The Sevan Podcast - #146 Fight Talk - Dave Castro

Episode Date: September 22, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 Other conditions apply. I think it was, I think that audio was coming from you. And we are live. Bam. 10 a.m. The Savant Podcast with the Dave Castro. A quick 30 minute, if we can even keep Dave that long. Look at the core sports fight that will be happening on Saturday. The big one that mostly Dave, I think, is interested in
Starting point is 00:01:31 is the Josh Bridges-Jacob Heppner fight. Both of those guys were CrossFit Games competitors. If you guys have any questions you want me to ask Dave, go ahead and put them in the comments. No question is too filthy. Yeah, you can't hear me? No, no, no. I mean, are we live? Are you doing it to live? It's YouTube live.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah, yeah. Everyone in the world just heard you say... Oh, no, sorry. The five viewers just heard you say... No, I'm interested in... Before, I was not interested at all in the Thor fight. Now, I'm really interested in the Thor fight. And why is that? I'll let you dictate the show. No, let's go there.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Well, when he was fighting that other fucking dude, who was that? Eddie Hall. Yeah, when he was fighting Andy Hall. No, not Andy Hall. I think that's a comedian. Eddie Hall. Okay. That's how interested I was in the fight. When he was fighting
Starting point is 00:02:23 Eddie Hall, is this Thor? Do people see this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. People see this. When he was fighting Eddie Hall, I didn't care who is he, an Olympic weightlifter, no interest in who that guy was. And this guy, I know him because he was in the movie Game of Thrones or the show Game of Thrones. But then once the weightlifter got pulled out, the Olympic weightlifter, and Devin Lorette was pinned in, I had immense interest because I'm incredibly fascinated by the world of arm wrestling. Travis Bajan, you know, your best friend or friend, exposed me to arm wrestling in 2009 when he came by your direction to the games and
Starting point is 00:03:06 put on a little show and he um and you actually you taught me technique to arm wrestling and i was always like blown away by it and then i decided to apply that technique on jason kalipa and tommy beat both those guys in arm wrestling. So the fact that I'm half their size, definitely a quarter of their strength, using some of the technique you guys showed me, I was able to beat them in arm wrestling. I've always been fascinated by that world. Whenever I see arm wrestling clips of the top guys or arm wrestling videos, I'm really consumed by that content. That being said, I do not go out of my way to seek it.
Starting point is 00:03:42 But when I see Travis's stuff or Devin's stuff, it's fascinating to me. And Devin Lorette is one of the best arm wrestlers in the fucking world. Yeah, here we go. Look at this. It's so crazy. Look at the intensity. Look how fucking big his arms are.
Starting point is 00:03:56 His arms are crazy. The strength of these guys. Yeah, like Travis Bajan's arms and their intensity and their fucking will to crush the guy in front of him, their fight. All of that's on another level. It's amazing to me. I love this fucking sport.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I should watch it more. I'll never participate in it again because of the horror stories that Travis has told me and you have told me of guys spiraling their arms, especially when you arm wrestle beginners. So, folks, don't go try this at home. I have immense respect for him because he's dominant in this world. And as I said, it's so impressive. Now, that being said, what's way fucking cooler to me and what's way more impressive and why I'm really invested in this fight is because he also happened to be part of Canada's JTF2, which is their elite spec ops hostage rescue counterterrorism team. And that to me, because my background is, you know, I have a lot of respect for, I'm super close with those communities. And I really want him to excel because of what he's
Starting point is 00:05:01 given to his country and the world. He's deployed multiple times to Afghanistan in the fight there. And so his military contributions and what he's done. Yeah, there we go. Look, there's some photos of him doing his thing. Go to the Wikipedia page of him and it gives a little blurb. We'll even read it here. That phase of his life and what he contributed there. Amazing. And that's what I really want to that's what I really want to watch him fight. Because here, what I know now, what I know now seeing that and combining that with the arm wrestling, he's a fucking warrior.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And he's a warrior not like, I use the term warrior very differently than maybe you do or than maybe Dana White does and definitely UFC fighters. A lot of people, so scroll down. Oh, I didn't know he was a YouTuber. Okay, read this line here. He joined the Canadian Special Operations Forces at the age of 21, where he served with Joint Task Force Two for 16 years, and deployed seven times to Afghanistan and was wounded in action. That says nothing, but says
