The Sevan Podcast - #148 The News - James Hobart & Kate Gordon

Episode Date: September 22, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pandora, be love. What does be love mean to you? I definitely would say my be love role model is for sure my sister. Unconditional, infinite love. Something that is never ending, that you know is always there. Never questioned.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Never questioned. No matter if you fall off a cliff, she's there to catch you, you know? Be love. Shop now at Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news.
Starting point is 00:00:33 We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply hey um that's a line in a m&m song are your knees weak as well yeah yeah she's got it that song translates to australian kate
Starting point is 00:01:09 oh yeah definitely ladies and gentlemen welcome to the sebon podcast it's 8 p.m pacific standard time kate gordon from australia is on the show today along with james i don't see oh there he is along with james hobart coming in the nick of time and on the ones and twos we have matt souza owner of cross liver more and he has a he has a podcast where he reads journal articles from greg glassman's journal i think in his 20 podcasts, he has less views than we have current viewers. Is that true, Matt? Yes. Yes, I think I did.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I did a dozen of them. I read them verbatim and just made, I really thought it was important that those also had audio versions of them. Yeah, I've always wondered. Yeah. An audio version of the book would be so good exactly so i just started to do that because savannah was like hey if you think it's a great idea why don't you do it so i did and ironically i hate reading out loud it's like uh gives me anxiety just thinking about it so it took forever but i did it are we on youtube right now we are okay i Okay, I'm going to jump off, and I'm going to try to figure out. I don't know if I can share that photo. Keep trying.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Just keep trying. Hobart, please don't talk until it's your turn. Catherine, yeah, it is genius, adding Kate. I was actually looking for a dwarf Jewish black lesbian co-host, so that way if i said anything inappropriate she could put me in my place and but instead i were stuck with kate gordon i don't know if it's genius but the best we can do and and i have a thing for l1 trainers and so now there's two on the show and i think i'm cool as shit are your kids vaccinated at all? That is none of your
Starting point is 00:03:05 fucking business. No. They are not. My kids were born vaginally and were not given a bath for two to three months for no reason. We just didn't do it. And then they breastfed until they were 18 months. My kids hardly ever wear shoes unless they're playing tennis or skateboarding.
Starting point is 00:03:21 In their other sports, jiu-jitsu, they don't wear shoes or they don't wear shoes and they do CrossFit. Hobart. Good to see you, dude. Fuck four, three, four shows.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Are you cool? I invited Kate Gordon. You know who she is? I do know. Yes. You cool with her being here? Absolutely. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:03:40 She's going to try to keep, she's going to try to keep us honest. We need more of that. And it's mostly, I just, going to try to keep us honest. We need more of that. And it's mostly, I just, I need backup for keeping you honest. Are you on the text thread with Kate's on that we were working before the show?
Starting point is 00:03:54 I don't know. I think so. Yeah. I'm upset that you don't know that answer to that question. And, um, Oh shit. Catherine is a black dwarf lesbian.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Are you Jewish? That's only three of the four i need a jew uh i the reason why i ask is because um uh hobart uh suza sent out a text and said 53 minutes till the show starts and kate's made the inside joke of well shit i'm grocery shopping you know referring to daniel Daniel Brandon last week was grocery shopping. Were you on that thread? Yeah, I was.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, that was good. I like that. The show is still going people. We're just, we're just having a moment of silence. Your joke made me sneeze. So I had to mute my mic.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Dude, you don't have to mute your mic what is that it's matt suza listening to like probably like queuing on shit in the background he forgot to mute his mic didn't that sound like oh it was me i'm trying to find out where you find the comments on YouTube. Okay, so open another window, Kate. Yeah. And go to the Sevan. Just type in the Sevan podcast and then click on it.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And then you can click on the most recent show. It should have a picture of you and Hobart. You know what's crazy is like, so when I pick those pictures of you and Hobart to advertise the show, it's like, I have no problem picking one like that exploits Hobart's body. Like, you know, like with a kettlebell over his head with his shirt off and his pants, like slipping low enough to where you see if some pubes and that, but like, I, I struggle doing that to you. Like I wanted to do that to you. I wanted to use that one where you're wearing the jeans. Yeah. But I just, I just couldn't, I forget which one the jeans yeah but i just i just couldn't i forget which one i chose but like i just couldn't i just couldn't exploit you the way i could hobart maybe as time
Starting point is 00:05:51 goes on i'll objectify you i'll know that i'll know like our relationships leveled up when you start exploiting my social media photos yes yes when i start using your body the way I use Hobart's body. It's not a relationship anyone wants. We have the phone number at the top. Normally the show would be at 6 o'clock. Like I said, both James and Kate are part of the CrossFit L1 team. Probably one of the most profound two days of my entire life. It's changed my life ever since I took that course. And I have no reason to say that.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I don't make any money from that. I have no, I actually have a chip to grind with, chip, a chip to grind with CrossFit, but there's no doubt CrossFit Level 1 course is the greatest two days you can spend of your life. If you haven't taken it, go take it. Anyway, so Hobart was doing the CrossFit level one this weekend, Saturday and Sunday.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Where were you Hobart? I was in Fort Worth, Texas at CrossFit eight one seven. And, and, and the, the funny part of Kate saying she was at the grocery store is Kate lives in Australia where you're not allowed to go to the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Here we go. No, it's the one thing we can do. We, we've got four reasons to leave and getting food is one of the four reasons. What are the other three? I asked first. You can get food.
Starting point is 00:07:11 You can go and provide care. So, like, if you're a caregiver, you can provide care. You can exercise for up to two hours a day. And then I think the other ones, if you're, like, an emergency worker, you can provide emergency services. I thought boning, I thought when I talked to you last week, I thought when I talked to you last week, boning was one of the reasons. I was waiting for you to say that, Siobhan. Or is that care? Is that care? It's called your bonk buddy.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Yeah. So you can leave your house, you can go and travel outside of your bubble to visit an intimate partner. So that's five reasons. Yeah, it doesn't really make a lot of sense. Also, the bottle shops are still open and have been open this entire time. So if you want to go and get drunk, you can still do that. Did you see that they were giving, I forget which organization was, but it was out of the UK.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And when the pandemic first started, they actually said that you should only be having sex in positions where your partner's face isn't facing you. And they gave a list of positions and it was like serious it was like i was like wow did you see that viral video that came out australia it was like the whole get on the beers video i'm sure you saw it came yeah it's been playing on our radios like there's a song get on the beers what is it there was a i don't know which local politician but there was a a local politician made this i don't know statement allowed to go out to the pub with your mates and get on the beers and somebody took this and like remixed
Starting point is 00:08:38 into a song and it was like it became like a popular song kate knows and i shouldn't i should just shut up kate should probably describe it. It was our guy as well in Melbourne, Mr. Dan Andrews. He's the one who was like, you guys can't go out and get on the biz. And then everyone was like, get on the biz. Get on the biz. Australia. Okay, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Susan, were you able to show that picture of that old lady and myself? I shouldn't call her an old lady. She probably same age as me i have my arm around her try but i haven't been able to get it get it to work yet but i do have pulled up and get on the bios hold on let me uh let me try you know ryan would have had that picture of that old lady up be nice just saying he's young uh so i was at the skate park today and um at at i went there early this morning it's beautiful hot day here and i live in an area where you know like if you go down to the beach no one's wearing a mask but if you just go inland like i don't know half a mile everyone's wearing masks And like any store you go into coffee shop, everyone's wearing masks and it's all theatrics,
Starting point is 00:09:48 right? Like they go in and they put them on. And then the second they sit down, they take them off. The whole thing is so bizarre, but I don't play that game. I don't wear the mask or nothing. So I'm in the skate park today and I'm in there with my three kids. And this lady walks in and she walks in with these two kids. And it's a, it's a beautiful lady. She looks like a throwback from the fifties. She's like 35 years old, really short curly hair, like a fro. And she's wearing these jean shorts and then with her shirt kind of tied up with her shirt kind of tied up. You know how girls do that? Like they tie like their shirt and a knot at the bottom, like, like,
Starting point is 00:10:19 and they should have like straw in their mouth. No. Can you show me? I've never seen that. No, I'll not show you. Oh, there it is. Yes. Look, he's showing it on his phone. Oh, I like that. It's low tech, but it works. So, so she's in there and she's with her two kids and they're, they're in there and I'm talking to her. And then this lady walks in and this lady walks in and she starts walking straight towards me. She's dressed very nice. She's probably, I don't know, 70 or 80, beautiful hair. I'm very well-dressed, stylish. And she walks right towards me and she starts to put her hands out. So I put my hands out and we hug and we embrace. And as she pulls away, I said, ma'am,
Starting point is 00:10:58 do I know you? And she said, I know everybody. And then the lady that I was with or who was in the park, who'd come into the park, who I chatted with, who had two kids there, the one I told you looked like a throwback from the fifties with the short curly hair and the jean shorts and the two kids. She goes, that's my grandmother. I go, that's your grandmother. And she goes, yeah. And she goes, those are her great grandkids. And so like, I sit down and I just talk with them. And then a bunch of their other friends show up with roller skates and I'm hanging out there and I'm just like wow like like the universe knows like they sent someone over here to hug me to reassure me that like hey there are still some cool people like she came in
Starting point is 00:11:36 with no mask she was 80 years old it was just cool it was a it was a I, I felt, I felt the universe talking to me. Strangers hugging me, old strangers. And she told me my beard looked amazing. I'm disappointed you didn't react with a Tony Blower spear. Huh. I reacted with a Kate Gordon. I acted with a Kate Gordon, are you married? Are you in an open relationship?
Starting point is 00:12:05 And then sent a picture to my wife and be like, can I bring her home? She probably was, to be honest. No, I'm monogamous. She sounds like the kind of granny who would be. Who would come home with me? Yeah. I think so too. I think my wife would have approved of her too. I actually, so then I said, Hey, can I take a picture of you? She goes, why would you want a picture of me? I go, I want to show my wife that there's still like humanity, that there's like, holy shit. It's not just me. That's just out here. Barefooted dirt twirling hippie wanting to love on everyone. There's other, there's other, there's other wackadoodles. Yeah. What, what is the barefoot thing? Why don't your kids wear shoes? yeah what what is the barefoot thing why don't your kids wear shoes i i i was in i was i was living in santa barbara and um there was this time i misplaced my shoes and i just stopped wearing shoes and then somewhere along the line i realized holy shit
Starting point is 00:12:56 people just put on shoes because they're tools not shoes or tools because they are tools but people put on shoe uh-oh we're gonna get a season why do you wear shoes why do you put on shoes well it's funny you say this my my wife's cassandra has been like working out barefoot and she like says her feet feel so much better and she's like wears shoes way less than maybe when she mows the lawn sometimes but she wears shoes like way less than she ever has she really likes it i would never let my wife mow the lawn i'd go out there and beat the shit out of her if she did that why would you do that i don't know i just said that it's terrible to be uh from new burn north carolina
Starting point is 00:13:40 you're live with kate gordon and and James Hobart on the Sebon Podcast. Uh-oh, uh-oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. That first call, it's always a little rough. Hey, you're on. Hey. Hey. Is my audio coming through clear? Yeah, you're not stoned, are you? Had too many stoners on the show. No, I was going to make
Starting point is 00:14:02 sure that that came across. I'm not a stoner. Okay. I'm not a stoner. i'm not a stoner it's just late here and uh 11 o'clock in greenville north carolina oh that's is that home of uh jason hopper no he's greenville south carolina no shit you're in greenville north carolina and jason hopper's Greenville, South Carolina? Yeah, I know. If he was North Carolina, I wanted to see him, but no, he's South Carolina. Wow. Kate lives too far away from you to date you. What's your next question? But Hobart will date you.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I'm married with a three-year-old, yeah. No, Phil, I've been drinking the Kool-Aid. Yeah uh i've been drinking the kool-aid yeah i've been i've been drinking the kool-aid uh appreciate everything you share but my my question now is do you have an eta for greg glassman coming on the show i do i i um you know someone i just spoke to him the other day he called the other day during the show and like i told him i was on the podcast and he called back again. And I'm like, Hey dude, if you do keep doing that, I'm just going to patch you in. And, uh, so then I talked to him later and I said, Hey, you should just call in one day and I'll patch you in. He said, sure. But I think the truth is, I think there's some reasons why he wants to wait till January 1st.
Starting point is 00:15:21 You can come up. It's pretty obvious why. And then also, I was also, someone had the idea of having him come on on the 200th show. And I thought that was kind of cute to have him on the 200th show. Yeah, that'd be pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yeah. But thanks for your question. Anything else? No, man. I love what you do. Thank you. And thanks for calling in. Anything else? No, man. I love what you do. Thank you. And thanks for calling in. It makes like our show real.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yeah. I was scared to be the first one tonight, but I figured it might help maybe start up. Yeah, I agree. Everyone, everyone's scared. Like you're scared. Then Kate's the next most scared. Then Hobart.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And then me. I'm the least scared. I'm usually the most scared, but I'm relying on these guys today. Yeah, but butterflies are good though, right? I mean, if you weren't nervous, you wouldn't care. You gotta
Starting point is 00:16:13 lean into that stuff. Is that true, Kate? Yes. Yeah, I want to hear Kate's thoughts on that. Kate's taking Laura horvath's position yes no yeah yeah nah i'll just give you this like typical australian new zealand just response to everything yeah nah yeah nah all right brother thank you for calling
Starting point is 00:16:40 uh greg will be on by jan 1, I hope. I appreciate it. Jan 2 is actually more realistic. Okay, Hobart, let's do this. All right, here we go. You ready to start? I am. We've got a lot of news to go through. We're going to start off with a little just mixed bag, soggy sales here. So I guess the Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD,
Starting point is 00:17:05 buys up a lot of foreclosed houses that are undesirable. So this is an issue where HUD is buying up a lot of houses that are in flood zones. Now, one of the big issues behind it is that I don't think they're being very clear in disclosing all of the issues, necessary insurance, potential for future floods to new homebuyers. And one of the other big issues attached to that is a lot of the new – I don't know why I'm laughing. This is not funny. A lot of the new homebuyers come from lower income levels, working class jobs, things like that. So they don't necessarily have a lot of resources to manage or deal with things after the flood happens if they didn't have
Starting point is 00:17:49 insurance, so on and so forth. So one expert said they worry that HUD appears to be inadvertently concentrating marginalized people in risky areas and setting families up for big financial losses down the road. So don't buy a house from the U.S. government. So the U.S. government's buying homes and supposedly they are being foreclosed on or something and they know that they're in flood zones and then they're reselling them without telling people? Well, it's not as simple as they're not retelling people, but I don't think they don't have really any specific obligations to disclose all of the necessary future issues, the specific percentage of the flood risk, all the necessary insurance that somebody might need if they move into that area. They're not buying up a ton of homes, but I think in the last three years, they sold nearly 100,000 homes around the country. But it's clear that the buyers get less information about flood risk than if you were buying.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I call it bullshit. Our government would never, ever do that. I figured you'd say that. That's a lie. And more so, they would never do that in Australia because their government really cares about people. Here we go. I don't think anyone's obligated to tell you any information about the house. You just buy it and you fucking apply as risk.
