The Sevan Podcast - #147 Fight Recap - Josh Bridges and Mo Miller

Episode Date: September 22, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks, drinks, and everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's Summer Road Trip Game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up?
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Starting point is 00:00:50 Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I can't hear you. We are live? Bam! There's Mo Miller. Shit, how come I can't hear?
Starting point is 00:01:07 Rodecaster Pro speaker come i can't hear uh road caster pro speaker now can i hear oh i can't can you hear me ryan uh i could barely hear mo though oh nice of you to get sexy sexy i thought rosemary was gonna be on so i won't have my shirt off you might be watching i hope so she came over to my house and sat on the couch watch some of the the early fights and then watch your fight oh good she uh she she sent some comments on one of my posts and i you know thanked her she was she was chiming in on she was doing all that rhetoric that you say when someone loses oh it was really brave of him to get in there what they say to the losers it's okay i'll take it no it's still not loud enough mo it's you know what um go to that speaker maybe you've chosen
Starting point is 00:02:14 the wrong speaker you see that little speaker button down on the bottom okay no i'm still barely here can you like choose a different uh what is there a microphone on those headphones No, I'm still barely hearing you. Can you choose a different... Is there a microphone on those headphones? No. Doesn't look like it. Now you're muted, but if you click it and hold it,
Starting point is 00:02:38 do you get some other choices for mics? Oh, shit, Ryan. We went over 9 000 um subscribers it's bad to the bone congrats thanks dude how many subscribers you got on your youtube channel you got more than 9 000 youtube yeah yeah just a few out i know you do got a big old youtube channel out i know you do got a big old youtube channel i'm gonna go to the i'm gonna run a bathroom real quick you do it i'm gonna take a sip of my good dude's coffee yeah buddy well mo figures this out well mo uh yeah maybe ditch the headphones and try just doing the whole thing. Unplug the headphones and maybe just choose
Starting point is 00:03:25 the microphone for your computer because last time your audio was great, Mo. What did it sound like now? I can barely, barely hear you. Maybe there's some sort of... Do you see any troubleshooting you can help him out with, Ryan? I'm not sure why. Hmm. Do you see any troubleshooting you can help him out with, Ryan? Okay. Well, when you click on that speaker button, what's it chosen as your microphone? What's it?
Starting point is 00:04:03 Are there any other choices besides what you've chosen? What's the microphone? What's the... It's a speaker and a mic. Are there any other choices besides what you've chosen? Yeah. It's a... Choose like the default Mac Pro speaker, default whatever. This is the default one. I'm not sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:22 This one is communication right now. Okay. Okay. Oh, sorry. Not the speaker. Sorry. The microphone one. Is that the one you're choosing? The one on the left?
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, it says his mic is off. Now you're muted. I'm sweating because I just worked out, and now I'm stressing. It's a double sweat. Communications microphone. Oh, there we go. That might be it, Mo. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Damn, no. That's so weird. It sounds like you're literally it sounds like you're like two rooms back someone said there's a typo i don't see a type oh josh i'm completely surprised with your boxing abilities you gained in just six months. Amazing, right? You are truly an all-around athlete. Thank you. From Ignacio Perfecto. You think that's really the guy's last name? Definitely.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Definitely. Perfecto. I just put in the ecto. Perfecto. Is this live? This is live. Oh, shit. Last time I interviewed you, you had a black eye on your right eye. Now you had a black eye on your right eye now you
Starting point is 00:05:47 got a black eye on your left eye i got this guy and i got he's actually up here too he got me he got me good he they definitely he squared me up a few times man you got angry a couple times huh i tried not to um i tried to stay calm and collected um one of the best pieces of advice i ever got that I thought I got was when you get hit, don't think that you have to hit them back right away. Stay calm and collected and understand that it's a
Starting point is 00:06:14 game. It's a chess match. Just because you get hit doesn't mean you have to hit them back right away. I didn't try to. I think I lost my composure a couple times where I wanted to just knock them out. I tried to back off. I'd like catch myself in the moment.
Starting point is 00:06:34 He connected once and then you kind of chased him across the ring throwing punches. For sure. I'm like, oh, Josh is pissed. Even my mom said, oh, Josh is angry. Probably. His height was an issue, huh? His jab was longer than I thought it would be. I stayed at his end range, which was really bad on my part. I kept thinking in my head, I got to get inside.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I got to get inside. And my head movement towards the back later rounds started to slow. My feet got heavy. And that's where I felt like I lost it was i just stayed at his end range and he he was he hit me a few times and um i couldn't get i wasn't able to get inside and i couldn't get him against the ropes which i i tend to do with all my sparring partners i always get him up against the ropes and i kind of wail on him um and he was uh he would he would move off pretty quick whenever i i pressure him so uh that was throwing me a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Mo, how was the, um, do we have your audio? Uh, how did that sound? It sounds a little better. Mo,
Starting point is 00:07:35 move your face right up to the computer. I want to see if it's the mic. Just get really close to it. Now, um, no, still, it's still really low,
Starting point is 00:07:43 right? So it's almost like it's a volume issue, like in the settings. Do you have an iPhone? Oh, no, and you have a Droid, huh, Mo? Yeah. Yeah, so we... It says everything is like... Let me see that input, output.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I can't click on any of those for you from where I'm at. Well, shit. Do you have any thoughts, Ryan? Can you guys hear Moe okay, or is it just us? Can any of you guys hear him? They can't hear Moe at all? Or do they hear him just how we hear him? Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Okay. And now he's muted. Unm unmute yourself for a second mo i think mo is muted right there now he's off just barely is that the same computer you were using last time that's weird. But you can hear us, okay? Mo, you can hear us, okay? No, he is very quiet.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Well, shit. Sorry, Mo. I don't know what to do about this. This is, uh, we have to, we're going to have to reschedule with you. I mean, you're welcome to hang out and laugh at Josh, but damn, that sucks. I know. I'm at work right now. That sucks, man.
Starting point is 00:09:14 What the fuck? It says everything's connected. Hmm. Did you... What kind of computer do you have? Someone said have him call in. I could, should I, I can, I can try that.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Should we try, that's a great idea from the WAD zombie. I can give you a phone number. That's a fucking brilliant idea. I'm glad I thought of that. Mo, how you doing, man? Other than, yeah, I can hear you. Go ahead. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:09:47 You good? Yeah, good, good, good. My head is up. Head up? Yeah, man. I haven't got to watch the fight yet. I'm excited. I'm going to watch it tonight and watch my own fight.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I haven't watched that either. But I'm excited to see it, man. I mean, I heard it was great. It sucks that, you know, sorry I didn't get the UFC contract. But, man, it's just the beginning, right? Yeah, I don't. I don't feel no type of way about it. Yeah, my head is up. I'm still undefeated.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you still are undefeated. That's right. That's right. So I'm not down on myself at all. Hell yeah. Because we just learned this we get to learn move on right go do something continue to continue down this fucking path at crushing shit
Starting point is 00:10:31 right um mo do you got your phone there yeah i'm gonna give you this phone number to call okay um it's nine to eight oh you might want to text it to him. Nah, it's okay. We might get other people calling. That's fine. Let him call. I'm going to hang up. We'll go over to their house and beat their ass. 928-583-3903.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Okay, and then you want to mute your computer now and let's see how that works can we can is that better can you hear oh i see what you're saying uh do you do you hear him on the phone now oh hold on just mute your mic on the computer oh right right damn we're smart as shit well now we're getting an echo is it echo yeah you'll still be able to hear both of us you can mute you can mute your computer can you hear us now yeah i can hear you through my Okay, and you can mute your speaker and your mic now. On your computer. And you can even put... Shit, we're good. I think he's going to want to mute his speaker too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Mute his speaker and his mic. Yep, we hear you good now. Yep. You can even put your phone on speaker mode if you want, if it's better for you easier all right ladies and gentlemen mo miller is six and oh yeah undefeated in his professional career um he was on the contender series two weeks ago he fought the tuesday two tuesdays the tuesday before josh fought or two Tuesdays? No, last Tuesday. Okay, so just the Tuesday before Josh fought,
Starting point is 00:12:27 he fought on ESPN. I watched the fight. He fought a dude who was a great fighter, a fucking great fighter, but I'm pretty sure, Mo, you dominated every round, right? It was 30-27? Yep. And the weird thing
Starting point is 00:12:43 is that he Dana White even acknowledged that stipe miocic the greatest heavyweight um in the history of all combat sports even spoke to dana white and said hey i personally know mo miller and vouched for him and said the kid's ready to go to the ufc but for some reason it wasn't enough for dana to give mo the contract and here's mo third time on the seven podcast and I'm tickled. I think I'm the shit because I got Josh and Mo on here now.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Hell yeah. Go ahead. You're like, do you have a question or what? So tell me about the setup about going out there. So walk us through that. Did they get you a good plane ticket? Did someone pick you up from the airport? Tell me, what day do you fly in like walk us up to like the the minute
Starting point is 00:13:28 you fought okay so uh i got there the saturday before uh we just basically checked in did corona test in a grocery shop uh and we chilled that day. Sunday, my coaches got in. We worked out, focused on losing weight and resting. Monday was weigh-in day. So, May weight.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Got some food in this and chilled to the fight. Then fight day. They picked us up around 2 p.m. The fight started at 5. So we got there, drug test, corona test.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And we just kind of sat in the back until our fight was called. There were six fights on the card? There were six fights on the card? were six fights on the card yeah i was a co-main and uh yeah five contracts were awarded and i was the only one that didn't get i know crazy that that heavyweight got it and you didn't get it so let's go back so when you when you fly saturday how much are you weighing?
