The Sevan Podcast - #144 - Daniel Rodriguez

Episode Date: September 17, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:12 What do you think would be better if he doesn't show up like i just didn't log in at all i was just like ran back into my house 7 p.m supposed to be interviewing daniel rodriguez this is the second meeting we have scheduled. I text him. I sent him a link. Let us hope he shows up for the podcast. Number 15th in the world at 170 pounds. What's that mean? That means Daniel Rodriguez of all the 170-pound men in the world. What is that weight class? Is it 155 to 171? The welterweight class in the UFC?
Starting point is 00:01:52 MMA? Everyone in that range, he can beat up. There's only 14 guys in the world that he can't beat up. And he probably can beat some of them up. We just don't know yet, but we're going to find out. And he's got an amazing story. An amazing story. But if he does not show up why don't you show up in my ig feed anymore you know why you know why
Starting point is 00:02:15 because i'm not racist not sexist not homophobic. Cause I'm like damn near perfect on almost everything except for picking my nose in public. And unless the only people getting lots of love on social media these days are people who are pretending to be not racist, pretending to be not homophobic, pretending to not be sexist. And yet they drive that with their agenda full steam ahead. I mean, it's so blatant. It would be like if I could think of a lot of examples.
Starting point is 00:02:58 None of them are nice. But that's why I'm shadow banned. Because I speak openly about how sad it is that there are so many racist people in charge running running this country running in powerful places have you placed any money on the fight no i haven't uh where are matt abs so anyway so i'm live on the seven podcast right now and jacob flores is in the chat room and he's saying, let's go big win over Kevin Lee. That's huge for Daniel's career. I agree.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And where is Daniel Rodriguez? He's not here. He's not live on the Sevan podcast. My little baby YouTube channel that's growing every single day. Can you guys tell I'm sick? The COVID. Hey, Dave, what's up? Dave Driscoll in the house.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And he needs to be on the podcast. Matt Souza, if you are listening, let's get Dave Driscoll on the podcast. Okay, guys, I am going to tune out and move over to the Sevan podcast. I'm turning off my Instagram live. I'm going to give it a few minutes. Maybe I'll make this show talking to you guys, answering any questions you guys have about the cold I have.
Starting point is 00:04:18 The cold vid? The cold vid, as some call it. No one calls it that. I just made that up. Anyway, I'm over at the Sevan podcast. Check in if you want to chat. I answer any questions until daniel checks in if daniel even does check in and bam do i do i even care if if hey brenda do i even care if my guests show up or don't show up i mean or is it am i just saying that because I'm trying to be cool right now?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Of course I fucking care. I mean, I really want to talk to this guy. I guess that's what it's about. I'll just text him that. Like, dude, where are you? Like, you know I really want to talk to you. Dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:05:01 You know I really want to talk to you. Dude. Let's do this. I just sent him a text. I wonder if he regrets giving me his phone number. And then I'll send him a fist bump emoji. Bam. I'll send him the yellow hand. I'm a yellow send him a fist bump emoji. Bam. I'll send him the yellow hand.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I'm a yellow kind of guy. Okay, Fighters and Hot Chicks. Yep, Sam, that's it. When you're getting Ricky Garrard on soon. I've been DMing with Ricky maybe even more than DMing, and I think we're going to have Ricky in October. I showed up. Why can't you run both at the same time? Why can't I run both?
Starting point is 00:05:48 Oh, the IG and the – the problem with running the IG and the Sevan Podcast YouTube station at the same time is you won't hear the guests. Excuse me. You'll only hear me burp. For what it's worth, when your guests stand you up, a Q&A is ideal. Why, thank you, Caitlin. Ask away. 705. That's thank you, Caitlin. Ask away. 705.
Starting point is 00:06:07 That's about normal for our show to start. I normally get this thing running at 7 a.m. when I'm running it by myself. When I have help, it doesn't go until 7.15. Isn't that weird? And the guest was going to be amazing today. Shit. Daniel Rodriguez, a real life guest need to start showing up. What the fuck? Easy, Brian. Let's not make it sound like they always don't show up. Only I can complain. The rest of you are supposed to be like patting my back being like, Oh, seven. It's so
Starting point is 00:06:40 rare that people don't show up. It's just Daniel Brandon and a couple UFC fighters, and I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. 706. So a couple weeks ago, you guys want to hear the story? Did I already tell the COVID story? That's kind of a fun story. Did I tell you guys that story?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Someone said something pretty nasty. I shouldn't say nasty. Someone said something pretty real in my comments yesterday, my YouTube comments. I guess in one of the podcasts, I said that I had COVID, but I was still doing my life, my day-to-day life the same. And that really pissed them off. And they said that they've been observing my work since 2007,
Starting point is 00:07:20 but since they see, I guess they view that behavior as reckless. but since they see, I guess they view that behavior as reckless. So they're no longer going to allow me to entertain them. I understand. I could see why you think that's reckless. I am mad at you. I am mad at you.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Please yell COVID story. You want me to yell it? Glassman, when's Glassman coming on? Glassman is, I suspect it will be in January. I suspect December 31st will be a big day in the Glassman household. And that sometime in January, I'll get him. I really like to do these shows live. And I've talked to him a few times. And I think he wants to do some dress rehearsals.