Starting point is 00:06:04 everything. What I mean by that is is you don't get anything out of that but when i read that i'm like holy shit what this guy's gone through and where he's been is so significant and um what what was i saying before that before i got to this i was saying something that i really wanted to expand on the The word definition of warrior. You were defining warrior. Yeah, warrior. For me and from where I come from, warrior really goes to the root of the word and war. And not war in a cage or in a ring, but war on the combat field.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Actual deployments, actual taking the fight to the enemy. That's what a warrior is to me. I think warrior has been appropriated by the fighting sports and even you hear it in normal sports like that guy was a warrior out there he's a warrior no you're an athlete and you're you're in an athletic pursuit that's really significant and it's dangerous and it's hard and you're in a fight but but i and i don't care other people do this and that's fine, you can do whatever you want but for me, the word warrior
Starting point is 00:07:06 is solely related to people who go to combat and have fought at that level, therefore Devin Lorette is a fucking warrior and I respect him for that and I know even from the intensity of his fucking arm wrestling stuff and definitely from his combat experience in the unit he was at
Starting point is 00:07:22 he's going to go in there with another level that thor does not have thor is a an actor uh one of the strongest guys in the world an amazing athlete and all of that but um devin has a switch devin has gone to a place where you know i don't know if he has or it has not so i'm not going to speak for this, but he's been in situations where he's probably had to kill people. And that's very significant and that's very different than Thor. And Josh, similarly, being a SEAL, has that same, Josh in my eyes is a warrior. But let's stay with Devin and let's stay with Thor. I think
Starting point is 00:08:00 I really want Devin to win and I'm really into this fight because of all the reasons I just stated, but this fucking dude is massive. He's 34, and Devin is 47. That's huge. So he's got a huge age advantage and a huge weight advantage, and that is not insignificant. huge weight advantage and that is not insignificant and no matter all this stuff i just said about being a warrior and all this stuff about going to combat and arm wrestling all of that at the end of the day possibly cannot matter let's see this is thor throwing punches okay that's a nice little combo he looks a little flat-footed he looks a little um you know he's a big fucking guy but it's surprising seeing him throwing uh throwing some decent combos anyways um he's a big fucking guy. But it's surprising seeing him throwing some decent
Starting point is 00:08:45 combos. Anyways, he's a giant of a man. Do we know the weight difference? I think it's 100 pounds. No, come on. Yeah, I think it's 260 and 350 or something. Oh, man. This doesn't bode well for Devin. I think
Starting point is 00:09:02 they're 6'6 and 6'9, by the way, the heights. That's good. So I'm going to say Devin's going in with a significant disadvantage in terms of size and age, a huge advantage in terms of mindset and experience. But the case of victory for Devin, he's going to have to stay on the outside. I think he's going to have to move. He's going to have to stay on the outside jab I think he's gonna have to move he's gonna have to use that side to just dance around not
Starting point is 00:09:30 run away but it's kind of hit hit get out and and he should probably work the body so he might it might do him well to jab get the door to move his hands up and then come low to the body and then get out do we know if he's a southpaw they're both or do we know what they're well go back to that video let's see what they were. I think he was conventional yeah he's conventional. Devin's best chance for success and this is this is saying this knowing no other than that video I just saw no idea of what their boxing skill is but basing facing this just off of their size. Oh, he's a self-bought. Huh.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Okay. Unless it's backwards. Yeah. So it all depends on what Devin is. But they're going to have to, I think he should go in and come out. Now, value-based on size and age no idea if their boxing skill boxing level is it could turn out that devin's been downplaying all of this and is really good at boxing and at which case that advice goes out the window and maybe he'll
Starting point is 00:10:37 know how to handle the inside he'll know how to close the distance and he'll know how to circle around and and do some damage i really want as you guys can tell by everything I've just said, I really want Devin to win. I think it's going to be really hard for him to win because of the age and size advantage. But I'll tell you this, like he's going to get hit and he's like, Thor can get hit and maybe like, oh my God, I've never experienced this in my life