Starting point is 00:14:49 Saturday, I was probably like 45. And you fight at 135? Uh-huh. And you're 5'9"? Yes. Okay. So is that where you want to be on Saturday, the Saturday before Tuesday fight? Do you want to be 145? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I don't like to sit on weight for that long, if that makes sense. So maybe like 44, maybe like 44, maybe not 45. Yeah, that was... What do you mean, no, that doesn't make sense to me. I'm not a fighter like you and Josh. What does that mean? You don't want to sit on weight? I mean, he's basically saying that he's,
Starting point is 00:15:30 so what he's saying is he's going to cut water weight. Water weight is basically, he's like, I'm going to sit at 45. That's the weight he's going to sit at. And then the rest of it's water weight he's cutting, right? So he's willing to cut 10 pounds of water weight. Okay. Yeah, so I don't want to sit at 136 oh okay for that long you know what i mean on that weight so i like to be a little heavier
Starting point is 00:15:54 but like in striking distance you know what i mean and then uh i probably like to go to bed a pound over so if i got away at 136 i like to go to bed at pound over. So if I got to weigh in 136, I like to go to bed at 37 and then float that pound overnight, wake up one weight or close to it. Is it stressful every time at weigh-ins? Like even if you know you're at the right weight, is it like shit? Like getting an AIDS test? You're like, I haven't had sex in four years, but I'm still nervous? Like that kind of?
Starting point is 00:16:23 No, because I know, okay, so I know I'm going to make the kind of uh no because I know okay so I know I'm gonna make the weight you know what I mean where I struggle at is uh not struggle but every now and then it's the rehydration part oh so putting the weight back on and uh doing it the right way wait what do you mean why Why can't you just like, don't you just walk off the scale and someone hands you like a milkshake and you just start putting it on? Uh, I guess it's that easy as it sounds. Uh, but for me it's not, uh, like, uh, you, you do it a certain way.
Starting point is 00:17:01 You can't just show up, you know what I mean? Cause you gotta, your body, you gotta get back hydrated. Did you, did you and Brandon see each other during, during, between Saturday and Tuesday? Did you run into each other in the hotel at all?
Starting point is 00:17:15 No, I never, I think they put us on two separate sides. The first time I seen him was, uh, when? Josh, Josh shared a bedroom with his guy. Jealous?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Are you jealous? It is such a different world. It is a completely different world. I literally, like, we ate every one of our meals together. Like, we chatted. We literally were sitting there chatting five minutes before the fight. Or not five minutes. Five minutes before we taped our hands.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Like, it just wasn't the same it was um i don't know like i i don't i didn't have any issues with going once once i was in the ring i wanted to kill him you know but before that and after i didn't care at all like it was it was it was business and uh i don't i didn't need to get into the mindset like i hate this guy because i can flip the switch immediately. I have that capability. And so, but I understand like everyone there, all like the real boxing people, like there was like a YouTube guy that has a big boxing show. And he was just like baffled at all of this. He thought we were literally going to go in there and like have some
Starting point is 00:18:17 choreographed choreographed, uh, like dance off kind of thing. And I'm like, no buddy, trust me. When I get in that fucking, when I get in that ring,
Starting point is 00:18:25 I'm going to try to take his head off. Josh, do you think you guys did a good job? I was, uh, I wasn't happy with the outcome. Um, obviously, um, I felt like I definitely could have, I should have made some adjustments in the, in the ring, but I wasn't disappointed. I didn't think we went out and I didn't think we put on a bad show. I didn't think either of us looked like we didn't know what we were doing or we hadn't trained for it. I, I feel like we displayed
Starting point is 00:18:53 what we were able to accomplish in a very short period of time of from going from zero to what we had in six months. And so I, that's kind of like the only thing I hoped people understood was like, neither of us expected to go out there and look like professional boxers or even good boxers we went out there and we showed you what you know you can do if you have zero experience in this game and you get about six months of training and i thought we did a good job at that i thought the two strong strong uh suits were Jacob's jab. Yep. It looked like a fucking real jab.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, it was good. And your head movement and your footwork. I thought those two things stood out to me, and I was like, shit, this looks like a real boxing match. But it did look like you were fighting a guy who was just too big and too long. His weight affected me more than I thought it would, 100%. And that's interesting because that means that it really did look like boxing some of even the stuff and this isn't to dig at jake paul but even like like those fights didn't look like boxing some of his early ones i
Starting point is 00:19:53 mean i i guess the logan mayweather one looked a little bit more like boxing but you could argue that floyd's so good that he carried that he carried that for both of them but but usually you know you would have expected it to be more like when um uh jake paul fought nate robinson or when jake paul fought nate robinson you know it was just kind of like just like swinging yeah just swinging and it didn't look like that like i'm gonna get in trouble for this one didn't look like a girl fight i um i remember i mean i think i said it on one of our shows me you, you and the Josh Savant Matt show or whatever. I wanted to learn.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I wanted to learn how to box and I wanted it to be a boxing match. I, my goal in there was to outbox him. I wasn't going in there to like knock them out and try to prove a point like, Hey, I'm really tough. You know, I wanted to go in there and I wanted to learn the sport of boxing. And I think, I feel like we accomplished that. I feel like that's what me and Jacob both did. God, this guy saved the show by suggesting that Mo call in.
Starting point is 00:20:50 He did, man. The zombie dude. How are those dudes kicks, man? That dude had the fucking thickest legs, that guy you fought, Mo. And when he first kicked you a few times, I never saw you flinch. But, man, they were loud. By the way, that was a huge problem with the recording of your fight, Josh. There was no mic in the ring.
