The Sevan Podcast - #151 - Kyle Kasperbauer

Episode Date: September 25, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Yeah. Bam. Like interesting in what way? Kyle Kasperbauer, CrossFitter, dad, Christian.
Starting point is 00:00:41 What's up? Hey. I don't know. Maybe it puts pressure on people or you. Or if you make a mistake, you can't go back and edit it or anything like that. So I didn't do any of the shows live. And when I started the podcast, Dave told me I was a fucking idiot for not doing all the shows in person. And, like, I don't want, like, one, it would be crazy expensive. And, two, like, I don't want like one it would be crazy expensive and two like i don't want to do
Starting point is 00:01:08 them live i want to do them like totally on my terms so that like i can go on with the rest of my day and play with my kids or as kyle casper bauer says my why that was a great post you made and um but he also called me a pussy for not doing it live and i love being called a pussy it makes me feel like that there's still hope for society it lets me realize you know what i mean it's like because it's such a there's so many people who'd be offended by that i don't know if he uses that exact word by the way i don't mean to throw dave under the bus but he lets me know that it's a sissy move and some people just should be called sissies if you're doing a fucking podcast and you're not getting better every single day then so i think going live
Starting point is 00:01:54 forces me to be better well also uh um you can appreciate someone calling you out for challenging you right that's a good friend yeah but, I think he was just being straight, honest. Well, and plus, maybe at the beginning, it was a lot of pressure because you're not used to it, right? Yeah, for sure. I mean, there's a safety net of not going live, right? Right. 100%. Like you were saying, like I can go back and edit it.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Oh, damn. Kyle schooled me on that. I'm cutting that part out of the podcast. That won't be the case. It's funny. I was on with, there's this guy, I don't know if you know him. He's Hunter McIntyre. He's the only guy ever to get an invite to the games.
Starting point is 00:02:40 He's the running guy. Who gave him the invite? Greg did. Greg, okay. as i recall greg did yeah i i have a whole belief on that too like i like i think it would be cool i think that would have been cool to do like in 2008 or 9 but like by the time hunter was invited i think it was over we had already established that like basically if you didn't realize that the crossfit games really was testing the fittest it did like i don't care how much shit you talked dude enter the open and and prove yourself but anyway so he got invited and i kind of and i just resented him for being invited but i ended up having on the show and i actually i i more than like him i might
Starting point is 00:03:19 even love him a little bit and um so but but at the end of the show he started like just telling me about how so many cross the cross it has a steroid problem and i'm like no it doesn't and we got into it but i'm kind of like i kind of want to have him back on the show so he can school me like okay i'm open to being publicly schooled on that i'm open I'm even open to like deny it to a point of, um, delusion. Like, even if like he starts, I'm so, I so don't want there to be a steroid problem in CrossFit that I'll be like, no, there is not. And he can hold up, like he can show me a needle, like hanging out of some athlete's ass. I'll be like, that's an accident. He just happened to sit on that. That wasn't him. Somebody else did that. Um, did did he did you guys get into that very much
Starting point is 00:04:10 no no but um it was just at the end of the show and then recently he went to europe to compete in the world championships of of some fitness event that he does it's called high rocks i kind of resent them because they call it the the world series CrossFit or the World Series of Fitness or something. But that's just me being a purist. I'm aware of that. You know what I mean? That's just like me wanting the whole kit and caboodle to stay under CrossFit. I'm like the dad who doesn't want their kid to grow up, I guess.
Starting point is 00:04:37 But he went over there, and while he was over there, I guess an article was released. There's an article released recently that Ricky Garrard is coming back to CrossFit. Not that he's necessarily coming back, but that his suspension is up for whatever he popped for. But the article said, Ricky Garrard and seven others, or Ricky Garrard and nine others, or whatever. And he's like, dude, nine others? He sends me the article. He's like, you say there's not a steroid problem and there's nine others? That's pretty good, though.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Nine others in, what, 13, 14 years? Well, these are just from 2017. And these are just people who popped. Yeah, it's a little different. From where I stand, I've never seen any steroids. You've been a lifelong athlete. Have you ever known anyone who openly tells you about doing steroids? Like, yeah, you should try it, or I do it, and I like it, or I do it and don't tell anyone.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Not in CrossFit. I have been. I know a few individuals that have done it and admit to it, taking it in college, like college football. And your clients just do it recreationally? No, but there's there's i know members that are on test for you know they're older over 45 you go to your doctor and you say hey my penis is only 98 as hard as it used to be for sure uh no i know individuals that are on tests but i don't for uh test for uh steroids god it seems like it would be fun to do but messing with your hormones just seems like a slippery slope like you don't want if that shit got out of whack
Starting point is 00:06:17 you'd be like a woman oh man seven did you just say that no there's some pretty bad horror stories for sure, man. It wrecks you. It feels good at the beginning. I mean, some of the, some, there was a, a friend that I trained with in 2012 for the 2012 CrossFit Games. Good friend. Um, he knew an individual in college football that did a cycle of steroids. It was amazing. He said it was an amazing drug. It was extremely addicting. He'd work out in the morning and go eat and then work out again and then go eat and then work out again.
Starting point is 00:06:57 He still had energy. He slept like three or four hours and did that for like a full four-month cycle. He said it was incredible. The results were unbelievable. However, you know, the muscles started developing such a rampant pace. Uh, his tendons did not stay with it and he ended up getting injured and injured again and then injured again. And then as soon as he stopped it, the, uh, all that hard work just went, just plummeted. Um, and, uh, obviously there was, he had real side effects to increase acne. Um, but then, uh, mood swings, just the whole, the whole gambit of what goes with that. Um, and now even now, uh uh having trouble with like this is what 20 years later that we're talking
Starting point is 00:07:49 or 10 years 10 years later um uh because this individual he was actually in college back in 2001 to 2007 and from that point now he can barely squat he can barely walk he can barely put a barbell on his back oh because the damage from the from the super growth in the overtraining correct yes just from that one cycle damn um in in defense of women can you imagine being a woman like like my my wife my wife and uh she grew two boys in her speaking of hormones dude it's nuts look i'm trying to backpedal i'm trying to backpedal guys i'm trying to like take back that sexist remark i said not take it back i still mean it you guys are wackadoodle i had i had uh i had um what's her name shit i'm so bad with names she's a games athlete she has a girlfriend no was it alex parker
Starting point is 00:08:47 was it alex and and miss root i can't remember i i had two two i had two girls on two separate athletes on they both they both were lesbians they both had uh girlfriends but basically one of them said hey like every woman should have to date another woman for some time to know what it's like like she was like having some compassion for the dudes i was like oh i like that you're good you're a good dude really good morning colby good morning the best thing about doing this live is people can make comments big fan of kyle using his platform for such good i love it jacqueline robertson nice sorry are you going to chime in on female hormones no i was just going to say how little i actually know as a whole about steroids though i mean you start talking to individuals that
Starting point is 00:09:32 either have experience with it or have taken it or know about it or sell it or whatever um and it's like oh my gosh there's so much to learn but there's also stuff that i just don't even want to know it's like i mean just that well first of all let's just let's just stop right here and be like okay if if we think that steroids isn't in crossfit somewhere and if and let's just not even talk steroids let's talk testosterone or human growth hormone or hgh right right right right it's it's in it somewhere at some degree in any every sport i mean even you can go back with lance armstrong right with blood blood doping i mean he was just evening the playing field that's a completely different sport a completely
Starting point is 00:10:09 different time here um i love i i've i've sent so much appreciation to dave and and um the game support on how much they do test and testing athletes all year round and just do you get tested as a master's athlete still i still get tested or at least i get the emails um and then uh they've uh i've been i've been randomly tested a few times i'm like dude i've been in this for so long it's like you guys won't just won't leave me alone i'm like okay well i appreciate that because if they're doing it for me they're doing it for others too. Um, I value that as an athlete, uh, that just appreciates clean, real dedication, commitment, hard work, suffering, sacrificing, dealing with a little bit of injury here and there, rehabbing, suffering again, um, having to take back, uh, the volume because of
Starting point is 00:11:03 an injury, uh, because that's what it is too it's about the recovery and how fast you can get back whether it's from training or from an injury so and just so people know if you don't know insulin is also a hormone and all hormones are extremely extremely powerful and you don't want them running around in your bloodstream unless they're supposed to be there and that is one of the reasons why eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates is so fucking bad for you because it jams up your bloodstream with a shitload of insulin and especially now when people are concerned about being sick you want your bloodstream to be just like a six-lane freeway with no traffic in it you want the t-cells and nk cells and the white
Starting point is 00:11:44 blood cells to be just flowing freely kicking ass on every bad guy in there and if you if you eat a no shit there are studies if you just drink one mountain dew or you were just to eat a teaspoon of sugar you will fucking cause a traffic jam immediately and if you're sick that sickness can creep in the second that any virus is like getting into a blood into a into a cell it'll start replicating and that could just be because you drank a mountain dew at the wrong time it's no joke i mean i know people think oh a little bit in moderation is okay hey man but like like a little bit of peanut butter and your brand new honda civics gas tank is not okay like just know like like you're like you're just saying words you're just you're just convincing yourself of shit
Starting point is 00:12:23 that's not necessarily true it's fuck you got one body there's so many cool things to do in life do that shit don't abuse don't put a little bit of gas tank in your body it's not like i'm asking you to inject heroin it's not like i'm asking you to inject something in your in your little kid i'm just asking you not to eat sugar see that see i see the difference there dude oh my gosh speaking of little kids and eating sugar okay so all right just so you guys know real quick i want to say one more thing for those of you who don't know who kyle is kyle has been a staple in the crossfit community forever i went to uh omaha i don't know if it was 2007, 2008, 2009, but somewhere early.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And I went there because, um, 2009, there was a guy there named Ricky Frostow and, uh, and, uh, Joe Westerlin was there and Libby DiBiase was there and Stacy Tovar was there.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I think there might've been one other lady. No, I think that was it. Just, weren't there three girls who trained who did i say out three libby stacy was there was there one more young lady anyway and and i didn't know kyle was there and i remember going there and kyle being there and training at that gym and him having just some really really and granted i hadn't been around a lot of athletes in my life
Starting point is 00:13:42 at that point but just having a lot of explosive power and just popping on the radar there i think they were doing like some sort of workout that had some insane box jumps and you at that point you were probably one of the best jumpers in the game in in our community so that's how we met and uh and he hasn't gone away kind of like how i haven't gone away i got fired. Kyle no longer does the individual competition, but we're like, we're hanging on. We're like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:14:07 leave a door open and we'll fucking be there. Okay. Okay. So go on. So we were talking about sugar and kids. I apologize. Go ahead. No,
Starting point is 00:14:16 no, that's, that's, uh, and he just beat my boy, James Hobart, which is disgusting. He,
Starting point is 00:14:21 he, he beat my boy, James Hobart at the CrossFit games this year, being the fittest man in the 35 to 40 year old division. And, and let me tell you something. Hobart at the CrossFit Games this year, being the fittest man in the 35- to 40-year-old division. And let me tell you something. Hobart wanted to win. That was like – that was no fucking joke. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I felt that, Saval. You did? And he didn't realize – I don't – and I can – maybe he will disagree, but it was – I felt after day one, like this kid now he's in my case 35 he looks like he's a kid he's still young he looks like a baby but we all say that about him but anyway it was a pleasure competing against him it was a complete it was a pleasure getting to know him better um because i hadn't competed against him since 2014 and there was such a it was a larger in individual you completed 2014 individual okay yes an individual and um uh there was a larger field then than in masters it's a
Starting point is 00:15:16 it's a small group and uh it's a little bit more intimate than that back in the athletes area but um it was just a lot of fun and getting to know him a little bit more man that second one second the day two started for a competition this year i just felt something changed with him and actually i think it was after the snatch because you just started seeing this fire in his eyes and then he started winning a couple um on day two and then day three he's like finishing finishing the competition and either way I had a ton of fun I felt that he wanted to win it and that's fun because when you have someone that wants to win it or a couple guys that are wanting to win it and go for it it makes everything a little bit more interesting but I'm paraphrasing but he basically told, and I don't remember when or where, but I guess you guys knew the workouts.
Starting point is 00:16:09 He basically told me day one is going to be tough for me. But, dude, I'm coming back and I'm winning this thing. I go, really? And he goes, yeah, like I'm going to fucking let the wheels fall off the bus. I'm fucking crushing it. But I know the first two days I'm going to have to dig out of a hole. Yeah, it is awesome, right? That's awesome. that's good just i love seeing that fire in competitors right yeah anyway especially someone like him he's so mild like he's still chilling and i'm like oh
Starting point is 00:16:36 you're going to the games he goes yeah you're gonna work out he goes yeah i'm like you're gonna win he's like yes yes i have yes i am fucking going there to win and i'm like and he's all right i can't remember his him but other you know people are already spinning the narrative well kyle can't win it this year he's at the he's he's the you know oldest guy in that division this is the year to beat kyle and and just so you guys know how good kyle really is i was going through a bunch of old pictures of mine and he stood on the podium in 2012 is that the have you stood on the podium any other years at the individual competition 2012 yeah and and we all know who won that year was rich froning so this is a guy um you know we've had two or three problems in crossfit rich
Starting point is 00:17:18 froning and matt fraser and now tia um and and kyle was one of those guys who was like an important supporting character to to Rich's dream run. So this this is the this is the real deal. And he's still 40 and doing it. Are you the only athlete? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not 40 yet. Slow down. That's like a week before my kid turned six.