Starting point is 00:19:09 They've got to have some laws. My wife dealt with all that stuff. Yeah, look how safe Australia is. They didn't even let anyone on the street. Well. You just got to look up the riots happening in Melbourne right now with the tradies. What are tradies? Okay, tradies are like trade workers.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So like builders and anyone who like works on construction sites. And yesterday or sorry, not yesterday, Sunday, we had our roadmap delivered to us to take us out of lockdown and back to normal life. Oh, yeah, i heard that it was it was not a great roadmap and so come yesterday what was yesterday monday in australia uh all of the tradies decided that they weren't going to put up with the the plan of if you're not vaccinated by the end of the week you're not working so a whole lot of them went on strike showed up at the doors of their um of their union so they're like representatives who's basically in bed with the government and we're like no fuck you guys um so there was just like a big outbreak it got super
Starting point is 00:20:15 violent and then what they came back with the like the solution for this was okay we're shutting down all construction sites for two weeks starting today. So it's like, just from one stream to another, and they've just shut down construction for two weeks. So now, not only did they have a whole lot of people turning up, basically making a choice to take the day off work to go on strike,
Starting point is 00:20:37 now no one's even working. They've literally got nothing left to lose, and they've just released these very angry tradies out onto melbourne and they're all walking the streets at the moment like just going nuts it's it's it's incredible because if i heard if i heard that um that correctly what what what i forget the guy's name one of the leaders of one of the states there. What he basically said is on December 11th, they were basically going, they know that there'll be at 80% vaccinated and that they're going to open up regardless. It's just time to open, he says. But the problem is, is that the, we already
Starting point is 00:21:16 know that that, that the medicine those people are taking is not going to work. And so the whole point of your lockdowns was to protect people, but we're seeing all over the world that the medicine is not working because the disease is making some moves right and so it's just crazy what are you guys gonna when you guys open again it's just it means that the last two years that you guys have been closed has been pointless because you're gonna open and everyone's gonna get sick i can't wait till this the people in new zealand are so goddamn cocky i can't wait till this, the people in New Zealand are so goddamn cocky. I can't wait till this thing just runs rampant there too. Just fucking like turns into Mississippi over there. Yeah. Everyone's kind of fucked.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Everyone's fucking themselves in Australia, New Zealand, the lockdown. I think I'm making things worse than what they've done. And so at least, no, no, no, you know, they are, you know, they are, you don't think, you know, they're in Melbourne. I've predicted like the worst possible scenario. So they're predicting for like't think. You know they are. In Melbourne, I've predicted the worst possible scenario. So they're predicting for something like over 2,000 deaths in January. And so the whole plan is to try and prevent or mitigate that. But the predictions are, as I said, they're kind of the worst possible outcome.
Starting point is 00:22:18 So they've taken the most pessimistic view, meaning that they're going to keep people locked down for as long as possible based on the worst possible outcome when that may not actually happen. Therefore, they're keeping people out of work. They're shutting businesses down. And what they've done with, for gyms, for example, gyms have been closed for almost 250 days. It'll be 250 days by about the time that we get to 80% fully vaccinated. And what they're saying is that there's going to be a limit on the number of people that can come back to gyms
Starting point is 00:22:46 and they must be fully vaccinated. So it's like gym members or gym owners who have had to have their doors closed for 250 days will now have to turn away clients that are not vaccinated. Like, they just turn away that income. I'm like, it's fucking not going to happen. Like, I don't know who's going to mandate that because unless there's like a government official in every gym,
Starting point is 00:23:06 it's not happening. Like, I don't know who's going to mandate that because unless there's like a government official in every gym, it's not happening. God, it's nuts. The CDC just released today that one out of every 500,000 children of the age of six who gets this thing dies. One of every 500,000. So it's probably a six-year-old like with leukemia or something. Hey, that's the only stat I need to know that the whole thing is bullshit like i don't care about any other stat i really don't i don't care if it kills 100 of people who are 47 years old i don't care if it's only killing one out of every 500,000 six-year-olds i'm good to go you fucking idiots it's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And you know why it's only six-year-olds, because six-year-olds aren't fat yet. That's changing. Dude, I saw a stat. 52% of the kids, this can't be right, but I read it yesterday. 52% of the kids under the age of 18 in Chile are obese.
Starting point is 00:23:59 In Chile. I would have never thought that. Chile. That's the skinny country down below us. Like way below us, Kate, in case you didn't know. It's like way down there. I know where Chile is. Kate knows where Chile is.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I know. I know where it is. Australians are always good with geography. Yeah. I think it's just that Americans are kind of bad with geography. Yeah, I was going to say, Americans are just idiots when it comes to... What? There's something outside of my state? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:24:28 The last time this person called, they got... Hello. You're with James Hobart and Kate Gordon. How may I help you? Well, I'm just sitting here listening to you guys talking about COVID. And I'm from Canada. Uh-oh. And we just voted in the same prime minister again today.
Starting point is 00:24:48 What? Who's men mandating all this stuff. Yeah. We actually had a choice, man. That Trudeau guy got reelected today. He is reelected today, man. It's a minority, but I am just crushed. I don't know what we're going to do out here now. Boy, that speech he gave a couple of days ago that's going viral is terrifying. Oh, I know. I know. He was basically saying that they're going to, the people who, the blacks are going to sit in
Starting point is 00:25:21 one area, the Jews are going to sit in the other area, and the whites are going to sit in the other area. I'm being a little glib, but they're going to have seating in restaurants. Everything's going to be separated between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Everything's separated. It's crazy. They're going to load up. It's nuts. Jews in this door, non-Jews in this door.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I mean, it is so obvious. It is so fucking crazy. I can't even believe it's nuts. Jews in this door, non-Jews in this door. I mean, it is so obvious. It is so fucking crazy. I can't even believe it's our life. I can't believe this is happening in 2021. Oh man, I'm just, I'm, I'm just beside myself. I,
Starting point is 00:25:55 I really thought Canada was better than this. And, um, yeah, man, it's crushing tonight. People are, people are going to be crushed. There's going to be, I mean, he's a tyrant, man. He's crushing tonight. People are going to be crushed.
Starting point is 00:26:05 There's going to be, I mean, he's a tyrant, man. He's just an unbelievable human being that should not be in power. What's crazy is he's not even really like a full male. He's not even like a full male, which is kind of, it's a trip that he's a tyrant like that. Like you would picture him to be like some, I don't know. Well, tyrant really isn't a good word but he's really screwing over the canadian people man like we're we're gonna be like australia probably times some because it's it's gonna be so the stuff he's saying i honestly
Starting point is 00:26:39 cannot believe that he's voted and i just i it's i'm beside myself but i want you guys to have a show and i hope this doesn't get canceled. So I'll let you guys go. Hey, I want to just say one thing to you, just so you know, this might make you feel better. Americans have always had an inferiority complex when it comes to Canadians and Australians. We've always thought you're cooler than us. That is no longer true. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I don't know. You're welcome for that. Okay. Hobart, no more. That story wasn't even about covid and we got no dogs or some shit well i just i'm still stuck on the fact that i forget that in australia there's nicknames i really you okay have you met lachlan mcgonigal he works on level one seminar staff from as well he's also from melbourne and um melbs as he always calls it but they have nicknames for like everything and i was like if you referred to like working class people as tradies in the united states i feel like i'd be locked up for that canceled canceled i'd be done but anyway i was like tradie i was like oh my god it sounds terrible
Starting point is 00:27:41 see that's why she's on the show she can slick. She's already blurring the line like tradies. Yeah, I'll say that and I'll just be like, my Instagram will be deleted when I get off this podcast. I was actually going to talk about the election, but there you go because their voting was today and Trudeau's back in. Okay. Volcano in Spain.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Well, not really in Spain. It's in the Canary Islands. The Cumbra Vieja volcano on Spain's La Palma Island is continuing to expel molten lava and ash after erupting on Sunday and is likely to do so for days. Again, I don't know why I'm laughing. It's not funny for anyone there. The president of the Canary Islands regional government warned this on
Starting point is 00:28:21 Monday. It's going to continue for the rest of the week. It's about, it's off the coast of Western Sahara, Morocco, and the Canary Islands. The last major eruption was 50 years ago leading up to this one. I guess the reason I'm laughing is you just can't mess with nature. The Canary Islands Volcanology Institute wrote in a statement on Facebook that there have been more than 25,000 earthquakes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Also, lava is about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. So the officials have warned the local residents to keep their distance from the eruption. Which island? I believe it is Spain's La Palma Island. It's down in the Canary Islands. It should be just off. You go like due west from western sahara and morocco i went to morocco i've been out to the canary islands i
Starting point is 00:29:11 went of course you have the one that's called tenerife was there a volcano there no but the beaches suck as i recall the beaches are basically just volcanic rock look at look at that thing have you been kate no i don't know if I'll go now. Wow. I think it's actually Africa, right? I think the Canary Islands are considered Africa. Well, I mean, it seems much closer where this island is to Africa than Spain, but I'm not a seaman.
Starting point is 00:29:39 So are people leaving? Yeah, I think they've evacuated about 5,000 people so far. I think they said something like there are 80,000 people yeah i think they've evacuated about 5 000 people so far i think there was they said something like uh there are 80 000 people on the island but i don't know if they're evacuating everyone which is really interesting because when i see volcano i'd be as far away from that if i could be as far away from that that island as humanly possible hobart is there always a volcano erupting somewhere on earth is that like just something that's always happening somewhere i'm gonna say yes and especially because of underwater volcanoes so i hope somebody out there has some marine or geol tech would it be geology knowledge geological knowledge
Starting point is 00:30:14 i'm gonna say yes always there's somewhere on earth there's always a volcano active and erupting it's that's awesome we need somebody to call it no no don't call in with information don't call it right in the comments don't call i need the volcanologist to get in here good one i like a volcano story i am disappointed you went to cnn but i'm gonna cut you some slack yeah thank you all right next. Fuck bees. Yes. This is my volcanologist right here. Conway, Arkansas, AR.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Definitely someone who knows about volcanoes. Conway, Arkansas. Holy, look at that stat. Kate Gordon and James Hobart. What's up? Hey, what's up? Are you a volcanologist? My name's Connor.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I just wanted to call in. I have been listening to you for like the last two months or so and you've really inspired me to stop eating sugar and have lost a decent amount of weight, honestly. So, um, yeah, I just wanted to let you know, uh, really affected my life. The news is officially over. This is now a show about sugar and weight loss. Tell me more, tell me more. How,
Starting point is 00:31:41 how fucking hard was it that first week of giving up sugar? Have you given it up completely um just about my wife and i will still eat fruit but besides that we're not eating sugar wait what do you guys eat this so high sugar like what's your treat uh just like some fruit but that's about it yeah yeah yeah yeah but you're not doing like haagen-dazs at night before you go to bed or none of that shit? No, no. Wow, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, man, it's been good. But like the first maybe couple days were tough, but besides that, it really wasn't. But now I just feel like I've got so much more control over my appetite. I always felt like I was overeating, and man, now I just feel so much more control over my appetite. I always felt like I was overeating. And, man, now I just feel so much better. That's one of the things that people don't understand. Like, I'll hear people who I respect, and I'd like to have her on the show, Steph Cohen. But you have these people like Steffi Cohen who are just incredibly fucking disciplined.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And they're like, hey, eating a little bit of sugar is okay. Or they talk about, hey, as long as you're in caloric deficit, you'll lose weight. And they talk about it like what they're like hey eating a little bit of sugar is okay or they talk about hey as long as you're in caloric deficit you'll lose weight and they talk about it like like what they're saying is true but what they don't realize is that there's a ton of us out there who basically the second we stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates that's enough for us everything else is just kind of like you said like you stop overeating you're not you don't just sit down and eat a box of Ritz crackers anymore. You don't need a pound M&Ms anymore. You don't drink from, you don't, instead of chain smoke, chain drink Coca-Colas.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And that basically for us, we have to stop that. And then basically the protein and fat, we can just go buck wild on it and we're satiated. Yeah, you said it really well. Once you stop eating that added sugar, a lot of that other shit just kind of falls into place. It's really cool. I'm so stoked for you, man. Have you taken your CrossFit L1 yet? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:33:34 How old are you? I'm 24. Oh, you got plenty of time. I found that shit when I was 34. But dude, you'll be so stoked. Don't feel like you need... Are you doing CrossFit? Sort of. shit when I was 34, but dude, it's you, you'll be so stoked. Don't feel like you need, are you doing CrossFit? Um, sort of, I do it kind of on my own, not really at a gym. Yeah, me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I tell people I do it, but really I just ride the assault bike a lot, but I'm okay with that. Um, uh, if you get a chance, don't feel like you need to, I know it's not cheap, although they haven't raised the price in 10 years. Don't feel like you need any CrossFit experience to go there. Like if one rolls into town, like I would even write them a letter and see if you get one for free. I don't think they do that, but it's like that good like that. And yeah, congratulations. You don't know how stoked I am to hear that. It is really the – all of the other things that people complain about like high cholesterol, salt's bad for you, just all this other nonsense shit will go away
Starting point is 00:34:28 once you remove added sugar. Eating sugar basically makes it so the rest of the system can't operate properly. It's like putting peanut butter in your gas tank of your automobile. As soon as you stop doing that. And hey, if you're doing that at 24, be compassionate with yourself.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Maybe you'll fuck up and have a few year run, but now, you know, and you're really going to need that power and that knowledge when you're in your forties. I'm telling you Hobart and Kate don't know. They don't know. They know a lot. They know a lot more than me, but they don't know about the 40 thing. Do you feel like, um, do you feel like your taste has changed? I think something that's really cool that happens when you cut out a lot of that stuff is like you just acquire a different taste for food because you get adjusted to eating whole foods again. Yeah, I mean, I feel that for sure. Like I just, I don't crave necessarily the same things. It's easier to just eat stuff that I know is not going to be poisonous to my body. eat stuff that i know is not going to be poisonous to my body so i mean it's just easier to there's a really good um ted talk by a guy called doug doug kyle called the pleasure trap go and