Starting point is 00:21:09 So it was like watching a silent film. Mo, there was a mic in your ring. Those kicks were crazy. Did those hurt? Those were crazy when he would kick you. No, I got skinny legs, but they're strong. So I already knew most people, they don't know how to beat me yet you know what i mean i got skinny legs i already knew that was coming one of these days you know what i mean like most people
Starting point is 00:21:32 were focused on that and see if i would break like that but they didn't hurt you know what i mean i think strong style did a great job of like like, conditioning me. And we kick legs a lot. You know what I mean? So I know how to glide out the way or stay firm whenever they're coming. You know what I mean? And I knew that's all he wanted to do. So, yeah, he didn't hurt me. My legs weren't sore after the fight.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I knew they were coming, so I don't think they looked better to the judge. Did you know the whole fight that you were going to win? Did you have that confidence, just like all three rounds, I'm winning this, I'm winning this? Tell me about that. Yeah, I knew he was good. He was undefeated too, for people who don't know he's five and one five and oh in his profession now five and one but mo was five and oh so they both went in uh five and oh which is pretty awesome sorry mo go ahead
Starting point is 00:22:37 i knew he was good so i like i mentioned before uh the rehydration process so that i did it wrong and i'm just gonna say that i don't want to explain how i did it or whatever uh yeah you don't need to keep that to yourself keep those notes to yourself yeah yeah so i know you were trying to rehydrate using enemas you were squirting water in your ass instead of drinking it? Is that, like, what do you mean you were doing it wrong? Kind of. Kind of. So, like, you can't. You got to drink it here, Mo, in the front. So it's a process of how you do it, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:19 So I don't want to make no excuses. It is what it is. But I didn't feel how I normally feel. And I knew that. So, like, going into that fight. When you say that, you mean you felt slower? You felt heavier? Your brain didn't feel as sharp?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Like, what do you mean? What didn't you feel? No, I felt like perfect, but the energy level. Okay. No, I didn't feel all the way back up like I normally would. So, like, shape-wise, I was fine. Everything was fine. No injuries, no nothing.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So I was super excited. But I was lazy on the rehydration process, I'll say that. And that affected me. And I knew, so in the locker room, so on a show like this, it's performance-based. So I kind of made the decision I had to win. You know what I mean? Still. So to answer your question, yes, I knew how to beat that guy.
Starting point is 00:24:22 And I fought that way. I knew I could finish him. But my energy levels, I didn't trust him, if that makes sense. So I knew I could. Did you have a plan? Go ahead, Josh. Sorry. I was just going to say, I think people who don't know about cutting weight
Starting point is 00:24:40 or what it does to the body and how it affects it, man, it's like it is the most draining thing that you can do to yourself. And if, if you don't rehydrate or, or get, get that energy level back, it is, it is crushing. I remember, um, you know, wrestling and like, I remember the first time I cut to, I, my, uh, my senior year in high school, I was wrestling 35 most of the year. And I, so you have to wrestle half the season or just over half the season to for whatever you're going to wrestle at state and so i remember my first cut down to 30 and uh it was it was the first time i lost that year because i the same thing like i just didn't get my energy levels back and i was just exhausted from from cutting man it is so hard on the body to do that and it's
Starting point is 00:25:22 just it's uh it's tough it's tough you can't just drink more caffeine mo you couldn't just be like okay i'm gonna drink a five-hour energy drink for like no that's more hydrate yeah it's dehydrating yeah usc don't allow that oh seriously yeah so i'm sitting back there so like it just uh so i knew i did it wrong and uh that's the only that's the only uh thing i'm mad about uh because i know how much time my coaches put in you know what i mean so i'm in my conditioning coaches so i knew i was conditioned to get the pitch you know brandon lewis was not the hardest fight I ever fought you know what I mean I'm coming off four straight finishes that's tougher with people he was good but like I knew
Starting point is 00:26:11 I had to fight a certain way based on circumstances and uh and that could have cost me I think I uh still had a good fight though like I dominated every position you know what i mean it's just pulling the trigger on a finish and on a show like that uh that's what you want to do you know what i mean you did dominate every single round but that guy's no bitch that guy is fucking good he brought his game he was confident the entire fight he didn't give up i I mean, you were having your way with him, but fuck, man. That was, I mean, at least from the spectator's point of view, that guy looked fucking legit. And he was in great shape. And when you say that, do you think if you would have finished him,
Starting point is 00:26:59 it would have been a submission or it would have been a knockout? I would have landed either way, way either one i think he did a good job but not uh the way the fight looked the way it is because when i had him on the ground he wouldn't turn you know what i mean like because i i would have definitely finished him you know if you look at the first round when i got that position uh i almost finished you know what i mean and then he rolled to his back to play guard. So he more so just holding me
Starting point is 00:27:27 and keeping me in his position. So it looks like I'm holding him down, but if you watch the fight again, he's holding me down. For sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 You know what I mean? So I'm spending time trying to like, because every time I broke loose, I was able to elbow him or strike him or like, but he was holding me.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And that was to protect himself. Right. You know what I mean? If he would have rolled over, I would have finished him the mission or whatever. But he played his back and his coaches would tell him, like, you got to scramble up. You got to wrestle back. You can't play like you did.
Starting point is 00:27:59 So I felt like I was getting penalized for how good I am. You know what I mean like he he could have made adjustments and made the fight more exciting because if somebody's holding me down like that I'm gonna get out or try and get up or I'm not gonna play guard you had all the ground control time right he had zero and you had like six minutes or something right I mean it was a lot lot yeah zero any control right right right um when when when day when so when dana says so you win the fight and then when you don't get it is that like um and you're sitting there is that like emotional like do you want to cry do you want to scream do you want to or like how do you handle no because uh one it ain't gonna hit me right there uh but i already knew it you know what i mean like just the way he was talking and uh if you watch me get my hand raised like
Starting point is 00:28:56 there's no excitement you know what i mean because i knew how i felt you know what i mean so i knew the chance especially with six cards six fights you know what I mean so I knew the chance especially with six cards six fights you know what I mean so like but I also knew how I felt so I am proud of myself because I still whooped his butt and I didn't even feel great you know what I mean so that that confirms what level I'm in you know what I mean and nobody would know or nobody could tell but I know what I mean? And nobody would know or nobody could tell, but I know and I know how I felt. So I know he got lucky. You know what I mean? Joshua?
Starting point is 00:29:32 Go ahead. Sorry, man. No, go ahead. With Dana, it's a show. So I knew it could go either way once I didn't get to finish. And I knew he didn't land much on me and nothing changed uh as far as like my attitude towards the sport because he didn't win one round so nobody showed me i wasn't ready for the ufc yeah you know what i mean yeah that's uh that's uh that sucked you know i mean you go
Starting point is 00:30:02 out there and you get the victory and you know you could have done a few extra things and probably could have gotten it. But exactly like you're saying, you didn't lose. You won. You won handedly. You won easily. I can't wait to watch it. But, man, it's – yeah, and there's always going to be –
Starting point is 00:30:15 there's going to – more opportunities will come. And that's – obviously you're ready. So I'm excited for you, man. Josh, going into the sixth round, did you know you were losing? You know, I wasn't really trying to keep track of the rounds. I thought the first couple rounds I definitely thought that I had won those two rounds. After the second round, I definitely felt like I didn't win the third round or fourth round. And I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I think there was a round in there where I felt like it was close. So I wasn't really sure. When the fight ended, I didn't feel like I won it. You know, I was in my head. I was like, I didn't win that fight. I didn't win the boxing match. You know what I mean? So I wasn't, to be honest, I wasn't upset because I'm not a professional fighter, right?