Starting point is 00:17:43 My wife's like, he's six. I'm like, no, he's not. He's five. When do you turn 40? 2012? Well, I turned 40 next May. So, but in 2012, it was Rich and then Matt Chan. And then I was blessed enough to be on for third place. It was the oldest podium. That's, I think that's the oldest podium in the history of the crossfit games because chan was i think 33 or 34 which is ultra old to be on the podium and that's how incorrect that's saying something about matt how incredible he was at that point in time and how old he was at that time because i was 32 and then rich was like 24 25 i I think crazy um but do you remember who
Starting point is 00:18:28 took fourth that year uh uh Pancheck oh shit poor Scotty I think it was Pancheck he was either Kalipa or Pancheck I think it was Pancheck do you ever see Scott do you ever work out with him is he in your like circle um scott's a great guy we don't see each other too much um other than the when we did the reebok summits and then um competing but i've always got along with sky's great guy yeah i could see you guys being friends yeah you guys well i know that he was all he's always had a extremely um impressive back squat and i've always admired that that was always nice i thought you were gonna say i've always known he's had a crush on me i thought you were gonna say you've always known he's had a crush on you he has had a crush on me i know it are you the only athlete don't worry i'm not gonna forget
Starting point is 00:19:17 to ask you about kids and sugar are you the only athlete to have um gone to the CrossFit Games as a team's masters and individual? So, no. I think there's been a lot of people that, well, I don't know, actually. But either way, I know that I'm one of the few to do individual podium, team podium, and then masters podium. Yeah, crazy. I don't know if there's another athletes done that. Would you ever go team again?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Do you prefer individual masters? Would I go team again? Yeah. It's team for the years you're injured. If we see you on team, does that mean you're injured? No, because I actually got injured.
Starting point is 00:20:02 On the team? On team and, and, and, uh, in regionals in 2017, I got injured in the, in team in 2017, but then I,
Starting point is 00:20:16 uh, it was my hamstring. And then I healed that up and went to masters, but I wanted to, um, I wanted to make all of it and then make the decision because I'm gonna i was as soon as i turned 35 i was going to do masters all the whole way i whether i qualify for individual whether i qualify for team whether it didn't matter because um there's a there's a lot like people don't understand the commitment and the pure dedication and the sacrifice that it takes to be a CrossFit Games athlete, even just making it to the Games.
Starting point is 00:20:54 But then there's so much of a difference between the dedication it takes to get 40th and the dedication it takes to win the Games. And I don't know about you, but I don't go to things just to lose or to participate. And I think that's what's changed a lot these days is the mentality of, oh, I made the games. I'm good. I'll probably get a sponsorship or something like that. Cool. And then, and then I'll see if I can do it pretty well. And then that's it. And that's, and I'm happy. Whereas I think that's changed over the years from like 2012 or 13 or even 14. Like now there's like a real career with sponsorships or support. There's, uh, to, to, to be a CrossFit Games athlete, but it'd be a CrossFit Games winner. And that's what a lot more people are going for. I think
Starting point is 00:21:43 now the fact, even now that, you know, Frazier stepped going for I think now the fact even now that you know Frazier stepped out I think there was more athletes even this year especially that transition to where okay we didn't know who was going to win um and every year no one really knows who they're going to win like as an athlete you don't really know who's going to win you just know that you're going to give everything that you have and regardless, just figure it out. Because every year that I competed against Rich Froning, I truly believe that I could win. And there were fans know who's going to win though. The fans.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Absolutely. Hey, there's a favorite for the athletes. Don't, but the athletes don't know. Is that what you're saying? No. And they shouldn't be there. They shouldn't be that.
Starting point is 00:22:19 They do know that someone else is going to win. They shouldn't. That's the same. Like, I mean, Tom Brady is one of the greatest NFL quarterbacks of all time. do know that someone else is going to win they shouldn't that that's the same like i mean tom brady is one of the greatest nfo quarterbacks of all time and he's still putting up these outs these insane numbers at age 44 he wants to win one more superbowl the fans see it the commentators
Starting point is 00:22:37 see it las vegas sees it now i don't know if he's going to win or not because of his age that's always a question there's such a team thing involved in that versus just an individual athlete in CrossFit. Are you saying – I thought you were going to say that people aren't as dedicated now, but you're saying people are more dedicated now? No, because it requires more. Yeah, it requires more. Were you just eating COVID? Did you just see some covid running by on your table and you just well the best way did you just kill some covid i mean that's what i do in my
Starting point is 00:23:12 house if i see covid in my house drug two virus i gotta protect my kids i just squish it with my finger like on my screen here and then hey the best immune system is the most exposed immune system brother yeah i just, okay, go on. That was really cool. I mean, you are a true father and alpha male, the way you did that. Go on. Hey, so anyway. Yeah, no, it's just, I feel that it's a whole different level these days
Starting point is 00:23:40 as an individual, and my hats are off to them, to every single athlete, because there's so much sacrifice that takes place, people forget that people that aren't involved um what's another word you could use besides sacrifice why do you use that word what the fuck does that word mean i hate that word it's an easy word to use for it because it's it's so i feel like it's so obvious because of the sacrifice that I could be doing other things. I don't, I wouldn't want to do other things. Right. But I could be doing so many other things. And plus you're talking now, it goes down the line.
Starting point is 00:24:18 If you are married, your wife is also sacrificing. Yeah, she might be sacrificing. Yeah, she might be sacrificed yeah she might be sacrificing the act of offering something to a deity and i hate reading live remember how you said live shows because it just shows how stupid i am the act of offering something to a deity in pro property propitiation proprietary no profit profitation i don't even know what that word is. I'm going to skip that word. The act of offering something to a deity or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or person.
Starting point is 00:24:52 The second definition is a victim offered in this way. The third definition, the act of giving something highly valuable for the sake of something else, considered to have a greater value or claim. So you're saying you sacrifice. See, and that makes the word pointless right there, right? Consider to have a greater value or claim. So you're saying you sacrifice. See, and that makes the word pointless right there, right? So it's saying the act of giving something highly valued for the sake of something considered to have greater value. Well, then it ain't a sacrifice. Right?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Right. Right. Exactly. That word's a contradiction. Anyway, okay. And the reason why I'm defensive about it is when people say, oh, I sacrifice so much for my kids. I want to be like, yo, eat a dick. You shouldn't be sacrificing shit for your kids.
Starting point is 00:25:31 This is your honor to raise another human being. You're like – you are like – I wake up – like I can't – like it's so – sacrifice. Sacrifice. Sacrifice. You know when you stay up late when you're a kid and your eyes are burning, but you stay up extra late so you can watch that horror movie at 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock? You know what I mean? Like you do something like that. It's like the Scooby-Doo Halloween special and you stay – your eyes are – you're not sacrificing. I'm so exhausted. I'm sacrificing to go do this with my kids. I mean, there's times where I'm like, oh my God, I'm so exhausted. How am I going to make this? But I'm never like, what a sacrifice. I'm always like, holy shit. I am stoked. I have three little kids. They're mine. Well, that's, that's, that's, that's dangerous, man. Like dangerous in a really good way, Savant, because at that point, then it's like's like okay one of the easiest things to do is just be grateful for what you have just just just a sense of gratitude yes
Starting point is 00:26:30 no matter how crappy your situation is because i've been in really crappy situations well it's easy for me i'm not in a crappy situation so maybe maybe i'm maybe i'm talking maybe but it's all perspective right but it's just like just being that sense of gratitude is just put you at a whole different level than the person that has the same situation as you. But you're just that much more dangerous in regards to just more powerful. Yeah, just gratitude. sacrificing the athletes have to give more these days and then i want you to give me an example of what is something can you give me like a real example of something that like the difference between the guys at the top and the guys not at the bottom like do the guys at the top always go to bed at nine o'clock and they make no excuse to stay up till 10 like what what are some things that fall into that sacrifice bucket like you don't go to your parents' birthday party. If it's a three days travel there
Starting point is 00:27:28 and three days travel back, you stay home. Like what are the things? Yeah, I think you hit that right there. But all the extracurricular stuff that is like that of a normal life. You can't have that normal life at the top tier of a CrossFit Games athlete. They've got a coach.
Starting point is 00:27:49 They're doing camera work. They've got another coach. They've got someone either planning out their macros or their meals or they're just staying consistent on a daily basis every single day all year long for five years. Same thing over and over and over why do you think that matt frazier retired because he was so insanely dedicated rich froning same thing he could have gone more years an individual we all know that it's just the fact that it was to the point to where it was probably causing some sort of strain.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And I don't know if I was in his position, and I've experienced it myself. The amount of dedication I put towards CrossFit was putting a crutch or a gap in between my wife and I's marriage. Oh, for sure, right. It was affecting us, right? Because where I'm not, I'm somewhere else. And when I'm somewhere else i'm not with my wife or i'm not serving this podcast is affecting my marriage well in a good way right maybe i don't know both both but but yeah i see what you mean
Starting point is 00:28:56 you can't indulge in your own insecurities and you sure as fuck don't have time to indulge in other people's insecurities when you're when you're dedicated to something it's funny i was i was been interviewing a lot of UFC fighters, and they're young. They're in their 20s. And I remember being in relationships in my 20s where 80% of the relationship was insecurities. Are you cheating on me? Why were you looking at that girl? How come you didn't call me today?
Starting point is 00:29:18 And I think today it's a million times worse. The shit that I hear young people talking about in relationships, it's like, holy fuck, they are so indulgent in insecurities because of social media, because of all the fucking high level of communications going on. It's gross actually. I feel so sorry for them. There's a level of like needing to take your relationship for granted. But there are times where you do need to like help someone work through their insecurities. granted but there are times where you do need to like help someone work through their insecurities but like if you're a pro athlete like i can't imagine being a fighter and getting ready to fucking fight for your life in a cage and your girlfriend's like so are you still talking to
Starting point is 00:29:52 that girl like like do you know what i mean like all that shit has to go away i'm guessing yeah you gotta have a rock star wife or a rock star partner right you gotta have that person that's gonna go in the battle with you. That's what, I mean, that's, that's something that I'm going to, I got to give a shout out to my wife, Maisie. She's been incredible. She's been a rock star, hardcore warrior in this battle of having a child. When I be like, I started CrossFit when I was in 2009, I was 27, 28, I think. And then I didn't get serious with it until 2012. Like I fully dedicated a year before 2012 because I saw all these individual
Starting point is 00:30:35 athletes and I went team. So I went individual in 2009. And then team 2010, that's when, that's when we podiumed and then team again in 2011 and the only reason was that because it was inconsistent training inconsistent nutrition thinking i could just come in and do it and qualify and it'd be fine where or stay healthy where i wasn't being consistent with my training so i got hurt and then went team um but then in 2011 like we fully committed and that's when we had our first child so then the 2011 you saying 2011 so the life of my daughter that's all she's been exposed to was competing in crossfit and even now to this day but there's such a there's such a dichotomy
Starting point is 00:31:26 or an other side of the coin to this because the fact is that she is now seeing me can she's seen me compete she's seen what it takes to do well in a sport she's seen the suffering that it took the pressure of competing she was in the stands this last year and it was the most incredible thing and every year but this year specifically because now she's on a select soccer team and she's in a position where she's fighting for a starting spot and it's like if you want that starting spot you got to put that work in it's not just a parent talking about it she's seen what it takes she's watched me work out a little and then she's watched me compete and the pressure that it takes and she's she was a little nervous during a few of the first games, but she related that to the pressure
Starting point is 00:32:05 of me competing and the way that she felt pressure when she was in the stand. So all that kind of circles around. But my wife, she's been a rock star in this entire process because she's sacrificed time with her husband and building on a marriage versus the foundation we built before CrossFit, which wasn't a lot because we met right before I started. And then we've had to figure it out throughout the entire process. It's just been wild. So if you don't have that rockstar partner in life,
Starting point is 00:32:39 it's, it's, it's a, it's, it's a means to win it. Right. And that wouldn't, wouldn't you want that anyways for any battle, whether it's a career and a job or if, whether it's in, uh, losing a house or what happens if, uh, someone loses a job and loses the house and you got to deal with that
Starting point is 00:32:57 adversity, right? You got to want to, you want to have someone that's going to be strong in battle with you. So, and to enjoy things with you. I always trip on the fact, one of the saddest things about parents who get a divorce is no one thinks your kids are cute except you. So that's the coolest thing about having a wife. So like when your kid yawns, you're like, oh my God, he's so cute. But if you don't have a,
Starting point is 00:33:19 if you get a divorce or you don't have that, that would suck to not be able to share those moments with. It's like, did you ever have any pets with your wife before you guys got married? Yeah, we had two dogs. And you guys thought they were the – right? Oh, yeah, unbelievable. One was a three-pound multi-poo, and the other one was a Siberian husky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:49 It's literally practice for having kids and you'll see how the two of you will interact. Did you feed them? No, you overfed them. Like all of those like nuances and like little fights you have over the dogs or did you bathe them or he's been outside too long? Like those are your kids. But then of course you have kids and the dog, like, like I think within two years of our, of having kids, our dog was hit by a car. He didn't die. He didn't die. But it was literally because we used to baby the dog and neglect him, and now it was like you just opened the car door and he just ran out.