Starting point is 00:11:03 and like have an adverse reaction. Someone like Devin is going to get hit unless maybe like oh my god i've never experienced this in my life and like have an adverse reaction someone like devin is gonna get hit unless he gets knocked out and he's really gonna just taste blood and fucking go to the next level um so i'm excited about that fight and again before i was not i had no interest when he was fighting the other dude uh eddie andy whatever uh but now there's a lot of interest. Going back to Dev. I want to ask you a quick question real quick. I want to ask you a quick question real quick. I'm not done. I'm not done. Okay. Okay. I met him for the first time over a decade ago when me and Greg went out to, I guess it's in Alberta, for a Greg Glassman founder and ex-CEO of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:11:46 When we went out to do a private level one for that unit, JTF2. And it was a great course. Greg has some, he still tells stories from that course. And one of the highlights there, Devin was in the course and a bunch of other operators. Guess what we did at that course? What classic lore at level ones from that time frame oh overhead squat against nicole or something like that so he we over he overhead squatted against nicole at the court yes devon did oh shit 95 pounds and he lost and and uh i imagine he can do it now but then he didn't have he might not have decent no he can't do it now, but then he didn't have, he might not have decent. No, he can't do it now. His arm doesn't even go straight. And so, um, she, she beat him. Okay. Now you can ask the question. Um, I, so I just had Hinshaw on and I want to relay one message.
Starting point is 00:12:36 He told me to say to you, he said, please, I said, Hey, I gotta go. I'm about to do a quick podcast with Dave. He said, please tell Dave, thank you for letting me commentate at the games this year. This is the first time he was allowed to commentate. So I want to pass that thank you along to you. Very cool. I like Chris. Me too. Even if you wouldn't have commented or thanked me on that, I still
Starting point is 00:12:54 like him. Okay, gotcha. Nice. Second thing is, I said, hey Chris, this has been really fun talking to you, but this conversation has been so mature, and I'm about to go and talk about Dave with fighting, and it's going to be fun. Fast forward this to the end. Fast forward this to when she wins.
Starting point is 00:13:11 That's the actual event against Devin? This was Big Mike. That's good. That's good. Leave it there. Leave it there. This was Orange County Fire Authority, and that's Big Mike from CrossFit Central, and he was the guy that Greg had a head squat against.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And look, he's already struggling. And this dude's like 240. His name was Big Mike. And look, she beat him. This video, how many views does that video have? Oh, wow. They went to, fuck, I forgot they went 25, 23. Only 2,000?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Damn. I know. You'd think it'd have 2 million. There was a time when we had to pull everything down and republish everything for some reason. I wonder if that's what happened. Yeah, you're right. It is. Questions? You had a question.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Hinshaw said the exact same thing that you said about Devin and Thor that he said about Jacob and Josh. He said that basically Josh is going to, thank you Olson for the $4.99. I will drive over to Dave's house now and give him half of that. He said that Josh is going to get hit and it's going to elevate him and
Starting point is 00:14:20 Jacob's going to get hit and he's not going to like it. That's basically, that's basically, and do you, do you concur that that's kind of what you're saying about because of these guys' background? Yes, I do. And let me add this. But you do think Jacob's going to win, right? You think Jacob's going to win. He's younger, big, he's too big, younger and too big. No. I'm just, I'm in my mind. I uh i was like okay i'm gonna spend the first 15
Starting point is 00:14:47 minutes talking about devin and uh the other dude now uh devin and thor now we're gonna talk about these so this isn't really an interview this is you just doing me a favor coming on my show and just spewing shit at me gotcha okay i apologize for even trying to ask. Now my mindset's switching to Devin, or I'm sorry, to Josh and Jacob. Yeah. To answer your question, yes. And you have a huge bias. Let's just go there. You have a bias because you want Devin to win
Starting point is 00:15:15 because he's a special ops guy, and you have a bias that you want Josh to win because he's a special ops guy. I mean, let's just go there. Well, let me add this. Let's even take it back further. I don't even know if we've ever published. The original intent was for me to fucking fight Josh.