Starting point is 00:08:05 He's so funny. I can't, I, I, he's so funny and he's so smart and he's, he's wicked. And I hope that when he comes on, we can,
Starting point is 00:08:16 we can really explore that side of him. He's a blast. 18 years of work to three days of illness. What do you mean? Tell? Yes. So basically, I don't know, uh, two, let's say two weeks ago, one of my kids got sick. And when I say the word sick, I mean, you know, just like their, their voice sounds funny, right? And their nose gets runny. And then another one of my kids got sick. And then I think my, uh, and then all three of them were sick. And by the time all three of them were sick, the first one wasn't sick anymore. And then my, uh, that's not true. Glassman is coming on. Don't 20 burpees, 20 burpees for the young. And so, um, my, my, then I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Let's say a handful of days ago. I don't know if it was five days or 10 days ago, but my wife started getting sick and then I started getting sick. And by sick, I mean, we started getting sore throats and my, my throat was really, really, really, really sore. Like it, it only happened at night. I don't know if you guys get that, but in my life, normally when I'm sick, like my sickness comes at eight o'clock at night and then it leaves at eight o'clock in the morning. It's just when I want to sleep those 12 hours. And then during the day, I'm usually like perfectly healthy. So my throat got really, really sore. And for two days, it was like, it was keeping me up at night. Like I would swallow and it would hurt. And I would like,
Starting point is 00:09:39 like, like you had a splinter that you were rubbing or something. So then I started taking like, I don't know, 10 to 20,000 milligrams of vitamin C every day. And we went and got tested and our test came back negative. Oh, the recall is so sad. So sad. And so we, and you know what, you know, it's amazing. Let, let, let's say Gavin Newsom is the better guy. Let's say, let's say it was whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Let's just say that all, all politics aside, all what's right and wrong aside, all what you want, whether you want, whatever you want aside, but, but what the, the, what's right and wrong aside, all what you want, whether you want, whatever you want aside. But what's amazing is just the brutal hypocrisy coming from the media and the left. So the New York Times basically publishes on a page that, I don't know who the new governor of New York is, but they publish on a page that it says, new governor of New York may be first female governor of New York. And then on the same page, they have an article about Larry Elder, which I could give a fuck about the first female, first male, first fucking dog as governor. Me personally. Me personally.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I don't care about that stuff. But anyway, but if you do care about that stuff on the same page, they have an article about Larry Elder and they never mentioned that he might be the first black governor of California. And like, that's their shtick. And so if your shtick is like to point out like every airplane that flies overhead, and then there's a big big boeing 747 overhead but it says southwest on it and you just look the other way i mean you're just a tool you're just a like all of a sudden it's so transparent that you actually really aren't about um pointing out every airplane you're only about pointing out certain airplanes and why is that
Starting point is 00:11:42 it's just it's it sucks it's sad it's sad and so many of my good friends are part of that are like have a uh uh their their political their whole they're just brainwashed their whole ideology is whatever the democratic party tells them and they don't even know that they don't know that and what and 50 of the democratic party is based on hating republic. Shit, 51%. Shit, 87%. Whatever number you want, it's horrible. Uh-oh, let's see.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Did Daniel Rodriguez? Oh, no. That is not Daniel Rodriguez. Wouldn't that be great? I'll text this guy back. I am doing my podcast. If I told you who this was calling me, you guys wouldn't even believe me. So, so then my, so then my wife got, um, so then my wife and I went and got tested
Starting point is 00:12:35 and the test came back negative. And we thought that was really weird because a lot of our friends who we hang out with very, very like intimately, like, you know, like sit in the same room and watch TV for like three hours. Like our kids like pile on top of each other nonstop. Like these are people like we break bread with on the reg. They got COVID. So like they got it, but we don't got it, but we're sick.
Starting point is 00:12:57 That's really weird. And we're really sick. Okay, fine. So we have the flu or whatever, just the common cold. And it feels just like the common cold. So whatever that means, I don't even know what that means. So then, um, a few more days pass and I'm feeling, um, just the same, whatever, just still doing all my shit. And my wife's making a cup of coffee and she says, and I see her pour the cup of coffee out and I'm like, yo, what are
Starting point is 00:13:21 you doing? We're unemployed. You can't just throw out a fresh cup of coffee like that. I'll drink that. And she goes, nah, something's wrong with the coffee maker. It didn't, there was no coffee in it. Like it spewed out water. I couldn't taste anything. I was like, oh, okay. So she makes another cup of coffee and she's like, uh-oh, uh-oh. And I go, what?