Starting point is 00:34:16 You know what I mean? As opposed to before you had kids, you carried him into the house. Right. Don't get his paws wet. He's cold. Put a jacket on him on him it's like what is happening right now no i used to used to train with my dog that's why i got a siberian is so i could run with it and i was training for games with him and then after he would out when he grew up and he was faster than me and it was it wasn't even a contest i was i was basically sprinting and he was jogging
Starting point is 00:34:44 and he was like warming up for him so then i'd have to ride my bike with him and we'd go for miles and miles and miles. And you still have that dog? No, he passed away a couple of years ago. Thanks for bringing that up. It's a sore wound. So yeah, at least, at least you had kids. It's much worse when your dog dies and you don't have kids. Right. Oh my gosh. I could not believe how much that dog pulled on my heart when he died. I grew up on a farm. So all the animals and the dogs on the farm were utility animals. They were, they weren't, they didn't mean a lot to me. They were, they were part of the farm, right? They were utility. But then this dog dog i picked him out myself um ran with him named him took care of him um you know just hung out with him as a real pet and i was like oh it'll be fine if i if just preparing
Starting point is 00:35:33 myself if i ever lose him it'll be fine it's just another pet or if he ends up dying just preparing for that i'm oh it'll be another pet and then uh out of nowhere he died he had some heart issue just in like a day and a half just like bam gone and where was he he was in your house uh he was in the backyard and he started coughing and then i was like i'll just take him for a little walk uh with him it wasn't a walk it was a run and he walked out of the gate of the backyard and i've never seen him walk out of the backyard. And I've never seen him walk out of the backyard gate. He would sprint out. And I was like, okay, well, that's weird. So I took him out for a little walk. And then it's like, something's not right. So we took him to the vet and we had to put him down like an hour
Starting point is 00:36:17 later. And it literally ripped my heart out of my chest. I never knew that an animal could attach itself so well and now i know and then i then i'm like okay well that's going to be like times 10 for a child so oh that can't happen that won't happen right that's that's no no no that can't happen that can't happen um uh were you there when they put your dog down yeah i was holding him it was it was insane it was a whole different level man so um i i've had three great danes and they all three towards the end there had to be put down and the first one was like terrifying for me i'd never done anything like that but as i walked out of that office i felt this like sense of accomplishment that i didn't expect at all first of all i started saying shit to the dog i couldn't believe that was coming out of my mouth
Starting point is 00:37:08 i was talking to the dog like i was losing a loved one like like i'm not i'm not i'm not a big uh god guy at all um i'm not a religious guy but i started like words started coming out of my mouth like i'm gonna see the dog in the afterlife i'm like who the fuck is this talking like right like it was weird and um but but it's so important to be there i think for your dog like like if anyone who ever has to put their dog down don't let them take the dog in the back room and do it like you got like you have to be holding your dog suck it fucking the fuck up and be there right like it it sucks but but you will be it's okay you make it through it you actually are better i'm a better person for being there and holding my dog and crying with my dog and like being supportive i actually tried like
Starting point is 00:37:49 not to cry until like after right i'm trying to be strong for the dog so he feels like safe and cool and then but but i but i know people who've done that like just let their dog go in the back i would never leave my dog with a vet period like i like if they're like hey we need to squeeze this fucking prostate or whatever and squeeze the shit out of it or whatever i'll be like okay do it right here they're like oh it smells really bad i'm like no no i'm cool i want like yeah just like i wouldn't let them take my kid in the back like no i'm good whatever you're gonna do to them right if i faint i'll just faint here in the corner don't worry about me just another piece of responsibility. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Right. Yes. If you're going to, if you're going to take the dog, be ready for all of it. If you're going to, if you're going to have a kid, be ready for all of it,
Starting point is 00:38:35 all of it, the good, the bad. This is kind of a crazy, crazy story. I, when I was in college, I had, I had a great day.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And, um, when I was, there was a point became where I basically lost everything. My parents didn't want to pay for my college anymore. And I became homeless and I was homeless college, I had a Great Dane. And when I was – there was a point became where I basically lost everything. My parents didn't want to pay for my college anymore, and I became homeless. And I was homeless for two years. And the only thing I kept – I got rid of everything I owned so that I could – I mean I was fucking homeless. But I kept my dog.
Starting point is 00:38:58 And my dog was my number one priority. I had taken – like he was my responsibility. It was a big-ass Great Dane. Where we were going to sleep, which backyard we were going to sleep in, which tree, which dumpster we were going to go to in the morning to get food out of the dog had to fucking be taken care of. He was my responsibility. Like, and, uh, it, it, through those years that I was living in Isla Vista, California,
Starting point is 00:39:19 I made a list of every single person who I knew who had a dog because like a lot of my, my friends had dogs, college other homeless people and I made a list of like 140 people or 147 people I can't remember who had dogs and there were only three of us who got our dog out of that 140 who got our dogs and then put our dogs down or our dogs died in our possession all the others they either gave away they got lost they got hit by a car like there was some sort of neglect like the dog they treated the dog like a like what i would call like a fucking purse right like oh it was stolen right you know what i mean like on the 4th of july close the fucking gate to your backyard you know dogs run away on the 4th of july if you're a fucking dog owner you need to sit with your dog
Starting point is 00:39:57 that and going back to what you're saying sacrifice you don't just leave them out in the backyard and go with your family somewhere your friends to get drunk and listen to fireworks. Fireworks fuck dogs up. Sorry, you got the dog. Like deal with that shit. Anyway, it was crazy how many people don't respect that relationship with their dog. Yeah. Responsibility. You ever had cats?
Starting point is 00:40:19 No. I really wanted cats, but that would be fucking hard because I think that they should be outside. But but man it would suck to come home and like he's hit by a car that would suck have you had a farm we had a farm cat that's about it was he dope that's dude just like broken tail one eye yes clipped ear oh like the feral thing oh my gosh just insane though man that that cat kept that farm intact it was like mice everything birds they are actually um i don't know if this is true or not but i've heard that they're that the house cat is the most efficient hunter on the planet because they get like they're all my neighbor's cats are always hunting in my yard i have to have a huge go for problem yeah it's like one in every
Starting point is 00:41:10 three attempts they're catching something whether it's like a bug or a cricket or a bird or a mouse or like literally insane and then you declaw them and they can still catch things it's like you take away their primary hunting tool and they can still do it so it's like pawing them to death but anyway do you have a declaw cat no man i don't yeah i don't know the people that yeah i don't know i'm just not that i'm not that guy i don't even know i don't uh i get it i get flack for it all the time but i do do not take the balls from the men of the dogs. No, no, I don't think you should do that either. I didn't do that to my dogs either.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Yeah. But they're not your balls. They're not your balls. Okay. So kids and sugar, you were going to tell a story. Okay, go ahead. You choose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:58 The kids and sugar, man. The kids and sugar. So, and look, I'll, I'll, I'll provide some dessert for my kids every once in a while, right? I gave my child a cupcake, right? And we'll do that stuff. We'll go out for ice cream. We'll live a little bit. We'll have fun.
Starting point is 00:42:17 But there's ways, there's things that we use that as a, it's not necessarily a reward. It's just about enjoying life a little bit right but anyway so this one time is it is it wrong to use it as a reward because i use it as a reward no i don't think no that's i mean you can do whatever you want with your kids dude okay um some people some people don't like to use dessert or sweets as a reward it's more of like items that um you know like uh like items like toys or something like that where it doesn't encourage them like if they do well they need to go and have dessert the rest of their life type thing right right um no like you're like it's like it's a bad habit to get into type right to the reward but i've used it as rewards in the
Starting point is 00:43:01 past too so anyway so i we've gave my – he was four years old at the time. We gave him a cupcake and it had about an inch of frosting on the top and then the cupcake was on the bottom. And he ate the – I keep saying ice cream. He ate the frosting within like five seconds, like all of the frosting. And then about 15 to 25 seconds later, he stops and looks at me because he didn't make it all the way down to the cupcake. And he's like, I'm starting to go blind. And I was like, what? He's like, dad, I can't even, I can't see right now. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:43:38 he just went into like a sugar induced thing where he couldn't even see. And I was like, and that's right there, the practical application of what sugar is going to do to my child. Right, right. And I was like, oh my gosh. And because we didn't feed our kids a lot of desserts, a lot of sugars, but then he goes to town on this one. It was a special occasion and it happens. And then he feels terrible. And then, well, I just did a little bit of a disservice to my child. Again, abs deserves to do what you want. Just be mindful of what that's going to do to your child.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I will say this, and I don't know if this is true, but I'm going to say it like it's true. None of my kids had added sugar before they were two, maybe not even three. And by that, I mean like on their first birthday, I didn't get my kids a cake. I wasn't like, oh, it's their birthday. They get a cake and ice cream. Fuck that. They didn't get it when they were one. They didn't get my kids a cake. I wasn't like, oh, it's their birthday. They get a cake and ice cream. Fuck that. They didn't get it when they were one. They didn't get it when they were two.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I didn't give them even honey. Like they ate shit like the biggest dessert they would have in their first three years of life would be like a banana smashed with avocado. And to this day, so then the other day I went to the beach. And this is the good thing about having three boys. We were at the beach, and they were eating bacon and eggs, and then we were going to head down to the beach, and I bought them a chocolate chip cookie, and I split it into three pieces. That's the best thing about having three kids. You can split everything into three pieces. And two of the boys were like, hey, it's too sweet, and they gave it back to me. They took a bite, and they're like, hey, it's too sweet.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And I get it because I would buy them just a bag of fucking lettuce and throw it in the back of the car, and they would eat back to me. They took a bite and they're like, hey, it's too sweet. And I get it. Because, like, I would buy them just a bag of fucking lettuce and throw it in the back of the car and they would eat that as kids. Like, that, like, their taste buds. It's like, there's a whole lifetime. Your job is just to take care of your kids. There's a whole lifetime for them to go away to college, buy a fucking loaf of Wonder Bread and spread Nutella on it and sit there with their girlfriend and eat the fucking whole thing good knock your knock your socks off kid i i who that's what the beautiful woman that you love in a bag of white bread and chocolate spread there's nothing better in life indulge but like yeah like why are you giving your kids i would literally go to the i would
Starting point is 00:45:42 literally go with my friends to let's say an cream shop, and they would buy ice cream to bring home to their kids. Their kids weren't even there asking for it. And I'd be like, what? That's not okay. In my opinion, that's not your job to bring the poison home. They're not even here putting pressure on you. Like what mechanism in your brain? It just seems so selfish i i uh but so so what's interesting is we did i did use sugar as a reward i've talked about this
Starting point is 00:46:14 extensively with my um son avi i basically when he started riding a skateboard at five and a half i told him every hundred days i'll buy you ice cream i'll buy you an ice cream cone so he made and then on the 365th day if you you make it a year, consecutive days. If you ever miss a day, the game's over. But 365 days consecutive and I'll buy you an ice cream cake and you can invite people over to the house. And he made it. Every 100 days he got the ice cream cone. But now his other challenges.
Starting point is 00:46:39 So now moving forward, he's over the sugar. He did 100 days running a mile every day. He got a go-kart. And what's he's over the sugar he did 100 days running a mile every day he got a go-kart and what's he doing now now he's going to do a workout every day for a dollar but he doesn't want the dollars until he gets to 100 days because he wants to own a hundred dollar bill right so i'm like okay cool yeah i know it's awesome i suck i sucker my great i sucker my mom to buy all that shit by the way yeah right like on day 99 i'm like hey mom you want to sponsor this uh you want to sponsor this
Starting point is 00:47:05 uh you want to sponsor this event obvi's doing for the hundred dollar bill yeah yeah yeah sponsors so the crazy thing is too that um money and food i'm corrupting it's more popular for people to respond in a way of being like oh my gosh savon that is terrible why would you do that you're being such a sugar an anti-sugar nazi right yeah but what the state of the first of all we've gotten here somehow right and here meaning the state of america the state of the world in regards to the level of obesity the level of chronic disease the level of metabolically being unhealthy. Somehow we've gotten to this point. And what you're talking about is something that was very common back in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, where it's like sugar wasn't something you just brought home.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And I wasn't alive back then, but I was assuming and looking at a lot of the consistencies, the sugar wasn't just brought home. It wasn't just there. That was a, that was a delicacy, a special, special occasion type thing. Um, I love it when my kids will walk up to the fridge, open up the fridge, and then there's readily available sliced vegetables that they can grab. There's fruit that they can have. There's pieces of meat that they can munch on right little things like that and then did your parents do that for you like could you
Starting point is 00:48:31 used to come home and there'd be like carrots floating in a cup of water and like you'd be like no yeah well yeah like tomatoes and pickles and little carrots celery yeah yeah just little things like that my mom chopped all that shit up and kept it in the fridge yeah that's good and then on the flip side though is is uh um we had like the white bread and then the butter and then just plain sugar on there too so you just had little things like that i had a few thousand of those i had a few thousand of just a butter and sugar oh man how did you do butter and on a cracker butter on a cracker well i did worse i did margarine we we my family followed all the trends non the non-fat yogurt the non-fat milk the non-fat ritz crackers the the margarine
Starting point is 00:49:20 the we oh the wheat bread's good for you um the. The only thing we didn't get into is we didn't do – my mom never got into artificial sweeteners. For some reason, those – but she was trying to do the right thing. You know what I mean? Like she was being health conscious. Oh, I'm going to get you the nonfat Keebler elves crackers. Oh, nice. Look at her. Eat two boxes of them while I watch Scooby-Doo.