Starting point is 00:35:35 watch the pleasure trap he talks about the way that your tastes change when you cut out sugar and you cut out that shit and it's fucking cool because you realize that like you know you can acquire a taste throughout your whole life right and it's like why some kids eat like veggies like savann's kids and some other kids eat ice cream all the time because they've acquired a different taste for food um and the pleasure trap talks about the trap of food that has shit like sugar in it and it's a trap because you become adjusted to that and that becomes normal and so when you remove it other food is fucking bland and shit but after a period of time it becomes really delicious and satiating and it's like you can eat meat and veg and you're quite happy with it and suddenly you realize how
Starting point is 00:36:16 sweet food is right that's got the sugar in it it's such a great it's a he's a really funny guy too all right i'll check it out hey how much weight have you lost well i'm not even i'm not really tracking it but i i can i can just tell my clothes are looser to be honest with you oh isn't that so nice what were you gonna say hobart for sure you're gonna say how a genius it was to have kate gordon on the show i was actually just gonna say that yeah because I was just gonna say something stupid and then Kate rolls in with this beautiful recommendation about a TED talk to just reprogram your taste buds and I was just gonna yeah I was gonna say like I love cucumbers or something like that hey you're 24 and you're married already? Yeah, I got married three years ago, 21.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Oh, wow. And do you have kids? No, no kids yet. Are you in an open relationship? No, no, I'm not. And can you tell me your name? My name's Connor. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Conley, Arkansas. That's right. And by the way, my life has barely changed since COVID started in Arkansas. There's been zero lockdown here. Yeah, that's awesome. Good on Arkansas. It's the kind of state that I was raised
Starting point is 00:37:36 in Berkeley, California, making fun of all you fuckers, and now look at you guys. Look at you guys. No lockdowns there. Hey, Connor, would you do me a favor and just stay in touch with me and let me know how it goes, the good, the bad, and the ugly? If I lose my Instagram account, do it through the podcast or something else. Please.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I'd love to. I'm listening every day for sure. Cool. All right, brother. Thank you so much for sharing that story. That's sweet. Yeah, I appreciate it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I'm going to sleep well tonight, even drinking good dudes at 8.30 p.m. Just for the record, I also wanted to make a joke about the pleasure trap. Yeah. Damn. Yeah, tell me. No, we're moving on. We're going to talk about bees. I'm proud of you, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:38:20 That's really going out on a limb for you to just juxtapose those words together. Pleasure trap. You're good. You're loosening up three shows in you're the right. Well now, cause like Kate clearly is going to like usurp this position of the intellectual on the show. I got to, I got to, I'm just going to spiral it just into comic relief. Um, God, I can't believe there's no one else in this space. What are you fuckers doing oh what's this this was not okay this is sad 60 penguins were killed by a swarm of bees on a beach
Starting point is 00:38:54 near cape town south africa i guess the bees don't sting unless provoked so the penguins started shit they lost um the scientists are working on an assumption that a nester hive in the area was disturbed and caused a mass a mass how many bees do you need to kill 60 penguins massive bees to flee the nest swarm and became aggressive i would say so nikki stander this is an amazing story i hope it's true i mean i don't hope it's true because i'd hope that many penguins weren't killed because they're much more adorable than bees but yeah i hope it's true so so when i think of penguins i don't think of bees being in the same habitat don't bees need like flowers and penguins are like where there's no even no plant life i don't know wow and and don't penguins like it isn't that like a thick coat they have that protects them from the winter cold yeah i think they have like thicker skin and maybe i don't
Starting point is 00:39:52 think do penguins have blubber more fat content like i really i'm not a volcanologist or a penguinologist but um yeah it's a pretty sad story That's the best story you've ever... I know. That's the best story you've done. Is this our third episode of the news? I think third. No, this was four. Four?
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah. All right. But it's just a reminder. You just can't mess with nature. That's what that is. The last two stories are just like, at the end of the day... Hey, I would have paid.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That's a pay-per-view event. If someone would have had a camera there and live. Bees versus penguins, 1099. Yeah. 10,000 bees just. Oh, my God. All those are alive. I thought they were all dead.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Just the carnage. Just people just laughing and taking pictures, you know. That's devastating. Kate took my level one. She became my celebrity crush as soon as, wait, as soon as he spoke in the seminar. I think Kate's a she. I think he just misspelled.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Oh, if I didn't have a bright red mullet, maybe I would have told her. Oh, yeah, yeah, he just misspelled. Do you remember a guy his name's flanny with a is that an irish name mullet it could be a nickname we're in australia remember flanny could be anything so as soon as she opened her mouth that's when your crush started that's awesome it's a pleasure trap that was so good okay good roll roll hobart all right slacklining in france french daredevil nathan pollen completed a 2100 foot slackline walk 200 feet above the seine river on saturday
Starting point is 00:41:40 walk began on the first floor of the eiffel Tower and finished at the Theater National de Chalot. Paulin, 27, at some points laid down and sat on the slack line. Longest high line crossing the city. And he's done this before. He holds 10 world records. It was just really amazing. I was hoping Matt would pull up some pictures and that would let us show him because it just looks beautiful and super cool and terrifying how how long is that slackline 2100 feet god where do you even find a slackline that's 2100 feet long i don't know i think he did it like he's wearing like jeans and like i don't know it's just crazy to me is that like he has an ipod or there's like headphones he has like hanging on his eyes?
Starting point is 00:42:26 It looks like he's just out for a walk on the street. He looks so French. So French. It's perfect. Hey, if that shirt would have been red, it could have been Where's Waldo. He should have had that shirt red and white. That's nuts. Hey, did you ever see that documentary about the guy who...
Starting point is 00:42:44 Oh, not hot well what was that called he crossed the world trade center yeah i'm just trying to remember what that was called but yes man that's a great movie that if you haven't seen that documentary you should see it someone will write it in the comments it's about a guy who basically him and his team put a line from one trade center building to the other, and he walks across it. And he did no safety harness, right? There was no... Yeah, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:43:11 That's wild. It's a good movie. He was in a dentist's office getting ready to see the dentist, and he opened up a magazine, and it said somewhere in the United States they were going to build the two tallest buildings in the world. a magazine and it said hey in someone in the united states they were going to build the two tallest buildings in the world and he he took the magazine stole the magazine ran out of the dentist office and made it his lifelong goal to walk across the two buildings and they did it illegally man on wire oh is that what it is man on wire philippe petite yeah yeah that's nuts those buildings are no longer there. Next story.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Ready for some CrossFit news? Oh, yes. All right, Thunder from Down Under. Nine athletes eligible to compete in the CrossFit events after serving doping bans from 2017 have been announced. One of them, Ricky Garrard, who was stripped from his title after testing positive for Test Alone, an Endura ball, and a sample taken after the CrossFit Games in 2017. He finished third. He'll be eligible to compete in the CrossFit Games competitions again on October 3rd,
Starting point is 00:44:19 and I believe he'll be out competing in the Dubai Championships. Who are the others? Do you know who the other six are? So there are eight. That's a long list of athletes. I don't think any of them with his type of, you know, horsepower or star power from the games. Are any of them coming back?
Starting point is 00:44:38 The article didn't really mention that. So sad. And have you trained? Wait, Kate's in Australia and this guy's australian okay yes kate have you ever trained with ricky no his uh brother did my level one though i've met him a couple times benny um yeah but uh i think he's gonna i think he's gonna come back and do some damage we'll see oh good good i've been begging him to be on the podcast you know what i need to offer him the pleasure trap i need to up my game
Starting point is 00:45:12 i think he's he did he's been very he's been very responsive he did say he's going to come on i think it's um i find it humorous how polarizing he is like i understand like if like why patrick velner might be pissed at him. You know what I mean? Because, like, Patrick could have spit God on the podium and, like, didn't get that chance. But, like, the rest of us, it's like, dude, come on, man. Let the guy, like, be cool. Be fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah, he's fine. I know, I know, but whatever. Hey, what do you think about this? Hunter McIntyre, do you know who Hunter McIntyre is? Do you guys know who he is? Mm-hmm. Do you know who Hunter McIntyre is? Do you guys know who he is? Mm-hmm. Do you know who he is, Hobart? Is he the hunt?
Starting point is 00:45:52 He's the guy who got invited to the games. Yeah, the wild card. Yeah, wild card. Yeah, so I had him on the podcast, and I really actually liked him. And I really did not want to like him. But he actually, and it really did not want to like him, but I, he, he actually, um, and it's not like he was trying. It's not like he's like nice, but I, but I really like him anyway. And so we got into it on the show at the end of the show that he's basically
Starting point is 00:46:15 saying that CrossFit is like inundated with steroids. And I'm like, yo, eat a dick. There's no steroids in it. And so like when articles like this come out this morning i get an i get a link to this article and he goes oh your beloved um noble people you know and he writes me a text basically saying like throwing this in my face and i'm like hey like and i don't really have a comeback i'm like shit is he right but like i want to defend crossfit so i'm like hey dude compared to other sports and compared to the general public populace and compared to just, um, gyms in general, CrossFitters do not take steroids, but then I'm like, do they,
Starting point is 00:46:48 or am I just fighting with this guy? Like, do we have a drug problem? I'd be curious to know, I don't know, define problem. I'd be curious to know how many athletes who are going to affiliates are taking performance enhancing drugs.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I think it's such a small number. I feel like there's people that are on the on the outside as well you know i mean anyone serious that i know is like they're not risking it man they're training and putting all their time into competing and they're gonna risk getting caught with fucking some kind of steroid like there's no chance. So putting years and years of work in, but I think people that are maybe on the skirts of some of those competitions that aren't getting tested. I mean, I've been tested at every competition I've done.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Have you gotten tested positive at any of them? No, no, I'm still competing. No, not, not, not been positive.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Like I've never, I get too paranoid to take fucking magnesium. I'm just like, no, I don't do anything. Do you know anyone who does? No. No one who's competing? Do you know anyone, Hobart, who competes who does? Like, no.
Starting point is 00:47:56 They're like, hey, do you want to share my needle? No. You don't know anyone? No. And so that's kind of the weird part. And then there are these people online who say like, hey, every CrossFit athlete is taking it. I know 100% sure. But then like I look at these people like Mallory O'Brien or Emma Carey or we invited – we interviewed this chick on the podcast from Canada.
Starting point is 00:48:27 McAllistion, McAllistion. Oh, is her first name Sydney? Sydney McClush. Sydney. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:32 And, and, and there's just all these young girls and I'm like, there's no way these girls are, who's the girl who trains with Rich Froning, the Haley girl. Haley. Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yeah. There's no way those chicks are juicing. There's, I'm just like, they're little girls. They're not little girls. They could pick me up and carry me a mile faster than
Starting point is 00:48:54 I can run it, but they're just kids. I'm just not buying it. I'm not buying that you and Kate are lying to me and that there's a problem in the sport. I'm just not buying it. Are you guys lying to me and that there's a problem in the sport. I'm just not buying it. Not buying it. Are you guys lying to me?
Starting point is 00:49:07 I mean, but this article says nine athletes are finally eligible to compete again. So that's nine athletes who are. I don't know. I'm curious to know the total number of athletes who have tested positive for PEDs going through games events. I shouldn't say games events but uh just the season the game season and then for someone to be like oh well if it's one out of however many hundred thousand compete that's a problem i'm not defending performance enhancing drug use i'm just curious to know like i just feel i feel like it's easy for people to uh i was looking at the comments
Starting point is 00:49:43 from uh bridges and hepner's boxing match and just how many people talk shit about it. And I was like, I just think it's so easy to sit back and not be the guy who's getting fucking punched in the face and putting in the work to go there no matter what your skill level is at it. Where did you see that shit talking? I didn't see any shit talking. Just on Instagram, just comments here and there. Yeah. Not from those two guys but just from just from the the peanut gallery i just think it's so easy for people to sit on the outside and be like well you know someone is
Starting point is 00:50:08 doing this extraordinary thing they must be cheating you know just it just makes you feel better about yourself because you suck and you don't do extraordinary things i don't know maybe that's jaded wow i i think those guys did an amazing job and i'm a huge fight fan and i and i'm like i watch a lot of fighting and i i was like holy shit like i mean i knew josh was gonna do well i was blown away by jacob heppner yeah i got a jab yeah that's cool oh yeah thank you suza all right let's move on that's and it's it's the issue with ricky is he if he does well people are like yeah that's because he's just it's residual steroids or they didn't test him
Starting point is 00:50:50 well enough for this time or he found a way to beat the system you know like i don't know at some point there has to be a path for redemption in life with some things i hope i hope he's a good talker yes i can train their asses off like steroids don't do a whole, you know, they don't do all of it for him. They help, they help, but they don't do all of it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 I hope he talks good because I want to have him on the show regularly. He's super Australian. You probably won't understand him. He's way worse than
Starting point is 00:51:16 me. Yeah, you're easy to understand. And I really like his brother, Benny. I've spent more time
Starting point is 00:51:23 with his brother. I probably interviewed his brother a dozen times at the CrossFit Games throughout that one of the weeks he was there, and I really enjoyed him. Get them both on. Have both of them on. They train together. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Well, okay, yeah, that's actually a good idea. I like that. I think it's easier for people to believe they are cheating because they aren't willing to put in the amount of work from the comments it's easier to buy that humans aren't that great than that humans are fucking you know that humans are quite incredible and capable of doing some pretty amazing stuff word see that was so nicely said that would never come out of my mouth my hand damn right, let's move on. That's a perfect way to just put a little bow tie on that. More CrossFit news? Or do you want to jump?