Starting point is 00:15:30 In the very beginning, they approached Josh and his agent, then approached me and said, hey, these guys want you two to fight seal versus seal. And I'm like, no fucking way I'm going to do this. First of all, I have a job. I have a professional job. I make, you know, I do a lot for CrossFit. If I were going to do anything like this, this would consume me. And I would focus my entire life on just training for this. And I think I would do great. I think I would do well. That being said, when we talk about the age,
Starting point is 00:16:02 I'm also 44. I also don't – yeah, there we go. So you think you can beat Josh with the proper training? Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Because my boxing experience is a little more advanced than his, and I'm, I think, a little faster than he is. And you're Mexican and you live just down the street from Robert Guerrero. The thing is, the age difference, the strength and fitness difference really favors him, obviously. And then there's another place, and this is going back to Josh and this is going back to Jacob,
Starting point is 00:16:36 and this is going to answer your question, but I needed to explore this first. I also don't want to disrespect the sport of boxing. And I'm not a professional boxer. I'm not an amateur boxer. I've never boxed competitively in my life. I've boxed for fitness and recreation because I find it enjoyable and I like it and I like that sport.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But just because I'm a celebrity in CrossFit and Josh is a celebrity in CrossFit and we have a following, I do not think that should give me a platform to fight on a pay-per-view. And I think it's kind of disrespectful to the sport. That's why I didn't want to do it in addition to the fact that I have a full-time job. That statement right there leads me to what I worry about most with the fighting. Josh and Jacob. I'm afraid Jacob specifically is going to get hit, go like this, and then just start dancing around the arena and try not to get hit again. And they're going to throw punches like this.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Like once he gets hit, all all that shit goes out the window jacob might get hit and start throwing like they might start throwing like this in the beginning anyways and then start running around and all of that to me is incredibly embarrassing for the sport i have less i have less worry that josh will do that because josh has been training for a couple years he's been really serious been training for a couple years. He's been really serious about boxing for a couple years. I think he can get hit. He'll taste blood and he'll fucking drive.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Jacob might get hit, taste blood and start cowering. And it'll just be an ugly, ugly, ugly boxing match. That's what I'm worried about. And that's the disrespect of the sport I don't want to see. Jacob has so much other shit going on right now. Like, you look at Jacob, and arguably Josh has a lot of shit going on. He's got his little shooting stuff he's doing. He's got his little team camps he does.
Starting point is 00:18:33 He's got his CrossFit stuff. His new barn. And he also boxes. Like, no, no, no, no, no, no, dude. No, no, no, no, no. If you're going to get into this, and that's my point on why I wouldn't and couldn't. You only fucking do this. You start training and everything about your life.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I watch Robert when he gets ready for a fight. He moves away from home. He goes to Vegas. His whole fucking life every day is fighting. Not that it's training all day, but it's just all set for that moment. It's all organized for that moment. And like, you know, I don't see that in jacob arguably i see that more in josh he's just focused on boxing coffee coffee running his coffee business and crossfit whereas jacob focused on like i said his kids
Starting point is 00:19:17 josh is really his kids in boxing right now and like i said jacob has this fucking like you said barn he has a shooting stuff he has a shooting instagram all over the map he's just maybe trying to find himself as a young man um and he's also a goofball and he's also a goofball meaning like you're on a roll you don't know many fighters who are who are who are. Like, they all have a killer instinct. I see that. Yeah, look at it. Goofball.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Goofball. I see that in, yeah, like, that's what he said. Like, even read that statement. He said something like, I wanted to get a photo with him doing this to me. Dude, at that moment, like, you're fucking wired. Okay. Before I'd go on a combat mission or any type of mission, like, you're fucking wired it okay before i'd go on a combat mission or any type of mission like you're fucking thinking about it you're preparing for it you're rehearsing it
Starting point is 00:20:11 at this stage the fight's a couple days away that's he's got to be in the zone he's got to be in the fight um josh i know because of his experience and where he's been he has a killer instinct and he has the ability to switch i i, I'm excited to see that. I don't think that the juvenile teddy bear that is Jacob Hefner has that switch. I would like to see it, but we'll find out. Maybe he'll prove me wrong. I've been proven wrong many other times. I worry about Josh. And when I see him, like, I feel like, does he keep his hands too low? Do I constantly see? Look at it.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Do I constantly? There he has. But he's throwing and he's returning here. That's a concern. It's probably not valid. Now, keys to victory. What I want to see from Josh, don't go to the flail game. Don't go to the flail game.