Starting point is 00:49:47 I was a chubby kid as i was a as a chubby slothful kid i was raised to avoid discomfort at all costs i was i was basically raised and unfortunately this i don't mean to upset anyone but this that's that is the liberal ideology to avoid discomfort and it wasn't until i was 34 that I found CrossFit. And thank God I did, because it's basically the manual for life and success. Discomfort is actually how you get adaptation, growth, and happiness. You need those. And like, you don't ever get to, you can't ever, that's why it's kind of silly, this new motto that CrossFit has. Happiness is just a byproduct. You can never get, in my opinion, you can never work for happiness, but you can do all of these smart things, these formulas. There's the recipe for baking a cake and there's a recipe for happiness. And part of those things
Starting point is 00:50:35 is just hard work and discomfort and like facing your fears. I mean, that's why I do this podcast. I don't want to do this podcast. I want to stay home and play with my kids it's probably kind of like that with the games for you right like like you like like it well we've learned to we've learned to like the hard work but but but it still is hard work and but but we do it we're baking a cake we're constantly just baking a cake putting in the work do you find um that the podcast is more work than pleasure everything around the podcast is more work than pleasure the actual time like this part is great yeah everything else around it is like it um you know like i'm at the skate park i'm at i'm at jiu-jitsu yesterday and um i'm thinking like and i'm trying to watch my kid and questions are popping up to ask kyle casper bauer right in my head and now but that that's cool but now this other thought pops up should you be writing that down or should you
Starting point is 00:51:44 be pushing that out of your head or that you know you, you know what I mean? It's just it's the I don't know. I'm not complaining at all. This is like I do you do this to yourself on purpose, but it's too. Yeah, but no, that's a hard question for me to ask. Or answer. Well, Savan. That's part of it too right like nobody like one of the things that drives me nuts is when people are like i love to compete but i don't like the work to put in to compete it's like okay so wait a second so you're telling me that you only want to compete but you don't want to put all the work in to get there like are you are you really seriously saying that so you want to have a crossfit gym but you don't want to do all the things involved in owning the crossfit gym you just want to have the crossfit gym you just want to make the games you want to compete you just want to have the podcast but you don't want and that's where it's like appreciating
Starting point is 00:52:40 and valuing that process it's like no like yes work is work and we're not going to enjoy a ton of it, but it's also, it's that balance of like, all right, well, this out, this reward outweighs that, right? It's like the benefit of this right now with your podcast definitely outweighs the, the, the pain in the butt work that you could be spending towards your family, your kids, but it's worth it. It's worth it in the butt work that you could be spending towards your family, your kids, but it's worth it. It's worth it in the end. So I think you're helping me flesh this out. It's kind of so,
Starting point is 00:53:17 so thought, so last night, um, it's, uh, eight 30 at night. I kind of wanted to do a second workout and instead of doing a second workout and I started going out into the gym and then I was, but I still needed to do a bunch of research for this podcast that I was going to do with you tonight. And so I was like, I was just about, I was just put on my workout clothes then I was but I still needed to do a bunch of research for this podcast that I was going to do with you tonight and so I was like I was just about I just put on my workout clothes and I was going to go out to the gym and I was like oh fuck that's like and I convinced myself that if I worked out I would do the research better and I'd already worked out once I was like okay fuck it I'm not gonna work out so I'm in my gym clothes and I come back and sit in front of my computer and I start researching it and everything even like I hated everything up to the point of the second I sat down and opened your Instagram and opened up Google and started
Starting point is 00:53:50 Googling on Kyle Casper now all of a sudden I had fun and I got like my favorite pen in my hand and I'm learning shit about you and I'm seeing pictures on your Instagram that I took that you didn't give me credit for and I'm going through this thought of hating you and canceling the podcast because of it and like and like all that shit I loved. It's kind of the same thing with like trees in my backyard. I love going to the nursery. I love buying the tree. And that space in between bringing the tree home and starting to dig the hole, I fucking hate.
Starting point is 00:54:17 So I bought these two trees the other day, these two fruit trees, and they've been sitting in my yard now for two days. And there's this pressure mounting to get them in the ground. And like I just need – I know the second I get the shovel in my hand and I start digging, I'll be like, yeah, look at me. I'm the shit, and I'll just be in heaven, right? But like – What kind of fruit is it? I wish I could tell you.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I bought these three fruit trees. I have over 100 fruit trees in my yard. I got peach trees. I got everything. Oh my gosh, dude. But I bought these. I went online three fruit trees. I have over 100 fruit trees in my yard. I got peach trees. I got everything. Oh, my gosh, dude. But I brought these. I went online the other day. My wife can hear me.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I should be careful saying this. Do you have gnomes in the backyard? Do you have gnomes? No. Do we have garden gnomes? No. But I got other sacrilegious statues, like Buddhas and shit. No gnomes.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I'm the only gnome in the backyard um but i went online and i picked out three trees i just looked for the rarest fruit that can grow in california and there were these three fruit trees i had never heard of three different kinds i had never heard of them so i bought them and and like i always feel guilty doing it because my my whole family knows i have way too many trees in my yard already so it's kind of like i'm sneaking it even though like i'm a grown-ass man it's my money it's like like oh shit and then like i have to sneak away to the nursery and get gopher baskets and you're such a just a badass i'm naughty that's like a very that's completely
Starting point is 00:55:40 rebellious yes yes that's a married man with three children and you're being rebellious that's your way of just taking it to the man that's what you're doing and and it's all made up in my head too my wife always says like after i plant them i'll be like look at the trees and i'm waiting to get in trouble and i never do she's like oh cool you know but but i always feel but i always feel like i'm doing something bad i always feel but but she's always like supports me but i always feel like oh shit anyway so then after i always feel. But she always supports me, but I always feel like, oh, shit. Anyway, so then after I did the research last night at 10.30 at night, I still went out to the gym and I worked out.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I put on some UFC and I did a cool workout. I just did bench press, deadlifts, and assault bike, and just for an hour. Went to bed at midnight, and yeah. Went to bed at midnight? Yeah. I don't sleep very much. I sleep like six hours a night
Starting point is 00:56:26 and then probably like a one hour nap during the day okay what do you sleep uh probably eight seven seven oh i did seven because i woke up early this morning so i was up at like 5 20 and you own a gym? Yes. CrossFit Kinesis. Kinesis, yep. What does Kinesis mean? Basically, it's the effect of a stimulus placed on it. It's a derivative of kinesiology. I co-own it with a great partner, Nissa Cohen. I've known her for many years.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Do I know her? That name sounds familiar. Tell me her name again. I want to look her up and see my signature. Well, her original maiden name is Nyssa Ryder. She's been married for, I think, two or three years. Gosh, I should know how many years she's been married. But it just went over to Nyssa Cohen.
Starting point is 00:57:22 So I don't know if you know her or not. You might. Movement or activity of an organism in response to a stimulus such as light, kinesis, any manifestation of dynamic energy. And cytology, cytology, a short expression of karyokinesis. I shouldn't have tried reading three different definitions. I think you were, I think you were good on the first definition. You should have stopped. Yeah, I should have.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It sounded really smart until you kept reading. I started showing what words I can't read. Is that your vocation, Jim? You support a family running a gym? Yes, that's one. wife has uh her own business as well and what does she work to she's a nurse practitioner as child psychiatry oh shit wow so yeah does she experiment on your kids she tries to experiment on me on a daily i tell you but um also yeah with the kids it's something to where it's like behavior modification through reinforcement
Starting point is 00:58:30 so and um can you give me an example of that you have a group of children in your room or in in a classroom let's say just a classroom it doesn't have to be a classroom but if a group of children and three of them are misbehaving and two of them are behaving and doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing, you've asked them to do. And the typical wrong thing to do would be give the three kids that are misbehaving all the attention the whole time and just assume that since the other kids that have done exactly
Starting point is 00:59:05 what you asked them to do, you're paying attention to the other ones and ignoring the ones that you're doing. Now, that was a model that my wife, Macy, her parents actually developed and created a full business and a life and a franchise. And now they're about to sell that business. And that doesn't relate to my wife's business, but it does relate to the behavior modification model that I've learned from my wife. And now she is in psychiatry. She benefits from that background and is able to specialize in children and adolescent.
Starting point is 00:59:41 So, and honestly it's helped with me too, but just the fact of like, hey, Siobhan, you just did something well, I'm going to reward you. And then if you aren't doing something well, you don't get the reward, but you're not necessarily going to get punished, you get something else. But, you know, it's a give and take in this model, but I've learned a lot from it and it's helped me and my wife discipline our children on a consistent basis and a consistent model um i don't know about you but i i got spanked
Starting point is 01:00:13 when i was a kid and some of that not much but not much but tried they tried my mom tried a little my mom my dad i would get just like the hand like came up, comes just up from nowhere and you take one. But my mom was more like, hey, get the spoon. And you're like, fuck that. And you run outside. You know what I mean? The end of a fly swatter, brother. End of a fly swatter.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Yeah, that would be. I also figured out a trick to where if you. Yeah. This end. This end. No, the other end. And it was a metal fly sw oh man oh man but so the trick was if you if you flattened out so if you're in a plank position and you squeezed your butt it wouldn't hurt as much so if they're doing it with their hand it didn't hurt as much so then my wife
Starting point is 01:01:00 my wife my mom had to go get tools to punish me. But it didn't happen very often. But when it did, I definitely remembered it. You really are a CrossFit kinesis. You really are a kinesiology. Crack the code. Shine the light on the bug and it moves. But the fly swatter wasn't going to move you.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Okay, so sorry. So your wife, so spanking. So spanking is not good because kids get, it's just negative attention. I'm not saying it's not good. I mean, and any parent can do what they want. I'm just saying that. As long as you take your rings off before you hit them, it's fine. Well, if it's a closed fist, it's abuse, right?
Starting point is 01:01:35 Right, right. But no, I didn't say that either. But either way, no, so then I primarily, that's my primary focus is all in with CrossFit Kinesis. I'm a very present owner. I enjoy the classes. I enjoy being part of the community. As an athlete at the elite level, you remove yourself from the community. It just happens.
Starting point is 01:02:01 You end up removing yourself from the community, and that's just part of that to where you have to do extra more and honestly nobody else is out there on the floor with you uh when in competition so you have to be able to you have to be used to being by yourself and when you win it's even more so you're isolating even more but uh or you have a small number of of athletes that you're training, which you start seeing that at the higher level, whether it's individual team or at the master's level. But so I try to embrace I try to embrace what God has get to me. And that's that's the gym. That's a community. That's a it's a family. That's an environment that's positive. There's there are some some of the grind of being a business owner.
Starting point is 01:02:50 There are some of the grind of being a business owner, but again, it's that gratitude mentality that changes everything. I can either complain about it or I can be thankful for it and then do the other stuff that's the nitty-gritty administrative work that was one of the reasons that I wanted to open up a gym in the first place is to get out of the office. Go back to the – by the way. So, um, go back, go, go back to the, um, uh, by the way, you said something really interesting there. I, that affected me when I was a young man, someone tried to give me something and I refused it. And they said, Hey, if you don't accept the gifts that gobs gives you, he'll stop giving. And that was a huge that like, cause you know how they say you should always accept gifts gracefully or you should learn to accept things gracefully that shit never resonated with me but when i heard it this other way i was like that resonated with me like i get it like we're like
Starting point is 01:03:34 like i get like like i get it i feel i feel the universe showering me with shit all the time and i just have to be really really aware and open to receiving it and passing it forward letting it flow through me like and if you try to stop it or don't be in in a sense gratitude is kind of that like acceptance and letting it flow through you it's like basically like someone drives a car into your garage it's yours when it's in your garage and then it drives out the back and just keep making room for more and more shit like to come in and go out and like and everything around you will flourish right it's like this the the i don't know how to explain it no that's exactly right well it's like this savannah if you if deep in your heart you wanted to do something kind for
Starting point is 01:04:20 me and you wanted to do that for me and you had a reason or a motivation that was just like, you know what? I just want to love on this dude real quick. Um, I want to do that for him. And I just declined that. What kind of a horse's ass am I to decline that from you? Because then one, you're not able to bless me or gift me that thing that you wanted to give me. Right. What I did was actually cause you some sort of resentment or something inside of you that wasn't there before and all you want to do is love on me as a dude and be like hey i just want to buy you lunch um no man i got it i got it all right just and that's a sense of confidence too when you can accept a compliment or you can accept a gift from
Starting point is 01:05:03 someone gracefully like that that is showing one you can be confident in yourself to receive that and it's like okay i don't have to be the this big tough guy all the time and no i got all this all the time no nobody's got to figure it out all the time but it's also just receiving that gift from you shows confidence in me as well so i refuse i refuse to let my wife take the trash out i fucking refuse well that's i mean i apologize i apologize to god right now if that's something he's wanting me to give up i'm not i'm not i'm holding on to that till the day i do why why is that is that because you're a gentleman you want to do that you're like no man i got
Starting point is 01:05:37 that's my job i want to do that i want to be responsible for that both both both both like like like it's the fucking garbage and i don't like i i i don't think it's like a bad duty but like i just my mom just but from when i was a little kid she'd tell me take out the garbage and it's what i do it's just like the same thing when i walk down the street i don't let my wife walk on the um side of the street yeah the outside and and when i grew up in in berkeley and oakland the reason for that is because that the women were if the woman was yeah the outside and and when i grew up in in berkeley and oakland the reason for that is because that the women were on if the woman was on the outside she was seen as a prostitute but that but but it's also just it's a ritual i'm comfortable with i'm comfortable being a
Starting point is 01:06:15 sexist asshole that that wants to now some things have transcended that sexism i used to i i don't just hold doors open for women i hold doors open for all people but i will just hold doors open for women. I hold doors open for all people, but I will like hold doors open longer for, um, more attractive people, old people and people of other ethnicities. Well, that's, that's the,
Starting point is 01:06:33 that's the racist part of me. Well, I do. I actually do do that. I do do that. If you were walking me, if you, if I was walked into Starbucks and you were coming behind me,
Starting point is 01:06:43 I would give you, you get like a six second window. If you're, if you're, if to Starbucks and you were coming behind me, I would give – you get like a six-second window. If you're a black dude or a black chick, I give you like a 12-second window or if you're a hot chick or if you're an old person or if you're a kid. But if it's you, sorry. It's not because I'm being rude. I don't – no, not a regular white dude doesn't get that. No, because I want to be nicer to – I'm just nicer to pretty. It's just like flowers in my yard. I'm nicer to the prettier flowers.