Starting point is 00:31:07 It was like, and I was giving up weight. I'm not like, again, I'm not making up excuses. I was giving up weight and size. I was just excited. I was, I was happy. You seemed excited. You didn't seem bummed. Yeah, I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I really wasn't. I wasn't, I wasn't bummed. I was bummed for like a second, right? When he raised Jacob's hand, I was, I was bummed for like one second. And then I was like, you know what? Who gives a shit? In the end, I had a great time. I had a great experience.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I got this wild ride that millions of people would kill to have. And I got it. And I took the opportunity. A million people might want that opportunity. I don't know how many of them would actually take it. And that's what I thought was cool is the fact that I actually went in there and made this shit happen. And we did it. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:51 Yeah, I lost, but I didn't get knocked out. I didn't look stupid. Did you try to knock him out in the sixth round knowing? Did you go extra hard in the sixth round? I threw some overhands for sure. I threw a couple overhands to try to at least put them on the canvas, hoping that one of them would land square. And I knew that if I threw my right hand and if it landed squarely,
Starting point is 00:32:13 it might put them on the ground. So I threw it a few times. I didn't land it square enough. But yeah, I didn't think I was up going into the sixth round to answer your initial question. Did you play it safe in the third round, Moe? Or are you still, do you ever, were you thinking in the third round at all? Okay, I dominated just those two rounds.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Do you have to play, in your mind, were you playing the balancing act between trying to get the contract and making sure to keep the O? No, that's not the reason. no see that's not the reason uh i literally didn't i don't want to keep making this excuse but everybody want to know why i fought that way and i literally didn't have the energy you know what i mean so like once i was up 2-0 why risk it you know what i mean with that hurts me but like no i get it if i didn't if i go for the finish then and i really run out of energy and he finished me y'all gonna be like well why didn't you you was up two rounds why didn't you you know what i mean wrestle him or tie him up or whatever so uh i knew how to get the win you know what i mean and now i know how good i am because uh it went exactly how i thought it
Starting point is 00:33:26 would uh in that circumstance like nothing changed because i know how good of a fighter is no matter the commentary they only think i'm a wrestler you know what i mean but wrestlers know that's why they don't take fights with me you know what i mean because they know i can stand up you know what i mean i don't i don't think I have any weaknesses they thought my legs were my weakness you know what I mean I'm glad that he chopped away at him to show that that's not a weakness
Starting point is 00:33:54 either so like I don't know what to take away from it I definitely learned a lot in that fight and I will get better but I don't I feel like I lost but I did you know what I mean and I don't think I should feel like that because I don't think you should either yeah I just beat an undefeated fighter who nobody else could finish or nobody else could even beat
Starting point is 00:34:18 you know what I mean and what's the difference the really the only difference is there is a chance that your next fight will again be with the UFC. You might get called to the Contender Series again, right? Right away. And sometimes they can even use you as a fill-in and stuff like that, right? It's not like just because you don't get that contract doesn't mean you'll never fight for the UFC. Well, Dana even said that I'm pretty sure this guy's going to end up fighting for the UFC. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:51 They graded me an A eight that's so crazy it's crazy that they do that but then they don't give you the contract just doesn't make much sense it's like maybe there's just i don't know how the you know the ufc works obviously i'm just some idiot in the background who watches but you know maybe there was uh i don't yeah i don't even i don't even want to well it's a tough way i don't want to attempt to know here's the thing here's the thing what it looks like from the outside the reason why they gave the heavyweights and the women the contracts more easy is because the bench isn't as deep i mean let's face it the bet 135 145 155 yeah man dude those classes are just there's dudes just falling out of the trees i don't matter though no it doesn't no it shouldn't matter to you no it shouldn't matter to you.
Starting point is 00:35:25 No, it shouldn't matter to you. I want them to give me, I want them to give me one of those guys. Give me somebody you know can be, right. You know, I can show you how good I am. Like they're giving me 50,
Starting point is 00:35:35 50 fights and I'm blowing these dudes out. Like not to sound cocky, but I almost got to start being cocky now. Well, no, you got, you got, you got to start being cocky,
Starting point is 00:35:43 not cocky, but confident, right? Like you have to be able to say that, okay, I'm fucking good enough to be in this, in the UFC. Cause you are now you know well no yeah not cocky but confident right like you have to be able to say that okay i'm fucking good enough to be in this in the ufc because you are you know and and and you have to believe that to to get there anyways like if you didn't and yeah they sure shit wouldn't want you you know so i wouldn't say it's being cocky at all like i i would be talking just the way the same way you are if i was in your position yeah mo when you see someone
Starting point is 00:36:06 this is kind of off subject a little bit but um you see someone like sugar shane and people are criticizing him for not taking bigger fights like me i'm like no i don't blame him i would fucking just keep keep taking like what just do the bare minimum that my contract requires me fight the just build my way up as slowly as I can. Keep making it till I'm like, you know what I mean? 25 and one or whatever, you know, I think he has one loss. Like, do you have a problem with that? Taking that route?
Starting point is 00:36:36 I don't have a problem taking that route if you really one of those guys. You know what I mean? If you, oh, Miley, I don't want to hate on him, but he's my weight class, so I don't support him. Pandora, B-Love. What does B-Love mean to you?
Starting point is 00:36:51 I definitely would say my B-Love role model is for sure my sister. Unconditional, infinite love. Something that is never ending, that you know is always there. Never questioned. Never questioned. No matter if you fall off a cliff she's there to catch you you know be love shop now at listen closely as a master
Starting point is 00:37:16 painter carefully brushes benjamin moore regal select down the seam of the wall. It's like poetry in motion. Benjamin Moore, see the love. Right. He's not really one of those dudes. The hype is over him. You know what I mean? His way is to beat him. His clear way is to beat him.
Starting point is 00:37:38 You know what I mean? So you've got to take your, if he's bringing that fan, you've got to take your time with somebody like that. You're saying that if he gets in there with TJ, it's... Yeah, he's going to lose. I believe in myself with any wrestler, boxer, strong, short, tall, fast, slow, kicker, puncher, jiu-jitsu. You can throw me in there with any of them and I'm going to be 100% confident. Him, you can't do that. I can name five, you can throw me in there with any of them, and I'm going to be 100% confident. Him, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I can name five disciplines you can't. They got to be short. They got to be weak. They got to be old. They got to be, you know what I mean? Are you describing me right now, man? Come on. He did.
Starting point is 00:38:18 What the fuck? He did. Not weak, but just short and old. Yeah. That's why I know I'm'm real you know what i mean and i know i don't fear no no man i know he fears people i know he don't want to get in there with certain people i know people are most people exactly most people will only take fights they know they will win and you know i think that's what separates the good from the great you know great great men are going to go out and fight anybody that's willing to step in front of them.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Good men will only fight people who they think they are going to beat. Yeah, and he's got to be the perfect matchup for him. I don't really support him because he's my weight. I don't support nobody my weight. Fuck them all. Fuck them all, Bo. Burn them to the ground, baby. Yeah, now it's not. Especially now.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Josh, how many pounds more did Jacob, not this kilogram shit, how many more American pounds did he weigh than you? I believe I weighed in at, what, 74 kilos, I think, which is, let me see. 76. 77. Maybe Ryan's doing the math too.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I just see the top of his head. No, I weighed in more than that then. I think I weighed in like 167 or eight. So I don't know what it was in kilos, but he weighed in at 84 kilos. 185, basically. So is that 11 pounds more? No.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I weighed in at like 167 or 168, and he weighed in at 184. Almost 20 pounds, 18 pounds. Yeah, something like that. Wow. So it was definitely a size. Like I said, I didn't think his weight would affect me as much, but I felt it. I felt it for sure. His punches were landing.