Starting point is 00:13:40 And she goes, I can't taste this coffee. And it was a morning she was making bacon because we make bacon on the mornings that our jujitsu instructor is coming over for the kids when we do privates at the house. So we do a little special treat for everyone to make bacon. And she couldn't smell the bacon. And my wife is kind of repulsed by bacon. And so I know that's weird, right? Can you imagine being repulsed by bacon?
Starting point is 00:14:02 I know that's weird, right? Can you imagine being repulsed by Bacon? That would be like thinking Gavin Newsom is a better governor choice than Larry Elder, but different subject. Anyway, so then she went and got tested again that morning and she tested positive. So who knows, right? Like who really knows? I don't know where Brian is. My wife is never coming on the podcast and chew on this i work for a defense contractor and i work in a city that's 80 of the workforces under this biden mandate
Starting point is 00:14:34 oh so does that mean everyone 80 of the workforces meaning that they all are going to have to get your defense contractor. Huh. I wonder if the, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Do you want, this person keeps calling me. Do you want me to patch you into the podcast? I mean, I just told you I was on a podcast. If you want me to patch you in, I'll patch you in. That would be awesome. If this person agrees to come on the podcast right now, that would be fucking hilarious. They've never
Starting point is 00:15:19 been on the podcast before. Get phoning on again. It was not dave um ian smith he might be interesting interview i actually asked ian smith if he would come on um and i didn't get i didn't get a response i think that guy's pretty uh pretty slammed damn no daniel i was hopeful this time me too suza me too suza even though it's not your fault at all matt i will take this out of your hide because someone needs to be accountable at susa he's the one we can thank for wasting our time tonight he's created this podcast he forced he forced me to man up and do a podcast so that's where we're at with the covid thing and um i didn't you know i have ivermectin in the house. I haven't taken it. I just take vitamin C, vitamin D. I was taking zinc and then I had Paul Saladino on and Paul,
Starting point is 00:16:15 but Paul wasn't a fan of zinc really. He said it could knock your copper out of whack. So I don't know. I don't think I need, I don't know if I, I don't even know if I need zinc. I don't even know if I need D. I mean, I spend so much time outside, but I do give a lot of D. So maybe I need to get some D. How about the Aussie? I did the Aussie, um, which Aussie? I did that. I did an Aussie this morning. No, no, that was South African. The Aussie, Kate Gordon. Oh, I'll give you guys a little, little exciting news, at least exciting for me. Kate Gordon, that chick who is on the L1 team, who I think is just awesome. And I think she could kind of like mellow me out and unfuck me on some things or, or we can have some balanced discussion. Cause I think she's,
Starting point is 00:16:59 I think there's a lot of things that we just see things differently, but I think, but I think we both like to talk about the same things. And she is going to be on Monday's news show with James Hobart. So that new show that we've been trying to get off the ground that we have got off the ground that we have got off the ground, she's going to be on it with me and Hobart. And I think she's going to be an awesome guest. I'd actually like to see it's don't tell Kate this,
Starting point is 00:17:24 but it's kind of a um interview process to see if she'll be a regular on the show you know like we have hobart on as a regular wouldn't be fun to have kate on as a regular she could say some crazy shit to our guests that like i might not be able to get away with uh josh was the great josh was great the other day good job thanks mitchell maybe you just have a cold. Brian, you're right. Maybe I do just have a cold. It's just weird. So at some point every night, my kids and my wife and myself, we all end up in the same bed.