Starting point is 01:07:07 It's just it is that way. And I have a soft spot for kids and obviously old people. I guess my mom just raised me right. And black people because I don't want them or even like Asian or anything because I don't want – we have all this tension around us and I feel the pressure and I don't want to be an asshole to them. Same thing with like if you were trying to pass to get in front of me in the lane in front of me and you're a black dude, I'll tap my brakes and let you get in front of me. You're a white dude. It's like,
Starting point is 01:07:29 dude, you got like, use your fucking, I would be like, use your fucking blinker. You know what I mean? Get in where you fit in. It's just,
Starting point is 01:07:34 it's bad. It's horrible. It's horrible. Well, when you're talking about, it's over, it's overcompensation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:40 I do that. Yeah. When you're five, five, you have all sorts of overcompensation all over your life. You get a big truck, a big dog. Just a garden gnome walking around the back yard. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yes. Yes. Okay. Sorry. I'm all over the place. No, no. I think what you're talking about, the trash taken out for your wife, that's just chivalry, bro.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Chivalry is dead. Uh-oh. Chivalry is dead. You make me look up another word. Well, just doing nice things for your wife that's that's something different but it's it but if it's something that you want to go out of your way and serve her and she does it and she declines that you know uh is that gonna make you feel it's a mounted uh qualities of the ideal knight the system of spirit or customs of medieval knighthood am i looking up the right word yeah i guess oh gallant or
Starting point is 01:08:32 distinguished gentleman yeah my mom always wanted me to be a gentleman and i think part of that has to do with just like being nice to to everyone but all but especially to women and children and old people she never told me to be extra nice to black people that's just like a societal pressure i got and what about like asian whatever whoever that we whoever that week in the no not mex not mexican not mexican there's because mexican i'm numb to mexicans they're the same as white people in california they they fucking got to turn their blinker on too. They're my equal. Fuck those guys.
Starting point is 01:09:08 But just whatever the flavor is of the month to be concerned about. If I can't tell if you're a man or a woman, I'll be extra nice to you too. Just trying to overcompensate. Not like crazy extra nice to you too just because like just trying to overcompensate for like – just trying to overcompensate. Not like crazy extra nice, but you know what I mean? Just like a little more presence for you. Sure. Like I say, how are you?
Starting point is 01:09:36 And I actually give a fuck what your answer is. Where if I ask you, I'm just like, okay, move out of my way. I need to get to those cucumbers. You know what I mean? At the grocery store. Oh, dude. Anyway, sorry. No no i'm not going there go ahead you're talking about cucumber no it's uh i feed my kids a lot of cucumbers i feed my kids a lot of cucumbers it's my go-to snack the little persian ones if i go to the grocery store my wife always sends me a text we've always done that since they've been very very little since even before they had teeth i would wash a persian cucumber um put it in the fridge they like putting
Starting point is 01:10:09 it in their mouth when they were teething it would be cold and then eventually when they started eating cucumber ultimate snack and i would cut off the ends because it's a little bitter there and uh did you have a go-to snack what's the difference between persian cucumber and they're little they're the little tiny ones and they're like okay they look like almost like little pickles and so a kid can hold it in his hand it's not like the big giant one with the thick skin they're awesome yeah how uh holding doors open longer for black people dude letting a black dude in traffic seven you are so woke i I know. I'm not. I walk this walk of, like, trying to be, like, this fucking non-woke motherfucker. But I'm not perfect.
Starting point is 01:10:51 How is it owning a business? And, like, you are in a – you have a lot of clients. You have a space where a lot of people come in. And then you have a – not only that, you have an owner owner of your gym how are you managing all of these polarizing ideas and and they're not like normal polarizing ideas it's not like where you're fighting over someone like hey is is um are electric cars better than gas cars these are things now that are like people are talking about taking needles and injecting our kids with a substance outside of our control. Like, and how do you deal with that?
Starting point is 01:11:33 Like, how do you run a business and take money from someone and treat them with love and care and benevolence and try to grow them as human beings? Well, meanwhile, they're voting in politicians who think that your kids should be held down and injected with a drug. I mean, that's basically, at least for me, that's like what it's starting to come down to. Like holy shit you voted for that guy. That wants to put a needle in my kid. Yeah that's a. My force.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Like how do you manage that. I'm okay if you think electric cars are better than gas cars. I'm even okay if you think Armenians are dumb fucks. I'm even okay like. If you think short people shouldn't mate anymore. Like I'm okay with all these things. I'm so fucking all these things. I'm so fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:12:07 You can, you can hate me for like all these things and I can still love you. But like the thing, like you want to put a needle in my kid. Now I'm like, you kind of got to go. Yeah. You kind of, you kind of,
Starting point is 01:12:19 you can't be like, you got to go. You can't be around here. Short people not mating anymore. That's a funny one. Yeah. I'm not mating anymore. That's a funny one. Yeah, I'm fine with that. That's a totally legit opinion. I see it.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I see it. I totally see it. No, I think that's a real question. But I don't see injecting my kid with stuff against my will. I don't even see one tiny little bit of it. Yeah. No, that's a great question, Savant. Yeah. No, that's a great question, Siobhan. I think a lot of CrossFit Box owners are figuring it out as they go. But for me, I'm lucky to have a great team that surrounds me with Nyssa and then the rest of the staff to where once we can meet and consistently communicate on this, on what direction we're going to go.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And that direction is the fact that, look, we have a gym. And the purpose of the gym is to literally continue to fight chronic disease. That's, that's, that's our sole purpose of Kinesis is to fight chronic disease through fitness and all these other topics and and and diet and diet and community right those are the three pieces yes through cross well through crossfit fitness and nutrition and community those are the would you say those are the three pieces fitness uh fitness diet and community like support%. And the word community, it actually, that's a very powerful
Starting point is 01:13:46 thing. And, and that, I think that's one of the primary reasons why CrossFit is so successful is, um, is just the value of a true group of people that are happy and for the most part, get along, or even if they don't get along, they make it cordial and it's a deeper meaning. There's this book and it's called The Nine Essential Habits for a Healthy Life. And they find these seven areas. They're called seven blue zones. and the blue zones are just areas throughout the world of these populations that are consistently starting to live past 100 years old. And what's happening is these individuals go into these locations
Starting point is 01:14:36 and there's like a small area outside of Greece, another spot, an island outside of Italy, Sardinia. Okinawa is the location. An area in California like Loma Vista. I can't remember the actual town or city. Loma Vista? Ojai? No.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I'm not from California. I'm from Nebraska, so I barely know that. But either way, one of the— Are there any states where they don't have state tax where it's a blue zone? Anyway, I'll look that up afterwards. I want to move there. I'm ready to move. I'm ready to move.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Okay, go on. Yeah, I bet. So anyway, they go into these areas and they're like, what is the difference? What is making this area special in regards to every other place else in the world? And what do these places have in common? And obviously there's the common areas like either there's exercise more days than not, or if it's not exercise, it's living an active, healthy lifestyle. Eating is a part of that, right?
Starting point is 01:15:40 The obvious things of like no smoking. part of that, right? The obvious things of like no smoking. Um, but then there's, there's another key ingredient, um, that is consistent across all the other, across all of the zones. And that is a community, a supportive community. And, and CrossFit has embraced that and empowered that of community. And that's one of the reasons, I mean, these people are living past 100 years old consistently in these different zones in the world. And it's because of, yes, exercise, yes, of nutrition, yes, of no smoking, yes, of drinking but in moderation and laughing. But then the community is so, so important and more valuable than people think.
Starting point is 01:16:27 And if you're a part of a gym but you're not getting involved in that community, you are so missing out. And I used to be a part of a big box gym that kept talking about community, but nobody knew what it meant. They just kept saying it. They didn't know what it was. So, um, that, that right there is how we've gotten through this crazy, what, two years that's been more volatile than any other year that I've ever been alive that I can remember. And some of those years I was so embraced in my own narcissism as a teenager or a young athlete that I couldn't even have noticed anyway. that I couldn't even have noticed anyway. But now it's just so in your face and you can't even avoid it because it's on social media and this thing called social media
Starting point is 01:17:08 that brings everything to you right now. That's been how we've kind of navigated and just one understood what our mission was, our purpose of why the gym was there. It's not to get political. It's not to make a stance and all of that right now. And that's not saying that I'm not or that I'm not doing it individually. But as a gym and a team and the mission of the gym, it's to get to that barbell, to spend time with the barbell. The barbell doesn't
Starting point is 01:17:36 care who you are. It doesn't care what color you are. It doesn't care how old you are. It just cares the fact that you spend time with it. It's time that you and when you're in the gym we try to keep it as neutral as possible and um again i i i know people that completely think opposite like completely opposite of me on every issue possible but if i can sweat and suffer in fitness next to that person then at least meaning they think they think that instead of holding the door an extra five seconds for a black person, you should actually not hold it open at all? Is that what you mean by the opposite? I'm just... I'm just...
Starting point is 01:18:13 Fuck. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, go on. Go on. Sorry. Good stuff. Good jump in, Simone. That was great.
Starting point is 01:18:21 So you're saying you manage it. So you're saying you manage it, that you've doubled down on your vision and your direction of what your gym is. And it's to fight chronic disease using movement, nutrition and community. And like you and you're trying to stay really focused on that as a business. So not to alienate anyone, even if they think differently than you. Yes, yes, that has that has brought success to us to where we are now in a place that we've never been as a business. We had a hit. You're a big man. We had a hit.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Nobody knew what was going on a year ago. Nobody knew in the entire world. Well, probably a few people knew. They were up to no good. But they'll get what's coming to them at some point in time in their life. That always comes back around. But what we had as a gym and the community of what we slowly – we were talking on a daily basis as a team and as a staff.
Starting point is 01:19:15 We were prepared to make any move at any point in time, but we just kept mindfully moving forward, and the community was getting stronger. And they started actually understanding what we've been screaming from the rooftops for, what, 10 years, Savant? Yeah, yeah, 10, 20 years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is not new. This has been predicted. We've been in a place where this was predicted, and they're like, yeah, it'll come when it comes,
Starting point is 01:19:39 but probably not in this life, maybe later down the road. No, we're seeing it right now, and that's that overwhelming of the obesity and the chronic disease and the sugar overtaken and the big soda, big pharma, all that whole mess is now just coming and trying to take over what has been clearly defined and the testimonies over time, over and over and over to where it's like, you're trying to get us to deny our own personal testimony because it doesn't fit someone's agenda. Absolutely not. Never in ever. If you deny your own testimony, there's going to be some serious denial deep inside. And then that's when things get really weird for you as an individual, and then that's when things get really weird for you as an individual.
Starting point is 01:20:28 But as a community, and that includes the owners and the coaches, when people say community, that truly involves everybody. And it also involves the spouses of members that aren't even a part of that gym and the kids. That's part of it. But together, everybody just became stronger. They started to understand the mission and the bigger purpose of what we've been trying to say as coaches and owners for years. And it's an incredible thing. We're seeing a lot of good value in it.
Starting point is 01:20:56 And it's showing some great success. Again, it's such a blessing, Siobhan. There's a silver lining and other side of the coin to every blessing and every curse. And I think we can find that in owning a gym. Now, there are gyms out there that unfortunately, they either had to shut down or change up their entire model. But again, there's, here comes this sense of gratitude. I feel that in certain areas in, in the world, in the U S to where maybe it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. They could have been a blessing for them to change their route in their life anyway. And it probably wasn't a good thing for them anyway. So, um, and there, there, there's
Starting point is 01:21:44 probably people out there that absolutely do not did not want to shut down. But sometimes you're forced into a position where you don't want to do it. Change is so hard. It's not going to be fun. It's awful. It's terrible. And then when you have that change being forced on, you're like, actually, I'm kind of thankful for that. So, yeah, it's that sense of gratitude again. So just there's there's some challenge and there's some thankfulness from the season so far. I can't hear you, Siobhan. I muted myself. So start over from when you muted yourself.
Starting point is 01:22:28 One of the things I think about when you were saying that you as a team and your business came together as this thing was unfolding, and you guys are basically doubling down on your focus, figuring out what's important to you, and being ready. I think you didn't use the word pivot, but you guys were ready to make this work no matter what. You guys were being flexible and real time watching the tsunami of insanity with all the different things, whether it be COVID, the racial strife, just all these shit just sweeping over the country, this kind of this darkness that people were insisting is here. You guys kept your head above and just kept focusing on, okay, what can we do to basically stay alive? And I've been in positions where literally, and probably there's a lot of couples like this, but my wife and I, okay, what's
Starting point is 01:23:14 important to us? If shit hits the fan, do we sell the house or do we move into a van? We both agree, you move into a van. No matter what, you never sell the house and and it's like that right it starts becoming like and it's not even bad it's kind of like if you don't have that talk if you don't all get on the same it's a relief oh shit my wife's totally cool to fucking like to move into a van and just travel around the country with the kids you know what i mean okay cool the gym owners are totally cool that if shit hits the fan, we'll lose this thing and we'll move to a park. But the fucking – the show must go on. And it's going to be just as good and it's just going to be another experience. We just will do it in the park.
Starting point is 01:23:55 And I was just trying to relate to what you were saying just as this – as it seems. And then the truth is that you come out better on the other side. I mean this breaks my heart to almost say this like I'm bragging, but this has been the best two years of my life. I mean this has just been crazy. Well, because it brought you together as a family. Double down on my kids. Double down on my kids and my wife. Like triple down, right? Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:23 I mean it's the only thing. I removed all the other shit that's like not i the other shit just went away well in that conversation you had with your wife about moving into a was it a van or an rv yeah van whatever just like hey basically the point was is like hey under no circumstances do we give up real estate like we own real estate and and like in california and it's like it's crazy like you shouldn't like everything's good like what's more important to us living in a van and being able to still eat avocados and drink coffee at will or or or owning our house
Starting point is 01:24:56 no we'd rather live in a van still be able to buy all the avocados and coffee we want we'll just figure it out but fuck you don't like you don't want to give up your real estate like you don't want to give up like maybe and for you guys maybe it's like hey we don't want to give up this this fight against chronic disease that we're doing so we need to be ready to like just move it right well that was the other thing and we weren't even close to that happening but i needed i it wasn't i didn't i never saw that i never saw that as a reality but i needed like to just have that conversation. What happens if – I never plan on the plane crashing, but if it does happen, do we have parachutes on?