Starting point is 00:40:09 He was a pressure fighter. What's that? He was coming forward. He was coming forward a lot. Yeah, he was. Yeah, he was. His pressure was there, and I felt like my head movement was good off the bat, and I felt like my head movement definitely good off the bat and I uh I felt like my head movement definitely got
Starting point is 00:40:25 slower towards the background and I was and I kept going straight back which I needed to I needed to go more lateral I need to go side to side more um to change directions on them and I didn't my coach was telling me to every fucking round and I was like I was thinking in my head yes do it go get side to side and um but yeah I mean it was uh i was impressed by jacob to be honest i was impressed by him um he did a great job he he was you could tell he took it serious and he trained really hard for it and uh it showed mo would you ever go up to 145 i fought every fight in amateurs at 145 uh pro is a little different because like a lot of those guys up there came way
Starting point is 00:41:07 like 170. I can't get that high. Yeah. So if I could, the weight cut ain't bad. You know what I mean? For 35. And I had it down
Starting point is 00:41:17 with my coaches but they weren't there. They're people who normally do it. So I kind of did it by myself. And I did it wrong.. And I did it wrong. I know I did it wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:29 So the weight cut is not bad. I would go 45 if I'm fighting another guy like my size. You know what I mean? But probably not because they cut too much weight. At 5'9", you're probably a taller 35 pounder aren't you yeah i'm tall and long as 45 yeah i'm definitely i'm sorry 35 at 35 right yeah 35 like you have to be you're probably on the you're probably on the tall spectrum of that of that weight class yeah yeah but uh in the ufc though man that like you said he's like six foot isn't he isn't sandhagen six foot yeah but he's weak
Starting point is 00:42:11 i love it love it what did uh what you know what i mean so like that's why he was getting control he was getting controlled by like c. Yeah. You know what I mean? CJ was small. Six foot, man, being six foot 135 is insane to me. I couldn't imagine. That's a bag of bones. Are you going to fight again,
Starting point is 00:42:33 Josh? If the opportunity comes, I would do it again. Yeah, it was, it was, it was an experience, man.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And, uh, the thrill walking into that ring was, it was like nothing else I can describe. I was just, I was in heaven. And I loved it. I loved every second of it, to be honest. Like, I wasn't, like, there was like, I had.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But you want to fight again. I would, yeah, for sure. If I found the right opponent, I would definitely want it to be kind of squared up with the weight, right? kind of square it up with the weight, right? Like I, you know, I think that that, I didn't realize that how much it would affect the fight, the outcome and not putting Jacob down because he did great, but it definitely had,
Starting point is 00:43:13 it definitely played a role where I, more than I thought it would. And, but I would, so it'd be cool to fight someone my weight, my size and see how that would play out, you know. Think about Logan Paul, Mayweather gave up 30 pounds. But also, but that's, Floyd mayweather gave up 30 pounds but also but that's yeah the skill i know skill levels are insane and um so and for us it was you know fairly even skill level where and he just had you know 18 pounds on me
Starting point is 00:43:39 so uh mo do you have a do you have a date that you would like to fight like are you eager just to get back in now yeah I'm ready to I'm ready to I know they don't still believe in me and I know I didn't show
Starting point is 00:43:54 everything I could do so I told my manager I want to fight by November before Thanksgiving I want to fight ASAP so you
Starting point is 00:44:02 you tell Jason how's that is that who you tell that to? And then what's he say when you tell your manager that? He just come up with options. And I talked to him a couple hours ago. He gave me some options. And I don't care which options they are.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I say yes to them all, just whichever one he thinks is the best or best route. Opponent don't matter. I believe in myself, so I know I can win the next fight. Yeah, so whatever he come up with, I want to fight by November. I want to just power through this take this week off and then hop right back in there uh because i don't know why i feel like i lost but like this is what i would do if i lost yeah well you lost you you feel you probably feel like you lost
Starting point is 00:44:56 because you didn't you didn't get what you wanted right you went in you got the w but you had you had a goal and it was to make you know the ufc contract so i get that you went to prom but you had a goal and it was to make UFC contracts. So I get that, right? You went to prom but you came home and your condom was still closed. Man, it's all right though. You're going to fucking go out and you're going to do great things and I'm excited to see where it goes, man.
Starting point is 00:45:17 That's for sure. It's interesting too because you have a fight manager and Josh has a manager who's like looking for like deodorant commercials and selling coffee and fights and like big time fight guy big time fight guy now you know like like josh could do a pillow fight like he'd like he's he's like his manager would do anything with him josh have you have you talked about being back on the card for um when thor fights eddie hall
Starting point is 00:45:49 in march is there any chance of that that was in my contract i had i made sure that that was in my contract where i had the first right to refusal um so i i have a spot on that card if i want it okay so we just now we just now we just have to find someone to put an opponent how about chris spieler i think i would have a lot of weight on him i know that's what i mean so like this other crossfitter and he actually he's probably older than josh and josh is probably 18 pounds heavier than him so it would just be like flipping the script a little bit yeah flip the switch yeah Yeah, right. I mean, I don't know if Chris would do it or not, but I would do it.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I would fight just about anybody. Maybe we'll get Dave in there. Dave is actually around my weight, but he's a lot taller. Dave actually called me right after the fight, and he said, there's one thing I know for sure now. I, and then... I then i know i know i know he either said josh would kill me or i would kill josh i'll tell you though he either said a or b yeah i'm gonna guess he went with the other one um i don't think it was the original this guy dave was the original guy that josh wouldn't fight he wouldn't this guy dave wouldn't fight
Starting point is 00:47:02 him he wouldn't he wouldn't last his stamina wouldn't last all i'd have to do was literally get to the first round he'd be dead dead hepner was dead hepner was tired as shit he was oh my gosh you think you would have had him i think if we would have went and i don't i hate to speculate i felt i definitely felt like i had more gas in the tank, and he looked exhausted. I think he could have kept going, but, man, he was tired. Why don't you guys do it again with 12-ounce gloves? Oh, dude, 12-ounce gloves. Eight rounds.
Starting point is 00:47:35 12-ounce gloves, man. I'm glad we went 16s. I'll tell you that. 16s. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm glad we did. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:47:47 My body felt like I got hit with a sock full of pennies for about 12 hours. Mo, there's constant talk that it's hard finding fights for you, that no one wants to fight you. I know. That's why I wanted to get into UFC, soc so they forced the fight yeah right i mean once you get in there people can't really run right they had people eventually just have to fight you is it gonna is that gonna be hard is is is it a problem finding a fight for you for someone who's not in the ufc uh i'm not sure i don't know what uh who my manager has been talking to or who turned uh us down but for since my last fight
Starting point is 00:48:29 i was gonna do this tough so like the tough house but i was full of people to fight contenders is you can almost find anybody to fight there because who would turn that down you know what i mean so i don't think i had uh I don't think Brandon Lewis would have took this fight if he didn't have to you know what I mean so like if I have to go to LFA or another promotion I don't if those guys don't have to take it I don't I'm not sure they would because like I don't want to be kai but what what is who I'm gonna fight I'm gonna fight a wrestler I'm gonna fight a boxer I'm gonna the people who think they well-rounded don't want to be but what who I'm going to fight I'm going to fight a wrestler I'm going to fight a boxer I'm going to
Starting point is 00:49:05 the people who think they well-rounded don't want to take it you know what I mean the wrestlers won't take it the strikers won't take it I think that shows how good I am
Starting point is 00:49:15 you know what I mean because I don't fear none of those and like Bisbee kept saying I'm a wrestler this and I'm a wrestler that but like
Starting point is 00:49:22 he don't I don't think he understood what he was seeing and uh and he don't like wrestlers at all yeah they were on Brandon I feel like they were on Bisping was a little bit on Brandon Lewis' jock
Starting point is 00:49:35 yeah and he didn't even do nothing you know what I mean I felt like he don't like wrestlers and he don't like that style. But Laura Sanko was loving on you. And Bisping even called her on it. She's like, you're not really.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Did you listen to the commentary yet of the fight? Yeah. Yeah, at one point he's like, well, is this fight putting you on the edge of your seat? Like trying to belittle the fight a little bit. And Laura Sanko's like, actually, Michael, look at me right now. I am on the edge of my seat. I was like, oh, and we couldn't see them. But I was like, yeah, get them, Laura.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I like both of them. But I was like, get them, Laura. Yeah, she was just calling the fight how it was. You know what I mean? Like, Bisbee was trying to sway it a certain way, in my opinion. Yeah. Do you know her? No.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Oh, it was weird nah when she calls the fight it's pretty intimate she acts like she knows the fighters it's cool, I mean I like that it makes you feel like you're closer to her she takes her time to study you know what I mean basically just saying I'm a wrestler