Starting point is 00:52:10 No, let's do more CrossFit news. We love that shit. CrossFit and affiliate fees. So last year it came up that CrossFit wanted to consider reducing affiliate fees relative to local currency and economies and
Starting point is 00:52:26 things like that. So one year later, affiliates Mexico, Brazil, Thailand said CrossFit reduced annual affiliate fee from $3,000 to $2,250 in the last year if you pay for that year up front. And I believe the article discusses that. is, they're going to continue looking into this and trying to support local or localized pricing toward international affiliates, which I obviously am biased, disclaimer, but I think is pretty cool. So hold up, Sousa, right there. So what, it's sort of being tested in those three countries, Mexico, Brazil, and Thailand? I don't know if it's being tested, but I think those are the first three places or the first couple of the places where it's starting. So this was a big, big topic two or three times a year
Starting point is 00:53:14 when I was on the executive team at CrossFit. This came up in very, very small, tight-knit circles. There'd be five or six of us, and we would talk about this ad nauseum. And it is a more complicated thing than just – it's a bold move. Congratulations to CrossFit for doing it. It's a very, very slippery slope and a very, very complicated maneuver to pull because within countries, there's massive discrepancies in wealth also massive the united states the difference between uh running a gym in new york city versus uh where where connor called from in arkansas i mean it's nuts it's nuts in in my in my hometown uh 120 000 a year is a minimum for the poverty line for a family of four.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So yeah, good move. I'm curious to see how that plays out. CrossFit's probably taken a massive hit on that in terms of money too. Yeah, but I think over 50% or closing in on 50% of our affiliates are outside of the U.S., which is really cool. Awesome. Really cool. Yep. Super duper cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah. So, yeah, I'm excited. I mean, it doesn't seem similar with the level ones though, right? So like in Australia, we don't have the level one costs going up and down depending on what's happening with Australian and U.S. dollars. It's just a set rate. Yeah. That's with it everywhere though. Is's what's at everywhere, though. Is that what you're saying, Kate?
Starting point is 00:54:47 It's the same, it's a thousand bucks no matter where you go in the world? Well, no. So basically, if you're paying a thousand US in Australia right now, you're paying 13, you're paying almost $1,400 Australian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:59 But it's a set currency or it's a set conversion rate. So you don't have that up and down that would naturally happen. So it's's a set conversion rate. So you, you don't have that up and down. That wouldn't actually happen. Um, so it's, so it's always the same price in Australia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I think it's like 1,250, I think it like for everyone, no matter what, I'm pretty sure Australian. Has it been like that for 10 years? No, no. That's been something that's been around for maybe two and a half three years
Starting point is 00:55:26 oh interesting i was there i didn't even know that happened yeah it's really recent like and they they adjusted like trainers pay and stuff on like accordingly as well so it all they kind of made it all match up which worked out well for for participants like it was it's been a really good move uh someone said in the comments they may take a hit in the short term it could allow for more gyms which would equal more money in the long run for sure and spread the message better get more people interested in the games get people buying more shirts more shoes all that stuff i agree uh it's it is interesting that the price the level one really hasn't gone up in in since the day it was released since greg glassman released it it's
Starting point is 00:56:04 really remarkable. A thousand bucks, just always. Right, James? Do you know if that's true? Pricing on the loved one course has gone up slightly, yeah. It has? Yeah. How much is it in the US?
Starting point is 00:56:16 Let me check. I think Sousa can check that. You're big time, buddy. You're like the main anchor. I have so many screens up there, I feel like I have to use them. Alright. I think that maybe that they've made it so that
Starting point is 00:56:30 there's an extra fee if you sign up late, but I still think it's $1,000. I can't believe how popular the online courses are. I don't want you guys to hate me for this, and I have not taken the online courses. Sorry, no, it is still $1,000. It's $12.35 in Canada. for this and i have not taken oh yeah sorry no it is still a thousand it's um 12 35 in uh canada
Starting point is 00:56:45 they're not going to be allowed to exercise there for much longer anyway um i if you're going to take that one i would not take it online i would i and miss the chance to get to meet james hobart or kate gordon i would not i will i will say the uh online courses and the webinars have been really well received and the trainers do an awesome job with them and um they're still pretty cool you don't get the same you don't get the same vibe as you do in person but they're sounding like hotcakes and i've heard they're amazing yeah i was skeptical too but if you do it yeah the team has done an amazing job with those every l1 trainer trainer has you guys all have the
Starting point is 00:57:27 obligatory uh picture of you guys with uh dave and nicole i really appreciate that okay next story you wouldn't take one with me um that's not true um last little one i just thought this was cool one One, I like the title. I saw this in Men's Health UK. Hyper Elite, Noah Olson. Hyper Elite Fitness Athlete, CrossFit Athlete, Noah Olson gives us his daily workout. Baller picture, little mustache. I think they blur it out. I'll give it to you.
Starting point is 00:57:59 The workout wasn't so important. Oh, there it is. What I thought was interesting or what I liked about this, and I think in the past when I've seen workouts like this show up in magazines like this and they're talking about crossfit it's always about how the workout's going to kill you and now they do a little bit about that here but it was cool to see them just touch on uh this tickled my trainer bones touch on scaling how to scale down um and just the idea of using a barbell scaling the weight to whatever allows you to move with perfect form i just thought that was cool so i like that thanks noah yeah go noah
Starting point is 00:58:34 is is noah too buff to win the games yes i would scientifically speaking i would give up vital parts of my anatomy to have his torso yeah i mean yeah but seriously is he too buff no i don't think so no is he too buff kate i i don't think so i'm trying to think of him relative to the other guys is he he doesn't even look real dude he noah looks like an action figure he doesn't those like you know those cheap action figures that don't look like they don't articulate at the joints like they don't move you probably don't know but when you have kids like if you want to get a good action figure it's expensive it's like it's like 40 bucks like so yeah the more articulations you have the more expensive
Starting point is 00:59:18 they are like if the fingers move and the in the but like there's really cheap ones you can buy and he's just kind of like stuck and maybe just the head swivels that's what noah looks like to me oh my god he's so jacked yeah he looks good keep it up noah uh this is pre like top knot pre top knot noah that is definitely the case oh there you go like does he articulate or does he can only move his head? Oh, look what he wrote. I'm too buff? I weigh 205 pounds right now.
Starting point is 00:59:56 In hindsight, I believe this was too heavy to be my CrossFit Games weight. I was very well fueled this year in tracking my macros for that purpose. Tracking my macros this year in tracking my macros for that purpose. Tracking my macros this year and tracking my macros for that purpose took priority over the number on the scale. Wow, okay. Okay, there you go. Well said, Savant. Too buff.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Too buff. I love Noah. I'd like to see him win. No one can beat Justin Derriff. What a great – except maybe for Ricky Garrard. That's true. What a great problem to have, Ricky Garrard. That's true. What a great problem to have, 2Buff. 2Buff, yes.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Okay, I'm going corporate here. Are you ready for this? Yes. You're going to hate this, but I don't care. I thought this was cool. I was flipping through GQ's annual 2021 Best Fitness Gear Awards, and I just need to see some CrossFit partners and friends there. fitness gear awards and uh i was just need to see some some crossfit partners and friends there rogue whoop rogue with their sr2 jump rope whoop with their whoop band reebok with the nano x1 so
Starting point is 01:00:52 thought that was cool what are these products again what what what are they this is just just gq's uh 2021 fitness gear awards and that and then just shameless call out which i have no tie to this company not that shirt but the shirt at the top of the article the 10 000 x durable shirt that right there is an awesome fucking workout shirt if you want to get a t-shirt but wait a second what makes an awesome workout shirt uh i could wear it outside of the gym it doesn't it's not like plastered with logos uh it's durable i I can wash it like a jerk. So I can like wash it on hot, dry it on hot. It holds up really well. It doesn't stink after a lot of use. It doesn't get nibby, holds its color well, feels comfortable, stretches, moves with me.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Also tapered to your body so you don't look like a dad wearing those things. Ouch. I cannot wear a shirt that's tapered to my body it shows off my gunt hey um what what what were the other things the whoopee and what was do you do do you do a whoopee kate yeah i have one do you do it though they're gonna bring out yeah yeah i check all the time they're gonna bring out um like the has, like, the ability to read skin temperature. So it's like, you want to talk about menstrual cycles? That's going to be fucking awesome. You can track ovulation.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Have they specifically said that that is what it can be used for? Or just from your knowledge, that's what you're saying? I think they've talked about it, like, picking up on if you're sick or if you have something like fucking COVID. But there was mentioned that for females for tracking like menstrual cycles it will be something and there's definitely a connection between skin temperature and basal body tense so there should be a similar pattern with regards to the increase in body temperature after ovulation which should be awesome what if there wasn't like an accelerometer in there or something there is okay so it knows
Starting point is 01:02:43 like you're getting fucked or you're fucking whichever one you're doing i think it has capability to track that and then uh and then basically it's like as soon as it knows you're getting hammered or you're doing the hammering it just gives a little like it knows the temperature your temperature and it's like it just says don't come in her it's just like you know just like it's like me me me don't come in her and it's like it's just a you can turn that on turn that option on or like it's like a meep meep meep don't come in there and it's like it's just a you can turn that on turn that option on or not it's like the uh it's an accessory electrode you actually just you just put it right into your your grundle yes yes it's a uh what are condoms and birth but yeah it's a birth control it's the birth control it's prophylactic yeah i like that
Starting point is 01:03:22 okay and uh and so the whoopee that that's Okay. And so the Whoopie, that's good. I'm so against the Whoopie. That's because Greg hated devices, and he got me all hating devices. Okay, but everyone loves the Whoopie. And what's the other? The shoe. Like, the only good shoe ever made. Where is it?
Starting point is 01:03:41 At this exact moment, you're just five minutes away from mouth-watering golden french fries. Five minutes away from crispy onion rings and potato tots, too. Because five minutes in the air fryer is all it takes to serve up a delicious batch of Cavendish Farms' new Quick Crisp onion rings, potato tots, and french fries. Faster than ever before. Just 300 seconds between you and your all-time favorites. Quick Crisp from Cavendish Farms. Made our way. Enjoyed your way.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Available right away. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace, liquid IV powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration. So you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with liquid IV hydration multiplier available in refreshing lemon, lime,
Starting point is 01:04:34 passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. Here it is. Is that the two or the one? It's the is the nano two and the and they don't make these
Starting point is 01:04:49 anymore and this company does not sponsor me and they fucking should these fucking knuckleheads because i love their shoes so much this shoe here is called the victo score it is identical to the nano two it is not as durable but it's slightly more comfortable and way cooler and i have worn mine to death you need to get some new shoes this is a dope shoe i've been waiting to show this on the sport on the show the victos core it is identical but way nicer than the nano 2 so now you know but that's the only good. So I don't, like, they've been some bad Nanos, Hobart. The Rich Froning Nano was probably the worst shoe ever made. Seriously, I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Didn't even fit over the top of my foot. Their new one is really good, the Nano X1. That's a, like I said, I'm just really proud I took this show in a corporate direction. I'm so happy I did that. And what was the third product? It was the Ropey? The Rogue SR2 Jump Rope, which I thought was freaking cool. That's a great jump rope. um the rogue sr2 jump rope which i thought was freaking cool yeah that's a great jump rope i don't know shit about jump rope well do you like uh what
Starting point is 01:05:51 what shoe do you wear kate i have been wearing barefoot shoes i've been doing the the cassandra thing and either wearing no shoes or barefoot shoes damn it's the fucking best show me the show me your barefoot shoe do you have it there i want to see i want to know a barefoot shoes. It's the fucking best. Show me your barefoot shoes. I want to know what barefoot shoe you're wearing now. That is some dorky shit. I actually have another question. Oh yeah, those aren't dorky. Those are nice.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Those look pretty cool. I look like a rock climber. You know that rock climber shoes? But they're just super wide. That's the Vivo. Yeah, that's just Vivo. I think he's the Primus Light or something. Hey hey you want to get a lot of comments on your instagram post a picture of those on your instagram you will not believe how many comments you get people fucking love that shoe i asked what shoe i should buy and my my dms got destroyed with people telling me to buy that
Starting point is 01:06:41 shoe that you just held up do you know what's even better post a photo of your feet on your instagram and see what happens that's no thank you no thank you i did that it was it was an experience did you get destroyed i got a lot you know there's like all these uh like scam or like robot accounts that are just like hey uh foot daddy or like sugar foot daddy like come and message me dm me i just got like hundreds of them oh like foot fetish people wow yeah yeah that's great i'm gonna post a picture of my feet tomorrow that's so fun yeah it'll boost your instagram it's good i need that okay actually i have a serious question so you were talking about menstrual cycles and i don't know if this is true and i'm not just like a a friend of mine, she was telling me that especially if like two partners are close,
Starting point is 01:07:28 male and female, when the female goes on her menstrual cycle that it can also have, the males can also have certain hormonal effects that run in sync with the cycle. Is this just like total bullshit? Is this something you've ever heard about? That is outside my scope of
Starting point is 01:07:46 knowledge okay i don't have an answer for that well maybe next week's new show is it just like maybe his excuse for just like i don't know getting hormonal or getting emotional maybe but this was what she was telling me so do you know do you know who mark mark mark bell is yeah so i'm trying to get him on the podcast and he's responded and said he'll come on. And so I was doing some research on him last night, and I'm really excited he's going to come on. By the way, he's having an event tomorrow. It is so – so he started this event. It's called StepTember, and it's everyone walk 10,000 steps a day.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And it's really cool that he's doing that because he's this big, buff, fucking,iced up guy right and he's and he's like making stepping cool like walking and i'm a huge advocate of walking i fucking love walking anyway in in davis that's a city north of uh me by probably i don't know 150 miles from me davis california to at four in the morning. So in three, in seven hours, Mark Bell is going to start walking at four in the morning and walk 50 miles, 100,000 steps. And he's inviting anyone to join him from 4 a.m. onward. And I just fucking love it that this, like, I don't know much about him,
Starting point is 01:08:59 but I just think of him as just this big buff, fucking like kind of like creative artsy dude. And I just love it that he's doing like a fucking like walking he's making walking cool i think he's cool and then when he talks about you know what i mean like he's talking about something that's like that um that people might not respect walking as a true form of fitness and he's doing it and i just love it but my point was vaginas, so vaginas and penises. My point was that he had a guy on his show named Andrew Huberman or Huberman. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Yeah. And this guy was saying that if you study people, you'll see that people, when they shake other people's hands within 30 minutes of shaking their hands, people wipe their face. And that they're in, he just touched it on briefly, but that basically there's this thing that we do that's built into us that we're always smelling and sniffing and getting in each other's shit, even though we don't want to admit it. Basically, that was like, I'm paraphrasing. I need to have that dude on the show and ask him about that too. But let me tell you, there's, we have to to we have to be tied to those pussies we have to be like inextricably i get what you're saying inextricably inextricably what's the word help me out inextricably you nailed it yeah i mean we are like those things i like i think you could put on special glasses and there's a leash that comes off
Starting point is 01:10:23 a vagina it's like a wire and it goes around our neck. And like it maybe even plugs two things into our nose. I mean, we have to be in tune with that. Researcher Israel Wiseman Institute of Science found that people use their traditional greeting of shaking hands to surreptitiously smell each other. Yeah, I. Thank you. Surreptitiously smell each other. Yeah, I'm telling you. Smells kind of a big thing, like you notice it. Everyone's got a different smell. And that's what kind of sucks too because like BO has a bad reputation,
Starting point is 01:10:57 but BO is actually really sexy. It's just some BOs are not sexy. Well, no, no, no. Have you read the book? Sorry, I'm cutting you off. The Brain That Changes Itself, I think it's called. In the book, they talk about this, how like a BO is a stinky smell if you ask most people. But over time, your brain starts to change your preference for that smell because of all of the other feelings you have and feeling connection you have toward that person.