Starting point is 01:25:32 Sorry. Go ahead. Well, no. And that's where we were at because Kinesis has grown to a point where we've been blessed to where we were able to purchase land and build our own building. And that happened three years ago. Holy shit. So we were all in. Right before the shit hit the fan,
Starting point is 01:25:52 you guys are like doubling down on your investment in your business. Savant, it was a true blessing. The timing. I can't deny this. And again, I give all this glory to God because the fact of the timing, sometimes in life when things happen and you try to deny it, but it's like the perfect dominoes are set up in place. The space that we had before, it would have decimated our community in regards to the COVID season. We have a brand new HVAC system. We have very large garage doors and the ventilation within there.
Starting point is 01:26:29 We have the space to spread classes out if we needed to. We had the staffing ability to do so. The cleanliness of a new building. These were true blessings that I'm thankful for. But it was also the mentality that there is no going back. There's no other option type mentality. Yes. Let's say worst case scenario that we had to downgrade to and go to a different space and then try to rent out our space. There's always that option, but that's not what I want. We designed this building based off of the community feedback and the coach's feedback for the community.
Starting point is 01:27:11 It was designed that way, so we were all in. That's the same thing with what you're talking about with owning real estate in California. Look, there's no option B on this in regards to – there's no option to sell. That door isn't open. It's not even there on the wall so it's like okay so we're going to find a way we're going to do this whatever way and that mentality um i i encourage those gym owners out there that are still struggling and dealing with whether it's government overreach and trying to control their business or consistent but whatever
Starting point is 01:27:42 that is is that that mentality can change overnight too. You can have, you can flip that coin over and you can go right at it. And, and, and eventually, you know, that will change everything. It'll change everything. Things will start working out because you start grinding harder. You start focusing more, you start doing things that you weren't committed to doing before. Just like this podcast, if you start doing things that you weren't committed to to doing before just like this podcast if you start seeing things you haven't seen there's a whole different level of dedication so if you don't have kids and you have felt any kind of hopelessness during the last two years. From the bottom of my heart. Please. Stop being a fucking bitch.
Starting point is 01:28:34 If you don't have kids. If you are just a free flowing person. You should be contributing non-stop. To hope. Prosperity. And belief in yourself and everyone around you you have no fucking clue how fucking free you are this is not to say that i wouldn't uh that that having kids isn't a great thing but like i saw what mark do you know do you know who mark bell is he's doing this thing he's promoting this thing called step step sept. I had never heard of it before, but basically you walk like –
Starting point is 01:29:07 I don't know if he's the inventor of it, but you walk 10,000 steps every day. And then he did this thing on Tuesday of this week where he said he's going to walk 100,000 steps. It's 50 miles, and he started at 4 in the morning. I haven't gone to his Instagram and looked. But, like, dude, like that is so fucking awesome that contribution he's this big old juiced up dude and he's getting into walking and he's making himself accessible to the fucking world and i don't know if the guy has kids or not but like if you don't have kids and you're just free to be as creative and do that shit and contribute and be a part but there was something
Starting point is 01:29:42 else here about what we said about community there There's some point in your life where you, you, you, you read in a book somewhere, you are the five people you hang around the most. And then, and before that, maybe you hear about something called peer pressure and you feel peer
Starting point is 01:29:55 pressure. The real truth is here people. And I don't know if who's willing to accept this and who's not, but I'm telling you it's a hundred percent the truth. There's no one here. We're all just mirrors of each other. And so when you light up a cigarette, you're telling everyone around you it's okay to smoke. When you eat a donut and shove your face a donut and a Coca-Cola, you're telling everyone around you it's okay. Every bad thing you do, you are spreading the disease. Now, you have to be compassionate with yourself. You got to be cool. But we're just mirrors.
Starting point is 01:30:27 And so when I see this dude, Mark Bell, when I see like nothing, you're invincible if you don't have kids. You're completely free from all personal responsibility. You can reinvent anything. You own yourself. And the cool thing about having kids is it's a free ride to enlightenment. Like a good parent is selfless and you have to become selfless. And so it's go ahead and have unprotected sex with a girl and begin the journey to God of becoming selfless. But if you don't, contribute, even if you have to get your ego
Starting point is 01:31:05 involved in it, but we're all just mirrors here, man. And, and yeah, we're all just mirrors here. All of our actions are being mirrored and picked up by other people. And that's also one of the things why like, you can go ahead and wear, you can go ahead and wear a mask and go ahead and say all you want about it. But don't deny the fact that you're telling, you're signaling everyone around you that there's something here that's super duper dangerous. Don't, don't like, like, like, like take responsibility for the message you're sending out to the world because you are sending out a very, very, very scary message. I know you think, oh, I'm just doing the right thing. Oh, I'm just protecting people. You're, you're doing something far, far more significant and heavy than that you're looking at
Starting point is 01:31:45 it in a very very superficial way very superficial way that's why like you see traffic jams and people being at like think about airplanes when you get off an airplane everyone's a fucking asshole it just turns into the worst human beings ever like everyone's fighting to get off the plane first where the fuck are you going like don't be that guy don't mirror everyone else on the plane just stop be the opposite help everyone with their luggage let everyone else go out first like just anyway okay sorry i just that's my neck that's hard to do getting on my rant yeah but it's fun but it's fun doing it once you start getting to train yourself to be that guy it's fun right absolutely absolutely you've never done anything nice for someone and regretted it
Starting point is 01:32:31 right you've never done anything nice for someone and regretted it right how many times do you see people like you see someone at a bus stop and you're like man i should give that person a ride and then you're like i can't do that because then they'll think I'm a fucking weirdo or there's something in the news about someone who killed someone. There's like all of these things that we're like afraid to do to be nice to other people. But like 99% of the time, like, and I'm not saying you fake it. I hate those fucking people who are faking it too. Like I didn't plant trees in my backyard to share my fruit. But when I have extra fruit, I just fucking put it in a bag and go't plant trees in my backyard to share my fruit but when i have
Starting point is 01:33:05 extra fruit i just fucking put it in a bag and go drop it off on my neighbor's porch like it's easy to be nice just just yeah well it's it's very easy to be nice one thing that i struggled with in the past was um giving money or tithing or uh donating what did you call it tithing tithing t-i-t-h tithing my vocabulary is getting huge after this show just have kyle on i'm still learning um but uh because i didn't have a lot of money when I was younger. So then I held everything super tight, super tight, super tight, super tight. And, um, I didn't, you know, when you, when you, when you see a homeless person on the side of the street, um, I didn't, I had a, I had a challenging time giving money away. So it was either just a little bit of food, uh, or I'd go
Starting point is 01:34:03 to the gas station, grab something and give it back and then give it that way. Um, but then there was this one time where I had, uh, it was just $10, dude. It was just $10. And, uh, it was just that day where I pulled to the stoplight. There's a homeless person next to me. And, and you probably see a lot more homeless individuals than I do because the, uh, the winter thousands, just thousands every day. Yeah. Right. So, but, but this is, this was me growing as a Christian too, is, is we're not asked to make a bunch of money and then hoard all that money. You know, it's like you give and that you receive and then you give and then you receive and then you give and you give. So it's like the more you give, the more you receive, the more you give, the more you receive. And again, being
Starting point is 01:34:47 mindful of the real world bills and all that thing. But anyway, when I was at that corner, the Holy Spirit inside of me just brought me to give this individual $10. And that was hard for me to do. It was a challenging thing. But as soon as I gave it to him, he thanked me and he blessed me back by saying, God bless me. And again, this is kind of a stupid story. But as soon as I gave it to him and he said that back to me, I drove off and I started crying. I was like, why am I crying? It just broke my heart down because the fact is that it was such a crutch in my life that I did not want to give even just a cent away because it was not always there for me myself. So having that control and being scared to give. So then giving to that individual and then him saying that back, I think I was blessed just as much as he was, if not more, just by the fact that I finally opened that door open to do that. And it became much easier and then starting to tithe in church more
Starting point is 01:35:50 and then just learning to be able to give more away. And then you're talking about just doing nice things. It's like, okay, it is an easy act to do, but it's hard to get people out of their own rhythm. You know, it's like, if we're just going to be lazy and we already don't feel good because we just had a bunch of sugar and then we didn't eat very well and we didn't sleep good the night before and we haven't exercised in two and a half years or in a month. It's like, it's so much less effort to just care about yourself because that's all you can care about because you don't have enough energy to care about anybody else. Right. So even though it's easy to do, it's a simple act. It's not necessarily easy.
Starting point is 01:36:30 It's so simple to do something nice and kind. But it's not always that easy because of where we're at in our own consciously state of mind because of the poor nutrition or the exercise or lack of sleep or thereof. Yeah. When you're uncomfortable, you're at the peak of selfishness. When you're scared, scared is nothing but selfishness. Fear is selfishness. I know some people are going to take that negative. I'm not even saying it in a negative way.
Starting point is 01:36:57 I'm walking down the street and I hear a car slam on its brakes. All of a sudden, I'm scared. Why? Because I'm being selfish. I have to look around because I don't want to get killed. all of a sudden I'm scared. Why? Because I'm being selfish. I have to look around because I don't want to get killed. It's like the epitome, the pinnacle of selfishness is like not wanting to die, right? Like, oh shit, I don't want that lion to eat me. I don't want that guy to hit me with his car. And so, yeah, and the opposite is where happiness exists in communion with God, and that's selflessness. And that's when shit's
Starting point is 01:37:27 just flowing through you. Gandhi said that begging is a profession, and it's the worst profession, and I really do believe that. And I remember walking down the street, I was with Greg Glassman, we were in San Luis Obispo, and there was a guy on the street selling hot dogs. Next to him, there was a guy with a violin case open playing the violin. And then next to him was a homeless guy. And there were the three options. And so I gave money to, going back to psychiatry and rewarding behavior, I gave money to the guy playing the violin and I gave money to, and I bought a hot dog and I didn't give money to the homeless guy. And here's why, because I didn't, I, me personally, Sevan, I didn't need that lesson and I didn't want to vote with my dollar to support that behavior
Starting point is 01:38:08 I already give plenty to tons of people I already tipped the like like I um already pay for the guy be like I like I want to reward good behaviors around me like you know what I mean like when I go to the hotel that I want to tip that guy who works hard when I go to Starbucks and the girl smiles at me I don't want to feel obligated to tip her I want to be like damn she just shared that smile with me I'm gonna give her a buck and I'm past that shit on to the person behind me and smile behind them I um I was um I was at uh this is one of my crowning achievements in my life I was in San Diego was about 105 degrees outside it was so fucking hot that no one was out walking around, which doesn't happen too often in San Diego. And my wife had gone into a Starbucks to use their bathroom. And there were some newspaper
Starting point is 01:38:52 stands out in front of the Starbucks. And this is before I had kids. And I had my dog with me, a little tiny dog, Chihuahua. And I ducked down behind one of the newspaper stands to just get in the shade. That's how hot it was. Well, my wife went into Starbucks because I couldn't go in with her because I was watching the dog. And a guy walks up to me and hands me five bucks. He thought I was homeless. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:16 And my first instinct was like to refuse it. But in a second, I said – I had shitloads of money. Like I was probably making like $200 thousand dollars a year and like like you know like just chilling just but i'm ducking behind a newspaper so i'm like thank you and i took the five bucks and and he walked on and then like and and probably i don't know like 15 minutes later there was i saw a homeless guy and he was just sitting there and i just gave passed it on i was like yeah this is probably hey i'm pretty sure this is yours dude i gave it to him. But it was so awesome in that moment
Starting point is 01:39:48 because I wanted to be like, dude, what are you doing giving me this five bucks? But I'm like, nah, it's cool. I'm good. I just looked up at the guy, thank you. You know what I mean? And I took the five bucks. It wasn't the first time I'd been accused of being homeless. When you have a beard like this and you're living.
Starting point is 01:40:02 I was a dirty hippie. I got the homeless shit a lot. And then eventually eventually was homeless uh this had that that story i just told you happened in san diego when i was homeless i was in uh santa barbara for a couple years and that was another that's another you know interesting thing that i've talked pretty openly about i met my wife as a homeless guy living in santa barbara and now we've been together 20 years. We have three kids and we have more than enough wealth for our life and, um, and our kids. But, but in the same respect, we're also not afraid to go move into a van to protect that like wealth. But, um, I guess it's just priorities
Starting point is 01:40:42 while being homeless. Yeah. I mean, she was a college girl. Those college girls are susceptible. They're, they're susceptible to anything. You know what Ronnie Teasdale told me one time, one of the crowning achievements for him was he was at a,
Starting point is 01:40:54 he picked up a girl naked. He was somewhere naked, like in some like mountain retreat or some like, uh, like some hot springs. And he said he was naked and started talking to this girl. And, and, and, and they, I that's that's vulnerable well that's to do to do your mating dance naked yeah yeah right right right right she knows what she's signing up for well i think or him i don't even
Starting point is 01:41:18 know that's a good point i never clarified if it was a him or her i made that presupposition positive uh relationships that come out of that being like look i know i know everything we're starting at the end and instead of the beginning so when when when when i was homeless the the unfortunate tragic part is is that 99.9 of my peer group were drug addicts and i was not a drug addict i was a soul searcher i was searching for what it would be like to give up everything I owned. And I made the decision on my own. And I was just in a crazy minimalist, trying to live, mimic, you know, my heroes like Jesus and the Buddha and these guys I had read about, I wanted to mimic their, their lifestyle. And unfortunately unfortunately that, that the cohort in that, in, in that group, most people are homeless because they didn't, I mean, they made decisions that they, they prioritize drinking and heroin and pills and that stuff over shelter.