Starting point is 00:50:41 so he will understand how good I am. Did she fight in the UFC? I don't think she fought in the UFC, but I just found out recently that she fought before. She was a fighter. And everything. And she looked really good. Yeah, on her Instagram, you see her fighting.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I just wasn't sure if she fought professionally. Okay. And God knows Michael Bisbing's paid his dues fucking ten times over. Look at his eyes. Holy crap. Holy crap. Hey, now he's talking about getting in the ring with one of those Paul brothers. Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I think everyone wants to get paid. I wonder if the commission – I think he was saying if the commission would let me fight. I don't think maybe they let a guy fight who has one eye. Yeah, I don't know. I think that people just see those paydays and they want it. They should let a guy fight with one eye. Anybody who wants to talk shit on Jake Paul and Logan Paul, anybody can talk shit on them.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Dude, they're making money. And it's an entertainment sport, and that's what they're doing they're entertaining man and so good for them and they haven't gassed out really that's the part that's most impressive to me they just haven't gassed out yeah it was a bigger fight oh yeah you know what i mean yeah sure somebody little right and uh and and the fight with uh veto i don't know if you guys saw that, and Evander Holyfield. That was such a bummer. That was one of the few fights I didn't pay for. But yeah, that kind of broke my heart to see the highlights of that.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Evander did not look like he belonged in a ring. Evander Holyfield was one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time. Like literally like probably top five or six and to see him go in there with a guy who was he like victor belfort just fought in the ufc like three years ago you know you're like evander holyfield's in his late 50s man it was just ah it was a bummer to see and boxing is one of those sports where it's just like you can't – it's not – it's too dangerous to do something like that at that age, man. It's not – Danny was a replacement.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah, exactly. Right? It was just like – it was a last-minute fill-in. Who was he going to fight? It was the guy – the man – Yeah, De La Hoya. Oscar De La Hoya. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yeah. Like, it's crazy. De La Hoya is a mess. I don't want to hate on the guy i don't want to hit the guy but between the cross-dressing and the cocaine and he's he's wrecked he he needs rehab not a fight i'm excited about that caleb plant canelo fight i think canelo's gonna crush it but i'm really excited about it so yeah i hope the plan can uh make it a fight yeah exactly yeah i hope so too but i think it's gonna canelo's just insane he's so insane uh caleb seems confident but you're right it's it's i mean every guy that
Starting point is 00:53:38 goes into those ring has to be you have to be like you kind of start to understand i guess i i started to understand a little bit more right why you have to be like, you kind of start to understand. I guess I started to understand it a little bit more, right? Why you have to have that like over the top arrogance, because it is, it's, it's a, it's a fucking fight. You're going in the ring to knock each other's heads off. And if you don't have the confidence, you're going to get knocked out a hundred percent. Like, if you don't think you're going to win, you're not going to in that scenario. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:54:06 So I get it now. I get it now. And I do, I get, but I do hope that Caleb can make it a fight, but I'm excited. I'm excited to watch it. Mo,
Starting point is 00:54:15 what are the other avenues? Like, like what if Bellator contacts you? All money is green. Right. It's true whoever if they believe in me it's whatever i i think we still trying to uh i don't know i don't even know what to say about that situation i'm open to whatever i'll say that it's not it's not bittersweet i don't bittersweet. I don't really know about Bellator because for no other reason that I just
Starting point is 00:54:47 don't have the time. Just keeping up with the UFC is like five hours a week. Bellator got top fighters especially in my division. My division in Bellator is probably the best division. I think my division in both organizations
Starting point is 00:55:04 are the best division. They might, I don't know what they're thinking they might think y'all we got enough but i'm the best you know what i mean like so i just gotta like put somebody in front of me who thinks they can win you know what i mean i just won 12 straight never lost a round you know what i mean one on each level you know what i mean so like if y'all think i'm just a wrestler show me i'm just a wrestler you know what i mean if you don't think i got hands all you got all i'm asking them is just show me you know what i mean like don't say i'm not ready and what's somebody because if that brandon lewis would have beat me he would have been in the ufc ah wow wow holy shit holy shit you're right holy shit oh now and hey i go yeah you should feel like you lost you should be angry i was
Starting point is 00:55:57 like you shouldn't feel like last yeah when you spin when you got that story in your head yeah that's the truth you should be pissed not pissed at anyone but like just pissed it's time to get back he could have beat me by a split decision yep and he would have been like he in there and them respects you know what i mean so like my greatest skill i'm getting graded different than everybody else you know what i mean i was the biggest favorite ever in contender city resister you know mean? Like, I don't even know how that happened. You know what I mean? So, like, and I'm facing an undefeated dude. Like, so they expected me to, like, power drive this dude through the mat.
Starting point is 00:56:37 You know what I mean? Right, right. They were expecting a fucking Stone Cold Stunner or something, you know? Yeah. So I'm not sure what they was expecting, but, like, I feel like my grading scale was different than everybody else. Like, y'all gave me an A. I had to have an A++, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:55 Right. When I watched these dudes get C-, you know, one of the dudes that gave the contract, he didn't take notes on it. You know what I mean? So, like, what do – I got to be undefeated at every level, blank every opponent, you know what I mean? Not get punched, not get kicked, not get taken down, not lose a round. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:19 And slam them and knock them out. And your manager, Jason House, a lot of people claim that he um i want to hear people talk about him claim that he has more fighters than any other manager in all of mma and that being said in two interviews that i've watched of his when someone asks him who's the most promising person you have on your roster i'm paraphrasing but he always says your name he doesn't and he doesn't say anyone else's name he goes oh i got this kid mo miller and it's like so he believes so your dude believes in you jason only been with me for a year so the fight he seen was he didn't
Starting point is 00:57:58 even see all my fights you know what i mean a lot of my fights, I don't do too. So I love Jason, but he don't even know how good I am. You know what I mean? So like, and it's my fault that I didn't get to fully show it for whatever reason. You know what I mean? I still went out there and had a dominating performance. But the only way I'm mad at myself is because I know how good I am. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:24 So them telling me I'm not ready, that made me want to fight again soon. You know what I mean? Because I know how good I am. You know what I mean? What did your mom and dad say to you? They proud of me. You know what I mean? Like, as long as I didn't lose.
Starting point is 00:58:39 You know what I mean? I didn't get hurt. I didn't lose. They wanted the contract, obviously. But, dude, they was smiling right when dana said no you know what i mean so like as long as they happy about it like i don't really care what nobody else said because nobody can change how i feel about myself with fighting because i didn't lose and i didn't come close to lose you know what what I mean? Yeah, there's nothing.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Yeah, exactly. There's nothing that you can do, right? That's someone's opinion that they decided you weren't ready. That's all it was. There's a guy in the comments named, I don't know what his name is. Will's, Will something. I let Josh hit me in the face for a good dude, snap chilled Samson coffee. Josh sells this coffee. It's called good dudes. And I drink a lot of it. no josh sells this coffee it's called good dudes and i drink a lot of it it's really good coffee it's called good so but this guy's claiming that
Starting point is 00:59:30 yeah get your address after this i'll send you some um that's funny that he'll let you punch him in the face i love watching the fight event this weekend for josh and jacob thanks josh for the effort and entertainment reese carter i'm sorry this may have been asked but at the end of josh's fight he said he didn't did not get to do all he wanted to do i was wondering what part of the plan was not accomplished uh i don't remember saying that but um yeah jeff you know there was definitely there was definitely some moments where i wish i would have uh thrown more combos i i felt like I was throwing one punches instead of combos and like at least two to three punches at a time. I should have pushed when I felt him being tired. I felt him tired and I knew it.