Starting point is 01:11:24 And the BO is so unique. The chicken or the egg, huh, Hobart? I don't know. So if like, since you and I like each other so much, Savant, it's like, I would probably smell your BO and be like, oh, that's Savant's smell, you know? And I just feel relaxed and comfortable. I'll never get to be okay with someone's bad breath. Like, like when someone needs to floss.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Say it again. It's like food. You just acquire a right say it again that's exactly you just acquire a taste for exactly exactly right hey kate you can go to the bathroom i can't yeah you gotta pee i saw you doing the pee dance no i think i was just moving oh okay but you can pee during the show anyone can pee during the show just so you know if you have to roger that thank you right now i i i i think that there's like there's people like like bad breath like someone who like needs to floss their teeth or like you know like i've i've eaten salami before and then like two hours later it's like cutting my teeth and like i smell my breath and i floss it out and
Starting point is 01:12:17 i'm like oh my god like i can smell that fucking thing right uh you're not old enough yet for salami i've gotten your teeth i think people are really like a little hyper clean and like super hygienic to the point where it's like if people i don't know i feel like people just get a little sterile because they're so afraid of germs i love the smell of my wife every smell on her yeah smell like fragrance fragrances fragrances you smell fragrances you smell like body wash soap. You smell these man-made smells so often that humans smell foreign. I can't stand the smell of makeup.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I don't mind perfume. I cannot stand the smell of makeup. Like powders and I can't stand it. I think the fragrance and some of that stuff is the worst stuff in it too. It's like, it's not, it's not good to be applying that shit to yourself all the time. Increases your estrogen. That's why Hobart has such nice skin. Did you ever read that book?
Starting point is 01:13:15 I think it was called Perfume and Dustin Hoffman was in the movie adaptation of it or something like that. I have to remember, but in it, like there's this guy who's a perfume maker, but he's kind of a whack job and he's trying to make this perfect perfume. And at the end, he, he finally concocts it and he makes it out of all these horrific things. I think like, and he sprays it around the town and everybody goes into like this crazy lust and they have like this like wild orgy where they all like attack and then fight each other. And then it's, it's a crazy book. Anyway. I like it that you said concoct. I was at a, I was at a, I was at a Thanksgiving,
Starting point is 01:13:51 I was at a Thanksgiving dinner. This is, I don't know, 10 years ago. And one of my cousin's kids were there and he's this really smart kid and he's probably like 11 years old. And he said the word cockeyed and he, and I was a grown ass man. I was probably, you know, 39 years old and he said the word cockeyed and he and i was a grown-ass man i was probably you know 39 years old and i start laughing so hard i think i spit my milk out my nose at the table and i just everyone else is just looking at me like like how inappropriate i was but i just loved hearing an 11 year old say cockeyed just like i loved hearing you say concoct can you get that in every show oh no that's that's what happens is he concocts the perfume and he sprays it on himself at the end and it makes the crowd crazy for him and they think he's an angel and so
Starting point is 01:14:31 they eat him sorry you guys should the book i didn't see the movie the book is great anyway the hell of a concoction all right that's my second recommend first recommendation of the week i have another one. Which is slightly different than Kate's recommendation, which was The Pleasure Trap by Doug Lyle and it's his TEDx talk, which she recommends. Both types of traps, though. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:56 This is The Perfume by Patrick Siskind. Okay. Are we moving on? Yeah, yeah, might as well. That was great. This is kind of cool Yeah. Yeah. Might as well. That was great. Smells like, this is kind of cool. We've been talking about it. Smells like work capacity.
Starting point is 01:15:09 And the reason I included this is not because I think they're hitting on anything that we, we, us here, and probably a lot of people listening don't already know. I just think it's cool to see stuff like this popping up more and more. So September 20th in the Journal of Eye Science, when it comes to getting healthy and reducing mortality risk, increasing physical activity and improving fitness appears to be superior to weight loss. So the article had a lot of stuff, some stuff I didn't agree with, but what I thought was really cool is the discussion on risk reduction of mortality associated with increased fitness and physical activity work capacity was consistently greater
Starting point is 01:15:44 than those associated with intentional weight loss, which I thought was really cool because obviously chasing weight loss, while that could just be a correlate to overall fitness, it's not really the key. It's the key is chasing the fitness and the work capacity. So it's just neat to see more and more articles like this popping up in scientific literature you you don't get old and stop moving you stop moving and get old there you go ready yeah and then there were just some scary obesity statistics do you want to read any of them?
Starting point is 01:16:25 No. Nope, I don't. Okay. All right, next one. Talking about, oh, you want to say something? No, no. Yeah, if you're obese, like I get it, it sucks. Like we've all had our ups and downs with weight. Some people, you know, I've never put on like 50 pounds too much.
Starting point is 01:16:51 What's the habit at 182 what do you five 182 what do you weigh right now uh 155 oh shit but i but when i was 182 like i was trying i don't even i'm so embarrassed to say this i was trying to bench 225 and i was taking as much fucking creatine as I fucking could. And I was just eating and eating and eating and never benched 225. I benched 220. And then I go like to Steffi Cohen's and she benches like 275 for reps at 10. I was going to say she probably benches more than 275. But yeah, for 10, that makes sense. I mean, it's just it's just what's your max bench, Kate?
Starting point is 01:17:27 I think I've benched 100 kilos, which is like 220 pounds. Yeah. For one, one, one rep. Yeah. I think that, I think that's my one rep max too, ever. I mean, I can't do it now, but I think that when I was 22, but I quickly dropped when I, when I stopped, like it was hard to get to 182. Like I, like I had to be hurting. I had to constantly be eating and drinking shit
Starting point is 01:17:45 and so then after that i think i stayed hovered around 170 for probably six months and then i but like anything over 165 if i'm 165 i'm fat i'm like what's 165 in kilos i don't know but by fat i mean like it's impeding my movement, like touching my toes and stretching. 75. Yeah, 75. So 165, that's what I weigh, 75 kilos. How tall are you? 5'8", just under 5'8", by a tiny bit.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Okay, so you're three inches taller than me, which is like, I think you get seven pounds per inch or something like that. So that would be 21 pounds more than me. And if I'm one 55, that means you're how much are you? One 76, one 65. Yeah. So, okay. So yeah. And you're, and you're from the pictures I've seen of you on your Instagram, you're much leaner than I am. And you have way more muscle than me. So I'm fuck. I'm even fat at one 55. I have some muscle. I have some too. I have some too i have some too not really man no i do i have some i have some do that little do that little uh half shirt bow
Starting point is 01:18:54 tie knot thing you talked about it in the podcast okay go on go on so so so my point is back to the obesity thing like like you gotta what you lose weight. Now's the time. If you're fat, you have to stop eating sugar. You have to. You're going to die prematurely. It's guaranteed 100%. You have to. And here's what's worse.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Fuck yourself. We're all mirrors here. And when you eat like shit in front of other people and you smoke around other people and when you walk around obese, you're telling everyone else that it's okay. Do it for the rest of us. Come on. Come on. You can do it. You'll feel better.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Okay. That's it. Take a little science detour. And you can email or text or bug DM Hobart or Kate or myself. We'll support you. We'll be nice to you. I'll be much nicer in the DMs, I swear to God. That's actually true.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Very sweet texter, too. God, okay. In 1994, the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted Jupiter, caused a big ruckus, caused some damage to Jupiter, so powerful that it left scars that it endured for months and were more discernible than Jupiter's great red spot. A couple days ago on September 13th, another impact was observed. I guess it was really cool because it was also a huge impact, but it was important because advances in technology, more astronomers, professionals, and amateur astronomers were able to capture
Starting point is 01:20:26 and provide data for this event. And I guess this is a good thing so we can continue to capture interesting astrological events. What I thought was interesting is that some astronomers posit that Jupiter's size and gravity might help us reduce comets
Starting point is 01:20:42 banging into our planet. Oh, meaning if they're on their way to get us, like Jupiter will suck them up? Yeah, they got to pass big old Jupiter first, which I thought was kind of cool. How big are these meteorites that are hitting Jupiter? I think this one was 20 meters across. What happens if that hits Earth?
Starting point is 01:20:59 Are we good? No. I don't think we're good. Dude, you're telling me a rock 60 feet across goes into the gulf of mexico and it's gonna make a wave so big that like it washes out i don't i don't know about i don't know about that but if like it hit berkeley or something like that you guys would be like that place would be fucked it would be like anniversary of the first person to be hit by an asteroid yesterday or the day before or something. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 01:21:28 It was like an asteroid that came through her ceiling while she was in bed and just fucking landed on her. And she kept it. This is mine now. And she didn't die? There's a photo of her. No, she survived. There's a photo of her in the hospital. It's a black and white photo. She has this massive bruise on the side of her hip, waist.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I don't know. Just had an asteroid hit her dude i put that shit on ebay how big was it i'm thinking like it must have been like a i don't know a softball side the roof slowed it down though right i mean it had to come through the roof and that slowed it down it had to come through the roof and that slowed it down. I got to look. Yeah. November 30th,
Starting point is 01:22:10 1954 in Alabama, woman and Hodges was struck by a meteorite while taking a nap. The meteorite crashed through the roof of her home and Jesus Christ. Sila Quagga, Alabama struck a radio and then hit hodges on her hip overnight hodges became a celebrity as word of her strange story traveled across the country i mean isn't that funny that happened in 1954 and they're saying his word traveled across the country today that would be like known around the world in eight seconds wow hey that's an obese woman for 1954. There weren't a lot of women that fat in 1954, I don't think. On a side note.
Starting point is 01:22:51 How's Doug, Kate? I haven't seen him in a long time. Really? Oh, wait. He's in Doug at CrossFit Rock. No, no, no. Doug, isn't Doug at CrossFit Rock. Doug? No, no, no. Doug.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Doug. Isn't Doug your dude? Greg. Greg. How's Greg? How's Greg? Greg, yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Greg told me to say, how's Doug? That was supposed to be a trick question. You pass. All right, Hobart. All right. Moving on. I think a lot of those 20 meter asteroids or comets burn up in the atmosphere so never mind doesn't matter suck it jupiter yes suck it jupiter if you are morbidly obese i believe it's fine to focus on the weight loss over fitness for for a season of time says a man's journey.
Starting point is 01:23:47 He always does challenges. Speaking about Mark Bell, he did the carnivore 100 days, push up air squats daily, first lockdown, along with walking. Someone else says, I have a small community of people doing StepTember challenge. That's cool that someone else is doing that. Oh, so StepTember isn't Mark Bell's thing. He didn't invent that. I thought he did. My bad. Let's just say he did. Fuck it. Mark Bell's thing. He didn't invent that. I thought he did my bad. Let's just say he did.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Fuck it. Mark Bell invented it. Give credit where credit's not due. I like it. All right. This is way out there on my coverage, but it was a really cool article. Okay. So researchers working in partnership is Google made a time crystal,
Starting point is 01:24:22 which is a new phase of matter. is working in partnership is google made a time crystal which is a new phase of matter researchers working in partnership with google may have just used the tech giants quantum computer to create a completely new phase of matter a time crystal with the ability to forever cycle between two states without ever losing energy which i think things are supposed to do time crystals dodge one of the most important laws of physics the second law of thermodynamics which states that the disorder or entropy of an isolated system must always increase these bizarre time crystals remain stable resisting any dissolution into randomness despite existing in a constant state of flux. So the analogy that they had in the article basically
Starting point is 01:25:06 said if you took a box of coins, quarters, and you shook them around, and then you open up the box and you looked in, all the coins would be in various spots, random spots, and they would be situated in a certain way. And then you took the box and you shake it up again, open the box, they'd be situated in a different way. And this process would repeat, you know, thousands of times over. The way they explain the time crystal is that if they were like the time crystals, instead of flipping over and being random, every time you open a box, they're only in one of two patterns. And it's never a random pattern, which I guess is a really interesting thing because of the whole law of thermodynamics. So it allows you to not just study what shows up in nature, but to actually design it and look at what quantum mechanics lets you do and not do.