Starting point is 01:42:15 And so that's how they ended up there for me. It was a mix of my parents having enough of my bullshit, my antics and me, um um having the right influences and books in my life at the right time you know what i mean so i was like all right i'll try this homeless shit a scary as shit right um but cool fuck it was cool how oh man what part was cool just being homeless and like like like just being free, right? Like no responsibilities. None. None. You wake up when you want, you work out when you want,
Starting point is 01:42:50 you play ping pong when you want, you talk to you want, you can say whatever you want, you can think whatever you want, you can dress however you want. You can, there's, and I know everyone's like, well, I'm like that. Nah, you're not. Trust me. You're lying to yourself. You're not.
Starting point is 01:43:02 No, no one is until you get until you like, you got to go to the bottom in order to experience bottom. You can't fake it like like I'm not like that anymore. Now I'm doing all sorts of fake shit. All right. So here's just a quick question on that. So well, that's related to that. Does your day start when you take a shower or when you brush your teeth?
Starting point is 01:43:21 Hmm. Which one would that be? Can I choose when I drink a cup of coffee? Oh, you mean when you're homeless? You mean when you're homeless? No, no, no. Just now. Does it start officially when you brush your teeth or when you take a shower? Which one wakes you up more? Which one is like, okay, now I'm ready to go? The second I become conscious, I start thinking about my kids. I like literally my eyes pop open and I just want to go straight to my kids' bedroom and look at them and be like, yeah. Okay, remove the kids.
Starting point is 01:43:53 Just remove the kids and answer the question. After I pee. As soon as I get that first pee out, I'm like, oh, time to begin the day. So did you brush your teeth when you were homeless did you take a shower when you're homeless like how homeless were you because those are real things yeah um i didn't i probably so i if i showered i showered like at people's homes when they weren't there um at the gym you know like on campus at the at the campus gym i swam a shitload in the ocean i don't remember so much how i did that um and i definitely carried a toothbrush with me i probably brushed my teeth without toothpaste like that was probably like my primary way you know what i mean like anytime
Starting point is 01:44:36 like i just went into a bathroom i just but how long were you homeless two years uh well i was i was homeless for two years and then i, and then I lived in a car for like five years after that. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, so seven years total. And during that time, you know, like I was living in a car, and I made three shows for ESPN. I made commercials. I started making TV shows. I produced, directed three shows for ESPN that aired more than 300 times.
Starting point is 01:45:06 I had a super popular public access show in Santa Barbara. I was a – I got a job after two years of being homeless at a home for disabled adults. I was just walking by there. And I didn't wear shoes either. Like I was barefoot for two years. I never wore shoes once in two years. And I got this job and I started making seven bucks an hour. And when you make seven bucks an hour and you don't have a home and you have no expenses and you know how to eat out of a dumpster and how to like – like I would come – let's say me and you were in college, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:45:34 I would come over. I would be your friend. I would have met you at the beach, right? You and your friends would have been there. You guys would have been drinking beer. I would have played Frisbee or throwing the football around with you. I would end up coming back to your house. You guys would fall asleep.
Starting point is 01:45:44 I'd do all your dishes and then I'd fall asleep on your couch and then i'd leave before you guys woke up to go to school in the morning you know what i mean and so like you do that to college kids you just be cool kind of invisible every then you would see me at the beach again you're like dude come over let's hang out let's party you know what i mean you just you're low you're low you're low rent you're low frequency you don't tax i don't tax your shit i don't let like while you guys are eating pizza come over and be like hey can i have a piece of pizza no none of that shit so did uh you only contribute your only contribute are you are your political views were they the same from when you were a homeless person to now
Starting point is 01:46:23 i didn't i don't even think i had political views there, but I was raised as a hardcore liberal, peace, love, hippie. Fuck the country. Fuck the war machine. Fuck the flag. God bless everyone. Don't God bless this country. But really, it was fucked up. It was wrong.
Starting point is 01:46:44 I didn't have to be indoctrinated that way. There's a middle ground. There's a just like, yeah, I was indoctrinated. And I'm sure my parents were indoctrinated. There doesn't have to be one or the... We don't live in a world of duality. You don't have to love your country or hate your country. You can just be open, right?
Starting point is 01:47:10 But in all fairness, I'm in a love your country mindset now. I've probably flipped over opposite of what I was taught. They don't even know they're teaching you that shit. I remember five or ten years ago when I first saw a first saw a black lives matter sign on on a lawn and um uh in berkeley california i was like what the fuck is this black lives matter all lives matter now i lived in an all-black neighborhood i was the only white person from when i was 16 to when i was 18 a fucking scary yeah in a scary motherfucking neighborhood yeah it's just me and my and my stepmom were the only non-blacks. Pimps, prostitutes, hustlers.
Starting point is 01:47:49 I read everything I could on fucking black people. Everything. From Malcolm X to... Anyway, I'm off the reservation now. But yeah. So I don't know if I had political beliefs when I was homeless. I don't know. I basically was just like I was a young man. I wanted to do good. And my only distraction was
Starting point is 01:48:10 I liked girls. Right. So I just wanted to do good and be chill and, and get laid. So it was kind of like, and then, uh, and then I got into video editing. Yeah. And then I got into video editing and then, um, and i hung out with a lot of good people and i traveled the world doing a lot of good things i worked for a company called vitamin angels i went to probably 40 or 50 countries with them to places that most people couldn't handle like i saw famine like real famine that's like when people talk about food drought i'm like you're a fucking idiot there is no food drought in the united states you have no fucking idea what you're talking about and i've been to every state in the united states except alaska too and i've been
Starting point is 01:48:48 seeing some really really bad shit like shit that most like stuff that makes people suicidal like children dying from starvation i don't want to hear about your fucking food drought that's more just arguing your limitations tell Tell people what they can do. Tell people that, hey, start off with just eating hot dogs, hard cheese, and water. Get off the Doritos and Mountain Dew. It's a great first step. It's a great first step. The second they – it's like the abortion thing. I don't think anyone should have a – I think people should be careful of a strong opinion on either side. It's a very – it's too very – and I think you should be very suspicious of the fact that – of the choices that are being given to you. I think you should be – like some people say you're killing a baby. Some people say you're not killing a baby.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Some people are saying you're taking women's rights. Some people say you're not taking women's rights. But what other ways are there to think about it? And the example I gave the other day is, is if I told you like, Hey, do you want ice cream? And you're like, and you're like, I don't know. And I go, well, the criteria is if it's a hot day, you want it. And if it's a cold day, you don't want it. I would say that's bullshit. That shouldn't be how you think about ice cream, but, but we're being forced on how to even think about these big topics and like it's just bullshit it's like we shouldn't be like like this the thing around the vaccine like we do it for the greater good what
Starting point is 01:50:10 we do it for the greater good do it for the greater good that that's fucking insanity what if they gave every single person on the planet the vaccine we would have no more control group we would have no idea what it would what a human being would be like without it i mean it's just no one's thinking no one's like how come no one has how come no politician i'm not preaching to the choir has said show me the crossfitters who've died one two and they were obese show me the people who are not eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates who've died why is that an extreme lifestyle i don't think it's an extreme lifestyle because i don't stick certain things in
Starting point is 01:50:51 my mouth i'm an extremist that's fucking crazy isn't that nuts oh my god because i only eat meat vegetables nuts seeds blah blah blah i'm an extremist because I don't go to – Walmart is a fucking extreme. My iPhone is an extreme. I'm so stoked on it. This thing is fucking extreme. Which one is that? The 11. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:21 The 12 is the first one I didn't have like the um because i like i'm saving money 80 to hire a professional skateboarder to train my kid you can't be fucking around with the iphone 12 seve no i still have the iphone 7 bro you know holy shit why ask me why i have the iphone 7 why do you have the iphone 7 because i don't need a new phone. It works just fine, but it takes photos kind of. The storage is small, but small. Don't you want to rationalize it as, hey, I need a new phone so I can take better pictures of my kids? That's how I always rationalized it. Yeah, there's that.
Starting point is 01:51:58 There's that in there for increased social media, for better photos, kids, family, all that stuff but what's what's your wife have she's got a droid man i don't we don't talk about that wow yeah um do you text with your wife barely barely who are these droid people who are you the ufc fighters that i've been interviewing the vast majority of them are droid people who are you right yes i think you know the scary part is i think we're the tools i suspect they've got us stuck together through this i message thing right right well i used to have a droid and the reason i switched is because of the photos the photos and the video capabilities um with social media so um either way she's a yeah she's a droider your your one rep snatch 277 pounds of the games is that a lifetime PR? No, I tied that from 2017.
Starting point is 01:53:06 And then I got 285 in training. Wow, this year. So, yeah. That's crazy. Do you ever look at the individuals and you're like, shit, I think I can do it. and you're like, shit, I think I can do it. Dude, this is the thing. That's like saying when people ask me if I want to ever put football pads on again and play college football, it's like, dude,
Starting point is 01:53:32 I want to put my college football pads on for one play, hit, tear my hamstring, get a concussion, and then leave. It's like, okay. But it's like, okay, it's it's not the, it's not the individual competition that I don't want anymore. It's the preparation for individual competition that my life doesn't support anymore. And let's be honest, I can't, I, even if I wanted to put the volume in, I don't know if I could. I mean, I put a lot of volume in still. I put a lot of volume in and it's just a matter of how many weeks in a 12 week cycle that I have to chill out for a little bit, meaning just a deload week or
Starting point is 01:54:12 just a lighter week. But a dear friend of mine, who's a really good CrossFitter, you know him also. He's not even 40 yet, and he said it would be him. He said he would die if he went back to his Games-level volume training. Right, it was just – No, it's not. But it's also something that's like, okay, well, if I come home, I'm not with my kids. I'm not with my family. I'm recovering.
Starting point is 01:54:41 I'm doing late workouts. I'm waking – it's a completely different lifestyle. It doesn't support what I have now, because if I do that, everything else around me would go to crap. Like I wouldn't be there as much in the business. I wouldn't be as much at home. And if I was at home, I wouldn't really be at home. I'd be somewhere else thinking about recovery or whatever. so um yeah the the individual individual competition i i still look at the weights i still look at that stuff it's nice to see that um strength doesn't go away very much it holds on well i mean as you've probably experienced yourself it just holds on really well even the high numbers like back squat i'm still holding like a 500 pound back squat i'm 39 years old wow that's that's so incredible i love it and that's something i've been holding from college football uh all the way so that's nice
Starting point is 01:55:31 i enjoy do you bench yeah like and do you bench for training or do you bench for fun both like i'm both yeah yeah i mean it makes my shoulders feel better like if i stop benching my shoulders started getting a little cranky and then uh why is that is that normal is that normal tell me more about that is that normal yeah i i can't really give a good explanation on it because i don't really know myself i think it's something to where typically uh coming out of a college sport like football and not being exposed to CrossFit yet, it didn't teach me a lot of how to maintenance myself. But getting into CrossFit and just learning about a whole bunch of different things, maybe
Starting point is 01:56:17 I tend to get more of a forward rounded shoulder posture, even like I am right now, just a little bit. And then bench will push it back in. posture even like I am right now just a little bit and then bench will push it back in it'll strengthen areas that I can't get and other exercises as much as I can with either a dumbbell bench or a barbell bench it's a great exercise it's fantastic it's just the fact that global gym goers or just a traditional weightlifter going to the gym does bench every day or every other day for two or three or four or ten years in a row, and then their posture is all jacked up. They're not doing it right or they're doing too much of it.
Starting point is 01:56:49 It's like, okay, maybe do something else besides just that. But, yeah, I bench two to three times a week in different variations. I just started benching again, and it's so interesting you say that because when I stopped benching a few years ago, my shoulders started hurting. I never even made that connection. But I started benching again, I don't know, like two months ago. And just because I missed it. Like I just wanted to like – like as a second workout. Like I wanted to be able to go in my garage and just do lazy workouts and turn on the TV or just hang out in there.
Starting point is 01:57:20 I'm like, fuck, I'm going to set up a bench. And normally I just did a shitload of push-ups. But it's crazy how much I like it oh yeah it's it's fantastic um and it mixes good with other shit like you could do assault bike sprints and then be like all right i'm cool i'm gonna go bench a little and then like rest and then go back to the assault bike and like or whatever right well plus if you're doing it correct if you're correctly benching you're packing the shoulders pulling it down and then pressing through it. So it's pulling, it's basically putting your shoulder where it should be.
Starting point is 01:57:50 So then maybe you're walking around where your shoulders aren't supposed to be forward and rounded. So anyway, no, I like bench. It's good. Did you ever stop? Like during your whole CrossFit? No, you always did. And you had shoulder surgery. Yeah, back in 2014. Did you ever stop? Like during your whole CrossFit? No. You always did.
Starting point is 01:58:07 And you had shoulder surgery. Yeah, back in 2014. How bad does something have to get for you to do surgery? Okay, so I had a 75% torn rotator cuff. 75%. So it was only on by 25%. I one rep maxed my snatch the rep max my snatch the day before, just because I'm like, fricking screw it. I want to do it. It got bad. It was to the point where like, I couldn't do any pressing, um, the muscle ups, the ring dips, uh, things of that
Starting point is 01:58:37 nature, but it has to get pretty bad because in this sport of CrossFit, you can actually maintenance things pretty well. So the fact of the matter, if you're, if you're maintenance, if something gets sore, you can stretch it, you can smash it. And the fact that Kelly Starrett is, I mean, he really revolutionized how we can maintenance ourself in CrossFit. I mean, way back when he just started doing these videos in his garage and on his driveway. And now it's a whole different level, but just being able to maintenance yourself to where if something is sore, you can maintenance. If something is tight, you can maintenance, you can stretch it, you can smash it, you can do some corrective, you can work with someone.