Starting point is 00:17:53 It happens every night. I wish I could. It's something I'm a little embarrassed about because I consider myself the greatest dad that ever walked the planet, and yet I do have these huge kinks in my armor. And yet I do have these huge kinks in my armor. And one of them is, and maybe it's not a kink, but we put the boys to bed in their bed. And then at midnight, the parade starts. They start coming over one at a time.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Not always, not always, only 95% of the time. And so it's actually gotten so bad this week because my wife needs to get her sleep because she's not feeling so good. So when they come to our bed bed she then moves to their bed and then usually then like at 6 30 when i'm up getting ready for my 7 a.m podcast i see them walk back through the house to chase her down in their bed but how could we all have a cold if she's got the the the sars-cov-2 and the rest of us just got cold i mean shit i shit. I don't know. I don't know. I'm comfortable not knowing. The person of mine who administers tests, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:18:55 hey, should I take a test and verify if I have it? He goes, nah, you got it. You got it. I was like, all right. Hey, I got another exciting thing. So that's Kate Gordon. You guys should be like super excited. Kate Gordon with James Hobart. I think it's gonna be great. And you guys know that I really look up to these trainers. It's like, wow, I've been lying on my show. I always said that I never wanted to grow up and be anything, but you know what I wanted to be
Starting point is 00:19:20 when I grew up was a comedian. I was so into Abbott and Costello as a little boy. Anyway, but being an L1 trainer, I've always admired them, the ones who were on the CrossFit L1 team. I've always thought they were amazing. I thought Nicole and Dave ran an amazing ship and I just thought they were kind of like,
Starting point is 00:19:39 for me, they were like the, like if Navy SEALs are the masters of death, these guys were the masters of life. They shared, they shared the rules that you need to follow in order to live a optimal physical life. And so it would be cool to have her and Hobart. And when I say I'm being a little arrogant here,
Starting point is 00:20:01 when I say she's coming on the show Monday and I'm interviewing her to be a regular, I mean, she doesn't know that. She could tell me to fuck off. Okay, so tomorrow, guess what tomorrow is. Guess who my guest is tomorrow. Tomorrow at 7 a.m., it's Chris Hinshaw.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And besides, maybe, I don't know, maybe besides Heber and Mars, there's no one who knows and has worked with more games athletes than Chris Hinshaw. Although Heber and Mars do with a camera in their hand, Chris Hinshaw, man, this guy. Tomorrow I'm going to find out what the word aerobic capacity means. I don't even know what that means.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Like I just translate that in my head to someone who can run without getting tired. So we'll talk to him tomorrow at 7 a.m. But on top of that, tomorrow, sometime tomorrow, I will be doing a live show with the Dave Castro, and we are going to review the fight card that's going to occur on Saturday that Core Sports is putting on. And, damn, we still don't really even know how to watch that thing.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I DM my boy, text my boy, Don boy don indris the promoter and was like dude every single post needs to say how to how to get this fight and it doesn't it's nuts it's nuts it's nuts Okay. Just got over the vid myself. Would you take some kind of decongestant? Oh, so I, um, Zachary, that's a great question. So at night to sleep, I've been doing that. I've been snorting that Synex, you know, that like you squeeze the bottle and it pumps spray into your nose and you close one nostril. And I've been doing that at night and it's getting, it's getting to my witching hour. It's seven 20 here, Pacific standard time in California where I'm at. And at about eight o'clock is when my sickness kicks in. So I turn into a pumpkin, the ultimate iron man. Yes. Hinshaw. Is that what you're saying? Jeffrey? He was the ultimate iron man. I think people don't know this about Hinshaw,
Starting point is 00:21:58 but I think maybe he was considered the second or third fittest man on the planet at one time in his life. There's a live countdown on the app. For what? You mean for the episode with Hinshot tomorrow? Josh's posts tell you how to get it. Do they? But do they, Jeffrey? But do they? They do for someone like you but not
Starting point is 00:22:26 for someone like me let's go over there i'm going to go over to his post josh and i'm oh man i'm getting hopped up on coffee and it's 7 21 at night okay i'm clicking josh's most recent post and it says visit platinum for live ticket purchasing. Okay, whatever. And then $9.99 for the full nine-fight card on pay-per-view. Link in bio to watch. No, it's not in there. It actually is not in this one.
Starting point is 00:22:56 But I'm going to go check another one. I'm going to go check another one. Let's check the one before that. Get your pay-per-view. no his last two posts have not and i'm jeffrey you're misleading jeffrey are you part of the misinformation campaign this is what i want i wanted to say go to apple tv download the core sport app hit, I agree to pay the $10. $3 goes to Apple in Cupertino, California, and $7 goes into Don Andrus' pocket
Starting point is 00:23:32 so then he can spread it out amongst the fighters. You should talk about nutrition with TDC. Talk about what it's like to be a cholo and everyone sees you as a white man. How's that? Ethan Forbes for the fight, uh, for the,
Starting point is 00:23:47 uh, glad that's helping. Yeah. I mean, what, what did you do, Zachary? What did you do with your COVID?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Should I open up the phone line? What if I opened up the phone line right now? Do I sound congested? I feel like I do. Excuse me. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:24:45 A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water,
Starting point is 00:25:01 no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. All right, guys. 23 minutes. Daniel Rodriguez did not show up. I will not give up. I will not give up.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I got a bunch of other UFC ufc fighters lined up but this guy this guy this would have been like me dating the homecoming queen you guys know that right i mean aj fletcher's the shit nine and oh mo miller fucking awesome got that win on the contender series um who's that the guy interviewed jason whitman fuck tough as nails and i got three got three or four other UFC fighters coming on here in the next week. Countdown. Okay, Ethan Forbes. Cholo. Cholo.