Starting point is 01:00:14 And in my head, I'm like, go, go, go. And I just, for some reason, I didn't go when I needed to go at certain spots. I was staying at his, like I said, I was staying at his end range, which was terrible. It's like one of the first things I learned in sparring, getting punched in the face over and over again at someone's end range is not good. And, uh, and I've done it plenty of times. So, um, yeah, there's just there, you know, I learned a lot. I learned a lot from this fight and, uh, you know, first, first real fight, uh, with lots of people watching, it wasn't like my first real fight
Starting point is 01:00:45 was some amateur fight in a basement in somewhere or whatever. A lot of people got to see it. They got to see, hey, this guy has a very small amount of training and no experience fighting live. These were the results. I can't really complain.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Like I said, I'm not upset with myself. Yes, could I have done some things differently and been better yes of course i could have but uh overall man the experience was something i'm never gonna forget uh someone said mo viller versus ricky gerrard i'd watch that oh yeah mo ricky gerrard's this guy um he he was uh took second place at the crossfit games a couple years ago. Third. And then he popped for steroids. Yeah. And so, like, he's a big dude, too.
Starting point is 01:01:34 He's probably, like, 185. But, Ryan, can we see a picture of Ricky? But the thing is, is, like, he's polarizing. Half of us, like, I love the guy. But half the community loves him. Another half hates him. And I understand why people hate him because he fucking popped for steroids. He cheated. But I community loves him. Another half hates him. People hate. And I understand why people hate him. Cause he fucking pot for steroids. He cheated,
Starting point is 01:01:47 but I just like him. I just like him. But, uh, that's funny that people with people want to see you beat up poor Ricky. I was like, I'll fight him. Get the pay-per-view going.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah. You did do good though. Like, so don't think I watched the fight and you did, you did very well for your first time. You were throwing a lot of combos. You were countering. You did do better than most people.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I appreciate it. So you should be prepared. If you trained again for another fight, I think you'll fix all those mistakes. You know what I mean? I think you got a lot of experience if you wanted to do that. You know what I mean? I don't think you're far off from being the fighter you think you could be i appreciate no no i appreciate those those comments yeah like you definitely i wanted to go out there and i
Starting point is 01:02:34 didn't want to look like an asshole you know i didn't want to look like um some guy who didn't train and so i put a lot of effort into it i put a lot of work i didn't it was all i focused on i cut back on lifting weights which was really hard to do. And yeah, I appreciate those words, man, coming from a real fighter, you know, because easily could have gone the other way where I looked stupid and, you know, made a mockery of it. But I tried to, I tried to go in there. And I tried to learn the actual art of boxing and not just like, I didn't want to just go in and look like a fight. I got like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:03:02 is this a street fight with gloves on? No, you're was way better than that somebody who come from a mixed market he was a world champion I couldn't take the time to learn what you did what could you have done better Mo? What could you have done better, Mo?
Starting point is 01:03:26 What could you have done? Just finish them. Just finish them. Yeah, I think I could have did the turn. I think I was landing a lot on my feet when I was on my feet. And then as it got close to the cage, I took them down. Because it was, like, too easy. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:46 Like, I felt like, because I'm really good at my combos punching. You know what I mean? And people don't think that because I'm a wrestler, especially when they get on a cage. Like, when we're not allowed to take down in practice, like, I can land a lot of combos. You know what I mean? But, like, in the fight, I was just, like, once I punched my way in, the tak know what I mean but like in the fight I was just like once I punched my
Starting point is 01:04:06 way in the takedown was just like there you know what I mean you just couldn't resist you're like this is too easy yeah I couldn't stop myself from like getting it you know what I mean like it's like putting a t-bone on the ground and not expecting a dog not to go eat it right
Starting point is 01:04:21 yeah like it was too easy like I get now i fought wrestlers before and i wasn't even thinking about the takedown you know what i mean so it is based on like who you fight that's why i want to face a wrestler you know what i mean or somebody who they think can like stop a takedown because i i don't know my body is just wired to like win so i i never heard that line before i love it man so i think of like uh and i took hella losses i ain't saying i'm the world's best but like i know i got a high iq in fighting you know what i mean so i know i know when to do certain things so like i think especially a performance show like that I could have uh kept it on her feet
Starting point is 01:05:07 because I had them hurt and then I should have to take that you know what I mean so like I definitely got the skills to to finish it uh I just didn't so I think I'm being more so uh I guess I don't want to say believing in my hands because i do believe in them but like i don't know i just got to get better uh that part however i can explain that it's like not going right away to the wrestling when i don't have to even though it's mma and i should be able to do what i want to do. You know what I mean? Win the fight, right? Like win the fight. That's your job. Yeah. All I need him is to put me to somebody who, who, who is well-rounded, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:55 Or take wrestling serious and don't, I'm not just going to give up a takedown. You know what I mean? Like, cause it's too easy that way. You know what I mean? Like if you make me stand up and show me that, uh, up a takedown you know what i mean like because it's too easy that way you know what i mean like if you make me stand up and show me that uh they can't do like i always can dictate where the fight takes place yeah you know what i mean yeah but i don't want to get away from that to please other people you know what i mean so like i am in a i don't know what to do with that yeah it's tough right it'd be like if someone held their hand head out there for you to knock it off and not taking it
Starting point is 01:06:31 right if you're a boxer it's like you're a wrestler and so if you see the the shot open the easy opening shot where you're going to take this guy down you're going to score points why wouldn't you do it it doesn't make any sense right yes they like making it too easy like brandon lewis made it too easy brandon lewis when he started his combos he would just charge in you know what i mean all i had to do was level 10 yeah like i didn't offensively shoot i don't even think that fight maybe yeah you've changed levels and there was yeah he just he just don't have the iq you know what i mean because that's not how you fight wrestlers just don't have the IQ. You know what I mean? Because that's not how you fight wrestlers. You don't just rush forward because the takedown is too easy. So if he wanted to stay on his feet, he got to be more patient.
Starting point is 01:07:14 You know what I mean? Mo, is the UFC door-to-door for the Contender Series? Meaning, do they pick you up at your house, take you to the airport, you fight, then you get back on the plane, there's a car waiting for you, and they drive you back and, like, with a spatula set you back in your house? Like, no. No, it's not like that. That's how I kind of picture it. Like, you just stand on your porch, and a driver comes and gets you and takes you.
Starting point is 01:07:39 No. You got to get yourself to the airport. Yeah, maybe when you actually get the contract. Right, okay. You got to get yourself to the airport. Yeah. Maybe when you actually get the contract. Right. Yeah. I drove myself to the airport. They did pick me up from the Vegas airport. Uh,
Starting point is 01:07:54 shuffle me to the hotel, shuffle me to the store. How about all the food there? Do they pay for all the food and all that while you're there? What? Right. Okay. They had some weighing bags. Like, all the food and all that while you're there? What? Food. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:07 They had some weigh-in bags. How about when you check into the hotel, do you have to give them your credit card to cover room service? Do they cover all that? No, they actually, they did give me a little stipend. They do?
Starting point is 01:08:17 For food to the grocery stores. Yeah, so they did do that. So I got to pick what I wanted. That's why I was so mad about my rehydration is because I did the shit. And I still felt like that. And I knew I was a little lazy on it. I wouldn't even say lazy.
Starting point is 01:08:38 I just wasn't mindful of it. Do you think it had something to do with um maybe nerves because of the how big the uh the you know what you're about to do that like i know that like that could definitely set me back right where like i'm thinking i'm nervous i'm anxious um so i'm not getting as much hydration as i should or however however you you know you think you should have done but um you think that that played a role yeah and i didn't and i was trying to like control you know what i mean so like i would just lay down and watch stay on social media watch fucking comedies and you know what i mean so like and more so resting and staying off my feet so i was i would like snack on shit like i was never like getting full and that's why
Starting point is 01:09:25 i'm so mad because the other processes i've been doing uh it was a schedule yeah but when i eat when i drink when i you know what i mean and that's the biggest i've been feeling you know what i mean so like that's why i'm mad is because. Yeah, the overstimulation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When I walked out, like, no nerves. You know what I mean? That's why I'm mad because, like, in the cage, I could see everything. I was calm. I wasn't tired.
