yeah well josh thank you i'm sorry thank you i'm
Starting point is 00:52:35 sorry you had to carry another podcast of mine you're you're great dude savon you know that great dude you're not even you're not even a good dude you're a great dude oh man i don't know if that's a good i don't know if that's good because we know a nice dude you're not even a good dude you're a great dude oh man i don't know if that's a good i don't know if that's good because we know a nice dude's not good a nice guy you're not you're not a nice guy you're not a nice guy that's good all right um if you win we will have you back on perfect when you come back and And if you lose, I'll call you. I'll text you. Text me.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Oh shit, did I lose you? You froze. He froze. How perfect is that? Alright. And that's it. Alright, fair enough. Alright, you're back all right bye bye bye bye and that's it he's gone adios to josh bridges okay guys so you heard it uh saturday september
Starting point is 00:53:43 18th sounds like it's gonna to be around noon Pacific Standard Time. I'm going to get the fight. I'm going to invite my mom over to watch it. I don't know if she'll come since I have COVID. You guys are awesome. Love the video. Thank you. Gary Roberts, thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Gary, we should talk sometime. Hope everyone's doing well. Tomorrow I have a podcast at 7am with AJ Fletcher. I'm super pumped about that. I'm going to stay up for another hour and continue doing research on the guy. If you don't know who he is, you should Google his name, AJ Fletcher, UFC Contender Series, and you should watch the one minute clip where he knocks a guy out with a flying knee that is absolutely brutal. Thanks for staying up late with me, guys. Sorry about changing the time for the podcast so many times.
Starting point is 00:54:34 But that's what it's like when you deal with superstars like Josh and Devin.

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