Starting point is 00:25:50 You know what a cholo is, Diego? Cholo. I'll look up the word cholo for you. It's a highly underused word. Cholo. I think there's like cholita, too. Cholo, a loosely defined Spanish term that has had various meanings.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Its origin is a somewhat derogatory. Oh, shit. I don't like that definition. Let's go to the urban dictionary. A term implying Hispanic male, typically dresses in chinos, a wife beater, a sleeveless t-shirt, a flannel shirt. There. Wikipedia
Starting point is 00:26:27 saying that it's derogatory. And it's mixed blood. I disagree. I don't think it's mixed blood. I think that is wrong. I think it's just a straight Mexican with the bandana and the certain
Starting point is 00:26:44 stereotypical outfit, but it's fine to use. Don't it's, it's not derogatory. If you don't believe me, go, go somewhere and try it out. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Do you think it's derogatory? Are you just scared to say it? Great podcast with AJ. Thank you. AJ is not a cholo. He's a white boy. Yeah, a little still has been some. Yeah, a little still have some myself.
Starting point is 00:27:15 My wife and I took Mucinex D and the same spray you're using. Okay, cool. Bob Dotson, head shaved. Oh, like cholos have their head shaved. That's one of the things. I'm not sure about that. I always just picture them as like the dudes from Colors, right? I just pictured like
Starting point is 00:27:29 and all the dudes like I grew up with who had like low riders and they wore the plaid shirts and they only got like the top button done. Oh, I've heard Cholero, which is very derogatory. How could that that's a beautiful word. How could that be derogatory? Cholero. I'll look derogatory. That's a beautiful word.
Starting point is 00:27:45 How could that be derogatory, cholero? I'll look up that word. Hold on. Maybe it's also different because I'm in California and there's just so many Mexicans here and they're just cool as shit. Cholero. A Guatemalan word that means low-class individual it's used to disenfranchise a person
Starting point is 00:28:09 or activity the word has a long history of also being used as a borderline racial slur to people of mixed or indian heritage i know that that is the interesting thing about just mexicans in general mexicans are basically indigenous native people to the south and north American continent who were raped by Spaniards and then renamed as Mexicans and forced to embrace Catholicism
Starting point is 00:28:34 as their religion that's what a Mexican is I mean I think I think that's what they did I think the whole thing is just a complete shit show, right? I mean, it's basically a rebranding of a raped people. I use that word raped.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I don't know. But you know what I mean. That sounds good in this woke day. Basically, there were people here on the North and South American continent, and then people from the European continent came over on boats. They started fucking with them and fucking them, literally, and they made babies, and those babies are Mexicans and, and,
Starting point is 00:29:08 and not just Mexicans, Latinos. Um, then I must be a cholo. Are you mixed? Jeffrey, Jeffrey Birchfield. I need you to get Sean O'Malley on.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I know, you know, it's crazy. Ethan, this is going to sound so fucking arrogant, but I feel like if I could just get one or two of these guys on and they could see that it's fun um talking with me and that like we can dig into some deeper shit and like it it won't be contentious it'll be like a deepening and broadening of both our characters and something that the fans would love i think i could get these people but right now I'm just a podunk dude who isn't belongs to this interviews,
Starting point is 00:29:48 these people in this fringe activity called CrossFit. So I'm milking that and I'm trying to get comedians. I got, I got a couple of comedians lined up. I'm trying to get UFC fighters and why am I trying to get them? Cause I'm interested in them. I want to get, I want to get Saladino on again. Cause I want to because I want to find out, do you guys think Justin Medeiros or Jason Hopper or Patrick Vellner or Nick Fikowski, what's his name? Nick? Chris? What's Fikowski's first name?
Starting point is 00:30:26 what's his name nick chris what's fukowski's first name whatever his first name is fukowski's first name do you think that they could do perform at that level on the carnivore diet and in in just to clarify is the carnivore diet always about being in ketosis could you be on the carnivore diet not being ketosis i don't know and and because once you're in ketosis theoretically you would have 40 000 calories of just reserve right isn't that that's the big thing with ketosis that basically you're burning ketones you're burning fat and we all carry about we carry so much more fat than we do uh glucose and so your glucose gas tank is let's say 3 000 calories and your ketone gas tank is 40,000 calories. So theoretically you would be a better long, you'd be better. You'd have, you'd have more endurance and more fuel.