Starting point is 01:25:53 If you don't find something in nature, then it doesn't mean it can't exist because they just created something that doesn't occur in nature. There you go. One, I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about two i don't think that thing hanging with a bunch of wires fucking hanging out i think it's a it's bullshit and three i don't think you can create something that doesn't already exist in nature
Starting point is 01:26:16 so i'm this whole story i think this needs follow-up like next week like like like all right i'll stay on it the the google time crystal from live science i'm do you understand what you just read no i read this article three times today and it it hurt me but kate probably is going to be like well i watched a ted talk and i took a class in graduate school that about quantum physics and uh so i'm waiting for that i've done nothing this makes absolutely no i'm trying to figure out what will it be used for apart from the coins and the job I don't think they really know what it will be used for
Starting point is 01:26:50 because I think one of the issues is it will only exist in a quantum level so a really small level so unless it's in this isolated environment I don't know what they can do with it yet but I think the amazing thing is that they haven't found it in nature and something like this shouldn't exist in nature
Starting point is 01:27:04 but they created it so it in nature and something like this shouldn't exist in nature, but they created it. So that's cool. It's like they can do it. They're like, yeah, that's right. We can do that. I picture like the whole time when you were, I was just picturing like something stuck in a test tube, like light bouncing back and forth between two mirrors forever. There you go. That's a good way to do it. Sure. But I don't even know. I'm just making that up.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I still have no fucking idea what you just said like i said i read it a lot gershwin says i think my grandma was an anomaly she threw sugar in and on everything even on steamed vegetables and had tea with sugar and condensed milk but she lived to 85 and had a small frame here's the thing i know i've known people who just live off of coke i've known athletes who basically like these really really skinny athletes like they were it was an arm wrestler and he had the most insane beautiful physique but he was tiny he was like 145 pound 147 pound guy and i went and visited him in lou in Louisiana and I filmed with him his name was RJ Mullen air and basically like I never saw me but he always had a bottle of coke with him and so that's where you get to the Steffi Cohen thing like yes if you can if you can and I you know a lot of people have said this it's not just her but if you eat less calories than you burn yes you will stay skinny and you probably can eat shittier if you
Starting point is 01:28:26 i don't even want to go there but yes if you ate just a cube of shit like those examples it's like okay sure there's an argument for living to 85 and being pretty all right but you never know what would have happened if they didn't lead a lifestyle like that because they're fucking dead so there could have been another 10 years or they could have been a whole you know there could have been something else that went beyond her that final day because of a different lifestyle choice that she made for those prior years you just you just don't know so it's kind of like an example that's like well okay but what about if she did this you just you'd never know and And we don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:06 He doesn't know that every night before she went to bed, she did 100 push-ups and masturbated for 30 minutes and broke a vial of sweat. And it's the same thing with Mozart. They say he was a fucking prodigy. What if he did know that? They also – they'll say stuff like I'm reading this book. I finished it. I can't remember if it was range or bounce, but they were talking about that there are no fucking prodigies.
Starting point is 01:29:30 They'll tell you Mozart was a prodigy, but his dad was a fucking master musician, and he had fucking like 10,000 hours of musical experience by the time he was six or something crazy like that. Actually, I think it was like 3,500 hours. So you just – you don't know. don't know, but, but thank you, Gershwin. I mean, I do, there are these, there are, yes. But, but exceptions don't make good rules, right? Like, oh, I heard about a guy who was flung, you know, 500, 800 meters from a, from, from a tornado and he survived. Not only did he survive, James, I heard he had a horrible back and after that incident, his back was all better.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Yeah, yeah. It's like, I'm still not gonna go fuck with tornadoes. You know, like, oh, I'll test that. Oh, cool, if one guy did it. I don't know. We like to do that sometimes. It's like, we find the exception of like the rule breaker when we're uncomfortable with adhering to something.
Starting point is 01:30:24 I'm not gonna go down that rabbit hole. What are fomites? Yandy Placentia says fomites. F-O-M-I-T-E-S, fomites. I don't know what that is. Where is that? In the comments somewhere. All right, we've got a couple couple we're almost there all right i thought this one cool in your home state ai helping wildlife so i guess certain species of birds including brown
Starting point is 01:30:55 pelicans red-throated loons and other species start turning up at rant not random times but at random times at wildlife rehabilitation centers with signs of a neurological disease yet they may pepper the state vaccine vaccine these i told you you're not supposed to say things like that we want youtube to like us yet though they pepper the state map these centers are not interconnected enough to nip the issue in the bud so for example neurological disease spreading through birds but because it's so spart across the state communication's not fantastic they can't catch it before it gets out of control so what they're doing is they're instituting an
Starting point is 01:31:39 artificial intelligence system that uses language natural language processing to categorize reports looking for patterns in the number of admissions related to a certain illness illness injury or species and they think that with the next couple of years once everything is working well the study authors want to expand beyond california creating networks to assist wildlife agency agencies and veterinarians in other states. The methodology is flexible enough to accommodate different regions, different kinds of animals as well. So hopefully you're going to treat
Starting point is 01:32:12 and nip animal neurological diseases and other diseases in the bud. I can't expect everyone in your state to do this to me. I can't expect every. That picture was cute. If you're listening to this on a podcast, you should have been watching on YouTube. That was a good time to take a bathroom break that's a great story
Starting point is 01:32:31 okay you're right that compared to the bees killing to massacring the shit out of the penguins not as interesting Navy D has a question for Kate Can Kate hear the protesters from her house? Wow. No. I can't get to where the protest is technically. She's not allowed to go to the protests. We rolling on? Yes. You're going to hate this next one too.
Starting point is 01:33:00 I didn't want to say it. Okay. Someone gave us $4. Colorado. hate this next one too i don't want to say it okay i think this was in call this was someone gave us four dollars colorado oh wow i saw that gerard camacho thank you thank you holy shit no that thank you thank you thank you federal aviation admission administration said there were 1.1 million small hobbyist drones in the u.S. in 2016. This is a number that is expected to triple to 3.5 million this year. Why does it matter? Because drones can scare and annoy and disturb animals or harass them.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Colorado Parks and Wildlife Field Services Assistant Director Heather Duggan said whether hunting or simply flying out your drone harassing, which means if you're changing the wildlife's behavior, which I have a real hard time with this definition, harassing wildlife is illegal. It's also, which I was really shocked at, prohibited to use drones for hunting. Fines can run up to $125,000. I thought it'd be really like genius to strap a gun to a drone, find a way to make it fire and just fly it around and hunt shit. That's brilliant. Oh, great.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Oh, great. Can you imagine? You're concerned about me using the word vaccines. You're talking about strapping guns to drones. You understand the, the, the FBI.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Hey guys, this podcast was fun. I live nowhere near Hobart if you guys are coming for him. Can you imagine that? There's all these – I don't know. You'd fly over a river, just waste a bunch of fish. That'd be great. Dude, I guarantee you there's dudes doing all that shit.
Starting point is 01:34:38 And that's the thing. The fish and wildlife, they do not mess around, man. They will find your ass into oblivion. But stop harassing animals people do you know dave uh have you ever heard dave's story where he caught a poacher basically and he called uh i don't know if he has told told me that one it's a great story ask him that ask him did you see him when you were in town uh no because he was actually he flew out to colorado we passed each other in the air oh perfect timing uh thoughts on fasting seven i know you mentioned doing 136 hour fast per week
Starting point is 01:35:12 kate and james have you tried do you guys fast from quality antics i did one last month i did a 24 hour fast and sometimes i'll do the 16 and 8. I should do another 24-hour one. Yeah, I've done a little 16 and 8, but otherwise, no. Hobart, if you do 24, why wouldn't you do 36? I didn't know that was like a thing. Well, so here's the thing. I'll tell you. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:35:39 No, no, you're right. I cut you off. I get excited. No, I want you to cut me off. Go. I did a, so 36 is how many days day and basically you just sleep twice that's my point okay like if you're like stop eating sleep get your first eight hours like stop eating it whatever before you go to bed fat sleep and then wake up and get that whole fast and then go to bed and then then you get two sleeps. When I was in school, graduate school,
Starting point is 01:36:06 I did a 48 hour fast. It was a cleanse. And at the end of it, you're supposed to drink like some sort of saltwater tincture. And I thought it was like, it says, I think, if I recall, it was some mix up where it was like
Starting point is 01:36:18 only supposed to be two teaspoons per 16 ounces. And I drank two tablespoons of saltwater and I had to go to class that day. And I proceeded to shit my pants every five minutes on the five minutes for a good, cool 12 hours. Wow. My wife had me do a fast like that
Starting point is 01:36:36 once 10 years ago or something. And it was so much salt. It was like some sort of kidney or liver cleanse. And I puked my brain. Like, I violently vomited. so much salt it was like some sort of kidney or liver cleanse and i puked my brain like i violently vomited they give animals salt to make them throw up like that's like yeah it was crazy there was this thing that we used to do in new zealand in primary school called the 40 hour famine and it was basically like this fundraising thing where once a year all the kids in school
Starting point is 01:37:04 would raise money and you'd you'd fast for 40 hours but the fucked up thing was basically like this fundraising thing where once a year, all the kids in school would raise money and you'd fast for 40 hours. But the fucked up thing was, and like kids would raise hundreds of dollars. You walk around the street, you knock on your neighbor's door and be like, hey, I'm doing the 40-hour famine. Will you sponsor me? And people will sponsor you and it'll be based on like the number of hours that you do. So they'll sponsor you like a dollar for every hour that you fast. The problem was is I'm pretty sure they were like sponsored by this lolly brand, like a dollar for every hour that you bought the problem was is i'm pretty sure they were like sponsored by this uh lolly brand like a candy brand so the only thing you were allowed to eat
Starting point is 01:37:31 during the 40-hour famine was water or lollies these like hard boiled lollies you know those kinds of lollies yeah in the rapids like you used to get on airplanes yeah eat lollies for 40 hours and just be like fucking pumped up on sugar just 40 hours of lollies you get a lot of money and you're and it'll be a really glucose fast there's there's there's like a certain level of like that's like a sinister plot to a movie i really like that oh man i hate it i i just remembered that I'd never thought about that literally until then. And we used to do it every year. Just like I'd walk up the street and off on the neighbor's side and be like, look, I'm such a good kid.
Starting point is 01:38:11 I'm just going to eat lollies for 40 hours. There's this guy at Boston University named Thomas Seyfried. He's like the king of keto. I don't want to misspeak on his shit, but basically he talks about using keto to cure cancer, and he has a course there. You've met him, huh, Hobart? I have, yeah. CrossFit events? Yep.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Fuck, he's smart as shit. Anyway, what were we talking about? Fasting? Lollies. things he was talking about when i told him that i was that i fast regularly he said that men over 40 years old i think he was over 40 have a tremendous tremendous difficulty yeah that's the book thank you cancer is a metabolic disease yep and um he by the way if if you get into that anyone who's listening cancer is a metabolic disease and then you start to really understand that and then you think of oncology and the search for the cure for cancer you will start to want to hit yourself with a hammer in the head because
Starting point is 01:39:10 you'll see that trillions of dollars have been wasted for and i don't know if you've heard my whole spiel on this hobart i know kate hasn't but there's no fucking cure for cancer just like there's no fucking cure for this other thing that's going around right now and there's no cure for pregnancy if you don't want to get pregnant don't sit on dick if you don't want to get cancer don't eat sugar if you don't want to get this die from this other thing don't eat sugar like looking for a cure it's like it's it's nuts you guys are nuts you want to add something to the concoction how about just stop putting that stuff in your mouth and swallowing it and eating it for a few months anyway so um he c c free uh was saying
Starting point is 01:39:54 that it's really difficult for men who are older to fast for 48 hours and it used to be really difficult for me to fast for 36 hours but it's not now i'm like on 65 weeks and it's just nothing i'll never eat on sunday ever again the rest of my life no fucking way all right well i'll try it i i just had covid and i fasted through twice for those two of the days i had it probably the best two days i of the experience i think you're sorry you go how, no, you go. There's some stuff from a woman called Dr. Stacey Sims. She's a Canadian doctor or naturopath or something who lives – actually, I think she's in New Zealand. And she does a lot of work around women and not small men
Starting point is 01:40:37 because basically all of the studies that have been done on things like fasting or like sports nutrition and all that stuff have pretty much been done on men. And so I think there's some stuff and like I would have to go and find it, but there's some research that is basically making the point that fasting is not that great for women. I think it's really beneficial for men. I don't think it doesn't have the same, doesn't have the same effects on women. I don't know to what degree they're worse or better, but I just don't think it's, it doesn't have the same, it doesn't have the same effects in women. I don't know to what degree they're worse or better. Um, but I just don't think that fasting is meant to be that amazing for females. I believe it. I sure as hell believe it. I sure as hell believe it for women, especially who haven't gone through menopause.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Like, like, like, like that birthing machine needs to be kept like, like, like just running well. I like, yeah, I believe it. I don't know why, but I believe it for sure. Women don't fast. Keep eating. Okay. Over. There's something I wanted to add on there, but it's gone now.
Starting point is 01:41:46 So anyway, name it. And even if I'm wrong, even if there is a cure. Oh, yeah, that's what I wanted to talk about was the cure thing. Sorry, go ahead. No, but the cure. I think that argument's a little – your argument's good in the sense that it's like, yeah, this can help all of that stuff. But it's sort of like, well, if you don't want to get hurt, don't get hurt. It's sort of like, well, if you don't want to get hurt, don't get hurt. The cure is there as like a last-ditch tool, like a break glass if needed.
Starting point is 01:42:13 But I agree. Yeah, yeah, I agree. And I know I speak in absolutes. And I'm – the 30% of cancers that aren't related to eating sugar that are from wearing your AirPods too long. I get it. Jesus. Don't say shit like that. But from sitting too close to the TV, those ones.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Your 5G iPhone. You know what I mean. Yes, I do. But it's good to say. I'm an absolutist, If someone says you're not, you're really who said, who said that about me? Someone said that about me. Oh, Pat Vellner called me an absolutist. Someone in my DMs the other day, I guess was watching that podcast. They're like, Hey, there's nothing more absolutist than calling someone else an absolutist. Like, wow. Okay. Wow. Wow. So college athletes are now allowed to make money off their name, image, and likeness. And this is a potential $1.5 billion industry. What's really interesting about this is a lot of people
Starting point is 01:43:19 are starting to, early on, starting to complain that the money's not being pushed around equally in the sports and that not all athletes are going to see the same amount of earnings from this. But on average, division one players are earning $471. I think this was per month, whereas some athletes are making their entire yearly tuition in a month from name and image likeness deals star football players with national recognition are so likely to profit the most from their name and image likeness i guess football players college football players own 79 of the nil market share in july followed by men's basketball and then women's volleyball at 5.5%. What's NIL? Name, image, likeness. So it's basically like, hey, Siobhan,
Starting point is 01:44:10 I know you're super popular. You have this amazing smash hit podcast. Everybody knows who you are. I run the local Chipotle. I want you to wear my Chipotle sweatshirt, so I'm going to sponsor you and pay you to do that. So college, is that bad or is that good? Are we supposed to like that? Do we like that?