Starting point is 00:21:03 You know Hefner is going to go to flailing. He's going to get hit and he's going to start flailing. Try to stay to the flail game. Don't go to the flail game. You know Hefner is going to go to flailing. He's going to get hit and he's going to start flailing. Try to stay to the fundamentals and just be fucking aggressive. I don't want them to get hit and turn off. Because you can get hit and, like I said, start running away and just get non-aggressive. You even see that in the pros sometimes. Someone gets hit and they're like, oh, shit. And these guys are zero and zero.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Yeah, yeah. You know? So either spar without headgear, which is a much, oh, yeah, and on that note, 16-ounce gloves. 16, I'd like to have seen them fight in like maybe 12, 14. Why? What are the implications of such big gloves? Explain that to me. Big and heavy.
Starting point is 00:21:47 They're heavier, so they're going to fatigue them quicker. And just big, I don't want to say pillows because it still hurts. When you go into the guard, you have a lot more mass. Not the guard, but into it. I understand. And in theory, less damage because they're big., but I mean, these punches still will hurt. Um, I would have liked to have seen them fight in 12 ounce. The pros use eight ounces, so they should not fight.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Eight ounce gloves are like almost nothing, honestly. Um, so questions. Um, what do, did you look at Steffi Cohen at all? Do you know who that is? That's the chick that, um,
Starting point is 00:22:31 uh, Matt Fraser, he sells his programming through her website. No. Okay. So she's, she has 25, um,
Starting point is 00:22:39 uh, I guess they're powerlifting records. She has 25 world records. I'm assuming they're all in powerlifting. She was a big powerlifter. She has 25 world records. I'm assuming they're all in powerlifting. She was a big powerlifter. She got a million subscribers on Instagram. Oh, she's the chick from Florida, the power, strong chick from Florida.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I don't know where she's from. But she's basically on her Instagram. She's reinventing herself. She's doing a few things. I don't know when she got, um, she's basically, it looks like she's, she's losing weight because she's slowing down on the power lifting and she's fully invested in boxing and man, she moves well, Dave. It's, it's kind of hard to believe that a chick with this much muscle or a dude with this much muscle can move this well. I mean, she moves a thousand times better than Thor. Not that he moves bad. And she's tiny.
Starting point is 00:23:29 But I think she was a 140-pound powerlifter, and now she's a 120-pound boxer. There's actually footage of her boxing in the Dominican Republic in a professional boxing bout. I think she's 2-0. And she's kind of reinvented herself as a woman. She went from being like, look at these pictures. I think she got like a breast augmentationmentation and she's wearing bikinis now. I'm excited to see her fight. I think you want to be interested in this fight, dude. Aren't you fascinated by the fact that someone would make the jump?
Starting point is 00:23:58 You're talking about some people who are making the jump who maybe shouldn't make the jump. No, zero connection. Zero interest. Zero connection. I don't care about the fight listen listen let me finish again i told you like i think those other two like i'm worried that they're going to embarrass the sport she might end up being a great boxer that'd be awesome i have no interest in seeing her at this stage like i said i barely have interest i didn't have interest in thor at all until someone i know and someone i care about in their background means something to me. And then Josh and Jacob, obviously I know them both very well, so that means something to me. And in cases,
Starting point is 00:24:30 I'm worried that they're going to embarrass boxing. That being said, let me see the other boxers on the card that are pros. I'll watch their fight. This amateur fight, like 2-0. Again, so you have a million... I think she's pro. I think she's pro. So you have a million followers.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Good fucking job. Who cares? that doesn't make you a boxer that should okay okay ignore the million followers the million followers are just a uh correlate to the fact that that's how successful she's been in another sport like weren't you interested in bo jackson when he tried to play baseball or michael jordan that's different those guys, they played it like throughout college and were in high school, I imagine, and were, you know, professional, arguably could have been professional. You know, when you look at Dan Marino and a lot of these quarterbacks, they were fucking drafted for pitching, meaning they were two sport athletes. They were drafted to the pros as pitchers. So in football, those athletes, that all makes sense.