Starting point is 00:31:11 If you were in ketosis, Joe Rogan is a comedian. I'm sure he would come on your show, Sam, 20 burpees for fucking talking down to me. I'm going to, I am going to read into that. Yes, I'm aware. I'm reading into that and I know you're making fun of me. I am going to read into that. Yes, I'm aware I'm reading into that, and I know you're making fun of me. But I'm a Camachi.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Camachi. Camachi? That's a Native American, I guess. Okay, the other day you said Nunez was the best female fighter, and there was some appeal to see her fight a guy still on that train. I don't know. Sure. I mean, I think I've had a eyelash in this eye forever i mean someone else helped me with that i mean i'm old i like part of me is like like you know
Starting point is 00:31:57 i had to fight my sister a lot so part of me is like fuck it chicks are tough and i lost i i was like i won the like i said before i've only won one fight with my sister was in the eighth grade and that was the first one i won and the last one i won and it was last time we fought and so like man yeah yeah fine yeah i want to see amanda nunez i'd like to see amanda nunez fight mma against that that kid ryan garcia how about that m MMA, though. Carnivore has honey. I know.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That's the thing, Caitlin. Would you eat so much honey that you knock yourself out of ketosis? Oh, that's awesome, Joe. Congratulations. That's good shit. Joe's on a media team for a local comp this weekend. Got any tips? on a media team for a local comp this weekend got any tips um if you're gonna be the one going through your photos um take it don't work your ass off be super duper confident be the friendliest
Starting point is 00:32:54 guy there media teams are full of assholes be the coolest fucking guy there take shit loads of photos offer to help other people make sure you don't run out of cards. Always bring the guy next to you a cup of coffee. Just be the coolest fucking dude. That was my deal. I was always past the 50-yard line with talent, which isn't saying much, but I was always the coolest fucking guy. I was always the nicest guy.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Always. And there's so many assholes in this space. It's crazy. Media people suck. Also, Paul eats fruit. Caitlin, let's not start rumors. What fruit does he eat? I could see that.
Starting point is 00:33:40 He could pick something off a tree. Mehmet Adinili. Mehmet. No. could see that he could pick something off a tree uh meh meh met adanini meh meh met uh no i am too scared to try stand-up that would be really i should really do that do you guys know um do you guys know harry mack he's a freestyle rapper and he's exploding on, if you don't know him and you are a connoisseur of the rap, you should check out this kid, Harry Mack. I would love to get him on the podcast. He is so fascinating. His rapping is so freaking cool. And he just walks around on the streets and raps for people. And so when you ask me if I've ever done stand-up comedy like part of me like my whole life i've always felt like i was like doing these little mini performances and definitely for my wife i do them all the time um but i also um i i also will do i'll rap and sing and shit for my kids but i never show anyone that shit like Like nobody, like I'm terrified of that. It's not, it's, it's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:34:48 it's beyond terrified. Terrified doesn't really do it. Doesn't really do it. Go to core sports reps fight through. Oh, look at Ryan. Look at Ryan Jevney coming through. Oh my God. He's retracting. That means he didn't like what he wrote, Look at Ryan Jevney coming through. Oh, my God. He's retracting. That means he didn't like what he wrote, but he's going to rewrite it. This dude's coming through.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Ryan, why don't you just jump on here and tell us? What are you doing? Did I send a link? I can send a link to the... Ryan normally produces the show. Normally is not the right word. This kid wants to go to the games. Who knows what he's doing? I don't know where Brian and Ryan areyan are where are you guys let me see if i can send you guys a link
Starting point is 00:35:29 uh uh seven you a fan of norm mcdonald i don't really know norm mcdonald i know that he died i know that he died i don't really know his work yeah the people that i was really into and it's gonna say my age but i guess norm mcdonald's pretty old i was into um andrew dice clay rodney dangerfield uh george carlin uh abbott and costello uh eddie murphy chris rock man i am too but she's 145 and the best dude at 145 would be alex volkanovski i don't know if i'll i am too what i am too i forget what we said bobby okay another day you said okay just talking about dudes fighting chicks oh so you're a little torn too, like whether a dude should be fighting chicks?
Starting point is 00:36:25 Hey, the dude should not be in the same weight class as her. There's no fucking way. Volkanovski would look huge next to her. It needs to be someone tiny. Core Sports website, it's all on there. Oh, I know, but Ryan, don't you think that they should be saying that in every Instagram post?