Starting point is 01:44:32 I mean, I think it'll totally, for a lot of, and not all of them, but it'll eradicate the college student athlete, right? If I'm a star, I'd rather be a star athlete than a student athlete right if i'm a star i'd rather be a star athlete than a student athlete because of the money they're making yes yes yes yes yes so they can't get they can't get paid right in college no well they they get paid they weren't allowed to like profit from something like their name image and likeness up until this year um And it's not – I don't think it's – I also don't think this is occurring in every single state. I think states are slowly adopting these new laws. But there was just a lot of – there's a lot of pushback from this because like some college football coaches are making like $14, $30 million a year.
Starting point is 01:45:20 And the students aren't able – and then universities are making so much money and from advertising these players play for their different sports teams but the players aren't able to share in that and now they are we we need someone who knows how to think about that like i don't even know how to think about this you know what um i was tripping the other day we need like an ethicist on the show i need to have an ethicist on the show or a philosopher or someone who's fucking really smart because the problem with so many people people don't know how to think about shit they think about shit the way it's given to them so let's say look at the abort the abortion thing right so the abortion thing is like here are your choices women's rights over their bodies
Starting point is 01:46:00 or um killing babies like which team do you want to be on? And then they fall into, well, it's not killing babies because it's just a zygote and it's not women's body rights bodies because they lose that right once they have sex. But, and you go down the rabbit hole, but those are the choices that have been given to us how to think about it. Now, let me explain to you what I mean by that. Someone could say to you, Hey, do you want ice cream today? And your rationale for should you eat ice cream today should be, is it a hot day or is it a cold day? And that's the only way you know how to make the decision. But there's other reasons to eat ice cream and not eat ice cream. And so like, if you don't know how to think about a subject, then you'll be making a decision based on how someone
Starting point is 01:46:39 else told you to think about it. So we need to take like, like I don't know how to think. Oh, there we go. Epistemology. There it is. Ontology and epistemology. We don't know how to think about so much shit and yet we have these opinions on them. Of course I'm pro-life.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Of course I'm pro-choice. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Do we have to? Those are our choices? Like why? Like hold on a minute. Anyway, so I feel that way about like this. Like, I don't know if college athletes should be making money.
Starting point is 01:47:09 I don't know how to think about it. Sounds good to me. Making money is fun. Allows me to buy shit for my mom and my kids. I think it creates more parity with the schools that are certainly profiting off all of those athletes coming through and playing for their sports teams. But one could argue that what the athletes receive in return is the fact that they do now have this platform created by the school and the school's prestige. And that allows the athlete to have some sort of platform to catapult off of. And then is it really not school anymore? And is it just a business?
Starting point is 01:47:38 Or has it always already just been a business? Well, it's already profiting. Sure. Right. Well, we solved that one boom anyway a lot of money to be made for college students right now if they're uh crushing it manny pacquiao for president wow holy shit really yeah i believe he's going to – he's running for president in the Philippines. He's already a senator, which I didn't know. And he's not officially retired from boxing either. He's also, for those non-fight fans out there, which I'm learning more and more about this sport,
Starting point is 01:48:19 maybe the only eight-division champ in boxing. Insane. Did not know that. Yeah. The rival party faction supporting Duerte, current president, earlier said it will petition the Commission on Elections to declare Pacquiao and his allies illegitimate officers of the ruling party. So I guess there's a lot of opposition and pushback. a lot of opposition and pushback. Um, current president Duarte, who was forbidden by the constitution from seeking a second six year term, I believe tried to run as vice presidential candidate with another fellow go, but this other fellow go has declined to run. So I don't know if
Starting point is 01:48:56 Duarte, um, is going to be back in presidential office at all, but I said, I was really cool that Manny Pacquiao was running for president of theilippines yeah i man i wonder how his his his that last fight man he got beat up so bad the next day they showed his wife feeding him breakfast and he looked fucked up she was feeding like a bowl of cereal or something, something with a spoon, and he's just sitting there. Boxing's a tough game. Yeah. Well, being president in the Philippines, it's so tough. I got in one fight when I was a teenager with another girl, and I think I punched her, but that's it. And then someone broke it up? Yeah, I think I punched her, but that's it. And then someone broke it up?
Starting point is 01:49:47 Yeah, I think so. I think there was a guy there that was threatening to hit me, and I was like, don't fucking punch a girl. Have you ever punched a boyfriend? Hit a boyfriend? No, never. Oh, good on you. So your temper's pretty in check?
Starting point is 01:50:02 Yeah, I'm not a particularly angry, responsive, reactive person. I'll let things boil internally. And I'm better at talking about shit now as well. James is breathing. That was the first time of the night where I heard you breathing, James. I heard a little whistling from your nose. I was just hoping you weren't going to ask me that question. So I won't go save it for another show.
Starting point is 01:50:31 What's more popular. People are seen by more people and make what more popular people are seen by more people and make more money. No shit. I don't understand that question. That must be someone from Australiaralia i can't believe it looking back at it i'm also from new zealand looking back at what just how fucked up that country is right now god when they oh yeah the barley sugars he's talking about the lollies that
Starting point is 01:50:56 we used to have oh oh yeah the barley sugars this guy's from new zealand yeah wait till they open up your lockdown the delta variant spreads wild and god hey stop saying those things sorry sorry sorry okay sorry i'm just reading the comments and navy d wrote what i thought was can can kate hear the prostitutes from her house but it's protesters i was like what prostitutes I was like, what? We didn't talk about prostitutes. Only the hot ones. I can't say the prostitutes from my partner's house.
Starting point is 01:51:37 She lives across this road that's renowned for where all the hookers stand out and hang out and get high and pick up cars. Is it legal? Is it legal in? Yeah. Yeah. Not in our country. Well, some states some states actually everything's kind of legal now yeah and everything's kind of legal now i feel like i haven't seen that movie the purge because i'm kind of scared of it but that's the way i feel like it is kind of in the united states now
Starting point is 01:51:57 like just anything goes i feel like that's only one night a year oh but now it's like i feel like it's every there is a forever purge though But now it's like, I feel like it's every... There is a Forever Purge, though. Yeah, that movie looks so scary. Have you seen those movies, Hobart? Please tell me no. I like movies like that. Jesus. Have you seen Black Mirror on Netflix?
Starting point is 01:52:17 No. Have you seen that, Kate? No. It's like the Twilight Zone. It's a bunch of shows. Don't see it. Don't see it. It's bad for you.. Don't see it. Don't see it. It's bad for you.
Starting point is 01:52:27 I don't have a TV. Oh, good. I do have a recommendation of the week to watch called The Motivation Factor Documentary. Someone sent this to me via DM, and actually Adrian Bosman himself actually also recommended this to me. The award-winning documentary explores
Starting point is 01:52:44 how something as simple as exercise can be used to address our society's seemingly impossible-to-solve challenges. It really kind of documents just the effect of the presidential fitness test. Oh, I saw this movie. This movie is amazing. There you go. Four-year film project interviewed over 250 of the world's leading scientists, physicians, educators, students, and alumni. It's the most comprehensive look at why we must exercise except for CrossFit. But it seems really cool and has been recommended by some really awesome people.
Starting point is 01:53:18 So recommendation of the week. We have been completely pussified. Even the L1 has been pussified because they don't let you guys do fran in there anymore it's fucking nuts what's happened to this fucking country it's a bunch of bitches it is so sad what i see parents doing to their kids when i go to the park everywhere i go 90 of you parents are fucking horrible you're stealing opportunities from your child you're making your children weak your child falls down and earns the right to stand up and you run over and lift your child up, stealing that air squat from them. It's an embarrassment. You as a parent have
Starting point is 01:53:55 a job to make controlled suffering, controlled challenges for your child, not to make their life easy, but to make their life safe so that they have a safe place to struggle and have hardship. Stop being – stop ruining your kids. You're stealing from them. I was actually just telling someone today about the video that you put up. It was a long time ago. I think it was one of the earlier videos on three playing brothers. And I don't remember which – it might have been – what's the name of your oldest kid, Sivan?
Starting point is 01:54:24 Avi. Avi the Great. It must kid? Avi, Avi, the other two are just training partners. I only had those other two to be training partners. But he's like, he was, he was, I think in like diapers,
Starting point is 01:54:34 just hanging out on the playground. And it's just a video of you watching him make his figure out how to get down this little light climbing thing. And it was just so cool to watch that. Like that whole process unfill where it was like you know my own natural instinct was like oh fuck oh shit oh my god someone please oh god and it was like no you watch him and you suddenly see he learns these little things where he's like oh there's not a step there okay let me feel my foot around to something else okay i can't do that i'll
Starting point is 01:54:58 pull myself back up and he's like okay i'll lower myself back down find a different step okay this one works and you just watch that whole thing slowly step by step take place and suddenly you've climbed from the fucking top of the playground to the bottom and you're like oh my god had anyone stepped in and been like hey let me help you it's just like that would have that would have never happened he would have never figured that out it was just like it was so cool to watch that video i tell everyone about that video uh and it's hard. It is so hard. But if you, every time you jump in and interfere, you just stole one opportunity that can never be replaced back.
Starting point is 01:55:34 Yeah, it's remarkable. And you turn around, if you look around and start really watching parents, you'll see. I mean, here's a perfect example in my own life i've i always dress avi always i put his underwear on his pants on his shirt on i dress him every single morning i love that time with him he's six he's six years old he'll be seven in a month my three-year-old my four-year-olds know how to get dressed better than him because i don't do that as much with them like i've babied him i've ruined avi like he like he's not good at putting his clothes on because I've always done that
Starting point is 01:56:08 for him. And so there's so much stuff that parents do for their kids and they're just, they don't believe in their kids. You have to set your expectations so high. It's like, it's almost like having what you should do for your boyfriend or your girlfriend too. Anyone you love, you should set expectations so high. And let them fail.
Starting point is 01:56:30 If you want them to be great, set the expectations so high. People live up to expectations. People live up to what you hold them up to. They really do. They want to. We all want to make each other happy. I hope I'm living up to your expectations, Hobart. Uh-oh. He must have said yes, and we just had a bad connection. Oh, Hobart's muted. that's what's going on
Starting point is 01:57:05 oh that's my face wow this is weird because when you said um when you said am i living up to your expectations i actually let out a big dramatic so i'm bummed i'm bummed that you missed that shit for failed drug testing crossfit why have we never seen what companies we should avoid this is a problem shouldn't we have more education, awareness on this? Yes, Robbie. Any supplements that come with a needle taped to the side of the box, don't take those. You can find supplement
Starting point is 01:57:34 companies that are third-party tested. It's not that hard. There's a whole rulebook on that. I don't know, Robbie, if I don't agree with that at all. They don't have to go out of their way to tell you what... If it has B as the last letters of it don't take it as cannibal yeah i don't know yeah endure all yeah yeah testosterone you know that's not coming from like your whole foods vitamin c supplement don't take yeah if it has test in the beginning
Starting point is 01:58:02 or ball at the end. Don't take that. Or do take that shit. I don't know. Whatever you want to do, man. Yeah. Get wild. I think it would be cool to win the CrossFit Games and then pop. You do?
Starting point is 01:58:15 Yeah, why not? Fuck it. It's your life. Do what you want. Make it your own fucking journey. I juiced up and I fucking won the games. And yes, I cheated. I fucking cheated. It was my only way to win cross it yeah they could use a heel it needs a good heel and then and then just do
Starting point is 01:58:33 your thing and then just sell just do your thing unless it's bad unless unless you think i don't know anyway but you should have fun you should have fun is our should have fun. Is it, are steroids bad for you? I can't, or are they bad for you? They shorten your life, right? Yeah. I think long-term effects can potentially be quite negative. We'll ask Mark Bell when you have him on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:59:00 He'll know he's had a wild fitness journey. It's a cool guy. Yes. A man's journey. A lot of us are taught failure is bad instead of learning opportunity. Yes, of course. I was, I was raised to avoid discomfort at all costs. Like exactly.
Starting point is 01:59:12 Like my mom was, my mom raised me to avoid discomfort. And it wasn't until my thirties that I found CrossFit that I was like, holy shit. Discomfort is the only way to get out of true adaptation. Quick adaptation. Quick learning. Yeah. My mom did not raise me that way. Well, that's why you're a fucking man child and i'm a fucking estrogen blob hairy estrogen blob my kids will pay the price though i have two stories left okay is that surprise this is gone this are you bummed it's
Starting point is 01:59:42 gone this long kate this is a good one i was ready for it we had a long, Kate? This is a good one. No, I was ready for it. We had a long one. What was the day that we did the interview? That was a long one. I was ready. I was prepared. Okay, good. I'm feeling a little insecure about how long it's gone.
Starting point is 01:59:54 No, don't feel insecure. And Kate, if it was just you and me, I would be really fucking insecure. But what Kate brought to the table so far has been essential, to say the least. I feel good now. Huge fire. I feel good now. Huge fire burning in Kings Canyon National Parks, which is significant for a lot of reasons. One, it's a fire that's burned for 24,000 acres,
Starting point is 02:00:18 and I do not think it's contained to any significant percentage. 24,000 acres is something like 18,000 football fields or about 37 square miles, which if you have no idea what those numbers mean, it's a shit load of space. But in this park, I believe there's the tallest tree in the world, largest tree in the world,
Starting point is 02:00:38 which is the General Sherman tree, which we just saw there. And the firefighters have been using these aluminum-based blankets that sheath the tree's foot-thick bark with a synthetic material to help them survive. There are some signs that this strategy has worked on other structures. The General Sherman tree is 36 feet across, which is cool. It's 275 feet tall, which is also cool, but it's 2,500 years old. So I think this tree as well as three others, which are the oldest trees in the park, are still standing.