Starting point is 01:09:58 You know what I mean? I was just low on energy. So I knew I had to, like, manage it in that type of fight you know what i mean but which also could cost me the contract you know what i mean and not finishing it you know what i mean but i wasn't about to lose that's one thing oh yeah i think in those scenarios i feel like in the big big events and obviously i've only done this one boxing but like in my crossfit career and everything in those big events right there's there's so much overstimulation and you were there for how many how many days in advance
Starting point is 01:10:29 like four yeah yeah i mean there's just you're just overstimulated because there's like so many people in your face and so many people wanting to talk to you um that yeah you're just like you're you're uh it feels like you have an electric wire running through your body that you can't turn off yeah that's exactly kind of what it was but i felt it before and i and i tried to like deal with it and i think i did a good job of dealing with it it's just uh well i was dealing with it but i wasn't eating you know what i mean yeah so like i never was full and that's why I'm disappointed in myself because how you cut all that weight and don't
Starting point is 01:11:10 get back normal you know what I mean that's all I had to do in my opinion to get the finish to feel confident and going for that finish you know what I mean and that it's just the confidence of going for the finish like know what i mean and that it's just the confidence of going for the
Starting point is 01:11:25 finish like well shit if i miss it and i know you can't really think like that if i am but uh shit i had to do what i had to do based off of how i was feeling yeah i'm not i'm not mad at myself because i know how good i am you know what i mean and i think that's how good i was good I am you know what I mean and I think that's how good I was yeah that the um the same thing for me when it came to the the boxing what you just said was like no nerves no nothing I was like I had nerves all morning um and uh the night before or whatever but the moment I started to walk out the walkout song came on the I had zero nerves I had zero nerves in the ring I had zero nerves like like the whole time it felt it felt really good I was actually i was i kind of thought that's how it would go because that's how my wrestling matches all used to go was um i'd have nerves all the way up until i
Starting point is 01:12:12 walked out on the mat and the moment i walked on the mat i was completely fine and that's exactly what happened like yeah exactly at that point i was like i'm like what do i have to be nervous about i'm in here now here we go let's let's let's fucking get after it and uh yeah i was actually excited about that and i felt really relaxed that first round and i didn't feel like i got like people kept saying oh the first round is going to feel like seven rounds and then it didn't it felt like one round and i felt good afterwards so i was actually stoked about that josh have you ever taken your kids to uh uh a jiu-jitsu tournament that they've had to compete in or boxing or anything like that wrestling they've wrestled wrestling yeah and do you remember your kids first wrestling tournament yes very much so and did you have nerves oh very much so yeah my nerves my nerves
Starting point is 01:12:54 for my kids when they were wrestling were worse than mine because i just took my kid my six-year-old to his first now he's been to two tournaments but his first tournament i took him to i had no idea i mean i don't deserve to be on a show with you two, but cause I'm just taking a six-year-old to a match, but I seriously, there was a chance I could have shit my pants. As my six-year-old walked out onto the floor, thousands of people there in Stockton, California, my stomach's like doing flip-flops and I'm like, I'm either going to throw up or I'm going to sharp my pants. Like something's not like this.
Starting point is 01:13:22 And I had no idea that was going to happen. I was totally calm until I started seeing him walk out onto the floor oh yeah watching someone i think is worse than actually doing it um like for me the when i watched when i watched my boys wrestle my nerves are like i'm on i'm so on edge like i will snap on you like in a second you know for me yeah so and i don't even know why i didn't even expect it it just came out of nowhere yeah man yeah you're invested right you're invested in your kids and you want your kids to do great and it's not even about it's not like you want them to do great you want them to do great for them right right so uh it's like you're just like ah you
Starting point is 01:14:03 know and you and you want to be able to like tell them what to do but that you have to let them figure it out in the moment there's themselves like figure out their how to fix situations and adapt and overcome it's and he lost his first two matches and i was so happy like it's like i don't think it would have mattered if he had won or lost i was so happy he did it yeah the next tournament he could just kick some ass exactly but but i was so happy i was like oh my god you did it just check the box like god damn it let's go yeah you know like exactly he knocked it out he actually he went on the floor most kids don't have the guts to do it
Starting point is 01:14:36 oh yeah he said he told me he told me 20 times he's not doing it and i just kept going yeah you don't got to do it as we just keep as we just keep walking towards the mat you know so like you don't got it my youngest son wouldn't go out on the mat his first match and uh i wasn't i i actually wasn't there for his very first match um i had i was uh out of town for work but um my my buddy dom who's like his coach he walked him out on the floor he's bawling And, um, and the ref's like, Hey man, we like, we got to get this going. We might have to just push this, like push this match to the next one. And, um, he's five at the time, right? Or four, he actually might even been four. And he goes, and my Dom looked at the referee goes, Hey, just blow the whistle
Starting point is 01:15:18 and he'll start wrestling. And the ref's like, what? He's like, just blow the whistle and he'll start wrestling. He, Dom is still holding his hand at the point. The ref blows the whistle to start the match. Immediately, he just turns and goes into his wrestling stance and, like, crushes it. And crushes the kid. Like, it was insane. It's insane. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And then after that, he was fine. Hello. How can I help you? Hello. Hello. I'm going to guess it's Castro. No. It's a telemarketer hello
Starting point is 01:15:46 hey this is a live podcast you're gonna say something or not they hung up jackasses he was nervous because he's on the podcast he knew he knew yeah he knew mo do you remember your first um wrestling match or what was what was the first like combat thing you did was it wrestling I feel like I did wrestling before Taekwondo I kind of started them at the same time but yeah I was excited I used to
Starting point is 01:16:16 love wrestling when I was a kid and I always wanted to my older brother wrestled in like middle school so I was in like youth so like just watching him uh i always wanted to like get out there so uh yeah i just remember being excited when i lost i would cry all the time uh literally i remember it's the easiest thing to know who's winning and it's the easiest thing to know who's winning and losing in little league wrestling or youth wrestling, because the winner isn't crying and the loser is crying.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Every Matt, every Matt. So it is. My kids haven't cried yet when they lose, but they may, their face contorts in the craziest contortions. It's like, I don't even recognize them.
Starting point is 01:17:02 They're just like, yeah, it's bad. It's tough, man. It's tough. Especially especially in a in a sport where it's like you're putting your hands on someone else yeah you know my my four year old um they just did their first tournament and he won his first match and then his second match he went out there and he was just one step behind the kid the whole time and so he comes off and we're going we're walking to the car and i go hey man i go that kid was just older than you i go that kid was just older and bigger than you like trying to make excuses for my son and he
Starting point is 01:17:33 looks at me he's four and he goes no and i go what do you mean no he goes that boy was faster than me oh it's like oh damn that was truth. That other kid was just too fast. I was like, well, good on him. At four, he just caught me calling. Look at that. Calling his dad out for trying to make him a victim, man. Yep. I was trying to pussify him.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Yep. Learned my lesson. So which one was it? Joseph or? Joseph. Joseph. Good dude. I have Mo Miller in my Google Alerts,
Starting point is 01:18:05 and I have Josh Bridges in my friend's super speed dial on my phone. I will keep all of you guys up to speed on what they're doing. The second we know Mo is having another fight, we will beg and text and bug him to try to drag him back on here. Thank you guys for coming on the show today. Ryan, thanks for showing us the clips. We shall talk soon, guys.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Thanks, Mo. Good job. Congratulations. Josh, congratulations. Pick on someone your own size next time, Josh. I know, right? Pick on his heavyweights.

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