Starting point is 00:36:46 Like if I wanted to, let's say I wanted to date and I just wanted as many people to hit on me as possible, right? Wouldn't I just put right my phone number just right out in the open on my, on my Instagram account? Where's Brian these days? I probably shouldn't speak for brian because i'm too caught up in my own shit to really listen to anyone else outside of the podcast but i think what happened is brian has made other commitments to an actual competition this week and he got a little overwhelmed and he's like hey i gotta just i gotta like focus on this and then I'll be back to the podcast. I'm hoping that's what he said. Hard no, no dudes, hard no, no dudes fighting chicks. Yeah, I mean, I feel you.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Like, okay. I'm like, it's like, I wouldn't say it's as contentious as the abortion thing, but like I hear both sides. Like, yeah, like I get you. Like, I don't, i don't think dude should be hitting chicks either but like amanda nunez needs competition man like but i hear you i hear you i hear you it's like it's like um i would love to hop on and help but i'm waking up in six hours to coach crossfit gotta fix the world's most vexing problem word i hear you you're a benevolent man um that's sexist come on man why would you give her the advantage uh have you ever told the story about how you met greg
Starting point is 00:38:14 glassman no i don't know if i can tell that story i i can tell you how I got a job. So, so basically I'm a homeless guy living in my motor home on parked on my friend's front yard. I'll go back even further. I was producing the show for ESPN. It was an arm wrestling show. I was producing it and directing it and shooting it.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I was fucking doing everything. And I was doing it with, uh, Travis Bajan was also one of the producers and it was in, um, the shooting was in Denver, Denver, Colorado. And while we were making the show, I, there was a guy there who is a, um, one of the, uh, security guards. He was friends with Travis Bajan. And this guy was yoked out of his fucking mind. And during one of the breaks, I started talking to him and he started telling me the workouts he did. And he said crazy shit to me.
Starting point is 00:39:12 He said completely fucking psychotic shit to me. He said he would sprint 400 yards, do 25 pull-ups for four rounds. I'm like, so you're telling me this workout has a hundred pull-ups in it and you sprint and do all that. And he's like, yeah, like dude, you're yoked and your body's amazing, but you're telling me this workout has a hundred pull-ups in it and you sprint and do all that? And he's like, yeah. I'm like, dude, you're yoked and your body's amazing, but you don't have to lie.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And he's telling me about like overhead squatting 200 pounds and just shit like, no one overhead squats. I mean, it was just nonsense, right? And the list went on of the workouts he did. So I walked away from him and I told my other friend who was there, I was like, it's so sad. This guy's so yoked, so fast, so like like what an amazing physique. And he has to lie about his workouts. Well, I then finished the shoot and I was, uh, went back to my, I think, I think I parked my motor home in front of my mom's house. I was living in my motorhome at the time. And my friend, my friend calls me and he said that was there at the, at the event, um, for the ESPN event. And he said, Hey, that, that guy,
Starting point is 00:40:15 I went to that website that that guy said he does his workouts from, and it's called CrossFit. And I said, yeah. And he goes, he's not lying. They really do have workouts like that. I'm like, what? So we, my, my friend and I started doing CrossFit. We started doing the workouts and I didn't know you're supposed to do them for time. So we just went through and did them like bodybuilding workouts, but that's a whole different story. So then eventually I started wanting to learn these things like the snatch, the muscle up, the clean and jerk. And I, there were no videos of them and I couldn't find any videos of them anywhere online. This is probably 2005, 2006, 2006. And so, um, my, my friend said, um, I told
Starting point is 00:40:50 my friend who wasn't in the business, he was not a filmmaker, but he was a friend of mine, a friend of mine who graduated, uh, top of his class from UC school of UC Berkeley school of business, but was working at a bike shop. And I said, Hey, why don't you send the, these owners of this CrossFit thing and email and tell them that I'll make videos for them. And so my friend sent that. And, um, and I think it was Lauren, Greg's wife, one of them emailed us back and said, Hey, come visit us. So we went out and visited them and I had a proposal for like $500,000 to make all these videos for them. And they said, and we stayed the night at their house.
Starting point is 00:41:31 We even slept at their house. I slept in his garage. It was in a Prescott, Arizona. And he, it was, it was a pretty humble house. I mean,
Starting point is 00:41:38 it was a really, really nice house, but it was like a really nice $365,000 house. Like he had a double lot and a nice swimming pool, um, three bedroom, three bedroom, you know, 1900 square foot house. And he, uh, immaculate landscaping, um, Koi pond. Um, so, uh, they, they, they, they said, no, we can't pay you $500,000, but what we can do is we can give you a free L1 membership.