Starting point is 01:59:20 But in the past, like 2009, I didn't know how to do that. Even in college football, I didn't really know how to do that stuff. But in order for me to seek out surgery or to seek out somebody, the pain has to get pretty unbearable. And it's not even the pain. It's the decreasing of volume, the decreasing of training, the restriction of being able to do other movements or programming that would get me to get there. So anyway. Did you sleep at night? Sorry, I could hear a noise in my room.
Starting point is 01:59:57 Could you sleep at night? No. It was that bad? It waked me up. Yeah. I just, I always wonder that because like i have you know i have back pain and shoulder pain and i have all that shit but i just kind of like deal with it but i always wonder when people get surgery i'm like that shit must get really really fucking bad
Starting point is 02:00:14 like knee would be the craziest have you ever had knee pain i when people tell me about knee pain i'm like oh my god that sounds so scary or hip pain. Well, yeah, but it was also the point where it's like, I still want to do this more. Right. I wanted to do this more. I wanted to continue to compete at a hundred percent. So it's like, I could have just, the doctor was even like, yeah. I mean, if you're not a, if you're not a baseball player,
Starting point is 02:00:40 if you're not going on any sports, I'm like, well, I'm, I'm a CrossFitter and I want to continue to compete. He's like, okay, well, yeah, that's definitely the thing. But just understand this is an elective surgery. It's not mandatory. Okay, well, it might be elective for you, but for me, this is a must to continue on with the competition career in CrossFit. But it wasn't – I could have, I, let's just put
Starting point is 02:01:07 this way. It was a means to an end. It was going to have to happen either right then or in 20 years. And that's what we see that all the time at gym too. And I'm sure a lot of CrossFit gym owners see that as where it's like the carpenters or the painters or the drywallers that they're all going to have shoulder issues at some point in their life or back issues. It's just a matter of, can we help them now to prevent them from having a surgery and getting them moving and showing them some basic stretches or basic mobility that'll just help them improve their own lifestyle, improve their wellbeing,
Starting point is 02:01:38 improve their daily enjoyment. And did the surgery work? Yeah. Sorry, hold on one second. I'm extremely gratified of that. I'm thankful for it. It worked fantastic. I don't have any issues.
Starting point is 02:01:56 Hold on one second. Okay. hey sorry hey i tell my wife turn off the fucking tv in the house i hear hear a TV. She's like, there's no TV on. I must be losing my mind. Yeah, so it did help. Okay, well, that's good to hear. And does it made you more, did it come back 100%? Are you 100%? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:38 Yeah, that's awesome. It took time though. It took time. God, I love hearing that. And work, maintenance, but but what do you mean like like it you're saying it took time but did it also take maintenance like you have to take care of it like differently nurture it no it will the all right the surgeon told me it was going to take six months to get back to 100 and i was like wait like what is your 100 doc is it full range of motion and being in a good position and holding a a certain amount of stability strength because
Starting point is 02:03:18 my 100 is being able to snatch 270 some pounds do hand walks go on unstable surfaces like rings and then hold myself up press up and then do that while fatigued and so then he kind of retracted that statement a little bit once i've started a little bit more and to get to 100 of my 100 it took a little over a year um but it was great i was very i'm i'm thankful that i made the decision when i did everything worked out and uh and it just took time in regards to all the little things over and over and over again and rehab has changed so much um from in the past it was isolate isolate now it's about movement movement movement while being in a stable position and seeking full range of motion before anything because that's what crossfit is too right is moving things well so moving things to full range of motion in a stable manner. It's like, well, this is just a form of prehab for
Starting point is 02:04:27 everybody. It's prehabilitation. So it's like, okay, so why don't we just move in full range of motion well over and over and over again? And that will save a lot of people a lot of issues over time. My wife had a knee surgery. had a knee surgery. Um, the first time she had the knee surgery, they put this thing on her leg that basically makes it so you can't move your leg. And then every day you give yourself for every week, a little more articulation in it. And after two months, she like lost all this range of motion. Then she had another knee surgery. And this time I was like, Hey, we're not doing that this time. She goes, what do you mean? I go soon as the wound heals, we're taking that thing off and we're only going to start working
Starting point is 02:05:09 on full range of motion. So she did that. And then after six weeks, she went back to the doctor. It was at UC, uh, university of California, San Francisco. I put the boot thing back on her leg. So the doctor wouldn't know that it's been off the whole time. And he takes it off and he's like, show me a range of motion. And he's like, Oh oh my god i've been doing this surgery for 20 years i've never seen a recovery like this i'm like yeah motherfucker and it's like what you said like these guys because they're dealing with the lowest common denominator i get what they're doing they're dealing with fucking morons who can't think and it's like this boot that they were putting on her leg that was supposed to protect her all it was doing was robbing her of uh full range of motion it would
Starting point is 02:05:43 be it's like the people you see who don't um they haven't sat on the ground in 20 years because and now they can't sit on the ground my dad told me one time um god i shouldn't share this um my dad i told my dad that i was abstaining from all ejaculation this is in college and i was like and my and i'd gone like two months and my dad goes hey dude use it or lose it and i remember thinking i'm gonna store that away in my head for a while that but but i that didn't happen i still ejaculate fine but but uh that's this that's a scary one use it or lose it and it could it could be true it could be true i mean it's definitely true with human movement right for sure absolutely as soon as i like okay so i'll take a break after games every year, and you start to feel things slowly just dissipate. Now, once I'm getting older, the fitness will slowly go away. It'll just slowly just drop just a little bit. And a lot of studies have supported that within two to four weeks of aerobic capacity um or even just cardiovascular um capacity in
Starting point is 02:06:46 general just breathing heavy but i mean if you want to lose your squat stop squatting right if you want to if you want to lose your ability to do a handstand stop handstanding or doing walking handstands of any sort and these and as as we're raising children my my daughter's 10 now she's now doing a 50 foot handstand walk i remember when i crazy dude it's nuts and so wait while to watch too she's been in gymnastics and she's like doing it with like good form it's like okay that's that's nuts but it's also like oh that's like you're right on par where you should be of being able to get on your hands, support yourself well, and then move in a stable service or a stable manner, just like you've been taught in gymnastics. But yeah, fully 100% believed where if you don't use it, you'll lose it. Just from the stance of just my own experience after games, just with mobility or with,
Starting point is 02:07:45 um, fitness in general. Uh, but it is important for me to take some time off here and there. So are we going to see you in 2022? Are you going to do masters again? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:07:56 You, Oh, really? You don't, you really, yeah. Every other year is like for sure. Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:03 But my kids are eight and ten bro um yeah select soccer um uh intermediate competitive wrestling um flag football baseball and uh my wife's business kinesis going to a maturation phase now that we're tapping into that older stage of the business. Is your son wrestling with Joe Westerlin's son? Yeah, they're in the same club. Dude, that is awesome. So do you see Joe a lot? Yeah, I see him a lot.
Starting point is 02:08:40 Oh, that's cool. Oh, that's so cool. It is cool, man. We've known each other for 20 years now. We came from the same recruiting class in touch well. Oh, that's cool. Oh, that's so cool. It is cool, man. We've known each other for 20 years now. We came from the same recruiting class in college football. We played together. And then he got hurt, did a strength coach, and boom. Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 02:08:58 I always knew he was a cheerleader, but he was actually on the team. Well, he was a good cheerleader. He was a really good cheerleader. Yeah, I know. Well, he was a good cheerleader. He was a really good cheerleader. I know. I know he's a dope cheerleader, but I didn't realize he made it on the team. Wow, that is awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:13 And now your son, is his son older than your son? Yes. He is three or four years older. I don't remember what the wrestling move um his son did but it was basically a move where basically like you're in a scrum with another kid you guys are holding on to each other's necks or heads and then his son basically does this thing where he holds the other guy's neck and he flips to his back so that his opponent is forced to go to his back at the same time so they both turn onto their
Starting point is 02:09:45 backs at the same time and um my son is six and when he showed me that many years ago i was like holy shit that is crazy that your son can do that and he was just a little boy he was like probably seven six seven eight years old how old is son now? I think it's like 11 or 12. Okay. It's a few years older than my daughter. So about two months ago, my son's six, and he practices jiu-jitsu a lot. He's doing the martial arts five days a week, and I saw him do something called the loop choke. And I don't know if you know what that is, but it's basically the same thing. You're basically grabbing someone by their neck. You're both standing up, but somehow you reach under their neck and grab their gi. And when you roll
Starting point is 02:10:28 on your back, they have no choice but to roll with you or, or they get choked. And then in the end they get choked anyway, but it's so cool. I was so glad that Joe showed me that video of his son doing that. And he actually, it's at a tournament and he actually yells at his son to do it. And his son fucking does it. Do you know what video I'm talking about? It's old. No, but I know what you're talking about because they go over those moves together. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 02:10:56 God, how cool is wrestling? Did you wrestle? It's awesome. Yep. Yep. It taught me a lot. But you ended up doing football instead of of wrestling yeah so i i uh i did fairly well in in wrestling in high school but then i got recruited for both and uh um i saw
Starting point is 02:11:14 success in football as well and decided to go the football route and uh i'm grateful for it i'm i just i'm very grateful for the the experience in wrestling in high school. It was a lot of fun. It taught me a lot. A lot. But it also allowed me to harness that energy into something. Like two people walk on the mat. One person walks off winner.
Starting point is 02:11:38 The other one's a loser. You accept the loss. And you move on. How tall are you? Five, eight. and you move on. How tall are you? 5'8". And how much do you weigh? 190. What's the lightest you could get?
Starting point is 02:11:55 Do you think you could get to 175? Dude, I could stop training and get to 165. Oh, no shit. If I stopped lifting and I stopped working out, I would lose muscle. And that's one thing that we all want to keep in mind.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Kind of like Jacob and Josh did when they started prepping for that boxing match. I think they were both surprised how quickly they lost muscle. Yeah. When they started prepping for fighting. Absolutely. But not even doing extra conditioning i could just stop lifting and i'd lose that muscle right there and then
Starting point is 02:12:32 okay we'll flip it over and do prep prepare for a boxing match you're gonna lose weight even more what weight did they uh fight at i can't i can't remember uh i think uh uh, Jacob weighed 18 pounds more than him. Like they didn't, they didn't choose like a weight. I think it was more, I think it was more like on the honor system, like, Hey, try to come in light, you know, for Jacob. And, uh, and I don't, I don't think Josh meant to drop to one 65, but I think he did or one 64 or whatever he was. But I think basically he was saying, so basically what you're saying is, is if you started training to be a triathlete, you could get down to 165. Yeah. If you just started doing – but even if you didn't, you're just saying just stop the weight.
Starting point is 02:13:12 Because you know when I was going through your Instagram, you know who you remind me of? Do you watch UFC? Mm-hmm. Have you ever met Michael Chandler? No. Oh, do you know who he is? No. Why don't I know that name he he's kind of new i mean he's a superstar he came from bellator at 155 and then he and then he and he was like the the guy there
Starting point is 02:13:35 and then he came to the ufc a few months ago and he fought or maybe it's been a year now he fought um he was supposed to uh he beat up dan hooker like in 30 seconds like the first round and then he fought for the belt against um olivera and that's the 155 class super popular class that's the one connor mcgregor's in dustin poirier's and justin gaethje's in but anyway you could be michael chandler's brother you guys could so he could be your younger brother it's crazy he sounds like a heck of a guy yeah great guy yeah great guy uh he's kind it's kind of funny if he's kind of like the like um i would never say that you and josh bridges could be brothers but this guy could be brothers with josh bridges too so like he's somewhere in the he's like a hybrid version of the two of you guys, the way you guys look.
Starting point is 02:14:29 Well, thank you. Two hours and 12 minutes. Someone, someone said in the comments, great job interviewing Sevan for the last 30 minutes, Kyle. I can't tell if that's a dig at me for talking too much,
Starting point is 02:14:37 but, but. Oh, I love it. Oh, good stuff. I like hearing people's stories, man. I love it.
Starting point is 02:14:47 You're a real coach. How many classes a week are you teaching? Well, let's see here. I think like five or six. And do your kids get to see you do that? Mm-hmm. Part of it. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:15:06 Yep. That's awesome. Can you imagine how good that is for your kids to see you standing in front of a room commanding people's attention and sharing knowledge? Well, I hope they can see that it's okay to talk in front of people. You know, public speaking being one of the most feared things out there. And the majority of people don't tackle their fears. They don't take on their fears.
Starting point is 02:15:30 They run from their fears or let their fears overtake them. Right. So I just hope that they can see that a little bit and maybe we'll practice it with them. My dad owned a wine and cheese store.
Starting point is 02:15:42 My dad's an immigrant success story, right? Comes from nothing. Raised with no power, no electricity, no running water, all that shit. And came to this country and became a successful businessman, working 365 days a year, fucking 18-hour days, running a wine and cheese store. Your typical Middle Eastern success story. Just right out of the textbook.
Starting point is 02:16:03 Come here as a fucking Armenian and sell wine and cheese anyway yeah crush it just work your ass off yeah and uh and and so i used to go to work with him on the week like four years old to 12 years old i started working the register to learn how i learned how to add and subtract just learn how i learned how to talk to people then i learned how to smile to open a paper bag and stick their cheese and wine in a bag, walk them to their car. Anyway, it's huge for kids to see that. It would be so awesome. I, I don't even, I should make my kids watch me do the podcast.
Starting point is 02:16:40 They're like, fuck you. All right, Kyle. Thank you for everything. Thanks for coming on. No, thank you. It's been a lot of fun, to be honest. I really have had a good time. Slap Joe on the ass for me. Okay, so wait a second. Is it like a quick slap, or can I pause for a second?
Starting point is 02:17:01 As long as it's like a game it's everything's okay oh man thank you so much it's been a lot of fun and that's how it

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