Starting point is 00:25:28 This still, what you just described as Steffi, similar, like it feels like the kind of celebrity boxing thing. Who's she fighting, by the way? Is she fighting another celebrity or is she fighting a pro boxer? I'm assuming, no, no, I'm assuming a pro boxer. That's my point. She's not doing... I think what Thor is doing is pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:25:49 He's a one-discipline sport. He's a sport athlete, and he's trying to switch to another sport. No, he's not trying to switch to another sport. Because if he's trying to switch to another sport, he would have taken a fight against a guy who's 3 and oh a real fighter four or five and oh i think that you're just stuck in the in the old paradigm of the way things are done i totally am i totally am but like that's and there's a reason why it's been done like that for over 100 years and there's respect for the sport and coming up just like the dude you just showed what was the dude's name jake paul here's the deal i fucking tune in for the
Starting point is 00:26:23 jake paul fights and i'm gonna tune in for the Jake Paul fights, and I'm going to tune in for this. But I'm selective on which ones I watch. Just like Jake Paul's not. He's not a boxer. Or his brother, Chris Paul. They're doing it to, you know why they're not? Because they're not fighting real boxers. And the Mayweather thing was not a boxing. That was a fixed event.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It was a spectacle. It wasn't a boxing match but um if they wanted to get into this to be in the sport they would come up they would start fighting guys that were professionals that had records of two three four five and oh or maybe even five and two or maybe even four and one whatever they fight real boxers their age their size and they come up thor does not want to be a boxer Thor does not want to be a boxer and I'm saying this having no idea what he wants but I'm saying this based off of how he's doing it
Starting point is 00:27:10 Thor wanted to fight Michael Hall and now that guy Thor's gonna fight Devin Lorette he wanted to fight Jake Gyllenhaal and now he's fighting Devin Lorette it's an exhibition it's an exhibition. It's an exhibition.
Starting point is 00:27:27 These are exhibitions. These are publicity stunts. They're fucking publicity. The Steph Cohen is not a publicity stunt. Can you pull up that match, Matt, of Stephie Cohen fighting Dominican Republic? Here's the thing. She took a pro fight in Dominican Republic. That's fucking hardcore, dude. That's not like going to – that's like –
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, so check it out. Check it out. When she's 6-7-0 and she's contending for the title, that's when I'll be interested. When she shows more interest in this than just one or two fights on a celebrity card, when she's on a real card, that's when I'll be interested. And she's like 6-7-8. And let me say that's when i'll be interested and she's like six seven eight and and let me say that's gonna be interested that's when i might be interested um but like at this stage prove me wrong with your future actions uh i think it's just a um
Starting point is 00:28:16 it's just like those other fighters on the card the other two fights we've been talking about would you be curious to see this no disrespect to her no disrespect for her awesome for her congratulations getting the ring awesome job like that yeah here she is this is the fight i watched last night of hers if you go like to the 12 minute mark matt i think that um it gets close to when she knocks this chick out um dave while we while we watch this a little bit do you have any interest in watching amanda nunez who is the 135 and 145 pound champion in the ufc um fight a dude like do you think there's any place for her to fight like a like 100 115 pound guy
Starting point is 00:28:57 no i think that's weird i don't think that's appropriate. For men and women to be fighting each other? Her not fighting another professional athlete, no, I don't think that's appropriate. No, what if it was a professional athlete, but what if it was a guy? Would you like to see a man another professional fighter? But you would be okay with that? Let's say if she wanted to box Ryan Garcia, you'd pay to see that? You're okay with men and women fighting each other? Not professional versus professional. Gotcha. She should fight Jacob Heppner.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'd watch that. I would like to see Steph Cohen fight Josh. I think she would. Man, she moves good, although she's 40 pounds lighter than him. All right, Dave. Well, so can you give us one final prediction before we lose you here? Because I know you are going to hang up in 58 seconds because you are a prompt man. Who is going to win, Josh or Jacob?
Starting point is 00:29:52 Josh will win in the second round, hopefully by knockout. And between Thor and Devin Lorette? I want Devin to win, but if I were going to put money on it, I would put money on Thor. And in what round? Also second. He said he's going to knock him out in the first. Okay. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I appreciate your time. Matt Souza, thanks for coming on Last Minute.

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