Starting point is 00:42:07 So I went to an L1 for free. I went to an L1 for free and had my brain exploded. I just stopped myself from saying the F word. I had my brain exploded, and I couldn't believe it. They're like, yeah, you need to run as fast as you can. And I was like, I'm thinking to myself, oh, my God, I'm'm 34 years old and i can't remember the last time i ran as fast as i can so i and and basically just the honesty greg basically gave every lecture at my l1 and basically the honesty of it he's like hey everything that i'm teaching you here you can
Starting point is 00:42:38 get for free online if you have uh if you're about you need the skills of a 12-year-old in terms of reading and ability to navigate the internet. And that was that. And after that, I just started going to L1s. I just said, hey, I'll go to every single L1 and I'll just make content for you for free. And for a year, that's all I did. I just cruised around and made content for free. I mean, I was a homeless guy. I was a well-off homeless guy.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I mean, I was a homeless guy. I was a well-off homeless guy by that. I mean, I mean, I had like, you know, I had a credit card and like. Oh, air assault bike. Uh, wow. He went big with the three letter. Uh, yeah, but you know what I did recently? So I do a lot of pull-ups, a lot of pushups. Um, I do a lot of front squatting. I'm using a 40 pound D ball. I do, um, I just started bench pressing again. Um, I deadlift, I do a lot of burpees. And when I did say deadlift, I do, I do this pretty much the same deadlift workout every time I'll do 10 burpees, 10 deadlifts with one for 35, 10 rounds. And I probably do that. It'll, uh, sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month. I probably do that sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month. I don't do very many explosive movements like power cleans, squat cleans.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I just regret it the following morning whenever I wake up. I haven't been hurt like in two or three years, and I've had some really, really bad injuries like where I'm stuck for days. Like the kind, I don't know if you guys have ever had this, all 15 of you listening or 27 of you. But hurt your back so bad that you have to crawl somewhere where you can just pee on the ground. Yeah, yeah, I said it. where you can just pee on the ground. Yeah, yeah, I said it. My upcoming guest, Trina,
Starting point is 00:44:49 so tomorrow morning I have Chris Hinshaw. Then in the afternoon, Dave Castro and I are doing predictions for the fights, I guess. We're doing just a little 30-minute show. I wish I could tell you the names of some of the people. Dave Driscoll's going to be coming on. He owns some gym in Bali. He's like always in a Speedo. I just like him. I don't have the names of any of the other
Starting point is 00:45:11 people. We have so many people lined up though. Oh, I think we were supposed to have Sarah Sigmund's daughter today and I think she moved it to the 23rd, Thursday the 23rd. So that's good. Oh, we got Kate Gordon coming back with I think I told you guys this with James Hobart and we're doing the news Monday not Sunday because Hobart works Sunday this is a rad story thank you seven do you do it and so that was that's how I got
Starting point is 00:45:40 started with CrossFit just making videos for free. You do explosive podcasts. Thank you. And I did have a couple days of crazy diarrhea. I forgot to tell you that during COVID. But who knows whether that was from the absurd amount of vitamin C I was taking or the sickness. And like that other dude was saying, Brian or whatever, fuck, maybe I just have a cold.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Maybe my wife tested false positive. I don't know. I don't know. Fuck, maybe I just have a cold. Maybe my wife tested false positive. I don't know. I don't know. But I'm 49 and I'm very healthy. And I'm not a sickly... I've never been a sickly person. I don't have sickly kids. I don't have...
Starting point is 00:46:19 I've never once avoided anyone or anything because they were sick. If I was coming over to your house and you were like, I have strep throat. And I'd be like, okay, well, I'll just sit over here. Like I would never, I've never, ever. I mean, I was barefoot for two years. Once I didn't wear shoes for two years. I went all the way to Cabo San Lucas barefoot. The cholos in Cabo San Lucas were like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:46:41 All I went all the way down Baja, California hung with locals where the ground was so fucking hot. They couldn't be barefoot. The only bad thing that ever happened to me on that trip being barefoot is I stepped on a puffer fish barefoot. It was crazy. Later, Jeffrey. Love you, ma'am. Jeffrey's one of these guys, my DMS that we don't always get along, but like we always get along. It's pretty cool. I enjoy him. I spend too much time DMing with him. That's a fact. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Well, thanks guys for listening to me ramble for 45 minutes. It looks like Daniel Rodriguez is not going to be here. Like I feel a little bit bad for you that you guys tuned in and that he didn't show up. I feel worse for me if I'm going to be honest. Because I really want to talk to this guy. I want to find out what it was like growing up in Alhambra, California, and just fully vatoed out and just living the fucking hardcore L.A. Mexican lifestyle and then turning his life into fighting.
Starting point is 00:47:42 It's quite different than A. than AJ Fletcher, right? He had the, he had the Louisiana two parents at home, you know, the traditional sports where Daniel Rodriguez was fighting on the streets and parlayed that into a career. And he's well-spoken. He's great. Don't feel bad. Love show thanks Sam alright Chris Henshaw in 11 hours and 14 minutes thanks for everything Bobby Dotson you da man thank you brother appreciate the loot
Starting point is 00:48:16 nah sorry I didn't show up but it was awesome to hear your stories and talk thanks Zachary and I will see you guys tomorrow if you're up in 11 hours and 15 minutes. Chris Henshaw. Out.

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