Starting point is 02:01:12 So hopefully they stay standing. Have you ever seen a giant sequoia in person? Yeah, I've been there. Have you seen one, Kate? No. We have this other thing. have you ever been to the grand canyon have you been there hobart i have been in the grand canyon yep so these two places you can be standing in front of like a giant sequoia and then close your eyes and take a few
Starting point is 02:01:39 deep breaths and and literally like you can't even and then you open your eyes again it's like that it's like you can't even fucking believe what you open your eyes again, it's like that. It's like you can't even fucking believe what you're standing in front of. Wouldn't you say, Hobart? Grand Canyon's kind of like that for me too. You can't even like, you can't even get your head wrapped around it. These trees are,
Starting point is 02:01:57 they're not even trees. It's like calling, do you know what I mean? You know like those whale sharks? They're just like floating rocks. It's like, okay you know what i mean you know like those whale sharks they're just like floating rocks it's like okay i see a shark but like come on man these trees are ridiculous it's just like the grand canyon the hole in the ground is so big you can't get your head wrapped around you can't believe it even though you're standing next to it the grand canyon looks fake yeah the grand canyon is a crazy thing to see i always thought so in person but these trees are bizarre i want someone to discover that these aren't really trees
Starting point is 02:02:32 like these are something else yeah fascinating you know where else is like that too is africa they have these trees they're called the baobab tree. And they are also... They look like an upside-down tree, right? It looks like all the roots come out of the top. That's what that tree looks like, right? Well, they're usually really isolated. They're really far apart from each other.
Starting point is 02:02:56 Can you pull up a baobab tree, Sousa? They don't grow in a forest. They're just in the desert, and they're far apart. Yeah, I guess you could say that. But they're just so... Yeah, like that weird that's pretty so weird that's full lion king there that's full what lion lion king yeah it it is uh it's there it's a that's probably one of the coolest things about africa is the baob tree. You can't even believe them. They don't look real either.
Starting point is 02:03:27 They're probably half of them are cell phone towers. They almost do look fake. Man, that sucks. I would let 60 penguins die to save one giant sequoia. That really sucks. Oh, this is a good little philosophy. Have you ever heard of the trolley car problem in philosophy? No.
Starting point is 02:03:53 You're in a trolley cart, and you have a switch in the trolley cart, and you can divert the trolley cart to another track. So on one side of the track, there's, I don't know, 60 old people. And on the other track, the track on the left, there's a baby. So you have to choose. Kill know 60 old people and on the other track the track on the left there's a baby so that you have to choose the old people there you go and so there's there's um all of these a lot of philosophers that have come up with all these just different scenarios that help i love this problem and just to kind of try to find out you know where what do people value you know greatest good for the greatest
Starting point is 02:04:25 number. Do they value something specific to themselves? If you make the participants more relative to you, maybe it's six of your family members and then somebody else's child on the other track. Oh, so, but anyway, what made you think of that? Um, when you said you'd kill 60 penguins for one Redwood and i was like would you kill 100 i was like what would he kill 120 penguins for one redwood tree like how many penguins are worth the redwood that's what i really want to get to the bottom of that's 2500 years old penguins average lifespan might only be like 10 years fuck it let's kill 200 of them hey that and that's the problem with the current situation we're in, in the, in the, in the world that no one wants to talk about what's on the other side of, on the other side of the
Starting point is 02:05:09 track. Everyone, the political machine and the moral superiority of going to the left is so fucking fierce that they're refusing to look at what costs, what we're truly running over in order to save these people. So let me give you an example. 40% of the people who've died from this disease in the United States were in nursing homes or care facilities. And the average life expectancy in one of those care facilities is 13.7 months. And most of those people have like dementia and are broken and can't wipe their own ass. And yet we've put the whole world in turmoil for 24 months when half the people we're trying to save had a 13.7-month life expectancy.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Like there's no one talking about the cost, let alone the kids, the schooling, the buildings, the businesses. I think it's like 60% of all restaurants in California have gone out of business. I mean it's so sad. It's so sad. At least let's have the honest conversation and see what's on the other side of the scale. What does this cost us to save who? There's a really funny article that came out with Australian statistics recently. Yeah, sorry. life expectancy in Australia is about 82 years old. And the average age of the people that have
Starting point is 02:06:25 died so far of the thing that we shall not name is about 86, which I just kind of found like kind of entertaining. I'm like, this is nuts. It's like, all right. And, and we, we had a psychiatrist on the show who is the head of a psychiatric facility in Stockholm. Do you remember his name, Sousa? And he said that the average age of death in Sweden was 80, and the average age of death from this disease was 82. And as soon as you see that, any scientist would say, you have to ask, oh, did they die of it or with it? You almost cannot say that they died from it
Starting point is 02:07:02 if they died higher than the median. I mean, it's so nuts it's so nuts and canada still hired i can't believe canada re-elected that guy i cannot believe it okay what else trees burning well hey will this just be like this forever now will there ever be a point like I just get past this? Do you want my real take on this? Yeah. I think this is around for the next five to 10 plus years.
Starting point is 02:07:34 Kate? Yeah. I mean, with where Australia is at right now, we haven't even had it hit us. We are literally so far behind everyone else. You guys are how many years, Dave? We haven't started oh you mean because you've just locked you just avoided it because you know no one's had it literally no one's had it and that's what's so scary it's like no one knows we the only stories we know are from overseas of like the awful things that have happened. So it's like, yeah, we, we're in the, with the pre bad days,
Starting point is 02:08:09 you guys maybe are a little further in than us. So I think, yeah, we've got at least five years. And so let me tell you something else. That was David Eberhard, by the way, if you haven't seen his Ted talk, check it out. David Eberhard. And he was also on the podcast. That is fascinating that you say that because I know people who 100% know they have no chance of dying from this. But when they got it, they panicked. Because the hype is so real.
Starting point is 02:08:36 But the disease isn't so real. But it's, yeah, you're right. And it is going to be crazy when it hits you guys. Wow, that's it. Yeah. If retirement homes had assault bikes 13 months ago, it would turn into 13, 13 months would turn into 13 years. Yeah. I think that's true. I think that's true. They'd have to ride them. Okay. Final story, Hobart. Well, it's not really a conspiracy theory of the week, but it talks about conspiracy theories and conspiracy theory news sources. So this was interesting to me. Many of the world's biggest brands, including Nike and Amazon, have been found advertising on websites that spread false information on all sorts of topics.
Starting point is 02:09:20 Other companies to also advertise on these websites and it lists them. other companies to also advertise on these websites and it lists them point being that this advertising is worth up to 455 billion dollars this year so so you know what yeah so i write a completely outlandish story that says James Hobart has been a cocaine kingpin for the last 50 years, even though he only claims to be 35 years old, and he's worth $300 billion, and he has a harem of sexy Brazilian men in his castle in Belarus. And all these people rush to read this story, but the story is really just a place to, even though it's a lie, it's really a place just so I can sell ads. Yeah. Well, it's not quite that cut and whether if it's on a reputable site, um, or a site that actually is a housing conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 02:10:32 So, uh, it reminds me, it sounds like they're talking about Reddit. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 02:10:40 Reddit could be one of them. I'm sure that's a, if you hate yourself, go spend time on Reddit. I just want to let everyone know that. Like, if you think you're a bad person, and, like, you deserve fucking to have your brain polluted, and, like, you want to, like...
Starting point is 02:10:52 You don't... Like, if Satan were real, Satan would show up as Reddit. Oh, I don't think he would go on... Too scared? I think there are worse ones than Reddit, but... It's the worst thing i've ever seen i do not go there anytime someone tries to send me shit from there they're like holy shit have you seen this i'm like eat a dick fuck you like i take it as like they're being mean like
Starting point is 02:11:15 they're offering me a cigarette no thank you well you're a shit friend porn hub is cleaner than reddit no yes you think yes yes yes because here's the thing with reddit reddit's like glory holes at disneyland it's the juxtaposition of of of of things that are there that make it that bad porn hub just is just pornography all sorts of fucking and sucking but but this this this reddit is a um like a wolf in sheep's clothing i mean yeah you're you're one click away from what you should buy your six-year-old to for for their for christmas the most popular toy to one click away to the most fucking vile disgusting mean lies about human beings you've ever i mean it's just – and I'm ashamed.
Starting point is 02:12:06 The guy who started it is a woke fucking moron. I'm ashamed that he's Armenian. And he married that fucking hamburger peddling Serena Williams, who's another fucking disgrace to children everywhere. It's just brutal. It's brutal. Selling poison to kids in a pandemic. It's not okay. Well, I guess it's okay.
Starting point is 02:12:30 I guess it's okay. We had such a nice podcast. I knew I could bring it down with one last story. That was it. So I'm glad I could do that. Average life expectancy of a person in the U.S.? 78.54 years. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 02:12:46 This is going to be good. Is there going to be another stat he's going to put up? Also found out, back to our asteroid, a 7-meter-in-diameter asteroid would have 16 kilotons of TNT energy. That is the equivalent to the A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima. I don't know if this is true. I found this on a Reddit forum, but, um,
Starting point is 02:13:08 I just want to follow up. I think if a 20 meter asteroid hit our, hit our, like hit, I don't know, Denver, it'd be really, it'd be wrecked in technical terminology. Anyway. What I always heard was, is that there would be a dust cloud that would block out the sun. No, it's going to be Starlink that's going to block out the sun. Oh, right.
Starting point is 02:13:31 Oh, we got some good feedback on the Starlink thing. It's really interesting. Elon Musk is all bummed because he's not getting enough praise for putting civilians into space. And this happened, too, I think, when he started SpaceX. And he was really upset that early astronauts didn't praise him more and he just went and did more cool shit so i think he's really a mad mad joe biden didn't praise him for sending four civilians into space so that'll just piss him off and he'll just go do something even cooler sounded like you just took a bit hit off a joint i would have never noticed your breathing it's not my fault i've been i've been exhaling not as hard this one
Starting point is 02:14:14 just for like a little dramatic effect here and there i think you breathe through your mouth james i know it's my nose is always stuffed up because I'm allergic to everything. That's what you get. Because your mom babied you, made you wear shoes. Exactly. Didn't let you breastfeed and didn't have you vaginally. Hey, one, don't talk about my mother's vagina on this podcast. Two, yes, she did.
Starting point is 02:14:47 Kate, I heard you were buying a microphone to this i i i heard you were buying a microphone for this show i have a microphone i just haven't got the adapter for it yet is it is it near your computer so no it's not i have a because the one that i wore last time was like this shitty cheap headset that just had a headphone jack because my other headphones don't um so i opted for the airpods assuming maybe it would be an improved uh audio quality but i'm not sure yet and what what mic did you get oh it's like a broadcast headset that has a mic attached to it so i haven't got a fancy one i can't wait that's cool no that's cool i think that's what they use at the mayhem empire i always see them with the ones with the yeah Yeah, just like headset, little mic. It'll just hang out right in front of me where I need it to be. It just literally has one of those massive headphone jacks on it right now.
Starting point is 02:15:30 So I'm just waiting for the adaptos to arrive. So before I go, I want to ask you guys one question. I reached out to the Carnivore MD. Do you guys know who he is, Paul Saladino? Mm-hmm. And I had a guest on the other day named aj fletcher he's a um ufc fighter just made just got a contract he's nine and oh is a professional fighter which is pretty damn good and um i contacted aj and i contacted paul saladino
Starting point is 02:15:58 on the say i said hey let's do a show with the two of you guys on it and talk about whether you could be a professional fighter and be on the carnivore diet, right? And I go, but I also want to find a crossfitter. So I want to ask Rich if he'll do it. That's the question you're asking me? Yeah, well, do you guys have any... Well, I guess it's a broader question than that. Do you think it's possible to be on the carnivore diet and compete at the games from the little bit you guys know or the lot of it you guys know?
Starting point is 02:16:30 And two, do you think riches would be a good one to contribute to that conversation? My first thought is that it would be hard to get enough food by just eating meat. So I think just like the sheer number of calories that I think a lot of those athletes eat, trying to replace all of the carbs and other whole food sources of fat with just meat would be, I just think that it would become a chore to eat that much meat each day to get the same, the equivalent, if your calories are equal. If your calories aren't equal, maybe the carnivore would mean that you're under eating slightly based on
Starting point is 02:17:12 what your actual needs are. But I don't think it couldn't be done. I just don't see a lot of athletes actually doing it like practically. And I wonder if you eat the carnivore diet, if you automatically go into ketosis, if you start using ketones as your primary fuel source, or if you could eat enough honey where it's not like that, what happens? Yeah, well, I mean, it's stuff that's the stuff that's the more longest stuff like the more aerobic things maybe maybe you'd have good results but yeah i just think
Starting point is 02:17:56 if you're not taking any other source of energy aside from fat like i think that's going to be a pretty it's going to be hard to beat the athletes that do have carbs. Hobart. No, I like what she said right at the end there. It's good. I think it's hard to beat everybody else. I've never heard that glycolytic sport. Yeah. So it's a sport. Like we talk about it. If you remember from the L1 seminar or the L1 weekend,
Starting point is 02:18:29 we talk about the three metabolic pathways in the fitness lecture. So what we're talking about is like basically we talk about CrossFit being short, medium, and long, and that's what we want to train. We want to be able to do all three, and it's based on building your metabolic pathways or your engines so we create power with what we sort of know at the moment that was through three different ways um and depending on the duration of the asset will depend on where that power is taken from so the shorter the shorter like high-end stuff is going to be primarily fueled by carbs and then the longest stuff will switch into carb-dense fat. That's fascinating because obviously I'm familiar with that lecture,
Starting point is 02:19:12 and I missed that piece of it. I just thought that those were different engines. I didn't think of them in terms of burning different fuels, and that's just my idiocy. Well, anyway, I want to have that discussion i'm very i'm very curious maybe it should be kate maybe it should be kate and are you a good nutrition person kate do you know more than hobart hobart you know a lot you just won't talk about it yeah i was gonna say hobart will be able to talk about that way better than me
Starting point is 02:19:39 he doesn't really talk though he doesn't talk like unless he's talk. He's like a sponge full of water, but you have to put some pressure on it. Oh, I like that analogy. I like being a sponge. You have to squeeze me. All right. You guys are the best. Two hours.
Starting point is 02:20:00 I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did. Two hours and 18 minutes with Kate Gordon, James Hobart. What an amazing evening. We will be back. Hobart, are you here? Do you work Sunday? I'm not working this coming weekend and I will be good to go Sunday night, the 26th.
Starting point is 02:20:17 Kate, we would love to have you back. They're normally at 6 p.m. on Sunday. I don't know what time. What time did you start today? That'll be 11 a.m. That two hours earlier yeah that worked what okay cool okay and if you can't do it um try to tell us before we go live because that always kind of fucks to show up when the when someone doesn't show up and if you want if you want to shoot some news stories that you think are like really exciting or interesting to talk about please do yes byo news text them text them to james done nope

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